Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/foll<theoremstwodOOsmit DEWEy MIT LIBRARIES 3 IDflD QD7Sb=]bS 7 working paper department of economics Folk Theorems: Two -Dimensional ity is (Almost) Enough Lones Smith Dep artment of Economics M.I.T. No. 597 Jan. 1992 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 Folk Theorems: Two-Dimensionality is (Almost) Enough Lones Smith Department of Economics M.I.T. No. 597 Jan. 1992 M IT. LIBRARIES MAR 9 1992 Folk Theorems: Two-Dimensionality is (Almost) Enough* Lones Smith Department M. of I. Economics T. original version: October 8, 1990 current version: January 22, 1992 Abstract We exhibit a parallel constructive proof technique for three founda- theorems without requiring a full-dimensional payoff space. Instead, we show that a less stringent and more natural projection condition suffices. Along the wa}', we substitute a strengthened folk theorem tional folk for finitely-repeated games. 'The current version reflects helpful comments from two referees. Financicd assistance from the and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Fund, and the Searle Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Socicd Sciences INTRODUCTION 1. The problem known. of multiplicity of equilibria in repeated games by now well- is Indeed, the popular moniker 'folk theorem' has been effectively hijacked by game theorists to mean that any individually rational payoff of a stage game can be attained on average in an equilibrium of the corresponding repeated game. Constructing n-player folk theorems for various conceivable economic contexts has developed into a veritable cottage industry. Most recent efforts can trace their lineage to the perfect folk theorem in Rubinstein (1979), which considered supergames without discounting. When players do discount the future, Rubinstein's recourse to infinitely-bootstrapped punishment hierarchies is no longer an option. It was a technique first pioneered by Fudenberg and Maskin (1986) (henceforth simply F-M) for infinite horizon ment in interior F-M games that sparked the Smith (1990) theorem folk Exactly plained by that the feasible payoff space have full i.e. The require- a non-empty and Krishna (1985) (hereafter denoted B-K). exploited the full-dimensionality condition to establish a uniform later for games why a means Here, player full-dimensional payoff space was of an example game Gi found in deemed necessary is best ex- B-K: 3, 3,3 0,0,0 1,1,1 2,2,2 0, 1,1 0,0,0 0,1,1 0,0,0 0, 0, 0,1,1 0,1,1 chooses rows, 2 chooses columns, and 3 chooses matrices. 1 Nash in Benoit overlapping generations games. 0, 0, are two dimension — — found immediate application in the folk theorem (without discounting) for finitely repeated is 0, latest flurry in this arena. equilibria: (3,3,3) and (2,2,2). Since each player's There minimax level a folk theorem would assert that any positive feasible payoflf vector should be attainable (on average) in Gi(T), the T-fold repetition of Gi, for Notice that the payoff space of Gi T sufficiently large. two-dimensional, and thus is is not of full- dimension.^ But the choice of Gi was really rather clever! For consider the simple proof in B-K that in no subgame perfect equilibrium of any Gi(T) does player 2 or on average. The 3 earn less than 1 case T= 1 is obvious, so assume outcome with T+ I 3 could gain at least 1, result proceeds holds up to by (backward) induction. The some T> 1. Then the prescribed periods to go cannot be (0,0,0), for if so, either player 2 or 1 by deviating and then, by hypothesis, average at least 1 in the following subgame. But receive at least it if (0,0,0) is and the claim follows not prescribed, then players 2 and 3 each for Gi(r -I- 1), as required. Unfortunately, this neat result relies crucially on the fact that players 2 and 3 receive positively linearly related payoffs. ^Tlie example in F-M It turns out that such a non-genericity, only has a 1-dimensional payoff space, and hence might not establish that a 3-dimensional payoff space is needed. which was conceded by B-K, when find that is this possibility not without loss of generality. In the sequel, we expressly eliminated, the folk theorems for n is > F-M, B-K, and Smith (1990) obtain with any payoff space that is two-dimensional. This task actually proves rather unburdensome, as a 2 players in (at least) We unified constructive treatment suffices for all three cases. also take the liberty of strengthening the folk theorem of B-K, by admitting the possibility that one player might not have distinct Nash 2. The set-up is standard, and G is : A is IN 2-SPACE taken from Smith (1990), which we summarize an n-person normal form game, and the (compact and ,An} consist of mixed strategies. Each player f's — 7Z is continuous. Define U = n"_iC/,-. Elements convex) strategy spaces {Ai, payoff" function f/,U^^^Aj a*6 game. PUNISHMENT OUTCOMES Throughout, here. payofi"s in the stage . . . > are referred to as outcomes of G. Liberal use made is of correlated strategies, allowing players to condition their actions on the outcome of a public randomizing device. This renders the feasible payoff" space V the convex hull in 7^" of the set of pure strategy payoff vectors. minimax strategy a mixed strategy, we assume that Let M' be a We may feasible V* also and assume WLOG against player i in the game G. Since M' could be deviations from mixed strategies are observable.^ = that C/,(M') for all z G N= {1, 2, . , . . n}. strictly individually rational payoff set is therefore the positive The orthant of V. The example game Gi was Even though the atypical in the following sense: whole payoff space was two-dimensional, its projection onto the plane of payoffs and 3 was only an (upward-sloping) line. It was thus impossible to decouple the payoffs of 2 and 3. We claim that so long as we avoid such a non- for players 2 we can construct n personalized one-shot (correlated) punishment outcomes Pi*,P2*, ,Pn*- That is, (?) pk* is a strictly individually rational outcome, (n) providing k a lower payoff than the equilibrium outcome a*, and (Hi) a strictly lower payoff than any other p,*,i ^ k. Observe that because we genericity for n-player games, do not have a full-dimensional payoff space, other players j Pk*; however, every j ^ k still prefers pk* to pj*. ^ For the sake of definiteness, we shall (locally) parameterize most two-dimensional. The extension suffer V* assuming to higher dimensions should N may from it is at be obvious. Let = i E be 7r,(5, t) ai + PiS + 'jit. All subsequent analysis on the following crucial assumption which will supplant full-dimensionality: the payoff of each player rests k (P) The projection k is Vij of V* onto the coordinate space of any two players j and ^ Pklj for all j 7^ /:, or a line with either two-dimensional, so that Pjfk negative slope, For example, with n i.e. = (3j = OjkPk and fj = ^jjt7it 3 players, (P) implies that ular to the coordinate plane of for if F-M 6jk < 0. the payoff space any two players, then 'Abreu-Dutta (1991) modify the argument of some it is perpendic- intersects that plane in a to handle unobservable mixed strategies. negatively sloped Now come line. suppose that we want to support the a*, as parameterized (51, fi), . . . , by (s„,i„) for pi*,p2*, ti i G N. Then Moreover, if j 7^ (5*, t*). • • >Pn* satisfying • k, where the inequality is TTj (^ 7r_,(5",t*), 7rj{s',t')-e^l3j TTj ^^ Sj ,tj below negatively-sloped 774 is strict by (P). Alternatively, > is line, + jj ), (P). Finally, in the process a- 0. one-dimensional case, as required. Illustrated players, with V24 > Sj ,tj), > — by individually rational for small enough e due to Cauchy-Schwartz, and in the negatively-sloped < we can exhibit coordinates conditions (i), (ii), and {iii).^ Let (P), then in the two-dimensional case, = since 9jk strictly individually rational out- = f - liSl^JW+^j {si,ti) is also strictly for Under it was established that 'Kj{sj,tj) the parameterization of the case of n and all = < 4 other Vjj two-dimensional. 7r4(54, ^4) TTi > 7ri(5i,ii) > T^2{S2M) * s TTS > 7r3(s3,i3) K2 {S3,t3) ^This is nearly the converse of the {Hi) implies (P). first lemma in Abreu-Dutta (1991), who show that condition THE FOLK THEOREMS 3. We now turn to the folk theorems. That we show that any u E V* can be is, (approximately) attained as a subgame perfect discounted average payoff vector in each of three distinctly different repeated contexts. Throughout, a* outcome yielding the desired payoff vector u. Case A: Infinitely is a correlated Repeated Games game with stage game G and discount Theorem 2 in F-M, substituting (P) for full- Let G(<5) denote the infinitely-repeated factor Below 6. The constructed equilibrium dimensionality. as it a modification of is is resilient: After any also differs from F-M in another sense, sequence of deviations, play always returns to the finite equilibrium path within finitely-many periods. INFINITE-HORIZON n-PLAYER FOLK 3.1 = Let u (ui,...,u„) G V*. ==> [(5o, 1] THEOREM has a subgame perfect discounted average payoff G((5) < Suppose that (P) holds. Then 36q so that 6 G 1 u. Proof: Along the equilibrium path, a* is played. But if someone deviates then punishment interlude follows, consisting of a minimax phase and then a 'recovery' phase. Thus, the equilibrium strategies 1. Play a*. 2. Play M-' for 3. Play pI for We next uj are: '^ player j deviates, start [If Q R periods. [If player k periods. [If Q 2.] ^ any player j deviates, R so that Then j deviates, start 3.] restart 2.] set k <— j. Return to step 1. a subgame perfect equilibrium. Let P and be the best and worst payoffs for any player in G, and first suppose that S — 1. select and this is For each step, we consider the 'worst-case scenario', where the incentive to deviate is greatest. First note that given continuity of discounted by some positive margin, say 6 G [(('o, 1], for some 6o < 1. 1, Now they will choose Q sums remain in 6, if strict for each deterrent any strict is level of discounting so that^ u + QU,{p-) > 13 + I (1) G N. Since < Uj{pj*) < Uj by conditions (z) and (u'), (2) simultaneously renders the punishment interlude a strict deterrent to deviations from steps 1 and for all j *Throughout the paper, j, k, and / denote arbitrary players. Moreover, for clarity, we use the simple computer science k *— j to mean "assign k the value j." Also, program steps always follow sequentially, unless otherwise indicated. Conditional interrupts within square brackets are executed immediately. *The inequality (1) — in particular, why the left-hand side is not (Q-t- l)Uj{pj) — reflects the obeying the random correlated outcome pj* might sometimes require j to play possible outcome. fact that his worst any R. Next, step 3 deters deviations by the punishers from step 2 large enough that 3, for for all 7, N G ^' Qu + RUkip-) with j ^ k. >P + RUkipl) + (Q By condition (n'z), - ^>k + such an R if 7? is 1 (2) QED^ indeed exists. Case B: Finitely Repeated Games we G with the discount factor 6 < \. What follows is a strengthening of Theorem 3.7 of B-K,^ on several fronts. First, we admit payoff discounting.^ Second, we substitute (P) for fullIn this section, let G((5, dimensionality. Finally, Nash payoffs, to all T) denote the T-fold repetition we weaken the condition that all hut one — provided his Nash payoff is of players is done to underscore the we simply essential similarity distinct However, strictly positive. unlike B-K's (more intuitive) use of long deterministic cycles, correlated outcomes. This must have rely upon among all we essentially only need adjust backward induction. Finally, we remark has the useful biproduct of permitting an exact (rather than three folk theorems. In fact, with finite-lived players, the strategies of Case that correlation also A to avoid the axe of approximate) folk theorem. Let the Nash outcome e,* yield player and of G, /,* the lowest, for all i N the highest among G all Nash payoffs € N. EXACT UNIFORM n-PLAYER FINITE-HORIZON FOLK THEOREM 3.2 = Let u (ui,...,u„) 6 V*. Suppose that (P) holds, and that either (a) Ukie].) G N, or (b) Ukiel) > Ukifk) 3To < oo and Sq < I so that T VA; (7,(A!) > ^ VA; Tq and <5 G 1, {5o, 1] => = > > Then U,{f^) G((5, T) has a subgame but Ui{el) 0. perfect discounted average payoff u. Proof: Let e* be a correlated equilibrium according equal weight 1/n to each of the Nash outcomes e,*. The typical T-period equilibrium outcome sequence is e', e*, where e* lasts S periods, and U{a) G V* will be seen to satisfy preferred a, , . . . 5; . , . . the required target payoff equation {T-S)U{a) + SU{e') = TU{a') if (5 = 1, or (1 if (5 < 1. (3a) - 6^-^)U{a) + For ease of exposition, Q+R+S .5^-^(1 - 6^)U{e') = (1 late deviations are those periods of the repeated game; ^.A.breu-Dutta (1991) prove that (P) is all - 6'^)U{a') (3b) occurring during the final others are called early deviations. also necessary for the infinite-horizon result. 'A much better and constructive demonstration is found in Krishna (1989): B-K requires a messy iterative approximation process. ^In so doing, we can establish a uniform folk theorem, meaning that the discount factor and horizon length can vary independently over the relevant range. 1. Play a until period late, start 4.] 2. Play M-' 3. Play I 7^ 1 for pfc* for T — S. Then Q periods. [If player k R j deviates early, start 2; if player I deviates play e* until the end. periods. [If deviates late, start 4. Play //* until the end. 5. Play M^ [If player 4. j deviates, start some player If 1 T-S+ until period ^ [If set k <— j. j deviates early, restart 2; if player deviates late, start [v^J- Then 3.] player I 5.] Then return to step Then deviates, start 4.[ 7^ 1 1. play e* until the end. We proceed recursively. First choose Q, R, and S to ensure subgame perfection. 'Early' deviations are handled exactly as in the infinite horizon case. Thus (1) determines Q, while (2) must be modified because a We now a' (unless perchance a* = e*). require that Qu + for all k ^ ^ j. >P + RUk{pl) + {Q- RUkip'j) Given that a is as yet unspecified, Qu + RUkip]) >P + RUkipl) + {Q- we l)Ukia) + 1 (4) R satisfy shall instead insist that l)(2Ht - U,{pl)) + 1. (5) This will turn out to imply (4). Morever, a will be chosen so that the personalized punishment vector p^.* satisfies the analogue of condition (n) with respect to a, V/c G N. Thus, just as in Case A, the punishment interlude, steps 2 and 3, will deter deviations from step 1. Next, step 4 will deter all 'late' deviations by players / 7^ 1 so long as 5 is large enough that iQ for / alH +R+ 7^ 1. 7^ 1 strictly is y/S)iJ + (5 - VS)Ujie') This inequality obtains for >P + {Q + R + Sall sufficiently Qu + and since S grows faster than deviations by player 1 provided RUi{p\) + SUiie') > p + {S- + 1 (6a) large 5, because each plaj-er prefers e* to //*, a deterrent to late l)Uj{fJ) \fS. Similarly, step 5 VS)Ui{e') + 1 (6b) and SUi{e')>P + {S-y/S)Ui{e') + l. (6c) enough 5, inequalities (6a), (6b), and (6c) are valid. Given Q, R, and S as defined above, the above program is feasible if To > + R + S. Next, since a' G V*, there is some 77-neighbourhood around u entirely Clearly, for large Q contained within V*. Then 5 Tn-5 "u - let To be sufficiently large that U{e')\\ < min(77,min_,gNK- - Uj{p'j)]) (7a) so that ^'^~ for all < (5 1 -6^ _ ^T-s W"" - 1 \ T> and T > ^(^*)ll < min(r7,min,eNK- - (7b) Ujip])]) Tq. and introduce discounting just as in Case A, so that each all 6 G [<5o,l], for some 6q < 1. Define a implicitly by the target payoff equation (3a) or (3b). To verify that indeed U{a) G V*, (3a) and Finally, let Tq, deterrent remains strict for (3b) can be rewritten as T^[u-U{e')] f In light of (7a) and (7b), equation (8) Uk{a) I -Uk\< if both says that a 6 - min^g n[wj 6 = 1 V* and also that Uj{p'j)] (9) e N. By the triangle inequality, there are two immediate consequences of First, we may conclude that Uk{a) < 2uk — Uk{pl), so that (5) implies (4); and for all k (9). second, that Uk{a) - Uk{pl) both of which were asserted - - = Uk > [uk-Uk{pl)]-\Uk{a)-Uk\>0, Uk{pl) + Uk{a) Uk QED earlier. Case C: Overlapping Generations Games Smith (1990) considers a model of overlapping generations games 0LG(G;<5, T), in which in its most basic formulation a player dies and is replaced every T periods.^ Using the techniques developed for Case B, it is possible to render that folk theorem exact too. Moreover, its full-dimensionality condition can also be weakened to (P). — 3.3 — EXACT UNIFORM n-PLAYER OLG FOLK THEOREM Let u = so that {ui, T > . . . ,Un) 6 V*. To and 6 € [(5o, 1] => 0LG{G;6,T) < oo and ^o < 1 has a subgame perfect discounted Suppose that (P) holds. Then 3To average payoff u. A parallel proof of this result We is possible, but — is omitted. — remark that (P) is required here to payoff distinguish as elsewhere between players at the stage game level: In Cases A and B, this was the only tool at our disposal. But in overlapping generations games, because the players' tenures in the game do not coincide, we may also distinguish between them intertemporally. That is, we may await the death of specific players before rewarding or punishing ^Kandori (1990) describes a related model, but doesn't consider the uniform discussed below. folk theorem the others. ^° In the as yet unexplored arena of spatial games, one might distinguish among the players interspatially. This insight allows us to it method of (P) as just one 4. more generally think of awarding players separable payoff streams. CONCLUDING REMARKS games with n > 2 players have a full-dimensional payoff space is unnecessarily harsh. Although it must be noted that full-dimensionality has an obvious interpretation itself as an assumption of genericity, our new condition (P) can be easily seen to hold generically for the smaller class of (stage) games for whose The requirement that relevant — for — Such a class might prove economically instance, when the payoffs of all players or even of several coalitions payoff spaces have dimensions 2, 3, . , . . n 1. has constant sum. Not only is our condition (P) less stringent, emphasizes the fundamental basis of any two players to payoff distinguish be singled out one at a time, so that all Nash at once, it is but it is also strategies, that and not all pure overkill to more it is of them. natural. For it only necessary Deviants can insist that all punishers be rewarded in the stage game. Such a requirement ignores the wealth of available dynamic strategies a repeated game. in REFERENCES Abreu, D. and Condition, Benoit P. Dutta, Mimeo J. -P. A Folk Theorem for Discounted Repeated Games: A New (University of Rochester, Rochester, NY). and V. Krishna, 1985, Finitely Repeated Games, Econometrica 53, 905-922. Fudenberg, D. and E. Maskin, 1986, The Folk Theorem in Repeated Games with Discounting or with Incomplete Information, Econometrica 54, 533-554. Kandori, M., 1990, Repeated Games Played by Overlapping Generations of Players, forthcoming in Review of Economic Studies. Krishna, 1989, The Folk Theorems for Repeated Games, Mimeo 89-003, Harvard Business School. Rubinstein, A., 1979, Equilibrium in Supergames with the Overtaking Criterion, Journal of Economic Theory 21, Smith, L., 1990, Folk Theorems Games and Economic ^"The development of 1-9. in Overlapping Generations Games, forthcoming in Behavior. this idea is the substance of the non-uniform folk theorems of Smith (1990) and Kandori (1990). 8 5^58 79 Date Due ?-^-^v MIT 3 TDfiO UBRARIES DUP DD75b1t.5 7