Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/dynamicmirrleestOOacem DEWEY ll Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series DYNAMIC MIRRLEES TAXATION UNDER POLITICAL ECONOMY CONSTRAINTS Daron Acemoglu Michael Golosov Aleh Tsyvinski Working Paper 08-08 February 15, 2008 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection 1 1 2849 http://ssrn.com/abstract=1 HB31 .M415 at Dynamic Mirrlees Taxation under Political Economy Constraints* Daron Acemoglu Michael Golosov MIT MIT Aleh Tsyvinski Harvard and NES February 2007. Abstract We study the structure of nonlinear incentive-compatible taxes, in a dynamic economy subject to political economy and commitment problems. In contrast to existing analyses of dynamic and/or we relax the assumptions that taxes are set by a benevolent government commitment to policies. Instead, in our model economy taxes are set by a self- nonlinear taxation problems, and that there is interested pohtician, without any via elections. We The commitment power. This resulting environment is Towards a of the citizens. mechanism, we first full is partly controlled by the citizens one of a dynamic mechanism design without commitment. focus on the best sustainable mechanisrn, which utilitj' politician is the mechanism that maximizes the ex ante characterization of the allocations implied by the best sustainable prove that a version of the revelation principle applies in our environment and that attention can be restricted to direct truth-telling mechanisms. Using this result, we prove that the provision of incentives to politicians can be separated from the provision of incentives to, and from redistribution, across individuals. This also enables us to develop a method of characterizing the best sustainable mechanism to additional political variables. as a, solution to a sta.ndard dyna.mic mechanism design problem subject economy and commitment constraints formulated only as functions of aggregate Using this formulation, we provide conditions under which distortions created by economy and commitment problems are as patient as (or more persist or disappear in the long run. pa.tient than) the citizens, these distortions In particular, if political politicians disappear asymptotically, and they remain positive otherwise. Finally, we extend our analysis to the case where the government cares both about results to its own consumption and the future utility of the citizens. This extension generalizes our environments where the key constraint is the time-inconsistency of a (partially) benevolent government. Keywords: dynamic incentive problems, mechanism design, optimal taxation, political economy, revelation principle. JEL Classification: Hll, H21, E61, P16. 'We thank tance. audiences at many .seminars for helpful comments and Oleg Itskhoki for excellent research assis- Introduction 1 The major insight of the optimal taxation hterature pioneered by Mirrlees (1971) is that the tax structure ought to provide incentives to individuals to work, exert effort and invest, This insight while also providing insurance. taxation literature, assuming that The optimal is dynamic also central to the recent optimal This literature characterizes the structure of optimal (nonlinear) taxes by a benevolent government with policies are decided full commitment power. tax structure typically involves a significant amount of information gathered in the hands of the government as well as a range of transfers to and from the government using the available who fiscal instruments. In practice, however, tax structures are designed by politicians, to future policies or to dynamic mechanisms. famous quote by Juvenal, which guard the guardians?" will more challenging because in their . much In such environments of the amount commit This observation gives greater weight to the at the root of is individual biases and cannot of political economy analysis: ''who "guarding the guardians" becomes even of information and enforcement power concentrated —the government's- -hands. In this paper, constraints also own care about reelection, self-enrichment or their —that we study the structure is, when there is of dynamic nonlinear taxation no commitment to policies inider political and the government economy (politicians) need to be "guarded" (controlled).^ Although implications of the self-interested behavior of politicians for feasible optimal policies has not received troduced by lack of commitment Chari and Kehoe (1990), for in the design of much attention, the difficulties in- optimal policies are generally well- recognized. example, provide a comprehensive discussion of the implications of incorporating time-consistency constraints. The challenges created by time inconsistency in are especially severe and were first example economy, where, similar pointed out by Roberts (1984). benchmark Mirrlees model, the economy Under full Roberts considered an to Mirrlees (1971), risk-averse individuals are subject to unobserved shocks affecting the marginal persistent types. dynamic nonlinear taxation environments is disutility of labor supplj^. repeated T But differently from the times, with individuals having perfectly commitment, a benevolent planner would choose the same alloca- tion at every date, which coincides with the optimal solution of the static model. However, a benevoleiit government without tion that it full commitment cannot refrain from exploiting the informa- has collected at previous dates to achieve better risk sharing ex post. This turns the optimal taxation problem into a dynamic game between the government and the citizens. ' Since in the literature following Mirrlees the optimal tax-transfer program is a solution to a mechanism design problem, we use the terms "optimal tax-transfer program," "optimal nonlinear taxation" and "mechanism" interchangeably. T Roberts showed that as discounting disappears and of this game worst type at invoh'es the highly inefficient all outcome ^ oo, in dates, supply the lowest level of labor the unique sequential equilibrium which all individuals declare to be the and receive the lowest level of consump- This example not only shows the potential inefficiencies that can arise once we depart tion. from the unrealistic case of lights that the principle, may main also full commitment, even with benevolent governments, but tool of analysis in fail (in dynamic taxation problems, the celebrated revelation Roberts's economy there is no truthful reporting of types). In light of this stark difficulty highlighted by Roberts (1984), structing equilibrium taxation policies in the presence of political there any hope of con- is economy and commitment among constraints that can provide incentives to and redistribution (risk sharing) The main in Mirrlees's baseline analysis? contribution of the current paper under reasonable assumptions, taxation and redistribution from the normative Mirrleesian also high- analj'^sis is agents as show to that, policies resembling those resulting with commitment and a benevolent planner can be supported as equilibria. To present our main results in the clearest possible way, throughout the paper we focus on the equilibrium of the dynamic game between and citizens politicians that maximizes the ex ante utility of the citizens, and refer to this as the best sustainable mech- anism. This terminology emphasizes that we are characterizing the best tax-transfer scheme that is sustainable in the sense of being incentive compatible both for the citizens and for the politicians entrusted with Two policies. economy ingredients are essential for our approach. First, instead of a finite-horizon as in Roberts, we consider an use standard repeated Roberts. implementing the game infinite-horizon environment. This makes it possible for us to strategies to sustain better equilibria than those emphasized Second, we choose a particularly tractable model of political economy and com- mitment problems. Specifically, we assume that politicians have no commitment power and can even deviate from their within-period commitments, but they are subject to electoral countability. These assumptions are similar to those made economy based on the approach first proposed bj' in the baseline models of is 4, for a modern exposition and taxation in the presence of political economy and political their policy commitment office (see references). These two ingredients enable us to develop a tractable framework is if not in line with the electorate's expectations, then they can be voted out of Persson and Tabellini, 2000, Chapter ac- Barro (1973) and Ferejohn (1986). In the Barro-Ferejohn model, politicians can choose any policy vector they prefer, but choice in for analysis of constraints. Our dynamic first result that because of the potential electoral controls on politicians, a version of the revelation principle, truthful revelation along the equilibrium path, applies in our environment regardless of the discount factors of various parties (that It this is, is not a folk theorem type result).^ should be noted that this result does not generalize to other dynamic mechanism design problems and exploits the Our second result is the presence of political able specific structure of our economy.'* key to a tractable analysis of dynamic nonlinear taxation problems in economy and commitment mechanism enables a separation between constraints: we show that the best private and public incentives — that is, sustain- incentive compatibility for individuals can be treated separately from ensuring that the politician in power does not wish to deviate More specifically, this nism in 1. two We of from the candidate social plan (proposed tax-transfer scheme). separation result enables us to characterize the best sustainable mecha- steps: first solve the problem of providing incentives to individuals given aggregate levels consumption and labor supply. We call this a quasi- Mirrlees problem as it is a usual dynamic Mirrlees problem with two additional constraints on aggregate labor and consumption. Its solution leads to an indirect as a function of the aggregate levels of 2. We utility functional representing expected utility consumption and labor supply. then provide incentives to politicians by choosing aggregate variables and the level of rents paid to the politician. This formulation not only provides us with a tractable strategy for characterizing the best sustainable mechanism, but also enables a direct comparison between the best sustainable mechanism and the full-commitment Mirrlees mechanism in terms of the aggregate distortions caused by the former relative to the full-commitment Mirrlees allocation. This result, therefore, implies that incorporating lack of commitment and self-interest of politicians does not necessarily invalidate the dynamic mechanism Our main evolution. methodology design; results focus First, it dynamic taxation problems as one of simply adds additional constraints on aggregates. on the characterization of these aggregate distortions and their we show that duce further distortions of approaching political in the sustainable economy and commitment problems always mechanism relative to the intro- full-commitment Mirrlees ^One can always construct an extended game in which there is a. fictional disinterested mechanism designer, with the government as an additional player that has the authority to tax and regulate and the ability to observe all the communication between the fictitious mechanism designer and individual agents. Although a version of the revelation principle would apply in this extended game, this docs not circumvent the substantive issues raised here: the party entrusted with taxes nor and transfers has neither the same interests as those of the citizens much commitment power. There has recently been important progress in the characterization of dynamic mechanisms without commitment. See, in particular, the important work by Skrcta (2000, 2007). Sloct and Ycltckin (200C) provide a proof of the revelation principle for sufficiently high discount factors in a dynamic economy with time inconsistency, but without political economy constraints. mechanism. Intuitively, if the sustainabihty constraint of the pohtician were always slack, then the politician would receive zero consumption and would find expropriate some of the output. any increase If, beneficial to deviate and on the other hand, the sustainability constraint binds, then output must be associated with increased rents in it for the politician in power. This in turn increases the opportunity cost of production and leads to a reduction in labor supply and capital accumulation. Therefore, labor supply and capital are depressed in the best mechanism sustainable as a way of relaxing the sustainability constra.mt (and thus reducing the rents allocated to the politicians in power). Second, we provide precise conditions under economy and commitment distortions disappear or persist over time. In which these particular, political we show that when politicians are as patient as additional distortions created by political tion of resources converges to that of a good spending. In of public (more patient than) the economy disappear in citizens, the long run and the alloca- dynamic Mirrlees economy with an exogenous this limiting equilibrium, there are no additional taxes on labor beyond those implied by the optimal Mirrleesean taxation and no aggregate taxes on tal.^ In contrast, when level capi- politicians are (strictly) less patient than the citizens, the structure dynamic Mirrlees economy and features additional labor of taxes never converges to that of a and capital taxes even asymptotically. This last set of results is important, since it provides an exception to most existing models, which predict that long-run taxes on capital should be equal to zero is (cf. footnote 4) and might provide a possible perspective for why capital taxation pervasive in practice. The final set of results focus on politicians that are main constraint on the form the of taxation than the self-interested behavior of the show commitment politicians. enables us to revisit the stark negative result We is in at least partly benevolent. In this case, This case to the sequence of policies rather is particularly important since Roberts's (1984) seminal paper discussed above. that, in contrast to Roberts's analysis, aggregate distortions created by problems disappear Our paper acterizing is if the politician related to a is number of different literatures. The relationship to papers char- dynamic mechanism design problems without commitment, such the important paper by Bisin and Rampini (2005), the presence of ameliorating the This result models, e.g., is commitment as patient as the citizens. 2007) or Sleet and Yeltekin (2006), has already been mentioned. Our paper how anonymous markets who extend as Skreta (2006, is also related to Roberts's analysis and show acts as an additional constraint on the government, commitment problem. The role of anonymous markets in Bisin and Rampini's therefore similar to that of zero limiting taxes on capital in the first-generation Chamley (1986) it or .ludd (1985), but is Ramsey-type derived here without any exogenous restriction on tax instruments (sec Kochcrlakota, 200-5, for the zero capital tax result using the second-generation approach). It is important to emphasize, however, that this limiting allocation can be decentralized in different ways, and some of those may involve positive taxes on individual capital holdings. analysis is related to the lack of The most important commitment by the self-interested government in our model. distinction between the two approaches is the infinite horizon nature of our model, which enables us to construct sustainable mechanisms with the revelation principle holding along the equilibrium path. This enables us to analyze substantially more general environments, and to characterize the limiting behavior of distortions and taxes. In addition to these papers, our work political economy,'' rates the general and Tsyvinski is related to the burgeoning literatures on dynamic and on dj-namic nonlinear taxation. In particular, our framework incorpo- model of dynamic nonlinear taxation considered (2003), Kocherlakota (2005), and Albanesi and in Golosov, Kocherlakota, Sleet (2005). A recent interesting paper by Albanesi and Armenter (2007) studies general structure of intertemporal distortions and uses a technique in a varietj' of contexts similar to those in this paper in separating aggregate from idiosyncratic distortions. The results in this paper are also closely related to our previous work, Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2006, 2007a, b). Many of the results here were first presented in the paper, Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2006).*' developed in A working special case of these results have been Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2007a). That paper focuses on the problem of controlling a self-interested politician in a representative agent neoclassical growth model, and thus does not feature any incomplete information, heterogeneity or nonlinear taxation, which are our pi'esent focus. more general than those in Consequently, the results in the current paper are significantly Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2007a) and enable us to vestigate questions related to the structure of taxation under political economy in- constraints. In particular, the key results of the present paper related to truthful revelation, separation of private and public incentives, the structure of nonlinear taxes and the interaction between nonlinear taxation, political economy and time- inconsistency are not present in that paper. The main is parallel between the current paper and Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2007a) the emphasis on the relative discount factors of politicians and citizens. incentives to politicians in our model dynamic principal-agent analyses 1981, Ray, 2002). Ray is (see, The provision of also related to the structure of optimal contracts in among others, Harris and Holmstrom, 1982, Lazear, (2002) provides the most general results in this context. Acemoglu, ^For general discussions of the implications of sclf-intercstcd behavior of governments, petitions and bureau- among others, Buclianan and Tullock (1962). North and Tlioma.s (1973), North (1981), Olson (1982), North and Weingast (1989), and Dixit (2004). Austcn-Smith and Banks (1999), Persson and Tabellini (2000) and Acemoglu (2007) provide introductions to various aspects of the recent developments and the basic theory. For dynamic analysis of political economy, focusing mostly on Markovian equilibria, see, among others, Krusell and Rios-Rull (1999), Acemoglu and Robinson (2000), Hasslcr ct al. (2005), and Battaglini and Coate (2006). "Results related to the comparison of market-based and government-controlled allocations in that working paper have been extended in Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2007b). None of these results are present in crats, see, the current paper. Golosov and Tsyvinski (2007a) extend Ray's results to the case in which discount factors are different The between the principal and the agent rest of the paper vironment. Section politician). organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the general economic en- is 3 describes economy environment. Section ful revelation and the (or the citizens how the tax-transfer mechanisms are designed and the political economy there 4 establishes the result that in our will be truth- along the equilibrium path and allows us to focus on direct mechanisms (subject to the relevant incentive compatibility constraints). how Section 5 shows the provision of in- centives to individuals can be separated from the provision of incentives to politicians, enabling a relatively tractable analysis of sustainable tax-transfer mechanisms. Section 6 contains our most general from result, characterizing the additional distortions arising political and commitment problems and how these disappear asymptotically when patient as (or more patient than) the citizens. and additional results in politicians are as Section 7 provides a tighter characterization two special cases (private and constant types). Section 8 histories provides a numerical example for a general best sustainable mechanism and illustrates tortions created by political have the same discount economy can disappear quite quickly when factor. the government (politician) is economy politicians how and dis- citizens Section 9 generalizes our results to an environment in which partly benevolent, deriving utility from the expected utility of the average individual in the society. 'This model enables us to relate our findings more clearly to Roberts (1984) as well as to the literature on the ratchet effect and Tirole, 1985, (e.g., Freixas, Guesnerie and Bisin and Rampini, 2005). Section 10 concludes, while the Appendices contain additional technical materials and proofs omitted from the text. Model 2 We consider a general dynamic Mirrlees optimal taxation setup in an infinite horizon economy. There 1, by is The instantaneous /. where a continuum of individuals and cj > is we denote the utility function of individual the consumption of this individual, This formulation individual's "type". is I] set of individuals, f G G / at [0,r| time is /, is which has measure given by labor supply, and dl is the general enough to nest both preference shocks and productivity shocks.^ Let G = {9o,9i, ...,0j\[} with the convention that is the worst type. 6i be a finite ordered set of real numbers denoting potential types, corresponds to "higher skills" than 0,:_i, and in particular, Oq Let Q-^ be the T-fold product of Q, representing the set of sequences of ^For example, productivity shocks would correspond to the case whore u (cj, /J; | 0\) — u {clJl/9l). T - length type sequence of individual time to We i. 6^°° drawn from G°° according as from 0'^. i The 0''' only knows t. No All individuals have economy lifetime type sequence from 0°° according to the same measure We 6*''°° be the draw of this individual at skill level to denote the history of this individual's skills other agent in the assume that each individual's type distribution.* the Q\, is Let . up and make the standard measurability assumption that the individual t, at time 6'''' think of each agent's lifetime some measure [v^ to 6'''°°, t-th element of use the standard notation and including time We with each element belonging to 0. l,2,...,cx), /i°°, will directly drawn is so that there is denote the distribution of the vector same discount factor G /3 and independently identically no aggregate uncertainty in the 0* across agents by G*. thus at time (0, 1), We observe this history. they maximize i, oo E /?^u(cj+„/j+J^J, .s=0 where E denotes the expectations conditional on having observed the history [-1^'''] impose the following standard assumption on the Assumption 1 (utility function) For all 9 in utility hmctioii. G Q, u and ously differentiable and jointly concave in c I. We 0*'*. (c, a.nd is I \ 0) : M+ x [O, — R > /] non- decreasing in i5 twice continu- and non-increasing c I. The production side of the economy described by the aggregate production function is Y = F{K,L), where K is capital > stock, A'o Assumption tiable in scale, L G K and [0,l\. and L = is labor, and the economy In addition, i 2 (production structure) and L with satisfies F is strictly full partial derivatives denoted by = Win i^qFi{K,L) oo for K all Fk and > and L 6 [O, r| fined hy Y—F Fi, exhibits constant returns to 0. depreciation assumption and the assumption that labor is implies that there (F, l) capita (and thus the e (0, oo), maximum is a The condition maximum where that lini/v— <do / is total labor supply). the Fk [K, L) maximum amount The condition that 1 for all essential for produc- steady-state level of output that recall that < lini/^^oo F/^ (A', L) F {K,0) — tion are adopted to simplify the notation. with of capital increasing and continuously differen- Moreover, capital fully depreciates after use, and Both the endowment we assume: at 0. starts with a positive is < 1 together uniquely de- of labor supply per lim/^_o Fl [K, L) = oo implies that in the absence of distortions there will be positive production. ^This structure imposes no restriction on the time-series properties of individual independent draws and arbitrary temporal dependence are allowed. skills. Both identical 3 Political Economy Basics 3.1 The allocation of resources in this economy is who entrusted to a politician, is in charge of operations of the government. This politician has the power to tax and redistribute resomrces across agents, and can also allocate We consumption). some of the tax revenue to himself as rents (government interpret the government (and thus the politician) as being necessary for the operation of the tax-redistribution mechanisms (as well as other functions, such as imple- mentation of law and order and provision of public goods). The key dilemma facing the society is how to control the government, once the powers to tax and redistribute resources have been vested with We it. adopt the simplest and most conventional approach to classic electoral accountability setup of In particular, there is where x denotes the neous from that of the distinct Barro (1973) and Ferejohn (1986) into our environment. a politician at time utility of politician's utility function. problem, and incorporate the a large number of potential (and identical) politicians. by I. The set of politicians this consumption (rents), v : t is given by R+ -^ M is Notice also that the politician's discount factor, citizens, /3. To simplify the analysis, from the citizens and never engage denote the the politician's instanta6, is potentially different we assume that potential in production, We politicians are and that once they are replaced they do not have access to capital markets.'' Assumption 3 isfies v' (:r) > (politician utility) v for all x e 1R+ and v (0) is twice continuously dijferentia.ble, concave, = 0. Since the politician in power both lacks priate output for politicians as a 1990, 1993). its Moreover Our purpose throughout is £ the ability to expro- the interaction between the citizens and the literature on sustainable plans (Chari and Kehoe, to characterize the equilibrium of this game between the politicians and the citizens, corresponding to the best sustainable mechanism the sustainable mechanism that maximizes the ex ante ^All of the results in this paper hold if sat- (0, 1). commitment power and has own consumption, we model dynamic game following the 5 and — meaning utility of citizens.'" a politician has access to capital markets after deviation, and only the right hand side of the sustainability constraints need to be modified. '"Since selection we are dealing with a among the many dynamic game, our focus on the best sustainable mechanism equilibria. is essentially a Alternatively, one can think of the "social plan" as being designed by the citizens to maximize their utility subject to the constraints placed by the self-interested behavior of the government. In addition, throughout the paper wo focus on perfect Bayesian equilibria (sec Definition 1). The We of this section formally defines the structure of the game. rest, by citizens and the politicians, and the timing of events. feasible actions first We describe the then provide a formal definition of mechanisms. Timing and Actions 3.2 We define a submechanism nism between the mechanism t at time A i) as a submechanism of the overall specifies t, may liave mecha- what happens at a with a generic element include messages about current type of the individual, G 6'~' (even though the individual past types 9 subcomponent Zt be a general message space for time let may This message space Period and the individuals. politician given date. In particular, zt- (or in made some 9f G Q, and different reports t about his or her types in the past), and might denote a generic element of Z' and by z^ A submechanism Z also include other messages. the space of consists of two mappings, i.e., all Let Z^ = Yl Zg, s=0 such lifetime reports. Mt = (q,Z(J such that ct Z^ : ^>- M_|_ assigns consumption levels for each complete history of messages and public histories, and It : Z^ ^> below [O,/] will However, as the timing of events assigns corresponding labor supply levels." make it clear, we also assume that there is freedom of labor supply, that each individual can always disobey the labor supply allocation implied by l\ = 0.-^^ message x® such that — if 2' individual in question. This (2'"^^; is ) for any G Z*~\ then clearly without loss of specifies It any generality, since did not exist, the individual could always disobey U and choose l\ — if It and choose we introduce a Instead of introducing an additional action designating this choice, 2'"^ in the sense l\ = for the such a message Q himself. We denote the set of feasible submechanisms, which allow for message z® specified above and satisfy the relevant resource constraints (specified below), The commit tj'pical to a assumption in submechanism by Mt. models with no commitment at a given date, but ''The mechanisms wc describe here allow is that the mechanism designer can cannot commit to what mechanisms will be message spaces, but impose two restrictions. First, they the text, hi the Appendix, we consider potentially stochastic mechanisms to convexify the constraint set. Second, a more general mechanism would be a mapping from the message histories of all agents, not just the individuars history. Since there is a continuum of agents that do not share any information, this latter restriction is without loss of generality here (except that off the equilibrium path, some submechanisms would violate the resource constraint, though this is not important for our equilibrium analysis). Notice also that while the submechanism restricts each individual's allocations to be a function of only his own history of reports, as it will become clear below, the government's strategies allow are non-stochastic. submechanisms Finally, This is for general only to simplify notation in to be functions of the reports of all agents in the past. we could define a submechanism as a mapping Mi [/<;,] conditional on the capital stock of the economy what can be achieved will be a function of the capital stock. Wc suppress this at that date to emphasize that dependence to simplify notation. In Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2006), wc derive the "freedom of labor supply" endogenously using an environment in which individuals could be disabled and unable lo supply any labor. Directly introducing the freedom of labor supply is without loss of generality for our main focus and simplifies the analysis. ' A offered in the future. an additional type of deviation for the politician in extract resources from the society even within the We time t, next summarize the the economy game between A'/. At the beginning of period t, 2. Individuals send a message z] i. £ At is period. power and the in power and a stock in the politician offers a e Zt. The message g ^t-i determine labor supplies indexes individuals and [0, 1] same I G that there citizens. At each of capital inherited Then: 1. i i.i is power whereby she can use her power to the politician starts with a politician from the previous period. ^i,t-i economy context natural assumption in the poHtical this point, individual i 2'^* //, z,' submechanism Mi G Mttogether with the history of messages according to the submechanism Mj, where (z'"') e Z^ denotes the history of reports by individual can also choose to supply zero labor and receive zero consumption. 3. 4. Production takes place according to the labor supplies of the individuals, with Yt — F{Kt,Li), where Kt — The is politician decides {0,1}. = If ^f 0, the capital stock inherited from the previous period, and L( whether to deviate from the submechanism Mt, denoted by production submechanism Mi € Aii, the stock is determined as chooses x[ < F capital stock 5. is A'f'_,_i among politician chooses it F {Ki, Li) A'/+i -- {Kt.Lt), and a is: distributed - it, — new consumption = F {K'l, Lt) — i[ - j^^^ ^j G agents according to the pre-specified < F {h'l, Lf), J,^^j Ct (;'') di. function c'l : and next period's capital If ^, = 1, the politician Z' -^ IR+, and next period's c[ (z'-') dz.^'' Elections are held and citizens jointly decide whether to keep the politician or replace him with a new one, denoted by by V} G the set of {0, 1}' the set of all all p,, G {0, 1}, where p^ = I denotes replacement. Denote possible histories of electoral decisions at time possible electoral decisions. Replacement of politicians is t and by TZ without any costs. Note the difference between the standard models with no commitment and our setup, where, in stage and 4, the politician can decide to expropriate the output produced in the economy, citizens can replace the politician at the last stage. decisions have already been made according Notice that at stage 4 labor supply to the pre-specified submechanism Mt- However, ''More generally, we can allow the govcinniont to capture a fraction r; < 1 of the total output of the ^ = 1, whore the level of r; could be related to the institutional controls on government or politician behavior. In this case, the constra.int on the government following a deviation would be = i]F {Ki, Li) - x[ — Jii^jc't (.5'') di, with the remaining 1 - 7; fraction of the output getting de/("('.(-i (/i') stroyed, This generalization has no effect on our results, and we set r/ = 1 to simplify notation. economy when 10 — consumption allocations cannot be made according to Mt, since the some consumption allocation function, The important This jointly. is cj make — R+ Z' : feature of stage 5 cisions independently, they ment we of the output for herself. Consequently, > at this point. that even though individuals is is no expropriating is power choose a new also let the politician in their political decisions natural since there politician make their —elections to replace the politician conflict of interest decision. Joint political decisions can be achieved among the citizens over the replace- by a variety of procedures, including various voting schemes (see, for example, Persson and Tabellini, 2000, Chapter simplify the discussion by assuming that the decision citizen. is taken by a randomly chosen and Reporting Strategies M — {Mt}'^(^ with Mt G M.t Let {0, 1} Here we 4). ^^ Histories 3.3 G p, economic de- be a mechanism above), with the set of mechanisms denoted by politician's consumption We levels (rents). (i.e., M. a sec^uence of submechanisms defined — Let x be the sequence of {.T/}J^g define a social plan as (A/, x), which an implicitly- is agreed sequence of submechanisms and consumption levels for the politician. We represent the action of the politician at time elem.ent of vt second is the submechanism that the herself citizeiis, if ^^ — 0. Since fourth element, x[, is Finally, the fifth element is original specifies (politician) the function Cj third element of vt is time c\ A','_|_j, is consumption t, what the first and the politician both total production and total consumption by is determined as a residual from politicians.-'^ when ^^ = L that the politician chooses after deviating from the denoting the set of but to simplify notation we write all such functions. Once again the capital determined as a residual from the resource constraint. levels Xf, x[ must satisfy: xi < F 6 K+. Let Tt be the the history of D/'s up to and including time = at stage 1 of the consumption level for the politician in power stock for the following period, Let h^ off'ers The {Mf,^i,Xt,x'i,c'A. not specified as part of the action profile of the is submechanism, with Government Mt The = Vj given xt the capital stock for next period, A'(+i, the resource constraint and The politician the politician's expropriation decision. consumes the is by /, t, and assume that (Kt, L)) and set of vt's and this is x[ f* < F {Kt, Lt), £ T* denote publicly observable.-'^ {Ko,io,V(),fjQ,Ki, ...Kt,,ii,vt, Pi,Ki^-i) denote the public history of the game up Exactly the same equilibrium is obtained if tlierc arc majoritarian elections over the replacement decision and each individual votes sincerely or uses strategics that are not weakly dominated in the election. ''Since we are characterizing a (sustainable) mechanism, there is no need to specify the ownership of the capital stock Kt+i. Instead, this is simply the amount of resources used in production in the folio-wing period, and the government (the mechanism) decides how this production will be distributed, In fact, v'' includes the action .xj and the function cj, which are not observed when E,, = 0. Thus, more appropriately, only a subset of v' should be observed publicly. This slight abuse of notation is without any ^'' consequence for tlie analysis. 11 to date and t, be the Fl' The set of all such histories. electoral decision at time t, p^, is defined as ://'-^ X(^, -.{0,1}, p,, given the public history at time whether to replace a when her type history history up to time t — h''^ The action are 1 8*. a /-I ^t I h'-^ zt [9'] i''-'"^ I : Z'-^ X if it t, the society chooses ) as the reporting action of far aj specifies a jy-'-i X G* -> an individual = = [0'"'']). zt [9'] for all 9* means that the message £ ^( Z(, so: Zf q-( for an agent of type G Q'\ z'-^ e individual notation, Z*-\ and H'-\ h'"^ G where recall that sending a message that fully is we represent the truth-telling strategy Let We 2j E Zt he In addition, let by , we have us define the null strategy ;® for all 0' S S' , z'^' G Z'-\ h'-' £ H'-\ stands for the message corresponding to zero labor suppl)'. ~^'~', \ Si h'~^ ) = a® to denote that the individual profile of reports at time t}'^ denote the reporting strategy sponding to the re- I ,~® the notation a\ {9% (2) Notice that this strategy only imposes truth-telling following Q:*, z'-\h'-') = , at time and the publicly observed is z''^'^ truthful reports in the past (because instead of an arbitrary history of messages z^~^ conditioned on z'"^ i satisfies To economize on veals her true type. z^~^ [^'^^] <-i , , where the notation a] i9t at time denote the message resulting from strategy truth telling is j 9\ her history of messages so is (at (6'*)) to z'' and actions of politicians ^'"^ /V^' \ al We write A strategy 1 politician. For the citizens, define a] (9^ t - /. set of all As usual, we is We will use playing the null strategy. define profile of all the individuals in society such reporting strategy profiles. We by a^^ with , A corre- denote the strategy profile of all the individuals in society by {a, p}. ''More formally, i 6 i G [0, 1] "More [0, 1] s, assigns a report to each individucil, ihus denotes individual /, and 2/ is the set of all formally, a, assigns a report to each individual, thus denotes individuii.l it is a function of tho form z [0, 1] : — Zt, where such functions, i. V2 it is a function of the form a : [0, 1] -^ Z, where Definition of Equilibrium 3.4 The strategy of the poHtician in power at time Ft tliat is, it determines Mt e Mt, pubhc as a function of the e ?< liistory t is therefore H*"^ X Z'-i -^ T, : G {0, 1}, xj [0, F [Kt, Lt)\, and the entire history strategy profile of the politician's by and the 1" 1 A (Perfect Bayesian) equilibrium the citizens is given by strategy profiles p} sequentially rational, Q'^e F and {«, p}- i.e., We by F (A',, L,)) citizens. is We cj G C* denote the by Q. game between the politicians and F and a belief system B, such that best responses to each other in all B and information sets, derived from Bayesian updating given write the requirem.ent that these strategy profiles are best responses to each other as F t:{Q.p} ^ p' in the F and {a.p} and given B, and whenever possible, the belief system. the strategy profiles of reports [0, set of these strategies Definition {q.: e S:[ .for a.ll F ^ Q and {a.p} bf {»': p'} for all a's A and £71. In what follows, there will be no need to explicitly characterize or condition on the belief sys- tem B (though this is always in the background). Let us define as the action profile of Definition 2 {^> p] M is tlie politician induced a sustainable for the citizens and a strategy equilibrium and induce an action Mt — Mt profiles , ^t Fm,x ~ 0, o.nd ci.nd Xi = x-t profi.le profi.le for by strategy F given a mechanism all h'' < if = rjv/,,T there exists x \ Mt^ ^j, xj, x^, cj social plan = > (M, x). {xjIJ^q, a strategy profile Fm,x G G for the government, which constitute an i\//,^j,.x't,Xj, cj G H^. In for the politicians such that \ this case, {a,p} support the sustainable mechanism we say that equilibrium strategy M. In essence, this implies that the politician in power does not wish to deviate from the social plan (M, x) given the strategy profile, {a.p}, of the citizens. The notation F t{Q,p} F makes this explicit, stating that given the strategy profile, {a, p}, of the citizens, the politician prefers this strategy profile to any other strategy profile based on the 4 The implicit agreement. Truthful Revelation Along the Equilibrium Path is a powerful tool for the analysis of mechanism design and implemen- e.g., MasCollel, Winston and Green, 1995). Since, in our environment, revelation principle tation problems (see, the politician in power, ests same weakly than those of tlie who operates the mechanism, cainiot commit and has different inter- agents, the simplest version of the revelation principle 13 may not hold; as Roberts's (1984) paper discussed in the Introduction demonstrates,-' ° there in may exist situations which no equihbrium would involve individuals reporting their true type."" The key be that along the equilibrium path, a version of the result of this section will revelation principle will hold (without introducing a fictional positive discount factors). The main difference between our approach dynamic mechanism design without commitment sibility that the mechanism designer and (e.g., with the ratchet and the effect) is for all literature on that the pos- agents can punish the deviating politician (mechanism designer) by replacing him. Such punishments are natural in the context of political economy models, though they mechanism design problems without commitment. Another are typically not present in other important difference is that, as posed on deviating politicians will it will become clear below, the punishments that can be im- be independent of the history of mechanisms to date. These differences are responsible for truthful revelation along the equilibrium path in our model. 4.1 We Truthful Revelation focus on (Perfect Bayesian) equilibria that maximize utility of the citizens, which As we to as the best sustainable mechanism. mechanisms (i.e., the constraint set, (4)-(6)) will see is we refer below, as long as the set of sustainable noriempt}', this is eciuivalent to choosing the best sustainable mechanism, given by the following program: MAXq; _ ma.x E J2p*u(c,{z'[a,{9')])J,{z''[a,{9')])\9l ^^ {d,{-).lii).xi,f<i.-,i}Zo subject to an initial capital (3) L(=o stock A'o, the resource constraint, = F[Kujk{z'[a,{9')])dG'{e*)^ Kt+i (4) - jh{z*[ai\9')])dG'[9')-iu a set of incentive compatibility constraints and electoral decisions for individuals, {a,/?} and the sustainabihty constTaint Yl5'v{xt+s) Ls=o is a best response to Fm.xi (5) of the politician in power; > max r' K' IE [v{x[)+5vl[k[^,A\M')]], (6) (' ''See also Bestcr and Strausz (2001) and Skrcta (200(i, 2007) lur the more general use of the revelation principle. ^"As noted in the Introduction, this statement refers to the case in which messages are sent to the politician in charge of the mechanism. It is possible to construct alternative enviromnents with fictional mechanism designers with full commitment power, so that the revelation principle holds. 14 for all > t The t: 0. last constraint, (6), the left-hand side encompasses what the is all the possible deviations by the politician at date from date politician will receive The right-hand the implicitly-agreed consumption schedule for herself. she can receive by deviating. subgame of the at time for individuals, submechanism ^( = 1, at time = ^, i + 1 utility, = and a choice I, maximum the is new consumption schedule together with a from of xt different Xt; (encapsulated into the continuation value the politician chooses x\, K[_^y and by current side potential deviations include a deviation at the last stage to expropriation, ^^ t or c[\ The onwards by sticking with t In the case where u^). maximize her deviation value, which to cj v{xt), and continuation value, written as v^ ( new or the offer of a A'j'^_j,cJ M*), | is given emphasize to that this continuation value depends on the entire history of submechanisms (thus on the information about individual types that has been revealed so capital stock from then on, A7+ii satisfied, it is either '^^ well as potentially on because the politician prefers = ^^ far) up to time If this Cj. i, A'/', constraint, (6), were not and some sequence of submechanisms or consumption levels different from (A/, x), or because the politician prefers former case, we can always change {M,x) to ensure that (6) is satisfied. The (6) is subject to (4)-(6). (3) trivial allocation Lemma a along C(, and Proof. Let {MstXs} p^{h') = 1, citizens, since it [a \ constraint set is indeed nonempty, since the for all parties is in the set. denote a strategy profile where a') to (4)- We all indi- then have: u (f (a'c (/V-i) , L, (/V))) for all t (7) , J in the best sustainable mechanism involves no re- initial politician along the equilibrium path, is identical to the solution of the maximization problem in if q= The allocation of resources placement of the G — i.e., £,^ 1 Suppose Assumptions 1-3 hold. In any sustainable mechanism., necessary. c'f In the 1. thus a solution to the program of the equilibrium path and a' off the equilibrium path. _.s=0 and is with zero production and zero consumption E Y.5^v{xt+s) > is and satisfy (6) Finally', this Let us also introduce the notation viduals play = Consequently, as long as the constraint set given by nonempty, the best allocation must maximizing E,t latter, cannot be part of the best equilibrium allocation from the viewpoint of the involves government expropriation. and on the (MAXq) with if il<[^^,c', the susta.inabilit,y constraint (6) {A'l, xtj^Q be a solution = {Ms.Xs] for all s < if h' — h' and p^{h.') = t. to is M') = \ for all A/' G A1^, A'^'+i & ^-\- equivalent to (7). (MAXq). Introduce the following notation: /i' — h} Consider the strategy profile p^ for the citizens such that 1 if /i* ^ h^. 15 That is, citizens replace the politician unless the politician has always chosen a strategy inducing the allocation {M/,,,zv}^o i" periods. It a best response for the politician to choose {Mt,Xt}j^Q after history h^ only is E J2S\>ix<+,] > (c[, If (7) is = (^i /i*, is 1 F{Kt, This deviation payoff Lt). (7). h\ the best deviation history is greater than its for the pohtician is equilibrium payoff following This contradicts sustainability and establishes that (7) necessary in any sustainable mechanism. see that (7) is sufficient for the best sustainable mechanism, note that reducing v^ (/\(+i, equivalent to relaxing the constraint on problem (3), so sumption is x'f r' some public violated following — K' the politician's continuation value following a deviation to a feasible is given by the left-hand side of To is and K^^i) if E {v{x[)+6v'f[R",^,j{\M')] max f' s=0 where vf previous ^^^ 3, v^ > achievable for (i.e., M* all x > and v € M'\ F' G (0) = 0), is always preferred. Since from As- we only need to show that K+ and £ Cj. G, A','+i £ rium strategy p^, which involves replacing the value of the politician establishes tire is clearly v"^ — Cj c^ politician v^ (Kf^i,c[ \ MM Under the candidate when she = equilib- deviates, the continuation regardless of the history of play up to this date. This sufficiency of (7). Next suppose {A/(,,zv}^q that is (MAXq) a solution to Bayesian eciuilibrium with replacement of the initial politician. allocation {M/,X(}J^q such that the initial politician is Ijc supported as a perfect Now consider an alternative can kept in power along the equilibrium path and receives exactly the same consumption sequence as the new politicians would have Since {Mt,Xt}'^Q satisfies (7) for the received after replacement. {Mj,X(}^o satisfies (7) for all involve at least t t = = utility to some positive t for the initial politician. consumption for the new new politicians at all t, Moreover, since {7lf(,it}^Q must politicians, {il//, Xj}^o yields a higher the initial politician. Thus, xq can be reduced and consumption of agents at can be increased without violating This proves that there To complete the replacement strategy is no replacement of the proof, p'^) is we only need p'^ show that to if ^ h' cannot be a solution to initial politician h' (MAXq). along the equilibrium path. citizens' strategy (in particular, the This follows by considering the following sequentially rational. continuation strategy for each politician; This ensures that (7), so {.Afj,.-rJ}^Q , and a—a^ are a best response then Xg = F {Ks, Ls) and E,s = 1, Vs > t. for the citizens. This lemma uses the fact that regardless of the history of submechauisrns and the amount of capital stock left for futin-e production, there is an equilibrium continuation play that replacing a politician gives the dcviatior zero utility from results in repeated tliat point onwards (which is analogous to the games where the most severe punishments against deviations 16 are optimal, | M* e.g., Abreu, 1988). This continuation play from the imphcitly-agreed output, Xf — F{Kt,Lt). politician to (7), up The social plan. mechanism, the best deviation used as the threat against pohtician's deviation is implication that, along the best sustainable is for the politician involves ^^ == 1 and expropriating the whole This enables us to simplify the sustainability constraints of the which also has the virtue of not depending on the history of submechanisms to that point. '^^ Moreover, the lemma also shows that any sustainable mechanism in (7) is necessarj'. Next, we define a direct (suh) mechanism, as mechanisms involve a We current type. restricted M* : — message space, Zi — G' > [O, /T] x M+. In other words, direct 9(, where individuals only report their denote a strategy profile by the politician's inducing direct submechanisms along the equilibrium path by F*. Definition 3 A strategy we have that a] (9* \ profile for the citizens, a*, is = 0'~\/i'~M a* . We write truthful a*— [a* | if, along the equilibrium path, a') to denote a truthful strategy profile. The notation a*— (a* | a') rium path, but may play some emphasizes that individuals play truth- telling along the equilibdifferent strategy profile, a', off the equilibrium path. Clearly, a truthful strategy against a direct mechanism simply amounts Let us next define c[r,Q;], /[r,a] and x[r,a] of the agent. consumption and labor their reports), and the sequence of government consumption citizens, information available up to time for allocations of 1 as, respectively, the equilibrium supplj' distributions across individuals (as a function of the history of egy profiles of the politicians and Theorem to reporting the true type t such that levels resulting from the strat- of these functions only condition on all time t. (Truthful Revelation Along the Equilibrium Path) Suppose Assumptions 1-3 hold and that T and [a, p] form a comhination of strategy profiles and electoral decisions that support a sustainable mechanism. profiles r* and a* — (a* | a') for Then, there exists another pair of equilibrium strategy some a' such that F* iiid.uces direct induces truth telling along the equilibrium path, and moreover c\r c^ , submechanisms and g* = c[r*,a*], i[r,a] — i[T\Q*], andx[T,o^^x[T\q*-]. Proof. Take equilibrium strategy Then by definition ^^ = for all t, profiles and from F and a that support a sustainable mechanism. Lemma ^'This statement refers to the sustainability constraint, cations depend on the history of individual messages. 17 (7). 1, (7) is satisfied. Let the best response The optimal mechanism will clearly make allo- . of type 9* at time 4-' ,/7,'--^) according to a be to announce Zfj t Denote the expected utihty of By . d',r,h'-' Now 4 and public history /i'~^ Let under ht-i 9 ,lt U-1 )i given a history of reports (^9'-\h'~'A i^z'f' , (e\h'-AY ztx mechanism given history this 5' definition of zU > U = [0\h'-'j this individual ;-,'-! I O'Ji h'-"^ be being a best response, we have 9\r,h t-i for all z*r (^9'\ h''^^ e Z* and ft*"! consider the alternative strategy profile for the pohtician P*, which induces the action profile such that Mt,£,t,xt,x < submechanism) and c [T* , a" ,h] = = ^( c [r, a,h] , for all l_\r* , a* Ji\ = Mt = M^ i, l_ a,h] [F, , (wlrere M^* and x = a,h] [T, a direct is x |r* a* ,h] , Therefore, by construction, ,li'-' I 9\r,h t-i 9\ > for all 9 Q* and <E h'"'^ all e //'""^ response along the equilibrium path strategy profile T* a* = . (8) It-l 9\ h 9\r,h'^' Equation (8) 9 .h f^* is the when as a against tliey play e\T\ht-i {a* when a') is a best \ M* mechanism for the agents against the same t-i = implies that a* ^foreover, by construction, the resulting allocation a') against (a* t u h1-1 and politician individuals play Therefore, by the F. I definition of identical to F being a sustainable, we liave thus establishing that (F*,q*) The most important ciple idea of the proof ruler to is Two ^^1 is as follows. On Now T' ^ 0I"' choose a' to be for all F' G G or that is that for the rest of the analysis, we can side of the agents. the equilibrium path, there is effective commitment obey the mechanism. Then, one can use the usual proof of the revelation prin- and construct game fo^' mechanisms on the truthful] reports tliat give the path. Off the equilibrium path, one can use the the f^' an equilibrium. implication of this theorem restrict attention to truth-telling (direct) by the ^{a.p} off-the-equilibrium path, which implies that F* h{a',p} (7) is satisfied, The F same utility to the ruler same punishment on the equilibrium strategies as those used in witliout direct revelation. Therefore, the sustainability constraint observations are worth making at this point. is satisfied. truthful revelation along the First, equilibrium path and the politician's decision to pursue the implicitly-agreed social plan are important to distinguish from truth telling and commitment mechanism design problems. In these problems, there telling along all paths In contrast, in and there is unconditional our environment, there politician can exploit the information is it tliat are exists present in tlie standard mechanisms that induce truth commitment (i.e., again along all paths). no commitment off the equilibrium path, where the has gathered or expropriate part of the output. Re- latedly, off the equilibrium path, non-truthful reporting 18 by tire individuals is both present and e H'-\ also important to ensure sustainability. However, along the equilibrium path induced by a sustainable mechanism, the politician prefers not to deviate from the implicitly-agreed social plan, and given this equilibrium behavior, individuals can report their types without the fear that this information or their labor supply will be misused. Second, the results in are not related to "folk theorem" type results. In particular, and applies Theorem 1 is mechanism designer not a limiting result despite the lack of commitment and the self-interested preferences of the (politician), a revelation principle type result holds twofold. First, the is setup where the politician has a deviation within the same period ensures that ation paj'off after deviation If ful reporting make is tiie would become more is its continu- independent of the information revealed along the equilibrium the continuation value of production, 1 for all discount factors. The reason wh}^ path. Theorem politician depended on such information, ensuring truth- Note that deviation within the period, following difficult. a very natural assumption in our setup, since the politician has the power to transfers after production is realized, and thus there is no reason him not for and take a greater fraction of these resources for himself than specified in the such a deviation beneficial. Second, in our is involving replacing the politician. mechanism, making it agreed social plan (Af, to deviate mechanism model individuals can use punishment The punishments if strategies strategies of citizens support a sustainable the best response for the politician in power to pursue the implicitly.x). Given this sustainability, there is effective commitment on the side of the politician along the equilibrium path. Finally, Theorem 1, like the rest of our analysis, focuses on Perfect Bayesian equilibria. could also impose additional refinements, such as renegotiation-proofness. the main results in this paper (except those in Section 9) It can be shown that hold without any modification Theorem focus on renegotiation-proof equilibria. In other words, truthful revelation in the best sustainable mechanisms characterized in Theorems renegotiation-proof equilibria. Golosov and Tsyvinski (2007a) idea is The argument for and 5 can if 1 we and be supported as very similar to that developed in Acemoglu, an economy without incomplete information. that citizens can punish a politician him and is 2, 3, One who The main deviates from the social plan by replacing following an equilibrium along the relevant Pareto frontier thereafter (thus there no reason for punishments that are harmful for the citizens themselves). We is do not provide the details here to economize on space. 4.2 The Best Sustainable Mechanism Theorem uals. 1 enables us to focus on direct mechanisms and truth-tehing strategy a* by all individ- This implies that the best sustainable mechanism can be achieved by individuals simply 19 reporting their types. Recall that at every date, there by G{9). This iniplies that 9' of G{9), G'- [9) often). ^^ Given and (since there is = as Gf that any sustainable mechanism side of the agents, an invariant distribution of 6 denoted has an invariant distribut-ion, which simply the is a continuum of individuals, each history this construction, consumption total is we can write Jq, is ci {9') total labor supply as Lt equivalent to a direct we obtain the main — occurs infinitely Jq, k (9^) Moreover, since Theorem {6')"'^ dG' 9' mechanism with result of this section, which i-fold version 1 dG* (d''), establishes trutli-telling on the be used throughout the will rest of the paper: Proposition Assumptions 1-3 1 Suppose Then, the best sustainable mechanism hold. is a solution to the following maximization program: MAXi : max U'^^'^= {c,(-),/,().A-,,+i.x,}^o some subject to initial condition Kq > Kt+i 0, the E X: /3'u(c, ((?'' ),/,(0^.') I (9) 0i) t=o resource constraint = F{Ki,L,)-Ct-xt, (10) a set of incentive com.paMbility constraints for -individuals, J2 ^'''^ Q-l^t + f^ ),k,.si9-*-'')\9U,) i^'i+' VJ- (11) oo > QJ,( E j:iruU,Jt'-''),i,,J9 91t + s ,s=0 for all t, all G 0' and <?''* all possible sequences of > < 9f_f_^ I J ' , and the sustaina.btlity constraint s=0 of the politician E >v{F{Kt,Lt)) V [X t+s) (12) .s=0 for all t. The proof Proof. follows from Ijemma equilibrium (a*',r**), that nraximizes not feature {., Mt 1 \ it — I for any t. (9). 1 and Theorem By tlie Suppose there 1. argument in the text, exists (a**,r**) will Therefore, (a**,r**) features a sequence of submechanisms oo , consumption levels for the politician, {£f},^o ^^'^ it '^More formally, given the an coiitiiiiiuni of ageuls, wo can apply a law = ^ for of laigc ^1' ^- Setting [M,x) = numbers type argument, and have positive nioa-siirc. Sec, for example, Uhlig (1996). ^^From now on, we suppress the "'s to simplify notation and simply use cj, /) and xt. Note also that Jq, here denotes Lcbesgue integrals, and in what follows, we will suppress the range of integration, G'. each history 9' will 20 N Mi rem 1 j- , {xt}.^o j implies that (a**, F**) support a sustainable mechanism. Then, use Theo- to find (q*, r*) corresponding to a sustainable direct mechanism. This direct mechanism has to satisfy the resource constraint, (10), the incentive compatibility constraints of individu- which instead of als at all dates, Finally, Lemma from ], (5) can be written as (11) since F* induces direct the constraint (12) ensures that F* mechanisms. a best response to citizens' is strategies, {a*, p}. The Theorem role of for the best sustainable 1 formulation in this mechanism as a direct is that enables us to write the program it mechanism with truth-telling reports along the equilibrium path, thus reducing the larger set of incentive compatibility constraints of individuals to Theorem Also as noted after (11)."'^ supported as a renegotiation-proof equilibrium (see 1, the result in Proposition 1 can be Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski, 2007a). Separation of Private and Public Incentives 5 We next show the second main result of the paper that our analysis of the dynamic Mirrlees economy with self-interested politicians is by separating the provision simplified of incentives to individuals from the provision of incentives to politicians. Let us first define the dynamic Mirrlees program (with full-commitment, benevolent gov- ernment, and exogenous government expenditures). Imagine the economy needs to finance an exogenous government expenditure Xt > maximizing the time t = at time Then t. the d5mamic Mirrlees program of {ex ante) utility of a representative agent, can be written as (e.g., Golosov, Kocherlakota and Tsyvinski, 2003, Kocherlakota, 2005): oo E max (13) .t=0 subject to the incentive compatibility constraints, (11), and Ct + Xt -\- Kt+\ < F {Kt,Lt)- Next, we add the feasibility constraint that {A'/}^q should be such that {C,,L,}-oeA-, where A°° = {{Ct, L,,}Zo such that 3 {c, (0') In other words, {Ct,Lt}(^o ^ {cj (^') ,lt (^')}(^Q- This set A^ is , /, (^') satisfymg (11)}. }i"o (14) implies that there exist incentive compatible and feasible important to define, since, given certain government expen- diture sequences, {XtJ^p's, the constraint set of this Mirrlees maximization problem can be ^^The equations in (11) focus on Ihc incentive compatibility constraints that apply along the equilibrium path (expectations on both sides of the constraints are taken conditional on 0'''). This is without any loss of generality, since (11) needs to hold for time t = is covered by any sequence of reports this set of constraints, 21 {Ot^,, \ , thus any potential deviation from empty be (e.g., if Ct. — and L/ > the incentive compatibility constraints of individuals cannot 0, satisfied). For a sequence {C/, Lt}'j^Q e A°°, we can define the quasi- Mirriees program as E max U{{Ci,Li]?Lr,)= ^/3'u(c,(0'''),/, {cU')A()}^0 (0'-' (15) Lt=o subject to the incentive compatibility constraints, (11), and two additional constraints j Ct {e') dG' {e') < Cu (16) {6') dG' [6*) > (17) and / It Lt. This program takes the sequence {C(, L/}go e A°° as given and maximizes ex ante agent subject to incentive constraints and two additional constraints. the sum of consumption levels across agents for all report histories to number Ct, wliile the second, (17), reciuires the amount Lt- The functional U sum ({C/, Lt}fZo) defines the '^^^^ '^^^^ function of the individuals (from the viewpoint of time that the functional L/({C/, L/}^o) concave and Returning to the {Xt}^Q, this ZY ({Cj, we L^J^q) initial level of capital Ct + Xt + ex ante {t = less than some 0) utility of an ^e interpreted as the indirect = 0). Appendix A, we show In to characterize the best sustainable for a given we will make mechanism. sequence of government expendi- as; max subject to an be no allow for randomizations). In the text, dynamic Mirriees program, can be written t requires well-defined, nondecreasing in Ct, nonincrecising in Lt, i^ difi:erentiable (as long as use of these properties of tures maximum first, (16), an be no greater than some of labor supplies to agent in this economy for a given sequence {C/, LtY^o utility The utility of stock A'q Kt+, < U{{Ct.,Lt}Zo) > F [Kt, Lt) (18) and to , and {Ct, Lt}^o e A°°. (19) This derivation implies that we can represent the standard dynamic Mirriees program as a solution to a two-step maximization problem, in whicl9 the first step formulation, yielding the functional U{{Ct, Lt}^^)), and the second step U{{Ct, Lt]fZo) °'^''^^' is is (he quasi-Mirrlees the maximization of sequences {C/, Lt, K't+i} subject to a resource constraint and to This representation is particularly useful because it feasibility. highlights the parallel between the d3'namic Mirriees program and the best sustainable mechanism. In particular, the maximization problem characterizing the best sustainable mechanism, 22 (9), can be written as one of maximizing the indicted utility function subject to constraints: mCuL,}r=,) ,r ."'^^';=o (20) subject to Ci + xt + Kt^i < The only F {Ku U) and also subject to (12). (19) and the best sustainable mechanism constraint for tlie difference and {Q, LJ^q (21) between the dynamic Mirrlees program in (20)-(21)-(12) is politician in power, (12), G A°°, which also makes in (18)- the presence of the sustainability {xt}'f%Q an endogenously chosen sequence instead of the exogenously given {.Y;}^q. This formulation establishes the following theorem. Theorem hold. 2 (Separation of Private and Public Incentives) Suppose Assum.ptions 1-3 Then, the best sustainable mechanism solves a quasi- Mirrlees Proof. This follows immediately from rewriting maximization program, and expressing (10) as The = allocation induced by the best sustainable problem that maximizes the ex ante levels of Xf (9)-(12) program for some sequence from Proposition 1 as a two-step F{Kt,Lt) — Ct — Kt+i. mechanism utility of the citizens as therefore a solution to a is given in (13), but must also choose aggregate consumption and labor supply consistent with the sustainability constraint of the politician in power. ^''' An important implication of this result is that political economy considerations do not fundamentally alter the optimal taxation problem; instea.d, they modify the aggregate constraints in this dynamic maximization problem. view, this theorem implies that we can separate the From a analysis of the political technical point of economy of dynamic taxation into two parts: 1. We first solve the problem of providing incentives to individuals given, aggregate levels of consumption and labor suppl}'. 2. We then provide incentives to politicians by choosing aggregate variables and the level of rents. Accordingly, the best sustainable mechanism will be undistorted same " If, allocation as that of a full The key it can achieve the dynamic Mirrlees economy with the same sequence of {xt}'^Q Theorem 2 is that pohticians' deviation payoffs depend only on aggregates. F{Kt,Lt), the maximum consumption for the politician were a nonlinear function of the distribution of labor supplies, [k,i.]ii^j, Theorem 2 would not necessarily hold. feature necessary for instead of xi entire when = 23 (which naturally involves no marginal distortions in addition to tliose implied by Mirrleesean optimal taxation). Another major Theorem 2 for our purposes that enables us to represent the it terms of aggregate distortions, corresponding to what the sequences {Ct,Lt}^Q G A°° are (and how they make further progress along these lines, from the solution to the dynamic Mirrlees program differ we show entiable in the sequences {Ct^Lf}'^^ e A°°. {Ct,Lf}5^Q where only one element, for is between the dynamic Mirrlees program and the best sustainable mechanism purely differences in role of t 7^ s C., We that U{{Ct,Lt}^Q) or Ls for some specific s U mechanism F* say th.a,l We — (19) with {Xt]'^Q {Cf, Lf, /^f+i,X(}^o {^(}/^o *^ at t' "'^'^ if ^1' <Ci,Li,Kt+i\ ~ 'i-s ~ ^f' ^f asymptotically undistorted ^-'t' by Fl^ and at time s dynamic Mirrlees problem where, is a solution to — ^^t'+\ ' (18) subject to i say that H'^e -^V+i- undistorted as it is if This definition states that an undistorted allocation result in the standcird also denote the partial the seqv.ence {Ci,Lt,Ki+i,xi}'^Q induced by the best sustainable undistorted is is differ- varied (with ah Ct, Lt is and capital derivatives of the production function with respect to labor We To with respect to such variations by Wc,({C't,Lf}J^o) ^"'^ ^L,({C't,Lt}'^o) or simply by Uc, and Uls- Definition 4 (18)-(19)). can therefore consider variations in sequences VVe denote the derivative of held constant). A Appendix in in —* oo. exactly the allocation that would in addition to restriction across agents, the government also has to finance an exogenously-given sequence of public good expenditures {Xt}^Q. If an allocation is undistorted and {Cf,Zt}^o GliitA°°, then Uc, Fr^, = -Ul, (22) , Fk,.,,-Uc,,,=Uc,.at time at time t t (or as t — > oo). Here, the first (23) condition states given the utility function U{{Ci, L(}^q) is tliat the marginal cost of effort equal to the increase additional effort times the marginal utility of additional consumption. the cost of a decline in the utility by saving one more unit in the next period times the marginal utility of to in output from the The second one be equal to the increase consumption then. Once requires in output again, these are aggregate conditions since they are defined in terms of the utility functional W({Ct, L(}f^o)) which represents the ex ante maximal Moreover, it is if a steady state exists utility of an individual subject to incentive constraints. and the conditions also clear that {Ci,Li,,Ki+\,xi,}^^^ in (22) must be undistorted. and (23) hold as We i ^ oo, then then say that there are no asymptotic aggi-egate distortions on capital accumulation (or no aggregate capital taxation) 24 . if FKt+i — oo. t if (22) f > = l^Ct+i By is ^Ci and no aggregate distortions on labor supply if Uc, — Fit —i^Lt as implication, an allocation {Ct, Lt- Kt+i, xt}'^Q features labor distortions at time not satisfied at side of (22) t. We strictly greater is refer to these as downward than the right-hand are intertemporal distortions at time t, and if side. labor distortions If (23) is the left-hand side of (23) is strictly less Downward than distortions labor supply and less capital accumulation than in an undistorted less is the left-hand not satisfied, then there the right-hand side, then there are downward intertemporal distortions. imply that there if allocation. Best Sustainable Mechanisms 6 We now present the main result of the paper,, which characterizes the behavior of the sequences {Cf Lt, Kt]'^Q (and {x/ }^q) and distortions under the best sustainable mechanism. Theorems , 4 and 6 in the next section provide both further characterization results under additional assumptions on the persistence of individual types and information structure, and also clarify the interpretation of the results in the following theorem. Theorem Best Sustainable Mechanism) Consider 3 (Characterization of the the op- timal dynamic Mirrlees economy with self-interested politicians described above. Suppose that Assumptions 1-3 hold and there exists {Ct,Lt}'^Q eIntA°° (with Lt > Q) for some t. Then, in the best sustainable mechanism.: 1. there are downward tions at — t 1 labor distortions (provided that > t a.t some < t oo and downward intertemporal distor- 1). Let the best sustainable mechan.isni. induce a sequence of consumption, labor supply and capital levels {C(, Lt, LCt+i}'^^. Suppose a steady state {C*,L*,K*), where {C*,L*) 0}, where (/?<!. 2. if ^— 5, is interior. exists Moreover, such that as let y? =mf{ t -^ oc>, Q G (0,1] {C(, ; L/,, A'j+i}^q —^ p\\mt-^^ q~^Uq^ — Then: then there are no asymptotic aggregate distortions on ca.pital accumulation and labor supply; 3. if If > 6, then aggregate distortions on capital accumulation and labor supply do not disa.ppear even asymptotically Proof. is We show in Appendix a well-defined functional and A is that, when randomizations are introduced. U{{Ct, Lj}J^q) continuous, concave, and differentiable. suppress randomization to simplify notation. 25 In this proof, we We write the problem of characterizing the best sustainable Marimon following Marcet and mechanism non-recursively (1998) as oo |C(,L,,A,.,:c, ),^0 ^^Q subject to + xt + Kt^i with ^_i = Ct for all t, where constraint (12). we ^, = + ^,;_j The differentiability of He, Since > /i, > and /j.(_i Part is and ^V't > W({Ct, LJ^q) 1: - ji^j^^ = t. - [Wc,+, > /./.(, - S'ifi^^i implies that for {Ct,Lt}^o eIntA°°, i.e., whenever 0^ > for all But t. /if cian (12) = must bind distortions at that i- at t, t > t if 0- Then, no consumption 0. > Lj for any then the /,, t with i,hf > 0. Then is feasible and the associated than Lt utility to citizens (26) implies that there will (27) implies that there will be = Thus we must have Lt t. = Ct — cannot be optimal. Therefore, the sustainability constraint of some and (27) 0, the politi- be downward labor downward intertemporal distortions 1, We start strictly less than Part and for all by hypothesis, {Ct,Lt}flQ eIntA°° with Lj > for all (26) > 'tl't+i in this case, {Ct,Lt}'^Q eIntA°^ necessarily gives higher ex ante plan with Lj = and improve by expropriating the entire output at Since, Fi, labor and intertemporal distortions whenever to obtain a contradiction that — • fit)v'(F{Kt+i,Lt+,))] Fk,,,, downward respectively, allocated to the politician, xt for all 2: by proving that 1. To {Ct,L(, A'(+i}^Q -^ (C*, L*, ip =inf{ g G /\'*), thus {C(}^g all bounded is in : plimf_oo Q~*'Uq^ for the constraint (16), it lies in the space c of — 0} is well-defined convergent infinite sequences infinite sequences, t^). the space of sequences {t/zlj^o such that X!*^o multipher [0, 1] see this, recall that by hypothesis, a steady state exists, so that (rather than simply in the space of is, the Lagrange multiplier on the - i2t^,)v'iFiKt.^))Fu = -Wc, 5'(^, there will be M/.-i' Suppose politician can at is (25) have: Ul, /j.( V'^ < F{Ku Lt), and l^'i ^ °°- Since Uc, The dual is Rearranging equations (26) and (27) and substituting for = /xy(x*) 26 hence </? < e.g., that Luenberger, 1. Uc, and taking the limit as we have WcFt,{K\L*) 0, is £i, equal to the Lagrange the dual space of {C/,}^g (see, 1969, Chapter 9), thus in £i, wliich implies that lim(_,ooWc, of c t — » oo, and Fk„AK\L*)Wc^^^ where By with respect to Xf then implies: first-order condition construction, go to ^u, is an increasing sequence, so Since as infinity. and Uq i — proportional to is = 5, we have that (where the fact that ^* Therefore, {^^ Part t ^ 3: — Mt^i)//-*t - follows 0' * Suppose that f > This implies that oo. < - Mt '* /^-t+i ^''+' = Li .. 5'+\^'{x*) (/x, from Part t --» 1, since first /i* or ~ Pt| > /./,,_|_i cx). (31) ^0 and and fl^ /ij -+ /Xj > /x* for G (0, oo] some t). 6. — In this case, (30) implies that ^.(_j,)//Z{ > as —+ t oo, so Uq is proportional to from (26) and (27), (/?* as aggregate a part of the theorem states that the sustainability constraint of the politician, arises because, as Intuitively, this additional (aggregate) distortion output increases, the sustainability constraint (12) requires that more rents be given to the politicians The best in These additional rents increase the power. sustainable mechanism undistorted allocation, a small reduction but a first-order decline in the in efl:ective cost of creates distortions so as to reduce the level of output and thus the rents that have to be paid to the in output, some value and distortions disappear asymptotically. (12), necessarily introduces a distortion. production. ^ t oo, j^t+i distortions cannot disappear, completing the proof, The as ,, (31) implies that as > — either converge to (30) can be written as ^9*, ^ ^p must it oo an interior steady state {C*\L* ,K* ,x*) exists by hypothesis > 5'v'{x*) Since ^ derivatives are evaluated at the hmit {C*,L*,K*). all The {^,,^,-„^)v'{F{K\L*))FK,,^,{K\L*) _^ politician. Intuitively, starting from an labor supply and capital causes a second-order loss amount of rents that Consequently, some amount of distortion reducing Icibor need to be paid to the politician. supply and capital is optimal from the viewpoint of the citizens. Part 2 states that as long as an interior steady state exists and rapidly (which is will be declines sufficiently related to the rate of discounting by the citizens, see below), the multiplier of the sustainability constraint goes to zero. This result run there Uq is important as "efficient" provision of rents to politicians, it implies that in the long with the necessary tax revenues raised without distortions. Intuitively, current incentives to the politician are provided by both consumption in the current period, Xt, and by consumption in the future. by the politician not only relaxes the sustainability constraint 27 Future consumption in the future but does so in all Thus, prior periods as well. all else equal, optimal incentives for the politician should be Backloading leads to sustainability constraint not binding backloaded. run and in the long distortions disappearing. Notice that the results in this theorem compare 5 to ante marginal utility of consumption W^^ where W({G,i'(}^o) We will show it time i+ next section that in two important cases, this in the We show will ^p is the rate at which the ex declining in the steady state. Clearly, in the case is ^p is different which the Part from politician 3, ciently low is Therefore, the case oi <p — in general it indeed corresponds to a situation in 5 if the discount factor of the politician 5 to the fundamental discount factor disappear, even asymptotically. The (^, realistic political significance of this result economy models citizens, this part of the politicians are theorem implies that in a is suffi- then aggregate distortions will not aggregate capital taxes in contrast to the existing literature on many though /3, e.g., as patient as the citizens.^'' on the other hand, states that compared /3. compares with one unit of resources at t next section that without any dynamic incentive linkages, in the B. exactly equal to indeed be the case. In will with constant types, this fundamental discount factor coincides with may be is the fundamental discount factor of the citizens, measures how one unit of resources at time 1. Here time separable, the rate at which W^, declines i^ the more general case of present section, since ^p. is that it dynamic also implies positive Since in fiscal policy. —or act as — more short-sighted than the number of important cases, political economy considerations will lead to additional distortions that will not disappear even asymptotically. 7 Constant Types or Private Histories Theorem 3 provided a complete characterization of the distortions introduced by political econ- omy and commitment problems and the results of for all i and Theorem t, that is, 6. We first economies remain constant thereafter. This their asymptotic behavior. In this section, focus on economies with constant types, where 9\ factor (/J is is the assumption that (e.g., With constant is used in histories, this case allocations where individual much ^J^j and of the literature on Roberts, 1984, Freixas, Guesnerie and Tirole, types, we show that the fundamental discount identical to the discount factor of the individuals, with private = in whicli individual types are realized in the first date dj'namic mechanisms without commitment 1985, Bisin and Rampini, 2005). we strengthen histories will not j3. We next turn to economies be observed by the politicians (so in can only be conditioned on current reports). This restriction enables us ^^In part 2 of this theorem, we limit attention to the case in which ^ = 5, since when i/j < 5 we will not converge to an interior steady state. Theorem 5 in the next section explicitly deals with non-interior steady states. 28 main to focus on the interplaj' substantial complications this case, we between private and public incentives, without introducing the when tliat arise show not only that will ^— distortions will be present starting at individuals are given complex dynamic economy and commitment 0, but also that political and that the characterization t -- incentives. In results hold without assuming that the best sustainable mechanism induces an allocation converging to a steady state. Best Sustainable Mechanism with Constant Types 7.1 Since individual types do not change, truthful reporting Let us start with constant types. along the eciuilibrium path Theorem (cf. 1) implies that individual incentive compatibility e) > Y^p'u{ci{e)MO) constraints can be simply written as oo oo f3'uic,i9)Jt{9) for all 9 Q ^ Lt and Cj, power, e Q. Since types are known at and vary in this case will In this case, xi. Theorem I is all O) (32) I dates, the only reason result. Mechanisms with Constant Types) Consider the op- timal dynamic Miriiees economy with self-interested politicians described above. types are constant, thai is, 6] — Assumptions 1-3 hold and these the best sustainable 1. downward tions at — 1 6]^i for all exists i £ / and t = > that Suppose moreover that 0,1,..., {C(,Lf}J^o G/niA°° (with Lt Assume 0) for some t. Then, in mechanism, there are t aggregates, because of changes in the rents paid to the politician in we have the following 4 (Best Sustainable why labor distortions at (provided that t > some t < oo and downward intertemporal distor- I). Let the best sustainable mechanism, induce a sequence of consumption, labor supply and capital levels {Cf, Lt, /\(+i}^q. Suppose a steady state exists such that ast—> oo, {Ct, Lt, Kt+\}t—o ~* {C*,L*,K*), where {C*,L*) 2. if j3 — 5, is interior. Then: then there are no asymptotic aggregate distortions on capital accumulation and labor supply; 3. if p > 5, then aggregate distortions on capital accumulation and labor supply do not disappear even asymptotically. Proof. Sint:e lliis proof deals explicitly with randomizations, A. 29 it is provided in Appendix Best Sustainable Mechanism with Private Histories 7.2 We In this subsection, we focus on private histories. notation by assuming that within each period, there types, denoted of the by G, and economy also = and the an aggregate invariant distribution of by removing capital, so that the aggregate production function is Yt where Kq is also simplify the exposition = Lu (33) and Lt denotes the aggregate labor supply without any significant consequences Private histories imply that agents' current report. in at time t. These simplifications are our analysis. for admissible mechanisms, allocations must depend only on In such an environment the incentive compatibility constraints for agents can be separated across time periods, and written as u e for all Of The 6 and 6t, G 0, and best sustainable (12), (34) {ct {6,) , /, {61) for all \0,)>u (c, (Ot^ , /, mechanism with private et) histories therefore (34) maximizes (9) subject to and the resource constraint + xt<Lt. (35) Returning to the quasi-Mirrlees program defined above, pri\'ate histories, the in the I t. Ct with (^,) optimal allocations of same period, Ct and that U{{Ct, LtYZo) is Lt, immediately imply that The program and are independent time separable, valued differentiable function {ct, It) U U (C, L) R^ : is i.e., The straightforward to see that of any Cs, Ls with s ^ results for U{{Ct,Lt}'^Q) and This implies t. = E YlZo l3^U{Ct,Lt) also well defined, concave, for the best sustainable is depend only on the aggregate variables U{{Ct, Lt}^o) -^ M. it for in some real- Appendix A differentiable. mechanism, (20)-(21), can now be written as: 00 max > /?'[/(a,L,) (36) subject to the resource constraint, (35), and the sustainability constraint. wi. =E Y^5-'v{xt+,) > viLt), (37) .s=0 for all t, where wt denotes the present value of utilities delivered to 30 the politician at time t. . The incentive compatibility constraints for individuals in (34) play a similar role to (14) in our formulation above. In particular, we can define a static set of feasible aggregate consumption and labor supply A= levels, (C, L) such that 3 {c [9) ,l{e)] satisfying (34), { c= Finally, we also I c{e)dG[e),3.iidL= and (38) i(e)dG{9)}. I adopt the following sustainability assumption, which lishing convergence to a steady state and in part 2 of the next be used in estab- will theorem when (in particular, the utility provided to a politician reaches the boundary of the set of feasible values). w= Assumption 4 Intuitively, this the politician ~ S). -5) > / {1 e argmax(c,L)eAi' (L — C) The concept / (1 — (5), V (L) assumption ensures that the highest discounted utihty that can be given to sufficient to satisfy the sustainability constraint (37). Clearly this is when satisfied / {I (sustainability) There exists {C,L) v{L~C) such that is - C) max(c,i)eA v {L Let the politician's discount factor, of the aggregate distortion is assumption 6, is sufficiently large. When also simpler in this setup. the solution to the dynamic (full-commitment) Mirrlees program (18)-(19) GlntA (C, L) satisfies: Uc{C,L)^--ULiC,L), where Uc and Ul are the partial derivatives of a downward labor distortions if U (39) (C, L) with respect to the left-hand side of (39) is C strictly greater and L. We refer to than the right-hand side. The main Theorem result of this section 5 (Best Sustainable economy with no capital is the following theorem: Mechanisms with Private Histories) and with private histories. Consider the Suppose also that Assmnptions 1, 3, and 4 hold. = 1. At 2. Suppose that P < t 0, there is values {uit}'^Q. an aggregate distortion. Let T* be the best sustainable 5. Then {u'<}'^o ^^ '^ mechanism inducing a sequence of non- decreasing sequence in the sense that ti'^+i > wt for allt. Moreover, a steady state exists in that {u'(}^q converges (almost surely) to some w* G [0, u.'] and {C/, L(, .tj}J^q converges (almost surely) to asymptotically undistorted. 31 some {C* L* ,x*), which , is . If 3. P > 5, then aggregate distortions do not disappear even asymptotically. Proof. Most of the in i Theorem = 1 5 and theorem follow as corollaries of the corresponding results three additional results are that there are distortions at the initial date, rather than at some possible future date, that {tt'(}J^o 0, when The 3. results in this < /3 2 in a steady state necessarily exists, ^^ and that ^ non-decreasing, All three of these results follow from Theorem Acemoglu, Golosov, and Tsyvinski (2007a), and we do not repeat these proofs to economize on space. Theorem 5 provides a tighter characterization of the best sustainable equilibrium for the important special cases of private histories than the general results in Theorem 3. It also enables us to see the role of the relative discount factors of the politicians and the citizens more clearly. More Part specifically, some period rather at > < 1 Theorem of 0. It is 5 establishes that there possible to is distortion in period 0, compare the discount factor of the politician 5 to the discount factor of the agent as function U{C,L) that a sequence of values delivered to politicians, {wi}'^q is is w is reached the allocation for the case of politicians being Finally, Part 2 of the more patient than if also does not the boundary Theorem extends results agents. Interpi^etation of Distortions 7.3 We The theorem Assumption 4 guarantees that be undistorted. will show non-decreasing providing an easily interpretable notion of backloading of incentives for politicians. require existence of the interior steady state. We separable across time. can also use the economies with private histories or with constant types to meaning of aggregate distortions. economy with private To do this in the cleanest possible fashion, let us focus histories (the results are identical with constant types) following additional assumption, which clarify the is typically imposed on the and introduce the analyses of static and dynamic in incentive problems: Assumption Then Uc (c, Given I \ 5 (single crossing) Let the partial derivatives of u he denoted by Uc and 0) / \ui (c, / | ^)| is increasing in 6 for all c and I and all 9 ui £ Q. this single crossing property, the set of incei:itive coi^rpatibility constraints with pri- vate histories, (34), can be reduced to a set of incentive compatibility constraints only for neighboring types. Since there are N+1 types in 9, this implies that (34) is equivalent to A'' incentive compatibility constraints. This then enables us to establish the following proposition, which illustrates the relationship between aggregate distortions and individual income taxes: 32 Proposition 2 Suppose Assumptions and 5 hold and suppose that the 1 best sustainable mech- anism does not involve randomization. Consider a sequence of {Ct,Lt]'^Q. Then: the marginal labor tax rate 1. l 2. if {Ct, ^t}^o JS undistorted at i.e.. u^ Proof. Assumption [ct [On) Since there where Xni is at time vct t, time t is given by TN,t ~ and the labor supply decision of the highest type of agent is k [On) ui \ 9n) -'"/, {ct we only need {0^) , k {On) \ On)- to check incentive compatibility constraints be the partial derivatives of u (which exist by Assumption = yCU Uc{Ct[ON)Jl[ON)\ON){l + n + ^m) - (ct [On) , k {On) \ On) (1 XNt) -i^Lt, the multiplier on incentive compatibility constraint between types is the multiplier on (16) at U {C,L) and the t first {ct [On) , k {On) \ On) i//,f the multiplier on (17) at is Lagrange multipliers, I'ct — Uc _, ~ UiACtJUl Uc {Ct,Lt) '"'''' ^ result follows t. By the {Ct,Lt) and ' equality defines tn.i, and the second equality establishes the lemma. The second 9n and 0n-i we have ecjuations, Ui{Ct{0N),lt{0N)\0N) Uc and definition of —UL{Ct;Lt)- Combining these where the ^ no randomization, we have is differentiability of = , t, 5 implies tliat for neighboring types. Let Uc i^Lt at + UL{CuLt)/Uc{CuLt). undistorted, 1). on the highest type of agent, 9^, immediately from setting UL{Ct,Lt) first part of the — —Uc{Ct,Lt) from the definition of an undistorted sequence, in particular, equation (39). This proposition therefore further clarifies the meaning of the aggregate distortions, which have been our focus so far and shows that they are naturally linked to the marginal labor taxes in the standard Mirrlees problem. In particular, if in the standard Mirrlees problem, the marginal income tax on the highest type should be equal to zero, then the added distortion is exactly equal to the tax that will be imposed on the highest type under the best sustainable mechanism. 8 Example We now briefly illustrate the results of Theorems 3 and 4 using a simple example and then provides some illustrative computations that show the dynamics of distortions and allocations under different values of the discount factors for the citizens 33 and the politician. Suppose that 6= there are constant types, drawn from the set {Oo,0i} and the utility function is u{cJ\e) = uic)-xil/0), where u continuously differentiable, increasing and strictly concave and x is differentiable, increasing and Furthermore, suppose that u strictly convex. TT an individual type. To is Inada-type take 9o — 0, so again disabled and cannot supply any labor. Suppose that with probability born, and remains, as high type, while with probability is continuously satisfies We conditions, so that first-order conditions are always satisfied as equality. that the low type is 1 - tt, he a low is simplify discussion, let us again ignore randomizations across the consumption and labor supply levels of different types. Then, the quasi-Mirrlees problem can be written as oo {c,(Oo),cii9i)MSi)}Zo ^ jr^ (40) subject to TTCf + (^i) (1 - tt) q < (Oq) i\li {0\) — xt for all oo ^ = irlt (Oi) and oo \a {ct (01 )) /3' -X > 2] /3* ih iOi) /Oi)] [^ (ct (^o))] , t=0 1^=0 where Lt t, and Ct — while the second constraint is Lt — The xt- first constraint is the resource constraint for each i, the incentive compatibility constraint sufficient for the high type to reveal his identity given the presence of effective Assigning Lagrange multipliers and /3'/i( commitment along the equilibrium path. respectively, to these constraints, the first-order //, necessary conditions of this problem can be written as; 77)u'(ct(0i)) = TT/it (41) (l-^-r;)u'(ct(0o)) ^ (l-7r)M„ (42) + (7r and ^^^"'^\'(M^i)/^i) = (43) M.^- Ox Equations (41)-(42) imply that u'{ct{ei)) u'(c/.(0o)) Consequently, there if a steady state Ct {Oq) — » c°*, and is constant risk-sharing between the two types in exists, It so that Xi [9i) —* /*, in the previous section. ^ (l-7r-7/) (^ + '?) Put — » and hence x* p., (41)-(43) , — > /n*. all Moreover, combined imply that ct{9i) Consequently', in this case differently, in this particular case, the rate at 34 periods. (/? = ^ — * c^*, as claimed which the derivative 0.15 - 01 0.05 Figure 1: The time - patli of distortions for constant types witli Higher curves correspond to lower values of Uq declines citizens, i.e., We now easy to determine, and is (/? = it /3 = 0.9 and 5 — 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9. 5. does so at same tlae rate as tlie discount factor of the /?. illustrate the results presented in the last two sections numerically. Suppose that individual utility functions take the form u{c,l\e)^ Suppose ^1 = tiiat type Oq is it = 1/2 of the population utility function of tire politician is given by v [x) so that the production function is F {K, L) = We case, 0.7, show the aggregate with and <5 = 0.9, and (44) disabled and cannot suppl}' anj' labor, so ^o Let us also assume that a fraction 1. ^- —. distortion, 1 = -s/x. We is = 0, and we normalize of type 9i and tliat the consider the case without capital, L. +UiJUci-, in Figure 1 for politician for the baseline also for a range of lower discount factors for the politician, 5 = 0.8, 0.6. Consistent with part 2 of Theorem 3, when aggregate distortion converges to zero and resulting from political tire /? = 5 = 0.9, convergence is the lowest curve shows that the rather fast economy and commitment disappear very —so that distortions quickly. Instead, wlren 6 < /3, the aggregate distortion converges to a positive, and potentially large, asymptotic value. For example, when 5 = 0.6, the aggregate distortion converges to an asymptotic value of 0.15 (the highest curve in the graph). Another question concerns how much of the economy's output has to be allocated to politician (as rents or government consumption). 35 tlie Figure 2 answers this question, again for /3 = 0.9 the citizens, As we = and 5 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, and When 0.6. the politician's discount factor equal to that of receives a very small fraction of the output even in the asymptotic equilibrium. it consider lower discount factors for the politician, consequently, is it its temptation to deviate increases and receives a higher fraction of the output. r r Figure 2: Time path to lower values of of XtjYt with /3 = 0.9 and 8 — 0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9. Higher curves correspond d. 9 Benevolent Time-Inconsistent Governments The analysis so far has focused on the case though this case is of relevance for many when political politicians were purely self-interested. economy applications, also it is Al- important to understand how the results generalize to the case considered by Roberts (1984), Freixas, Guesnerie and Tirole (1985), or Bisin and Rampini (2005), where the government but "time inconsistent", now i.e., unable to commit to a full is still benevolent, dynamic mechanism. To do this, we consider a more general utility function for the government of the form: oo E b' (1 - a) V [xi^s) + « Et+, / u {ct+s. k+s 0'+') t+s (ai+s^ [9 dG'+' I (45) .s=0 where the second term < a < 1."^ is the average (expected) utility of the citizens at time Therefore, this utility function government when a = is i -f- s, and identical to that of a purely-self-interested 0. ^''We do not allow the case of a Our environment obviously = 1 (purely benevolent government) as it requires a different proof strategy. allows the government to be arbitrarily benevolent (a 36 ^ 1 and S = 0) ) To incorporate the change the political government out of of the main case of a benevolent time-inconsistent government, game. office. we no longer allow In particular, Instead, the same government we also citizens to vote the current always in power. Despite is results so far continue to hold, since citizens have another effective against the government, to produce zero. In particular, need to this, all punishment the government deviates from the if prescribed policy (or from the implicitly-agreed social plan), individuals can exercise their freedom on labor supply and produce zero output thereafter. ^^ game form the results so far hold under this alternative The advantage 2006). game form of this alternative is can be verified that It (e.g., utility, which is of Acemoglu, Golosov and Tsyvinski, (see that naturally adapts to the case of it a partly benevolent government. In addition, we also need to strengthen Assumption assume separable all and 1 a standard assumption in most analyses of dynamic taxation Golosov, Kocherlakota and Tsyvinski, 2003, Kocherlakota, 2005). Assumption 1' (separable utility) u{c,l — 9) \ u{c) — \{l continuously diff'erentiable, strictly increasing and concave, and x(ferentiable, strictly increasing and convex for and 9 £ 0, all where u 0), \ | is 9) satisfies X (0 : K+ -^ M. is continuously | — 6*) dif- for all 0ee. The next theorem shows that Theorem 1 and Proposition 1 continue to hold in this more general environment. Theorem ment 6 utility IS (Truthful Revelation with Benevolent Government) Suppose that governgiven by (45) and that Assumptions of strategy profiles F and a 1 ', 2 and 3 hold. mechanism, there that support a sustainable of equilibrium strategy profides T* and. a* = (a* | Then for any combination a') for some a' such that T* induces direct submechanisms a* induces truth telling along the equilibrium pa.th, ^r, a] =/[r*, a*] and x = , [F, a] x [T*,a*]. Moreover, the tion to maximizing (9) subject to (10), (11) and the another pair exists and c[T,a] best sustainable — mechanism c[T*,a*], is a solu- government sustainability constraint: oo Y;,5'[{l-a)v{xt+s) a (]E,+, I + [u (c {9'+^)) -x{l max x[+f for all c', {0')dG< (0' (^'+1 {l-a)v Ot+s)] dG'+^ {9'+^) + u > I [xt) a (c, (9*)) dG' {9') , (46) J <F{Ki. ,Lt) t. ^'With these punishments strategies, eqiiiUbria are no longer renegotiation-proof. Nevertheless, it is possible extend the game considered here, so that even though politieians are partially benevolent, there is still replacement of politicians (and a politician who is replaced still cares about the average utility of the citizens), and obtain similar results. We do not introduce this somewhat more involved game form to economize of space. to 37 Proof. See Appendix B. The difference in the proof with the previous environment now pohticians, its that instead of replacing agents use the nuh strategy following the deviation by a politician. imagine that the government has undertaken a deviation in which ticular of is has used some it past information in order to improve the ex post allocation of resources. clearly be desirable given the utility function of the with the Roberts' (1984) example, it may have government In par- This could in (45), but as illustrated very negative consequences ex ante. Therefore, the best sustainable mechanism will have to discourage such deviations. To do this, imagine a punishment strategy, in which following any type of deviation, To labor. establish Theorem When sequentially rational. all we need all 6, to assumed among redist ribute the rest equally in Assumption Since there 1'. is that such punishment strategies are other agents choose zero labor supply, following any deviation to positive labor supply, the government would and would show individuals supply zero all consume some all of the increase in output itself, agents given the separable utility function a very large number of citizens, this implies the is deviating individual will receive no additional consumption from supplying positive labor, and thus it is sequentially rational for all by the citizens to supply zero labor following a deviation government. This theorem therefore shows that revelation principle applies to the case of benevolent, but time-inconsistent governments as well, though under the additional assumption of Assumption 1'. The next example shows why Example To avoid 1 in 6 6 {0, 1}, with 6 utility u{c,- \ 9 = where with \i () in labor supposed 9 — I for this to Now = > among continuum example, where n of agents, let us consider a finite large (exactly the is who can corresponding to the disabled type, = 0) u{c), while the utility of type 6 strictly increasing in same example can is I. = 1 is only supply u{cj \ = 1) I = = 0, u{c - Xi{l)), Furthermore, suppose that aggregate output fully benevolent, i.e., a = 1 in terms of the and has is linear utility function imagine the economy has entered the punishment phase where each citizen to supply I' necessary: is an economy with a continuum of agents). There are two types of agents, and that the government in (45). assumption issues of deviation economy with n agents be constructed this I = and consume such that \i {I') distribute consumption (output /' < > 1. — c 0. Consider a deviation by an agent, 0) to maximize its own utility, which involves maximizing utility of consumption across agents, i.e., (c,) = u' of type Following this deviation, the benevolent planner will average utility of the citizens, thus equating the marginal u i', is [ci' — \i 38 (/')) for all i ji i' thus, Ci^ — Ci' - {I' c,: + (l')) Xi Xi for all (/') /n and c^> = ^ i [l' - The i'. Xi {I')) /n resource constraint + X\ (^')- The is {n - l)c,; + = d' I', resulting utility of individual i' or is u{{l'-Xi{l'))/n)>u{G), any for n, thus giving him greater utility than supplying zero labor. punishment phase where each citizen is This proves that the supposed to supply zero labor is not sequentially rational and thus cannot be part of a (Perfect Bayesian) equilibrium with this utihty function. The next theorem provides ymptotic behavior and the a characterization of the structure of distortions and their as- citizens have the same discount since constant types constitute the main and under the assumption that the for the case of constants types results in a succinct fashion. factor, i.e., p = 6. We politician start with this environment, most commonly-studied case and enable us to obtain the Theorem 8 below generalizes the results of this theorem to non-constant types. Theorem stant Types) Suppose that government sumptions au' (0) and 7^ (1 Government and Con- 7 (Best Sustainable Aiechanism with Benevolent 1 — a) '(/ (0), given by (45) with a G (0, 1) and Furthermore, assume thai there are constant types, 2 and 3 hold. ', utility is fi that As- = 5 and Then, asymptotically there are no aggregate distortions on labor supply capital accumulation. Proof. See Appendix B. H This theorem implies that in an economy with constant types, aggregate distortions appear regardless of the degree of benevolence of the government. Consequently, there will be no aggregate capital taxes and no further taxes on labor bej'ond those implied by the commitment Mirrlees economy."" In the case where a to the fully-benevolent case, where Once in a very similar again, the main source of the difference the information it is arbitrarily close results in Roberts (1984), is the infinite-horizon nature of our economy, which the government will be punished if it exploits gathers via the earlier submechanisms. this section general result. the government full- environment, the equilibrium always involved extreme distortions. to construct ecjuilibria in end 1, and the theorem contrasts with the which allows us We ^ dis- and the paper with a generalization Theorem 3. of Theorem 7, which parallels our This theorem illustrates the importance of the discount factor of the politicians in the environment with that partially benevolent government, though, now, the fundamental discount factor to which the discount factor of the politicians is being compared ^^The assumption that au (0) ^ (1 — a) i/ (0) rules out a special case in which our method work (though other more complicated approaches may worlv even without this assimiption). 39 of proof docs not to is a moie complicated object than Theorem defined in '^ 3, making the result somewhat wealcer. For this theorem, which now has Theorem now {mj It^o denote the multipliers associated with the sustainabihty con- government and straints of the in let let on to be conditioned ^ =inf{ 3, let q e a function of the sequence Theorem U ({C(, Lt}^o; Case) Suppose that government : 1. is utility is given by (45) with a £ (0,1), that Assumptions > Q) for some t. 1', Then, in the mechanism: there are downward tions at — t 0} (which Mechanism with Benevolent Government: General 2 and 3 hold, and that there exists {Ct, Lt]'^Q eIntA°° (with Lt best sustainable ^ phm,._oo ^"'t/^, ({Q, iil^oi (m* }So) as well as {Q*, L,*}). {/j,*} (Best Sustainable 8 sequence of multipliers as well (see Appendix B). As this [0,1] {lAYtLf^) denote the indirect utility functional, 1 labor distortions at (provided that > t some t < oo and downward intertemporal distor- 1). Let the best sustainable mechanism induce a sequence of consumption, labor supply and capital levels {Ct, Lf, Kt+i}^Q. Suppose a steady {C*,L*,K'*), where {C*,L*) 2. if ^= 5, is interior state exists such that ast^ oo, {Ct, Lt, Kt+i}'^Q -^ Then: then there are no asymptotic aggregate distortions on capital accumulation and labor supply; 3. if If > 5, then aggregate distortions on capital accumulation and labor supply do not disappear even asymptotically. Proof. See Appendix B. This theorem therefore shows that the fundamental results from Theorem 3 generalize to the case with a partially benevolent government. is now an even more complicated this this case when types in Theorem 3. Nevertheless, Theorem are constant, sharper results can be obtained. results are exactly those that are necessary for rethinking the efficiency of mechanisms 10 in the presence of if, object and certainly not easy to compute, the results in theorem are weaker than those even in Since the fundamental discount factor, commitment problems on the 7 showed that Moreover, these dynamic tax-transfer side of the government. Conclusions In this paper, we took a ear taxation. Political first step towards a political-economic analysis of economy considerations become 40 dynamic and nonlin- particularly important in the context of nonlinear taxation, which involves a significant amount and enforcement power of information being concentrated in the hands of the government and policymakers. Unless these policymakers are benevolent and able to make commitments, the structm'e of taxation must not only provide incentives to individuals, but also respect political economy constraints —that is, it should provide the appropriate incentives to policymakers. Despite the complex set of issues that arise in balancing private and public incentives, tractable framework for the analysis of how political possible to develop a relatively a is it economy constraints affect the structure of taxation. To achieve this objective, we focused on the best sustainable equilibrium, equilibrium that satisfies the incentive compatibility constraints of politicians. how sustainable mechanisms, where the politician in power is is We showed given incentives not to misuse resources and information, can be constructed in the infinite-horizon important result of our analysis the best i.e., economy we study. An the revelation principle along the equilibrium, path, which shows that truth-telling mechanisms can be used despite the commitment problems and the different interests of the government (politicians) and the Using citizens. we this tool, pro- vided a characterization of the best sustainable mechanism. Political economy considerations introduce additional constraints on the optimal taxation problem, but these constraints are intuitive and relatively simple to characterize. In particular, we showed that the provision incentives to politicians can be separated from the provision of incentives agents. Political economy economy) distortions and change the structure Our main time. We of taxation. results provide a characterization of these distortions showed that when politicians are as patient as, or and their evolution over more patient than, The therefore implies that the insights from Mirrlees' classical analysis constraints and literature may also and from the more recent show that when economy politicians are less patient than the citizens, aggregate distortions remain positive even asymptotically. case, in contrast to the classical results in optimal taxation, there will and positive aggregate capital taxes even in the long run. power This result generalize to certain environments featuring political commitment problems. However, we citizens, politician in receives rents, but these rents are provided without additional distortions. dynamic taxation on ag- These constraints then lead to new aggregate capital and labor distortions disappear in the long run. still and insurance to constraints, instead, take the form of additional constraints gregate consumption and labor supply in the economy. (political of In this be positive distortions To the extent that smaller discount factors for politicians than for the citizens are a reasonable approximation to reality, our results also suggest a possible explanation for understanding distortionary long run taxes capital. 41 on labor and Our infinite analysis relied on the infinite horizon nature of the economy and especially on the planning horizon of the politicians. Nevertheless, similar can be developed even when politicians have finite horizons, and a detailed investigation of this issue would be an interesting area for future research. For example, we conjecture that in a model with either finitely-lived politicians or with term limits, a society consisting of infinitely-hved citizens or generations of citizens will be able to commit to providing a continuation value to politicians that have not deviated from the social plan. In this case, even will (e.g., overlapping "pension") though distortions not disappear in the long run, they should decline during the tenure of the politician. Such a model would also enable an analysis of the institutional constraints on politicians. 42 effects of term limits and other realistic Appendix A: Properties Some We U {{Ct, LiYiIq) of Technical Results first present functional some technical results that will be useful in establishing the properties of the U {{Ct,Lt} Al Definition X Let Suppose that G Z and be X Lemma Al : ^ Z be a vector-valued mapping. continuously (Frechet) differentiable in the neighborhood of xq with is Then xq the derivative denoted by G' {xq). maps G X Banach spaces and is said to be a regular point of G if G' (xq) onto Z. Let X Z and be Banach spaces. Consider the maximization problem of P(u) ==max/(x) (47) subject to 90 (x) < u (48) . and G (x) < where f X : —^ R and go valued mapping and go is convex, Theorem Al Let is —^ R are real-valued functions the zero of the Banach space that the solution at Then (4S). Proof. This lemma p. X and moreover any multiplier of Ozdaglar (2003, is : (49) pi is u = Z . and G X : -^ Suppose that f 0, xq, is Z is is a vector- concave and a regular point. Let fj, be a subgradient of P(0). a direct generalization of Proposition 6.5.8 of Bertsekas, Nedic and 382) to an infinite dimensional maximization problem. X and Z be Banach spaces. Consider the maximization problem of P (u) — max / (x) x&X subject to G {x) < where f : X vector-valued ^f and Then that f P (0) is a real-valued concave function muppmg and Suppose that xq G R is and +u is and and the zero of the vector space G X Z and u a solution to this program. Suppose also that G : .tq is ^' is Z is a convex a perturbation. a regular point of are continuously (Frechet) differentiable in the neighborhood of xq. is differentiable. 43 Lemma Proof. From subgredient and is Al, follows that it there if has a unique thus differentiable. Proposition 4.47 in Bonnans and Shapiro (2000) estab- under a weaker constraint qualification condition than regularity, lishes that P a unique multiplier, is this problem has a unique multiplier. Theorem A2 X on is Let X compact metric space, then the space of probability measures defined he a weak a compact metric space with the Proof. See Parthasarathy (1967, 45). p. topology. a Randomizations We To next introduce randomizations to show concavity and differentiability of original maximization problem without randomization and (12) as stated in Proposition A'' 1 Ct we suppress dependence on public simplify notation, in this appendix, -I- : ^ K+ and It : 0' -^ {N {N + 1))* and By [0,l\- Y = F (Y, l) < 1))"' + 2). e Xf, for A^^ let of vectors in the set (9) 9t £ Q, where 9 histories /i*. The subject to (10), (11), is at finite set (with also a finite set. Consider next the functions cx) is definition, these functions assign values to a finite < t can simply be thought of as vectors of oo, thus dG ct {e') < Y, Kt+i < Y and (e*) = Xt oo. Therefore, Let X( be the set of Xt X/ (i) {ci {6^) all (0*) , < Y, Kt+i, x,} (50) a vector (of dimension is denote the zth component of this vector, and Tt be the dimension (i.e., now construct / , xt such vectors that satisfy the inequalities in (50), Tt = {N [N + l))"' the usual Euchdean distance metric, dt {Xt,X') Let us maximize to ({Ci, Ltj^g). dimension. Moreover / [N {N + < t of points in the set 0* for any number where Recall also that 1. elements). Therefore G* for any Q* is W + 2). = ( Xj X],=i is a compact metric space space with (-^'t ('') ~ ^t (i))" the product space of the Xj's oo (=1 I Clearly the sequence {cf [6^) to the subset of Now X. which ((9*) therefore topology is it is , (e.g., (10), (11), also compact oo A't+i,^^}^^^ must belong to X. Lr fact, satisfy (10), (11), by Tychonoff's theorem product topology. Since X, and ,li and and (12), Dudlej', 2002, must belong denoted by X. Theorem 2.2.8), (12) are (weak) inequalities, in the it X product topology. Moreover, X is X is compact in the a closed subset of with the product meterizable, with the metric oo d{X,X')=Y,^'di{XuXl) £=1 44 (51) some (j) topology is for G compact X is X This shows that endowed with the product X. is the set of probabihty measures defined over a compact metric space weak topology. in the defined over We {-YJJ^g e X. a metric space, and so Prom Theorem A2, is X = and (0,1) compact in the are concerned not with information revealed up to weak topology. all probability measures, but those that condition at = Let C t. {{cj.) e Mr < : < c < c, < I possible consumption-labor allocations for agents, so that P°° defined above probability measures over C°°. of A'' + Now, Thus each element consists of j¥ + thus closed. Consider 1 each t gN and C (• | d*'^) = [((610 probability measures for each type V = UtenUe'eQ''^' closed subset of a compact space in the for 6*'"-^ is compact (9, C ^*-^), | for V let is t on be the set of 1} the set of is all be the space [d^^^] an individual with history ..., ((fi'./v | 0*'^)] in a given their past reports, [^'~^]' w^'ich (e.g., 6*^\ e 1-tuples of probability measures on Borel subsets of of reports 9^-\ 7^°° This establishes that the set of probability measures a closed subset of Dudley, 2002, Theorem 2.2.2), P* d''~^, V^. V is [0*-^] and is Since a compact weak topology. Finally, choosing <p < P hi (51) shows that the objective function continuous in the weak is This establishes that including randomizations, we have a maximization problem topology. over probabilitj' measures in which the objective function and the constraint set is compact in the is continuous in the weak topology, weak topology, and thus there exists a probability measure that reaches the maximum. Properties of W({Ct, Ltj^o) We now that in established the all the proofs main properties we assume that of W({Ct,L/})^Q). The only the solution to the maximization problem (9) regular point. This needs to be imposed an assumption, since the solution since if is it is is shifts is toa regular point are not at regular points in this context are "non-generic," though mathematical statement of not a strong one, is increasing in Ls for a.ny (i.e., solutions that we do not present a precise property to economize on further notation and space). this U{{Ct, Li}'^^) continuous and concave on s and A°°_, differentiable in {Ct,Li} Proof. The above argument established that and at a not at their regular point, a perturbation of the utility functions or the production function should ensure that the solution to (10), (11), is is not possible to check that indeed at a regular point. Nevertheless, this assumption the solution Lemma A2 additional restriction in the (12) over probability measures, a 45 nondecreasing in Cg and non- oo problem of maximizing maximum exists (9) subject and U{{Ct, Lt}^Q) is therefore well defined. To show and (C\L^) and corresponding C°,C^- concavity, consider (C°,L°) We have [{uicJ-e)-u{cJ;e))C{dic,l)J) = a (u(c, j 9) /; - u(c, /; 9))C{d{c, I), + 6) - (1 a) I (u(c, 6) /; - u{c, e)K\d{c, I; I), 9) > In a similar is feasible and way we can show that C" it gives the same satisfies (10), (11), Next, note that the constraint set expands U must be weakly increasing in + u{9) utility as a(^^ if (1 — and a)^^ C^ increases or Cs and weakly decreasing in Al to conclude that Lemma A3 A'^ is U{{Ct,Lt}^Q) is (9) decreases for any is defined over a is {Ct,Lt}Zo and feasible for {Cm}Zo {a{Ct,Lt}'^Q + Now respectively. — (1 for A~ space. we can use Theorem and some C°,C^ any a £ (0,1) C" a) {Cf^LJI^g), so that this set is = a<° + feasible (1 - a)C^ non-empty. Moreover, it as well. Similarly, (" the constraits on aggregate {Cf, Lt}'^^. (Compactness) For any sequence {Cl',Ly}^Q G exists a sequence {C"}f^o corresponding to A°°, {Q", I^lSo ~* {'^T'^'^JZo' there {C^,L2]'^q, such that C" —> incentive compatibility, aggregate constraints and feasibility, therefore closed. Banach compact and convex. since C°iC^ satisfy the incentive compatibility, constraints, C" satisfies satisfies therefore {Ct,L/}^Q, completing the proof. differentiable in Proof. (Convexity) Consider {Ct,Lt}^o a^d {C',,L[}'^q e for s, L.,. at their regular point, is convex combination u{9). L,, Finally, returning to the original topology, W({C/, L^JJ^q) Given the assumption that the solution to (12), this Boundedness follows from boundedness of C and C°°i satisfying the {C^,Lf°}'^Q e A^ is b L. Proof of Theorem 4 Proof. I'he part is once we establish that (5 first By Theorem 2, identical to — ^p. The Theorem 3 and Parts 2 and 3 follow readily rest of the proof est,ablishes that the best sustainable mechanism /3 also solves in the = We now 3 in this case. problem of maximizing (15) subject to incentive compatibility constraints (32), as well as (16) sequence {Ct,Lt}'^^^). (/p Theorem and (17) (for a given write this quasi-Mirrlees program explicitly taking into ac- count randomizations. To simplify exposition, we focus on randomizations across individuals and ignore randomizations across (e.g., different levels of Xt'S- Applying Caratheodory's Theorem Proposition 1.3.1 in Bertsekas, Nedic and Ozdaglar, 2003, pp. 37-38) to the problem of 46 providing a certain level of utility to each type at a given date, finite number finite consumption each 771 of consumption G Mt [0) consumption levels for (6) type 6 at time by c™ level will each type levels for be Mt t G G [9) for G (9 levels for and denote the probability that /,, be given to an individual who has announced program can be written Let the set of these Denote these consumption Finally, let us denote the probability that an individual will quasi-Mirrlees on a sufficient to focus at each date. [6). and time it is his this type as 9 by g^ {9). Then the be of type 9 hy n (9). as oo ^i{Ct.Lt}^= m{9) m.{0) max qr'iO)u{cr'{0),l^ ,.f'\9) l^7r{9)l_^P^ eee it,m(e)eM,(s),eee--" {cr-<'',c<''}, — (=0 ' , m(fl)eM((e) subject to the incentive compatibility constraints (equivalent of (32)), which take the form oo m{B) m{e) rnie) E/5*^(^) qr'{0)uicr'{o)jr'ie)\ 'qf'\9)u(^cf'\9),lf'\9)\9y t=0 t=o & for all 9 Q and 9 £ Q, and versions of E E E E and (16) q-^'^ m(0)eMt(e) (17), which take the form [9) cr^^) {9) < 7r(0)(?r^^^6?)/r^'^0) > n {9) Ct (52) (53) e€Gm(6l)6M((e) for all t. Denote the multiplier of ~ implies that lAct ({Qi -^tlt^o) straints be denoted = that r}{9,9*) "^t- (52) by ^^^ ^^^^ by vW^,^]. There for all 9 <£ Q. allocations in the quasi-Mirrlees Then Then, the A,, differentiability of 1 -|- Yle^d* V (^*!^) type 9* will exist a typically the highest type 0jv, such , program imply = ^^^re is u, we denote bounded by feasibility (9) exists). i^t (9) /J" , Fix a sequence {mt {9*)} such that mt {9*) G a sequence clearly (^)}t^o ^^^ Mt \ 9j [9*] for all in particular, limsupt_ooUc (c^ case, P*u*ri. ip t (0, 1) : the proofof the theorem, plinif^oo Q'^^c = 0} = and limsupf. a 47 is _gr^''^>0(such IS /J f=u f=0 \ {9*) is \9*\ = and hminft_oo"c it* sandwiched between w*?7 or limsupj_^Qo/?~'At Z^) and u rj. a bounded stochastic sequence. sufficiently large, \t = by ?*),/"""-^^'^(r {9*) ,1^^ Therefore, either limsup(_^/3'~^\t =inf{ g G t it m,(0-) Then, every subsequence of u^ exist. This implies from (54) that for and is > 1. bounded, and (54) Xt. a constant independent of time and rn{9) \ Lf}^g) the first-order conditions with respect to consumption Since the (stochastic) sequences {c( (0)}^o ^^^ continuously differentiable, ({Ct, multipliers for the incentive competently to con- 0'uc{cf\9*),lf\9*)\9*) Note that W estabhshing that ^ = = j3. u*fj. /3*u*Ti In either This completes mt(6') (^*),' (cf . Appendix B: Proofs for Section 9 Proof of Theorem 6 The proof of this Proposition theorem follows the structure of the proofs of The main 1. difference here is Lemma Theorem 1, and 1 that instead of replacing the politician, citizens play a null strategy of supplying zero labor. Proof. Define the following combination. Denote zero consumption to xt^s y'-*'^) = ^t-s a\ = and M/_5 f/^'"'') Q, which means that and 7^ d, if h'~'^ then r involves Xt involves ^^ A = fJ 1, difference M,^s == {K[j_-^,c[ \ M*j each citizen for /V"\ then a\ = and for all = <fi for all G H', and Lemma 1 Alt. with type 6] ^ € 6q to and [0, 1] > for all s We 0. if \ , some other strategy that /V"i if is 1", x ^) (0 = to show that there time tit t Suppose that and has capital stock Kt, and show that a deviation by an involves supplying positive labor individual, output F {Kt,el'), since 6* G and there will ^ 0, > 1. Then (45) with A't+i = 0, for all s (1 — since p) (since be no labor supply for any Now /', all with x {^' imagine a deviation to a message that corresponds to \ (^l ) > X [^ \ &'t — ) ^ by definition. This other agents are supplying zero labor. Now the seciueiitially rational stiategy of the government since there will be no production will generate imagine the behavior = q® of the government at the last stage of the game, conditional on qJ^.^ and i' not profitable is obtains utihty u (0) / i' exists a I type in the continuation game). positive labor supply, say for all it cf we need a continuum of agents). Without the deviation, from Assumption /i'~\ /V'^ then 7^ (we think of an individual with positive measure s deviating, and take the limit £ there = if /i*~^ agents supply zero labor. first if a= [a a®), for h*'"^ = h}~^ then the citizens, e fP\ and h* the following strategy we have that /i'- that is the government has announced a submechanism foi" ^1^ * (1) for t, = cj all — ^^ Then 0. = Let h} a®; (2) for the pohtician, F, such that = Xt, Mt = Mt, and = F {Kt, Lf) for all h' from the proof with alU: for ^-^ i > for all s sequentially rational continuation play in which <^t+s cf be the mapping that allocates individuals irrespective of past and current reports. all combination would ensure vf some = c.[ in future periods. for all is to G i [0, 1] maximize Consequently, the utility-maximizing program of the government in the information set following the deviation is: max {l-a)v subject to xt + (xt) + a Jd't (c* {at (0*))) history of reports up to time of [u {c[ (z* {a, {9')))) ^J Assumption l\ t dG* [9^) -^ {h (-' {o, {9'))) < F{Kt,sl'), where recaU by an individual of type this expression is concave in 48 c for 0* \ 9^)] that dG' (0^)) 2* {ot {9^)) given strategy profile a. any strategy profile a, so the , is the In view optimal policy for the government in this information set not consume equally across agents, itself) This implies that as £ -^ /3 (u -X (0) (0 strategy profile where Now all 0, and thus the < (u /3) cj (2' i.e., (0) -X (0 I consumption (what to redistribute = (qj [6'))) for all Ci deviaition payoff of - C*'')) / (1 agents supply zero labor is i' is u offers Mf ^ Mt, one imphcitly agreed = a^ equilibrium, Qj+j for all G i [0, 1] .x). and is - ( G Z^. 6''] /' \ First, | + imagine the beginning of time at the than the t Given the above-constructed continuation > for all s a best response against this is — a® Since maximal punishments are optimal, aj^^ deviation. > plan (Af, in the social (0) (a, (S^')) does sequentially rational. mechanism a different i-e., .;' it showing that a continuation /3), consider two different types of deA'iations by the government. government all s - ^'')) / (1 I ^ 0, c^ is for all i £ and [0, 1] for optimal against this deviation, implying that such a deviation would never be profitable for the government. Second, the government can deviate at the last stage of time all i e [0, 1] and > for all s 1 the is maximal sequentially rational t. Again aj+j Thus the optimal deviation further production. punishment against such lor the government involves /\(+i again exploiting the concavity of the government's continuation payoff in is ol^ for Consequently, after any deviation by the government, there will not be any a deviation. constraint — equivalent c, = 0, and the sustainability to: (55) 00 :i - + aE,+, [\ a)v[xt+,) - x \u (c, (3* (q, [Q')))) {k {z' {ot (0'))) I ^t)] dG' s=0 > max (1 - a) v {xA + x[+c[<F{Kt,Lt) r* and a* we can = Theorem (a* uc, (9') dG' (6') for ah t. 1 a') for pair of strategy profiles F and a, exactly the same argument as implies that there exists another pair of equilibrium strategy profiles some a' such that F* induces direct submechanisms. Consequently, write (55), in terms of a direct mechanism, which gives (46). Finally, the able | / J Now, given an equilibrium in the proof of a same argument mechanism is as in the proof of Proposition 1 implies that the best sustain- a solution to maximizing (9) subject to (10), (11), and the sustainability constraints of the government given by (46). a Proof of Theorem 7 Proof. Suppose again that there are iV + order of skills, and with respective l types, i.e., 9 probabilities {7ro,7ri, 49 =^ {^o, ^1, ..., 7r,v}. •1 ^nJi ranked in ascending Given the assumptions of the [6') theorem (and again suppressing /I'-dependence for the best sustainable mechanism tlie program as: N oo E^^' E ,. . U<,^n/^^^ we can write to simplify notation), -' [- (^.(^,0) -X (^^ (^,:) I ^.)] subject to the constraints 5^/3' for all E = i for all e,)] X- (It {9:.) I > Y,0'' i (1 -X ik (Or-i) I - + alf2^^[u a) V i^t+s) (ct+s {9r)) -X ih+s {9^) \ 9,)] ]\>V (A'j, and that /:, The first set Theorem + +> A'i+i 5, > C( (0.;) 7r,-u (ct {9i)) <F\Kt,} \ for all i and and t > X( TTJt {9,. I (57) for all (58) 9,) i=i / t. of constraints, (56), ensure incentive compatibility for the citizens. there 6, Assumption truthful revelation along the equilibrium path. is implies that abled type, ^0, where type we only need one constraint i for mSiXx' +c' <F(Kt,Li) (1 for ~ '^) ''-' each type other than the could deviate to claim to be type (^t) + <^Yl-i=o^i'^ic't {9i)), and i — The second 1. finally, (1998) and form ihe Lagrangian: N oo ^ = Marimon E/5'E^d"(ct(e.:))-Xa*(^,:)I^O] t=0 i =l oo 'V r + Y, /3Vt (1 t=0 - ") vixt) + 5^ a oo i=o Ku^n,!, /x,_i)V \ Af {a {9,)) -x {U {9,) \ 9i)] J N / - [u i=l [ -J2(i'i,^t ^ TT,: \ {9i \ 0,) / 7:=i oo C ,;=1 i (=0 oo C t=o 1, N / .¥ (=1 \ 7:=i 50 dis- set of V{Kt,Lt) = the last set of constraints, each date, impose the aggregate resource constraint. again follow Marcet and Given This, together with constraints, (57), one for each date, impose sustainability, with the definition We Lt) and t, 7:=o one (56) 9,)] I xt for all [« (c/ (^,-i)) l,...,N, P*^' s=0 - [u (ct (0,)) \ ^ . where and i For the is the multiplier on the incentive-compatibility constraint of type on the resource constraint at time plier all A^ /3* t and > xt > for all 0, terms and defining Aq = and Xt + (1 4- ajd^) TTiu' {ct (d,)) + (1 + a/i,) - [fif- - (A,; we can take - + {X,x' (k [0,,) e,) I extended real First line. - an allocation with — > r/*, above maximization problem with Combine we have that 1 ,, Both that |J^ — > 00 implies that as + /li^ — > oo, and i + — > c* » we must have It this also implies that as t — > oo, oo, (59) t, 0.+i)) \ 0, ...TV for all and ah (60) t, (61) t, (62) possesses a unique limit point on the then (59)- (62) establishes that there for all i, and — xi — oo. > x* > , which distortions in {9^) > _ ~ S Mt fact that and Mt+i > x; _ - < fj-t+i- i' ^ i = — /i(_,_i — > /ij " / > /ij — and that A^v+i oo. » = 1 + V »' ,(.n\ ^^'^' • v'{xH-i) > fact that /ij^j The hypothesis |J,^> 0. to obtain: = > u' (c, {9,)) oo, |c( (&,) 0, ,..TV. From for = disabled). Cj {Oi) | any solution to the 0, -- by the /i-j t exist To obtain a contradiction suppose that + i^lLZ^rt' TT.,' i and ah t. show that there does not (Ct {9,)) {9i) [ l* become 9q would claim to have < jj* » it ai^i-t) for all c* J, [0,) = i to oo implies that as establishes that ct{9.;) implies that —^ ih^L^u' TTiil fact that t some (59) for n' {Ct {Oi)) Oi 7^ — /n^ sides of this equation are strictly positive Next combine The for all Cj ^70^7) . for all for all rjt and using the ^) ^N J + — X,+ix' ih 0, ...TV . /i( (59) for type TV with (62) (by definition), ^ a) v' [xt) Ct {Oi) we need the proof, - = i + 1-j^Fk [Ku Lt) - r^m^x = disappear as claimed in the theorem. To complete for all 9^) \ {Ki,Lt) iltT^iFi suppose that ??, = 7?t7r,: a nondecreasing sequence, thus is exists - Lt) (1 p.t Recall that {fifj^Q for 0, yield: {Ci [6,)) Vk {Ku Mt-i) = - Xi+i)u n,x' ik {Or) - > c,, (6*,:) first-order conditions, which, after canceling out and A/v+i ^it-i) tTjVl {Ki, Lt) (Mt ha,ve left the constraints that the multi- implicit. t > (Oi) Ct and we t, z, /3''r]^ is all i — (1-1- ci {0,/)] 51 i = {9,)) (64) -^ 0. This argument then the freedom of labor supply, this also 1, ...TV, since otherwise at From Assumption for all (r, a^,J 0, ...TV and 2 ,C( some point all and the resource constraint, J. 0. NoM', suppose all i and all > t first t' We mechanism. for that - l* some t' have that and < We oo. for all > t continuation utility of the government However, by hypothesis, Moreover, from would prefer Ct'-i (64), Ct'^i {9,,) to deviate at equal consumption across {9-,) t' all = c* show that will t' , is (1 > are reached in iinite time, Ct[9i) - u a) = (0) / (1 for at least some i and remain at (1 — a) u (0) / (1 — individuals Cf-i (i.e., and and so there z, {9i) 5). — — Ct {9i) [ and but [9;) [ 0, /( (64) implies that, as long as au' (0) 7^ (1 — = q [9,) a) v' (0), > and some i — (0 so the T) = 0)- - t' 1. ^ This C(,_j). Ct'-i {6i') for onwards would 0, it still proves that there Hence, in finite time. it Then, combining (63) t. j 0, /^^ t' > t/ for all ^-,.|.i 0, the output between Xt and = c* = Xt and x (since Cf-i {9;) 1 and for implies that the government Since this argument applies for any /* — {9i) positive output at is c*,_j for all /,' = w (0) 5) (since and i continuation utility from its cannot be a sustainable mechanism that reaches must be the case that for all (0.,;') in the original allocation), i' = for some i and i'. This ^ Cf'_i — 1 to £,ti^i = 1, and redistribute deviation will necessarily increase government utility at all - Cfi cannot be part of a sustainable this [Oj) U i.e., contradicting — > /j.^ 00, and thus establishing the theorem. Proof of Theorem Proof. In 8 this case, the best sustainable mechanism can be represented as the solution to the following maximization problem: MAX2 : max U^^'^= {c,,(-),(/.(-)-n,A',,H-i}^o subject to the E initial capital stocl-c A'o X^<5^ {(1 > E X] /?'«(c. 0, (10), (11) - a)v{xt+,) + au /tM (('?'')), I ^j) /=o (c, {{0''')) and the modified sustainability constraint, Jt {9''') \ >v{F{Kt,Lt)), 9"^} (65) ,s=0 which again takes into account that after deviation there will be zero labor supply and thus the highest continuation value of the government after deviation is denote the Lagrange multipliers on the sustainability contraint by and rewrite MAX2 MAXo U'^-'*^^ : ^'' [F {Kt,Lt)). As t^V'ti with ^.^ = before, /Hj_i + il^i, recursively as max E X:^'n (c, {{9^'^')).k {9'') Lt=o + J2 v {l^t (1 - a) vixt) - (M, - ,.H-MF{Kt., f=0 r-,2 Lt))} i 9]) + f,,5'au (c, {{9"^)) ,1, (^'*) subject to (10) and (11). by {a**}- which is Then Denote the Lagrange inultipliers in the solution to this as in the text, consider the quasi-Mirrlees program corresponding to problem MAX2, given by Y,{P' + {ci.{0'),h{n}T=, ^H5'a)u{ctie^-*),lt{0''')\Ol] t=Q subject to (11), and the two additional constraints, j ct{e')dG{e')<Ct, and Jlt{9')dG{9') >Lt. Here U {{Ct, Lt}'^^; except that it is arguments as {Mt }(^o) ^^^ exactly the as U {{Cf, Li jgg) in the text, sequence of Lagrange multipliers. Then, with the same also a function of the in the text, the same interpretation maximization problem MAX2 becomes 00 max U{{Cu L,}^o; {m* ll^o) + E ^' {a'* (1 - a) v{x,) - {,,; - f,UHF{I<u Lt))} subject to (10) and (65). Proceeding as in the Using the definition of (1 which is - proof of Theorem if, this 3, we obtain can be rewritten as = a) 6'v'{x*) Mt '^* < - M<+: '^'+' identical to (31) in the proof of = 7; (1 - Theorem 3, yields the conclusions in the theorem. In particular, and distortions disappear. If, on the other hand, f > and asymptotic distortions remain, a 53 ,, , rt+i ,, a) 5'+'v'{x*) and the 5, i ^ 00, rest of that proof applies '-p = 5, /j.(_^j > fi* when as then we must have and those t/'j > — i — jU* as and > jl* > 00 A References Abreu, Dilip (1988) "On rica, 56, the Theory of Repeated Games with Discounting" Economet- 383-396. Acemoglu, Daron (2007) "Modehng Advances in Economic Inefficient Institutions," Theory. Proceedings of World Congress 2005, edited by Richard Blundell, Whitney Newey, and Torsten Persson, Cambridge University Press. 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