" ~ DtWEfiJ ' ' ' •^ -^ IllllilliilllllliilllSII ^ 3 9080 03317 5875 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Incomplete Informatioity Higher-Order Beliefs and Price Inertia George-Marios Angeletos Jennifer La'O Working Paper 09- 18 March 31, 2009 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, 02142 MA This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection http;/7ssm.coni/'abstract=l 4 1 4443 at Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/incompleteinformOOange Incomplete Information, Higher-Order Beliefs and Price Inertia* Jennifer La'O George-Marios Angeletos MIT and NBER MIT March 31, 2009 Abstract This paper investigates how incomplete information impacts the response of prices to nominal shocks. Our baseline model nominal shocks with is noise. a variant of the Calvo model in which firms observe the underlying In this model, the response of prices is pinned down by three parameters: the precision of available information about the nominal shock; the frequency of price adjustment; and the degree of strategic complementarity synthesizes the broader lessons of the pertinent literature. We in pricing decisions. next highlight that this synthesis provides only a partial view of the role of incomplete information. of information does not pin down This result In general, the precision the response of higher-order beliefs. Therefore, one cannot quantify the degree of price inertia without additional information about the dynamics of higherorder beliefs, or the agents' forecasts of inflation. beliefs We with three extensions of our baseline model, between the precision of information and higher-order "Thi.s paper was prepared lor the 2008 SNIV-'MK hosted by the Gerzensee Study Center, Switzerland. pants. We highlight the distinct role of higher-order all of which break the tight connection beliefs featured in previous work. conference on "Incomplete Information and Mt)netary Policy," We received useful are particularly grateful to our discussants, Stephen Morris the conference, Sergio Rebelo and Robert King. comments from multiple conference partici- and Elmar Mertens, and to the organizers of Introduction 1 How much, and how mental questions the business in cj'cle, To address quickly, do prices respond to nominal shocks? This macroeconomics: as well as the this question, it is power of monetary policy economic to control real one strand of the literature has focused on rigidities are one of the most funda- key to understanding the sources and the propagation of tions in adjusting prices; this includes both convenient time-dependent adjustment models. Price is menu costs activity. and other models and state-dependent then identified as the key force behind price inertia. Another strand of the literature has focused on informational frictions; this strand highlights that firnrs fail fric- to adjust their price to nominal shocks, not because it is may costly or impossible to do so, but rather because they have imperfect information about these shocks. The older literature formal- ized this imperfection as a geographical dispersion of the available information (Lucas, 1972, Barro, 1976); more recent contributions ha\'e proposed infrequent updating of information (Mankiw and Reis, 2002; Reis, 2006) or rational inattention (Sims, 2003; Wiederholt, 2008). One way Woodford, 2003, 2008; Machowiak and or another, though, the key driving force behind price inertia is that firms happen, or choose, to have imperfect knowledge of the underlying nominal shocks. The starting point of this paper basehne model is is a bridge between these two approaches. In particular, our a hybrid of Calvo (1983), Morris and Shin (2002), and Woodford (2003): on the one hand, firms can adjust prices only infrequenth', as in Calvo; on the other hand, firms observe the underl)'ing nominal shocks only with noise, similarly to Morris-Shin and Woodford. Within this baseline impact of these shocks model, the response of prices to nominal shocks — of a\'ailable information is — and hence also the real characterized by the interaction of three key parameters; the precision about the underlying nominal shocks (equivalently, the level of noise in the firms' signals of these shocks); the frequency of price adjustment; and the degree of strategic complementarity their interaction in pricing decisions. is also interesting. That all three parameters should matter The combination of sticky prices is obvious; but and strategic complementarity implies that the incompleteness of information can have lasting effects on inflation and real output even if the shocks become commonly known very <iuickly. information about the shock at the time they set prices to the extent that other firms prices. This will find had only incomplete information is it because firms that full optimal to adjust only partly at the time they had set their Moreover, incomplete information can help make inflation peak after seems consistent with available evidence based on structural VARs. lia\-e real output, which These findings and marginally extend, various lessons from the pertinent literature sj'nthesize, with regard to how frictions in either price adjustment or information about the underlying nominal shocks impact the response of prices to these shocks. This synthesis has its own value, as it provides a simple and tractable incomplete-information version of the Calvo model that could readily be taken to the data. Nevertheless, this synthesis the main contribution of the paper distinct role that higher-order beliefs play in the how this distinct role The not the main contribution of the paper. Rather, to highlight that the aforementioned lessons miss the first, is, is dynamics of price adjustment and, second, to show can be parsimoniously accommodated within our Calvo-like framework. basic idea behind our contribution the underlying nominal shock identifies simple. is how The precision of the firms' information about fast the firms' forecasts of the shock respond to the true shock; the more precise their information, the faster their forecasts converge to the truth. However, need not also identify how this may fast the forecasts of the forecasts of others words, the prec:ision of available information pins necessarily the response of higher-order beliefs. down adjust. In other the response of first-order beliefs, but not But when prices are strategic complements, the response of the price level to the underlying shock depends heavily on the response of higher-order behefs. It follows that neither the precision of available information nor the degree of price rigidity suffice for calibrating the degree of price inertia at the To better understand this point, it is macro level. useful to abstract for a in particular, that all firms can adjust their prices in moment from sticky prices. Assume, any given period and that the prices they set are given by the following simple pricing rule; ... where pj is ,: ", , p,: the price set by firm i, 6 is degree of strategic complementarity on the information price level, where level p £'''" we of firm i. infer that the = (1 - Q')E,(9-KaE,p nominal demand, p in pricing decisions, -.,,/ the aggregate price ,. ^ level, - - , a £ (0,1) is the and E, denotes the expectation conditional Aggregating this condition and iterating over the expectations of the aggregate price level must satisfy the following condition; denotes the /c"*-order average forecast of to an innovation in 6 is . ^.' It then follows that the response of price depends on the response of the entire sequence of different orders of beliefs, {£''^}^j, to that shock. 'The fc"'-order average forecasts are defined recursively as follows: forecasts of the underlying nominal shock; £^ is the cross-sectional E^ mean is the cross-sectional mean of the firms' forecasts of £'; of the firms' and so on. When information is perfect or at least commonly shared, then E^ = E^ for all k. It then follows that the response of prices to an innovation in 9 depends merely on the response of first-order beliefs, which in turn information The is is pinned down by the precision of the available information about When, 6. dispersed, higher-order beliefs need not coincide with first-order beliefs. potential role of higher-order beliefs has been noted before by Morris and Shin (2002), Woodford (2003), and others. However, standard Gaussian example used in the literature, the sensitivity of higher-order beliefs to the order beliefs: higher-order beliefs can be of information about the shock is shock less sensitive to lower, in follows that in the standard Gaussian which case is in the tightly connected to that of first- the underlying shock only if the precision first-order beliefs are also less sensitive. It However, of the response of the price level to the shock. once one goes away from the standard Gaussian example, this tight connection between higher-order beliefs can break pertinent example the precision of information about the underlying nominal shock remains the key determinant We instead, — and the break can be quite first- and significant. highlight the crucial and distinct role of higher-order beliefs with three variants of our baseline model. All three variants retain the combination of infrequent price Calvo) and noisy information about the underlying shocks (as in adjustment (as in Morris-Shin and Woodford), but differentiate in the specification of higher-order beliefs. In the first variant, firms face uncertainty, not only about the size of the aggregate but also about the precision of the signals that other firms receive about this shock. nominal shock, This extension helps isolate the role of higher-order beliefs or, equivalently, the role of strategic uncertainty: show how this additional source of uncertamtj' about the distribution of precisions we can impact the response of higher-order beliefs to the underlying shocks, and thereby the response of prices, without necessarily affecting the response of first-order beliefs. In the second variant, we the signals that other firms more slowly as if let firms hold heterogeneous priors about the stochastic properties of In this economy, firms expect the beliefs of others to adjust recei\'e. to the underlying shocks than their they lived in a economy where all if beliefs. other firms had themselves have. This in turn helps rationalize the underlying nominal shocks even own why They thus behave less precise equilibrium prices the frequency of price adjustment the inertia of higher-order beliefs; heterogeneous priors is equilibrium information than what they may is adjust very slowly to arbitrarily high firm has arbitrarily precise information about the underlying nominal shock. is in Once and each again, the key a convenient modeling device. The aforementioned two nominal shocks how variants focus on economy. In the third and in the be the source of fluctuations in the economy we show how shocks. In particular, higher-order beUefs impact the propagation of final variant, we show how higher-order beliefs can — how they can themselves be one of the "structural" variation in higher-order beliefs that is orthogonal to either the underlying nominal shocks or the firms information about these shocks can generate fluctuations in inflation the and real output that resemble those generated by "cost-push" shocks. Combined, these flndings point out that a macroeconomist who wishes to quantify the response of economy are these structural shocks to its underlying structural shocks, or even to identify in the first place, may what need appropriate information, not only about the degree of price rigidity and the firms' information (beliefs) about these shocks, but also about the stochastic properties of their forecasts of the forecasts of others (higher-order beliefs). Because the hierarchy of beliefs role of higher-order beliefs in the contribution of the paper is an infinitely dimensional object, incorporating the distinct macroeconomic models may appear is to show that this is not the case. All the models are highly parsimonious and nevertheless allow for rich The rest of the paper is to be a challenging task. Part of dynamics we present here in higher-order beliefs. organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the relation of our paper to the literature. Section 3 studies our baseline model, which introduces incomplete information in the Calvo model. Section 4 studies the variant with uncertainty about the precisions of one another. Section 5 studies the variant that with heterogeneous priors. Section 6 turns to cost-push shocks. Section 7 concludes with suggestions for future research. All proofs are in the Appendix, 2 ,; ,,, Related literature The macroeconomics literature on informational (1970), Lucas (1972, 1975), Barro (1976), ture has been revived by (2003), Mankiw and and subsequent work.^ Kmg frictions has a long history, going (1983) and Townsend back to Phelps (1983). Recently, this litera- Reis (2002), Morris and Shin (2002), Sims (2003), This paper contributes to this literature in two ways: Woodford first, by studying the interaction of incomplete information with price rigidities within the Calvo model; second, and most importantly, by furthering our understanding of the distinct role of higher-order ^See, e.g., Amato and Shin (2006), Angeletos and La'O (2008, 2009a, 2009b), Angeletos and Pavan (2007), Bacchetta and Wincoop (2005), Collard and Delias (2005), Hellwig (2005), Lorenzoni (2008, 2009), Mackowiak and Wiederholt (2008, 2009), Nimark (2007, 2008), and Reis (2006). beliefs. Closely related in this respect persed information has verj' distinct Angeletos and La'O (2009a), which emphasizes is how dis- implications for the business cycle than uncertainty about the fundamentals. Our paper is highly complementary to the papers by 2006). These papers document how higher-order underlying shocks than first-order prior. "^ beliefs, Woodford (2003) and Morris and Shin (2002, beliefs may respond simply because they a.re information about the less to more a.nchored to the common However, by adopting the convenience of a popular but very specific Gaussian information structure, they have also restricted attention to settings where the response of higher-order beliefs is tightly tied to the response of first-order beliefs: in their settings, the response of higher-order beliefs is a monotone transformation of the response of first-order beliefs, thus precluding any independent role for higher-order beliefs. Our paper, instead, highlights that, whereas the response of first-order beliefs to the underlying nominals shocks is pinned down solely by the of higher-order beliefs depends about these shocks, the response also on other sources of uncertainty, such as uncertainty precision of others' information. Furthermore, that higher-order beliefs respond very all level of uncertainty little, it shows how with heterogeneous priors or even not at about the it is possible to the underlying shocks even all, if firms are nearly perfectly informed about these shocks (in which case first-order beliefs respond nearly one-to-one with the shock). Closely related are also the papers bj' Nimark (2008) and Klenow and Willis (2007). The former paper studies a similar framework as ours, namely a Calvo model with incomplete information, along with a more complex learning dynamics: unlike our paper and rather as underlying shocks do not become ies common knowledge a menu-cost model with sticky information. after one-period delay. Much alike our baseline Woodford (2003), the in The latter paper stud- model, both papers study the interaction of price rigidities and informational frictions. However, these papers do disentangle the role of higher-order beliefs as we do incomplete information in these papers shocks at the time of price changes. dynamics of higher-oder price inertia at the level ^A and beliefs macro fast learning level in this paper. In particular, is the quantitative importance of tied to the precision of information In contrast, our paper shows about the underlying how one can disentangle the from the speed of learning, and uses this to argue that significant can be consistent with both significant price flexibility at the micro about the underlying nominal shocks. similar role of higher-order beliefs has been highlighted by Allen, Morris and Pavan (2007) and Bacchetta and Wincoop (2005) within the context of and Shin (2005), Angeletos, Lorenzoni financial markets. Finally, the heterogeneous-priors variant of this that paper we consider a real-business-cycle the underlying productivity shocks. We certain type of sunspot-like fluctuations model paper builds on Angeletos and La'O (2009b), In in then show — i.e., how fluctuations obtain also under a common dispersed information opens the door to a fluctuations that cannot be explained by variation in economic fundamentals or the either the underlying which firms have dispersed information about prior, firms' beliefs but are easier to model with heterogeneous priors. present paper complements this other work by illustrating The about these fundamentals. These take the form of cost-push shocks in a new-keynesian model, and how these type of fluctuations can how heterogeneous priors can also help rationalize significant inertia in the response of prices to nominal shocks. The Calvo Model with Incomplete Information 3 In this section we consider a variant of the Calvo model that allows firms ' to have dispersed private information about aggregate nominal demand. Households and firms. uum indexed by Along with the The is populated by a representative household and a contin- produce differentiated commodities. of firms that discrete, The economy i £ {0, 1,2, fact that there is ...}. There is Firms are indexed by no capital, so that there is i G no saving [0,1]. Time is in equilibrium. a representative household, we can also abstract from asset trading. preferences of the household are given by '^^p^U{Ct,Nt), with ' ..;v-,; /.. where /3 6 (0, 1) is U{Ct,Nt) the discount rate, Nt is the familiar r] > the is CES aggregator, Ci,t is '7-1 CJ di the consumption of the connnodity produced by firm the elasticity of substitution across commodities. demand for the commodity of firm i is given by 1 where Pt=\j P^'^ di ^ ^ is , the labor supplied by the household, ais = \ogCt~Nt, the aggregate price index. As i, and usual, this specification implies that The output where A,.; is of firm i, on the other hand, is ' given by the idiosyncratic productivity shock and e e (0, 1) parameterizes the degree of dimin- ishing returns. By the resource constraint for each commodity, aggregate output given by Yt is — we have that F,,t — Ci,i for all nominal demand Ct. Finally, aggregate i and therefore given by the following is quantity-theor}' or cash-in-advance constraint: = Qf PtCt Here, 6( denotes the level of aggregate nominal demand (aggregate nominal GDP), is assumed to be exogenous, and defines the "monetary shock" of our model. In what variables: we use lower-case follows, dt = log6(, yt = variables for the logarithms of the corresponding upper-case logF^, pt = We logPt, and so on. also assume that all exogenous shocks are log-normally distributed, which guarantees that the equilibrium admits an exact loglinear solution. Shocks and information. Aggregate nominal demand et^Ot-i where and ~ Vt a^) is t. summarized in i ~ A/'(0, at^) is employment and .consumption choices are we assume known = imperfect during the morning that a firm has about 6t during the morning is Ot -fc,,,, purely idiosyncratic noise made is is a Gaussian private signal of the following form: that have the option to set prices) are Finally, random walk: during, respectively, the morning and the evening of The information Xl,t Six to follow a + vt Information about the current level of nominal demand but perfect during the evening. where assumed white noise. Each period has two stages, a morning and an evenmg. Let ij^ denote the information set of firm Jj"j period A/'(0, is in (i,i,d. across firms). Pricing choices (for the firms the morning, while information about made in the evening, once that the idiosyncratic productivity shock to the firm from the beginning of the period. a,,( 9t 6t is imperfect; has been publicly revealed. follows a random walk and that it The information of firm in the i morning of period while her information in the evening of the same period a moment that, in equilibrium, pt-i no difference if we had included of the firm. Similarly, y,,t the realized level of a firm's The assumption that nor inconsequential. If 9t demand Townsend evening information its (1983), 9t at the X/(_j U{9t}. GDP We a in the will see in if information set we had included set. end of each period is after the end of period to more decentralized trading structure and would complicate the (2008), and less tractable: would now have to keep tract of the entire others, firms have any simple recursive structure. fast However, after a short delay. it is we avoid Here, keep the analysis highly tractable, only by assuming, as knowledge t, commodity history of their information in order to forecast the forecasts of others, and the equilibrium would cease random neither Furthermore, the dynamics would now become much Nimark o,i.t}, would thus make }', it remain dispersed to If^_^U{x,^t, to limit the aggregation of information that takes place through necessary micro- foundations. as in into = would thus make no difference 1;,;; it becomes common knowledge That would require markets. past values of the price level and real we wished information about we would need somehow = given by Ifj is and yt-i are functions of {9t-i,0t-2, a function of is therefore given by l/^ t is in all these complications, and Lucas (1972), that important to recognize that, 9t becomes in so doing, convergence of beliefs about the past shocks and also rule out any heterogeneity expectations of future shocks beyond the one in their beliefs dynamics common we impose a in the agents' about the current shock. One may expect that relaxing these properties would add to even more inertia, both because firms would learn more slowly (Woodford, 2003) and because expectations to public information (Morris Price-setting behavior. nominal shock i in period t is is = -^ more anchored and Shin, 2006). Consider common knowledge for a moment at the the case where prices are flexible and the current moment firms set prices. The optimal price set by firm then given by Pit where ^ of future shocks could be is = M + rnc^.t the monopolistic mark-up and mcj^t in the evening of period t. The latter is mc,j is the nominal marginal cost the firm faces given by = 1 wt - -\ 1 e a,,( yi.t e £ where Wt is the nominal wage rate in period From the t. representative household's optimality condition for work, - Wt From Ct. the consumer's demand, -C( = Ci,f Fi-om market clearing, real = pt output is c,,; = y,.; a = and yt- ~v{Pi,t -Pt)- from the cash-in-advance constraint, aggregate Finally, given by ^ yt - Ot Pt- Combining the aforementioned conditions, we conclude that the price full-information optimal price) of firm Pit = i in period - {I + a)et apt (i.e., the flexible- given by is t "target" price + ^r,t (1) where e + {l - i)r] and where defines the degree of strategic complementarity in pricing decisions, e + e is 1 - [I e it}ri + (I - e)i] simply a linear transformation of the idiosyncratic productivity shock. the mean If of the idiosyncratic productivity shock so that the cross-sectional prices had been firm would set p,,( = and flexible p*^ in imperfect information. all 9t had been common knowledge 1 its price, the price it period, where A G chooses expectation of a weighted average of the current and 1E,,( adjust its price (a mean of the discount factor, A measure of ^,,( is zero. begging of period t, the periods and states. However, we have assumed that firms have only — A during any given the event that a firm changes (0, 1) is in the henceforth normalize Moreover, following Calvo (1983), we assume that a firm price only with probability where p G We how {\ is all is (0, 1). It may change its then follows that, in equal (up to a constant) to its current future target prices: - 0\)Y^{0xy pU^ (2) the probability that the firm won't have the option to sticky prices are), and Et_f is the expectation conditional on the information set of firm i Combining conditions chance to adjust t^ in period (1) and (2), price in period its t is we conclude the price set by any firm that gets the tliat given by oo p,,t = (1 - 0X) In the remainder of the paper, Y, iP^y we Cl') ^^A+J + treat condition (3) as with the understanding though that this rule The economy Equilibrium dynamics. - [(1 is QE^,tP(+J + ^iAi,t+j] (3) were an exogenous behavioral if it actually fully microfounded in equilibrium. dynamic game effectively reduces to a of formation, with condition (3) representing the best response of the typical firm, notion we adopt is response condition standard Perfect-Bayesian Equilibrium.^ We that the equilibrium strategy will have a linear form. in which the price set by a firm Pi,t for some = in period i is coefficients 61,62,^3- = bjpt-i+b2X,^t This particular guess is The eqiiilii)riinn it is a safe guess + justified ^t-i,a;t,(,<^i,t): b3et-}+^i,t (4) by the following reasoning: we expect pt-i to matter because of a fraction of firms cannot adjust prices; Xij because information about the current nominal shock Ot; in- thus conjecture the existence of equilibria a linear function of (pt_i, P{Pt-i,9t-i,Xi,f^i,t) incomplete Because of the linearity of the best- and the Gaussian specification of the information structure, (3) rule, Ot-\ because it is the prior about Of, conveys it and S,i^t for obvious reasons. Given and given the this guess, adjust prices in any given period, Pt = Xpt-i fact that only a we infer that the + il-X)J J ''To const is 9t) (2) - A of firms can aggregate price level must satisfy of the private signals (conditional and Gt denotes the cross-sectional distribution be precise, condition 1 PiPt-i.0t-i;x,OdFt{x)dGtiO where Ft denotes the cross-sectional distribution shock randomly selected fraction should have been written as p,.,. of the idiosyncratic shocks. = const + E,,, (1 on the current Given that - 0X) YlTLo {P-^V P'+j an endogenous quantity that involves second-order moments and that emerges due to risk aversion. > P where However, under the log-normal structure of shocks and signals that we have assumed, these second-order moments are invariant with either the shock or the information of the firms, and it is thus without any loss of generality to ignore the aforementioned constant. We can safely ignore out-of-equilibrium paths by assuming that firms observe (at most) the cross-section bution of prices, which guarantees that no individual deviation 10 is detectable, distri- is linear, that the cross-sectional can re-write the above as = pt average of X( + ^Pt-i = Pt — (1 is 9t, and that cross-sectional average P[Pt-i^ ^t-v, -^) ClPt-l + C20t + of ^t is 0, we or equivalently as 9t, 0), C39t-l (5) where ci = + A Next, note that we can rewrite p,,t Using p,,t = (4) and (5) into (1-/3A) [(1 = (1 - (1-A)6i, - = (l-A)63. i,.,t] + iPX)E^,tP^,t+l (6) form as (3) in recursive /3A) [(1 C3 = (l-A)62 C2 a) E,,tOt + aE,,tPt + we the right-hand side of the above condition, - q) E,,t0f + aE^^tPt + ^^,t] + {P^) = Ei,t9t = + [^iE„tPt infer that the price b2E^,tet must satisfy + b^E^^A+i + E,.,s^,,t+i] . (7) Next, note that Er^t9t+i where k^ = a^"^ is — — + Xit and 9t-i s a^" the precision of the firms' signals and k^ prior about the innovation in 9. Using these rewrite the left-hand side of (7) as a linear function of p(_i, with our conjecture in (4), is it is and substituting facts, Jt,(, = E,.,^,,,+i ^(-i, 4,,t, the precision of the pt from and common (5) into (7), 4,^(. we can For this to coincide necessary and sufficient that the coefficients (61,62,^3) solve the following system: 61 = (l-/3A)aci 62 = [(1 - -Q+ QC2) + (/?A)(6iC2 + 62 + 63)] ^3 = 1(1 -;3\){\-a + ac2) + (/3A)(6iC2 + bz + ^3)] /3A)(1 + +(1 - ,3A)ac3 We conclude that an equilibrium Combining the conditions is for c\ (/3A)6iCi + it "".^ pinned down by the joint solution of and (8) (/3A)6iC3 61, we This equation admits two solutions: one with the former solution because ^^ get that C\ ci > 1 and (8). must solve the following equation: and another with leads to explosive price paths 11 (6) ci and henceforth € (A, 1). We ignore limit attention to the Note that latter solution. coefficient ci, in the which this solution independent of the information structure; indeed, the is endogenous persistence identifies the in the price level, coincides with the one standard (complete-information) Calvo model. Given remaining conditions define a linear system that admits a unique this solution for ci, the solution for the remainder of the coefficients. + Ci straightforward to check that the solution satisfies It is which simply means that the price process + C2 = C3 1, homogenous is nominal of degree one in the level of demand. Furthermore, _ A(l-ci) which nominal demand as identifies the sensitivity of the price level to the current innovation in an increasing function of the precision of available information. We therefore reach the following characterization of the equilibrium. Proposition and 1. (i) There exists an. which the pricmg strategy some (ii) Pt "= CiPt-l + C29t + The equilibrium values of in Kx/kq; C3 The comparative as follows. long ^A it We fast. : is non-monotone due macro data here. The This to fast, (ii) non-monotone and decreasing fact that these in cj is in A, decreasing in a, in Kx/kq. are illustrated in Figures become widely 1, 2 and .3. The baseline impulse responses that wc report later available.^ We seems a good benchmark .95 (which most agents are likely to accordingly set data are widely available .suggests tliat = for turn implies that their first-order beliefs are likely to converge to the truth However, to the extent that this fact not converge as in a, is identify the length of a period with one year; this takes for qualification is for these figures, as well as for the be well informed about them. very given by the coefficients (C],C2,C3) satisfy the folloiuing properties: statics described in part parameterization we use how is positive coefficients [hi, b2,b2,) anrf (cj, C2, C3). and increasing is firm C-iOt-l increasing in X, increasing in a, and invariant to Kx/kq; €2 on, of a - the aggregate price level is given by " for m equililmum is not common which could contribute to further inertia 12 knowledge, in it is possible that higher-order beliefs the response of prices. do means a discount rate of 1% about per quarter), A a = equal to 1/3 per quarter), and .85 — .20 (which means a probabiUty of price change (which means a quite strong complementarity decisions); these values are consistent with standard calibrations of the Calvo model. pricing in Lacking any obvious estimate of the precision of information about the underlj'ing shocks, we set Kx/kq means that the variance this in nommal demand Figure 1 is of the forecast error of the typical firm one half the variance of the innovation plots the coefficients ci, C2, the firm does not is non-monotonic in A (it We about the current innovation Calvo parameter observe that in a, and C3 is We observe that non-monotonic ci is The comparative models and price level coefficient in the is an increasing function decreasing and is statics described some in the we Woodford (2003) point, is complementarity see that C2 is increasing model is the same as in the standard Calvo model, the aggregate In our model, the is ci. We increase the length of this delay, then or Nimark (2008), but only is till common knowledge we can obtain more the shock becomes optimal to stay closer to the past price level it is only with a delay of persistence, similarlj' to common driven solely by the Calvo rigidity. under complete information, firms who can adjust The knowledge; after that property, then, that Ci almost the mechanical implication of The impact of q on their price following a ci is also familiar: monetary shock 'Note that only the ratio Ki/ks, and not the absolute values of Ki and Ke, matter economy C3. In other words, once we fix Ki/fca, Kg is even will find the higher the degree of strategic complementarity between them and the firms that cannot adjust (and that are thus stuck to the past price and find that standard Calvo model. This property, however, increasing in the Calvo parameter A should be familiar: of the Calvo unaffected by the incompleteness of information. In this sense, the persistence of any subsequence persistence ci,C2, Hx/ 1^0, in sticky-price of the aggregate price process the fact that a fraction A of firms do not adjust prices. it We firms cannot adjust prices. hinges on our assumption that the nominal shock becomes If is a decreasing function in o, C2 is above are a hybrid of the results found incomplete-information literature. As prices in our baseline one period. A, C3 c\ is invariant. which characterizes the persistence this coefficient m Finally, Figure 3 plots these coefficients as functions of in a. persistent due to the fact that is the probability increases for low values but decreases for high the ratio of the precision of private signals to the precision of the prior. in this ration, while C3 A, increasing is ci values). Figure 2 plots these coefficients as functions of q, the degree of strategic in pricing decisions. 1; itself.^ C3 as functions of the a given period. re^'ise its price in decreasing in A, and co and = only a scaling parameter. to a one-standard-deviation change in v are invariant to 13 K.g. By for the level). equilibrium coefficients implication, the impulse responses Figure Figure 2 I C|.'!-c, 1.0 £'] OR — — on 06 06 \ ': ^1 Cl — — \ 04 ^ '1 04 ________^ <^J -- 02 0.2 ::::== 06 04 0,2 OS 02 1,0 04 06 8 1 Figure 3 Where C2 and C3, the incompleteness of information has a bite in our baseline model level. To understand how the consider the choice of the price-setting firm. The past prices and past nominal shocks (which are we shock by a firm price chosen is common knowledge among a linear combination of all firms) and the firm's is unknown find that the aggregate price level is a linear combination of past price levels model with Gaussian signals, the firm's his private signal less precise private 6t own expectation and the common prior, information relative to the prior, As in the current period). in of the fundamental is Ot-i- This explains is less why sensitive to the current shock Ot-i less precise 6t-\. lower k^/ho, they place 9t. As a less If firms weight result, the and more anchored to the past shock information (a lower Kx/ko) implies a lower 14 and merely a weighted which here coincides with i.e., Aggregating any static incomplete information on their private signals than on their prior when forming their expectations of average expectation for precision of information affects these coefficients, past nominal shocks and of the average expectation of combination of peist demand (which expectation of current nominal a.cross firms, have on the coefficients which characterize, respectively, the price nnpact of the current and the any given past price own is C2 and a higher C3. Figure 4 The above Impulse responses. into the Calvo niodoi of information Figure 5 dampens analysis highlights how introducing incompleteness the response of prices to the underlying nonunal shocks becomes a key parameter of information — the precision the djmamics of inflation along with the Calvo parameter for and the degree of strategic complementarity. To further appreciate this, we now study how the precision of information affects the impulse responses of the inflation rate and real output to an innovation in nominal demand. Figures 4 and real output — is yt these impulse responses. (Inflation in period 5 plot dt ~ As Pt-) and a — .85. which is our baseline; Kx/ng We before, we identify the period with a year of a given by pt and set 3 - = Pt-i, while .95, = oo, 4, we A = .20 = 1, which corresponds to the extreme of perfect information (as in — 0, n^-fK-g which corresponds to the alternative extreme, that of no information about the current shock other than the prior dynamics is then consider three alternative values for the precision of information: the standard Calvo model); and Kx/ng From Figure t (i.e., the past shock). see that the incompleteness of information has important effects on inflation relative to the monetary shock on complete information Calvo model. inflation is First, the As the increasing in Kx/ng. instantaneous impact effect noise in private information increases, prices react less initially to a nominal disturbance. Secondly, as the precision of private information decreases, we observe that second period inflation becomes higher and highc-r. demand now becomes common knowledge, prices with low sensitivity to the period greatly increase in the second period to reflect this high values of Kj/Kg, this inflation is is where As the jmst nominal monetary shock new information. Except inflation reaches its peak. last for sufficiently Lastly, although the decay rate of constant after this date, because of the high inflation experienced in the second period, lower Kxl ng leads to a higher level of inflation for From Figure 5, we then observe all subsequent periods. that the impact effect of a in the precision of private information. Of course, this 15 is monetary shock on output is decreasing simply the mirror image of what happens to prices. Furthermore, like the impulse responses for inflation, real output of Kx/ng It is higher for lower levels subsequent periods. interesting here to note that incomplete information has lasting effects on the levels of is inflation This for all is and real GDP common knowledge even though the shocks become after just one period. precisely because of the interaction of incomplete information with price staggering with strategic complementarity: by the time the shock becomes common and knowledge, some firms have already set their price on the basis of incomplete information about the shock; strategic complementarity then guarantees that the firms that now have access to find it optimal to respond to the shock as Note if is in contrast to the we observe that the peak A still of output occurs before standard Calvo model which predicts strong price increases during the period in which the shock peaking before output. information will themselves had incomplete information. that, except for high values of K^/Ke. the peak in inflation. This full and therefore typically has realized is similar observation has been made in Woodford important differences: Woodford (2003) abstracts from price staggering; it inflation (2003), but with also two assumes that past shocks and past outcomes never become known, thus appearing to require an implausibly slow degree of learning about the underlying shocks. Here, we show how the empirically appealing property that inflation peaks after real output can be obtained even with quite fast learning, provided one interacts incomplete information with price staggering. In the present model, the peak of inflation happens at in 6. This particular property knowledge exactly one period shock becomes little after the innovation takes place. a.fter, sa.y, The more If we extend the model common so that the 4 periods, then the peak in inflation can occur as late general insight information about the innovation and can firms have accumulated after the innovation an artifact of the assumption that the shock becomes common knowledge as 4 periods after the shock. have is most one period is that inflation can start low rise in if firms initially the early phases of learnmg, but once enough information about the shock then infiation will begin to fall. In other words, the dynamics of learning are essential for the dynamics of inflation only as long as the firms remain sufficiently uncertain about the shock; but once tlie firms have learned enoiigh about the shock, the subsequent dynamics of inflation are determined primarily by the Calvo mec;hanics. 16 . 4 Uncertainty about precisions The analysis so far has focused on a Gaussian specification for the information structure that quite standard in the pertinent Uterature. Under nominal shocks was determined by three parameters: prices to the degree of strategic complementarity; and nominal shock. In this section we show is (i) we show that the response of the degree of price rigidity; (ii) the precision of information about the underlying (iii) under a plausible variation of the information structure, that, knowledge of these parameters need not insight this specification, is suffice for calibrating the The key degree of price inertia. down the response that the precision of information about the underlying shock pins of the firms' forecasts of this shock, but not necessarily the response of their forecasts of the forecasts of other firms prices to the shock its own appeal for the in that it more general for this introduces source of uncertainty: a plausible particular, we introduce a second aggregate we consider here insight, the variant it allows firms to face may have uncertainty regarding the precision of information that other firms demand. In response of equilibrium not only the former but also the latter. is Apart from serving as an example has and what matters their higher-order beliefs); (i.e., regarding nominal state variable, which permits us to capture uncertainty about the average precision of available information in the cross-section of the economy. This new state variable is modeled time and independent of the nominal shock and / with probability 1/2. Let 7, k^, < and K; < Kh- The ki "type" of a firm random as a binary variable, and which takes each df, G {h,l}, which St of the be scalars, commonly known to is now given by the pair all (^i.t, Kj,*), the particular signal the firm receives about the current nominal shock, noise in this signal, and k^j the new state variable with probability 7 and the precision of firm i precision. when as follows: St k,,( is is its — Kj,( k.( = The this state with probability ki latter 1 - is — St with probability 7 and «.,,( signals have precision Ks Note that a firm knows a double 9t role: and a noisy it is his when own the state «,(, is s, for s € — is ~ = Xj^t and k,/, when ^t < 7 < + A^(0, l/^i.t) is is i the state with probability 1 is Si,t the is contingent on the precision of firm 7; and, symmetrically, because these realizations are independent across the firms, 7 whose h. with 1/2 where specific to the firm is two possible values h firms, £,,f over is i.i.d. 1 - k,,^ = is S( k^ = /, 7. Finally, also the fraction of the population {/), /}. but not the underlying state Sf. A firm's Kj^j thus serves both the precision of the firm's own information about the nominal shock signal of the average precision in the cross-section of the economy. the key difference from the baseline model is Therefore, the property that firms face an additional source of 17 they face uncertainty regarding how informed other firms might be informational heterogeneity: about the nominal demand shock. Note then that the heterogeneity: when when 7 = instead 7 G (1/2, 1, all firms have the same coefficient 7 parameterizes the and precisions, this fact is of this common knowledge; firms have different precisions, and each firm 1), different level is uncertain about the distribution of precisions in the rest of the population. Furthermore, note that knowing the state variable of the nominal shock only on its own This 9t. is s> would not help any firm improve simply because belief of a firm about the nominal shock depends precision (which the firm knows), not on the precisions of other firms (which the firm does not know). Nevertheless, the firm would love to know his forecast of the forecasts expectation of and actions depends on both Ot of the firm also depe.nds on both both on 9t and on Kf. It 6t and his Xit xu and his k.j^, it is know the underlying innovation own a safe guess that the equilibrium choice level in &t> depends level, but also because they don't additional source of uncertainty that better appreciate this point, about 9. know Finally, note that, while the uncertainty — / the uncertainty about we have introduced it is Sf. Sf matters only when This highlights the distinctive nature of the 0). in this section. useful to study the stochastic properties of the hierarchy Next, for any > fc of Eif[Ef''^]; that's the k"^ -order average beliefs. of the current 0), Let E^ denote the cross-sectional average of state for the precisions being 2, let Ejt[^f] conditional on the current E^ denote the cross-sectional average average beliefs are functions Clearl}-, all these and past nominal shocks and the current precision state s^. Finally, let E^ denote the expectation of the fc"'-order average belief conditional on the nominal shocks alone (that averaging across the two possible st states). E^ = for some constant 77^. The constant rji^ It is r]k9t + {l-Tik)9t-u = dEf/d9t the price level to the underlying nominal shock is is, easy to check that thus identifies the sensitivity of the A'"'-order average belief to the underlying nominal shock. As anticipated The not matters for individual pricing behavior, and hence for aggregate prices, even when firms' their pricing decisions are interdependent (a of beliefs Indeed, since an firm's and therefore that the aggregate price Kit pricing decisions are strategically independent (a To because this could help him improve of other firms in equilibrium. precisely other firms are informed about this shock. about st then follows that firms face imcertainty about the aggregate price only because they do not how his forecast in the Introduction, the response of determined by the discussion in the Introduction had abstracted from price rigidities 18 sensitivities {rjk}-^ (i.e., it had imposed A = 0), but the ^ Figure 6 1 Figure 7 1) _^ . (18 ;//^ (J,6 ^ — / 04 \ dtim ,ltlM / dtim ^ 0.2 1 (tp/m 10 5 We 20 15 30 25 behavior of the hierarchy of beliefs illustrate the on the impact of the precision of information when restrict k^ = = k-i k, this precision is In Figure 7. common identifies the common common K, -^ prior expectation, ^t-i, as the signals for all fc, 7?fc — 1 > as K -4 00. Finally, Ot, > > 7/1 7/2 > In Figure information. ... 7, > we turn our focus W'e then observe that we let k^ rji is > ki with it fixed pomt is ??2 we can more and 773 independent of depends not affect the as perfect; perfect, higher- any k e (0,cx)), beliefs vary with the coefficient increase with 7. That is, the sensitivity 7, while the sensitivities of higher-order onl}' on first-order but also on higher-order response of the price level to the nominal shock even does not affect the response of first-order clearly ^ of information regarding the underlying precision state). fact that the price level though ^As mentioned r]k 7. we can expect that 7 should is and consider how the invariant to 7, while beliefs, insight for We to the impact of the uncertainty regarding the precision of others' of first-order beliefs to the nominal shock baseline model, thus converges become whenever the signals are informative but not 7 (which parameterizes the heterogeneity Along with the We 0. In particular, beliefs increase 9t for all k, as the signals order beliefs are more anchored towards the prior than lower-order beliefs: 1 focus precision of information). become uninformative: Second, the beliefs converge to the true underlying state, 0. we sensitivities of the then observe the following qualitative properties. First, the hierarchy of behefs about to the 6, knowledge. which case 7 becomes irrelevant) and consider how the (in shock vary with k (which now beliefs to the Figures 6 and in beliefs. Indeed, following similar steps as in the solve for the equilibrium as follows.^ general. earlier, in both our baseline model and in all three variants of of the best-response condition (3). For the current variant, this nature of the information structure implies that this condition However, the properties that first-order beliefs do not depend on 19 is 7, is it, we identify the equilibrium as the with some abuse, since the non-Gaussian not exact: it is only a log-linear approximation. while higher-order beliefs and hence equilibrium Proposition 2. (i) There exists an equilibrium {biPt-\ + b2.hXi,t + bs^hdt-i if K'l.t = K,h + h.hXix + if K^^t = Ki biPt-i while the aggregate price level ClPt-l + cs,kdt-i if St = h + C2,h0t + C3M0t-l if St = I for some coefficients [bi.bo.h^h^hh.h^hd) "'^^ Let C2 = ^(c2,/i + C2,;) b3j,,6t--[ C2 and cs depend on 7 This result of 7. We is is = cind C3 ^(cs,/, + C3,;) be the mean sensitivity of the price level to the a if ^ c\ ' 0. also illustrated in Figure 7, which plots the coeffirient C2 = E[dpt/df)t] as a function see that as 7 decreases, the sensitivity of the first-order beliefs to the current nominal shock constant, while the sensitivity of the price level decreases. staj's The equilibrium value of identical to that in the baseline model, while the equilibrium values of and only if given by (ci, C2,/i, C2,/, C3,/i, C3,;). current and past nominal shock, averaging across the precision states. does not depend on 7 and is given by is {cipt-i +C2^h0t (ii) which the pricing strategy of a firm in. Ss anticipated, this because a is lower 7 decreases the sensitivity of second- and higher-order beliefs. To recap, the example of this section has highlighted how, even of the firms forecasts to the underlying nominal shock, one could how for if one were to still fix the sensitivity have significant freedom higher-order beliefs, and thereby equilibrium prices, respond to the shock. This is in important understanding the quantitative implications of incomplete information: to estimate the degree of price inertia caused by incomplete information, one may need direct or indirect information, not only about the firm's expectations about the underlying nominal shocks, but also about their higher-order expectations. Finally, it generate the possibility that adjust their prices when informative); but is when all is s a variant of the model we have introduced here could firms are perfectly informed about the nominal shock, are free to and yet fully, the precision state the signal how interesting to note is find s — h — I, some all it optimal to adjust only partly. firms get Ki = firms get k, To see this, suppose that co (which means that their signals are perfectly = 00 and others get k^ = (which means that completely uninformative). Under this scenario, when the precision state outcomes do depend on either the baseline 7, do not hinge on this approximation. Finally, keep in mind that condition model or the two other variants that we consider subsequently. 20 is (3) s is = h, all exact in However, this fact firms are perfectly informed. firm cannot s ~ whether she tell is is not knowledge, perfectly informed because the state is s = /i Tliis is because each or because the state is but she was among the lucky ones to receive the perfectly precise signals. As a result, each I some other firms might not be informed and firm must cissign positive probability to the event that hence might not adjust their find common it optimal not to adjust fully to the shock. perfectly Of But then because prices. mformed about the shock and course, in this last example the It complementarity every firm of strategic follows that there exist events possibility that firms are perfectly informed strictly less events where some firms are relative uninformed and nevertheless find shock because they expect that other firms cannot generate situations where other firms to be less all firms are nevertheless do not fully adjust their prices. respond perfectly to the shock can occur only with probability bit to the where will will it than one: the will also be optimal to respond quite a be more informed. That in all events firms are perfectly and yet do not this is, example informed and nevertheless expect informed. Indeed, based on the results of Kajii and Morris (1997) regarding the robustness of complete-information equilibria to the introduction of incomplete information, one can safely guess that if the common prior assigns probabihty near 1 where the to the set of events firms are nearly perfectly informed about the underlying nominal shock, then with probability near 1 the response of prices to the underlying nominal shock will be nearly the same as in the knowledge benchmark. Nevertheless, the results of this section do highhght response of higher-order beliefs 5 is common- how quantifying the essential for quantifying the response of prices to nominal shocks. Heterogeneous priors In this section we study how heterogeneous priors regarding the signals firms receive can affect the behavior of higher-order beliefs and thereby the response of prices to the underlymg nominal shocks. In particular, equilibrium as if we consider a system of heterogeneous priors that induces firms to behave in they lived in a world where other firms were nominal shocks. This sustains a partially underlying shock, even if of Section 3. a firm may change We its equilibrium where firms react they have nearly perfect information about Apart from the mtroduction model self-fulfilling informed about the underlying less again of heterogeneous priors, the setup let Of follow an exogenous price with probability 1 - A, in 21 is little to the it. identical to our baseline random walk Calvo process. In any given period, which case the price it chooses is a weighted average of all future target prices; oo p,,i As in the baseline = (1 - 8X) ^ {0Xy [(1 - a) + E,,tO,+j aE^,tPt+J] model, each period firms learn perfectly the nominal demand of the previous period, 9i-\, and receive a private signal of the current period's nominal = Xi,t Ot In particular, each firm believes that believes the error in its own its private signal own is demand: + ei,t. However, firms disagree on the stochastic properties of the noise i (9) signal is in their signals. an unbiased signal of drawn from the following Of. Specifically, firm distribution: e,,t~A^(0,l/K^). At the same time, each firm believes that the private signals firm i believes that the errors in the private signals of all of all other firms are biased. Specifically, other firms are drawn independently from the following distribution: where 5i^t is the bias that firm i believes to be present in the private signals of other firms. Finally, assume that the perceived biases are negatively correlated with the innovation (the nominal shock). Specifically, wc^ where x S in the [0, 1] is assume that, for all i and in we the fundamental all t, a parameter that controls the correlation of the perceived bias with the innovation nominal shock. Finally, these perceptions are commonly understood and mutually accepted: ^° the firms have agreed to disagree. To understand the difference between the baseline model (which had assumed a and the current model (with allows '"We have used a for heterogeneous priors), related heterogeneous-priors specification in Angeletos context and for different purposes. role of heterogeneous priors: document. For example, in We refer the reader to that paper for a it is either heterogeneous priors or a we document how a common prior, and La'O {2009b). albeit within a different more thorough discussion on the modeling for the type of efl'ccts we certain type of sunspot-like fluctuations can obtain with but the former maintain a higher 22 prior) useful to consider the beliefs they are convenient, but need not be strictly necessary that paper common level of tractability. of each firm about the average expectation of expectation of the fundamental In either model, each firm's Of. own (first-order) is E^,tOt '"'^ = + Xt + Kx —^— Kg Kx + Kg 9t-l In the baseline model, this implied that each firm believed that the average first-order expectation in the rest of the popiilation satisfied .^ Kj That, - Kx Kg -\- In contrast, expectation now + Kg Kx + Kg 6t-\. that firms have heterogeneous priors, each firm believes the average first-order satisfies ^t is, Ei_,6'( H ; Kx — the firm's second-order expectation is + Kg Therefore, the heterogeneous priors that ^ ''( ; Kx beliefs, Kg the firm's second-order expectation was given by is, ^i.tEi That + now ^t-i' ; given by Kx + we have introduced but they do affect second- and higher-order beliefs: Kg in this section the higher \' do not is, the affect first-order more each firm believes that the beliefs of others will be less sensitive to innovations 0, even though is its own belief not affected. We now examine how in which the price set this affects equilibrium behavior. by a firm jt-t.t for some Ft ( is is = -P(P(-i>^i-i>2-,,() Xpt-i again an equilibrium a linear function of (p;_i, 6'(_i,X(, coefficients h\, 60,63. Accordingly, firm Pt where = in period We conjecture once + (l-\) = i J 6ip,_i -K 62a-,,f ): -h63^(-i (10) expects that the price level will satisfy P(pt-uOt-i^x.)dFt{x) the cross-sectional distribution of signals as perceived by the typical firm. (11) Our assump- tion regarding the heterogeneous priors implies that each firm thinks that the cross-sectional 23 mean of the signals in the rest of the population is — (1 + x)^t It X^t-i- follows that each firm expects the price level to satisfy Pt = + {l-X)P{pt-i,Ot-i.{l-x)Ot + \pt-i xOt-i) or equivalently Pt = + CiPt-i + €20 1 0:^61-1 (12) where =A + ci But now recall (1-A)6i, = by the solution to (8). now We is = (1-A)(63 + coefficients (ci,C2,C3), the given by the joint solution of (8) and (13). (or, equivalently, as in c\ and for C2 C3 in (13), (and hence also that of 61) not the condition for remains the same as in c\. It follows our baseline the standard Calvo model). Moreover, the price process continues to be homogeneous of degree one, so that ci + C2 + C3 = 1. C2 _ . A(l-ci) = A this last condition now Finally, the equilibrium value of ct (..:_.,_,, -- satisfies (13) 62X). conclude that the equilibrium values of the coefficients (61,62,63) and that the equilibrium value of Comparing C3 x) to set a price as in (10), with the coefficients (61,62.^3) defined Note that x enters only the conditions model - X)h{l - [l from the baseline model that, no matter what are the best response of a firm to (12) (ci,C2,C3) are C2 + ci^^fi±^' with the corresponding condition for the baseline model, we observe that the equilibrium values of (ci,C2,C3) for the present model coincide with those of the baseline model if the precision of information in that model ^X which is _ (I ~ \") is adjusted to the value k^ defined by ^I ,, clearly decreasing in x- This observation in turn establishes a certain isomorphism between the present model and the baseline one: in the heterogeneous-prior economy that we have introduced same way as in for the fact that here, firms expect the price level to respond to the underlying nominal shock in the a common-prior economy that is identical to the oaie in our baseline the precision of available information Along with the to respond to its fact that, is model except decreased from n^ to kx- because of strategic complementarity (a > own information is .s 0), the incentive of a firm lower the lower the expected response of the price level, conclude that heterogeneous priors reduce the response of each firm to the underlying nominal shock. 24 its we own information about Proposition In the equilibrium of the heterogeneous-priors economy, firms respond to their 3. information in the same way as that other firms have to its To own is a m an a common-pnor economy m which the precision of information decreasing function of x- signal about the underlying nominal shock further appreciate this result, for the and consider the shock. limit as k^ -^ 00, moment implication, the sensitivity 62 of a firm's price is also decreasing in x for given precision. allow us to abstract from price rigidities (A meaning that each firm common-prior world, In the By this is — this limit, if » would have guaranteed that prices move one-to-one with now let each firm it optimal to adjust their prices though they are perfectly informed about the shock and there The preceding analysis haii focused on of prices to the underlying shock; in the shock is how heterogeneous is no price some p G Proposition !) One can the [0, 4. There this point, it is i = is much even alike the baseline of prices after the However, model. is persistent 5t = -xvt + p5t, extend the preceding analysis to show the following. which depend on {\,p), such that the equi- given by P{pt-i,x,,t,0t-u5t-i) ^ 6ip(-i important to recognize that so —we effect, follows an autoregressive process of the following form: far +b2Xu + bjOt-i +b4St^i we have used the model only about what the firms expect the price level to do and about this shock than St exist coefficients (61,62,63,64), librium strategy of firm Pij easily less priors affect the instantaneous response model considered above, the dynamics driven solely by the Calvo mechanics, over time. To see this, suppose that bias how they respond to make predictions to their information have not used the model to make predictions about what we, as outside observers or "econometricians", expect the price level to do. make along rigidity. heterogeneous priors can also affect these dynamics, to the extent that the perceived bias At 1 perfectly informed about the shock but expects other firms to respond as is one-to-one in response to the nominal shock, thereby causing the shock to have a real for ^ x 00 in such a way that the quantity k^ defined in (14) stays bounded away from oc. In they were imperfectly informed; firms therefore find initial 0) about the (nearly) perfectly informed the nominal shock and hence that the nominal shock has no real effect. But with Kx = This is where heterogeneous priors things delicate. To analyze the equilibrium strategy of the firm as a function of their signals (their "types"), we do not need to take a stand on whether the firms signals are "truly" biased or 25 not; we only need predictions about how these beliefs will response of the aggregate price mapping from and then we can use the model to make to postulate the system of their beliefs level to beliefs to behavior; we map In contrast, to analyze the impulse into behavior. the underlying shock, know on what also need to nominal shock to the cross-sectional distribution no more it is the suffices to characterize the mapping from the underlying of beliefs. In particular, we must now take a stand on how the cross-sectional average of signals relates to the underlying nominal shock. Here, we could assume either that "econometrician" believes that the signals are biased, so that the cross-sectional average of cross-sectional average of of motion of the price will xu + x,( is 9i is 9t. If 5t, or that she believes that they are unbiased, so that the we assume the former scenario, then the econometrician's law with the one in the minds of the firms. level will coincide In particular, it be given by pt with the function P = il- X)pt-i + given by Proposition 4. instead If econometrician's law of motion for the price level will In particular, it will be given by ft with the function motions P = - X)pt-i + average of we assume the latter scenario, from the one ::,.„, ,., mind in the ,,.: . then the of the firms. „,;:; ;,,, XPipt-uet,et-uSt-i), given once again by Proposition in that the cross-sectional ^t,0t-u5t-i), differ • ,- (1 + XP{pt-i,dt Xtt is 4. The only assumed to be (9( difference in these + 6t in the two law of case first and in ^ the latter case. For the remainder of the analysis, we will assume the latter scenario, keeping though in three properties. First, under this scenario the econometrician predicts that firms react to because their signals are biased, but only because they believe that other firms the two scenarios deliver similar qualitative properties as long as tive difference (9^ between the two scenarios vanishes as a — 1. > q > 0. And will do so. mind Sf not Second, third, the quantita- Both of these properties are direct implications of strategic complementarity. Assuming the second scenario and combining the stochastic process of motion for the price level, we conclude that the dynamics of 9t and r ' e,-i /J 6t Pi A/)2 + A^3 Xb4 <5,-i 1 - A + A^i P'-^ . 26 with the law of the economy, as seen from the perspective of the econometrician, are given by the following: 1 6t "1 1 + -\ C2 Vt Figure with the coefficients 8: Figure inflation (61, 62! ^3 > being determined as ^4) system, along with the fact that real output inflation and output to a positive is innovation in j/( = - 6t Vf (of in Proposition pt- to 9: output We 4. can then use this simulate the impulse responses of a size equal to the standard deviation of Vt). Figures 8 and 9 illustrate these impulse responses for different values of \ and (common-prior) model corresponds to x keeping p = affects the impact =^ effect of the in the period that the the innovation in is dampened by But as long as p letting x = > 0, — p The baseline p. anticipated, we see that letting innovation but not its persistence. 0. As x > but In particular, nominal demand materializes, the response of inflation and by implication the positive effect on real output is amplified. the dynamics following this initial period are determined solely by the Calvo propagation mechanism and hence the persistence is the same as in the baseline model. because any discrepancy between either first-order or higher-order the shock vanishes after the In contrast, letting p initial period. persist in higher order beliefs even after it has vanished > beliefs This is and the true value of permits the discrepancy to in first-order beliids, thereby contributing to additional persistence in the real effects of the nominal shock. To sum changes This is in up, heterogeneous priors can help rationalize significant inertia the response of prices to nommal demand simply true no matter how high is b}' inducing inertia in the response of higher-order expectations. the firms' precision of information, that order beliefs to the nominal shock. Moreover, this insight is is, the sensitivity of not specific to the contemporaneous response of beliefs to the shock, but also to the entire dynamic adjustment of the in work that we do not report here because in a heterogeneous-priors variant of knowledge, thus allowing both time. But whereas in first- beliefs, beliefs beliefs. we have obtained (2003), in which the shock never and high-order Woodford (2003) the connected to that of first-order of space limitations, Woodford first- Indeed, similar results becomes common converge to the truth only slowly over rate of convergence of higher-order beliefs is tightly heterogeneous priors permits us to break this connection, so 27 that higher-order behefs and prices even converge very slowly to their complete-information values first-order beliefs converge very fast. if Finally, note that the present precisions that may may we considered in the model shares a model with uncertain bit of the flavor of the previous section: there we focused on the possibility that firms face uncertainty about the precision of other firms' information about the shock; here showed how heterogeneous priors can induce firms less precise behave as if they expected other firms to have In either case, the key information than themselves. behefs as opposed to first-order to we the behavior of higher-order is beliefs.-'^ Heterogenous priors and cost-push shocks 6 In the preceding two sections we highlighted how higher-order beliefs can induce inertia in the response of prices to nominal shocks in the economy. In so doing, we focused on the role of higherorder beliefs for the propagation of certain structural shocks, namely nominal shocks. In this section, building on Angeletos and La'O (2009b), we highlight how higher-order beliefs can themselves be the source of a certain type of fluctuations in the price level and real output resemble the ones generated by cost-push, or mark-up, shocks. — fluctuations that .^ For this purpose, we modify the model of the previous section as follows. have heterogeneous priors about their signals, but the perceived bias is Firms continue to no more correlated with the underlying nominal shock. Rather, the bias follows an independent stochastic process, given by ''.' where is u>t St shows similarity that, if p5t-i +uJt a Normally distributed shock that Following similar steps as "The = one in is i.i.d. ' across time (15) ' ' ^ and independent of for all r. 0.^ the previous section, one can then show the following. we obtain between our two models is fixes a specific hierarchy of beliefs, priors from properties of any finite order of beliefs. reminiscent of a point one cannot This in tell made apart a in Lipman common (2003). That paper prior from heterogeneous turn suggests that in certain cases it may be possible to replicate, or approximate, the equilibrium behavior that obtains for any particular hierarchy of beliefs with either a common prior or heterogeneous priors. general equilibrium of our At the same time, because the reduced-form game that characterizes the economy admits a unique rationalizable outcome, and hence also a unique correlated equilibrium, the results of Kajii and Morris (1997) suggest that the complete-information equilibrium the introduction of incomplete information. to make the It tlien follows that, witli a common prior, predictions of the model under incomplete information sufficiently different. 28 one needs is robust to sufficient "noise" Figure Figure 10 inflation 04 03 "'^ \ \ /i=0 ' ' 2 10 --..0 / * \ output 1: s — — / 02 [\ ^ 1 \V ' —r ' 10 « I 02 0.3 Proposition i is 5. There exist coefficients (61,62,^3,^4,^5) such that the equilibrium strategy of firm given by Pi,t = + biPt-i b2X,j +b30t^i +b46t^i +b5UJt Taking once again the perspective of an econometrician who iDeheves that the signals are unbiased, we obtaui the unpulse responses from the following dynamics: of the price level ' e,.: 1 dt-i p A62 Pt In Figures 10 and 11, innovation in demand we + A63 A64 illustrate the 1 - A + 1 + A62 Pt-i ,\6i Vt + t^'t 1 A65 impulse responses of inflation and real output to a positive a shock causes firms to raise their prices even though aggregate nominal Uf Such As a hasn't change. result, inflation increases and output contracts. The resulting fluctu- ations thus resembled to those often identified as the impact of "cost-push" shocks. this cost-push-like shock is When p transitory; the moderately persistent effects on real output are then merely to the Calvo mechanics. When instead p > 0, the bias is itself persistent, = 0, due which contributes to additional persistence in the real effects of the shock. 7 Conclusion In this paper justment we studied how the combination may dampen of incomplete information the response of prices to nominal shocks. We and infrequent price ad- did so through a series of variant models which progressively shifted focus from the stickiness of prices and the precision We thus sought to highlight that quantifying the degree of price stickiness and the speed of learning (i.e., of available information about the shocks to the dynamics of higher-order expectations. the rate at which first-order beliefs adjust to the shock) does not suffice for quantifying the rate 29 at which higher-order behefs adjust, and therefore also does not which prices adjust. We also illustrated how turn We may sacrifice in analytical tractability thus hope that more effort will be devoted to quantifying the behavior of expectations and possibility, at least in principle, economic agents. We and La'O (2009a), in find this would be to macro How level. can alike, our eyes dispersed information — and higher-order may beliefs face Angeletos — are merely modeling in macro models higher-order beliefs matter only to the extent that they impact forecasts of the few macroeconomic variables, such as the price employment. Therefore, we do not think that beliefs. in about aggregate economic equilibrium actions of other agents. Furthermore, in most macro models this in forecasts of One be done? both impractical and unnecessary. As we further argue beyond the one that they face about the underlying fundamentals. Indeed, and games order this start conducting surveys of the higher-order beliefs of devices for capturing the uncertainty that economic agents or —which pave the way to bringing the ideas of this paper closer to the data. their implications for the degree of price inertia at the activity rate at the distinct role of higher-order beliefs could be readily accommodated within the Calvo framework without any in suffice for quantifying the Rather, we it is level and the is level of essential to collect data summarized typically aggregate output on the details of higher- believe that data on forecasts of economic activity can provide guidance for quantifying the type of effects Turning to potential implications one interprets the exogenous shock for in we document monetary policy, here. more direct • we wish to make the following points. our anal^'sis as an innovation in monetary policy, one conclude that our results justify strong real effects for exogenous changes to monetary policy. If may We would not necessarily favor such an interpretation. The theory we have presented here does not imply the same price inertia with respect to that there is non-trivial lack of all shocks in the economy. common knowledge about note that information about changes in monetary policy Rather, in it is commonly understood that this the market regarding monetary policy, and financial monetary policy. is is readily available the case; there pric(;s In our eyes, these are indications that significant lack of crucial to and is a closely followed, when lot of it seems to communication adjust within seconds to changes in assuming common knowledge about innovations to monetary policy might not be a terrible benchmark after At the same time, we suspect a is the shock under consideration. But then not only from participants in financial markets but also from the general public matter. Moreover, it the all. common knowledge for a variety of other "structural" shocks hitting the economy, such aggregate productivity shocks, financial shocks, labor- 30 market shocks, and so on. We then expect incomplete information to have more bite on monetary policy in a different dimension: the interest-rate rule followed by the central bank can affect much the incompleteness of information about these shocks impacts equilibrium outcome. In par- ticular, the central designing effects how it bank can control the degree of strategic complementarity in pricing decision by response to realized inflation and output; we have documented in so doing, here. Further exploring this possibility it can also mitigate the inertia is left for future work.^^ ^^The insight that the response of policy to macroeconomic outcomes can impact the decentraUzed use of information, and thereby the response of the economy to both the fundamentals, and noise draws from Angeletos and Pavan (2009). See also Angeletos and La'O (2008) and Lorenzoni (2009) for some recent work on the design of optimal monetary policy when information is dispersed. 31 Appendix Proof of Proposition The condition 1. that determines /(ci,A,/?) = cj can be restated as a, (16) where _ (l-/3Aci)(ci-A) ^^'^'^'^)=ci(l-A)(l-/?A)As mentioned Ci G (A, 1) in the main two sohitions to text, there are this equation —one with ci > 1 and —and we focus on the non-explosive one. Clearly, that the aforementioned equation independent of k^ and is Kg, implying that c\ is independent of the information structure. Moreover, dci ^ dX df/dX ^ df/dci dci ^ da It follows that ci is ci(l X{1 1 — ci for C2 it cj is — is immediate that non-monotone in is .,,.--: X[l-pc\) o. C3 it is for given c\ is = A(l-ci) A + ci^ ' ' ' , immediate that a can be First, (ci, C2,fi,C2,(, C3,/i, C3,i) 2. , main text that / C2 satisfies _ C2 is increasing in Kx/kB) and since cs — decreasing in KxJkq. Moreover, since the above expression and is decreasing in ci, and since is c\ is itself non-monotonic in increasing in q, A and that C3 is establish by numerical example. The equilibrium can be characterized in a similar fashion as in the by aggregating the strategy of the firms, we must : , ' decreasing in q. Finally, the fact that C2 Proof of Proposition baseline model. - /3ci)(l - p\^) - pX){l - Pcj) increasing in both A and a. Next, recall from the independent of follows that C2 X){1 c2(l- A)(1-/?A) df/dci independent of [K^.Kg), C2, it is ci)(l - ^ 1 Co Since - infer that the coefficients solve the following system: ci = A+(l- A)5i C2,s = (1-A)[762,. C3,, = (1 - A) [763,, 32 . . + (l-7)&2,-5] + (1 - 7)^3,-5] . = when where we use the convention that -s firms' best response, we = s / = h and —s infer that the coefficients (&i,62,/ii^2,/. h when = s Next, by taking the I. solve the following system: ^3,/ii ^3,i) "" 61 = ((1-/?A)q ^^2,. = [ b3,s = [{l-pX){l-a) + {{l-3X)a+iPX)bi){^C2,s + (1 - + /?A) (1 ' (/3A)6i)ci - a) + +(/3A) (i(62,, + Clearly, ci again, and ((1 + - pX)a + - ((1 + 62,,,) + flX)o^ (63,/ + {pX)b,) (7C3,, 63,,)) + + (/3A)6i) (7C2,. (1 {l~l)c2,-s) 7)c3,-s) solution with ci S Given (0, 1). Proof of Proposition 3. In the main (62,5, 63,5. C2,5, C2^s)se{h.i}- we showed that the equilibrium values text and (61,62,63) are determined by the solution to (8) and (13); Once remainder of the conditions this solution, the consist a linear system, which admits a unique solution for the coefficients in 7)c2,-.) continue to be determined by the same equations as in the baseline model. fej we focus on the determined as - -^ ] - (1 that ci and the baseline model and are thus independent of x; and that of (ci, C2, C3) continue to be 61 co satisfies A(l-ci) C2 A which is + ci HO+\Ki decreasing in \. Along with the fact that C2 = (1 - A)62(l - x)i we get that A(l-ci) (1-A) which is also decreasing in x> since cj Proof of Propositions 4 and let 5. G To + ci^ + (ci-A)x (A, 1). nest both the model of Section 5 and that of Section 6, we the bias be given by St We A then conjecture an equilibrium in = -X'l'f +^t + pSt-v which the price set by a firm in period t is b45t-i + a. linear function Oi {pt-^l,Xt,^t-lSt-l,uJt)^ P^,i for some = P{pt-i,Xi^t,dt-i,St^i,uJt) = bipt-i +b2Xij, +bsOt-i coefficients 61,62,63,64,65. 33 + bsojt (17) Our mean specification of the heterogeneous priors implies that each firm thinks that the cross-sectional of the signals in the rest of the population is = xt + 6t = 9t - {1 x)9t + Y^t-i + P^t-i + Wf . It follows that each firm expects the price level to satisfy Pt = Ap;-i + - (1 X) P{pt-i,xt,6t-},5t-i,i^t) or equivalently Pt = ciPt-\ + + CiOt-i + C29t + csuJt c^St-i where ci = A CA = {I + (1-A)6i, - we may Next, note that .- p^,t + X) {b2P C2 bi) = (l-A)62(l-x), , C3 = (1 - A) (62\ + 63) (19) = (l-A)(62+65) C5 ' write the firm best response (9) as i's = il-PX)[{l-a)E,^tOt + Given that the firm expects the price aE,^tPt] must be that the it " i0X)E^,tm,t+i. according to (18), for the firm's best response level to evolve to be consistent with our conjecture (17), + ': coefficients (61,62,63,64,65) solve the following system: 61 = [(l-/3A)Q + ,..-•-' (/?A)6i]ci (20) , ""^ 62 = [(1 - + ipX) + (pX) [bico + 62 + 63 - ,y64)] 63 = [(1 -PX){l-a + ac2) + iPX) + (/?A) (61C2 + 60 + 63 - ,164)] /JA) (1 - a+ ac2) ''''^ Kx + {l-6X)ac3 + + = (1 - /?A)ac4 + (/3A)6iC4 + (/?A)64/5 65 = (1-^A)qc5 + (/?A)6iC5 + (/3A)64 rium values (19) and ' ^ ' (20) gives us a system of equations which characterizes the equilib- for (61,62,63,64, 65, ci, C2, C3, C4,C5). immediate that the conditions that determine model. 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