Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/changesinwagestrOOacem HB31 .M415 oevv^y Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series CHANGES IN THE WAGE STRUCTURE, FAMILY INCOME, AND CHILDREN'S EDUCATION Daron Acemoglu, MIT Jom-Steffen Pischke, LSE Working Paper 00-29 SEPTEMBER 2000 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at http:/ /papers. ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract_id=246028 Social Science Research MASSACHUSETTS ilMSTITUTE OF TECHWOLOGY OCT 3 2000 LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series CHANGES IN THE WAGE STRUCTURE, FAMILY INCOME, AND CHILDREN'S EDUCATION MIT Jom-Steffen Pischke, LSE Daron Acernoglu, Working Paper 00-29 SEPTEMBER 2000 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http:/ /papers. ssrn.com/paper.taf?abstract_id=246028 Abstract We exploit the changes in the distribution of family resources on college education. the income opposite is distribution Our income to estimate the effect strategy exploits the fact that families at the were much poorer in the 1990s than they were true for families in the top quartile of the distribution. effects of family income on enrollments. For example, we find family income associated with a is 1 .4 Our of parental bottom of in the 1970s, while the estimates suggest large that a 10 percent increase in percent increase in the probability of attending a four- year college. *Paper prepared for the European Economics Association Meeting 2000, Bolzano, Italy. We thank seminar participants in the European Economic Association 2000 Conference, the MIT labor lunch, and the University of Chicago Harris School Seminar for helpful comments. Some of the work for this paper was undertaken while Pisclike was Northwestern University/University of Chicago Joint Center for Poverty Research. He thanks the Center for their hospitality and financial support. visiting the Introduction 1 Wage and inequality in the U.S. has increased dramatically since the 1970s (e.g. Pierce, 1993; observed in the return to returns to skills Katz and Minrphy, 1992). For most of the period, The standard theory skills. should encourage investments in 1997) have concluded that we do human of human capital. Juhn, Murphy meant an increase this also capital implies that higher Many observers (e.g. Topel, actually observe faster skill accumulation, and this increase in the supply of skills should eventually mitigate the increase in inequality. Rising wage and income inequality affects not only the returns to education, but also the resources that families have available to finance education. Family income might matter education decisions because of credit constraints, or because education is good. The change in the structure of wages during the 1980s, which reduced the wages of skilled workers, may have made it for not a pure investment less harder for children firom these families to attend college, despite the higher returns.^ In fact, while there was a large increase children from the poorest backgrounds in the college enrollment was a much smaller increase rates for children from richer families during the 1980s, there for (McPherson and Schapiro, 1991, Ellwood and Kane, 1999, and Table 1 below). In this paper, we exploit the changes in the distribution of family income that have taken place over the past 30 years to estimate the effect of parental resources on college education. Our strategy exploits the fact that families at the much poorer in the of the income distribution were 1990s than they were in the 1970s, while the opposite in the top quartile of the distribution. in family bottom income caused by changes This approach in the U.S. is attractive since is it true for families exploits variations income distribution, which are unlikely to be correlated with other (observed and unobserved) characteristics affecting education choices. Our estimates suggest income on enrollments. large effects of family that a 10 percent increase in family income is For example, we find associated with a 1.4 percentage point increase in the probability of attending a four-year college. Although there are numerous studies investigating the impact of family resources on education outcomes, whether income truly matters this area just relate schooling regressions, family income may be proxying reduce the and controls effect of 1999, Ellwood for OLS In fact, many and Kane, 1998, or Cameron and Taber, 2000). measurement errors and variables correlated with may be transitory seriously biased movements permanent income, 'See also Acemoglu and Pischke (1999) investments in training in Most studies equations. However, in in OLS education studies find that including par- the family income on children's education attenuating the effect of income on education. "The empirical in type of school attended previously or test scores substantially of the income elasticity of education stantial a hotly debated issue. ^ for family characteristics affecting "the production function" (Lang and Ruud, 1986). ents' education is still outcomes to family income for in (e.g. Cameron and Heckman, Nevertheless, such estimates downwards. This attenuation bias like parents' will be worse if other education or the type of secondary the argument that a higher return to the presence of labor market imperfections. literature has been surveyed by First, there are sub- incomes measured at a point in time, Haveman and Wolfe (1995). human capital may reduce As a substantially understated. Second, scores and previous schooling experience are , test may be estimate of the income effect school chosen, are included as controls. result, the likely to be endogenous and also affected by family income, so their inclusion may lead to biased esti- In fact, our strategy which does not suffer from these problems leads to substantially mates. larger estimates of the effect of parents' resources Our strategy effect of is more negative income tax experiments provide the only experimental study of the The income. on children's education. closely related to studies exploiting exogenous variation in parents' income on schoohng, but they confound the effect of tax rates affecting the decisions of youths to work (see e.g. income with changes Venti, 1984). have made other attempts to address the possibility that income unobserved factors which predict schooling outcomes of the may child. A in marginal few recent studies also be correlated Duncan et al. with (1998) use sibhng differences arguing that family income varies while other family characteristics remain the same. Shea (2000) uses industry and union wage to job displacement as instruments for family income finds no effects of parental resources on education, but differentials and income changes due and argues that these proxy "luck." his estimates are quite imprecise. He Both of Shea's instruments are also not entirely convincing, since they are likely correlated with parental attitudes towards education.'^ Mayer (1997) uses a variety of approaches to argue that unobserved family characteristics affecting education are relatively unimportant. She uses variation in income induced by state welfare rules, compares the impact of different sources of income, and compares the Using her estimates, she also effect of tries income before and after a child's education takes place. to assess whether changes in income inequality predict the enrollment patterns for children from different income groups over time. This comes closest to our strategy of using changes in income inequality as an instrument for family income. 2 A We now Our lasts Simple Model of Schooling With Credit Constraints outline a simple objective is model of investment in schooling based on Becker and Tomes (1986).^ to obtain a simple estimating framework for our empirical work. two periods. In period 1, an individual (parent) works, consumes whether to send their offspring to college, e The is cost of schooling for family where q denotes the income below we can allow i exp{6i). (ability) quartile of the family, so that in income is s, decides the empirical work unobserved characteristics across households (ability) distribution. education costs captures that there saves = or 1, and then dies at the end of the period. We assume that the distribution of 6i is Gq {0), for different distributions of in different parts of the c, The economy heterogeneity The among fact that there children or is among a distribution of the attitudes of Duflo (2000) exploits the expansion of old-age pensions in South Africa to analyze the effect of family resources on child health. She finds positive effect of resources on health, though given the differences in the level of development across South Africa and the U.S., it is not clear whether these results can be generalized to the U.S. context. This model is also related to the large macroeconomic literature on credit constraints. See, among others, Galor and Zeira (1993), Benabou (1996), Durlauf (1996), and Fernandez and Rogerson (1996) on the effect of credit constraints on human capital investments, and Acemoglu (1997) on the interaction between credit and labor market imperfections in determining human capital investments. . families towards education. Skilled individuals (those with education) receive a wage ^5 and an unskilled worker receives WuAll families have utility given as: Inc where + Plnc the consumption of the offspring. c is future (offspring's) consumption is Consider a family with income (1) a parameter that measures /? is relative to current consumption. In the absence of credit market problems, this family y. would simply maximize net present discounted value of income. which implies that how important We assume no discounting, this family should invest in education as long as e<e = \n[ws- Wu] The important point matter. very high, but If 9 is is that, because education than still less 9, is (2) a pure investment good, income does not then the family will borrow pledging the future earnings of their offspring in order to achieve consumption smoothing. Instead, here, we assume that all families face credit pledging the future income of their offspring. maximize by choosing (1) c, c, s, and More market problems, and cannot borrow problem of parent formally, the i is to e subject to: + exp{6i)e + s <yi c = s + Wy, + {ws — Wu)e c (3) s>0 The first condition sumption of the investment first period, If (s > lem in the budget constraint for the family. is child, and the final one is The second determines the "credit constraint". This constraint implies that education comes at the cost of consumption smoothing (low consumption in the and high consumption the level of income is in (3) (Becker in the second period). high enough, so that parents would like to leave positive bequests 0) to their offspring, credit market problems and Tomes, 1986). will not matter in the maximization prob- Such a family already has high enough income, and consumption smoothing would mean transferring resources to their so using the The most efficient combination of condition guaranteeing that we human income is capital investment high enough that even at the with optimal investment in Hence among skills), families with offspring. 2ws They will do and monetary bequests. are in the positive bequest region y>y = Ws + exp \9j — In this case, the con- is - Wu- maximum cost of education (consistent parents would leave positive bequests. income y >y, the fraction investing Gr{9)=Gr{\n[w,-Wu]), in education is (4) where Gr the distribution of education costs is main point to note among The "rich" (unconstrained) famihes. that the fraction investing depends only on skilled-unskilled wage pre- is mium, and not on income. Next, consider a "poor" family with income y Then in schooling. their hfetime utility will consume the income period, they unskilled earnings, Wy,. U{e = = 1) ln(y - their offspring obtains in Wu, and suppose that = be U{e = 0) + pinWs. {wg — Wu)/wu investing in education (3\nWu, since in the first Now, their first period consumption is - y exp (6'i), who have abihty 6 e* = is the college premium. ln < Iny y w. is a cutoff level of ability, 6*, such 9* invest in schooling, with + /?lnr Therefore, the fraction of poor families is Gp(r)«Gp(lny + /31nr), where Gp fraction 3 is the distribution of education costs now but consumption w^. that only poor parents with children = + does not invest the second period, their offspring consumes the Comparison of these two expressions implies that there where r Iny it in contrast, they send their child to school, they obtain utility If, exp(6'i)) and y, < among poor (5) Unlike in eq. families. (4), the depends not only on the college premium, but also on family income. Empirical Strategy The above model easily translated into a simple linear estimating equation. is identify in the data who If we could we should run the unconstrained and the constrained families were, equations of the following form: where i For unconstrained families : For constrained families : Sijt sm — 8r-\- Sj 8p + 5j + 6t + ocrT'jt + ^ijt + 5f + O-pTjt + jSp ^liyiqjt + ^ijt, denotes individual family, j denotes region, and which denotes whether the individual error term. Since denotes time. in question attends college, djt premium and family income we do not observe which where the t is Sijt is a 0-1 variable an individual specific These expressions follow from our theoretical model above, and allow both the effect of the college effect of family also allow the relationship This may be of a more general model quartiles. Such a between income quartile and enrollments to be non- useful because the poorest households thanks to need based financial financial aid, we think and poor households. income on enrollments varies across income monotonic. is to differ across rich families are constrained, model would colleges. — may be relatively unconstrained aid, while middle-class households, constrained, especially if who do not qualify for they wish to send their children to private This gives us the following model ^iqjt (5, -f- 6j + 6t + aqTjt + Pq In yrqjt + e^qjt, (6) , where q denotes (6) nests our allows income and We will = a and 13^ = j3 as before j denotes region, = more general heterogeneous quartiles. aq quartile, model above when Pg for rich famihes, effects of in order to make (6) includes main changes in federal financial aid and the same region > for poor famihes, but premium across income income quartiles by setting boom the college like The effects. related to the we have written the In addition, like. which implies that families look latter Vietnam relevant premium that apphes at the college in Both of these assumptions appear reasonable: most people the region at the time of schooling. in the /? college income quartile and time effects of era, as Vjt, denotes time. Expression t better use of the limited variation in our data. capture the effects of aggregate conditions work /3g income and the will premium = also present results restricting the effects across Note that equation college and and as they completed schooling (see Acemoglu and Pischke, 2000), and the existing time-series evidence suggests that current returns, not expected future returns matter most income In any case, (Freeman, 1976). for schooling decisions elasticity of college enrollments is insensitive to how we we show below that the control for the effect of returns to college. Equation (6) can be aggregated across individuals to be written in a more compact form: Sqjt where (or Sqjt among 6q + 6J +6t+ aqTjt + (3 q In Yq;jt + Sqjt, the fraction of students attending college those in the right age bracket) in region and college, time is = In Ygt is j, among those who completed income quartile the log average income of family is (7) g, in region j, and time t high school who income quartile attend g, and t. It is also useful to note that the estimation of equation (7) can be thought of as instrumental variables (IV) estimation of Sqjt using the full set = 6J +6t + aqrjt + /?, In Yq^t + Cqjt of quartile-region-time interactions as the instruments for In Yqjt. interpretation clarifies why our with parental labor supply or other reasons. may be ability, correlated with the error is empirical strategy term in equation (8). because we are controlhng attractive. Family income As captured in the is likely to vary model, these factors Our for the parents' rank in the income distribution, in InYqjt conditional structure which have taken place in differential variation in the parental wage on this rank. income distribution across The changes in is the wage differentials quartiles. wage structure over time, our estimation strategy have changed also differently in different states or regions. relying completely on within region variations we can control and parental background group Identification the United States during the 1970s and 1980s provide In addition to using variation in the exploits the fact that is strategy avoids the bias that will arise from close to a sufficient statistic for their unobservable characteristics. then achieved from the variations By is This IV correlated with the family's costs (attitudes) of educating their child, so that In Yqjt this correlation, which (8) at the aggregate level in the college for the interactions of time attendance equation. This allows us to also estimate models that control for other factors which might have affected the children of richer or poorer parents differently, like differential changes in tuition costs at private and public universities, or the changes in the availability of Pell grants and Guaranteed Student Loans. Data 4 We study the effect of family income on college attendance, of high school leavers sponsored using the three longitudinal surveys by the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES): the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72), the High School and Beyond Survey (HSB), which started with high school seniors and sophomores and the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS), which started with a graders in 1988. These surveys roughly span the two decades of the 1970s and the 1980s which returns to college Each on the educational background of the parents and on family income when the respondent was a senior various stages during the (see Duncan life et al., 1998) might of a child and opportunity variables for income, affect its we want quartile in the may impede these two distributions, We in we Follow-up information after leaving high school was From overcome ever attended a four-year college. We this problem by fitting derive the enrollment rate for each first in the quartile. two years collected this follow-up wave, whether an individual ever attended any college income to cover the the sample of college entrants and income distribution and the average family income spondents were in their senior year. seems to be schooling datasets record only bracketed and there are 10 to 18 brackets. From the cognitive in high school to focus on the role of The costs of attending college. Family income at ultimate chance of attending college income during the senior year parametric Singh-Maddala distributions to the incomes in the entire sample. in high school. because fewer resources at a young age child. Nevertheless, the correct concept for our project because direct in decreased and then increased. first of these surveys collected information development of a in 1980, class of 8th in the interim, we after the re- construct measures of and whether the individual derived information on returns from the 1970, 1980, and 1990 Censuses by calculating the average wages of those with exactly 16 and exactly 12 years of education (those with a college degree and a high school degree, respectively) workers with is 1 to 5 years of experience. Our definition of the return approximately equal to the return to one year of Table 1 gives summary statistics for is among \n{wi^/wi2)l^, which college. our sample by family income quartiles and year. The top panel gives the fraction of children from families of different quartiles ever attending any college within two years of high school. The second panel shows the same information attending four-year college, and the bottom panel statistics by region and A number in year, and the variation is for family in the college of patterns are clearly visible from Tables 1 income. premium and 2. Table 2 gives similar across regions There has been the fraction of children attending four-year college between 1972 and 1982. and 1992, there has been a substantial children in the upper two quartiles. increase, but this increase The bottom is for and time. little increase Between 1982 concentrated among the panel in the table shows that family incomes have only risen and quartiles, top quartile over this period, stagnated for the middle two for families in the These patterns are therefore fallen slightly for families in the lowest quartile. consistent with substantial income effects on enrollments in the aggregate. that there any a is much weaker This college. contrast across quartiles in line is and attending four-year is difference noteworthy at the fraction ever attending between attending any college mostly made up by community colleges, which are very cheap, and pose a lower opportunity cost from poor backgrounds since the duration for families is Therefore, in the presence of significant credit market barriers affecting education shorter. choices, The with our thinking. college when looking It is also we would expect community colleges families to increase the rate at much more than may be also implies that there which they send their children to to four-year colleges over this period. This observation quite significant heterogeneity in the quality of colleges that children from poorer and richer families are attending within these broad categories of two-year and four-year colleges. Table 2 reveals that there Northeast and the least is substantial variation in the variables of interest across the Both income and four Census regions. but there is in the West. college enrollment rates have Returns have moved mostly some heterogeneity across regions the 1970s. in grown the most in the during the 1980s in line This illustrates that the region variation will be quite helpful in identifying our models. Results 5 We is with the regressions which do not control start in Table 3 for quartile effects. equivalent to estimating (8) without instrumenting for family income. The This coefficient on family income in these models therefore captures both the effect of income and any other effect of family background which In this is and the following correlated with income. tables, the first four college in a region-income quartile-year cell as dependent variable, while the are for the fraction attending four-year college. four columns are more important for columns have the fraction attending any The our argument. It of the effect of log income on enrollments, 0.18, implies that a 10 percent increase in family income 1.8 percentage point increase in enrollments. This is four columns turns out that the coefficients on The estimate family income are very stable across specifications. Isist discussion above suggests that the last is associated by a a fairly large effect of family income on college enrollments. The first and fifth columns do not control national changes in family income and for time in the college effects, so premium they effectively exploit the to identify the effects on enroll- ments. These columns also show moderate effects of returns of attending college. For example, the estimate of 0.82 for log returns in column (5) imphes that a 4 log point increase in the college return, which is roughly the increase from 1980 to 1990, should lead to a 3.3 percentage point increase in college enrollments. In the remaining columns, second and sixth columns, we drop returns to to college are included. In all college, while in we add year columns (3) cases, the estimates of the effect of family effects. and (7), In the returns income on college attendance is is unaffected. Interestingly, in columns making consider only the national return in also wisdom that returns and Although estimated to be insignificant and negative. ventional (3) the effect of college returns (7), may be this result college decisions, because families sheds some doubt on the con- it to education have a major effect on enrollment decisions (see Acemoglu and Pischke, 2000). Here we add dummies Table 4 gives our main results. for the income This quartile. should control for any invariant family background effects related to the rank of a family in the income distribution and in columns Table 3. and (1) time which do not control (5), Nevertheless, there are Our college enrollments. effects and many other aggregate trends, which might have affected columns we and the That the 3. some eliminating is family income. Nevertheless, The the estimate of the income elasticity. (6) therefore include coefficient for family effect of family income is income income for both enrollment columns (3) and (7) has insignificant. columns (4) Finally, and (8) adding second not on on the level interactions changes the general magnitude of much the estimates httle, though, since these controls eliminate is little effect Interestingly, in these specifications the estimates in is now smaller enrollment (although this difference in the region in become and time of income quartile, region, and of the unobserved characteristics correlated with effect is larger for four- year college returns to schooling once again (2) find a significant effect of family Adding returns to coUege results are very similar to those in effects, exploit only the within region variation. implies that our strategy significant). time for preferred specifications, in lower than those in column (1) and in Table variables, income on enrollments. The isolate the true effect of family of the variation in the data, the effects are no longer statistically significant We therefore conclude that there is Our It a robust effect of family income on enrollments decisions. baseline estimate of 0.14 indicates an economically very significant effect of family income. implies that family income, rather than other factors related to family background, explain 27 percentage points of the 36 percentage point difference in the enrollment rates of children from the bottom and top quartiles have found positive in 1992. income. effects of This is large compared to other studies, which For example, Ellwood and Kane (1999) find that family income explains only 9 percentage points of the 26 percentage points enrollment difference between the top and bottom quartiles The framework we and returns by income families. It is possible to estimate separate effects for family income The quartile. results are less clear-cut, we do not 1982 after introducing various controls. outlined above suggested that the effects of family income might differ between rich and poor effects are allowed to in vary by income quartile. find that family income is even relatively rich families some for reasons other may To the degree that there most important in the case of four-year college, the opposite matter These results of this exercise are given in Table 5. mostly because the estimates become relatively imprecise once the for are any patterns, the lowest income families seems to be true). (in fact This might indicate that not be completely unconstrained. In addition, income than credit market constraints, for example, because college may is, to degree, a consumption good rather than a pure investment good. Since the estimates are imprecise, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions from the results in Table 5. Summary 6 The income nomics elasticity of of a key parameter for the labor and macroeco- is knowing how responsive college enrollments will income may have become even more important with the increase schooling, which be in the returns to expected to encourage greater enrollments. is we proposed In this paper, We The importance literatures. to family education decisions a novel identification strategy for estimating this elasticity. exploited variations in family income over time due to changes in the overall income distribution. in family We income find reasonably robust is and large income A elasticities. predicted to increase college enrollments by 1 10 percent increase to 1.4 percentage points. References 1] Acemoglu Daron (1997) "Matching, heterogeneity and the evolution Journal of Economic Growth 2] Economic Journal Features MIT in imperfect 109, F112-F142. and LSE. Becker, Gary and Nigel Tomes Journal of Labor Economics 5] 61-92. 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[22] Topel, Robert (1997) "Factor proportions and relative wages: The supply side determi- nants of wage inequality," Journal of Economic Perspectives 11, 55-74. [23] Venti, Stephen (1984) market "The activities of youths," effect of income maintenance on work, schoohng, and non- Review of Economics and 10 Statistics 66, 16-25. Table 1 Means of Fraction Ever Attending Any College Within Two Years of High School and Family Income by Year and Family Income Quartile, 1972-1 992 12 Family Income Quartile Year 3 4 Attending Any College 1972 0.37 0.45 0.53 0.69 1980 0.45 0.52 0.60 0.72 1982 0.44 0.54 0.61 0.73 1992 0.56 0.66 0.75 0.87 Attending Four Year College 1972 0.22 0.28 0.34 0.51 1980 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.53 1982 0.26 0.33 0.39 0.53 1992 0.30 0.38 0.47 0.66 Family Income Note: Cell level Students left means for (in $1,000) 1972 16.8 30.7 43.6 69.8 1980 16.6 28.5 40.9 81.4 1982 16.6 30.4 44.2 77.4 1992 13.7 30.0 48.4 92.2 4 Census regions. Data from the NLS-72, high school in 1972, 1980, 1982, and 1992. HSB Senior and Sophomore cohorts, and the NELS. Table 2 Means of Fraction Ever Attending Any College Within Two Years of High School and Family Income by Year and Census Region, 1972-1992 Census Region V Year North „ North „ East Attending „ , . ... ^ South West Central Any College 1972 0.53 0.48 0.46 0.57 1980 0.58 0.55 0.52 0.63 1982 0.58 0.57 0.52 0.66 1992 0.76 0.70 0.68 0.69 Attending Four Year College 1972 0.40 0.36 0.33 0.28 1980 0.43 0.41 0.34 0.28 1982 0.43 0.41 0.34 0.34 1992 0.57 0.48 0.42 0.34 Family Income (in $1,000) 1972 41.4 41.1 36.7 41.7 1980 47.5 41.7 36.0 42.2 1982 42.3 42.3 37.2 46.8 1992 51.4 46.2 41.0 46.0 Returns 1972 0.125 0.098 0.113 0.079 1980/82 0.076 0.070 0.079 0.069 1992 0.114 0.115 0.116 0.114 Note: Cell level means for 4 Census regions. Data from the NLS-72, HSB Senior and Sophomore cohorts, and the left high school in 1972, 1980, 1982, and 1992. Returns are calculated from the 1970, 1980, and 1990 Censuses. NELS. Students Table 3 Fixed Effects Regressions for the Probability of Attending College Within No Region by Income Quartile Cells, Log Mean Family Income Return to College 0) of High School 1972-1992 Ever Attending Any College Independent Variable Two Years Controls for Income Quartile (2) (V Ever Attending Four Year College (4) (5) (6) (7) (S) 0.186 0.183 0.183 0.182 0.184 0.183 0.183 0.182 (0.016) (0.007) (0.007) (0.006) (0.011) (0.008) (0.008) (0.008) 1.341 — -0.790 — 0.822 — -0.945 — (0.485) (0.667) (0.751) (0.351) Region Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Year Effects No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Region * Year Effects cell level means for 4 Census regions, 4 years, and 4 quartiles for the income of the student's family. Number of Dependent variable is the fraction of students enrolled in any college or in a four year college within two years of high school graduation calculated from the NLS-72, HSB Senior and Sophomore cohorts, and the NELS. Students left high school in 1972, 1980, 1982, and 1992. Return to college is the relative wage of those with exactly 4 years of college to those with a high school degree (for workers with 1-5 years of experience) calculated from the Census for 1970, 1980, and 1990. Note: Data are cells is 64. Table 4 Fixed Effects Regressions for the Probability of Attending College Within Two Years of High School Controlling for Income Quartile Region by Income Quartile Cells, 1972-1992 Ever Attending Any College Independent Variable Log Mean Family Income Return to College (1) (2) (3) (4) Ever Attending Four Year College (5) (6) (7) (8) 0.218 0.107 0.102 0.146 0.212 0.148 0.142 0.093 (0.101) (0.044) (0.044) (0.107) (0.065) (0.041) (0.040) (0.108) ... 1.336 -0.887 0.817 -0.994 (0.491) (0.616) (0.314) (0.556) Region Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Income Quartile Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Year Effects No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Income Quartile * Region Effects No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Income Quartile * Year Effects No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Region * Year Effects cell level means for 4 Census regions, 4 years, and 4 quartiles for the income of the student's family. Number of Dependent variable is the fraction of students enrolled in any college or in a four year college within two years of high school graduation calculated from the NLS-72, HSB Senior and Sophomore cohorts, and the NELS. Students left high school in 1972, 1980, 1982, and 1992. Return to college is the relative wage of those with exactly 4 years of college to those with a high school degree (for workers with 1 - 5 years of experience) calculated from the Census for 1970, 1980, and 1990. Note: Data are cells is 64. Table 5 Fixed Effects Regressions for the Probability of Attending College Within Two Years of High School by Income Quartile Region by Income Quartile Cells, 1972-1992 Effects Ever Attending Any College Independent Variable (1) Log Mean Family Income Quartile 1 Return Quartile (0.187) (0.085) (0.052) (0.053) (0.190) 0.229 0.189 0.167 0.201 0.151 0.128 0.087 -0.205 (0.258) (0.113) (0.117) (0.334) (0.153) (0.105) (0.101) (0.339) 0.617 0.161 0.148 0.328 0.428 0.174 0.150 -0.039 (0.273) (0.116) (0.129) (0.283) (0.162) (0.107) (0.112) (0.287) 0.405 0.012 -0.005 0.231 0.392 0.212 0.183 0.147 (0.152) (0.071) (0.072) (0.132) (0.092) (0.066) (0.063) (0.134) 0.691 — -1.049 — -0.053 — -1.577 — — 0.481 1.367 College to — — -0.963 — — -0.438 — 0.171 — — 1.304 — -1.115 — (0.627) — -0.226 — (0.627) (0.564) (0.723) -1.121 (0.630) (0.622) (0.722) (0.952) 0.599 (0.556) (0.726) (1.050) Quartile 4 -1.032 (0.659) (0.623) (0.759) (0.938) Return to College Return (8) -0.016 0.139 1.144 Quartile 3 (7) 0.064 (0.064) Return to College Quartile 2 (6) 0.108 0.154 (1.052) 1 (5) 0.010 (0.056) College to (4) 0.018 Log Mean Family Income Quartile 4 (3) (0.143) Log Mean Family Income Quartile 3 < -0.039 Log Mean Family Income Quartile 2 (2) Ever Attending Four Year College Region Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Income Quartile Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Year Effects No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Income Quartile * Region Effects No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Income Quartile * Year Effects No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Region * Year Effects cell level means for 4 Census regions, 4 years, and 4 quartiles for the income of the student's family. Number of Dependent variable is the fraction of students enrolled in any college or in a four year college within two years of high school graduation calculated from the NLS-72, HSB Senior and Sophomore cohorts, and the NELS. Students left high school in Note; Data are cells is 64. is the relative wage of those with exactly 4 years of college to those with a high of experience) calculated from the Census for 1970, 1980, and 1990. 1972, 1980, 1982, and 1992. Return to college school degree (for workers with 1 - 5 years 537^ UI7 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02237 4 82