Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/ittakest0333tota00fish2 working paper department of economics IT TAKES t* TO TAUGO: TRADING COALITIOH IB THE EDGEVOHTH PROCESS (Revision) by FranJclin M. Fisher massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 IT TAKES t* TO TAUGO: TRADING COALITIOS IH THE EDGEVOETH PROCESS (Revision) by Franklin M. Fisher Ko. 436 March 1988 Revised February, 1988 TB^DIBS_CQ^^LITIDUS_IK_THB_EDCEI:/DBTH_£BDCE2S Franklin M. Fisher Department of Economics, E52-359 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, HA, USA 02139* Abstract the Edgeworth non-tatonnement process, In there exists some trade occurs coalition of agents able to make improving trade among themselves at current prices. that the size commodities and that, generalized in known number of strictly These results are so that the maximum required coalition size is given terms of the number of agents holding at least m and the number of commodities held by at least JSL No. Keyv.'orcs It is provided all agents alv;ays have positive endov;ments, bilateral trade suffices. Pareto- a of such coalitions is bounded by the if : k 21 Edgeworth Process, Non-tatonnement, commodities agents. that trade takes place if and only if is cess pro- basic assumption of the Edgeworth non-tatonnement The coalition exists there a among of agents able to make a Pareto-improving trade Among other objec- themselves at current, disequilibrium prices. tions to this assumption is the possibility that it may require a very large number of agents to find each other 12, 1983, observed 29-31). pp. (in a 1976, p. (Fisher, In reply to this, David Schmeidler has private communication) that such trading coali- tions need never involve more members than the number of commodities, while Paul Madden has shown that, if all agents always have strictly positive endowments of all commodities, then such coalitions need never have more than two members. (Both results can be found in Madden, 1978). These are not problem very reassuring answers to the at however, particularly if one thinks of extending the Edge- hand, worth process to relatively realistic settings. consumption If takes place at different times, then the same commodity at diffe- dares will be treated as different commodities. rent easily make rhe numoer of commodities much number cf agents in the economy. result, greater This can than the As for Madden 's bilateral trade it requires strictly positive endowments of all commodi- ties for all agents, and this is far too strong a requirement in I the context cf disequilibrium trade." It is therefore of some interest to see the extent to the two existing results can be generalized. 'Dossible to ace omo"' "^s^ t^*^s w"^***^ -^ tto^-it which It turns out to be did—ip^^a-s^^tt o^'oc^'f and. while the results still do not suggest that the Edgeworth-process assumption is free of coalition-formation problems, they may have some intrinsic interest as limiting the number of traders needed for a (within trading coalition) Pareto-improving trade at prices in trade that barter economy. a obtained depend on results The takes form that a Edgeworth-process whether shall call "simple trade" or I form a involves Simple trade shall call "compound trade". I given a circle of transactions in which each household sells one commodity buys another and Compound trade (weakly) involves increasing thereby. utility its transactions in which some household sells one commodity and buys another even though it would prefer not to do so, because the sale involved induces another household transaction that eventually leads to an increase to enter into in the original household's utility. this below a shall argue that simple trade and assumption in a natural the the results are fairly show the follov/ing under very general assumptions. In a I pure exchange ties. rcr any holding is noncooperative, competitive setting. When only simple trade is involved, rich. about shall be precise I let there be h households and n con.modi- econo.-ny, -., 1 < -; < n, let x (-.) be the nu-oer of households amounts. at least m conunodities in positive Then the existence of a (simple) Edgeworth-process trade implies the existence of such n - m -!- 2 } = trade with no more than participants. In other words, pants need not exceed the largest of holding less fewer than m commodities, (m - 2) t. (-) 2, = Max {2, h - x (m) the number of partici- the number of households and the number of commodities for any k, Similarly, commodities held - k h participants k ^ h, held households less (k a need In other words, Evidently, if t* by fewer than - 2) > number k Max = {2, the number of number of households and the number of 2, Min = t* Edgeworth-process coalition {Min m t, (m) t„(k)}. Min , k then t* is no larger than the number of positive stock of all commodities or a of commodities osi held in positive amounts households. When implies . households who do uq^ hold the households. the not exceed the largest of 2, exceed not be the number of trade with no more than t^{k) Putting these results together, size let y(k) Edgeworth-process trade + 2} participants. need commodities (simple) a existence of such n - y(k), < in positive amounts by at least k Then the existence of the 1 by all results are There are other results as well. trade can be compound, hov/ever, fev/er available. Here the only new result is that coalition size need not the exceed larger of and the number 2 of households Qpt holding all commodities. These results ger.eralize and srrengrhen those of Sch.~eidler and Madden. on They are, however, considerably weaker than results the related question of when "r-wise optimality" existence traders cf for optimality. Weintraub, ly, Goldman — ?areto-i-.proving trades involving no r.ore some arbitrary (See Feldman, t — is equivalent to non- the full than t Pareto 1973, Graham, Jennergen, Peterson, and 1976, Kadden, 1975, Rader, 1968, 1976, and, especial- and Starr, 1982.) The reasons for that difference are instructive and are best understood after an example. Consider Theorem 1.1 in Goldman and Starr theorem originally due to Rader. is (1982, It states that, provided there trader holding positive quantities of all goods, a 597), a p, then the absence of any mutually-improving bilateral trade implies Paretooptimality, that there are no mutually-improving trades so any number of traders. mutually-improving the existence of Put differently, trade implies the existence of a for some mutually- improving bilateral trade. prices The proof of this theorem consists in observing -that corresponding goods all to the marginal utilities of the trader who holds optimum since trader (say 1) must support a Pareto otherwise some mutually-improving bilateral trade would be possiTrue enough. If, for trader 2, the marginal rate of substi- ble. tution trader between some pair of goods were different than it is for then a mutually-improving bilateral trade between them 1, would be possible at some other set of prices. however, Note, because is that this it is assumed that no possiole present improving would contradiction only mutually-improving bilateral trade The equivalent assumption at ^Dy prices. case leads to a be the much weaker one that no in the mutuallyprices. bilateral trade is possible at a siygD set of That this does not lead to the same result can be seen by observing thar, utilities, trace if prices happen to be equal to trader I's trader 1 will not wish to trade. between traders 1 and 2 r.arginal Hence, the possible will not be possible at the =iv£3 (without further assumptions) , there is nothing to prevent there from being a mutually-improving trade involving several traders other than trader all) (or 1. The general point is as follows. In showing that the exis- of some mutually-improving trade implies the existence tence such trade with no more than a literature effectively t considers traders, the t-wise optimality the case in which improving trade is possible at aoy set of prices. trade be possible at given prices, no This is assumption than the condition that no t-wise stronger of t-wise a much improving and it is therefore not sur- prising that it leads to much stronger results. Since prices, trade in actual economies often takes place at however, it given is interesting to know hov; many traders are required with prices fixed. ^^-SfgliiniDarigSi-Siinple-Tigdgs.SD^-CCIIiPPyDd.Tiadgs There Each are h households and n commodities. household has a dif f erentiable, locally-nonsatiated, strictly quasi-concave utility Prices function that is non-decreasing are assumed to be strictly positive. convenience. its in arguments. (This is mainly 2 a ) Definition 1. An Edgeworth-process trade is prices such that, budget constraints, a trade at given with all participants in the trade no on their participant's utility decreases and at least one participant's utility increases. For later purposes, observe that the strict quasi-concavity of the utility functions i-plies that an Edgeworth-process remains trade an Edgeworth-process trade if the amounts of each ccmmc- traded by each participant are all multiplied by dity scalar, /X ^ , ^ :$ 1 same the We can thus consider very small trades . and work in terms of marginal rates of substitution. Lemma In an Edgeworth-process trade, 1, it possible is not to partition the participating households into two sets, A and B, such that some household in A sells some commodity to a household in household B but no household in B sells any commodity to any in A. Then the total wealth of households in Suppose not. CiCfif* A would be greater after the trade than before, contradicting the fact that all households must remain on their budget constraints. consider Now household Edgeworth-process an selling commodity i j trade involves which to household i'. Household i' must sell to some other household or households, and they in turn must sell to others, and so on. said to buy commodity j All of these households will be from household directly or indirectly. 1, Denote the set of such households as B(i, j). Lemma Household 2. i is a member of B(i, j). Suppose not. Take A as the set of households involved El<?p£^ in the Edgeworrh-process trade that are not in 3(i, as 3(i, Then Lem.~a j). Hence every sale 1 (or Take B j). is contradicted. purchase) of a commodity by a household in an Edgeworth-process trade involves a circle of households and commodities, with each household in a circle buying from the preceding one and selling a commodity to the a com.-odity succeeding household one. We sells more than one commodity to another as involving more can think of transactions in which a given than one circle (possibly with all the same households and almost all the same commodities) Definition if 2. An Edgeworth-process trade is called "simple" at least one of the circles composing it is itself worth-process trade. is not trade, the Edgeworth-process trade that An Edge- an simple will be called "compound". in a simple Edgeworth-process other words, In households participating in at least one circle v/ould be willing cir- do so even if they were not also participating in other to In a compound Edgeworth-process trade, cles. on the other hand, least one household participating in any circle only does at because such participation bring is required to so different a circle into existence. example will help here. An ting of two "circles". Figure Nodes in the diagram dities, indicated by letters. 2, household household 3 selling "circle", household sells ccrTm.odity dity c But »»-^-^>-iJ represent house- e 2 selling commodity selling comjnodity b to co.TJTiodity 1 1 c household to household 1. sells co-u-odity to household 3, d to house- a and 3, In the left-hand to household and household 3 household ^. , sells commo- to household i. This cles" trade consis- a Thus, in the diagrammed trade, the right-hand "circle" has household 4 shows indicated by numbers, while arrov;s denote sales of commo- holds, hold 1 -rade would be simple if at least one of were (weakly) utiliry-improving for all irs suppose that the situation is as follows. 1-j.cwfc i^aK-^s yj.ai-c, iit-iui^ii'-' j. — ;; ^ ci^iv^ i j.i»;Cl these "cir- participants. At rhe prices ^ZlSj.i. ^ es^Cw at <_ j. v = hold House- in the diagrammed trade to be utility increasing. roles however, would not be willing to participate in the left- 1, hand circle standing alone. That is, at the given prices, house- would not be willing to sell hold 1 the other be hand, d and buy c. happy to engage in the standing alone, selling a would, It (selling c By contrast, household and buying c. and buying e) Edgeworth-process buying b) standing alone, nei.ther circle, trade. c and Nevertheless, In the entire transaction a hold agreeing to participate in the left-hand circle change . to would be an taken as 1 3 standing but would not be willing so , participate in the right-hand one (selliing this circumstance, circle right-hand would be willing to participate in the left-hand circle alone on whole can be an Edgeworth-process trade, house- with in for household 3's agreement to participate in the ex- right- hand one. Without the strong assumption that all commodities are held in positive amounts by all households, there is nothing to pre- vent the possibility that the only utility-im.proving trades pos- sible at given prices are compound. 4 The assumption that rraces will nevertheless take place seems very anc SG~e'w~.Er cu" ci place in a strong, non-cooperative, sucn however, competitive .ng Where only utiliry-improving circle trades are involved, one can imagine listing rhe prices announced and each household co-imodiries that it would like ro buy and would like to sell. circle being Someone (the "market") then arranges trades accordingly. that then it (small) If each household understands that any one of its commitments to purchase may be paired with any one 8 of commitments to sell, its then place, takes offers will be made in such tion of compound trades, preference prices) on the other hand, At the very least, mation. way any that The construc- requires more infor- requires households to specify it ordering for goods, the a utility-improving trade is simple. (small enough) pairing other whether or not any in the sense that (at the given household is willing to exchange any good lov;er in the ordering for any good higher up (at least in small amounts) To put it another way, a . the construction of a compound trade requires considerably more information about preferences than the construction of a This is particularly so for trades simple one. more complex than that of Figure in which many more than two of 1 the households participate in one or more circles as the gyi^ piQ gys for obtaining participation in another one. In does the present state of Edgeworth-process not matter. With stability proofs depending commodity holdings by all participants, construct compound trades. If that tion is ever to be relaxed, however, 1:0 that have it on this positive is not necessary to unreasonably strong assumpit would be very desirable proof of Sdgeworth-process stability that assumes only a trade possible analysis, and takes place if does si.T.ple utility-ir.proving not require participants to find trade is compound trad-es. In context, any event, it is in or out of the specific obviously Edgewcrth-process interesting separately simple and compound trades, and I shall do sc. to consider begin I simple, is then which least one of the circles of at trade If an Edgeworth-process simple trades. v;ith Hence, in consi- composed is itself an Edgeworth-process trade. the maximum number of participants required for a dering Edgeworth-process trade, it is it simple trade suffices to assume that the involved is itself just a single circle. Furthermore, circle, then a given commodity occurs twice in households 2, and Finally, and, 1 can be removed from the trade. and can be removed. 2 can all be removed, 3 x = in any case, from the trade. It trades, then households 1, possible. making bilateral trade 5 then If x = b, trade, gains from implies that household = d x If x = a, can be removed 5 There is nothing special about this example. in considering simple that, follov7S it If x = c, is impossible if household d be Here, a, b, 2, is the same as any one of the other four commodities. 1 can a Suppose that commodity x and d are all different commodities. then household such number of participants in the circle the Consider the trade diagrammed in Figure reduced. c, if Eagev;orth-process suffices ro looK at circles with the same number of notation as foliov/s. Definition which we r.ay as well take to be comm.ocities, such that, household which we for i-i-1, is a circle of households, A standard t-trade 3, 1 i {1, . ., . miay as well take to be also i t, < while household household t 1. 10 i and t}, {1, sez a . . sells commodity sells commodity t to ., i of z] to household dard when considering a stan- shall adopt the convention that, I commodity t-trade, each household dity t-1. = 1, i is taken to be comnodity t, denote {i-1, I sells commodity t ., . . that so and buys commo- t by S(i). i} The following fairly obvious fact is central to the analysis of simple trades. Lemma Consider any household, 3. commodities, a, b, c, with H's holdings of Suppose selling at current prices, that, a and buying c. £l0Pij As before, (2) selling U_/U p /p^ < and buying c. would .else Evidently, This < in p_/p,_^, leads would also utility-increasing: a , p, by (1) and buying b. and p , Let respectively. , since H could increase utility by selling , either find selling b and buying U_/U.^ H denote H's utility function by U(.), the prices of the three goods be p Then and b both positive. at the same prices, Then, or c a of could increase utility H find one of the following trades to be selling b and buying and any triplet H, c U. 7U < p. /p in which case H , increasing, to be utility which or a and almost all which case H would find selling to rhe following lemma from a later results are derived. Leruna 4. S'J.ppcse is possible with r S -) holds a > 2. tr.ar an Edceworrh-process standard r-rrade Suppose furrher thar household positive ar.ount cf so-e co.TJnodity 11 j (1 i i j (1 £ ^ i t) , involving no more than t-1 households. Without loss of generality, we can take £l2of^ which certainly holds commodity household 1, dity where j, < willing to sell commodity That is, ble. household, j households {1, selling commodity 1 . . a 1 is it is commodity standard j-trade possican trade with each j} ., to household g+1 and household g to household 1. j or else j is willing to sell Then there is selling commodity g, either household 3, and buy commodity t, j and buy commodity j. also holds commo- 1 and buy commodity 1 Suppose first that household I 1 By Lemma t. < j sell commodity to willing 1 Then = 1, i Since < j t, there are at most t-1 households involved in this trade. Now suppose that household and buy commodity t. that household 1 households is willing to sell In this case, can trade with household except 1 household g t households {j+1, selling commodity sells commodity sells couunodity j Theorem 1. (A) t, 1} . . ., to household + 1 - g+1, and 1, The number of this is j), and 1. > j (t j to household to household j+1. involved in this trade is less than t, since t g coinmodity Per any -, 1 < m i n, lez x (-) be ihe nu.TJDer of households holding ar lea.sz m com^modities in positive amounts. If there exists = sirr.ole exists one wizh at -ost (5) For any k, Edceworth— i^rocess t, (m) ^ h, = .Max {h - x (m) then there n - - + 2} parti- trsce, , let y(k) be the number of commodi- 1 < k ties held by at least k households in positive amounts. 12 If there exists with at most t2(k) Eieofj exists Since t ) , h - k + 2) Then n - > there suppose that t t, (m) > 2) i , goods not in 2) must hold some good involved trade that is not in S(i). Since t>n-m+22 in household Let that holds at least (m - i - (m participants. standard t-trade with must hold at least m goods. i. } at least one of the households involved h - x(m), > household Since - y (k Edgeworth-process trade the {n Without loss of generality, (A) an t Max = one then there exists simple Edgeworth-process trade, a 2, be S{i). the in Lemma 4 now yields the desired result. (B) Again suppose that there exists standard t-trade with one k > Since t_(k). t > y(k), n - least at of the commodities involved in the trade is held by at least households. by at least h - t Edgeworth-process an (k Let that commodity be commodity j. (k - 2), - 2) households, i, with j Then not in S(i). j is held Since t > at least one such household must be involved in the t> h-k-r22 trade. Since from Lemma 4. Corollary 1. If there exiscs 2, a the desired result again follows siniple Edgeworth-process trade, then rhere exiscs one wirh ar most z* = Min {Kin t^(x). Kin t^lk)} participants (where rhe notat-icn is as in Theorem ^^^^- Corollary one <-\ 2. 1) . — ..•^,,_ If a simple Edgeworth-process trade exists with no more than Kax {2, participants 13 Kin (h - exists, x(n), then n - y(h))} participants. Set m = n and ElCSfji Corollary 2 = h k states that, if in Theorem 1. a simple Edgeworth-process trade require it need not more than two participants, requires more the number of households net holding all commodities or the than number of commodities oQi held by all households. Corollary 3 (Schmeidler) Edgeworth-process If a simple . trade exists, then one exists with no more than n participants. EiQQij. Follows from Corollary Corollary 4. 2 and the fact that y(h) ^ 0. Suppose that at least h-2 households hold m commodities (not necessarily the same ones) Edgeworth-process trade exists, such a Then, , ^ 2 if a simple trade exists with no more than n-m+2 participants. Eiopf^ In Theorem Corollary k ^ 2 simple 5. (A), 1 x(m) ^ h-2. Suppose that at least n-2 commodities are held households (not necessarily the same Edgeworth-process trade exists, Then, ones. such a by if a trade exists with no more than h-k+2 participants. In Theorem riSPfj. 1 (B), y(k) 2 n-2. These results coviously imply: Corollary 6. held commodities all Suppose that either (a) at least in ocsitive am.ounts cr h-2 (b) at households least ccm-.odiries are held in posirive amiOunts by all households. simple Edgeworth-process trade exists, worth-orocess trade exists. 14 then a bilateral n-2 If a Edge- This is Corollary 7 a slightly stronger version of: (Madden) . Suppose that all households hold positive If a simple amounts of all commodities. exists, then a Edgeworth-process trade bilateral Edgeworth-process trade exists. 5^_2iippl£-Tie£3£Si_£sD_Eyiibei_E£5yl£s_D£_Dbi§iDed2 The number of participants required for an Edgeworth-process depends- on the distribution of commodity holdings and, trade course, on the distribution of tastes. of ob- The results so far for simple trades have made no assumptions on the distri- tained distribution of bution of tastes and have only characterized the commodity holdings by the two functions, tively, x(.) and y(.), (respec- the number of households holding at least a given number commodities and the number of commodities held by at least of a given number of households) Since that information does not completely characterize the holding of commodities by households, it is easy to see that more on the pattern of such holdings can make a consider- information able difference. Assume (A) exists h = n with n even. 2, only the ccTu-cdities in S(i) and i, with commodity while x(m) for K > 1 k i h. < > 2. Suppose that Edceworrh-process standard n-trade with an holding To see this, consider the following example: = for m 2. Similarly, This means that Evidently, t* = n t^ (m) y(2) . = n, 5 n = t2(k) in Corollary 1, household comr.ocities (that is, taken to be commodity n) > i i-1 Then x(2) = h, while y(k) for and, oovicus that the standard n-trade cannot be reduced. 15 there 1 < = C m i n and indeed, it is nov/ holds only the commodities i instead of and i+1, are the same as in and y(.) however, In this case, in the and i-1 Then the functions (with commodity n+1 taken to be commodity 1), x(.) i so that t* = n, as before. (A), every household, i, owns standard n-trade that is not in S(i), good involved a Lemma so that 4 shows the existence of an Edgeworth-process trade with fewer than n participants. it is not hard to show fact, In^ there that exists such a trade with n/2 participants, since, along the lines of the proof of Lemma 4, every odd-numbered participant in the standard n-trade can bypass participant i+1. more Somewhat Corollary 1 surprising than this is the fact that t* trades need not be the least upper bound on required given only the information in x(.) and y(.). of To see this, consi- der the follov;ing example. Suppose that there exists an m* 3, 2 with n - m* + 2 m* > such that: for m i m* h (1) x(m) =f for m L- In other words, n ; m* > every household owns exactly In this case. (2) t- y(k) {=}=> •^ h for ''' h - k + 2 f or k ^ - IT. > r* and, similarly. r n for k > 16 m* z-* for k ^ m* for k > m* , a: = cc.T~odities Then t* > = t* m* so that y(t*) , - m* = n t, (m*) = + Note 2. In other words, 0. assumption, by that, there is no commodi- ty ovmed by as many as t* households. Now consider any simple Edgewor th-process trade involving t* Without loss of generality, households. the standard t*-trade. such a trade. Each household, n - m* + 2 goods owns at least i, involved (m* - 2) in goods In order for none of these goods to be involved in not in S(i). the There are we may take this to be trade, those participants. - (m* Since goods must be the same for 2) we know that this is impossible. all t* Lemma 4 tells us that there is an Edgeworth-process trade with fev/er than participants. t* It remains to show that the functions x(.) (1) i identified commodity {i-1, (1 j ^ i, . . com^T^odity n and v,'ith j < given in This is easily done by having household can actually occur. own commodities and y(.) m*-2-) ., i+m*-2}, commodity n+j with commodity with identified . Evidently, further work along these lines can produce stronger lower bounds on the numoer of required participants than t^ number co-jnodities owned by sets cf the households of and the total number cf households that own sets cf r ecuirements household even en rhe nuroer cf cozniocities held bv a already disequilibrium single strain what we can reasonably assume aoout process, I do net believe that such further 17 a re- however, this, of the analysis of this problem may and be a suitable subject for further research. now I to the more complex case of turn The principal reason for Here results are not so easily come by. this is that the result of Lemma trades. To household 1 does not hold 4 onsider Figure see this, trades. compound again and 1 compound for recall that participates in the left-hand circle only in order to participate in the right-hand one, while the opposite is true for household Suppose that household 3, by Lemma 3, household else willing to buy trade between households the former case applies, purchasing either 3 Then, In the latter case, bilateral and 4 is possible, and that household 4 but suppose that has no interest in If the left-hand circle were itself an or b. a owns commodity c. is either willing to sell c and buy d or 4 and sell e. c 4 Edgeworth-process trade, bilateral trade between households 4 would be possible, merely to sell willing but now it is not. d and buy c; it that gives it the opportunity to sell replace rhe lefr-hand circle by hclcs 1 household and 4, 3 a a Household is 1 is doing so only and buy c. and not because If we try to bilarerai rrade berween will no longer 1 receive e. houseSince household 3's participarion in rhe right-hand circle is conditional on its getting e, z.he righr-hand circle. no reason to sell d household 3 will no longer participate in But, in rhai: case, household and buy c, and the whole trade 1 will have will break d own Moreover, it is not true (as IS it is in the case of sirriple that the existence of trades) commodity involved in the a held by all participants implies that the number of partici- and consider Figure pants can be reduced. there are two circles each involving the ggaie three (Household household circle To see this, 2 has been exhibited twice for clarity.) 2 gains utility from participation in 3 1 household owns a and d, owns a and c. Thus, For convenience, Denoting a 2 1 ov/ns households. Suppose that right-hand the while Assume that house- and 3. a, Here 3. and loses from participation in the left-hand one, the opposite is true for households hold trade and e, b, and household is owned by all households. assume that all prices are equal to unity. the utility function of household i by U''' and marginal utilities by subscripts, the information given implies: (4) U^ > U^^ > 5) U^ > U^ ; U^ > U^ > a b U^ , U^ d < \P- e t and (6) e c U,^ o Suppose thar, in addirion. (~) Ut > U" /Ri "2 . -2 /c^ "3 . ..3 a e Inequalities (4) > U' „2 ^ „2 ..3 ^ ..3 D ' and a (7) imply that household 19 1 will not sell either a or d in order to purchase b or e, while that household will not sell 2 a in order to purchase bilateral trade between households inequalities Similarly, not will sell household 2 2 (9) 2 and 3 purchase c, while (6) and (9) not sell a in order to purchase d. will between households and 1 3 Hence (8) 3 that implies Hence bila- cannot take place. implies that household (4) d. imply that household while e, implies cannot take place. will not sell a in order to purchase c. Finally, to and purchase b or a to teral trade between households order (7) and 1 (8) 1 will not sell in a imply that household 3 trade Hence bilateral cannot take place. Thus, no bilateral trade is possible, and the compound trade shown in Figure 2 participants. Basically, result in the cannot be reduced even though a is ov;ned by all the reasoning that led to a different case of simple trades breaks because the trades are all interdependent. that owns household a c, a and sell c, 1 and 3 and, ro replace household 2 and deal the if trade, 3 have no direct interest in such a this directly trade of a and enga-ginc in it would renove household 2's reason for This does not m.ean that it is impossible to obtain results, That 3. In the compound case being examined, however, with household 1. for the household circle were itself an Edgeworth-process would allow household households Thus, before) (as good that it is not trading is household would be glad to purchase right-hand down however. positive In fact, the parallelism, between comumodities and households breaks down in the case of compound trades, fo; 20 remains true that the presence of a multilateral trade permits reduction in the number of parti- a consider the following lemma which gives To see this, cipants. household owning all goods in a the result parallel to (and v;eaker than) that of Lemma the for 4 case of compound trades. Lemma with t households, set participating in the trade, such that the and i', commodities of owned in positive amounts all commodities being traded includes hold i by household i (bought or sold) by house- with Then there exists an Edgeworth-process trade i. two Suppose further that there exist participants. 2 > exists trade Suppose that an Edgev;orth-process 5. no more than t-1 participants. Household ErSPfi site good another. a (a i' linear combination of ordinary goods) (For example, combination of household i' household i household and d.) a buys, and S 1 in Figure buys 1 c If household trade berveen households increasing replace household i' would i to sell B and buy S, in the original trade, i and 2, £, Then i' a find selling is possible. S i can and buying (parts of) Corol- and 7, above, to the case cf compound trades. 21 it bilateral then ho-jsehcld This leads im.-ediarely zo zhe extension of laries and sells the com.posite good that it sells. strictly utility increasing to sell 3 and buy 3, then urility selling and Let B denote the composite good that owns both B and S. Edgewor rh-prccess compo- can be thought of as buying one (As ties, and x (n) the number of households holding positive amounts of all commodities.) Theorem then one Suppose that at least h-2 households hold all If an Edgeworth-process trade exists, 2. exists with no more than Max {2, h - x(n)} participants, ElQQZj. Obvious from Lemma 5. Corollary 8. commodities in positive amounts. If an Edgeworth-process trade exists, then a bilateral Edgeworth-process trade exists. This is a slightly stronger version of: Corollary positive 9 amounts trade exists, then (Madden) . Suppose that all of all commodities. a If an households hold Edgeworth-process bilateral Edgev/orth-process trade exists. 22 5 NOTES * I am indebted to a referee for comments and to Peter Diamond for error. I helpful discussion but A. for responsibility retain aunt wish to dedicate this paper to the memory of my and dancing teacher, Ethel Fisher Korn. Note, however, that existing proofs of stability in the 1. process require the positive endowment assumption any- Edgeworth 1962, Uzawa, 1962, Arrow and Hahn, pp. 328-337). Thus way (Hahn, Madden's result formally answers the criticism that large numbers of traders may be required. That answer will not be satisfactory, however, the analysis is ever to be advanced beyond if such a strong assumption. Strict quasi-concavity is not to be interpreted to 2. out possibility of satiation in one or more (but the goods, rule not all) that indifference surfaces can become parallel to one so or more of the axes. The assumption of dif f erentiabilitv can almost certainly weakened to the requirement that unique supporting hyperplanes 1978, 281), but there p. Apart lirrle gain in co-plicaring the exposiricn to zo so. seerr.s as (Madden, have surfaces indifference the following. bananas Suppose that househc"'d 1 2 and 3 for bananas. though tions. a Such a 1 sells carrots to 2 (1) s ^^ ^— ^_ for apples anc to trade can require three participants particular household not. do ; wnicn and re'^ards apples as perfect complements while households be participates in all j even transac- This makes calculation of the minimum number of partici- pants tedious at best, and, as the circumstance involved is quite special, it (although it might be possible to handle it along the lines of the treatment given to does not seem worth pursuing "compound" trades below) subset commodities of . (Note that if ell agents view a given as perfect complements using the same proportions, then, without loss of generality, that subset can be renamed as a composite commodity.) The 3. ' principal complication avoided is that of keeping of gifts in which one household gives a free good to track ano- ther without getting anything in return. 4. bilateral It is easy to see, Edgeworth-process that the existence of a implies the existence of a however, trade simple bilateral Edgeworth-process trade. 5. Schmeidler ' s result, while true, does not seem readily provable for compound trades along the lines here developed. 24 REFERENCES K.J. AND HAHN, F.H. ARROW, (1971), G£D£I£l_CCI[ipetitiy£_^D5ly£iS San Francisco: Holden-Day and Edinburgh: Oliver FELDNAN; (1973), A. 40, , ' " Beyiew^fif ^ECCDCffiiC-StUdieSf 463-473. F.M. FISHER, Boyd. 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(1978), "V7hy ia w ^ cu Secuences cf Ncn-Mcnetarv Ex- the Edgeworth Process Assumption Isn't , 25 vior," in Quirk, J. P. QySD£iiStiye^E£2DSII>iff§. and Zarley, A. M, Lawrence, (eds.)f E3PeiS_iD Kansas? University Press of Kansas. RADER, (1976) To , Efficiency and s.A.Y. "Pairwise Optimality, Multilateral Optimality with and without Externalities," in Lin, (ed.), ibe5ry_flDd-t5£3Sux£ipeDi_cf^EcfiDCiiiic-.E2ierDaliz iieSo New York: Acauemic Press. UZAWA, H. (1962), "On the Stability of Edgeworth's Barter Pro- cess," iDtfilDatifiDSl-ECCDfiUiicBfiyieyr 26 3, 218-232. FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 / 5582 096 <5 -</' wn aBi!«™^ Jill 3 cioao 5Mb 33b 3.. QQ^,.-33,