MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 9080 02524 4150 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries 4 , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series COORDINATION AND POLICY TRAPS George-Marios Angeletos Christian Hellwig Alessandro Pavan Working Paper 03-18 May 2003 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at 1 01 00 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 5 2003 LIBRARIES Coordination and Policy Traps George-Marios Angeletos MIT and : Christian Hellwig Alessandro Pavan UCLA Northwestern University NBER This draft: May 2003 Abstract This paper examines the ability of a policy maker to control equilibrium outcomes in an envi- ronment where market participants play a coordination game with information heterogeneity. We consider defense policies against speculative currency attacks in a model where speculators observe the fundamentals with idiosyncratic noise. The policy maker is willing to take a costly policy action only for moderate fundamentals. Market participants can use this information to coordinate on different responses to the same policy action, thus resulting in policy traps, where the devaluation outcome and the shape of the optimal policy are dictated by self-fulfilling mar- ket expectations. Despite equilibrium multiplicity, robust policy predictions can be made. The probability of devaluation is monotonic in the fundamentals, the policy maker adopts a costly defense measure only for a small region of moderate fundamentals, and this region shrinks as the information in the market becomes precise. Key Words: global games, coordination, signaling, speculative attacks, currency crises, multiple equilibria. JEL Classification Numbers: C72, D82, D84, E5, E6, F31. 'For encouragement and helpful comments, we are thankful to Daron Acemoglu, Marco Bassetto, Olivier Blanchard, Ricardo Caballero, V.V. Chari, Eddie Dekel, Patrick Kehoe, Robert Lucas Jean Tirole. Jaume Ventura, Jr., SED Glenn Atkeson, Gadi Barlevy, Ellison, Paul Heidhues, Narayana Kocherlakota, Kiminori Matsuyama, Stephen Morris, Nancy Stokey, Ivan Werning, and seminar participants at AUEB, Lausanne, LSE, Mannheim, MIT, Northwestern, Stanford, Stony Brook, Toulouse. 2002 Andy annual meeting, and the 2002 UPF Carnegie-Mellon, Harvard, Iowa, UCLA, the Minneapolis Fed, the workshop on coordination games. Email addresses:, alepavan@northwestern edu. . 1 G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellvvig and A. Pavan As Mr. Greenspan prepares to give a critical new assessment of the monetary policy outlook in testimony to Congress on Wednesday, the central bank faces a difficult choice in grappling with the Street economic slowdown. and cuts rates now policy-making competence. But to develop much heeds the clamour from it of Wall risks being seen as panicky, jeopardizing its reputation for it ... If if it waits until even more powerful downward March momentum 20, in it risks allowing the economy what could prove a crucial three weeks. (Financial Times, February 27, 2001) 1 Introduction Economic news anxiously concentrate on the information that different policy choices the intentions of the policy maker and the underlying economic fundamentals, interpret and react to down animal spirits different policy measures, and ease markets investigates the ability of a policy outcomes in how markets may and whether government intervention can calm to coordinate maker to convey about, on desirable courses of influence market expectations environments where market participants play a coordination actions. and This paper control equilibrium game with information heterogeneity. A large be modeled number of economic interactions are characterized by strategic complementarities, can as coordination games, and often exhibit multiple equilibria sustained by expectations. Prominent examples include self-fulfilling bank runs self-fulfilling (Diamond and Dybvig, 1983), debt crises (Calvo, 1988; Cole and Kehoe, 1996), financial crashes (Freixas and Rochet, 1997; Chari and Kehoe, 2003a,b), and currency crises (Flood and Garber, 1984; Obstfeld, 1986, 1996). J Building on the global-games work of Carlsson and Van Damme (1993), Morris and Shin (1998, 2000) have recently argued that equilibrium multiplicity in such coordination environments "the unintended consequence" of assuming common knowledge which implies that agents can perfectly forecast each others' When is merely of the fundamentals of the game, beliefs and actions in equilibrium. instead different agents have different private information about the fundamentals, players Strategic complementarities arise also in economies with restricted market participation (Azariadis, 1981), pro- duction externalities (Benhabib and Farmer, 1994; Bryant. 1983), demand spillovers (Murphy, Shleifer and Vishny, 1989), thick-market externalities (Diamond, 1982), credit constraints (Bernanke and Gertler, 1989; Kiyotaki Moore, 1997), incomplete grom and Roberts, in macroeconomics. risk sharing (Angeletos 1990; Vives 1999). The and Calvet, 2003) and imperfect product market competition and (Mil- reader can refer to Cooper (1999) for an overview of coordination games Coordination and Policy Traps are uncertain about others' beliefs Iterated deletion of strictly and one system and dominated 3 and thus perfect coordination actions, is no longer possible. strategies then eliminates all but one equilibrium outcome of beliefs. This argument has been elegantly illustrated by Morris and Shin (1998) in the context of currency crises. When it common knowledge is speculative attack, two equilibria coexist: that a currency One in which all is sound but vulnerable to a large speculators anticipate a crisis, attack the currency and cause a devaluation, which in turn confirms their expectations; another in which speculators refrain from attacking, hence vindicating their beliefs that the currency On ger. signals the contrary, a unique equilibrium survives about the willingness and ability of the when speculators receive noisy idiosyncratic monetary authority to defend the currency against a speculative attack (the fundamentals). Devaluation then occurs below a critical state. if This unique threshold in turn depends on affecting the payoffs of the speculators. Morris equilibrium models, and only if the fundamentals all financial and Shin hence argue model allows analysis [their] not in dan- is fall and policy variables that, "in contrast to multiple of policy proposals directed at curtailing currency attacks." For example, raising domestic interest rates, imposing capital controls, or otherwise in- creasing the opportunity cost of attacking the currency, reduces the set of fundamentals for which devaluation occurs. However, when the fundamentals are so weak that the collapse of the currency there is no point Similarly, in raising currency faces no threat, there market can information in turn may is are so strong that the size of the attack infer that the permit coordination and Shin (1998). move second, The we add a central minuscule and the first raises the fundamentals are neither too weak nor too strong. This maker we analyze endogenous particular environment, is no need to intervene. Therefore, whenever the bank interfering with the ability of the policy In this paper, inevitable, domestic interest rates or adopting other costly defense measures. when the fundamentals interest rate, the is in the market on multiple courses of action, thus to fashion equilibrium outcomes. policy in a global coordination game. To settle in a stage to the speculative currency attacks model of Morris bank moves first, setting the domestic interest rate. Speculators taking a position in the exchange rate market on the basis of their idiosyncratic noisy signals about the fundamentals, as well as their observation of the bank. Finally, the bank observes the interest rate set by the central fraction of speculators attacking the currency and decides whether to defend the currency or devalue. "See Morris and Shin (2001) for an extensive overview of waite and Vives (1987) and Chamley (1999). this literature. Earlier uniqueness results are in Postle- G.M. Angeletos, 4 The main result of the paper (Theorem Hellwig and A. Pavan C. establishes that the endogeneity of the policy leads 1) to multiple equilibrium policies and multiple devaluation outcomes, even same coordination in the reaction of the market to the interest rate. (or the cost) of As long an attack is by Different equilibria are sustained are observed with idiosyncratic noise. and r the when the fundamentals 9, modes of policy choice. Let 9 denote the fundamentals peg as the value of defending the decreasing with different the central bank is is increasing with 6 and the size willing to incur the cost of a high interest rate in order to defend the currency only for intermediate values of 9. The observation of an increase in the interest rate thus signals that the fundamentals are neither too low nor too high, in which case multiple courses of action may be sustained the policy maker. If speculators coordinate on the never finds it the market, creating different incentives for same response to any level of the policy, the bank optimal to raise the interest rate. Hence, there exists an inactive policy equilibrium, which the bank sets the same low interest rate r in in and speculators play the Morris-Shin for all 9 continuation equilibrium in the foreign exchange market. instead speculators coordinate on a If when lenient continuation equilibrium (not attacking the currency) the bank raises the interest rate sufficiently high, and otherwise play an aggressive continuation equilibrium (attacking the currency for sufficiently low private signals), the bank finds for and only if which the bank sets a high interest rate r* > r 9 < 9* Which equilibrium . order to be spared from an attack, and are optimal to raise the interest rate an intermediate range of fundamentals. Hence, there also exists a continuum, of active-policy equilibria, in if it all determined by traps: In her self-fulfilling is played, what for 9 how high is € [9*, 9**}, and devaluation occurs the rate r* the bank needs to set in the threshold 9* below which devaluation occurs, is market expectations. This result thus manifests a kind of policy attempt to fashion the equilibrium outcome, the policy maker reveals information that market participants can use to coordinate on multiple courses of action, and finds herself trapped in a position where both the effectiveness of any particular policy choice and the shape of the optimal policy are dictated by arbitrary market sentiments. The second result of the paper (Theorem nificantly reduces the equilibrium set as 2) establishes compared to that information heterogeneity sig- common knowledge and enables meaningful policy predictions despite the existence of multiple equilibria. In all robust equilibria, the probability of devaluation is monotonic in the by raising the interest rate only fundamentals, the policy maker for a small region of region" vanishes as the information in the market if the fundamentals were common In the benchmark model, the policy be made is "anxious to prove herself moderate fundamentals, and the "anxiety becomes precise. None of these predictions could knowledge. maker faces no uncertainty about the aggressiveness of Coordination and Policy Traps 5 We market expectations and the effectiveness of any particular policy choice. in Section 5 relax this assumption by introducing sunspots on which speculators may condition their response to the The same equilibrium interest rate may now lead to different devaluation outcomes. These policy. results thus reconcile the fact documented by Kraay (2003) and others that raising interest rates does not systematically affect the outcome of a speculative attack - a fact that prima facie contradicts Moreover, these results help make sense of the the policy prediction of Morris and Shin (f998). Financial Times quote: The market may be either as a signal of strength, in signal of panic, in equally likely to "interpret" a costly policy intervention which case the most desirable outcome which case the policy maker's attempt may be attained, or as a market on the preferable to coordinate the course of action proves to be in vain. On a more theoretical ground, this paper represents a global coordination The games. first attempt to introduce signaling in receivers (speculators) use the signal (policy) as a coordination device to switch between lenient and aggressive continuation equilibria in the global coordination game, thus creating different incentives for the sender (policy maker) and resulting in different equilibria in the policy game (policy traps). multiplicity result in standard signaling games. Our multiplicity result It is sustained by different not by different systems of out-of-equilibrium beliefs, and refinements, such as the intuitive criterion test of paper this is also different (e.g., arises in modes of coordination, survives standard forward induction Cho and Kreps from the multiplicity that with exogenous public signals it thus different from the is The (1987). multiplicity result in standard global coordination games Morris and Shin, 2001; Hellwig, 2002). In our environment, the informational content of the public signal (the policy) of the self-fulfilling expectations of the market. is endogenous and Most importantly, our it is it is effectiveness of the policy in the policy rather about how endogenous coordination in the game is not given any market makes the depend on arbitrary market sentiments and leads to multiple equilibria game. Finally, our policy traps are different Barro-Gordon environments Albanesi, Chari (e.g., from the expectation traps that arise in Kydland-Prescott- Obstfeld, 1986, 1996; Chari, Christiano and Eichenbaum, 1998; and Christiano, 2002). In these works, multiple ment's lack of commitment and would disappear rule. the result policy-traps result merely about the possibility of multiple continuation equilibria in the coordination realization of the policy; itself if equilibria originate in the govern- the policy maker could commit to a fixed policy In our work, instead, equilibrium multiplicity originates in endogenous coordination and orthogonal to the commitment problem; what is more, despite the risk of falling into is a policy trap, the government need not have any incentive ex ante to commit to a particular interest rate. G.M. Angeletos, 6 The rest of the paper is Hellwig and A. Pavan C. organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the model and the equilibrium Section 3 analyzes equilibria in the absence of uncertainty over the aggressiveness of concept. market expectations. Section 4 examines to what extent meaningful and robust policy predictions made can be despite the presence of multiple equilibria. Section 5 introduces sunspots to examine which the policy maker faces uncertainty over market reactions. Section 6 concludes. equilibria in The Model 2 Model Description 2.1 The economy indexed by is populated by a continuum of speculators (market participants) of measure one, and uniformly distributed over the i one unit of wealth denominated in asset or convert to foreign currency who banker (the policy maker), peg, or some kind benefits the of domestic currency, which he and invest M. managed exchange-rate system. 3 bank associates with maintaining the peg, peg 9 and We let 9 fixes three stages. In stage 1, = 9 + e£, about 9. The scalar e 6 absolutely continuous c.d.f. \I/ is noise, and density the entire real line (unbounded hill is © fixed parametrize the cost and or equivalently her willingness is a central and ability private information to the bank For simplicity, we uniform.'' the central banker learns the value of maintaining the the domestic interest rate r £ 7Z private information about 9 and £ { We G refer to as "the fundamentals." tp (0, = [r,r]. In stage 2, speculators choose their by the central bank and portfolios after observing the interest rate r set signals x, either invest in a domestic and the common prior shared by the speculators be a degenerate The game has endowed with and seeks to maintain a controls the domestic interest rate and corresponds to what Morris and Shin (1998) G= may is in a foreign asset. In addition, there it to defend the currency against a potential speculative attack. 9 let Each speculator interval. [0. 1] after receiving private oc) parametrizes the precision of the speculators' i.i.d. across speculators strictly positive and independent and continuously of 9, with differentiable over support) or a closed interval [— l.+l] (bounded support). adopt the convention of using female pronouns for the centra] banker and masculine pronouns for the specu- lators. That the fundamentals fication. Our economy, and for results We economy coincide here with the type if C R and any refer to i bank is clearly just a simpli- receives about the information of the policy maker. Also, our results hold strictly positive Morris and Shin (2001) priors in global coordination games. of the central one reinterprets 9 as the policy maker's perception of the fundamentals of the x, as the signal speculator any interval "global." of the remain true and continuous density over 0, provided that the game remains for a discussion of the role of degenerate uniform and general common Coordination and Policy Traps Finally, in stage 3, the central bank observes the aggregate demand Note that stages decides whether to maintain the peg. global speculative On fixed. game if and 3 2 the fundamentals were and for the foreign currency our model correspond to the of and Shin (1998); our model reduces to of Morris the other hand, 7 theirs common knowledge if = (e r is exogenously and 3 0), stages 2 would correspond to the speculative game examined by Obstfeld (1986, 1996). We normalize the foreign interest rate to zero and u(r, where G a^ [0, 1] That abandoned. is — (l- a,i)r + a > ty is r Dir, the devaluation premium, and who a speculator is, whereas a speculator who attacks the peg certainty, the pay-off for a speculator be the fraction of his wealth converted to foreign currency (equivalently, the is probability that he attacks the peg), the peg di,D) let does not to attack = (a^ 1) earns tt if (a, D is = 0) enjoys r the peg the probability with abandoned and is zero otherwise. We denote speculators with a the aggregate who attack the peg) and U{r, a, V(9 a) : is demand D, 9) V C and devalue, whereas for 9 x let = are continuous. > 9 it is inf {x Pr(f? : [—1,-1-1], unbounded full x r. V is a and C(r) the increasing in 9 and decreasing in a, = V(9, 1) = 0. For 9 < 9 is it dominant dominant to maintain the peg. The interval range" of 9 for which the peg support D)V{9, a) - C{r). < 9\x) < 1} = 9 — e and x is and x = cost of C is increasing 5 Let 9 and 9 be defined by V(9,0) "critical = (I- the net value of defending the currency against an attack of size and both r, the foreign currency (equivalently, the measure of the payoff for the central bank be let raising the domestic interest rate at level in for sound but vulnerable to a = sup{x 9 support. Next, note that r + > e, : Pr(# < whereas x 9\x) bank to thus represents the sufficiently large attack. Also, > 0} = — oo [#, 9] for the ; if the noise £ has bounded and x = +oo if the noise has represents the efficient, or cost-minimizing, interest We normalize C(r) = and, without any loss of generality, let the domain of the interest rate 11 = [r, r], where r solves C(r) = max# {V(9, 0) — V(9, 1)}; r represents the maximal interest rate. be rate the assume r offset bank < 7T, ever willing to set in order to deter an attack. which ensures that the devaluation premium. follows that 9 J is = = C{r) and 9 it is To make 1 = we too costly for the bank to raise the interest rate to totally Finally, to simplify the exposition, = things interesting, we let V(9, a) — C{f). That the bank has no private information about the cost of raising the interest rate is not essential. 9 — a. It G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 8 Equilibrium Definition 2.2 In the analysis that follows, sitive to we restrict attention to perfect whether the idiosyncratic noise unbounded We support. (full) in the observation of the fundamentals has bounded or refer to equilibria that the information structure as robust equilibria. the intuitive criterion refinement, nation in game described the literature, it is in Section 2.1 We can be sustained under both specifications of will also verify introduced first Bayesian equilibria that are not sen- in that Cho and Kreps all robust equilibria satisfy As the (1987). global coordi- very different from the class of signaling games examined is useful to formalize the equilibrium concept and the intuitive criterion test for the strategic context of this paper. Definition K -> [0, 1], 1 a : A perfect R x K -> Bayesian equilibrium a [0, 1], x : K -> [0, l] is a set of functions r and , (cOxRxR-. — > : [0, 1] , 1Z. D such x : [0. 1] x that: r{9) G argmaxt/(r,a(6>,r),.D(6*,o(0,r),7-),6l); (1) +oo max J u(r, a, D a(x,r) G arg a€[0,l] (#, a(9,r),r))du(9\x,r) anda{9,r)— J a(x, r)ip (^r - ) dx; D(9,a,r) G are max U(r,a,D,9); (3) v ' £>e[o,i] u (9\x, r) where 0(x) r(9) is = = for {9 : ip { all 9 £=^) 0(x) and (£ > is 0} [i [9\x. r) satisfies Bayes' rule for any r G r(0(x)), (4) the set of fundamentals 9 consistent with signal x. the policy of the bank and D(9,a,r) is the probability of devaluation. u(9\x.r) a speculator's posterior belief about 9 conditional on private signal x and interest rate is (2) e r, is a(x,r) the speculator's position in the foreign-exchange market, and a(9,r) the associated aggregate demand for foreign currency. 6 and the devaluation decision (2) means that the beliefs u(9\x,r) Conditions (1) and 9. mean that the interest rate set in stage is sequentially optimal for the speculators, given Finally, condition (4) requires that beliefs do not assign positive measure to fundamentals 9 that are not compatible with the private signals x. and are pinned Bayes' rule on the equilibrium path. D{9) = That To simplify notation, in what follows we D(9,r(9),a{9,r(9)) as the equilibrium devaluation probability for type a(8, r) from the Law of = /_ °° a(x, r)ip (- — 1 stage 3 are sequentially optimal for the bank, whereas condition in portfolio choice in stage 2 about (3) ) dx represents the fraction Large Numbers when there are countable down by will also refer to 9. of speculators attacking the currency follows directly infinitely many agents; with a continuum, see Judd (1985). Coordination and Policy Traps Definition 2 A perfect Bayesian equilibrium robust is if and only 9 same if the policy r(9) and devaluation outcome D(9) can be sustained with both bounded and unbounded idiosyncratic noise in the speculators' observation of As it depend will become critically 9. clear in Section 4, this refinement simply eliminates strategic effects that on whether the speculators' private information has bounded or unbounded full support over the fundamentals. Note that robustness imposes no restriction on the precision of the signals. Definition 3 Let U{9) denote the equilibrium payoff of the central bank when the fundamentals are 9, and whom define 0(r) as the set of 9 for the choicer is dominated in equilibrium by r (9) any 9 £ 0(r) whenever Q(r) C Q(x). 7 as the set of posterior beliefs that assign zero measure to perfect Bayesian equilibrium survives the intuitive criterion test if and any r e U (9) > U (r, a(6*,r), D(9,a(9,r),r),9) TZ. In words, a perfect Bayesian equilibrium , dominated in equilibrium by r{9). ^ when A for any # £ <E there M{r). a type is r(9) should speculators' reaction not measure to types beliefs that assign positive Such if, for a(9,r) satisfying (2) with a 9 that would be better off by choosing an interest rate r be sustained by out-of-equilibrium and only the intuitive criterion test fails andM{r) beliefs are often highly implausible, with the definition of perfect Bayesian equilibria. In our game, all for whom r is although consistent robust equilibria pass the intuitive criterion test. Model Discussion 2.3 The particular pay-off structure and many of the institutional details of the specific coordination environment we consider in this paper are not essential for our results. For example, the cost of the interest rate can be read as the cost of implementing a particular policy; this may depend also on the fundamentals of the economy, as well as the aggregate response of the market. Similarly, the value of maintaining the peg represents the value of coordinating the market on a particular action; this may depend, but also on the policy That stage 3 is devaluation policy 7 Formally, 0(r) = not only on the underlying fundamentals and the reaction of the market, itself. strategic is is sequentially optimal {9 such that H £ A4(r)}, wherejVI(r) also not essential. = {fi U (9) > U satisfying (4) if Given the payoff function of the central bank, the and only if D(9, r, a) = 1 whenever V(9, a) {r,a(9,r), D(9,a(9,r),r),9) for any a(9,r) satisfying (2) and such that fi (9\x,r) = for any 9 € 0(r) if Q(r) C < and G(i)}. and (4) with G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 10 D(9, r, = a) whenever V(9, a) > exogenously devalued for any 9 and 0, for any r. a such that to abandon the peg whenever the aggregate All our results V(9, a) demand < would hold true 0, as in if the currency were the case the bank has no choice but amount of foreign currency (a) exceeds the Indeed, although described as a three-stage game, the model essentially of foreign reserves (6). reduces to a two-stage game, where in the stage the policy first maker about 6 signals information to the market and in the second stage speculators play a global coordination game in response to the action of the policy maker. Stage 3 serves only to introduce strategic complementarities in the 8 actions of market participants. we suggest that our model may In short, well fit a broader class of environments in which a stage of endogenous information transmission (signaling) such as, for is followed by a global coordination game, example, in the case of a government offering an investment subsidy in an attempt to stimulate the adoption of a new technology, or a telecommunications company undertaking an aggressive advertising campaign in attempt to persuade consumers to adopt her service. Policy Traps 3 Exogenous versus Endogenous Policy 3.1 Suppose for a moment that the interest rate r is reduces to the model of Morris and Shin (1998). = exogenously fixed, say r The lack of Our model then r. common knowledge over the fun- damentals eliminates any possibility of coordination and iterated deletion of strongly dominated strategies selects a unique equilibrium profile Proposition exists a and 1 (Morris-Shin) In the speculative game with exogenous the bank devalues if and only if 6 < 9ms- The are decreasing in Note that, if ^ thresholds ^ /S =* discretion is that the x < xms are defined by (5) ) r. the bank could and expectation if gMS commit never to devalue in stage 3, there would be no speculation the market would not play a coordination game. Such lack of commitment this paper and only if xms an d 9ms ; ( beliefs. interest rate policy, there unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium, in which a speculator attacks 9ms = and and a unique system of equilibrium traps, game but not for our results. What is is essential for the kind of policy traps the market plays in response to the action of the policy maker game; the origin of strategic complementarities is irrelevant. in stage 2, essential for the literature is we and on policy identify in a global coordination Coordination and Policy Traps Proof. Uniqueness xms and 9ms in established in Morris is speculator with signal x finds < H(0 = 9 MS \x) Given that D{9) our setting. By Bayes fg <eMs dfi(0\x). solves the indifference condition 1 it — \Im we and Shin (1998). — < 9ms and D(9) = 1 optimal not to attack it 11 rule, fi{9 XMS ~ MS if 9 if and only M s\x) = < 9 = r. The Here, if -k[x{9 1 - * only characterize otherwise, a < 9ms\x) < (s=tot*>) L, where Thus, x MS . fraction of speculators attacking J is = then a{9,r) Pr(x the bank devalues, ( bank central The j . 9 if gives (5). It solves xms interest rate, or it is for a speculator to take are decreasing functions of r, V(9MS, a {&MSiL)) — 0, that is, in r. the risk of attacking the currency more generally reducing the speculators' if follows crisis ability by simply raising the domestic and incentives to attack. the policy did not convey any information to the market. However, since raising the interest rate willing to defend the currency It which suggests that the monetary authority should Indeed, that would be the end of the story is costly, a high interest rate signals that the and hence that the fundamentals are not too weak. other hand, as long as speculators do not attack when their private signal is On the sufficiently high, the faces only a small attack when the fundamentals are sufficiently strong, in which case there no need to raise the interest rate. Therefore, any attempt to defend the peg by increasing the bank is and hence an d 9ms are both decreasing be able to reduce the likelihood and severity of a currency is 0, larger the return on the domestic asset, or the higher the cost of short-selling the domestic xms and 9ms bank < follows that V(9,a(6,r)) indifference condition for the speculators with that for the then immediate that is it < 9ms, where 9ms Combining the currency, the less attractive that = * Umjz=1\ x MS \9) and only if XM5 ~ MS &MS ~ ^ < interest rate speculators is 9 interpreted by the market as a signal of intermediate fundamentals, in which case may coordinate on either an aggressive or a lenient course of action. Different modes of coordination then create different incentives for the policy maker and result in different equilibria. At the end, which equilibrium in order to be spared from a a devaluation occurs, are Theorem perfect ' 1 (Policy all is played, crisis, how and what determined by Traps) In high is e > the level of the policy the bank needs to set the critical value of the fundamentals below which self-fulfilling the speculative Bayesian equilibria for any is game market expectations. ivith endogenous policy, there 0. This interpretation of the information conveyed by a high interest rate follows from Bayes' rule level of the interest rate is exist multiple if the observed on the equilibrium path, and from forward induction (the intuitive criterion) otherwise. G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 12 There (a) r for 6 an inactive-policy equilibrium: The bank and devaluation occurs There (b) r* 9 all is r* only for 9 € [9* 9**], , and devalues 9*=C(r*) is 9* < 9 ms- 6 if an equilibrium in which the bank sets either r or {r,r\, there is The threshold and only and if 9** and only = 9* + if < 9 _1 e [* 9* (l , r*, raises the interest rate at where ^0*) - # _1 - — > strategies for the speculators that are sections. Theorem Theorem (0*)] (6) 0. All the above equilibria are robust, satisfy the intuitive criterion, of For any independent of e and can take any value in {9,9ms], whereas the threshold 6** is increasing in e and converges to 9* as e The proof — ^p; continuum of active-policy equilibria: Let r solve C(r) a is if sets the cost-minimizing interest rate 1 monotonic states that there is be supported by in x. follows from Propositions 2 1 and can and 3, which we present in the next two a continuum of equilibria, which contrasts with the unique- ness result and the policy conjecture of Morris and Shin. The policy maker is subject to policy traps: In her attempt to use the interest rate so as to fashion the size of a currency attack, the monetary authority reveals information that the fundamentals are neither too weak nor too strong. This formation facilitates coordination in the market, sustains multiple self-fulfilling in- market responses to the same policy choice, and leads to a situation where the effectiveness of any particular policy (the eventual devaluation outcome) and the shape of the optimal policy are dictated by the arbitrary aggressiveness of market expectations. bank never to only if which raise the interest rate x < xms) in f° r an Y In the inactive-policy equilibrium, speculators expect the and play the same continuation equilibrium (attacking r Anticipating this, the - bank finds and pointless to raise the interest rate, turn vindicates market expectations. In an active-policy equilibrium instead, speculators expect the bank to raise the interest rate at r* only for 9 G response for any r < r* and on a lenient one simply conforming to the arbitrary All equilibria in Theorem 1 that are monotonic in x. That and only it if his private signal for self-fulfilling any r > r*. [9*, 9**], coordinate on an aggressive Again, the bank can do no better than expectations of the market. can be supported by simple threshold strategies is, given any policy choice about the fundamentals falls r, for the speculators a speculator attacks the currency if below a threshold which depends on the particular equilibrium played by the market. Finally, note that all active-policy equilibria in the devaluation outcome is monotonic in Theorem 1 share the following properties. First, the fundamentals. Second, the devaluation threshold Coordination and Policy Traps is determined by self-fulfilling market expectations, but never exceeds the devaluation threshold when the fundamentals that would prevail under policy inaction. Third, market can easily recognize sufficiently strong, the policy maker to raise the interest rate; that the market and it is likely to is 13 this, in are either very weak, or which case there no value is for the then only for a small range of moderate fundamentals it is be "uncertain" about eventual devaluation outcomes, or "confused" thus only for moderate fundamentals that the policy maker "anxious to prove herself is by taking a costly policy action. Fourth, the "anxiety region" shrinks as the precision of market information increases. In Section 4, we further discuss the robustness of these policy predictions. Inactive Policy Equilibrium 3.2 When the interest rate is endogenous, the Morris-Shin outcome survives as an inactive policy equilibrium, in which the interest rate remains uninformative about the probability the currency be devalued. will Proposition 2 (Perfect Pooling) There a robust inactive policy equilibrium, in which the is central bank sets r for all 9, speculators attack if rate chosen by the central bank, and 9ms and devaluation occurs = r, in equilibrium all 9 set r the fundamentals 9 and hence the continuation There to the Morris-Shin game: and only if < xms x is game > r is dominated dominated is < where C(r) C(r) = of-equilibrium beliefs fi(9 < beliefs, if if < 9ms- The 9 interest thresholds xms ^A/s|x,r) is and only if Note that r 9 is by r and only if it by - r(9) for for For 9 C(r) < < in < 9ms- = r is isomorphic Equilibrium beliefs and = r, 10 let equilibrium by r for if and only h(9ms\ x all 6 7^ , 0ms- tO On < any 9 such that 9 satisfies irn(9 = 9 ms, V[6,0) V(6,a{9,r)). any out-of-equilibrium optimal to attack Finally, for r dominated 9 Note that r solves C(r) r that satisfy (4) and the intuitive criterion, non-increasing in x < 9ms- if for all types: a(9,r) and thus V(6,Q) in equilibrium a speculator finds sets r rule. 9ms- Therefore, /i bank a unique continuation equilibrium, in which a speculator attacks in equilibrium > 9Ms > 9 ms, C{r) r G (r,r) and only starting after the Next, consider out-of-equilibrium interest rates. > x < xms, independently of the the observation of r conveys no information about an d the central bank devalues down by Bayes' are then pinned r if if are defined as in (5). Proof. Since if and only ^ i.e. V(#mS)0). Any — C(r) < 0; for the other hand, any C{r) or a(9,r) < C(r), r, one can construct out- \± G M{r), and such that < 9Ms\ x r — r at x — X MS- For such if x < xms, forcing devaluation to occur , = 1 for all ) x such that 6ms £ ®{ x ), and G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 14 fj,{0\x,r) is = n{0\x) otherwise, so that again (4) and the intuitive criterion are satisfied. Then, there game a mixed-strategy equilibrium for the continuation attacks if and only if x < xms and type Given that speculators attack bank to set r{9) 6ms = ^—^ G = 9ms if < xms x anY r f° r r/it. it i which a speculator r, in i optimal s for the central r for all 9. Finally, consider robustness in the sense of Definition 2. (0,1), is (5) any e > satisfied for unbounded support, by simply and any xms = 9ms+^^~ 1 letting and the devaluation outcome D(9) for all 9, devalues with probability and only if = following r — {&ms)- with either bounded or \P, It follows < 9ms and 9 1 for c.d.f. Given that the policy r{9) = D(9) = r otherwise, can be sustained as a robust equilibrium. The inactive policy equilibrium is illustrated in Figure on the vertical one. The devaluation threshold 9ms > 9 MS- Consider a deviation to some Note that C(r') > 9 r' is = U{9) is dominated deviates to 7-', in if and only 9 < 9' equilibrium by r if r' for all 9 G (r, r) if < and and C(r') > a{9, and only 9 the market "learns" that 6 £ [9',9"}. is on the horizontal a and axis, C the point of intersection between the value of is defending the peg 9 and the size of the attack a(9,r). Figure Note that the equilibrium payoff 9 1. 9 1 also illustrates the intuitive criterion. MS let 9' r) if = and U(9) and 9" solve and only if Hence, 9 £ [#',#"]. }l Furthermore, since if 9", G a{6,r) = 9' > 6 - 6 C(r') > for all = a(9",r). which implies that [9', 6"] 9ms 6 and the bank \®' -.9"}, one can construct beliefs that are compatible with the intuitive criterion for which speculators continue to attack whenever x < xms, in which case it is pointless for the Insert Figure any system of Clearly, beliefs 1 bank to raise the interest rate at here and strategies such that a(9,r) > a(9,r) policy inaction as an equilibrium; the r' bank has then no choice but to set r(9) for all r — > r sustains r for all 6, confirm- ing the expectations of the market. Note that a higher interest rate increases the opportunity cost of attacking the currency and, other things equal, reduces the speculators' incentives to attack. In an inactive-policy equilibrium, however, this portfolio ulators attach to a final devaluation. 2 have the property that these 11 two The particular beliefs effects just offset Throughout the paper, the expression "the market common p = 1 belief among and Kajii and Morris (1995). effect learns the speculators given that Y is is offset by the higher probability spec- we consider in the proof of Proposition each other, in which case speculators use the X by observing Y" means that the event common X becomes knowledge; see Monderer and Samet (1989) Coordination and Policy Traps same strategy on and information. the equilibrium path and condition their behavior only on their private off then as It is speculators do not pay attention to the policy of the bank. 12 if Active Policy Equilibria 3.3 We now prove the existence of robust active-policy equilibria in which the bank raises the interest [9*, 9**]. rate at r* for every 9 G Proposition 3 (Two-Threshold Equilibria) For any librium in which the central bank sets r* for and only 9 < 15 9* rium < if either r r* x* solves itu(9 . < and only exists if < x* , 9*\x*, r) — r, and x if r* G or r > all r* 9 G [9* ,9**] and x < {r,r\, there is a two-threshold equi- € r* and r otherwise; speculators attack if and only if devaluation occurs x; finally, whereas 9* and 9** are given by {r,r\ or, equivalently, if if 9* and only (6). A if two-threshold equilib- G {9,9ms\- All two-threshold equilibria are robust. Proof. Let 9 G any r < r* , [9* ,9**) solve V{9,a{9,r)) speculators trigger devaluation Consider 0(x) r E decreasing in x. we {r,r*), x and < 7Tfj,(9 9\x,r) u(9 G [9*,9**]\x,r*) > let = r* Q\ x r ) , = r at i.e., if = x C(r) 1 for all and 0(x) n — = 1 When and 0(x) [x = is vp x*. Furthermore, , if < 0, or r Given these > we that, for r, beliefs are pinned down by Bayes' Therefore, = - < < jj,(9 C(r). 9\x,r) let £ restrict When r = 9*\x*,r) some 9 G Q{x), [9*, 9**] r*, and note , 9. then we further x such that 6(x) n — for (~-) = is r is For any non-increasing in not dominated in to satisfy /j,(9\x,r) /j, r* r/ir. — Bayes' rule implies , 0. Finally, for any (x,r) such that u(9 > beliefs, (4) is satisfied, 9\x,r) /j, G = 1 M{r) for all for any x r, > x and and the sequentially optimal. how to behave off the equilibrium path; they simply continue to strategy they "learned" to play in equilibrium. the noise = r = x* be the unique solution to [i(9 '"Moreover, speculators do not need to "learn" same < fj.{0<e*\x,r) < min {a{9,r),9} [9* ,9**} otherwise. strategy of the speculators play the 9 When G Q(x) such that 9 < C(r) or a(9,r) for all 9 m(^ We if consider out-of-equilibrium beliefs a such that equilibrium by r(9), either r and only 13 [9* ,9**] for all x. = l\x,r)=n(6<6\x,r) = (jL{D{9) is ^ where a{9,r) 0, the behavior of the speculators. first rule for all z, since (6) ensures which if = — e, is x unbounded, + e], for any this x. is immediate; when it is bounded, it follows from the fact that \6" — 6*\ < 2e G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 16 Consider next the central bank. Given the strategy of the speculators, the bank clearly prefers r to any r 6 (r, and r*) any r* to r*. 9* is indifferent > r attacked) and setting r (and being forced to devalue) = 0* C{r*). Similarly, 9** is r (and being attacked without devaluing) = C(r*) i.e. a (9*, 9**), 9 6 any 9 > 9** for > a (9,r) . From = C (r*) (9**,r) i^ = * a(9**,r), where a(9",r) 11 and thus r* - V(9**,Q) if For any 9 )- preferred to is — V[9*,0) if C(r*) r* (and not being attacked) and only if and only if between setting indifferent between setting r* (and not being the indifference conditions for 9*, 9** C{r*) < 9* , r i.e. and setting V(9*\ a{9** is optimal; for any whereas the reverse r, 0, = and x* we obtain x* , , = = 9** r)), true is + e^~ l {9*) and V +£ It follows that 9* infer that a < 9** if and only < 9* if two threshold equilibrium ^-^**)-*- 1 [ix - r)/ir = 9 MS exists and only if Finally, consider robustness in the sense of Definition any arbitrary 9** > For any 9*. support R, we have that k Hence, any for 9** For r* (0, oo). — > r, 9* 9* 6 < = 9 £ 1 for any — 9** = 9ms [6>*,#**] Using 9* - 9* and r* if ~ *) ^ 9* and D(9) = A two-threshold equilibrium (9, = C{r*) and 9 MS = C{r), we 9ms], or equivalently r* £ let 9* — {r,r\. C(r*) and take and ( e *)} e (0, oo) since (1 = - ^9*) e can always be satisfied by letting e k. condition (7) r(#) 6 (7) For any r* £ {r,r), 2. (7) holds for every e and every ^. then clearly satisfied at x* is (**)] with either bounded support [— l.+l] or unbounded - ^Tr (l and condition for the speculators policy r{9) V = ^ c.d.f. if 1 = 9** + The = (fi*, 1). —^— € indifference e^>~ i (9*). It follows that the and the devaluation outcome D{9) r otherwise, full = 1 if otherwise, can be sustained as a robust equilibrium. is illustrated in Figure > the observation of any interest rate r r is 2. Like in the inactive policy equilibrium, interpreted by market participants as a signal of intermediate fundamentals. However, contrary to the inactive policy equilibrium, speculators switch from playing aggressively (attacking only if if and only if x < x*) to playing leniently (attacking x < x) whenever the policy meets market expectations by market participants, the bank finds it (r > r*). unsuccessful attack 9** are in is > optimal to raise the interest rate to defend the currency 9*), 2. lower than the cost of raising the interest rate (9 Finally, note that, in become common knowledge among offsets but not so strong that the cost of facing a small and determined by the indifference conditions Figure and Anticipating this reaction whenever the fundamentals are strong enough that the net value of defending the currency the cost of raising the interest rate (9 if 9* = < 9**). C{r*) and a(9**,r) The thresholds — 9* and C(r*), as illustrated any two-threshold equilibrium, the exact fundamentals 9 never speculators. What the market "learns" from equilibrium policy Coordination and Policy Traps observations is only whether [6*, 9**] 6 or but [6*, 9**}, £ this 17 enough to is facilitate coordination. Insert Figure 2 here There are other out-of-equilibrium and beliefs strategies for the speculators that also sustain we could have assumed the same two-threshold equilibria. For example, the most aggressive continuation equilibrium (attack short of market expectations (r < r < r*). and only if x if < speculators coordinate on x) whenever the policy Nonetheless, the beliefs and strategies we the proof of Proposition 3 have the appealing property that the speculators' strategy < for all r r* . It is then as short of market expectations and continue to play exactly as For any r*, the devaluation threshold 9* — 9** > — 9* as e > 9* an arbitrary devaluation threshold that a two-threshold equilibrium exists From as follows. r* raises r* 6 if and only 9* which x*|0**), is 9* whereas 9** increasing in e and is bank needs to raise the interest limit, the interest rate policy > < falls has a spike 9ms- The intuition behind — C (r*) = a (9** ,r) we , size of the attack at 9** 9**\x*). Therefore, Pr(0 > . also this result is infer that a higher The latter is given 9**\x*) increases with For a marginal speculator to be indifferent between attacking and non attacking conditional . = on r r, it must be that < Pr(6> 0*|x*) also increases with r* is decreasing in r*. Obviously, A0(r*) if and only A0(r) = if 0, > A9(r*) 0. By and A0(r*) > is also continuous in r*. = 0** exists if = 9ms- It and only if and only if follows that, r solves C(r) if r* £ r* is = < It A follows that A0(r*) = 9** - 9* two-threshold equilibrium exists r. But A0(r) = if and only (essentially) the Morris-Shin V(0ms, {r r\, or equivalently, if 7 . the monotonicity of A9(r*), there exists at most one r such that which case the continuation game following r 0* if and the Pr(0 also equal to e, 9ms] dictated by market expectations. Note (9, the bank's indifference conditions, 9* both the devaluation threshold by Pr(x < the same is there had been no intervention. precise, the At the rate only for a smaller measure of fundamentals. at if independent of is As private information becomes more 0. consider in speculators simply "ignore" any attempt of the policy maker that if falls 0) = and only if 0* game and = 0**, in therefore -^= and a two-threshold equilibrium if 9* 6 (0, 9ms]- In Section 4, we will establish that these properties extends to all robust equilibria of the game. 3.4 We Discussion conclude this section with a few remarks about the role of coordination, signaling, and com- mitment in our environment. First, consider environments where the market does not play a coordination game in response G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 18 to the policy maker, such as when the bank (sender) interacts with a single speculator (receiver). 14 In such environments, the policy can be non-monotonic the receivers have access to exogenous if information that allows to separate very high from very low types of the sender (Feltovich, Harbaugh Moreover, multiple equilibria could possibly be supported by different out-of- and To, 2002). equilibrium beliefs. However, a unique equilibrium would typically survive the intuitive criterion or other proper refinements. does not depend in any To the critical contrary, the multiplicity way on is sharp if we consider e — > 0. The 0* and only 6 if < 0. environments with a single receiver. in limit of all equilibria of the speculator would have the latter attacking the currency if identified in this paper the specification of out-of-equilibrium beliefs, originates merely in endogenous coordination, and would not arise The comparison we have if and only Contrast this with our findings in Theorem 1, if x < 6, game with and the bank devaluing where the devaluation threshold can take any value in (0,6 ms]Second, consider environments where there games. As shown equilibria if in is no signaling, such as standard global coordination different may Morris and Shin (2001) and Hellwig (2002), these games market participants observe sufficiently informative public signals fundamentals. The multiplicity of equilibria documented in Theorem from the kind of multiplicity in that literature. The 1, exhibit multiple about the underlying however, policy in our it depends on the particular equilibrium played in the market. is substantially model does generate a public signal about the fundamentals. Yet, the informational content of this signal as a single is endogenous, Moreover, Theorem 1 is not about the possibility of multiple continuation equilibria in the coordination game that follows a rather about how endogenous coordination in the market given realization of the public signal; it is makes the depend on arbitrary market sentiments and leads to multiple effectiveness of the policy equilibria in the signaling game. Third, note that policy introduces a very specific kind of signal. reveals that the fundamentals are neither too of information that restores the ability of the In this respect, an interesting extension with noise. small It bounded idiosyncratic. can be shown that and market to coordinate on it is this particular kind different courses of action. to consider the possibility the policy equilibria of Theorem 1 itself is observed are robust to the introduction of is aggregate or 15 commitment. Note that policy traps example, Drazen (2001). 'The proof strong, observation of active policy noise in the speculators' observation of the policy, whether the noise Lastly, consider the role of 'See, for all is weak nor too The of this claim is available upon request. arise in our environment because Coordination and Policy Traps the policy maker moves first, 19 thus revealing valuable information about the fundamentals, which market participants use to coordinate their response to the policy choice. This raises the question of whether the policy maker would be better off committing to a certain level of the policy before observing commitment is not necessarily optimal, suppose the noise £ has the policy maker commits ex ante to If that devaluation will occur e -» Let 0. 16 if and only some 8 if 8 > < Uc — max r U(r) and 8 C — 8{r) = meaning the bank pays C(r*) only ante value of discretion is Ud — 8* G (9, 8 C ) necessarily leads to that, even when long as she is Pr(# Ud . is As e — for a negligible > #*)E > Uc A commitment perfect If = all > Pr(0 > 8 > > 0. and ensures 6(r), a(8,r) 8{r))E[8\8 — ?(/)] — > as -C(r). instead the policy maker retains the the ex ante payoff depends on the particular equilibrium #*,#**) the policy maker expects to be played. 17 8**, U{r) is see that support and consider e ^^^j moreover, for min{8(r c )\r c G argmax r U(r)}. 8, full interest rate r, she incurs a cost C(r) Hence, the ex ante payoff from committing to r option to fashion the policy contingent on (r*, To thus inducing a unique continuation equilibrium in the coordination game. 6, [8\8 > similar 8*} > 0, 8** > 8* measure of government and a(8,r) It 8. But note that 9 C . argument holds possible, the — > — for all > follows that the ex 8, and therefore any for arbitrary e. We will prefer discretion conclude ex ante as not too pessimistic about future market sentiments. Robust Policy Predictions 4 Propositions 2 and 3 classes of Theorem 1 left open the possibility that there also exist other equilibria outside the which would only strengthen our argument that policy endogeneity , coordination and leads to policy traps. Nonetheless, we two facilitates are also interested in identifying equilibria that are not sensitive to the particular assumptions about the underlying information structure of the game, in which case "robust" policy predictions can be made. We first note that, when the noise has unbounded full support, for any r* G (r,r\ one can con- struct a one-threshold equilibrium, in which speculators threaten to attack the currency whenever they observe any r < r* : the interest rate at r* for This threat is no matter how high their private signal x, thus forcing the bank to raise all 8 above the devaluation threshold 9* where 8* solves V(6*, 0) , = C(r*). sustained by beliefs such that speculators interpret any failure of the bank to raise the interest rate as a signal of devaluation independently of their private information about the I6 1 ' These results follow from Proposition Note that the payoff for the policy 1, replacing r with an arbitrary r, maker associated with the pooling equilibrium payoff associated with the two-threshold equilibrium in which 8* = 0ms- of Proposition 2 equals the G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 20 fundamentals. It seems more plausible, however, that speculators remain confident that the peg be maintained when they observe will rate, in which case bounded: For x > x+£ On > all x bank the sufficiently high 6>! = 9+e faces speculators find it 2 < 2 + 2e < < 3 4 , the bank € it is is it belief = r' for any G may this possibility critically noise, We and for all U [0 3 market to some 01,62,03,84 4] , and r(0) bounded, whenever G Theorem ^ r' r' is [0i,02] or different subsets of types who However, 1. depends on small bounded noise and disappears with large bounded or noise. vice versa. It is these considerations that motivated the refinement in Definition 2. bounded or seek to identify equilibrium predictions that are robust to whether the noise 2 (Robust Equilibria) Every two classes of Theorem. 1. Theorem is likelihood ratio and present the formal proof 2 here set r, If all in the we have 3. Appendix. perfect pooling. let 0' = be, respectively, the lowest uncertainty, the central pay the monotone a two-threshold equilibrium as in Proposition Consider any perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the game. Otherwise, 1. If the distribution of the noise satisfies the sketch the intuition for is robust perfect Bayesian equilibrium belongs to one of property, any robust active-policy equilibrium We is conclude that unbounded noise introduces strategic effects that are not robust to bounded Theorem to is for speculators whether unbounded. The following then provides the converse to Theorem the 2] [0i, lead to equilibria different from the ones in unbounded supports, whatever the precision of the We among the market to separate In principle, the possibility for the [03,04]- the same interest rate set 1 the noise possible for the For example, suppose that the bank sets r(0) common p = when r.. otherwise. Since [0i,02] and [03,04] are sufficiently apart and the noise observed in equilibrium, to raise the interest necessarily true is bounded support, noise has a fails dominant not to attack, which implies that no attack and hence sets when the the other hand, < if one-threshold equilibria disappear. This separate types that set the same interest rate. with x even inf{0 : r(0) r} 0" and and highest type who = sup{0 : any equilibrium observation of r > > r only r(0) > r) raise the interest rate. Since there bank can perfectly anticipate whether she cost of an interest rate r if this leads to will devalue is no aggregate and hence no devaluation. is willing It follows that r necessarily signals that there will be no devaluation and induces any speculator not to attack. in equilibrium, > If there were more than one interest rates above r played and the noise were unbounded, the bank could always ensure no devaluation by Coordination and Policy Traps setting the lowest equilibrium interest rate above r. that at most one interest rate above r interest rate < rate for any 9 9* 9>x + e = 9 + 2e now the 9* and define Theorem Obviously, 1. Hence, in any robust equilibrium, . would necessarily strictly increasing, is played in any robust equilibrium. is 9** as in and Since C(r) 21 Hence, set r. > 9' Let r* denote this never pays to raise the interest it 9*. If the noise were bounded, any robust equilibrium, 9" in follows it < oo. all Compare strategy of the speculators in any such equilibrium with the strategy in the corresponding Any two-threshold equilibrium. positive payoff incentives to attack exist types 9 = by setting r G 9 r* . > 9* necessarily does not devalue as If there also exist types 9 when observing who do [#*,#"] when r are lower than informative of devaluation than in the case where are most aggressive definition of 9** when D(9) possible is , if all who do 9* 9 can guarantee herself a < not devalue, then the 6* devalue. Similarly, if not raise the interest rate at r*, then the observation of r less at r < it = 1 for all and only if — 9" 9 < 9* 9** . 9 G [#*,#"] set r* all — and r(9) . there = r is Hence, speculators r* for all [#*,#"], which, by Equivalently, the size of the attack in the two-threshold equilibrium corresponding to r* represents an upper bound on the size of the attack in any active-policy equilibrium 9" < 9** which . r* Since 9** > r. On < 9* in which whenever r* > all 9 < r, <9' < we have 9" <9**. any robust equilibrium corresponding two-threshold equilibrium. can also show that played. It follows that, in any robust equilibrium, immediately rules out the possibility of equilibria in < the other hand, for any r* follows that the anxiety region of Theorem is r, this 9* It r* By bounded by the anxiety region of the is iterated deletion of strictly 9* necessarily devalue and that 9' — 9* , dominated strategies, which proves the first one part of 2. Observe next that the monotonicity of the devaluation policy implies monotonicity of the speculators' strategy as long as the posterior probability of devaluation private signals. The latter likelihood ratio property is necessarily true (MLRP), that is, when size of the attack a(9,r) is decreasing in 9, at r*. = But then 9" part of the theorem. 9** and When r{9) = r* if when monotonic is in the speculators' the noise distribution satisfies the monotone ip'(z)/ip(z) is decreasing in z. In this case, the and therefore and only if all 9 G 9 G [9*, 9"\ raise the interest rate [9*, 9**], instead the speculators' posteriors fail which completes the second to be monotonic in x, we can not exclude the possibility there also exist active-policy equilibria different from the two-threshold equilibria, subset of namely [9*, 9**}. equilibria in which the policy maker raises the interest rate at Nevertheless, in any such equilibrium, it r* only for a remains true that devaluation occurs if G.M. Angeletos, 22 and only if < 9 9* and the policy is C. Hellwig and A. Pavan we [9*, 9**}. Finally, active only for 9 £ noted that the earlier perfect-pooling and two-threshold equilibria can be supported by strategies for the speculators that are monotonic in the private information x. If one restricts attention to such simple strategies, the MLRP condition in the second part of Recall that in an inactive-policy equilibrium r In other words, r represents the maximal is Theorem is bounded above by can be dispensed. dominated by r interest rate that the deviate to in the inactive-policy equilibrium. Following equilibrium 2 Theorems x— monotonic for every 9 if and only if r. > bank would ever be tempted to 1 and 2, the policy in any robust Equivalently, the devaluation threshold with active policy r. r. is always lower than the one with inactive policy. An immediate corollary of Theorem 2 is that as private information becomes more precise, the anxiety region in any robust active-policy equilibrium shrinks. In the limit, the policy converges to a spike around the devaluation threshold dictated by market sentiments. Corollary r{9) = (Limit) 1 r for The 9^9*, all any robust equilibrium as limit of for any arbitrary 9* £ {9, #a/s]> — £ > is such that the policy an d devaluation occurs if and only is if e<e*. At this point, that would arise Proposition 4 it is if interesting to compare the above fundamentals were common (Common Knowledge) results with the set of equilibrium policies knowledge. Suppose e = 0. An interest rate policy r Q— > : 7Z can C {r(9)) < V(9, 0) for 9 € [9, 9] and r{9) = r G — [0,1] can be part of a subgame perfect for 9 $ [9,9]. Similarly, a devaluation outcome D = 1 for 9 < 9. and D{9) = for 9 > 9. equilibrium if and only if D{9) € 1] for 9 G [9.9], D{9) be part of a subgame perfect equilibrium if and only if > : [0, Proof. The second part for is obvious, so consider the interest rate policy. For 9 the bank to set r and devalue and for speculators to attack. Similarly, for 9 devalues, speculators do not attack, any 9 € [9, 9]. The continuation game and there is no need to full attack. is < r{9). Clearly, equivalently it is C {r{9)) < optimal 9. u for the bank to set r{9) > r if 9, a coordination dominant the bank never Finally, take game with two Let r{9) be the minimal r for which speculators coordinate on the no-attack continuation equilibrium, r > 9, it is raise the interest rate. following any interest rate r (extreme) continuation equilibria, no attack and < i.e. and only they attack if V(9,0) - if and only C(r(9)) > 0, if or Coordination and Policy Traps That is, essentially if the fundamentals were any shape in the critical range and multiple non-monotonicities. shape in [9, 6] Theorem is 8. range vanishes as e knowledge, the equilibrium policy r(6) could take For example, it Similarly, the devaluation When 1. small but positive), the policy We [6, 9]. and need not be monotonic. 2 and Corollary [6*, 6**], this common is — > 23 These could have multiple discontinuities outcome D(8) could results contrast sharply the information about fundamentals is also take any with our results in very precise (i.e. e active only for a small range of intermediate fundamentals 0, and the devaluation outcome is necessarily monotonic in conclude that introducing small idiosyncratic noise in the observation of the fundamentals does reduce significantly the equilibrium set, as compared to the common knowledge case. The global-game methodology thus maintains a strong selection power even in our multiple-equilibria environment. Another interesting implication of Corollary 1 is that, in the limit, all active-policy equilibria are observationally equivalent to the inactive-policy equilibrium in terms of the interest rate policy, although they are very different in terms of the devaluation outcome. then fail to predict the probability of devaluation An and the policy of the monetary authority. unobservable market sentiments arises on the basis An of information econometrician may on the fundamentals even sharper dependence of observable outcomes on one introduces sunspots, as we discuss next. if 5 Uncertainty over the Aggressiveness of Market Expectations The analysis so far assumed the policy maker was able to anticipate perfectly the aggressiveness of market expectations, which we identify with the threshold r* at an aggressive to a lenient response to the to predict, even which speculators switch from policy. In reality, however, when the underlying economic fundamentals market expectations are hard are perfectly known to the policy maker. To capture this possibility, we introduce payoff-irrelevant sunspots, on which speculators may condition their responses to the actions of the policy maker. Instead of modelling explicitly the sunspots, we assume TV C 1Z. but unknown is The directly that r* realization of the to the bank when expectations then generates leads to random random it random is a random variable r* variable with is c.d.f. 5> over a compact support common knowledge among the speculators, sets the policy. Uncertainty over the aggressiveness of market variation in the effectiveness of any given policy choice and variation in the devaluation outcome. Different sunspot equilibria are associated with different distributions ($,Tl*) and result in different equilibrium policies r(9). G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 24 Proposition 5 Take any random <f>. For > e sufficiently small, <£ [9* ,9**\, and certainty for 9 TV r(9) G < 9** . e {9,9 ms) an d #** and £ than one and non-increasing in 9 for 9 e — Finally, 9* is independent of e, ivhereas 9** The maker policy is a lenient one whenever r — > The 0. > r* When . < 9 9* interval TV > 9* as e — r for and 0. represents the set of raising the policy to , to the expected value of defending the peg, in and devalue with TV = [#*,#**], thresholds r* such that speculators coordinate on an aggressive response whenever r level in r{9) anxious to prove herself only for a small range of moderate fundamentals, and this range vanishes as e r an d a (#*>#) equilibria of Proposition 5 are qualitatively similar to the two-threshold equilibria of Proposition 3. compared distribution with r(9) non- decreasing in 9 for 9 G [#*,#**]; devaluation occurs with 9*, with probability less never occurs for 9 > The sunspot there exist thresholds 9* (r,r) The central bank follows a non-monotonic policy with robust equilibrium such that: 9 TV C variable r* with compact support 16 When certainty. instead 9 6 any level in which case the bank [9*, 9**}, it finds TV it random < r* is too costly and on optimal to set pays to raise the interest rate at some so as to lower the probability of a speculative attack. Since the value from defending the currency is increasing in the size of the attack at r is 9, so is the optimal policy in the range so small that the bank [9*, 9**]. prefers the cost of such Finally, for 9 > 9**, an attack to the cost of a high interest rate. The thresholds 9* and 9** axe again given by the relevant indifference conditions for the bank, but differ from the ones we derived in the absence of sunspots. The definition of the thresholds and the complete proof of the above proposition are provided in the Appendix. 19 With random variation in the aggressiveness of market expectations, policy traps take an even stronger form. Not only the policy maker has to adopt a policy that simply confirms market expectations, but also the equilibrium spirits and market sentiments. outcome of any given policy action is determined by animal Empirical evidence suggests that raising interest rates does not systematically prevent an exchange-rate collapse. Kraay (1993), for example, studies the behavior of interest rates and other measures of monetary policy during 192 episodes of successful and un- successful speculative attacks between interest rates and finds a "striking lack of and the outcome observable fundamentals. This evidence The assumption that e is sufficiently small any systematic association whatsoever of speculative attacks," even after controlling for various is is hard to reconcile with Morris and Shin's (1998) predicnot essential; it ensures 8" < 8, which we use only to simplify the construction of these equilibria (see the Appendix). If 8" one takes a sequence of sunspot equilibria such that TV converges to a single point in Proposition 5 converge to the ones given in (6). read as the limit of sunspot equilibria. That is, r°, the thresholds 9" and the two-threshold equilibria of Proposition 3 can be Coordination and Policy Traps tion that defense policies decrease the probability of devaluation, but equilibria of Proposition 5, where the same combination of 25 is consistent with the sunspot interest rates and fundamentals may lead in equilibrium to either no devaluation or a collapse of the currency. Finally, the results of this section help commonly appear in the popular press, understand and formalize the kind of arguments that the one we quoted from Financial Times in the beginning like Once the policy maker has taken a of the paper. favorable outcome, the market may be costly policy action in an attempt to achieve a equally likely to "interpret" this action either as a signal of strength, in which case market participants coordinate on the desirable course of action, or as a signal of panic, in which case the policy maker's attempt proves in vain. 6 Concluding Remarks we In this paper investigated the ability of a policy maker to influence market expectations and control equilibrium outcomes in economies where agents play a global coordination game. that policy endogeneity leads to multiple observed with idiosyncratic noise. the policy maker is The self-fulfilling equilibria, even when the fundamentals are multiple equilibria take the form of policy traps, where forced to conform to the arbitrary expectations of the market instead of being able to fashion the equilibrium outcome. There is an inactive-policy equilibrium in which market participants coordinate on "ignoring" any attempt of the policy well as a We found continuum of active-policy equilibria in maker to affect market behavior, which market participants coordinate on the as level of the policy beyond which they "reward" the policy maker by playing a favorable continuation equilibrium. Despite equilibrium multiplicity, information heterogeneity significantly reduces the equilibrium set as compared to the case of common knowledge and enables robust policy predictions. Although approach may this paper focused on the particular example of currency attacks, our extend to other environments where policy can serve as a coordination device among market participants. Monetary policy in self-fulfilling in economies with staggered pricing, fiscal and growth policies economies with investment complementarities, and stabilization policies or regulatory interven- tion during financial or debt crises, are only a few examples where our results might be relevant. G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 26 Appendix Proof of Theorem When 2. pooling equilibrium in (a) of > r(9) some 9 and we r for = 9' We no interest rate other Theorem equilibrium and 9" Any Proof. only if D(9) < inf {9 r{9) : > > r who types 0; all unbounded, any equilibrium = {9 at is most one D (9) = 0} is > interest rate r Since C(r) r. part of the lemma. Next, not to attack whenever x r(9) = r for all 9 bounded noise, Given any > x+ of the proof, r* Lemma Proof. 2. 9** it r played in > x = is > r. r results in a posterior /x(0o|x, r) — 1 for strictly increasing in + e, 9 i.e. tt j & d/j, ^ r will If r, and thus a(9, r) = for any robust be chosen by the central bank, which proves the which a(9,r) in > this also implies that, in r, would be dominant it = for all r Therefore, an equilibrium with 9" e. D (9) the expected if {9\x, t) the noise were bounded, if and only if i.e. = for a speculator whenever 9 > x + e and thus oo could never be sustained with which proves the second part of the lemma. £ 9* and note that > the set of fundamentals for which devaluation does not occur. equilibrium, at most one interest rate r* first r}. leads to no devaluation, Speculators attack r. Hence, no speculator ever attacks when he observes an equilibrium r any equilibrium r > > interest rate r* if it higher than the interest rate differential, is : = devalue set r the noise where Oo r{9) : played in equilibrium only is premium all x, sup{6> lemmas. five devaluation is = 9" and r} oo. interest rate r — we have the played in equilibrium, Hence, in what follows, we consider equilibria in which 1. In any robust equilibrium, there 1. is let prove the result in a sequence of Lemma than r (r,f], define = > when r* < suffices to consider r, 9** the other hand, any 9 > < 9* = +e 9* 9" < 9' and 9*, r* is strictly U>~ 1 when unbounded For any r* € (r,r], 9* Since for any 9 = 9** and C{r*) 9* the thresholds r* = (l r. - ^9*) and 9** < - *9* : (9*) when r* . > 9" < 9**. dominated by r, it immediately follows that , = for all 9 > For the rest noise. can always set r* face no attack, and ensure a payoff V(9. Therefore, necessarily D(9) r. 9*. However, there may exist types 9 9' > 9* . On 0) — C(r*) > < 9* that also 0. Coordination and Policy Traps do not devalue D— 27 Define S(x) as the probability, conditional on x, that 9 in equilibrium. Further, define p(x) as the probability, conditional on x, that 9 G 0. Then, the probability of devaluation conditional on x and r [9* , and #"] < 9* r (9) and = r. given by is l-*(z=f)-6{x) = (J.(D l|x,r) -V (*=£} I whenever Clearly, a speculator never attacks at r F(x;9*,9") is jjl(D — < l|x,r) * = (*=£. ) + x-e" 1-* (*^ +* strictly decreasing in x, and let x Define r/ir. tf 1 _$ 1 Note that F(x;9*,9") ^(^ +p{x) + [9*, 9") solve F(£;0*,0") =r/w. Since <5 > (x) and p(x) > whenever x > x(0*,d") speculator with x which fi{D= , > x(O*,0"} (J,{D = = 1 for all F(x;6»*,6 ") for < F(x;6*,e") < F(x;9*,9") = l|x,r) most < 9 9* =0 and r{9) some for = a positive probability that r(9) = < 9 That G r* for all 9 follows that, It r/w, and therefore any any equilibrium in in is, would be as aggressive as they This [9*, 9"]. if it were intuitive for is (i) 9* reduces the incentives to attack for every x, some 9 G r for all x. l does not attack in equilibrium. a positive probability that D{9) (ii) < l|x,r) r* is played, speculators are necessarily at the case that D(9) and we have 0, (8) [#*,#"] reduces the probability that the observation of r signals devaluation and therefore also reduces the incentives to attack conditional on r and for 9", From 9* that for any x. It follows we have that a a 9, (9, = C (r*) (9",r) . Since the indifference conditions of Proposition =* — ' ' ( e — ) . x(9*,9")-9 r)<^ From the C (r*) = (3), Hence, in any equilibrium in 0*, it follows that 9* £(g *' e < * ( and using x(9*,9**) which indifference condition r* is = played, 9" x*, must we " H £ also have that satisfy x(9*,9**)-9**<x(9*,9")-9". From (8), x (#*, 9") Recall that 9* 9" < 9** < 6* < 9', — < 9" decreasing in is 9** which played, necessarily 9* < ', and hence we conclude that 9" < = C _1 if and only is a contradiction, since by definition robust equilibrium with r* G is 9" 9' (r, r]. < 9" if On < r* r (9ms) For any r* 9' < 9" . < > 9** . r, Lemma 2 implies Therefore, there exists no the other hand, in any robust equilibrium where r* G (r,r] 9**. G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 28 Next, we show, by librium in which r* 6' Proof. 9 and only if any robust equi- strategies, that in if < 9 9* , which in turn implies that = 6*. Lemma r played, devaluation occurs is dominated iterated deletion of strictly = r 1 for all 9 < = D{9) 9*, r(9), we and 9*, 9' = 9*. consider the continuation T and construct the iterated deletion mapping and > for all 9 Given an arbitrary equilibrium policy [0, 9'} <E = D{9) 3. — [9, 9'] : > [9, 9'} game that follows Take any as follows. let 1- *(==*) G{x;9) 1-* (^f-) + p(z) + * < G(x;9) thus represents the probability of 9 = \\m x ^ +00 p(x) and therefore lim I __ 0O G(x; for every 9, there is =* unique solution to 8 attack, r, < That 9. which is, ^ I 9 if all < x(9) i.e. . ) = min{x = Note that G(x;9) = G(x;9) | r. Note that lim x __ 00 p(x) and lim z ^ +00 G(x; 9) 1 > r/n 9 are expected to devalue, in turn implies that which happens — 9) at least one solution to the equation G(x; 9) lowest solution to this equation, every 9 conditional on x and 9, for Then every x if 9 T > 9' (V) . The < x is 0f follows that, = = x x(9) be the 9(9) as the (^J necessarily find > 9 for optimal to it playing r* rather than iterated deletion operator = nun [<?', let < x and * any 9 < 9 necessarily devalues, unless 9 in equilibrium only 0. It z/ 7^}, an d define 9 x all r/n. = = T thus defined by is • G is strictly increasing in 9, implying that x and therefore 9 are also strictly increasing We conclude that the mapping T is weakly increasing for all 9 G [9, 0'] Obviously, T is Observe that in 9. also . bounded above by ruled out neither Next, 9' Finally, note that 9* 9'. < 9ms, we compare T $> nor T : [9,9] the unique solutions to In general, in which case 1 G is < 9** < 00 and 9* < 9ms, but with the iterated deletion operator of the Morris-Shin -» [9,9], - $ is ^~ ( game strictly decreasing in x, 0. All so far we have = t/tt and 9 J is ?, where x I Continuity implying that G{x,8) we need, however, = = $ ^^ in 6. game without r when the pooling equilibrium at defined by F{0) x and therefore 6 need not be continuous continuously increasing in 9' ^MS- signaling (or, equivalently, of the continuation This operator, < — t/tt j . is T - x{9) and 9 is = played). 9{9) are has a unique fixed point at ensured when <I< satisfies the MLRP, has a unique solution and this solution monotonicity of the lowest solution, which is true for any ty. is Coordination and Policy Traps = 9 = 9 MSi and M s,6}- whenever 9 £ {9 and therefore 0(6*) T(0) = 9', or 9(9) Finally, > < < T(9) < satisfies 9 9 Moreover, since G(x; 9(9). 9', We whenever 9 £ > 9) -^ 1 > [9,9 (^f^) for conclude that, for any 9 £ which case T(9) in Ms 29 M s) x and all 9, we consider the sequence {0 }£l x where fc , monotone and bounded above by must be a 9 = 1 k+1 9 and 9 Suppose 9°° < = T{9°°). This can be true only 9'. > would then have T(9°°) Therefore, for T(-). necessarily converges to it , is, 6>°° T, that fixed point of 0' next prove that 9°° > ^(9°°) 9°°, We = T(9 k = 9' whenever 9' < 9 MS = 9' = 9". Suppose that 9' > 9'. If 9*. If 9 £ (9* ,9') would devalue in equilibrium. If instead But no devaluation and a positive payoff by setting < 9ms an d x(9) < 9' 9', or limit 9°° some 9' = r*. Therefore, therefore 9°° = = 9' < 9 MS whenever is > 9 MS 9 MS - we , a fixed point > 9' 9 MS We - 9' > and all > 0ms > 9* an d again all impossible as any 9 > > 9ms, is 6>°° = & < either case > 6>°° This 1. This limit . were the case that 9°° it > fe Since this sequence 0. prove that either 9°° whereas , 9' Ms which case for all ) which contradicts the assumption that 9°° 6>°° This also implies that first < 9(9°°) if 9 £ (9*,9°°) would devalue in equilibrium. > x(0) in 0', 9 T(9). sequence represents iterated deletion of dominated strategies starting from is > > JF(?) we have either 0(0) [9,9'}, > and 9 9 MS then 9°° , then 9°° it is 9* 9* 9* can ensure necessarily the case that 9' = which completes the proof of , 0* this lemma. We next show that, if the posterior beliefs given r are monotonic in x, then speculators follow a threshold strategy and therefore the size of an attack in turns implies that the Lemma 4. decreasing in Proof. bank If in equilibrium [i(0 9, in which case 9" Following Lemma 3, £ sets r* for all = < 0*\x,r) 9**, is is = in x, r* for all 9 then necessarily a(9,r) = l\x,r) the probability of devaluation conditional on x and r with lmxr^-oo G(x\9*) is — 1 if x < x' 1 and and a(x,r) since 0" solves a(9" ,r) x = lim.T a unique x' such that G(x';9*) a(x,r) 1 =ii(9<9*\x,r) = = C(r*), — all strictly _ vj, i' is given by x-e' G(x;9*) = 0. When G(x,9*) monotonic is in x. there r/n and thus speculators follow a threshold strategy with x 9 £ x(9*,9"), implying that a(9.r) is G(x;9* ^ +00 = if = This [9* ,9**). £ i fj,(D 9. [0*. 0**]. monotonic and r(9) decreasing in the fundamentals > [9* x' , . that a(9,r) It follows 9") necessarily set r*. £(e = * ( g *'f>~ ) . is strictly But then, Thus, 9" solves * p decreasing in 9 and, (x) = for any fiiil£pzil\ x, and = C (r*), G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan :iO and from Proposition Lemma established in The above set r, this this is is x (3), 2, it follows that 9" be the case Proof. 5. If ^ = x — 9** (6* ,9") - From the monotonicity 9". satisfies the of £ (0*, 9) - 9 . f.i(9 < 9*\x,r) in x. Since 9 all < 9* a wide range of noise structures. In the next lemma, we prove for when the necessarily the case at least Lemma 6** presumed monotonicity of the posterior result likely to - {9*, 9**) MLRP, noise £ follows a distribution which satisfies the then fi(9 Let 1(9) be the probability that 9 sets < r. monotonic 9*\x,r) is Using p (x) MLRP. in x. + # (~-) = jip fjj? ( s=s-) I {9) dO, we have that -*H X c(x-n l-G(x;P)- fifty (£=*) 1(9) M' and therefore G d( " l-G(x;9') i;fl ') ^o ( I 1 - * x-e~ ±{&^{^)no)de) Ue~^(^ )ne)d9Y L It follows that dG(x;6*)/dx < & Using the fact that I (9) = \ and only if <0. Khl>{*T)nO)d9 &(*?)*> for all 9 ¥ (*?) E if < 9<9\ 9* , the above equivalent to *(*?) En x, r is , x , L <0, *(H*) which holds true if ip' /ip is Combining Lemmas to either (a) or (b) in any equilibrium and 9** £ <J>. and 1, 2, Theorem in (b) is Proof of Proposition distribution monotone decreasing. 1. If, in addition, ^ that any robust equilibrium belongs necessarily satisfies 5. Take any random variable r* We want to show that for e sufficiently small, (9* .9), £ we conclude a system of beliefs \9*,9**\. the MLRP, Lemmas 4 and 5 imply that a two-threshold equilibrium, which completes the proof of the theorem. a non-monotonic policy with r(9) in 6 for 9 3, D (ii) = Whenever fi, < r*, [9*. 9**], TV C there exist thresholds x* 9* £ , and a robust equilibrium such that: r for 9 £ r with compact support (i) (r, r) (9, The bank and 9ms), follows and r(9) £ TV with r(9) non-decreasing speculators attack if and only if x < x*; whenever Coordination and Policy Traps r € [r* >?"*), x < x. they attack and only if < x if x; and non-increasing The proof is € in 9 for 9 in five steps: D(9) Let r* = min7?.* > r* — 1 for 9 < 9*, and with probability D(9) Steps and 1 = max TV < r and f* r. beliefs and only if < 1 9** > for 9 9**, , and Step 3 x*\ and the strategy of the speculators; 2. Define if 9 < 9, if 9 € [0,9], if 9 > 0, ,r"] max {9$(r)-C{r)} U(9) if with probability D(9) — max {-C(r)} r£\r* they attack , 2 characterize the thresholds 9* Step 5 establishes robustness in the sense of Definition 1. > [#*,#**], examines the behavior of the bank; Step 4 examines the Step r and whenever (in) Devaluation occurs with probability 31 re[r*,?*] max {9- - (l - C(r)\ $( r ))# (i=2) and r(9) as the corresponding argmax Note that maximizing over € TV ing over 7Z* as necessarily r(9) Therefore, there exists a unique 9* < 9\ and 0(9) > 9 all 0. Step 2. also that U(9) non-decreasing for is > -C(r*). Moreover, 0(9) = -C(r*) < increasing whenever 0(9) Oms ~ C(r) = Note ''. for all 9 > equivalent to maximiz- [r*, r*] is . and G(9 MS ) G (9,9 MS ) such that 0(9*) all 9, and strictly > 9 MS ~ C(r*) > = 0(9) 0, < for 9*. For any 9 >9*, define the functions x (9; 9*) and v(9; 9*) as follows '"' " ' .fcn-'-t^'""'-' and ' ' > Note that dx(6;9*)/d9 G (0,1) and therefore dv(9;9*)/d9 * ""* : ( w> £ 0. — as e 0. > To J This can be true only and therefore lim £ _o x \P if ~'~ ' ' ) which is x a contradiction. theorem, dU(9)/d9 is (9; 9*) 1. = ^ pWl-g' ^ .j. Consider now bounded above by 8* 9, in which case# - 9 MS - Since 9* > also that for ^ X ( ) e any =w 6> > 6>*, some for 9* implies \im e ^ox(9;9*) > 9* But then 1 r -/- , ^( > 1 for (9; o = +w x{e-fi*)-o \ = n < r -, tt' J — the function g(9) over this range. Moreover, by definition of x therefore v(0*;9*) > i-«(aa^) 7 < e^o| 2 — = ( lim see this, suppose instead that lim e _o lim £ _o ( Note 1. any 9 9*) , < — that \I/ ( ^ From the envelope U(9). 9 and hence g(9) we have < 9 M s and v(9\9*) is strictly increasing in 9 '-^ J 0(9*) = 0, we conclude = ^^ = 9ms that g(9*) < 0. and Next, G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 32 < note that for any > every 9 e > 9" and therefore = u(0; (9*) —^ > We 0. < 17(0; 0*) fact that x(0;0*) > 0**. 17(0; 0*) < u(0;0*) v(0;0*) = 0G r. G [r*,r*]. We now < prefers r to any r r > for all 9* < and C(r(9)) > < e. > for U{9;9*) < < < and U{9) = whenever for all 6 < 0**, (7(0; 0*) 0**. Finally, let >0> is Step only = = and — for » follows that there exists - C(r(9)) > 0(9) Moreover, note that, as e -> Next, 0. -> v(0;0*) for = 0, let U(9**;9*) all 0** < 9 = u(0**;0*), while the and c/(0;0*) > f(0;0*) we conclude that ,;(0;0*) = U{9) = at 0**, be the unique solution to c/(0;0*) and t>(0;0*) = > and note that t/(0*;0*). r* to = > t/(0) U(9) 0(9) for any r > r* > if . Furthermore, by definition, r(0) dominates any G for all > all [0, (0*,0], t/(0) 0**. Therefore, l)for0G = max{0, f>(0; 0*)}. (0*,0**). It follows that t/(0) G and r otherwise. The $(f(0)) G it > is t/(0) = > U(9) indeed optimal = < the bank to play r(9) resulting probability of devaluation [0*,0**], and D(9) = > for 0**. [/(0) for all G (0,0**), and for all for = Note that U(9) is 7>(0) = 1 for Since? is non-decreasing, non-increasing in the range [0*,0**]. Consider next the behavior of the speculators. For any r 4. if < 0. r, the probability of devaluation = ii (6 <0*|x,r) - < 9\x* ,r) 1-9 < 6\x,r) construction, x* solves the currency if and only if 7r/i(0 x < < — In equilibrium, at r fj,(9 By as e > the behavior of the bank. Given the strategy of the speculators, the bank r*, [0*,0**] G <0*, D(9) D > 0(9) — j thus need to compare only the payoff from playing r(0) with that from playing f7(0) > 0*, C/(0) 0, it — = 9-9 Playing f(0) yields 0(9), while playing r yields U(9) if 9**. (0**; 0*) == x* implies implies U{9;9*) < e But then u(0;0*) > follows that 9** -> 0* as e and *' ( there exists a unique 0** 6 {9*, 9) such that e, > p(0) \P e, this result with the properties of the function <?(0), < U{9) Consider 3. it for e with v(0;0*). That £ (0*,0**), since l>(0**;0*) Step 0*; £(0**;0*) Combining > U{9) > increasing in is for all < 9*% and every £/(0) for > whereas of C(?(9)) whenever e conclude that, for 9 x* Compare now < ] [ g{9) > 6» *(W)- g * g{9) 0, and ?() are independent (See the argument above). Since 9 . such that 5(0**) 0* 0, x* is = r, and since /.i(9 < r*, is devaluation occurs if and given by (*=£) 0|x,r) is decreasing in x, attacking indeed optimal. For any out-of-equilibrium r < r*, we consider Coordination and Policy Traps beliefs any r > > /u(# < such that n(9 [i we r*, > x 1 for of-equilibrium restrict \i r, if r = (r) {0 : > r*, fi(9 for 1 = x r at = 9\x,r) = r} r{9) = 0\x,r) < [x,x], /x(0 any r G r(0) with r 0, where 9~ (r) 7^ — — G ©(x) such that 9 for all 9 G A4(r)\ and given these /./, x G for all 1 < ivii{9 x* < a; . For and x, G 0~ l (r)\x,r) = 1 In addition, for any out- . not dominated in equilibrium by r(#) for some 9 G 0(x), then we further is to satisfy fi(9\x, r) (4), as well as — x. In particular, for D 9~ x such that 6(x) for all non-increasing in x and is G (9,9)\x,r) let /j,(0 = 9\x,r) 6\x,r) 33 < C(r) U(9). These beliefs satisfy the strategy of the speculators beliefs, sequentially is optimal for any r and x. Step Finally, consider robustness. 5. ^ Assume has bounded support, and construct the corresponding sunspot equilibrium Let a* as above. e be sufficiently small, let = = a(9*,r) ~e x ty ( j and a** £** and < = = ^ *(£** for all £ We = * a{9**,r) - _1 < fc) 1, £** and a F(0 > k], < distribution for all < 9 of F, the functions x that the U_{0) also < 0, 9** same 9. It follows (9; we 9*) is G for all = Similarly, let £<£**- = in a and when the sustained is g{9) remain the same = and construct all £ G [f* follows that F so that - k,C + F is k], proves that the [#*,#**] in = x U(9) is and x* 9**. Since [0* ,0**} *(£) + noise distribution is ty, A;. can U,r,x,v,g,U, and F and r(0) same policy £* and has bounded support F(f) < *(0 same = r{9) 0. By U construction a neighborhood of 9** (0**; 9*) . same follows It But then U{0; . also the = for all 9 r(0) can and all for all 0*) < > — £<£**<!». 2k, £* k, We + is be sustained with either 9** continue to is D{9) = $ 9, and and 2k] and ^ or F. 5>(f(0)). Therefore, A symmetric an arbitrary k satisfies and F(f) > *(£) also the maintain the peg or F. £** defined as above, take [£** and D{9) as Since r(0) r otherwise. the probability of devaluation unbounded. With sustains the Proposition 5 are robust. £* the same devaluation probability D(9) can also be sustained with either ^ such that U{9**). Like in Step 3 above, the latter ensures that the G r(0) for all = 0* continue to devalue with certainty if > > F. Indeed, consider the functions neighborhood of U{9**;9*) with certainty, while for 9 G argument applies f for all £ and F(f) < #(£) fc, that the same 9* continues to solve U(9*) v{9\9*), , [#*,#**], this < Similarly, all r{9) 1. with unbounded support such that F{£) and x* continue to solve g{9**) infer U{0**) < a* = *- x (a*) replaced with F. Note that U{9) and r(9) are independent of the noise remain the same optimal policy same ty is F tf (f) for all is < a** Hence, one can always find a k £*. c.d.f. be sustained when the distribution defined above, where < and note that ) argue that the same r(#) and £>(#) that also 0** + #(£* - k,C + G [r* f 11 and note that (q**) < k) ^ 5 > — ^(0 for > C* - k. It F(£) for all £ conclude that the sunspot equilibria of G.M. Angeletos, C. Hellwig and A. Pavan 34 References [1] Albanesi, Stefania, V.V. Chari, and Lawrence Christiano, (2002), "Expectation Traps and Monetary [2] Policy," Angeletos, NBER working paper 8912. 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When is a two-threshold equilibrium in which the interest rate = r otherwise, and raises the interest rate at instead the bank sets which case the size of the attack raise the interest rate at r if is r, in which devaluation occurs speculators attack decreasing in and only if r, the market "learns" that 9 e if C(r') 9. It < 9 and if and only follows that C(r') < and only [9*, 9**] if is 9< r(Q) 9*. r" if When the and coordinates on no if their signal is sufficiently it is = low, in optimal for the central bank to a(B,r), that is, if and only if 9 e [9*, 9**]. 32^ u 1 ( AUG 2 6 2003 Date Due MIT LIBRARIES i pfnNiHiiPii 3 9080 02524 4150