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We consider a simple model of regime change that literature. In equilibrium, the policy maker is embeds many applications examined in the willing to take a costly policy action only for moderate fundamentals. Market participants can use this information to coordinate on different responses to the same policy choice, thus inducing policy traps, where the optimal policy and the resulting regime outcome are dictated by multiplicity, robust predictions the fundamentals, the policy and self-fulfilling can be made. The probability of regime change maker intervenes only this region shrinks as the information in the Key Words: market expectations. Despite equilibrium in is monotonic in a region of intermediate fundamentals, market becomes precise. strategic complementarities, global games, signaling, regime change, market expec- tations, policy. JEL Classification Numbers: C72, D70, D82, D84, E52, E61, F31. 'For encouragement and helpful comments, we are thankful to Daron Acemoglu, chetta, Gadi Barlevy, lison, Marco Bassetto, Nancy Stokey, Jean Tirole, Philippe Bac- Olivier Blanchard, Ricardo Caballero, V.V. Chari, Eddie Dekel, Paul Heidhues, Patrick Kehoe, Robert Lucas Morris, Andy Atkeson, Muhamet Jr., Yildiz, Ivan Glenn El- Narayana Kocherlakota, Kiminori Matsuyama, Stephen Werning, and seminar participants at AUEB, Berkeley, Carnegie-Mellon, Harvard, Iowa, Lausanne, LSE, Mannheim, MIT, Northwestern, Stanford, Stony Brook, Toulouse, UCLA, 2003 the Minneapolis Fed, the 2002 CEPR SED annual meeting, the 2002 ESSIM, and the 2003 SITE workshop. Email van@northwestern.edu. UPF workshop on coordination games, the addresses: angelet@mit.edu, chris@econ.ucla.edu, alepa- G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan As Mr. Greenspan prepares to give a critical new assessment of the monetary policy outlook in testimony to Congress on Wednesday, the central bank faces a difficult choice in grappling with the Street and cuts rates economic slowdown. If now ... it heeds the clamour from much of Wall risks being seen as panicky, jeopardizing its reputation for policy-making competence. But to develop it if it waits until even more powerful downward March momentum 20, it risks allowing the economy what could prove a crucial three in weeks. (Financial Times, February 27, 2001) Introduction 1 Economic news anxiously concentrate on the information that the competence and intensions of the policy maker, policy measures, how markets may interpret convey about and react to and whether government intervention can calm down animal markets to coordinate on desirable courses of actions. policy different policy choices spirits different and ease This paper investigates the ability of a maker to influence market expectations and control equilibrium outcomes in environments where market participants play a coordination game with heterogeneous information. A large number of economic interactions are characterized by strategic complementarities, can be modeled as coordination games, and often exhibit multiple expectations. Prominent examples include equilibria sustained by self-fulfilling bank runs (Diamond and Dybvig, 1983), currency (Obstfeld, 1986, 1996; Velasco, 1996), debt crises (Calvo, 1988; Cole and Kehoe, 1996), crises financial crashes (Freixas and Rochet, 1997; Chari and Kehoe, 2003a,b), and regime switches (Chamley, 1999). Strategic complementarities also arise in economies with production externalities (Bryant, 1983; Benhabib and Farmer, 1994), network externalities (Katz and Shapiro, 1985, 1986; Farell and Saloner, 1985), imperfect market competition (Milgrom and Roberts, 1990; Vives 1999), Keynesian frictions (Cooper and John, 1988; Kiyotaki, 1988), thick-market externalities (Diamond, 1982; Murphy, Shleifer and Vishny, 1989), restricted market participation (Azariadis, 1981), and incomplete financial markets (Bernanke and Gertler, 1989; Kiyotaki and Moore, 1997; Angeletos, 2003). l Other examples include lobbying, political reforms, revolutions, riots, and social change (Kuran, 1987; Atkeson, 2000; Battaglini and Benabou, 2003). Building on the global-games work of Carlsson and Van Damme (1993), Morris and Shin (1998, 2000, 2001) have recently argued that equilibrium multiplicity in such coordination environments 'An excellent overview of coordination games in macroeconomics is in Cooper (1999). Coordination and Policy Traps is often "the unintended consequence" of assuming of the game beliefs and actions 3 common knowledge of the payoff structure (the "fundamentals"), which implies that agents can perfectly forecast each others' in equilibrium. When instead different agents have different private information about the underlying fundamentals, perfect coordination on multiple courses of action possible. 2 no longer This argument has been elegantly illustrated by Morris and Shin (1998) in the context of self-fulfilling currency crises. willingness is and ability of the When speculators receive noisy idiosyncratic signals about the monetary authority to defend the currency (the fundamentals), a unique equilibrium survives, in which devaluation occurs and only if a critical state. This unique threshold in turn depends on all if the fundamentals fall below policy variables affecting the payoffs For example, raising domestic interest rates, imposing capital controls, or of the speculators. otherwise increasing the cost of attacking the currency, reduces the set of fundamentals for which devaluation occurs. Morris and Shin hence argue that, "in contrast to multiple equilibrium models, [their] model allows analysis of policy proposals directed at curtailing currency attacks." However, policy choices also convey information. For example, when the fundamentals are so weak that the collapse of the currency when measures. Similarly, and the currency faces inevitable, there is is no point no threat, there may permit is no need to act. we analyze endogenous participants), game of Morris who may sufficiently large. A The policy in a global coordination game. and Shin (1998). There status quo policy maker, weak nor too strong. This maker to fashion equilibrium outcomes. either attack the status or abstain from attacking. minuscule Therefore, whenever the policy maker model of regime change that embeds many applications examined currency crises is coordination on multiple courses of action in the market, thus interfering with the ability of the policy In this paper, adopting costly defense the fundamentals are so strong that the size of the attack intervenes, the market can infer that the fundamentals are neither too information in turn in who is is is We consider a simple in the literature, including the a large number of private agents (market quo (undertake actions that favor a regime change) abandoned if and only if the mass of agents attacking is interested in influencing the probability of regime change, controls a policy instrument that affects the agents' payoff from attacking. Let 9 parametrize the policy maker's willingness and ability to defend the status quo (the fundamentals). maker moves first, setting the policy on the basis of her knowledge of 9, The policy and agents move second, deciding whether to attack on the basis of their idiosyncratic noisy signals about 9 and their observation of the policy choice. In the context of speculative currency attacks, the status quo is a "See Morris and Shin (2001) for an extensive overview of the global-games literature. Earlier uniqueness results are also in Postlewaite and Vives (1987) and Chamley (1999). G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 4 may attempt currency peg, which the monetary authorities to defend by raising domestic interest rates or imposing capital controls; in industries with network externalities, a regime change can be interpreted as the adoption of a new technology standard, which the government encourage with appropriate subsidies or regulatory incentives; in the context of may wish to political change, the status quo corresponds to a dictator or some other sociopolitical establishment facing the risk of collapse if attacked by a large fraction of the society. The main result of the paper (Theorem 1) establishes that the endogeneity of the policy leads to multiple equilibrium policies and multiple coordination outcomes, even when the fundamentals modes Different equilibria are sustained by different are observed with idiosyncratic noise. coordination in the agents' response to the same policy choice, and such coordination is of possible only because a policy intervention signals that the fundamentals are neither too weak nor too strong. If private agents coordinate on the maker never in finds it same response to any level of the policy, the policy optimal to intervene. Hence, there always exists an inactive policy equilibrium, which the policy maker sets the same equilibrium in the continuation game. If policy for 9 all and private agents play the Morris-Shin instead private agents coordinate on a lenient continuation equilibrium (not attacking the status quo) when the policy maker raises the policy sufficiently high, and otherwise play an aggressive continuation equilibrium (attacking signals), the policy maker finds it [9*, 9**), below which a regime change occurs, are all maker reveals information that if and only if 9 < 9*. raises the Which equilibrium is spared from an attack, and the threshold 9* is determined by result thus manifests a kind of policy traps: which the policy maker equilibria, in and the regime collapses played, the level of the policy above which the regime the policy low private optimal to intervene for an intermediate range of fundamentals. Hence, there also exists a continuum of active-policy policy only for 9 6 for sufficiently self-fulfilling market expectations. This In her attempt to fashion the equilibrium outcome, market participants can use to coordinate on multiple courses of action, and finds herself trapped in a position where both the optimal policy and the regime outcome are dictated by arbitrary market sentiments. The second result of the paper (Theorem nificantly reduces the equilibrium set as 2) establishes that information heterogeneity sig- compared to common knowledge and predictions despite the existence of multiple equilibria. change is monotonic in the fundamentals, the policy In particular, the probability of a regime maker is "anxious to prove herself with a costly policy intervention only for an intermediate region of fundamentals, shrinks as the information in the market becomes precise. equilibria. What is enables meaningful more, none of these predictions could be and the "anxiety region" In essence, there made if is a unique class of the fundamentals were com- Coordination and Policy Traps mon 5 knowledge. Our results thus strike a delicate balance between equilibrium indeterminacy and predictive ability. In the benchmark model, the policy maker market expectations any given equilibrium. in sunspots on which market participants of the policy may now may faces no uncertainty about the aggressiveness of We relax this assumption in Section 5 by introducing condition their response to the policy lead to different coordination outcomes along the to currency crises, these results help reconcile the fact same The same level equilibrium. Applied documented by Kraay (2003) and others that raising interest rates or otherwise increasing the cost of attacking the currency does not systematically affect the likelihood or severity of a speculative attack - a fact that prima facie contradicts the policy prediction of Morris and Shin (1998). sense of the Financial Times quote: The market may be Moreover, these results help make equally likely to "interpret" a costly policy intervention either as a signal of strength, in which case the most desirable outcome may be attained, or as a signal of panic, in which case the policy maker's attempt to coordinate the market on the preferred course of action proves to be On The in vain. a more theoretical ground, this paper introduces signaling in global coordination games. receivers (private agents) use the signal (policy) as a coordination device to switch lenient and aggressive behavior Our in the signaling game. in the global coordination between game, thus inducing multiple equilibria policy traps are thus different from the multiplicity of equilibria in standard signaling games, which is sustained by different systems of out-of-equilibrium beliefs and is not robust to proper forward induction refinements. They are also different from the multiplicity in standard global coordination games with exogenous public signals (Morris and Shin, 2001; Hellwig, 2002). The fulfilling informational content of the policy expectations of the market. equilibria in the policy (signaling) is endogenous and Most importantly, our game, not the multiplicity is itself result is the result of the self- about the multiplicity of in the coordination game. Finally, our policy traps are different from the expectation traps that originate in the government's lack of commitment (Obstfeld, 1996; Chari, Christiano Christiano, 2002). Indeed, the policy particular policy, even The rest of the if maker need not have any incentive ex ante to commit to a that would ensure a unique equilibrium. paper rium concept. Section and Eichenbaum, 1998; Albanesi, Chari and is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the model and the equilib- 3 analyzes equilibria and Section 4 examines robust predictions. Section 5 introduces sunspots. Section 6 concludes. All formal proofs are confined to the Appendix. G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 6 The Model 2 Model Description 2.1 Consider an economy populated by a continuum of measure-one of private agents (also referred to market participants), indexed by as i and uniformly distributed over the two possible regimes, a status quo and an Each agent can choose between two alternative. (take an action that favors the status quo). In addition, there in defending the status We let is a policy maker quo and controls a policy instrument that Q £ 9 There are interval. actions, quo (take an action that favors a regime change) or abstain from attacking either attack the status attacking. 3 [0, 1] who interested is affects the agents' payoff from parametrize the strength of the status quo, or equivalently the policy maker's willingness and ability to defend the status quo against a potential attack. 9 is private information to the policy maker and corresponds to what Morris and Shin (1998) refer to as the "fundamentals" . For simplicity, we =R let and the common prior shared by the private agents be a degenerate uniform. 4 The game has on In stage 9. 2, three stages. In stage 1, the policy maker learns 9 and sets the policy contingent each agent decides whether to attack after observing the policy choice and after receiving a noisy private signal X{ = + e^ 9 about precision of the agents' private information about 9 and independent The 9. and of 9, with absolutely continuous c.d.f. £, $ scalar e G (0, oo) parametrizes the is Finally, in stage 3, the policy i.i.d. and density continuously differentiable over the entire real line (unbounded [— 1,+1] (bounded support). noise, full tp across private agents strictly positive and support) or a closed interval maker observes the aggregate size of the attack, denoted by A, and decides whether to maintain or abandon the status quo. The payoffs for a private agent an agent who decides to attack for otherwise. Letting a 1 is decides not to attack are normalized to zero. > b in the denote the probability agent regime changes, agent this who i's payoff is = a u (ai,D) = given by Ui z r We 4 the = c/(b + c) G (0, 1) abandoned and — c < attacks the regime and i [Db+ (1 — D)(-c)]. Up D the probability the to a linear transformation, results hold for game remains common any interval "global." We a l (D -r), parametrizes the agent's cost of attacking. For simplicity, we assume adopt the convention of female pronouns Our general is payoff equivalent to is where l event the status quo The 0CK and refer to for the policy any Morris and Shin (2001) priors in global coordination games. maker and masculine pronouns for the agents. and continuous density over 0, provided that strictly positive for a discussion of the role of degenerate uniform and Coordination and Policy Traps the policy maker controls r directly. We = 1Z let the cost associated with raising the policy at level The status quo against an attack of size A. U(r,A,D,e) V is increasing in 9 and decreasing simplify the exposition, abandoned and x = x < x for in stage 3 sup {x it is : if and only dominant > 9\x) for if 0} A . > x policy, C(r) and V(9, A) the net value of defending the C is increasing in r, exceeds and 9. < For 9 it is be the domain of the thus given by is = (l-D)V(6,A)-C(r). and both V(9,A) let Define 9 = 0, 9 V : , > is inevitable 9 no attack dominant not to attack. The is To are continuous. = 9 — A. Hence, the status quo is = 1, x = inf {x Pr(f9 < 9\x) < 1} Similarly, for 9 the "critical range" of fundamentals for which the regime C and 9 the collapse of the regime an agent to attack. regime change and thus for x r, (0, 1) policy maker's payoff we normalize C(r) — < Pr(9 in A, C [r,f] 7 interval and thus can ever trigger a [9, 9] thus represents sound hut vulnerable to a sufficiently large attack. 2.2 Model Discussion and Applications Many of the simplifying assumptions in the the policy maker may model are not For example, essential for the results. favor a regime change instead of the status quo. Similarly, the cost of the policy could depend on the fundamentals and the reaction of the market, and the value of preserving the status quo could depend on the level of the policy. Moreover, the policy have private information about that the continuation game strategic complementarities model 9, but this information need not perfect. Finally, following the policy choice is irrelevant. essentially reduces to a two-stage is it maker must is important a coordination game, but the source of Indeed, although described as a three-stage game, the game, where in the first stage the policy maker information about 9 and in the second stage private agents play a global coordination response to the action of the policy maker. broad class of coordination Currency Crises. 6 In short, we suggest if Note that x 8 were 6 = common 8 — e may game well fit in a environments. Below we discuss two concrete examples. Let the status quo be a currency peg, the private agents be speculators, and the policy maker be a central bank. Each speculator 5 that our analysis signals and x knowledge, = 8 + e if £ has bounded x = 8 and x = 8. is endowed with a unit support, whereas x = — oo and x = +00 if of wealth. Let £ has full support; Stage 3 in our game serves only to introduce strategic complementarities in the actions of the private agents. All the results would hold true if the status quo were exogenously abandoned whenever ^4 exceeds 8. G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 8 a. ( be the fraction of wealth that speculator i converts to foreign currency and invests abroad (equivalently, the probability he attacks the peg) with the size of the speculative attack. Denote D the probability of devaluation, 5 the domestic interest rate, 5* devaluation premium, and payoff of a speculator Ui Up A and = t the foreign interest rate, the transaction cost associated with investing abroad. 7r the The expected then given by is - (1 Oi){l + 5) to a linear transformation, this monetary authority may increase r + is + 6* Oi[D(l +7T equivalent to Ui - 1) + = a.i(D - (1 — £>)(1 r), + 5* where r - = £)]. (S — by raising domestic interest rates or transaction + t)/ir. The costs. Let C{r) 5* represent the cost of such policies, 9 the bank's willingness and ability to defend the currency, and = V(9,A) the bank —A is the net value of maintaining the peg against an attack of size A. U= thus directly into the (1 — D)V(9,A) — We C(r). model of regime change of reduce to that of Morris and Shin (1998); payoff of conclude that speculative currency attacks this paper. If r if The in addition 9 were exogenously were common fixed, the map game would knowledge, the game would reduce to that of Obstfeld (1986, 1996). Revolutions and Political Reforms. lishment) who can be overturned the regime. If only There a dictator (or some other sociopolitical estab- is a sufficiently large fraction of the population raises against if the revolution succeeds, the citizens who supported enjoy the benefits associated it with democracy and freedom, as well as the moral satisfaction of having done the right thing. Those who instead supported the dictator or face sanctions from the and may s > new may regime; the potential sanctions. On free ride on some benefits but may also loose some > m> let b denote the benefits, the other hand, imprison, torture, and punish the rebels, and if may the revolution This is = D [(n{b + m) + thus - a r ) (6 again strategically equivalent to u r represent the cost of V(9,A) (1 = 9 —A U — (1 — = more sever punishments - s)) + (1 - D) ai(D-r), where i We is repressed, the dictator [a t r (-p) = (p + (1 - a*) q] + q)/{p + q + s + m). Let C{r) to the rebels or higher rewards to the supporters The and payoff of the dictator is conclude that this game also maps into our model. For a more detailed discussion about the value of maintaining the peg and the costs of defensive Drazen (2001). p thus is the net value of repressing a revolution of size A. D)V(9,A) — C(r). the moral satisfaction, favor and reward the supporters; let denote the penalties and q the rewards. The payoff of citizen uz rights policies, see Coordination and Policy Traps 9 Equilibrium Definition 2.3 we In the analysis that follows, sitive to restrict attention to perfect Bayesian equilibria that are not sen- whether the idiosyncratic noise in the observation of the fundamentals has bounded or unbounded We support. (full) refer to equilibria that This refinement imposes no restriction on the of the information structure as robust equilibria. precision of private information and, as we can be sustained under both specifications explain in Section 4, only eliminates strategic effects that depend critically on the support of the signals. A Definition 1 r(9) perfect Bayesian equilibrium is a set of functions r,a,A,D,fi, such that: e &vgmaxU(r,A(9,r),D(9,A(9,r),r),9); (1) +oo max f u(r, a, D a6[0,l] a(x,r) G arg (9,A(9,r),r))du(9\x,r) and A(9,r) = J D(9,A,r) earg max U(r,A,D,9) and D(9) = — = [9 Definition 2 A where Q(x) same the for : ip all 6 (^7^) perfect (2) (3)' v - G(x) and u(9\x,r) €" > 0} is satisfies Bayes' rule for any r G r(0(x)), (4) the set of fundamentals 9 consistent with signal x. Bayesian equilibrium probability of regime change robust is D{9) can idiosyncratic noise in the agents' observation of r(8) (^) dx; D(9,r(9),A(9,r(9)); £>e[o,i) fi(6\x,r) a(x,r)ip _ OQ Q if and only if the be sustained with both same policy r(0) and bounded and unbounded 9. the equilibrium policy, u(9\x,r) the agent's posterior beliefs, a(x,r) the agent's best is response, A(9, r) the corresponding size of an attack, 8 and D{8) the equilibrium probability of regime change. Conditions whereas condition (1), in follows, we if (3) guarantee that strategies are sequentially optimal, never assign positive measure to fundamentals 9 that and are pinned down by Bayes' (1987). A perfect Bayesian equilibrium satisfies the intuitive criterion test no 9 would be better off by choosing r ^ beliefs that assign positive dominated and only in equilibrium; that That A(9,r) = °° f_ is, if —-) dx a(x,r)il> (- if if r{9) should private agents' reaction not be sustained by out-of-equilibrium 8 rule along the equilibrium path. In also verify that all robust equilibria satisfy the intuitive criterion, first introduced Cho and Kreps and only and (4) requires that beliefs are not compatible with signal x what (2) measure to types for U (9) > U (r,A(9,r), D(9,A(9,r),r),9) whom r is for all 9, r, represents the fraction of agents attacking the status quo follows directly from the Law of Large Numbers when there are countable infinitely many agents; with a continuum, see Judd (1985). G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 10 and A(9,r) satisfying 6 for to whom r (2) with dominated is € A4(r), where U(9) /j, and A4(r) in equilibrium, any 9 € 6(r) whenever 0(r) is is the equilibrium payoff, Q(r) is the set of the set of beliefs that assign zero measure 0(x). 9 C Policy Traps 3 Exogenous versus Endogenous Policy 3.1 Suppose moment a for to that of Morris that the policy and Shin (1998), in exogenously is which case iterated deletion of Proposition (Morris-Shin) In 1 the global coordination a unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium, in which status quo is abandoned and only if if thresholds dominated strategies strictly beliefs. with exogenous policy, there exists an agent attacks < 6ms- The 9 game Our model then reduces r. if and only xms and 6ms if x < Xms an d the & re decreasing in r are defined by MS = l-r = . An Thus, agent finds xms lM g~ ty = unique equilibrium profile and a unique system of equilibrium selects a and fixed, say at r ( ) solves r it optimal to attack = 1 — I MS . 9( and only The (5) y if r < n(D(6) = l\x) = 1 fraction of private agents attacking - * is I x - u ms then A(6) = J • It follows that the status 6ms = A(0ms) — ^ ( XM f~ The higher the that IA/g ~ \I/ if XMS - 9Ms xms and 9ms e ) . quo is abandoned if and only Combining the above conditions cost r, the less attractive it is for if 6 < 6ms, where 6ms solves gives (5). an agent to attack the status quo. are decreasing functions of r, which suggests that the policy It follows maker should be able to reduce the likelihood and severity of an attack simply by undertaking policies that reduce the individual payoff from attacking the regime. Indeed, that would be the end of the story policy did not convey any information to the market. However, since raising r maker will not intervene signals that 6 is if the collapse of the regime not too low. On is sufficiently high, in which case there is Formally, 6(r) M{r)}, wherejW(r) = = {9 such that {fi U (0) > U satisfying (4) and hence any policy intervention faces at when most a small attack when 6 no need to take costly policy measures. Therefore, any attempt to defend the status quo by raising r 9 maker the costly, the policy the other hand, as long as private agents do not attack their private signals are sufficiently high, the policy is inevitable, is if is correctly interpreted by the market as a signal of (r,A(9,r), D{6, A(0,r),r),0) for any A(0,r) satisfying (2) with and such that fi{8\x,r) = for any 9 e 6(r) if Q{r) C Q(x)}. ji G Coordination and Policy Traps 11 intermediate fundamentals, 10 in which case coordination on either an aggressive or a lenient course of action becomes possible. Different maker and policy Theorem 1 modes of coordination then create different incentives for the result in different equilibrium policies. (Policy Traps) In the global coordination game with endogenous multiple perfect Bayesian equilibria for any e (a) There minimizing r* G € 9* an equilibrium in which the policy maker [6* , 9**}, and the status quo is abandoned and only if 9 < 9ms- sets either r or r* if = Let r solve C(r) and only if 9 ^ < 1 — the policy , 9* , for any r; is raised where = is independent of e and can take any value in [9,9ms], whereas the threshold 9** C(r*) and = 9** All the above equilibria are robust, strategies for the agents that are policy if sets the policy at its cost- 9* 9* increasing in e and converges to 9* as e —* The abandoned is a continuum, of active-policy equilibria: is (r,r\, there is The threshold is and the status quo level r for all 6 at r* only for 9 0. an inactive-policy equilibrium: The policy maker is There (b) > policy, there exist maker is +e U/' 1 (l - ^0*) - (0*)1 (6) . 0. and can satisfy the intuitive criterion, monotonic in be supported by x. thus subject to policy traps, which contrasts with the policy conjecture of Morris and Shin. In her attempt to use the policy so as to fashion the equilibrium outcome, the policy maker reveals information that facilitates coordination market and hence on multiple courses of action in the finds herself trapped in a situation where the optimal policy and the eventual fate of the regime are dictated by the arbitrary aggressiveness of the market expectations. The proof of Theorem 1 follows from Propositions 2 and With endogenous policy, the in the next two sections. Morris-Shin outcome survives as a perfect-pooling equilibrium. Proposition 2 (Perfect Pooling) There policy maker 9ms is a robust inactive policy equilibrium, in which the sets r for all 9, private agents attack if level of the policy, if which we present Inactive Policy Equilibrium 3.2 10 3, and the status quo is abandoned if and only and only if if 9 x < xms-, independently of the < 9ms- The thresholds xms an d are defined as in (5). This interpretation of the information conveyed by an active policy intervention r > r follows from Bayes' rule the observed level of the policy otherwise. is on the equilibrium path, and from forward induction (the intuitive criterion) G.M. Angeletos, 12 The construction and C of this equilibrium on the vertical one. Since Hellwig and A. Pavan C. illustrated in Figure is 1. maker in equilibrium the policy 8 is on the horizontal = r is isomorphic to the Morris-Shin game. The threshold between the value of defending the status quo = 8 M s- The r solve C(r) for all 9 > 9ms- deviation to and only Hence, any deviation to some < 9 8' equilibrium by r equilibrium payoff r' 6 {r,r\ and C(r') if and > and only if the market "learns" that 8 r', 9 ^ if [0' U{9) is r' and the > r is = and only € [6',8"}. n Since 9 if Hence, ,0"\. for all 9 = 8' if > 8 9ms € 8ms is game the point of intersection U{8) = x < xms for any r > r, in which case it is Consider a A(9",r). Note that C{r') which implies that , = 8- A(8,r) > in equilibrium for all 8. C(r') 9" < 9 MS and r' is > 9 dominated if in G [8\8"\ and the policy maker deviates to [9', 6"], one can construct beliefs that are compatible with the intuitive criterion and for which private agents continue to attack if starting (cost of the) size of the attack A(9,r). Let dominated and 8" solve let 8' A(9,r) 8 A sets r for all 8, the observation of r conveys no information about the fundamentals, in which case the continuation after r axis, pointless for the policy maker if and only to ever raise the policy. (See Appendix for the specification of beliefs and the proof of robustness.) Insert Figure Clearly, any system of beliefs and 1 here strategies such that A(8,r) policy inaction as an equilibrium: If the size of the attack can do no better than setting r(8) = r for all 9. Note is > A(0,r) for non-decreasing in r, all r > r sustains the policy maker also that a higher level of the policy increases the agents' cost of attacking the status quo and, other things equal, reduces the agents' incentive to attack. In an inactive-policy equilibrium, however, this payoff effect probability agents attach to a regime change. The particular beliefs is offset we consider by the higher in the proof of Proposition 2 have the property that these two effects just offset each other, in which case private agents use the same strategy on and off the equilibrium path and condition their behavior only on their private information. It is then as if the market does not pay any attention to the actions of the policy maker. 1 " Throughout, the expression "the market learns beliefs among the agents given that Y is common X by observing V"" means that the event X becomes common knowledge; see Monderer and Samet (1989) and Kajii and Morris (1995). '"Moreover, private agents do not need to learn how to behave off the equilibrium path; they simply continue to play the same strategy they learned to play in equilibrium. Coordination and Policy Traps Active Policy Equilibria 3.3 The following proves the existence of robust active-policy equilibria in which the policy r* for every 9 € equilibrium in which the policy attack if if 9 9*. maker r* and x The thresholds 9* and if either r two-threshold equilibrium exists The construction if < x* or x , < r* G ifr* G quo by market participants as a and only if < x if and only if the cost of facing a small and unsuccessful attack A(9,r) C(r*) = > 9* C{r*). The and C(r*) = is i.e., Combining the three beliefs that satisfy optimal. (See A{9**,r) = * 1 f^ ^ namely r 11 = )- On if it (9, 9ms}- G (r, r\. r* interpreted inactive- x < sets r > and only maker if optimal to raise 9 > C(r*), but not so strong that the other hand, the threshold x* solves the u(D(9) l\x*,r) = (i(0 < 9*\x\r) = l\x*,r), !_# indifference conditions gives (6). -# where ' 1*1=2-) + One can then q. ^)" construct out-of-equilibrium the intuitive criterion and for which the strategy of the agents Appendix is A lower than the cost of a policy intervention, 1 H(D(9) r r. thresholds 9* and 9** are thus determined by the indifference conditions indifference condition of the agent, = G and the fundamentals are strong enough that the net value of maintaining the status quo offsets the cost of the policy, i.e., > x) whenever the policy Anticipating this reaction by market participants, the policy maker finds the policy from r to r* if 9* if = 9*\x*,r) Take any policy equilibrium, private agents switch from playing aggressively (attacking if < But contrary to the signal of intermediate fundamentals. x*) to playing leniently (attacking abandoned and only illustrated in Figure 2. is is and x* solves n{9 (r, r\ or, equivalently, if of a two-threshold equilibrium a robust two-threshold Like in the inactive policy equilibrium, the observation of any policy choice r r*. raised at and r otherwise; private agents x; finally, the status 9** are given by (6), and only (r,r\, there is [9*, 9**} G sets r* for all 9 < and only < is [9*, 9**}. Proposition 3 (Two-Threshold Equilibria) For any only 13 for the specification of beliefs is sequentially and the proof of robustness.) Insert Figure 2 here In any two-threshold equilibrium, the exact fundamentals never What 9 fi the market "learns" from equilibrium policy observations [9* ,9**], but this is enough is become common knowledge. only whether 9 G [#*,#**] or to facilitate coordination on different courses of action. G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 14 For any whereas the threshold 9* below which the status quo r*, 9** Note C (r*) = A (9**,r) at 9**. The > we , latter is = 9** — is equilibrium exists if and only 0** , in and therefore x*\9**), which and only Obviously, A9(r*) . A9(r*) > 0. and A9(r*) > By = 9** if = 9ms- and only It if 9* < 9ms- The = and only £ (n, r], will establish that these properties or equivalently, extend to < r. between attacking and non But A9(r) . A two-threshold if = if and only (essentially) the Morris-Shin = 9ms = follows that r solves C(r) r* 9**\x*). Therefore, the monotonicity of A9(r*), there exists at most is if > also continuous in r* is which case the continuation game following r 9* if also increases with r*. It follows that r* 0, 9ms] dictated by market also equal to Pr(0 is if equilibrium exists we = if At the policy maker's indifference conditions, 9* must be that Pr(# < 9*\x*) it decreasing in r* one r such that A9(r) 4, if 9**\x*) increases with r*. For a marginal agent to be indifferent 9* = < given by Pr(z = r, becomes more a smaller range of fundamentals. (9, e, a higher r* raises both the threshold 9* and the size of the attack infer that attacking conditional on r A9(r*) From the as follows. is independent of is private information also that a two-threshold equilibrium exists intuition behind this result 0* for As 0. » the equilibrium policy has a spike at an arbitrary threshold 9* € expectations. Pr(# — 9* as e » maker needs to intervene only precise, the policy limit, — increasing in e and 9** is abandoned is and only 1 if — £ and 9* if game a two-threshold G {9,9ms]- In Section robust equilibria of the game. all Finally, note that there are other strategies for the private agents that also sustain the same two-threshold equilibria. For example, we could have assumed private agents coordinate on the most aggressive continuation equilibrium (attack market expectations (r ^ r, r*). if and only if re < x) whenever the policy does not meet Nonetheless, the beliefs and strategies 3 have the appealing property that the private agents follow the r < r* and the same lenient behavior "ignore" any attempt of the policy play exactly as 3.4 We if there had been no for any r > maker that falls r* . It is we consider in Proposition same aggressive behavior then as if for any market participants simply short of market expectations and continue to intervention. Discussion conclude this section with a few remarks about the role of coordination, signaling, and com- mitment in our environment. First, consider environments where the market does not play a coordination game in response to the policy maker, such as when the policy maker (sender) interacts with a single representative agent Coordination and Policy Traps (receiver). 13 15 In such environments, the policy can be non-monotonic if the receivers have access to exogenous information that allows to separate very high from very low types of the sender (Feltovich, Harbaugh and To, 2002). Moreover, multiple out-of-eqmlibrmm equilibria could possibly be supported paper does not depend single receiver. in any The comparison and only if contrary, the multiplicity way on the critical is sharp if we consider with a single agent would have the latter attacking abandoned To the if 9 < 9. if e — > The 0. and only if Second, consider environments where there is no limit of all equilibria of the < x if market participants observe fundamentals. The 1, where the threshold the kind of multiplicity in that literature. signaling, such as standard global coordination Theorem The 1, however, policy in our is in the market. Moreover, Theorem of multiple continuation equilibria in the coordination public signal; it is rather about game about the underlying substantially different from is endogenous, as 1 is how endogenous market coordination the existence of policy traps the essence of it is exhibit multiple it signal depends not about the possibility that follows a given realization of the endogeneity of the policy leads to multiple equilibria in the policy other words, may model does generate a public about the fundamentals. Yet, the informational content of this signal on the particular equilibrium played 9* (9, 9 ms]- sufficiently informative public signals multiplicity of equilibria of game and the status quo being 9, games. As shown in Morris and Shin (2001) and Hellwig (2002), these games equilibria environments with a arise in Contrast this with the result in Theorem below which the regime changes can take any value in we have specification of out-of-equilibrium merely in endogenous coordination, and would not beliefs, originates different However, a unique equilibrium would typically survive the intuitive beliefs. criterion or other proper forward induction refinements. identified in this by game Theorem that is facilitated (the signaling by the game) . In 1. Third, note that endogenous policy choices introduce a very specific kind of signal. The ob- servation of r > this particular kind of information that restores the ability of the market to coordinate on different r reveals that the courses of action. icy itself is fundamentals are neither too weak nor too strong, and In this respect, an interesting extension observed with noise. It can be shown that all is it is to consider the possibility the pol- equilibria of Theorem 1 are robust to the introduction of small bounded noise in the agents' observation of the policy, independently of whether the noise is aggregate or idiosyncratic. Lastly, consider the role of commitment. the policy maker moves 13 14 first, See, for example, the seminal The proof of this claim is Note that policy traps arise in our environment because revealing information which market participants use to coordinate work by Spence (1973) or the currency-crises example by Drazen (2001). upon request. available G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 16 their response to the policy choice. This raises the question of whether the policy maker would be better off committing to a certain level of the policy before observing To continuation equilibrium in the coordination game. optimal, suppose the idiosyncratic noise £ has commits ex ante to some be abandoned will if full if < 9 = 1— 9{r) 7-; Hence, the ex ante payoff from committing to r Uc = maxr [/(r) and 9C = mm{9(r c)\r c {r*,9*,9**) the policy 9 > 9**, e (6, 9, is 9 C ) necessarily leads to when long as she is perfect = Ud Pv(9 Ud > commitment > is the policy maker If 0. = all Pr(0 If 9 > > ?(r))E[0|0 9(r), A(9, r) > instead the policy > similar 0, 9** -> 9* — as e > - 9(r)} maker — > 0. 15 C{r). Let retains the and A(9,r) -> a negligible measure of for 6>*)E [9\9 Uc A . *• not necessarily the ex ante payoff depends on the particular equilibrium meaning the policy maker pays C(r*) only that, even U(r) maker expects to be played. 16 As e -> ex ante value of discretion 9* moreover, for is — is a cost C(r) and ensures that the status quo 6 argmax r U(r)}. option to fashion the policy contingent on commitment support and consider e level of the policy r, she incurs and only see that thus inducing a unique 9, 9*] . But note that argument holds possible, the policy maker not too pessimistic about future market sentiments. 1 6C 9. It > 9 for all follows that the and therefore any for arbitrary e. We will prefer discretion conclude ex ante as ' Robust Predictions 4 Propositions 2 and 3 Theorem 1, left open the possibility that there also exist equilibria outside the which would only strengthen our argument that policy endogeneity two classes of facilitates coordination on multiple courses of action and leads to policy traps. Nonetheless, we market are also interested in identifying equilibrium predictions that are not unduly sensitive to the particular assumptions about the underlying information structure of the game. We first note that, when the noise has unbounded full support, for any r* G (r,r] one can construct a one-threshold equilibrium, in which private agents threaten to attack the status quo whenever they observe any r < 15 These results follow r* from Proposition Note that the payoff for the policy , 1, no matter how high their private signal replacing r with an arbitrary The above argument assumes commitment however, is true in the case of r. maker associated with the pooling equilibrium of Proposition payoff associated with the two-threshold equilibrium in which 9' 11 thus forcing the x, commitment = 9ms- to a fixed uncontingent level of the policy. to a contingent policy rule. If the policy about the aggressiveness of market expectations, she will 2 equals the maker continue to prefer discretion. is A similar argument, sufficiently optimistic Moreover, a contingent policy rule, unlike a fixed uncontingent policy, does not necessarily induce a unique continuation equilibrium in the coordination game. trap. As a result, the optimal policy rule itself may be indeterminate, resulting in another sort of policy Coordination and Policy Traps 9* > = 9* 17 policy maker beliefs such that market participants interpret any failure of the policy maker to raise the policy to raise the policy at r* for all 9 as a signal that the status the fundamentals. quo to intervene, in which case the noise implies that for On > 9 all and [#i, 2 ]U[0 3 6> 4] same and >x = 9 + e noise has private agents find ^ r' bounded support, otherwise, where and the noise the market "learns" whether 9 € [#i,#2] or 9 € to separate different subsets of types Theorem is sustained by the policy maker if it necessarily true dominant not to attack, which may be it is fails r. possible for the market to = For example, suppose that the policy maker sets r{9) policy. r(9) [93,94] are sufficiently apart the ones in x even the policy maker faces no attack and hence sets when the , sufficiently high one-threshold equilibria disappear. Indeed, this all +e x the other hand, any 9 G C(r*). This threat be abandoned independently of their private information about when they observe bounded: For x apart types that set the tell for is where seems more plausible, however, that market participants remain confident It that the regime will survive when will , who is < < 92 < 9 2 +2s bounded, whenever [#3, #4]. set the 1 93 < 4 . Since [9 1 , r' 92] observed in equilibrium, r' is In principle, the possibility for the market same policy may lead to equilibria different from However, this possibility criticaUy depends on small bounded noise and 1. disappears with large bounded or unbounded supports, whatever the precision of the noise. It is these considerations that motivated the refinement in Definition 2. Robustness only eliminates strategic effects that are unduly sensitive to whether the support of the signals or unbounded. The following then provides the converse to Theorem Theorem 2 (Robust Equilibria) Every the two classes of The game. Theorem intuition for If all 9 set r, we have 2 1. robust perfect Bayesian equilibrium belongs to one of is as follows. Consider any perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the perfect pooling. Otherwise, let = M{9 be, respectively, the lowest bounded 1. Theorem 9' is : r(9) > r} and 9" = sup{9 : r(9) > and highest type who take a costly policy r} action. Since there is no aggregate uncertainty, the policy maker can perfectly anticipate whether the status quo will be abandoned when she to no regime change. sets r It and hence is willing to pay the cost of a policy r follows that any equilibrium observation of r > the status quo will be maintained and induces any agent not to attack. > r only if this leads r necessarily signals that If there were more than one r above r played in equilibrium, and the noise were unbounded, the policy maker could always save the status quo by setting the lowest equilibrium r above r. Since C(r) is strictly increasing, it G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 18 most one r above r follows that at the policy and define 9* and 9** as in 9 < 6*. Hence, in played in any robust equilibrium. Let r* denote this level of is Theorem any robust equilibrium, would necessarily set 9' Obviously, > 1. 6* . If never pays to raise the policy for any it the noise were bounded, < Hence, in any robust equilibrium, 9" r. oo. > x+e = 9 all Compare now + 2e 9 the strategy of the private agents in any such equilibrium with the strategy in the corresponding two-threshold equilibrium. Note that a regime change never occurs for 9 by setting r herself a positive payoff then the incentives to attack 9 < 9*. Similarly, if the observation of r for all 9 € and r(6) = [8*, 9"]. = r*. If when observing > the status quo preserved also for is r is less some € < 9 9 G [9*, 6"], which, by definition of 9**, possible is = 1 then [9*, 6"), for all 9 and only if = 9" if 9* for all informative of regime change than in the case where r{9) Hence, private agents are most aggressive at r when D{9) r* for all 9 some than when a regime change occurs r are lower the policy maker does not raise the policy at r* for = maker can guarantee 9* as the policy = r* < 9* 9**. Equivalently, the size of the attack A(9,r) in the two-threshold equilibrium corresponding to r* represents an upper is played. this r* < It bound on the size of the attack in follows that, in any robust equilibrium, 9" < 9**. Since 9** immediately rules out the possibility of equilibria in which r* r, > r. < On 9* in which r* > r, whenever r* the other hand, for any we have 9* It any active-policy equilibrium follows that the anxiety region of is monotonic 2 permits us to By 2. 9**. is abandoned for all 9 to intervene; < 9* and that Second, the probability of regime change < it is 9' = < 9* 9\js, then only is lower in any active- for this, in which case there is no value a small range of moderate fundamentals that the agents are likely to be "uncertain" or "confused" about the eventual fate of the regime, and is thus only for moderate fundamentals that the policy maker policy action. is 9ms)- Third, when the fundamentals are either very weak or very strong, private agents can easily recognize maker of the predictions: First, the probability of regime change policy equilibrium than under inactive policy (9* for the policy bounded by the anxiety region (See Appendix.) make robust in the fundamentals. < iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies, one necessarily which completes the proof of Theorem Theorem 9" any robust equilibrium corresponding two-threshold equilibrium. can also show that the status quo <9' < is it "anxious" to undertake a costly Fourth, the "anxiety region" shrinks as the precision of the agents' information increases. In the limit, the policy converges to a spike around the threshold below which a regime Coordination and Policy Traps 19 change occurs. 18 Corollary Q z£ 9* The limit of any robust equilibrium as e for any arbitrary 9* G , The above (9, 9ms], and the status quo Proposition 4 the fundamentals were if (Common Knowledge) perfect equilibrium if and only if regime outcome D{9) of any shape over shape is, if 9 were [9, 9] [9,9]. The equilibrium These [9,9] can For example, and need not be monotonia subset of 9 for 9 G is abandoned if is r{9) and only if = 9 r for all < 9* would have been impossible to make any knowledge. = 0. [9, 9] A policy r(9) can be part of a subgame and be part of a = r(9) r for 9 ^ [9, 9]. Similarly, a subgame perfect equilibrium. knowledge, the equilibrium policy r(9) could take essentially any in the critical range [9,9]. non-monotonicities. in common common Suppose e C (r(9)) < it such that the policy is > predictions are intuitive. Nevertheless, of these predictions That — could have multiple discontinuities and multiple it probability of regime change D{9) could also take any shape For example, the status quo could be abandoned results contrast sharply with our results in Theorem 2. We for any conclude that introducing idiosyncratic noise in the observation of the fundamentals does reduce significantly common knowledge the equilibrium set as compared to the The global-game methodology case. thus maintains a strong selection power even in our multiple-equilibria environment and enables meaningful predictions that would have been impossible otherwise. Remark Theorem 2 leaves open the possibility that there exist active-policy equilibria different from the two-threshold equilibria of Proposition only for a subset of [9* , 9**]. 3, namely equilibria in which the policy is active This possibility, however, does not affect any of the predictions men- tioned above and can be ruled out by imposing monotonicity of the strategy of the agents in their private information. Monotonicity ratio property 18 An (MLRP), that is, is guaranteed when the noise when V '(C)/V'(0 J interesting implication of the Corollary is is decreasing in that, in the limit, all satisfies £. the monotone likelihood (See Appendix.) active-policy equilibria are observationally equivalent to the inactive-policy equilibrium in terms of the level of the policy, although they are very different in terms of the regime outcome. An econometrician basis of information on the fundamentals unobservable market sentiments arises if and the may then policy. fail An to predict the probability of regime change on the even sharper dependence of observable outcomes on one introduces sunspots, as we discuss in the next section. G.M. Angeletos, 20 C. Hellwig and A. Pavan Uncertainty over the Aggressiveness of Market Expectations 5 The assumed the policy maker was able analysis so far to anticipate perfectly the aggressiveness of market expectations, which we identify with the threshold r* at which private agents switch from an aggressive to a lenient response to the policy. In reality, however, market expectations are hard to predict, even To capture may when known the underlying economic fundamentals are perfectly this kind of uncertainty, we introduce payoff-irrelevant sunspots, to the policy maker. on which private agents condition their reaction to the policy maker. Instead of modelling explicitly the sunspots, assume directly that r* realization of r* a random variable with common knowledge among is maker when she is sets the policy, in $ c.d.f. TV C over a compact support the private agents, but which case random variation is unknown The Tt. to the policy random in r* leads to we variation in the probability of regime change for given policy. Different sunspot equilibria are associated with different distributions (<P,TZ*) and result in different equilibrium policies r(9). Proposition 5 (Sunspot Equilibria) Take any random (r,r) and distribution $. Fore 9** {9*, 9) £ and r(9) £ TV < The sunspot of Proposition 9* , > 3. The active only for 9**. Finally, 9* is [9*, 9**]; independent of = sets r(9) the status quo £ (9,6ms) & n d r for 9 e, whereas 9** — » ^ [9*, 9**], abandoned with is 9* as e [9*, 9**], — > and 0. in the fundamentals, the pol- an intermediate range of fundamentals, and this range vanishes as e —> 0. represents the set of response whenever r is < random thresholds r* is r* such that private agents coordinate and on a lenient one whenever r > r* . When 9 < 9* , on an aggressive raising the policy to too costly compared to the expected value of defending the status quo, in which case the policy maker finds [9* ,9*"\, it of a regime change. in the it optimal to set r and a regime change occurs with certainty. pays to raise the policy at some level in TV so as to lower the probability Since the value from defending the status quo range [9*, 9**]. Finally, for 9 > When is 9**, the size of increasing in 9, so the attack at r is is that e is sufficiently small is not essential; construction of these equilibria (see the Appendix). it ensures 8" < 9, the so small that the policy maker prefers the cost of such an attack to the cost of a policy intervention. The assumption is monotonic probability of regime change TV optimal policy The policy maker TV C equilibria of Proposition 5 are qualitatively similar to the two-threshold equilibria is instead 9 £ there exist thresholds 9* with probability less than one and non-increasing in 9 for 9 £ icy TV that: 13 with r(9) non- decreasing in 9 for 9 £ never abandoned for 9 level in sufficiently small, and a robust equilibrium such certainty for 9 any > variable r* with compact support The which we use only to simplify the Coordination and Policy Traps 21 thresholds 6* and 6** are again given by the relevant indifference conditions for the policy maker, but differ from the ones we derived in the absence of sunspots. and the complete proof of the above proposition are provided With random The in the definition of the thresholds Appendix. 20 variation in the aggressiveness of market expectations, policy traps take an even stronger form. Not only the policy maker has to adopt a policy that confirms market expectations, but also the coordination outcome that follows a policy intervention depends on market sentiments. For example, commentaries in the media that provide no information about the fundamentals and only second-guess the reaction of the market, may interfere with the effectiveness of policy intervention. In the context of currency crises, empirical evidence suggests that raising the level of domestic interest rates or taking other defense collapse. Kraay (1993), for measures does not systematically prevent an exchange-rate example, studies the behavior of interest rates and other measures of monetary policy during 192 episodes and unsuccessful speculative currency attacks of successful and finds a "striking lack of any systematic association whatsoever between interest rates and the outcome of speculative attacks," even after controlling for various observable fundamentals. This evidence is hard to reconcile with Morris and Shin's (1998) prediction that defense consistent with the predictions of Proposition decrease the probability of devaluation, but is where the same combination of and fundamentals may lead interest rates policies 5, in equilibrium to either no devaluation or a collapse of the currency. Finally, the results of this section help commonly appear of the paper. the market in the Once the may be popular press, policy like understand and formalize the kind of arguments that the one we quoted from maker has intervened in Financial Times in the beginning an attempt to achieve a favorable outcome, equally likely to "interpret" this action either as a signal of strength, in which case market participants coordinate on the desirable course of action, or as a signal of panic, in which case the policy maker's attempt proves arbitrary reaction of the market, the policy policy 2 If in vain. maker And finds it faced with the need to guess the largely even harder to decide what the optimal is. one takes a sequence of sunspot equilibria such that 9** in Proposition 5 converge to the ones given in (6). read as the limit of sunspot equilibria. TV That is, converges to a single point r* , the thresholds 9* and the two-threshold equilibria of Proposition 3 can be G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 22 6 Concluding Remarks In this paper we maker investigated the ability of a policy control equilibrium outcomes in economies to influence where agents play a global coordination game. that policy endogeneity leads to policy traps, where the policy maker largely arbitrary expectations of the come. There is affect in forced to conform to the market behavior, as well as a continuum of active-policy level of the policy "reward" the policy maker by playing a favorable continuation equilibrium. beyond which they Despite equilibrium multiplicity, information heterogeneity significantly reduces the equilibrium set as case of common knowledge and found which market participants coordinate on "ignoring" which market participants coordinate on the equilibria in is We market instead of being able to fashion the equilibrium out- an inactive-policy equilibrium any attempt of the policy maker to market expectations and compared to the enables meaningful predictions. Stabilization policy in economies with macroeconomic complementarities, preemptive policies against speculative currency attacks, and regulatory intervention during financial crises, are only a few examples where our results might be relevant. of our results to more complex environments We leave these applications and the extension for future research. Appendix Proof of Proposition the main text. Uniqueness Proof of Theorem r conveys sets r = is characterization of the equilibrium in our setting 2. is Since in equilibrium the policy maker sets r for isomorphic to the Morris-Shin game. equilibrium, in which an agent attacks and only if 9 < 9ms- if and only follows that there It if x < xms all 6, = 9ms = 1 — £. Any r > r is dominated is the observation of after the policy by r abandoned is if rule. Note that r (defined in equilibrium maker a unique continuation an d the status quo Equilibrium beliefs are then pinned down by Bayes' Next, consider out-of-equilibrium levels of the policy. solves C(r) presented in 3. no information about 9 and hence the continuation game starting r is established in Morris and Shin (1998). Follows from Propositions 2 and 1. Proof of Proposition The 1. for all 9: in Theorem For 9 1) < 9mS: Coordination and Policy Traps - C{r) < V(6,0) On 0; for > 8 MS 8 the other hand, any r G (r,r) < or A(9,r) can construct out-of-equilibrium is C(r) = beliefs fi non- increasing in x and satisfies finds optimal to attack it and only if < 9ms- 9 = fi(9Ms\x,r) let again € M.{r) and fi game continuation = following r r, in = 1—H Given 9ms = set r{9) G r for Q(x), and and only letting by r = /j,(9\x,r) < one 8ms\x,t) a agent beliefs, abandoned is for all 9 ^ 8ms if an d otherwise, so that fJ-(9\x) a mixed-strategy equilibrium for the and only if < xms x if any s > if any for and any xms — 9ms jt^~ = and the probability of regime change D(9) for all 8, xms- For such jjl(9 r, x < xms an d type 9ms r, is it optimal for the Finally, consider robustness in the sense of Definition 2. (0, 1), (5) is satisfied for unbounded support, by simply ^ r. if all 9. = in equilibrium which an agent attacks Given that private agents attack maker to dominated is and such that which case the status quo in < C(r) any 9 such that 9 for (4) x r at V(0,A(6,r)). any out-of-equilibrium r for (4) is satisfied. It follows that there is abandons the status quo with probability policy < xms, 9ms G x such that by r{9) in equilibrium G M(r) that satisfy x if - C{r) < A(6,r) and thus V(6,0) 9ms- Therefore, Finally, note that r for all 1 Ms > < 0Ms\^,r) = fj,(9 and only if 9 dominated is < C(r), where C(r) > C{r) , 23 1 1 c.d.f. with either bounded or follows that the policy r(9) It {9ms)- \1/, < 9ms and D{9) = for 9 = r otherwise, can be sustained as a robust equilibrium. Proof of Proposition 3. and note that, < Consider for first any r fj.{D(9) which (r,r*), fi(9 by < = l\x,r) Q(x) = <£ [9*, 9**] ji{9 < 9\x,r) we consider out-of-equilibrium 9\x, r) = i.e., if such that 8 < r at C{r) x = = v{8 'When < min {A(8, r), 9} we , C(r) or A(8,r) the noise = [x is beliefs x*. Furthermore, x such that 0(x) and Q(i) When for all x. < D unbounded, — e, x + e] , for any < C(r). [8*, 8**] this x. is ^ if for r 21 = r, beliefs r 9*\x,r) such that = r*, it is and only are pinned if 9 < down by fj,(9 ji{9 < // < 9\x,r) r is = 9*\x*,r) is , 9. Bayes' rule r. For any r € non-increasing in x and not dominated in equilibrium to satisfy fi(0\x, r) = Bayes' rule implies p(9 G Finally, for immediate; when if (^) l-y(3zf.Y + y(*=p.Y some 9 6 0(x), = = V where A{6,r) Therefore, further restrict When 0. fi 0, a regime change decreasing in x. Let x* be the unique solution to is r(8), for all r*, private agents trigger the behavior of the agents. for all x, since (6) ensures = Let 9 6 [0*,6**] solve V{9,A(9,r)) for all 8 [6* , 6**}\x,r*) any (x,r) such that either r bounded, it G 0(x) = follows from the fact that |#** — = 1 r* and 9*\ <2e G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 24 0(x) n = [9*, 6**} > 0, or r we r*, otherwise. Given these beliefs, (4) is let > n(6 satisfied, is = 6\x,r) G A4(r) \x 1 for any > x and x for all r, ( > i{9 = 9\x,r) and the strategy of the agents sequentially optimal. Given the strategy of the agents, the policy maker clearly Consider next the policy maker. prefers r to any r G the regime V{9\ 0) (r, r*) and any r r* to > r* 9* . between setting indifferent is not attacked) and setting r (in which case the status quo is - C{r*) = = C (r*) 9* 0, i.e. Similarly, 9** . abandoned) is which case (in if and only attacked) and setting r (and being attacked without being forced to abandon the status quo) only if V{0**,0) preferred to 6**, and 9* < For any 9 z*, - C{r*) = V(0** ,A{9** , r optimal; for any 9 G {9*, 9**), A{9,r) is whereas the reverse r, we obtain x* = 9** is true for any 9 + e*" 1 that 9* < 9** if and only if 6* that a two threshold equilibrium exists > R, we have that k any 9** For r* > = 9* the agents is 9 G [9* ,9**} D(9) =0 and r, 9* For any 9*. = = * any for 9*" if and only and r(9) = k, A{9**,r) A {9*\r) = * = C (r*) and thus 2. - * -1 o=7^*) is , 6> A/5 if Using . 9* G (9, 5* = (7) C(r*) and M5 = 0ms]> or equivalently r* G let 9* For any r* G {r,r), = _1 G {9*) (0, oo) since (1 C(r), holds for every e and every = 9** + e^~ l \&. The {9*). It follows we infer (r,r\. Finally, C(r*) and take any - -^9*) G (9\ condition (7) can always be satisfied by letting e (7) r* (9*)] with either bounded support [— 1, +1] or unbounded - j^O*) - ^ and and the indifference conditions for 9* From . where = full 1). Hence, ~e 9 support G for (0, oo). indifference condition for that the policy r(9) r otherwise, and the probability of regime change D(9) = 1 if 9 < = 9* r* if and otherwise, can be sustained as a robust equilibrium. 9 and we 2. When Theorem no r other than r Hence, 1. in what is played in equilibrium, we have the pooling follows, we consider equilibria in which r(9) > r let 9' We (l \I/ then clearly satisfied at x* equilibrium in (a) of some c.d.f. = 9ms Proof of Theorem for _1 - (l < 1 -r = consider robustness in the sense of Definition arbitrary 9** 9** > > , if ^*) and + £ * _1 It follows C (r*) = A (0**,r) r)), i.e. , if between setting r* (and not being indifferent is 7'* = inf{0 : r{9) > r} and 9" = sup{0 : r{6) > r}. prove the result in a sequence of three lemmas. Lemma 1. In any robust equilibrium, there equilibrium and 9" < oo. is at most one level of the policy r* > r played in Coordination and Policy Traps Any Proof. all > r r who abandon 9 played in equilibrium only is change exceeds the cost of attacking, > equilibrium r set of r* ^ i.e. f > Q = 1 for all x, which case A(9, = r) would be dominant whenever 9 for all r = an equilibrium with 9" = D(9) if 0; the probability of regime the noise If r. if only i.e. = where 9o unbounded, any is {9 D (9) = : 0} the is maintained. Hence, no agent ever attacks when he is = r) for any equilibrium r > r will be chosen by the policy maker, which proves the it > any robust equilibrium, this also implies that, in noise were bounded, and only if D (9) dp (9\x, r) p(@o\x,r) and thus A(9, r, leads to no regime change, if it Agents attack which the status quo for observes an equilibrium r r, r. r results in a posterior fundamentals increasing in = the status quo set r 25 r. Since C(r) most one at level of the policy part of the lemma. Next, first = an agent not to attack whenever x > x for > x + e and = thus r(9) oo could never be sustained with strictly is bounded r for all 9 noise, > x+ e. if + 9 the e, in Therefore, which proves the second part of the lemma. For the rest of the proof, it suffices to consider unbounded Given any noise. r* G {r,f}, define the thresholds r = C{r*) and note that and 9** < Lemma Proof. 9* 2. 9** > when 9* r* when > the other hand, any 9 > and D= 0. < -r = 9* 1 < (r,r], 9* 9* 9* 9 $ M s, he. for r* l-r < r = C~ , r* is < 9' and 9" strictly < 1 (9 (9 M s) when r* > 9* = r, 9**. dominated by r, it immediately follows that , = for all 9 > 9* However, there . may exist 9 < Further, define p (x) as the probability, conditional on 1 M {D = is x, that 9 £ S(x) 9* that also [9* , at r whenever = < 1_$ p, (D l\x, r) # -) 1 1-* (.5 * + 1 -* * do not x, that 9 < 9* 9"} and r = r. Define -, r F(x; r. 0. on l|z,r) an agent does not attacks On . ) given by - * {*=f) ~ 9' V (9, 0) — C(r* > in equilibrium. Define 5(x) as the probability, conditional Then, the probability of regime change conditional on x and r Clearly, //)*> m~ 1 l 1 can always set r* face no attack, and ensure a payoff Therefore, necessarily D(9) abandon the status quo 9** r. For any r* G Since for any 9 = and -1 (9) G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 26 Note that F(x; 9* ,9") and strictly decreasing in x, is let x (9* 9") solve , F(x-9\9")=r. > Since 5 (x) and p(x) > whenever x > x (9* ,9") 0, we have = l\x,r) > and therefore any agent with x be if it for (i) From = 1 for all 9 any \t ( — ^ which '-r^~ r* is played, 9" That most 9* and r{9) some for = 9 r for < = r* for all 9 is, as aggressive as they € [9\9"\. This is in any would intuitive 9* reduces the incentives to attack for some 9 £ [9*, 9"] makes the observation of 9, ) • must (9* 9**) Using x threshold equilibrium of Proposition 3 in = < = C (r*) the indifference condition for 9", we have that A[9",r) < =r change and therefore also reduces the incentives to attack conditional x. It follows that, for follows that 9* for all x. It follows that, x(9*,9") does not attack in equilibrium. a positive probability that r(6) r less informative of regime on r and < F(x;9*,9") <F(x;9*,6") <F(x;9*,9") a positive probability that D(9) (ii) l\x,r) played, private agents are necessarily at is were the case that D{6) every x, and (D = , fi{D equilibrium in which r* \± (8) , ^ ^-^ C (r*) = Since 9*, it x* and the indifference condition for the two- = - ( = . C(r*) = 9* we have that any equilibrium in J satisfy x(0*,9**)-9*' <x(9*,9") -9". From (8), x - (9*, 9") < Recall that 9* 9" < 9** < 9* < 9" 6** which 9', decreasing in 9", and hence is played, necessarily 9* < = C~ 1 if and only is a contradiction, since by definition robust equilibrium with r* £ {r,r). is < we conclude 9' < 9" if On < r* r that 9" For any r* (9ms) 9' < < > 9**. r, Lemma 2 implies 9". Therefore, there exists no the other hand, in any robust equilibrium where r* 6 {r,r\ 9**. Next, we show, by iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies, that in any robust equilibrium in which r* G {r,r\ turn implies that Lemma 3. 9' D{9) = = is played, the status quo is abandoned if and only 9* 1 for all 9 < 9\ D(0) = for all 9 > 9* , and 9' = 9* if 9 < 9* , which in Coordination and Policy Traps Proof. r = € r Given an arbitrary equilibrium policy we consider the continuation game that r(0), T and construct the iterated deletion mapping [9, 9'] and 27 — [9, 0'] : > Take any as follows. [0, 0'] follows let G(x;0) 1 = - * fa=&\ l-*(~)+p(x) + *( x-e' G(x; 0) lim-x-t+oo p(x) = and therefore lim z _,_ 0O for every 9, there at least is =^ solution to it is, if ( &=$ any 6 i.e. x(9) = Note that G(x; < = unless r(9) 9, < x all which x, r* rather T is iterated deletion operator conditional on x and = C?(x; 0) min{x > 9) G(x\ | = 9) x r for every 9) r}, <x which happens r, Note that lim^-^-oo p(x) = r. = Then and define 9 and * (^=1 for all 9 in turn implies that a than r. and \im x ^ +oo G(x;0) 1 quo to be abandoned private agents expect the status optimal to attack for for . ] 0, one solution to the equation G(x; lowest solution to this equation, That < thus represents the probability that < x let = = follows that, x(0) be the 9(9) as the unique > j 9, 0. It = < g for every ^. necessarily they find regime change necessarily occurs in equilibrium only if 9 > 9' The . thus defined by T (e) jo} EEmin G is strictly increasing in 9, implying that x and therefore 9 are also strictly increasing We conclude that the mapping T is weakly increasing for all 9 G [9, 9'] Obviously, T is Observe that in 9. also 22 . bounded above by 0' ruled out neither 9' . < 9ms, Next, we compare T nor 9' T : unique solutions to [9,9], — Vf ^^ ) ( and Moreover, since We 2 in =r is game defined by and 9 jr J G at r = (?) = ^ ^~ I > 6 [0,0'], either 0(0) > oo and 9* < 9ms, but so far we have I when ?, the pooling equilibrium where x = x{9) and ? = is played). 0(0) are the T has a unique fixed point at = 9 = 0ms, . 0', in which case T(0) = 9', or 0(0) < 9', in F(9). In general, x and therefore 6 need not be continuous in which case < ^(0) conclude that, for any which case T(0) 9** < 0ms whenever 9 € [9,9ms) and 9 > F(9) > 9ms whenever G (0ms,@\G(x; 0) > 1 - * (^) for all x and 9, we have x(0) > x(0) and therefore 9(9) > 0(0). < satisfies < with the iterated deletion operator of the Morris-Shin game without [0,6] -* 1 9' > 9ms- signaling (or, equivalently, of the continuation This operator, < Finally, note that 0* is strictly continuously increasing in 8. 9. Continuity decreasing in x, implying that G(x; 6) All we need, however, is = is ensured when ^ satisfies the MLRP, r has a unique solution and this solution monotonicity of the lowest solution, which is true for any "J. is G.M. Angeletos, 28 Hellwig and A. Pavan C. we consider the sequence {9 k }™=1 where Finally, 9 , and 9 k+1 = 1 = T(9 k sequence represents iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies starting from sequence monotonic and bounded above by is This limit must.be a fixed point of T, that or 9°° 0°° > 9 M s- Suppose 9°° < 0', = 0°° is, T{6°°). This can be true only 9'. < 9 MS we would then have T(0°°) > ^(0°°) > a fixed point for T(-). 0' > 9 MS We and 9°° € all case is 9* and again > < for all 1 0* <x> ) 9* 9' Suppose that 9*. < 9'. prove that either 0°° = 9', 0(0°°) if < 0'. were the case that If it < 9ms, whereas 0°° > 9ms whenever 0' > 0*. If 9' < 9 M s, then 0°° = 9' > 9* in equilibrium. > 9ms, 0' instead If would abandon the status quo But in equilibrium. then either can ensure no regime change and a positive payoff by setting necessarily the case that 0' it is = that D{9) € (0*,0 all impossible as any Therefore, = 0' whenever 0' would abandon the status quo (0*, 9') > 9ms > = next prove that 0°° - = Therefore, 0°° first Since this 9. which contradicts the assumption that 0°° 0°°, , is We This 1. limit 9°° some necessarily converges to it > k for all ) and D{9) = = 0* > for all < 9ms 9* and since = then 0°° 9' = 9* It . r*. follows 9*. Combining the above three lemmas, we conclude that any robust equilibrium belongs necessarily to either (a) or (b) in Theorem which completes the proof of the theorem. 1. Proof of Remark on Monotone Strategies/MLR P prove that if a(x,r) which fundamentals prove that if monotonic in x. Step If in 1. Proof. If monotonic (decreasing) is \I/ in satisfies is condition A(9",r) the MLRP, monotonic = in x, the size of C(r*), is in x, i.e. iitp'/ip is monotonic in x, then 0" then necessarily follows that it fi(D= l\x,r) exists a > unique x = x strategy with a(x,r) Thus, 0" solves (0*, 9") = 1 if x \i (D = such that [i(D < = x and a(x,r) * f ^',op~e" \ = c ^^ &nd \j> l|.r,r) = = r l|x, r) = € if is = r* for all decreasing in 0. From and Next, we [0*,0**]. r{9) 0**, first decreasing in the .4(0, r) is for all We steps. necessarily G [0*, 0**]. the indifference In this case, the . given by is =n{9<9*\x,r) decreasing in x. Since lim x _ _ 00 two [0*,0"] necessarily set r* _ is = .4(0, r) is € all 7'* in is monotonic decreasing, then a(x,r) probability of regime change conditional on x and r which an attack turns implies that the policy maker sets equilibrium a(x,r) a(x,r) The proof 1 i-f ( ] + \j> / j-0" and lim x _» +oc fx (D = l\x,r) = 0, there and thus private agents follow a threshold x > x implying that A(0,r) = ^ — from Proposition ( 3 ^ %{9* ,9**)-9** f = x . £ (9*, 9") J -0". Coordination and Policy Traps From 0" = — the monotonicity of x(9*,9) Theorem 9 established in (2) 29 - Lemma 2 - it follows that 9**. Step 2. If MLRP, the satisfies \l/ then fi(0 < 0*\x,r) and thus a(x,r) are necessarily decreasing in x. Proof. Let 1(9) be the probability that 9 sets = Using the fact that 1(0) r. 1 for all 9 < 9* , the probability of regime change conditional on x and r can be written as 1-f M(0<0*|x,r Using [i(6 M(x) 1-tf <0*\x,r) l-»(0<9*\x,r) (*=<>) 1(9)40' ^ («=2) / (0) d0] f~ lip we have that dM <*= It follows that " ^ /<? <2/u(0 < (*=*) I 0?) < 9*\x,r)/dx «» if [/~ and only f-l^'i^dd I-l Using the fact that I = (0) W E<? (*=*) < 9 <9*, 9* if f-^>(^)l(9)d9 & {*?) dO 1 for all Ir , JV- (*f*) ' (0) the above ®9 x, r *{*?) which holds true if ip' /if) is From the monotonicity cutoff x' given by /j, (9 < Proof of Proposition status quo and for private [0, 9}. w equivalent to m > 9 , <0, x, r monotonic decreasing. of fi(0 For 9 < = < 0*\x,r), it follows immediately that a(x,r) is monotonic with r. 0, it is dominant for the policy agents to attack. Similarly, for 9 private agents do not attack, take any 9 6 is <0. dO +(*?) 9*\x',r) 4. 2 and there is The continuation game > 9, maker to set r the status quo is and abandon the never abandoned, no need to undertake any costly policy measure. Finally, following any level of the policy r with two (extreme) continuation equilibria, no attack and full attack. is a coordination game Let r(0) be the minimal r G.M. Angeletos, 30 C. Hellwig and A. Pavan which private agents coordinate on the no-attack continuation equilibrium, for and only if < r Clearly, r{9). V(8,0) - C(r(9)) > and 9** £ sets r(8) = < x if r* < <£ r* with private agents attack , and whenever r x; 9 for 9 £ [9*,6**], is ji, and a robust equilibrium such = > r* if , 1 for and only < and with probability D{8) in five steps: Steps 1 if and 9* , = x < if and only x*; whenever r £ with probability D(9) < > x Let r* = min7£* > = max TV < r and r* examines the r. 0(9) = £ (9, policy 9ms), maker [9*, 9**}. £ (ii) they attack if status quo is The and non-increasing in and the strategy of the beliefs 2. if < 0, if £ [0,0], if > 0, ,r*] max I 8* The [r*,r*), (in) 1 , and (r,r) Define max {-C{r)} r£\r* if the thresholds 0*, 0**, and x*; Step 3 private agents; Step 5 establishes robustness in the sense of Definition 1. and only if 0**. 2 characterize 4 if (i) for 9 in x. for examines the behavior of the policy maker; Step Step that: < they attack 9 if compact support TV C and r(8) £ TV with r{0) non-decreasing [8*, 8**}, abandoned with probability D(9) The proof r they attack 8. Take any random variable 5. a system of beliefs r for 9 r C (r(8)) < > We want to show that for e sufficiently small, there exist thresholds x* (9*, 9), Whenever and only <£. optimal for the policy maker to set r(9) is or equivalently 0, Proof of Proposition distribution it i.e. {0$(r) - C{r)} r£\r*,r"} max {0-(l-$(r))*(s=£)-C(r)} 7-S[ r *,r*] and r(0) as the corresponding argmax Note . that maximizing over [r*,f*] ing over TV, since necessarily f(0) £ TV. Note also that U(9) > increasing whenever U{9) 8ms ~ C(r) < all Step 0*, 2. = 0. Therefore, there exists a unique 9* £ > for all For any > 0*, define _^ $ f -^ £ J 9 M s) < all 0, and strictly and U(9 M s) > Oms - C{r*) > such that 0(9*) = 0, 0(9) < for 0*. the functions x(0;0*) and v(8;8*) as follows (^) +* (Sjfi) Note that dx(8;8*)/d8 £ ' > (0, equivalent to maximiz- non-decreasing for -C(r*). Moreover, U{9) = -C(r*) and 0(9) 1 is is as e — > (0,1) 0. To and therefore dv(9:9*)/d9 > 1. Note see this, suppose instead that lim t-_o also that for x ^ ' ( £ ) > any =w for 9*, some Coordination and Policy Traps uj > This can be true only 0. and therefore lim £ ^o ^ ' '". theorem, dU(9)/d9 is (9; 9*) , T| ^ ( x(B-fi*)-0* \ now bounded above by = Next, note that for any 9 > every ^ e > 9* * / u(6»; < 0, p(0) 0*)-+0> U{9) 0. We fact that x for all 9 > 9** U{9;9*) < v{9-9*) 9 e (6»; 9*) is x ee U{9) < U{9) for all 9 > (6*,9**), since U(9;9*) Step 3. 9**, 9*) < 9 MS , > > = 0*; it v{9;9*). 6» lim^o % for e < 9 = \I/ = 0, and U(0*) e, — v(9;9*) whereas ( ^z— = 1 — r = 9ms — L 1 we conclude that — £ ( 0, it ) That x U(9; 9*) = < 9**, U(9;9*) 9**. Finally, let 9 > = 9**. (9* 9 >9- C{?{6)) 0. for > U{9) Moreover, note that, as e -» as e -> 0. Next, v{9; 9*) for all 9 = v(9;9*) = let = < 9** v(9**;9*), while the and U(9; U{9) at 9 = > 9*) > v{9; 9*) we conclude that 0**, be the unique solution to U(9;9*) > 0, l - V x* implies U(9**;9*) and U(9**;9*) increasing in — as e > < there exists a unique 9** G {9*, 9) such that e, {9**; 9*) g(9*) follows that there exists this result with the properties of the function g{9), is 9* strictly increasing in 9 is ' \I> and C(r(9)) > follows that 0** -* and < > From the envelope U(9). and hence g{9) for 9 implies U{9; 9*) for all 9 (9; 9*) =0<r, + LO we have that 9* and g{9) > (0**; 0*) increasing in 9* implies C{?{9)) whenever e <e. But then v(9;9*) > for every Combining . < j < Compare now U{9;6*) with > (9; independent of conclude that, for 9 x* v(9;9*) 9, f(-) is n^'H and therefore g(6) > = < Since 9* . < any 9 for 1 (See the argument above). Since 9 . such that 0(0**) - 9 MS 9* ,' „x x(O;O*)-0 \ T, ( the function g(9) over this range. Moreover, by definition of x and therefore v(9*;9*) which case 9 > 9, in +* , , *( Consider > But then 1- ,~ I a contradiction. is J~— ) = ' ( e-»0 which lim e ^o x if 31 > and U(6;6*) = and note that U(9*;9*). Consider now the behavior of the policy maker. Given the strategy of the private agents, the policy maker prefers r to any r dominates any r £ from playing U(9) = all < 0*, U_{9) = U{9) if r. 9 [r*,r*]. We < r*, and any r r* to > f* . Furthermore, by definition, r(9) thus need to compare only the payoff from playing r{9) with that Playing r(9) yields U(9), while playing r yields U_(9) < U{9) 9 and U{9) > > U{9) = = U{9) U{9) for for all 9 r(0) whenever 9 G [6>*,0**] > all > if 9 > 9 e = max{0, U{9; (9*, 9**). It follows that 9 G (9*, ?], U{9) 9**. Therefore, it is > U{9) = U{9) > U{9) for all 9 9*)}. < e Note that = U{9) {9,9**), for and indeed optimal for the policy maker to play and r otherwise. The resulting probability of regime change is D(9) = 1 G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 32 < for 9 non-decreasing, Step = D{9) 6*, D - $(f(0)) G 1 abandoned and only if if < 9 = In equilibrium, at r 9. < For any r Consider next the behavior of the private agents. 4. > 9**. Since r is the status quo is for 9 [9*, 9**]. non-increasing in the range is = and D{9) [9*, 9**], G [0,1) for 6 r* , the probability of regime change r, is given by -4> l = <9\x,r) fi(9 = fi{9 <9*\x,r) 1 By construction, x* solves the regime beliefs \x any r > > /z(0 if and only such that we r*, 0|x,r) of-equilibrium restrict pi let fi(9 any r and Step /j, < C* < C- for all ^ that is = ^ (r) 9\x,r) = decreasing in x, attacking is [x,x], /i(0 l 0, where 9~ (r) for all 9 < 9\x,r) < 0|a:,r) > = {0 : r(0) G 0(x) such that 9 = r*, r} — C(r) < , we consider = x*. For r at x x < for 1 _1 G /j.(9 9 and x, = (r)|x,r) 1 G 0(x), then we further U(9). These beliefs satisfy the strategy of the agents beliefs, r* In addition, for any out- . some = = < sequentially optimal is x. 9*\x,r) Assume first = and G r = .4** has bounded support, = * (^f1 ) and 4'" (.4*) and <f = A{9**,r) > with unbounded support such that F(f) = < C* - T+ fe, and F(f) < #(£) when < such that > for all C the noise distribution is 4', $(£) fc. 0. By same = and x* = x of 9**. Since U{9) is also the (9**;9*) . But then U(9; same for all 9 < < A* < 1 A** 4>(£* G [C* -k,£* and note that + < . 9*) 9, 1, argue that the same r{9) and U_ defined above, where follows that the and U{9) and < and a L>(6>) can also be sustained when the distribution and It k) + k], F(0 > *(0 4^ is < 9** < 9, also we same 9** 9. It follows that the infer U{9**) Like in Step 3 above, the latter ensures that the optimal policy is r{9) = , v(9;9*), and x* continue remain the same = is replaced with F. construction of F, the functions x(9;9*) a neighborhood of 9** g{9) remain the in = = < r(9) are independent of the noise distribution for all 9 9* continues to solve U(9*) Let A* = ^^{A**) 4>(£** - k) for all ^ We £** e be let as above. note that 1 (0,1). Similarly, let Hence, one can always find a k sustained ^ that and construct the corresponding sunspot equilibrium Note that U(9) and g(9**) < any r G r(0) with r F. Indeed, consider the functions U,r,x,v,g,U, same x 6 for all 1 x. In particular, for _1 fi(9 not dominated in equilibrium by r(9) for is = %(?£=£.} A(9*,r) and since r, +$ non-increasing in x and \i{9 G M(r); and given these sufficiently small, F is Finally, consider robustness. 5. as fi(9 r r, if = £=<L] indeed optimal. For any out-of-equilibrium r is G {9,9)\x,r) > x 1 for 9\x*,r) 9\x,r) to satisfy fj,(9\x,r) (4), as well as c.d.f. < x such that Q(x) n for all for = x < x* if [i{9 < /j,(9 _^ in a to solve neighborhood U(9**;9*) r{9) for and all = 9 G U{9**). [9*, 9** Coordination and Policy Traps and r(9) = r otherwise. Since r(9) is also the policy r(9) can be sustained with either quo with certainty and 6 9 [9* , 9**] > 9 all \I> same or F. Similarly, 9** continue to the probability of regime change is unbounded. With £* and F has bounded support D{9) ^(0 < *(0 same r(9) for a11 C and D{9) - 2k,C + < T* - as ^P. = fc, We 2fc] and F(C) 9 < proves that the 9* continue to and $(f(0)). Therefore, the $ £** defined as above, take [£** all [9*, 6**}, this same abandon the status maintain the status quo with certainty, while for regime changeD(6>) can also be sustained with either is £ for all 6 33 A symmetric argument applies an arbitrary k satisfies > *(0 or F. 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Figure 1 ffere exists attack is an equilibrium that, 0e for inactive policy equilibrium in A(Q,r), and the status quo by r if and only any 0e[0',0"], [0',0"]- flvate if is C(r0>6 if the which abandoned maker the policy and only if or C(r0>,4(8,r), that maker < 0^ is, if to intervene. same behavior as sets r for all 9, the size . r'e riy and only policy maker deviates from r to agents then coordinate on the incentives for the policy if r', when if (r, 8g r] is of the dominated [0',0"]. I in follows the market "learns" that r = r, thus eliminating any Figure 2 For each r e fcf], there exists a two-threshold equilibrium 9 e [9 When , 9 ] and r(9) the policy = r otherwise, and in maker coordinate on no attack. signal is which the raises the policy at r, the When sufficiently low, in instead the policy which case the size optimal for the policy maker to raise the policy if and only if 9 e [9*, 9**]. at status in quo is which the policy abandoned market "learns" that 9 e maker sets r, of the attack if [9*, 9**] is r(9) and only if = 9 r if < 9 . and private agents private agents attack if and only if their is decreasing in r if and only if C{r*) < 9 and 9. It C(r') follows that < A(Q,r), it that is is, 3837 ( 39 Date Due MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 8241 "1111 ii