' DEWEY)' MIT LIBRARIES 1 3 9080 03316 3293 no \o-0l Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of Competing Engines of Growth: Innovation and Standardization Daron Acemoglu Gino Gancia Fabrizio Zilibotti Working Paper 0-7 1 April 23, Room 20 10 E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA02142 downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstractM 597880 This paper can be Social Science Research Competing Engines of Growth: Innovation and Standardization* Daron Acemoglu Gino Gancia Fabrizio Zilibotti MIT CREi and UPF University of Zurich April 2010 Abstract We study a dynamic general equilibrium model where innovation takes the form of the introduction new goods, whose production requires followed by a costly process of standardization, whereby these Innovation is new goods are adapted to be produced using unskilled labor. highlights a of growth skilled workers. number of novel results. First, standardization and a potential barrier to it. As a result, Our framework is growth both an engine in an inverse U- shaped function of the standardization rate (and of competition). Second, we characterize the growth and welfare maximizing speed of standardization. show how optimal IPR policies affecting the cost of standardization vary We with the skill-endowment, the elasticity of substitution between goods and other parameters. Third, dardization of our may model we show lead to multiple equilibria. Finally, for the skill-premium North-South trade to JEL that the interplay between innovation and stan- the implications illustrate novel reasons for linking intellectual property rights protection. classification: F43, Keywords: and we we study 031, 033, 034. growth, technology adoption, competition policy, intellectual property rights. *We thank seminar participants at the SED Annual Meeting (Boston, 2008), Bank of Italy, CERGE-EI, University of Alicante and the REDg-Dynamic General Equilibrium the Kiel Institute, Macroeconomics Workshop (Madrid, 2008) for comments. Gino Gancia acknowledges financial support from the Barcelona GSE, the Government of Catalonia and the ERC Grant GOPG 240989. Fabrizio Zilibotti acknowledges financial support from the ERC Advanced Grant IPCDP-229883. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/competingenginesOOacem 1 The new diffusion of technologies and process innovations. are often in the New complex and require economy Introduction often coupled with standardization of product is technologies, when first conceived and implemented, skilled personnel to operate. At this stage, their limited both by the patents of the innovator and the skills that is these technologies require. Their widespread adoption and use tasks involved in these new technologies to first necessitates the become more routine and standardized, How- ultimately enabling their cheaper production using lower-cost unskilled labor. ever, such standardization not only expands output but also implies that the rents accruing to innovators will is use come to an end. Therefore, the process of standardization both an engine of economic growth and a potential discouragement to innovation. In this paper, The we study this interplay between innovation and standardization. history of computing illustrates the salient patterns of this interplay. The use of silicon chips combined with binary operations were the big breakthroughs, starting the ICT revolution. During the first 30 years of their existence, computers could only be used and produced by highly skilled workers. Only a lengthy process made computers and of standardization silicon chips more widely available and more systematically integrated into the production processes, to such a degree that today computers and computer-assisted technologies are used with workers of very different skill levels. at every stage of production At the same time that the simplification of manufacturing processes allowed mass production of electronic devices and low competition among ICT and then more broadly In our model, duced only by firms intensified enormously, skilled workers. are invented via costly This innovation process is R&D first be pro- whereby the previously new goods are adapted to be produced standardization will be undertaken by newcomers, which By and can followed by a costly process using unskilled labor. 1 Free entry into standardization makes bent producers. leaders at a global scale. new products of standardization, among few industry first prices,, shifting alleviates the pressure some technologies on scarce This view has a clear antecedent it may a competing process; then displace incum- to low-skill workers, standardization high-skill workers, thereby raising aggregate in demand Nelson and Phelps (1966), which we discuss further below. See also Autor, Levy and Murnane (2003) on the comparative advantage of unskilled workers in routine, or in our language "standardized," tasks. We can also interpret innovation as product innovation and standardization as process innovation. innovation (e.g., Cohen and Klepper, 1996) in process innovation is are smaller Evidence that firms engaging in product skill intensive than firms engaging and more consistent with our assumptions. and fostering incentives for further innovation. Yet, the anticipation of also reduces the potential profits from new products, discouraging innovation. This implies that while standardization an engine of economic growth, slowing Our down it —and the technology adoption that it brings — is can also act as a barrier to growth by potentially innovation. model baseline framework provides a simple Under some standardization we relatively mild assumptions, ance growth path that is for the analysis of this interplay. establish the existence of a unique bal- saddle-path stable. We show that equilibrium growth is an inverse U-shaped function of the "extent of competition" captured by the cost of When standardization. cause new products use production and growth skilled profitability. workers On is very costly, growth for a long while the other hand, and relatively slow be- is this reduces their scale of when standardization is very cheap, again relatively slow, this time because innovators enjoy ex post profits only is This inverse U-shaped relationship between competition and growth for a short while. is standardization consistent with the empirical findings in Aghion the theoretical channel highlighted in Aghion et al. et al. (2005), and complements (2001, 2005), which is driven by the interplay of their "escape competition" mechanism and the standard effects of monopoly profits on innovation. In our model, the laissez-faire equilibrium in many models of is endogenous technology, there inefficient for two reasons. First, as an appropriability problem: both is innovating and standardizing firms are able to appropriate only a fraction of the gain in consumer surplus created by low. Second, there is their investment and makes the growth this a new form of "business stealing" effect, standardization decisions reduce the rents of innovators. laissez-faire equilibrium levels of is inefficient and that growth The whereby the costly possibility that the maximized by intermediate competition implies that welfare and growth maximizing policies are not necessarily those that provide to innovators. maximal intellectual property rights (IPR) protection Under the assumption that a government can the cost of standardization by regulating and welfare maximizing combinations most is 2 rate too of of the literature, the optimal policy static cost of IPR IPR and is we competition markups and characterize growth policies. Contrary to not the result of a trade-off between the monopoly power and dynamic 2 protection, affect gains. Rather, in our model an excess Another form of business stealing, studied extensively in Schumpeterian models of vertical in(e.g., Aghion and Howitt 1992), is when a monopoly is destroyed by new firms introducing a "better" version of an existing products. We suggest that standardization is also an important novation source of business stealing. may harm growth by of property right protection increasing the overload on skilled workers, which are in short supply. When IPR the discount rate policy involves lower protection when markups labor supply fact that for is when more profitable tion. We also we small, is new products find that when are higher R&D growth and welfare maximizing new products) costs (for and when the are lower, ratio of skilled to unskilled greater. The there a large supply of unskilled labor, standardization becomes is comparative static result latter is a consequence of the and thus innovators require greater protection against standardiza- show that when competition policy as well as IPR policy can be used, the optimal combination of policies involves no limits on monopoly pricing for products, increased competition for standardized products and lower than otherwise. this may Intuitively, lower IPR IPR new protection protection minimizes wasteful entry costs, but lead to excessive standardization and weak incentives to innovate. To max- imize growth or welfare, this latter effect needs to be counteracted by lower markups for standardized products. countries may We also innovate and standardize. However, IPR policy, Finally, tions it show that trade if increased trade openness coupled by optimal we show that under different parameter configurations or different assump- on competition between innovators and standardizers, a new type of multiplicity economy When too much of the resources of the are devoted to standardization, expected returns from innovation are lower this limits innovative activity. rates is always increases welfare and growth. of equilibria (of balanced growth paths) arises. and liberalization in less-developed create negative effects on growth by changing the relative incentives to Expectation of lower innovation reduces interest and encourages further standardization. Consequently, there exist equilibria with different levels (paths) of innovation and standardization. this multiplicity does not rely and emphasized whereby the with expectations. initial Our paper is noteworthy that on technological complementarities (previously studied in the literature), equilibria," It is and has much more of the change flavor of "self-fulfilling in order to support equilibria consistent related to several different literatures. In addition to the endoge- relative prices nous growth and innovation literatures (e.g., Aghion and Howitt, 1992, Grossman and Helpman, 1991, Romer, 1990, Segerstrom, Anant and Dinopoulos, 1990, Stokey, 1991), there are now several ogy adoption. These can be complementary frameworks classified into three groups. for the analysis of technol- The first includes models based on Nelson and Phelps's (1966) important approach, with slow diffusion of technologies across countries (and across firms), often related to the human capital of the workers employed by the technology adopting firms. This framework porated into different types of endogenous growth models, for example, (2000), Acemoglu, Aghion and among in incor- Howitt and Acemoglu (2009, Chapter more microeconomic foundations Several papers provide include, Zilibotti (2006), is for slow diffusion. 18). These and Lach (1989), Jovanovic and Nyarko (1996), Jo- others, Jovanovic vanovic (2009) and Galor and Tsiddon (1997), which model either the role of learning or human capital in the diffusion of technologies. The second group includes pa- pers emphasizing barriers to technology adoption. Parente and Prescott (1994) is a well-known example. Acemoglu (2005) discusses the political economy foundations of why some The final societies may choose to erect entry barriers against technology adoption. group includes models in which diffusion of technology is slowed down or prevented because of the inappropriateness of technologies invented in one part of the world to other countries (see, Stiglitz, 1969, e.g., Acemoglu and Basu and Weil, 1998 and David, 1975). Gancia and propose a unified framework for Our paper is to, all is different from, three groups of papers. also related to Krugman's (1979) model technology diffusion, whereby the South adopts in turn, Zilibotti (2009) studying technology diffusion in models of endoge- nous technical change. Our approach emphasizing standardization though complementary Atkinson and Zilibotti, 2001, of North-South trade new products with a delay. was inspired by Vernon's (1966) model of the product cycle and and Krugman, his approach has been further extended by Grossman and Helpmarf (1991) and Helpman (1993). 3 Our approach make differs from all different use of skilled these models because innovation and unskilled workers and because we focus on a closed economy general equilibrium setup rather than the ically advanced and backward countries our alternative set of assumptions is and standardization is as in these papers. that, differently an inverse-U function of standardization. paper characterizes the optimal IPR interactions between technolog- policy A new implication of from previous models, growth More importantly, none and how it above varies with skill abundance. Grossman and Lai (2004) and Boldrin and Levine (2005) study the governments have to protect intellectual property of the in a trading incentives that economy. Their frame- work, however, abstracts from the technology adoption choice and from the role of skill which are central to our analysis. Finally, our emphasis on the role of and unskilled workers skilled workers in the in the production of standardized production of new goods goods makes our paper also 3 Similar themes are also explored in Bonfiglioli and Gancia (2008), Antras (2005), Dinopoulos and Segerstrom (2007, 2009), Lai (1998), Yang and Maskus (2001). and wage related to the literature on technological change Acemoglu others, Moav Galor and and Violante (2002), (1998, 2003), Aghion, Howitt (2000), Greenwood and Yorukoglu Rios-Rull and Violante (2000). The approach inequality; see, in and (1997), Galor and predictions for wage inequality similar to Caselli (1999), Krusell, Ohanian, Moav larly related, since their notion of ability-biased technological among (2000) is particu- change also generates though the economic mechanism and ours, other implications are very different. The paper rest of the is organized as follows. Section 2 builds a dynamic model of endogenous growth through innovation and standardization. It provides conditions for the existence, uniqueness and stability of a dynamic equilibrium with balanced growth and derives an inverse-U relationship between the competition from standardized products and growth. Section 3 presents the welfare analysis. After studying the best allocation, it characterizes growth policies as function of parameters. first and welfare maximizing IPR and competition As an application of these results, we discuss how trade liberalization in less developed countries affects innovation, standardization and the optimal policies. Section 4 shows how a modified version of the model may generate multiple equilibria and poverty traps. Section 5 concludes. 2 2.1 A Model of Growth through Innovation and Standardization Preferences The economy C sumption t of agents: is populated by infinitely-lived households who derive and supply labor inelastically. Households are composed by two types high-skill workers, with aggregate supply aggregate supply L. The H, and utility function of the representative U= / e~ pt from con- utility log low-skill workers, household with is: C dt, t Jo where p > is the discount rate. plan to maximize utility, The representative household sets a consumption subject to an intertemporal budget constraint and a No- Ponzi game condition. The consumption plan ^=r where r t is t satisfies the standard Euler equation: -p, the interest rate. Time-indexes are henceforth omitted no confusion. (1) when this causes Technology and Market Structure 2.2 Aggregate output, Y, in the economy. As is a CES Romer in function denned over a measure (1990), the measure of goods A A of goods available captures the level of technological knowledge that grows endogenously through innovation. However, assume upon introduction, new goods involve complex technologies that can that, only be operated by skilled workers. production process is simplified remain unaltered so that is defined ized) Ah and the good can then be produced by unskilled all / fA \ $=i ZU V di / [ Al «=* = z (A ) the measure of hi-tech goods, is goods and The term Z = A A = AH + AL c ~l is . > e 1 is «=i x L,i Al is l' di To productivity, Yj (2), A» jo final is the relative , (2) the elasticity of substitution between goods. is linear in tech- good production function consistent with balanced R&D in see why, note that with this formulation (Ax), \ «^ «=i xfr dij the measure of low-tech (standard- growth (without introducing additional externalities see below). + a normalizing factor that ensures that output nology and thus makes the From output symmetrically. Thus, varieties contribute to final as: Y= where After a costly process of standardization, the Despite this change in the production process, good characteristics workers too. Y we equal to demand A — as for AK in models. any two goods / \ technology as we will when X{ — x, aggregate 4 i,j E A is: ~ 1/e '" ' We choose one unit of Y Y » (3) . to be the numeraire, implying that the minimum cost of purchasing must be equal to one: Each hi-tech good one unit of * is produced by a monopolist with a technology that requires skilled labor per unit of output. Each low-tech good is produced by a 4 The canonical endogenous growth models that do not feature the Z term and allow for a ^ 2 Grossman and Helpman, 1991) ensure balanced growth by imposing an externality in the innovation possibilities frontier (R&D technology). Having the externality in the production good (e.g., function instead of the R&D technology is no less general and simplifies our analysis. monopolist with a technology that requires one unit of labor per unit of output. Thus, the marginal cost is wH equal to the wage of skilled workers, for hi-tech firms , and the wage of unskilled workers, wl, for low-tech firms. Since high-skill worker can be employed by both high- and low-tech When firms, then wh > wl- standardization occurs, there are two potential producers (a high- and a The competition between low-tech one) for the same variety. described by a sequential entry-and-exit game. In stage and produce a standardized version of the intermediate (i) i.e., when a low-tech firm becomes a monopolist. compete d Bertand (stage la market hi-tech firm leaves the (hi)). If We (ii) Then, variety. Exit in stage (ii), assumed to be is cannot go back to it and the the incumbent does not exit, the two firms assume that produce (and thus pay the cost of producing) at this assumption, stage it is a low-tech firm can enter the incumbent decides whether to exit or fight the entrant. irreversible, these producers firms entering stage all least £ > (iii) must units of output (without would be vacuous, as incumbents would have a "weakly dominant" strategy of staying in and producing x — in stage (iii)). Regardless of the behavior of other producers or other prices in this economy, a subgame-perfect equilibrium of this game must have the following features: standardization in sector j will Wh > wl- If be followed by the exit of the high-skill the incumbent did not exit, competition in stage of the market being captured by the low-tech firm due to incumbent would make a on the as long as the skill loss premium is £ > units that positive, firms its it is incumbent whenever (iii) would result in all cost advantage forced to produce. Thus, contemplating standardization can nore any competition from incumbents. However, if wH < w L incumbents would entrants and can dominate the market. Anticipating this, standardization itable in this case is and will not take place. Finally, in the case where a potential multiplicity of equilibria, where the incumbent fighting and exiting. In what follows, tie-breaking rule that in this case the in Section 4). We we is fights ig- fight not prof- is wh — wl, there indifferent will ignore this multiplicity incumbent summarize the main and the between and adopt the (we modify this assumption results of this discussion in the following Proposition. Proposition 1 In scribed above, there any subgame-perfect equilibrium of the entry-and-exit game deis only one active producer in equilibrium. Whenever all hi-tech firms facing the entry of a low-tech competitor exit the market. w h < wl hi-tech incumbents would fight entry, and no standardization wh > wl Whenever occurs. = we In the rest of the paper, equilibrium there markup focus on the limit = wH 1 ( and pL down the labor market clearing pin = and x # -7-Ax, H recall that is the number fraction of revenues: ^ PhH nH = this point, it is is, endowment of skilled workers. is wL 1 j > 0. 5 Since in (5) . scale of production of each firm: = T~> Ah ( 6) employed by hi-tech firms and pricing implies that profits are a constant . and *l = PlL 7al (7) n useful to define the following variables: H/L. That n ( of skilled workers Markup the remaining labor force. At = J xl is — over the marginal cost: Symmetry and L as £ only one active producer, the price of each good will always be a is Ph where economy = An/ A the fraction of hi-tech goods over the total and h Then, using demand (3) and (6),, is and ft. = the relative we can solve for relative prices as: ^v \xlJ »£ 1/e = ( h^-^y ( Pl \ n 1A (8) J and fc^ n (9) . ) Intuitively, the skill skill (h = H/L) skilled workers. premium wh/w l depends and positively on the Note that wh = wl relative For simplicity, we restrict attention to of Proposition always remain in the interval this interval, over 5 which 1, number if s demanding h+1 initial states of we start technology such that from n > n mm n € [n mm ,l]. We can skilled of hi-tech firms at: n min As an implication negatively on the relative supply of , n > n min . the equilibrium will therefore restrict attention to workers never seek employment in low-tech firms. The focus on the limit economy is for simplicity. and assume away stage (ii). Although conceptually We could alternative similar, this case is model the game less tractable. differently, Using (7) and (8) yields relative profits: ^ 1-1/6 l_-n / (10) This equation shows that the relative profitability of hi-tech firms, tth/^l, ing in the relative supply of decreasing in the relative effect is that a larger H/L, because skill, number number is increas- of a standard market size effect The reason of hi-tech firm, Ajj/Al. and for the latter of firms of a given type implies stiffer competition for labor and a lower equilibrium firm scale. Next, to solve for the level of profits, we first symmetry use 1/(6-1) l-e _l P (l-n) ( -Ph A +n 1 A and ;n) and (12) 1/(6-1) l-e PL into (4) to obtain: Ph_ —n+n Pl Using these together with (8) into (7) yields: i E-] H Tiff i e M L KL I - formalizes Lemma 1 e > 2. is remain constant. Moreover, the following of the profit functions: mm Then, for n € [n dn Moreover, ni :i-n)$=i 1 some important properties Assume , n that, for a given n, profits per firm lemma n<-- 1 i n - - ( e Note - - < and , l] : —— 9n > 0. (13) a convex function of n. Proof. See the Appendix. The condition e > 2 is sufficient —though not necessary— for the effect of tition for labor to be strong enough to guarantee that an increase in the compe- number of hi-tech (low-tech) firms reduces the absolute profit of hi-tech (low-tech) firms. In the 9 we assume rest of the paper, that the restriction on e in Lemma 1 is satisfied. 6 Standardized Goods, Production and Profits 2.3 Substituting (6) into (2), the equilibrium level of aggregate output can be expressed as: Y = A (l-n)<L— +n*H— showing that output is elasticity function of H and L. linear in the overall level of technology, A, dY dn From is we have (14), maximized when the is sion: by shifting is L ( " \ (15) it = xH and — n) — (1 fraction of hi-tech products some technologies a constant- e maximized when nj important in that is U-»J of skilled workers in the population, so that x L goods. Equation (14) £-1 l \n) and that £-1 r A -W\ e — 1 which implies that aggregate output production (14) , is h. Intuitively, equal to the fraction prices are equalized across highlights the value of technology diffu- to low-skill workers, standardization "alleviates" the pressure on scarce high-skill workers, thereby raising aggregate demand. shows that the effect of It also standardization on production, for given A, disappears as goods become more substitutable (high e). smoothing consumption across goods (xl = In the limit as xh) so that Y e — > oo, there is no gain to only depends on aggregate productivity A. Finally, to better it is effect of technology diffusion on innovation, also useful to express profits as a function of Y. Ph — A A understand the Using (2)-(4) to substitute i-2 <' (Y/xh) into (7), profits of a hi-tech firm can be written as: similar expression holds for demand, Y. Thus, ization raises Y, it ttl. Notice that profits are proportional to aggregate as long as faster technology diffusion (lower n) also tends to increase profits. On through standard- the contrary, an increase in 6 An elasticity of substitution between products greater than 2 is consistent with most empirical evidence in this area. See, for example, Broda and Weinstain (2006). 10 n > n mm reduces the instantaneous profit rate of hi-tech firms d%H n dn txh 1 dY n e dn e — 1 Y < 0. (17) Innovation and Standardization 2.4 We model ization, both innovation, i.e., i.e., the introduction of a new We follow the "lab-equipment" approach these activities in terms of output, Y. In particular, hi-tech hi-tech and standard- the process that turns an existing hi-tech product into a low-tech variety, as costly activities. new hi-tech good, good requires good costs fx we assume that introducing a units of the numeraire, while standardizing an existing H units of \x L and define the costs of Y We may . think of fi L as capturing the technical cost of simplifying the production process plus any policy induced costs new regulations restricting the access to we Next, define V# and Vl due to IPR technologies. as the net present discounted value of a firm producing a hi-tech and a low-tech good, respectively. These are given by the discounted value of the expected profit stream earned by each type of firm and must satisfy the following Hamilton- Jacobi-Bellman equations: rVL = rVH = where m is tt h + Vh - m, a mVH hi-tech firm is is , endogenous and depends on the These equations say that the instantaneous from running a firm plus any capital gain or from lending the market value of the firm rate (18) the arrival rate of standardization, which intensity of investment in standardization. profit + VL nL losses must be equal to the return at the risk- free rate, r. Note that, at a flow replaced by a low-tech producer and the value Vh is lost. Free-entry in turn implies that the value of innovation and standardization can be no greater than their respective costs: VH < H fi If its VH < fiH cost (Vl < and there Ml)' will tri and vl < Ml- en the value of innovation (standardization) be no investment in that 11 activity. is lower than Dynamic Equilibrium 2.5 A dynamic equilibrium is a time path for (C, maximize the discounted value by free entry in innovation We will now show for consumption This is equation is determined is for prices is consistent consistent with household that a dynamic equilibrium can be represented as a C X first differential pA such that monopolists and standardization, the time path solution to two differential equations. Let us The r, of profits, the evolution of technology with market clearing and the time path maximization. A, n, Xi, =A y ; first define: Y =A> A 9 =A" the law of motion of the fraction of hi-tech goods, n. is the state variable of the system. Given that hi-tech goods are replaced by a low-tech goods at the endogenous rate m, the flow of newly standardized products Al — tuAh- Prom The second and the this definition differential equation — n = (A — — Al)/A we obtain: h = is the law of motion of x- Differentiating (1 n) g is ran. (19) x and using the consumption Euler equation (1) yields: Z = r -p-g (20) X Next, to solve for consumption g, we use the aggregate resource equal to production minus investment in innovation, is standardization, /i L A^. Noting that X A/ A = (20) gives the following g and = y~ Vh9 ~ Substituting for g from this equation (i.e., g is (y — ii L two equation dynamical system = n A L /A = mn, we r -p \ n J fi V„ H — V a function of n (see equation (14)). 12 In particular, /j, h A, and in can thus write: ^L mn — x Note that y constraint. mn — x) I ^h) in ^° (19) an d in the (n, x) space: (21) /W Finally, r and m can be found 1 n from the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. as functions of there is is positive imitation (m > then free-entry implies 0), = constant, Vl must be constant too, Vi > (g two 0), then V# = 0. Likewise, 0. VL — there if First, is fi L . note that, Given that fi if L positive innovation Next, equations (18) can be solved for the interest rate in the cases: r = ttl m> if (23) Ml tth = r m g if > 0. (24) Mff We summarize these findings Proposition 2 A dynamic in the following proposition. equilibrium is characterized by (i) autonomous system the of differential equations (21)-(22) in the (n,x) space where y = y(n) r = r i(n) = (l-n)'LV + n «#V \ (^(n) = max < { if r> if r ^ ?/(n)-x and are given by (12), anrf 7T/y and (Hi) the transversality condition 2.6 A ttl (n) * Lin) ^ 1 (n) n /% Ml ( m = m (n) = n H (n) , (ii) nH ^ —m a pair of initial conditions, no and Aq, lim^oo exp ( — fQ r s ds) f ' Vidi = 0. Balanced Growth Path Balanced Growth Path (BGP) hence, the skill premium and the is a dynamic equilibrium such that h interest rate are at a steady-state level. = rh = and, An "interior" BGP where, in addition, m > and g > 0. Equation (19) implies that an interior BGP must feature m ss — g (1 — n) jn = (r — p) (1 — n) jn. To find the associated BGP interest rate, we use the free-entry conditions for standardization and BGP is a innovation. Using (12), the following equation determines the interest rate consistent with m > 0: Tl (n) = Ik (25) Ml i i L - (l-n)*=* n 13 BGP Next, the free-entry condition for hi-tech firms, conditional on the BGP: tion rate, determines the interest rate consistent with the — -m = r%(n) n— + (l-n)p = ss standardiza- M// (26) /Ah i i H £-1 n*- (n,r), the = BGP value of and standardization, 0) n can be found BGP, both innovation and along a Proposition 3 An r L (n BGP ss ss and ) BGP interior rjy (n interest rate — p) (1 AL Y , and —n C ss ) all /n Due r tf(n). ss , grow respectively. In the space words, in other as their crossing point: a dynamic equilibrium such that n is We — n ss where ) ss = r™(n s °), in n. 8 — ttl (n where n^ set of ss is same at the The is / pL ) rate, ss g is non-monotonic intuition for the = r ss — little. (first among when n is This tends to reduce — n) jn) and this brings 1 shows the 7 It 0, BGP the equilibrium must is on the (dashed) and A ttjj (n) and When n many down and + 1) is this aggregate tasks to perform, even further. When n high as well (since, n. r L (n) curve. recall, Note An that, as long as interior BGP must can also be verified straightforwardly that the allocation corresponding to this crossing point satisfies the transversality condition. 8 77, the return to innovation. relationship between r lie Ah, Finally, as follows. higher than hj (h m = g (1 > is hi-tech firms brings tth high, but the flow rate of standardization Figure = and convex. Provided that p increasing and then decreasing) and non monotonicity down m is increasing is ix J. to study the properties of H low, ss n — n rate ss the , ss p. are low, because skilled workers have too while unskilled workers too Given n ss (26), respectively. and the standardization BGP, we need lowers the return to innovation. Moreover, Y , (27) as in (12) [evaluated at high, competition for skilled workers productivity and and are given by (25) to the shape of itl, r L (n) not too high, r^ (n) concave ss r is To characterize the S m p. satisfies and is n) in the following proposition: r L (n°°) is — standardization must be equally profitable.' summarize the preceding discussion (r (1 curves r jf (n) and r^ (n) can be interpreted as the (instantaneous) return from innovation (conditional on h n + s The ss 1 n /% e formal argument can be found in the proof of Proposition 14 4. . 0.06 t 05-- 0.04- 0.03" 0.020.4 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.7 0,9 1.0 n Figure also lie on the of a BGP, and Assumption r# (solid) the intersection. The This condition (n) curve. BGP < p < H/ : is Solid = r^ (n), = Dashed r L (n) BGP Thus, the interior value of standard: is it guarantees that innovation is —A__. Assumption 2 ensures that rff (n case in which standardization by and uniqueness sufficiently profitable Assumption 2 H < ^ LTT7 identified (/%e) and that the transversality condition [i is interior. to sustain endogenous growth ; n following assumptions guarantee the existence that such 1 1: is mm > ) r L (n min ) , is satisfied. ruling out the uninteresting always more profitable than innovation when n expected to stay constant, and guarantees that the state the existence and uniqueness of the BGP Proposition 4 Suppose Assumptions 1-2 hold. librium. 15 in BGP is interior and unique. is We a formal proposition. Then there exist a unique BGP equi- Proof. See the Appendix. Proposition 4 establishes the existence and uniqueness of a denoted by (n ss ,x ss The next )- goal dynamics is BGP. to this equilibrium, and uniqueness to prove the (local) existence is dynamic equilibrium converging of a BGP Unfortunately, the analysis of complicated by several factors. First, the dynamic system (21)-(22) highly nonlinear. Second, it may is exhibit discontinuities in the standardization rate ss ss (and thus in the interest rate) along the equilibrium path. Intuitively, at (n ,x ) there is is both innovation and standardization (otherwise we could not have n relatively easy to prove that, similar to models of directed change (e.g., = 0). It Acemoglu 2002 and Acemoglu and Zilibotti 2001), there exists a dynamic equilibrium converging to the BGP left, reached. in ss ). This implies that when the economy approaches the , BGP we have of hi-tech firms m > Since throughout there 0. must remain constant at Vh is is = Affi Consequently, there must be an exactly offsetting BGP or only standardization BGP from the standardization rate and the interest rate both jump once the BGP is ss there is no standardization, thus, m — 0, while In particular, when n < n (when n > n the n < n ss ) featuring either only innovation (when innovation and thus the value there can be no jump reached and the standardization rate, m, jumps. However, dynamic it jump in interest rate r in r + m. when the 9 turns out to be more difficult to prove that there exist no other equilibria. In particular, we must rule out the existence of equilibrium trajectories (solutions to (21)-(22)) converging to (n ss ss ,x ) with both innovation and standardization out of BGP. Numerical analysis suggests that no such trajectory exists as long as Assumptions the condition that 1 and 2 are satisfied. In particular, the m = tth (n) /f -H~ n L {n) /Ml J both innovation and standardization) we can only prove this analytically impose the following parameter Proposition 5 Suppose that (i- e -i system (21)-(22) under under the condition that there globally unstable around (n is ss , x ss )- is However, under additional conditions. In particular, we must restriction: 10 Assumptions 1 and 2 and (28) hold. Then there ex- 9 Note that the discontinuous behavior of the standardization rate and interest does not imply any jump in the asset values, Vh and/or Vl- Rather, the rate of change of these asset values may jump 10 locally. This restriction ensures that n mm strategy (see Appendix). For example, e = 3, n min = h/{l + h)> = h/ when (1 e + h) be not too small, which is key in the proof = 2, it requires n min = hj (1 + h) > 0.28 and when 0.21. 16 ists > p such particular, if ss n to < n ], that, n to is < for p BGP BGP the interior p, in the neighborhood of its is value, n t [t , ss , and n to > n BGP then there exists a unique path converging to the and h T < > t we have r & t\, m T > 0, g T = (i.e., and h T > 0], and the economy attains the BGP at ss ss ss m T — m and g T = g ). nT = n finite In locally saddle-path stable. , t [resp., such that for some [resp., for ss all mT = > r t, 0, gT > we have , , Proof. See the Appendix. Growth and Standardization: an Inverse-U Relationship 2.7 How does the cost of standardization, this question is policies such as is , affect the BGP growth rate, ss g ? Answering important from both a normative and a positive perspective. First, IPR protection are likely to have an impact on the profitability of Therefore, knowing the relationship between standardization and a key step for policy evaluation. Second, the difficulty to standardize may standardization. growth pL vary across technologies and over time. The cost of standardization affects amounts to cost of standardization the intersection, form n = n mm rate depends in turn but not (n), rr, Thus, increasing the shifting the tl (n) curve in Figure 1 (low to pL ) — n > 1 (high on the relationship between g g°°(n) rjf (n). ss p L ). The and effect and therefore on the growth n: = r%(n)-p = n(^M-p This expression highlights the trade-off between innovation and standardization: a high standardization rate (and thus a low n) increases the instantaneous profit rate ir H (n), but lowers the expected profit duration. Taking the derivative and using (17) yields: dg ss _ (n) 7i dn H pH KHJn) ep H From 8Y (n) /dn = dY (n) /dn = — oo. (15), lim,,-,! dg ss at ^ \ | dY{n) dn n Y (n) n min For n > n min we have 8Y . , (n) Thus: (n) dn = n n dn H (n) dn pH (n) = n=nmi „ H+L PH e 2 dg — dn ss p 17 and lim n-i (n) = — oo. /dn < with Provided that p < ^-§, g ss (n) the wage of unskilled workers them technologies to is n. Intuitively, at = n 1 zero and hence the marginal value of transferring is terms of higher aggregate demand and thus also profits) (in Instead, at infinite. an inverse-U function of is = n n min Y aggregate output , is maximized and marginal changes in n have second order effects on aggregate production. Moreover, given that future profits are discounted, the impact of prolonging the expected profit stream (high n) on innovation vanishes n* 6 (n min 1) , if p is _ ejjjj condition p < ^-§ BGP n is is nH satisfied is and which guarantees g > scarce. It p < jpjj, growth maximized at is that solves: P The When high. 0) and dY(n*) n* dn* Y(n*Y (n*) whenever Assumption e < + 1 1/h, i.e., if 1 { ' (which we imposed above skilled workers are sufficiently when p and p H are sufficiently low. Now recalling that in function of fiL we have the following result (proof in the also satisfied an increasing , text): Proposition 6 Let g 33 be the BGP growth rate and assume p < ^-^ an inverse U-shaped function of the cost of standardization. Figure 1 Then, g 3S is provides a geometric intuition. Starting from a very high n L such that rff (n) is in its decreasing portion, a decrease in along the schedule rfj (n) . This yields a lower n in this region, a decrease in T"H (n) . schedule is pL \x ss L moves the equilibrium to the and thus higher growth. Therefore, increases growth. However, after the passed, further decreases in p L reduce Proposition 6 also has interesting implications for the in this model, the skill-premium is left maximum of the n and growth. skill premium. Recall that, the market value of being able to operate technologies and produce hi-tech goods. For this reason, tion of hi-tech firms (see equation (9)). Since growth is it is new increasing in the frac- an inverse-U function of n, the model also predicts a inverse U-shaped relationship between growth and wage inequality, as shown in Figure sign that standardization is 2. Intuitively, a very high skill-premium could so costly to slow down growth. A very low skill be a premium, however, might be a sign of too fast standardization and thus weak incentives to innovate. 18 0.021 0.020 " " ^^^^ """" ^\ / 0.019- ^\ / ^ 0.018- 0.017- 0016- 1 1 1 h- 1 1 i 12 1.0 1.4 -H 1 1.6 1 1 1 1 1 2.2 2.0 1.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 2.4 2.8 , , 3,0 wh/wl Figure 3 Growth and the 2: Skill Premium Welfare Analysis and Optimal Policies We now turn to the normative analysis. We start by characterizing the Pareto optimal allocation for a given /j, L , representing the technical cost of standardization. This allows us to identify the inefficiencies that are present in the decentralized equilibrium. Next, we focus on the constrained with a limited efficient allocation level of competition. optimal 3.1 we allow the government to increase IPR regulations and to influence the set of instruments. In particular, the cost of standardization above we Finally, fi L through that a government could achieve briefly discuss how North-South trade affects the policies. Pareto Optimal Allocation The Pareto optimal allocation is the one chosen by a social planner seeking to max- imize the utility of the representative agent, subject to the production function (14) and for given costs of innovation, Hamiltonian for the problem fj, H and , standardization, is: U = In (Y -IH - IL + Si? 19 +SL \i L . The current value where and 1^ are investment Ijj control variables are IH and variables £ H n and £ L , in innovation and standardization, II, while the state variables are Prom the respectively. solves: first A The respectively. and Al, with co-state order conditions, the Pareto optimal — — 9Y dA~^~dA~ ]r 1 L That is, } ( L the planner equates the marginal rate of technical substitution between hi- The Euler equation tech and low-tech products to their relative development costs. for the planner is: C _dYJ_ C~ By comparing P ' is inefficient for To a standard appropriability problem whereby firms only appropriate is isolate this inefficiency, consider the simplest case no standardization and innovation is H Y = AH, appropriability effect also applies is too stealing externality: benefit e = temporary. is 7r# = while the private return Second, there see that the two reasons. R&D a fraction of the value of innovation/standardization so that low. we can these results to those in the previous section, decentralized equilibrium First, there dAfj,H much H/e. is when L > 0, is too so that there is In this case, the social return from = H/e < H. The same only r form of 0. standardization relative to innovation due to a business the social value of innovation A L = investment is permanent while the private particularly simple case to highlight this inefficiency is when 2 so that (30) simplifies to: n _ 1-n h fVL + V H Vh V ^ In the decentralized equilibrium, instead, the condition r L (n) HClearly, To n is On h m + rJ /j, r" (n) yields: h too low in the decentralized economy. correct the needed. = = first inefficiency, subsidies to innovation (and standardization) are the other hand, the business stealing externality can be corrected by introducing a licensing policy requiring low-tech firms to compensate the losses they impose on hi-tech pay a one-time firms. In particular, suppose that firms that standardize licensing fee c /^ to the must original inventor. In this case, the free-entry 20 conditions together with the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations (18) become: VH = ith Clearly, the business stealing effect firms is m (VH - I2f) = nH ~ removed when compensate the hi-tech produces = fi fi when low-tech H We summarize . allocation can be decentralized using a subsidy to Constrained Efficiency: Optimal Proposition 7 shows is, , 11 innovation and a license fee imposed on firms standardizing 3.2 H that for the entire capital loss these results in the proposition (proof in the text). Proposition 7 The Pareto optimal c fi'l . fi how the Pareto optimal new products. L allocation can be decentralized. However, the subsidies to innovation require lump-sum taxes and in addition, the government would need to set up and operate a system these might be difficult. efficient policy, 12 where we limit the instruments of the regulations restricting the access to policy be in this case. 11 In practice, both of Motivated by this reasoning, we now analyze a constrained we assume that the government can only 13 of licensing fees. More new In particular, affect the standardization cost technologies, precisely, government. we through IPR and ask what would the optimal find the (constant) L that maximizes \x* due to monopoly pricing. This is because in our model and unskilled labor). Thus, markups do not distort the allocation. In a more general model, subsidies to production would also be needed correct Note that there is no static distortion firms only use inelastically supplied factors (skilled all for the static inefficiency. 12 and Some reasons emphasized in the literature monopoly why licensing may fail include asymmetric information Bessen and Maskin, 2006). See also Chari et al. (2009) on the difficulties of using market signals to determine the value of existing innovations. 13 We do not consider patent policies explicitly for a number of reasons. Patents are often perceived as offering relatively weak protection of IPR, less than lead time and learning-curve advantage in preventing duplication. Patents disclose information, the application process is often lengthy and cannot prevent competitors from "inventing around" patents. Overall, Levin et al. (1987) found that patents increase imitation costs by 7-15%. This support our approach of modeling IPR protection bilateral (e.g., as an additional cost. 21 BGP utility: OO max pW = pi ln(- +ln(A e ~ pt 9t ) J dt (31) o +— = ln&" The optimal rate. turn, g (p, L = n [~kh (n) I Ph ~ p] = y( n ~ 9 (Pl) Ip-h + Ml U — n )L ss In ) ss and x problem ) (31) does not > 0, results. consumption level and its growth evaluated at the n (p L ) that solves (27) evaluated at the same In general, 77. cases. Optimal/ Growth Maximizing Policy: p 3. 2. 1 — of the have a closed-form solution. Nonetheless, we can make progress by considering two polar As p sum policy maximizes a weighted • the optimal policy Manipulating the maximize g ss For to is — . * this case, we have simple order condition (29), the optimal n* first analytic is implicitly is increasing defined by: Note that the in n, LHS decreasing in n, from infinity to zero, while the is ranging from minus infinity to 1/e. Thus, the solution n* is RHS always interior and unique. Using the implicit function theorem yields: 9_f± oe n* = t^l >0 — ^A = and ah 1 e because, from (32), en* — fraction of hi-tech goods + e is 1 = e (n*) 7 (1 (1 _n * n* — n*)~r h^ increasing in the relative _ e + n e)>0 . )(1 > 0. skill- That is, (33) the optimal endowment and in the elasticity of substitution across products. Once we have n*, standardization, W77i = g (1 — n) jn we = we can use the ^tt to solve -, indifference condition for the p*L that between innovation and implements When p — > and obtain: ^ = ^I^fi^/,^ = ^I n n p 7r The n*. L /ijr ) \ L n (34) equilibrium fraction of hi-tech goods, n, depends on relative profits (tth/Vl), 22 R&D relative costs (hh/^l)' an d the standardization risk faced by hi-tech firms (captured by the factor 1/n). Note that a decline in the relative to a more than proportional L^L-h) n because tth/^l fall in and falls skill m rises. from (32) we can find the optimal standardization cost £ „!-«,(»•- + l This expression has the advantage that i)"' = r supply, h, leads Substituting as: -f^. (35, only depends on h through n* and can be it used to study the determinants of the optimal policy. Differentiating (35) and using (33), we obtain the following proposition (proof in the text). Proposition 8 Consider when the case p the cost of standardization pL — BGP 0. > satisfies (35) and growth are maximized welfare and n* the solution to (32). is The following comparative static results hold: = dfij h -en*(l-n*) < ~dh^l The results 1 —1 > - 1 d/i*L e n*e de fi* L e summarized 0. Changes in this proposition are intuitive. in the cost of innovation should be followed by equal changes in the cost of standardization, so as to keep the optimal n constant. A decline in the relative supply of skilled workers makes technology diffusion relatively more important. However, the incentive to standardize increases so much (both because the equilibrium more costly. calls for m change in instantaneous profits and because increases too) that the optimal policy IPR protection. Finally, given that makes the e > the other polar case. To 2, a lower elasticity of more important lA . Optimal Policy: high p To understand how the optimal 14 make standardization diffusion of technologies to low-skill workers for aggregate productivity and reduces the optimal IPR, p*L 3.2.2 to is Thus, somewhat surprisingly, a higher abundance of unskilled worker stronger substitution of the policy changes with the discount rate, In particular, assume that p see this, recall that en* -e+ 1 > 0. Then, 23 e > — ^—. As we -> 2 implies (en* - 1) / (e - we consider will see, this is 1) > 0. the highest p compatible with positive growth. In this case, Section 2.7 shows that g is maximized ^^ = jth at the corner = and 3 ^^ be close to zero yields x -p = n min = -> (since p -> sa which V-, discounting the optimal policy is the + h/(h also is same ^7). maximized as the » n™ we have Next, the result that 3 must at n mm Thus, with high . one that maximizes static output (and consumption) only. Reaching this point requires setting p*L in this — Moreover, for n 1). = pH . Note that, extreme scenario, the optimal policy becomes independent of h and other parameters. Comparing the policy p*L = pH to (35) shows, not surprisingly, that high discounting implies a lower optimal protection of IPR. Other Competition Policies 3.3 In practice, several other competition policies, besides licensing fees and intellectual property rights, are used in order to affect the profitability of standardization. now briefly discuss the implications of can directly can set exx > markups affect e and ex > When markups e BGP sectors. In particular, it in the pricing equations (5). and \\-n) ,r .t±(5)* e H \n (36) J ' Hl an d the above expressions, it is immediate to see that the n only depends on the product p L e L This result highlights that competition r L (n) policy (ex) ttl/ . and IPR protection (p L ) are (high ex) for low-tech firms, there can Suppose that the government and the low-tech in the hi-tech -£L (JL-f eL = policies. vary across firms, profits (16) become: ,L From such We contrary, g (n) is less mark-ups entry in the L-sector. Yet, the government by reducing p L so that it becomes easier to standardize. On the does not depend on e L so that n* is as before. Given that intervening offset this effect ss substitutes. Intuitively, with lower , , on p L or ex is equally effective to implement a desired on the relative costs of the two policies. Now when we also have p — > 0, /* Then, under the assumptions that n*, the optimal mix depends equation (35) becomes: -? ex ex. ^ - r^r^— + 1 e n*e can be changed at no 24 cost, it is easy to see that the optimal policy is: £h = a = (-L = ^r I M where IPR tion; /j.™' n > is the minimum protection). Intuitively, full jj,* l among = pt l_ e + n * € "technical" cost of standardization monopoly among (i.e., with no hi-tech firms ensures high innova- Lmin minimizes the resources spent on standardization; high competition low-tech firms yields the optimal n*. If L should be adjusted cannot be achieved, then 3.4 min \i* the desired level of competition upward accordingly. ex, 15 North-South Trade and IPR Policy We now ask affects the how trade opening in countries with a large supply of unskilled workers optimal settled debate IPR policy. on whether trade This question IPR policies, which serve economies. We interesting because there is an un- liberalization in less developed countries should accompanied by tighter IPR protection, less strict is as implied be by the TRIPs Agreement, or by to encourage technology diffusion to less advanced can investigate this question using our model. Consider an integrated world economy (the North), described by the model in Section 2. For simplicity, let us also assume that there is a single large developing country endowed with unskilled workers only (the South). Without trade, we assume that Northern technologies are copied at no cost by competitive firms in the South. However, this form of technology transfer is introduced in the South, labor productivity there is no innovation when a low-tech good imperfect: is only a fraction ip 6 (0, 1]. is There in the South. Now imagine that the South opens its economy We assume that economic to trade. integration allows Northern firms to produce in the South. In the new integrated equi- librium factor prices are equalized (or else firms would relocate to the country where 15 Another way to highlight the same result is that policy does not affect markups, but rather patent duration in the low-tech sector. In the model considered so the low-tech sector. Suppose, however, that patent duration the good is far, finite patent length is infinite in and, once the patent expires, Here, the key trade-off is produced by unskilled workers under competitive conditions. between the cost of standardization and the duration of the subsequent monopoly position in the low-tech sector. The gist of the argument is that the best combination is, in a sense, low IPR everywhere (low ji L and short patents). However, it has to be carefully tailored, since the cost-relative-to-duration must be pinned down so as to get the right n. is 25 labor is cheaper) and Southern firms are replaced by their Northern counterpart. This stems from the fact that Northern firms are more productive and can capture result the entire market by charging a price equal to or lower than the marginal cost of the Southern imitators, pi < Wl/p- However, > if ip — (1 1/e), Northern firms must compress their markup to keep Southern imitators out. In sum, the effect of trade opening in the South world endowment of in the L and margins of low-tech firms (higher rate and the optimal 7Tl (see What ex,). are the implications for the The change policy? 1 may up either shift up because the greater supply the profitability of hi-tech products. be higher or lower. maximum L/H As a result, in the Despite this ambiguity, is how increases the optimal level of fall on effects among If IPR if new BGP, n ss and g ss may policy, shift of the r /j, s ^ fi L , is correctly adjusted. is (n) curve, implying that l should be changed. As already seen, a higher IPR protection, /j.* l . On the other hand, higher low-tech firms, e^, calls for a reduction in The the liberalizing country is large and pressure posed by imitators on low-tech firms should be followed by a tightening of IPR fi L , to compensate for net effect depends on which force inefficient (low (p), the competitive weak, while the threat to hi-tech is due to the increased incentives to standardize, 4 (n) curve, instead, always easy to see that trade opening it is in profit margins (see equation (37)). dominates. firms, have opposite £/, profit growth attainable r must be higher. crucial question, then, competition the BGP goods increases the price and thus of low-tech This follows immediately from the upward The L and in down. The r# or necessarily growth (and welfare) enhancing the markup and possibly a reduction in the equation (36)) and hence on the return from standardization, so the r L (n) curve in Figure shifts IPR isomorphic to an increase is policies. is high. In this case, integration 10 Extension: Multiple Equilibria and Poverty Traps We have so far a BGP n stays sumption that, assumed that, at in the range (n at wh = wH = wL min , 1). This , standardization stops implying that in is an immediate consequence of the wi, incumbent hi-tech firms fight (see Proposition 1) as- so that low-tech firms do not find entry profitable. Under this assumption and Assumption 2, Proposition 4 established the uniqueness of a BGP equilibrium. However, either 16 These are the policies that a world planner would choose starting from the optimum. Yet, governments of individual countries face different incentives, because an increase in l leads to a higher skill premium and redistributes income towards skill-abundant countries. This conflict of interests between the North and the South is studied, among others, by Grossman and Lai (2004). /j, 26 when we adopt the alternative tie-breaking rule facing the entry of a low-tech competitor exit —whereby at wh = wl —or relax Assumption 2, hi-tech firms the model generate multiple equilibria and potential poverty traps. In this section, we may briefly discuss this possibility. For brevity, we focus on the case where Assumption 2 tion between hi-tech firms and entrants at wh = w L is still holds but the competi- resolved according to the polar opposite tie-breaking rule. Even under this alternative tie-breaking rule, that But wh > wl is low now standardization may continue even we step in the analysis of this case, first wH = wL levels of n. Recall that constant at wh = wl and some high a profit rate of = ttjj at n skill For n . < n mm , the . premium skill . This yields h determined h, is = n/(l — n) In other words, for sufficiently low n, ~r^- n < n min at workers are employed in low-tech firms. wh = w L (9) after setting = irjj have characterize the static equilibrium = n mm In this case, the allocation of labor between the two type of firms, endogenously by equation still since skilled worker can always take unskilled jobs. [0, 1] in contrast to Proposition 1 As a for any n € for we it is and as if pn = Pl, and so are profits. and r^ (n) schedules over the entire workers were perfect substitutes, prices are equalized To we draw the tl find the steady states, domain n € (n) Figure 3 shows the determination of n ss for two possible [0, 1]. schedules, corresponding to different values of part of both schedules The equal to one. line) and r L in) a straight is interior (dashed BGPs line, as n states" such that two g p > i.e., 1LL incentive to standardize, n = = m > ^i^ — premium the 1, first constant and is are again the intersections between the — and = r^ (n) (solid r now p. there might exist "corner steady- A corner steady state can arise in = n 0, there is no incentive to innovate nor to and p > 1La- — ^±^: (ii) at n = 0, firms have an p < M±L^ but there are no goods to standardize, since at (i) i.e., discouraged by the expectation that is goods would trigger a high standardization that to skill to Figure = ^±^ Moreover, innovation 0. Compared . (n) line) schedules. different circumstances: standardize, L there the In addition to balanced growth equilibria, = \i rj, p whenever n > 0. rate. new hi-tech Formally, innovating firms expect This conjecture does not violate the resource constraint since the absolute investment in standardization would be infinitesimal when n in = even though the standardization rate were high. The uninteresting case which r L (n) lays above r^ (n) As shown in Figure 3, for all n is still ruled out by Assumption depending on the standardization cost, 2. there are two regimes: High p L : For \x L > (H + L) / (pe) (lower r L (n) schedule in Figure 27 3), there is a 0.08 0.07 0.06" 0.05 0.04" 0.03 002 Figure 3: Solid = r# (n), Dashed = r^ (n) unique steady state (BGP) corresponding to the unique crossing point of the r L (n) Low fi L : and r# For fi L (n) schedules. < (H + L) / (pe) (upper tl (n) schedule) there are two interior a corner steady state. 3. The two can be seen in Figure interior steady states In this case, a corner steady state also exists, since rjf (0) (H + L) J The reason (/J, L e) . Hence, standardization for the potential multiplicity decisions by firms. If firms expect n is is and profitable at n = = p < r L (0) = 0. a complementarity between investment to be high in the BGP, they also anticipate a low standardization rate, m, and this encourages further innovation. Greater innovation in turn increases the demand than consumption) and for resources (i.e., raises the interest rate. the A demand for "investment" rather greater interest rate reduces the value of standardization more than the value of innovation), confirming the expectation of a low m. In contrast, when a large fraction of the resources of the are devoted to standardization, expected returns from innovation decline economy and this limits innovative. Expectation of lower innovation reduces the interest rates, leading to reverse reasoning — i.e., encouraging standardization (more than innovation) and 28 . 17 Note that this complementarity was also confirming the expectation of a high m. present in the model analyzed in the previous sections. Yet, multiplicity because Assumption correspond to levels mm which was of n below n baseline tie-breaking rule. unskilled labor is strictly ruled out by Proposition Thus, the fact that standardization is 1 under our profitable only if cheaper than skilled labor prevents the economy from falling where innovation to low-growth traps did not give rise to 2 guarantees that the other candidate steady states , 18 it is discouraged by the expectation of a very fast standardization rate. We summarize the characterization of the set of steady-state equilibria in the following proposition (proof in the text). Proposition 9 Suppose 1. If 2. If Hi > (H i± L + that Assumptions 1 and 2 L) J (pe) there exists a unique < (H + hold. BGP Then: which BGP L) J (pe) there exist two interior is interior. equilibria and a corner steady state. It is fi also noteworthy that the non-monotonic relationship between the g ss and L and the policy analysis derived in the previous sections interior may BGP. The main novelty, however, is now apply to the higher that too low a cost of standardization lead to multiple steady states, with the equilibrium determined by self-fulfilling expectations, and stagnation. Concluding Remarks 5 New technologies often diffuse as a result of costly adoption and standardization de- cisions. for Such standardization also creates cheaper example, substituting cheaper unskilled labor for the more expensive skilled labor necessary for the production of 17 is ways of producing new products, To new complex see the role of the interest rate, consider a products. This process endogenously more general formulation of preferences where 9 the inverse of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. In this case, the Euler equation takes the form C/C — (r — p) /6. Using this, ss = r H (n) equation (26) becomes: On nB + 1 it a -nti H ( 1 —n \nd + 1 Note that, as 8 — the rjf (n) curve becomes flat and the BGP is necessarily unique. 18 When Assumption 2 is relaxed, it is possible that the ri (n) and rj/ (n) schedules cross twice over the range n e [n mln l] » , 29 generates competition to original innovators. In this paper, tions of this costly process of standardization, emphasizing of growth and its studied the implica- both its role as an engine potential negative effects on innovation (because of the "business stealing" effect that Our we it creates). analysis has delivered a number of new First, the tension results. between innovation and standardization generates an inverse U-shaped relationship between competition and growth. Second, while technology diffusion it can also have destabilizing equilibria (multiple growth paths). and IPR policy and how it be protected more when are in short supply Finally, we characterized the optimal competition depends on endowments and other parameters, such as the We found that innovation rents should skilled workers are perceived as scarcer, that and when the showed that these also Standardization can open the door to multiple of substitution between products. elasticity We effects. potentially beneficial, is elasticity of substitutions results provide new is, when they between goods high. is reasons for linking North-South trade to intellectual property rights protection. It is also tition worth noting that a key feature of our analysis is the potential compe- between standardized products and the original hi-tech products. that this is takes place a good approximation to a large by different firms (and often number in the of cases in form of Nevertheless, the alternative, in which standardization innovator, (2010), is another relevant benchmark. we study a model of offshoring, We believe which standardization slightly different products). is carried out by the original In our follow-up work, Acemoglu where offshoring can be viewed process of standardization carried out by the original innovator to et al. as a costly make goods pro- ducible in less developed countries with cheaper labor. Our model particular, it yields a number of novel predictions that suggests that competition and IPR can be taken to the data. In policy should have an impact on skill premia. Furthermore, data on product and process innovation might be used to test the existence of a trade-off between innovation and standardization at the industry level. These seem interesting directions for future 30 work. Appendix 6 Proof of Lemma 6.1 Recall i\ which is H = f^ = &&. e > 2, , To (11) it is && < immediate to see that establish the properties of m; , ^= lim „_i has no ^^ From true in equilibrium. 5n For 1 i=i 1 fc if p H > pL , note that: t^l, -n Convexity of iii follows immediately because the function oo. critical point. Notes on Figures 6.2 The benchmark economy used p = to draw = = 2; pB 0.02; r = 0.02; 0.02; e all figures uL = m = 0.02; n 22.7, has the following parameter values: 59.1; H= L = 1; 3 implying in steady state: s = Proof of Proposition 6.3 A BGP must be a Thus any 1. must be a zero where n ss of the must be satisfies r L (n tence of a unique interior such that r L (n that at (n We ss 5S ,x ) = r ^ (n ss ), first Moreover tion 2) rem r|f and \im n ^i (n min (r L We denote such (see again Proposition 3). ) by showing that there that there is is in first note that view of Proposi- r L (n ss ) is a zero by (n We ss , x min € (n a unique corresponding value of is ss it ss ), prove the exis- a unique value n x ss , l) and satisfied. ss step by establishing that r# (n ) U-shaped function whereas tion. (n sa the transversality condition prove the 1 We interior as defined in Proposition 3, or equivalently, rj^ BGP s ) ss = ) 1.5. boundaries n = n mm and n = dynamical system (21)-(22). ss —= dynamical system (21)-(22). rest point of the BGP 0.5; 4 there cannot be a rest point at the tion = is a continuous inverse a continuous, increasing and convex func- min ) (n ss > r L (n ) (which follows immediately from Assump— rj^ (n ss )) = oo. Then, the intermediate value theo- ) BGP, establishes the existence of such a 31 while the shape of the two func- , tions implies uniqueness. h > Let = (f>(x) x Standard algebra establishes that 0. cave function, such that lim I _o 4> maximum in the unit + (1 — n ss p. Since r^ (n ss (n it ) • if/ (/%e) ) where e > is = — oo. 0' (x) and 2 Thus, (x) <f> = Next, note that r^ (n ss ) a linear transformation of U-shaped concave function, with a unique also a continuous inverse is lim^^ interval. ) h~r £ l) a continuous inverse U-shaped con- is °° ar>d has a unique interior ss — x (i (x) — (z) + (n ss ) interior maximum in the unit interval. Consider now r L (n ss Since r L (n ss = ix^ (n ss / p, L Lemma 1 establishes that 77, (n ss is increasing and convex, with lim^s^ n, (n ss = 00 ss 3 ss — r^ (implying that lim n M_i (r^, (n {n )) = 00). ) . ) ) ) , ) ) Next, straightforward algebra immediately implies that, conditional on n m = m (n ss and z ) = z (n ss there exists a unique value ) the dynamical system (21)-(22). Finally, since in Assumptions 1-2), the transversality condition \ BGP is r = X ss =p+ = n ss , that yields a zero of > g satisfied in the g (from (1) and unique candidate BGP. Proof of Proposition 6.4 5 Recall that dynamic equilibria are given by solutions to dynamical system (21)-(22) with boundary conditions given by the By condition. the same argument initial We will — n mm and either converge to the unique (interior) show neighborhood of n (the and that there cannot be BGP), there n — > BGP from any in this proof that starting ss = n no and the transversality as in the proof of Proposition 4, there cannot any dynamic equilibrium path where n must thus condition 1 . (n Any dynamic ss ,x ss ) equilibrium or involves cycles. condition n initial be = no in the unique path converging to (n ss \ ss ) exists a , cycles, thus establishing local saddle-path stability of the dynamic equilibrium. Because there are two sources of technical change (innovation and standardization), we (which first may CASE this case, distinguish between three possible types of potential converge to the 1: VH = BGP, p H and (n 3S VL < , x dynamic equilibria ss ))- p L (=» m = and g = {y (n) - *)//%)• In from Proposition 3 the dynamics are governed by the following system of ordinary differential equations: (n) X X = h = (1-n) 717/ y{n)- X - P- (38) P-H y{n) -x Ph 32 CASE VH < p H 2: and VL = pL m= (=*> (y (n) - = x) / ("Ml) and 5 0). In this from Proposition 3 the dynamics are governed by the following system of case, again ordinary differential equations: - y ttt (n) = -Z±-±-p X Ml n -x 'y{n) = — (39) Ml CASE (2/ ( Vb = Pn 3: n ) — p L mn — x) system of ordinary anc ^ * In /Mff)- = = (=> rn I^l this case, the n € [0,y(n)j, Therefore, (n . ss ss ,x is ) above or below n ss ) and will the economy will converge in a switch to economy if if ss n < n dynamics if to (n ss , Lemma x 1 or CASE show that any point with CASE (n, x) 7^ {n CASE time to (n ss ,x ss ) 3 at that point, BGP and establishing several ss , ss ss , will , ) (it is x it is and not 3 cannot ss and then a jump and since (n stay at (n Lemmas. ss , ss First, , x x ss ) ss ) )- Instead, is would imply n < 0). Second, immediate that, if n > n ss , in m and r a zero of (40), the thereafter. Lemma ss 2 establishes that, ,v Lemma there exists a unique trajectory converging to (n (39) ss , /i# 2 (depending on whether there exists no trajectory converging to (n (39), since these n > n dynamics first at will but (40), ss there exists a unique trajectory converging to (n S3 ,x ) , £ be unique. Then under the equilibrium dynamics, finite have reached the prove by n < n that, will CASE we Nevertheless, = This implies that V# 0. a zero of the dynamical system the equilibrium will be given by either We mW V and g > dynamic equilibrium behavior will create = (40) BGP m > a zero either of (38) or of (39). is /^ L and 5 [n min ,l]. Recall that in the n L (n) three cases, the differential equations are defined over the region x all describe ix Ph Pl mh = pL //% — (n) dynamics are governed by the following p X Vl h differential equations: - = In tt (it is ss ) immediate following the 3 establishes that, ss , x ss ) following the there exists no trajectory converging following the dynamics given by (38), since these imply h > 4 provides a complete characterization of equilibrium dynamics 0). Third, when the transition involves either only innovation or only standardization, followed by a jump 33 in either the innovation of standardization rate as the but continuous changes in asset values. economy reaches (n ss ,x ss ), Lemma Fourth, 5 establishes that (under the sufficient conditions of the Proposition) there exists no trajectory converging to (n ss ,x ss dynamics either following the dynamics (40). ) in the CASE 1 Lemma Finally, 6 rules out transitional BGP in which there is a jump from CASE 3 to between CASE 1 and CASE 2. These lemmas together neighborhood of the CASE or 2 or establish local saddle-path stability. Lemma < n ss 2 Suppose n Then, there exists a unique trajectory attaining {n ss . CASE in finite time following the dynamics of monotonic convergence shown tions (38) x 1] over the region where (i- e -> particular, in the interior of the region [n min h > and x | <= X % X n i ) > , n 6 x 1] and x 6 [0)2/ ( n )D- n S3 ss y(n)], and hence at (n ,x ), [n min ,l] [0, = Hp + where X in) from Assumption last inequality follows the system of differential equa- This system has no zero over the feasible region in Figure 4. [0,J/(n)] [i initial level of the control variable, In particular, since (n ss ,x ss ) ^- - nH y (n) x ) is < (n) Although whether x (" 1. general ambiguous, the phase diagram shows that there unique ss ) nSS < x( ) finite initial and is and (the length of the transition) (no, T", x'o) with is T ^T' n i , value problem with (n^, From the standard solution. Fixing the initial condition ensures that this solution 1S time to (n ss x ss ) Xo- n Xt) and result of existence uniqueness of solutions for systems of ordinary differential equations, this T The . not a zero of the system (38), the determination of is being the boundary (terminal) condition. for y (n) a unique trajectory (and a converging in the converging trajectory can be expressed as an problem has a unique ) 0). Consider the phase diagram depicting Proof. ["min, n (n > in ss x This trajectory features (38). 1, , initial value yields a unique solution The monotonicity of the dynamics of n there does not exist two solutions (no, T, Xo) unique, i.e., and Xo 7^ Xo- This argument also proves that convergence attained in finite time. Lemma 3 Suppose no > n ss in finite time following the monotonic convergence Proof. The proof is (n ss Then, there exists a unique trajectory attaining (n . dynamics of < similar to that of no zero over the feasible region and X > 0. The and x > latter follows [n min , 1] CASE 2, (39). , x ss ) This trajectory features 0). Lemma x [0,y 2. (n)]. The dynamical system again has In particular, for n from the observation that x 34 ^ <=> Hl > n ss n > , ("•) /«l % Pi C/A Figure Saddle Path, n 4: < n sa and n L (n ss ) / p L > p, implying that n L (n) / p L > p for all n > n ss The phase diagram in Figure 5 shows that there is a unique trajectory converging in where finite < l (n) tt' . time to (n ss x ss ) This trajectory features monotonic dynamics. , The previous two Lemmas Lemma If no 4 There < n ss the , together imply our key characterization result. economy converges VH = p H reaches (n ss ss ,x ) , , If Uq > n the ss ) = r' the (n economy converges differential equations (39), with VH < convergence, p H) economy reaches (n VL = ss , and g = pL = (y (n) — x ) i ) + m (n ss ) . \ X) characteristics. following the system ) Throughout n. /p H Thereafter, in finite time to (n ss monotonic convergence pL ss ss , m = there increase in innovation such that y (n and Vl , ss . When the this con- economy a discrete increase in standardization offset by a fall in the is interest rate such that r (n ss m= Vl < Pi, there in finite time to (n ss monotonic convergence in of differential equations (38), with vergence, dynamics with the following exists equilibrium is ss ) (y (n) — ss ,x in ) Vh = Ph = ^l- following the system of n and \) / {np L ) anc^ ^l > \. Throughout and g = 0. this When a discrete fall in standardization offset by an —x remains constant. Thereafter, Vh = Ph . Proof. The proof follows from Lemmas 2 and 3 combined with the following obser35 C/A 1.0 n Figure vations. Suppose we start with 5: < n ss n > n ss Saddle Path, n , then the dynamic equilibrium the system of differential equations (38), so from Lemma 2 until we have T, m At T, we reach {n ,x ) and jumps from zero to its steady state, m offset by an equal jump down in r implying that Vjj does not change (i.e., ss at Vh = n H ). Moreover, Note that there m ss is at T, VL no discontinuity attains its steady state (BGP) given by is ss . 0. This is remains it value, m— Vl change in in the asset value Vl, since the = r fi L . and are perfectly anticipated, causing a continuous change in the value Vl before the actual change occurs to reach Vl that there Thus is = ^l exactly no arbitrage opportunity at this point, the in at T buying and (the continuity of Vl ensures selling shares of L-sector firms). dynamics switch to those given by the system of equations (40) with both innovation and standardization. Since (n ss ss (40), the economy stays at (n ,x ) thereafter. transversality condition follows by the The ss fact that this same argument , x ss is ) path differential a zero of satisfies the as in the proof of Proposition 4. Next, suppose that we start with n by the system of in . differential equations (39) T, investment in standardization and and investment > n ss Then mr the dynamic equilibrium and from fall Lemma 3, until T, g = discretely (the latter declining to innovation and g jumps up (the latter increasing to g 36 is ss ). given 0. m At ss There ), is no change investment and thus neither m jumps down, Vh attains As at T. in overall Vh As a is by result, system of (n ss s$ ,x path this We m T exactly at \i (note perfectly anticipated is with both innovation and standardization. Since ss /SS a zero of (40), the economy stays at (n \ ) thereafter. The , satisfies that fact the transversality condition again follows by the same argument.. next show that transitional dynamics converging to (n ss x ss ) cannot feature , Vh = both VH — H change Vj, again at T, the dynamics switch to those given by the differential equations (40) is ) stead state value, continuous at T, as the change in that the path of investors). its nor consumption nor r, fJ. H an d Vl — Hl since the system (40) unstable in the neighborhood of is (n",x"). Lemma 5 Suppose n ^ n ss . Then, under the (sufficient) conditions of the Proposi- no trajectory converging tion, there exists to (n ss ,x ss ) following the dynamical system (40). Proof. The proof, which Lemmas Vh < fJ-H is long, presented in the next subsection. is 2-5 establish that in the or ^i < neighborhood of (n ss ,x ss ) ^L' implying that there different regimes while n t ^ n ss , and thus either either only innovation or only standard- is However, the results established so ization. we must have , far do not cycles. between rule out "switches" Moreover, with such switches, the equilibrium might also be indeterminate, with multiple paths starting from some tial n converging to the BGP. Lemma 6 that in the neighborhood of the BGP, rules out all of these possibilities neighborhood of Lemma we by showing there cannot be a switch from the dynamics given by any one of (38), (39) and (40) to one of the other two. convenience, in this lemma, ini- write Vn,t = [J-h *° mean (For notational = /% that Vh,v for in a t' t). 6 Consider an equilibrium trajectory in the neighborhood of the BGP, (n 3S , \ ss Then, there cannot be a switch from any one of (38), (39) and (40) to one of the other two, i.e., if at t in the neighborhood of (n then an equilibrium cannot involve Vn,t ss , x ss )> we have < /% and/or Vi,t Vn,t Q < — /•*# Hl for t and > fi ](o , = I^l- if we have to! = n H o,nd Vi,t Q < f^L> then an equilibrium cannot involve Vn,t < Vff,t = L then an Vlj = Ml for t > to; and if we have VHtto < H and Vl cannot involve Vn,t = /% and/or Vi < \x L for t > to. fJ- Vj,,to P-h and/or equilibrium <t We will VL,ta = Uli Proof. prove that and ^ en t > to. The other if in the neighborhood of (n ss an equilibrium cannot involve cases are analogous. 37 ss , ,\ ), we have VH<t = H [i and Vn,t Vj,,t — Hh < Hl f° r , Suppose to obtain a contradiction that where Vi = \i < Hl First, Vi,t' VLi t< = have Case T h by (i.e., for all t' > we write 2: = Vl,t > the case and denote the last instance We 0. and second, there t, Vl# < P>l f° r alii' equilibrium path will converge to the Case f° r £ is need to distinguish two cases. > exists T" t, such that we again fi£. the fact that 1: < Pl Vl,t+e this t contradicts the hypothesis that the BGP. Vl,t as follows: exp / > - ( r{nv )dv / (n T ) dr ir L J = exp / - I n L (n T ) dr r{n v )dv / + exp j — dr r (n T ) / J where the equality exploits the exp / f - r{nv )du / i\ by hypothesis fact that have, again by hypothesis, that Vl,t — Md L (n T ) dr = Vl,t' — Ml- Moreover, . all r 6 r G for all we also I - exp 1 - I / r (n T ) dr /i L . (41) But then from Lemma 5, this implies fir > Lemma 1, 7T£,(n T > 7T£,(n ss for — M# < instability result in [T, T"]. Moreover, since Vh, t [T, T']. , J Suppose next that n^ > n ss By the and thus n T > n L which implies J S3 /z J ) ) an<^ Vl,t Mli we a^ so nave that for all r6[r,n r (nr ) , !E*Jfe) > 2£fit) > f£&3 Mh Ml Ml where the second inequality again follows from nT > n ss exp / for all r ( - / G [T,T']. r(n v )dv Lemma = 1 r (n -) in view of the fact that But then, 7r L (n r ) dr < / exp I — 7 r(nv )dv J < f 1 - exp I / j r{n T )dT [T, T'\. This inequality contradicts thus nT < n ss for all r G [T,T'}. < r (n (n ss ) j ss ) L , for all r G (41). Suppose instead that n T < n ss By the . fact that r (n r ) TTx, J /i J where the second inequality follows from the dr instability result in Lemma Moreover, by the same reasoning 38 5, nT < for all r G and [T,T'], ss ^h^t) > ^H{n ) and \'h,t = expf-/ / < since Vl, t m Ml; ( n r) = 0- + m{nv )) dv {r{n v ) Therefore, ir J exp - I r(n u )dv / 7r# (n T ) H (nT ) dr - + exp dr r(n T )dT / \x J But since for r 6 all first term in (42) contradicts Vh,t Lemmas — is in /i H view of = —/% strictly greater > - Ms than ( 1 — exp — ft r (n T ) dr [ fi J 2-6 establish the results of the Proposition. In particular, or 5, ruled out by VL < or fi L . BGP, then Lemmas H and thus 6. Lemmas 5 ss t to switch to a regime where Vjj If we have Vh < Hh or < fi < Ml n Vi, ' H or VL < fi L , which 2-4 imply that there exists a unique path converging to the We Proof of Lemma BGP. 5 take a linear approximation of the dynamical system (40) around (n £ ~ Fx ss (x ,n ss )-( X -X ss ) + Fn(x ss ,n ss )-(n-n ss ) A. 2 ~ G x X ss n ss ) , ( • ( ss X- X ) + Gn ss ( X , n ss ) • (n - n»°) where subscripts denote partial derivatives and x p, F{x,n) _ = r{n)-p G( X ,n) a / v y ( n ~ Mjg (n)n-x ) , (l^)yJ^A- m {n)(l + il-n)^ \ n J nH V mm is the neighborhood of the This completes the proof of the Proposition. 6.5 and ^ n in the neighborhood of the BGP we must have Vh — Hh an d Vl = Ml; either we diverge from the BGP n If we have Lemma J m M#- 6 imply that starting at VH < (42) . [T, T'\ r (n T ) the H Mh ss , x ss ' ) implying that: Fxix , = -L >0,G x n) ( x ,n ) = -(^f)±< = Solving for the schedules such that, respectively, \ X(n)lx=o X (n) U=o and n = = y(ji)-ti L m(n)n-fj, H {r(n)-p) = V in) - // L m (n) n - u H m (n) . yields: n ,1-n with slopes: ,, Fn ,, Suppose there were converging to (n ss , would be negative. x ( x ",n") -j^^) *<"^=° = ss We show that = Fx A2 1 this ss ( is impossible and that under the sufficient con- both eigenvalues must be X ,n ss by Ai and + Gn ) ss ix ,n A2. positive. Let the We know two eigenvalues that ss ) The following inequality holds Fn Fx Hence, A x both innovation and standardization = Fx (xss ,n°°)-Gn (xa3 ,nsa )-Fn (x aa ,n ss )-Gx (xa3 ,n aa ). Ai-A 2 Claim . ) Then, either one or both eigenvalues of the linearized system ) of the linearized system be denoted + G„(x",~") =„„„ 0x(x trajectories featuring ditions of the Proposition Ai X-(n)U=. «"" • A2 ss ix ,n ss ) ss x \n < s ( ) G n X ss ,n ss G x ix ss ,n°°)' ( ) > We need to show that x' {n ss x =o < x' {n ss |n=o- Define A(n) = x in) x =o — max > X n |n=o = pH m n {t~h) ~ Ph r n — P)- We know that m (n) = for n > n n ss Thus, at n = n max we have: Proof. ) ) i ( ) ( ( ) \ \ ) . A (n max = -pH ) (r (n) - p) = -u H ( V by Assumption 1. Next, recall that at n mm 40 ^ = -~^ we Ph - p) < 1 have y (n) = H + L, m (n) = H+L f-i- - ±) A and r (n) 3±k. Thus: H+L min v , = e by Assumption x{ X nSS Moreover, we know that n ss 2. Since >X n ( we know that A r A2 > 0, has two positive eigenvalues and be written in W Gn U= = - (n) e [tiith + where A (n) = ?t# (n) n (1 The condition Xi {x ss + A2 > can ,n™) — n) t\l us and (n)] is first dA n is m (n) tt«(") T L (n) f*H VL = + "Ml 1-n'/*a T^hKn, + 1 dn \ith For p r -* 0, in T^r^. c(l-n) ^ H Thus: the ' (n) BGP we have 9A n 9n > maximum nL {n) e (n) n2 ^H H (1 sufficient condition for x' ( n) /Lijj n) |n=o e-1 e {n) + /j„ n] > n min for n £ — 0. > Using (nji* |n=0- A (n) • that the factor corresponds to (it [n min ,n*] is 1 e 1 (1-n) 41 \^h (n) - pH 1 e- € (I then — (n) H + €-- + e 1 kl 2 and #dn (-M Vir (n)!) 71 he n x We know - n) (l £ > into [th («) at n* Thus, ^n = e-1 Ml — be upward sloping a sufficient 0: nH n fig consider the case where p n ^^ = that the locus n g characterized in Section 2.7). > (43) l-nj ( be satisfied BGP. Let 1 1 condition for x' («)i„=o A . FX (X Gx Xss ,n**) > inverted U-shaped, with a is maximum dn x =o S =y(n)-m (n) X ( n ) k=o the \ therefore unstable. s Gx a neighborhood of the = = < X ( n ) U=o for all n > n ss m establishes that the system Ax + A 2 > and x ( n ) showing that is lx=o Then, by the intermediate value theorem, . ss (x sufficient condition for (43) to y (n) ss Thus, x (^ ss ) unique. is as: X A n n < n |n=o f°r all ) Ml/ VMff )\n=o for a unique value of (n) \x=o /# + L V ^l 1\, I f z/fi ^ —n J pL = d dn +- *l [n \tt h (n) — ^tt^t- Mw Ml t ir H (n) (l-n)n 1 J 1 —n Finally, note that in the ^\ BGP = &-n = ^r?i = -> ** : (±=%h) Thus, n. the sufficient condition become: 1 e-1 1 - + e -- —, n Since this expression is (1 e fl-n,\ + c — ( h n n) we only need increasing in n, n ) >0 to verify that positive at it is £-1 Timin- At n m m we have (^p/i) = ' - e-1 = h/ (1 + n > Finally, for n ( From equations n'H (n) (16) 7r# (n) Substituting _ T« 7r ff and (n)}~T ~ [y 0. (44) yields (28) in the text. /i) ( n ) , (n) — 1 &4 n <9nA 1 n _ f , \1 ~ n / ^hX ( n ) k=o (17): 1_ l[y(n)]^ n e e — 1 _ +n> n) e (1 n*, rewrite the necessary condition as: n ) U=o x( n )|n=o x' —e-1 — 1 +e--+ e Substituting n min and the condition becomes: 1 (1 — / H\^ l[y(n)]^ / \ n e / e H~ — 1 \1 I \ ^' — n/ n) 7 L~ + 1) i tt^ (n) (I-")" 1 < + n *H{n) + ( _^)i h'-r" n'<- into this expression, 1 ne we have 1 1 e (e - \ This implies that using the fact that in +(T^r) BGP ^44 = ^n, Thus, a sufficient condition for x' ( n ) £i + f f-l+ " ^ t ~1 e(l-n) l-^ + n.+ The LHS at n*, it is increasing in n, the will also be satisfied be verified that condition (45) ficient to f — ~ir lV ^§^jb; > 777^ 1 ^ 1— n |n=o > +^a ^ sufficient for x' (n) |n=o we obtain that 1 Now 0. 1 - ^+n+ e. i 1 1+fe) decreasing. Thus, if always satisfied when i fc (A5) ^ this condition for higher values of n. Since n* is > i s: e(«-l) is A (n) = __J Mt. e RHS is ' > is satisfied 1/2 (see (32)), it can sum, is suf- (44) holds. In (44) prove that the dynamical system with both innovation and standardization 42 is locally unstable in the limit for p < p for some p > where p — 0. By continuity, the same result applies sufficiently small. References [1] "Why Do New Technologies Complement Skills? DiChange and Wage Inequality" Quarterly Journal of Economics Acemoglu, Daron (1998), rected Technical 113, 1055-1090. [2] Acemoglu, Daron (2002), "Directed Technical Change," Review of Economic Studies, 69, 781-809. [3] Acemoglu Daron (2003), "Patterns of Skill Premia," Review of Economic Studies, 70, 199-230. [4] Acemoglu, Daron (2005). "Modeling Inefficient Economic Institutions," in Ad- vances in Economic Thoery, Proceedings of 2005 World Congress. [5] Acemoglu, Daron (2009), Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press. 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