Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/assortativematchOOshim ) HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics ASSORTATIVE MATCHING AND SEARCH Robert Shinier Lones Smith No. 97-2 March, 1997 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS ASSORTATIVE MATCHING AND SEARCH Robert Shinier Lones Smith No. 97-2 March, 1997 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 021329 i .«« (I Assortative Matching and Search*^ Robert Shimer* Department of Lones Smith§ Department Economics Princeton University of Economics M.I.T. February, 1996 Abstract This paper reprises Becker's (1973) neoclassical marriage market model, assuming search agents with types and frictions: xGK; match utility is transferable; We There is a continuum of heterogeneous (x, y) yields flow foregone output is output f(x, y) = f(y, x), the only cost of search. characterize equilibrium and constrained efficient matchings, and prove equilibrium existence. Becker's benchmark We then compare matching patterns with frictionless allocation, where positively or negatively complements or substi- assortative matching arises as agents' types are tutes in production. We formalize a notion of assortative- matching with search frictions in the spirit of affiliation, and demonstrate that Becker's 2 f(x,y) = (x + y) produces highly nonassortative matching. Fortunately, we prove that assortative match- condition no longer suffices -- e.g. ing does extend to both search settings type distributions - - - - for all search frictions and under stronger assumptions: supermodularity of not just /, but also log/x and \ogfxy Examples illustrate the necessity of these conditions. We show that our assortative matching notion . in fact implies that everyone matches with a convex set of types; as a biproduct, this paper also provides a theory of convex matching *We sets. Chang (M.I.T. Math Dept.) for detecting a serious flaw in a key spending the time to outline a fix for it. We wish to thank Daron Acemoglu, Susan Athey, Peter Diamond, Bart Lipman, Andreu MasColell, Andrew McLennan, and Charles Wilson provided useful comments on this paper or its prequel, as well as participants at the MIT Theory proof, are grateful to Sheldon and for Lunch, and seminars at NYU and Princeton. We have also benefited from frequent help received via sci. math. research. Marcos Chamon provided valuable simulations assistance. tThis paper answers questions originally posed in a 1994 version of our mimeo "Matching, Search, and Heterogeneity." That unfinished work now focuses on a host of macro topics, such as the cross-sectional nature of search inefficiency, and has a more general model than this one, which is honed for a micro audience. * e-mail address: §e-mail address: shimer@princeton.edu lones@lones.mit.edu in some respects INTRODUCTION 1. we In this paper, revisit matching literature frictions. We what is arguably the classic insight of the neoclassical — when assortative matching geneous agents with characteristics x flow return of a in [0, 1], There who can match between agents x and y production function -- for instance, f{x,y) must search in a setting with search consider a simple model of synergistic matching inspired by Becker's (1973) seminal analysis of the marriage market. ric — arises for partners, is = is a continuum of hetero- The only produce in pairs: f(x,y), where / Everyone xy. is is a symmet- impatient and with potential matches arriving at a Poisson hazard rate. Matching precludes further search. Everyone seeks to maximize the present value of her future payoffs, and we ask who agrees match with to whom in a Such matching decisions turn on how the match output state. dynamic steady Smith shared. is (1996) considers exogenous sharing rules, as he studies the model where utility not transferable (NTU). This paper instead posits transferable We put first study search equilibrium (TU). — the decentralized solution when match out- shared according to the Nash bargaining is utility is rule. We provide what we believe to be the first general proof of existence of such an equilibrium with heterogeneous types. 1 It is of independent value, as point recipe for application elsewhere strategies to measures of since search is costly, matching with maximized. As a - - especially the key continuous agents. and the decision either. We unmatched parses the logical argument into a three it of There are externalities map from in equilibrium, two agents to match precludes others from result, the present value of output in the economy not is therefore next examine the constrained efficient outcome. Here, matching decisions are made by a social planner seeking to all maximize the present value of output, but unable to circumvent the search frictions faced by individuals. The central theme of this paper, and our most innovative contribution, is that the equilibrium and constrained optimal matching outcomes are united by important cross-sectional structure. To introduce core allocation of a frictionless market: output (namely, fxy > assortative matching. 0), As this, recall If But main insight into the types are complementary to the match then other things equal, agents should engage in positively usual, search frictions create temporal thus an acceptable match need not be an ideal one. l Becker's Still, see the text for a discussion of other special case proofs. matching rents, and the ease with which Becker derives his result suggests that there might be a simple extension of this neoclassical insight to a with model with search who others all Namely, agents might be willing to match frictions: are not too different than themselves. we In this paper, we demonstrate the negative dispel any hopes of such a free lunch. Instead, result that for an open class of complementarity production functions, individuals match with types who are only be willing to example is Fortunately, We it all is find a simple arises for matching is = afforded by the production function f(x,y) matching pattern, depicted not in An quite different. Figure 2 (page 16), is (x + first may especially salient 2 y) The . resulting no way assortative. in Assortative matching does extend to a search setting. lost: open subclass of complementary production functions any search frictions or type also quite natural, and Our distributions. essentially asks that for which definition of assortative matching sets be affiliated. For types in R, this asks that any two agreeable matches can be severed, and then the As testimony greater two and lesser two types agreeably rematched. of this notion, we show that it to the richness matches with a convex in fact implies that everyone set of types in R. This paper therefore also simultaneously provides a theory of convex matching We sets. research program, consider this an interesting application of the supermodularity 2 insofar as one production function (as and must combine super/sub-modularity of in Becker) (Hi) log cross partial derivative and also of (22) its logfxy The . (2) the log marginal product log /a, latter condition implies a key single crossing property of matching preferences. We use these assumptions to prove that any individual z has a quasiconcave match surplus function s(z,y) unmatched option it is = f[z,y) — w(z) — w(y), where w(y) value. This immediately produces convex matching is the type y's sets, and then simply a matter of orienting whether matching sets are increasing or decreasing by Becker's condition In fact, since one's current value (2). on future surplus, or w(z) = k J max(0, mass of unmatched type-y agents u(y) our descriptive theory is that it is f(z, y) — w(z) — is essentially an option w(y))u(y)dy, where the unaffected by a single agent, one view of exclusively develops and exploits the properties of such implicit integral equations. For an intuitive overview of the quasiconcavity search frictions so severe that any entails 2 A match is logic, think of an economy with acceptable. Surplus quasiconcavity comparing derivatives fy (z,y) and w'(y). The time cost of search renders good reference will be Athey, Milgrom, and Roberts (1996). 7 < w'(y) a multiple Thus, the slope of = positive for z > /y(l>y) 1, and thus > fy( x ,y) surplus function z's unmatched agents x of the expectation over 1 l's — jEx fy (x,y). Under fy (z,y) is surplus function is this (i), is quasiconcave, simply because So by continuity, the lIy{ x iV) f° r a ^ £• of fy (x,y). frictionless logic of Becker's result carries through for 'high' types with search frictions. at the opposite extreme 2 But are incomparable under jfy (x,y) it as 1/7 is this 0, argument alone. Here (i) guarantees that fy (x,y)/fy (0,y) jEx fy (x,y) > = is nondecreasing > Ex (fy (x, y)/fy (0, y)), we where in y. given = Ex fy (x,y), Loosely, this guarantees that everyone function is quasiconcave implies s y (z, y') < i.e. rewriting fy (0,y) quasiconcave. > for y' y. falling after is by x fy {x,y). = s y (z,y) by In other words, the marginal product fy (z, y) adjusts the SCP, this holds at (if everyone matches), 5, we all we TU z as z, given the definition of are aware that considers matching in a is > < z z. search That paper does not touch Sattinger (1995). in the traditional frictionless literature, as well as existence of a search equilibrium. In section and true at 0, on our most striking findings -- the link with models erature. is = w'(y')/w'(y) = model with ex ante heterogeneity matching and so z, < fy (z,y)-"/Ex fy (x,y) > fy (z,y)-Ex fy (x,y) that y. = s y (z,y) false for types z The only other paper > for all y' is (i), Again, (SCP): For a our quasiconcavity premise Finally, (ii). By is (ii). any extremum: than the expected marginal product, or fy (z,y')/fy (z,y) Ex fy (x,y')/ — either a 'high' or 'low' type. For z's surplus is her surplus if < Ex fy (x,y') then fy (z,y') proportionately less than the marginal value w'(y), and so less into play, for (Hi) to prove a crucial single-crossing property z solves fy (z,y) y, if Then have quasiconcave surplus functions under 'low' types we use Finally, comes (ii) see that 0's surplus function increasing for low partners y and decreasing for large y, by continuity, because fy (0,y) and fails, 2, we summarize the Our model with define relevant results of the frictionless matching search frictions and characterize search we ask who matches with whom. We conditions with some described in section equilibria first vex equilibrium and optimal matching is and 3. lit- In sections 4 social optima. In section 6, derive the conditions that guarantee con- sets. illustrative examples. We establish the necessity of our new This sets the stage for us to define and explore (both positively and negatively) assortative matching. Section 7 establishes the existence of a steady state equilibrium. We appendicize the less intuitive proofs. THE FRICTIONLESS MATCHING MODEL 2. Consider a frictionless matching model, with an atomless continuum of agents. our economy Everyone in x 6 An [0, 1]. indexed by her publicly observable type, a number is agent's type is fixed, and determines her productivity while matched. Normalize the mass of agents to unity, and i-> [0,1] The fraction/mass [0,1]. assume throughout that L is let most y of agents with type at differentiable, L the distribution of types be We L(y). is : with Borel measurable type density I. existence proof alone also requires that I be boundedly finite and positive: The < L < < £{ x ) ^ < oo for all x. One view of our set-up is that there is implicitly a continuum of every type of agent, with individuals belonging to the graph [0, 1], <i< When £{x)}, where i is two individuals of types x and y shall later AO need to is — agents x and y — are matched together, purely a function of their types, / refer collectively to a set of and twice when x, y > 0. It is also is strictly = symmetric, or f(x, y) differentiable with a uniformly bounded : [0, l] 2 i-> R. assumptions: (Regularity Conditions). The -production function f strictly positive G an index number of the type x agent. they produce a flow output that We {(x, i)\x increasing and f(y, x), continuous, first partial derivative. 3 Thus, everyone prefers to be matched with someone rather than to be unmatched, and, everything else equal, prefers to be matched with higher types of agents. In the core allocation, wages allocate the scarce resource, tivity agents. When namely high produc- does positively assortative matching or self-preference obtain, where everyone matches exclusively with others of the same type? dition is Al-Sup f sufficient con- that characteristics be complementary inputs in the production function: (Strict Supermodularity). The own marginal product increasing in her partner's type. is strictly supermodular in the positive quadrant: fxy {x,y) Al-Sup of any agent x > Equivalently, the production function is strictly If A > when x,y > 0. obtains, then high productivity agents enjoy the highest marginal product when they are matched with other high productivity agents. In the core allocation, matching must be (almost surely) positively assortative. To see this, simply note that any allocation in which some positive measure of agents of type x match with agents 3 More of type y exactly, this follows ^ x admits a simple Pareto-improvement. from continuity of the first partials, If we and compactness of reassign [0, 1]. such agents to another of her all 2f(x,y) whenever x own + type, output rises, since f(x,x) > f(y,y) y given Al-Sup. So the unique value-maximizing allocation ^ entails assortative matching, with everyone just matching with own his type. Constructing an equilibrium with positively assortative matching provides a useful benchmark symmetry every type x, = her match: w°(x) = s°(x,y) f(x,y) f(x,x)/2. sum 4( x since / an increase is > y) = fy( x y) _ > symmetric. like So y. it is f*(y> y)/ 2 is Al-Sub (Strict Under Al-Sub, the + L(y(x)) = is social = A( x ' y) - fy (x,y) ^ fy {y,y) with maximum all fv(y> y) as x ^ y, i.e. for a when matched with value and coincides with the matching model when the marginal own marginal product agent's optimum and unique is < y2 . It follows that + if strictly is decreasing submodular: fxy < 0. core allocation entails negatively Each agent x matches with her y\ socially optimal allocation. a decreasing function of her partner's type. For by Al-Sub, f(x 1 ,y2 ) 1. whenever x\ < x 2 and Z4, fv(y> y)l 2 Or, the production function f assortative matching: < negative for increasing or decreasing in her partner's type y as Submodularity). An in her partner's type. zj, is type yields marginal surplus equal to result obtains in the frictionless productivity of an agent L(x) the output of a partnership Hence, under Al-Sup, the unique equilibrium of this model has partner x. symmetric ~ obtains, then strictly quasi-concave, positively assortative matching, A define for later use the surplus function for x: in her partner's Al-Sup If given x, the surplus function a We of the wages of the two partners. If this x, For a given ^ 4 then we have constructed market wages to decentralize this allocation. j^ y, x 'wage' w°(x) for requires that each agent receive half of the output from — w°(x) — w°(y) measures how much with y exceeds the x With a market remainder of this paper. for the 'opposite' type y(x), f(x 2 ,yi) > f(xi,yi) + there are four agents, z\ where /(ar 2 ,I/a) < z2 < the allocation in which z\ and z$ are matched and z2 and z$ are matched, Pareto dominates the two other possible allocations in which these four agents match in pairs. As before, we can prove the existence of the required core allocation by demonstrating that the surplus function for each agent x function of her partner's type, achieving 'The its is a strictly quasi-concave maximum when superscript denotes 'zero search frictions'. her partner is y(x). Remark Throughout the paper, we 1. shall generally maintain either Al-Sup or Al-Sub. This excludes, for instance, the knife-edge case of additivity, where the of an agent own marginal product p( x ) _(- g(y) and : for example, f(x,y) is efficient. = max(x 2 y, xy 2 is Also excluded are production not monotonic in partner's type --as Kremer and Maskin ) — for 5 (1995) exploit. A MODEL OF MATCHING WITH SEARCH 3. In this section, with search agents if which any allocation own marginal product functions for which = independent of her partner's type, f(x,y) is is we develop a continuous time, As per frictions. time-consuming process. agent x uses a rule like 'only 6 unmatched. that finding and meeting other Crucially, with an atomless match with a type y surely never match. Rather, everyone * Action Sets. mean usual, frictions horizon model of matching infinite At any instant continuum of agents, agent', then she will almost must be willing to match with in continuous time, one Only the unmatched engage in (costless) is sets of agents. matched either new search for a or partner. When two unmatched agents meet, their types are perfectly observable to each other. Either may and remains so is Remark > 0, i.e. after both approve, consummated it is St an elapse time oft with chance e~ . At the moment destroyed, both agents instantaneously re-enter the pool of searchers. 2. In steady state, a match that sustain; therefore, to simplify our analysis, Remark If until nature destroys the match. This event occurs with a constant flow probability 5 the match veto the proposed match. 3. Match dissolutions is is profitable to accept we disallow match quits. one way to maintain a steady-state. instead assume an inflow of entrants, and that matches are eternal. moot for the descriptive theory, * Preferences. but profitable to is is standard in the TU matching One Our could choice is literature. Agents maximize their lifetime expected present discounted > payoffs, using the interest rate r benchmark specified later), as the 0. We assume transferable frictionless utility model Becker (1973) is (in TU a sense and not For such production functions, matching sets are not convex; some agent may be willing to match either with y x or y 3 yet unwilling to pair up with y 2 G (2/1,2/3)- This provides a foretaste of section 6, where we establish that convexity and assortative matching are kindred concepts. 5 , 6 See, for instance, Diamond (1982), Mortensen (1982), and Pissarides (1990). NTU. As income of x when matched with y comes from an endoge- such, the flow nously determined payoff ix(x\y). These payoffs derive from the output of a match, + so that ir(x\y) = 7r(y|x) f(x,y) for Unmatched Agents and * function, Our i.e. Jx u(x)dx is x and all Search. y. Unmatched agents earn nothing. < Let u be the unmatched density £ the mass of unmatched agents with types x G search frictions are captured by the following simple story. Were X it C [0, 1]. possible, an unmatched individual would meet another unmatched or matched agent according to a Poisson process with constant rendezvous rate p meet someone who technically infeasible to the other individual is already matched is |/e7C [0, 1] is Our the mass of those unmatched in Y. Y with whom x same type employ the same strategy A --or in direct is presumed equivalently, is is proportion to beyond in section 8. steady state strategy A(x) for agent x G set of agents state of this model, it is cross-sectional results extend well we underscore this (quadratic) search technology, as measurable But p fy u(y)dy. Simply put, the rate at which one meets others with types in any subset A 0. already engaged, and so misses any meeting. Thus, the flow probability that agent x meets any * Strategies. > willing to match. 7 [0, 1] (That specifies a Borel all agents of the follows from our later analysis.) In the steady time-invariant 8 and depends only on the unmatched density function u, the payoff-relevant state variable. Next define an agent's matching M(x) who = A(x)D{y x G A(y)}, the | match with are willing to (and so by symmetry, iff match indicator function * Steady State. matches for every agents x G [0,1] flow probability pu(x) fM ( x) is 5. x. set of types y A match = (x, y) is whom x also identify each 1 if y G M.(x) and type of agent must exactly balance. — The willing to match, mutually agreeable In steady state, the flow creation i(x) is We x G M(y)). a: a(x, y) with matching iff y G set - = M(x) with its and flow destruction of The density of matched u(x); these agents' matches exogenously dissolve with flow of matches created by u(x)) and otherwise. unmatched agents of type x u(y) dy. Putting this together, in steady state for any type x G 5{l(x) set, pu(x) /M(x) u(y) dy = pu(x) /„* a(x, y)u(y) dy is [0, 1], (1) We can express strategies as acceptance sets given an atomless type distribution. With type atoms, equilibrium existence demands mixed strategies: either probabilistic matching or quitting. 7 8 WLOG, we restrict attention to stationary sets. Since no single agent can affect an alternative acceptance set is optimal at acceptance any future state of the economy through her choices, time t it remains optimal at time t + s. if THE DECENTRALIZED ECONOMY 4. We now characterize the steady state search equilibria (SE) of this model. equilibrium requires that Search everyone maximizes her present discounted payoffs, (i) a match consummated both parties taking all other strategies as given, and accept it. Yet this criterion has insufficient cutting power. For example, (ii) is iff if everyone chooses to match with no one, then no one has a strict incentive to deviate. This outcome does not seem sensible to us, as So we also strategy 'trembles' by others. doesn't survive the possibility of small it insist that everyone also choose a best response to any possible strategy one might face at any moment. Equivalently, in a SE all matches with strictly positive 1 (ii ) mutual gains are accepted. 4.1 Search Equilibrium Let w(x) denote the expected average present value for an • Value Equations. unmatched agent x, 9 assuming x maximizes her expected present value. Similarly, w(x\y) be the expected average present value for x while matched with let SE by solve for a defining the implicit equations solved by these While unmatched, x earns nothing, but at flow rate p Bellman M (i) u(y)cfa/, - J" , x = f p w(x\y) — -±-^ she meets 5, x enjoys a flow payoff her match is 7r(a;|y) n(x\y) - S(w{x\y) can eliminate w(x\y) from equations for w(x) as a function of the equilibrium payoffs / X w(x)=p f (2) and The average unmatched value is y. - w{x))/r (3), , n . (2) With — flow probability w(x)) jr. Hence, (3) and obtain a simple expression tt(x\-). — W (X) n( X \y) ' , w , when matched with We Here, . —u(y)dy destroyed, and she suffers a capital loss (w(x\y) w (x\y) = 9 . jr. r JM(x) Similarly, w(x) We values. and matches with some y € M(x), enjoying a capital gain (w(x\y) - w(x)) w{x) y. x I \ 7 u(y)dy (A\ (4) of x equals the rate that x finds matches times the analogous to the frictionless wage schedule w°. expected discounted present value of the capital gain over her unmatched value - where discounting incorporates both impatience and match impermanence. * Acceptance any match that increases one's In a SE, one accepts Sets. expected present value. ( => ^ w(x) w(x\y) I (5) (y<£A(x) In the borderline case w(x\y) -k = Wage Determination. since match output generally positive: w(x), y G A(x) is neither necessary nor precluded. Search frictions create temporal bilateral monopoly, the agents' outside options less match surplus s(x,y) = f(x,y) their (i.e. unmatched — w(x) — w(y) > values), is This shifts 0. the question of wage determination into the realm of bargaining theory. We abstain from innovating on this front, and simply follow a more recently Pissarides (1990), in number of authors, assuming the Nash bargaining solution, 10 i.e. the instantaneous match surplus -- the excess of wages over average unmatched values (w(x\y) + w(y\x)) - (w(x) + w(y)) w(x\y) So by the optimality condition in the borderline case w(x\y) M(x) — is - w(x) = w(y\x) (5), this yields — w(x) = - w{y) y G A(x) w(y\x) satisfies (6) iff - w(y) = x E A(y), except possibly 0. By definition, A(x) and coincide, except possibly in this borderline case. The definition of w{x\y) schedule from asset value equation Since the payoffs must somehow - w(x) = and the Nash bargaining n(x\y) = ir(y\x) (7) w{x) + \(f{x,y) - w(x) is + 7r(y|x) = schedule: w(y)) (8) equal to her flow value from being half the flow surplus produced by the match. To describe the equilibrium, observe that • Synthesis. Tr(x\y) w(y) Nash bargaining payoff In other words, the flow payoff for an agent x unmatched plus - divide the output of the match, Tr(x\y) f(x,y), and so (7) yields the equivalent w(x) as (3) (6) yield 7r(x\y) 10 The wage schedule divided equally. ^ w(x), while (8) says n(x\y) ^ w(x) (3) implies that w(x\y) as f{x,y) — w(x) — w(y) ^ ^ 0. See Coles and Wright (1994) for the microfoundations of Nash bargaining in dynamic settings. 0.6 0.4 0.2 Figure f(x,y) 1: = Equilibrium Matching Sets. This depicts the equilibrium — 50r, 5 = r/2, and a uniform distribution of agents. xy, with p y e M(x), then the point (x,y) Combining this with is shaded in the graph. mutual optimality condition. (5) yields the where we have used the fact that y = f(x,y) p A SE may whom (the (10) density it); and Proposition (Hi) M(x) is an implicit system well-defined, even — w(x) — w(y) = M); sets (ii) the + (w,M,u) where: w unmatched values: u(y) dy (10) 5) though we have not specified whether 0. by specifying: mass of each how much everyone's time is (i) who is matching with type searching (the unmatched worth (the unmatched value w). (SE Characterization). A SE can 1 for -w(x) -w(y) intuitively be fully described matching y £ (9) 2(r M(x) y G M(x) when f(x, y) M(x) e A(x) and x € A(y) implies y e M(x). (8) into (4) yields w(x) Note that equation y e -w(x) -w{y) ^ f(x,y) Next, substituting matching sets for x e M(y) and If be solves the implicit system (10), given represented as a triple (M, it); M meets the opti- mality condition (9) given w; and u solves the steady state equation (1) given Example. Figure 1 M. graphically depicts the equilibrium matching sets for the production function f(x,y) = xy as well as a particular choice of search frictions, impatience, and type distribution. Since this production function satisfies Al-Sup, in the frictionless M(x) = {x}. benchmark agents are only willing to As one might expect, with search 10 match with frictions, their everyone is own type, willing to accept a range of possible partners. In section 6 we find conditions on the production function that ensure equilibrium matching sets have approximately this shape. Value Function 4.2 Properties of the Before proceeding, we must Our first some basic properties derive analysis throughout the paper repeatedly applies the following inequality: Observation. For any agent x and any > p •»(*) If this (?) of the value function. set MC [0. 1], *(v) dy j^j /u (ID } were not true, then the implicit equation (10) would yield a y such that either y e M(x), y £ f(x,y) — Lemma w(x) 1 — M. and > w(y) - f(x.y) 0. - w(x) w(y) < 0, or Either possibility contradicts (Monotonicity). Given A0. Intuitively, since higher agents are the value y i M(x), y G (tt) (9). w> is This leads us to mcreasing in a SE. always more productive than lower agents, they can simply imitate the matching decision of lower agents and do better. optimize, they will do The still logic underlying The appendicized proof formalizes better. M, and monotonicity also buttresses continuity: this If they argument. Anyone can do almost as well as a slightly more productive agent, simply by imitating her matching decision. Consequently, the value function cannot Lemma 2 (Continuity). Given A0 ; jump, as proven the value function w is continuous in a SE. U We often refer to the derivative of the unmatched value function. Lemma 3 (Differentiability). Given A0, the value function tiable in a SE, and its derivative , M W{X) Monotonic functions are from Lemma 1. When formula for w'(x) 11 is is a.e. w This is a.e. U x ^)<y) dy + S)+pJM{x) u(y)dy a.e. differentiable, the matching set is and so the first justified: differen- . . [ ^ part of the claim follows (suitably) differentiable in x, the resulting a straightforward application of the Fundamental The appendicized proof is given by: pki{ X) 2(r in the appendix. actually establishes that 11 w is Lipschitz. Theorem of Calculus: surplus vanishes all along the we can safely ignore the effect differentiate (10) argues that (i) on w'(x) of changes under the integral this logic valid is still its own right, we matching in the set; therefore, set, sets are merely continuous and both these conditions hold {ii) is and simply appendicized proof carefully difficult when matching Using these lemmata, existence of SE an important in The sign. the value function Lipschitz at x. and is boundary of the matching a.e. in x. proved. For expositional ease, and as defer analysis of this complex it issue to section 7. CONSTRAINED EFFICIENT MATCHING 5. In this section, constrained we investigate dynamic steady states where matching decisions are Everyone matches so as to maximize the global present efficient: counted value of output, rather than her own personal value. a hypothetical social planner who is entrusted with all It matching dis- helps to introduce decisions. True to our stated goal, we assume that the planner cannot bypass the search frictions that We render matching opportunities infrequent. look for a stationary social optimum (SO), the steady state of the optimal dynamic program of a constrained planner. We characterize necessary conditions for a SO, deviations from steady states. That isting matches, or (ii) to is. fathom, that for any we do not allow the planner model and strategy space, and But they sidestep a very deep spirit. by considering only stationary employ nonstationary match acceptance provisos are required by our initial condition, issue: It is 12 ii) to destroy ex- strategies. reflect our steady-state theoretically possible, a nonstationary policy may These if hard to beat any station- ary one the planner could devise. To establish a steady state SE. we safely ignored nonstationary deviations, as no single agent could affect the future course of the decentralized economy; since a social planner most certainly can affect the future, this is no longer WLOG, and stationary SO existence Let M*(x) denote the set of By agent x. construction, y optimal matching 12 set. and let all agents G M*(x) a* be its iff whom problematic. 13 much more is the social planner lets match with x e M*(y). We will call indicator function: a* (or, y) M*(-) an agent's = 1 iff a: G M*(y). analogous to the modified golden rule in the economic growth literature. The golden is the planner's best steady state if she can, at an initial time, costlessly jump to her prefered steady state, at which she must remain. The two notions coincide for an infinitely patient planner (r = 0), since the transition path is costless. This rule, 13 is by way of contrast, Shimer and Smith (1996) will address SO existence allowing for 12 all dynamic strategies. Let m matches 2 M+ h-> [0, l] : the mass of is y) S. This satisfies a steady state constraint: £ for (x, y) J5 m(x, be the density of matches, so that 6m(x,y) = pa*{x,y)u(x)u(y) (13) must equal the flow creation In steady state, the flow dissolution of matches (x, y) of such matches. Then, being careful not to double-count output, the steady state average present value of output in the economy Thus a pair (M*, value of output m; and M* m) among a is SO only if is JQ JQ the matching sets To relationship (13). economy remains solve for a with respect to and reach e, the arbitrary nature of ^=-1 m = m + efh, (a la calculus of variations) a pointwise conclusion given We fa. instead recast this as a current-valued Hamiltonian: is ( x ,y) describe the and 3im(x,y)- condition, a short-cut to placing multipliers on the constraint that the Kuhn-Tucker complementary slackness requirements. p(x, y) ^M ^ In this 'bang-bang' control, a(s y) , when the shadow value the planner will match them; (steady state) (15) As the density of - 5p(x, y) Optimality only requires that the = match of x with y is - is u(x) = £(x) p J* (a(x, z)p(x, FOC z) — JQ m(x, + positive, , z) dz, y) = 2 r P( x v)- We ' we have a(y, z)p{y, z)) u{z) dz hold almost everywhere. 13 is negative, she won't. order condition determines p: 3i m ( x unmatched agents x f(x, y) of a when the shadow value first 14 ~ ^0^1 [a(x,y) 14 We match (x,y) (again not double-counting). [0,1], reflects 2Mm (x,y) = (14) the multiplier on the steady state relationship (13), half the order conditions using the notational shortcuts 3i a first The other differentiate E f(x,y)m(x,y)+p(x,y)(pa(x,y)u(x)u(y)-6m(x,y))dxdy I planner's value of a a(x,y) € can think Jo where p(x,y)/2 first We m. at SO, we could write the planner's problem as a Lagrangian, insert e-variations on the state variables The the present maximizing the present value of output, subject to the steady state of the planner necessary M* maximize stationary matching rules, given the initial matched rates implies that the state of the ^ Jo \f(x, y)m(x, y) dxdy. assume they always (16) hold. Let v(x) = p fM ,( x) p(x, z)u(z)dz = p f ner's value of a x match we (x, z), As a(x, z)p(x, z)u(z)dz. p(x, z) is unmatched value of agent interpret v(x) as the social — namely, the flow rate at which she creates new social present value. this with 2IK m ( x ,y) = we can Combining rp(x,y) and (16) yields: p(x, y) Therefore, the plan- = -v{x)- (f{x, y) v(y))/(r + (17) 6) rewrite condition (15) as (xeM*{y) f(x,y)-v{x)-v(y)%0=>{ [x$M*{y) , with the definition of v yields an implicit equation for the social Combining (17) unmatched value: v{x) = — p r Jm*(i) — -: + o u{y)dy Proposition 2 (SO Characterization). A SO can (19) M* meets the optimality condition (18) given v; and u solves the steady state equation (1) given It 4. A may be dominated by maximum M*, triple (v, nonstationary paths; or 5. (l). 15 Then 4 (Value Properties). The strictly increasing, continuous, and v'{x) r SE v not necessarily a SO. a local, but not a global, must share the key properties of w: this may admit f < 0, SE unmatched value v social + S + pfM (Proposition in fact , {x) 5, nonnegative, u{y)dy page 27). Remark and (19). + 5 This However, this does not 4 above. only requires that f 14 is with derivative a.e. given by of a triple solving (1), (18), establish existence of a SO, as explained in While may be a.e. differentiable, we can prove the existence follows from existence of a 15 is (19) Replacing r by 2f + <5 leaves (18)-(19) identical to (9)-(10), with the same steady-state equation Also, it and M* of the planner's problem. Remark Lemma u) solving (1), (18), (v,M*,u) be represented as where: v solves the implicit system (19), given (M*,u); Remark x (18) > 0, which is still true. 6. As seen in section 2, DESCRIPTIVE THEORY supermodularity (Al-Sup) alone ensures that there positively is assortative matching without search frictions in the core allocation/social - agent x always matches with another agent not matching with one's ideal partner x. Moreover, the surplus optimum loss < increasing in the mismatch: If x is then x strictly prefers a match with y over z. from y In the frictional setting, everyone < z, still has an ideal partner, but since individuals are willing to match with sets of agents, mismatch is the rule in equilibrium or at a constrained optimum. form that this mismatch takes match with z rather is quite unpredictable. For example, x than with y G z than with another x\ Curiously, the may prefer to — and sometimes would rather match with (x, z) This significant violation of positive assortative matching motivates our new conditions on the production function. Remark sets 6. Throughout we simply this section refer to properties of matching — as they are equally true of any SE or SO. For indeed, both SE and SO have identical value properties, clarity, which drive But results reported here. all our language and notation pertain to for brevity and SE. Note that while search equilibrium depends on the exact specification of how surplus is divided within a match, SO does not suffer from this ambiguity. This section nonetheless unites these two disparate concepts, which serves as a further robustness check on our descriptive theory. 6.1 Convexity First on our agenda also agree to is convexity: If x match with y 2 6 x's surplus function s(x,y) = match with Optimality condition (2/1,2/3)? f(x,y) then the answer to this question willing to is — w(x) — w(y) is 'yes'. 16 is y\ and y 3 , (9) tells us strictly Section 2 proved that will she that quasiconcave in Al-Sup or if y, Al-Sub ensures a quasiconcave surplus function in the frictionless benchmark model. Example. tions. there With is frictions, Surprisingly, neither Al-Sup nor Al-Sub the supermodular production function f(x,y) positively assortative matching suffices = (x in the frictionless case. equilibrium matching sets are not convex. + with search 2 y) fric- in Figure 2, But with search Indeed, any x £ (0.20, 0.21) won't match with her own type, but will match both with higher and lower types. 16 see Of course, convexity may obtain even if the surplus function is not quasiconcave; however, we no general proof of convexity that does not rely on quasiconcavity. 15 0.06 0.04 0.02 -0.02 -0.04 0.4 0.2 Figure 2: Non-Convex Matching and Nonquasiconcave Surplus Function. The left panel depicts the equilibrium matching sets for f(x, y) = (x + y) 2 with p = 40r, S = r/2, and a uniform distribution of types. All points (x,y) with y £ M(x) are shaded in the graph. The equilibrium matching sets of any x £ (0.07, 0.21) are not convex. The right panel depicts the , non-quasiconcave flow surplus Also, = when f(x,y) s(0.1,j/) for all (x 2 + y) , matches with agent everyone has a strictly (quasi-)concave surplus maximum function in the frictionless benchmark, with matches with another — (x — 2 y) . up. Indeed, the wage One might imagine function in such a it x. way The example w°(x) is = when each type x surplus 2x 2 and surplus s°(x,y) = that search frictions simply reduce everyone's value as to preserve the shape of the surplus function, but shifting disproves this conjecture. are clearly not quasiconcave 6.1.1 0.1. — for instance, The x surplus functions of = 0.1 some agents has two local surplus maxima. Conditions for Convex Matching Sets Despite this example, there are restrictions on the production function / that ensure a quasiconcave surplus function, and therefore convex matching this section, we impose A2-Sup. The for all xi <x 2 A3-Sup. The for allxi for allxi or Throughout A2-Sub and A3-Sub below: production function log-supermodular: is andyi < y 2 fx (xi,yi)fx {x 2 ,y 2 ) > fx {x u y 2 )fx {x 2 ,yi). , cross partial derivative of the production function x y2 , y1 < y2 , is of the production function fx {x 1 ,y l )fx (x 2} y 2 ) x y2 , fxy {x u yi)fxy {x 2 ,y 2 ) 16 is log-submodular: < fx (x u y 2 )fx (x 2 ,yi). cross partial derivative of the production function < x 2 andy < log-supermodular: fxy {xi,yi)fxy (x 2 ,y2 ) > fxy (xi,y 2 )fxy (x 2 ,yi). first partial derivative < x 2 and A3-Sub. The A2-Sup and A3-Sup, first partial derivative of the < x 2 andy < A2-Sub. The for allx x either sets. < is log-submodular: fxy {xi,y 2 )fxy {x 2 ,yi). A2-Sup* (A2-Sub*) impose Finally, let < x 2 and xi < y\ The above assumptions j/2- fx (xi,y)/fx (x2,y) ratio independent of y is C3g(x)g(y), for some constants some constants is , true ci, c2 and , c3 fxy {x\,y)/ fX y{%2,y) iff c3 = + C\ is C\ + c 2 (g(x) and function g , and functions g , = form f(x,y) and weaker condition asks that f(x, y) slightly This c2 C\, For example, the are interrelated. — and so A2-Sup and A2-Sub both hold precisely for production functions of the - A2-Sup (A2-Sub) when strict inequality in : independent of [0,1] + g(y)) + R and c 2 (g(x) [0, 1] : i->- + g(y)) + i— R. A > c 3 h(x)h(y) for /i [0,1] : R. i-» that A3-Sup and A3-Sub y, so both obtain. Thus A2-Sup and A2-Sub jointly imply A3-Sup and A3-Sub, but not Some conversely. of the most obvious functions that one would write down, such = the Cobb-Douglas f{x,y) {xy) a , satisfy all four as weak assumptions. Proposition 3 (Convex Matching). Posit A0. Given Al-Sup, A2-Sup, and A3-Sup (a) z G (0, 1], and M(0) can be ; ; Observe Proposition 3 Proposition 3 That = f(L(x),L(y)) let iff / does. This 'units don't matter' is M(z) is convex for all is convex Vz G [0,1]. wholly independent of (monotonic transformations of) is the type distribution: For instance, L(x), and set chosen convex. With A2-Sup*, M(0) must be convex. Given Al-Sub A2-Sub, A3-Sub, M(z) (b) matching the if we label each agent x by her type's percentile f(x,y), then / satisfies any of the assumptions in is comforting, as convexity in R is scale-independent. a robustness check, suggesting that there are no weaker conditions on the production function that ensure convex matching sets. Remark 7. Extrapolating this not simply convexity, types in 6.1.2 We Rn . Since it is (convex coordinate slices), and the scale-independent extension of our theory for productive adds little to our theory, we have not pursued this complication. Proof of Convexity establish convexity of strongly quasiconcave. it is logic, biconvexity strictly so except Theorem 1 matching As seen perhaps sets by proving that surplus functions are in figure 3, a function for a flat global Given A1,A2,A3-Sup or Al,A2,A3-Sub, (b) Given also A2-Sup* or A2-Sub*, s(z,y) 17 strongly quasiconcave maximum. (Quasiconcavity). Posit A0 and (a) is fix z. s(z, y) is strongly quasiconcave in y. is strictly quasiconcave in y. if Figure D C B Quasiconcavity. The surplus function in panel A is not quasiconcave, while those B and C are quasiconcave, but have flat portions that aren't global maxima. Neither is 3: in panels strongly quasiconcave. That Al-Sup The or surplus function in panel Al-Sub D is strongly but not strictly quasiconcave. a key ingredient ensuring a quasiconcave surplus is function follows from the analysis of the frictionless model in section under Al-Sup, the slope of x's positive > x iff We y. frictionless surplus function, illustrate the 'importance' of our other 2. For example, fy (x,y) — fy (y,y), assumptions Example. f(x,y) ure = (x + y) 2, satisfies The production (Importance of A2-Sup or A2-Sub) 2 that (i.e. they are sometimes necessary conditions) through two examples now, and one is later. function which generated the non quasiconcave surplus functions in Fig- Al-Sup, A2-Sub, and both A3-Sup and A3-Sub. Similarly, for the , production function f(x, y) = x 2 +y +x+y— 2 A3-Sup and A3-Sub, the surplus function Example. (Importance of is xy satisfying Al-Sub, A2-Sup, and sometimes not quasiconcave. A2-Sup* or A2-Sub*) Consider the class of pro- = xy+c(x+y), which satisfy Al-Sup, A2-Sup, and A3-Sup, but not A2-Sup*. Putting c = x(^/o~ 2 + A8p - S)/A(r + 5), where x = JQ z t(z)dz is the mean population type, neatly yields w(x) = ex in equilibrium; thus s(x, y) = xy duction functions f(x, y) — all i.e. surplus in all Lemma sure But type x matches are weakly agreeable. matches, and 5 asserts: If the match with z as for a may elect = produces exactly zero an arbitrary nonconvex matching own-marginal product of a given type random match from some set M, is Choose any z solve fy (z, Then z is Vl ) [0,1] and subset L (x,yi)u(x) dx = Jm fv 7;; J M u(x)dx 7 uniquely defined, and for fy {z,y 2 ) G y\ all y2 > ^ M C Let [0,1]. , . (20) y\, (x,y 2 )u(x)dx < JM fy IM u x dx ( 18 M. Assume Al-Sup and A3- 5 (Single-Crossing Property). Posit AO. Sup or Al-Sub and A3-Sub. the same for a then any higher type has a lower own-marginal product from the match with z than with Lemma set. ) (21) Remark = f(x, y) 8. One can + c2 Ci verify that (21) binds for production functions of the + (g(x) + g(y)) obtain, as fxy (xi,y)/fxy (x 2 ,y) fact, (21) is reversed if c3 is h(x)h(y) -- Al-Sup and A3-Sub Next, for the formal proof of Theorem So y. Lemma 5 is quite tight; in Al-Sub and A3-Sup) both (or 1, where both A3-Sup and A3-Sub i.e. independent of we form obtain. give a convenient characterization of quasiconcave functions that are almost everywhere differentiable. Q-l. If o{y) > o{x) and o'(x) Q-2. If cr(y) > a(x) and A continuous and almost everywhere differentiable Lemma is (a) a If 6. is < 2/3, is with a(y 2 ) Lemma and and w'(y) ^ 0, Vx,y. then y ^x implies a'(x) ^ 0, Vx,y. (0,1), this and (b) strictly lemma admits < min(a(yi),a(y 3 )}. > a simple proof. > Since a{y ) ] > a(y 2 ) implies a'(y 2 ) map cr [0, 1] : — M i >- so under Q-2. Then not strictly quasiconcave but Q-2 holds. is Step surplus is For fixed defined for s y (z, y\) exists • 1. Also, s y (z,y) 2. characterization in 1: y by Lemma 6. and s(z, y 2 ) by Q-2. This Suppose, for < there exists yi a(y 2 ) and y 1 N the surplus function s(z,y) defined for Lemma Lemma 5 with yi )fy( > s(z, y r ), then , j/i is is < y 2 o'{y 2 ) , < a contradiction. w| We M = M.(yi) M dx since / continuous by A0 by A0 differentiable establish quasiconcavity using the for all z s y (z, y±) > 0, and y x < y 2 (*) enough and use z. Choose y\ pJM yi )fy( x iy^ u x dx 2 r + S)+pSmm) u [x)d { ) We show that with w'(yi) defined. differentiability ( holds: , under supermodularity. 17 ( > is is Valid For 'High' Types. for large x >yi) u ( x ) dx „ 3. a.e. y, Namely, we prove that Conclusion of (*) JM( .,_ M'^= JM So a.e. z, is strictly increasing at Define z as in Lemma 3: ^ mM l( v (on , (22) < fy (z, y^ - w'(yi) < fy (z, y x ) - to'(j/i) = s y (z, y Vz > z, by Al-Sup. Step 2: Implication (*) is Valid For 'Low' Types. Fix y 2 > y x From x ) • 17 implies a'(x) appendicize the general proof, for which a'(y2 ) need not be defined. Proof of Theorem if ^x cr'(x) is defined, on differentiable by Q-2. Similarly, a(y 3 ) We defined, then y strongly quasiconcave under Q-l, example, that a 2/2 is . For the proof of y 2 < yi => s y (z,yi) < 0, one instead shows that the premise s(z,y 2 ) > s(z,yi) high types in step 1, while the implication is valid for low types in step 2. Proofs under fails for submodularity are totally analogous. 19 the implicit equation (10) and inequality (11) /9 w(y 2 ) - w(yi) > Divide through by w'(yx) and w(y 2 ) - w( yi ) the final inequality is > = fy (z,yi) — w'(yi) > < z, so s(z, y 2 ) is 3: suppose s(z,y 2 ) = Every Type < z iff increasing in z for s y (z,yi) Step M = M(yi) in the 3. (i) integral over y' G [y x y 2 \. is its , - w(y 2) > [2/1,2/2]) yi ) Jmyi) < as well. Apply Lemma 6. Here, the key ingredient and divide through by (20). {f(x,y2) - f(x, yi ))u{x)dx M {yi )fy{.^y\)u{x)dx . < z then z < z also. So Under the basic assumptions, by If s(z,y) > whom s(z, y) > for all y, w(z) = (10), could choose a non-convex matching set yield zero surplus; even that cannot if and so for is = (2/1,2/2), alone. 1, some each agent z y, Theorem convex and z. the z Whether (ii) z 1 there matches M(z). from Lemma 1. Agent a positive mass of matches happen to happen under A2-Sup*, a strictly quasiconcave surplus function. Finally, is z 2/1 Theorem affect the convexity of by any for larger than the z associated with is the set of agents y for increasing in y, and so f{z,yi). !- with these boundary types does not < - f{z,y2 ) final inequality in (23) most two types who produce exactly zero surplus with s(z,y) < 1 ) , has a strongly quasiconcave surplus function. establishes that y lt as Either 'High' or 'Low'. satisfies inequality (23); if z Proof of Proposition yi ) numerator and denominator, and replace y2 by y 2 to get associated with that pair If f(z,y 2 )-f(z, Under A2-Sup*, the fy&Vl) are at > appropriately defined. For by A2- s(z, y{) implies s y (z, y{) is f{z,y 2 )-f(z, So z 3: fy(z,yi) & w(y s(z,2/i) 0. z, > y' A3-Sup: Integrate inequality (21) over y 2 6 Put Lemma f(x, yi ))u(x)dx true is Then • f{x,yi))u(x)dx i z, z - JM{yi) fy (x,y )u(x)dx For some such strict if from definition its ) Sup, fy (z, y')/fy (z, yi) is x '^) + 8)+pfU{n) u{x)dx 2(r Jmyi) (f(x,y 2 - > w'{yi) By A2-Sup, /m(j/1 )(/( if for then each agent has A1,A2,A3-Sub obtain, s(0,y) is trivially strictly quasiconcave. Example. (Importance of A3-Sup or A3-Sub) Finding examples of production functions associated with non-quasiconcave surplus functions obeying Al-Sub and 20 A2-Sub (or Al-Sup and A2-Sup) every type may be verify this. For instance, step increasing below is rather problematic. This difficulty arises because either 'high' or a 'low', even 1 yielded strict inequality, so the surplus function Likewise, any failure of convexity z. the center of the acceptance set, One production + 260x + 2378 - 248x + f(x,y) 2378 + 2627 - 746x Al-Sup and A2-Sup + 480xy 756y + U96xy - 248y + U96xy - 746y + 4500x|/ 756x must therefore be 260?/ 0.5 < z2 fxy (z 1 ,z l )fxy (z 2 z 2 ) , , - fxy (z u z2 f = function also does not satisfy A0, because G [0, 1/2] if (x, y) G [0, 1/2] x (1/2, S = r, equilibrium, p = all [0, 1/2] if (x, y) G (1/2, 1] x if (a;, y) G 1] x (1/2, 480 4500 it is x y) (1/2, [0, 1] 1/2] 1] A3-Sup, consider any - 1496 2 = -78016 < not differentiable when x or y z\ < 0. The is 1/2. can be restored, however, suitably smoothing out the creases. Differentiability If a hole in is: if (x, see that this production function does not satisfy To is which we have not been able to produce. function that satisfies 2626 analytically impossible to if it is and the type distribution 156r, is uniform, one can prove that in matches are acceptable, and that w(x) = ( 1056.62 + 470. 25x if x G 1409.63x if x G (1/2,1] [0, 1/2] < [586.92 + Most importantly, the equilibrium surplus functions minimized when x matches with 0.5, of types x G [0.437, 0.438] are and hence are not quasiconcave. Bound Functions 6.1.3 Nonempty, convex matching bound functions a,b : sets are [0,1] i-> [0,1], almost fully described by lower and upper namely a(x) = inf{y y G M.(x)} and b(x) = | sup{y y G M(x)}. Bound functions do not encode whether 'boundary' matches are | consummated (e.g. whether x matches with a(x)). But since the boundaries have zero measure, value functions and Also, by continuity of / Remark sets are 9. unmatched and w, boundary partners are Under A0, we impose with nonempty. If rates are unaffected by this choice. ever 1, or provide zero surplus. trivial loss of generality that M(x) — 0, then w(x) = 21 or by (10). For x matching > 0, this contradicts 0, Lemma impossible. Next, is i.e. for may = 0, is quasiconvex and is convex and are sets quasiconcave. b some x x < x 2 < x z such that b(x > x ) > y y, also true that y it is > /(0,0) on the equilibrium. effect > not quasiconcave then there exists y with {x\b(x) choose y large enough that = then s(0, 0) (Matching Set Bounds). Assume matching 2 nonempty. Then a Proof. If b w(0) if G M(0) with no other and we can adopt the convention Theorem xi and 1, y} not convex, b(x 2 ), and b(x 3 ) G M(x x ) and y G G M(y),x 2 £ M(y), x 3 G M(y), violating convexity. Similarly > y. M(x 3 ). We So for a. Next, quasiconcave surplus functions imply continuous matching set bounds: Theorem (Matching Set Continuity). 3 A1,A2,A3-Sub, a and on an interval only Proof. Suppose a(y) A0 and Lemma be flat at its So w(a) = by value a G or is on that 1 (0, 1) for all y G G [yi, — 2, s(a, y) maximum = continuous on (0,1), and a bound function b are if its for all y > 0. Then [2/1,2/2]- 45° line, a discontinuity in a who A 6.2 Assortative 6.2.1 bound function are indifferent about Theorem continuous by is at x G (0, 1) x, 1), s(a, •) is nonpositive. argument establishes that similar matching with of Assortative Because matching sets M are not definition of assortative matching either-or Observation. Given and y 2 G M(a;i), then since s when b is reflected across the corresponds to an interval which we just ruled out. Matching The Meaning Al-Sub imposes an constant y 2 }. Since a's surplus function can only (by strong quasiconcavity, (10), contradicting a is interval. not constant. Finally, since matching sets are symmetric of types Given Al,A2,A3-Sup or Posit A0. Matching singletons with search frictions, an appropriate is not a priori obvious. For example, Al-Sup or form of assortative matching are agents x\ either y x < x2 , y\ < £ M(xi), or y 2 G y x G M(xi) and y 2 G M.(x 2 ), then either y x G 22 y-i- even by Figure Under Al-Sup, M(x 2 ), M(x 2 ), satisfied or both. if yx G 2. M(x 2 Under Al-Sub, or y 2 G M(xi), or both. ) if A -9—9 2/2 C B 2/2 — *" 9 2/2 i ~ Figure 4: positively i 2/2 + -9 Vi 2/1 i 2/i " Xi X~2 Assortative Matching. i X2 X2 Xi Panels A X3 and B depict graphically the negatively assortative matching, respectively. and -? i i If definition of the pairs indicated by filled dots Panel C depicts the proof of match, then the pairs indicated by hollow dots match then so must middle types some agent, Lemma 4. If low and high types (x\ and x 3 ) match with (x 2 ), given positively or negatively assortative matching. as well. To 0, see why, note that y x respectively. G M(x 2 ) and y 2 G M(xi) imply s(x 2 , 2/i) > and s(x u y 2 ) > Summing yields f{x 2 ,yi)+f(x u y 2 ) > w(x )+w(x 2 + w{yi) + w(y 2 ). ) 1 + Also Al-Sup implies f(x u yi) > inequalities yield s(a;i,i/i) > f{x 2 ,yi) + f(x u y 2 ). Together f(x 2 ,y 2 ) > or s(x 2 ,y 2 ) 0, these or both, as required. 0, This observation speaks to a weaker notion of assortative matching than what we (3 intend. To formalize our V J3' the maximum, idea, let of vectors matching indicator function a given matching pairs if (3 = (3 A (3 and (3' Call matching positively assortative f3'. is affiliated: (x, y) and (3' be the component-wise minimum, and = 18 a0A(3')a0VJ3') > a0)a0') (x', y'). Matching the reverse (negative affiliation) inequality obtains. Definition. Let x Y < x 2 and y\ M(x 2 and y 2 G M(xi) imply y 1 G assortative if ) yi G M(xi) and y 2 G < y2 Matching . M(x 1 M(x 2 ) These natural definitions are depicted graphically M(x 2 and ) in panels A is frictionless (resp. opposite) types. matching ones, as given Our new if iji E negatively y 2 G M(xi). and B of Figure Positively (resp. negatively) assortative matching describes a preference for with similar any Equivalently, M(x 2 ). Matching imply y x G for the negatively assortative positively assortative is and y 2 G ) 19 is if 4. matching definitions generalize the traditional in section 2: The presumed contrary matches don't exist with singleton matching sets, and so the definitions vacuously hold. 6.2.2 Characterization of Assortative With 18 Matching assortative matching, matching sets are convex, Milgrom and Weber (1982) is and bounds a, b well-defined. the classic (auction-theory) economic application of this concept. it has the advantage of easily extending to discrete types: The is immediate. probability-of-matching function must be affiliated. Likewise, the extension to 19 This abstract formulation of 23 Theorem 4 (Assortative Matching and Convexity). Given M(x) atively assortative matching, Proof. The two Take any X\ M(x 2 ) Figure G < x 2 < x 3 and y2 G 6 M(x 2 ). 0, there exists 4, then x 2 G M(y') and x 3 G y' < imply x 2 G ) y2 M(y2 ). , like (0, 1) implies M(x) convex for all x. 20 assume positively assortative matching. M(y2 ) and with Xi G [0,1], 7^ M(y2 Vx G cases are symmetric, so assortative matching. If y' xi / positively or neg- If y' M(y2 > y2 M(y2 ), assuming imply x 2 £ ) Since the point y 3 in panel like , M(y 2 ). x3 G C of positively the point y x in panel C, then x 2 G M(y') and = if y' Finally, y 2 obviously x 2 G , D M(y 2 ). This very close relationship between our two notions of matching set cohesiveness, convexity and assortative matching, further evidence that is we have indeed found the appropriate definition of assortative matching. And, like convexity, assortative matching independent of the type distribution. is Assortative matching implies convexity (Theorem 4) and thus well-defined functions (Theorem tative Lemma 1 To formalize a if it is weakly monotonic, and 7 (Assortative between the parallel notions of assor- strictly so Posit convex matching sets. If a and decreasing and 1 call a function into when valued [0, 1] strongly in (0, 1). Matching and Monotonic Bound Functions). G M(l), then matching (b) link matching and monotonic bound functions, monotonic (a) 2), bound is b are positively assortative, G M(0), then matching is G M(0), and strongly increasing, while if a and b are strongly negatively assortative. Conversely, under A0, a and b are nondecreasing (nonincreasing) with positively (negatively) assortative matching. Part (a) captures one interpretation of our research program, which set convexity plus Becker's condition Al 6.2.3 Conditions For Assortative We yields assortative matching. Matching Theorem 4 thus implies that matching is not necessarily assortative in environment; however, the assumptions that ensure convex matching sets are almost sufficient for assortative matching. 20 that matching have shown matching sets are not necessarily convex when there are search frictions. this is While the matching From Lemma 1, set assumption is We state our main descriptive result: endogenous, this theorem makes almost no assumptions. we know that under A0, w(x) > 24 and so M(x) ^ when x > 0. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 Figure 0.6 Low Types Match with High Types, But Not with Low Types. 5: This depicts the equilibrium matching sets (with (x, y) shaded iff y £ M(x)) for f(x, y) = x + y+xy, with p = 50r, S = r/2, and a uniform type distribution. The lower bound a(x) is falling on (0, 0.4). Proposition 4 (Assortative Matching). Posit A0, and (a) Given A1,A2,A3-Sup and f(0,y) (b) Given Al,A2,A3-Sub, there Proof of (Proposition 3). when valued or (Theorem 1 Then M(0) is since b = k for Lemma increasing. Proof of (b). all y. > = 0. y implies 1 G M(0). It all > is is 1) implies 2), it is 3), 0, for if satisfies > 0. + + xy. y 6(1) To prove decreasing in y, and so M(0) 2), it is search frictions, is strongly w(0) = M(0) is = and 0, s(0, 0) = k) > and that s(0,y) 0; from nonempty; s(0,y) increasing 6(0) = 1. 2), Lemma Then since a and b in are and strongly monotonic 7. Consider a production function that some agents are 25 is this follows = 0, and /(0,y) > Figure 5 illustrates the matching sets for one such function, f(x,y) With = we use the assumption Al-Sup, A2-Sup, and A3-Sup, but that has /(0,0) for y x of f(0,y) constant only G M(l), whence sets are convex, they are strongly decreasing. Apply Example. (Importance b, are convex strongly increasing. quasiconvex and quasiconcave, respectively (Theorem (Theorem 1 quasiconvex (Theorem matching follows that a(l) is M(0) positively assortative. a contradiction. So 0, matching. nonempty. Then s(l,y) is strongly increasing, is Since a A1,A2,A3-Sub imply > M(l) Theorem 7 implies matching for all y 0, This implies s(0,y) increasing in y. Quite easily w(0) s(0,y) sets except possibly As w(l) > 3). G M(0), and a G M(0), and a(0) convex, matching quasiconcave (Theorem is convex, that f(0,y) all of the proof of 1 0. k, there is positively assortative Hence they are described bound functions a and increasing in y (step 1. > k negatively assortative matching. is From A1,A2,A3-Sup, (a). = let willing to match with 0, = since f(0,y) > s(0,0) < when y > By 0. therefore, (10) implies that w(0) 0; continuity, very low types won't which we state here set boundaries, for Corollary. Posit A0. Bounds a and /(0, In = •) match with each /(0,0)/2, and so other. of Proposition 4 establishes an important characteristic of The proof and = > k, matching emphasis. strongly increasing given b are A1,A2,A3-Sup and strongly decreasing given A1,A2,A3-Sub. summary, we have found a powerful generalization of negatively and tively assortative matching to a Under frictional setting. posi- the three submodularity assumptions, matching sets are decreasing, convex, and continuous, while under the and three supermodularity assumptions, agents have a zero the proviso that type marginal product, matching sets are increasing, convex, and continuous. 6.3 Ideal Partners In the frictionless world of section 2, every individual x only matches with her 'ideal partner', that type y means that who maximizes this ideal partner s°(x, y). Assortative graph is matching without By way increasing. frictions of comparison, let's define the set of ideal partners p*(x) of type x, those partners yielding the greatest surplus: y* G p*(x) s(x,y*) iff > s(x,y) for all y. Continuity of the ideal partner correspondence and quasiconcavity of the surplus function (and hence convexity of matching sets) are closely linked, further reinforcing Theorem (a) 5 (Ideal Partners Given s(x, •) our approach. and Quasiconcavity). Posit A0. strongly (strictly) quasiconcave for all x, 21 p* =4 [0, 1] : [0, 1] is nonempty, convex-valued and upper hemicontinuous (single-valued and continuous). Conversely, assume p*(x) (b) (single-valued and /(l, Proof of is •) = (a). is nonempty, convex-valued, and upper hemicontinuous and continuous) for k, s(x, is •) Clearly, p* compact. Since the all x. Given Al-Sup and /(0, ) strongly (strictly) quasiconcave for ^ set of as s is continuous by A0 and Lemma Since A1,A2,A3 imply each surplus function clusions of the first part of Theorem 26 is 2, Al-Sub and [0,1] convex, p* is For strictly continuous. strongly quasiconcave (Theorem from these primitive assumptions. is 5 also follow is Maximum Theorem. quasiconcave surplus functions with single-valued maximizers, p* 21 k, or all x. maximizers of a quasiconcave function convex-valued, while u.h.c. follows from Berge's = 1), the con- Proof sketch of (b). We prove in the appendix that everyone Then we show that under Al, partner. - - violation of quasiconcavity instance, under Al-Sup, if x y* a local is ^ x prefers ideal partner correspondence under Al alone, an intuitive generalization of assortative section Strong monotonicity of p* 2. of s(x,y) — (strict y' ^ a For O y* to y*. weakly monotonic is frictionless monotonicity, except matching from when valued or however, obtains only under our stronger assumptions Al,A2,A3. 1), Theorem (Monotonic Ideal Partners). 6 (a) Given Al-Sup (Al-Sub), p* (b) Given Al,A2,A3-Sup (Al,A2,A3-Sub), p* Proof of Let x x (a). < x2 , with y x > s{x u y 2 ) and s(x 2 ,y2 ) f{x\,y 2 ) + f(x 2 ,yi). So y x We prove part strict given (b) in < Posit AO. nondecreasing (nonincreasing) is s(xi,yi) is minimum then y* can never be someone's ideal partner. prefers y' to y*, then x' we show that the Finally, if someone's ideal is > <E is strongly increasing (decreasing). s(x 2 ,yi). definition of p*, Summing yields f(xi,y 1 )+f(x 2 ,y 2 > ) y 2 under Al-Sup, and yx > y 2 under Al-Sub. the appendix, showing that one of the above inequalities A1,A2,A3. Note that a still stronger claim, p* doesn't obtain under any reasonable assumptions: increasing surplus function under so do nearby types; hence p*(x) The monotonic, strictly is highest (lowest) type has an A1,A2,A3-Sup (A1,A2,A3-Sub), and by = {1} for an open interval of types near continuity, 1 (near return to the question of the existence of SE. Proposition 5 (SE Existence). Given AO and Al-Sup or Al-Sub, a SE The 0). SEARCH EQUILIBRIUM EXISTENCE 7. We now By p*(xx), y 2 G p*(x 2 ). technical difficulties with both a continuum of agents exists. and a continuous strategy space are well-known. For the larger picture for our proof, note that as a matching-theoretic model, goods are individual-specific, and insignificant (measure zero) changes in to match with itself. 22 sets can have drastic consequences: x, her fortunes are sunk. players' actions, into matching we look To embed the for a fixed point of the If requisite map from everyone opts not anonymity into the players' value functions Since values here play an analogous role to prices in Walrasian models, 22 While a slight shift in all values may still lead everyone not to match with some agent x, those matches must have furnished little surplus, and this must only slightly affect the value of x. 27 Even though a search this corresponds to the usual equilibrium in price space. equilibrium encode all But is a triple, our value function program works because values essentially needed information in search-theoretic analogue for matching 8). Much more present with no resolution constitutes a major its definitive must be continuous continuously follow from value functions (Lemma is u. Since matches must be sought out in a time costly contribution of this paper. fashion, their availability M and unmatched densities matching models, an additional hurdle Walrasian setting, and in the sets is subtle, however, determine unmatched measures is (Lemma That matching in the values. sets not hard to show given the right space the fact that matching sets continuously -- our 'fundamental matching lemma'. 9) This generally proves the key continuity result for the quadratic search technology. Lemma w '"""" Lemma 8 ~~~~~^ ~ - " a *" ~ ~ 9 ~~ "" "* „ u A Existence of Search Equilibrium: Recipe. The two maps: value and then a to the unmatched density u, are well-defined and continuous, respectively by lemmata 8 and 9; the composite map w h-» u is thus well-defined and continuous. Our fixed point proof proceeds using the value function .best-response map T. Figure 6: functions w to match indicator functions a, Remark A 10. plausible alternative approach, taking the limits of finite agent approximations, would entail studying a largely different model -- for then mixed strategies for would be needed in equilibrium. We thus develop the general methodology continuum agent search-theoretic matching models that can be applied elsewhere. Remark There are a few previous existence theorems 11. agent two-sided matching search models. Some assume heterogeneous for for simplicity an exogenous type distribution, and thus entirely eschew the trickier aspects of search theory. All, however, take advantage of threshold matching sets to prove existence directly with them. In this class of existence proofs, Morgan (1995) and Burdett and Coles (1995) are the best. It must be underscored that with such our fundamental matching By Lemma 2, matching sets 9), as it we consider value functions continuous functions on of lemma (Lemma the weak topology: were, is easily verified. as elements of the space C[0, with the sup norm: [0,1] M, we work w easily structured strategy sets, \\w\\ = sup l6 [ 0)1 ] |w(x)|. 1] of Instead with the associated match indicator functions a, and a € ^([O, 2 l] ), with norm 28 ||a:||,ci =f f \a(x,y)\dx dy < oo. Lemma 8. AO and Al-Sup Posit a(w) from value functions This result Sub needed is is proven to Any or Al-Sub. match indicator functions in the appendix. It is map w is the only place where must be verified Next, unmatched densities u are given a weak topology, 9 unmatched density implied by for the quadratic search technology The proof of this result the steady-state equation existence of a solution u To prove continuity (IFT). For this, is most (1), — in fact positive definite, IFT, Tu for is — for = JQ ||u||,c,i 0. A \u(x)\dx. u(a) from match h-> and continuous. nontrivial, but its underlying idea = basis. the steady-state equation (1) both well-defined it is fixed point is not. Consider argument shows the natural to apply the Implicit Function derivative r„ its or Al- u(a) for each a, while ad hoc reasoning proves uniqueness. of u(a), T and is say T(a, u(a)) we happen upon the remarkable is on an ad hoc (Fundamental Matching Lemma). The map a indicator functions to the Al-Sup a(w). To apply our proof methodology i-> elsewhere, this no knife-edge atoms property Lemma h-» continuous. an atom of zero surplus matches for existence. Either rules out that would preclude a continuous map w Borel measurable must be continuous, and F u fact that and hence Theorem invertible. Here with our quadratic search technology, T u invertible. As it so happens, never simultaneously invertible and continuous we can't apply the (later, in Remark 13). So we instead take inspiration from the IFT contraction-mapping proof, and modify it for Proof of Proposition Point • Given values 5. Theorem program Step glV6n 1: Y where vw 9, is in §17.4 of w in C[0, the and u W ( \ ""P/ 1], we fixed point of the u(z)dz mapping ). Consider the map T : C[0, 1] i-> C[0, 1] lmax (/( a: >?/) -w(y),w(x))uw (dy) 2(r is 2 follow the Schauder Fixed + S) + pu unmatched measure implied by the value function w, = J l] Stokey and Lucas (1989). The Best Response Value: t and £ 2 ([0, our context with convex but not open neighborhoods of a in the mass of Tw = w is unmatched agents. By as in Lemmas Proposition 1, 8 a a SE. 23 23 This conclusion is also true of two much more natural candidate best response mappings: Tw(x) equal to the R.HS of (10) or the implied value of w{x) from solving (10). But neithermapping is closed on a small enough family S- 29 To C bounded convex subset 3 closed, T(S) C[0, 1] such that Step The Family 2: < w{x) < satisfying = where k clearly if w E T y), as in the sup y f{-,y)], then so [0, since So x. • T] since f{x 2 y) , if Step > To 3, then f p Tw. so that for < f{x 2 ,y)-w{y) G all x 6 on )n for x 2 [0,1] > x1 any for y, , is 1] that < x 2 and xi , max(f{x,y)-w{y),w{x)) weak monotonicity for x2 > of X\. max(/(x 2 ,y) - f{x u y),w{x 2 - w{x x ))uw {dy) ) - f(x u y) = Tw x w{x x ) < w{x 2 ) when integral over y, establishing Tw f** fx (x, y)dx + 5)+pu < shares the Lipschitz {x 2 - xi)k, and bound k as well. w{x 2 ) - w{x x ) < This establishes 3- [0, 1] and w see this, first note that |max(,4, |r Also, since EQUICONTINUITY of T(S): We prove 3: -x w Lemma 2. This subset of C[0, convex. We can also immediately verify 2{r by assumption, w € {x 2 max(A, B) - max(C, D) < max(A - C,B - D), Tw{x 2 ) — Tw{x\) < — Xi)k is is its 1 that 3; {ii) proof of nonempty, closed, bounded, and Tw. Now, {x 2 € continuous as an operator. is < w{x 2 ) - w{xi) < sup y f{x, y) and snp xy fx {x, nondecreasing in Then w 6 3 when Let 3 be the space of Lipschitz functions 9: by assumption f{x 1 ,y)-w{y) is Tw (i) an equicontinuous family (which by the Arzela-Ascoli Theorem, yields the is compactness of T(S) needed by Schauder); {Hi) • mapping T, we need a nonempty, establish the existence of a fixed point in the mW - t«*)\ < ? f° £ - 3, if \x that for < x'\ 77, all e then \Tw{x) B) - max(C, D)\ < \A-C\ mx -s y) ' <sup|/(s,y) - W ™ll f{x',y)\ + > 0, - there is Tw{x')\ + \B-D\ an < implies e. 24 ~ mWI) vMy) \w{x) -w{x')\ y Now, / is uniformly continuous, so we sup y \f{x,y) \w{x) • - Step 24 Here — w{x')\ 4: is f{x',y)\ < sn\o y is may fx {x,y)\x - x'\. Continuity of T: This is implies that equicontinuous. an appendicized algebraic exercise. a proof of this claim: Assume without the result is immediate. If C< =A-D A<D - B = 30 A > B. Then if C > D, D, we consider two more < A - C = \A - C\. Second \D - B\. loss of generality that assume A > D. Then |max(^,B> - ma,x(C,D)\ < D. Then |max(A, B) - max(C, D)\= D - cases. First A < sup y fx {x,y), This proves that T(S) is enough to x so that x' close arbitrarily small. Also, w'{x) |max(i4, B) - max(C, D)\ = \A-C\, and assume choose CONCLUSION 8. The model • Robustness. such, to investigate we have focused on the quadratic search establish existence of a search equilibrium. to any anonymous search technology: By meets others as we can rigorously our core descriptive theory applies we mean that the = fQ = rate that a searcher u(y)dy of unmatched agents, as fully is symmetric). Just expect that our descriptive results obtain in a model with like essentially double the notation, Summary. it of agents in the economy, with 'class' types within this class (and hence the production function do Becker's, we may p/u). have assumed for simplicity only one two distinct classes of agents • Still, this on the mass u does in the linear technology (where p many technology, where proportional to their presence in the unmatched pool. This rate is well depend, for instance, We 25 the one that can be fully solved. As is men/ women. But workers/firms or and is therefore left this would as a future robustness exercise. This paper has pushed Becker's matching insights into a quite Exploiting the implicit integral equation (10), we gave plausible search setting. a thorough characterization of cross-sectional matching patterns in the equilibrium and constrained social optimum of a frictional matching model. In so doing, we have developed important new techniques for establishing existence, as well as extended the reach of the supermodularity research program into a wide new arena. APPENDICES: OMITTED PROOFS VALUE FUNCTION PROPERTIES A. • Monotonicity: From equation Lemma Proof of (10) and inequality First 1. (11), for w{x 2 ) - w{xi) > p Im(x ) prove strict monotonicity. = by (24). + 2 (r ) ) u (y)dy < x2 any x\ w(x 2 — w(xi). As f(x 2 ,y) > f{x\,y) Now we establish But then w(x 2 ) = 25 u{y)dy = w(xi) (24) 6) for all y w(x 2 ) If weak monotonicity. , —. Jm( Xi Solve for we > 0, w(x 2 ) — w(xi) > w(xi) for some x\ = by (10), < x2 whence w(x) , — 0. then at 0ur Fundamental Matching Lemma in particular exploits a positive definite operator, and thus need not pursue a very difficult and messy analysis using perturbation theory for linear operators. 31 x G all for •k [0, by weak monotonicity. Inequality (11) with matching £2], defined since fx = Q . . — W(Xi) < W(X 2J { K , pJy l z3 D(B,C) be Let D(B, C) = such that (x) s(x,x) 1: M+ is e (B, C), M Lemma - Xi, we have x{), M+ 0, < s(x,y) a.e. x. < and so s(x, y) and We now —> > M+ First, for all y, a contradiction. D X\). M+ d and \c-c'\ there is < neighorhood, D(M(x), M(x')) continuous at for all n, > for all e (x, y), so , : = {y\s(x, y) > 0}. B and C: namely, (x) d) G (C, B), with \b-b'\ if : . Define a correspondence 3. compact-valued. Take any sequence (x n ,y n ) < d}. a neighorhood e. nonempty- valued: is w(x) — by M+ G M + (x n prove that with y n as well since s is then (10); u.h.c. is ) if and for all n. A0 continuous by M M + (x) + (x), establishing u.h.c. Fixing x = x for all n, Thus, y G n + is compact- valued. + (x) C closed too. Also, [0, 1] is bounded, whence and is x2 > (11), w(x 2 ) — w(xi) < k(x 2 — Lipschitz: 3(6', in that = for some x, then = f(x,x) — 2w(x) > 0, , well- is 7: continuous at x is if x' is is Then s(x n y n ) > k(x 2 This ))u(y)dy 1 7. Proof of inf{rf|V(6, c) Step • M+ x, < f(xi,y) the Hausdorff distance between sets Call a correspondence around ) 0. for all and Also, by (10) the set of nonnegative surplus matches, [0, 1], Then set. > 2] k{x 2 - x x ) p JM{x2) u{y)dy {f(x2,y)-f{x u y))u{y)dy -— < —7 T7 2(r + 6) + p J u(y)dy 2(r + 5) + pJM{x2) u(y)dy M{x2) —. • Differentiability: [0, 1] 8)) M = [0,x X2) t not only continuous, but is 1 ). - w(xi), and using f(x 2 y) '- ) w - -x fz {z,y)dz < k(x 2 + (2 (r set = max^ fx (x, y). Define k 2. ^^ w(x 2 ) - w{ Xl ) < Solving for w(x 2 ) , pfM{X2) (f(x2,y)- f(xi,y)-w{x 2 + w(x . , Lemma p J^ /(x 2 y) u(y) dy/ a continuous function on a compact is f{x 2i y)-f{xi,y) So > x 2 yields a contradiction: w(x 2 ) Continuity: Proof of 2 Lemma 2. M We e w (e), call if M x an e-continuity point of a correspondence M, and say x belongs for all x' sufficiently close to x, and compact valued, Theorem our nonatomic density u) for for all n contains = 1, a.e. 2 , x as a.e. well. £>(M + (x),M + (x')) < • Step 2: D(M(x),M(x')) < e. Since M+ is to u.h.c. I-B-III-4 in Hildenbrand (1974) implies that (given all e > 0, a.e. x is an £-continuity point of M+ . Then x G C M +(l/n), and the countable intersection n n C M +(l/n) That 1/n. So is, for a.e. x, for all n, if x' M+ is a.e. is sufficiently close to x, continuous. Decomposition of the Value Function's Slope. The 32 sets M + (x) and M(x) = only at points where s(x,y) differ 0. Thus we can define a function that everywhere coincides with w: w -w(x) -w{y) f{x,y) = (x) p —> Take any sequence x n Add and Then x. for each n, use (25) to and divide through by x n — + 5) 2{r Xr expression for w'(x) - - {w{x n ) - f{x, y)) definition, Lemma 2, — f(x,y)\ we have is closed- liminf M + (x„) = hm for M + (x n As n\x n ) ) ) — to the desired way (Step a significant M + (x) for > f(x,y)-w(x)-w(y)ify G M — x\ and \w(x n — w(x)\ < k\x u — ) — x\ 4). a.e. x. By n )\M + (.x). x\ from the ) < 2k u(y)dy u(y)dy M+(x n )-M+(i) D(M + (x n ),M + (x)) — I-B-II-1 in = limsupM + (x„). M + (x) 26 must vanish Since 0. M+ (-) is Hildenbrand (1974) then yields Next, the integral of the atomless as well M+ Integrating over M(x) or first term by the sequential continuity f(x n y) , p flf >m M( and ~ equivalent for a.e. x. limsupj. 33 - w(x n + w(x n u(y)dy + S){x n -x) fix, y) 2(r M+(x) Mk = U m (x) is in the brackets in (26) vanishes, -w + {x) — = hm usual, liminffc in brackets vanishes if > f(x n ,y) — w(x n - w(y) > 0. Similarly, —w(y) < for y G M + {x) \M + (x n ). Thus for all n, 2K,\x n x 26 > ) (x) (26) Hildenbrand (1974). which the w + (x n - 4: M+ u{y)dy + (:r and nonempty- valued, Theorem Step differ in djj result I-D-I-(9) in At x do not continuous at x, then lim Xn _>x density u over • M + (x) -w(x n -w(y) M+(x n )-M+(x) M+ < -w(x n f(x n ,ij) u(y)dy w(x)) and that the remaining terms reduce f(x n ,y)-w(x n )-w(y) -2K\x n -x\ < f{x n ,y) If 3), term first Surplus vanishes at the boundary of 3: Since also \f(x n ,y) proof of P rove ^hat the e M(x) and if the resulting X ^ = Ja\b~ §b\a~ continuous at x (Step Step ) X . M+(x) • w + (x n — w + (x). ) M+(x n )-M+(x) (/fan, y) is expand -w(x n -w(y) f(x n ,y) ) M+ (25) x: w + (x n — w + (x) where fA _ B u(y)dy 5) fM+ ,Af (x, y) - w(x) - w(y)) u(y)dy /2(r + 5) from subtract p expression, + 2(r M+(x) Mk = H m U( >m Me. ) ) J^ i Z ^sii-- 8^ <<f Figure w+ Replace w = w+ by (2(r We claim that , Illustration of 7: solve for lim 2;n _>x (K;(x n ) M+ (x) \ for a.e. x, (27) simplifies to (12). M(x) with fx (x, y) M+ (x) s(x, y) = a.e. x: for a.e. y either s(x,y) (x, y) whenever y G with s(x, y) any fixed y, if such x isolated, is = and G (x,y) and the any set of is x' we conclude that so by Fubini again, ^ such x not in S. simplify: fx (x,y) u{y)dy (27) a positive measure of is 27 Since 0. claim by showing that for S denote Let S / s x (x, y) is the set of pairs (Borel) measurable. For / satisfies s(x' y) : countable and has measure is Fubini's Theorem, 5 0. 0; So every therefore, has measure for a.e. x, for a.e. y, (x, y) Lemma • Single Crossing Property: Proof of 1 0. x close to x By and <£ 0, S. Lemma 5, we 5. establish the following useful input result: (Density- Free Integral Comparison). Let cf),ip : [0,1] i—> E both be increasing (decreasing) functions with a nondecreasing (nonincreasing) ratio on [0, 1]. measure, If for some 12. Figure JM ?/)(x)u(x) dx = But then 27 We density u fM ip{x)u{x) dx Remark 0, also (p(x) and DESCRIPTIVE THEORY B. Before proving = First note that 0. x), This equivalence obtains, and can be will prove the or s x (x,y) / - w(x))/(x n -- or equivalently with \M(x), we s x (x, y) 1. of (27), unless there / w'(x) / S, then for all y, for a.e. x, (x, y) Claim — + 5)+pJM+{x) u{y)dy)w'(x) = p JM+{x) shown through algebraic manipulation y G Claim = 0, : [0, 1] (-> then , fM (f>(x)u(x) dx > set MC [0, 1] of positive 0. As 7 depicts the graphical inspiration for the proof. a threshold z G ^ M+ and for some (fr/ip as x ^ z [0, 1] exists such that ip(x) if cf)/ip is for all monotonic nondecreasing thank Randall Dougherty (Ohio State Univ. Math Dept.) 34 ^ for the clean x (loosely, proof below. ^ <j> z. is more convex than > function u Assume Proof. [0, 1] 1(0) 0, So ip). the positive area of WLOG while 1(1) 0, and so I(x) < that = by defining u(x) = the positive and negative areas of if = <f> for all must outweigh the negative <f> and are increasing. tp M. x £ x e is M If = Define I(x) by assumption. Then / for all $* ^ M <f>(x)u(x) dx = Lemma Proof of We 5. quasiconvex, as is < 0, dq(-) = ip is increasing, > in the last expression are zero, So JM 0. <f>(x)u(x) dx > D 0. under Al-Sup i.e. analogous. uniquely defined by Al-Sup, as the marginal product fy (z,y{) of a supermodular production function strictly Clearly cj)(x)/ip(x) yields supermodular case -- just establish the is two terms first /(•) and A3-Sup. The submodular proof First, z extend u to £ q(x)I'(x) dx = g (l)7(l) - q (0)1(0) - ft I(x) dq(x) term nonnegative, as final [0, 1], [0, 1]. where we have integrated by parts. The and the area. ip(x')u(x') dx'. Substituting with / and the nondecreasing quotient q(x) f balance for some ip is strictly increasing in z. Next, integrating the A3-Sup inequality over x\ G [z,x 2 ] and then x 2 £ [a?i,;z], we discover that for all y 2 fxy(x, y 2 ) (fy (x, yi) - fy (z, yi))> fxy (x, > > ?/i, and for all x y x ) (fv (x, y2 ) z and crucially also d fy{x,V2) - fy {z,y2 ) dx fy (x,yi) - fy (z,yi) Let = (j)(x) fy (x,y 2 ) nondecreasing, Claim 4>,tp - fy (z,y 2 ) and tp(x) are increasing (by Al-Sup), (a) mm(a(y • x < z. This equivalent to is >0 fy (x,y l ) - fy (z,y x Then ). and fM ip(x)u(x)dx — by (f>/i/j l [Strong D Version]: ),a(y 3 )) and o(y 2 ) Step 1: continuous and If < a Proof of Lemma 6. not strongly quasiconcave, then a(y 2 ) is max(a(t/i),a(y 3 )) for some Inequality Case. a.e. is (20); so implies (21). 1 • Characterization of Quasiconcavity: Part = all - fy (z, y 2 )) If differentiate, there is < yx < y%< < mm{a(yi),a(y 3 )), Vz < < 1- then as a is y 2 e (yi,y3 ) near enough y 2 that a(y 2 ) < a(y 2 ) 35 mm{a(yi),a(y3)) and a'(y 2 ) > a(y 2 and given a(yi) • Step = cr(y 2 ) some for , Now, cr(y 3 ). If either > (m), replace by yi a If is V e (yi, a'(x) < If («), <t'(x) y3 )- by Q-2. Step 1: by Q-l. = Ofor = o(y 2 ) all Then cr(y 3 ). some y e (yi,y 3 ), for ) = or we admit or (m), replace y 3 or y x (as y either a (i) constant is (m) a(y 2 < a(y 2 ) for ) = e (yi,y 3 ), but a(yi) a; Matching and Bounds: Proof of Monotonic bound functions imply positively assortative matching. Choose x\ and y 2 € M(xi). Then we immediately have strongly increasing implies 6(x 2 ) is j/2 < b(x 2 ), and so y 2 € M(x 2 ), — or y 2 only possible = Then l- if Xi equivalently y 2 G ensures that yi G • Step ^ < x a(x) and yi y 2 ) by some implies or replace y 2 by y, Lemma 7. => assortative matching. As M(x) x = 7^ if y2 G M(x 2 ). M^), x > 0. By Theorem 0. M(y 2 ), > b(x x ) y2 as claimed. = That 1. o^) > If . y\ < y2 G y 2 with y x £ ) whence matching < y 2 and a(x 2 ) 6(x 2 ) > y2 , = b(x\) = = ) But b < y2 4, matching repetition = if , . Then M(x 2 ). Then > y2 , and so M(x) = 0, contrary G M(y 2 ), or to M(x 2 ) Lemma 1 First, unless a, b well-defined. we simply prove that If not, > b(x r ) b(x 2 ). > b(x 2 ) for b is some Also choose any by the definition of positively assortative matching. This contradicts the definition 6(x 2 ) • Ideal Partners and Quasiconcavity: Proof of 36 which bound function a and thus bounds four similar cases, yi < so suppose 0, convex, implies x 2 G there exists y : G M(xi), with y x y: yi positively assortative. is sets are convex, among a, b M(x 2 y\. then a(x 2 ) y 2 precludes y 2 nondecreasing with positively assortative matching. < x2 < Similarly, a strongly increasing lower For by (10), w(x) To avoid tedious pair x x y\ Otherwise, 6(x 2 ) M(y 2 ), and M(y 2 G 1 > < x 2 and Assortative matching => monotonic bound functions. 2: or If (n) the two cases are analogous, we simply prove that strongly increasing bounds y2 ) case', yielding a contradiction. , k Assortative = If (ii) y 2 in the 'equality • > a(y 2 a(y) (ii) > x, so o'(x) . > a(y 2 If (i), ct'(x) strongly but not strictly quasiconcave, the additional possibility that cr(yi) on [yi,y3 ], or and y3 > y2 WLOG assume some y 2 G (yi,y2 ). for ) > y3 ) constant on [yi,y 2 ], or (u) a(yi) is < a{y 2 cr(x) > a(y 2 and min(o-(t/ 1 ),cr(y 3 )), < a'(y 2 ) or y 2 by y2 in the 'inequality case', yielding a contradiction. y"i Version]: (b) [Strict given a(y 3 ) = a{y 2 ) a (i) G (yi,y 2 ), or (Hi) a(y 2 ) yi x G (yi,y2), but u(y 3 ) for all Pari < > y 2 while a'(y 2 ) Equality Case. 2: o-(yi) < yx ) Q-l then yields a contradiction: exists. = sup{y|y G Theorem 5(b). M(x 2 )}. We just prove the supermodular case; the submodular case in analogous. Step • = p*(l) {1}, since Theorem = p*(0) Everyone 1: 1 has an increasing surplus function by step Given f{0,y) 1. = correspondences, because p*(x) Step • Then Surplus 2: < there exists > s(x,y) y\ < is € V*{U2) only x' < > if x' Then p*{y 2 = ) (for p* single-valued) < y2 Vz M whenever < s(x',y 2 ) only > s(x,y 2 ), Since w is with a unique maximizer is ^ differentiable, so implies y' y as ^ maximize to which x, is s, Z s (x) 1: = measure on Let x ^ x' : Z s (x) Assume 28 w and y Z + s and thus x, p*(y 2 ) only if Observe that true for is all (0, 1) is Lemma 3. only = y is 3 establishes x by Theorem if s w (x, y) 0. Under increasing (decreasing) at y: s y (x',y') 1, = Higher (lower) types must choose higher (lower) partners a(w): i-> = We [0, 1]. Pi > G p*{x') implies y' ^ ^ y as x' D x. EQUILIBRIUM EXISTENCE s(x,y) Al-Sub, f(x,y) Thus, x: Proof of Surplus Function {y <E quasiconcave by Theorem is their surplus function, or y' • Continuity of Step x' 6(b). For the proof of and y € p*(x) D Since s(x, ) x. ^ x' C. • ^ as x' x' strictly quasiconcave. Al-Sup, the surplus function of higher (lower) types s y (x',y) if 0, a contradiction. Finally, a strongly quasiconcave function continuous at is ). ) everywhere differentiable under A1,A2,A3. this not. ) Similarly, since s(x,y 3 ) x. Suppose in y. < 1, with s(x,y 2 < mm(s(x,yi),s(x,y 3 )) WLOG, assume s(x,y 3 > s(x,y 2 Since Monotonic Ideal Partners: Proof of Theorem * decreasing, and so is strongly quasiconcave s(x,y 2 ), Al-Sup implies that s(x',yi) %' x. - w(0) - w(y) k nonempty, convex- valued, and u.h.c. is and s(x,y 2 ) < max(s(x,yi),s(x,y 3 )). s{x,y\) = s(0,y) k, of the proof of 1 desired result follows from the intermediate value theorem for The {0}. someone's ideal partner. Given Al-Sup, we have is / 0} and /j,(Zs (x)) 8. Rarely Constant Z = s {(x,y) : s(x,y) = in one Variable. and 0}, let y', with s(x,y) ^ f(x',y) = + s(x',y) = s(x,y') = for an uncountable number of Toby Gifford (Math Dept., Washington U. = x. 28 ^ for a.e. x. Under Al-Sup f(x,y'), from which s(x',y') contains at most one point whenever x > 0. + or follows. x' Then for some in St. Louis) tightened the logic of this 37 Define be Lebesgue \i claim that under Al-Sup or Al-Sub, fi(Zs (x)) f(x',y') (x') is Lemma k, there paragraph. are infinitely many (x n ) with (i(Zs (x n )) whereupon Y^=i 1/k, and so s t Z s { oo oo = Y, MZs(Xn) \N)=Y, KZs(Xn)) \ N n=l Xn ) n=l n(Zs (x)) = Step for a.e. x, many x with countably and by Fubini's theorem x jj){Zs ) (fi Close Surplus Functions Rarely Differ 2: = OO n=l / this contradiction, there are only Given i s ) \ |J = (0) lim(/iX/i)(E s (77)) in Sign. As r\ -» 0, the s = (l/A;) = = lim(MX/x)(E,(l/fc)) (/.x M )(n~ ^.(l/fc)) = (//x M )(Zs 77/2, and ) = fc—>00 Finally, let i^ and w2 be value functions, with corresponding match indicator functions. then s 2 {x,y) = < Si(x,y) f{x,y) -77, {(x,y)\ai(x,y) then < s 2 {x,y) / a 2 (x,y)} C E ||wi(a:) 0, Si (t?), so that 5 Claim 2. = 1. We first f{x,y) - Wi(x) - lirri|[ l(;i we prove «i, > wi(y) a2 r), = a 2 (x,y) = 1, while = a 2 (x,y) = 0. Consequently, whose Lebesgue measure vanishes —> 77 0. 1 , that the as — o^lk =0. _ u 2 ||^.o ll^i Fundamental Matching Lemma: Proof of WLOG — zu 2 (a:)|| < and so ai(x,y) and ai(x,y) 0, = S\(x,y) If - w 2 (x) - w 2 (y) > This implies the desired continuity • So . T)—>0 if 0. 0. = {{x,y) with \s(x,y)\ € [0, 77]} shrinks monotonically to n^=1 S = Z By the countable intersection property of measures, s > fj,(Z s (x)) set £5(77) _1 oo. rr i:/ s s (oo s = {Zs {x n )) JL l = Z (xi) C\ Z (xj) contains at most one point, TV = U°° =1 is countable, fi(N) = 0. Also, Z (x \ N and Z {xj) \ N are disjoint for all ^ j. Thus Since Xij • > Lemma map a For each match indicator function a, there Renormalize time 9. h-> u(a) exists a well-defined. is unique unmatched density u(a) that satisfies steady-state condition (1). • Step 1: Proof of Existence of Theorem, the compact, since set 5" of £ is integrable. easy to check that = - \& Q is + pj Here, we are speaking of its f [0, 1] < u < with is of weak-* 1 into itself: (28) a(x,y)u{y)dy in u 6 a fixed point general version, such as 38 ^Q £ is ] weak continuous 29 there Schauder's Fixed Point Theorem, 29 a suitable version of Alaoglu's So consider the following mapping 1 it is By measurable functions u on *««(*) Then u(a): Theorem "3 given «G?, a G i.e. [0, 1]. So by (1) holds. 5.1.3 in Istratescu (1981). Step • Proof of Uniqueness of 2: We now u(a): Suppose that there are two essentially distinct solutions supremum 30 differ i*i (x) on a > set of positive > #2 RHS < Once again, Claim Step • Yet if = 6>i LHS > RHS The map a 3. < i-» 92 , = Defining G(a,u)(x) a iff G(a, u) G u (a,u)(g) = w(a) H is — u(x)(l The 0. lim t ^ = Write then 6> > 2 is 1, 9 + P [9 Jo G u (a,u) = I + pH. self-adjoint, and Since u is = = = = 2 since and u 2 11 1 since (28) easily precludes RHS < and so 9 2 fa(x,y)ui(y)dy, measure of measure of x, > 0. 9 2 in (29), as \/p a contradiction. x, continuous. 2: i.e. £(x) For fixed a Q — derivative + tg) G u (a, u) = uo(x) is pu (x) we £{x), u let , be the unique J ao(x,y)uo(y)dy. see that a linear operator on -G(a,u))/t = solves (1) it £ 2 [0, au J + pu 31 l]: ag g (l + p f^ symmetric (a(x,y) — a(x,y)), the operator fa au + u /o ap Since a is also neatly positive-definite on the space functions square-integrable with respect to density l/u, because 2(g,Hg) 1 9 2 for a positive + p J a(x,y)u(y)dy) — (G(a,u 1 > a positive measure of x. > ui{x)/u 2 {x) > A Steady-State Operator. 1: > 61 fa(x,y)u 2 (y)dy < in (29) for a positive unmatched density from Claim given weakly greater. Then 9 2 u\ to get 8 2 in (29). Since #1 this violates (29). is strict inequality for Integrate u 2 - Then of U\{x)/u 2 (x) (resp. u 2 {x)/ui{x)) over measure. Furthermore, 9 2 with 1*2(2) for all x, Posit #1 and so WLOG that 9\ and assume [0, 1], to (28) in 7. l/p u 2 (x) x G 1*1,1*2 + Ja(x,y)u 2 {y)dy l/p + J a(x,y)ui{y)dy Mx) = Let 61 (resp. 9 2 ) be the essential pursue a different tack. £ 2 ([0, 1], l/u) of 32 £ g(x)Hg(x)/u(x)dx 2 + g{x)g{y))a(x,y)dxdy + 2g{x)g{y) + (/(y) 2 u(x)/'u(y)] a(ar, t/)dxdy 2 JoJo(9{x) u{y)/u(x) 2 Jo Jo i9(x) u(y)/u{x) SiSi\9( x )V u (y)/ u ( x ) + 9(y)y/u{x)/u{y)] 2 a(x,y)dxdy > boundedly positive (given p < 00, £ 30 > £ > 0) and finite (u < ^ < 00), That is, 9i is the least number such that Ui(:e)/u2(:e) > #1 only on a set of measure 0. To save on space, hereafter suppress x and (x,y) arguments whenever there is no ambiguity. 32 We thank Robert Israel (UBC Math Dept.) for remarking on this fact. 31 39 £ 2 ([0, in 1], £ 2 [0, G u (a Step • real ) 2: now into a, and H So 1]. and hence 1], w , = £ 2 [0, l/u) a self-adjoint and positive definite linear operator is spectrum its and nonnegative, and the spectrum real is and thus excludes positive, G u (a 0: A New Steady-State Operator. 33 with range [0,p]. Let T(a, ) = I - Q \I/ — Then G(a,u) r(a,ii)/o!/i+ + /mt)r(a,u) (1 + Q!u)r (l tt (Q!,u)(/i). So r(a = (£/u )T u (a ,uo)(h) given oo, the linear operator Remark ,'"o) A = T u (a of a, u, G u (a is ^ Xx thus, the derivative To apply the IFT, T and F u must be continuous = means that Z ^ if T~ supremum norm), and Step Lemma Tu so continuity of demands that Z at (a ,u = L1 , G u (a . Since |a-a < | p, \\ < y/p\\a-a and is. ) T u maps 1x^x^2,. The form T„ = ). requires that a weaker L2 u , = are the ambient while invertibility requires \\a-a )(h) Z V, demands a weak norm on 8 Jau). G u (a,u)(h) = X +# / (not a norm on Z than ^ X = Z = L2 if ^ = -C 2 , then . Setting up a Triple Induction. Pick a with range 3: closetoa But exists. + u )T u (a ,u since 1], apply the Holder inequality.) For instance, (for instance, to • l rule where X, Z, u - £/(l bounded away from £ 2 [0, invertible in = +Ja (1 is ) £ 2 [0, 1]. invertible in is T(a,u) = ,Uo)(h) Since (£/u 0. T map and the range; ) For simplicity, embed p i.e. , u and by the product ,u Q ) 13. Let the operator Banach spaces continuity , of [0,p] 1 iL - and is small too. Recursively T(a, u k ) (30) \\jii define u^+i by A(u k+l for k = step, assume r, > e that 1 i*i (i) < and — Wo Ik 2 Step to (30). 4: is We But any 1 1 \\ < L2 Part 1 u k+x e -C F(a, u ) by T (30). Since ||ck — ck ||xl u 2 - ) [0, 1] is well-defined. - u k _i\\c2 < e, (li) \\u k are determined later. vanishing with 2 - We of Induction. The To is As an induction d k and (Hi) u k , > -r, where get the induction going, observe continuous in a, and r(ao, "o) verify part (Hi) with k first equality below adds = = 0, 1 later. = r(a ,"o) In a recurring theme, the next parameterizes the vector from (a ,Uo) to (a,u k ) by (a s ,u s ) 33 < d = A(u k - A is invertible, -u \\u k u\—uq = —A~ 1 • Since 0, 1, uq) = (a ,u ) + s(a -a ,u k thank Sheldon Chang (M.I.T. Math Dept.) errors in executing this proof - u for < s < 1, for outlining the rest of the program are ours 40 ), alone. and applies (§): proof that follows. - C(l) -u A(u k+l = ((0) ) ('(s)ds, Jq = A(u k -u the Fundamental i.e. - ) = r u {ao,u )(uk-u Q - If we (J(-)dx) 2 II On [( first 2 < first 2 we to (a s ,u ks ) to apply (§); finally use (J(-)d(, s ) = T a {a,u)(b) in (31), substitute - 4///[(r ua (a( S ,w^)K <x iIa ' s{Uk ~ 4 fff ( 2 (1 + JJJ V J(-) d£, s < for fbu/(l + Jau) 2 - d£ s dxds ){u k wo)] 2 -u )} . ± . remaining terms, moreover, \a^ s < £s — 2 + u -u (u ks £, s ) In the second- term 1. bounded above by is *" °— ( dxds ) 2 ~ ~ a ° )Uk ' s - iJ{as a ° ){Uk -?° r ) dxdZ s ds 2 3 ] + (1 S) J assUkts) J = is u kis ) 3 2 {a 2 J 2X 2 + 2Y 2 on the first term (32) J "°> aQ)Ukfcs* ff{ x )dxds "l ; J J \{1 + J a s u ks ) J in (32), 2 and replace all inner < J a Ju by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. To bound the + (a, u k recall that £ < £ < oo. Also, as (a s u ks = (1 - s)(a u 2 2 ) , - (1 —a To remove the \ s must be bounded. and H^olU 2 < (31) Substituting into the previous expression yields J«^ Y) 2 < products (Jau) 2 ,u ks ) dx ds g U ° )I{as (I \ (a(. s )] at most: is and then parameterize the Thus, (31) + d^ s dxds 2 -a and u k ^ s ) W,d« + 7^^ + pL&^ a Apply (X and < ~ ( s , dx } 3 -2£ Jag Jah/(1 + Jau) JJJ , 2 )) + £jag/(l + / au) 2 w.r.t. both a and u to get = 2£fagfbu/(l + Jau) 3 -£jbg/(l + Jau) 2 and T uu (a,u)(g h) = T u (a,u)(g) T ua (a,u){b,g) +4 fff = £ 2 -u J(A(u k+1 2j [T a {a s u ks ){a s 2 )(u k +4jJJ[r uu {a^,u k ^){u ks -u Differentiate = )|||2 ± Y) 2 < 2X 2 + 2Y 2 a^ = Of + ^ (a; -a by )]ds , then the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality dx+ )} s ) apply (X in (31): ) 2 -u (u k , vector from (a ,u -u + T a (a u ks )(a - a ) - u Q + T a (a s ,u ks )(a - a Q )ds ,u ks ))(u k see that ||A(it fc+1 - T u {a s u ks )) term s , J{-) dx, ) -T u (a ) ,u Q )] (X±Y) 2 < 2X 2 + 2Y 2 and apply r u( a o, u the J^(T u (a ,u of Calculus. J^[T u (a s ,u s )(u k -u ) = -T(a [T(a,u k ) Theorem oo, < f s )(a ,Uo) \a s and £s Now, —a \ + < C*(a».«fc*)i a11 the \a from integrals since —a \\u k - \, and \u k ^ s (32), all 2 uo\\ c2 < 41 \ < < a < satisfy \u ks —u ) \ < \u k e < p; —u denominators and a term / u we have max(J" u 2k ^ s dy J u 2k ^ s dy) < , a terms —u ) , 2 ^s \. dy oo by induction assumption, B < oo. Because u k > —r and 1 < |a| - pr > is small enough that m'm(J a s u ks J a s u k ^ s ) > -pr, where r > Finally, we find a new upper bound for ||A(ii fc+ i - t*o) 11^.2 p, , 1/2. : ( + _ (1 )6 Taking square -u \\A(u k+1 )\\ -a (\\a = J (||q < Let < d and choose 1, < ||wfc-wo||£2 Iki must roots, there < J L2 u j B JJ (a - a _ (1 -u \\ \\ + -a other induction assumption, \\ + C2 < d/2 and oo, such that - u Q \\l \\u k + 2 ) \\ < L2 -a C\\a C2 \\ + C||" - a olU «olk» -u ||ui dx ) - d(l d)/2. 2 Then k~l < d/2 by the triangle inequality and the - a ||.e2 + \\u k - u ||.c2 < d. Since the inverse d ||a i.e. J < - wolUO IK - \\u k ||£,2 + d-\ L 2(l -u L 2\\u k 2 dydx J(u k - u exist constants C, aoll^a ||a 2 ) ) _1 - l < aolk* < ^/ 2 and \A~ \Jd ||a-ao|k 2 an(i d small enough; therefore, ||«fc-wolU 2 < £ implies IK+i-'Uoll.c 2 operator • Step A' 5: Subtract 1 has a Part (* fc ) 2 norm, |^ finite of Induction. Next, (* - (* fc and apply -i), = A{u k - A(u k+ i - u k ) = in part 1, except as well as {A' 1 ] -1 • 1 • X(||a Step 6: — if aolk 2 Part 3 + = + u k -\ - fc ) -/ omitting the 1 fe = ) t(u k r(a, u fc final - - u k -i), to get _i)] fc -u fc _ 1 )dt u*-i)d* T Q term in each expression, ||tifc - Wfe-ilka) ||^ -^fc-ilk 2 , k L2 \\ > ||^i +d 1. — - uk k < ) For fc A < dk , This latter inequality holds for ||a-a |k 2 d. = 1, we want liolk 2 ) as small as we , ) 42 - last ingredient, £ja {u k+1 -u k = r^— r 2 (1 + J a w ,. ||u 2 «i||£ 2 /ll u i ~~ u o\\l 2 < like. expand (* £ ) ) e. -r(a,Mjt) by (30). r u (a,^i)(u («* < oo for which: of Induction. For the {u k+1 -u 1/2 for d fc+1 we use our induction assumption Hwfc-Wfc-iH^ K(\\a-a and d small enough | < u A(it fc+1 - r u (a,tifct)) < K(||a-ao|U2 + ||A(ufc+i-Ufc)||£,2 ||u fc+ i-'Ufc||£2 < [r(a, ){u k -ujfe_i) (r u (a ,wo) K ): fc with u kt fc 1 similarly yields a constant To prove (§) u _x) - T u (a ,u = / Proceeding just as C||a • | -wjb + —-7 1 + J au fc fc ) into = Substituting the steady-state identity u Uk+i I = + Because u positive. > for k = 1, a Cauchy sequence. Since = u close to T(a,u 00 ). So -C 2 As per . > for all e Since \\u — u \\ * Continuity of the a > 7] L i < — < Tw2(z)\ - Tw 2 {x)\ < \\u = so that |Z>i| \Di\ e. + (/mi(x) JmxCsO — — u < ||.c2 for e small establishes that (u k ) converges to some limit whenever e We w2 W\, e + \, \ \D3 ||a prove that for — sup z if S, — |ii>i(.z) where ( + (2 (r d y) + S) Jm'(x) wi(y)) VwA d y) — w 2 (z)\ < 77; - /^( X) > < V-, then + pu )D equals l l 1 (dy)^ w i{ x vm ) ( d y) M^) - wifc)) Wl (dy) i/ M^Ki - Mv)) VwMy) + /Mc (l) + <5) + (dtf)) pu x - My))"w + 2 5) (dy) + + /mj(«) w2(x)^ 2 ,(dy)J pu 2 all integrands the arguments of the integrals are uniformly bounded and all Lemmas 8 and P (/mi(x) (f( x ^) (x) this there ex- ^2(^)1 uniformly small by the definition of the weak topology, as 2 small and where 2 (r ~P (Im is by the triangle inequality, the difference i/ P (/m,(i) (/( x >?/) continuous (by unmatched / \wi(z) and and thus ao||.c2 e all - w i(y)) v™Mv) + IMnx)M x ) w 2 (r are continuous, is enough. by the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, uq\\h2 ^^' y) ~ My)) v*n (My) - < sup z \\u x, \D 2 ' is > —r it term 1/2, the first the essentially unique feasible is For any p \Jmux) (/( x y) which > an u(a). all p (/m,(x) (/foy) -p u Operator T. such that for sup 2 \Tvj\{z) \Twxix) pr ) usual, Uoo satisfies the recursion (30), 0, if proves the desired continuity of ists — 1 a Banach space, is [0, 1] density solving (1) given a, then enough. -u {u k+ i —(ul/£)e \\ yields ) Using the The Cauchy Limit. 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