Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/correlatedequiliOOmask HB31 .M415 orking paper department of economics Correlated Equilibria A Note and Sunspots: by Eric Maskin* and Jean Tirole** W.P. #398 May 1985 Correlated Equilibria and Sunspots A Note by Eric Maskin and Jean Tirole May 1985 University Massachusetts Institute of Technology j.j.Harvard We are grateful to Robert Aumann and Karl Shell for helpful comnientB. We thank the NSF and the Sloan Foundation for research support 1 . Introduct ion this note we study a simple finite horizon economy in In which extrinsic uncertainty (e.g., sunspots) natters if and only if it is differentially observed by the agents. In our model agents have asymmetric information and thus do not share the same beliefs (theory) about future prices. 5, the model, As we discuss despite its apparent differences, is in section closely analogous to recent treatments of symmetric information sunspot equilibria in infinite horizon, overlapping generations models (c.f. Shell [1977], Azariadis [1981], and Azariadis-Guesnerie [1983]. We provide two examples based on a two-period, model developed in section 2. In the first period, two-class agents observe imperfectly correlated signals and choose production (investment) levels before learning market prices. They trade their produced good for others' goods in the second period. the first example (section 3) signal. In only one class of agents observes There exist equilibria depending on this signal ("sunspot" equilibria) that differ from the unique certainty equilibrium, the equilibrium that arises if agents ignore their signals. In the second example (section 4) both types receive a iaperfectly correlated signals. In this case, characterize the set of sunspot equilibria. there is a we coapletely Section shows that 5 close connection between our finite-horizon sunspot equilibria and those treated in the overlapping generations literature. The Model 2. There are two equal-sized classes of consumers. consumer is endowed with is 2 1. consumers produce good 1 Similarly, 1. The marginal product of labor 2. Consumers of both types consume leisure and the good produced by the other type. themselves produce. where Type finite amount of leisure. a consumers can sacrifice leisure to produce good type Each 1. is 1 They do not consume the good they Thus consumer i's utility is U (l.,c.)i his labor and c. is his consumption of good j. J Utility functions are concave and twice continuously dif f erentiable. Consumers first decide how much labor to allocate to production, there is trade in the produced goods. and then Trade is competitive. i, the price of good If x. the per capita quantity of good (with good 2 *^ is -I / '^ o • 1 the numeraire) is X 1 . 1 Type = . c. , i = l,2, 1 1 consumers receive i and consumption are all equal: labor, output, Id equilibrium, signal a some finite set in s. S. before deciding how much to produce. The signals s, or may not be correlated. denote the labor supply as function of the signal received. a 1 ,( B 1 l.(s.) Let . =1 1 ,)/!„( Sp 11 . ( B . ) = X, ( s , ) /x„ (s„ ) may consumer chooses i where ) x.(s (1) s^, The equilibrium price will be A type . and l.(s = ) arg max ^ E B .) fu\l.,l. J.J. 1 1 X.(B.) Is.]. ) 1 1 In equilibrium, 11 11 1.(b.) must equal x.(b.). Thus, the first order condition for the consumer's maximization can be expressed as X;(B (2) E [uhx. (s.),x 1"^' B. 1^ 1 + U^(x. (s. ),x .(b .))-^J .(s .))' j' J 2 1 1 J • X^(B^) JX. J = where U, J J ' denotes the partial derivative of U 0, with respect to its kth argument. Definition 1 : A correlated equilibrium associated with signals {s,,s„} is satisfying a pair of functions {x, (2) ( s, ) , x^ b^) } Note that uncertainty is extrinsic because the signals do not directly affect preferences, technologies or market organization. Indeed, we can consider equilibria in which consumers simply ignore their signals. Definition 2 : certainty equilibrium A equilibrium { x, ( s , ) , is x^ ( s^ correlated a in which, ) } for i=l,2, x.(b.) does not depend on s.. 11 1 Because signals play no role in a certainty equilibrium, we t t The simplest can express such an equilirium as a pair {x,,X2}. kind of nondegenerate correlated equilibrium is one which simply randomizes over certainty equilibria: Definition 3 : perfectly correlated equilibrium A {x, (s , exists X ) , x- ( s„ (s ) . =x in which, for all a pair (b,,E2), there certainty equilibrium {x,,x„} such that a Ill . ) } is . for i=l , 2. Although signals can affect the allocation of resources in a perfectly correlated equilibrium, such an equilibrium is observationally indistinguishable from one where there are no signals at all. We shall say that signals matter in a correlated equilibrium if and only if it is not perfectly correlated. equilibrium is then said to be imperfect ly correlated The . We now derive necessary conditions for the existence of an imperfectly correlated equilibrium. to the presence of Giffen goods. Existence is intimately tied Consumption is a Giffen good if it increases with the price of the good. leisure is of terminology, by And, a slight abuse Giffen good if the amount of labor a supplied decreases with the price of the good it produces. easily checked that, when consumption is It is Giffen good, so is a leisure. Propos it ion : Consider an imperfectly correlated equilibrium. Leisure must be Giffen good for at least one a Furthermore, class of consumers. s, and Br, are independent, if the signals consumption must be a Giffen good for at least one class of consumers. Proof : For simplicity, assume that there is that can be observed by each class: s^e {b„ , . . . , B^} for class a finite number of signals 1 s, e {s, ffl, . . . , s, } for class 1; Rank the signals so that in the 2. imperfectly correlated equilibrium: X, i ^2 ^ X i m and i x^ 1 <: X 2 • with at least one strict inequality, where x. is the production level of class j when it observes signal generality one can assume that x,/x^ i s .=s x,/x_. .. Without loss of In this case. 1 '^1 1 ''l .. D ^ i X2 i ..,. i 1 B D "l '^l "l , ^2 "2 ^ •• ^ n . their signal is 1 .. • Because, signal E^ ''l ^ -I • X2 the distribution of Thus, numeraire) that type 1 consumers face when whatever the signal received by class faces better terms of trade if its own signal is E,. . fully dominates that when the signal s, This implies that, 1 as i ^^ X2 ^^2 with at least one strict inequality. prices (with good 1 D . by assumption, than for s,, (2) 1 s, s,. class 2, rather than consumers produce more for leisure must be Assume next that the signals the expectation in type s, is a Giffen good. and s^ are not correlated. Then does not depend on the own signal s.. The equation (3) E lij [U^(x.,x.) X. + 21JJ1-' ui(x. ,x .)x ./x. ] = must have at least two distinct solutions x. for some class i. 1 The ratio x./x. is the price of i's consumption (produced by j) in terms of labor. class i, Thus, if consumption is not a Giffen good for we have ^1 " ^'ii^ ^ ^iz'^j < ' But this last inequality implies that the bracketed expression in (3) is BODotonic Id x. for any x.. Thus, Q K D solutions 3 . Example x^--l^ cannot have two (3) . 1 2 X^ 1 Xj Figure 1 . 8 Consumption and, therefore, leisure are Giffen goods for There exists a unique certainty (but not for class 2). class 1 (and, hence unique perfectly correlated) equilibrium To A. construct an imperfectly correlated equilibrium, choose x„ such 12 that there are several values of x, that are optimal for class when the terms of trade are x,/x„. Let x, 112 Assume that the signal values. and define x, x,(8,) and = observed by class certainty (i.e., 1 Xp(s,) or z„ it = only; 1 x, = class 2 2 x„(s,). observes no signal. ) , class But because class 2 2 produces some quantity between y^ and z„. can find a number « in (0,1) 1 2 b, is {s,,b,}, We suppose that x,(8,). if it observed s, denote two such x, takes on the values s, 2 and Under would produce y„ By continuity one 1 2 2 offers Xp (i.e., the equilibrium conditions are satisfied). 4 . Example 2 Consider the following symmetric offer curves depicted in Figure 2. = does not observe s,, such that when (b,,s,) have respective probab i lit ieB (es,l-a), class 1 offer curvi 1 x^=l^ ' 8 ^1 Figure 2 There are three certainty equilibria, B,C,D. (x,,^^)- a) offer cu rve Choose h X, {x, k < X, } Let B such that for k > h and 1. Ab illustrated in Figure 2, k can assume only three 3. More generally, however, k aight take on any values, 1,2, and number of values. 10 (x,,x„) belongs to I's offer curve. b) Choose {^2} analogously Assume that: receives signal i) each class ii) these signals are not perfectly correlated; i the probability of iii) s . is a s. e {s.}. in particular, positive whatever the signal received by the agents are infinitely risk averse. k k The offers {x.(s.)} form an inperfectly correlated Because of the extreme risk aversion, each class equilibrium. behaves as if the other class X.. J always offered the lowest value Are there other imperfectly correlated equilibria? that there are not, {Xr,}}. consider a i set of equilibrium offers Because of infinite risk aversion, To see {{x.}, (x,,Xp) must form a certainty equilibrium if s. has positive conditional probability given any s . But C and . D cannot be candidates for this equilibrium. In particular, Giffen good. Thus, 2, there exists a at C, leisure is locally not a given the corresponding labor supply by class unique point on the offer curve for class Similarly, we can rule out B. Hence, all the imperfectly correlated equilibria are as described above. 1. 11 5 . D iscuBS ion This note emphasizes the role of imperfect ly correlated signals in generating equilibria that could not occur without extrinsic uncertainty. nature are important. were independent, Both the correlation and its imperfect On the one hand, if all only certainty equilibria would be possible (as long as agents were small relative to the economy). hand, if, signals agents' in our model, On the other all agents observed the same signal, all equilibria would be randomizations among certainty equilibria. This last feature distinguishes our approach from that of Cass-Shell [1983] and Peck-Shell [1985]. latter two papers, beforehand, In the models of the However, all agents observe the same signal. they trade securities that are contingent on the realization of this signal. Thus the signal induces wealth effects that can give rise to new equilibria. This is true regardless of the set of securities that are available. Cass- Shell avoid the implications of the First Fundamental Welfare Theorem by supposing that some agents are born only after the securities market closes, whereas Peck-Shell, posit non-Walrasian trade in the post-sunspot market. In our model, by contrast, there are no securities and hence no wealth effects. Thus a signal observed by everyone can create no equilibrium outside the set of certainty equilibria. 12 The reader may be disturbed by our assunption that a large class of consumers observe exactly the same signal and yet the the signal is unobservable to others. Why, for example, could a member of the informed class not be persuaded (or bribed) to divulge his information? There are at least two ways around this difficulty. First, one could construct a model in which the members of a given class do not observe the same thing, but rather private signals that are only imperfectly correlated with each other. long as there is some correlation, equilibrium in such As model a with large numbers would be much like that in the present formulation. the acquisition of information by However, outsiders would be more difficult, since learning the value of any single agent's signal would be of little benefit. Alternatively, one could consider a instead model in which, of the large number of traders we have assumed in each class, there are only a few, In such a model, i.e., a model of monopolistic competition. bribery might be difficult since large agents would be likely to take into account the effect on equilibrium of selling information. We can suppose that, after observing their signals, agents choose production levels in Cournot fashion. Then, since, formally speaking, the agents are playing a game, the Cournot outcome is merely a correlated equilibirum in the sense of Aumann [1974]. Moreover, by increasing the number of 13 agents in each class, [1978], one can show, a la Novshek-Sonnenschein that the Cournot equilibrium converges to the Walrasian equilibrium that we considered in sections 2-4. As we Mentioned in the introduction, there is a close analogy between our finite-horizon nodel and those of the literature on sunspots in overlapping-generations economies. over lapping-generat ions literature, at any given tine, and, It is the agents live for two periods, an old and young geneneration coexist. assumed that sunspot activity (the signal) is observed by sense in which information is everybody, but there is a nonetheless asymmetric. In any period, a In paper asset against consumption. the old generation trades The price of the paper asset depends on the labor supply by the young generation, which in turn is influenced by current sunspot activity. assumption is that, when they buy the asset, The crucial members of old generation do not know what the sunspot activity will be. Thus they choose their labor supply decision without knowing the sunspot conditions on which the young generation's labor supply is based. In this sense, the young generation has private information. We now develop this point of view more formally. the simplest overlapping generations model, in Azariadis - Guesnerie [1983] studied for example and Grandmont single consumption good and paper asset. A Consider [1985]. There is typical consumer a 14 He supplies labor (1) when young, lives for two periods. His utility fuction is U(l,c). consunes (c) only when old. produces one unit of output with one unit of labor. competitive wage is one. buys the paper asset at at price P^.-i- If M is constraints are budget * (4) c If he 1 born at time is and c =p. p.M, = t the consumer .-.M. t+1 t , 1 . s e {s , , . . ,8 ) e, 1 s^ = Definition 4 I : ^t A ~ ^^^ interpreted as the , The evolution of activity is governed by a Markov process with transition matrix T = {t. .} where is a price stationary sunspot equilibrium labor supply function x(s) a such that x(s) = arg aax [Ud.l^lil- E ^ P(b) | s] and p(s)M Equation = (6) t. ' function p(s) and (6) his (P,^i/P,)l. = level of sunspot activity. (5) the the quantity of asset he purchases, Now consider a signal Pr{s^_^^ t, Thus, He and sells it in period t+1 at price p t and x(s) defines equilibrium in the paper asset market, . = 15 Substituting whereas (5) deterBines the optiBun labor supply. into (6), we can identify a stationary sunspot equilibrium (5) with a labor supply function x(») satisfying x(b) maximizes (7) [U(1,I^4^ X s E i Comparing equilibrium (7) is ) s] I and (1) we see that nothing but a . ^ stationary sunspot a symmetric correlated equilibrium in which both classes receive signals in the same signal space. particular, deterministic cycle (as in Grandmont [1985]) a corresponds to Thus, In a perfectly correlated equilibrium. despite the difference in interpretation, there is a strong connection between sunspot and correlated equilibria. To develop this connection further, consider a signal space {s ,...,B i,j, c. and an nxn symmetric matrix C } .6[0,1] and EZc . . = 1. C is a = {c. .), where for all correlation matrix; it gives the joint probability of signals received by two classes of traders in a correlated equilibrium. there is a corresponding unique matrix Because T = is C {t. .} ij symmetric, of conditional probabilities of one class's signal given that of the other. Thus, one can construct a stationary sunspot equilibrium from a correlated equilibrium associated with matrix C. a symmetric correlation Conversely, by deriving the matrix transition matrix T, C from the Markov one can a construct correlated equilibrium from a stationary sunspot equilibrium. 16 References R.J. [1974], "Subjectivity and Correlation in Randomized Strategies," Journal of Mathematical Economics Vol. 1, pp. AumanD, . 67-96. Azariadis, C. [1981], "Self-f ullf il 1 ing Prophecies," Journal of Economic Theory 25, pp. 380-396. . Azariadis, Mimeo C. Guesnerie [1983], "Sunspots and Cycles," and R. Shell [1983], "Do Sunspots Matter?," Journal of Political Economy pp. 193-227. Cass, D. and K. , Grandmont, J.M. [1985], "On Endogenous Competitive Business Cycles," Econometr ica pp. 995-1046. . J. and K. Shell [1985], "Market Uncertainty: Sunspot Equilibria in Imperfectly Competitive Economies," CARESS W.P. Peck, 85-21 Novshek, W. and E. Sonnenschein [1978], "Cournot and Walras Equilibrium," Journal of Economic Theory 19, pp. 223-266. , Shell, K. [1977], "Monnaie et allocation intertemporelle memorandum. ^355 u I 3 , " CNRS MIT LIBRARIES 3 TDflD DDM SDT Dflb Date Due wm ^o,\W^\ Lib-26-67 0. o^ '*