Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/formationofeconoOOfish working paper department of economics THE FOBMATION OF ECONOMIC MAGNITUDES: DISEQUILIBRIUM AND STABILITY Franklin M. Fisher /I/O, </33 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 "THE FORMATION OF ECONOMIC MAGNITUDES: DISEQUILIBRIUM AND STABILITY Franklin M. Fisher /I/O, </33 No. 433 October 1986 M 1.7. UBRARES APR 2 1 1987 1 DJS£QDJLIBBJUILABD_S3?ABILJTX Franklin M. Fisher Massachusetts Institute of Technology &&st.rac£ The analysis of disequilibrium, and especially, stability is essential if equilibrium economics is to be formation of a economic magnitudes understood. useful tool and the subject The is a competi- tive economy is necessarily driven to equilibrium by the actions surveyed, with an eye to the "key question" of whether of arbitraging agents. librium Too often analysis has rested with equi- modes of thought, being strongest when considering the formulation of plans by individual agents and weakest when analyzing what happens when those plans are frustrated. sive treatment can be found in iiPBS_sf_Equi.l.i^.r.ium_Espnpmj,C5 Press, 1983) Fisher, (Cambridge: A more exten- 2is^qaiIib.£.i,um_E.QU.nd.a- Cambridge University . Key words: General equilibrium, disequilibrium, stability JEL Classification: 020, 030 Franklin M. Fisher Massachusetts Institute of Technology* JU_jD±£Sdilc.tj,.on title of this Conference is "The Formation of The Magnitudes." course theory if the papers prepared for it are true to the Yet, of modern economic theory, sense, real most of them will, not concern that subject at all. which the plans and expectations of mutually compatible. in a very economic Modern is overwhelmingly a theory of equilibrium. positions from which there is no incentive to at Economic depart, economic analyzes It positions agents' are It is almost silent on the question of how such positions get reached, on how economic magnitudes get formed if they do not happen already to be in equilibrium. Equilibrium analysis is an elegant and powerful viding mies pro- tool, considerable illumination of the way in which real econooperate. But the total concentration on now equilibrium characteristic of formal economic models runs the serious risk of misunderstanding the basic insights of economics itself. proposition that competitive industries earn no Thus, profits in long-run equilibrium is an important (if elementary) theorem. To the take this to mean that competitive industries J3.ev.ex earn profits it is to lose sight of the fundamental role that profits and losses play in the allocation of resources when is not only wrong, Paper prepared for conference on "The Formation of Economic Magnitudes," Paris, 1987. * or technology changes. demand equilibria Pareto-optima are closely related competitive is basic a The policy presecription that (under the conditions of insight. the and The proposition that two Welfare Theorems ) government interference with a compe- titive system is bound to be inefficient requires more than this, however; it requires the assurance that competitive economies are close to equilibrium most of the time. That assurance cannot be provided by only examining the properties of equilibria. Nor are such issues restricted to microeconomics. To take a leading modern example, the statement that agents will eventually about learn appealing tions the opportunities and act on systematic profit assumption. is an The proposition of the rational expecta- literature that agents always instantaneously understand opportunities thrown up by an immensely complex and changing economy is breathtakingly stronger. That proposition begs the question of how agents learn and of the role that arbitrage plays in the formation of economic magnitudes. the proposition that, ple, under some circumstances, underemployment equilibria was the major exist the To take an older exam- Keynesian toward literature. contribution To show that the economy such equilibria is a much harder there can proposition, can of tend requiring analysis of dynamic, disequilibrium behavior. Indeed, such dynamic, disequilibrium analysis is always required if we are to understand the formation of economic magnitudes. Certainly, if the economy does not spend most of its time near equlibrium, disequilibrium analysis is the only useful kind. Even if equilibrium is the usual case, however, disequilibrium analysis is indispensable. provide tent; assurance that our equlibrium theories are the equilibrium is the usual case, if Further, For one thing, only such analysis can know we need to analysis of the dynamic path that only a consis- stable system follows in disequilibrium can tell us to which of several ble equilibria that system will go. importance, derable This is analysis see, possi- matter of consi- not only because multiplicity of equilibria is the rule rather than the exception, shall a why. but also because, of disequilibrium shows that as we dynamic the behavior involved often changes the equilibrium that is eventually reached. There are two fairly common mistakes that must be avoided in considering such matters. First, one must not confuse the tauto- that the economy will move away from positions that are not logy equilibria with the much deeper and unproven proposition that the economy tion that it spends most of its time near equilibrium) specific terms, arbitrage the fact that agents will seize opportunities opportunities opportunities do on In more . profitable means that any situation in which appear is subject to change. profitable that proposi- always converges to equilibrium (let alone the It does not arbitrage opportunities disappear or not continually arise in the such follow that new of ab- process sorbing old ones. The avoided second mistake is the belief that such problems can by redefinition of terms so that there is no such as disequilibrium. prices because For example, be thing the non-clearing of markets by is sometimes said not to be an example of agents form queues with the length of the disequilibrium queue deter- mined the shadow price of time as well as by by may This markets be a valuable way to think about to clear, fail represented as Certainly, system To say this, to say that there is some definite outcome out only brium when solves there is a sense in the equilibrium behavior of a larger the original one is embedded. which happens How do the queues disequilibrium behavior of any given the prices. but it reformulates rather than themselves disappear over time?) which what (What happens to money prices? that question. money can be system in however, is of equili- To insist that therefore there is in the smaller system. no such thing as disequilibrium is to rob the term and all equilibrium analysis of meaning. "equilibrium" For if "equilibrium" is to be a useful concept in analyzing a particular system, then one must contemplate the possibility of points that are not bria of that system. equili- The fact that such points can be represent- ed as equilibria in some larger system does not change this. equilibrium If analysis is to be justified, question that must first be answered is one of question the crucial That stability. in its most interesting and general form is as follows. Suppose an economy made up of agents who understand that they are in disequilibrium and perceive and act on profit Does opportunities. the action of those agents lead the economy to converge equilibrium, and, if so, to what sort of equilibrium? I to shall refer to this as the "key question" of stability analysis. It is important to note, competitive brium however, that, while stability of general equilibrium is perhaps the question addressed in a long literature, only disequili- that literature has seldom addressed the key question directly. recently agents as we writings on the stability of general equilibrium have shall see, only Rather, much endowed agents with perception. Instead, have been supposed to make their plans as though disequi- librium and the interaction of those did not exist, plans has been modeled only as an afterthought at best. Why should this be? The answer may be related to the pheno- of concentration on equilibrium and to the distaste or menon least disinterest with which many theorists regard the stability Economic analysis is extremely powerful when consi- literature. the optimizing behavior of the individual agent. dering at It is comfortable with positions in which the plans of those agents are It must break untrodden ground to describe mutually compatible. what happens when this is not so. This means modelling both the in which trade takes place when agents plans cannot be way pletely fulfilled and how agents react to frustration. com- Neither aspect can be properly done by considering equilibrium behavior. 2^_2'J±2imment_a^d_J±,s_f:ailu£.e already indicated, As historically behavior however, the study of stability has been marked by failure to model as more than an afterthought. out-of-equilibrium That was particularly true of the development that characterized the first twenty years or so of the subject was P. It step R. A. — the study of tatonnement. Samuelson (1941) who took the first in the study of stability. Hicks terms (1939) Reacting to a crucial suggestion of J. that "perfect stability" might be defined of demand curves that slope down after various prices in are Samuelson pointed out that there could be allowed to adjust, study of stability without an explicit dynamic model. price-adjustment that moving in demands , He assumed takes place out of equilbrium the direction indicated by the no by prices corresponding excess assumption that can be written in its general form an as: E^ = (1) H 1 where there are c prices, (p) of are Z i (p)) commodities, tions. (i = 1, . . . , subscripted by c) p is the vector i, the excess demand for commodity and the H.(.) p, are continuous and i when prices sign-preserving func- dot over a variable denotes differentiation with (A spect . (Z to time.) Samuelson proposed the study of re- as the only (1) out-of-equilibrium adjustment mechanism. Models of this type are known as "tatonnement" models. They assumption that suffer only from the obvious lack of reality of the prices adjust out of equilibrium, recontracting ducing) pro- (let alone consuming and Yet that assumption (which goes nicely with the ficti- Arrow-Debreu world in which all markets open and close tious the . rather than trading constantly with agents dawn of time) may not be the most troublesome one poses of adjustment understanding disequilibrium equations such as (1) behavior. for Since are also characteristic of at pur- price the later, non-tatonnement literature, it is worth discussing this in detail. 1. If price is zero and excess demand negative, price is assumed to remain zero. I generally ignore this complication in what follows. . Whose behavior does equation re- the behavior of the individual agents whose de- flect directly mands are to be equilibrated. Indeed, we now see In a perfectly competitive economy, conundrum: prices represent? It cannot (1) as given and outside of their control. prices? a central all agents take Then who changes How do sellers know when demand or costs rise that they can safely raise prices without losing all their customers? At a formal level such questions are deep ones. begs the price-adjustment question to say only It often done) whose job that it (1) reflects the behavior of is to adjust prices in such a markets do not have such specialists. them are endeavors. such 2 real that the specialist is rewarded for his or her To understand where and how such price-setting takes be done by adding adjust Most Those markets that do have place requires analysis of how markets equilibrate. done is "auctioneer" an way. (as (1) as an afterthought, That cannot nor is it likely to be satisfactorily in the tatonnement world where and there are no consequences to remaining in only prices disequili- brium. 2. The auctioneer may have been invented by J. Schumpeter lectures at Harvard and was probably introduced into the literature by Samuelson. Despite the fact that the construct is often referred to as the "Walrasian auctioneer," it does not appear in the work of L. Walras (who did, however, suppose that prices adjust in the direction indicated by excess demands) Interestingly, F. Y. Edgeworth wrote (1881, p. 30): "You might suppose each dealer to write down his d.§m.§nd how much of an article he would take at each price, without attempting to conceal his requirements; and these data having been furnished to a sort of market-machine, the pxi.c.£ to be passionlessly evaluated." I am indebted to P. Newman for this reference. in , that there are no such conseqences provides fact The justification themselves for is the way in which the behavior of treated in tatonnement enters the dreams of those agents; never some agents the Disequilibrium models. construct they their demands as though prices are fixed and unchanging and excess though their desired transactions will in fact take place. nothing as Since happens until prices have adjusted to equilibrium (assu- ming that ever occurs) , agents have nothing to gain by being more sophisticated about what is really happening. Tatonnement models, facets of disequilibrium behavior. brium They model the out-of -equili- interaction of agents in terms of price adjustment without any basis for such adjustment mechanism. such unsatisfactory an agents to there is basic little about the two do then, only, Further, since not permit find their plans frustrated in any meaningful sense, adjustment mechanism does no analysis of the way in which agents react to such frustration. Despite these defects, the analysis of tatonnement was the exclusive subject of the first twenty years or so of the stability one literature (roughly 1940-60) This is understandable . recalls that the subject was then in its because the adjustment process in perhaps because, even so, seemed very hard to come by, (1) infancy. when Perhaps seems the simplest case and until the late 1950s major results no serious attention seems to have been paid in this period to the underlying defects of the model. What is more surprising is the casual view still countered sometimes en- that stability analysis necessarily means the study of tatonnement. Perhaps partly because of the obvious defects tatonnement model and partly the of the tatonnement effort in I960, accompanied by a collapse that casual view tends to be disdain for the entire subject of stability. As just indicated, considerable because of the total of however, the late 1950s seemed promise for tatonnement results. time of a This was largely because of the introduction of Lyapounov's Second Method into the economics literature, rather than because of the attractive na- ture of the tatonnement model itself. Samuelson's Following tion of whether of (1) was locally stable. whether (1) at which p = 0, point brium) point tends to converge to a rest here identical with and ques- Essentially, this is the the properties of for (a equili- Walrasian a on local properties seemed natural, approximation the (1), Such con- if it begins close enough to that rest point. centration linear equation (which was not voluminous) concentrated on the literature question introduction of allowed it linear autonomous differential equations are completely known. understandable save in historical terms was the Less concentration on the relations between local stability of conditions for Hicksian "perfect stability" the as already stability at all. that, of Those conditions — functions — demand for do with 1947) and L. Metzler (1) on the very that all goods are gross substitutes any good goes up when the price of demand excess the to be equivalent to the local stability of assumption and the alternation in sign were shown by Samuelson (1941, strong (1) attribute an has nothing directly to principal minors of the Jacobian of the (1945) mentioned, — early any (excess other good . increases) . . 3 Since the particularly alternation of the principal minors interpretable property, the Samuelson-Metzler sults are properly be regarded as a lemma rather than a but was a long while before any further progress it That was done independently by F. (1958) not is a re- theorem, was made. Hahn (1958) and T. Negishi H. Each of these authors realized that the economic struc- . ture of the problem could be further exploited and each showed — Hahn using Walras' Law and Negishi the homogeneity of degree zero of excess demand functions the assumption — itself implied the Hicks conditions on the minors and hence the local stability of big development of the late 1950s, Lyapounov's Second Method. K. J. Arrow and L. 4 principal (1) This quite neat contribution was eclipsed, really substitutes gross that the the This was done in a Hurwicz (1958) and Arrow, however, by the introduction of pair of papers by H. D. Block, and Hurwicz (1959) Lyapounov's with (1) Second Method works as follows. as an example of a differential equation, Continuing suppose that there exists a function, V(p), which is continuous, bounded Years later, D. McFadden (1968), writing in the Hicks 3. Festschrift, showed that the Hicks conditions imply global stability of (1) on very strong assumptions about relative speeds of adjustment in different markets. A. 4. Lyapounov Lyapounov's "First Method" for (1907). proving stability is the explicit solution of the differential equations involved, an alternative never available at the level of generality of the stability literature. 10 ) . below, and decreasing through time except at a rest point of The existence of such a function, implies that is Qua§i-s£&bl3 (1) , called a "Lyapounov function", that is, that every limit point of the time-path of p is a rest point. in a compact set, remain to points. unique in addition, If, given starts. equilibria. (Recall rest rest points are locally isolated then (1) is a that the rest points of (1) are or glfibjlly it converges to some rest point no matter .sickle process; it If that path can be shown then p approaches the set of initial conditions, the (1) where Walrasian 5 This powerful tool was used by Arrow, Hurwicz, and Block to demonstrate the global stability of tatonnement under apparently different functions. strong restrictions on the excess first such restriction was that of gross The completing the early literature. ize, a demand substitutes, thus Unfortunately, as we now real- both this and nearly every other restriction considered was special case of the assumption that the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference applies restriction indeed. to maxkei demand functions — a very As a result, Arrow e.t_al.'s conjecture that tatonnement is .always stable given only those restrictions as Walras' Law) strong (such that stem from the basic assumptions of microeco- nomic theory, was a bold one indeed. 5. The limit point, however, generally depends on the initial conditions. For a more extended discussion as well as exact statements and proofs, Note that see F. M. Fisher (1983) G. Debreu has shown that local isolation of equilibria is true almost everywhere in the appropriate space of economies given certain differentiability assumptions. . 11 that conjecture is wrong. In fact, provided a counter-example pathological know result similar (1) (1960) economy is not stable. Sonnenschein and others, holds. Indeed, so far as quickly non- with As now we that example existence of an open set of economies for the . of an exchange consumers in which from the work of H. implies H. Scarf anything which useful a is known, it appears to be that stability rather than instability of tatonnement is a special case. Scarf's counter-example was thus of major historical importance. Its true analytical importance today, realized. often however, is Scarf did not show that stability analysis was guaranteed to be unfruitful. (Indeed, as we shall see, a fruitful development immediately began in the early 1960s.) ther Scarf stability. not showed that tj±2nnem,gn£ would not generally lead very Rato This means that the facile proposition that disequi- librium is cured by fast-enough price adjustment is not generally true (although, stances) If of course, it may be true in special circum- . price stability, adjustment however, alone is not sufficient to gurantee then equilibrium economics must rest on the assumption that quantities also adjust. While, as we shall see, Sonnenschein (1972, 1973), Debreu (1974), and R. Mantel not (1976) show that the basic assumptions of economic theory do restrict the excess demand functions except by continuity, homogeneity of degree zero, and Walras* Law. Since Scarf's example and shows that such restrictions do not imply stability of (1) since properties such as the signs of the real parts of the instaeigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of (1) are continuous, bility must hold on an open set. 6. 12 such an assumption does indeed lead to more satisfactory stabiliit has a major consequence. ty results, When trade takes place out of equilibrium (and even more when disequilibrium and consumption occur) , production the very adjustment process alters the equilibrium set. is easily seen even within the simplest model of This exchange. In depend tions such a model, pure the equilibrium prices and alloca- on the endowments. If trade takes place equilibrium, those endowments change. out of Hence, even if the trading process is globally stable, the equilibrium reached will generally not be one of those corresponding to the initial endowments in the static sense of the Walras correspondence. Rather the equi- librium reached will be path-dependent, dependent on the dynamics of the process taking place in disequilibrium. If such (ironically general effects led by Scarf himself (1973)) popular enterprise of computing points of economy is The points computed by such algorithms are the corresponding statically to the initial endowments of equilibria economy. actually then the equilibrium from the underlying data of the quite misleading. the are large, They are not the equilibria to which the tends given those endowments. Hence such economy algorithms make dangerous predictive (or prescriptive) tools. More important than this, analysis placement — comparative statics the principal tool of equilibrium — is called into question. of equilibrium will not be followed by convergence the new equilibrium indicated by comparative statics. will be followed by a dynamic adjustment process which, 13 Disto Rather it if sta- generally converges to ble, parative-statics results a different equilibrium. are not plentiful in the foundation for such results, brium, While com- equili- general even in partial equili- brium, has become shaky. out-of -equilibrium effects may, Such of course, But we have no reason to believe that they are. tatonnement means quantity-adjustment effects. ment that cannot we escape are negligible effects be small. The failure by assuming relative of that price to The doubtful project of tacking anonymous price adjust- on to an equilibrium model is known to be a failure. Fur- ther progress requires more serious attention to what happens out of equilibrium, equilibrium and we see that what happens out of can have a serious effect on equilibrium itself. 2ji_Txa^i.Dg_Pxsc.ej.sg^.i_Jl3.e_Edgewoxii3_Pxoce5S The failure failure perhaps, of allowed a that equilibrium equation stability analysis, of beginning of tatonnement, more fruitful development behavior. does not imply however, and the early 1960s saw development. In particular, look at out-of- remained the trade was now and some thought was while (1) supposedly explaining price adjustment, to take place out of equilibrium, the surprisingly, Not involved a closer a the The first paper to suggest (by example) that there might be considerable pay-off in a closer look at the adjustment process appears to have been Hahn (1961) which considered specialization of (1) instead of restrictions on excess demands as a way of making progress in tatonnement. Kagawa and K. (See also A. Kuga, 1980.) 7. 14 given the specification of to trading The rules. models were called "non-tatonnement" processes, is not particularly descriptive, resulting but as that name I prefer to call them as "trad- a modest concession to ing processes." processes made only Trading in allowing trade to take place out of equilibrium. (the original models concerned only pure exchange) to trade endowments out of equilibrium, take place until equilibrium was reached. realism Households were permitted but no consumption could Indeed, pre- and the post-equilibrium situations were unnaturally separated, for equilibrium involved previously planned dominance which of markets opportunities consumption then allowed but was perhaps an inevitable This over. exhaustion of trading an all present and future goods beginning of time, but can be considered only a given equilibrium the Arrow-Debreu model of general for already trade development, with clear at the in the first step in the analysis of the disequilibrium behavior of actual economies. As already observed, the price-adjustment equation retained in trading processes. adjustment was The task then was to specify the describing changes in endowments. Here quickly developed one restriction common to all models (in there one equations (1) form or another) . That was the assumption that trade at constant prices cannot increase an agent's wealth, since goods of equal value must be exchanged. I shall refer to this as the "No Swindling" assumption. That progress might be made by considering trading processes becomes apparent when one realizes that the No Swindling assump- 15 implies that any Lyapounov function alone tion that tatonnement also works for trading processes in pure Essentially this is because, with prices works exchange. constant, trade endowments cannot change any household's ordinary demand for commodity, since wealth will be unaffected. certainly change a in in any While such trade can particular household's excess demand for commodity traded by changing its actual stock, the such effects must Hence cancel out in pure exchange when summing over households. trade in endowments does not change aggregate excess demands, and only move with prices. demands those movement is consistent with then move, it is still a such It follows that if Lyapounov function when only prices consistent when trade in endowments is permitted. This is an interesting result, sideration incorporating both some con- of the underlying theory of the consumer. stability that Surprisingly, it shows proofs will generally be no harder processes (in pure exchange) than for tatonnement. ly, properties about out-of-equilibrium behavior and the trading for Unfortunate- this does not get us very far, since we know that such proofs are tion Further specifica- usually not available for tatonnement. of trading processes beyond the No Swindling assumption is required if real progress is to be made. Such specification took the form of two alternative tions about the way trade takes place. "Edgeworth Hahn, (1961) 1962) process" was introduced by H. The first of these, Uzawa (1962) the second, the "Hahn process" ; made its first published appearance in Negishi (1962) . assump- a (see also (named by Negishi, paper by Hahn Each of the two processes involves what 16 the and turns out be a deceptively simple and appealing assumption about The basic assumption of the Edgeworth process is that trade to out-of -equilibrium trade. place takes members if and only if there exists a set of agents whose can all increase their utilities by trading among them- With some complications stem- selves at the then ruling prices. from the possibility that initial prices may not permit any ming it is easy to see that at least quasi-stability must such trade, This is because, for each agent, the utility that would follow. be achieved were trade to stop and the endowment then held to consumed must be non-decreasing and strictly increasing if strictly of such utilities must be non-decreasing and function) that Hence the sum (or any other monotonic enagages in trade. agent be The negative of the sum can then increasing out of equilibrium. be used as a Lyapounov function. This is very neat, but problems emerge when one begins hard about the basic assumption involved. think In the to first place, it is easy to construct examples in which the only Pareto- improving agents. (other Indeed, than itself. and trades the are possible involve only upper bound on the number of agents) large such is the number of numbers goods are involved, one. of constructions commodities Since we wish to deal with models in which all future effective that that upper bound cannot present be an Hence the assumption that trade must take place 17 if such a Pareto- improving possibility exists places massive a o requirement on the information flow among agents. A somewhat deeper problem lies in the other Edgeworth-process assumption. natural very agents ders place engaging in it are all made better off. possibility of moving from trading the direction of what however, I of the Since trade is voluntary, it seems assume that trade only takes to part when the Once one consi- processes in the have referred to above as the "key question," usefulness of this assumption in the form employed the in the Edgeworth process becomes very doubtful. driven The "key question" is that of whether the economy is to equilibrium by the behavior of arbitraging taking agents of the opportunities thrown up by disequilibrium. advantage But speculating agents can certainly engage in trade not because they believe trade plete. he or that by each but because of the sequence of trades they expect to com- An agent who trades apples for bananas in the hope that she their utility will be directly increased can then make an advantageous trade of bananas for With the 8. Let there be n agents and c ^ n commodities. exception of agent n, let agent i hold only commodity i and desire only commodity i + 1. Let agent n hold only commodity n and desire only commodity 1. Then the only Pareto-improving trade involves all n agents. The problem is quite similar to that involved in coalition formation in the theory of the core, and D. the Schmeidler has shown (privately) that, if c £ n, existence of some Pareto-improving trade implies the existence of such a trade for no more than c agents. P. Madden (1978) proves that the existence of a Pareto-improving trade implies the existence of a Pareto-improving bilateral trade, provided that every agent always has a positive amount of every commodity, but such a condition cannot be reasonably expected to hold. (Whether a weaker condition on agents' holdings might produce a weaker but still interesting result is an open question. The construction of the example above suggests such a possibility.) 18 may carrots not care for bananas at all. agents sell goods for money, More realistically, not because they expect happily to consume the money they receive but because they expect to use the money worth process, utility however, — increasing that agents would gain from each leg of because £&££££ to gain can be used they extend to process to cover multi-part transactions is not Edgeworth a could Whether the fact that individuals engage be completed. trade is that every individual transaction is even if trade were to stop so that later legs transaction not The basic assumption of the Edge- to buy something else. in the known and seems doubtful. cannot avoid this problem if one wishes to examine One non-naive serious out-of-equilibrium behavior of agents who have expectations. means that equilibrium fact that the economy is not in The the some expected trades may not materialize. In turn this means that agents who expected to gain from such trades will be disappointed. As a result, taken past actions — they may very well regret having actions they would not have taken had they realized what was to occur. This If is not restricted to speculative one considers the extension of the analysis of cesses one phenomenon a Edgeworth process. nically pro- consumption, similar difficulty with the extension of the Both consumption and production involve tech- irreversible acts — the consumption of goods transformation of inputs into outputs. on trading to permit out-of-equilibrium production and encounters actions. If those acts are mistaken expectations about later occurrences 19 — or the taken either later prices or the ability to complete later transactions Lyapounov function depends on agents always whose model then they This is hard to accomodate sometimes be regretted. will — in a having non-decreasing utilities. i^_.Ih <£_flahn_ Px oc eg s The second of the two important trading processes, places a much less severe informational requirement process, than does the Edgeworth process. trades is kets." (How different if ' level It is assumed of analysis.) that "mar- on question markets get organized is a such on In the Hahn process it supposed that goods are traded in an organized way buyers the Hahn for a prospective and sellers of a given good can find each other and trade desire to do so they — indeed, in versions some (Fisher 1972), this is taken to define what is to be meant by a "market." Naturally, out of equilibrium, it can, and often will happen prospective that buyers and sellers of a given good cannot complete their planned transactions in that good. be unsatisfied sellers or unsatisfied buyers. all There may thus principal The assumption of the Hahn process is that markets are "orderly," the sense buyers one that, there are not af i^£_i£.a.d.e , both unsatisfied and unsatisfied sellers of the same commodity. Only of a given market are agents unable to complete side in on their planned transactions. This assumption can easily be seen to lead in the of a stability proof. Trade is supposed to take place instanta- neously or and look only at post-trade situations. we direction outside of time relative to the rest of the 20 process, Since markets are after orderly, for apples, any agent with unsatisfied excess demand say, finds that there is aggregate excess demand for Since apples. trade, (1) is retained as the price adjustment equation, the price of apples must be rising. unsatisfied Similarly, any agent with excess supply for bananas finds that there is aggre- gate excess supply for bananas. Then the price of bananas be falling, unless that price is already zero. must Since anything an agent wants to buy and cannot buy is becoming more expensive, and non-free good that an agent wants to sell and cannot sell is any becoming cheaper, any agent with either unsatisfied excess demand or unsatisfied excess supply of non-free goods is becoming In slightly more formal terms, off. — defined follows the agent's £axget utility as the utility that the agent would get if he or completed strictly all planned decreasing transactions — is if the agent's plans are non-increasing frustrated. a 9 she and It that the sum of such utilities over agents (or any mono- tonic function of the utilities of individual agents) will as worse Lyapounov function, decreasing except in equilibrium serve when all agents can complete their planned transactions. This shows the quasi-stability of the Hahn process. either assumes or proves boundedness of the prices, ble to show global stability, the strict If one it is possi- since expenditure minimization and quasi-concavity of indifference curves implies that all limit points must be the same. is 9. It With the exception of disposing of free goods. tiresome to have to constantly repeat this, and I shall not always do so hereafter. 21 It is important to understand the difference between Lyapounov functions of the Edgeworth and Hahn processes. the In the Edgeworth process, the utilities that increase out of equilibrium are the actual utilities that agents would obtain if trade ceased and they had to consume their endowments. the utilities utilities that decrease out of equilibrium are that agents expect to get by completing actions at current prices. In effect, expectations are not compatible; be delivered. can the target their trans- out of equilibrium, those agents jointly expect more than As the Hahn process goes on, agents revise downward until they do become mutually expectations their In the Hahn process, com- patible and equilibrium is reached. Of course, will since the two processes are quite different, it sometimes happen in the Hahn process that trade leads to decrease a in the utility that an agent would get if that were his or her last trade. This is not a defect, however. Indeed, as can be seen from our earlier discussion of the Edgeworth process, such a property is desirable, since we want to focus on ultimate plans, not myopic desires as the reason for trade. Moreover, continuing to look ahead toward the "key question" and more realistic models, the Hahn process has another desirable feature that the Edgeqworth process lacks. Since the Lyapounov function of the Hahn process involves declining target utilities, it should be fairly easy to accomodate the decline in utility that occurs when an irreversible consumption or production action is taken This turns out to be and later regretted. (Fisher 1976a, 1977) . 22 the case Before we can properly get to such matters, however, we must with deal an underlying problem. Hahn process, cannot the that markets are "orderly" in the sense described, reasonably maintained without be problem The The basic assumption of deeper consideration. at issue can be seen by considering following the example. Suppose that there are at least three bananas, croissants. and Suppose that, commodities, apples, at non-zero current prices, before trade, apples and bananas are in excess supply and croissants in excess demand. Suppose further that some agent, A, owns only apples and wishes to trade for bananas. does not wish to sell bananas for apples. can meet each other, current prices. agents but Then even though A and no trade between them will take place at This means that, post-trade, there can perfectly well be agents with an unsatisfied excess demand also that B, wishes to sell bananas and buy croissants, another agent, B Suppose for apples and apples. The with an unsatisfied excess supply of apple market in this example is not "orderly," and tions cannot be ruled out merely by supposing that such situa- agents can find each other readily. problem appears first to have been recognized This modern literature by R. Clower (1965) who pointed out in (in different context) the need to sell before one can purchase. a homely example comes readily to hand. A familiar the a But English nursery rhyme states: apologize for using again the same light-hearted example that I have already employed on two previous occasions (Fisher, It' is so apt as to be 1976b, 1983, "p. 33). 14; p. irresistible. 10. I 23 Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair. x Said Simple Simon to the pieman, Let me taste your ware. Said the pieman to Simple Simon, ^Show me first your penny. Said Simple Simon to the pieman, * Indeed, I haven't any.* 1 This is clear example of a Hahn process economy a willing sellers can meet. buyer . and Indeed, in the rhyme, the prospective seller of pies meet on their way to and "fair") (the crisis. in are sufficiently well organized that willing buyers Markets 1 the marketplace no trade takes place because Nevertheless, buyer has nothing to offer the seller that the seller is the willing to accept. case of Simple Simon, The way to think about this problem. element The pieman stability does not ask Simple Simon for apples or the introduction an analysis. bananas or and the time has plainly instead he asks for money, consider to It does so by introducing far conspicuously lacking from so croissants; come points up one possible however, money of stability into analysis. Indeed, Aside case. the introduction cannot be long delayed in any from the Simple Simon problem under discussion and use of money in the intermediate stages of arbitrage actions, it. that trans- one cannot get beyond pure exchange without introducing This is for a reason that, interestingly, does not apply in equilibrium. Firms, profits. unlike households, Suppose that some firm produces of some commodity, say toothpaste. toothpaste are usually assumed to maximize large excess supply Out of equilibrium, even with in aggregate excess supply, 24 a the price of toothpaste can be positive. If that price is high enough, and if there is no standard medium of exchange in which profits are measured, the toothpaste producing firm may regard itself as making a profit, positive This means that the £Y§B_tbo!jgh_it_se!ls_no_toothpagte. firm's inventory of toothpaste need not be offered for sale, the excess supply of toothpaste will have no effect on that price. Only by insisting that profits be measured in of exchange (and a common unit of account) medium a so the common can we ensure that firms producing commodities other than the exchange medium have an incentive to sell those commodities. money This makes indispensable. The introduction of money into Hahn process models was begun by Arrow and Hahn (1971) . They assumed that one of the commodi- ties, "money," plays a special role in that all transactions must involve it. get They then assumed that agents first formulate "tar- — excess demands" excess demands constructed by maximizing utility functions subject to budget constraints in the usual — but that demands", these constructed target excess wishes to sell it. whether must be distinguished demand as follows. from for a given commodity, then negative that Since commodities can be offered or not the supplier has any money, excess "active If an agent has a way for agent sale active excess demand in such a case is assumed to equal target excess demand. On the other hand, positive target excess demands cannot generate offers to buy unless they are backed up by money, so Arrow and Hahn 11. The device of assuming that the firm distributes toothpaste dividends to its stockholders hardly seems satisfactory. 25 assumed that the agent allocates his or her available money stock over the goods for which he or she has a positive excess to the assumption that any good for which the leads This has positive target excess demand is also one for a demand. agent which that agent has a positive active excess demand, with the active excess demand never exceeding the target one (agents do not offer to buy than they really want and always make a positive offer more anything that they want) to obey the orderly assumed are unsatisfied It is active, . aggregate rather than target demands markets assumption excess active demand that is affect prices according to With this in hand, (1) for and assumed to . Arrow and Hahn were able to isolate Simple Simon problem by assuming that no agent ever runs out money. If this assumption holds, the of then it is easy to see that the Hahn process stability proof goes through in much the same way as before. Prices change in the direction indicated by unsatisfied aggregate active demands; have the same signs demands; same (post-trade) as the corresponding aggregate finally, unsatisfied individual target demands have the as the corresponding unsatisfied signs demands. demands unsatisfied individual active Hence target individual utilities are still decreasing active out of equilibrium. As already indicated, introduction 12- of firms, the introduction of money permits the and this was done in Fisher (1974). 12 A parallel introduction of firms into the Edgeworth process was accomplished by F. M. C. B. Saldanha (1982). ^3rl. 26 are assumed to be subject to the orderly Firms markets assump- tion, but to maximize profits which they ultimately distribute to their shareholders. Because of the orderly markets assumption, complete profits downward. both because of the direct influence of phenomenon is a proof follows nicely from it, a the household The sum of global While stability employing both profit maximization the part of firms and expenditure minimization on the part of households to show that all limit points are the same. the orderly the Lyapounov function. now a more complex matter, of utilities on their own transactions and because of utilities can thus again be used as boundedness forecast Households then find their target declining fortunes of the firms they own. on any firm that cannot planned transactions must revise its its decreasing market Shareholders expect to spend those profits. target-active excess demand distinction are Money and handled as before. This is a pretty story, and one that can even be extended to permit out-of-equilibrium production and consumption, cated above (Fisher, 1976a, 1977). indi- as But the difficulties are all too apparent. The thought. role of money in this model is very much an after- Agents plan their target excess demands as though they were in equilibrium. In so doing, they take no account of cash constraint imposed by the institutional structure. the Instead, they allocate their money stocks to their positive excess demands as though any cash difficulty will necessarily be only temporary, so that ultimately target transactions will be completed. 27 That naivete is also reflected in the assumption that agents make a tive target excess demand. positive offer for every good for which they have world Debreu this time, where So long as we remain in may not matter. Arrow- an all markets open and close at the posi- a dawn Once we begin to be serious of about disequilibrium, however, and to permit consumption and production to take place before equilibrium is reached, It is not reasonable to suppose that agents facing lot. liquidity a always allocate funds to all demanded commodities. crisis of it matters a those commodities may not be needed for years, while Some others may be required for near-term consumption. And of course the afterthought method of allocating cash related to the most obvious difficulty. The Simple Simon problem has not been solved, but merely well defined. sary It is still neces- to assume that agents never run out of money. hard to swallow in any case; is This may be it is particularly unpalatable when agents make their money-allocation plans as though their planned sales would always materialize. In the same connection, the time has come to remember how awkward the price-adjustment assumptions are in all these models. We are not dealing with a case in which agents, faced with pending cash shortage when planned sales do not occur, their prices. set anonymously, im- can lower Rather, we are still in a world in which price is and sellers who might benefit from lower prices 28 are just out of luck. other respects as well the model is less than In Money tory. 13 satisfac- is assumed to be a commodity entering the utility This is required in order to ensure that agents function. wish to hold money in equilibrium, avoiding the "Patinkin problem" Patinkin, 1949, equilibrium in 1950, this trading opportunities. But that problem arises because 1965). Arrow-Debreu world means a cessation at previously foreseen prices, then motive for holding money would not disappear. of of If equilibrium had the more natural pro- perty of involving the carrying out of previously planned actions (D. trans- transactions the Yet such a version equilibrium requires agents to care about the timing of their transactions. In several ways, Hahn one that then, the defects of the more sophisticated process models point the way toward possible progress. way or another, those defects are all related to the agents in such models (as in all the models the In fact considered so far) pay very little attention to the fact that the economy is in disequilibrium. go on believing that prices will They change and that transactions will be behavior and completed. phenomena are modeled at best as an not Disequilibrium afterthought. 13. Some progress can be made here. Fisher (1972) provides model in which goods are identified by the dealers who sell them. In such a model, the orderly markets assumption is essentially trivial, since there is only one agent on the supply side of any "market." Since prices are set by suppliers (with buyers searching for low prices) they can be adjusted when planned sales do not occur and cash is low. But there are plenty of other difficulties with such a model. See M. Rothschild (1973). a , 29 the difficulties encountered cannot be solved in such a Plainly, context. A built we are to address the "key question" of whether if full disequilibrium model is required and must be arbi- traging actions drive the economy to equilibrium. 5-t_.T.ew.§£.ds_.a_Eyll_Di§equilib£ium_Mgdei So far as question I know, the only attempt to examine the stability in the context of a full disequilibrium model in consumption and production which equilibrium take place out of consciously act on arbitrage opportunities is that of agents recent book (Fisher 1983; see also Stahl and Fisher 1986) . and my As will be seen, that attempt to answer the "key question" cannot be considered truly successful, but there is, I think, much to be learned from it and from its inadequacies. I which begin by considering a problem of only moderate importance nevertheless exemplifies the need for dropping equilibrium habits of thought when thinking about disequilibrium problems. This problem arises when one allows consumption and production to take place out of equilibrium. It is common, correct, and necessary to regard commodities consumed or produced at different dates as different even if Debreu reached, is just they are physically indistinguishable. world where nothing ever happens In the Arrow- equilibrium is this does not matter; a commodity with a different date a different commodity traded on a different market with its own price. of until commodities equilibrium, and If consumption or production takes place out however, then 30 commodity dates take on a new . Only currently dated commodities can be significance. or produced; commodities can only future be consumed traded. Hence, disequilibrium consumption or production means allowing allowing some commodity dates to be passed before equilibrium is reached. Since there can only be trading in current or future commodities, but no trading in "pasts," this means that trading in some com- modities becomes impossible as the adjustment process unfolds. To see why this creates a difficulty, consider the following example. simplicity, For assume that commodities are dated by At midnight on December 31, 1987, trade in 1987 toothpaste year. mean that are agents who cannot buy as much 1987 toothpaste as they Since ceases. there had planned. we are out of equilibrium, this can Since they must now make do with a different amount than planned, this can cause a discontinuity in their behavior. obvious An solution presents that toothpaste is a durable good however. Assume different analysis applies to pure perishable itself, somewhat (a commodities) at midnight on December 31, 1987, 1987 and 1988 toothpaste Then, are to this difficulty perfect substitutes. Our agent may not be able to buy the but this will not create any 1987 toothpaste he or she planned, discontinuity, since 1988 toothpaste can be purchased instead. The problem cannot be made to go away so 1987 toothpaste is a different commodity from 1988 Since commodities have different prices. paste, the prices do not coincide at midnight on December two discontinuity is still It mus.t however. easily, is a 31, If 1987, tooththose then real possibility. very tempting to reply to this that the coincide at that time, two prices because the two commodities are then 31 substitutes. perfect Thai The that the prices of perfect substitutes must coincide proposition an equilibrium proposition. is xegigte^ temptation must be It rests on the that argument arbitrage will erase any difference between the prices. But that of arbitrage is what a full stability model is supposed working to be about. We cannot, in a disequilibrium framework, simply that arbitrage will be successful by the time the crucial assume hour arrives. There is an important sense, however, That difficulty stems from the culty is more apparent than real. treatment in which this diffi- wholly of the markets for 1987 and 1988 toothpaste as distinct, with prices set anonymously according to some rule such as (1) In fact, this is unlikely to be the case. . Instead, the same firms that sell 1987 toothpaste are also likely to sell 1988 toothpaste and to quote prices for dealers Similarly, both. specializing in wheat futures are unlikely to deal in futures for only one date. But if the same seller more generally, the (or, commodities, same dealer) then he or she will have an active interest in making sure quotes prices for both 1987 and 1988 come together at midnight on those prices since otherwise arbitrage the at December dealer's that 1987, 31, will expense be possible. There are three lessons to be learned from all this. First, one cannot think about disequilibrium problems using only equili- brium habits of thought. in Certain issues that seem not to matter equilibrium can matter quite a lot out of it. Second, farther one gets into serious disequilibrium analysis, 32 the the less satisfactory disequilibrium Third, the the assumption of anonymous is price adjustment. considerations have something to do with institutional structure of transactions and the way in which markets — organized are subjects on which no work been has attempted in the disequilibrium context, but which are crucial if we are ever to gain a satisfactory understanding of the formation of economic magnitudes. Such subjects, plans do not mesh. get formulated, are truly difficult, for they in- their and It is far easier to consider how those plans and the analysis of Fisher producing length, some however, of what happens when agents interact analysis volve 14 a does this (1983) at which number of results on the way in agents plan to take advantage of the arbitrage opportunities they In the course of so doing, the see thrown up by changing prices. positive cash assumption of Arrow and Hahn less far since agents now optimize their planned transactions, arbitrary, paying attention to their money stock. that becomes Interestingly, it emerges reason for trading in the shares of firms one anticipated is because dividend streams permit liquidity transfers from one period to another, and, out of equilibrium, such transfers may be needed. Such agents come principally actions to expect prices to change. conscious allowing arbitraging from But allowing agents of disequilibrium means more than this; allowing to be it also means them to realize that their transactions may be limited 14. For work on transaction arrangements in general equilibrium, see D. Foley (1970) and Hahn (1971) . 33 So long as we retain anonymous price adjustment, in extent. that such constraints are we must suppose This has led to a literature on the analysis of equilibria under such circumstances — absolute. as so called "fixed price equilibria." interesting More regarded disequilibrium for the study of true what happens when we allow agents to believe that they can the constraints they face by making price offers. example, sold at a given price is limited. believes that constraint becomes case, a lower expresses, an ordinary, Consider, for price will bring seller If the more also then the expected sales as a function of price and downward-sloping demand sales, curve. for the usual reason in the analysis of monopoly; must be given on all units to be sold, a this In seller will only refrain from offering a lower the alter case of a seller who 'believes that the amount that the be can is price lower price and marginal revenue will fall short of marginal cost. This there leads to a number of position constraints Specifically, the economy can be stuck in where agents believe they face and do binding not attempt to get round them transaction with price because they believe that it would be unprofitable to offers so. First, is the distinct possibility in such cases that equilibrium will be non-Walrasian. a problems. interesting do In macroeconomics, this can be regarded as a version of the original Keynesian question as to underemployment equilibrium. 15. While such circumstances are sometimes -referred to as "disequilibrium," they are not properly so-called, since what is involved is non-Walrasian equilibrium, rather than dynamic adjustment. See A. Drazen (1980) for a survey of the literature. 1A Hahn shows that it can happen with the (1978) agents rational in some sense. of Second, beliefs the crucial question whether an equilibrium is Walrasian or non-Walrasian the question whether perceived monopoly power of analyzing equilibria; agents nature (1983) In this regard, . (assuming perceptions whether ways after equilibrium is reached) will the the not or Only where monopoly power remain (and change over of that there is a relation between shows, constraints are actually binding therein. liquidity in it is interesting the equilibrium and the question of of certain reached) ^.s Fisher as vanishes it pretty clearly depends on the experien- encounter on the way to equilibrium some equilibrium that, becomes This is not a question that can be answered by only equilibrium. ces the of time in equilibrium be non-Walrasian and cash remain a problem. Whether some or not a given equilibrium is clarification Walrasian, of the role of money is however, We achieved. saw above that the equilibria of trading processes (or of tatonnement models, that matter) were merely an exhaustion for opportunities. a full model, In such as the one under discusrather, equili- transactions do not cease in equilibrium; sion, trading of brium involves the carrying out of previously made optimal planned involving transactions at correctly foreseen plans prices. This means that the transactions demand for money does not disappear in equilibrium. bearing asset (so that there is no explanation for holding of non-interest-bearing money) hold that asset interest- While money in this model is an , this explains why agents rather than others bearing the 35 equilibrium same rate of even though money itself enters neither interest in equilibrium, utility or production functions. iu_DyD3mics_aDd_stabiiity_in_3_Fuii_Model All this is very interesting, when happens frustrated. but it says little about what agents interact out of equilibrium and plans What can be said about such interactions and the "key question" of whether they lead to stability? is here, are about Alas, it as already indicated, that the analysis under discussion produces less than satisfactory answers. We price-adjustment mous equation left over (1) such price adjustment take place? tatonnement from Individual price adjustment is essential. days. anony- have already seen that one cannot retain the old does But how The answer suggested above is that prices are set optimally depending on perceived monopoly (or monopsony) power. take us very far. How do That is all well and good, but it does not How do such perceptions get formed and change? institutions arise determining which agents make price offers and which choose among offers? Out of equilibrium, where offers and acceptances will not match, how does partial matching take place? On these crucial questions, little guidance. ments strong Rather, Fisher (1983) offers relatively price movements, like all other movevague in the model are assumed to be restricted by a restriction understand called "No Favorable Surprise" (NFS) that restriction and the motivation for it, . but To requires us to step back for a moment and consider the purpose of stabili- ty analysis. 36 economies Real discovery The shocks. subject to a succession are of new products, new exogenous of processes, new sources of raw materials, new demands, and new ways of organizing production are, as emphasized by J. Schumpeter (1911) ving forces of economic development and growth. the dri- , It is unreason- to suppose that such Schumpeterian shocks are all able and can be incorporated as part of equilibrium. foreseen Rather, equili- brium analysis, if it is useful at all, is so because the economy adjusts to such shocks, rapidly approaching a equilibrium new long before the next shock occurs. The of stability analysis, role question is to analyze of whether such adjustment in fact takes analyzing means then, the part of the Schumpeterian This place. model the occurring after the initial innovation, when imitators enter and act on the profit opportunities question" can be they see. What I interpreted as the question of action does in fact lead the system to absorb terian shock. analysis called have Evidently, then, the a the "key whether such Schumpe- given first task of stability fur- is to answer this question on the assumption that ther Schumpeterian shocks do not occur. There is more to it than this, however. In a full model, where agents form their own expectations, there is the possibility that agents will perceive Schumpeterian opportunities that do not exist. If such agents have the resources with which to back their perceptions, entrepreneur equilibrium will at least be postponed. who believes that he or she can profitably build better mousetrap and who has the money to invest will affect 37 The a the . economy even if the world does not in fact beat a path to the Stability implies that such occasions disappear, at least door. asymptotically, no stability proof in a complete model and can succeed without either proving or assuming that this happens. The basic first step in an adequate analysis of stability as a full attack on the "key question," therefore, one is the weak showing that arbitrage leads to equilibrium if no new unfore- of seen opportunities arise. able never Surprise." This is the assumption of "No More precisely, NFS assumes that surprised by the unforeseen appearance of opportunities causing them to deviate from plan formed In other words, Useful new opportunities (technological must are favorable new, now optimal is assumed to have been feasible time ago. example) agents previously optimal plans if those plans are still feasible. any Favor- be foreseen at least a short time short a change, for agents before actually change plans so as to act on them. It is not hard to see that, a special case, declining well NFS implies that agents out of equilibrium. in a foreseen way technological expected as in the Hahn process which is 1 target utilities While agents can be doing (including taking advantage progress) , any of are quite foreseen what abrupt departures from nust mean declines in utility (if they matter at was all) With this in hand, low, although the details are technically complex and require a global stability proof can be made to fola number of non-primitive assumptions on the dynamics involved. The problem with this is that NFS itself is not assumption, either. a primitive It is all very well to argue as above that one must exclude further exogenous Schumpeterian shocks in exami- 38 stability. ning It is far stronger to rule out the favorable opportunities that may suddenly arise in the course of adjustment to an existing shock. this difficulty arises precisely because we have Evidently, no model of how agents interact in reacting to good brium. This endogenous causes us to be unable to describe disequiliexactly surprises do or do not arise and makes NFS how somewhat a unsatisfactory assumption. Like earlier models, only partially successful. then, the analysis of Fisher (1983) is It is strongest when dealing with the plans of individual agents or with equilibrium. It is weak when considering cannot fulfilled it how those plans interact when they While and how agents then change their expectations. succeeds in doing away with anonymous price be all adjustment, it We still tells us very little about how prices are in fact set. have much to learn about the formation of economic magnitudes. To learn how economic magnitudes are formed requires serious modelling of disequilibrium. resources are allocated, how ganized, they play, things, If we are ever to understand how consumption and production are or- prices come to be what they are and the role we must examine disequilibrium behavior. this means how examining the ways in which that Among other change agents The 16. There is at least one other problem with NFS. agents in the model being described have point expectations and often economists no subjective uncertainty. (They are all wrong but never uncertain.) 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