Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/folktheoremwithiOOfude HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics THE FOLK THEOREM WITH IMPERFECT PUBLIC INFORMATION Drew Fudenberg David K. Levine Eric Maskin No. 523 May 1989 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 THE FOLK THEOREM WITH IMPERFECT PUBLIC INFORMATION Drew Fudenberg David K. Levine Eric Maskin No. 523 May 1989 THE FOLK THEOREM WITH IMPERFECT PUBLIC INFORMATION^ By Drew Fudenberg David K. Levine AND Eric Maskin MAY 1989 * -» This paper combines and expands two earlier ones, "Discounted Repeated Games with One-Sided Moral Hazard" and "The Folk Theorem with Unobservable Actions". We would like to thank Andrew Atkinson, Patrick Kehoe, Andreu Mas Colell, Abraham Neyraan, and Neil Wallace for helpful comments. NSF grants 87-08616, 86-09697, 85-20952 and a grant from the UCLA Academic Senate provided research support. ** Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology *** Department of Economics, UCLA; part of this research was carried out at the University of Minnesota. Department of Economics, Harvard University AUG 2 3 1989 ABSTRACT The Folk Theorem obtains repeated in public imperfect with games information if for each pair of agents there is at least one action profile where the deviations information revealed by by the one of deviations by the other, agents Folk Theorem "Nash- threats" give be observed statistically outcome permits distinguished from Under somewhat stronger conditions, we obtain strict equilibria. Without pairwise full rank, a Folk Theorem obtains if the observed outcomes statistically independent applications for to publicly and the dimension of the set of feasible payoffs equals the number of players. a the of information our results about to each repeated player's actions. agency models, oligopoly model and repeated mechanism design. the We give Green-Porter Introduction Folk The asserts Theorem infinitely for repeated that any feasible payoff vector discounting with games the minmax dominates that Pareto point of a stage game can arise as the average discounted payoffs in a Nash (or perfect) equilibrium of the sufficiently close to one. repeated game This means if discount the factor is can obtain a that patient players large set of payoffs without using formal, contractually enforced agreement by playing an equilibrium with the same payoffs. The proof of the Folk Theorem exhibits strategies that yield the desired payoffs and that punish deviations important sufficiently hypothesis strongly of that theorem the all is players that wish to actions players' the An conform. are observed at the end of each period, so that deviations outside the support of the equilibrium strategies are sure to be detected. This paper provides conditions under which the conclusion of the Folk Theorem holds when players do not directly observe their opponents' actions, In keeping with but receive imperfect statistical information about them. previous work, we assume this information takes the of form publicly observed "outcomes" at the end of each period, so that all players receive the same information about their opponents' play. Obviously, the Folk Theorem fails if the outcomes are completely uninformative about players' actions; the relevant question is how much information the outcomes must convey. ^ In each period t of a repeated game equilibrium, each player's action maximizes a weighted sum of his payoff at period t and his payoff from period t+1 on. the realized period t continuation If the continuation payoffs are independent of outcome, maximizes his period t payoff, each player will choose an action that so the action profile will correspond to a equilibrium Nash constructing of the strategies stage which in the key The game. to Folk the continuation payoffs Theorem is vary with the outcomes in such a way as to induce players to choose sequences of actions can be It is easy to determine which actions that have any desired payoff. enforced with arbitrary continuation payoffs, but such considerations leave open the question of how these continuation payoffs enforced. themselves are be to This is why we look for a "perfect Folk Theorem", meaning that we require the continuation payoffs themselves to be sustainable by a perfect equilibrium. To induce the players to choose a specified profile of actions, must exist continuation response. In that payoffs we case, that say make that player's each profile the action is there a best enforceable. Enforceability is ensured by the "individual full rank" condition introduced by Fudenberg-Maskin which [1986b], requires the that probability distributions over outcomes corresponding to different choices of action by a single player be given player, linearly independent. When this condition fails for a different probability mixtures over the player's actions can yield the same distributions over outcomes, distinguished. As we will see, and so the mixtures cannot be individual full rank is essentially sufficient for the Folk Theorem in principal-agent games (see Section is not, however, 8) it ; sufficient in general. Rather, we require the stronger condition of pairwise full rank: every pair of players i and j , For* there must exist a strategy profile for which the probability distributions over outcomes corresponding to deviations by and j are linearly independent. actions of a single player can be Individual full (statistically) rank ensures that i the distinguished from each other; pairwise full rank extends this condition to the actions of any pair Pairwise players. of rank full implies "enforceability on hyperplanes" because important is Any profile of pure actions can be : The Folk enforced by continuation payoffs lying on (almost) any hyperplane. Theorem follows enforceability from it and hyperplanes on the , "full-dimensionality" condition introduced by Fudenberg-Maskin [1986a]. develop To "work" "shirk" or Assume "bad". for significance the on enforceability of consider a two-player partnership game where each player can hyperplanes, either intuition and there are payoffs v that the - two observed outcomes, (v^ ,v^) "good" when both work are and on the efficient frontier, but that shirking is a dominant strategy in the stage can be approximated in a repeated- game equilibrium Now ask whether v game. where both players work in the first period. Fix such an equilibrium, (v^ (B) , V (B)) be - and let v(G) continuation payoffs the (v^ (G) after v„(G)) , good and v(B) and bad - outcomes If we let v denote the average payoffs in this equilibrium, respectively. then V - (l-£)v* + 5[pgV(G) + PgV(B)], (1.1) where p are the probabilities of the good and bad outcome when both and p player works and Since differences is the discount factor. S each player v. (G) - v has (B) a and short-run v„(G) - incentive v_(B) must not to be work, positive sufficiently large to induce the players to work in the first period. S is has close to large together. 1, the* and When even a slight difference between the continuation payoffs incentive However, effects, and we can take v(G) and v(B) to be close the distance between the efficient first-period payoff V and the equilibrium payoff v cannot converge reason The difference [5/(1-5) ] is that continuation in (v(G) order in - v(B)), must maintain to payoffs be of value 1. the utility, magnitude of to of stage -game of order same the tends 6 the incentives, units in zero or to the as one-shot gains the players could obtain by deviating, and so the "cost" of the difference (This the wedge between v and v essentially is paper their -- for the argument remains constant as -- Radner-Myerson-Maskin complete the * counterexample; [1986] that 6->l. equilibria are see uniformly inefficient for all discount factors.) The example above does not satisfy pairwise enforceability on hyperplanes, bad outcome occurs, and full rank, as both players must be rewarded after the good and it fails "punished" when the outcome, so that only hyperplanes with positive slope can be used (see Figure 1.1). The idea behind enforceability on hyperplanes that is construct to approximately efficient equilibria the continuation payoffs must be arranged to avoid punishing all players at once: other's payoff outcome "provide should increase. statistical If one player's payoff fails, Such information about that requires discrimination player which some the deviated": The Otherwise everyone must be punished, which will lead to inefficiency. pairwise full rank condition ensures that deviations by player (statistically) distinguished from deviations by player j , i can be and thus permits ^ enforceability on hyperplanes, To illustrate this idea modify the there are two "bad" outcomes, Bl and B2. (1-2) V - (l-5)v* .+ partnership game above so that The analog of equation (1.1) is 5(PqV(G) + Pg^v(Bl) + Pg2v(B2) SXr:, fi yc For - 1,2, suppose that, i sustains v if player i deviates from the action profile that there is a higher probability of outcome B , The modified game satisfies than of Bj j'^i. , and so we can enforceability on hyperplanes, arrange the continuation payoffs to provide the necessary incentives while lying in a line that is parallel to the Pareto frontier (see Figure 1.2). earlier argument that the equilibrium payoffs are bounded away from v loses its force, as and, we will Folk Theorem obtains the show, in The now the modified game. So far we have stressed the role of full rank condition in ensuring enforceability on efficient vector hyperplanes. However, actions enforceable of individual full rank holds. is we that show will whether of regardless any show that, We use this observation to Pareto or not in the class of games where enforceability implies enforceability on hyperplanes, all payoffs that Pareto dominate a Nash equilibrium of the stage game can arise in an equilibrium of the repeated game. A case of particular importance is when the distribution over outcomes has "product a identified with structure", the actions with of different distribution depending only on the these games, enforceability different action implies components and players, of the of each the outcome component's associated player. enforceability on hyperplanes. For We exploit this observation to explain how "full insurance" can be provided in Green [1987] 's model of repeated insurance contracts for privately observed^ risks. Another class of games where enforceability implies enforceability in hyperplanes is games where the actions of all but one player are observable, including the familiar Fudenberg-Levine-Maskin principal-agent [1989], it model. often applies Indeed, to as games we with show in several ?\Y^ ^^ OoLor^^ "agents" (whose actions not are observable) provided , exists there a "principal" who can make observable transfers. There has been considerable previous work related to the Folk Theorem, including Aumann-Shapley [1976], Friedman [1971], Porter [1983], Green-Porter [1984], Fudenbcrg-Maskin [1986a], Rubinstein [1979], Radner [1981], [1985], [1986], Rubinstein-Yaari [1983], and Radner-Myerson-Maskin [1986]. In the observable action case, Aumann-Shapley considered the Folk Theorem in games with no [1979] Friedman proved [1971] "Nash a version threat" and Rubinstein [1976] discounting at result the of all. the for discounting case, and Fudenberg-Maskin [1986a] established the general Folk Theorem for discounted games with observable actions under the condition that the dimension of the feasible set be equal to the number of players. They showed by example that with non-degeneracy condition is required. case of unobservability to Folk the more two than introduced one also (They special considering by literature Theorem such some players, mixed-strategy punishments.) Porter [1983] and Green-Porter games with unobservable outputs [1984] considered repeated oligopoly and a stochastic price. They showed that there are equilibria that Pareto-dominate the static equilibrium. Radner [1981], Rubinstein-Yaari [1983], and Radner [1985] established results similar to the where only one player's two of these papers of principal-agent Folk Theorem in a class (the agent's) treated the case action is not observable; of no We discounting. Radner [1985], who assumed discounting, in Section 8. the games first^ generalize Radner [1986] showed that a Folk Theorem obtains in a class of repeated partnership games with time-averaging informational (i.e. no conditions. discounting) The payoffs no-discounting that does not assumption is satisfy our essential: Radner-Myerson-Maskin [1986] construct an example to show the result fails with discounting. and Rubinstein-Yaari used The papers by Radner techniques based on These strategies avoid the statistical inference and "review strategies." Instead, at the need to provide period-by-period incentives not to deviate. end of each "review phase" a test is conducted to determine whether it is likely that some player has deviated a non-negligible fraction of the time. This approach may give Theorem is the impression that the key to obtaining the Folk the improvement information over time. in that feel We this intuition is misleading, as increasing the number of periods during reviews increases also the number of profitable opportunities players the for to deviate. In contrast to this statistical approach, we use dynamic programming arguments and geometry, and focus on the relationship between information revealed by outcomes and the enforceability conditions. permits us to provide more general theorems. provides also It the This an alternative understanding of when and why the theorems obtain. Several authors have exploited the link between discounted repeated games and dynamic programming, including [1986a], and Radner-Myerson-Maskin [1986], of Abreu-Pearce-Stacchetti "self-generation," which [1988], extends the who Abreu [1988] , Fudenberg-Maskin Our methods are closest to those develop optimality the principle technique of of stochastic"* dynamic programming to pure strategy equilibria of games with unobservable actions. We apply their technique to a class of mixed-strategy sequential equilibria that we call "perfect public equilibria," where the strategies depend only on the publicly observable information, private information about their own past actions. players' and not on The set of perfect public equilibrium payoffs is stationary, which greatly simplifies the analysis. After a draft of this paper was prior contribution of Matsushima ideas In particular, . we became completed, that anticipated [1988] aware the of our key some idea of enforceability on hyperplanes the of used, is and differentiability of the boundary of a set of equilibrium payoffs plays a key role Our work proof. the in several important ways. differs from that of Matsushima in First, where Matsushima makes assumptions about the endogenous limit set of equilibrium payoffs, instead impose conditions we directly on the structure of the stage game, which enables us to develop the link between revealed by enforceability outcomes. the continuum of actions, for conditions consider games an tangent and defines finitely hyperplanes Matsushima Second, optimum, with on and assumes that many second-order the actions, incentive compatibility constraints. and Finally, study there the a We conditions. full consider a we is first-order of an equilibrium by means ignoring information the set "full" of Folk Theorem, whereas Matsushima shows that a limit of points efficient relative to the set of equilibria is efficient relative to the set of feasible payoffs leaving open the question of the "width" of the equilibrium set. This conditions paper for uses the enforceability Folk Theorem. By on hyperplanes modifying the to give techniques sufficient developed here, and considering enforceability on half -spaces rather than hyperplanes, one can obtain an exact characterization of the limit set of perfect public* equilibrium payoffs for any information structure. use this approach to analyze repeated games with players, where the Folk Theorem fails. Fudenberg-Levine [1989b] long-run and short- run Section Section 2 introduces our model and defines perfect public equilibria. the way reviews 3 programming, that one-player dynamic self-generation extends and establishes several useful lemmas. introduces Section 4 enforceability on hyperplanes and shows how it can be used to prove a Folk Section Theorem. that imply that 5 investigates the conditions on a player's enforceability on hyperplanes satisfied. is treats games where the outcomes have a product structure. the results of Section 6 to adverse selection models, considers 8 principal-agent general remarks in Section information Section Section 7 6 applies such as that of Green [1987]. games. We conclude with more some 9. The Model 2. In the stage game action a. 1 each player , - l,...,n simultaneously chooses i from a finite set A. with m. elements. 1 i We let a e A ™ X A, . an A i profile of action a e A = xA. induces probability distributions on a public outcome y e Y and on n private outcomes Z, has m. elements. We let Z = X Z. G z. , js^i. Until Section 7 , where Y has m elements and Each player . r.(z ,y) depends on his private outcome z on z Z. i's realized payoff and the public outcome y, but not below, the private outcome z. can be identified with player i's action a.; we require the extra generality only to deal wi th repeated games of adverse selection. Let and z induced by a. We let tt (a) - J n tt yz (a) (a) be the distribution over y be the marginal distribution' zeZ of y. Player i's expected payoff from an action profile a is Si(-> -[ I yeY zgZ Ty,(a)r,(z..y). - We will wish to consider mixed actions a profile a - (a^ , . . . . ,a mixed of ) for each player actions, we compute can For each i. induced the distribution over outcomes, 'r,,^(a) yz - y\,^(a)a(a); t (q) ^ yz y aeA -) (a)a(a) tt , y aeA and the expected payoffs ^i^"^ "III V^'^^i^'i'^^ yeY zeZ aeA. We denote the profile where player follow profile a by ^ (a,, a i .); -1 "^"^ and all other players plays a i n (a., a ,) -i y 1 and p., (a,, a i '^i .) -i are defined the repeated analogously. Our formulation embraces games literature. First, the several models considered All but the last example identify z. in with the action a . if the public outcome is simply the profile of actions, we have conventional Fudenberg-Maskin framework [1986a]. of Second, perfect as in interpretation of the observability with a judicious ex variables, we can obtain the standard principal-agent model. post . In this model; one player, the principal, moves first and selects one of a finite number of monetary transfer rules, where the transfer to the other player, depends on output. Next, the agent selects an effort level (unobservable to the principal), which stochastically determines output. one-sided moral hazard. the agent, If we designate player 2 can identify his action a„ with a transfer rule. This is a model of* as the principal, then we Because we have modeled the players as moving simultaneously- -whereas actually the agent moves after the principal-- we must interpret a^ a as a contingent effort level, function dependent on the principal's move. 10 that is, A public outcome is then a . realized output together level with the principal's monetary transfer rule. (By including the principal's action as part of the outcome, we make it observable to the agent) Third, we can think of the players player provides an unobservable input a [1986]). as a in which partnership to a production process each (see Radner Output y depends stochastically on the quantities of all inputs and is divided among the partners in a predetermined way. This is a model of multi-sided moral hazard. Fourth, we can imagine that the players are Cournot oligopolists whose outputs a market are not publicly observable. price, y, is a stochastic Demand is stochastic, function of output (see and so the Green-Porter [1984]). Finally, if a. is no longer identified with z., we can imagine that, each period, "agents" receive private information about their endowments that their actions are "reports" (possibly untruthful) of their information, and Although this interpretation of our model has the same normal form as standard principal-agent model, it has more subgame-perfect equilibria because of the simultaneity of moves. For example, one subgame-perfect equilibrium of our model (but not of the standard model) entails the agent To playing the weakly dominated strategy of refusing all transfer rules. ensure that the equilibrium sets in the two models are the same, we could either (a) invoke solution concepts such as trembling hand-perfection (Selten [1975]) or sequential equilibrium (Kreps-Wilson [1982]) (once we repeat the game, however, we would then have to modify these concepts to deal with the infinity of strategies) or (b) perturb the game slightly so that the principal literally makes small "mistakes", in which case no strategy for the agent that is ruled out by backward induction in the sequential (standard) principal- agent game can be a weak best response in our simultaneous formulation. We should note that many of our results guarantee strict equilibrium, so that the issue of refinements does not arise. the 11 that mechanism a Here reports. r chooses is a. transfers report, a z. '^ 1 1 between players the is as a endowment true function the of and the level, public outcome y is a profile of reports. In the above examples each player's payoff depends on other players' actions through only the outcome and y, for y with n (a)>0, Formally, outcome z.. public not through his we can define private conditional the expected utility r^(z^.y) n^^(a) r,(y.a) -I n (a) ^ zeZ One case particular of interest when is following the condition is satisfied. Definition 2.1 Player i's payoff satisfies the factorization condition if : for all (a,y) with 7ry(a) > 0, that is, it depends outcome y. on the play of other players only through the public When the factorization condition holds, we can write Naturally, g^(a) - 2 r^(y,Q). only for values of y for which tt (Q)r^(y ,q:^) , provides provided by condition for through 8, the the information public time (a) - 0. tt about outcome. being. (y,a.) - where r^(y,a^) is undefined Note that when factorization is not satisfied, payoff r, his We We will opponents' will not assume a player's actions impose the factorization stage-game that is not* factorization in Section 5 to obtain results for games that do not satisfy the informational conditions we develop in Section 5. 12 Turning now to the repeated game, in each period -0 t , 1 , . . . The public game is played and the corresponding outcome is then revealed. history at history end the for player mapping (t) cr period public strategy histories of the players' private and . . . ,y(t) period histories ) t is i (h(t-l), private The . a - h (t) is sequence of h (t-1)) to . probability generates histories in the obvious way, of , A strategy for player . profile -=(y(0) end the probability distributions over A Each h(t) is t at i a. (t) ,z. (t)) (a,(0),z.(0) maps of the stage , over distributions and thus also generates a distribution over per-period payoffs. Player i's objective to is maximize the average discounted expected value of per-period payoffs using the common discount payoffs for player i, factor 5. Thus, if {g.(t)) is sequence a of stage player i's overall average payoff is CO (1-5)5^ 5^g^(t). t=0 (We use average payoffs, obtained by multiplying total discounted payoffs by in order to measure 1-5, the repeated game payoffs in the same units as payoffs in the stage game.) Let V be the convex hull of the set of vectors g(a) for a e A. Sorin > [1986] shows that all payoffs in V are feasible in the repeated game if 1-1/d, where d is the number of pure strategy profiles of the stage game. The extremal points other points payoffs. in V; of V are extremal those which are not actions are those which Note that all extremal strategies are pure. 13 convex combinations Let generate 5 of extremal * - rain raax g.(a., a V. in be player i's mininax value ) . and let . best response by to m . it i; is v individually is individually strictly V rational rational > v if all for inequality this if v is -k •k Let Strict. the minmax profile against player 1. We call m . payoff vector The players i ma and be strategies for i's opponents that attain this miniinuin, , -=(v e V| > v v for all i) be set the of feasible, The Folk Theorem for games with observable individually rational payoffs. actions asserts that any strictly individually rational payoff in V can be supported by an equilibrium of the repeated game if the discount factor is sufficiently close to one. Our focus is on a special class of the Nash equilibria that we call perfect public equilibria each time t, i7(t) . A strategy [a(t)) for player i is public if, at depends only on the public information h(t-l) and not on the private history h.(t-l). A perfect public equilibrium is a profile of public strategies such that beginning at any date t and for every history h(t-l) the definition strategies allows the are a players Nash equilibrium from to contemplate deviating strategy, but such deviations are irrelevant: public strategies, it follows that player strategy. i date that a to This non-public If player i's opponents use cannot profit from a non-public Note also that in a public equilibrium the players' beliefs about each others' past actions are irrelevant: No matter how player nodes in the same information set for the on. 1 same probability distribution over i plays, at the beginning of period t lead to i's payoffs. This is why we can speak of "Nash equilibrium" as though each period began a new subgame. 14 all* perfect Every equilibrium. 2 public equilibrium a perfect Bayesian It is easy to see that the set of perfect public equilibrium payoffs is stationary, meaning that the set of perfect public equilibrium continuation payoffs in any period independent clearly is of and t lie and for any public history h(t-l) Note h(t-l). equilibrium payoff must t V in also that every Consequently when . perfect the is Bayesian Theorem Folk obtains it exactly characterizes the perfect public equilibrium payoffs as «->l. However, not in V play . without there can be perfect Bayesian equilibria whose payoffs The reason is that the players may be able to correlate their using an external "correlating public and private information. lead i equilibria where some by combining their can be strictly lower when his opponents allowed to use correlated strategies, to device" (This was pointed out to us by A. Neyman.) Since the minmax value for player are are players this have endogenous lower payoffs correlation can than v , We provide an example of this possibility in the Appendix. 3. Dynamic Programming and Local Generation Let E(5) C V be the set of average payoffs that can arise in perfect public equilibria when the discount factor is S, and let V(5) denote the set of average payoffs that are feasible when the discount factor is S, that is, the values that can be generated by some sequence of repeated- game strategies that depend only on public information. 2 Here we use the weakest notion of perfect Bayesian equilibrium: actions are required to be sequentially rational given beliefs, and beliefs after any history that the equilibrium assigns positive probability are obtained using Bayes rule. 15 , * * Lemma 3.1 Proof : E(6), V(5) are compact sets, and V and V V and V , are convex. The compactness of E(5) is well known, see for example Fudenberg and : * definition, and V Definition 3.1 are obviously compact; V is convex by The sets V(6), V and V Levine [1983]. : Let S i Q VI , with respect to v^ W and such that for all intersection of two convex sets. is the S and v e K R be given. Profile a is enforceable if there exist vectors w(y)G R , for each y e Y, and a.e A., 1 1 v^ - (l-fi)g^(a^,Q_^) +fij^ TT (a^,a_^)Wj^(y), for all a^ with a^i^^) >0 v^ > (l-5)g^(a^,a_^) +5^ ;r (a^ ,a_^)w^(y) for all a^ with a^(a^) -0 (3.1) _ , and w(y) e W. (3.2) We say that the w(y)'s enforce a with respect to v,W and S. If for given a, there exists v satisfying (3.1), we say that a is enforceable with respect to 5 and W, V Formula 3.1 requires that if the players other than i play a and , " -» player i's continuation payoff contingent on outcome y is w.(y), then player i obtains the same average payoff from all actions in the support of a no action yields a higher average payoff. 16 , and Definition 3.2 If, : for given v, with respect to v,W and 5, W, and there exists an a enforceable 6, we say that v is generated by the set of all points generated by S 6 B(5,W) is and W. and W. The following lemma exploits the stationary nature of the set of perfect public equilibria. Lemma 3.2 : (Self -Generation) Sketch of Proof Pearce Abreu, If W C B(^,W) and W is bounded then W C E(6). The idea behind this observation and its proof are due to : and , Stacchetti who [1987], considered pure-strategy equilibria of games with a continuum of outcomes; our finite-outcome model avoids questions of measurability. The proof mimics that of the sufficiency First, decompose w e of the Principle of Optimality in dynamic programming: W as in (3.1). The decomposition defines the players' first period actions. Next decompose each continuation payoff w(y) period actions, etc. , By construction and the boundedness of W, the sequence of actions thus defined has average payoff w, verify that no player can gain by deviating. case, this is a thereby defining the second consequence of condition so w is Next we feasible. As in the dynamic programming (3.1), which implies that no one-period deviation is profitable, and the fact that payoffs are uniformly bounded. ^ We can now prove a simple consequence of (3.1) and (3.2). Lemma 3.3 : (Monotonicity on convex sets) [B(5,W) n w] c [B((5' ,W) n W]. 17 If W is convex and S < S' , then Remark : A related result is proved by Abreu, Pearce, and Stacchetti [1987]; in their model the set of equilibria is itself convex. Proof If V e : [B(5,W) n W] then since v can be enforced by continuation , We will payoffs in W there exist a and w(y) G W satisfying (3.1) and (3.2). construct a G W that enforces a when the discount w' (y) factor is and 6' such that the corresponding average payoff is still v. Set w'(y) - [(5'- fi)/6'(l-5)]v + [fi(l-5')/5'(l-5)]w(y). Since 8' > is a convex combination of w' (y) S, For each player (1 - i and profile a' 6')g^(a^' ,a.) + i' s , v and w(y) average payoff from I n^(a'^,a_^) 5' so w' (y) G W. , (q'. , a . ) is - w'^(y) y [(5-. (1 - 5')/(l - 5)[(1 i satisfied for a, be 6 and w(y) , convenient - 5)]v^ + . It then follows that since (3.1) was' it is satisfied for a, for ] plays a., he obtains + (1-5' )/(l-5)]v. - v^. [[(5' -5)/(l-5)] It will 5)/(1 5)g^("'.,a ^) + SIt: (a'^.a ^)w' (y) - In particular, if player - the subtracting out the expected values. analysis below Thus define 18 S' , w' (y) as well. rewrite (3.1) and to by ) g^(a^,Q) - g^(a^,a_^)-gj^(Q), w^- (3.3) 5^ T^(a)w^(y), yeY and w^(y) - w^(y)-w^. Formula (3.1) can be rewritten as - g^(a^,a)(l-fi)/5 - ^ TT (a^,a_^)w^(y) for a^ with «^(a^) > yeY (3.1') A - A g^(a^.a)(l-fi)/5 > ,r^(a^,a_^)w^(y) for a^ with a^(a^) - 0, J^ yeY and the requirement that w(y) e W is A w + w(y) e W. (3.2' establish that a set W is To factor, must one show every that continuation payoffs lying in W. self-generating point in W can for be a fixed discount generated using We will find it convenient to work instead with the weaker property of local generation. Definition 3.3 exists 5 < 1 : A subset W of R is locally generated if for each v G W there and an open set U containing v such that UoW C B(5,W). 19 5 that Note generation allows local different points v G W. this multiplicity of However, if the a different set W is compact, we can replace More precisely, we with a single discount factor. 5' s correspond to to 6' s have i Lemma exists a Proof If W £ R 3 .4 : < 5' 1 compact, is then there convex and locally generated, such that W C B(5, W) for all S > 6' . The open neighborhoods U of the definition of local generation form a cover of the compact set W, and thus there is a finite collection (U cover W. let S' [B(5 Let k 5 be a discount factor such that Z be the largest of the S n W] C [B(5,W) n W]. ,W) . k From monotonicity, Thus Z^ C B(5,W), - W n U k k C B(6 ,W) (lemma 3.3), that ) if 5 , S: and 5' , Since the union of the Z equals W, we conclude that W C B(5,W) Lemma 3 (Enforcement with . subspace of R . Small Suppose Variation): H is If a is enforceable with respect to H for some there exists a constant k. such that for all v e and R 5 > S' 0, continuation payoffs w(y) that enforce a with respect to v + H and a > linear , then there are 5 , such that («)w(y) - v, and |w(y) -v| < /c(l-6)/«. ^r "l yeY Remark : If H - R shows that by taking 5 , we say simply that a is enforceable . The lemma sufficiently close to one, an enforceable profile can be enforced with continuation payoffs that are arbitrarily close together, and that if a profile is enforceable in a hyperplane 20 , it is enforceable in any translate of that hyperplane. As we will payoffs can be supported by equilibria when S reason that many the see, near one is precisely that is Conversely, the variation in continuation payoffs can be made small. clear that required variation the if large, is there may be it is way no to enforce certain actions with continuation payoffs that lie in the feasible set. A Proof Let : w' (y) A y w' and (3.2') satisfy (3.1') for H+v' and 6' Since . A (a)w' (y) - 0, TT and e H for each y, and w'-O. w' (y) One can check that yGY A A A w(y) -[5' (l-5)/5(l-5')] w' (y) satisfies (3.1') for S, and clearly w e H. A Take w(y) - v+w(y) e v+H. Then ||w(y)-v|| < [5' (l-fi)/5 (1-5' So the conclusion of the lemma holds for k — 6' /(l-S' ) ) max y ] max |w'(y)-v'||. y |w' (y) - v' I . || Enforceability and Local Generation 4. This section introduces a condition that is sufficient for a set of payoffs to be locally generated. Section 5 proves a version of the Folk Theorem by providing assumptions on the information structure that imply the sufficient condition is satisfied by sets that arbitrarily are good St approximations payoffs. to the set V , the set of feasible, We offer a counter example in Section 5 individually rational to illustrate the need for^ the informational assumptions. Recall that V is the convex hull of socially feasible payoffs in the A one-shot game. Let V be an arbitrary closed convex subset of V. Such a set satisfies enforceability on tangent hyperplanes if for every extremal point A A A V 6 V and every n-1 -dimensional subspace H such that v + H 21 A is tangent to V at V there exist v' weakly separated from V by v + H, a mixed strategy a with g(Q) - v' and continuation payoffs w(y)eH for each yeY that enforce a. A somewhat weaker condition is A Condition 4.1 A closed convex subset V c V satisfies weak enforceability on : A A tanpent hyperplanes if extremal every for point v -dimensional subspace H such that v + H is tangent to V at v, sequence of mixed profiles [a V + H, with lim g(a k ) - v' k ) and a point and for each a ^k associated w (y) e H that enforce a Note that Lemma 3.5 v' k n-1 A A A every and V e there is a weakly separated from V by continuation payoffs with , k . (enforcement with small variation) implies that, under Condition 4.1, each extremal point can be enforced with continuation payoffs that vary little across actions if S is near 1. Note also that the A a hypothesized Condition 4.1 in need not have payoffs that are weakly A separated from V, Theorem 4.1 If V is a closed convex subset of V : that satisfies conditiort A 4.1, then for every closed set W in the interior of V there is a that for all > S 5 , \J Q E{S) 5 <1 such . To prove Theorem 4.1, we will show that each closed W in the interior oi A W V is contained in a smooth set Definition 4.1 : A subset W C R that is locally generated. is smooth if it is closed and has interior with respect to k", and if its boundary is a C 22 non-empty submanifold of K . Lemma 4.1 : there exists If W is a closed convex subset of the interior of V, A a smooth convex set W such that W C W C interior V. Standard. Proof: Theorem 4.1 now follows once we show that each smooth convex W in the A interior of V is locally generated. A A Lemma 4.2 If V satisfies condition (4.1), and W C interior (V) is a smooth : convex set, then W is locally generated. Outline of Proof Fix V on the boundary of W, and consider how it might be generated by A A W, We know that must be there payoff v extremal some of strictly separated from W by the tangent plane v+H to W at v. V, which is Moreover, we can clearly pick the extremal point v so that a translate of v+H is also A tangent to v there. Consequently, condition 4.1, from " weakly separated from V by T k and a sequence {a for any translate of H, a lie on that translate. Since W C interior such that g(a ) exist there k ) -> v' a v' and; can be enforced with continuation payoffs that A from W by T from W , by v+H. and. we may pick k so (See Figure that g(a (V), ) v' is is also strictly separated 4.fe) If a is enforceable with respect to v, then v - (l-5)g(a) + 5[v - (V T (a)w(y))] - J^ V + (l-5)(g(a) - 23 V) - fi(v - strictly separated £), Vn V, for (\ -fpr i. Figure 4.1: Selection of Extreme Points ^ where I - w - Y (Q)w(y). TT y L. of the continuation payoffs from the boundary at W. is the average distance Because W is smooth, the distance from w to the boundary of W along the hyperplane w+H is on the order of (see figure /1|£|| tf) From Lemma 3.5, . we can make do with continuation payoffs whose variation is proportional to (l-6)/5. But < for ||£|| -/llfll near 5 also is ||£|| 1, proportional to and (l-fi)/5 because so, we conclude that the continuation payoffs belong to W for such discount factors. The role of Condition 4.1 in obtaining local generation is to ensure that we can find continuation payoffs lying on a translate of H. If, instead, the continuation payoffs were constrained to lie on a hyperplane orthogonal to the boundary of example of the introduction) , then the distance W at v (as in the first ||£| would be of the same order as the variation in the continuation payoffs, so that the continuation payoffs could lie outside W even for Proof of Lemma 4.2 Step 1: S near 1. : Suppose v e interior (W) . Let C W be an open ball of radius r U' that contains v, and let U be an open ball of radius r/5 By condition 4.1, . there exists a profile a that is enforceable by some continuation payoffs {w(y)). By lemma 3.5, we may assume |v-w(y) [(l-5)/5] implies [v' ||v-g(Q)| that there -(l-5)g(Q)]/5. ||w'(y)-v|| - ||w' and k(1-S)/S < r/5. < r/5, exist This < k.(1-S)/S. | For given v' e U, continuation payoffs implies that v' (y)-w'+w' -v'+v' -v||< | r. B(5,W). 24 - Choose (w' (y) (l-5)g(a) Hence w' (y) 5 so that* Lemma 3.5 satisfying ) 5w(y) + S U' , . w' - Moreover, and _ so U £ a.' A< '^ • v-\- tr^ O^Vtt (L0o4-^''^^^ H W wr H ^.->- . Step 2: Consider v e boundary (W) hyperplane v+H tangent to W at Since W is smooth, . there is an action profile a such that gCo) strictly separated from W by is and such that a can be enforced with continuation payoffs that lie on v+H, Lemma 3.5 then implies that there exists a k such that for any w e v+H. g(a) is Step 3.: , choose the vertical and the remaining axes smooth and convex, transformation of coordinates, all norms on 0? For X G K /c 7 - max {D f(x f(x") >-i||x"||^. [il-5)/S]^. x , ) , in v+H. by changed is where, since k' as in the Thus if Set w H 2 a C H ||x ) ||<c) . | H n | ||x ||<c, concave function x |<c OH ||x -f (x ), ) By Taylor's Theorem, - (-/c"[(l-5)/5]^,0) w e W if 5 is to be a point that lies along sufficiently close to 1. 5 , is the < K'{l-S)/S. f(x") > -s[/c'(l-6)/5]^ - ||x"|| the first coordinate axis; Since W is smooth and convex within the set X - {x S lemma 3.5 g(a) this is the component on the where x the component in v+H. boundary of W can be represented by s lie to - v-w. t there is a c>0 such that, Let norm Note that w - (-|W|,0), we now write x — (x vertical axis and x the axis to may be replaced by a new constant are equivalent. outline of the proof, while and, (1st) In the new coordinates, W Since g(a) C v+H this transformation is possible. -/c" As shown It is now convenient to choose a new coordinate system. be the line connecting v and g(a) Step 4: , . in Figure 4, we take v to be the origin, still K enforceable with respect to w +H using continuation payoffs w(y) that differ from w by at most k(1-S)/S is a unique is from condition 4.1, We argued above that, v. there enforceable with continuation payoffs w(y) such that 25 Fr om |[w(y)-w II W < k'(1-S)/S, w(y)e w+H, and implies that w(y)e W. By construction, (a)w(y)- w. this The corresponding average payoffs are: v^ - (l-5)g(Q) + [ ^y(a)w(y) - (l-6)g(a) + 5w^ S yeY [(l-5)(g(«))°-/c"[(l-6)/5]^ v where is defined by the final - (v°, 0] 0), Since equality. (g(a)) first the , o component 5 < such that 1 also w o there in the new of g(a) <v < c/4. Choose a is an e U, set e >0 such v' - V -v' that not : for any Then . w' (y) a > 1/2 satisfying that condition and v' e K , -v'||< ||v £ implies Let U be a ball about the origin of radius by continuation payoffs w(y) w' (y) 5 there is > -c/4. We conclude that (w(y) -v /5) G interior(W) for all y. (w(y)-v')e interior(W). v' positive, coordinate system, is = w(y) -v'/5 e W. for discount factor 5 , c. Thus that For Since a is enforced a is also enforced by subtracting off a constant from all of the continuation payoffs does change the incentive to deviate. payoff from playing a followed by (l-5)g(a) + S^ TT w' (y) And by Thus U C B(5,W) 26 the average is (a)w'(y) - (l-5)g(a) +6^ from the definition of v construction, tt (Q)w(y) -v^ + v' - V ) 5. Informational Conditions In section we develop sufficient conditions this that Theorem to hold, is, Recall that Condition 4.1. under which we may conditions ra. is for the number of actions a "full" Folk V - V take in and that m in A., denotes the number of outcomes in Y. Definition 5.1 full rank at a for Given a pair of players : ( i . i . if the (m + m ^ ) H i j (•) tt , satisfies pairwise vectors ^ a.GA. '^ -^ a,GA, considered as rows of a matrix, (where the columns correspond to outcomes y) have rank + m. (m. -1) . J 1- This is a full rank condition because the vectors must always admit one linear dependency ^ ) L, -^ — ) a,(a.)7r (a., a 1^ i' y^ i' -i' . tt (a) — y^ ' a.(a.)7r (a.,ot ) ^ J j y J The ,). -j pairwise full rank condition obviously requires that the number of outcomes m be at least + m. -1). (m. 1 Condition 5.1 all pairs : i,j, J for The game satisfies the pairwise full rank condition if, i > j, there exists profile a a such that n satisfies pairwise full rank at a. * Lemmas 5.1 and 5.4 show that condition 5.1 is satisfy weak enforceability on tangent hyperplanes. is much weaker than the requirement that at all profiles or. Indeed, tt sufficient for V to Note that the condition should satisfy pairwise full rank in a "strongly symmetric" game, where permuting 27 the actions of the players does not change the distribution of outcomes, the outcome function n cannot satisfy pairwise full rank at any profile where Nevertheless, in such games, pairwise full all players use the same action. may rank below) the satisfied be at certain asymmetric profiles (see Example 5.2 This explains why there are many strongly symmetric games in which . Folk Theorem applies, but in which the set payoffs of symmetric to equilibria are bounded away from efficiency. Lemma 5,1 sequence a Proof Under condition 5.1, : k -> a such that tt every profile a can be approximated by a satisfies pairwise full rank at each a k . We defer the proof until later in this section. : [1988], who studies a static partnership problem with a balanced-budget constraint. He Remark : This lemma is an extension of a result of Legros shows that while there is no balanced-budget sharing rule that induces both partners to work with probability one, if one player randomizes working and shirking while the other works with probability one, between then the distributions over outcomes will be different if one player shirks than if the other does, and so work incentives can be provided while satisfying the balanced budget-constraint. In addition to condition 5.1, which requires that pairwise full rank be satisfied by some profile, we will require that the weaker property of individual full rank hold at all pure strategy profiles. 28 Definition 5.2 the m. vectors tt : [n 1 individual full rank at a if for all players (•) has (a., a .)) yi-ia.eA. . Note that in order for independent. are linearly ' to have individual full rank, (•) tz i, the number of y observable outcomes m must be at least max Lemma 5.2: If This Proof: tt (•) follows inequalities (3.1' Condition 5.2 m . has individual full rank at a, then a is enforceable. immediately from inspection of the linear system of ). The game satisfies the individual full rank condition if : tt has individual full rank for all pure action profiles. Condition 5.3 The dimension of V : is equal to n, Obviously the dimension of V however be less. •k is no greater than that of V; it may Fudenberg-Maskin [1986a] give an example of a three -player game with observable actions and dim V obtain. the number of players. Fudenberg-Maskin [1986b] two player game with dim V "k - 1 where the Folk Theorem does not construct a similar counter example in a •k - 1 where one player's actions are unobservable. Note that Theorem 5.1 holds vacuously for sets V of dimension less than n, for such sets have an empty interior. Theorem 5.1 . (Folk Theorem) Under conditions 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 for every closed set W in the relative interior of V all 5 > 5, W £ E(5). 29 'k there is a 5 < 1 such that for Proof: The proof invokes a series of lemmas developed below to verify that * V satisfies weak enforceability sufficiently large 5 consists of equilibrium payoffs by theorem 4.1. interior and relative interior of V (condition 4.1). tangent hyperplanes any closed set in the interior of V Thus, for on that implies Condition 5.3 the coincide. It will be convenient to distinguish hyperplanes that are orthogonal to a coordinate axis, hyperplanes. "coordinate" hyperplanes, the Any non-coordinate hyperplane separates an extremal point g(a) from V . that is tangent From lemma 5.1, 5.1 any profile can be approximated by a sequence a full rank, "non-coordinate" from the k to weakly V under condition that satisfies pairwise and lemma 5.5 shows that profiles satisfying pairwise full rank can be enforced on non- coordinate hyperplanes, hence, weak enforceability is satisfied for the non-coordinate hyperplanes. Next consider the hyperplane H orthogonal to the ith coordinate axis at a point where player i's payoff is maximal in V and tangent to V hyperplane weakly separates V all points in V. from a point that is best for player The corresponding profile a best response to a , in the stage game, This . i has the property that a and so a is among is a by enforceable on H lemma 5.3 below. Finally, consider the tangent hyperplane H ith coordinate axis and tangent to V where i's payoff is minimized over V From lemma 5.4, there is a sequence (a k * -> [a V. k ) k k and a. a best response to a ) of enforceable profiles with in the stage game. This has a subsequence whose payoffs converge to g(m i ,m i ,), separated from V on H . that is orthogonal to the * by H i , and lemma 5.2 implies that the a . 30 k g. (a implies which .* k ) that weakly are enforceable ) An important step Remark: proof above the in inference the is then a profile a maximizes player i's payoff over the feasible set, static best response to a a best response (that is, . that if is a stage game). in the This property fails in repeated games where some players are short-run (that is, play for only one period), as in Fudenberg-Kreps-Maskin [1989], because there the definition of the feasible set must incorporate that the short-run players play static best responses. player payoff, response to a Theorem . fails with unless well, publicly are an action a players' the observed, observed probabilities, that is and choices simply not not best a but the Folk randomizing of their paper to with and probabilities unobserved of choices 5 and -> a Fudenberg-Levine [1989b] extend the techniques of single long-run player, this play Fudenberg-Kreps-Maskin characterize the equilibrium payoffs as actions. 1 to in order to Thus, Not only does our proof fail in this case, . as probabilities may need i restriction that maximizes player induce the short- run players to play the profile a i's the obtain characterization a the for remaining case of unobserved probabilities and several long-run players. Proof of Lemma 5.1 : For any profile a and each pair of players ir^j , let tt '' be the matrix whose rows are the m.+m, -1 vectors, , ' 1 1 (a. n- y ^ , a . ) , -^ a.eA. 11 (a. TT y , y a a' that satisfies pairwise full rank for (a ) a.EA. J Fix a profile TT , -J and a pair of players inj 31 , J- and let a i and j. '-' be a profile such Then for each e e . [0,1], define q(£) by a(e) ~ (l-£)a' polynomial in and the rows of e, the determinant of any m. Thus itself a polynomial in + - w '-^(q(1)) tt its determinant is not zero for some such submatrix. identically zero or has either is determinant n '-'(q(£)) of n '^(a(€)) full has neighborhood of nonzero is rank, set of zeros a By considering Q;(f). for has (a) tt in square submatrix of + m.-l and since e, are polynomials '^(a(£)) tt Thus q(£) for all k. ta^'^' (a 3 a as well. e '^(a(£)) tt is has full rank, '-') Now every polynomial of measure almost all e. rank for all full is zero so the Moreover, if a in open an near zero, we conclude that there is t an open neighborhood of the fixed profile that satisfies pairwise q' full rank for player i,j, and since a was arbitrary we conclude there is an open, dense set of profiles that satisfy pairwise full rank for is i and j As this . true for each pair i,j, and the intersection of open dense sets is open and dense, we conclude that there is an open dense set of profiles that satisfies pairwise full rank for all pairs i,j. Lemma 5.3 : If a, a static best response is to a and a is enforceable, then a can be enforced with continuation payoffs such that w. (y) is equal to any constant. That the is, can w(y) be chosen to on lie any (n-1) dimensional hyperplane orthogonal to the ith coordinate axis. Proof : Since payoffs w(y). a is enforceable Let w. ^ ) ^ tt y it (a)w. (y) , is enforceable and define w' (y) 1 by some by w' (y) J continuation"* -w (y) , ji^i, J yeY We thank polynomials Andreu Mas-Colell for 32. suggesting this argument using . and w' (y)- w. Clearly a . hyperplane orthogonal (Leirana the ith axis. a can be implies then 3.4) to enforceable is by the w' (y) which , lie on a Enforcement with small variation hyperplane. H on any such enforced We now show that each player i's minmax value can be weakly enforced on a hyperplane orthogonal to the ith coordinate axis. (Weak Enforceability of the Minmax) Lemma 5.4; each player such that Proof: there is a sequence of enforceable mixed strategy profiles a i g. (a Let m k -> ) v * and a k is a static i to m Define a - (m. , m .), matrices the . , be a best and let m i, and for each player (a,, tt y of k that is not weakly dominated by an alternative . the matrix whose rows are the vectors combination best response to a be the minmax actions against player . response for player response. Under Condition 5.2 for whose j rows a ,). -j are j r* Then tt i let , (a ,) tt-^ is a convex (a., a tt '. ) . for in the proof of Lemma 5.1, the G a', -j -J J individual support(a .),and each of these matrices has full rank from the As be .) -J y full rank assumption. (a fact that each matrix has full rank implies that almost every convex combination of them Moreover, does. i m. there is an open dense neighborhood of U of a . is a best response to all a' a such that i tt-" (a k .) in U. Therefore, has full rank for each player response to each of the a k . Therefore each a k is . such that there is a sequence a j i-" i, and m enforceable, i is and k -> a best* g, (a k )-> gj^Cm ). The remaining case involves hyperplanes that are not orthogonal to a coordinate axis, which we call non-coordinate hyperplanes 33 • Lemma 5.5 If n satisfies the pairwise full rank condition at a, : then a is enforceable on non-coordinate hyperplanes. Proof to : Consider an n-1 dimensional linear subspace H that is not orthogonal Without loss of generality, we may assume this has a coordinate axis. A the -^ coordinate A - form w (y) n - S. ^3 .w. (y) 1=1 1 axis, Moreover, . •' since H is 1. may we assume fi^ y*- 0. lemma By not orthogonal ° 3.4, it to suffices a to A consider the case 5 - 1/2. Because a is enforceable, (3.1') and (3.2') exist for players 1-2 A ,n-l. solutions Let w - s"^^ ^^^^Cy) A We must find w (y) and w (y) such that: (i) Zy7r^(a)w^(y) - (ii) 2 " (a^, a_^)w^(y) - -g^(a^, q) for a^^ e support(a^) ^y %^^1' "-l^^l^y^ - '^\^^V °^ ^°^ ^1 ^ support(a^) ^ (iii) A A , - yS^w^Cy) + w (y) ^n(y) (iv) Sy^^(a)w^(y) - ^^^ ^y'^y^^n' "-n^^n^^^ " "^n^^n'"^ ^°^ support(a^) ^n ^ support(a^) ^y^y^^n' "-n^^^n^^^ " "Sn^^"'*^ ^°^ ^n ^ 34 {w (3')) to Constraints (i) , (ii) , and (iii) that require (iv) satisfy w. (y) A condition Constraint (iv) constraint and i-l,n, for (3.1) redundant given (i), is ensures (iii) w(y) and the fact 2 (iii), tt e H. (q)w (y) - 0. Substituting (iii) into (v) (vi) ^i2y'fy(aj,.".n)wi(y) - , we have -&J\'^) Vy^^n'"-n^'' A fl.S n ^1 y y (a n ,a -n < -g (a ,q) "^n n )w^ (y) 1 -' - S tt (a y y ^ ,a "" ^°'' ^y^ ^n^ support(a^) A^ )w (y) for a C support(a n n) A Thus it suffices to satisfying (i), find w (y) given any solution w (y) constraints to (ii) and (ii) , and (vi) , (vi) we Moreover, . can obtain S (q)w^ (y) a A solution that satisfies (i) as well by setting w (y) - w (y) - tt . Finally, observe that a solution to (ii) that solves (vi) with equality for all but one a' n eA n solves (vi) for ' as well, a' n ^ since A A a(a') ;9j7r (a' ,a n' ^IL y^ n' a(a a , n , r^a' n) - -fiS )w- (y) ,"(a (a ,a ^iLa Ha' ^ n') Y^ L y^ n' -n"^ 1^-^' ' n n )w- (y) -n' l^-'' g (a ''n n ,a -n ) + ) L tt y (a n ,a)w (y) -' n ^^^'n>^nK-^^ That is, one of the - (-;.")w*(y) -^K^l (ra^+ m ) constraints in (ii) and (vi) is redundant. The assumption of pairwise full rank is precisely that for each pair of players In this system is has rank (m,+ m -1). exact Hence (ii) and (vi) can be solved with equality. 35 of Theorem It may be helpful to compare examples where the hypotheses 5.1 are and are not satisfied. Example 5.1 (a -0). Players : i -= 1 both players work, work either can - (a. not work or 1) — output of (although y is satisfied). Indeed, the payoffs (1,1) Pareto dominate -^y 3a - Because . Player i's if neither does. and has game this rank full condition -- condition only must satisfy v +v < 1 any payoffs is although are feasible and (corresponding to both players working) (0,0), two fails -- 5.2 the Folk Theorem does not apply to this game: the minmax point 2 ^ of is 12 the pairwise full rank condition (condition 5.1) individual the The probability of output or 12. if only one does, -^ observable outcomes, E(5) 2 The work decisions are unobservable and jointly result in output (which is observable) y - utility and (v ,v regardless of the value of 5. ) belonging to (This can be shown using arguments similar to those in Radner-Myerson-Maskin [1986]). By contrast, consider the following game: Example 5.2 Now, however, work, Players have the same choices and payoffs : there are three output levels: the probabilities of these outcomes are w, only one works, probability of and 12, the other the probabilities are is does 1. -^, ^, and 0. 6, and 5-, and ^, as -p- in Example 5.1. If both players respectively. If and if neither works the Notice that at the profile where one player works, not, the probability definition of pairwise full rank is 36 matrix corresponding to the : Because . this matrix Theorem 5.1 applies. > 0, belong to E(5) has full condition rank, 5.1 . is satisfied, and so We conclude that any feasible payoffs (v ,v„) with v for 5 near enough 1 (despite the fact that the action profile where both players work violates pair-wise full rank) We can modify the proof of lemma 5.5 theorem 5.1. to obtain a sharper version of Call an equilibrium strict if each player strictly prefers his equilibrium strategy to any other. Theorem 5.2: Suppose every action profile, that that positive every outcome has tt probability under satisfies pairwise full rank for all (i,j) at every pure action profile, that, for each player, there is a minmax profile in pure actions, and that condition 5.3 holds. in the interior of V there exists S < 1 Then for every closed set W such that for all 6 > S, W is contained in the set of strict equilibria of E(5) R emark Even if some minmax profiles entail mixed actions, we can obtain as strict equilibria all payoffs above the pure-action minmax levels as long as* the other two hypotheses hold. 37 ) When pairwise full rank holds, Proof: action When profile. outcomes all (ii) solved to hold strictly for any in the proof of lemma 5.5 can be and (vi) pure inequalities of conditions the have probability, positive any deviation then induces a strict loss in payoff if the continuation payoffs are as specified. In finite games, strict Nash equilibria are stable as singleton sets in the sense of Kohlberg-Mertens established definition of stability there Although [1986]. infinite-horizon for games, likely that strict equilibria would satisfy any such concept. 5.2 casts doubt on conjectures the Folk Theorem. not is it Thus, that stability might restrict the an yet seems theorem force of strict equilibria are robust to small changes Moreover, in the information structure of the game. To obtain strict equilibria requires both that players do not randomize and that, for each player, every information set that could be reached if some opponent deviated is assigned positive probability by the equilibrium strategies. These observable actions. conditions However, cannot be met because games. to a equilibria. totally mixed equilibria, infinite-horizon with and (vi) with their We conclude that in such individually rational payoffs can be approximated by the totally mixed (However, (ii) games and thus induce players to play all actions with positive probability in every period. payoff repeated in such games we can solve exact equality for all actions, games all feasible, in it games is less like clear stability This strict ones, that will stable. 38 observation all make are extensions the totally of is stable of interest? in finite stability mixed to equilibria 3 Theorems 5.1 and 5.2 show that any point w in the interior of V obtained as an equilibrium for large on the efficient frontier. That can be but the theorems do not cover points S, under the hypotheses is, * theorem of the efficient payoffs can be approximated by equilibria but may not be exactly This contrasts with the Folk Theorem for repeated games with attainable. observable where actions, efficient payoffs discount factors sufficiently close to one. why general in theorem cannot 5.1 be exactly can be attained for The following theorem explains strengthened obtain exactly to efficient payoffs. Theorem there Let v be an extremal payoff of V. 5. exists support n (a'. Remark The : player a , .) i and action such a' If for each a with g(a) - v that Q support n (a), then for all inclusion of the supports clearly satisfied if the support of hypothesis fails, player i tt (•) g. (a' 5 < , > ) v 6 E(S) 1 hypothesized is a in a' and . theorem independent of can be deterred from playing g, (a) 5.2 is When the a. by continuation payoffs that are very low outside the support % (a). Proof: Because v is extremal, the only sequence of feasible payoffs with average value v is the sequence where v is repeated each period. an equilibrium strategies must giving rise to this sequence. specify a profile a with g(a) Then - v, payoff w(y) must satisfy w(y) - v for all y e support ^.^) > gj^(a), a', to a . and support n (a'., a ) the 39 first period* and the continuation tt Since (a). C support n (a), player . Consider i g.(a'. , will prefer 6 . Games with a Product Structure So far focused we have of actions. enforceability on full Radner hypotheses rank positive obtained however, [1985], ensure to results in repeated principal-agent games without considering the kinds of informational conditions developed in Section structure can that take place the These games have special 5. of informational our of some conditions .The distribution over outcomes has a "product structure", meaning that the outcome y is a vector (y.. , . . . ,y ), independent and the distribution of each y of other players sufficient for than "Nash- threats" a does not depend on the actions Theorem 6.1 below shows i. are statistically where the y that this pertaining Folk Theorem, to condition is payoffs that Pareto-dominate a static Nash equilibrium. We first show that profiles corresponding to Pareto-eff icient payoffs are enforceable regardless of the assumption payoffs that information structure under the standard "factor" as in Definition have we As 2.1. In emphasized, enforceability alone is not sufficient for the Folk Theorem. games with product a enforceability enforceable on on structure, hyperplanes hyperplanes. necessarily Pareto optimal, assumptions. hyperplane, Of so we so the course, Pareto-efficient the minmax equilibrium is 6.1 can use covers payoffs are are not profiles theorem 4.1 trivially enforceable on any» to conclude Pareto -dominating a static equilibrium can be attained for Theorem implies enforceability and will not be enforceable without additional But any static and and though, the principal-agent games that S all close to payoffs 1. considered by Radner, where the principal's only action is a transfer to the agent. Section 7 applies theorem 6.1 to a class of repeated mechanism problems that also have 40 . a product structure. Section extends the results to games with a weaker 8 kind of product structure when the actions of some players are observable. We will now restrict attention to games that satisfy the factorization that each player's payoff is completely condition given in definition 2.1, determined by the public outcome y and his own action a . If payoffs satisfy the factorization condition, Lemma 6.1: then all external payoffs on the Pareto frontier of v are enforceable. Proof A : If V is external and Pareto efficient then there are positive weights such that v solves max A o v. V e V for all i, Choose a profile a such that g(a) - v, and set w.(y) - [a-S)/S] I ^ j /A [A r (y, ] ^ J i J a ) J Then (l-5)g^(a'^. (6.1) a_^) + S I rt a ^)w^(y) - (a'^. y [(l-5)/A^]A^ig(a'.,a_.) + [(l-5)/A.] I I y e Y js-!i l-S)/X.] I J-1 A A o a .). 1-1. g(a'. a'.eA. 1 1 enforced by {w. (y) , (a'., tt -^ ^ a_^)r (y, a. -^ (a'..a_^). g -^ -^ Because g(a) - v, a solves max a e A solves max A A Thus o g(a' a. 1 ) 41 ) is , and thus for all players maximized (6.1), i, implying a a. ^ is Definition 6.1: The game has a product structure if we can write y - (y where, for all y ), distributions of y. -^1 , n (a) i and a - (a., a .) and a', the marginal satisfies , y. 'i (a., n (a., a .) -tt -1 1 y. y. 1 -^1 (6.2) 'i ff (a) - n n for all a ..a, -1 -1 eA -1,, and (a.) " ^i i-=l a.) -1 The first condition says that the marginal distribution of y, alone, depends on a and the second that the joint distribution over y is the product of the marginals. When the game has a product structure, one might expect that an enforceable profile can be enforced with continuation payoffs {w(y) that w. (y) depends only on y. , that is, ) such that the incentive constraints for The following lemma shows that this the different players are not linked. expectation is justified. Lemma 6.2 : If the game has a product structure, then any pure action that is enforceable is enforceable on non-normal hyperplanes. Proof of Lemma 6.2 : Fix a, and as in the proof of Lemma 5.5, pick an n-1 dimensional linear subspace H that is not orthogonal to a coordinate axis, A having the form I._-|/9.w. (y) generality we can assume that - 0, fi^y^O with r^P^. 42 y3 S K , and where, without loss of Also set 5-1/2. We must solve (a) l^ n^(a) w.(y) - (b) I A (6.3) a_^) w^(y) < -g^ia'^, a_^) (a'., ,r Since profile a is enforceable, payoffs w (y) satisfying (6.3) for all for each player and (b) (a) there i Moreover, . a'. are continuation since the game has a product structure, we can write these formulae as (a') n y L y ^-i (6.3) (^'? Z y y, ^i ^>^i %y -1.(^-i)L. -X 'i ' . n (a.) w.(y,,y (a .) y -1 L,Y. -^ y y-i . . L.y. . 1 - .) i -^i •'-I %W ^^^i-y-i)^ y 0. . -^i^^'i- ^-i> -'i Thus if we set * w^(y^) - (6.4) (a_^) TT w^(y^,y_^), J^ y-,'-^ then the w.(y.) are continuation payoffs satisfying (6.3) (a) and (b) Define (6.5) w^(y) - w^(y^) ^2(7) - w*(y2) w (y) - w (y ) - [ - ^^^^.(y.)/^^. ^^/^2 w*(y^), for j ^ 1,2 43 ^'i'-^i 1 . satisfy 6.3 (c) by construction: The w. 1-1 for Moreover, i >^ 1 , J -J j-=2 j=3 * and from w. differs w, 2, For players clearly satisfy (6.3) a and b. the w. 2 J by expected value addition of terms whose the under n (a) is zero, so 6.3 a is satisfied. and y since y Further, 1 are A independent, for each a' the expected value of w (y) under n the same as the expected value of w (y) Theorem 6 In . game a with product a & j) , i-^ satisfies (6.3) b. so that w , {&', satisfies that structure the factorization condition, let V be the convex hull of the payoffs of a static Nash equilibrium Pareto-dominate discount factor Proof on and this equilibrium. such that for all 6 any v g For > 5 5 strictly that payoffs Pareto-eff icient all interior (V) there is a v e E(6) From lemma 6.1 and 6.2, extremal efficient profiles are enforceable : all profile non-coordinate yielding hyperplanes maximal the where enforceability hyperplanes on i' s payoff tangent Both . payoff is for player constant. hyperplanes, and Thus the enforceable are i and equilibrium static the the set conclusion V a on satisfies follows from theorem 4.1. One games class of games with a product structure considered by Radner [1985] publicly observed transfer payment, output depends only on the where is the the principal's principal-agent only action is a and the distribution of each period's agent's effort. 44 Theorem 6.1 thus extends Radner' results s general to specifications of the and the agent's the principal can be allowed to be risk-averse, particular, utility function need not be in effort separable and In functions. payoff Section income. extends the conclusion of theorem 6.1 to games where the principal can, 8 in addition to making transfers, also influence the distribution of output. 7 Incomplete Information . We now apply theorem 6.1 to a class of games of incomplete information. We then observe that this class includes mechanism design problems. We receives private the Each player following class of games. information determining his type z G Z type has distribution ;r.(z.), which is common knowledge. their types, Player where , first Z. is The distribution of types is independent across players, and player finite. i' s first consider i' s players choose actions y e Y , After learning which are publicly observed. payoff r.(z.,y) depends on the profile of actions and on his type but not on the types of others. A pure strategy for player information is Y G y - i is In Y.x. . .xY a map a and , the corresponding to strategy profile a is n'? T yz (a) i_i 'fi(z) - y - a(z) y H a(z) Because the marginal distribution of y \ / ^1 / ". (z. - z.e a ) satisfies , -1 (y.) 45 from Z to Y. distribution The public of outcomes ) it is clear that , has a product structure in the sense of definition 6.1. tt It is also clear that the payoffs satisfy factorization. types in each period are In the repeated version of the game, players' independent than draws fixed the distribution tt players observe the outcome y but not their opponents' games these that Note satisfy not do each In (z.). types. full individual the period, rank condition, and a fortiori fail the stronger condition of pairwise full rank: Let z'liZi' y' a (z satisfy ') - y, " (z' tt . ) > tt (z") A TT^ probability (z '') since )/7r the (z ' ) . with a^(z') - a- This strategy yields the same distribution over outcomes tt A A as (mixed) strategy a with and fix a pure strategy , , (z where o (z") ")/7r (z ' ) , y' and a , and (z' with y' takes on the value y ) probability (tt '' (z' Thus many strategy profiles cannot be enforced. However, theorem 6.1 applies, outcomes have a product structure, and we obtain the Nash threat version of the Folk Theorem. An example of a repeated game in this class is mechanism design under repeated adverse selection. y. are reports z. of their types. and fix a mechanism m: z,). T imagine that the players' To see this, -> S , Let Player actions be a finite set of social states*, S i' s payoff is r (y, z ) - u (m(z) Each player's payoff depends on his own type and on the social state, but not on the types of the other players. One example of this kind of repeated adverse been considered by Green [1987]. observed) endowments, and the provide insurance against fluctuations. and Scheinkman-Weiss [1988] are the players' The types z, mechanism consider theory. 46 m selection problem has* redistributes Bewley [1983], related models (privately endowments and Levine to study to [1988], monetary Call a vector of payoffs efficient relative to m if it can be attained by some reporting strategy a and no other strategy profile a yields payoffs Theorem 6.1 shows superior. Pareto are that that that payoffs some are efficient relative to m can be approximated by equilibria of the repeated game for close S enough to might payoffs such However, 1. be Pareto -dominated by payoffs that are attainable under a different mechanism ra' motivates This mechanism "universal a which game" define we as A First, a status-quo state follows. action y i' s is a pair each player i' s S (Note that since . type and m is a is a report of his and T are finite, S the same map m, payoff is r,(y,z.) - u. (m (z),z.); otherwise, the status-quo A State Each period, player is specified. If all players announce the space of mechanisms.) is S (z.,m) where z mechanism, that is, a map from T to so e s A occurs, and player s payoff is r (y,z i' s ) In any perfect public equilibrium of this - u (s,z what he would obtain under the status quo rule. player i*s expected game, continuation payoff, public history h and current type ). z must be at least , Furthermore, the efficient payoffs of the universal game are first-best payoffs: No choice of mechanism and reporting incentive is close to one, S compatible or not, Pareto-superior yields Consequently if these payoffs can be approximated by equilibria payoffs. when rule, we can conclude that repeated adverse selection has negligible efficiency costs when players are sufficiently patient. Since^ Theorem 6.1 applies to these games, this is indeed the case. To help insurance agents, game interpret discussed one good, must equal 2, 3, this result, above. consider Imagine that Green's that utility of consumption is u (c or 4, and that each agent's 47 are there ) endowment repeated [1987] - ln(c z identical two ) , takes that c. on the values 2 and 4 with equal probability. The best symmetric allocation is for each agent to consume his endowment when endowments are identical, each to consume the average endowment of and for when one endowment is high and 3 Theorem 6.1 says that the corresponding expected utility the other is low. 1/4 ln(2) + 1/2 ln(3) + 1/4 ln(4) can be approximated by an equilibrium when close to is S The conclusion is not that risk and/or risk aversion per 1. become unimportant, se if they had or that the players can do as well as access to a productive storage technology: No mechanism can approximate the utilities corresponding to each Repeated play does not reduce total endowment. player consuming risk corresponding social the repeated play reduces, Rather, endowment. average his to and for large a random virtually 6 eliminates, the incentive costs of inducing truthful revelation. 8 . Principal -Agent Games In this section we consider the class of games where the actions of at least player one are observable. This class includes the standard principal -agent model, where the agent is subject to moral hazard but the principal's actions which take the form of transfers to the agent -- -- can be observed. As we noted in the observability the efficient points when our particular, full in of to rank one be player' s freedom provided by the additional introduction, actions often permits two-player games are not (with This satisfied. one player's (nearly) repeated game sustained as equilibria in the conditions many is actions true, evert* in observable), where any payoff vector that Pareto dominates a static equilibrium can arise in equilibrium provided that the part of the boundary equilibrium is downward-sloping. Let the agent be player 48 1 lying above that and the principal be player support We say that player 2. (tt 2 ' s actions are observable If for all a the (a^,a„)) n support (n (a^,a')) - observed outcome for all a r* so a' consistent with exactly one action by player is 2. from a static let V be the convex hull of payoffs As in theorem 6.1, that any equilibrium and the Pareto efficient points that Pareto-dominate it. Theorem 8.1 payoff vector For any > S Because : payoffs the , actions are observable. exists there outcome reveals player corresponding to long as player shows v e interior(V) 2' s such 5 that for all v € E(6). §_, Proof In a two-player game where player : that the 2 2' s deviations by player 2 actions, the continuation have probability zero so An inspection of the proof of theorem 4.1 never deviates. condition of enforceability on tangent hyperplanes can be weakened to the condition that all continuation payoffs that have positive probability under the profile being enforced lie on the hyperplane, and that all continuation payoffs either lie on the hyperplane or correspond to the Static equilibrium. Now fix a static equilibrium, with payoffs v , and consider a smooth set w in the interior of the convex hull of the payoffs v of the static equilibrium and the Pareto frontier. We will show that for A all v e w there is a v' e V and an a with g(a)-v' from w by the tangent line H(v) such that v' is separated A A ^ to w at v, and such that the continuation^ A payoffs w(y)are in H(v) if y e w(y)-v u a. support otherwise. 49 (tt y (a.,,a )) L Z - support 7r(a„) i- and Consider v e W that maximizes player "maximax" (v actions ,v )-=g(a (a^,a.) is a ) sustain that player v ) a payoff maximal 1' s Clearly H(v) separates w and (v . Let (a payoff. 1' s be the ) and let Moreover, because . maximal payoff, ve can take w(y)-v for all ye(support 7r(a.)). 1' s A A Next consider any other v e W. separates w and the static If H(v) A equilibrium payoffs then we can take w(y)-v for all y (support (a.). v, then because w lies not, in the interior of Pareto frontier, there exists a Pareto optimum v' and convex hull v the If the which is separated from W A by H(v). there Let exist (a' a') the actions be continuation payoffs associated with v' player 1 {w (y) ) for From Lemma 6.1 . enforce that a' A Because H(v) is not parallel (w^(y) .w^Cy)) e H(v) for all y A boundary point of V belongs to ray a to Theorem 7.1 Corollary can (strict) choose : If we boundary to Theorem 8.1, from the > 5, that Q.E.D. with respect to v equilibrium payoffs (v , . . .v if it ) with The outer boundary is downward- sloping if Pareto optima. An immediate add the hypothesis of a implication of downward- sloping outer then for any vector v in the interior of V Pareto dominates a static Nash equilibrium there exists 5 such w (y) the following "Folk Theorem-like" result. is 8.1 we is on the outer boundary emanating only of axis e (support (a )). positive slope in all directions. it consists 2' s v e E(5). 50 6 such that, for that all"* corollary The applies, particular, in where games to player's action is a monetary transfer to the agent, observed the in Radner as [1985]. Both theorem 8.1 and its corollary clearly extend to multiplayer games where the actions of only one player are unobservable. In fact, we can extend them to games with several players whose actions are unobservable, as long as the observable outcomes have a product structure. Theorem 8.2 Consider : n-player an game where actions the Suppose that we can n are observable and those of l,...,l are not. l+l write outcomes and y - y > (.V-, • • • lYp) , where players of all for i-l,...,t, n m depend only on a. and (a. a , t+1 i n ) and - (a) tt y IT i a. tt 1 Then the conclusion y^ of Theorem 8.1 obtains. When the product structure hypothesis fails, not all efficient payoffs Pareto dominating a static equilibrium can, in general, be approximated by repeated game equilibria, even when one player's actions are observable and From Lemma 6.1, any Pareto optimal the outer boundary is downward sloping. actions are enforceable; enforceable player's any on axis. The hyperplanes. In profile the (for hyperplanes. hyperplane hyperplane that difficulty is not enforcing is to the observable them on the coordinate the maximax parallel proof of theorem 8.1, we used unobservable player) for one of the the two But such a profile may not be enforceable on a once there are they are from the proof of Theorem 8.1, indeed, several players 51 subject to action^ coordinate coordinate moral hazard. Nonetheless, as show we Fudenberg, in Levine Maskin and , the [1989], efficient payoffs Pareto-dominating a static equilibrium are attainable as separated game equilibria in a large subclass of games where the observable player can make transfers of money or some other private good. 9 , Discussion . method Our constructing of equilibria based is on dynamic- the programming decomposition of equilibrium payoffs into "payoffs today" g(a) and "continuation payoffs" w(y) the point being that , if continuation the payoffs are known to be equilibrium values, and profile a is enforceable by the w(y) then (l-5)g(of) + , S This approach prompts question the is an equilibrium' payoff as well. n (a)w(y) y } L. how of equilibrium the set E(5) is related to the payoffs that can be enforced by some continuation payoffs in the feasible set equilibria. whether V(5), This latter first-period payoffs that set, or not these we denote which players the payoffs C(5) could attain themselves are consists , they if of the could commit themselves (say, through binding contracts) to the continuation payoffs w(y) e V(5) as a function equilibrium payoffs; equilibrium payoff profile a. Since of outcome the Let y. Nash equilibrium requires if the be N(5) that definition of C(5) imposes set each w(y) of Nash a Nash be first period fewer constraints on the positive probability under y has the the continuation payoffs than that of N(5), it is clear that E(5) C N((S) Q C(5) .^ From the study of repeated games with observable actions we know that for fixed 5 less reflection than should one the convince first the inclusion reader strict as well. 52 that can the be second strict, and inclusion brief can be Let us compare the behavior of these sets as notice that is if too is 6 feasible, whereas V(6) = V if many small, 5 > 1 6 1 -> payoffs The first thing to . may V in even be not 1/d, where d is the number of vertices - This discrepancy reflects the fact that one effect of of V (Sorin [1986]). repeated play with patient players is to allow "Intertemporally transferable utility" in the interior of V, even if the stage game does not provide much flexibility for utility tradeoffs. A second effect of sending 5 towards one is to make the possible gain from a one-period deviation smaller relative to a given change intuition This is the basis for in the expected continuation payoff. that the Folk Theorem obtain "should" repeated in with games observable actions. Let E(l), and N(l) corresponding sets as 5 (A point 1. -^ denote C(l) the limiting sufficiently large interior(V in the Nash version N(l) 2 interior(V condition ); obtains for satisfies Theorem either every pure if The 6.) perfect Folk C(l) 2 action profile is is of in E(5) for all if it is in E(l) is values asserts Theorem interior that the E(l) 2 Clearly, a necessary ). This (V ). enforceable, and individual full rank at all pure strategies a; it thus inclusion n (a) if fails if for some individually rational vertex v of V the corresponding profile a is not enforceable. Even when all the pure Theorems may still fail. For actions, the perfect Folk action profiles example, Theorem are enforceable, in repeated games with fails without the the Folk observable* full-dimensionality condition (5.3). Radner-Myerson-Maskin [1986] consider a game with two-sided moral hazard where C(l) 2 interior (V ) yet even the Nash Folk Theorem fails. Although individual full rank implies and condition 5.3 is satisfied and that any Pareto-eff icient profile can be enforced with nearly continuation 53 . payoffs when 5 close is equilibria without the to continuation payoffs these one, stronger condition of pairwise full may not be rank some (or alternative assumption such as a product structure or the existence of an observable player) ^ The Folk To conclude, let us mention some limitations of our results. Theorem shows amount" "small example, are equilibria the in of the right kind of information is Condition 5.1 requires that at some profile a, have full rank, case limiting of One consequence of looking at limit results is that even extreme patience. a many payoffs that sufficient. For the matrix n (a) but the matrix is allowed to be arbitrarily close that is singular. For a fixed discount factor, S, to one the equilibrium set is smaller when the outcomes reveal less information in the sense of garbling, (Kandori Intuitively, [1988]). the as information required variation in the continuation payoffs grows, and for a fixed necessary variation may not be uninformative near to , the S feasible. When the the deteriorates, outcomes S the almost are required to approximate efficient payoffs may be very 1. Furthermore, as Abreu, Pearce, and Milgrora [1988] have stressed, misleading to interpret interval between periods 5->l in our model growing shorter. as Our a consequence results hinge of on it is time the S being large relative to a given information structure while quite plausibly, the information revealed by the outcomes is a function of the period length. t. Abreu, Pearce, and Milgrom give an example where the Folk Theorem does not obtain in the limit of shorter time periods because the informativeness of the outcomes decays too quickly. 54 REFERENCES Abreu, Theory of Infinitely Discounting", Econometrica 56, 383-396. (1988), D. "On the with Games Repeated . "Information and Timing in Abreu, and P. Milgrom Repeated Partnerships", mimeo. Abreu, Pearce and E. Stacchetti (1986), "Optimal Cartel Monitoring with Imperfect Information", JET, 39, 251-69. Abreu, "Toward a Theory Stacchetti (1988), Pearce and E. Discounted Repeated Games with Imperfect Monitoring", Harvard. D. D. D. 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Consider the following three person game. the first element being Up Tails (T) Player . 3 (U) or Down (D) , Players the chooses Right or Left. otherwise he gets Notice zero. 2 and that 3 2 choose pairs, second being Heads Players and 1 regardless of what happens, while player 3's payoff is chose Up and he went Right, or if and 1 -1 not in (H) or receive zero 2 if 2 and 3 both both chose Down and he went Left; the choice of H or T is payoff irrelevant. The payoffs to player may be suinniarized as 3 L lU, 2U lU, 2D ID, 2U ID, 2D R -1 -1 3's payoff The minmax for player 50-50 between Up correlate so as player 3 3 is -1/4, and Down. to If, which is achieved by however, players 1 1 and and 2 2 randomizing could jointly both play U 1/2 of the time both D 1/2 of the would only get -1/2. 57 time, Now suppose player 3's choices are observable, that whether 1 and 2 play Up or Down is observable, but that the comnion public information about their choice of H or T is only the total number of H chosen by both players. we have y(t) Formally, - I(a.(t)), J^ where !(•) is indicator function the i 1(H) - 1, I(T) - actions of players 0. 1 Notice and 2 period-t actions of players (since it player is that if y(t) is 2 or are public information. and 1 2 period-t 1, then the are common knowledge for players 1 and common knowledge that they each know their own action) , 2 but does not know which player played H. 3 1/2-1/2 between H and T in every period. play the If y(t) - Now consider the following strategies for players H, then 0, D, 1 and 2. "Randomize If y(t-l) - 1 and player 2 played if y(t-l) - 1 and player 2 played T, then play U. If y(t-l) - or 2, play U with randomize 1/2-1/2 between U and D." Since players 1 and 2 are indifferent between all their strategies, they are willing to, follow the strategies just described. 3's play, As these strategies are independent of player player 3's best response is to play in each period to maximize that period's expected payoff. when y(t-l) - 1. Doing so yields an expected payoff of -1/2 Thus player 3's expected normalized payoff facing these strategies converges to -3/8 as SSfeO U0 5 -> 1, which is less than v. - -1/4. 5 58 ] 'y^---w;r. ;*:•'... ': 'Jrix ,^; Oi:'-:---i:A^^^ i 'f^\« A-n^ .•;.;v,i';^;ijj!r^,.«iiv.;;,.;; ': U^J i^S-jfe -::y ^--l'' "'fe "-.?-.r:-~'.' -> /;/:;;; :•;*V;iV^?fe:^:^^.--^•1^.;v'^:^^v^^^^x;;s - v* '^ -"^ * Date Due ML 11 B9t m Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 TDflD 1 DDSbTMlb D