Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/dynamiceffectsofOOblan working paper department of economics THE DYNAMIC EFFECTS OF AGGREGATE DEMAND AND SUPPLY DISTURBANCE Olivier Jean Blanchard Danny Quah No. 497 May 1988 The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbances. by Olivier Jean Blanchard and Danny Quah * February 1988. * Both authors are with the Economics Department, MIT, and the NBER. We thank Stanley Fischer, Rotemberg, and Mark Watson for helpful discussions, and the NSF for financial assistance. We are grateful for the comments of participants at an NBER Economic Fluctuations meeting, and for the Julio also hospitality of the MIT Statistics Center. The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbances. by and Danny Quah EkonomicB Department, MIT. February 1988. Olivier Jean Blanchard Abstract We decompose the behavior of GNP and unemployment dynamic into the effects of shocks: shocks that have a permanent effect on output and shocks that do not. £rst as supply shocks, the second as We £nd ment; the dynamic that effect demand peaks after a and a plateau Thb is bump shaped effect on both output and unemploy- year and vanishes after two to three years. on unemployment of demand disturbances effect interpret the shocks. disturbances have a effect of supply disturbances ment. demand We two types of is a mirror Up to a scaJe factor, the image of that on output. The on output increases steadily over time, to reach a peak after two years after five years. "Favorabie" supply disturbances may initially increase followed by a decline in unemployment, with a slow return over time to unemployits original value. While this dynamic characterization contributions of series of of the demand and supply is fairly sharp, the data are not as specific as to the relative disturbances to output fluctuations. Wis find that the time demand-determined output Buctuations has peaks and troughs which coincide with most NBER troughs and peaks. But variance decompositions of output at various horizons giving the respective contributions of supply and demand disturbances instance, at a forecast horizon of four quarters, contribution of demand we End that, are not precisely estimated. For under alternative assumptions, the disturbances ranges from 30 to 80 per cent. Introduction. GNP In response to an innovation in This fact horizons. is of 1%, one should revise one's forecast by more Ihan 1% over long documented by Campbell and Mankiw {1987a), building on earlier work by Nelson and Plosser (1982). What in the does this statistical fact economy, its implications would be clear; disturbances are, and But as if, is likely, mean for macroeconomics? why GNP is their dynamic affected by effects all If there were only one we would need of disturbance do would be to find what those have the shape characterized by Campbell and Mankiw. more than one main type of disturbance, say and by aggregate supply disturbances, the interpretation becomes more moving average representation of output the two disturbances. knowing only the aggregate Clearly, to main type difficult. In by aggregate demand that case, the univariate a combination of the dynamic response of output to each of is Campbell and Mankiw show that effect does not allow us to recover those two GNP is equally consistent with, for example, either white noise productivity growth and small, short-lived, effects of demand responses. GNP, disturbances on effects of We demand or instead, with serially correlated productivity growth and larger, serially correlated, disturbances. are interested in investigating the on output behavior that this as well as of disturbances that in is the their estimated univariate representation for permanent component are dynamic effects of disturbances that have permanent impact. Studies that impose necessEirily incapable of addressing this issue the interesting characterization to obtain). serial correlation the components are orthogonal at permcinent component is we feel strongly Allowing the permanent component to have rich all decomposed into permanent and transitory components where leads and lags, and such that the variance of the first difference of the either impose additional a priori restrictions on the response of output to each of the disturbances, or use information from time series other than first (and random walk arbitrarily close to zero. To proceed, one must The strict however destroys identification to a profound extent: Quah (1988) shows how any general difference stationary process can always be tation. have only transitory impact approach has been followed in GNP, and estimate a multivariate represen- Clark (1987a), and Watson (1986) adopts the second approach and considers the joint behavior of GNP among others. This paper and unemployment. This approach has 3 ako been taken mainly in its in Clark (1987b), Campbell and Mankiw (1987b), and Evans (1986); our approach differs choice of identifying restrictions. Not surprisingly, we find our restrictions more appealing than theirs. Our approach is assume that neither has a long run run We conceptually straightforward. effect eissume that there are two kinds of disturbances. We on unemployment. assume however that the on output while the second does not. These assumptions are effect first We has a long sufficient to just identify the two types of disturbances, their time series and their dynamic effects on output and unemployment. WhUe the disturbances are defined by the identification restrictions, we believe that they can be given a simple economic interpretation. We think of the disturbances that have a long run effect on output as being mostly productivity shocks. We think of the disturbances that have no such long run effect as being mostly non-productivity-induced demand disturbances. as well as We find this interpretation useful supported by the results of the paper. For short, (and we hope, not too misleadingly) these types of disturbances as aggregate supply and aggregate Under these identification restrictions terization of fluctuations: ment; the effect and reasonable, effect demand and demand disturbances disturbances have a hump shaped effect peaks after a year and vanishes after two to three years. respectively. is a mirror on both output and unemploy- Up to a scale factor, the image of that on output. The in may initially increase unemployment, with a slow return over time to While this contributions of dynamic characterization demand and supply is its unemployment. This the we all NBER supply Eifter five followed by a decline original value. fairly sharp, the data are not as specific as to the relative disturbances to output fluctuations. the time series of demand-determined output fluctuations, that putting is dynamic effect of disturbances on output increases steadily over time, to reach a peak after two years and a plateau years. "Favorable" supply disturbances refer to economic interpretation, we obtain the following charac- this on unemployment of demand disturbances we is On the one hand, we find that the time series of output constructed by supply disturbance realizations equal to zero, has peaks and troughs which coincide with most of troughs and peaks. But, when we turn to variance decompositions of output at various horizons, find that the respective contributions of supply and demand disturbances are not precisely estimated. For instance, at a forecast horizon of four quarters, we find that, under alternative cissumptions, the contribution 4 of demand disturbances ranges from 30 to 80%. The paper has pretation of the disturbances. of demand and supply contributions of 1. 1 discusses identification. Section 2 discusses our economic inter- Section 4 characterizes the Section 3 discusses estimation. disturbances on output and unemployment. demand and supply disturbances to fluctuations in dynamic effects Section 5 characterizes the relative output and unemployment. Identification. We assume that there but may two types of disturbances are long run effect on either all Section five sections. have a long run affecting unemployment and output. The unemployment or output. The second has no long run effect on output. We at length in the next section, we refer to the first as As indicated no on unemployment, assume further that these disturbances are uncorrelated leads and lags. These restrictions in effect define the two disturbances. and discussed effect first heis at in the introduction, demand disturbances and to the second as supply disturbances. We now and U how discuss these restrictions identifj- the two disturbances and their denote the logarithm of our assumptions imply that the GNP first and the level of difference of dynamic unemployment, respectively. As Y AY, , and the level of will effects. Let Y be clear below, unemployment, U, have a jointly stationary bivziriate autoregressive representation: D{L)Xt where with X denotes the 2x1 vector = where D(0) vt, \AY U]' uncorrelated, with v = [vy vu] (1) is circle. The white =n (l) in lag operators D{L) is noise bivariate vector sequence of order n, t; is serially • Under our assumption that there equation I and E{vtvl) The matrix polynomial . determinantal roots outside the unit all = the reduced form of a are two types of disturbances in the model which describes the dynamic economy, demand and supply, effects of those disturbances on output and unemployment. The vector v comprises reduced form disturbances, which are linear combinations of these By model. demand and supply disturbances. specifying the reduced form as above, We we have already imposed a number of restrictions on the have required that neither of the two reduced form disturbances has a long run effect on 5 unemplojTnent; this implies effect in turn that neither of the two types of underlying disturbances has a long run on unemployment. By contrast, since in equation (1), it is the first The only restriction that disturbances have no long run effect on output. This demand and supply The it is is sides of equation (1) where is Ct by D[L)~^ the vector of uncorrelated, = C{L)vt, = D{L)-\ where C(L) e,t = We now Multiplying both = so that C{0) I. (2) demand and supply disturbance A{L)ct = demand loss of generality take the covziriance e.t] [cdt the supply disturbance. Given the assumption that , with e^t being the demand demand and supply disturbances matrix of e to be the identity matrix. disturbances have no long run effect on output implies that aii(l) show that our model demand = are The in equation disturbances in the output growth equation just identified is from the estimated reduced form. Combining equations (3) gives: Xt Thus, our model first Cf to zero. We now and (3) disturbances, In words, the coefficients on current and lagged must sum this demand gives: demand and supply we can without condition that The that is: disturbance and (2) is to have the key assumption that will allow us to identify the to obtain the moving average representation of the reduced form. Xt (3). is we have not yet imposed the other hand, the moving average representation corresponding to our model output which appears disturbances, and to recover interpretable dynamics from the reduced form. Xt On level of used. step first and not the we have allowed both reduced form disturbances, and thus both demand and supply, a long run effect on the level of output. show how difference is = A[L)et = just identified condition states that if C{L)vt, and only if where C(0) = /, and E[vtv't) there exists a unique matrix = CI. S such that Set = ^t and SS' = 5 a square root of the covariance matrix of the reduced form disturbances: is n, and A{L) = C[L)S and aii(l) = 0. imposes three restrictions on the four elements of S. The second imposes a linear restriction on the first 6 column of S. This the fourth restriction needed for identification. That restriction is <:ii(l)sii There always exists a Identification is S ci2{l)s2i that satisGes these = given explicitly by: 0. restrictions.''^ thus achieved by using a long run restriction. This raises a knotty technical issue. is well-known that, unique matrix + is in the It absence of precise prior knowledge of lag lengths, inference and restrictions on asymptotic behavior of the kind we are interested in here is delicate.^ More precisely, viewed in terms of Fourier transforms, the restriction immediately above operates on a zero measure interval of the range of frequencies, and so to is especially suspect. some 5-neighborhood It is of frequency zero, easy however to generalize this restriction to one that applies and then to perform estimation in the frequency domain. By imposing that the restriction holds over a frequency band, we would be using an overidentifying rather than just identifying restriction. limit of the results In its Under appropriate regularity conditions, from frequency domain estimation, summary, our procedure is as follows. moving average representation, equation moving average representation of the We (2). first We we can show that our results are the as S tends to zero. estimate the reduced form, equation then construct the matrix S, and use demand and supply disturbance model, equation it (l), and derive to recover the (3). ^ The proof is as follows. First obtain the Choleski factorization of Cl. Then any matrix .S is an orthonormal transformation of the Choleski matrix. The restriction on the first column imposed by aii(l) = determines the orthonormal transformation uniquely, up to column sign chcinges. This is the method we actually use to construct S. See for instance Sims (1972). We are extrapolating here from Sims's results which assume strictly We conjecture that similar problems arise in the VAR case. If anything, one would expect the difficulties to be compounded. Cochrane (1988) has also recognized this. exogenous regressors. 2. Interpretation. Interpreting residuals in small dimensional systems as "structural" disturbances interpretation of disturbances as supply and demand disturbajices is always perilous, and our is no exception. We discuss various issues in turn. Granting our assumption that the economy is affected by two main types of disturbances, productivity and non-productivity-induced demand shocks, one may reasonably argue that even demand disturbances have long run effects on output: changes affect the saving rate in the subjective and the long run capital stock and output. The presence learning by doing, also raises the possibility that all effects sample. effects in the We may that of supply shocks, a proposition we demand shocks may consider reasonable, our decomposition arbitrarily small relative to that of supply, the correct identifying is shown and of Even if in the technical appendix. This proposition well have such long run demand shocks effects of are small compared to "nearly correct" in the is following sense: in a sequence of economies where the size of the long run effect of use. This effects. well be sufficiently long lasting to be indistinguishable believe that on output. To the extent however that the long run may of increiising returns, demand shocks may have some long run they do not, their effects through capital accumulation from truly permanent discount rate, or changes in fiscal policy demand shocks becomes scheme approaches that which we actually is the ajialogue in our context to the "near identification" proposition in traditional approaches to identification. Granting our assumption that the economy permanent effects is affected on output, the other only with transitory following Prescott (1987), one might instead view the disturbances, will some with permanent and some with by two main types of disturbances, one with effects, alternative economy as being affected transitory effects on output. then identify those two disturbances. While this is interpretations are possible: Our by two types of supply identifying assumptions not our prefered interpretation, we shall briefly discuss our results under that alternative interpretation below. This raises a final set of issues constituting low dimensional dynamic system. having different dynamic effects problems inherent Suppose that, there are in fact in estimation and interpretation of any many on output and unemployment. Clearly, some with permanent and some with sources of shocks, each of if there are transitory effects on output, as well as many supply many demand them shocks, shocks, some 8 with permanent and some with transitory effects in aggregate fluctuations, our decomposition is likely to which aU or most supply shocks have permanent a transitory effect on output. the dynamic demand effects of We in general. One might hope show on output, and effects if they be meaningless. on output, and all all play an equally import2int role A more or interesting case is able to distinguish correctly disturbances from those of supply disturbances. This From conditions for this separation to occur. that in most demand shocks have only that, in this case, our procedure is unfortunately not true where we establish necessary and this explicitly in the technical appendix, is we the reasoning in the technical appendix, sufficient also see that there are important sets of circumstances under which our procedure does correctly identify the different effects of demand and must bear a stable supply. dynamic Roughly speaking, the Thus function confronting the different demand and supply components relation to each other, across the individual individual supply disturbances. of different if there demand is output and unemployment demand disturbances and only one supply disturbance, and there is interpretation of shocks is we find to subject to various caveats. be not at We across the a stable production disturbances, our procedure correctly isolates the disturbances. This particular set of conditions To summarize, our in believe dynamic all it effects unreasonable. nevertheless to be reasonable, and to be supported by the results presented below. We now briefly discuss the relation of our paper to others on the same topic. approach relates to the business-cycle-versus-trend distinction We first examine how our : Following estimation, we can construct two output series, a series reflecting only the effects of supply disturbances, obtained by setting only the effects of first series, is the supply stationary. A demand By is component demand disturbances to zero, and a series reflecting of output, will be non-stationary while the second, the By construction, the demand component, construction also, the two series are uncorrelated. in describing output movements is the "business cycle versus trend" distinction. no standard definition of these components, the trend that would realize, were all actual output around trend. A realizations of the disturbances, obtained by setting supply realizations to zero. standard distinction While there all its precise definition is usually taken to be that part of output prices perfectly flexible; business cycles are then taken to be the dyncimics of would obviously be tricky but is not needed for our argument. In models with 9 It is tempting to associate the first series we construct with the "trend" component second series with the "business cycle" component. In our view, that association are in fact imperfectly flexible, deviations from trend will arise not only also from supply disturbances: business another way, supply disturbances separately business cycles and trend is unwarranted. and the If prices from demand disturbances, but cycles will occur due to both supply will affect is of output and demand disturbances. Put both the business cycle and the trend component. Identifying likely to be difficult, as the two will be correlated through their joint dependence on current and past supply disturbances. With this discussion in mind, we now review the approaches to identification used by others. Campbell and Mankiw (1987b) assume the existence of two types of disturbances, "trend" and "cycle" disturbances, which are assumed to be uncorrelated. Their identifying restriction bances do not affect unemployment. The discussion above suggests that between cycle and trend components is unattractive; if their this is then that trend distur- assumption of zero correlation two disturbances are instead reinterpreted as supply and demand disturbances respectively, the identifying restriction that supply disturbances do not affect unemployment is equally unattractive. Clark (1987b) also assumes the existence of "trend" and "cycle" disturbances, and also assumes that "trend" disturbances do not affect unemployment but allows for contemporaneous correlation between trend and cycle disturbances. While the dynamic this is effects of disturbances The paper closest to ours is an improvement over Campbell and Mankiw, on output and unemployment nor demand on the of a as supply reduced form identical to equation are difficult to interpret. (1) and demand disturbances respectively. By above, he also assumes that neither supply disturbances have a long run effect on unemployment, but that both level of output. may have a long run effect However, instead of using the long run restriction that we use here, he assumes that supply disturbances have no contemporaneous way ways that severely constrains that of Evans (1986). Evans assumes two disturbances, "unemployment" and "output" disturbances, which can be reinterpreted assuming the existence in it still of achieving identification; it effect on output. We find this restriction less appealing as a should be clear however that our paper builds on Evans' work. imperfect information, this would be the path of output, absent imperfect information. In models with nominal rigidities, this would be the path of output, absent nominal rigidities. In models that assume market clearing and perfect information, such as Prescott (1987), the distinction between business cycles and trend is not a useful one. 10 Estimation. S. One problem needs to be confronted before estimation. final assumes that both the around given level of possibility is in the US. This raises a that, in fact, hysteresiB studied by We A second possibility bances. The first, if Summers and coauthor do not consider is it number unemployment disturbances, or by both. This might occur approach. difference of the logarithm of first The unemployment data suggest however levels. over the post war period One unemployment and the The representation we use for a small secular increase in This would require an altogether different modeling (1986).* that there are, in addition to which might include changes demand in productivity, in the disturbances, two types of supply distur- has long run effects on output but not on composition of the labor force, changes in is substantially more is what we do below, by using the residuals to estimate equation unemployment of (1). first regressing of results, those obtained removing this this is the case, is than what we want to do. one strategy A short cut, to allow for a deterministic time trend unemployment on a The estimated time trend 3.6% over the post war period. As we If from demand and two from supply, and difficult equilibrium unemployment drifts slowly through time, unemployment. This unemployment further here. characterize their dynamic effects. This in are stationary example the economy were characterized by the type of to postulate the existence of those three disturbances, one if (l) permanently affected by either supply or demand is search technology and so on, does have long run effects on unemployment. acceptable GNP equation of issues. unemployment. The second, which might include changes would be in and implies an increase in equilibrium find this estimate to be high, estimated trend from unemployment (which removed" case below), those obtained removing a trend with slope equal linear time trend we we report three sets shall call the "trend to half of the estimated value ("half trend removed"), and those obtained not removing any trend ("no trend removed"). We estimate 1950-2 to 1987-2. twelve lags with the * first five We equation We little (l) using quarterly data for real GNP and the aggregate unemployment rate from present the results of estimation allowing for eight lags. difference Ln the results. years, as the We also (We performed estimation with experimented with estimating the system omitting Korean War era seems anomalous. Again, the empirical results remain practically understand their argument as applying more to Europe than to the post war US. 11 unchajiged.) to Evans The system is the same as that estimated We for a description of the characteristics of the estimated autoregressive system.. interpreting the dynamic effects of supply cind 4. by Evans, with a longer sample; we refer the reader Dynamic The dynamic effects of effects of demand demand and supply disturbances. disturbances. demand and supply disturbances and are reported in Figures 1 correspond to the case where half of the estimated unemployment trend The corresponding before estimation of the joint process.^ directly turn to is These 2. figures removed from unemployment figures for the other two cases are for the most part simil2ir, and are given in the Appendix. Differences between the three sets of results will be pointed out in the text. The upper part of Figure on output and unemployment. unemployment on the now with one standard The Y scale for the logarithm of unemployment other; we is is given on the of the the scale for left, gives point estimates of the dynamic effects dynamic responses, but hump shaped effect on output and unemployment. depending on the treatment of the unemployment trend. The fully The size of the effect removed. The responses effects are consistent on output and unemployment, in in on output is Their effects of largest in the case effects peak demand then when the trend output and unemployment are mirror images of each with a traditioneJ view of the dynamic effects of aggregate which movements in aggregate demand build up until the demand adjustment of and wages leads the economy back to equilibrium. Supply disturbances have an effect on the level of output which cumulates steadily over time. We have chosen to present the figures for this case in the text not because we because the results are -not surprisingly- in between those of the two other cases. in demand disturbance return to this aspect of the results below after discussing the effects of supply disturbances. These dynamic prices 1 output effects of a deviation bands around those estimates.® decline to vanish after 8 to 14 quarters. in dynamic and U. Figure 2 again provides point estimates disturbances have a after 2 to 4 quarters, gives point estimates of the right. Similarly, the lower part of Figure of a supply disturbance on Demand 1 like it The best but simply More precisely, these figures give the square root of mean squared deviations from the point estimate 1000 bootstrap replications. Thus, the bands need not be and indeed are not symmetric. In every case, entire pseudo-histories are created by drawing with replacement from the empirical distribution of the VAR mnovations. These calculations were performed using a combination of RATS and S on a Sun workstation running UNIX BSD 4.2. responses to demand CD d CNJ d C\J d --0.5 to 10 30 20 responses to 40 supply m d LO d LO 10 20 30 40 output response to demand output response to supply o CM ^ CM q LO CO o ?\ > ' CD d ^ o /• • \'^ V, ' 1- \ ^ /• v.\ ;. '•..... /• q - • 'l ^- /• / _ • ^ C\J d - ,' w \\ > IT) / /• C\J 1 / ^ \ 1 / d • \ d / 1 10 1 1 1 20 unempi response 1 30 to 1 1 q o 40 1 , 1 10 1 1 . 20 demand unempi response o d J 30 1 u 40 to supply CM d o d CM d CM d d CD d d 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 12 peak response is about two to three times the initial effect aind tiikes decreases to stabilize eventually at two thirds of its quite different: a positive supply disturbance (that may on output) a few quarters, initially increase The response of Nominal real. rigidities to maintain constant new higher Figure as can explain demand does employment; unemployment is, why to its Eire in original steady state value. by about reversed after The dynamic effects of response to a positive supply shock, say an increase in wage real rigidities can explain which persists why increases in productivity can lead to until real wages have caught up with the 1 also sheds interesting light on the relation between changes in unemployment and output known yields a coefficient of -2.4, the absolute value of is a mongrel which coefficient, as the joint is output on annual changes in known as suggests that there indeed a tight relation between output and unemployment. implied coefficient is is roughly equal to 2, its initial rise or fall; in coefficient. disturbances exactly what In the short run, output increases, unemployment and output deviations are of opposite of the coefficient than Okun's is close to 4, higher in absolute value is higher for supply disturbances than for demand expect. Supply disturbances are likely to affect the relation between output and employment, and to increase output with we return of the unemployment of the implied coefficient we The absolute value 1 the long run, output remains higher whereas by assumption That the absolute value is Under lower than Okun's coefficient. In the case of supply disturbances, value. In the intervening period, and the absolute value coefficient. economy. In the case of demand disturbances. Figure no such close relation between output and unemployment. unemployment may Okun's in behavior of output and unemployment of disturbance affecting the Finally, effect suggestive of the presence of rigidities, both nominal depends on the type sign, run is not initially increase enough to match the increase in output needed after a few quarters, our interpretation, this coefficient returns to unemployment level of productivity. unemployment is effect five years. Okun's Law. In our sample, a regression of annual percentage changes there in The a supply disturbance that has a positive long are largely over unemployment and output productivity, aggregate a decrease Ln unemployment peak value. The dynamic response slightly. If this increase occurs, the effect is and unemployment slowly returns a supply disturbance on and unemployment place after eight quarters. little or no change in employment. to the issue of alternative interpretations of the data. Suppose for example that the 13 two disturbances we have effects, isolated were in fact both supply disturbances, the first having only the second having permanent effects, and that all the behavior of output and unemployment in What markets cleared under perfect information. interpretation could be given to the djTiamic responses given in Figure 1? bances should lead to strong intertemporal substitution temporary effects Temporary productivity distur- on labor supply, and this clearly could explain the upper part of Figure 1. As permanent disturbances to productivity cumulate over time, this could explain the dynamic effects of the disturbances on output in the lower part of Figure 1. The anticipation of higher productivity later would induce workers, in reaction to a positive innovation in productivity, to intertemporally substitute away from current work toward work in the future; this would explain the initial increase and the subsequent decline in absence of more information, the dynamic interpretations. effects presented in Figure 1 unemployment. Thus, in the are clearly susceptible to alternative Output fluctuations absent Demand CO C\J CO o CO CO r-* CO ->;}; o 1950 1960 1980 1970 Output fluctuations due to 1990 Demand, CD O CM O o CD O 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Unemployment 1950 1960 Unemployment fluctuations absent Demand. 1980 1970 fluctuations due to 1990 Demand, CO OJ o C\J CO 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 14 Relative contributions of 5. Having shown the dynamic demand and supply effects of disturbances. each type of disturbance, the next step contribution to fluctuations in output and unemployment. and entails a comparison of the We historical time series of the do this in is to assess their relative two ways. The demand component of first is informal, output to the NBER chronology of business cycles. The second examines variance decompositions of output and unemployment in demand and supply a. Demand disturbances at various horizons, distwrbcinceB and NBER buBiness cycles. estimation of the joint process for output and unemployment, and our identifying restrictions, we PYom can compute the demand components of output and unemployment. These are the time paths of output and unemployment that would have obtained innovations to zero, From we can generate demand component and supply components The time series 4 (unemployment). historical are of absence of supply disturbances. Similarly, by setting the time series of supply in the level of unemployment output The upper panel as vertical lines is output and unemployment. long run effect on output, the resulting stationary. corresponding to the "half-trend removed" case By the same token, both the demand is presented in Figures 3 (output) and presents the historical supply component, the lower panel presents the above the horizontal All three assumptions about the trend in component is in demand are stationary. demand component. Superimposed on drawn components demand disturbances have no the identifying restriction that series of the in the quite large, approaching 5% these time series are the axis, NBER peaks and troughs. Peaks troughs as vertical lines below the axis. unemployment yield qualitatively similar results. The demand on each side of the origin. (The demand component is larger on average in the "trend removed" case.) The peaks and troughs The two in of the demand component in output match closely the recessions of 1974-1975 and 1979-1980 deserve special mention. NBER peaks and troughs. Our decomposition about equal proportions to adverse supply and demand disturbances. This estimated values of the supply and demand innovations over these periods: is best attributes them shown by giving the 15 The 73-3 73-4 74-1 74-2 74-3 74-4 75-1 Cd -0.1 0.2 -0.8 0.9 -1.4 -1.2 -3.0 e. -1.6 -0.1 -1.0 -1.1 -1.4 0.4 1.2 79-1 79-2 79-3 79-4 80-1 80-2 Cd -0.7 1.1 0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -3.1 e. -0.6 -2.0 0.5 -0.9 0.9 -0.9 recession of 1974-75 of negative demand is therefore explained by an initial string of Similarly, the 1979-80 recession disturbances. negative supply disturbances, and then is first dominated by a large negative supply disturbance, and then a large negative demand disturbance. Without appearing to interpret every single residual, It may we find these estimated sequences of also simply be that the supply disturbances of these supply disturbances, such as changes short-run contractionary they as may look more demand like effect, in output and increases demand disturbances under our quite plausible. two periods were different from typical which dominate the sample. in productivity, with both declines in They had a stronger unemployment. As a identification restrictions, and are therefore result, classified disturbances.^ Notice that the supply component deterministic trend. to the supply component). demand component in output, presented in the upper panel in Figure Unemployment GNP. This of demand components is oil unemployment in unemployment fluctuations due to (the time trend demand correspond not a demand The model disturbances. is added back closely to those in the consistent with our earlier finding on the mirror image responses of unemployment and output growth to fluctuation in 3, is clearly exhibits slower growth in the late 1950's, as well as in the 1970's. It Figure 4 gives the supply and time of the demand and supply disturbances moving average attributes substantial to supply disturbances, again with increases in the late 1950's and around the disturbances of the 1970'e.^ This suggests extending the analysis to incorporate information from another variable. That variable would be chosen so that it itself is likely to react differently to supply and demand disturbances. Obvious candidates would be the price level or the relative price of raw materials. In Blanchard and Watson (1986), evidence from four time series is used to decompose fluctuations into supply and demand disturbances. There the recession of 1975 demand and supply disturbances, we reestimated the model, leaving attributed in roughly equal proportions to adverse is demand disturbances. The estimated dynamic that of 1980 mostly to In view of those results, out 1973-1 to 1976-4. effects of both demeind and supply disturbances were nearly identical to those described above. By construction, the supply component of unemployment is close to actual unemployment for the first few observations in the sample. Thus, the large decrease from 1950 to 1952 in the supply component simply reflects the actual movement from 1955-2 through the end in of unemployment our sample. We in this period. found little In light of this, change we re-estimated the model in the empirical results. 16 b. Variance decompositions. While the above empirical evidence computing variance decompositions Tables 1 through unemployment the is for suggestive, a more formal output and unemployment at various horizons. 3 give those variance decompositions, under the three alternative assumptions about trend. These tables have the following interpretation. Define the k quarter-ahead forecast error in output as the difference betvifeen the actual value of output and This forecast error of k quarters earlier. the last k quarters. The number for one hundred minus that number. in output at horizon k,k = 1, . . , . forecast from equation (1) as in 40 gives the percentage of variance of The contribution of supply, similar interpretation holds for the not reported, numbers parentheses are standard deviations. ° The results are given for unemployment Our A its due to both unanticipated demand and supply disturbances is the /c-quarter ahead forecast error due to demand. numbers assessment can be given by statistical all for given by is unemployment. The three assumptions about the trend, as there are important differences across these alternative hypotheses. identifying restrictions impose only one restriction on the variance decompositions, namely that the contribution of supply disturbcinces to the variance of output tends to unity as the horizon increases. All other aspects are unconstrained. Two main First, the conclusions emerge from these tables. data do not give a precise answer as to the relative contribution of demand and supply distur- bances to movements in output at short and medium term horizons. The results vary with the treatment of the unemployment 30% trend: the relative contribution of (no trend removed) to reason for this may 82% demand disturbances, four quarters ahead, ranges from (trend removed); eight quarters ahead, be seen by comparing Figure 1 in the demand disturbances are smaller, still ranges from 13% to 50%. The with the corresponding Figures in the Appendix, derived under alternative assumptions about the unemployment trend. effects of it and the effects of While they are qualitatively similar, the supply disturbances are stronger and quicker, "no trend removed" case. Even for a given assumption about trend, the standard deviation bands are the "half trend removed" case, the one standard deviation band on the large. For example, in relative contribution of Again, these standard errors are asymmetric, and obtained as described above. demand Table 1. Variance decomposition of output and unemployment (no unemployment trend removed) Percentage of variance due to demand: Output Horizon Unemployment (Quarters) 35.8 100.0 (22.3, 37.6) (22.3, 0.0) 40.5 96.0 (24.8, 35.3) (25.4, 2.8) 1 2 35.5 89.0 (22.1, 37.3) (24.8, 7.8) 3 30.1 80.5 (19.0, 38.4) (22.4, 13.8) 4 8 ( ( 4.0, 31.7) ( 1.5, 14.6) 12 2. (12.8, 36.7) 37.5 8.4 40 Table 50.1 13.0 6.9, 36.7) ( 6.6, 47.3) ( 3.7, 54.1) 29.5 2.9 Variance decomposition of output and unemployment (Half trend removed) Proportion of variance due to demand: Output Horizon nemployment (Quarters) 57.6 95.5 (21.4, 24.1) (24.8, 3.2) 1 2 62.1 98.7 (22.3, 21.6) (27.2, 0.9) 56.7 97.6 (21.2, 23.4) (26.0, 1.4) 3 4 50.3 93.8 (20.0, 24.4) (23.4, 3.7) 8 23.9 68.1 (10.4, 25.3) (13.5, 20.8) 12 54.0 15.4 6.3, 20.2) ( 40 ( 9.3, 31.9) ( 7.8, 36.3) 48.6 6.4 ( 3.1, 6.8) Table 3. Variance decomposition of output and unemployment (trend removed) Proportion of variance due to demand: Horizon Output Unemployment (Quarters) 1 2 3 4 8 12 40 86.4 73.2 (22.8, 8.3) (20.0, 15.2) 89.8 83.7 (23.5, 6.3) (27.2, 8.7) 86.5 89.9 (24.2, 7.9) (30.3, 5.5) 81.8 93.2 (25.7, 9.2) (30.7, 3.4) 49.5 86.6 (19.6, 14.6) (23.8, 6.6) 34.0 77.2 (14.7, 12.2) (19.1, 11.4) 15.9 73.5 [17.6, 13.2) 17 30% disturbances four quarters ahead ranges from to 49%. At longer horizons, the contribution to 75%. Eight quarters ahead, demand disturbances of it still 14% ranges from goes to zero by construction; it is typically small after four years. The second main conclusion is that the contribution of medium term substantial and more precisely estimated, at short and disturbances contribute between 80% and 90% of the variance of contribution, eight quarters ahead, varies between "half trend removed" case ranges from 60% ahead. There is to demand disturbances 98% 50% to to unemployment more is demand horizons. In all three cases, unemployment four quarters ahead; 87%. The one standard deviation band four quarters ahead, and from considerable uncertainty as to the relative contribution of 55% to 89% their in the eight quarters demand and supply disturbances at long horizons. 6. Conclusion. We have assumed the existence of two types of disturbances generating unemployment and output dynamics, the first type having permanent effects on output, the second having only transitory effects. We have argued that these two types of disturbances could usefully be interpreted as productivity and non-productivity induced demand shocks respectively, we have concluded which disappears demand disturbances have that after or, for short, as supply and demand shocks. Under that interpretation, a hump shaped make on output and unemployment approximately two to three years, and that supply disturbances have an output which cumulates over time to reach a plateau after disturbances effect five years. We effect on have also concluded that demand a substantial contribution to output fluctuations at short and medium term horizons; however, the data do not allow us to quantify this contribution with great precision. Our identifying restrictions allow us to ask interesting questions of the that have permanent effects. component to be a pure While we two These questions cannot be addressed by studies that and specific extensions. effects of disturbances restrict the permanent random walk. find this simple exercise to have especially to validate dynamic refine The been worthwhile, we also believe that further work our identification of shocks as supply and demand shocks. first is to We is have needed, in mind examine the co-movements of what we have labeled the demand and 18 supply components of GNP with a larger set of macroeconomic vaxiables. confirm our interpretation of shocks. We find in particular the supply positively correlated with real wages at high to medium demand component.^" The second to enlarge the extension is Preliminary results appear to component of GNP to be strongly frequencies, while no such correlation emerges for the system to one in four Vciriables, unemployment, output, prices and wages. This would re-examine the empirical questions in Blanchard (1986), by using the long run identification restriction developed in this paper. This extension appears important; one would expect that wage and price data will help identify more explicitly supply and the The methodology and results sum of correlations from lags will be described -5 to in +5 between innovations in real wages obtained from univariate demand disturbances. a future paper. The statement in the text refers to the supply innovation derived in this paper and the ARIMA estimation. 19 Technical Appendix This technical appendix discusses further and establishes the claims made in the section on interpreta- tion. First, asserted in the text that our identification scheme we approximately correct even when both is disturbances have permanent effects on the level of output, provided that the long-run effect of output is The small. first We now prove demand on this. element of the model, output growth, has the moving average representation in demand and supply disturbances: AV; = aii(L)edt where aii(l) is + ai2(i)e,< Y the cumulative effect on the level of output of the disturbance ej. representation C{L), together with the innovation covariance matrix fl, is The moving average related to our desired interpretable representation through some identifying matrix S, such that: SS' The model is identified = demand disturbance be 6 instead, in the is where implied identifying matrix from that which thus seen to be a finite-dimensional problem, any matrix that In the paper, implies a different identifying matrix S(S). Let |S'((5)-.S(0)| measures the deviation is C{L)S. we selected the unique 0. Let the long-run effect of the S, this = and A{L) n, by choosing a unique identifying matrix S. matrix S such that aii(l) For each = norm > 6 = without we maxy,*: loss of generality. (5'y*:((5) use. Since the will induce the - 5'yfc(0)) ; this approximation same topology, which is all needed to study the continuity properties of our identification scheme. All of the empirical results vary continuously in S relative to this topology. Thus, |5'(<f) In words, if an economy has long-run - effects in 5(0)1 correct point estimates. — demand scheme which incorrectly assumes the long-run it is sufRcient to as ,5 — show that 0. that are small but different from zero, our identifying effects to be zero nevertheless recovers approximately the 20 We prove this as follows. orthogonal matrix V [6) Since both 5(0) and S(6) are matrix square roots of the long-run effect of demand is the A{1;6) But recall that the and of supply on the level of output, for there exists an such that: S(6)=S(0)V(S), Then Cl, elements of the first (1, 1) = of = C{l)S(0)V(6). C(l)5(0) are respectively, the long-run when the long-run any V{S), the new implied long-run effect of I. element in the matrix; C(l)S{6) row V[S)V(Sy = y/here demand effect of is demand identifying assumption that the long-run effect of demand is demand effects of Thus restricted to be zero. simply the long-run effect of supply (under our is zero) multiplied by the (2,2) element of the orthogonal matrix V[6). As 6 tends to eero, the (2,2) element of V{6) tends continuously to zero as well. V [S) But, up to a column sign change, the unique This establishes that S[6) S -* 0. — 5(0), element by element. Hence, » we have shown that is the identity matrix. \S[S) — 5(0) — as » | Q.E.D. Next, we turn to the effects of multiple vector of demand disturbances fdt, and a \Ut where with (2,2) element equal to zero B-jk are dimension column vectors as /,, and Bii{z] = J p, demand and supply - x 1 disturbances: Suppose that there vector of supply disturbances V^2:(L)' — z)Pii{z), for z. pd "x 1 so that: B22(Lyj {f,tj of analytic functions; Bji has the (1 f,t, is some vector same dimension as /j, Bj2 has the of analytic functions fin. same Each disturbance has a different distributed lag effect on output and unemployment. Since our VAR immediate that we To results. method allows identification of only as will not be able to recover the individual clarify the issues involved, Suppose that there Suppose further that the is first we provide an explicit many components of / = it is (/^ /^)'. example where our procedure produces misleading only one supply disturbance and two demand disturbance disturbances as observed variables, demand affects only output, disturbances: fdt whOe the second = {fdi,t, id2,t]'- demand disturbance 21 affects only assume that the true model An unrestricted calculations in calculations The supply disturbance unemployment. VAR representation corresponding to this data generating process be found Formally, is: Rozanov (1965) Theorem may both output and unemployment. affects in Essay IV in 10.1 (pp. Quah 1 -(^ 44-48). (1986).) is found by applying the (A slightly more readable discussion of those The implied moving average representation is: 1 ^-'-'- ^'V")"' straightforward to verify that the matrix covariogram implied by this moving average matches that of It is the true underlying model. Further, the unique zero of the determinant the unit circle. Therefore this moving average representation is, is 2, and consequently lies outside obtained from the vector as asserted, autoregressive representation of the true model. However, this moving average does not satisfy our identifying has only transitory effects on the level of output. This moving average representation disturbances [fdi, jd2> /.)• is We assumption that the "demand" disturbance therefore apply our identifying transformation to obtain: what we would recover if in fact Notice that while the supply disturbance the data /, affects is generated by the three both output growth and unemployment equally and only contemporaneously, we would identify e, to have a larger effect on output than on unemployment, together with a distributed lag on output. Further a positive demand effect turbance, restricted to have only a transitory effect on output, is seen to have a contemporaneous negative impact on unemployment. In the true model however, no demand disturbances ment affect output and unemploy- together, either contemporzmeously or at any lag. In conclusion, a researcher following our bivariate procedure is likely to be seriously misled we disturbances. Having seen this, and dis- explicitly We when in fact the true underlying model is driven by more than two ask under what circumstances will this mismatch in the number modeled disturbances be benign? state the necesseiry and sufficient conditions for this as a Theorem which is proved below. of actual 22 Theorem: (i.) (ii.) (iii.) (v.) (vi.) fvii.j = X, ft = X Let 5(L)/t (fat I with /d pd X . if A; (x.) and 0, /. p. X otherwise 1 ; ; pii, B21, B12, B22 are column vectors ofanaJytic functions; 55* ranJc is fuii A[z) — 011(2) Ct = — (1 = = \z\ 1, wiiere exists a bivariate ^^, { on ^^1 I I, \ ], **'j"ti \ °ni ^12) ^121) '^22 z)qii(2), with Qii analytic on = EtfCt-k I if k = Q, Pn and B21 Pd x 1, -^12 aiid ^22 P« X 1 ,' denotes complex conjugation followed by transposition. * moving average representation 022(2)/ y 021(2] (ix.) = 1, = [\-z)p,,[z); B,,{z) Then there (viii.) ; f',t)' = Eftft-k be a bivariate stochastic sequence generated by and \z\ < X, Xt for = scalar functions, det yl A[L)et, such that: ^ for all \z\ < 1; and 1; otherwise. is \e.t J In the bivariate representation, e^ if and only if (i.) - (vii.) and unemployment. There f,, and t, is orthogonal to B21 = li. 622 = I2 • and Jags B12. axe pj demand and p, supply disturbances; tlie (v.) disturbances have only transitory effects on the ievei of output. VAR fd, at aJi ieads /i5ii, describe the true data generating process for condition that allows the existence of a by our orthogonal to there exists a pair of scalar functions 71, 72 such that: Conditions demand is procedure is described by VAR mean (viii.) - square approximation. (x.): the observed data in output growth expresses the requirement that Condition (vii.) is a regularity The moving average recovered Theorem guarantees that there always exists such a representation. The second part of the Theorem establishes necessary and sufficient conditions such that the bivariate identification procedure does not inappropriately confuse turbances. In words, correct identification is possible if and only if on the underlying model demand and supply dis- the individual distributed lag responses 23 in output growth and unemployment axe mean across the different supply disturbances. This does not and unemployment across demand disturbances must be up sets of circumstances there in general a bivariate procedure dynamic responses that the demand component components in in the level of in interpretations below. output growth identical or proportional, simply that they differ disturbances. Suppose further that each of the output has the same distributed lag relation with the corresponding Then our procedure is consistent with our 'production function'-based correctly distinguishes the dynamic (i.) - (vs.), the matrix epectriLl density of of whose elements are analytic, with det moving average in Roianov C^ for \z\ X is (1965), there exists a 2 < 1, and Sx C = CC M whose second column length 1, as a vector. is A = Then the transpose of the Brst CM (1 - zHaiip + - z)aiia*i tiat on be orthogonal to \z\ = 1: (a.) \a,,\^=P[AP[S; (b.) \a,2? = B[,{B[^y; /,, and e, to on = \z\ from (ix.)). row of C evaluated + A This represents 1. VAR mean its Form at z has been constructed so that on lai^r = |1 - ^r^li aisa'j = (l - = 5^1 (S2i)* ksiP + to matrix function C, each 2 = the 1, first 2x2 |a22|2 (^li)' z)^[^ (B^ J* be orthogonal to f^ at + all + B[, {B[,)' + B[^ (S^J* 5^2 (522)* leads and \z\ square (demand) orthog-onaJ normalized to have provides the moving average representation satisfying For the second part of the Theorem, notice that |1 x 5(z)5(z)*|, .j. need not satisfy the condition that the disturbance have only transitory impact on the level of output (condition matrix = given by Sx{i^) unit variance orthogonal white noise, obtainable in approximation. However such a moving average e<f demand and supply effects of output and unemployment. reasoning analogous to that in pp. 44-48 as a misleading, there are important and reasonable is demand unemployment. This cissumption Proof of Theorem: By For in under which our technique provides the "correct" answers. For instance, suppose that only one supply disturbance but multiple is demand components X disturbances, and to a scalar lag distribution. Thus even though By demand sufficiently similcir across the different = (viii.) - (x.). 1: ; ; . lags, it is necessary and sufficient 24 (c.) aiiaji = fi'ii (d.) 012022 = -012 (-^22) (f.) \a22? = [B2S ; > B!,^(B'^^y. Consider relations (a.), (c), and Denoting complex conjugation of (e.). B by B, the triangle inequality implies that: y=i j=i where the inequality is B21 strict unless is a complex scalar multiple of Pn for each z on = \z\ Next, by 1. the Cauchy-Schwasz inequality, again y/ith strict inequality except when B21 is a complex scalar multiple of Pn, for each z on \z\ = 1. Therefore: |aiia2il^ where the inequality is strict A if and only similar argument applied to there exists Q.E.D. some complex lo^iil^ except when B21 strict inequality is a contradiction as simultaneously satisSed ^ if (b.), an a ^22^, on and \z\ = 1, complex scalar multiple of fin on and 022 axe just scaiar there exists (d.), is • /"unctions. Thus some complex scalar function (f.) |r| (a.), (c), ')i{z) = and scalar function ')2(^] such that B22 = 72 Bi2- if tiie (e.) can be = 7i -^ii- such that B21 shows that they can hold simultaneously But 1. and only if This establishes the Theorem. responses to demand CD O d CM o 10 20 responses 40 30 to supply LO LO d LO d LO 10 20 /]o 40 30 UA^twployrv^jii^ tre^nd ^^^lov^J, responses demand to Ln * o o o 0.1 0.0 -0.1 • un o _ -0.2 -0.3 /• \ / \ -0.4 / \ S f -0.5 -0.6 LO 10 20 responses 30 to 40 supply in LO CJ o o LO O LO 10 20 30 ^n empf oy^vvOvt 40 ^'^^-^ ^rvtove^^ 25 References Blanchard, Olivier, "Wages, Prices, and Output: An Empirical Investigation," mimeo MIT, 1986. Blanchard, Olivier and Mark Watson, "Are business cycles all alike?" in "The American business cycle; NBER and University of Chicago Press, 1986, 123-156. continuity and change", R. Gordon ed, Cochrane, John, "How big Economy is the random walk component in GNP ?", forthcoming Journai of Political 1988. 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