Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/competitionefficOOacem HB31 •M415 DEVVcY m.C>s-C6> Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series COMPETITION AND EFFICIENCY CONGESTED MARKETS . IN Daron Acemoglu Asuman E. Ozdaglar Working Paper 05-06 February 7, 2005 1 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection http://ssrn.com/abstract=676662 at '>3SACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAR 1 2005 LIBRARIES 1 Competition and Efficiency in Congested Markets* Daron Acemoglu Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Asuman Department E. Ozdaglar of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 17, 2005 Abstract We study the efficiency of oligopoly equilibria in congested markets. The moti- vating examples are the allocation of network flows in a communication network or We show that increasing competition among measured as the difference between users' willingness to pay and delay costs. We characterize a tight bound of 5/6 on efficiency in pure strategy equilibria. This bound is tight even when the number of routes and oligopolists is arbitrarily large. We also study the efficiency properties of mixed strategy equilibria. of traJfi-C in a transportation oligopolists can reduce network. efficiency, 'We thank Xin Huang, Ramesh Johari, Eric Maskin, Nicolas Stier Moses, Jean Tirole, John Tsitsiklis, Muhamet Yildiz and participants at the INFORMS conference, Denver 2004 for useful Ivan Werning, comments. Introduction 1 We analj'ze price competition in the presence of congestion costs. Consider the following environment: one unit of traffic can use one of / alternative routes. More traffic on a particular route causes delays, exerting a negative (congestion) externahty on existing Congestion costs are captured by a route-specific non-decreasing convex latency traffic.^ function, li (•). denoted by pi. Profit-maximizing oligopohsts set prices We each price vector, for (tolls) for travel on each route analyze subgame perfect Nash equilibria of this environment, where p, all traffic chooses the path that has minimum (toll plus delay) maximize profits. of practical importance for a number of settings. These include transportation and communication networks, where additional use of a route (path) generates greater congestion for all users, and markets in which there are "snob" effects, so that goods consumed by fewer other consumers are more valuable (see h+Pi, and oligopohsts choose The environment we analyze is cost, example, for The key [38]). prices to feature of these environments externality that users exert on others. is the negative congestion This externality has been well-recognized since [33], Wardrop [41], Beckmann et al. and by Orda et. al. [23], Korilis et. al. [18], Kelly [17], Low [20] in communication networks. More recently, there has been a growing literature that focuses on quantification of efficiency loss (referred to as the price of anarchy) that results from externaUties and strategic behavior in different classes of problems; selfish routing (Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou [19], Roughgarden and Tardos [31], Correa, Schulz, and Stier-Moses [8], Perakis [26], and Friedman [12]), resource allocation by market mechanisms (Johari and Tsitsiklis [16], Sanghavi and Hajek [32]), and network the work by Pigou [27] in economics, by Samuelson in transportation networks, [4] design (Anshelevich et.al. [2]). Nevertheless, the game-theoretic interactions between and users, or the effects of competition among the providers has not been considered. This is an important area for analysis (multiple) service providers on the efficiency loss since in most Moreover, we applications, (competing) profit-maximizing entities charge prices for use. will show that the nature of the analysis changes significantly in the presence of price competition. We provide a general framework for the analysis of price competition among providers in a congested (and potentiaUy capacitated) network, study existence of pure strategy and mixed strategy equihbria, and characterize and quantify the efficiency properties of There are four sets of major results from our analysis. First, though the equilibrium of traffic assignment without prices can be highly inefficient (e.g., [27], [31], [8]), price-setting by a monopolist internalizes the negative externality and achieves efficiency. Second, increasing competition can increase inefficiency. In fact, changing the market structure from monopoly to duopoly almost always increases inefficiency. This result contrasts with most existing results in the economics literature where greater competition equilibria. tends to improve the allocation of resources result is (e.g. driven by the presence of congestion and see Tirole [36]). is illustrated The intuition for this by the example we discuss below.^ ^ An externality arises when the actions of the player in a game ^Because users are homogeneous and have a constant reservation affects the payoff of other players. utility in our model, in the absence we provide a tight bound on the extent of inefficiency in the presence of which apphes irrespective of the number of routes, /. We show that social surplus (defined as the difference between users' willingness to pay and the delay cost) in any pure strategy oligopoly equilibrium is always greater than 5/6 of the maximum Simple examples reach this 5/6 bound. Interestingly, this bound is social surplus. Third, pricing, obtained even when the number of routes, /, Fourth, pure strategy equilibria the fact that what we have here is may fail is arbitrarily large. This to exist. is not surprising in view of a version of a Bertrand-Edgeworth game where pure strategy equilibria do not exist in the presence of convex costs of production or capacity constraints (e.g., Edgeworth [11], Shubik Benassy [35], [6], Vives [40]). However, environment we show that when latency functions are linear, a pure strategy equihbrium always exists, essentially because some amount of congestion externahties remove the payoff discontinuities inherent in the Bertrand-Edgeworth game. in our oligopoly Non-existence becomes an issue in our environment convex. In this case, we prove that mixed when latency functions are highly strategy equilibria always exist. We also show that mixed strategy equilibria can lead to arbitrarily inefficient worst-case realizations; in particular, social surplus maximum can become arbitrarily small relative to the social surplus. The following example illustrates Example 1 Figure 1 some of these results. shows a situation similar to the one first analyzed by Pigou [27] due to congestion externalities. One unit of traffic will travel to highlight the inefficiency from origin A to destination B, using either route are given by x^ ^1 It is = —, {x) h or route 1 [x) = straightforward to see that the efficient allocation 2. The latency functions 2 -X. [i.e., one that minimizes the total 2/3 and xf = 1/3, while the (Wardrop) equilibrium allocation that equates delay on the two paths is x^^ w .73 > xf and x'^^ « .27 < xf delay cost '^^li{xi)xi] The xf is source of the inefficiency = is that each unit of traffic does not internalize the greater increase in delay from travel on route 1, so there is too much use of this route relative to the efficient allocation. Now consider a monopolist controlling both routes and setting prices for travel to maximize its profits. olist will set We will show below that in this case, the monop(when li is differentiable), which exactly in greater detail a price including a markup, x^l'^ internalizes the congestion externality. In other words, this markup is equivalent to the Pigovian tax that a social planner would set in order to induce decentralized traffic to choose the efficient allocation. Consequently, in this simple example, monopoly prices win be in the pf ^ = {2/^f + k and pf ^ = Wardrop equilibrium will be (2/3^) + ^, for some constant k. The identical to the efficient allocation, resulting traffic i.e., x^^ — 2/3 and x^^^ = 1/3. Next consider a duopoly situation, where each route is controlled by a different profitmaximizing provider. In this case, it can be shown that equilibrium prices will take the all market structures would achieve would have no efficiency consequence. of congestion externalities, to duopoly, for example, efRciency, and a change from monopoly , Ii(x)=x73 l2(x)=(2/3)x Figure form pf-^ p^^ = ?» 0.44. A 1: Xi {l[ The two link network with congestion-dependant latency functions. + I'o) Eq. (20) in Section [see resulting equihbrium traffic 4], or xf^ more w specifically, .58 pf^ ^ < xf and x^^ « and 0.61 .42 > xf which also differs from the efficient allocation. We will show that this is generally the case in the ohgopoly equilibrium. Interestingly, while in the Wardrop equihbrium without prices, there was too much traffic on route 1, now there is too little traffic because of its greater markup. It is also noteworthy that although the duopoly equilibrium is monopoly equihbrium, in the monopoly equilibrium k is consumer surplus is captured by the monopolist, while in the oligopoly equilibrium users may have positive consumer surplus.^ is inefficient relative to the chosen such that The follows. all of the intuition for the inefficiency of duopoly relative to There is now a new which they exploit by distorting the pattern of 1, charges a higher price, 2, raising congestion it monopoly can be obtained 2. But this "locked-in," because their outside option, when provider traffic: realizes that this will on route push some traffic 1, controlling route from route 1 to route makes the traffic using route 1 become more travel on the route 2, has become worse."* As a result, the optimal price that each duopolist charges will include an additional over the Pigovian markup. These are XiZj for route two markups are generally as source of (differential) monopoly power for each duopolist, 1 and X2l'i markup for route 2. Since these different, they will distort the pattern of traffic away from the efficient allocation. Naturally, however, prices are typically lower with duopoly, so even though social surplus declines, users will command will be better off than in monopoly (i.e., they a positive consumer surplus). Although there is a large hterature on models of congestion both in transportation and communication networks, very few studies have investigated the implications of having the "property rights" over routes assigned to profit-maximizing providers. In Basar and Srikant analyze monopoly pricing under specific assumptions on the [3], utility and latency functions. He and Walrand [15] study competition and cooperation among internet service providers under specific demand models. Issues of efficient allocation of ^Consumer surplus is defined as the difference between users' willingness to pay and effective costs, li{xi), and is thus different from social surplus (which is the difference between users' willingness to pay and latency cost, li{xi), thus also takes into account producer surplus/profits). See Mas-Colell, Winston, and Green [21]. *Using economics terminology, we could also say that the demand for route 1 becomes more "inelastic". Since this term has a different meaning in the communication networks literature (see [34]), we Pi + do not use it here. do not arise in these papers. Our previous work [1] studies monopoly problem and contains the efficiency of the monopoly result (with inelastic traffic and more restrictive assumptions on latencies), but none of the other results here. To minimize overlap, we discuss the monopoly problem only briefly in this paper. In the rest of the paper, we use the terminology of a (communication) network, flows or traffic across routes the though of the analysis applies to resource allocation in transportation networks, all markets, and other economic applications. Section 2 describes the basic en- electricity Section 3 briefly characterizes the monopoly equihbrium and establishes vironment. Section 4 defines and characterizes the oligopoly equilibria with compet- its efficiency. ing profit-maximizing providers. Section 5 contains the main results and characterizes the efficiency properties of the ohgopoly equilibrium and provide bounds on efficiency. Section 6 contains concluding comments. Regarding notation, all vectors are viewed as be interpreted componentwise. vectors. Let We d be a closed subset of oo) [0, column M^ denote by and vectors, and inequalities are to the set of nonnegative /-dimensional let / : Q M i—> We be a convex function. use df{x) to denote the set of subgradients of / at x, and f~{x) and f'^{x) to denote the left and right derivatives of / at x. Model 2 We consider a network with / parallel links. Let Let X, denote the total flow on link Each i, = and x I= [xi, . . . {!,...,/} denote the set of links. denote the vector of link flows. ,xi] network has a flow-dependent latency function k{xi), which measures i. We denote the price link in the the travel time (or delay) as a function of the total flow on link per unit flow (bandwidth) of link We i hy Let p Pi. = denote the vector of prices. ,Pi] {pi,- are interested in the problem of routing d units of flow across the / links. sume that this the aggregate flow of is many "small" users principle (see [41]) in characterizing the flow distribution in the network; are routed along paths with at the given flow ciple is minimum and the price used extensively in effective cost, defined as the traffic and communication networks a reservation utility R and decide not [9], [25]) the reservation utility. as- sum i.e., the flows of the latency path (see the definition below). Wardrop's prin- of that modelling We and thus adopt the Wardrop's ([31], to behavior in transportation networks [8]). We send their fiow ([4], assume that the users have also if the effective cost exceeds This implies that user preferences can be represented by the piecewise hnear aggregate utility function u{-) depicted in Figure 2.^ Definition 1 For a given price vector p > 0,^ a vector x^^ G Mi is a Wardrop This simplifying assumption implies that all users arc "homogeneous" in the sense that they have utility, R. We discuss potential issues in extending this work to users with elastic and heterogeneous requirements in the concluding section. the same reservation ''Since the reservation utility of users i. Throughout the paper, wc use p > is equal to R, and p € [0, RY we can also restrict attention to pi interchangeably. < R for all u(x) Figure equilibrium (WE) 2: Aggregate utility function. if (1) We denote the set of We WE at a given p by W{p). adopt the following assumption on the latency functions throughout the paper. Assumption 1 For each i 6 X, the latency function convex, nondecreasing, and satisfies /^(O) = li : [0, cx)) Hence, we allow the latency functions to be extended Ci = for problem i—> [0, oo] is proper closed 0. real- valued (see [7]). Let {x E [0, oo) li{x) < oo} denote the effective domain of li. By Assumption 1, Ci is a closed interval of the form [0, b] or [0, oo). Let bd = sup^g,-;^ x. Without loss of generality, we can add the constraint Xj £ C, in Eq. (1). Using the optimality conditions I and there (1), exists we see that a vector x^^ € M^ is a WE if and only if some A > such that A( X^^^^ x^^ — d) = and for all R-k{xf^)-p, <X ifxf'^-O, = A if < xf"^ < >A ifxf^ = 6c.. When the latency functions are real-valued WE, characterization of a This lemma equalized on Lemma which states that in the all links 1 Let [i.e., Ci = [0, d (2) be oo)], we obtain the following often used as the definition of a WE, < WE in the literature. the effective costs, defined as li{xf^^) + pi, all i are with positive flows (proof omitted). Assumption Then a nonnegative is X^j^j xf^^ i, 1 hold, vector x* E li{x*)+pi = and assume further that Ci if and only if — [0, oo) for G I. W{p) mm{lj{x*) + pj}, V i with X* > 0, (3) li{x*)+pi < V R, with x* i > 0, I 2 with J2i=i ^* Example = 2 c? =1 if niirij {/j(xj) +Pj} < R. below shows that condition latency functions are not real- valued. Next lemma may (3) in this we not hold establish the existence of a when the WE. (Existence and Continuity) Let Assumption 1 hold. For any price 1 > 0, the set of WE, W{p), is nonempty. Moreover, the correspondence M^ is upper semicontinuous. Proposition W vector p R^ ^ Proof. Given any p > 0, : consider the following optimization problem maximize^>o ^^ subject to ({R - 2_, ^i ^ - Pi)Xi j k[z)dz\ (4) '^ i=l Xi In view of Assumption (1) (i.e., li is € Ci, V i. nondecreasing for can be shown that the all i), it which is nonempty G Cj) and convex. Moreover, the first order optimahty conditions of problem optimality (4), which are also sufRcient conditions for optimality, are identical to the conditions [cf. Eq. (2)] Hence a flow vector x^'^'^ G ^{v) if ^^nd only if it is an optimal solution of problem (4). Since the objective function of problem (4) is continuous and the constraint set is compact, this problem has an optimal solution, showing that W{p) is nonempty. The fact that is an upper semicontinuous correspondence at every p follows by using the Theorem of the Maximum (see Berge [5], chapter 6) for problem objective function of problem (4) is convex over the constraint set, (since WE . W (4). Q.E.D. WE flows satisfy intuitive monotonicity properties given in the following proposition. The proof follows from the optimality conditions (a) = Ecj. (2)] (Monotonicity) Let Assumption Proposition 2 P-j [cf. 1 and hold. is omitted (see For a given p > [1]). 0, let \PiWj- For some p (b) For some pj for all (c) For let i y^ < < p, let x G Pj, let VV'(p) and x G W{p). Then, X^j^j > x^ J^j^j x G W{pj,p-j) and x G VF(pj,p_j). Then Xj > Xi. Xj and Xj < Xi, j. some I C I, suppose that Pj < X G W{p) and x G W{p). Then X and Pj = pj for all j G T,jei^'jiP) ^ Ejgi^j(p)- Pj for all j ^ J, and For a given price vector example Example p, the WE some properties illustrates need not be unique in general. The following WE. of the Consider a two hnk network. Let the total flow be d 2 tion utility he R= Assume 1. ^ oo I At the < Pi> = P2 W{p) I, is Xj given by all (0, are not real- valued. some scalar a > < X2) with This example also illustrates that for Lemma 1 < X2 is given by the set of all 2/3. Consider, for instance, the price vector (^1,^2) = (1 ~ e, 1 ~ le) In this case, the unique is (xi,X2) (1/3,2/3), and clearly WE 1. on the further restrictions which assumes Proposition 3 reserva- need not hold when latency functions = on the two routes are not equalized despite the positive flows. This arises because the path with the lower constrained, so no more traffic can use that path. Under and the price vector {pi,P2) with fact that they effective costs literature 1 otherwise. = (1,1), the set of WE, W{p), < 2/3 and X^j x, < 1. At any price vector (pi,P2) vectors (xi,X2) with = that the latency functions are given by k, we effective cost both have is capacity obtain the following standard result in the strictly increasing latency functions. (Uniqueness) Let Assumption 1 For any price vector p strictly increasing over Cj. singleton. Moreover, the function W : M^ W_^, >-^ is Assume hold. > the set of 0, further that WE, W{p), is li is a continuous. Proof. Under the given assumptions, for any p > 0, the objective function of problem This shows the (4) is strictly convex, and therefore has a unique optimal solution. uniqueness of the at a given p. Since the correspondence is upper semicontinuous from Proposition 1 and single- valued, it is continuous. Q.E.D. W WE In general, under the Assumption that result, which Lemma 2 is /j(0) essential in our analysis with Let Assumption I= {i 1 = hold. For a given Gl \ for all nonunique p > 0, i E X, we have the following WE flows. define the set 3 X, X E W{p) with x^ 7^ x^}. Then h{xi) - Pi == 0, Pj, Vie2, Vxe V z, j e T. W{p), (5) . Proof. Consider some such that ^ Xi Xi- &T. and x G W{p). Since i Assume without E T, there i > generahty that Xt loss of some x E W{p) There are two cases exists Xi. to consider: (a) If > Xk Xk for all A; ^ optimality conditions > then Xljgi^i i, Eq. [cf. (2)] for '^IjeJ^i-' '^^ich implies x hold with A = 0. By Eq. 1 (i.e., that the and (2) Xi WE > x,, we have which together imply that = /,(0) (b) If Xk < 0), it follows Xk for some k, that by the +Pi< R, li{xi) +Pi> R, = /i(xi) /,(x,) li{xi) = li{xi). By Assumption li is convex and 0. WE optimality conditions, li{Xi) +Pi< lk{Xk) +Pk, k{x,) +f)i> IkiXk) +Pk- we obtain Combining the above with Xj > x, and Xfc < x^, we see that /j(xj) = li{xi), and (and also that hi^k) = 4(^fc)- By Assumption 1, this shows that li{xi) = =Pk)- Pz X, Next consider some i, j € I. We will show that pi = pj. Since X G W{p) such that Xi > Xi. There are three cases to consider: • Xj < • Xj > Xj . Then Xj. If Xfc i E T, there a similar argument to part (b) above shows that pi > Xk for all k ^ optimahty conditions hold with A which together with li{xi) = X^m^m ^ i,j, then = Therefore, 0. k{x,) +Pt< R, lj{xj) + Pj > R, lj{Xj) = imply that ^' exist = pj ™ply™g that the WE we have pi — pj. = Xj. Since j E T, there exists some x E W{p) such that Xj ^ Xj. Repeating the above two steps with Xj instead of Xj yields the desired result. • Xj Q.E.D. We next define the social problem and the social optimum, which allocation) that would be chosen by a planner that has over the network. full is the routing (flow information and full control A Definition 2 social problem flow vector x^ is a social niaximize2;>o optimum 2. (-^ ~ an optimal solution of the if it is ki^i) jXi (6) 2=1 / >, ^i ^ subject to In view of Assumption 1, ^• the social problem has a continuous objective function and a compact constraint set, guaranteeing the existence of a social optimum, x^. Moreover, using the optimality conditions for a convex program (see a vector x^ G subgradient for each M^ gi. E is a social optimum dli{xf) for each and only if and a i, > A'^ if [7], Section 4.7), X^j^^ xf such that < A'^( we see that d and there exists a X],_i xf — d) = and i, R-k[xf)-xfgi^ <X' ifxf^O, = A^ iiO<xf<bc„ > A^ if if = 6c.. For future reference, for a given vector x 6 R^, we (7) define the value of the objective function in the social problem, / S{x) = Y.{R-h{x,))x,, (8) 1=1 as the social surplus, i.e., the difference between users' willingness to pay and the total latency. 3 Monopoly Equilibrium and In this section, we assume that a monopolist service provider owns the / links and charges a price of p^ per unit bandwidth on link Acemoglu and Ozdaglar [1] for of each of a finite set of users i. We considered a related problem in atomic users with inelastic is a step function) differentiable latency functions. general latency functions and the The monopolist Efficiency , traffic (i.e., the utility function and with increasing, demand model considered sets the prices to maximize and more real- valued Here we show that similar results hold for the in Section 2. his profit given by / ?,=i where x G W{p). This defines a two-stage dynamic pricing-congestion game, where the monopolist sets prices anticipating the demand of users, and given the prices (i.e., in each subgame), users choose their flow vectors according to the WE. . Definition 3 A vector {p'^'^ ,x^'^^) > a Monopoly Equilibrium is (ME) if x^ W{p^'^) and n(p*^^, x^"^) Our definition of the ME > V n(p, x), p, V X G ly stronger than the standard is librium concept for dynamic games. With a sHght abuse {p) subgame perfect Nash equi- of terminology, let us associate a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium with the on-the-equilibrium-path actions of the two-stage game. Definition 4 A > vector {p*,x*) pricing-congestion game if x* is a subgame perfect equihbrium (SPE) of the G W{p*) and for all p > 0, there exists x 6 W such {p) that U{p*,x*) The > U{p,x). following proposition shows that under coincide. Since the proof Assumption 1 , the two solution concepts not relevant for the rest of the argument, we provide is in it Appendix A. Proposition 4 it is an SPE ME Since an Let Assumption 1 hold. of the pricing-congestion {p*,x*) is A vector [p^^^ ,x^'^) is ME an if and only if game. an optimal solution of the optimization problem I maximizep>o, x>o subject to it is slightly easier to ^^PiXi (9) X £ W{p), work with than an SPE. Therefore, we use ME as the solution concept in this paper. The preceding problem has an optimal solution, which establishes ME. In the next proposition, we show that the flow allocation at an optimum are the same. Proposition 5 only if it is 3 1 hold. A vector x is and the the flow vector at an ME social if and a social optimum. To prove Lemma Let Assumption the existence of an ME this result, we first Let Assumption 1 establish the following hold. Let (p,x) be an ME. Then have p, = R- li{x^). 10 lemma. for all i with x^ > 0, we Proof. Define + j9j li{xt) < R. I= We {i e first I \ Xi li{xi) Suppose a WE +Pi < li{xi) [cf Eq. the fact that (2)], (p, the price vector x) p lj{xj) we is and has a is a WE By 0}. +Pi = + pj see that the definition of a for lj{xj) some x € W{pi + Pj, V WE, for all i E I, we have at price p, ' + e + li(xi) < i, J G X. G T. Using the optimality conditions i,j + e,p^i) an ME. Assume next that pi where e^ is the = p + e X^ j^j ^i Pi Hence, x > show that for sufficiently small + li{xi) < R y R, i and therefore the vector for contradicting some i E T. Consider and e is such that for unit vector i*'' e, eJ. (p, x) is feasible for problem strictly higher objective function value, contradicting the fact that (p, x) is (9) an ME. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 5: In view of Lemma maximize3;>o 2_. we can 3, rewrite problem (9) as {R~ hi^i) i=l I subject to This problem is identical to the social 2_] ^i problem ^^ problem [cf (6)], completing the proof Q.E.D. In addition to the social surplus defined above, sumer it is also useful to define the con- between users' willingness to pay and effective cost, i.e., ~ hi^i) — Pi)xi (See Mas-Colell, Winston and Green, [21]). By Proposition 5 Y2i=i (-^ and Lemma 3, it is clear that even though the ME achieves the social optimum, all of the surplus is captured by the monopolist, and users are just indifferent between sending surplus, as the difi^erence their information or not (i.e., Our major motivation receive for the a better approximation to reality, no consumer surplus). study of ohgopolistic settings is that they provide where there is typically competition among service A secondary motivation is to see whether an ohgopoly equilibrium will achieve an efhcient allocation like the ME, while also transferring some or all of the surplus to providers. the consumers. 4 Oligopoly Equilibrium We suppose that there are S service providers, denote the set of service providers by and assume that each service provider s £ S owns a different subset Ts of the links. Service provider s charges a price p^ per unit bandwidth on link i E Is- Given the vector iS, 11 owned by other of prices of links provider s service providers, Ps = \pi]i^i,, the profit of service is == UsiPs,P-s,x) ^PiXi, X e W{ps,p-s), where Ps = \pi\ieXsobjective of each service provider, hke the monopoHst in the previous section, is to maximize profits. Because their profits depend on the prices set by other service providers, each service provider forms conjectures about the actions of other service providers, as weh as the behavior of users, which, we assume, they do according to the notion of (subgame perfect) Nash equihbrium. We refer to the game among service providers as the price competition game. for The Definition 5 if x^^ S A {p'-'^ vector W (p?^,p°f) and n,(pf^,pef,xO^) We refer to p'-'^ as the , > x'~'^) for all s is a (pure strategy) Oligopoly Equilibrium (OE) G 5, > n,fe,pef,x), Vp, > 0, V X 6 H/fe,pef). (10) OE price. OE and Again associating the subgame perfect equilibrium with the on-the-equilibrium-path actions, we have the following standard As for the monopoly case, there is a close relation between a pure strategy a pure strategy subgame perfect equilibrium. definition. A vector Definition 6 competition game if x* {p*, x*) E: W > {p*) is a subgame perfect equihbrium (SPE) of the price and there exists a function x{p) G [p) such that for W seS, all ^s{P*s,P*-s^X*)>Ils{Ps.pls^x{ps,P*..,)) The OE following proposition generalizes Proposition 4 definition, which is more convenient that of Proposition 4 and Proposition 6 is an SPE is for the Vp, >0. (11) and enables us to work with the subsequent analysis. The proof parallels omitted. Let Assumption 1 of the price competition hold. A vector {p'-'^ , x^^) is an OE if and only if it game. The price competition game is neither concave nor supermodular. Therefore, classical arguments that are used to show the existence of a pure strategy equilibrium do not hold (see [13], [37]). In the next proposition, we show that for linear latency functions, there exists a pure strategy OE. Proposition 7 Let Assumption 1 hold, and assume further that the latency functions are linear. Then the price competition game has a pure strategy OE. 12 Proof. For all i ^ I, let /j(x) = aiX. Define the set Io^{ieI = \a, 0}. Let Iq denote the cardinality of set Iq- There are two cases to consider: > Assume that there exist i, j € Xq such that i E Ts and j € Is' for some for all E S. Then it can be seen that a vector (p^-^, x"^-^) with pf ^ = i E Iq and x'-'^ E W{p'-'^) is an OE. Assume next that for all i G 2o, we have i E Is for some s E S. Then, we can assume without loss of generality that provider s owns a single link i' with a^/ = and consider the case /q = 1. • Iq 2: s j^ s' • /o < Let Bsiplf) be the set of 1: pf^ such max (pf^,x°^)Garg Let B{p'-'^) = [Bs[p2.f)]s^s- that ^p^Xi. (12) In view of the hnearity of the latency functions, it an upper semicontinuous and convex- valued correspondence. Hence, we can use Kakutani's fixed point theorem to assert the existence of a p'-'^ such that B{p'-'^) = p'^^ (see Berge [5]). To complete the proof, it remains to be follows that B{p'^^) shown that there If Iq — 0, (10) holds Assume is x°^ E W{p'^^) such exists we have by Proposition and (p°-^, IV (p°^)) finally that exactly is that Eq. (10) holds. 3 that W{p'^^) is a singleton, and therefore Eq. an OE. one of the a^'s (without loss of generality ai) We show that for all x, x E W{p'-'^), we have EC{x,p°^) = mmj{lj{xj) +pf^}. If at least one of to 0. EC{x,p°^) < R, holds, then one can Y2iei i^i^i ^^ show that (4), we problem or Xi = Xi, for all EC{x,p°^) < i is ^ equal 1. Let R ~ — '^Substituting Xi = d X^i=i ^i X]t=i ^i see that the objective function of problem (4) — is convex in x_i = [x^jj^i, thus showing that x = x. If both EC{x,p^^) = R and EC{x,p'^^) = R, then Xi = Xi = 1^^{R — pf^) for all i ^ 1, establishing our strictly claim. For some x E W{p'^^), consider the vector x^-^ uniquely defined and Xi incentive to deviate, it is = (d — X^j^j Xj,x_i) . Since x_i chosen such that the provider that owns link follows that {p^^, x'~'^) is 1 is has no an OE. Q.E.D. The existence result cannot be generalized to piecewise linear latency functions or to latency functions which are linear over their effective domain, as illustrated in the following example. 13 Example 3 Consider a two link network. Let the total flow he d = Assume that the 1. latency functions are given by = ( \ h{x) , n 1 f \ l2{x) 0, = /O < ^-5 iiO<x<S ^>^^ e > and 6 > 1/2, with the convention that when e = 0, hix) = oo for x > 6. show that there exists no pure strategy oligopoly equihbrium for small e (i.e., there exists no pure strategy subgame perfect equihbrium). The following list considers all candidate oligopoly price equihbria {pi,P2) and profitable unilateral deviations for e sufficiently small, thus estabhshing the nonexistence of an OE: for some We first 1. = Pi 2. = P2 0: A small increase in the price of provider thus provider profits, = P2 > 0: Let x be the flow aflocation at the OE. If Xj = has an incentive to decrease its price. If Xi < 1, then provider pi to decrease < 3. pi < generate positive will 1 has an incentive to deviate. 1 1, then provider 2 1 has an incentive its price. has an incentive to increase p2- Player 1 its price since its flow allocation remains the same. < 4. p2 < Pi: For sufficiently small, the profit function of player 2, given pi, is e strictly increasing as increase a function of p2! showing that provider 2 has an incentive to its price. OE always exists. We define a mixed strategy mixed strategy subgame perfect equilibrium of the price competition game (see Dasgupta and Maskin, [10]). Let B^ be the space of all (Borel) probability measures on [0, i?]". Let /<, denote the cardinality of Jj, i.e., the number of hnks controlled by service provider 5. Let fig G B^' be a probabihty measure, and denote the vector of these probability measures by and the vector of these probability measures excluding s by We OE next show that a mixed strategy as a /j, Definition 7 x*{p) G / J[o,rY W (/i*, (p) for x*(p)) is every p G a mixed strategy Oligopoly Equilibrium (OE) [0, ^s{Ps,P-s,x* {ps,p-s)) the function if R]^ and d{i2l{p,) X i_i*_^{p_s)) > Us{ps,P^s,X* {ps,P-s))d / {iJ-s iPs) X IJ--, {P-s)) J\O.R]' '[0,R]' for all s and /ig G B'\ Therefore, a mixed strategy to a different probability OE measure simply requires that there for each oligopolist. 14 is no profitable deviation Example OE strategy e > 0, but 3 (continued) We now show that the following strategy profile is a mixed above game when e -^ (a mixed strategy OE also exists when structure is more comphcated and less informative); its for the ( Mp)-< \ ( = ^2{P) 1-^ 0<p<R{l-5), R{l-6)<p<R, 1 otherwise, 0<p<R{l-6), R{l-5)<p<R, 1-^ 1 otherwise. 1 [ Notice that pi has an atom equal to 1 — 5 at i?. To verify that this profile is a mixed strategy OE, let ji' be the density of /i, with the convention that jj' = oo when there is an atom at that point. Let strategy equihbrium, for all Pi it Afj = {p G Mi when the other /i^ | {p) > 0} To . establish that {pi, show that the expected payoff suffices to player chooses p-i according to fJ-2) to player /i_i is i is a mixed constant (see [24]). These expected payoffs are n {p, I p-i) = U,{p^,P-i,X {p^,P-i))dfl-^ (p^i) / , Jo which are constant strategy for all pi G Mi The next proposition shows i = 1.2. This establishes that (/^i./io) is a mixed that a mixed strategy equilibrium always exists. Proposition 8 Let Assumption strategy OE, (^^^,x°^(p)). so for OE. The proof of this proposition given in Appendix B. hold. 1 is Then game has the price competition a mixed long and not directly related the rest of the argument, it is We next provide an exphcit characterization of pure strategy OE. independent interest, these results are most useful Though of also for us to quantify' the efficiency loss of oHgopoly in the next section. The following lemma shows that an equivalent to Lemma 1 (which required real- valued latency functions) also holds with more general latency functions at the pure strategy Lemma OE. 4 Let Assumption h{x?'^)+P?'^ 1 hold. If {p'^^,x^^) is = min{/,(xH+p°^}, a pure strategy OE, then V?withxP>0, (13) Vzwithzp^>0, (14) j k{x*)+pf^ < R, ^xP < d, (15) 15 ^?^ = d^i mmj{lj{xf^) + Pj} < R. with J2Li Proof. Let {f^,x°^) be an OE. Since x°^ £ VF(p^^), conditions (14) and (15) follow by the definition of a WE. Consider condition (13). As,sume that there exist some z, j G J such that with xf ^ > 0, x°^ > ;,(xf^)+pp^</,(x^°^)+pf^. Using the optimality conditions sider changing we see that pf^ to pf-^ we can choose service provider that owns + e e (p*^"^, x'~'^) that minj{/j(x^^) Pj] WE some WE, and We Eq. [cf. e > (2)], this By 0. i i. is < R and 'Ylii=\ ^?^ < Given a pure strategy 0, then 1^ = {i}. 2 proof. Note that Lemma this assumption if all 5 Let Us denote the OE , pf^ + e keeps for a = x'-'^ bc^ as a Q.E.D. for {p^^ we must have xf^ our price characterization. x'-'^), if for some i E 2 with xf^ > 0, = /^(xf^) increasing or Con- hc^- Using the optimality conditions '^- = With more profitable, completing the Assumption = G H^(pf^ + e,p?f ). Hence can deviate to pf -^ + e and increase its profits, contrais an OE. Finally, assume to arrive at the contradiction need the following additional assumption we have implies that xf-^ checking the optimality conditions, since J2i^i ^?^ < "^l' ^^^^ imphes that a similar argument to above, a deviation to [Eq. (2) with A for WE some sufficiently small such that x'^^ link dicting the fact that -\- a for for is automatically satisfied service providers {p'-^^,x'-^^) own only one if all latency functions are strictly link. be a pure strategy OE. Let Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. Let profit of service provider s at {p'^^ ,x^^). (a) If n^' > for some s' (b) If n, > for some s G 5, then n^ > for all s G 5, then pf^xf^ > e S. for all j G T,. Proof. (a) For some lis e > = 0. j K = pf^ + lj{xf^), which is positive since G Xy, define some s. For k E Is, consider the price pfc = A' — e > for It Ug' > for 0. Assume some small WE can be seen that at the price vector {pk,P-k)^ ^^^ corresponding link > 0. Hence, service provider s has an incentive to deviate to flow would satisfy x^ pk at which he will make positive profit, contradicting the fact that {p^^,x^^) a pure strategy OE. is > 0, we have p'^fx'^f > for some m G Is- By Assumption 2, we can assume without loss of generality that Imi^m^) > (otherwise, we are done). Let j G Is and assume to arrive at a contradiction that p^^xf^ = 0. The profit of (b) Since Ug service provider s at the pure strategy Yis OE can be written as = ns+p^fx^f, 16 . where for lis some Consider changing . = n, Note that e n^ n, tlie prices p'^^ + {K - UxZ^ - moved from link m to same at the new WE. Hence, - n, = > Since lm{x^^) - (/„(x^,^) 0, e 1 = L Assume some a > {p^^,x^^) Assumption is is strictly an OE. Q.E.D. 2 cannot be dispensed with for part this = link 2. Let the total flow be d 1 1 owns and the reservation that the latency functions are given by = Any price vector 0. is (2/3, 1/3, 0) why is Consider a three link network with two providers, where provider and 3 and provider 2 owns h{xi) see link j such that the flows of the change in the profit lemma. utiUty be i? for /,(e)). can be chosen sufficiently small such that the above following example shows that Example 4 links + e{K - UxZ^ - e))x^^ + e(/„(x^^ - e) - /,(e))). positive, contradicting the fact that The e)){xZ^ -,) units of flow are other links remain the (b) of this K m and j. Let p^^ = —lm{x'^) and p^^ such that the new profit is denotes the profits from hnks other than K 0, h{x3)=ax3, l2ix2)=X2, {pi,P2,P3) a pure strategy OE, so ^3X3 = (2/3, 1/3, b) = contrary with b > 2/3 and (xi, X2, X3) to part (b) of the = lemma. To an equihbrium, note that provider 2 is clearly playing a best response. = 4/9. We can represent any deviation of provider 1 by is Moreover, in this allocation Hi = {2/3-5,2/3-ae-5), {pi,Ps) for two scalars e and 6 which The corresponding , lishing that provider 1 We induce a will WE of (xi, X2, X3) is = (2/3 + 5 — e, 1/3 — 5,e) 4/9 — 5"^ < 4/9, estabalso playing a best response and we have a pure strategy OE. profit of provider 1 at this deviation is Hi = OE next establish that under an additional assumption, a pure strategy will never be at a point of non-difTerentiability of the latency functions. Assumption 3 There exists some s E differentiable for all Lemma 6 some i. for i S such that k is real-valued and continuously Els OE Let (p°^, x°^) be an Let Assumptions 1, 2 and with min^ {p^^ 3 hold. where l^{xf^) and l~{xf^) are the right and + lj{xf^)} < R and pf^xf ^ > Then left derivatives of the function li at xf^ respectively. Since the proof of this lemma is 3 cannot be dispensed with in this long, it is given in Appendix C. Note that Assumption lemma. This 17 is illustrated in the next example. . Example 5 be tion utihty Consider a two link network. Let the total flow be d Assume i? =: 2. < X < if h{x)-l2ix)It = and the 1 reserva- that the latency functions are given by 2(x-i) , i otherwise. can be verified that the vector {Pi^,P2^) = (1, 1), with (xf^,x^^) = (1/2, 1/2) is a is at a point of non-differentiabiUty for both latency functions. pure strategy OE, and We next provide an exphcit characterization of the our efficiency analysis in Section Proposition 9 Assumptions 1, a) Assume The proof 5. Let {p^^, x^^) be an 2, and that min^ ( ??""={ OE is OE prices, which essential in is given in Appendix D. pf^xf^ > such that some for i G I. Let 3 hold. {pf^ + lj{x'^^)} < R. Then, for xf%{x°^), if xf^^K^P^)+ b) Assume that min^ {p'j^ + v-^^'^'^^r Ijix'j^)} — , e all s l'j{x°^) = 5 and for G i some X,, j ^ we have Is, (^6) otherwise. R- Then, for all s G <S and i £ Xg, we have pf^>^,n-(:^?^)Moreover, if there exists some p?^ < i If G T such that ^rc(^r) + (17) X = {i} ^ for some s G 5, then (18) ' , the latency functions U are all real-valued and continuously differentiable, then Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for ohgopolj' problem [Eq. (78) in Appendix analysis of D] immediately yields the following result: Let (p°^, x°^) be an OE such that p°^x°^ > for some i G I. Let Asand 2 hold. Assume also that Zj is real- valued and continuously differentiable Then, for all s G 5 and i EiTs,^^ have Corollary sumptions for all i. r Pi ^ \ 1 1 xf ^/^(xp^), mm r..ir. P_ J i? <^ l.f^OE\ /,(xf ^) if ^OEv(^OE\ , x?^l'AxY^) £, + ^'^^ , ' \ }, /;(xf^) = for some j otherwise. (19) This corollary also implies that in the two link case with differentiable latency functions and with minimum real- valued effective cost less and continuously than R, the OE prices are pP = xf^(/;(x?^) + /^(xn) as claimed in the Introduction. 18 (20) ^ J, + 5 Efficiency of Oligopoly Equilibria we study the In this section, measure of efficiency properties of ohgopoly pricing. We take as our efficiency the ratio of the social surplus of the equilibrium flow allocation to the social surplus of the social optimum, §(x*)/§(x'^), where x* refers to the or the oligopoly equilibrium [cf. Eq. In Section (8)]. 3, we showed monopoly that the flow alloca- monopoly equilibrium is a social optimum. Hence, in congestion games with monopoly pricing, there is no efficiency loss. The following example shows that this is tion at a not necessarily the case in ohgopoly pricing. Example 6 Consider a two link network. Let the total flow he d utihty be i? = 1 The . li{x)^0, The unique is x^^ = optimum social for this = and p^'^ (1,0) = 1 and the reservation latency functions are given by = kix) 3 ~x. is x'^ = (1, 0). The unique ME {p^^, x^^) As expected, the flow allocations at the social example (1,1). optimum and the ME are the same. Next consider a duopoly where each of these links is owned by a different provider. Using Corollary 1 and Lemma 4, it follows that the flow allocation at the OE, x'^^ satisfies , /i(xf^) + + x?^[/;(x?^) Solving this together with oligopoly equilibrium Ux'i^)] xf^ + x^^ = is x'-'^ = = kix^ + x^^[l[{x?^) + l',ix^% shows that the flow allocation at the unique 1 (2/3,1/3). The social surplus at the social the monopoly equilibrium, and the oligopoly equilibrium are given by 1, 1, optimum, and 5/6, respectively. Before providing a more thorough analysis of the efficiency properties of the OE, the next proposition proves that, as claimed in the Introduction and suggested by Example 6, a change in the market structure from monopoly to duopoly in a two hnk network typically reduces efficiency. Proposition 10 Consider a two link network where each link is owned by a different provider. Let Assumption 1 hold. Let {p'^^,x^^) be a pure strategy OE such that pP^xf^ > for some i G J and mm, {pf^ -f- lj{xf^)} < R. If /'i(xf^)/xf^ j^ l'2{x^^)/x^^, then S(xO-^)/S(x^) Proof. Combining the /i(xf^) where we use the OE 1 . prices with the xf^{i[{xf^) fact that < WE conditions, + ux^)) = Hxr) + xriux'",") + ux^^)), min, {pf^ + lj{x?^)} < conditions (7) to prove that a vector (xf ,xf) /l(xf) we have + > is R- Moreover, we can use optimality a social optimum xf/;(xf)=/2(xf)+xf/^(xf), 19 if and only if (see also the proof of Lemma 4). Since l[{x'^^)/x'^^ ^ {^{x^^) j x^^ the result follows. , Q.E.D. We next quantify the efficiency of ohgopoly equilibria by providing a tight bound on the efficiency Section loss in congestion games with oligopoly pricing. As we have shown such games do not always have a pure strategy OE. In the following, we 4, provide bounds on congestion games that have pure strategy equilibria. efficiency properties of mixed strategy We next study equilibria. Pure Strategy Equilibria 5.1 We consider price competition games that have pure strategy equilibria (this set includes, games with linear latency functions, see Section 4). latency functions that satisfy Assumptions 1, 2, and 3. Let £/ denote the but in first larger than, is We consider set of latency game has a pure strategy OE and Assumptions 1,2, and 3.^ Given a parallel link network with / and latency functions {/,}iei £ C.I-, let 0£/({/i}) denote the set of flow allocations functions {Zi}iei such that the associated congestion the individual links at an OE. where x^ utihty. We is Z^'s satisfy define the efficiency metric at some x'^^ G OE{{li\) as a social optimum given the latency functions {li}iei and R is the reservation is the ratio of the social surplus in an In other words, our efficiency metric equilibrium relative to the surplus in the social optimum. the "price of anarchy", in particular [19], an oligopoly equilibrium, so we look for inf we Following the literature on are interested in the worst performance in a lower bound on ri{{l,},x'^^). inf We first prove two lemmas, which reduce the set of latency functions that need to be considered in bounding the efficiency metric. The next lemma allows us to use the oligopoly price characterization given in Proposition 9 Lemma Then 7 Let x'^^ is [p'^^, x'^^) be a pure strategy OE such that pf^x^^ = for all i G I. a social optimum. We first show that k{xf^) = for all i G I. Assume that lj{xf^) > for and therefore pf^ = 0. Since lj{xf^) > 0, G I. This implies that xf^ > it follows by Lemma 2 that for all x G W{p), we have Xj = x^^. Consider increasing p*?^ to some small e > 0. By the upper semicontinuity of W{p), it follows that for all X G W{e,p9.f), we have \xj —Xj^\ < 5 for some 5 > 0. Moreover, by Lemma 2, we have, for all X G W{e,p'ilf), Xi > .xf for all i 7^ j. Hence, the profit of the provider that owns Proof. some j ^More explicitly, Assumption 2 implies that and li{xf^) = 0, then J, = {i}. if any 20 OE {p°^ ,x^^) associated with {i,}j(=i has xf^ > link j is strictly higher at price vector [e^p'^f) (p^^, ^0£) x^^ > Clearly some for Lemma 4 which imphes by all i, we have j and hence that J2i&x^?^ Rfor than at - li{xf^) mmi^j{pf^ + = d- xf^gi^ Using some gi^ G dli{xf^). Hence, x^^ satisfies the optimum [cf. Eq. (7) with X^ = R], and the The next lemma > X]i=i h{xf)xf either or (i) and ELi ^?'^ < x*^^ X]j^i xf^ = — •^Xli=i and lj{xf^) = G dli{xf^) 0, for y lel, sufficient optimality conditions for a Q.E.D. result follows. R Yli=i ^f ~ subsequent anatysis. d in the some ^2^ ^^^ optimum social is a social optimum, implying that rj{{li},x'^^) Assume that Ei=i^i(^f)^f — ^Yli=i^i- Since x^ x'-^^ G OE{{li}) 2 is k{xf))xf > J^iR 1 the definition of a i WE, we at the is a social a feasible solution to the social problem [problem =1 the price of hnk x^, d for some x^^ G 0^{{h}). G OE{{li}) = ^(/? By = pf^ + 0, allows us to assume without loss of generality that Yli=i ^ii^i)^i Then every Proof. = 8 Let {k}iex G Cj. Assume that (ii) every li{xf^)} /^(xP'^) =R, social Lemma p*^^, contradicting the fact that ^^ OE. is OE) k{xf''))xf^. — 1. optimum and (6)], we have V x^^ G ag({/0). =1 have xf-^ > and /? - kixf'^) > pf ^ > (where pf-^ is i. This combined with the preceding relation shows for all x^^ is a social optimum. Assume next that Ei=i ^?^ < d OE price. Assume that p^^x^^ > that 7). by is Since Ei=i Lemma 5, ^?^ < d, for we have by Lemma 4 that m.mj^j{pj-\-lj{xf^} = R. Moreover, p^xf^ > an optimal solution of the problem it some x'-^^ G 0S({/,}). Let p'^^ be the associated some j & I (otherwise we are done by Lemma for follows that maximize((p,)_gj^_j.) subject to for all i G X. Hence, P^ + l^{x,) = R, = /,(x,) i?. Tx?''<d. maximize2:>o e S, {{pf^)ieis Y.V^X^ pf^ + Substituting for {pi)iei, in the above, for all s we obtain 2. 21 [R — U{Xz))xi Vtels, -ii^ls , x'-'^) , subject to E Xi ^ Ti, i ^ Is, where T^ = {xj pf^ + k{xi) = R} is either a singleton or a closed is a convex problem, using the optimality conditions, we obtain interval. Since this | R-k{xf^)-xf^gi^ = where £ dk{xf^). By Eq. gi^ VzgX„Vsg5, 0, (7), it follows that x^^ is a social optimum. Q.E.D. Hence, in finding a lower bound on the efficiency metric, we can restrict ourselves, without loss of generahty, to latency functions {/j} for RY!i=\ ^f some social the following lemma, Lemma be an optimum x^ and , we can also and x^ be a social G Cj such that X]i=i 'i(^f )^f < ^ d. for all x^^ G US{{li}). By ^?^ = assume that X]i=i ^f 9 For a set of latency functions OE Yli=i {/j},gj, let d- Assumption 1 hold. Let (p*^^, x^^) optimum. Then iex iei Proof. Assume to arrive at a contradiction that Yli^jxf^ > X^jgjxf. This implies that x'^^ > Xj for some j. We also have lj{x^^) > lj{x^). (Otherwise, we would have lj{xj) = l'j{Xj) = 0, which yields a contradiction by the optimality conditions (7) and the fact that ^^^jxf < d). Using the optimality conditions (2) and (7), we obtain R- /,(xf ^) - p°^ >R- /,(xf ) - xf 5;^ some gi^ G dlj{x^). Combining the preceding with lj{x^^) > x^^Z~(x^^) (cf. Proposition 9), we see that for lj{xj) and pj'^ > xf%ixf^)<x^g„ contradicting 5.1.1 Two x^^ > xJ and completing the proof. Q.E.D. Links We first consider a parallel link network with two links owned by two service providers. The next theorem provides a tight lower bound on r2{{h},x'^^) [cf. Eq. (21)]. In the following, we assume without loss of generality that d = I. Also recall that latency functions in £2 satisfy Assumptions Theorem provider. 1 1, 2, and 3. Consider a two link network where each link is owned by a difi'erent Then r2{{k},x^^) > ^, V {/,},.i,2 22 e £2, x^^ e ag({/J), (22) — , and the bound the lower is bound tight, i.e., there exists {li}i=i^2 S ^2 and x*^^ G OE{{li}) that attains in Eq. (22). Proof. The proof follows a number of Step 1: We steps: are interested in finding a lower inf inf bound for the problem r2({/J,x«^). (23) Given {/j} G C2, let x'-'^ 6 OE{{li}) and let x^ be a social optimum. By Lemmas 8 and 9, we can assume that 5Zi=i^?^ ~ Xli=i ^f — 1- This implies that there exists some i such that xf^ < xf. Since the problem is symmetric, we can restrict ourselves G £2 such that xf^ < xf. to {li} We inf claim r2{{k},x^^)>r^f, inf (24) where ^2,1 - mmimize,s, yf, (,5),>o —— T5-5 {E) j^-^ yOE^o subject to if < yfilfy, i = (25) 1, 2, + yUil)' = if + ynify, ^f + yf(^f)'<^, (26) il E^f = z l' (28) =l Zi < ;f /; = 0, (29) if li<y?^l[. E?/?^ = i (27) = 0. ^ = l,2, (30) /f (31) l' (32) =l + {Oligopoly Equilibrium Constraints};, f = 1,2. Problem (E) can be viewed as a finite dimensional problem that captures the equihbrium and the social optimum characteristics of the infinite dimensional problem given in Eq. (23). This implies that instead of optimizing over the entire function l^, we optimize over the possible values of li{-) and dk{-) at the equilibrium and the social optimum, which we denote by k, if, (if)' [i.e., (if)' is a variable that represents all possible values of gi^ G dli(yf)]. The constraints of the problem guarantee that these values satisfy the necessary optimahty conditions for a social optimum and an OE. In particular, conditions (25) and (31) capture the convexity assumption on li{-) by relating the values li,l[ and /f (/f )' [note that the assumption 1^(0) = is essential here]. Condition (26) is the l'^, , 23 , optimality condition for the social optimum. Condition (29) captures the nondecreasing assumption on the latency functions; since we are considering {li} such that x^^ < xf we must have li < if. Condition (30) captures the relation of li{-) and l[{-) at xf^; since is xf^ < xf, the fact that li{xf^) = h{xf) = by Assumption implies, 1, that the unique element of dli{xf'^). Finally, the last set of constraints are the necessary OE. These conditions for a pure strategy cases characterized in Proposition are written separately for i = we giving us two bounds, which 9, the two show to be 1, 2, for will equal. More For t = exphcitly, the Oligopoly Equilibrium constraints are given by; [corresponding to a lower 1: /; For = t = l[{y?^), I', = l,{yf^)} l2] = k + y^'^il'i + l'2] < l',{y^'') [cf. Eq. where /; = /+(j/P^) and ^OE _ „OE ~ ip'~'^,y'^^), a with (33) R: (16)]. bound for pure strategy OE, (p^^,y°^), with = Ri R-h R-h '2,1 pure strategy OE, + y?''[l[ + [corresponding to a lower 2: mm,{pf^ + for h+y?^[l[ + h where bound l'^ = l:;{y^^) > y^%, < y?"^[/'i + (34) /2], Eqs. (17), (18)]. [cf. We will show in Step 4 that '2,2 Note that given any feasible solution of problem (23), we have a feasible solution for problem (E) with the same objective function value. Therefore, the optimum value of problem (E) is indeed a lower bound on the optimum value of problem (23). We Step 2: Let {lf,yf)i=i,2 satisfy Eqs. (25)-(28). ^fyf Using Eqs. (26), (27), and (28), + ihi If (yf)-(^f )' + iyl^iliy we have using Eq. Next, straints > ilvl + (yf )'(^f )' lf—0 for all + {yimy z, < R- If (yf)2(/f)' + {yDHllY = 0, then again showing the result. Eq. (32) and one of the Oligopoly Equilibrium conwe can show that Eqs. (33) or (34)]. Using a similar argument, hy?'' Step 3: (35) we obtain let (/i,yf'^)i=i,2 satisfy [i.e., R- then the result follows. 0, (25) that + ihl < show that To solve i^fy Q'l)' JiJ'i^yf ^y?^) without constraint problem (E), we + l2y?''<Rfirst (36) relax the last constraint [Eq. (30)]. Let denote the optimal solution of the relaxed problem [problem (E) (30)]. We show that [f = 24 for i = 1, 2. — Assign the Lagrange multipliers /if, A'^,7'^ multiplier 9^ to Eq. (28). Using the y^ first (^ _ jsys _ jsysy -^M + A^yf -/xfyf-A^yf to Eqs. (25), (26), (27), respectively, order optimaht}' conditions, + A^2 + =0 >0 A - If /^ > > if /? = (37) 0, if(rf)'>0 if(rf)' + 7^yf =0 >0 if = (38) 0, )' ([f if([f)' > = (39) 0. ^f^^F4&^M?-/^faT)'-A"(^"f)' + 7"(rf)' + ^^ =0 ifyf>0 {R-lfyf-lM? > ^' ^^R-rn'm? ' ^'^^"^^ and we obtain if yf ^ ''^^"^^ ^ '' =0 :fyf>0 >0 ify| = = (40) 0, (41) 0. show that [f = 0. If yf = or (Ff)' = 0, we are done by Eq. (25). Assume and (/|)' > 0. By Eq. (38), this imphes that A"^ = |uf > 0. We claim that in this case Eq. (37) cannot be equal to 0. Assume to arrive at a contradiction that it is. Using Step 2 and the fact that yf > 0, we have //f + A^ < 0, which is a contradiction and shows that Eq. (37) is strictly positive. This establishes that /f = 0. We next show that if — 0. If yf = or (Jf)' = 0, we are done by Eq. (25). Assume that yf > and [if)' > 0. Assume to arrive at a contradiction that if > 0. Since Tf = 0, by Eq^ (26), we have that yf (/"f )' < yf (^f )', and therefore both yf > and (ff )' > 0. Since /f = 0, these imply that Eq. (25) is slack, and hence /xf — 0- By Eq. (38), this shows A'^yf = 0, and hence A'^ = 0. Furthermore, since iJ,2 = ^^ = 0, from Eq. (41) we have 6^ = 0, and from Eq. (39), we have /if = 7'^. Plugging this all in Eq. (40), we obtain a contradiction, showing that ff = 0. We first that yf > = view of Eq. (29), we have li = 0. Hence we can impose the problem (E) without changing the optimal function value, and we can rewrite the constraint in Eq. (30) as l[ = 0. Using in addition /f = 0, we see Step 4: Since [f extra constraint that for t = /j = 0, in in 1,2, OF r^t 9,0s > mmmiize i^y^ subject to 25 1 I2 - < 7 ^"^^2 ^— vi^l'i-, <j?% > R. y? Ey?' 1, and l[ = that satisfies Eqs. which follows because any vector {yf^,h,l'i} with ^i = (33) or (34) is a feasible solution to the above problem. It is straightforward to show that the optimal solution of this problem follows that = r?f = r?f 5/6. By inf {k}eC2 We and social = |x. optimum r2{{k},x'-^^) = As shown is x'^ = in 'R 3R and therefore it r2({;a,x^^) inf sOEau}) next show that this bound l2{x) ~ 2/?^' 2/2*^) is {I2, ^2' Eq. (24), this imphes that Consider the latency functions li{x) tight. is Example 6, OE the corresponding is x"^^ — (|, i), = 0, and the (1,0). Hence, the efficiency metric for these latency functions is 5/6, thus showing that mm mm r2({/J,x«^)--. rOEeOEf'-^ •4{l,}) Q.E.D. 5.1.2 We General Case next consider the general case where we have a parallel link network with / links and S service providers, where provider s owns a set of links I^ C I. It can be seen by augmenting a two link network with links that have latency functions if - X 0, l{x) 00 bound that the lower is in the general otherwise, network case can be no higher than |. However, this a degenerate example in the sense that at the OE, the flows of the links with latency functions given above are equal to which has positive flows on Example 7 utility be i? 0. We links at the next give an example of an / link network OE and an efficiency metric of 5/6. Consider an / link network. Let the total flow be d = 1. The social = 1 and the reservation latency functions are given by /i(x) The unique all = optimum /,(x) 0, for this flow allocation at the unique OE = -(/- example l)x, is x'^ = i [1, 0, = . 1 _3'3(/- 1)''"'3(/-1)_ 26 , . is 1 J- 2, . 0]. It can be seen that the Hence, the efficiency metric for tliis example The next theorem generahzes Theorem 1 is to a parallel link network with / Theorem 2 Consider a general parallel link network with / where provider s owns a set of links Is C I. Then r7({Zj,x°^) and the bound the lower is bound tight, i.e., > V I {k},ei e Cj, 2 links. and 5 service providers, x°^ G 0S{{k}), (42) there exists {kji^i G C[ and x*^^ € OE{{li}) that attains in Eq. (42). Proof. The proof again follows a number of Step links > steps: Consider the problem 1: inf inf r;({^a,x^^'). (43) {li\ € C2, let x°^ € OSd/j}) and let x^ be a social optimum. By Lemmas 8 and we can assume without loss of generality that Yl,i=i ^?^ ~ Si=i ^i^ = 1- Hence there exists some i such that xf^ < xf Without loss of any generality, we restrict ourselves Given 9, . S £/ such that xf ^ < xf. Similar to the proof of can be seen that Problem (43) can be lower bounded by the optimum value of the following finite dimensional problem: to the set of latency functions {li}iei Proposition 1, it mmimize (44) js,(,S)/>o R-T:=^ityf yf,yQ^>0 ' XjCX subject to if<yHify, ^ + yf{i!y = if + lf + yf{lfy<R, if yf{ify, ^ =h =^ , n, (45) n, (46) (47) (48) h < (49) If, = 0, if If = 0, = 0, J3 = {1} for somes if ^f + {Oligopoly Equilibrium Constraints} (50) l[ 27 (51) j, t = 1,2. The new feature relative to the two hnk case the presence of X^'s as choice variables is to allow a choice over possible distribution of links across service providers (with the = constraint [j^Ig T- left we have added In addition, by Lemma Ste]) 2: The implicit). again written separately for t = oligopoly equihbrium constraints, which are 1,2 for the two cases in Proposition depend on 9, constraint (51) to impose Assumption 2 (recall that Jj's. xf ^ > 5). Let {if, (if)' ,liJ[,yf ,y^^) the preceding problem [i.e., be an optimal solution of the relaxed version of without constraint (50)]. ,n are decoupled Note that the constraints that involve {if, {lf)'-,yf) for i = 2, and have the same structure as in problem (E). Therefore, by the same argument used in Step 3 of the proof of Proposition 1, one can show that if — for to show r| = each i = 2, n. Similarly, one can extend the same argument given in the proof of Proposition 1 to show that if = 0. . . . . Step 3: Since if from Proposition 9, = 0, it l[ follows that — and Xi = = fi i=2 ,,,i;.>o, '~^„' 1 / ..OEji < yY^'l,, k+y?^l[<R, subject to k ^' > = = also used the fact that /f 2, 0, for i of constraints are due to the convexity case, the constraints (given 4-' Let l\ = = 2, . . , . /, i-2,...,/, (52) . , . . /. assumptions on the li. Similar second set of constraints are due to the oligopoly equilibrium see the OE price characterization in Proposition 9). denote an optimal solution of the preceding {{liJ'i)i=2,...j, {yi'^)i=i,...,i) problem. Assign the Lagrange multipliers of the problem. i R, first set two link Step ' R ypB>0, ,= 1,...,/ where we have and we can assume without [Eq. (49)], {1}. Therefore, using the price characterization the structure of the problem simplifies to minimize rff> to the . , loss of generality that The . /x^, Xi,-y and 6 consecutively to the constraints Using the optimality conditions, we have 7 2^j=2 ^' R = if >0 ifyp^^O, yY^ > (53) I' + ^, + A, > 28 if if /j > /, = (54) 0, and for i = 2, . . , . /, -ftsr+7sr7^^^^+A.sr =0 if':>o (55) (e;=4) >0 By we have yp^ > feasibility, for alH = 2, . 0. = it can also be seen that y^^ which together with Eq. (55) implies that Aj 0, . Moreover, by Eq. (54), we have fii > 0, showing that k — yf^l'i for each (i.e., the corresponding constraint is not slack). This implies that k Hence k (52) is = R/2 > 0. = Hi /. , . = Using symmetry, 0. Hence, by Eq. (53), we have 7 if/l and not slack at y^^l'i + y?% = = R/2 V R, each for i = = 2 2, . . 2, , . . . . /. = 2, . . , . / /. , We (otherwise, {(li, l'i)i=2,...,i, {yi^^)i=i,...,i) i can also see that constraint we can improve the objective function value), implying that y?^ R. Combining with the feasibility constraint 2 z^ ^ j=2 yf^ = 1 — /' A^ 'J j=2 X^^^o y] we , see that /' S from which we obtain / Hence we have Rl ^OE ^ 2 3 ^ R 5 6' showing that Finally, Example 7 shows that the preceding min min bound ri{{li\,x is tight, i.e., '5 OE\ ) Q.E.D. Although Example 7 and Theorem large network is not the case if increasing d to nd). In this case, oligopoly models tends to 2 show that the efficiency loss in an arbitrarily with / -^ 00) can be as high as in the two link network, the same we start with a given / link network and replicate it n times (also (i.e., (e.g., [28], [14], it can be shown, as [22], [39], [40]), 1. 29 in analyses of the limit that as n ^ behavior of 00, the efficiency metric 5.2 Mixed Strategy As we illustrated in Section 4, congestion Equilibria games with latency functions that satisfy and 3 may not have a pure strategy oligopoly equilibrium (cf. Example 3). Nevertheless, as shown in Proposition 8, such games always have a mixed strategy equihbrium. In this section, we discuss the efficiency properties of mixed strategy OE. Although there has been much less interest in the efficiency properties of mixed strategy equilibria, two different types of efficiency metrics present themselves as natural Assumptions candidates. 1, 2, The first considers the worst realization of the strategies, while the second mixed focuses on average inefficiency across different realizations of to the first metric as worst-realization metric, second as the average metric, and denote it and denote by ff{{li}). We strategies. refer by ff^Hk}), and to the We discuss both of these it briefly. Given a set of latency functions {kjiei let OM{{li}) denote the set of mixed strategy some fi € OM{{li}), let Mi{fi) denote the support of fii as defined before , equilibria. For in Example 3 [in Mi = {p particular, recall that OErn{{U}^^J) = X G W{p), {x for I We \ iJ,[{p) some p > s.t. Further, 0}]. Pi 6 let Mi{fj,) for all i}. define the worst-realization efficiency metric as fY{{h})=M where rj is given by Eq. Jnf inf (21). Similarly, the average efficiency metric mi rf{{k})=ini {i,}eC! fieOMilh}) In the next example, rj{{k},x^^), is [ J we show that the defined as [ rj{{k},xO^ {p))d^,, d^^s. J worst-realization efficiency metric for games with no pure strategy equilibrium can be arbitrarily low. Example 3 (continued) Pi G Mi WE for the Consider the prices pi = R and p2 = i?(l — 6) that satisfy unique mixed strategy equilibrium given in Example 3 as at these prices is e — > 0. The given by x^^ = (l-(5,5), and the worst-realization efficiency metric is rT({/a) = l-5^ which as 5 ^> 1 goes to 0. Next consider the average efficiency metric, ff{{li}). Once again, consider the limit as e — 0. Recall that we have characterized the unique mixed strategy OE above, and > define r (pi,P2) as the inefficiency at the price vector (pi,P2), so that pR rf{{Q)=l pR r[pi,p2)dni-xdn2 I J{\-5)RJ{1-5)R 30 Wardrop equilibrium Clearly, using the flow vector derived in Example 3 before, we have that r(p.P2) = |^_^(,^ ifp.>p, ' and thus, ' Thus to we have r -K rR compute the to Denoting last integral. by A, this {P1-P2) dni X dii2 J(1-S)rJp2 {l-5)RJp2 X djli — pj-fii / P2dlJ,\ X d//2 J(1-6)rJp2 (\.-5)R J (\-5)R ^^~/^^ \(> (1-6)R rR rR rPi p-[dfl2 recall that dii2 j-R I R Now dni X R (\-5)R J (\-5)R we need calculate rf{{li}), A = — -P2] (pl rf[{m m has an atom equal to 1 ) dp, J — /'' - (pi) (1 - 6) Rdp2 iP2) J{l-5)R 5 at R, so A = = (1 - 6f - (1 - 5) + (1 - 5)[\nR= -{l-5)5-{l-5)\n{l-6) It can be calculated that A reaches a ln((l maximum Therefore, in this example, ff{{li}) reaches 0.84 5/6). We - 6)R)] of approximately 0.16 for 5 « ^ (in fact, slightly greater 5/6 conjecture, but are unable to prove, that 5/6 is also a lower average efficiency metric, ff{{li}), in mixed strategy OE. This is left as an bound 0.8. than for the open research question. Conclusions 6 we presented an analysis of competition in congested networks. We esnumber of results. First, despite the potential inefficiencies of flow-routing In this paper, tablished a without prices, price-setting by a monopolist always achieves the social optimum. Second, and in contrast to the monopoly result, oligopoly equilibria providers compete are typically inefficient. Third, there ciency in pure strategy oligopoly equihbria. This large parallel hnk networks. Mixed strategy inefficient realizations. number of concluding bound comments are useful: 31 where multiple service a tight bound of 5/6 on is obtained even Finally, pure strategy equilibria latency functions are highly convex. A is may fail ineffi- for arbitrarily to exist when some equilibria can lead to arbitrarily Our motivating example has been the flow of information in a communication net- work, but our results apply equally to in traffic assignment problems and oHgopoly product markets with negative externalities, congestion or snob inally suggested by Veblen efi^ects (as orig- [38]). Our analysis has been quite general, in particular, allowing for constant latencies and capacity constraints. Some of the analysis simplifies considerably when we specialize the network to increasing and real-valued (non-capacity constrained) lais important for our tencies. On the other hand, the assumption that /i(0) = efficiency bounds. This can be relaxed to derive a slightly lower bound on the ciency in pure strategy of the OE, but form of equilibrium prices in OE (unless are increasing rather than non-decreasing). One simplifying feature of our analysis is we assume that We all latency functions leave this for future work. the assumption that users are "homo- geneous" in the sense that the same reservation utihty, R, apphes to is possible to conduct a similar analysis with elastic traffic), effi- this significantly complicates the characterization all users. It and heterogeneous users but this raises a number of new and exciting challenges. (or For example, monopoly or oligopoly providers might want to use non-linear pricing (designed as a mechanism subject to incentive compatibility constraints of different types of users, e.g., [42]). This is an important research area for understanding equilibria in communication networks, where users often have heterogeneous quality of service requirements. While we have established that worst-realization efficiency metric in mixed strategy oligopoly equilibria can be arbitrarily low, a bound for average efficiency metric is an open research question. 32 Appendix A: Proof of Proposition 4 7 If {p^"^,x^'^) Assume an ME, then is it is SPE by an definition. Let (/'^^,x*^-^) be an SPE. some p > to arrive at a contradiction that there exists and x G W(j)) such that n(p^^^,x^^^)<n(p,f). If W{p) is a singleton, we immediately obtain (56) a contradiction. Assume that W{p) not is a singleton and X]i=i ^i — X^i=i ^i fo'^ ^^1 x, x € W{p). By Lemma 2, it follows that n(p, x) = n(p, x) for all X € l'^(p), which contradicts the fact that {p^^^ ,x^'^^) is an SPE. Assume finally that W{ji) is I not a singleton and I y^X; < y_]xi, i=l i=l For this case, we have pi =R for all i some for [cf. Eq. [cf. i E I. (5)]. Eq. To (2)] see this, note that since Yli=i ^i — cxD for some implies that x^ = bd for all We If bci = hold with A show that given <5 i > ^(p^ x^ there exists x') with Xj 7^ Xj}, (57) < ^^ the WE optimality conditions for Assume that p < R. By Lemma 2, li{xi) = for we get a contradiction by Eq. (2). Otherwise, Eq. 0. E I, i E L Since 0, x G W{p). E T, where T = {iGl\3x, xE W{p) X x, > u{p, = x^ for all some x)-5, e > y i ^ I, all (2) this contradicts Eq. (57). such that x' E w{p'), (58) where The preceding relation together with Eq. (56) contradicts the fact that an SPE, thus establishing our claim. We first show that Y^xt>Y^x,. iez Assume {p^'^^ ,x'^'^^) is (60) iei to arrive at a contradiction that Y,xi<Y.^^- (^1) i€l This implies that there exists some j E I such that xj < Xj (which also impUes that Xj- < hcj)We use the optimality conditions [Eq. (2)] for x and x' to obtain the WE following: 33 There • exists some A > such that for some E I, i R-k{x^) -p^ = 0>\, where we used the T G i [cf. Eq. facts that li{xi) (56)]. = Since A 0, = we 0, p, = i? [cf. have, for R-k{x^)-p, <0 There exists some > A*^ < Xj and =R— Pj e), and for all R-li{x\)-p, If A"^ = 0, i is a contradiction. If A^ = iix, X; > for some (62) bc,. < A^ > 0, > e > <X' > A^ = (63) ^ I, i ifxj = 0, if > 0. = then by Eq. (63) and the fact that lj{xj) /j(xp which and such that e-/j(a;;.) (since xj 2] ifx, <6c., >0 • Lemma ^ T, all i xJ (64) (Lemma 2), we obtain lj{xj), then X^^^j xJ — d. Assume first that x\ < x, for all ^ T. Then J2^t = d-J2xl>d-J2x,>J2^^^ i€l lil which yields a contradiction by Eq. Eqs. (62) and (64), we have (61). 1^1 Assume next i€l that x^ > Xfc some k ^ 1. By for R-lk{xl)-pk>y, R - kixk) - Pk < 0, which together implies that lk{ik) > ^^(^^fc)) yielding a contradiction and proving Eq. (60). Since W{p) is an upper semicontinuous correspondence and the i"* component W{p) is uniquely defined for all i ^ 2", it follows that Xi{-) is continuous at p for i ^I. Together with Eq. (5), this implies that ^(p^x') of all = ^piXi + ^pi{xl-x^) + ^{R-e)xl i^l i^t > ^PiXi + ^(/2- i&X e)xj + ^Pj(x- - Xj) I = ^PiX^-eY^x^ + i=l Y^p^{x'i-x,) zGJ ifX I > y^^PiXj - 6, 1=1 where the the proof. last inequality holds for sufficiently small Q.E.D. 34 e, establishing (58), and completing Appendix B: Proof 8 We of Proposition 8 prove Proposition 8 using Theorem 5* of Dasgupta and Maskin will by stating a the strategy space of player s, S an slightly simplified version of this theorem. Consider denoted by P^, be a closed interval of M"" We [10]. start player game. Let for some jig € N, s and payoff function by ns{ps,P-s)- its We also denote p — {ps,p-s), P = Yl Ps, and s=l 5 = P_s To Ps- Y\ Theorem 5* state we need the in [10], following three definitions. k=l,k^s. Al Definition Let = 7r(p) t^ Y1s^sT^s{Ps,P-s)- [p) is upper semicontinuous in p if for allp, < limsup7r(p) A2 The Definition for all Ps E profit function tTs{Ps,P-s) A 6 Ps, there exists Alim + is such that for [0, 1] inf Trs{Ps,P-s) 7r(p). (1 - weakly lower semicontinuous all Ps in ps if € P-s, > A) lim inf tTs{Ps,P-s) TTsiPs^P-s)- Ps]Ps PslPs D < Dg and each Definition A3 For each player s, let Ds E N. For each D with < k ^ s with 1 < A; < 5, let /^ be a one-to-one, continuous function. Let P{s) be a subset of P, such that P(s) = In other words, P[s) measure zero). EP\3k^s,3D, 0<D<Ds {(pi, ...,ps) is a lower dimensional subset of Theorem 5* P s.t. pk (which = fg is fe)} . also of Lebesgue in [10] states: Theorem Al (Dasgupta-Maskin) Assume that tTs{ps,P-s) is continuous in p except on a subset P**of P{s), weakly lower semicontinuous in ps for all s and bounded, and that k{p) is upper semicontinuous in p. Then the game [(P^, tt^) s = 1, 2, 5] has a mixed strategy equilibrium. • ; We show that our game satisfies function x* {ps,p-s) from the set of ns{ps,P-s) = the hypotheses of Wardrop equilibria, Theorem AL We •, will select a W (ps,p_s), such that V Us{ps,p-s,3:* {ps,p-s)), s e 5, — [0,P] ' and ^iXi{p) < d for all p, x G W{p), Trs{ps,P-s) is clearly bounded. Since {ps,p-s) is an upper semicontinuous correspondence, we select x* {) such that will satisfy these hypotheses. First, since P, and all W that lim inf PsTpq Y] x*{ps,p-s) = Y] — xUps,P-s), — jeis J els 35 V p^ > 0, V p.^ > 0. (65) ^ f Given p > = pk since pj 0, I k & I, where for all j, is defined in Eq. (5) in V Ps Lemma 2, it follows that lim mf = TTsips^P-s) hence ensuring that 7rs{ps,P-s) claim that we have = T^siPs.P-s), ^s{Ps,P~s, x* P-s)) iPs^ > is 0, V Ps > 0, weakly lower semicontinuous. We Y^ x*ip) > J2 ^j(p)' j Assume Vp > V x e W{p). 0, (66) j the contrary. This implies that there exist some p > 6 5, and x € W{p) 0, s such that J^x,(p)>5]x*(p). jeis By we have that X^,£i^ 2:*(p",p_s) — X^,gi^ Combined with Eq. (67), this implies that Eq. (65), {p"} I ps- some Ps < 3 els WE by Proposition monotonicity of Ps, contradicting the Next, we show that 7rs(p5,p_s) is some sequence a^j(Ps,P-s) for * jeis for (67) jeXs 2. continuous in p except on a set P**. We define the set P** By Moreover, by Lemma P= which is {p I 2, it Pj = pfc, W{p) is for set. not a singleton}. I we see that ns{ps:P-s) some C is continuous at all p ^ P**. P, where j 7^ k} U {p \ pj = R, for some j}, This establishes the desired condition for Theorem Al. we show that 7r(p) continuous at all p. = 5]]7r,(p,,p_s) Given some p then we automatically have that is {p follows that P** a lower dimensional Finally, is = the upper semicontinuity of W{p), vr is > 0, = X^Pe2;*(p), 2" define as in Eq. (5) of continuous at p. Assume that Lemma 2. If J = 0, X 7^ 0. Since xf^{-) continuous at p for all i ^ T and pj = pk for all j, /c G 1", it is sufficient to show that i^ continuous at p, i.e., for a sequence {p"} with p" G [0,]R]^ and p" -^ p, we Yliiex^lip) show that lim n—too V<(p") = Vx*(p). -^^ — — •'^ iei lEi Define J(p") Since two Xi(-) is continuous at p for all i = 5^x*(p"). ^ J, we have cases: 36 ci(p") -^ (i(p) = Ylr^i ^-iip) Consider > • X^jgibc, d — n sufficiently large • X^iei^c, ^ — d Since x*{p) d{p). = Eq. (66)] and li{x*) i — By the d-, maximum the is El, — X^iex^KP") d{p). that Yliej^iip) large such that for all ^i-norm element of W{p) this implies that Yliei^iiP) ~ ^ ^^'^ [cf. ^°'^ ^^^ establishing the claim. same reasoning J2iei ^d- Moreover, for as in the previous part, this implies all e > 0, there exists some n sufficiently \j2x:{pn-J2bc]<e, establishing the claim. The preceding enable us to apply the theorem, completing the proof. Appendix C: Proof 9 We first Lemma of Q.E.D. 6 prove the following lemma: Lemma 10 Let (j)°^,x^^) be an OE such that min^ {pf^ + lj{xf^)} < R. Let Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. If pf^xf^ > for some j E X, then W{p'^^) is a singleton. for some j E X, it foUows, by Lemma 5, that p^^xf^ > show that for all x E W{p^^), we have Xi < xf^ for all i. If then by Lemma 2, Xi = xf^ for aU x e W{p°^). If ii(xp^) = 0, then some s by the fact that xf-^ > and Assumption 2, which implies that > Proof. Since p^^x'^^ for all i /i(xf^) E 1. > 0, Ts = Xi < xf^ by {i} for We the definition of an Since min^Xi < xf^ first + {pf^ x E VF(p OE < lj{x^^)} (cf. Definition 10). R, we have YlLi^?^ = ^- Moreover, the fact that impHes that min^ {pf^ + lj{xj)} < R as well, and therefore showing that Xi = xf^ for all x E W{p^^), for alH 6 X. Q.E.D. for all ELi ^i = ^. Proof of Lemma ) W^e 6. first prove this result for a network with two hnks. Assume to arrive at a contradiction that /+(x°^) Let is {e*^} be a scalar sequence with the load of link Lemma 10, the 1 WE | 0. l^{x^^). it follows that xi{e'^) — » xf^. Define Similarly, let xi{—e^) be the load of link 1 at a a singleton, we also e'= WE given price vector have Xi(— e*^) -^ d-x,{p0^pO^) dpi xi(6^)-xf^ j.^ fc^oo dpi is Xi(e'^) WE d^x.jpo^pr) ^ Since W{p'-'^) (68) Consider the sequence {xi(e'^)} where given price vector {pf^ + e^,P2^). By Proposition 1 and correspondence W(jp) is upper-semicontinuous and W{p'^^) is a at a singleton. Therefore, e*^ > ^ ^^_^ k-^oo 37 xf-^. Define x?^-x,i-e') e^ (pf"^ — e^,p2^). + Since mirij [p^ lj{Xj )} < R, it can be seen using d+x,{p?^,p§^) 4 that -1 ^ - dpi Lemma + lt{x?''y liix?'') and -1 d-x,{p?^,p§^) ^ - irix?'')+i2ix?''y dp, Since l^i^i^) = ^i~(2^i''^) by Assumption 3, this Consider the profit of service provider 5pi Since pf^ is a maximum 1, of Ili{-,P2^), = pf^xf^. ni(pf-^, pj*^) ^.^ ^l(pf^ k^oo _ (68) yields dpi dpi 5+ni(pf^,p?^) combined with Eq. Define + 6^pp^)-^l(pf^,p^^) ffc we have 5+ni(pf^p^^) ^^ a-ni(pr,p^^) o^ o^ a^xibf^p?^) ^ „ ,„„, and o^ a-xi(pf^p?^) dpi which, when combined, dpi yields d^xM^P^'^) < - d-x,{pO^,pO^) dp, which is We for all a contradiction by Eq. api (71), thus ^ ' showing that we have l2{x2^) = ^2^(2;^'^). next consider a network with multiple links. As in Eqs. (69) and (70), i G X, 5+x^(p^_ ^— api Using the same line of argument x^(e^)-xf^ fc-^oo dpi - = hm ^ as above, ^. r^^ /o^oo e*^ we obtain -1 a+Xi(pO^) dpi e'= -/r(x?^) 38 + ^ ' . ' we define , Let 1 G 2s, and without loss of any generality, assume that Assumption 3). For all i € Z^, i 7^ 1, we obtain k^s for all i E Is are smooth (recall a+x,(p°^) 1 ^ < To arrive at a contradiction, assume that l'^{x^^) > l~{xf^) for some j ^ l^. Then the preceding two sets of equations imply that ""^ • dp, dpi for all i e ^ Is- Next, Eqs. (72) and (73) for multiple link case are given by qi(P^ , ^o. ^ ,o. a-^.(P°^) dp, which are inconsistent with Eq. for the multiple 10 hnk case. V ^ dp, _^^^^ (76), leading to > pP^ ^'-f"^' dp, 0, (77) a contradiction. This proves the claim Q.E.D. Appendix D: Proof of Proposition 9 We first assume that miuj {p'?^ + lj{xj'^)} < R. Consider service provider s and assume loss of generality that 1 € Tj. Since pf^xf^ > for some j G Is' and s' G 5, it follows by Lemma 5 that pf^xf^ > for all i E I. Together with Lemma 4, this implies that {ipf^)ieis:^'^^) is an optimal solution of the problem without maximize((p.),gj^_i)>o ^PiXi (78) ieis subject to h{xi) h{xi) + Pi = + Pi ^ li{xi) k{x^) li{xi)+Pi<R, y^^xj < d. 39 + Pi, + pf^ iEls — {l}, l^Is, (79) By Lemma for all i 6, we have that li is continuously differentiable in a neighborhood mapping of a convex function is continuous over the (since the gradient function is Therefore, by examining the Karush- differentiable, see Rockafellar [29]). Kuhn- Tucker conditions of xf-^ set the we obtain of this problem, V^GJ„ pr = xf^/:(xf^)-^, (80) where ( if 0, 9^1 _ ^^261^4^, - lj{xf^) for some j ^ I„ (^1) otherwise, showing the result in Eq. (16). We next assume that min^ {pf^+lj{x'^^)} = R. Using the assumption thatp^^x^^ for some j E I and Lemma 4, this implies that pfs and thus for all s G 5, x'^^ = > Vi, i?-/,(xf^), an optimal solution of is maximize subject to /.(-^ Xi E ~ h{xi))xi V Ti, i ^ Is Y^Xi<d, (82) where Tj = {xi pf^ + k{xi) = R} is either a singleton or a closed is a convex problem, using the optimality conditions, we obtain interval. Since this \ R-k{x'='^)-xf^gi^ where ^s > is = 9s, "it els, the Lagrange multipher associated with constraint (82), and dli{xf^). Since l~{x^^) < gi^, gi^ G the preceding implies p^ = R- h{x?^) > x?\{xf^), V ^ e J, proving (17). To prove p'' = some Z with Xg = some s and the sequence of price be a sequence such that x'^ € W{p'') for all k. By the upper semicontinuity of W{p), it follows that x*^ —v x with x G W{p^^) and X < x'-'^ (see the proof of Lemma 10). Moreover, by Lemma 2, we have x\ > xf-^ for all k, which imphes that x, > xf^, showing that xf —> xf^. We can now use Eqs. (73) and (77) (by substituting i instead of 1 and using Is = {?'}) to conclude that (18), consider vectors {p''} with {pf^ — i G {i} for e'',P-f)- Let {x*^} Q.E.D. 40 References [1] Acemoglu, D., and Ozdaglar, [2] Anshelevich T., "The E., Dasgupta A., LIDS service provider viewpoint," "Flow control, routing, and performance from report, A., Kleinberg WP-1696, May 2004. J., Tardos E., Wexler T., and Roughgarden price of stability for network design with selfish agents," IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pp. 295-304, 2004. [3] Basar, T. and Srikant R., "Revenue- maximizing pricing and capacity expansion in a many-users regime," Proceedings of [4] Beckmann, M., Mcguire, INFOCOM, 2002. C. B., and Winsten, C. B., Studies in the Economics of Transportation. Yale University Press, 1956. C, [5] Berge, [6] Benassy, Topological Spaces, Dover reprint, 1963. 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