^CKD^ _ [LIBRARIES] H Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/finiteplayerapprOOfude working paper department of economics FINITE PLAYER APPROXIMATIONS TO A CONTINUUM OF PLAYERS Drew Fudenberg David K. Levine Number 455 January 1987 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 FINITE PLAYER APPROXIMATIONS TO A CONTINUUM OF PLAYERS Drew Fudenberg David K. Levine Number 455 January 1987 FINITE PLAYER APPROXIMATIONS TO A CONTINUUM OF PLAYERS Drew Fudenberg David K. Levine August 1986 Revised: January 1987 * We are grateful to Andreu Mas-Colell for helpful conversations, and NSF Grants SES 85-09484 and SES 85-09697 for financial support. Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, and University of California, Los Angeles, respectively. Dewey :i/^» s ,W|P MAY 23 If - N0V1 -^ t^ r f ABSTRACT In this paper we are interested in the lower hemi-continuity of the Nash equilibrium correspondence with respect to the number of players. Specifically, given an equilibrium in a game with a continuum of players, and a finite player game that approximates the continuum game, is there an equilibrium of the finite player game that is "close" to the equilibrium of the continuum game? 200SS31 1 . Introduction In this paper we are interested in the lower hemi-continuity of the Nash equilibrium correspondence with respect to the number of players. Specifically, given an equilibrium in a game with a continuum of players, and a finite player game that approximates the continuum game, is there an equilibrium of the finite player game that is "close" to the equilibrium of the continuum game? We show that lower hemi-continuity obtains if the players' payoffs are differentiable , strictly concave in their own actions, and moreover have the property that the indirect effect that players have on each other is small in the appropriate sense. This bound on the cross -player effects, when carefully specified, implies that the operator representing the cross partial derivatives of players payoffs with respect to each other's actions is compact. It implies also that the continuum game cannot exhibit a robust indeterminacy, and is connected to similar conditions used to establish determinacy in continuum economies in Kehoe [1986], and Kehoe, Levine and Romer [1987], , Levine , Mas-Colell and Zame A similar condition is used by Araujo and Scheinkman [1977] in studying the value function in dynamic programming. The upper hemi-continuity of the Nash correspondence has been studied extensively by Green [1984], and by Fudenberg and Levine [1986]. paper studied lower-hemicontinuity as well, but it considered e Our [1986] -equilibria, providing conditions for an exact equilibrium of a given game to be an equilibrium of games that are nearby. However, the literature on limits of monopolistically competitive equilibrium, including the papers of Green [1980], Mas-Colell e- [1982], Novshek and Sonnenschein [1980], and Roberts [1980], have examined lower-hemi-continuity of exact "equilibria. These results depend heavily on there being a fixed finite number of types (although not all of the above papers impose strict concavity in own action). With a finite number of types, the cross partial operator has Our formulation is more general, finite rank, and so is certainly compact. allowing situations where payoffs of individuals depend on their own actions in idiosyncratic ways, and on countably many weighted averages of the actions of others. The model's increased generality may help provide a better understanding of the essence of the lower-hemicontinuity results. Section 2 and considers the of the paper sets up the model, mathematical issue of when a strategy for finitely many players is "like" a strategy for infinitely many of them. Section develops a version of the 3 implicit function theorem that applies when changes in a parameter change This is needed since, the domain on which the function is defined. depending on the number of players, strategy profiles lie in different spaces. Section 4 extends our topology on finite- and infinite-player to consider what it means for a finite dimensional linear operator to games, It concludes with the sufficient be "like" an infinite dimensional one. conditions for lower-hemi-continuity Finally, Section . 5 shows that these conditions are satisfied when players affect each other only through weighted averages of all players actions. 2. The Model The space A of players actions is a compact convex subset of a fixed finite dimensional vector space that A is the closure of its Hausdorff topological space with a fixed norm. A* The space of players is a compact interior. P, distinct closed nested subsets of while P. We shall assume P. , P. , . . . P are a sequence of We also adopt 'the convention that - P. P as a subset of P (or P We generally think of (P) that is ; A- think of example players, but this is not essential. is called an atom of € P) p n as containing a countable dense set, P is an isolated point. p P- [0,1], and [0,1] has no atoms and P from players to actions. continuous mapr x: in place of x X x(p) of continuous mappings from P denote the identity) -A P : The space. of all . A* in the sup Every interior. Consequently, there are natural restriction mappings r - r x -+ has a continuous restriction A* -* In this This is a bounded convex subset . is equal to the closure of its P n-l/n,l}. game is a continuous map We write X* X Moreover, For concreteness it is helpful to - (0,l/n,2/n P such maps (in the sup norm) is denoted of the Banach space connected component of is a p p S P has only atoms. P A strategy profile of the n norm. if (P) P A player and r x n P : - A*. n X* * X* : (we let These are obviously continuous linear . operators If for x n x e X* € X*, n then that n x -* n "converges" to € X* n r x x provided v |x ' n -r xl n More generally, we say x. -» This makes precise the r 0. ' idea that a profile in a finite player game converges to a profile in the continuum game. U C X Let be open in Corresponding to X*. U Notice that •by the Tietze extension theorem, for every J x n € X* with linear map r r x n n - x n and is onto all of |x ' n I - |x 1 ' X*, n I 1 . are sets x € X* n n - r U. U there is Consequently J the continuous ^ and, by the open mapping principle, U is an open set. The payoff function of the n J We write depends on 7r n (a,x) p's in place of r n game is a function ° n (p,a,x). n n : P n x A x X Note that the payoff - 7r * n P n action both directly, and indirectly through the effect IR. that it has on the joint distribution of players and actions. atom and a x\a the continuous function derived by replacing is then it is sometimes convenient to define . ' be the payoff in which If ?r[a and = x, x\a Definition all p e P ;r [a , ^ x] with x = n (a ,x\a n ,x] to ) so we define 7r P (a n , x). x e X game ° of the n n satisfies for xP G A and n n is an p captures both the direct and indirect effect. a A Nash equilibrium : n there should be no indirect effect, is not atomic, p If P [x P ,x] P > n ,r n [x P ,x]. We shall always assume Assumption 1 For each : x 7r n as a function of [a,x] differentiable and strictly concave; both J respect to Let so 6 tj> n n - D w [x (x) ,x] an e X equilibrium n x . n . Under Assumption r 1 continuously is and its derivative with n are jointly continuous with respect to a (x) it a d> n a. continuous in is (x) and p p, Moreover, it is necessary and sufficient for a Nash J e U n that d> n (x n ) = 0. We assume that we are given an equilibrium goal is to give sufficient conditions relating the guarantee that there are solutions x n G U with n to 4> <f> n (x <Hx) - 0. with x £ U n ) <f> — Our which and x -* n x. In other words, we will provide conditions for the Nash equilibrium correspondence to be lower hemi- continuous in the continuum of players limit. 3 An Implicit Function Theorem . Suppose that instead of the discrete parameter X , games are indexed by A and for all A n and separate spaces the game is played in X. If <^(A,x) - and U in is the equilibrium condition, that for and close enough to X x(A) x -+ the implicit function theorem implies is non-singular, D <f>(X,x) as A X -* continuously dif ferentiable is <f> there are solutions X x(A) to <f>(X ,x(X)) - Our goal is to make sense of how an argument . like this might work when games are parameterized by a discrete parameter n, and the spaces on n. on which the equilibrium condition is defined depend X Now let us consider V A,x € U, then |D rf<A',x') Definition d> is n D - x > e x |x'-x| < 6; 35, N s.t. <KV,x)| < 11 Assumption n > N 2 : implies The family differentiable, and <f> n implies is uniformly differentiable if each <f> continuously J differentiable, and |x'-x| < 6, |A'-A| < 1/N c. The discrete family : If this is continuously differentiable $(A,x). I Vj> n (r x') V x € U, - n (including <j> - (r x) D<£ n (r x) n n - «>) and Y >0, £ I < 35, Ns.t. e. ' is uniformly <i(x). n Our basic tool is The Inverse Function Theorem A: X -+ Y r?(x) < b(|A - 0. X {x e and suppose |Ax+r7(x)| Ax + X are Banach spaces and is a non-singular continuous linear operator. -- U-b > 0, Suppose : | r? | |x-x| U * Y : -k) is *i _ 1ax-t?(x) Ia" < b) Lipshitz with constant then there is a unique point > Moreover i" Let 1 !" 1 1 -^ k. If x e U with Proof This is an implication of the contraction mapping fixed point : theorem. Observe that U Obviously is a Ax + x - -A if and only if - rj(x) complete metric space; we must show that r?(x). -A is a rj contraction of U. First we show that -A maps r) U into This follows from the U. sequence of inequalities |-A' 1 » 7 < l-A'Scx)-*! + |-A" (x)-x| X < |A" < Ia" 1 r 7 (x)+A" r?(x)| (x)+Ax| + |rj(x)-r7(x)|) | (|r? ! (bdA" 1 1 1 !" 1 -^) + /cb) - b. (We obtain the last inequality by substituting the bounds on |Ax - r7 (x) | . |a 1 r7 - | This shows that x (x)+A" k > 1 r 7 Ix-xl - I | | r, (x) -r, and so k < 1 | (x' ) -A | < \a' r\ 1 k \ |x-x' | , is a contraction. < | |x-x| -A" r?(x) -A" r?(x)-x| 1 ! < Ia" I xl - + | r?(x)+A" -A" 1 U(x)-^(x) h(x)-Axl + Ia" U(x)-Ax| + Ia" h(x)-Axi _ hw-^i ! I r?(x| k Ix-xl we find 1 ,;.;, _1 exists and is unique. < Ia" |x-x| < |a (x')| |a 0, It remains to estimate Solving for and Moreover ) |-A" and since |x-x| s Ia' ! 1 I A |k I A I QED -k We now apply the inverse function theorem to the family <f> The Implicit Function Theorem that family, J and Proof — x b |x' -x| < b Moreover, . A Take : Hi (r x) so small and (3.2) IVV (3.3) l^ n (x This implies 1 '" 1 x ( n n we need only J show k n on n ' < a/2. ' n " Df(rx)| n n A X n n (r x) r\ |A n n k - I < b. ] > a/4 n Since |a < b; |x-x| where n < {a/k) + (a/4) (x n (x n ) - n ; > 0. Now ' < b, |x-x| ) - Dtf ^(x^ + - 4> n (^ n) constant is the Lipshitz r n <b, ' nn |W n (x n + k. > 3a/4, I ' |x'-x| nn nn n |A and A^ we need only show J x ' ^ l^(x') <f> n From the inverse function theorem . ' - d> < a/4 < ba/4 I ' We have for U n (x') n n > N Consequently, • ' ' 1 such that . n Then there n ' ' nn where (r x) - 0. a - lim inf so large that for - 'n |x -r xl x n " ha/U I n> ' r\ unique a 4> " 3a/4 + |a r x 1 } n By assumption n ^n = n> n and that x. -» n . N (rx') |Di »? x nnn (3.1) Define n and for large enough & b e r U' n n choose for n uniformly dif ferentiable is a <j> > 0, (r x)t" |D<£~ ' C U, U' is inf lira Suppose : n - rf ) - |x;-x |x;-x (X„) nn - n -rx, n x' n - r x' n nn nnn' D4 (x)(x'-x nn nn )| Df(rx)](x'-x)| n n n n n n | | < (a/2) nnn X;-X| 11 (x )(x'-x )| and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. | < a/4 |x'-x] ' follows from (3.1) To see this, write K<o 'nn 0.5) +j*j nn • D [D4 |jj u Mnnn J( x nn (x n U'nn From (3.1), and (3.6) 4. |x-x|, /J |D^ n + < b, |x'-x| (x nn + t(x'-x )) (x < [ji|Di J t(x'-x)) nn - nn nn Di (x )](x'-x )dt| - (xj|dt] |x'-x M nn 'nn' |. it follows that + t(x;-x )) n n - x :- x )l - D^(x n )| < a/4. Q.E.D. Convergence of Operators We wish to apply the inverse function theorem to conclude that a Nash equilibrium <^(x) of the continuum game can be approximated by Nash - equilibria of games with finitely many players. that D<^> is non-singular for sufficiently large (r x) were indexed by a continuous parameter D^ then sufficiently near to \ non-singular D$(x) D (A,x) <f> X, is non- In the case at hand, however, A. not sufficient to ensure that is If the games n. and played on a common space n, non- singular would imply that (X,x) singular for To do so we must ensure D<f> (r x) is non- singular as well. Suppose F nnn : We will say that J X* * X* F (4.1). x - X* are continuous linear operators, x n € X* n with |x|—l n 1 ' such that 1 ' 'nnn |x -+ |x|-l n e X* n X* F: if for every sequence ~i j F -*• n there is a sequence and r x exists by the Tietze (such a sequence J n -* I 1 extension theorem) (4.2) if (4.3) |F x ' -r zl 'mm' |x n n - r n Fx -» I n for some subsequence m then x -* m z - 0. 1 A simpler and more obvious definition of convergence would be to require that F r x - Fx n n for every J x € X*. If we add the requirement that uniformly bounded, this can be shown equivalent to our definition is |F I of convergence holding for convergent sequences only. We refer to this as To show the extra bite from requiring that weak convergence. and F F are similar for non-convergent sequences consider the following example. P - Set [0,1] - (0,1/n P , 1) A - [0,1] and , Let . be the F matrix in which every entry in the first column is one, every entry in the second column minus one, and all remaining entries zero, i.e., F F = 0. while For any fixed Consequently n J continuous. In other words all x n -» F If r n n ' |r F then n x(0) r x(l/n) - n 1 -f However, |f| x |F In this case > lim sup|F since - n I - r x is x(l/n) n 0. -» I ' so the norm is not 2, 1 not necessarily convergent, , in our sense. 0, 0, ' ' ' n -» I x-r Fxl - If r xl - |r x(0) n n n n weakly. J -» n - (1,0,0,...). Thus, x. F if F x, If we allow sequences continuous. can choose 1-10 1-10 - F x n n In fact, - 1, while then we Fx - for be shown that it can easily J |. while our definition is a fairly restrictive notion of convergence, it does not follow that if eventually non- singular A - [0,1] and F -* n F and F is non-singular then ° A counterexample with . F n maps s r FR n n (0,1/n 1} > x(p/2 + 1/2) n P - is < p < 1/3 x(2p) R [0,1] n is the operator (Fx)(p) - If P - F X* n to its linear extrapolation in obviously to J converge b non-singular and 1/3 < p < 1. F F. the operators Moreover it can be shown that are always singular. is that while it is non-singular, X*, F is The problem with the operator its restriction to the invariant subspace F 10 x(p) - of functions with < p < 1/3 for one-to-one is but not onto. No non-singular finite dimensional operator can be singular on an invariant subspace F is a it is unreasonable to think that an operator like In other words, . reasonable limit of finite dimensional operators. One important class of operators for which the finite and infinite dimensional versions are similar is the diagonal operators. the linear operators from is representable by a continuous map - f (p)x(p) (F x)(p) multiplication with F: X* -+ X*. that is, , f operator A diagonal ° to itself. F f Let : - L(A) P , F L(A) n be X* - X* n n : such that is the operator induced by pointwise F Similarly we can define a diagonal operator . These operator arise naturally as the derivative of respect to the players' own actions: 4> with the diagonal is simply the second derivative of players payoffs with respect to their own actions. It is easy to show that for a diagonal operator - sup F p6P |f; x If - (su P | (p) , I and n _1 1 lf" ( P) ) | . peP Moreover, for diagonal operators lim inf If" |" > 0. Lemma 4.1 If F sup PS? Proof |f : : * F and F non-singular implies F if and only if J This follows from and n F F are diagonal b F -» n (p)-f(p)| - 0. That sup peP show the converse. |f n (p)-f(p)| - implies F -* n F is straightforward. Suppose there is a subsequence with W€ 11 |f Choose and x (p IF x - n n 1 n < e/2. l| - ) f(p - ) x (p ) n n so that n |x |F| n (p n r Fx n |f n (P n ) - |f n (P n - ) )| >e. We may assume J 1. x n has -r Fx 'nnnn' |F x -» I Then I > n' f(P )x(P )| ^ n n f(P n )| |f(P - n )d-x n (p n ))| ^ e/2. This contradiction establishes the Lemma. Q.E.D, Notice that as far as diagonal operators are concerned, we could have used weak convergence, rather than convergence. We now characterize a broad class of cases for which and F -* n F imply that J lim inf If ' n > I 0. An operator non-singular F on a Banach C ' space is compact if the closure of the image of an arbitrary bounded set is compact. A broad class of compact operators can be found by taking strong limits of operators with a finite dimensional range; in some Banach spaces, all compact operators have this form. As a result, of the derivative of a players incentives <f> it is natural to think with respect to what everyone else does as compact provided that there are only finitely many important channels of interaction. next section. A formal model of what this means is found in the From a mathematical point of view, compact operators are important, because, like diagonal operators, they can be approximated by finite dimensional operators. Proposition L.2 diagonal; F,B ; Suppose F n -F;F n non-singular and C - B n +C;F-B+C; n compact. First we prove a preliminary lemma. Then B n lim inf |F - B | are > 0. 12 Lemma 4,3 Proof Under the hypotheses of Proposition 4.2 J : Let : |x ' n - I Since 1. + C x IB x B |x ' nn r Bx - nn n n 1 -+ n there is a sequence F, •* n C n C. I n - 1 X in 1 In other words satisfying (4.1) to (4.3). (4.4) F 1 B r - n Cx - I 0. n' We will show |b" (4.5) 1 n 1 By Lemma 4.1 and C x r - n n B^Cx n' non- singular B - 0. I n |B eventually bounded above. is | Consequently from (4.4) |b"||Bx +Cx n n n nn ' ' - r ' Bx nn r - - Cii nn' I implying |x n -1 _1 x nnn + B C B - nnn r Bx B - nnn Cx r I - . 1 This expression is at least as great as x 'nnn Ib" C -lrx 'nn Since by (4.1) n -» I term goes to zero. n I - x 'nnn' |x -r 1 I n nnn +rB*Cx r Bx B' • -r x 'nnn' |x Cx r B - Since n nnn' I it suffices to show that the final negative 0, |x B" r Cx - n - 1, I it is bounded above in absolute value by (iVn 1 1 Since |B ' and B n + |C|) ' |r B* ' is bounded, t ' _1 1 n - B r nn' |. we need only show J ' |r B - n ' B n r I * n' . Since B (and their inverse) are diagonal ° n |r B" 1 Since ! ' B -» B, n _1 1 - B n r n I 1 - sup „ peP |B" ' 1 (p) r - B" n 1 (p)|. r ' n the final expression goes to zero by Lemma 4.1. Q.E.D. 13 Proof of Proposition 4,2 x n e X with n |x ' implies r |B ' F x n n n |x (4.6)' v ' - I n (4.7) IB ' and 1 I 1 ' •* I F x -» I n n Since . |b" ' bounded, is I n 1 this ' Consequently . 1 C x B" - n n Lemma 4.3, choose Bv ' v If the proposition is not true we can find : x n n 1 - n n |x|-l, n with € X n C x n - 0. I r B" n Cx n I |x -r n x n n I and -* - 0. 1 Notice that this step is where we need strong rather than weak convergence: there is no reason (4.8) |x 1 Since + r n is compact, r C chosen subsequence. 'mm implies r |x + r m x Since B Cx contradicts m zl n B^Cx and -» 0. I - From (4.6) 0. 1 n is bounded, r B m Cx B Cx -+ r z m m -» m for a properly J z Since . I E ' n I (4.8) -* , 1 Then from (4.2), •* -z: , we conclude + B" C - B* I x n This implies r 1 n z -» m should have a convergent subsequence. x x +B Cx (B+C) = B" F Now we provide conditions on Proposition 4.2. 'mm' I D4 (x) n I -* 0. Since I ' x m 1—1 this 1 non-singular. Q.E.D. that permit us to appeal to Recall that in the payoff function 7r P (a,x), player p's own action affects his payoff both directly and through its "indirect effect" on the vector x. We have already J assumed that »r n which [a,x], incorporates the indirect effects into the first argument, is concave in x. We will now also assume that the direct effects themselves are concave: Definition : B n (x) whose entries are is the diagonal operator tb D aa 7r n (a,x) 14 Assumption B n 3 For all : B x, (x) strictly negative definite, and is (r x) - B(x). n From Proposition 4.2 we see that we should also assume Assumption 4 D^ : (r x) D^(x) The condition -+ D</>(x); is compact. B(x) • compact is a restriction on the indirect effect B(x) - D<f>(x) that players can have on each other. In the next section we show that it is satisfied in the case where depends on average value of (a,x) it only through the x x. Under these assumptions we can use Proposition 4.2 to show that the Nash correspondence is lower hemi- continuous at the continuum of players limit. Theorem (Lower Hemicontinuitv') Assumptions sequence x D^(x) non-singular, and is through 4 are satisfied, then there exists an 1 n $(x) - 0, If : such that n > N, , Finally, J <f> *n (x n - ) D4> n (r x) B - n n x to show let us note a useful fact: suffices to show that and -» n D<?S n x. (r x) n D^(x) -* n converges to (r x) and a N D^(x) - B(x) it This . follows from Lemma 4.4 B n - B Proof : ; Suppose and C x the fact that that IB x 'nn - C. n Given C r F n n C. -» Bit nn' I • |x ' + n Then € X*, n n = B F n I n = C n ; B n and B are diagonal ° - F. 1, find x e X*, |x 1 ' Then since 0. F = B + C, B and n Consequently ^ ^ B |F x ' n n I >= n' 1, are diagonal r Fx nn' I - guaranteed b^ as ° . it follows as required, Q E D . . . 15 5 . Compactness With Weighted Averages This section shows that the sufficient conditions of Section 4 are satisfied by games in which each player cares only about a weighted average of his opponents' actions, and not about the play of each individual opponWe will begin by considering a single weighted average. ent. This is, of the case in Cournot competition with a single homogeneous good, course, which is the game in which lower hemi-continuity has been most extensively Below, we extend these results to the case in which payoffs depend studied. on a finite number of weighted averages or even infinitely many. A- We now take P - [0,1], and [0,1] P - (0 1/n, 2/n, , . . . ,n-l/n, 1 } We suppose that jr£(p,a,x h(q)xVn) - g(p,a, 2 ) ^Pn 7r(p,a,x) - g(p ,a,J"h(q)x dq) and is C 1 and P x g: A x A -+ where the weighting function , is IR 2 C n < » Assumption 1, P -* IR and concave in its second argument. We will show that in this case Assumptions For h: 1 through 4 are satisfied. concavity and continuity, follows from the fact that g(p,a, 2 is C jointly in in a. For n - p 2 h(q)xVn and q, Assumption «> and, 1 + h(p)a/n) for large enough x s Jh(q)x dq. theory implies x Notice that if -* x. strictly concave follows immediately from the properties of For notational convenience define the averages and n, x -* x h(q)x /n n n then ordinary integration We now verify Assumptions x 2 n = 2 qeP through 4. We begin b} 16 computing <j> n and (x) (x) 4> : *£(x) - D g(p,xP,x (5.1) 2 ^ P (x) - D g(p,x P n + h(p)D g(p xP,x )/n 3 n ) > ,x). 2 Now we will differentiate (5.1), and show that as can be decomposed r B satisfies Assumptions 3 entry, b (p) e C n h n C = c h n n n D<i(x) respectively, in a way that J J B + C, be the diagonal matrix whose p B n - (h(p)/n) D (p) entry is g(p,xP,X n 32 ). - D n (p) g(p,xP,x n 23 + (h(p)/n)D ) 33 g(p,x£,x), n - (h(0)/n,h(l/n)/n,...,h(l)/n). . containing the D„„g - D c h and -D 22 g(p,xP,x n ), (p) In the continuum limit, and Let 4. n be the corresponding column vector, and set c Then and n (r x) set , c Let and + C n be the diagonal matrix whose p E To define + E n is , b and let n D<4 is Then terms, is as before, B C - ch, and where g(p,xP,x) 23 the linear functional defined by D(f> n =B n +E n +C,Diji>-B n is strictly negative definite, Next observe that D<ji(x) - Clearly + C. Assumption B - ch hx - J"h(q)x(q)dq. 3 is E n + C -* n C. Since E n B n - B, and since B n satisfied. has rank one, To satisfy Assumption 4, we must also show that equivalent to the diagonal matrix and is thus compact. D$ (r x) -» converges clearly to b J D$(x) , which and is is 17 it suffices to show diagonal, b C C -» n To do this, we assume that we are given a sequence We must construct a continuous approximation |x (1) v ' (2) x (3) v ' |C n -r x x n n n Recall that C to choose x n x - c h n n n C - ch and Since . c ' be continuous. = x. it will be sufficient . h x n n - as h x does with n has a (continuous) limit x x at ). (p-,p.,...,p x n hx - 1/n 1/n; -» n n that is, , x will have n Along the k n must n x n . To do constant segments centered ° will do. x (p) - x segment, we will set the area in which , 1 2 x then we can simply x, x * x n n Thus as increasingly steeply sloped continuous function. n n That is, . Moreover, . then connect these segments by linear interpolation. h x -» n' to be a continuous approximation to the step-function x associated with 1 hx However, we must also worry & J about non- convergent this, we set is an such that must yield essentially the same average with the x If c -+ n so that the scalar difference n 00 n - 1, and does, n limiting weight- functional x n' 1. | - 0. | 1 the approximating take x ' |x - 0, | r Cx - with n - with 1 converges if n ' n n x x (p, ) We . grows, x To ensure that must &go to zero faster than n [The computations are available from the authors upon request. Finally, we verify Assumption |F -F'l 1 Now c 1 h n n n n - c'h < sup nn f, ' P eP „ 1 + (p)-b'(p)| n K n r c l Lc° It is clear that for le ' is less than measured in the sup or norm. lb 1 Set 2. norm, ' n and -c' ' |h , I, n 1 ' e (p)-e'(p)| + n nn ll h n'l ' -* - D$ (r x'), F' , is Evidently Ic h n n ' where c ' n -c'h I. n n 1 is -c' n 1 measured in the dual or L, 1 sup |b (p)-b^(p) sup p€P and similarly \c < sup peP | " peP^ |e (p).-e' (p) < | |b(p)-b'(p)| + e , e -c'| < |c-c'| + -F'| < sup |b(p)-b'(p)| + |c-c'| ptP respectively. e Consequently, we have the uniform bound |F and the first half of Assumption are continuous in from (5.1) + 3e follows from the fact that 2 The last half, x. Ih^ that d> n (r x) - $(x) n and b is c immediate . In this case we write Next we consider several weighted averages. g(p,a,x x where ) x - J h (q)x^dq similarly in the finite case. is the i weighted average, and In this case k ? - D.gCp.xP.x 1 4> n 2& r n n , . . . k ,x ) + n 1 1 ) £_ .gCp.xP.x h (p)D. r l+i b r n n x k n) i-1 while only the arguments of and b <$P in (5.1) change. The definition of b are unchanged, we have e>) - (h^/n) D g(p,xP,x^,...,x . (1+ )2 k ) and k J-l while C We write D<6 ' n = B (p) n " + I 2(2+i) SC-P.x - k L k 1 + Z . C . E i=l n i=l n x , . • and • ,x Dd> ). = B + 2. . C 1 1=1 . The proof 19 is as in the case of a single average, with one exception: i tha t c * c n Define and i In x h) - supi r n c 1-1n • |c -r c ,c) l-ln n to be the "sup" distance between I be the extrapolation of n |h x -hx n' x-l'nn .n x c n described above, and set n to be the "linear functional" I , i . 1 C Z. we must show i distance. 1 . ' Since . „k * Z. i mn'nnn'" d (c ' d (h . implies that let c , . Jc and - c h n n . - c h C . we have , k k k 1 /^nn/^nnn ) C x - i-1 We showed above C x y / < n , c (that is the ° gap between n'l « (c 1 n ^ 1 + |c ) l 1 i |d.(h ' ' n 1 ,h : i-1 -+ ) IV^Ld ' , i-1 d (c « ) r , h x n n and it can be shown that and hx n is uniform in in ,h d. (h x n ) - and ), This reasoning may also be extended to a function of infinitely many averages g(p,x ,x ,x ,...) converge absolutely. provided that when In other words, [3/4,1] tions in h 2 is uniform on and so forth. x [1/2,1], In this case above, the sums the later averages in the sequences have relatively little impact on utility. is uniform; k - « g An important case is where h 3 on h [1/4,1/2], depends on all of x, 4 h on but varia- over very small intervals do not make very much difference. 20 References Scheinkman [1977], "Smoothness, Comparative Dynamics and Araujo, A., and J. the Turnpike Property," Econometrica Fudenberg, D., and Levine [1986], D. . 45 (April), 601-20. 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