Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/inferencefordistOOcher 31 O I I Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series INFERENCE FOR DISTRIBUTIONAL EFFECTS USING INSTRUMENTAL QUANTILE REGRESSION MIT MIT Victor Chernozhukov, Christian Hansen, Working Paper 02-20 May 16,2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn.coin/paper.taf?abstract_id = 3 1 3426 : 1° Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series INFERENCE FOR DISTRIBUTIONAL EFFECTS USING INSTRUMENTAL QUANTILE REGRESSION MIT MIT Victor Chernozhukov, Christian Hansen, Working Paper 02-20 May 6, 2002 1 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract_id= xxxxx INFERENCE FOR DISTRIBUTIONAL EFFECTS USING INSTRUMENTAL QUANTILE REGRESSION VICTOR CHERNOZHUKOV AND CHRISTIAN HANSEN Abstract. In this paper we describe how quantile regression can be used to evaluate the impact of treatment on the entire distribution of outcomes, when the treatment endogenous or selected in relation to potential outcomes. We is describe an instrumental variable quantile regression process and the set of inferences derived from it, on tests of distributional equality, non-constant treatment dominance, effects, conditional focusing and exogeneity. The inference, which is subject to the Durbin problem, is handled via a method of score resampling. The approach is illustrated with a classical supply-demand and a schooling example. Results from both models demonstrate substantial treatment heterogeneity and serve to illustrate the rich variety of hypotheses that can be tested using inference on the instrumental quantile regression process. Key Words: Quantile Regression, Instrumental Quantile Regression, Treatment Effects, Endogeneity, Stochastic Dominance, Hausman Test, Supply-Demand Equations, Returns to Education Address correspondence to V. Chernozhukov, Department of Economics, MIT, E52-262F, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, of MA 02142 meetings in is a provisional draft and an MIT Department thank the participants and organizers of the EC 2001 (e-mail vchern@mit.edu.) This Economics Working Paper. March 2002. We Louvain-La-Neuve, where the research reported in this paper was presented. Introduction 1. In this paper of treatment we on the describe how quantile regression can be used to evaluate the impact entire distribution of outcomes, selected in relation to potential outcomes. regression process and the We when the treatment set of inferences derived from it, which is The paper pling. approach is self-selected or focusing on tests of distribu- tional equality, non-constant treatment effects, conditional dominance, inference, is introduce an instrumental variable quantile and exogeneity. The is handled via a method of score resammethods and establishes their asymptotic validity. The with a classical supply-demand and a schooling example. subject to the Durbin problem, describes these illustrated Inference about distributional outcomes is crucial in a wide range of economic analy- For example, formal evaluation of a social program requires inference concerning the ses. nature, direction, and magnitude of the program's impact throughout the entire outcome under alternative dis- distribution, since evaluation involves integration of utility functions tributions of outcomes. For further examples and previous literature, see Atkinson (1970), Abadie (2002), Foster and Shorrocks (1988), Heckman and Smith (1997), and McFadden (1989). Just as in classical p-sample theory, e.g. Doksum (1974) and Shorack and Wellner (1986), this kind of inference is based on the empirical quantile regression process, which has recently been explored by Koenker and Xiao (2002). The goal of this paper (IV-QR) process and a is to offer an empirical instrumental variable quantile regression set of inference tools derived eliminates the endogeneity and selection bias from it. Effectively, instrumentation commonly occurring in observational studies and experiments with imperfect compliance. Thus, the IV-QR process allows us to measure the exogenous treatment effect as in a fully controlled experiment, whereas the conventional QR process is inherently biased. Using the instrumental variable quantile regression process we describe and derive the properties of a class of tests based on it which allow us to examine: The hypothesis of distributional equality, or whether the treatment has a significant The hypothesis of non-constant or varying treatment effect, a fundamental hypothesis 1. effect, 2. of causal analysis, 3. cf. The cf. Heckman (1990), Doksum (1974), and Koenker and Xiao (2002), hypothesis of conditional stochastic dominance, a fundamental hypothesis as well, Abadie (2002) and McFadden (1989), 4. The hypothesis of exogeneity, or whether the treatment variable essential hypothesis, e.g. Hausman (1978). is exogenous, another A difficulty which when implementing arises 1 these tests is that some of them are subject to the Durbin problem. That is, duce parameter dependent asymptotics, endangering distribution-free inference. the model's features or estimated nuisance parameters in- A method of score resampling, which bootstraps the scores or estimated influence functions without estimates', is suggested for generating asymptotically valid critical values recomputing the A main for these tests. enables fast, practical other settings, and its advantage of this method The method implementation. computational simplicity, which is its is of independent interest in immediate applicability to other problems eral conditions given in this paper. For example, it can be used many assured by the gen- is for conventional quantile regression. The use of the approach with random ings. is illustrated through demand analyze the structure of and coefficients, in the second, We obtain clear evidence against accepting the hypothesis of first, we demand system two empirical examples. In the within a simultaneous equations for fish we consider the effect of schooling on earn- the exogeneity and constant effect hypotheses, while order stochastic dominance in both of these examples. first Thus, our paper complements the previous work which has considered research in this Hogg (1975), Abadie (1995) (2002), MaCurdy and Timmins Hong and Tamer (2001), Abadie, Angrist, and Imbens (2001), direction, including that of McFadden (1989), Koenker and Xiao (2002), (1998), Chernozhukov (2002) and others. This paper accompanies our previous paper, Chernozhukov and Hansen (2001), that focused on modeling and identification of quantile treatment effects in the presence of endogeneity. The present paper goes further to establish the sampling properties of the entire instrumental variable quantile regression process and of the inference processes and test from statistics derived The remainder It also provides practical bootstrap tools to carry out the tests. of the paper the causal model and examples developed its it. sampling theory. its is organized as follows. In the next section, then presents the IV-QR 2. model is D 2 methods it we will use a con- Potential or counterfactual real-valued outcomes (D € D, a subset of ffif ), and denoted Y^ while potential coined by Koenker and Xiao (2002) to emphasize Durbin's contribution to theory of goodness-of-fit tests with estimated parameters e.g. process and of the and Section 6 concludes. a simultaneous equations model. To describe are indexed against treatment See 5, IV-QR The use The Causal Model ventional potential outcomes framework. The term was process and develops Section 4 develops inference procedures for the are illustrated via two empirical examples in Section following briefly discuss examples that underlie both the estimation and the empirical in this paper. Section 3 presents practical inference for testing distributional hypotheses. The we Heckman and Robb and have an easy way to (1986) and Imbens and Angrist (1994)). refer to the problem. treatment status is is indexed against the instrument Z, and denoted D= an individual's outcome when Z= Dz d and Dz For example, Yd an individual's treatment status when is . z. The d e D}, such as wages or demand, vary Given the actual treatment D, the observed potential or counterfactual outcomes [Yd, across individuals or states of the world. outcome is Y = YD That is, . only the D-th. component of {Yd,d e T>} observed. Typically is D is selected in relation to potential outcomes, inducing endogeneity or sample selectivity. The objective of our analysis to learn is about the marginal distributions the conditional quantiles of potential outcomes or, equivalently, Yd'. Qyd |x(r),rGT, where T is a closed subinterval of (0, 1). Quantiles of potential outcomes are a primary input to decisions about the efficiency of treatment and programs 3 social potential outcomes is sample . The main obstacle to learning about the quantiles of misleading about the quantities in question, see 2.1. The Model. The (2001). This model e.g. Heckman it. that affect the selection of assumed that there D by the individuals is left exists a vector of instrumental variables D but do not affect the potential outcomes. characteristics are denoted and Hansen Wald-type estimating equation and justifies a large variety In this model, the selection of treatment essentially unrestricted. It is typically (1990). following model has been suggested in Chernozhukov rationalizes a of estimators based on (Yo,D) are selectivity or endogeneity-the observed Z Observed individual by X. The main restriction of the model is the similarity assumption. The similarity assumption on the information that led to an individual's selection of treatment the expectation of any function of the individual's rank does not vary across treat- states that conditional state, ments. In other words, the selection presumes that the ex-ante expectation of a person's "ability" , as measured by the person's rank sumption Al, relative to people in the distribution of unobservables, vary across the treatments. Assumption 1. (IV-QR Model) Al Potential Outcomes. For almost every value of {X,Z) Given X = x, for some Ud Yd = q{d,x, Ud implying that q(d,x,r) 3 is Ud in As- with the same observed characteristics (X,Z), does not ), the r-th quantile of This has been discussed, for example, in Abadie (2002). 3 Yd . ~ U(0, = 1), {x,z), A2 Selection. For unknown function ment indexed by instrument status and random vector V, the potential given X = x, takes the form S(-) z, treat- Dz = 6{z,x,V). A3 Independence. Given X, {Ud} A4 Similarity. For each independent of Z. (V,X,Z) d,d', given Ud A5 OBSERVABLES consist is is equal in distribution to Ud' of, for - U = UD Y = q(D,X,U), D = 5(Z,X,V), X,Z It is important to note that the model differs Heckman and Angrist and Imben's LATE. The from the conventional selection model of differences mainly relate to the similarity assumption and slightly different independence conditions. An extensive comparative dis- cussion of the IV-QR model assumption is perhaps best highlighted in the demand and schooling examples described in the next two sections. is given in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2001). The discussion is The role of each elaborate since these examples underlie the empirical analysis in this paper. 2.2. Example: A Demand Model. The following is a general simultaneous equation many classical structural models can be written as special cases. Consider the model, and following model Yp = q (p, U) Yp = p{p,z,U) P £ {p q (p, Z,U) = p (p, It)} i. ii. iii. The map p Yp demand, supply, (2.1) equilibrium. : random demand function, that is it is the demand when the price the random supply function, that is the supply when the price is p Hp. Additionally, Yp and Yp q(-), and p(-) depend on the covariates X, but this dependence is suppressed. Random variable U is the level of the demand in the sense that is >-* is p. Likewise, the Yp is , Q(P, Demand is maximal when the level of supply. The U— 1 U) < q{p, U') when U < U' and minimal when r-quantile of the U= demand curve p 0, holding p fixed. Likewise, i-» Yp is P^QY (T) = q(p,T). the curve p ^ Yp below the curve p given by p Thus with probability r, lies i-> Qyp (r). It is The quantile treatment effect — q{p\r) The is characterized by an elasticity q{p,r) by or, if defined, dlnq(p, r)/d\np. depends on the state of the demand r (low or high) and may vary consid- elasticity erably with r. when For example, this variation could arise the number and aggregation induces non-constant elasticity across the demand summation of individual demand curves, holding the price fixed. of buyers varies levels as a process of This example incorporates traditional models with additive errors yp = q{p) + £, Note that the model of demand while in (2.2) in iii. i. is more general in that the price elasticity As a ii. is random, (2.1) allows for general, non-parallel effects. the equilibrium condition that generates endogeneity - the selection of is the actual price by the market depends on the potential and (2.2) constant. In other words, (2.2) restricts the price effect to parallel shifts it is demand, while Condition in = Q e {U). where £ demand and supply outcomes i. result P = 5(Z,V), where V consists of U, rium price is IX, and other variables (including "sunspot" Instrumental variables Z, th quantile of the demand correlation between 2.3. like the equilib- weather conditions and factor prices, that shift the supply demand curve Example: — 0, 1. Z and A Roy The function, V p «-> q(p,r). U allow identification of the r — Perhaps remarkably, the model allows to exist. type Model. An individual considers two levels of schooling outcome under each schooling level is given by potential {Yd ,d The if not unique). curve and do not affect the level of the denoted d variables, = 0,l}. individual selects his schooling level to maximize his expected utility: D = arg max \e [ W (Yd ) \X, Z, de{ ° ,1} V] } ' (2-3) = max arg {E[W (q{d,X,Ud ))\X,Z,V]j , d where W As a is the unobserved Bernoulli utility function, and E is the rational expectation. result, D = 5{Z,X,V) where Z, X are observed, unobserved variables that V is affect an error vector that depends on ranks {Ud } and other the selection, and 5 is an unknown function. 5 The similarity assumption imposes that E for any function [ W (q(d, Ud )) X, W, where E is \X, Z,V]=E[W (q(d, X, [/„)) \X, Z, V] (2.4) the rational expectation (computed with respect to the true probability law P). In other words, the decision maker's information does not allow the objective discrimination of systematic variation of his ranks across the treatment states, where the ranks are defined the same X relative to the observationally identical and Z. In other words, the on the information similarity assumption is group of individuals with nothing but a restriction set of the individual. Note that similarity is defined relative to the true expectation. In effect, (2.4) does not an individual to have rational expectations while optimizing in (2.3). Indeed, we could replace the expectation operator E in formula (2.3) by some subjective expectations require Eg such that D = arg max \eb 3. 3.1. The tions [ W {q{d,X,U \X,Z,V] d )) }. The Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression Process Principle. We first describe two important implications that arise from assump- A1-A4. Proposition 1 continuous and (A1-A5 imply Wald IV). Suppose A1-A5 and strictly increasing a.s. Then for each t £ P[Y <q(D,X,T)\X,Z] = T, that r i-> q(D,X,r) is (0, 1) a.s. (3.1) Furthermore, = Equation process t f—y Wald (3.1) is a q(d,x,r). QY-q(D,x, T )\x,z{T) style restriction that a.s. (3.2) can be used to estimate the quantile Identification of the quantile process in the population does not require functional form assumptions. This result is reported in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2001). The main identification restriction (3.1) can be posed via (3.2) as an optimization problem, which we call the instrumental variable or inverse quantile regression for its "inverse" relation to the (conventional) quantile regression of the IV-QR model and Koenker and Bassett (1978). This quantile regression together. Recall from Koenker and Bassett (1978) that quantile regression the best predictor of Y links given is formulated as finding X under the expected loss using the asymmetric least absolute deviation criterion: pT (u) — TU + + (1 — t)u~ . In other words, assuming integrability, the r-th conditional quantile of QY]x {r) = argmin Note that median regression Proposition 1 X given solves: E[pT (Y -f(X))\X] one important instance of quantile regression. is states that Y the r-th quantile of is random variable Y — q(D,X,r) condi- tional on (X, Z): = Thus, we may Proposition QY-q{D,x,T)i T \X, Z) a.s. for each t. pose the problem of finding a function q(d, x, r) satisfying equation (3.2) of as the instrumental variable or inverse quantile regression: 1 Find a function q(x, Y -q{X,D,r) such that d, r) a solution to the quantile regression of is on(Z,X): = arg mm EpT Y [( q{D, X, r) - f{X, Z))\X, Z) An Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression Process. For estimation of the rV-QR process, we focus on the basic linear model, which covers a wide range of applications: 3.2. q{D,X,T)=D'a(T)+X'P(T), where is D is an I- vector (3.3) a fc-vector of (transformations) of covariates. The linear quantile model special case of the X of treatment variables (possibly interacted with covariates) and more general model presented in Assumption Al, and is is obviously a a basic model of quantile regression research. We focus on a simple finite-sample analog of the the instrumental variable quantile re- gression in the population. Define the weighted quantile regression objective function as 1 Q„(T,a,0,7) ^i(r) Vi(r) In principle, - = -J2pr(ri-Di<*-XiP-*i{'ryi)-Vi{T), f = $(t, Xi, Zi) is = V(t, Xi, Zi) > an we may consider a /-vector of instruments is (/ is larger number = , of elements in vector $. However, this \\x\\a = j|-y(a, t) as follows: for &{t) dim(Z?)) a weight function. necessary as efficiency can instead be achieved by choosing The IV-QR procedure = where arg jnf (/8(a,r),7(a,T))= is not appropriately. y/x'Ax 1]^, arginf 7 )eBxS (/?, $ and V such that Q n (r, 0,^,7), (3.4) / v 3 5^; ' A and where are parameter sets, 3 "B is any fixed compact cube centered at 0, and A is a positive definite matrix. The parameter estimates are given by: = (fi(r)J(T)) (fi(r)^(a(T),r)) (3.6) Let us denote = 9{t) (a(r)',/3(r)')' There are three principal motivations strictions and 9{r) = (a(r)'^(r)')'- for this estimator. First, it naturally links IV re- and conventional quantile regression together by exploiting the principle described in the previous section. Second, it is computationally convenient, since the estimates can be computed by implementing a series of ordinary quantile regressions (convex optimization problems) implying a need for a grid search only over the a-parameter. Third, it is asymptotically equivalent to a $ instruments V and weights The instrumental GMM estimator and achieves maximal efficiency by choosing appropriately. variable quantile regression process §(-) T where 3.3. is a closed subinterval of Assumptions. set of = defined as is tGT), (§{r), (0, 1). IV-QR In order to obtain properties of the process, we first impose a simple regularity conditions. Assumption Rl 2 (Conditions for Estimation). In addition to Sampling. (Y$, Di, Xi, Z\) are iid defined on the probability space (Q,F,P) and take values in a compact set. R2 Compactness. For all t, (a(T),/3(T)) G int A R3 Full Rank and Continuity, a.s. sup yeR fY d d(a' has Ep [l(y < p\ 7 ') full rank, and is Da xp+ ' ' x S, \( ^y^^ continuous in (a, ft, 7, r) z, x) compact — > V(r, sets. For z, x) G all r, 3", $(t, z, functions x) 3": — > A x X ,D,z){y) 3 is compact < K and ) -> 1, $(r, x, z) (t,z,x) t-¥ G Ax 3" van der Vaart and Wellner (1996). **( T >T "B uniformly in (r, z, /(r, z,x) are uniformly 77 and / are uniformly Holder in r: ||/(r',z,x) — /(r,z, x)|| < C|r constants C > 0, and < a < 1 are independent of (z,x,t, t'). in : x 3 x T. $(t,z,x), V(t,z,x) g 5" and functions in (z,x), C^-, 4 with the uniform smoothness order See page 154 and convex. ^W ^( t - v ' uniformly over R4 Estimated Instruments and Weights. Wp V(t, suppose (3.3), > x) over smooth dim(d, z,x)/2, Condition Rl imposes ables. The compactness relaxed. Condition needed at sampling and compactness on the support of the economic hardly restrictive in micro-econometric applications, but it together with Rl imposes compactness on the parameter space. Such an assumption parameter a(r) since the objective function suffices for is asymptotic normality. The parametric identification condition role of R4 is Chernozhukov of independent interest. Essentially, this condition requires that impacts the joint distribution of R1-R4 may be conditions The $ is is The in R3 not convex in a. similar in spirit to the nonparametric identification conditions obtained by and Hansen (2001) and the instrument vari- can be rank condition in R3 implies global identification, and the continuity condition full is R2 least for the iid is refined at a cost of (Y, D) many at relevant points. Clearly, more complicated notation and to allow possibly estimated instruments needs to hold only for the non-discrete sub-component of proof. and weights. Smoothness (d, x, z). Condition R4 in R4 allows for a wide variety of nonparametric and parametric estimators, as shown by Andrews (1994). See also Andrews (1995), Newey (1990, 1997), and Newey and Powell (1990) for other examples of such estimators. 3" condition of The smoothness having a finite Estimation Theory. Theorem 3.4. Theorem (IV-QR 1 R4 can be condition in replaced by a more general L2(-P)-bracketing entropy integral. describes the distribution of the 1 Process). Given Assumptions 1-2, for £j(r) IV-QR process. = Y{ - TT')E^{r)^{T')' — D^a^) + X[P{t) => b{r) in f°°{7), uniformly in r, where /J and b(-) is (r,0(r)) = (r-l(e i (r)<O)) a mean zero Gaussian process with covariance function: E b{r)b{r') = J{r)-'S{ry)[J{T')- 1 ] ', where J(t) =E Theorem 1 [f<T) (0\X,D,Z)V(T)[D' simply states that #(•) is : X'}} , S(t,t') 1 (Normality). For any {^(e( Tj - 0( Tj )) }^ ) (min(r,r') '. approximately distributed as a continuous random Gaussian function. This implies a variety of useful Corollary = results. finite collection of quantile indices {tj,j A 1 n(o, { G J} Jinr'sin^iJin)- ]'}^). Corollary 2 (Efficient Weights and Instruments). When we choose the weights V*(t) = /e(r) (0|X,Z), v(t) = ft{T) (0\D,X,Z), <F(r) = E[Dv(t)\X,Z]/V*(t), and^(r) = V*{r)[X' $*(r)], the covariance function equals : E b{T)b{r')' = (mm(r,r') - tt') - This choice of instruments and weights leads to an [**(t)**(t')'] _1 - procedure. This can be shown efficient by appealing to Chamer Iain's (1986) arguments. Regularity condition R4 allows use of a wide variety of nonparametric estimators and parametric approximations of the optimal <3> and V. For particular examples of such procedures, see Amemiya (1977), Andrews (1994, 1995), Newey (1990, 1997), and Newey and Powell (1990). An example of a simple and practical strategy for empirical work is to construct $ as an OLS projection of D on X and Z (and possibly their powers) and set Vj = 1. Corollary 3 (Distribution-Free Limits). ForW(r) = r(l-r) J(t)- 1 £?*(t)*(t)'[J(t)- 1 ]' W(t)-*V^(0(t)-0(t))=»Bp (t), where Bp is a standard p- dimensional Brownian bridge Bp = (p I + k) with covariance operator E Bp (t)Bp (t') = 4. - (min(r,r') tt')Ip . Inference Several distributional hypotheses have been posed in the fundamental econometric and statistical literature. For example, an essential hypothesis is a pure location (constant treatment) effect or a general shape whether the treatment exhibits effect, e.g. Doksum (1974) and Koenker and Xiao (2002), or whether the treatment creates a stochastic dominance effects, cf. Abadie (2002), Heckman and Smith (1997), and McFadden (1989). In structural and causal empirical analysis, the hypothesis of endogeneity Hausman tests, cf. Hausman (1978). In this section, we is also fundamental, motivating describe inference procedures to test these hypotheses. 4.1. The Inference Problem. All of our hypotheses will be embedded in the following null hypothesis: B.(t)(6„(t) - r„(r)) = 0, for each r e 7, r£f. (4.1) where R(t) denotes a known q x p matrix, q < p = dim(#) and The parameter #„(-) is made explicitly dependent on the sample size n to accomodate asymptotic analysis under local alternatives. 10 The tests will will focus be based on the instrumental variable quantile regression process, §(). on the basic inference process, u„(T)=i?(r)(4(r)-rn (r)), and We Sn = form statistics of the (4.2) it. In particular, we will be interand Smirnov-Cramer-Von-Misses (CM) statistics, f(^/nvn (-)) derived from ested in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) which have Sn = respectively, is where j| v/nsup||?; n (T)|| A(T) rST = a||^ Sn = n , %/a'Aa, the symmetric A(t) a positive definite symmetric matrix uniformly in in Sections 4.3 Example 1 and |K(r)||? (r) dT, (4.3) J-J t. — A(r) uniformly in r, and A(r) The choice of A and A is discussed > 4.5. A (Hypothesis of Equality of Distributions). basic hypothesis is that the treatment impacts the outcomes significantly: a(r) ^ for some r in 7. In this case, R( T ) =R= [1,0, and ...] r(r) = 0. The next example imposes a restrictive, yet simple mechanism through which the treatment may operate. This mechanism requires that the effect is constant across the distribution. The alternative is modern causal models, see e.g. with varying Example The that the effect varies across quantiles. of heterogeneous treatment effects is alternative hypothesis of fundamental importance because Heckman (1990), which were developed it motivates the specifically to cope effects. 2 (Location- Shift or Constant Effect Hypothesis). The hypothesis of a constant treatment effect D that the treatment is but not any other moments. That affects only the location of outcome Y, is, 3a q(t) : = a, for each t£J. In this case, R( T ) =R= Rr = [1,0...] and r(r) =r= («,/?)', implying a, which asserts that the a(r) is constant across by any method consistent with the all null, e.g. f Example 3 (Dominance Hypothesis). The treatment is unambiguously = r G T. The component r can be estimated (a(^)'', $(\)')'' test of stochastic beneficial, involves the a(r) > 0, for all li dominance r € 7 dominance, or whether the null versus the non-dominance alternative < a(r) 0, for some r £ T. In this case, the least favorable null involves = R( T ) and one may use the one-sided KS B, or = [1,0...] and r(r) CM statistics, / 0, Abadie (2002), cf. Sn — \/nsupmax(— a(-r),0), and Sn — n = || max(— a(r),0)||^ (T) dr to test the hypothesis. Example 4 (Exogeneity Hypothesis). In a basic model, the quantiles of potential or X, counterfactual outcomes, conditional on are given by Q Yd \x(T) = d'a(r)+X'f3(T). Suppose that the treatment D is chosen independently of outcomes, that is D is independent of {Ud}, conditional on X. Then the quantiles of realized outcome Y, conditional on D and X, are given by = <?y|D x(T) £'a(T) ; Thus, in the absence of endogeneity, (q:(t)',/3(t)')' The quantile regression without instrumenting. QR estimates, and $(-), + *'/?(r). can be estimated using the conventional difference between can be used to formulate a Hausman IV-QR estimates, #(-), test of the null hypothesis of no endogeneity: for each q:(t)=i9(t) 1 and i9(-)i is the QR = [1, 0, ...], i?(r), (4.4) alternative of endogeneity states: The Assumptions. We will Assumption 3 (Conditions X 1.1 (Yj, Z?j, n), i, P„\ (a) for is 1 maintain the following technical assumptions. for Inference). contiguous to some P [ "), 5 (9ti{t) - r n (r)) = : ). The law of (Yt g(r), : 7 —> W and g{r) = p(T)/y/n, 7 —¥ K9 R(r)(9(T)-r(T))=g(r). is Pn and either a fixed continuous function p(r) (b) for a fixed continuous function g(r) Contiguity (4.5) . Zi) are iid on the probability space (O, F, R(t) 5 plim = 0(t). and r{r) 3t£T:q(t)^i?(t) 4.2. = estimate of a(-) obtained without instrumenting. In this case, R(t) The r in 7, where $(r) defined as on p. 87 in van der Vaart (1998) 12 and for each n or, for each n , D Z X t, t , t , t < Functions -R(r), g(r), p(r), and lim n 1.2 Under any (a) t. local alternative, 12(a) ^(r(-)-r«(-))=* jointly in £°°(T), Under the (b) continuous in r„(-r) are where b(-) and <*(-), mean Gaussian are jointly zero <f(-) same global alternative, 12(b), the functions, holds, except that the limit needs not have the same distribution as in 12(a). (&(-), d(-)) Conditions 1.1(a) and 1.1(b) formulate a local and a global alternative. Condition 1.2 and requires that the estimates of 6(-) guaranteed by Theorem r(-) are asymptotically Gaussian. and asymptotic In our examples, this is QR. Note formulated so that other asymptotically Gaussian estimators of the that 1.2 parameters of the stated after 4.3. is IV-QR model Assumption 1. are permitted. Detailed discussion of this assumption We now prepared are Under Assumptions = = 0), Pn (Sn > and when c(l Under Assumptions main result. 1, assume that KS or CM statistics in i°°{7) (-)+p(-)), d(r)). If vo(-) has non-generate covariance kernel, c(l -a))^a = JP(/(«d(-)) > ^ when 2, -5- /? = P(/(u 3:11 (b), -A oo, alternative. - c(l a)), 0), and (-) Pn (Sn > Note that for the case of one-sided tests in +P(0) > c(l - a)) > a. 3:I2(b), c(l 2 states the limit distribution of the and the global is we have for a < 1/2 - a)) Sn Theorem ^S = f(v the null is not true (p Pn {Sn > natives — 7?(t)(6(t) the null is true (p and 3:I2(a) 3:11 (a), 1, 2, Sn 2. to state a 2 (Inference). For f denoting the two- and one- sided where vq(t) results for conventional 4. Inference Theory. Theorem 1 - a)) -* KS and 1. CM statistics in the statement of Example 3, under local Theorem 2 we alter- implicitly the local or global alternatives to the least favorable null violate the composite null. As it stands, Theorem 2 does not provide us with operational tests, since we do not know the critical value c(l-a):P(/(«o(-))>c(l--a)) In general, one faces the Durbin problem not-distribution free and simulations are = a. when estimating c(l — a) infeasible. 13 since the limit is generally Examples In several important cases, such as equal to zero and so is and 1 not present. In these cases, it is the Durbin 3, component d(-) is an appropriate possible by picking weight matrix A(r) to achieve asymptotically distribution-free inference, at least under iid sampling. Corollary 4 (Distribution-Free Inference). Suppose [R(t)W{t)R{t)}~ - ||a( t ) || A(t) 1 with W(t) = in the definition of the = A(r) + Op(l) t(1 KS d(-) = 0. If and CM statistics f in (4-3), = we pick matrix A(r) - r)J(r)- 1 £;[*(r)*(T)'][J(r)- 1 ]' to enter the norm and suppose we have uniformly in r, then /K(-)) => /(£,()), where Bq is the standard q-dimensional Brownian bridge with covariance function: EBq {r)Bq {T)' = (min(r,r') -rr')/? - Examples 2 and 4, the transformation used in Corollary 4 will not provide distribution- free limits. There are several ways to proceed. One method is a martinagale transformation using Khmaladzation, cf. Koenker and Xiao (2002). Another method is a simple resampling with recentering the inference process around its sample realization, cf. Chernozhukov (2002) Simulation results in Chernozhukov (2002) suggest that resampling has an accurate size and somewhat better power than Khmaladzation. In the next section, we describe a different resampling method that delivers the same asymptotic quality and is attractive computationally. In other important cases, such as . 4.4. Inference by Resampling. The method of resampling we suggest in this not require the recomputation of the estimates over the resampling steps, which laborious since the optimization problem requires regressions for many values of a and r. many computations paper does may be quite of ordinary quantile Instead we resample the linear approximation of the empirical inference processes. In addition, to facilitate a feasible, practical implementation, we employ the m out of n bootstrap (subsampling). Suppose that we have a linear representation v^n(-) - V^g(-) where Zj(-) is 1 6 for the inference process: " = ~r22 Zi ^ + °^( 1 )' vn i=i ( 4 6) - defined below in Proposition 2. Given a sample of the estimated scores (estimation {zi(r),i <n,r e is discussed below), T}, consider the following steps. The a linear full bootstrap is hardly feasible in our second empirical example, even though statistic. 14 we are bootstrapping Step 1. Construct The number all of such subsets Denote by < subsets I of {j Bn n} of "n choose is size Denote such subsets as b. b." computed over the Vj b,n the inference process < Bn J,-,i . 7 subset of data j'-th Ij, t Vj,b,n( T ) and define Sj >bjJl = f{Vb[vj ; Sj^n for cases when 5„ is = b,n{-)]) 2 *( T )> as SUpVb\\vjAn {T)\\y (T) Or Sj^n Define for S= = & / \\vj,b,n( T ) III M rfr > (CM) f(vo(-)) = Pr{S < T(x) 2. l^ the Kolomogorov-Smimov (KS) or Smirnov-Cramer-Von-Misses statistic, respectively. Step = x}. Estimate T(x) by Bn f Step 3. The critical value is M size a = B" 1 £ obtained as the C b ,n( l -<*) The (s) = l{5,"An( T ) 1 ' when Sn > Assumption 4 (Linear Representations). Under any V^ (£(-) - MO) = - r„(-)) jointly in £°°(7), (b) Under the (&(-), d(-)) A smaller 2.5 in Politis, = Ar ff(0 where _1 i\ n (-): " «}- 1 a). we make use of the following assumption. In addition to 1.1 and 1.2 sums of iid -7= zero vectors - £>(-A(0)*i(0 + <*.(!) -^E*(-' r»(0)T«(0 + oPn (l) b(-) mean T 1 l — q, jn (l local alternative, 12(a), there exist such that uniformly in t in Vn(r(-) quantile of ) test rejects the null hypothesis (a) *>- - Q = miiC T b,n(c) > ffc^C 1 In obtaining the linear representation (4.6), 1.3 — a-th < and d(-) are jointly zero global alternative, 12(b), the same =* KO, =* d(0, mean Gaussian functions, holds, except that the limit needs not have the same distribution as in 13(a). number Bn of randomly chosen subsets can Romano, and Wolf (1999). The subsampling also be used, is if the subsampling without and subsampling with replacement are equivalent 15 B„ —> oo as n —> oo, done with replacement. However, wp — > 1. cf. if b 2 Section /n — 0, 1.4 (a) We have the estimates r and r Zj(t,0(t))*j(t) 1-4 1-4 f(T))Tj(-r) cZj(t, that take realizations in a Donsker class of functions with a constant envelope and are uniformly consistent in r under the ^(-P) semimetric. 8 (b) Wp-^ (c) Functions <C 1 for each and Z, i: EPn U(T,On (T))fi{T)\ f= ^ = 0,EPn di(T,r n {T))fi(T)\ f= ^ = 0. uniformly in d, are L2(-P)-Lipschitz [EP \\di(r,r) - di(T,r')fy \\e'-6\\, /2 < r: [i£j,||/j(-r, 6) — ^(r,^')!! 2 1 ] C\\r'-r\\, uniformly in {0,6', r,r') over compact sets. Proposition 2 (Linear Representations). Under Assumption = -7=J2 «*() + °p( 1 y/ng(-) we have: " 1 vW(-) - 3-4 (4-7) ), where Zi (-) = R(.) Thus, the estimate of Zi(-) is Zi(T)=R(r) where J(t) and -ff(r) 1 [J(-)- I«(-,e(-))*i(-) - 1 ff(-)" ^(-,r-(-)T i (-)] • given by [jM-'Mr.flWlf.-W-ffM-^^fMjtilr)] , are any uniformly consistent estimates. and r entering the null the form defined above, and as- In Assumption 4 condition 1.3 requires that the estimates of hypotheses have asymptotically linear representation in ymptotic normality applies to these estimates. Note that asymptotically Gaussian estimators of the and 1.4(c) impose a smoothness needed These condition are also ence. Condition 1.4(b) is IV-QR model 1.3 is formulated so that other are permitted. Conditions 1.4(a) for developing the theory of the satisfied in all of the resampling infer- examples considered in this paper. the condition of "orthogonality" which implies that the estimation of weights $; and T, has no effect on the asymptotic distribution of the linear representation in 1.3. Proposition 3 in Appendix ticular the scores 1. C formally verifies that 1.3 and Zi for = (r 1 li is not estimated, (r,e(T))^ i (r)}, - l(Y < A«(r) + Xtffr))) ^(r) = V^t) [$*(•/-) ',*']' t Test of Constant Effect: , In this case, f (•) = #(|) is an IV-QR estimate, and defined above *i(T) 8 = Test of Equality of Distributions: Since r where U{t,6{t)) li(-) are satisfied for the par- each of them. zi (T)=R(r)[j(r)- 2. 1.4 implementations that we propose. Next, we briefly go through examples and state /(W,r) is r(t) consistent to [/(tj-^mo-))*^) - f(W,r) under L 2 (P) if jur^u^u))^))] sup T Vax [/(w,r) 16 - /(w,r)l . -A 0. for Dominance Test of 3. = 0, Since r Effect: the score is 1 Z l (T)=B,(T)[j(rr h(T,e(T))^ l (T)}, Test of Exogeneity: 4- defined in Example where dj(T,^(T)) the score 4, Zi (r) If = given by is X = (JD^)' < X^(r))Ai, l(Yi J Estimation of i/ and estimated using conventional quantile regression as is [JW-^jfr.OWl^W - iKr)"^^^)] R(t) = (r - r matrices is t , = £/y| *(t?(t)'X)1X'. ff(r) The next Theorem further discussed in section 4.5.2. 3 establishes the properties of the proposed resampling method. Theorem 3 (Resampling Inference). —^> H(t) J(t) and H(r) 1. When uniformly in r over T. Then as b/n the null is true (p 0^(1 - a) 2. Under w/iere 3. Under -2=> local alternative cnj.il /3 Suppose Assumptions - a) = Pr(/(w ifT r-^l - A2a -*=> (-) — 0), r- ! Cn^l - a) ^ 0^, (l - a), r_1 i/T x (l (l - — -5- Pn (Sn > c^l - a)) -> —^ a. r _1 (l — a)) cn ib (l that a): a)) continuous at Pn (Sn > (l = Op (l), is >6 ] 0, b - A 2b, Sn —^> 4. r(:r) zs absolutely continuous at Pn (5„ > c a), (p + p(-)) > global alternative continuous at r~ is —> we have J(t) —¥ oo, n —> oo and 2-3, - a): /?, -a))oo: > wAen i/ie 1. covariance function of v nonde- is generate a.e. in r. Thus the resampling mechanism consistently estimates the critical values, and the re- sampling tests are asymptotically unbiased and have the same power as the corresponding test in Theorem non-trivial 4.5. 2 that uses a known critical value. power against the 1/^/n-local Thus, the and have test are consistent alternatives, as discussed after Theorem 2. Practical Implementation. Here we discuss practical implementation of the resam- pling inference. 4.5.1. Discretization. It is more practical to use a grid 7n in place of 7 with the largest size 5n —¥ as n —\ Corollary 5. Theorems 1-3 are valid for piece-wise constant approximations of cell oo. sample processes using 7n , given that Sn —> as 17 n —> oo. the finite- 4.5.2. Choice and Estimation of A(t). J(t) H{t). In order to increase the power we test's could set A*(T) which is 1 =Var[^(r)]- a (generalized) Anderson-Darling weight. for estimating A*(r), An = [fi*(T)]- uniformly consistently in 9 1 , In hd samples, there are many methods r. obvious and uniformly consistent by 13-4 estimate of f2*(r).is given by: n f— i=l Zi(T)=R(r) [j(;)- 1 I,(T,«(T))* i (r)-5(7)- A uniformly consistent estimate of J(t) J(r) = 1 <ij (T,f(r))f i (r)] . given by Powell's (1986) estimator, is h (Yi - D'Mt) - X#(T))*i(T)[A,.Xi], -Y,K n where Kh{x) = h~ l K(x/h) and K(-) is a compactly supported symmetric kernel with two uniformly bounded derivatives, and h ~ Cn~ l b Estimates of are only needed in H ' . Examples 2 and 4. In Example and in Example 4, a uniformly consistent estimate of H(r) 2, is given by Powell's estimator: " 1 £=1 4.5.3. Choice of the Block Size. In Politis, Romano, and Wolf (1999) various rules are sug- minimum gested for choosing an appropriate subsample size, including the calibration and volatility methods. The calibration method involves picking the optimal block size and ap- propriate critical values on the basis of simulation experiments conducted with a model that approximates the situation at hand. combining) among The minimum volatility method involves picking (or the block sizes that yield the most stable critical values. suggestions emerge from Sakov and Bickel (1999) who detailed = 2 5 fen / a related subsampling method that involves recomputing yields optimal performance the estimates. In our setting, this choice also appears reasonable. for More suggest that choosing b Our experiments and those in Chernozhukov (2002) indicate that selecting k between 3 and 10 are attractive both computationally and qualitatively. This choice from the is not readily suited to Example interval T. Alternatively, one may 2, since Var z,(j) = always simply use A(t) 18 0. However, we can cut out = /. [J — e, % + e] Empirical Analysis 5. This section contains results from two empirical examples that illustrate the use of the The examples correspond to the models example, we estimate the market demand for inference procedures presented in this paper. outlined in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. In the we fish, and 5.1. The Structure of Demand in the second, elasticities first consider the returns to schooling. we present estimates of demand demand, r, and assess the impact for Fish. In this section, which may potentially vary with the level of on the quantity distribution. The data contain observations on price and quantity of price of fresh whiting sold in the Fulton fish market in from December 2, 1991 to May 8, New York over the five month period These data were used previously in Graddy (1995) the market and later in Angrist and Imbens (2000) to 1992. to test for imperfect competition in illustrate the use of the conventional IV estimator as a weighted average of heterogeneous demands. The price and quantity data are aggregated by day, with the price measured as the average daily price for the dealer and the quantity as the total The data day. also contain information variables indicating weather conditions at sea, demand equation. The total amount of fish sold that on the day of the week of each observation and which are used as instruments to identify the sample consists of 111 observations for the days in which the market was open during the sample period. The demand function we estimate takes a standard Cobb-Douglas form: Qin{Yp )\x(r) Yp = A(r) + a(T)ln(p), demand when price is set at p. The elasticity a(r) is allowed to vary the quantiles, r, of the demand level. Note that this is a Cobb-Douglas version demand model with random elasticity discussed in Section 2.2. where The is left the panel of Figure 1 provides the estimates of elasticities obtained by across of the IV-QR of ln(F) on ln(P) using wind speed as the instrumental variable, while the right panel depicts standard quantile regression (QR) estimates of the region in each figure represents the 90% effect of confidence interval. ln(P) on ln(Y). The shaded The estimated model does not include covariates, but the estimated elasticities are not sensitive to the inclusion of controls for days of the week or other covariates. In general, the point estimates obtained through corresponding QR estimates. The IV-QR differ substantially the entire range of the quantity distribution and are uniformly small in magnitude. QR estimates, -2 at the from the QR estimates appear to be approximately constant across The IV- on the other hand, demonstrate a great deal of variability, ranging from near low quantiles to -0.5 in the upper end of the distribution. Except at high quantiles, IV-QR estimates of the elasticities are uniformly greater in magnitude than the price effects predicted of price by QR, demonstrating an upward bias induced by the joint determination and quantity in the market. Also note that, 19 like 2SLS and OLS, the interpretation TABLE 1 The . test results for with replacement Alternative Hypothesis = Effect, q(-) while ( subsampling CM Test Statistic 50 P-value for <.01 Non-zero Effect Fixed Elast. a(-) =a Random Dominance < Non-Dominance .50 = a Q1»() Endogeneity .18 a(-) Exogeneity a(-) of the Equation, using b ) Null Hypothesis No Demand IV-QR and QR QR .28 Elasticity estimates are very different. IV-QR estimates a demand model, estimates the conditional quantiles of the equilibrium quantity as a function of the equilibrium price. Results from formal tests of the location-shift hypothesis and the endogeneity hypotheses are contained in Table downward sloping 1. We fail to reject the dominance hypothesis that a(-) < demand in view of the small quantity, as expected there is = Due 111. weaker, giving p- values of only 18%. at the The 10% level 5.2. when we compare = level (recall that variances cancel .25) of demand is The Structure and demand. However, the The hypothesis we each other for overall results are of constant elasticity also rejected is the lower quartile elasticity with the median elasticity. 28% overall results are weaker yielding only a elasticity of rest of the results require careful discussion to the simultaneous determination of price 10% lower quartile (t tests) for the indicating clear evidence against the null of exogeneity. In particular, reject the null of no-endogeneity at the Hausman The at all quantiles. sample n 0, p-value. These results indicate that the likely heterogeneous. of the Returns to Schooling. As a further illustration of the use and inference methods presented in this paper, we use the data and in Angrist and Krueger (1991) to estimate the effects of schooling on earnings. In particular, we estimate linear conditional quantile models of the form of the estimation methodology employed Qln(Ys )\x(r) where S as is reported years of schooling and an instrument We for education. = a{T)S + Xp(T), X is a vector of covariates, using quarter of birth 10 focus on the specification used in Angrist and Krueger (1991) which includes state 11 of birth effects, year of birth effects, and a constant in the covariate vector. we consider consists of 329,509 males The sample from the 1980 U.S. Census who were born between 1930 and 1939 and have data on weekly wages, years of completed education, state of birth, Specifically, we use the linear projection of S onto the covariates X and three dummies for first through third quarter of birth, with fourth quarter as the excluded category, as the instrumental variable. Note that the estimates of the schooling coefficient are not sensitive to the specification of the 20 X vector. year of birth, and quarter of birth. Appendix The sample was on the selected based criteria found in of Angrist and Krueger (1991). 1 QR estimates of the schooling coefficient are provided in Figure 2. IV-QR and region in each panel represents the 95% The shaded confidence interval. Both the quantile and inverse quantile regression estimates suggest that the "returns to schooling" vary over the earnings distribution. The first constant treatment row of the treatment effects do vary 12 statistically, Table 2 reports the results from a the QR in the IV-QR is estimates. and The While the OLS estimate. demonstrated in the clearly is test of the hypothesis of a strongly rejected. clustered around the (solid line) QR estimates estimates, the The shapes all closely estimates which plots both the IV-QR IV-QR IV-QR estimates which most apparent is they are lack of variability in the 2, in effect for QR (dashed variability QR estimates The practical first panel of Figure line) estimates. Relative to the appear to be approximately constant. of the estimated treatment effects are also interesting. The QR estimates exhibit a distinct u-shape, implying higher returns to schooling to those in the tails of the distribution than to those in the middle. However, if schooling is endogenous to the earnings QTE and have no causal interpreconsistent for the QTE under endogeneity equation, these estimates do not consistently estimate the IV-QR tation. estimate, on the other hand, are and show quite the IV-QR different results results than those obtained through standard QR. In particular, show returns to schooling of approximately 20% per year of additional schooling at low quantiles in the earnings distribution which decrease as the quantile index increases toward the middle of the distribution and then remain approximately constant at levels near the QR and OLS estimates. This implies that the largest gains to additional years of schooling accrue to those at the low end of the earnings distribution. This observation is consistent with the notion that people with high unobserved "ability" , measured as the quantile index r, will generate high earnings regardless of their education those with lower "ability" gain The third more from the training provided row of Table 2 reports the results from the would be expected, it fails level, while by formal education. 13 test of stochastic to reject the null hypothesis of stochastic dominance. As dominance, confirming our intuition that schooling weakly increases earnings across the distribution. In the final row of Table 2, we test the endogeneity hypothesis. The test strongly rejects the null hypothesis of no endogeneity, confirming the need to instrument for schooling in the earnings equation. Note that this result contrasts the conclusion which could be drawn from a Hausman the 12 of 5% level. The test 14 for test OLS the quantile regression estimates is not reported, but also strongly rejects the null hypothesis effect. "ability" is used to characterize the unobserved component of earnings, which likely captures elements of ability and motivation as well as noise. The estimates, which fails to reject the null at Again, this confirms our intuition that endogeneity contaminates standard a constant treatment The term based on the 2SLS and test statistic is 3.64 and is distributed as a xi21 Table The 2. test results for pling with replacement Null Hypothesis No Effect. Constant a() a(-) Exogeneity a(-) Equation, using b = P-value for ( subsam- KS Test Statistic <.01 Non-zero Effect =a 1000 ) Alternative Hypothesis = Effect, a(-) Dominance Demand Varying Effect .03 < Non-Dominance .50 = a QR (-) Endogeneity .04 estimates of the returns to schooling and underscores the importance of accounting for this endogeneity in estimation. Overall, the results indicate that the effect of schooling neous, with the largest returns accruing to those distribution. ses that The example on earnings can be tested using the inference procedures presented in effects this paper. The results which focus on a single feature of the out- may fail to capture the full impact of the treatment and that examining features may enhance our understanding of the economic relationships involved. distribution additional 6. In this paper, Conclusion we described how instrumental variable quantile regression can be used to evaluate the impact of treatment on the entire distribution of outcomes is quite heteroge- is in the lower tail of the earnings fall also illustrates the variety of interesting distributional hypothe- demonstrate that estimates of treatment come who self-selected or selected in relation to potential variable quantile regression process and the tests of distributional equality, non-constant outcomes. We introduced an instrumental set of inferences derived treatment when the treatment from effects, conditional it, focusing on dominance, and method we demonstrated that the method is simple and computationally convenient and produces valid inference. The approach was illustrated through two examples: estimation of the demand curve in a supply-demand system and estimation exogeneity. Inference, which is subject to the Durbin problem, was handled via a of score resampling. In the paper, of the returns to schooling. and exogeneity were In both cases, the hypotheses of a constant treatment effect rejected. focus on a single feature of the The results suggest that estimates of treatment effects that outcome distribution may fail to capture the full impact of the treatment and serve to illustrate the variety of distributional hypotheses that can be tested based on the quantile regression process. 22 Appendix A. Proofs We use the following empirical processes in the sequel, for f H+ En f(W) For example, and inner / if is =~J2 f(Wi)i probabilities, P* and P„ Gn f(W) and — means convergence We say that process > "with (inner) probablity going to 1." if n-Hx> some pseudo-metric p on > and 15 1. ~~ ^/(Wi))/=/- Outer means sup 77 |u„(0 > — in distribution. > 0, there is 6 v n (l')\ € £} {/ t-> v„(l),l > < rj) Wp is —> 1 means stochastically : e p(l,l')<8 such that (£,/?) £., Proof of Proposition A.l. will for each e limsup P*( for means: -4= I3"=i (/Wi) . are defined as in van der Vaart (1998). In this paper -^-> convergence in (outer) probability, equi- continuous (s.e.) in £°°(L) * Gnf(W) = "i £ (/W) - E f<Wi)) f estimated function, W = (Y, D, X, Z) Conditioning on P[Y<q[D,T]\Z = bounded. totally is X — x is suppressed. For P-a.e. value z of Z z] ^P[q[D,UD ]<q{D,T]\Z = z] = P[Ud <t\Z = (3) z], f P[UD <t\Z = IP (4) ( } (5) [US{ZyV) = z,V = v]dP[V = <t\Z = z,V= t\Z = = P[U <t\Z = z] P[U < z, v] v\Z dP[V = V = v] dP [V = v\Z = z] (A.l) = v\Z z] = z] I (7) = Equality (1) T. by Al and A5. Equality is by the similarity assumption A4: (3) is by definition. Equality (4) for each d, conditional U&{z,v) equals in distribution to Equality t (2) by definition and equality (6) is q{d,r) i-> continuous, since is (7) is U by A3. Note that equality we assumed that r i-> {q[D,UD < q[D,r]} by r {q[D,UD < q[D,r]} ] ] left-continuous 15 The proof 16 t 1-4 16 is q[d, t] 1-4 q[d, r] non-decreasing implies the event {UD < q(d,r) on (0,1) by A2. Equality is i-4 (2) is immediate when strictly increasing. {UD < for each d. r}, since r q[d, r] On is To show t} implies the event the other hand, the strictly-increasing in (0, 1) for each d. that given in Chernozhukov and Hansen (2001) and is said to be left-continuous if lim r / - 1T 23 q[d, r'] = is q [d,r]. (5) is z) . holds more generally, simply note that for r € (0,1) the event event is = v,X = x,Z = on (V given here for completeness. and Finally, since r q[d, r] is strictly increasing, left-continuous, >-> we have = 0, P[q[D,UD }=q[D,T}\Z=.z} so that P-a.e. P[Y <q[D,r}\Z}=P[Y <q[D,r}\Z}. A.2. tf = Proof of Theorem (/3(r),0) and <p r = (u) < 0) f(W,a,ti,T) /(W,a,tf,r) where *(t) where pr (w) = = V(t) (t — g{W,a,0, r) g(W, a, d, t) < - = = = (A", *')',*(t) l(u proof 1. In the (l(u W denotes (Y,D,X,Z). Define for d = (,0,7) and r) <p T (Y - £>'a - A"/? - 4(r)' 7 )$(r), ¥> T (F - D'a - X'0 - $(t)' 7 )*(t), = $(r,X,Z), §(r) V(t) H pT (Y - D'a - X'0 =pT (Y- D'a - X'0 - • (A",#(t))',$(t) = $(X,Z); 4.(r)' 7 )t>(r), *(t)' 7 ) V(r), 0))u. Let Q„(a,tf,T) =E„$0V, a, 0,t), Q(M,t) =^5 (W,a,i?,r), and #(a,r) = (/3(a,r), 7 (a,r)) = arg #(a,r) = (/J(a,T),7(a,T)) = arg inf Q„(a,i?), inf O (a,$,r), i?e3xS = «(t) Step 1 arg inf || 7 (a,T)||, a* (Identification) Here we show that 9(t) = arg inf ||7(a,r)||. = (a(T)' , 0(t)') uniquely solves the limit optimization problem. Define We know 11(9, t) = EP W = r) by Proposition 1 [p T (Y - D'a - X'0)9] , 9t =V Q^T^Ep l<Pr(Y - D'a - X'flV] that 6(t) = t - [X't : *J]' , (a(r)' ,0(t)') solves II(0(t),t)=O. Suppose there exits another in the parameter set that solves this equation n(0*(r),r)=O. Then for any comformable non-zero vector A Taylor expansion gives \'(TI(9*(t),t)-I1(9,t))=\'J(9 X (t),t)\*=0 for 0\(t) is on the line segment that connects 9*{t) and 9(t), and A* which yields a contradiction by the full = (0*(r)-0(r)) rank assumption after setting A 24 = A*. So we have that, the true parameters Etp r (Y On the other hand, by (o:(t),/3(t)) solve the equation - D'a{r) - X'0(r) - R3 and by = $(r)'0)*(r) 0. convexity in # of the limit optimization problem for each r and a, {>(a,T) uniquely solves the equation: Eip T (Y - D'a - X'P(a,T) - $(T)'7(a,r))$(r) = 0. We need to find a* (r) such that this equation holds and the norm of 7 (a, t) is as small as possible. equal zero by Proposition 1. Thus a*(r) = a(r) is a a* = q(t) makes the norm of 7(0:*, r) = solution; by the preceding argument it is unique and (3(o*(t),t) — @{t). Step 2 (Consistency) By Lemma 2 This implies by Lemma 1 for extremum " 11 processes: sup \\'d(a,T)-'d(a,T)\\ " (a,T)6^xT M which in p, -^0 <2„(a,tf,r)-Q(a,t?,T) sup (a,tf,r)6.Ax(2xS)xT — > 0, (a.2) turn implies sup ll7(a,r)|U-||7(o,r)|U Ao, {q,t)€Ax7 which by invoking Lemma 1 again implies sup — d(r) tST 1 AO, q(t) ' which by equation (A.2) implies for ^->0, 0(t)-/3(t) sup T6i 11 sup 7(6(t),t)reT 0-^0, 11 Step 3 (Asymptotics) By the computational properties any a n (r) in a small ball at a T (r) of quantile regression estimator #(a n ), 0(K/V^) = VnKf(W,a n (T)J(an (T),T)),T). By lemma 2, the following expansion of r.h.s. is valid for (A.3) — any a n (T) — a(r) v^En /(W,an (r)^(a n (r)))=Gn /(W,an (r),^(a n (r),r) > > uniformly in r: 17 r) + VKEf(W,a n (T),V n (a n (T),T),T) = G„/(W,a(T),1?(Q(T),T),T) +op (l) + y/EEf{W,an (T)J{a n (T),T),r) Expanding the last line further, uniformly in r 0{K/y/K) = G„/(W,a(T),l?(T)) +Op(l) + (Mr) + + 17 Note that by convention (Ja (r) oP (l))v^(^(a n (r), r) + op (l))v^(a„(r) - o in empirical process theory 25 - 0(r)) t)), ( Ef(W) means (Ef(W)) ,_>. (A.5) where Mt) = In other words for WW) Ep br(y " D any a n {r) V^(^(a n ( r ),r) - - a(r) -^> - J7 " ^ " * (r) ' 7) * (T) W)=(o,0W) uniformly in r 1 (t) J„(t)[1 + 0p (l)]v/»T(au(T) - a(r)) + pp (l), =- J7 (r)G„/(W,a T ,0 r -0) VrT(7(a„(r),r) a{T) ^WGJ^a^W) =- tf(r)) ' - J7 (r) Ja (r)[l + i.e ) op (l)]VrT(a n (r) - a(r)) + op (l), where [J/lW : Mt)']' = V«- Center a shrinking closed ball at a(r) for each r and denote those balls d(r) Observe that by Lemma J7 (7-)Ja (T) and yfc{&{ T ) where = arg inf 1, Jl7(an(r),r)|U. 2 N/ri||7(a„(r),r)|U Since = B n (a(r)), wp —> ^4 have - o(t)) = full means that the plims = 110,(1) - Jt (t)J«(t)[1 + op (l)]v^Mr) - rank, ^/n{a{r) arginf || of the lhs - a(r) = P (1). a(r))|| A , Hence by lemma 1 - J7 (r)G„/(W,a(r),0(r)) - J7 (t)Jq (t)mIL. and rhs agree in £°°(7). Conclude that: 1 y/H(a(T)-a{T)) = -(MtYMtYAJ^Mt))' x (ja (r)'J7 (r)'^J7 (T))G„/(W,a(T),0(r)) = 0,(1) and 1 i/n#(fi(T),T) -*(a(T),T)) = -J^ ^)]/1 a (r)(ja (r)'J7 (r)' J4J7 WJa(r))" Ja(r)'J7 (r)'ylJ7 (r)] xG„/(W,a(r),0(r))-Op (l) Now note that due to simplifications because of invertibility of JQ J7 we have 1 ^(7(a(r),r)-7(a(r) ) r))^[-J7 (r)[/-JQ (r)(jQ (r)'J7 (r)')~ J7 (r)]Gn /(W,a(r),0(r)) = x Op (l) Instead of working out the algebra to see a drastic simplification, using this fact and putting (a„(T),i?(a„(T),T)) (A. 5) = we have uniformly (&(t),0(q(t),t)) in = (a(r),/3(r),0 + p (l/-v/n)j back into the expansion t Gn f(W,a(T),0(r)) = J(r)V^ ( 26 f^lf^] + Ml) J Next by Lemma 2 Gn f(W,a( T ),ti(T)) where G(r) => G(r) in £°°(T) the Gaussian process with covariance function is = S(t,t') (min(r,r') - tt')£$(t)$(t)'. which yields the desired conclusion *{%-.%)* war***. A.3. Proof of Theorem 2. Since / is either Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Cramer-von-Misses or one- sided version of these statistics, Part 1 follows by continuous mapping Theorem. Part observing that /(V»ff(-)) for -^ = O p (l) any tight element G„(-) /(v^5(-) We x > once That 3.11.4 in /? Vo(-) > a null is violated (once the composite is of the specified sort, is absolutely continuous follows from a generalized Andersen's Lemma Banach spaces, for general Lemma van der Vaart and Wellner (1996). A. 5. Proof of Theorem 2. Immediate from assumptions. To 3. simplify the presentation, known. However, the case with the estimated matrices proof Propostion 1 in Chernozhukov (2002) begin by showing Part Step oo, has a nondegenerate covariance kernel. Proof of Proposition We ^ This follows by Theorem 11.1 in Davydov, Lifshits, and Smorodina (1998): A.4. in the (?»()) also need that the distribution function of these limiting the distribution of functional f(vo(-) +p(-)) where / at + once the in £°°(T) such /, null is violated for one-sided tests). statsistics is continuous. =» oo 2 follows by I. By assumption 1 is we assume that A(r), J(t),H(t) are straightforward by e.g. using the arguments in part II of this proof. using the following steps. realizations of function T belongs to a Donsker set of functions. We H-» will z(W,r) denote this set as {£(W,T),reT,feE} Consider the empirical process (T,£WGn (£(r)), which is Donsker by assumption with limit law denoted J{P). Consider also its subsample tions (r,0 ^ GilM (£(r)) = -^^ K(W ,t) - EZ{Wu 4 27 t)) , j = l,...,Bn . realiza- G n (£(r)), Let Jn (Pn) denote the sampling distribution of (t,£) h* sampling distribution of (r,£) i-> (£(f))- Gj,j>, n By Theorem and L b<n denote let 7.4.1 in Politis, the sub- Romano, and Wolf (1999) -^ PL (Jn(Pn),L b>n ) where By -A (A.6) 0, denotes the Bounded-Lipschitz metric (Levy metric) that metrizes weak convergence. pi, Next and pl (J(P),L Kn ) let • Jn{Pn,0 denote the sampling • L • J{P,Q denote (A.6) by „(£,) (outer) law of r denote the subsampling (outer) law of r we have by the limit law of r definition of maps t This means that i-> [Gj,&,n(£( r ))]i pl -A , since the projection [G n (£(r))], i-> [G„(f (r))], i-» sup[p L (Jn (Pn,0,L b n (0)} Gn (£(r)). h-» G„(£(t)) are bounded uniform -A [PL (Jn {Pn ,z),L b n {z))] , -^ and sup[p L (J(P,€),L»,„(0)] and [pL 0, in £ Lipschitz functionals of (£, r) (J(P,z),L b<n (z))} -A 0, -* (A.7) provided Jn(Pn,i)-> J{P,Z). The from the assumed in last observtaion follows 1.4 (a) Donskerness, assumed orthogonality and continuity with respect to the Li(P) semi-metric by 1.4(a): 2 sup|£|k(£(r))-Gn (z(T))[ T I l£=l For / denoting the two- and one-sided • Hn 4 SUp |Var[£(Wi5 r) -*(Wi, T)] | II II KS T and I CM - and {Hn ,Hb n ) -2+ , since the functionals / (G„ (£(•))) are r 2. is (, i j(z(t))], i7 definition of pi, PL Now we 0, l£=Z denote the (outer) distribution function of /[G„(z(r))], Hb, n denote the subsampling distribution function of / [Gj • r denote the distribution function of / [Goo(^(-))]i (A.7) -^ I functionals on the empirical processes, let • By 1.4 (b), and pL (H n ,H) -^ 0, bounded uniform Lipschitz functionals of r t-> Gn (£(•))- need to convert this result into convergence of distribution functions at continuity points. absolutely continuous ( at x > for one sided statistics) as shown in the Proof of Theorem Since the statistics are real-valued, convergence with respect to Levy metric pointwise convergence at the continuity points x of T(x) H b , n (x)^T(x). 28 is equivalent to Step Hb t II. Now note that we actually have the subsampling distribution Tb, n of / but difference between T^n and n, Kn < f K M / [%>,„(-)] where e.g. when / K„ = is KS by invoking the condition 1 < Vb- sup II £„ Given the event Hb, n (x + and then 1.4(b)- (c) = l(En ) where 1, —> Kn , > for a small e V" |c||tf(r) - J?(r)|| + <7||?(t) - r(r)||| / > 5} for any 6 there > S is 0. 0, Ht, tn {x — e)l(E n ) < Ti) !Tl (x)l(En ) < Hn ^{x + c) I - (x e) < — T(x — c), for r(x - - e > e) since e can be set as small as we < Fb,ni x ) c = e #ti,6(x e). = — e, and c < T bt7l (x) < T{x + and T + e) + which implies e is continuous at points of interest. This yields III. Finally, convergence of quantiles is implied by the convergence of distribution functions 1. the conclusion Step + e)l(En ) so that with probability tending to one: have by Step w.p. [Gj, b ,n(-)} 1.3. £„ = {#„ < tffc.n We an d n °t function: sup \\Vb- [Ez{W, T )} z=i ->• < / (-)] V Thus wp [i^,&,7i(-)] be shown small. Indeed, Ht, tn will Ti, tn (x) ——> at continuity points. E.g. Politis, Part 2 of Theorem 3 like T(x). Romano, and Wolf immediate from Part is 1 (1999). and contiguity. Part 3 of Theorem 3 follows by steps that are identical to those in the proof of Part that we have convergence of subsampling distribution to Tt,, n some other distribution T' 1, ^T except at the — a) = O p (l) even if T' is not continuous at T' -1 (1 — a). Indeed, we have c n (l — or ) < c„(l — a) < c„(l — a"), where a' and a" are picked such that T' is /_1 _1 continuous at some finite r (l — a') and r' (l — a") (possible by tightness). We then have by l steps like in the proof of Part 1, c n (l - a ) -^ Y'~ (1 - a') and c n (l - a") -^ T'~ (1 - a"). continuity points. By tightness of T', c„(l 7 l 1 Part 4 has already been proved in the proof of Theorem 2. Appendix B. Lemmas Lemma 1 (Argmax Process). Suppose that uniformly in rr in a compact set H and for a compact setK i. Zn {ir) is s.t. ii. Zoo{t!) iii. Q„(\-) Zn(-) Qn(Zn \n) > sup z£K Q n (z\n) - = argsup z6A — -^ > Qoo(-|-) - Qoo{z\-n) is en , e n \ 0; Zn {n) = O p (l) in e°°(H). uniquely defined continuous process. in£°°(K x U), where QooMO Z«,(-) in e°°{U). 29 is continuous. Then Proof. The known result is well for the non-process case. complicated than usual consistency arguments, Suppose We that convergence in first iii. Amemiya cf. The argument (1985) just slightly is holds uniformly in probability. have Q„(z|jr)-^Q„(z|7r) where the convergence —> and uniformly 1, Q n (Zn (n)\n) - in Pick any S we can 7r: c (z, tt) (B.l) over compact sets. Uniformly in e = pick c and [Qoo(Zoo(t)K) d [ii] e/3 > Q„(Z0O (7r)|7r) - 2e/3 > - sup zeK ^ B ^ Qco{z)] > Q^Zn (n)\ir) Hence wp -> [iii] > Q„(Zn (7r)|7r) - inf ffGn € {c,d), d > c > O'wp Q n {Zn {^)\^) > Qn{ZooW\n) — e/3 by definition, Q n (Zco{ir)\ir) > Q„(Zoo(jr)|7r) -e/3 by (B.l). [i] > 1 Q^Z^Mln) - e. Let {B(7r),7r 6 II} be a collection of balls with diameter S 0. Then Zoo(7r). > > uniform in is e/3 by (B.l), Q„{Z„(n)\n) e more . > 0, each centered at by assumption ii, and for any so that for P,(ee (c,c'))>l-e. It now follows wp becoming Qoo(Zn (n)\n) > — e, greater than 1 - Qoo(^cx)(7r)|7r) uniformly in Qoo(^oo(w)|7r) + 7r sup Qcx>(^|7r) z£K\B(ir) Thus wp becoming greater than 1 = sup Qoo(z). z£K\B{k) — e, sup n .(7r) ||-Z - Zoo(7r)|| < S. 7ren But e arbitrary, so the preceding display occurs with probability converging to one. is Lemma I. 2 (Stochastic Expansions). Under assumption R1-R4, Uniformly in (q,/3, j,t) in (i x S x 9 x T) E„[$(W,a,/?,7,T)]^£[ff(W,a,/?,7,T)]. II. Uniformly in r in 7 Gn f(W,a(T)J(T),j( T ),T) = Gn f(W,a(T),p(T),Q,T)+op (l), for any (a(r),/?(r), 7(7-)) — » (a(r),/3(r),0) uniformly in7. Furthermore Gn f(W,a(T),p(r),0,T) where Proof. We first We a Gaussian process with covariance function S(t,t') defined in is first show show that the 0i= {n= is G => G(t) in £°°(T), II. Denote 7r = (a, /?, 7) and II =A x "B x S where S 7 is 1. a closed ball at class of functions {*,¥,ir,T)t-Kf>T (y-D'a-X'0-*(X,Z)''Y)*[X,Z), Donsker, where is Theorem defined in R4. 30 tt en,$ gj,$6?} 0. The bracketing number of 7 by Cor 2.7.4 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) dim ''''A \ogNu {e,7,L 2 {P)) = some for 5' < Thus 7 0. )=0\\ 0\\e Donsker with a constant envelope. By Cor is staisfies '-2+5' 2.7.4 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) the log of bracketing number of X= {(*,7t)k> {D'a-X'0-${X,Z)''y), tt €!!,$€?} satisfies log N . [ ] /l^^\ =0 A [e ) 6" < for some R3 the log of bracketing 2 +'" = oi- (e,X,L2 (P)) Exploiting the monotonicity and boundedness of indicator function and assumption 0. V= number of <D'a + X'P + $(X,Zy 1 ), jr€n,§€?} {($,*).- 1(Y satisfies N log . [ V as well. Therefore Class !H is is Donsker since ] (e,V,L 2 (P)) it = 0i- has a constant envelope by Rl and R4. formed by taking products and sums of Donsker classes 3,V, and T={t4t} : H = 7-3 -V-7, r which is uniformly Lipshitz over (7 x (1996) "X is Now we show V), and by Theorem 2.10.6 in van der Vaart and Wellner (II) using the established Donskerness. Define the process = h This process is (*,*,'ir,T)t-tGn ipT (Y-D'a-X'P-$(X,Z)''y)y{X,Z). Donsker (asymptotically Gaussian). Therefore the process T^Gn is 7x Donsker. also Dosnker by linearity in t ip T (Y- D'ol{t) - X'P(t))V{t, X, Z). and by the uniform Holder property of T^{a(T)',P(T)'MT,X,Z),*{T,X,Z)) in t with respect to the supremum norm, by verify (ii) (i) R3 and R4. ( To check the Donskerness, the definition of stochastic equicontinuity in r with respect to the finite-dimensional asymptotic normality by Linderberg-Levy Gn <pT (Y - D'air) - X'P(t))^!(t,X,Z) CLT. ) L 2 {P) it is easy to semi-metric and Thus we have ^ G(t), where G(r) has covariance function S(t,t'). in r, — and $(•) we have by R3 and R4: Since $(•) > $(•) — > $(•) uniformly over 6n = compacts and sup p{h(T),h{r)) 31 -A 0, tt(t) — 7t(t) — > uniformly where p is the L2(P) semimetric on JC: = Var [<pT (Y - D'a - X'0 - $(X, Z)' 7 )$(X, Z) p(h, h) -<p f (Y- D'a - X'P - $(X, Z)' 7)§(X, Z)] , so that sup \\Gn<p T (Y - D'a{r) - X'$(t) - $(r, X, Z)' 7 (t))$ (r,X,Z) -G„ip r (Y - D'a{ T - X'0(t))*{t,X,Z)J ) < \\Gn<Pf(y-Ifa-X'P-*{X,Z)'i)ii(X,Z) sup p(h,h)<6 n " - Gn <p T (Y - D'a - X'P - *{X, ZYi)9(X, Z)\ -*+ as Sn -> is by stochastic equicontinuity of h h-> G„ys T (Y - -D'a - X' - $(X, Z)' 7 )#(X, Z) (which a part of being Donsker). Having shown II, 9= a simple way to show {(*,V,a,0,7,T) ^ I. is to note that functions p T (Y - D'a - X'/3 - *(X,Z)'j)V(X,Z)}} are uniformly Lipschitz over (JxJx^lxSxgxT) which by Theorem 2.10.6 in van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) and assumption Rl means that Donsker. From this we have a uniform sup ||En p r (y 3> is - D'a - X'0 - $(X,Z)'j)V(X,Z) - EpT (Y - D'a - X'p - $(X, Z)'-y)V{X, Z) and by uniform consistency of 9 LLN and V Ao and R4 we have \\Ep T {Y-D'a-X'l3-${T,X,zy-y)V{T,X,Z)\. sup (o,)9,7,T)e(4x3xSxT} l<J>=<J>,V=V " - Ep T {Y - D'a- X'0 -${T,X,Z)'f)V{T,X,Z)\\ -^ 0. Appendix C. Verification of Linear Representations Proposition 3. The conditions and 1.3 1. 4 are verified for the proposed implementation in Examples 1-4 under conditions R.1-R4- Proof. 1 In Example by contiguity of Pn 1, in the test of equality of distributions, relative to P under which Theorem 1 Z4 (T)=fl(T)[j(T)- / i 1 1.3 is satisfied for #(•) was proven. Since r = by Theorem 0, (T,^(T))* i (T)], where h(T,9(T)) = (t - l(Y < t DMt) + X'tP(T))) ,%(r) = V^^dr)' ,X'}' 32 (C.l) Condition 1.4(a) Condition 1.4. (b) Lemma checked in the proof of is holds by Proposition and since 1 2 in $,- is Appendix B, cf. the class of functions "K. a function of (Xi, Z;) only. Condition 1.4(c) holds by the bounded density condition R3. In Example 2, in the test of constant effect, = r(-) Q{\) is an IV-QR estimate. Thus for /*(•) defined in (C.l) zt(r) [JM-^MMJiMt) - Jii^kdAi^id))] R(r) = k{h,0{i))^i(l)- di(r,r(T))T,-(r) i.e. = Thus . hold by the preceding argument. I.3-I.4 Example 3, the test of Stochastic Dominance, Example 1, for l defined in (C.l) In r is also known, so the situation is like that in t Zi (T)=R(T)[j(T)so 1.3 Y and 1.4 li (T,0(T))V i (T)], are verifed. 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The first panel cal axis, while the quantile index is on the horizontal axis. the 95% confidence contains estimates of the returns to schooling obtained through instrumental variables quantile regression. The second panel presents estimates of the effect of years of schooling on earnings obtained through standard quantile regression. For comparison, the dashed line in the first panel plots the schooling coefficient estimated through standard quantile regression. All estimates were computed for r € [.05, .95]. SAB 2003 Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02246 2425 .-' :•; ; - !: .- '-..:. ; .