Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/currentaccountsi00kraa2 dewe 31 415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Current Accounts in the Long and Short Run Aart Kraay Jaume Ventura Working Paper 02-21 June 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf7abstract id-=31 5279 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 1 3 2002 LIBRARIES ' Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Current Accounts in the Long and Short Run Aart Kraay Jaume Ventura Working Paper 02-21 June 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf7abstract id-=xxxxx Revised Draft Current Accounts in the Long and Short Run Aart Kraay* The World Bank Jaume Ventura MIT, CEPR and NBER June 2002 Faced with income fluctuations, countries smooth their consumption by when income is high, and vice versa. How much of these savings do countries invest at home and abroad? In other words, what are the effects of fluctuations in savings on domestic investment and the current account? In the long run, we find that countries invest the marginal unit of savings in domestic and foreign Abstract: raising savings assets in the same proportions as stable. In the short run, we in their initial portfolio, so that the latter is remarkably find that countries invest the marginal unit of savings mostly in foreign assets, and only gradually do they rebalance their portfolio back to its original composition. This means that countries not only try to smooth consumption, but also domestic investment. To achieve this, they use foreign assets as a buffer stock. We This paper has been prepared for the 2002 NBER Macroeconomics Annual. are grateful to our discussants Fabrizio Perri and Eric van Wincoop as well as to the participants for their useful comments. The opinions expressed here are the authors', and do not necessarily reflect those of the World Bank, its executive directors, or the countries they represent. * Countries are subject to transitory income shocks such as changes is of these ample evidence that countries shocks on consumption, The main goal of this paper raising savings assets that countries use for this purpose. allocate the marginal unit of savings equivalently, what are the effects the current account? The their assets to buffer or when income is smooth the high and vice versa. In particular, we ask: how do countries between domestic and foreign assets? Or, of fluctuations in savings on domestic investment and view is that countries invest the marginal unit of savings foreign assets. Underlying this view are the assumptions that investment risk and diminishing returns are strong. The first the marginal unit of savings its is invested in by the data. The top panel of Figure in fluctuations in in the current account of roughly the OECD 1 has been consistently rejected shows pooled annual observations countries over the past 30 years. current account on savings delivers a slope coefficient that is savings foreign assets, justifying the traditional rule theoretically coherent, this rule account and savings for 21 unit of expected return below that of foreign assets. Hence savings lead to fluctuations same magnitude. While than one. This weak those assets that offer the highest expected return. The second domestic capital would lower in is in assumption ensures that countries invest assumption implies that investing any fraction of the marginal that fluctuations 1 2 traditional their savings only in effects improve our understanding of the combination of to is use the terms and many others. of trade, fluctuations in production, policy reforms, natural disasters, There in is A of the current regression of the positive but much lower nothing but the famous result of Feldstein and Horioka [1980] that savings lead to parallel fluctuations in investment, with only minor effects on the current account. 1 For evidence on consumption-smoothing, see Deaton [1991] who writes that "consumption is less volatile than income, it fluctuates less about its trend, the amplitude of its business cycle variation is less, and the variance of its growth rate is less than the variance of the growth rate of income" p. 133-34. 2 Why do countries use assets to smooth consumption rather than simply buy insurance abroad? Implicit in this paragraph and basically in all that follows is the assumption that countries are unable or unwilling to sell their idiosyncratic risk. This assumption is a central tenet of the intertemporal approach to the current account (See Obstfeld and Rogoff [1995]), and it is widely thought to provide an accurate description of In unit of expect an we proposed earlier paper, new view a that countries invest the marginal savings as the average one (Kraay and Ventura [2000]). This if, in contrast to the traditional view, investment risk returns are weak. The what one should is strong and diminishing is assumption implies that countries are unwilling to change first the composition of their portfolios, unless shocks have large effects on the distribution of asset returns. is The second assumption ensures unaffected by the way marginal unit of savings fluctuations in countries invest the marginal unit of savings. Hence, the is savings times the share of foreign assets theoretically coherent, but new invested as the average one, leading to the savings lead to fluctuations The bottom panel that the distribution of asset returns it of Figure in the current account that are equal to the country portfolio. This rule not only in also provides a surprisingly shows 1 rule that good description is of the data. that a simple regression of the current account on the interaction between savings and the share of foreign assets delivers a slope coefficient close to one and a zero intercept. Moreover, explains around thirty percent of the observed variation Hidden predictive point. In the bottom panel of Figure in power of the the top panel, new rule in the long we have plotted the 1 there is this interaction in term by the current account. itself 3 a vast difference between the and the short run. Figure 2 illustrates this average current account over a thirty-year period against the average of savings time the share of foreign assets during the period. The new rule explains country differences in interaction of savings country and year. about 85 percent of the long run or average cross- current accounts. (demeaned) current account for and the The new same In the bottom panel, we have plotted the each country and year against the (demeaned) initial share of foreign assets rule explains basically none in wealth for the same of the year-to-year within- The question of why this is so is one of the most intriguing puzzles in international finance. See Lewis [1999] for a survey of the literature on this topic. 3 Since foreign assets constitute a small fraction of observed country portfolios, this view implies that fluctuations in savings should mostly lead to parallel fluctuations in investment, and is therefore consistent with the Feldstein-Horioka finding. What we found most surprising about this view in our earlier paper is that it has sharply different implications for the current account response to an increase in savings in debtor and creditor countries. Since debtors by definition hold more than their wealth in domestic capital, they invest at home more than the increase in savings, resulting in a current account deficit. In contrast, creditor countries invest at home less than the increase in savings, resulting in a current account surplus. reality. country differences in The current accounts. contrast between the two panels indicates a discrepancy between the long and the short run behavior of the current account. Is the short-run relationship between savings and the current account just noise How do we or are there clear patterns behind this cloud of points? apparently haphazard behavior of the current account behavior clear new i.e. in the long run? answers rule The main to these questions. embodies the view changes composition. in rule in in The this, empirical success of the the long run. This in the short run increases in To do it is the short run with account primarily is new think, is in reflects portfolio growth, Our hypothesis is in its 2 simply composition of country portfolios has been remarkably shown in Figure 3. If we want to understand why the new we must explain savings lead mostly to portfolio rebalancing, we must go undone neat to provide rule in the top panel of Figure the composition of the country portfolio. portfolio rebalancing is in further If in addition how and why systematic i.e. we want to and also explain why reconcile this short-run the long run. that the pattern of portfolio rebalancing view that adjustment costs to investment are important. If is consistent with the this is the case, an increase savings that raises investment reduces the expected return to capital and induces countries to rebalance their portfolios towards foreign assets. the short-run current account surplus Once savings is larger than the Under these conditions, one predicted by the new rule. returns to normal, investment declines, adjustment costs disappear and the country portfolio returns gradually to its original composition. adjustment process, the current account surplus 4 we its useful to start by pointing out that the the bottom panel of Figure 2, the two panels of Figure 2, in reconcile the the size of the country portfolio without systematic changes performs so poorly changes in contribution of this paper, that the current reflects the observation that the stable 4 is Throughout this smaller than the one predicted by We also noted this discrepancy in our earlier paper, although it was much less pronounced in the smaller sample of 13 countries and 23 years (1973-1995) that we used there. Here, we have been able to extend our sample to 21 countries and up to 32 years per country (1966-1997). All the results obtained in the previous paper are confirmed and, to some extent, reinforced when we use the larger sample. the new portfolio rule. In and the new With patterns rule to the long run, the shock does not affect the composition of the country in would rule applies. this theoretical picture at we go back to the hand, new the discrepancies between the observed current account and what the predict. When we do this, the picture that comes out from the data turns out be clear and unambiguous: on impact, countries rebalance foreign assets increases data to search for in and the new their portfolios towards rule systematically under-predicts the short-run effects of savings on the current account. In the years that follow, countries rebalance their portfolios back towards their original composition. During this period, the new rule systematically over-predicts the current account. adjustment process lasts about five years. Overall, the We find that the whole evidence is consistent with the view that adjustment costs to investment are important and, to avoid paying them, countries use foreign assets as a buffer stock to smooth fluctuations The theory presented here can in investment. also reconcile two apparently contradictory observations about the relationship between the current account and investment. On the one hand, the long run or cross-sectional correlation between investment and the current account is weak (Penati and Dooley [1984], Tesar [1991]). On the other hand, the short run or time-series correlation between investment and the current account consistently negative (Glick and Rogoff [1995]). that in the long run, portfolio rebalancing is The theory presented here We show that the data cross-sectional correlation countries. The theory is is predicts small and the correlation between the current account and investment should be positive debtor ones. is in creditor countries and negative consistent with this prediction and that the in weak the result of pooling data from debtor and creditor also predicts that in the short run portfolio rebalancing is important and this introduces a source of negative correlation between the current account and investment. This debtors or creditors. We is true in all countries, regardless of whether they are present a simple decomposition of the cross-sectional and time-series correlations between the current account and investment that illustrates this point. The paper is organized as follows: Section I presents a stylized model that encapsulates the main elements of our portfolio-based theory of the current account. Section II uses the model to study how countries react to income shocks. Section examines the empirical evidence and interprets III from the vantage point of the theory. it Section IV investigates the relationship between investment and the current account. V concludes. Section I. An Intertemporal Model of the Current Account In this responds section, to transitory we present a stylized model of how the current account income shocks. Since we stop short equilibrium and focus instead of modeling the world on a small open economy, these shocks should be interpreted as country-specific or idiosyncratic risk. Following the tradition of the intertemporal approach, we simply markets. this risk in international assume In particular, by assuming that the only asset that The model captures what we based theory portfolio that countries are unable or unwilling to sell is we adopt the starkest form of traded internationally think are the essential of the current account. This theory is built country plus its portfolio, we refer to the sum net foreign asset position. of The all 5 elements of a is In 5 portfolio- around the concept of country relies on this concept. productive assets located within the latter consist of the domestic assets held by foreigners minus the sum of by domestic residents. view a non-contingent bond. and a simple decomposition of the current account that By the country country is this all sum of all claims on claims on foreign assets held our simple model, the only productive asset located within the the stock of capital, and the net foreign asset position is simply the stock of The intertemporal approach was developed by Sachs [1981, 1982], Obstfeld [1982], Dornbusch [1983], Svensson and Razin [1983], Persson and Svensson [1985], and Matsuyama [1987], among others. Obstfeld and Rogoff [1995] survey this research. non-contingent bonds portfolio, we owned by refer to the share of the net foreign asset position evolution of the current account changes pieces: changes in is it useful to break is to good is is p. required. Since capital its return is growth; and call portfolio constants; and is To produce one reversible co is one 6 normally distributed with instantaneous 1 rik k dt «=*-— is assumed to unit of capital unit its a Wiener processes, mean n and be proportional i.e. its ; where n and changes are the flow of production is, instantaneous variance to the o. is The aggregate investment rate: (teo) this is also the previous period. Note that we stock of capital that was used justifies this relationship in production in the are treating the relationship between operating costs and investment as a congestion effect or negative externality. One set of assumptions that would be that investment requires a public input that costs per unit of investment and the government finances this input by raising a tax 6 one the aggregate stock of capital at the beginning of the period. Since capital does not depreciate, capital. The and does not depreciate, 2 operating costs, a, are capital. unit of capital is 7idt+0-dco normally distributed with E[dco]=0 and E[dco ]=dt. That k two components or equal to the flow of production minus operating flow of production generated by a are non-negative where interpret the two investment opportunities: foreign loans and domestic equal to one and The (1) we To a single good that can be used for consumption and investment. Consumers of the single costs. into it. small country populated by a continuum of identical consumers. instantaneous interest rate on foreign loans is down in the composition of the country portfolio, or portfolio rebalancing. have access price it the size of the country portfolio, which in We study a There the country. By the composition of the country A. a on There might be alternative and more compelling sets of assumptions that Implicit in this decomposition is the assumption that asset price revaluations are small. This might be a poor assumption in some episodes. See Ventura [2001] for an example that shows this. deliver this relationship. tractable and effective The reason we adopt way it here to capture the notion of is simply because it provides a adjustment costs to investment. The representative consumer values consumption sequences 7 with these preferences: EJlnce" (2) 5 ' dt (6>0) Given our assumptions about the flow of production and the operating costs, the return to capital is (Tt-a)dt + adco; and the representative consumer's budget constraint can be written as follows: da = [((n-a)-(1-x) + px)a-c]-dt + (1-x)-a-a-dco (3) where c, a and x denote consumption, wealth and the share of foreign loans portfolio of the representative consumer. The budget constraint risk-return trade-off underlying investment decisions. in Each illustrates the the standard extra unit of wealth invested domestic capital rather than foreign loans increases the expected return to wealth by n-a, at the cost of raising the variance of this return by not possible to short-sell the capital stock, Solving the representative and (4) 7 in portfolio decisions: i.e. a2 . Finally, we assume that it is x<1 consumer problem, we find the optimal consumption 8 c = 5 a • The q-theory postulates that investment raises the price of investment goods relative to consumption goods, leaving the productivity of capital constant. We instead postulate that investment lowers the productivity of capital, leaving the relative price of investment and consumption goods constant. It is likely that in real economies, both sorts of adjustment costs to investment are important. See Lucas [1967] for an early model that considers both types of adjustment costs; and Caballero [1997] and Dixit and Pyndick [1994] for two excellent expositions of existing models of adjustment costs of investment. Merton [1971] solved this problem first. See also the appendix in Kraay and Ventura [2000]. x = 1-max<{ (5) When deciding their consumption, consumers behave as income theory wealth and When is r~^'° of Friedman. Equation (4) shows that Markowitz and Tobin. Equation shows (5) depend only on the mean and variance wealth. The In kink in the on domestic constraint consumption independent of the expected return and deciding their portfolio, consumers behave as demand capital, equilibrium, the that the in volatility of the permanent- is a fixed fraction of available assets. the mean-variance theory of in shares of each asset of the different assets in the portfolio and not on the level of for foreign assets is the result of the short-sale x<1. i.e. demand and supply of capital must be equal and this implies that: (1-x)a = (6) The assumed left k + dk hand side that only of Equation (6) The right the demand domestic consumers hold domestic the share of their wealth that these wealth. is hand side consumers want of Equation (6) is for capital. capital, this to hold in Since we have demand domestic is equal to capital, times the supply of capital, and consists of the capital stock at the beginning of the period plus the investment made during the period. This completes the description of the model. There are two state variables: k and a; limiting and one shock: case in which dco. X—>0. and the only state variable parameter restriction The "new In this is rule" model of our previous paper obtains as the case, there are no adjustment costs to investment the level of wealth. ensures that the economy 10 Assume is that 7i>p+A.(p-5). This productive enough so that the short- on selling constraint Equations capital (1)-(6) to obtain the dk =x- (7) 1 ji-p-a - 2 • da T a straightforward to use and wealth: for the capital stock 9 2 + p-8 dt + — -adco a a Equations II. is ay (8) study dynamics it —k^ •dt k condition never binding. Then, is a (7)-(8) provide the and sequence how the Our next goal is to use this dynamical system Growth and Portfolio the model's implications, illustrate first to we Rebalancing analyze the behavior of savings, investment and the current account after a transitory income shock. To do useful initial current account responds to income shocks. Portfolio To of shocks. law of motion of the system from any given to establish some notation. Let account both as a share of wealth, i.e. along any particular sample path that S and CA be savings and the S= we 1 da a dt and CA = 1 dfx -a) a dt . this, it is current It follows that, consider, the current account can be written as follows: (9) CA = x-S + — dx dt Equation of (9) two terms. The To derive Equations shows first that it is possible to interpret the current account as the one measures the change (7)-(8), remember in the stock of foreign assets that that in the limit of continuous time 11 dkdt=0. sum would keep constant the composition of the country to and as portfolio growth. The second term measures the change country portfolio and this To develop current account, following ' is what we intuitions we refer to as in this is what we refer the composition of the portfolio rebalancing. about the interplay between these two components of the present next a series of examples. sample path ^ (10) v portfolio In all we assume the of them, for the production shock: tel-co,^) e-o -1 tefTpT;,) (e>0) dt te[T2 ,oo) That is, the country experiences a sequence of unexpected production shocks equal to edt times the capital stock for a finite period and zero afterwards. We refer to the period [TLT2) as the shock period and to (-^.T^ and [T 2 ,°°) as the pre- and post- shock periods, respectively. Figure 4 shows the behavior of the foreign asset position along this sample path. Regardless of the initial condition, during the pre-shock period the share of foreign assets converges towards x* = 1 + f 1 \ 2-X simulation behind Figure 4 assumes i 1 A + X 1 (n v - p) - K p+5 \{2-X that this value has 7 . The a been reached by t=0. During the shock period the share of foreign assets increases steadily, albeit at a declining rate. The magnitude of this increase effects of increased investment inducement for investors to depends on X. High values of X imply that the on operating costs are large and provide a strong rebalance their portfolios towards foreign assets. During the post-shock period, investment and operating costs decline. foreign assets slowly returns to this its pre-shock level. We As a the share of next study the implications of behavior of the share of foreign assets for the current account. 12 result, Consider i.e. A—>0. first Figure 4 throughout. As the case shows which adjustment costs to investment are in that in this a result, there is case the share of foreign assets portfolio rebalancing, —= i.e. constant is dx no negligible, and the current ; dt account is analyzed equal to portfolio growth; in our previous paper, and are depicted in Figure 5. i.e. CA = x S This • the "new rule" model that implications for a creditor its The top panel shows bottom panel shows a debtor country, is . i.e. a creditor country, we and a debtor country i.e. x*>0, while the x*<1. Both countries raise their savings during the shock period as a result of the standard "consumption-smoothing" motive. Both countries also invest these marginal savings in same the small the and In same we find that in both countries the increase in order of magnitude as the increase in saving. But account responses this leads to different current the creditor country investment increases current account registers a surplus. somewhat more than savings and main domestic capital and foreign loans proportions as their average portfolio. Since the foreign asset share absolute value, in in In in somewhat it is investment is of not exactly the same, debtor and creditor countries. less than savings and the the debtor country investment increases the current account registers a deficit. This is the result of our previous paper. Consider next the case negligible, creditor. i.e. in which adjustment costs to investment are no longer X>0. Figure 6 shows the case of a country that By choosing the case x*=0, we know that in the is neither a debtor nor a absence of adjustment costs, the current account would be zero before, during and after the shock. Figure 6 the behavior of savings, investment and the current account raises its savings during the shock period for the motive as before. But adjustment costs and is this affects how these savings in this case. shows The country same "consumption-smoothing" now discourage large swings in investment, are distributed between domestic capital and foreign loans. During the shock period, the country uses most of its increase in savings to purchase foreign loans, while investment increases only gradually. Consumers 13 rebalance their portfolios towards foreign assets because the increase raises operating costs portfolio-rebalancing new and productivity component of the current account account surplus in is positive and, as a result, the the short run. In the post-shock but remains higher than normal for a while. Since falls slowly, has returned to investment lowers the expected return to domestic capital. The this rule under-predicts the current period investment in pre-shock its higher-than-normal investment is savings return to normal and the level, now financed by a sale of foreign loans. Consumers rebalance their portfolios back towards their original composition because the decline in investment lowers operating costs and The capital. portfolio-rebalancing negative and, as a result, the medium run. and the new component new again in the expected return to domestic of the current account rule over-predicts the current As time passes, the country rule applies this raises portfolio returns to its is therefore account surplus original in the composition the long run. This example clearly shows the role of foreign loans as a buffer stock to smooth the fluctuations in investment. Without access to foreign loans, countries would be forced not only to invest all of their savings at home but also to do so contemporaneously. Access to foreign loans permits countries a to spread domestic investment over time and, do way, avoid paying high adjustment costs. To countries temporarily place their savings this, them in this into It in in and slowly convert foreign loans domestic investment. is possible to design more complicated examples exhibits richer dynamics. For instance, Figure 7 costs their a creditor and a debtor country. in which the current account shows the case One can interpret of positive adjustment these examples as a combination of portfolio growth and portfolio rebalancing along the lines of the explanations of Figures 5 and 6. The theory developed here clear picture of the factors that determine in savings. The next step is to go back how the current account reacts to increases to actual data vantage point of the theory. 14 therefore equips us with a and attempt to interpret it from the III. The Process In the introduction, current accounts run, current in OECD of Current Account Adjustment we argued the long run most of the variation countries that is due account fluctuations primarily We portfolios or portfolio rebalancing. in to portfolio reflect made growth changes this point in current account. However, the same effects, while in the short the composition of country based on the observation the simple interaction of a country's foreign asset share with the past thirty years, proved to be a very good predictor its in that saving, averaged over average of the country's be a very interaction using annual data proved to poor predictor of year-to-year fluctuations in current accounts. This was shown in the 10 two panels of Figure 2. The theory presented above has the potential to explain these observations. In the presence of adjustment costs to investment, the theory predicts that in the short- run countries react to transitory income shocks by raising savings and rebalancing their portfolios towards foreign assets. therefore explain why the short run variation and not portfolio rebalancing, these costs are sufficiently strong, the theory can If in portfolio growth. the current account The theory is dominated by also predicts that in the aftermath of the shock countries gradually rebalance their portfolios back to their original composition. in the current account The theory rebalancing that 10 Therefore the theory can also explain why the long-run variation is dominated by portfolio growth, and not portfolio rebalancing. also has very clear predictions for the patterns of portfolio we should observe Of course, one could argue that in the data. The new rule or portfolio growth simply due to growth than in the between-country variation. While measurement error is certainly present, we clearly do not think it is the whole story. One way to see this is to notice that (i) measurement error in the RHS variable in our regression will bias the slope coefficient downward by a factor equal to the signal-to-noise ratio, and 2 (ii) measurement error in both the LHS and RHS variables will bias the R coefficient by a factor equal to the product of the signal-to-noise ratios in the two variables. Since we observe a slope coefficient of one2 half and an R coefficient that falls from 0.6 in the "between" regression to 0.03 in the within regression, this implies a signal to noise ratio of only 0.5 in the RHS variable and 0.1 in the LHS variable. While there much greater measurement are clearly various this discrepancy in the "between" and "within" results error in the within-country variation in current accounts measurement issues in our data, we find calculation would suggest. 15 it and implausible that the data is portfolio is as noisy as this component of the current account under-predicts the actual current account during the shock period as countries rebalance new back towards increase its original composition. In other of the current account, while past increases associated with negative values in their words, a contemporaneous savings should be associated with a positive portfolio-rebalancing in component apply towards foreign assets, while the account after the shock as countries rebalance rule over-predicts the current portfolios their portfolios in savings should be in same component. Moreover, the for the new rule to the long run, these positive and negative components should be roughly of the same magnitude. In this section, we show that the data is consistent with these predictions. We begin by decomposing observed current accounts portfolio rebalancing assets in components. As in the theory, let Xct into portfolio growth and denote the share of foreign the portfolio of country c at the beginning of period and t, let S and CAc ct denote gross national saving and the current account balance as a fraction of during period PG = x ct S ct • ct period in the We t. a country were to distribute t if same proportion as measure the difference ct its ct -S ct its saving between domestic and foreign assets component We of the current account residually as the this decomposition, and the share of foreign assets in current Financial Statistics. US dollars in in we require data on current accounts, saving country portfolios. We obtain We measure gross national saving current US annual data on current from the International Monetary Fund's International account and gross domestic investment GDP i.e. . To implement in current dollars, obtaining Bank's World Development Indicators. in of the current account as between the actual current account and the portfolio-growth component, ct fraction of component existing portfolio at the beginning of the period. portfolio-rebalancing PR =CA -x accounts portfolio-growth GDP the net purchases of foreign assets that would be observed during i.e. , measure the t US dollars, of the current and express both as a investment and We obtain GDP from the World data on the share of foreign assets wealth from Kraay, Loayza, Serven and Ventura (2000). 16 sum as the We restrict attention to the set of 21 industrial countries for which at least 20 annual observations on this variable are available over the period 1966-1997 covered by this dataset. With data on saving and the portfolio-rebalancing component of the current account hand, in we estimate a series of dynamic linear regressions of the form: p PR d =a c (11) q +£<|> w -PR Cit _ v where PRc and S ct are the t portfolio-rebalancing saving as described above; Zc We then Ci ,_ v +P c Z +u t is component period — 3S i.e. of the current account use the point estimates of the coefficients dPR c t, ct a vector of control variables, and Ud impulse response function of portfolio rebalancing in ct v=0 v=1 error term. / +£Ycv-S • , in is and a well-behaved to retrieve the implied period t+k to an increase in saving l : . These impulse responses provide us with a picture of how ct countries The change the composition results of four Table 1 of their portfolios following such regressions are summarized in an increase Table 1. in saving. The top panel of reports the estimated coefficients, while the bottom panel reports the corresponding impulse response functions using the 21 -country sample of annual The estimated impulse response observations. panels of Figure We begin countries. saving. In this 11 In in the four 8. by assuming that all of the slope coefficients are the our simplest specification, The functions are also plotted we same across also set p=0 and introduce 5 lags of results of this specification are reported in the first column of Table 1. case, the impulse response function simply consists of the estimated coefficients on current and lagged saving. We find a strong positive contemporaneous correlation between saving and the current account. The point estimate of 0.6 can be interpreted as the fraction of an increase in saving that, on impact, would be invested 17 in foreign assets by a country with zero higher (lower) Since the in latter initial foreign assets. This fraction would creditor (debtor) countries creditor countries and negative The subsequent decreasing in in an increase in slightly of the portfolio-growth measures the current account balance of their portfolios constant following in because be that saving, component. would keep the composition it is by construction positive debtor ones. lags of saving enter with negative coefficients that are all absolute value and, with the exception of the first lag, are not significantly from zero. These coefficients can be interpreted as the fraction of the different increase saving that in subsequent 0.09 which is five years. is reallocated back towards domestic assets Interestingly, the insignificantly different toward foreign assets largely is readjustment occurring the in of the coefficients in of the on lagged saving from zero. This suggests that the undone first sum each in initial is - initial shift the next five years, with the bulk of the year following the increase in saving. This pattern is consistent with the predictions of the theory. The We rest of Table 1 reports a variety of robustness checks on this basic result. begin by introducing lagged values of the portfolio-rebalancing component of the current account, and find that the third (and higher) lags are not. coefficients function that the is In most and second lags are strongly Although on current and lagged saving, very similar to that reported initial shift the increase 11 12 first in in toward foreign assets significant, while this slightly alters the point we the find that the first shape of impulse The main regression. is slightly estimates of the response difference is smaller than before, at 50 percent of saving. we find that fifth and higher lags of saving are insignificantly different from zero in and adding higher lags has little effect on the point estimates of the coefficients on the unreported results, specifications, first five 12 lags. We are assuming here that the time dimension of our panel is sufficiently large that consistent estimates of the coefficients on the lagged dependent variable in we can obtain the presence of fixed effects on large-T asymptotics. Remember also that saving is constructed as investment plus the current account, and the latter is highly correlated with the dependent variable in Equation (11). To the extent that the portfolio-rebalancing component of the current account is measured with errors that are persistent over time, this could introduce a correlation between the residuals and current and lagged saving. In the specifications with lags of the dependent variable, we test for and do not reject the null of no serial dependence in the residuals, and so we can rule out this potential source of bias in our estimated impulse responses. relying 18 In the next column we augment the To several additional control variables. that change the desired composition are correlated with saving, this will in all of country portfolios, bias our results increases. Similarly, if if in initial shift in and these to the extent that depend on the directions which there are global shocks which raise saving countries (such as changes underestimating the size of the column with the extent that there are other shocks to returns signs of these correlations. For example, and investment specification of the previous in world interest rates), we be will toward foreign assets when saving countries and years in which saving is high, factors that increase the desired rate of investment (such as population or productivity growth), may again be underestimating the we factors, introduce year dummies Solow residuals as a proxy reports the results of this shift toward foreign assets. To control for these to capture global shocks, population growth, for productivity growth. augmented 13 The third column regression. Population growth residuals enter significantly with the expected negative signs, and toward foreign assets than before, with 75 percent of the allocated toward foreign assets. same as before, with the initial of Table and 1 and Solow we find increase a larger shift saving in However, the subsequent pattern of adjustment initial shift we toward foreign assets being reversed in is the next few years. In the final column, Equation (11) are the we relax the assumption that the slope coefficients same across countries, separately for each country. Because of the country, we equation short time-series available for each of saving, as well as population growth We report the average and 13 fairly this adopt a more parsimonious lag structure, introducing only two lags of the dependent variable and coefficients and instead estimate in in and Solow residuals. standard deviation across countries of the estimated the last column of Table We construct Solow residuals as the growth the period average share of labour Statistics and National Accounts. in 14 1. in Not surprisingly, GDP GDP, drawing at we find that the country- constant prices less growth the latter two variables from the in employment times OECD Labour Force In the presence of parameter heterogeneity across countries, the pooled estimates reported in the previous two columns will not deliver consistent estimates of average (across countries) of these parameters when there is a lagged dependent variable (Pesaran and Smith (1995)). However, the average across countries of the estimated coefficients will provide a consistent estimate of the average 19 by-country parameters are countries in qualitatively much the point estimates is large. and quantitatively quite average, the fraction of an increase and this initial shift in our sample, current account, investment we were International Financial Statistics countries, we in saving that is to construct quarterly portfolio is quickly of saving On allocated to foreign assets undone in 0.7, is subsequent periods. relied so far is that it is not and the current account. For 12 of able to obtain quarterly observations on the GDP beginning and the linearly interpolate the find results that are on which we have dynamics and we similar to those in the previous columns. of the annual data informative about the intra-year the countries Nevertheless, toward foreign assets One drawback and the dispersion across less precisely estimated, OECD in 1980 or earlier from the Quarterly National Accounts. For these annual data on the foreign asset share and use growth and rebalancing components. We then it re- estimate Equation (11) using quarterly data, introducing eight lags of the portfolio rebalancing component of the current account, and eight lags of saving. have quarterly data on population or employment growth required same control variables and 4 in Table as in to introduce the the previous regressions with annual data (Regressions 3 We therefore 1). We do not include only a set of period dummies and real GDP growth as controls. As before, by computing the we summarize the results of these country-by-country regressions mean and standard deviation across countries of the estimated we impulse responses. As shown in the top panel of Figure 9, over 60 percent of an increase in saving that lasts one quarter Beginning immediately to in the next quarter, this initial shift be reversed as countries run current account deficits. saving that lasts four quarters, the pattern that emerges in the annual data. This is shown in find that is on impact, invested abroad. toward foreign assets begins If is we consider a shock to very similar to that find results that are quantitatively quite similar in we saw the bottom panel of Figure 9. During the shock period, countries run positive but declining current account surpluses as they response. We source of bias just across all specifications despite this potential the estimates which impose parameter homogeneity across countries. 20 use foreign assets as a buffer stock to run current account deficits To sum smooth investment. up, while portfolio growth explains we in On of the long-run variation the short run. component In all of in in our of the current account impact, up to three-quarters of a shock to saving invested abroad as countries use foreign assets as a buffer stock to investment in much find that the portfolio-rebalancing follows a remarkably clear pattern. is subsequent years, countries order to restore their original pre-shock portfolios. in current accounts, portfolio rebalancing dominates specifications, In the face of adjustment costs. In subsequent periods, the saving produces current account deficits as countries smooth initial increase back to shift their portfolios their original composition. IV. The Current Account and Investment Over the past 20 years considerable empirical effort has been devoted to documenting the correlations between investment and the current account. stylized facts have emerged. the current account are weak First, Two cross-country correlations between investment and (Penati and Dooley [1984], Tesar [1991]). Second, within countries the time-series correlation between investment and the current account consistently negative (Glick facts hold in and Rogoff our sample of countries in We document that these two stylized [1995]). Figure 10. averages of the current account as a fraction of In GDP the top panel we plot long-run (on the vertical axis) against long- run investment rates (on the horizontal axis) for the 21 industrial countries sample. Across countries, we find a very weak negative with a coefficient of -0.036. In the bottom panel, we correlation plot the expressed as deviations from country means, pooling 21 is all in our between the two, same two variables available annual observations. Within countries, the correlation between investment and the current account strongly negative, with a coefficient of -0.329. is 15 This difference between the correlations between the current account and investment proposed the long and short run are consistent with the view of the current account in in this paper. To see this, it is useful to write the current account and investment as follows: (12) (13) CA =x ct l ct -S ct ct +PR ct =(1-x el )-S et -PR el These equations decompose the current account and investment portfolio-growth into their and portfolio-rebalancing components. The key observation the pattern of correlations between the current account and investment run relationship between these variables is dominated by components, while the short-run relationship components. To make that the long- their portfolio-growth dominated by the portfolio-rebalancing is statement precise, this is to explain we decompose the coefficient of a regression of the current account on investment into the contributions of portfolio growth and portfolio rebalancing. Let p be PG regression coefficient and define _ Cov(xS,(1-x)l) gnd PR _ Cov(CA,l) P interpret PG (3 and Cov(x-S,(1-x)l) Var(l) Var(l) Var(l) we this PR (3 as the contributions of portfolio ' growth and Sjnce P b=3P pg +b P pr ' portfolio rebalancing to the relationship between the current account and investment. When we of Figure 10, perform we find that this PG (3 portfolio rebalancing plays decomposition on the between estimator =-0.041 and no PR (3 in the top panel =0.005. Consistent with the theory, role in the long run and the relationship between the current account and investment reflects only portfolio growth. Moreover, the theory predicts that the correlation This is almost exactly the Rogoff [1995], between the current account and investment should be same as the average of country-by-country estimates reported 22 in Glick and negative The in debtor countries (where x>1) and positive intuition is increases account in in simple and follows immediately from the saving generate even greater increases while deficits, of saving, leading to current of a mixture of 15 debtor new rule: in debtor countries investment, leading to current in creditor countries the increase in creditor countries (where x<1). in investment is less than that account surpluses. Since our sample of countries consists and 6 creditor countries, we should expect to find a negative but not especially strong correlation between investment and the current account cross-section that pools panel of Figure 10. But compute the all countries together. This when we correlations separately correlation among that this the case. Of course, is divide our we When we what we found in a the top debtors and creditors and we should find a negative among creditors. Figure 1 1 shows only a very small sample of creditors and slopes should be taken with a grain of salt. note that they are consistent with the theory. perform the bottom panel of Figure 10, of negative correlation same decomposition on we theory, portfolio rebalancing is find that many PG (3 important in the within estimator =-0.014 and p PR in is the the short run and this introduces a source In the presence of a given period triggers an adjustment process periods. In particular, a positive shock to contemporaneously and in =-0.315. Consistent with the between the current account and investment. adjustment costs, a shock to income that lasts for the two groups, we have in exactly into debtors and a positive correlation debtors, and so these differences Nevertheless, in sample is in income raises saving followed by several periods of portfolio rebalancing, as countries have higher than normal investment financed by current account deficits order to restore their pre-shock portfolios. The opposite occurs when there is in a negative shock. Thus positive shocks trigger a "ripple" effect of subsequent higher investment and lower current accounts, and vice versa for negative shocks. This "ripple" effect is a source of negative correlation between investment and the current account within countries. 23 Remarks V. Concluding By cyclical that we reconciling long and short run data, this behavior of savings, investment and the current account first proposed in in industrial when income the short run, countries invest most of their savings in is high and vice versa. foreign assets, only to rebalance their portfolios back to their original composition in the next four to five years. In the long run, country portfolios are remarkably stable, the and fluctuations in countries Kraay and Ventura [2000]. Faced with income shocks, countries smooth consumption by raising savings In paper completes the view of the savings lead' to fluctuations savings times the share of foreign assets in in new rule applies the current account that are equal to the country portfolio. assets as a buffer stock, countries smooth investment in By using foreign order to save on adjustment costs. An interesting implication of this view of international capital flows stock of foreign assets and the current account are investment and domestic capital stock. But this more volatile does not mean To purchase and that international capital the contrary, the view presented here suggests that the sell foreign assets allows countries not only to consumption, but also their investment. Foreign assets part of the volatility of these other smooth more volatile ability to their and the current account absorb macroeconomic aggregates. 24 that the than consumption, flows are a factor that contributes to making macroeconomic aggregates or unstable. is References Caballero, Ricardo, "Aggregate Investment," In John B. Taylor and Michael Woodford, Eds., Handbook of Macroeconomics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Vol. 1B. Elsevier, 1999. Deaton, Angus. Understanding Consumption. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. Dixit, Avinash and Robert S. Pindyck, Investment Under Uncertainty. 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(2001), July. 26 Tabid: Portfolio Rebalancing and Saving (An nual Data for 21 Countries) Reqression Coef 1 S.E Rearession 2 Coef S.E Reqression 3 Coef S.E Reqression 4 Mean SDof Coef Coefs Coefficient Estimates 0.598 0.096 0.504 0.080 0.746 0.079 0.691 0.286 sy(-1) -0.281 0.133 -0.611 0.102 -0.824 0.104 -0.767 sy(-2) -0.120 0.106 0.070 0.123 0.383 0.167 -0.120 sy(-4) -0.102 0.095 0.103 sy(-5) -0.060 0.078 0.077 0.073 0.065 0.058 0.109 sy(-3) 0.112 -0.043 sy -0.031 0.020 0.040 0.067 -0.063 0.061 0.019 0.057 0.056 0.845 0.057 0.837 0.216 pr(-2) 0.754 -0.114 0.069 -0.081 -0.152 0.186 pr(-3) -0.031 0.049 -0.076 0.066 0.047 0.050 0.188 -0.390 0.198 -0.267 1.293 pr(-1) dq dpop * -0.375 -0.684 Y Y N Country Effects Year Effects Y Y N Impulse Responses 0.054 0.746 0.059 0.691 0.286 -0.281 0.096 0.133 0.504 t-1 -0.231 0.096 -0.193 0.095 -0.179 0.222 t-2 -0.120 0.106 -0.119 0.058 -0.114 0.056 -0.111 0.142 t-3 -0.120 -0.122 0.060 -0.098 0.054 -0.088 0.106 t-4 -0.102 0.095 0.103 -0.102 0.042 -0.122 0.047 -0.059 0.076 t-5 -0.060 0.078 -0.039 0.028 -0.068 0.040 -0.038 t-6 -0.014 0.024 -0.040 0.037 -0.024 t 0.598 t-7 -0.003 0.020 -0.019 0.035 -0.018 0.063 0.057 0.048 t-8 0.000 0.016 -0.008 0.033 -0.014 0.041 t-9 0.001 0.012 -0.002 -0.013 0.036 t-10 0.001 0.009 0.001 0.030 0.027 -0.011 0.032 (1 1) in the paper. The first three columns assume slope he same across countries. The last column reports the mean and standard deviation across countries of cou ntry-by-country estimates Standard errors for the impulse res ponses in cc lumns (2) and (3) are simulated using 500 draws from the estimated distribution of coefficients. Note: This table reports the results of estimating Equation coefficients are 27 Figure 1: The Traditional Rule and the New Rule Traditional Rule 0.1 - y=0.231x- 0.062 R2 = 0.124 0.05 - Q. Q O 0- *3 § ( g -0.05 - £ -0.1 - ** < 3 o -0.15 - -0.2 Saving/GDP New Rule 0.1 y = 0.939x § -0.15 - 0.002 R2 = 0.301 *0.1 * Ji.Q5, ^ -1W 5 ^^^^ 1 £ - W" * *WM 0.05 ** + U -<%- 5 -0.15 - -0.2 (Saving/GDP) x (Foreign Assets/W 5 alth) Note: The top bottom) panel i plots the current account balance as a share of (gross national saving interacted with the foreign asset position), pooling unbalanced par lei of 21 OECD countries over the period 1966-1997. 28 all GDP against gross national saving available annual obs« :rvations for an Figure 2: Portfolio Growth and the Current Account Long Run 0.06 y = 1.092x- 0.001 R2 = Q o 0.04 0.849 NLD E 0.02 3 O u u < E « w i3 -0.06 0.04 0.06 o a> D) CS i<D > < tL -0.06 Average(Saving/GDP x Foreign Assets/Wealth) Short 0.1 y = 0.453x R2 - 0.001 = 0.026 0. 3 o ? &s j3 wk^* O u i_ " 40 *°fi 3 a n <°^£j fc4*«~ Q tE 008 Run -o 0.1 ^r^ BBv ^ ++ WalT (4trW»4 (JpT *3F+ "* -O.O^H -o.o£ - -rfJ Saving/GDP x Foreign Asset Share Notes: The top panel plots the period average of the current account as a share of GDP against the period average of gross national saving as a share of GDP interacted with the share of foreign assets in wealth for an unbalanced panel of 21 OECD countries over the period 1966-1997. The bottom panel plots the annual current account as a share of GDP against annual gross national saving as a share of GDP interacted with the annual foreign asset share, removing country means from both variables. 29 Figure 3 - Persistence of Country Portfolios 0.2 n 01 . y = 1.098x- 0.020 R2 BB. = 0.617 NLD JPN II IRL 1996 in -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 y FRAl^fU ITAXAinAUT DNNjrll GBR 0.1 0.2 PRTy* tSP CD USA fim^TUR V) ca^t (A V) SWE < / c fl) GKr> -02 - o u. / -0.3 NZL -0.4 Foreign Assets/Wealth, 1975 Note: 1 "hroughout the paper, we use an unbalanced panel of 21 OECD countries over the perioc 19661997. J Since we can construct a balanced panel of observations for this set of countries only ove r the period 975-1996, we use 1975 here as the initial period. I ' 30 Figure 4 - The Share of Foreign Assets in Wealth 31 Figure 5 - Portfolio Growth Creditors CA Debtors Notes: This figure shock, in shows saving (S), investment (I), and the current account (CA), following a positive debtor and creditor countries, for the case X=0. 32 Figure 6 - Portfolio Rebalancing -I -CA Notes: This figure shock, in shows saving a country with zero (S), initial investment (I), and the current account (CA) following a case \>Q. foreign assets, for the 33 positive Figure 7 - Portfolio Growth and Portfolio Rebalancing Creditors —S — I — CA Debtors Notes: This figure shows saving (S), investment shock, in (I), and the current account (CA), following a debtor and creditor countries, for the case X>0. 34 positive Figure 1 00 Regression 8: Portfolio Rebalancing in Response to Unit Increase in Saving (Annual Data for 21 Countries) 1 0.80 0.60 - 0.40 0.20 0.00 -0.20 hWtT5 t-6 1-7 t-8 t-9 1-10 -0.40 -0.60 J Regression 3 1.00 - 0.80 - 60 - 40 - 0.20 - 00 - Regression 4 - \ . -0.20 - -0.40 - V\ i - - - - - —±-- 1 rp t-U ra t-6 t-7 t-8 — -+ 2 t-9 no -0.60 Notes: This figure reports the impulse response of the portfolio rebalancing component of the current account to a one-year unit increase in saving implied by our estimates Equation (11) under the four different specifications discussed in the text. The vertical bars denote one-standard deviation intervals around the estimated coefficients. 36 Figure 9: Response to Unit Increase in Saving (Quarterly Data for 12 Countries) Portfolio Rebalancing in One-Quarter Increase in Saving 0.8 06 0.4 0.2 ~3> 4 S 5 ft co a> o -0.2 -0.4 Four-Quarter Increase 1 in Saving - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 - \ t t-1 t-2 \. t-3 \ 4 t 5 t 6 t 7 t 8 t 9 t- t- 1 t- 2 t- 3 t- 4 t- 5 t- fi t- za-U-t-f9- 1 -0.2 - -0.4 - -0.6 - L ^x Notes: This top (bottom) panel of this figure reports the impulse response of the portfolio rebalancing component account to a one-quarter (four-quarter) unit increase in saving implied by our estimates Equation (11), using quarterly data for 12 OECD countries. The vertical bars denote one-standard deviation intervals around the estimated coefficients. of the current 38 Figure 10: Investment and the Current Account Lonq Run 0.06 n 0.04 - y = -0.036x 0. a 2 R = 1 0.02 - 0.002 NLD 0.003 - JPN mi BB." DEU o o o < £ FRA o o t 3 0. 1 r ripw * i*>A o g, "0.02 1TA GBR - 0.25^^ FT "-; \ tur 0.3 DNK CAN PRT re L. V > „ AUS IRL < -0.04 - -0.06 - 0.35 hkT • GRC NZ L Average vestment/GDP In Short 0.1 - 0.08 - Run y=-0.329x- 0.001 R2 = 0.218 IX Q c 3 O o Ac 2 *lra|£*9N54?« 0.1 Current -* - 4D.06 - -0.08 - -0.1 - f- Investm ent/GDP account as a share of GDP against gross domestic investment as a share of OECD countries over the period 1966-1997. The top panel pi ots period averages, e ind the bottom panel plots deviations from country means. Notes: Thi GDP, 3 figure plots the current using an unbalanced panel of 21 39 Figure 1 1 Investment and the Current Account In the Long Run In Debtors and Creditors : 0.06 y = 0.105x- 0.012 R2 0.04 = 0.153 a. a o c 3 o NLD 0.02 JPN o o < -»* ITA c l » 15 3 i25WE 0.3 0.35 o 0) D) -0.02 A CAN (5 L. A > < -0.04 -0.06 IRL A AUS A GRC y = -0.065x - 0.004 R 2 _ 0.014 A NZL Average Investment/GDP Notes: This figure plots the period average of the current account as a fraction of GDP against the period average of gross domestic investment as a fraction of GDP, using an unbalanced panel of 21 OECD countries over the period 1966-1997. The triangles (squares) correspond to countries with negative (positive) foreign assets averaged over the same period. 40 2003 Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02246 2433