M.I.T. LIBRARIES - DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/consumptionrecesOOblan working paper department of economics massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 Consumption and the recession of 1990-1991 Olivier Blanchard MIT and NBER No. 93-5 M.I.T. LIBRARIES Jan. 1993 - DEWEY J.T. UBRAR 2 1993' RED:; -• AUG 1 Consumption and the recession of 1990-1991. NBER * looks at the recession of 1990-91. It Olivier Blanchard, MIT and January 15, 1993 Abstract The paper Not all recessions have the reaches two conclusions: same dynamics. Decreases in output which come from other sources than consumption shocks tend to be short lived, and followed by sharp recoveries. Decreases in output in which come from consumption shocks, decreases consumption given income, tend to be longer lasting, and followed by weaker recoveries. In contrast to its predecessors, the recession of 1990-91 was caused primarily by a consumption shock. Thus, conditional on the nature of those shocks, the slow covery comes as no surprise. As of the end of 1992, the economy was on the track given by a dynamic forecast based on information up of 1991. re- nearly exactly to the first quarter Recession 2 During the two quarters of 1990 and the last first quarter of 1991, the experienced negative growth. These three quarters have the 1990-1991 recession by the NBER. But both year following, growth was anemic as well. has averaged 0.7% at an annual rate, a In contrast to cause. And its in the year Growth far cry now been from US economy designated as preceding and the since the beginning of 1989 its post- 1973 mean of 2.2%. predecessors, this recession does not have an obvious proximate precisely because of that, explanations abound, ranging, to cite only the leading candidates, from a long expansion dying of old age, to consumer depression, a mix of debt overhang and the realization of lower growth prospects, to the credit crunch, the combination of imprudent behavior by financial institutions and the tightening of regulation, to the end of the Cold War and the decrease defense spending, to structural adjustments required by global competition The purpose structure of this paper to look at the data, putting just is on the econometrics causes of the recession. The to pinpoint story if consumption in relation to shocks are long its is relatively clear. "consumption shock" to animal By far, the a decrease in effects of such why, in contrast to previous recoveries, weak one. The "consumption shock" was due enough economic normal determinants. Because the lasting, this also explains the recovery was a slow and a *. not the deep, at least the proximate which emerges main proximate cause of the recession was in issue left unanswered is whether this spirits/taste shocks, or simply to antici- pations of the slow growth to come. Circumstancial evidence points to a role of animal spirits, but will not convince all. Recession I. 3 Looking at the A. Estimating a Components is to estimate the joint look at the residuals. services (C), (CD), residential investment (IR), I non by trend output, obtained by (Y), as the sum of consump- residential (INR) investment, govern- CD, log-difference C, GNP consumption expenditures on durables (G), inventory investment achieve stationarity, NX behavior of the components of GNP, and thus decompose real I on non durables and ment spending GNP. VAR. A simple first pass tion of fitting a (1NV) and net exports (NX), lb IR, INR and G, and divide INV and broken exponential trend to GNP, with a break in 1973. I then run a VAR seven transformed variables, for the for the period 1992:3, with 3 lags of each variable, a constant and a post-73 1959:1 to dummy each in equation. Issues such as treatment of trend, or the incorporation of cointegrating relations, while important import when the focus if we were as here, is, to look at impulse responses, are of little on the residuals to each equation. Given the 7 estimated equations, an auxiliary equation the behavior of GNP and Given the non-linear transformations of the its residual. needed is to characterize individual series used to induce stationarity, there are two ways of doing first is to construct residuals in The other side variables of the is the one residuals for each period is to regress log-differenced VAR, and use below. The weighted average of the GNP ratios of on the each compo- set of right hand use the residuals from this equation. This second yields results very similar to the I as a each equation, multiplied by the time varying nent to GNP. approach GNP this. first, and is simpler to implement. This 4 Recession B. Identifying the Shocks. Denote the residuals to each equation by lower case letters, for example c for the consumption equation, y for the -auxiliary- output equation. These residuals are simply forecast errors. They are, not surprisingly, generally positively corre- lated across equations. This reflects their joint ing shocks, as well as their direct consumption responds sumption We residual, c, to dependence on each income within the quarter reflects also the two identifying assumptions. The that, for GNP example, separately on ir, c is underly- To the extent that example, part of the con- to the underlying shocks by assumption is depends only on y -the residual making that, within the quarter, the depend on each other only through inr and so on. spending residual, first for other. common shocks to other components. can make some progress and get closer components of dependence on to the The second assumption is GNR Thus, I assume output equation-, not that g, the government exogenous. Under those two assumptions, g can be used as an instrument to estimate the effects of y on each of the other six residuals. Denote the residuals from these instrumental variable regressions by consumption are still for e, thus using e c for example, and refer to them as the "shocks". These new residuals cross-correlated, but less so than the original ones. The two identifying assumptions are crude, and forecast errors in government spending are not a very powerful instrument. Nethertheless, the estimates of the contemporaneous effects of y on its components make sense. Using sample mean values to go from estimated elasticities to derivatives, the estimates imply that a one dollar increase in GNP increases consumption of non durables and by 12 cents, durable consumption by 11 cents, residential investment by non residential investment by 6 cents, net exports by -8 cents, services -1 cent, and inventory in- Table 1. The source of shocks Accumulated normalized shocks Uv/°v) E(Cc/^c) EO.rMr) 1989: 0.00 0.00 0.00 1990:2 2.32 -2.50 0.25 1990:3 1.38 -2.29 -1.15 1990:4 0.79 -4.07 -1.61 1991:1 -0.39 -5.42 -2.87 1991:2 0.18 -5.35 -2.17 1992:3 0.46 -6.12 -0.15 Quarter The estimation of the shocks, the series follow random walks with example, starting mean zero at e's, is zero described in the text. mean and 0.00 in 1989:1, the distribution of the and standard deviation \/l4 = 3.74. The accumulated unit standard deviation. sum in Thus for 1992:3 has 5 Recession vestment by -15 cents. The next step is then to look at the sequence of shocks, the € x 's, and look for unusually large individual shocks, or for sequences of shocks of the same sign. A convenient way to do so to look at the is components, each normalized by some date which choose I first column to the various estimated standard deviation, starting from its to be the first quarter of slow growth, 1989:2. results are presented in table The accumulated shocks gives the The main 1. sum of normalized GNP despite the fact that output growth was below its residuals, y/cr y mean in . It shows that, 1989 and early 1990, residuals to the output equation were, during that period, small but positive. Thus, the VAR explains the slowdown of output pre-1990:3 through the internal dy- namics of the economy rather than through adverse shocks. following this finding through; The second and tion of These third services, and for those, than 2 standard deviations). first it yet. to residential to consump- investment respectively. two components of GNP which show large negative shocks though, interestingly, even nates the have not done would be worth columns give the sum of accumulated shocks non durables and are the only I It A no single residual tion dominate the next two quarters. Two While the the recession, the whole period since 1989:2 is still larger in absolute value negative shock to residential investment domi- quarter of the recession, 1990:3. consumption. The sum is (al- is large in 1992:3. negative shocks to consump- largest shocks take place during dominated by negative shocks The those shocks, their nature and their implications. rest of the to paper focuses on 6 Recession II. Looking at Output and Consumption A. From 7 to 2 Variables. 7-variable VAR's are unwieldy, their dynamics hard to understand describe. Fortunately, examination of the and harder dynamic structure of the VAR to above suggests a short cut. Tests of the significance of each variable in each equation (which, because of space constraints, are not reported) show the strong predictive power of non durables and services consumption for nearly all components of GNP; and the weak predictive power of most other components. This suggests we may not that lose too consumption. This I is much what I do by focusing on a bivariate system in output and in this section. thus estimate a bivariate system in the logarithm of consumption of non durables and services, and the logarithm of GNR There that the ratio of consumption to terms of first differences, allowing income is is weak evidence of cointegration, stationary. for three lags of I thus specify the VAR in each first-differenced variable, the lagged value of the log consumption to income ratio, a constant and a post- 1973 B. 2 dummy . From Residuals to Shocks Estimation of the system yields residuals respectively. 1 follow the using the unexpected regression of c on y. same approach component This yields an an increase of consumption of income. for consumption and income, as before to get to c and y consumption shocks, of government spending as an instrument in a elasticity of . 1 2 of consumption to income, thus 7 cents within the quarter for a dollar increase in The "consumption shock", ec , is defined as the residual of this regression. 1 o 03 o O i i o i O i o i •vl IS3 en O b o CD p CO L 8 S 3 3 I m o o o o -fc. N3 1 1 o o o o o o o N3 l 1 I o o o o en CD l Tl o m o > - > O —1 c > I i —1 i U3 r O * t 1 i | i | / | 8 I t t :; ... . I ':/y ~M 0-0*: / W+M :M :: I }\ \ 1 \ 1 I \ 1 cz 70 <n I N> • \ \ \ 1 V 1 \ >i f I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ J \ \ v I \ 1 \ \ \ I \\ \ o o 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o -b. en CO o 70 m O > > o —i c > in 8 i V \ A ': V \ 4 / t <>> O m Recession A 7 regression of y in turn on an e c yields elasticity of .5 1 (thus an increase of 96 cents in income for an increase in consumption of a dollar, a multiplier slightly below one within the quarter), and an "income shock" marizing, the mapping from residuals to shocks c = A2y + y = .51e c An examination of the sequence of realized in table The 1. shock, which vestment. why, we know from is Sum- ec + ey shocks gives a picture similar to that is dominated by an income can be traced mostly to non residential in- quarters are dominated by consumption shocks. This why the key to understanding proceed in two steps, I earlier . -given by: quarter of the recession, 1990:3 The next two finding last first is as the residual, e y first the recovery has been so weak. To see looking at the dynamic effects of both income and consumption shocks, and then looking at dynamic forecasts of output as of 1991:1. C. Impulse Responses, and the The are to Recovery. consumption and income shocks effects of one-standard-deviation negative drawn in Figure income have only largely 1. The figure has transitory effects gone within two years long lasting, tion Weak hump 3 . two main features. The first is on consumption and income; The second is that shocks to that shocks their effect is consumption have shaped, effects on output, and to a lesser extent on consump- 4 . Now consider Figure 2. Figure 2 gives both actual output and the dynamic forecast 8 Recession for last output based on the bivariate VAR using information up and including the quarter of the recession, 1991:1 (Thus, both lines are the same up to and including 1991:1). What is since 1991, but also that a striking is not only weak recovery is also how weak the recovery has been what would have been predicted by the bivariate model as of the end of 1991:1. Indeed the actual recovery has been slightly faster than the dynamic forecast... (Note that the dynamic forecasts are independent of our identification of the shocks.). For comparison purposes, Figure 3 performs the same exercise for the previous recession, giving output, actual sion, 1982:4. Note and forecast that, in that case, the the strong recovery which followed as of the last quarter of that reces- same bivariate model largely predicts 5 . Given our decomposition of the shocks, and the characterization of impulse sponses, the key to Figure 2 and Figure 3 is easily given. More re- so than in pre- vious recessions, the decrease in output in 1990-91 was due to adverse shifts in consumption. Those dynamic shifts effects explain have why long, hump shaped effects on output, and the recovery has been slow. There is their an important lesson: recessions are not necessarily followed by fast recoveries; this depends on the nature of the shocks which triggered the recession. HI. Foresight, or Animal Spirits I have so far ? established that the recession was associated with large negative "consumption shocks", that such shocks have long that this explains set of questions. why lasting effects on output, and the recovery has been so slow. This raises however the next What are these "consumption shocks" and where do they come 9 Recession from One And, ? where did those of 90-91 come from in particular, interpretation, call "foresight", it reflection of anticipations by income. The is that consumption shocks are simply the consumers of other shocks and interpretation of impulse responses in Figure place; first consumption shocks pretation however sumption not due that is to from increasing prudence, to outside of the usual maximizing ing, panic, 1 show how on future then that consump- Another movements inter- in con- income. Reasons may range in intertemporal preferences, to -stepping model- sudden realizations of past overborrow- and so on. Under that interpretation, responses in Figure tion of reflect in part in expectations of future changes 1 is are a mirror, not a cause. consumption shocks changes their effect income which triggered them tion shocks are simply followed by the changes in in the ? shifts in call it "animal spirits", consumption lead through dynamic multiplier and accelerator effects to a hump shaped a impulse combina- response of output. Can one tell these two interpretations apart ? To some extent, one can. Under the animal spirits interpretation, and under the plausible assumption that animal spirits to a have little or no long run effect on output, the impulse response of output consumption shock should eventually return in Figure 1, to zero. This is clearly violated suggesting that consumption shocks must reflect in part foresight of shocks with permanent effects. The foresight interpretation on the other hand imposes constraints on the relation of the consumption response to the subse- quent response of income, and of the shape of the consumption impulse response itself. Following the route of putting more theoretical structure on the data to try to disentangle foresight and animal spirits would take me too drop out of the above econometric framework, and offer my far. I shall instead speculations on the Recession 1 nature of the negative consumption shocks of 1990-91: I see the overall evidence, from the timing of monthly declines in the index of consumer confidence (from the Michigan Survey of consumers) , in the leading indicators, and in commercial forecasts of output, as pointing to consumer index of more than foresight at work. First, in contrast to earlier recessions, the decline in confidence was largely prior to -and much stronger than would have been pre- dicted by- either the decline of leading indicators or commercial forecasts of the recession. Second, perhaps not coincidentally, the in first August 1990, was associated with an important but large decline in confidence largely non economic event, the invasion of Kuwait by Irak. Third, after having dropped, consumer confidence remained very low in the following two years, much lower than would have been predicted on the basis of historical relations with aggregate variables. Each piece of evidence can, with together however, I some find effort, be reconciled with the foresight interpretation; them suggestive of a role for a from more than the expectation of the recession. drop in confidence coming Recession I References Cochrane, John, "Permanent and Transitory Components of Stock Prices", mimeo, University of Chicago, Sinai, Allen, ing, GNP and July 1992. "What's Wrong with the economy ?", Challenge, forthcom- 1992 Walsh, Carl, "What caused the 1990-1991 recession Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1992. ?", mimeo, Federal Recession 1 Footnotes * Department of Economics, MIT, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge I thank the NSF for financial support, Roger Brinner, Ricardo Caballero, Rotemberg, Allen Sinai and Lawrence Summers Julio MA 02 139. for useful discussions and comments. 1 Two useful discussions of potential causes are given by Allen Sinai Walsh 2 . Such systems have been estimated by many ticular focuses also come The on the different dynamic shocks. His approach to identification from that used 3 and Carl others. John Cochrane effects of consumption is however somewhat in par- and in- different in this paper. fact that the long run effect of a negative shock embarassing, but this long run effect is is positive is mildly not significantly different from zero. emphasized by Cochrane. 4 This point 5 Results for the post -recession episodes of 1971 and 1975 are qualitatively is also similar to those for 1982, with fast predicted each recession. and actual growth following '78 2 Date Due 291994 Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES DUPl 3 TOAD 0Dfl32T0M ^