April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences c World Scientific Publishing Company EXPONENTIAL CONVERGENCE FOR hp-VERSION AND SPECTRAL FINITE ELEMENT METHODS FOR ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS IN POLYHEDRA DOMINIK SCHÖTZAU Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia 1984 Mathematics Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada schoetzau@math.ubc.ca CHRISTOPH SCHWAB Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland schwab@math.ethz.ch Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., Vol. 25, Issue 9, pp. 1617-1661, 2015 Received (Day Month Year) Revised (Day Month Year) Accepted (Day Month Year) Communicated by (xxxxxxxxxx) We establish exponential convergence of conforming hp-version and spectral finite element methods for second-order, elliptic boundary-value problems with constant coefficients and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in bounded, axiparallel polyhedra. The source terms are assumed to be piecewise analytic. The conforming hpapproximations are based on σ-geometric meshes of mapped, possibly anisotropic hexahedra and on the uniform and isotropic polynomial degree p ≥ 1. The principal new results are the construction of conforming, patchwise hp-interpolation operators in edge, corner and corner-edge patches which are the three basic building blocks of geometric meshes. In particular, we prove, for each patch type, exponential convergence rates for the H 1 -norm of the corresponding hp-version (quasi)interpolation errors for functions which belong to a suitable, countably normed space on the patches. The present work extends recent hp-version discontinuous Galerkin approaches to conforming Galerkin finite element methods. Keywords: hp-FEM, spectral FEM, second-order elliptic problems in polyhedra, exponential convergence AMS Subject Classification: 65N30 1 April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 2 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab 1. Introduction The hp-version of the finite element method (FEM) is a realization of so-called variable-degree, variable knot spline approximations in the context of Galerkin approximations for elliptic partial differential equations; cp. Refs. 6, 13 and the references therein. While in Refs. 6, 13 exponential convergence rates in L∞ -norm were proved for particular singular functions in one space dimension, in Ref. 9 exponential convergence of hp-FEM in H 1 -norm was shown for a model second-order, elliptic boundary-value problem, again with a model singular solution in one space dimension. Subsequently, these concepts were substantially generalized to hp-version FEMs for second-order, elliptic boundary-value problems in two space dimensions: on the one hand, rather than for particular singular solutions, in Ref. 10 exponential convergence of hp-FEM on geometrically refined triangulations was now proved for solutions belonging to countably normed, weighted Sobolev spaces. On the other hand, in Ref. 1 an elliptic regularity shift theorem was shown in these spaces. In recent years, the corresponding elliptic regularity shifts in countably normed, weighted Sobolev spaces in polyhedral domains have been established in Refs. 11, 12, 4, at least for certain classes of second-order, elliptic boundary-value problems in three dimensions. Based on these analytic regularity results, in Ref. 15, exponential convergence in broken H 1 -norms has been proved for an hp-version discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for second-order, elliptic problems in axiparallel polyhedra. Corresponding exponential convergence results on regular, anisotropic geometric meshes of tetrahedral elements have been announced in Ref. 2. The purpose of the present paper is to establish exponential convergence of conforming hp-version approximations on families of geometrically refined meshes of axiparallel hexahedra, in the setting of Refs. 14, 15. Our proof consists in the construction of H 1 -conforming piecewise polynomial approximations of uniform polynomial degree p ≥ 1, by modifying our discontinuous hp-version base interpolants from Ref. 15 with the aid of suitable polynomial trace lifting operators in the presence of irregular geometric mesh refinements towards corners and edges. This construction is accompanied with the proof that the trace liftings thus constructed do not disrupt the exponential convergence of the base interpolants. Therefore, the main results of the paper are, for each geometric mesh patch of corner, edge and corner-edge type, the construction and analysis of hp-version patch projectors onto spaces of continuous, piecewise polynomials which converge exponentially for solutions belonging belong to a certain analytic class of functions in each patch type. By Céa’s lemma, this result in conjunction with the analytic regularity in Ref. 4 implies exponential convergence of hp-FEM on polyhedra for the model diffusion equation considered in the paper. We emphasize, however, that the hp-patch approximation results proved here apply more generally to any solution whose pull-backs into the reference patches belong to one of the weighted analytic classes. The present hp-version consistency error analysis covers, in particular, also spec- April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 3 tral element methods; there, additional quadrature errors due to elemental underintegration arise, which are not dicussed in the present paper. We also mention that conforming hp-FE spaces have been implemented in Refs. 8, 7. The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we present an elliptic model problem in an axiparallel polyhedral domain, and recapitulate the analytic regularity theory of Ref. 4 for solutions with piecewise analytic source terms. Section 3 addresses the construction of the hp-version subspaces, and it presents and discusses our main result on exponential convergence of conforming hp-FEM. Section 4 reviews the construction and exponential error bounds of the base hp-version projector from Ref. 15 which are obtained by tensorization of univariate hp-projectors. In Section 5, we construct and analyze polynomial trace liftings which preserve exponential convergence estimates for all types of irregular interfaces. The notation employed throughout this paper is consistent with that in Refs. 14, 15. In particular, we shall frequently use the notations ”.” or ”'” to mean an inequality or an equivalence containing generic positive multiplicative constants which are independent of the local mesh size, the polynomial degree p ≥ 1, the regularity parameters, and the geometric refinement level `, but which may depend on the geometric refinement ratio σ. 2. Elliptic Model Problem and Analytic Regularity In this section, we introduce an elliptic model problem in an axiparallel polyhedron and specify the (analytic) regularity of its solutions in terms of countably normed weighted Sobolev spaces. We follow Ref. 4, based on the notations already introduced in Refs. 14, 15. 2.1. Model problem Let Ω ⊂ R3 be an open, bounded and axiparallel polyhedron with Lipschitz boundary Γ = ∂Ω that consists of a finite union of plane faces. We consider the elliptic boundary-value problem −∇ · (A∇u) = f γ0 (u) = 0 in Ω, (2.1) on Γ, (2.2) where γ0 denotes the trace operator on Γ. We assume that the diffusion tensor A is constant and symmetric positive definite. With the standard Sobolev space H01 (Ω) = {v ∈ H 1 (Ω) : γ0 (v) = 0}, the variational form of problem (2.1)–(2.2) is to find u ∈ H01 (Ω) such that Z Z a(u, v) := A∇u · ∇v dx = f v dx ∀v ∈ H01 (Ω) . (2.3) Ω Ω Under the above assumptions, for every right hand side f in H −1 (Ω), the dual space of H01 (Ω), problem (2.3) admits a unique weak solution u ∈ H01 (Ω). April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 4 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab 2.2. Subdomains and weights We denote by C the set of corners c, and by E the set of open edges e of Ω. The singular set of Ω is given by [ [ S := c ∪ e ⊂ Γ. (2.4) c∈C e∈E For c ∈ C, e ∈ E, and x ∈ Ω, we define the following distance functions: rc (x) := dist(x, c), re (x) := dist(x, e), ρce (x) := re (x)/rc (x). (2.5) As in Ref. 14, the vertices of Ω are assumed to be separated. For each corner c ∈ C, we denote by Ec := { e ∈ E : c ∩ e 6= ∅ } the set of all edges which meet at c. Similarly, for e ∈ E, the set of corners of e is Ce := { c ∈ C : c ∩ e 6= ∅ }. Then, for ε > 0, c ∈ C, e ∈ E respectively e ∈ Ec , we define the neighborhoods ωc = { x ∈ Ω : rc (x) < ε ∧ ρce (x) > ε ∀ e ∈ Ec }, ωe = { x ∈ Ω : re (x) < ε ∧ rc (x) > ε ∀ c ∈ Ce }, (2.6) ωce = { x ∈ Ω : rc (x) < ε ∧ ρce (x) < ε }. By choosing ε > 0 sufficiently small, the domain Ω can be partitioned into four . . . disjoint subdomains, Ω = ΩC ∪ ΩE ∪ ΩCE ∪ Ω0 , referred to as corner, edge, corneredge and interior neighborhoods of Ω, respectively, where [ [ [ [ ωce , (2.7) ΩC = ωc , ΩE = ωe , ΩCE = c∈C e∈E c∈C e∈Ec and Ω0 := Ω \ ΩC ∪ ΩE ∪ ΩCE . 2.3. Weighted Sobolev spaces To each c ∈ C and e ∈ E, we associate a corner and an edge exponent βc , βe ∈ R, respectively, and introduce the vector β := {βc }c∈C ∪ {βe }e∈E ∈ R|C|+|E|. Inequalities of the form β < 1 and expressions like β ± s are to be understood componentwise. For e ∈ E or e ∈ Ec with c ∈ C, we choose local coordinate systems in ωe and ωce such that the edge e corresponds to the direction (0, 0, 1). We indicate quantities perpendicular to e by (·)⊥ , and quantities parallel to e by (·)k . In particular, if α = (α1 , α2 , α3 ) ∈ N30 is a multi-index of order |α| = α1 + α2 + α3 , then we use the notation α = (α⊥ , αk ) with α⊥ = (α1 , α2 ) and αk = α3 . We further write the ⊥ αk α⊥ αk partial derivative operator Dα as Dα = Dα ⊥ Dk , where D⊥ and Dk signify the derivative operators in perpendicular and parallel directions. For k ∈ N0 , we then introduce the weighted semi-norm X n X 2 kDα uk2L2 (Ω0 ) + |u|2M k (Ω) := rcβc +|α| Dα u L2 (ωc ) β c∈C |α|=k + X e∈E β e + |α ⊥ | α 2 re D u L2 (ωe ) + XX c∈C e∈Ec β e + |α ⊥ | rcβc +|α| ρce Dα u 2 L2 (ωce ) o (2.8) . April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 5 Pm 2 2 The norm k · kMβm (Ω) is defined by kukM m (Ω) = k=0 |u|M k (Ω) , and the weighted β β Sobolev space Mβm (Ω) is obtained as the closure of C0∞ (Ω) with respect to the norm k·kM m (Ω) . For an open, non-empty subset D ⊆ Ω, we denote by | · |Mβm (D) β and k · kMβm (D) the above semi-norm and norm, respectively, with all domains of integration replaced by their intersections with D ⊆ Ω. 2.4. Analytic regularity of variational solutions We adopt the following classes of analytic functions from Ref. 4 (Section 6.2). Definition 2.1. For subdomains D ⊆ Ω the space Aβ (D) consists of all functions u such that u ∈ Mβk (D) for all k ≥ 0, and such that there exists a constant Cu > 0 (independent of D) with the property that |u|Mβk (D) ≤ Cuk+1 Γ(k + 1) ∀ k ∈ N0 , (2.9) where Γ is the standard Gamma function satisfying Γ(k + 1) = k! for k ∈ N0 . From Ref. 4 (Corollary 7.1), the following analytic regularity result holds. Proposition 2.1. There are bounds bC , bE > 0 (depending on Ω and the coefficient matrix A) such that, for weight exponent vectors b satisfying 0 ≤ b c < bC , the weak solution u ∈ H01 (Ω) 0 ≤ b e < bE , c ∈ C, e ∈ E, (2.10) in (2.3) of the Dirichlet problem (2.1)-(2.2) satisfies: f ∈ A1−b (Ω) =⇒ u ∈ A−1−b (Ω) . (2.11) Remark 2.1. As in Ref. 15 (Remark 2.2), we exclude the limit cases bc = be = 0, and assume without loss of generality that in (2.10) there holds 0 < bc < 1, 0 < be < 1, c ∈ C, e ∈ E . (2.12) 3. hp-Version Discretization and Exponential Convergence In this section, we adjust the construction of hp-version finite element spaces on geometric mesh families as presented in Refs. 14, 15 from the discontinuous to the continuous Galerkin framework. Then, we introduce conforming hp-version finite element approximations, state our main exponential convergence result (Theorem 3.3), and outline the structure of its proof. 3.1. Geometric meshes We start the construction of geometric meshes from a coarse regular and quasiuniform patch mesh M0 = {Qp }P p =1 , which partitions Ω into P convex and axiparallel hexahedra also referred to as patches. Throughout, we shall assume that the initial mesh M0 is sufficiently fine so that an element K ∈ M0 has non-trivial intersection F3 F3 F3 E1 E1 E1 E2 E2 E2 E3 E3 E3 E4 E4 E4 E5 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION E5 April 26, 2016 FILE paper E5 E6 E6 E6 E7 E7 E7 E8 E8 E8 E9 E9 E9 N1 N1 N1 N2 N2 N2 6 Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab N3 N3 N3 N4 N4 N4 with at most one corner c ∈ C, and either none, one or several edges e ∈ Ec meetN5 N5 N5 ing in c. Each of these patch subdomains Qp ∈ M0 is the image under an affine N6 N6 N36 e = (−1, 1) e mapping Gp of the reference patch domain Q , i.e., Qp = Gp (Q). N7 N7 N7 1 2 3 ··· ` `0 e `,c T σ 1 2 3 ··· ` `0 e `,c T σ 1 2 3 ··· ` `0 e `,c T σ e `,c,⊥ O σ e `,c,⊥ O σ e `,c,⊥ O σ e with subdivision ratio σ = 0.5: corner Fig. 1. Three geometric reference mesh patches on Q f`,c f`,e patch M σ with isotropic geometric refinement towards the corner c (left), edge patch Mσ with f`,ce anisotropic geometric refinement towards the edge e (center), and corner-edge patch M with σ geometric refinement towards the corner-edge pair ce (right). The singular supports c, e, ce are shown in bold face. With each patch Qp ∈ M0 , we associate one of four types of geometric reference fp on Q, e as constructed in Ref. 14 (Section 3.3) in terms of four mesh patches M hp-extensions (Ex1)–(Ex4). That is, fp ∈ RP g := {M f`,c , M f`,e , M f`,ce , M f`,int } = {M f`,t }t ∈{c,e,ce,int} . M σ σ σ σ σ (3.1) fp as a More specifically, whenever Qp abuts at the singular set S, we take M suitably rotated and oriented version of the geometrically refined reference mesh f`,c f`,e patches shown in Figure 1 and denoted by M σ (corner patch), Mσ (edge patch), `,ce f and Mσ (corner-edge patch), respectively. We implicitly allow for simultaneous f`,ce geometric refinements towards several edges in the corner-edge patch M σ , which corresponds to an overlap of at most three rotated versions of the basic corneredge patch; see also Figures 10 and 11 ahead. The geometric refinements in these reference patches are characterized by (i) a fixed parameter σ ∈ (0, 1) defining the subdivision ratio of the geometric refinements and (ii) the index ` defining the number of refinements. For interior patches Qp ∈ M0 , which have empty intersection fp a geometric reference mesh patch M f`,int on Q, e which with S, we assign to M σ comprises only finitely many regular refinements and does not introduce irregular e In the refinement process (i.e., as ` → ∞), the reference mesh M f`,int faces within Q. σ is left unchanged and is in fact independent of `. fp ∈ RP g introduces the corresponding The geometric reference mesh patch M f e K e ∈M fp } on Qp , where patch partition Mp = Gp (Mp ) := {K : K = Gp (K), Gp is the affine patch map. To ensure continuity across mesh patches Mp , we shall always work under the following inter-patch compatibility hypothesis. Assumption 3.1. For p 6= p 0 , let Qp , Qp 0 ∈ M0 be two distinct patches with April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 7 non-empty intersection Γp p 0 := Qp ∩ Qp 0 6= ∅. Then the parametrizations induced by patch maps onpatch interfaces Γp p 0 are assumed to coincide “from either side”: Gp ◦ G−1 = Gp 0 ◦ G−1 p |Γp p 0 . In addition, the mesh patches Mp , Mp 0 p 0 |Γ p p 0 are assumed to coincide on Γp p 0 . Hence, for fixed parameters σ ∈ (0, 1) and ` ∈ N, a σ-geometric mesh on Ω is now given by the disjoint union M = M(`) σ := P [ p =1 Mp . (3.2) By construction, each axiparallel element K ∈ M is the image of the reference b under an element mapping K = ΦK (K), b where ΦK is the composition of cube K b the corresponding patch map Gp with an anisotropic dilation-translation from K to K. To achieve a proper geometric refinement towards corners and edges of Ω without violating Assumption 3.1, the geometric refinements Mp in the patches Qp have to be suitably selected and oriented. For a fixed subdivision ratio σ ∈ (0, 1), we (`) call the sequence Mσ = {Mσ }`≥1 of geometric meshes a σ-geometric mesh family; see Ref. 14 (Definition 3.4). As before, we shall refer to the index ` as refinement level. We denote the sets of all interior and boundary edges e of a geometric mesh M by EI (M) and EB (M), respectively, and set E(M) := EI (M) ∪ EB (M). We denote by eK,K 0 = int(∂K ∩ ∂K 0 ) an edge shared by K and K 0 . Similarly, we write FI (M) and FB (M) for the sets of interior and boundary faces f of M, respectively, and define F(M) := FI (M) ∪ FB (M). Again, we write fK,K 0 = int(∂K ∩ ∂K 0 ) for the interior face shared by K and K 0 . For a piecewise smooth function v, we denote the jump of v over the face fK,K 0 by [[v]]fK,K 0 := v|K − v|K 0 . (3.3) Moreover, for an element K, we denote by EK the set of its elemental edges, and by FK the set of its elemental faces. We call an edge e regular if e is an entire elemental face of all elements K sharing it (i.e., if e ∩ K 6= ∅, then e ∈ EK ). Otherwise e is called irregular. Analogously, a face f = fK,K 0 is called regular if f is an elemental face of both K and K 0 (i.e., f ∈ FK and f ∈ FK 0 ); otherwise it is irregular. We shall always assume that boundary edges or faces belong to exactly one boundary plane of Γ. For the continuity of finite element functions across elements, we impose the following assumption. Assumption 3.2. Under Assumption 3.1, for any two, distinct elements K, K 0 ∈ M which share either a common edge eK,K 0 or an interior face fK,K 0 the traces of the elemental polynomial spaces on eK,K 0 or fK,K 0 in local coordinates (induced by the corresponding patch maps) coincide. (`) Following Ref. 14, we may partition a geometric mesh Mσ into interior ele- April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 8 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab ments O`σ away from S and into the terminal layer elements T`σ at S: . ` ` M(`) σ := Oσ ∪ Tσ , (`) (3.4) (`) with O`σ := {K ∈ Mσ : K ∩ S = ∅} and T`σ := {K ∈ Mσ : K ∩ S 6= ∅}. The interior mesh O`σ can be further disjointly partitioned into ` mesh layers of the form . . O`σ = L0σ ∪ · · · ∪ L`−1 σ , (3.5) 0 where mesh layer 0 ≤ `0 ≤ ` − 1 consists of a group L`σ of elements with identical scaling properties; cp. Ref. 15 (Section 3). (`) Next, we establish some anisotropic scaling properties. For K ∈ Mσ , we set hK := diam(K). As in Refs. 14, 15, for possibly anisotropic edge-patch and cornerk edge patch elements K, we denote by h⊥ K and hK the elemental diameters of K transversal respectively parallel to the singular edge e ∈ E situated nearest to K, e = G−1 defined as the corresponding quantities over the axiparallel element K p (K). ` If K ∈ Oσ , these quantities are related to the relative distances to the sets C and E; cp. Ref. 15 (Proposition 3.2). Corner-patch and interior-patch elements are k (`) ⊥ isotropic, with hK ' h⊥ K ' hK . We further denote by hK,F the height of K ∈ Mσ in direction perpendicular to F ∈ FK , also defined as the corresponding height in e = G−1 the axiparallel element K p (K). As in Ref. 15 (Section 5.1.4), we may assume (`) without loss of generality that K ∈ Mσ can be written in the form k k K = K ⊥ × K k = (0, hK )2 × (0, hK ). (3.6) b →K Lemma 3.1. Let K be an axiparallel element of the form (3.6) and ΦK : K the element transformation. For v : K → R and vb = v ◦ ΦK , we have the scalings: k 2 v k2L2 (K) (i) kvk2L2 (K) ' (h⊥ K ) hK kb b . k k 2 b v k2 (ii) If h⊥ K . hK , then k∇vkL2 (K) . hK k∇b b . L2 (K) b ' h⊥ (iii) If f ∈ FK is an elemental face of K with h⊥ K and f the correspond K,f −1 k b then kb kvk2L2 (f ) . ing reference face of K, v k2L2 (fb) ' h⊥ K hK Proof. The following more general scaling property was established in Ref. 15 (Equation (5.11)): h⊥ 2|α⊥ |−2 hk 2αk −1 ⊥ αk 2 K K b α⊥ D b αk vbk2 2 kDα kD = ⊥ Dk vkL2 (K) . ⊥ b k L (K) 2 2 (3.7) The L2 -norm scaling in item (i) is an immediate consequence of (3.7). Similarly, we see that k b ⊥ vbk2 2 , kD⊥ vk2L2 (K) ' hK kD b L (K) k k 2 −1 b kDk vk2L2 (K) ' (h⊥ kDk vbk2L2 (K) K ) (hK ) b . ⊥ ⊥ Hence, if h⊥ K . hK , item (ii) follows. To show item (iii), we note that hK,f ' hK k implies that f can be written in the form f = (0, h⊥ K ) × (0, hK ). Hence, item (iii) follows from a similar L2 -norm scaling argument. April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 9 Finally, we establish an anisotropic jump estimate. To state it, we define the weighted H 1 (K)-norm: −2 NK [v]2 := h⊥ kvk2L2 (K) + k∇vk2L2 (K) , K ∈ M(`) (3.8) min,K σ . ⊥ with h⊥ min,K := minF ∈FK {hK,F }. We then consider an interior face fK,K 0 parallel to a singular edge e and shared by two axiparallel and possibly non-matching hexahedra K, K 0 of the form K = K ⊥ × (0, hk ) and K 0 = (K 0 )⊥ × (0, hk ), cp. (3.6). The elements K ⊥ , (K 0 )⊥ are shape-regular rectangles with diam(K ⊥ ) ' diam((K 0 )⊥ ) ' h⊥ , for h⊥ . hk . Lemma 3.2. In the setting above and for a piecewise smooth function v, we have (h⊥ )−1 k[[v]]fK,K 0 k2L2 (fK,K 0 ) . NK [v]2 + NK 0 [v]2 . (3.9) ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ Proof. We have h⊥ K,fK,K 0 ' hK 0 ,fK,K 0 ' hmin,K ' hmin,K 0 ' h . Hence, applying the anisotropic trace inequality from Ref. 14 (Lemma 4.2 with t = 2) yields k[[v]]fK,K 0 k2L2 (fK,K 0 ) . kv|K k2L2 (fK,K 0 ) + kv|K 0 k2L2 (fK,K 0 ) . (h⊥ )−1 kvk2L2 (K) + kvk2L2 (K 0 ) + h⊥ k∇vk2L2 (K) + k∇vk2L2 (K 0 ) . The bound (3.9) follows. 3.2. hp-Version discretizations The conforming finite element spaces to be considered here are based on the uniform and isotropic polynomial degree p ≥ 1 (throughout K ∈ M). For a geometric mesh M satisfying Assumptions 3.1, 3.2, we introduce two hp-version finite element spaces Vp (M) := v ∈ H 1 (Ω) : v|K ∈ Qp (K), K ∈ M , (3.10) Vp0 (M) := Vp (M) ∩ H01 (Ω). Here, First, space ment n the local polynomial approximation space Qp (K) is defined as follows. b we introduce the tensor-product polynomial on the reference element K, α b := span { x̂ : αi ≤ p, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 }. Then, for an hexahedral eleQp (K) b → K, we set Qp (K) := K ∈ M with elemental mapping ΦK : K o 2 b . As compared to discontinuous spaces considv ∈ L (K) : (v|K ◦ ΦK ) ∈ Qp (K) ered Refs. 14, 15, the spaces in (3.10) now feature interelement continuity and essential boundary conditions in the presence of geometric mesh refinements. (`) Under Assumptions 3.1, 3.2, let Mσ = {Mσ }`≥1 be a σ-geometric mesh family and µ > 0 a proportionality parameter. Then we consider the sequence {V σ` }`≥1 of hp-version spaces of uniform polynomial degree p` given by Vσ` := Vp0` (M(`) σ ), with p` := max{3, bµ`c}, ` ≥ 1. (3.11) Here we note that, as in Ref. 15, we shall always work under the (purely technical) assumption that p` ≥ 3; cp. Lemma 4.1 below. April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 10 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab Remark 3.1. Due to the occurence of irregular faces and edges in the geometric refinements, it is a-priori not clear that the spaces (3.10), (3.11) are well-defined. That these definitions, indeed, define proper linear subspaces will follow from our construction of polynomial trace liftings in Section 5 ahead. With the definition (3.11) of the hp-FE spaces in place, the hp-version Galerkin discretization of the variational formulation (2.3) reads as usual: Z ` ` ` f vdx ∀v ∈ Vσ` . (3.12) uσ ∈ Vσ : a(uσ , v) = Ω For ` ≥ 1, the discrete problem (3.12) has a unique solution u`σ which is quasioptimal: there exists a constant C > 0 (depending only on the domain Ω and the coefficient matrix A) such that for all parameters σ, ` there holds ku − u`σ kH 1 (Ω) ≤ C inf ku − vkH 1 (Ω) . v∈Vσ` (3.13) 3.3. Exponential convergence Our main convergence result is as follows. (`) Theorem 3.3. Let Mσ = {Mσ }`≥1 be a family of σ-geometric meshes on Ω, and consider the hp-version discretizations based on the sequence V σ` of subspaces defined in (3.11). Then, for weight exponents b as in (2.12) and ` ≥ 1, there exist 6 6 (Ω) we have (Ω) → Vσ` such that for u ∈ A−1−b (Ω) ⊂ M−1−b projectors Π` : M−1−b the bound u − Π` u H 1 (Ω) ≤ C exp (−b`) . (3.14) The constants b, C > 0 are independent of `, but depend on the subdivision ratio σ, the patch mesh M0 with its associated patch maps, the weight exponents b > 0 (see Remark 2.1), the proportionality constant µ > 0 in (3.11), and on the constant C u in the analytic regularity estimate (2.9). In particular, if the source term f in the boundary-value problem (2.1)–(2.2) belongs to A1−b (Ω) with weights as in (2.12) (and hence the solution u is in A−1−b (Ω) by Proposition 2.1), then, as ` → ∞, the hp-version approximations u `σ in (3.12) converge exponentially √ 5 (3.15) u − u`σ H 1 (Ω) ≤ C exp −b N , where the constants b, C > 0 are independent of N = dim(Vσ` ), the number of degrees of freedom of the hp-FE discretization. 3.4. Outline of proof We first note that the error bound (3.15) is an immediate consequence of the quasioptimality property (3.13) and the exponential consistency bound (3.14) (noting that N ' `5 ). Therefore, the proof of Theorem 3.3 will follow from the construction April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 11 and exponential convergence estimates for the hp-version (quasi)interpolants Π ` . These estimates are of independent interest, and the rest of the paper is devoted to their proof, which is structured as follows. The hp-version projector Π` in (3.14) will be assembled from corresponding patch projectors Π`p for 1 ≤ p ≤ P . To do so, consider the mesh patch Mp = fp ) on Qp . Then, with the geometric reference mesh patch M fp , we associate G p (M ` e f a reference patch projector Πp on Mp , which, in accordance with the four types of fp ∈ RP g in (3.1), is taken as one of four types geometric refinements chosen for M of reference patch projectors e `,t Π f`,t , on M σ t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}. (3.16) On the physical patch Mp , the patch projector Π`p is then defined via e ` (u|Qp ◦ Gp ). (Π`p u)|Qp ◦ Gp = Π p (3.17) The inter-patch continuity of the projector Π` defined patchwise as Π` |Qp = Π`p will follow from Assumptions 3.1, 3.2. Then the proof of (3.14) proceeds by bounding the H 1 -norms of ηp := u|Qp − Π`p u|Qp , p = 1, . . . , P , e given by respectively the pull-backs ηep to the reference patch Q e` u ηep := u ep − Π p ep , p = 1, . . . , P , (3.18) (3.19) e For a finite where u ep = u|Qp ◦ Gp is the pull-back of u|Qp to the reference patch Q. set D of axiparallel elements K, we introduce the quantity X ΥD [v] := NK [v]2 , (3.20) K∈D with NK [v] defined in (3.8). ηp ]. Lemma 3.3. For 1 ≤ p ≤ P , there holds ΥMp [ηp ] ' ΥM fp [e Proof. This follows from the construction of the patch mesh M0 ; cp. also the boundedness properties of the patch maps in Ref. 14 (Section 3.1). By employing (3.18), (3.19) and Lemma 3.3, the approximation error in (3.14) can be bounded by ku − Π` uk2H 1 (Ω) ≤ P X ΥMp [ηp ] . P X ηp ]. ΥM fp [e (3.21) p =1 p =1 Then, we notice that, up to rotation and orientation, there are four types of reference g in (3.1). Hence, to bound the right-hand side of (3.21), it is mesh patches in RP enough to provide error estimates for the four reference cases and we have X ku − Π` uk2H 1 (Ω) ≤ [e ηt ], (3.22) ΥM f`,t σ t ∈{c,e,ce,int} April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 12 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab e `,t u e We observe that, due to the with ηet := u e−Π e for the pull-back u e of u to Q. patch maps being affine with (up to rotations and reflections) diagonal Jacobian, the analytic regularity (2.11) of solutions u ∈ H01 (Ω) to (2.1)–(2.2) is preserved under e In particular, the pull-back u pull-back into the reference patch coordinates on Q. e e e with weighting of u to Q belongs to an analytic regularity reference class At (Q) depending on the type t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}. As in Section 2.2, these reference classes are defined in terms of correspondingly weighted reference semi-norms | · |M k (Q) e t e as will be detailed in (4.11), (4.12), (4.13) and (4.14) for any and spaces M m (Q), t type t ∈ {c, e ce, int}. To define the reference patch projectors with exponential error bounds (3.14) f`,t , we proceed in two steps: first, we on the geometric reference mesh patches M σ introduce base hp-projectors π eb`,t on f`,t , M σ t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}, (3.23) with exponential approximation bounds under the analytic regularity property in (2.9). As base projectors, we choose the non-conforming and tensorized proe The exponential jectors constructed in Ref. 15 and well-defined for u e ∈ Mt6 (Q). convergence estimates in broken Sobolev norms established in Ref. 15 (Section 5) apply directly on each mesh patch: e : t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}, u e ∈ At (Q) ΥM [e u−π eb`,t u e] ≤ C exp(−2b`), f`,t σ (3.24) with constants b, C > 0 independent of `. The base approximations π eb`,t are nodally exact, continuous over matching faces and regular vertices and satisfy the homogeneous essential boundary conditions exactly (on corresponding patch boundary faces). However, the base approximations π eb`,t are in general discontinuous across irregular inter-element faces, edges and vertices. To ensure inner-patch continuity (necessary for H 1 -conformity) in geometrically refined patches, the next step of our proof therefore consists in constructing jump lifting operators Let , t ∈ {c, e, ce}, which remove the polynomial jumps in the base hp-projectors while preserving their exponential convergence estimates and the essential boundary conditions. These polynomial jump-liftings will be introduced and their stability will be analyzed in Section 5. The resulting reference patch hp-projectors e `,t := π Π eb`,t + Let , t ∈ {c, e, ce}, (3.25) then yield continuous, piecewise polynomial approximations, without disrupting the exponential convergence bounds in (3.24). In fact, we establish the following stability estimate, separately for each reference patch. e we let ηet = u e `,t u Proposition 3.1. For t ∈ {c, e, ce, int} and u e ∈ Mt6 (Q), e−Π e `,t and ηeb,t = u e−π eb u e. Then we have [e ηb,t ], [e ηt ] . p18 ΥM ΥM f`,t f`,t σ σ (3.26) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 13 for any t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}. We now conclude the proof of the bound (3.14). The constructions of the reference patch hp-projectors lead to a family {Π` }`≥1 of globally conforming, piecewise 6 polynomial and bounded hp-version (quasi)interpolants Π` : M−1−b (Ω) → Vσ` . They satisfy the homogeneous essential boundary conditions, and, by (3.22) and Proposition 3.1, converge at the same rates as the base projectors π eb`,t on each of the `,t f , up to an algebraic loss in the polynomial degree p: reference mesh patches M σ X ` ΥM [e ηb,t ] . (3.27) ku − Π uk2H 1 (Ω) . p18 f`,t σ t ∈{c,e,ce,int} e belongs to one of the As before, for u ∈ A−1−b (Ω), the pull-back u e of u|Qp to Q e of type t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}. The proof of (3.14) then analytic reference classes At (Q) follows from (3.27) and the exponential convergence rates of the base interpolants in (3.24). The algebraic loss in p in (3.27) is absorbed by suitably adjusting the constants b, C in the exponential convergence bounds. Remark 3.2. The exponential error bounds for the hp-base interpolants in this section are based on the patchwise analytic regularity assumptions in (3.24) of the solution u e in local, patch coordinates, which are satisfied in the axi-parallel case considered here. Our construction of exponentially consistent, H 1 -conforming hpinterpolants can be readily extended to curvilinear patches. The exponential convergence bounds in Theorem 3.3 hold, provided that the pull-backs u e of the solution u on the patches belongs to one of the analytic regularity reference classes and the patch maps satisfy Assumptions 3.1, 3.2. Remark 3.3. The relatively large, algebraic loss in p in (3.26), (3.27) is an upper bound. It is a consequence of our trace liftings being taken as (bi)linear functions, rather than as polynomials of degree p (which is compatible with the constant polynomial degree p). By using polynomial trace-liftings with “minimal energy”, as constructed in Ref. 17 (Lemma 9.1) or Ref. 18, these exponents can be reduced. It remains to review the definitions of the base projectors in (3.23) and the bounds (3.24) from Ref. 15 (Section 5). This will be done in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, we present the construction and analysis of the polynomial jump liftings in (3.25) and prove Proposition 3.1. 4. Base Projectors and Exponential Convergence In this section, we specify the non-conforming and tensorized hp-version base projectors in (3.23) and review their exponential convergence properties (3.24). 4.1. Tensorization of univariate hp-projectors We begin by introducing the univariate hp-approximation operators from Ref. 5. b be To that end, let Ib = (−1, 1) denote the unit interval. For p ≥ 0, we let Pp (I) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 14 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab the space of univariate polynomials on Ib of degree less or equal than p. We denote b → Pp (I) b the L2 (I)-projection. b by π bp,0 : L2 (I) We will base our analysis on the univariate and C 1 -conforming hp-projectors π bp,2 constructed in Ref. 5 (Section 8). b → Pp (I) b that Lemma 4.1. For p ≥ 3, there is a unique projector π bp,2 : H 2 (I) (2) (2) (j) (j) satisfies (b πp,2 v) = π bp−2,0 (v ) and (b πp,k v) (±1) = v (±1) for j = 0, 1. b cp. Ref. 5 (Proposition 8.4). Moreover, hpThe projector π bp,2 is stable in H 2 (I), version approximation properties of π bp,2 were established in Ref. 5 (Theorem 8.3). Next, we tensorize the one-dimensional projectors π bp,2 along the lines of Ref. 15 (Section 5.1.2). Let Ibd = Ib × · · · × Ib for d ≥ 2. Coordinates in Ibd are written 2 b = (b as x x1 , . . . , x bd ). We introduce the tensor-product Sobolev space Hmix (Ibd ) := Nd 2 b i=1 H (I). Notice that, for d = 3, we have the inclusion 2 H 6 (Ib3 ) ⊂ Hmix (Ib3 ). (4.1) N b On Ibd and for p ≥ 3, we now define the tensorized We set Qp (Ibd ) := di=1 Pp (I). interpolation operator d π bp,2 (i) = d O i=1 (i) π bp,2 , (4.2) where π bp,2 denotes the univariate projector defined in Lemma 4.1, acting in the vari2 (Ibd ); see Ref. 15 (Proposiable x bi . The projector is well-defined and stable on Hmix tion 5.3). For corresponding hp-approximation results, we refer to Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.4). d , a crucial role is taken by the In the discussion of interelement continuity of πk,2 following property. It implies that traces of the tensorized interpolant and tensor projection commute. It is an immediate consequence of (4.2) and of the defining properties of the univariate projector in Lemma 4.1. Proposition 4.1. For d ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ j ≤ d, there holds O (i) d π bp,2 v |xbj =±1 = bj = ±1)). π bp,2 (v(·, x (4.3) 1≤i6=j≤d Remark 4.1. Observe that (4.3) is recursive: one may take repeated traces with 0 0 respect to a sequence {b xj(k) }k≥1 of coordinates, with j(k) 6= j(k ) for k 6= k. In 3 particular, by taking the traces twice, we see that π bp,2 v |xbi =±1,bxj =±1 corresponds to the univariate projections π bp,2 of traces of v onto polynomials on all edges {b xi = ±1} ∩ {b xj = ±1}, for i 6= j. Iterating this argument d times, we obtain nodal exactness of π b d v in the vertices of Ibd follows: for v ∈ H 2 (Ibd ) ⊂ C 0 (Ibd ), we have p,2 mix d v(Q) = (b πp,2 v)(Q) for all vertices Q of Ibd . (4.4) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 15 4.2. Continuity properties For an axiparallel hexahedron K and for a function v : K → R with vb = v ◦ ΦK ∈ 2 3 b we now define the elemental interpolant (πp,2 Hmix (K), v)|K ∈ Qp (K) in a standard way by setting 3 3 πp,2 v |K ◦ ΦK := π bp,2 v ◦ ΦK , (4.5) 3 b → K the with π bp,2 the reference tensor interpolant (4.2) (for d = 3) and ΦK : K (i) elemental mapping. Analogously, we denote by πp,2 |K the univariate projector π bp,2 applied in direction xi on element K. The following lemma is a straightforward consequence of (4.4) and Remark 4.1, taking into account the inclusion (4.1). Lemma 4.2. Let K, K 0 be two axiparallel hexahedra, F = FK,K 0 a regularly matching face and v ∈ H 6 (int(K ∪ K 0 )). Then we have 3 3 |K 0 v|K 0 |F , (4.6) πp,2 |K v|K |F = πp,2 3 implying that the projector πp,2 yields a piecewise polynomial approximation which is continuous across the regular face F . Similarly, let K be an axiparallel hexahedron, F ∈ FK and v ∈ H 6 (K). If there holds v|F ≡ 0, then we have 3 (4.7) |K v|K |F ≡ 0, πp,2 3 implying that the projector πp,2 preserves homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on the face F . Additionally, if E ⊂ F is an elemental edge of K (i.e., E ∈ E K ), then identity (4.7) implies 3 (4.8) πp,2 |K v|K |F |E ≡ 0 . 4.3. Definition of the base projectors Analogously to (3.4), we split the geometrically refined reference mesh patches into e interior elements and terminal layer elements, with respect to the singular set on Q induced via the patch maps by the corresponding singular corners and edges on Ω: e `,t . e `,t f`,t M σ := Oσ ∪ Tσ , t ∈ {c, e, ce}. (4.9) e → R and the polynomial degree p` in (3.11), we define the For a function u e: Q non-conforming reference base interpolant π eb`,t u e elementwise as 3 e ∈M fσ`,int , e|Ke t = int and K πp` ,2 |Ke u e `,t , e ∈O πb`,t |K e|Ke := (4.10) πp3` ,2 |Ke u e|Ke t ∈ {c, e, ce} and K eu σ 0 `,t e e ∈T . t ∈ {c, e, ce} and K σ This interpolant is equal to the tensorized interpolant πp3` ,2 |K e in (4.5) on all axie is parallel hexahedral elements whose distance to the singular support of ũ in Q April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 16 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab positive, and equal to zero on all terminal layer elements (in the respective reference patches). Due to the inclusion (4.1), the base interpolants are well-defined for e with weighting according to the patch type functions in the Sobolev space Mt6 (Q) t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}. Remark 4.2. In view of Lemma 4.2, the base interpolants π eb`,t u e in (4.10) are f`,t conforming over regularly matching faces within the reference mesh patch M σ and satisfy homogeneous boundary conditions on patch faces corresponding to boundary faces of a geometric mesh M on Ω. However, π eb`,t u e is generally discontinuous over irregular faces within a reference mesh patch, as well as at the boundary of the terminal layers. 4.4. Exponential convergence on reference mesh patches Next, we review from Ref. 15 the patchwise exponential convergence results in (3.24) for the reference base projectors in (4.10) and for solutions u with patchwise analytic e for t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}. regularity for the pull-back u e, i.e., u e ∈ At (Q) `,int f First, interior patches Mp = Gp (Mσ ) consist of a fixed regular collection of axiparallel, hexahedral elements whose distances to the singular set S are bounded e associated away from zero. Hence, the analytic regularity reference class Aint (Q) `,int e with Mσ consists of functions u e which are analytic in Q with |e u|2M k e int (Q) 2(k+1) := |e u|2H k (Q) Γ(k + 1)2 , e ≤C k ∈ N0 . (4.11) By proceeding as in Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.10), we obtain the following exponential bound. Proposition 4.2. Let u e satisfy the regularity assumption (4.11). Consider the base projector π eb`,int u e in (4.10) with polynomial degrees p` ' ` as in (3.11). Then, as ` → ∞, we have the error bound ΥM [e u−π eb`,int u e] ≤ C exp(−2b`) , f`,int σ with constants b, C > 0 independent of `. f`,c on Q, e the analytic reference Second, for the reference corner mesh patch M σ e can be assumed to consist of functions u class Ac (Q) e that satisfy X 2(k+1) e αu |e u|2M k (Q) krc−1−bc +|α| D ek2L2 (Q) Γ(k + 1)2 , k ∈ N0 , (4.12) e := e ≤C c |α|=k e cp. Figure 1 (left), and bc ∈ (0, 1) a corner where rc is the distance to a corner of Q, weight exponent as in (2.12). Proposition 4.3. Let u e satisfy the regularity assumption (4.12). Consider the base projector π eb`,c u e in (4.10) with polynomial degrees p` ' ` as in (3.11). Then, as ` → ∞, we have the error bound [e u−π eb`,c u e] ≤ C exp(−2b`) , ΥM f`,c σ April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 17 with constants b, C > 0 independent of `. f`,c = O e `,c ∪. T e `,c . On O e `,c , exponential convergence Proof. From (4.9), we have M σ σ σ σ e `,c , the exponential bound follows from Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.13). On the mesh T σ results from Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.21). f`,e on Q, e we analogously shall conThird, for the reference edge mesh patch M σ e sider the analytic reference class Ae (Q) of functions u e so that X ⊥ 2(k+1) e αu kre−1−be +|α | D ek2L2 (Q) Γ(k + 1)2 , k ∈ N0 , (4.13) |e u|2M k (Q) e ≤C e := e |α|=k e as indicated in boldface in Figure 1 where re is the distance to an edge of Q, (middle), and be ∈ (0, 1) an edge weight exponent as in (2.12). Proposition 4.4. Let u e satisfy the regularity assumption (4.13). Consider the base projector π eb`,e u e in (4.10) with polynomial degrees p` ' ` as in (3.11). Then, as ` → ∞, we have the error bound ΥM [e u−π eb`,e u e] ≤ C exp(−2b`) . f`,e σ with constants b, C > 0 independent of `. Proof. This is a consequence of Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.15) and Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.22). f`,ce e By superFinally, we consider the reference corner-edge mesh patch M on Q. σ position as in Ref. 15, we may restrict ourselves to the case of single corner c with e now consists a single edge e ∈ Ec . The associated analytic reference class Ace (Q) of functions u e satisfying X ⊥ 2(k+1) e +|α | e α |e u|2M k (Q) krc−1−bc +|α| ρ−1−b D u ek2L2 (Q) Γ(k + 1)2 , (4.14) e := ce e ≤C ce |α|=k e for any k ∈ N0 , where rc and ρce are the distances to the corner-edge pair on Q formed by c and e, as indicated in Figure 1 (right). The weight exponents bc , be ∈ (0, 1) are as in (2.12). Proposition 4.5. Let u e satisfy the regularity assumption (4.14). Consider the base projector π eb`,ce u e in (4.10) with polynomial degrees p` ' ` as in (3.11). Then, as ` → ∞, we have the error bound ΥM [e u−π eb`,ce u e] ≤ C exp(−2b`) , f`,ce σ with constants b, C > 0 independent of `. Proof. This bound follows from Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.17) and Ref. 15 (Proposition 5.23). April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 18 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab 5. Polynomial Trace Liftings e `,t = In this section, we construct the H 1 -conforming reference patch projectors Π `,t `,t e π eb + Lt in (3.16), (3.25), by modifying the base projectors π eb with the introduction of suitable polynomial trace liftings Let over irregular edges and/or irregular faces. We then prove the bound (3.26) in Proposition 3.1 separately for each reference mesh patch. To that end, we simply write πb := π eb`,t for the base hp`,t f , t ∈ {c, e, ce, int}, projector in (4.10) on the respective reference mesh patch M σ e `,t for the resulting patch projector. When clear from the context, we and Π := Π will omit ”tildas” to denote quantities on reference patches, and use the notation η = u − Πu, ηb = u − πb u, (5.1) e for t ∈ for a generic patch function u in the weighted space u ∈ Mt6 (Q) {c, e, ce, int}; cp. inclusion (4.1). f`,int 5.1. Interior patch M σ fσ`,int , we take For the interior reference mesh patch M fσ`,int M f`,int , Πu := πb u on M σ (5.2) Since contains finitely many regular refinements, Πu in (5.2) yields a confσ`,int , cp. Lemma 4.2 forming piecewise polynomial approximation over the patch M and Assumptions 3.1, 3.2. No further liftings are required, and the bound (3.26) fσ`,int , without any loss in p. hold trivially for M Proposition 5.1. With (5.1) we have ΥM [η] . ΥM [ηb ]. f`,int f`,int σ σ f`,e 5.2. Edge patch M σ f`,e Next, we analyze the reference edge patch M σ , where irregular faces arise across layers due to irregular geometric refinements perpendicular to edges, as illustrated in Figure 1 (middle). As the edge-patch analysis will be a building block also for f`,e the corner-edge case, we consider here a more general edge patch M σ whose edgek parallel size is determined by the parameter h (not necessarily of order one). Our f`,e estimates will then be made explicit in hk . According to (4.9), we write M σ = . `,e `,e e ∪T e and consider the two submeshes separately. O σ σ e `,e 5.2.1. Interior elements in O σ e `,e can be partitioned into ` layers as O e `,e = By (3.5), the interior mesh O σ σ S`−1 e `0 ,e `0 =0 Lσ . By Lemma 4.2 and Remark 4.2, the base projector πb u is continuous over elements within each layer `0 , and satisfies the homogeneous boundary conditions on appropriate patch boundary faces. For 1 ≤ `0 ≤ ` − 1, we thus need to introduce trace liftings on the interface of the two adjacent mesh laye `0 ,e = {K 0 , K 0 , K 0 } as illustrated in Figure 2. e `0 −1,e = {K1 , K2 , K3 } and L ers L 3 2 1 σ σ f24 F1 F2 F3 April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 1 2 3 ··· ` `0 e `,c T σ e `,c,⊥ O σ paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 19 x⊥ 2 xk E3 b⊥ 2 K3 hk K30 f33 b⊥ 1 E1 K10 f31 K20 f21 a⊥ 1 f22 K1 E2 x⊥ 1 a⊥ 2 K2 0 0 e `σ ,e = {K 0 , K 0 , K 0 } for σ = 0.5 e `σ −1,e = {K1 , K2 , K3 } and L Fig. 2. Interface between layers L 3 2 1 ⊥ , b⊥ , b⊥ . The irregular faces f , f , f , f , a and length parameters hk , a⊥ 21 22 31 33 are indicated. 2 1 2 1 In the system there, the singular edge e on the patch corresponds to coordinate ⊥ k ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ k k k k e = x = (x , x ) : x⊥ 1 = a2 , x2 = b2 , x ∈ e , with e := (0, h ). As in (3.6), k ⊥ 0 we write the elements Ki , Ki in the product form Ki = Ki ×e and Ki0 = (Ki0 )⊥ ×ek , respectively, where Ki⊥ and (Ki0 )⊥ are shape-regular and axiparallel rectangles of diameters diam(Ki⊥ ) ' h⊥ , with h⊥ . hk . We introduce the faces fij := fKi ,Kj0 , and note that f21 , f22 , f31 , f33 are irregular; cp. Figure 2. We further set fij0 := fKi0 ,Kj , 0 0 and observe that f12 and f13 match regularly. As indicated in Figure 2, the precise locations of the elements, faces and edges in each layer are determined by the length ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ parameters a⊥ 1 , a2 and b1 , b2 , which do not change from layer to layer. Finally, we ⊥ ⊥ note that h⊥ min,Ki ' hmin,Ki0 ' h . We then consider the polynomial face jumps [[πb u]]fij = [[πb u]]fK ,K 0 = πb |Ki u|Ki − πb |Kj0 u|Kj0 |fij . (5.3) i j Similarly, we denote the jumps across fij0 by [[πb u]]fij0 := [[πb u]]fK 0 ,K 0 . i j Remark 5.1. The jumps (5.3) have a natural tensor-product structure. To describe k it, we write fij := e⊥ ij × e . The tensor-product definitions (4.2), (4.5) imply the k (1) (2) representation πb |K = πb⊥ |K ⊗πb |K , with πb⊥ |K = πp,2 |K ⊗πp,2 |K the tensor-product projector acting in the first two coordinate directions and considered already in k (3) Ref. 16 (Theorem 4.72), and with πb |K denoting the univariate projector πp,2 |K acting in edge-parallel direction. It can be readily seen that k [[πb u]]fij = [[πb⊥ u]]e⊥ ⊗ πb , ij k on fij = e⊥ ij × e , (5.4) denoting two-dimensional jumps in direction perpendicular to the with [[πb⊥ u]]e⊥ ij edge e on the slice xk ∈ ek . (The jumps [[πb u]]fij0 have an analogous structure.) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 20 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab We also point out that, for xk = 0 (and analogously for xk = hk ), the nodal k exactness property of the univariate projector πb in Lemma 4.1 implies (πb u)(x⊥ , 0) = (πb⊥ u(·, 0))(x⊥ ), ⊥ ⊥ 0 ⊥ 3 x⊥ = (x⊥ 1 , x2 ) ∈ {Ki ∪ (Ki ) }i=1 . (5.5) In conjunction with Assumptions 3.1, 3.2, property (5.5) implies the conformity of the base projections πb u in edge-parallel direction over (the corresponding mesh layers of) different edge patches across xk = 0 (or xk = hk ); see also the discussion in Remark 4.2. The next lemma records several other results for the polynomial jumps (5.3). ⊥ k k To state them, we introduce the elemental edges E1 = {x⊥ 1 = 0, x2 = 0, x ∈ e }, ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ k k ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ k k E2 = {x1 = a2 , x2 = 0, x ∈ e } and E3 = {x1 = 0, x2 = b2 , x ∈ e } as depicted in Figure 2. ⊥ Lemma 5.1. The jumps [[πb u]]f21 , [[πb u]]f22 are continuous across x⊥ 1 = a1 , while ⊥ ⊥ the jumps [[πb u]]f31 , [[πb u]]f31 are continuous across x2 = b1 . In addition, for the elemental edges E1 , E2 , E3 in Figure 2, there holds [[πb u]]f21 ≡ 0 on E 1 , [[πb u]]f22 ≡ 0 on E 2 , [[πb u]]f31 ≡ 0 on E 1 , (5.6) [[πb u]]f33 ≡ 0 on E 3 . (5.7) k ⊥ Proof. Let x = (a⊥ 1 , 0, x ). By (5.3) and since f21 and f22 lie on x2 = 0, we conclude that [[πb u]]f21 (x) = πb |K2 u|K2 − πb |K10 u|K10 (x), and [[πb u]]f22 (x) = 0 , propπb |K2 u|K2 − πb |K20 u|K20 (x). Since K10 and K20 match regularly over f12 erty (4.6) in Lemma 4.2 implies πb |K10 u|K10 (x) = πb |K20 u|K20 (x), which shows the ⊥ continuity of [[πb u]]f21 and [[πb u]]f22 at x⊥ 1 = a1 . The continuity of [[πb u]]f31 and ⊥ [[πb u]]f32 at x2 is proved in an analogous manner. To establish (5.6), (5.7), we consider exemplarily the edge E 1 ⊂ f 21 (the proof of the other cases is analogous). By using the tensor-structure (5.4) and the nodal exactness property (4.4) (for the perpendicular tensor projector πb⊥ ), we see that, k k for x = (0, 0, xk ), we have [[πb u]]f21 (x) = [[πb⊥ u]]e⊥ ⊗ πb (x) = [[πb u]]f21 (x) = 0, 21 which finishes the proof. The structure (5.4) of the polynomial jumps (5.3) motivates the following lifting operator: ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ [[πb u]]f21 (1 − x⊥ 2 /b1 ) + [[πb u]]f31 (1 − x1 /a1 ) [[π u]] (1 − x⊥ /b⊥ ) b f22 2 1 Le [πb u] := ⊥ ⊥ (1 − x /a [[π u]] b f 33 1 1) 0 the introduction of on K10 , on K20 , on K30 , (5.8) on {Ki }3i=1 . Obviously, Le [πb u]|Ki0 ∈ Qp (Ki0 ) for i = 1, 2, 3. Lemma 5.2. The lifting Le [πb u] belongs to C 0 (K10 ∪ K20 ∪ K30 ). It vanishes on the ⊥ 0 ⊥ ⊥ 0 ⊥ ⊥ 0 ⊥ ⊥ sets ∂K20 ∩ {x⊥ 1 = a2 }, ∂K2 ∩ {x2 = b1 }, ∂K3 ∩ {x1 = a1 } and ∂K3 ∩ {x2 = b2 }, April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 21 implying that its support does not extend into layer `0 + 1 and beyond the patch borders within layer `0 . Moreover, we have Le [πb u]|K10 |f21 = [[πb u]]f21 , Le [πb u]|K20 |f22 = [[πb u]]f22 , Le [πb u]|K10 |f31 = [[πb u]]f31 , Le [πb u]|K30 |f33 = [[πb u]]f33 . (5.9) (5.10) Proof. The continuity of Le [πb u] over K10 ∪ K20 ∪ K30 follows readily from the construction of the lifting and Lemma 5.1. From the definition (5.8) it follows further that the lifting vanishes on the ⊥ 0 ⊥ ⊥ sets ∂K20 ∩ {x⊥ 2 = b1 } and ∂K3 ∩ {x1 = a1 }. Next, we consider the boundary ⊥ ⊥ set ∂K20 ∩ {x⊥ 1 = a2 }. By property (5.7) and since f22 lies on x2 = 0, there holds ⊥ k 0 ⊥ [[πb u]]f22 (a2 , 0, x ) = 0. Hence, the lifting also vanishes on ∂K2 ∩ {x⊥ 1 = a2 }. The 0 ⊥ ⊥ proof for the set ∂K3 ∩ {x2 = b2 } is analogous. Finally, we verify the first identity in (5.9) for the face f 21 ⊂ ∂K10 ; the other identities are established analogously. There holds k ⊥ k k ⊥ ⊥ Le [πb u]|K10 (x⊥ 1 , 0, x ) = [[πb u]]f21 (x1 , 0, x ) + [[πb u]]f31 (0, 0, x )(1 − x1 /a1 ) . With (5.6), we have [[πb u]]f31 (0, 0, xk ) = 0. Hence, Le [πb u]|K10 |f21 = [[πb u]]f21 . k ⊥ ⊥ Remark 5.2. From (5.4), we have Le [πb u] = L⊥ e⊥ [πb u]⊗πb , where Le⊥ is (a slight modification of) the two-dimensional polynomial trace lifting operator introduced in Ref. 16 (Theorem 4.72) in the slice at xk ∈ ek in edge-perpendicular direction; cp. Figure 2. Hence, for xk = 0 (and analogously for xk = hk ), property (5.5) implies ⊥ ⊥ Le [πb u](x⊥ , 0) = (L⊥ e⊥ [πb u(·, 0)])(x ) , x⊥ ∈ (Ki0 )⊥ , i = 1, 2, 3 . (5.11) The lifting Le [πb u] does not generally vanish at the edge-perpendicular patch borders situated on xk = 0 or xk = hk . However, under Assumptions 3.1, 3.2 and upon introducing corresponding liftings in the adjacent edge or corner-edge patches, the tensor-product structure of the base projectors and liftings in (5.5) and (5.11), respectively, guarantee the conformity of the patch projectors Le [πb u] over the corresponding mesh layers of different edge patches on the edge-perpendicular patch interfaces xk = 0 or xk = hk . Lemma 5.2 and the definition of the jumps (5.3) imply that the lifted projector Πu := πb u + Le [πb u] gives a continuous and piecewise polynomial approximation over mesh layers `0 − 1 and `0 , which does not affect the base projection πb u at the interface to the next layer `0 + 1. In view of Lemma 5.2 and property (4.7), Πu satisfies homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions which might possibly arise ⊥ 0 ⊥ ⊥ within layer `0 on ∂K20 ∩ {x⊥ 1 = a2 } or ∂K3 ∩ {x2 = b2 }. As we show next, the jump lifting Le [πb u] is stable and the (weighted) H 1 -norm of η = u − Πu can be controlled in terms of ηb = u − πb u. April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 22 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab Lemma 5.3. We have the bounds NK10 [Le [πb u]]2 . p4 (h⊥ )−1 k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) + k[[πb u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) , NK20 [Le [πb u]]2 . p4 (h⊥ )−1 k[[πb u]]f22 k2L2 (f22 ) , (5.12) NK30 [Le [πb u]]2 . p4 (h⊥ )−1 k[[πb u]]f33 k2L2 (f33 ) , and 3 X i=1 3 X NKi [ηb ]2 + NKi0 [ηb ]2 . NKi [η]2 + NKi0 [η]2 . p4 (5.13) i=1 Proof. We only prove (5.12) for K10 (the other bounds are analogous). To do so, we first assume that the configuration is of unit size, i.e., h⊥ ' hk ' O(1). Then, by definition of Le [πb u] in (5.8), it readily follows that kLe [πb u]k2L2 (K10 ) . k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) + k[[πb u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) . From the inverse inequality in Ref. 16 (Theorem 3.91), we find that 4 2 k∇vk2L2 (K) b . p kvkL2 (K) b Hence, b . ∀ v ∈ Qp (K) (5.14) k∇Le [πb u]k2L2 (K10 ) . p4 k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) + k[[πb u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) . In the general case as shown in Figure 2, we use the bounds above in conjunction with the anisotropic scalings in Lemma 3.1, exploiting the assumption h⊥ . hk . 1. This results in (5.15) kLe [πb u]k2L2 (K10 ) . h⊥ k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) + k[[πb u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) , (5.16) k∇Le [πb u]k2L2 (K10 ) . p4 (h⊥ )−1 k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) + k[[πb u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) . ⊥ From these bounds and since h⊥ min,K 0 ' h , we conclude that 1 2 4 ⊥ −1 NK10 [Le [πb u]] . p (h ) k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) + k[[πb u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) , which proves the bound (5.12) for K10 . To establish (5.13), we note that, with the triangle inequality, 3 X i=1 3 X NKi [ηb ]2 + NKi0 [ηb ]2 + NKi0 [Le [πb u]]2 . NKi [η]2 + NKi0 [η]2 . i=1 We next estimate the term NK20 [Le [πb u]]2 . From (5.12) and (3.9) (with the fact that [[πb u]]f22 = [[ηb ]]f22 ), we see that NK20 [Le [πb u]]2 ≤ p4 (h⊥ )−1 k[[πb u]]f22 k2L2 (f22 ) . p4 NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK20 [ηb ]2 . Similar bounds for NK10 [Le [πb u]] and NK30 [Le [πb u]] yield the assertion. 6 K7000 K10000 f22 April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE f33 f76 f77 f23 f24 F1 F2 F3 paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 23 e `,e 5.2.2. Terminal layer elements in T σ e `,e to T e `,e illustrated in Figure 3. We use the We next consider the interface from O σ σ e same notations as in Section 5.2.1. The set Lσ`−1,e = {K1 , K2 , K3 } forms layer ` − 1 0 4 e `,e , and T eE`,e of O σ σ = {K1 } is the terminal layer. The base projector πb u is set to E5 0 zero in K1 as per (4.10). Thus, even though the faces f21 and f31 are now regularly E6 matching, the jumps [[πb u]]f21 and [[πb u]]f31 do not vanish in general. In addition, E7 the key properties (5.6), (5.7) are not valid anymore. On the other hand, due to E8 Assumptions 3.1, 3.2, the base projectors πb u are continuous in parallel direction E9 over (the corresponding mesh layers of) different edge patches across xk = 0 or N1 k k x = h ; cp. Remark 5.1 and the definition of the base projectors in (4.10). To N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 x⊥ 2 b⊥ 1 1 2 K3 f31 3 ··· ` `0 e `,c T σ K1 e `,c,⊥ O σ xk E3 hk E1 K10 f21 a⊥ 1 E2 x⊥ 1 K2 0 e `−1,e e `,e Fig. 3. Interface between mesh layer L = {K1 , K2 , K3 } and the terminal layer T σ σ = {K1 } ⊥ k ⊥ for σ = 0.5 and length parameters h , a1 , b1 . The faces f21 , f31 and the edges E1 , E2 , E3 are indicated. overcome the above-mentioned difficulties, we modify the lifting procedure in (5.8) by introducing suitable edge liftings associated with the edges E1 , E2 , E3 shown in Figure 3. We detail this for edge E1 . Lemma 5.4. We have [[πb u]]f21 = [[πb u]]f31 on E 1 . Analogous identities hold on E2 and E3 (across patch borders). Proof. Let x ∈ E 1 . Then, since πb u = 0 on K10 , we have [[πb u]]f21 (x) = πb |K2 u|K2 (x) and [[πb u]]f31 (x) = πb |K3 u|K3 (x). Since the elements K1 , K2 , K3 in layer ` − 1 match regularly, property (4.6) implies πb |K2 u|K2 (x) = πb |K3 u|K3 (x), which proves the assertion. With Lemma 5.4, we set [[πb u]]E1 := [[πb u]]f21 |E1 = [[πb u]]f31 |E1 , and introduce April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 24 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab the edge jump lifting ( 1 LE e [πb u] := ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ [[πb u]]E1 (1 − x⊥ 1 /a2 )(1 − x2 /b1 ) 0 on K10 , on {Ki }3i=1 . (5.17) Clearly, LeE1 [πb u] ∈ Qp (K10 ). Furthermore, the lifting vanishes on the elemental ⊥ 0 ⊥ ⊥ faces ∂K10 ∩ {x⊥ 1 = a1 } and ∂K1 ∩ {x2 = b1 }; cp. Figure 3. k ⊥ E1 1 Remark 5.3. The lifting LE e has the tensor-product structure Le = LN ⊗ πb , where the lifting L⊥ N is a two-dimensional nodal lifting in edge-perpendicular direc0 ⊥ tion into (K1 ) on the slice xk ∈ ek with N = (0, 0, xk ). Lemma 5.5. We have the bounds 2 6 ⊥ −1 1 NK10 [LE k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) , e [πb u]] . p (h ) 2 6 ⊥ −1 1 NK10 [LE k[[πb u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) , e [πb u]] . p (h ) and 2 2 2 6 1 NK10 [LE e [πb u]] . p NK2 [ηb ] + NK10 [ηb ] , 2 2 2 6 1 NK10 [LE e [πb u]] . p NK3 [ηb ] + NK10 [ηb ] . (5.18) (5.19) Proof. We establish the bounds associated with face f21 ; the proof of the other ones is analogous. If the configuration in Figure 3 is of unit size, the two-dimensional polynomial trace inequality in Ref. 16 (Theorem 4.76) yields k[[πb u]]E1 k2L2 (E1 ) . p2 k[[πb u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) , (5.20) since [[πb u]]E1 = [[πb u]]f21 |E1 . With this estimate, it readily follows that 2 2 2 2 1 kLE e [πb u]kL2 (K10 ) . k[[πb u]]E1 kL2 (E1 ) . p k[[πb u]]f21 kL2 (f21 ) . As before, the inverse inequality (5.14) implies 2 2 6 1 k∇LE e [πb u]kL2 (K10 ) . p k[[πb u]]f21 kL2 (f21 ) . This implies (5.18) in the reference case. In the general case, we apply the scalings in Lemma 3.1, cp. (5.15) and (5.16), and obtain the first bound in (5.18). This bound, the jump estimate (3.9) (with the fact that [[u]]f21 = 0) and the triangle inequality yield 2 2 2 6 1 NK10 [LE e [πb u]] . p NK2 [ηb ] + NK10 [ηb ] . This shows the first estimate in (5.19). Next, we define the full edge lifting LE e [πb u] = 3 X j=1 E Le j [πb u], (5.21) E3 2 where LE e [πb u], Le [πb u] are edge liftings associated with the edges E2 , E3 in Figure 3 and defined analogously to (5.17). If the elemental edge E2 or E3 corresponds April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 25 to a boundary edge, the resulting edge lifting is identically zero, in accordance with property (4.8) for element K2 or K3 . From stability bounds analogous to (5.18), we conclude that 2 2 6 2 2 NK10 [LE (5.22) e [πb u]] . p NK2 [ηb ] + NK3 [ηb ] + NK10 [ηb ] . Remark 5.4. The introduction of corresponding edge liftings LE e [πb u] in terminal layer elements of adjacent edge patches readily yields continuity across patch ⊥ borders in x⊥ 1 -direction or x2 -direction. In addition, the tensor-product property in Remark 5.3 ensures the conformity of LE e [πb u] in terminal layer elements across k k k x = 0 or x = h over edge or corner-edge patches; cp. Assumptions 3.1, 3.2. We modify the base projector on K10 and set ( πb u + L E on K10 , e [πb u] E πb u := πb u on {Ki }3i=1 . (5.23) By construction, the projector πbE u satisfies properties (5.6), (5.7) in the terminal layer setting of Figure 3. Lemma 5.6. There holds: [[πbE u]]f21 ≡ 0 on E 1 , [[πbE u]]f21 ≡ 0 on E 2 , [[πbE u]]f31 ≡ 0 on E 1 , [[πbE u]]f31 ≡ 0 on E 3 . (5.24) (5.25) Proof. We verify (5.24) for the face f21 (the proof for the other faces is analogous). By construction and the definition (5.3) of the jumps, we have, for x ∈ E 1 , 1 [[πbE u]]f21 (x) = [[πb u]]f21 (x) − LE e [πb u]|K10 |f21 (x) = [[πb u]]f21 (x) − [[πb u]]f21 (x) = 0. This yields the assertion. Next, we adapt the polynomial face jump lifting Le [·] in (5.8) to the configuration in Figure 3: ( ⊥ E ⊥ ⊥ 0 [[πbE u]]f21 (1 − x⊥ K10 2 /b1 ) + [[πb u]]f31 (1 − x1 /a1 ) on K1 , Le [πb u] := (5.26) 0 on {Ki }3i=1 . K0 ⊥ 0 With (5.24), (5.25), the lifting Le 1 [πb u] vanishes on ∂K10 ∩ {x⊥ 1 = a1 } and ∂K1 ∩ 0 K ⊥ 1 {x⊥ 2 = b1 }; cp. Lemma 5.2. Furthermore, Le [πb u] has a tensor-product structure similar to (5.11). Lemma 5.7. There holds K0 NK10 [Le 1 [πb u]]2 . p10 NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK3 [ηb ]2 + NK10 [ηb ]2 . Proof. By proceeding as in the proof of (5.12), we see that K0 NK10 [Le 1 [πb u]]2 . p4 (h⊥ )−1 k[[πbE u]]f21 k2L2 (f21 ) + k[[πbE u]]f31 k2L2 (f31 ) . (5.27) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 26 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab Then, the jump bound (3.9) (noting that [[u]]f21 = [[u]]f32 = 0), the definition of the edge lifting and the triangle inequality yield K0 NK10 [Le 1 [πb u]]2 . p4 NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK3 [ηb ]2 + NK10 [u − πbE u]2 2 . p4 NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK3 [ηb ]2 + NK10 [ηb ]2 + NK10 [LE . e [πb u]] Invoking (5.22) yields (5.27). In the configuration of Figure 3, we finally introduce the following lifting: ( K10 LE on K10 , e [πb u] + Le [πb u] T (5.28) Le [πb u] := 0 on {Ki }3i=1 . By Remark 5.4, the edge jump liftings LE e [πb u] in (5.28) give rise to a conforming K0 function across neighboring patches. The lifting Le 1 [πb u] is piecewise polynomial ⊥ 0 ⊥ ⊥ and vanishes at the patch borders ∂K10 ∩ {x⊥ 1 = a1 } and ∂K1 ∩ {x2 = b1 }. Hence, it preserves essential boundary data which possibly arise on these patch faces. k k k Remark 5.5. The lifting LT e [πb u] does not generally vanish on x = 0 or x = h . E However, as in Section 5.2.1, the tensor-product structure of the liftings Le [πb u] and K0 k Le 1 [πb u] ensures the continuity of LT e [πb u] in terminal layer elements across x = 0 k k or x = h ; cp. Assumptions 3.1, 3.2 and the nodal exactness of the univariate k projector πb in edge-parallel direction in Lemma 4.1. Lemma 5.8. There holds: LT e [πb u]|K10 |f21 = [[πb u]]f21 , LT e [πb u]|K10 |f31 = [[πb u]]f31 . (5.29) Proof. We show (5.29) for f21 (the proof for f31 is analogous). By (5.24) and as in K0 the proof of (5.9), we have Le 1 [πb u]|K10 |f21 = [[πbE u]]f21 . Hence, with the definition of πbE u and the jumps in (5.23) and (5.3), respectively, we conclude that E E LT e [πb u]|K10 |f21 = Le [πb u]|K10 |f21 + [[πb u]]f21 − Le [πb u]|K10 |f21 = [[πb u]]f21 , which gives the assertion. In view of Remark 5.5 and Lemma 5.8, the lifted projector Πu := πb u + LT e [πb u] yields a piecewise polynomial and conforming approximation in the setting of Figure 3. The analog of the bound (5.13) in Lemma 5.3 reads as follows. Lemma 5.9. We have the bound 3 X i=1 NKi [η]2 + NK10 [η]2 . p10 3 X i=1 NKi [ηb ]2 + NK10 [ηb ]2 . (5.30) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 27 Proof. The triangle inequality yields 3 X NKi [η]2 + NK10 [η]2 i=1 . 3 X K0 2 2 1 NKi [ηb ]2 + NK10 [ηb ]2 + NK10 [LE e [πb u]] + NK10 [Le [πb u]] . i=1 Referring to (5.22) and Lemma 5.7 completes the proof. e `,e ) and Lemma 5.9 (for submesh T e `,e ) show the Lemma 5.3 (for submesh O σ σ `,e f . bound (3.26) over the reference edge patch M σ Proposition 5.2. With (5.1) we have ΥM [η] . p10 ΥM [ηb ]. f`,e f`,e σ σ f`,c 5.3. Corner patch M σ f`,c We consider the reference corner patch M σ , where irregular faces appear due to hanging nodes located in the interior of faces, cp. Figure 1 (left). We proceed as e `,c . e `,c f`,c in Section 5.2, by writing M σ = Oσ ∪ Tσ , cp. (4.9), and by analyzing the two submeshes separately. e `,c 5.3.1. Interior elements in O σ e `,c into ` layers: O e `,c =∪. `−1 e `0 ,c As in the edge patch case, we partition O σ σ `0 =0 Lσ ; cp. (3.5). For 1 ≤ `0 ≤ ` − 1, we consider the interface of the two adjacent mesh layers e `0 ,c = {K 0 }7 shown in Figure 4. e `0 −1,c = {Ki }7 and L L σ σ i i=1 i=1 All elements involved are shape-regular (uniformly in `) and we may assume ⊥ hKi ' hKi0 ' h⊥ min,Ki ' hmin,Ki0 ' h, 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, (5.31) for a mesh size parameter h. As in Section 5.2, we introduce the faces fij = fKi ,Kj0 and fij0 = fKi0 ,Kj0 . The faces f21 , f22 , f76 , f77 are indicated in Figure 4. The locations of the elements, faces and edges in this configuration are determined by the length parameters a1 , a2 in x1 -direction, by b1 , b2 in x2 -direction, and by c1 , c2 in x3 direction, respectively. Again, these values do not change from layer to layer. By Remark 4.2, the base projector πb u defined in (4.10) is continuous across elements Ki , Kj within layer `0 − 1, respectively across the faces fij0 within layer `0 , and satisfies possible homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on patch boundary faces. The polynomial face jumps [[πb u]]fij are defined as in (5.3). As further illustrated in Figure 5, there are three faces which constitute the interface between layer `0 − 1 and `0 : F1 := ∂K2 ∩ { x2 = 0 }, F2 := ∂K7 ∩ { x3 = 0 }, and F3 := ∂K5 ∩ { x1 = 0 }. The elemental edges of these faces are denoted by E1 , . . . , E9 and are also depicted in Figure 5. We define the polynomial jump across face F1 by [[πb u]]F1 := [[πb u]]f2j on f2j , 1 ≤ j ≤ 4. (5.32) K300 K400 K500 f23 K600 f24 K700 F1 April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE K1000 F2 000 K2 F3 K3000 E1 K4000 E2 K5000 E3 K6000 E4 K7000Christoph Schwab 28 Dominik Schötzau and E5 K10000 E6 x2 E paper 7 E8 E9 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 1 2 3 ··· ` `0 e `,c T σ f31 f33 f76 f77 K6 K7 f76 a1 f77 K60 c1 K70 c2 b1 K50 K40 K5 K1 b2 K10 K20 f21 f22 x3 x1 a2 K4 K2 e `,c,⊥ O σ 0 0 e `σ −1,c = {Ki }7 and L e `σ ,c = {K 0 }7 Fig. 4. Interface between layers L i=1 i i=1 for σ = 0.5 and length parameters ai , bi , ci , i = 1,N2.1 The irregular faces f21 , f22 , f76 , f77 are indicated. N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 x2 E6 a1 a2 b2 E8 c1 1 c 2 2 E7 3 ··· F3 E ` 9 f23 E1 `0 F 1 f21 f22 e `,c T σ `,c,⊥ E e 2 Oσ x E5 b1 F2 E4 f24 x1 E3 3 Fig. 5. Illustration of the faces F1 , F2 , F3 constituting the interface from layer `0 − 1 to layer `0 for σ = 0.5. The edges of these faces are denoted by E1 , . . . , E9 . The face F1 consists of the four irregular faces f21 , f22 , f23 , f24 . The jumps [[πb u]]F2 and [[πb u]]F3 are defined analogously. April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 29 Lemma 5.10. We have [[πb u]]F1 ∈ C 0 (F 1 ) and [[πb u]]F1 (0, 0, 0) = 0, [[πb u]]F1 (0, 0, c2 ) = 0, (5.33) [[πb u]]F1 (a2 , 0, 0) = 0, [[πb u]]F1 (a2 , 0, c2 ) = 0. (5.34) Moreover, [[πb u]]F1 = [[πb u]]F3 on E 1 . (Analogous properties hold for the jumps [[πb u]]F2 and [[πb u]]F3 , possibly across patch borders.) Proof. The continuity of [[πb u]]F1 follows from the fact that elements K10 , . . . , K40 0 0 0 match regularly across the faces f12 , f14 , f45 , f25 . Properties (5.33), (5.34) are direct consequences of the nodal exactness (4.4). For the second statement, we proceed as in the proof of Lemma 5.4 and consider x ∈ E 1 ∩ ∂Kj0 for j ∈ {1, 3}. Then, [[πb u]]F1 (x) = [[πb u]]f2j (x) = πb |K2 u|K2 (x) − πb |Kj0 u|Kj0 (x), [[πb u]]F3 (x) = [[πb u]]f5j (x) = πb |K5 u|K5 (x) − πb |Kj0 u|Kj0 (x). Since the elements {Ki }7i=1 in layer `0 − 1 match regularly, by property (4.6), we obtain πb |K2 u|K2 (x) = πb |K1 u|K1 (x) = πb |K5 u|K5 (x). This completes the proof. We begin our construction by introducing polynomial edge-jump liftings associated with edges E1 , . . . , E9 in Figure 5; cp. Section 5.2.2. We detail this for edge E1 , the treatment of the other edges being analogous. With Lemma 5.10, we may set [[πb u]]E1 := ([[πb u]]F1 )|E1 = ([[πb u]]F3 )|E1 , and define the edge lifting ( [[πb u]]E1 (1 − x1 /a1 )(1 − x2 /b1 ) in K10 , K30 , E1 Lc [πb u] := (5.35) 0 otherwise. 1 The lifting LE c [πb u] defines a piecewise polynomial and continuous function in 0 0 K1 ∪ K3 ; cp. Lemma 5.10, which reproduces the edge jump [[πb u]]E1 on E1 . By construction and due to (5.34) it vanishes on edges E2 , E4 , as well as on {x1 = a1 }, {x2 = b1 }. By proceeding as in the proof of (5.19) (with isotropic element scaling), the following bound can be readily verified. Lemma 5.11. We have the bound 2 E1 2 6 1 NK10 [LE NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK10 [ηb ]2 + NK30 [ηb ]2 . (5.36) c [πb u]] + NK30 [Lc [πb u]] . p In the setting of Figure 5, we then define the full edge lifting LE c [πb u] as LE c [πb u] := 9 X j=1 E Lc j [πb u], (5.37) E where Lc j [πb u] is an edge lifting associated with Ej as in (5.35). The function 0 0 LE c [πb u] is piecewise polynomial and continuous in K1 ∪ . . . ∪ K7 . Remark 5.6. If Ej corresponds to a boundary edge, the resulting edge lifting is identically zero, cp. (4.8). As in Remark 5.4, the introduction of corresponding edge April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 30 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab jump liftings in adjacent patches yields conformity across the patch border into an adjacent corner or corner-edge patch; cp. Assumptions 3.1, 3.2. From estimates as in (5.36), we conclude that, over face F1 , we have 4 X N Ki0 2 [LE c [πb u]] 6 2 . p NK2 [ηb ] + 4 X i=1 i=1 NKi0 [ηb ]2 . (5.38) Similar bounds hold over F2 and F3 . Proceeding as in Section 5.2.2, we introduce πbE u := πb u + LE c [πb u] . (5.39) Lemma 5.12. We have [[πbE u]]F1 ∈ C 0 (F 1 ) and [[πbE u]]F1 ≡ 0 on E j for 1 ≤ j ≤ 4. (Analogous properties hold for F2 and F3 .) Proof. We note that [[πbE u]]F1 = [[πb u]]f2j − LE c [πb u]|Kj0 |f2j on f2j for 1 ≤ j ≤ 4. Hence, the continuity of [[πbE u]]F1 follows from the continuity of [[πb u]]F1 shown in Lemma 5.10 and from the continuity of the edge jump liftings. Next, we show that [[πbE u]]F1 = 0 on E1 ; the proof for the other edges is analogous. Let x ∈ E 1 ∩ ∂Kj0 for j ∈ {1, 3}. We find that [[πbE u]]F1 (x) = [[πb u]]f2j (x) − [[πb u]]f2j (x) = 0. We lift the polynomial face jump [[πbE u]]F1 over F1 from K2 into layer `0 by ( on {Ki0 }4i=1 , [[πbE u]]F1 (1 − x2 /b1 ) 1 ,K2 (5.40) LF [πb u] := c 0 otherwise. Notice that, due to Lemma 5.12, this lifting vanishes on the sets {x : (x1 , 0, x3 ) ∈ ∂F1 , x2 ∈ (0, b1 )} and {x2 = b1 }, respectively, and in particular on the other faces F2 and F3 . In addition, it reproduces the jump of πbE u on F1 : 1 ,K2 1≤j≤4. (5.41) LF [πb u]|Kj0 |f2j = [[πbE u]]f2j , c Lemma 5.13. We have the bound 4 4 X X 2 2 10 1 ,K2 [η ] + NKi0 [ηb ]2 . [π u]] . p N NKi0 [LF b K2 b c (5.42) i=1 i=1 Proof. Proceeding as in the proof of (5.12) yields 4 X i=1 1 ,K2 NKi0 [LF [πb u]]2 . p4 h−1 c 4 X i=1 k[[πbE u]]f2i k2L2 (f2i ) . Applying the jump estimate (3.9) (with the fact that [[u]]f2i = 0) in conjunction with the bound (5.38) implies the asserted bound. 1 Next, we introduce the full trace lifting LF c [πb u] associated with the face F1 as ( F1 ,K2 LE [πb u] on {Ki0 }4i=1 , c [πb u] + Lc 1 (5.43) LF [π u] := b c 0 otherwise, April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 31 F1 ,K2 with LE [πb u] defined in (5.37) and (5.40), respectively. The lifting c [πb u] and Lc F1 Lc [πb u] is piecewise polynomial and continuous in ∪4i=1 Ki0 . By construction and definition of the edge liftings, it vanishes on the elemental boundaries on the plane {x2 = b1 }. That is, it does not extend into layer `0 + 1 in x2 -direction; cp. Figure 4. 1 ,K2 1 Moreover, since LF [πb u] vanishes on the faces F2 , F3 , the lifting LF c c [πb u] affects the values of πb u on the other faces F1 , F2 only through the edge lifting LE c [πb u], which gives rise to a continuous function in layer `0 and across patch borders; cp. Remark 5.6. 1 Lemma 5.14. We have LF c [πb u]|Ki0 |f2j = [[πb u]]f2j for 1 ≤ j ≤ 4, as well as 4 X 2 10 1 NK2 [ηb ]2 + NKi0 [LF c [πb u]] . p 4 X i=1 i=1 NKi0 [ηb ]2 . (5.44) Proof. We establish the first assertion for f2j (the proof for the other faces is analogous). By property (5.41) and the definition of πbE u in (5.39), we have E E 1 LF c [πb u]|K10 |f21 = Lc [πb u]|K10 |f21 + [[πb u]]f21 − Lc [πb u]|K10 |f21 = [[πb u]]f21 . Furthermore, the estimate (5.44) follows with the triangle inequality, by combining the bounds in (5.38) and (5.42). F3 2 Upon constructing corresponding face liftings LF c [πb u] and Lc [πb u] over the faces F2 and F3 , respectively, we finally define the corner lifting Lc [πb u] by Lc [πb u] := 3 X i=1 i LF c [πb u]. (5.45) The lifted interpolant Πu := πb u + Lc [πb u] now gives rise to a piecewise polynomial and conforming interpolant across layer `0 −1 and `0 . The support of the trace lifting does not extend into layer `0 + 1 and preserves homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. With the triangle inequality and bounds as in (5.44), the error η = u−Πu can be controlled in terms of ηb = u − πb u as follows. Lemma 5.15. We have the bound 7 X i=1 7 X NKi [η]2 + NKi0 [η]2 . p10 NKi [ηb ]2 + NKi0 [ηb ]2 . e `,c 5.3.2. Terminal layer elements in T σ (5.46) i=1 e `−1,c = {Ki }7 to the terminal We consider the interface from the mesh layer L σ i=1 e `,c = {K 0 } shown in Figure 6. As in (5.31), we denote by h the diameter of the layer T σ 1 shape-regular elements in the configuration. Analogously to Figure 5, we introduce the elemental faces F1 , F2 , F3 of K10 , as well as the elemental edges E1 , . . . , E9 . In contrast to Section 5.3.1, these faces are now regularly matching elemental faces April 26, 2016 8:4 32 f31 f33 f76 f77 f23 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE f24 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab of K10 . Nevertheless, the jumps [[πb u]]Fi defined as in (5.3) do not vanish in general, since the base projector vanishes on K10 , cp. (4.10). Another consequence of this choice is that properties (5.33), (5.34) are not valid anymore. K6 x2 E6 b1 N5 E8 c1 N6 1 2 3 ··· ` `0 `,c e Tσ K5 E9 N1 E1 F1 N3 N2 x3 K1 N7 K10 E7 F3 K7 a1 E5 F2 E 4 N4 E3 x1 K4 E2 K2 e `,c,⊥ O σ 0 e `−1,c e `,c Fig. 6. Interface between mesh layer L = {Ki }7i=1 and the terminal layer T σ σ = {K1 } for σ = 0.5 and length parameters a1 , b1 , c1 . The faces F1 , F2 , F3 , the edges E1 , . . . , E9 and the nodes N1 , . . . , N7 are highlighted. To address these difficulties, we introduce polynomial nodal liftings associated with the nodes N1 , . . . N7 shown in Figure 6. Here, we emphasize that, under the e the point values u(Nj ) are well-defined (since regularity assumption u ∈ Mc6 (Q), the nodes are separated from the singular corner c). We now focus on node N1 = (0, 0, 0). By the nodal exactness (4.4) of πb u in layer ` − 1, we have [[πb u]]F1 (N1 ) = [[πb u]]F2 (N1 ) = [[πb u]]F3 (N1 ) = u(N1 ). 1 This prompts us to define the polynomial vertex jump lifting LN c [πb u] by ( [[πb u]]F1 (N1 )LN1 (x) on K10 , N1 Lc [πb u] := 0 on {Ki }7i=1 , (5.47) (5.48) with the nodal basis function LN1 (x) := (1−x1 /a1 )(1−x2 /b1 )(1−x3 /c3 ) ∈ Q1 (K10 ). Lemma 5.16. We have the bounds 2 8 −1 1 k[[πb u]]F1 k2L2 (F1 ) , NK10 [LN c [πb u]] . p h (5.49) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 33 and 2 8 2 2 1 NK10 [LN c [πb u]] . p NK10 [ηb ] + NK2 [ηb ] . (5.50) Proof. As in the proof of Lemma 5.3, we first let the configuration in Figure 3 be of unit size. Clearly, 2 2 2 1 kLN c [πb u]kL2 (K10 ) . |[[πb u]]F1 (N1 )| . k[[πb u]]F1 kL∞ (F1 ) . With the inverse inequality in Ref. 16 (Theorem 4.76), we conclude that 2 2 2 4 1 kLN c [πb u]kL2 (K10 ) . k[[πb u]]F1 kL∞ (F1 ) . p k[[πb u]]F1 kL2 (F1 ) . Moreover, applying the inverse inequality (5.14) yields 2 8 2 1 k∇LN c [πb u]kL2 (K10 ) . p k[[πb u]]F1 kL2 (F1 ) , which shows the assertion in the reference case. In the general case, isotropic versions of the scalings in Lemma 3.1 imply the bound (5.49); cp. (5.15) and (5.16). The bound (5.50) follows from (5.49) and the jump bound (3.9) (since [[u]]F1 = 0 for F1 = int(∂K2 ∩ ∂K10 )). Similar constructions for the other nodes in Figure 6 give rise to nodal liftN ings Lc j [πb u], for 1 ≤ j ≤ 7, with analogous properties. We then define the full vertex lifting LN c [πb u] := 7 X j=1 N Lc j [πb u]. (5.51) From bounds analogous to (5.50), we have 2 8 2 2 2 2 NK10 [LN . c [πb u]] . p NK2 [ηb ] + NK5 [ηb ] + NK7 [ηb ] + NK10 [ηb ] (5.52) Remark 5.7. If Nj corresponds to a boundary node, then the resulting vertex N lifting Lc j [πb u] is identically zero; cp. property (5.47). Moreover, the definitions of corresponding vertex liftings in the terminal layers of adjacent corner or corner-edge patches (matching regularly over patch interfaces due to Assumptions 3.1, 3.2) yield conformity of the nodal liftings LN c [πb u] across patch borders. The modified base projector ( πbN u := πb u + L N c [πb u] πb u on K10 , otherwise. (5.53) satisfies the properties analogous to those in Lemma 5.10. Lemma 5.17. We have [[πbN u]]F1 = [[πbN u]]F3 on E 1 and [[πbN u]]F1 (Nj ) = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ 4. (Analogous identities hold on the other faces and edges, possibly across patch borders.) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 34 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab Proof. For x ∈ E 1 , we have [[πbN u]]F1 (x) = πb |K2 u|K2 (x) − LN c [πb u]|K10 (x), [[πbN u]]F3 (x) = πb |K5 u|K5 (x) − LN c [πb u]|K10 (x). As in the proof of Lemma 5.10, since {Ki }7i=1 match regularly in layer ` − 1, we conclude with (4.6) that πb |K2 u|K2 (x) = πb |K5 u|K5 (x). Then, by construction and the definition of the jumps we have N [[πbN u]]F1 (Nj ) = [[πb u]]F1 (Nj ) − Lc j [πb u]|K10 (Nj ) = [[πb u]]F1 (Nj ) − [[πb u]]F1 (Nj ) = 0. This yields the second assertion on the face F1 . With Lemma 5.17, we now continue our analysis along the lines of Section 5.3.1, by employing the projector πbN u instead of πb u. To do so, we first introduce edge liftings associated with the edge jumps [[πbN u]]Ei and defined similarly to those 1 in (5.17), (5.35), (5.37). Second, we adapt the polynomial face lifting LF c [·] in (5.43) F2 F3 (and analogously Lc [·], Lc [·]) to the slightly different setting in Figure 6, giving K0 rise to a polynomial corner lifting Lc 1 [πbN u] as in (5.45), (5.46), but defined only over K10 . By construction, this lifting satisfies K0 1 ≤ j ≤ 3. (5.54) Lc 1 [πbN u]|K10 |Fj = [[πbN u]]Fj , In the configuration of Figure 6, we introduce the terminal layer lifting K0 N N 1 LT (5.55) c [πb u] := Lc [πb u] + Lc [πb u] . Lemma 5.18. We have LT c [πb u]|K10 |Fj = [[πb u]]Fj for 1 ≤ j ≤ 3, as well as 2 18 (5.56) NK10 [LT NK10 [ηb ]2 + NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK5 [ηb ]2 + NK7 [ηb ]2 . c [πb u]] . p Proof. We apply identity (5.54) and the definition of the jumps. This results in N N LT c [πb u]|K10 |Fj = Lc [πb u]|K10 |Fj + [[πb u]]Fj − Lc [πb u]|K10 |Fj = [[πb u]]Fj , and proves the first assertion. To show (5.56), we note that K0 N 2 2 N 2 1 NK10 [LT c [πb u]] . NK10 [Lc [πb u]] + NK10 [Lc [πb u]] . According to (5.52), we have 2 8 NK10 [LN NK10 [ηb ]2 + NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK5 [ηb ]2 + NK7 [ηb ]2 . c [πb u]] . p Moreover, by proceeding as in the proof of (5.44) we find that K0 NK10 [Lc 1 [πbN u]]2 . p10 NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK5 [ηb ]2 + NK7 [ηb ]2 + NK10 [u − πbN u]2 . Finally, with the triangle inequality and as above with (5.52), p10 NK10 [u − πbN u]2 . p18 NK10 [ηb ]2 + NK2 [ηb ]2 + NK5 [ηb ]2 + NK7 [ηb ]2 . This completes the proof. April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 35 With Lemma 5.18 the lifted interpolant Πu := πb u+LT c [πb u] is conforming across layers ` − 1 and `, and preserves the essential boundary conditions. Analogously to Section 5.2.2 and with the estimate (5.56), the terminal layer version of Lemma 5.15 follows. Lemma 5.19. We have the bound NK10 [η]2 + 7 X NKi [η]2 . p18 NK10 [ηb ]2 + 7 X i=1 i=1 NKi [ηb ]2 . (5.57) f`,c This completes the construction of the jump liftings for the corner patch M σ . `,c `,c e e Lemma 5.15 (for submesh Oσ ) and Lemma 5.19 (for submesh Tσ ) give the f`,c bound (3.26) over the reference corner patch M σ . Proposition 5.3. With (5.1) we have ΥM [η] . p18 ΥM [ηb ]. f`,c f`,c σ σ f`,ce 5.4. Corner-edge patch M σ We finally construct polynomial jump liftings in the reference corner-edge f`,ce patch M σ . We consider in detail the case of a corner-edge patch with geometric refinements along a single edge e as shown in Figure 1 (right), and comment on the case with refinements along two or three edges in Section 5.4.2 ahead. 5.4.1. Refinement along one edge f`,ce e with geometric refinement Let M be a corner-edge reference patch mesh on Q σ along the single edge e. We partition the patch mesh into e `,c,⊥ ∪. M e `,c ∪. O f`,ce,k , f`,ce := T M σ σ σ σ `≥1, (5.58) e `,c consists of a single and isotropic terminal layer element at the corner c, where T σ e `,c,⊥ is a corner-patch type mesh consisting of shape-regular eleand the mesh O σ f`,ce,k ments which are refined into the corner c. The mesh M consists of a sequence σ of ` geometrically scaled edge-patch meshes, properly translated along the edge e: f`,ce,k M = σ ` [ `0 =1 e `0 ,ce (M f`σ0 ,e ) , Ψ (5.59) e `0 ,ce the operation of translation with respect to the edgewhere we denote by Ψ parallel variable xk combined with a dilation by a factor only depending on σ, `, `0 , f`0 ,e is a reference edge patch on Q e with `0 + 1 mesh and where the mesh M σ layers; cp. (3.5). In Figure 7, a schematic illustration of the patch decomposition (5.58), (5.59) is provided. e `−1,ce (M f`−1,e ) and Ψ e `,ce (M f`,e ) are The two outermost edge-patch meshes Ψ σ σ `−1,ce 0 0 0 e f`−1,e ), (M indicated in Figure 8 (left). There, the hexahedra K3 , K4 , K6 in Ψ σ K1 K1 E2 K2000 K2000 E3 000 K3 K3000 E4 000 K4 K4000 E5 K5000 K5000 E6 000 K K6000 E7 April 26,60002016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper K7 K7000 E8 K10000 K10000 E9 f21 f21 N1 f22 f22 N2 f31 f31 N3 f33 f33 N4 36 Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab f76 f76 N5 f77 f77 N6 f23 f23 N7 e `,c,⊥ f24 f24 O σ F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 E1 E 1 E2 E2 E3 12 3 ·E · ·3 ` `0 E4 E4 e `,c T σ E5 E5 E6 E Fig. 7. Patch decomposition (5.58), (5.59) for σ 6= 0.5 and ` = 5. The scaled edge-patch meshes E7for `0 = 1, . . . , ` are displayed in boldface. The subdiagonal E7 elements in D`0 are shaded. The single e `,c is indicated. The E8terminal layer element in T E8 remaining elements belong to the corner-type σ e `,c,⊥ E9mesh Oσ . E9 N1 N1 N2 N2 K6 K600 N3 N3 N4 N4 K60 K6 K100 N5 N5 K10 N6 K400 N6 N7 K 5 N7 K50 K5 K40 K4 1 1 2 3 ··· ` `0 `,c e Tσ K1 e `,c,⊥ O σ K10 K20 K2 2 K4 3 ··· ` `0 `,c e Tσ e `,c,⊥ O σ K1 K2 e `−1,ce (M f`−1,e e `,ce (M f`,e Fig. 8. Left: The edge-patch meshes Ψ ) and Ψ σ σ ) for σ = 0.5 and ` = 5. 0 } and the first edge-patch block Ψ e 1,ce (M f1,e e `,c = {K Right: Interface between T σ ) for σ = 0.5 and σ 1 ` = 2. e `,ce (M f`,e ) will be referred to as diagonal elements. Moreover, and K3 , K4 , K6 in Ψ σ the immediate neighbors of K30 , K40 , K60 across the patch interface are denoted by D` := {K300 , K400 , K600 }, (5.60) and are called the subdiagonal elements. (Note that K3 , K30 , K300 are not explicitly labelled in Figure 8.) The diagonal and subdiagonal elements are shape-regular (uniformly in `). We may thus assume that hKi ' hKi0 ' hKi00 ' h, i ∈ {3, 4, 6}, (5.61) April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 37 for a mesh size parameter h. Corresponding conventions will be employed in the other scaled edge-patch meshes for 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `. In particular, we denote by D`0 the corresponding set of subdiagonal elements. In Figure 8 (right), we further illustrate e `,c = {K 0 } and Ψ e 1,ce (M f1,e ). The diagonal elements are the interface between T σ 1 σ K3 , K4 , K6 , while the set D1 := {K100 } e 1,ce (5.62) f1,e ). (M σ consists of a single subdiagonal element in Ψ f`,ce In the sequel, we construct polynomial jump liftings over irregular faces of M σ in (5.58), (5.59) starting from the base projector πb u defined in (4.10). First, on all irregular faces which are situated parallel to e and which belong to an edgee `0 ,ce (M f`σ0 ,e ), 1 ≤ `0 ≤ `, we apply the (scaled) jump liftings Le [πb u] patch mesh Ψ 0 and LT e [πb u] constructed in (5.8) and (5.17), respectively. For ` = 1, only a scaled T version of Le [πb u] is employed. As shown in Lemma 5.2 (for Le [πb u]) and Lemma 5.8 (for LT e [πb u]), these liftings remove the polynomial face jumps across irregular faces situated as in Figures 2 and 3. We denote by πb? u the intermediate base projector f`,ce,k thus constructed from πb u over M . This yields a continuous projector within σ each edge-patch block. 10 ? Lemma 5.20. We have ΥM f`,ce,k [u − πb u] . f`,ce,k [u − πb u] . p ΥM σ σ Proof. This follows from the bound in Proposition 5.2, which holds true for edgeparallel hexahedra of general aspect ratio with 0 < h⊥ . hk . 1. f`,ce,k We further analyze the continuity properties of πb? u over M in edge-parallel σ direction (i.e., across interfaces perpendicular to e). As in Remarks 5.2 and 5.5, the tensor-product structure of the projector πb u and the liftings Le [πb u], LT e [πb u] en? sures the continuity of the intermediate projection πb u across the scaled edge-patch e `,ce (M f`,e ) into an adjacent edge or corner-edge patch where the same jump mesh Ψ σ liftings are applied. Then, to investigate the conformity between adjacent edge-patch blocks across interfaces perpendicular to e, we may again focus on the two adjacent e `−1,ce (M f`−1,e ), Ψ e `,ce (M f`,e ) shown in Figure 8 (left). Then, edge-patch blocks Ψ σ σ ? with the same arguments as above, πb u is continuous across such interfaces, with the exception of the perpendicular faces associated with the subdiagonal elements e `,ce (M f`,e K300 , K400 , K600 of Ψ σ ). Indeed, by definition of the liftings Le [πb u] in (5.8), πb? u = πb u on {K3 , K30 , K4 , K40 , K6 , K60 }, (5.63) since the diagonal elements constitute the outermost layers in the scaled edge-patch e `−1,ce (M fσ`−1,e ) and Ψ e `,ce (M f`,e blocks Ψ σ ). However, on the subdiagonal elements 00 00 00 `,ce f`,e e K3 , K4 , K6 in Ψ (Mσ ) depicted in Figure 8 (left), the base projector πb u is altered by the addition of the (scaled) lifting Le [πb u] which does not generally vanish on the interface x3 = 0; cp. Remark 5.2. As a consequence, the projector πb? u is generally not continuous over the faces fK30 ,K300 , fK40 ,K400 and fK60 ,K600 . By the selff`,ce,k similar structure of the mesh M , the same difficulty arises in the subdiagonal σ April 26, 2016 8:4 38 f21 f22 f31 f33 f76 f77 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE f23 f24 F1 F2 F3 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab E 3 e `0 ,ce (M f`σ0 ,e ), for 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `, cp. Figure 7. In elements of each scaled edge patch Ψ E4 addition, in the case `0E= 1, see Figure 8 (right), it follows similarly that 5 Eπ6b? u = πb u on {K3 , K4 , K6 , K10 }, (5.64) E7 and that πb u is in general non-conforming over the face fK10 ,K100 . E8 Second, we correct the non-conformity across the critical faces as discussed E9 above. We consider first the case 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `. In Figure 9, we illustrate the three N1 e `0 −1,ce (M f`σ0 −1,e ) subdiagonal elements K300 , K400 , K600 on the patch interface between Ψ 0 0 N 2 e ` ,ce f` ,e and Ψ (Mσ ), employing the notation in Figure 8 (left). Without loss of generality, we may assume that the interface lies on x3 = 0. N5 N7 b x2 1 N6 1 2 K600 3 · · · E2 ` K300 `0 e `,c N3 T σ e `,c,⊥ O σ K400 N4 E1 x1 a1 Fig. 9. Subdiagonal elements K300 , K400 , K600 on the interface x3 = 0 between two adjacent edge-patch blocks for σ = 0.5 and 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `. The nodes N3 , N4 , N6 and the edges E1 , E2 are indicated. Lemma 5.21. Let 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `. In the setting of Figure 9, we have πb? |Ki0 u|Ki0 (Ni ) = πb? |Ki00 u|Ki00 (Ni ), i ∈ {3, 4, 6}, (5.65) for the nodes N3 = (0, 0, 0), N4 = (a1 , 0, 0), N6 = (0, b1 , 0), as well as πb? |Ki0 u|Ki0 = πb? |Ki00 u|Ki00 (5.66) on each closed line segment shown in boldface for the corresponding element index i ∈ {3, 4, 6}. In addition, on the edge Ei = E1 ∩ ∂Ki0 with i ∈ {3, 4}, there holds (5.67) πb? |Ki0 u|Ki0 |Ei = πb |K2 u|K2 |Ei = πb |K4 u|K4 |Ei . Similarly, on the edge Ei = E2 ∩ ∂Ki0 with i ∈ {3, 6}, there holds πb? |Ki0 u|Ki0 |Ei = πb |K5 u|K5 |Ei = πb |K6 u|K6 |Ei . (5.68) Proof. We verify (5.65) for i = 3. With the properties (5.63), (4.6), the definition of πb? u and the identities (5.6), we conclude that πb? |K30 u|K30 (N3 ) = πb |K30 u|K30 (N3 ) = πb |K300 u|K300 (N3 ) = πb? |K300 u|K300 (N3 ). April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 39 Moreover, consider a line segment and the corresponding index i ∈ {3, 4, 6}. Hence, by Lemma 5.2, πb? |Ki00 u|Ki00 is identically equal to πb |Ki00 u|Ki00 on the segment, which in turn is equal to πb |Ki0 u|Ki0 = πb? |Ki0 u|Ki0 ; cp. property (4.6). This yields (5.66). The properties (5.67) and (5.68) follow from (5.63) and the fact that πb u is continuous over fK2 ,K4 and fK5 ,K6 . We next adjust the projector πb? u on the faces of the subdiagonal elements of D`0 in (5.60). To that end, for an axiparallel hexahedral element K, we will express πb? |K u|K as a linear combination of the Lagrangian basis functions associated with the (mapped) (p+1)-point tensor-product Gauss-Lobatto interpolation nodes on K; cp. Refs. 3, 18. Fix an element Ki00 ∈ D`0 with i ∈ {3, 4, 6}. We denote by fi the face fKi0 ,Ki00 . On Ki00 , we modify πb? u to πbD,? u, by explicitly altering the (p + 1)2 Gauss-Lobatto face degrees of freedom of (πb? u)|Ki00 on f i ⊂ ∂Ki00 so that we have πbD,? |Ki00 u|Ki00 |f i = πb? |Ki0 u|Ki0 |f i , i ∈ {3, 4, 6}. (5.69) In view of Lemma 5.21, the projector πbD,? u yields a conforming approximation, which is now continuous across the critical faces f i = f Ki0 ,Ki00 for i ∈ {3, 4, 6} and has the same continuity properties as πb? u elsewhere. It also preserves homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Lemma 5.22. Let 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `. Then: πbD,? u = πb? u = πb u on {K3 , K30 , K4 , K40 , K6 , K60 }. (5.70) In addition, we have the bounds NKi00 [πbD,? u − πb? u]2 . p2 h−1 kπbD,? u − πb? uk2L2 (fi ) , i ∈ {3, 4, 6}, (5.71) with the mesh size parameter h in (5.61), and X X NKi00 [πbD,? u − πb? u]2 . p2 (NKi0 [u − πb? u]2 + NKi00 [u − πb? u]2 ). (5.72) i∈{3,4,6} i∈{3,4,6} Proof. Property (5.70) follows from (5.63) and (5.69). To verify (5.71), we note that, upon an isotropic scaling argument as in Lemma 3.1 and (5.15), (5.16), it is sufficient to consider the case where Ki00 and Ki0 are of unit size. By (5.69), the difference (πbD,? u − πb? u)|Ki00 then vanishes in the interior Gauss-Lobatto tensorproduct points on Ki00 . The inequality in Ref. 3 (Lemma 3.1, Equation (16)) thus yields kπbD,? u − πb? uk2L2 (K 00 ) . p−2 kπbD,? u − πb? uk2L2 (fi ) . i Again, the inverse inequality (5.14) shows that k∇(πbD,? u − πb? u)k2L2 (K 00 ) . p2 kπbD,? u − πb? uk2L2 (f 0 ) , i which implies (5.71). i April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 40 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab To establish (5.72), we start from the bound (5.71) and employ the triangle inequality (along with the fact that u is continuous over fi ), property (5.69), and the trace inequality in Ref. 14 (Lemma 4.2 with t = 2); cp. the bound (3.9). This readily results in NKi00 [πbD,? u − πb? u]2 . p2 h−1 ku|Ki0 − (πbD,? u)|Ki00 k2L2 (fi ) + k(u − πb? u)|Ki00 k2L2 (fi ) . p2 h−1 k(u − πb? u)|Ki0 k2L2 (fi ) + k(u − πb? u)|Ki00 k2L2 (fi ) . p2 NKi0 [u − πb? u]2 + NKi00 [u − πb? u]2 . The assertion follows. The case `0 = 1 is treated analogously; cp. Figure 8 (right). In accordance to (5.69), we define πbD,? u on K100 ∈ D1 so that πbD,? |K100 u|K100 |f 1 = πb? |K10 u|K10 |f 1 , (5.73) over the face f1 = fK10 ,K100 . The projector πbD,? u is conforming over the face fK10 ,K100 in Figure 8 (right) and preserves potential homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on patch faces. The analog of (5.72) reads as follows. Lemma 5.23. Let `0 = 1. Then: πbD,? u = πb? u = πb u on {K3 , K4 , K6 , K10 }. (5.74) In addition, we have the bound NK100 [πbD,? u − πb? u]2 . p2 (NK10 [u − πb? u]2 + NK100 [u − πb? u]2 ). (5.75) In conclusion, the projector πbD,? u defined in (5.69), (5.73) gives a piecewise f`,ce,k polynomial and conforming approximation over the entire mesh M in (5.59). σ `,ce,k e `,c in edgefσ In addition, it is conforming over the interface between M and T σ parallel direction (i.e., over the face fK10 ,K100 in Figure 8 (right)). The projector πbD,? u satisfies homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on corresponding patch boundaries. D,? 12 Lemma 5.24. We have ΥM f`,ce,k [u − πb u] . p ΥM f`,ce,k [u − πb u]. . σ σ Proof. By employing the triangle inequality, this follows from Lemmas 5.22, 5.23 in combination with the bound in Lemma 5.20. e `0 ,ce (M f`0 ,e ) and O e `,c,⊥ Third, we address the continuity across faces between Ψ σ σ 0 for 1 ≤ ` ≤ `. We consider again the two configurations in Figure 8. In the case 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `, the projector πbD,? u is already continuous over the regular faces fK1 ,K3 , fK2 ,K4 , and fK5 ,K6 , due to properties (5.70) and (4.6). Similarly, πbD,? u is conforming over the faces fK10 ,K30 , fK20 ,K40 , fK50 ,K60 . For `0 = 1, continuity of πbD,? u is ensured across fK1 ,K3 , fK2 ,K4 and fK5 ,K6 ; cp. (5.74). However, there are in general nonzero polynomial face jumps across the irregular faces f2i = fK2 ,Ki0 , i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, and April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 41 f5i = fK5 ,Ki0 for i ∈ {1, 4, 5, 6}, as well as over analogous faces in the omitted mesh structure (recall from (5.70) that πbD,? u = πb u on K30 , K40 , K60 ). The geometf`,c ric situation is similar to that in the shape-regular corner patch M σ shown in Figure 4. Over these irregular faces, we thus construct polynomial face jump liftings similarly to Lc [πb u] in (5.43), (5.45) (with the aid of associated edge liftings as in (5.35), (5.37)). The face liftings are supported in K10 ∪ K20 ∪ K30 ∪ K40 and K10 ∪ K40 ∪ K50 ∪ K60 and are stable polynomially in p, as was shown in Section 5.3. We also note that conformity across the corner-edge patch into a neighboring corner or corner-edge patch is guaranteed by Assumptions 3.1, 3.2. We denote by πb?? u the e `,c,⊥ . Lemma 5.15 lifted projector thus obtained from the base projector πb u on O σ then implies the ensuing bound. ?? 10 Lemma 5.25. We have ΥO `,ce,⊥ [u − π `,ce,⊥ [u − πb u]. eσ eσ b u] . p ΥO e `,c in (5.58). The projector π D,? u over Fourth, we enforce continuity into T σ b is continuous across fK10 ,K100 in Figure 8 (right). Hence, it remains to enforce e `,c,⊥ from K2 , K5 into the corner element K 0 . Since the conformity of πb?? u over O σ 1 ?? πb u = πb u on the faces fK2 ,K10 , fK5 ,K10 , this can be achieved with the introduction of face jump liftings for πb?? u over fK2 ,K10 and fK5 ,K10 , similarly to LT c [πb u] in (5.55) and in conjunction with vertex and edge jump liftings as in Section 5.3.2 (which yield conforming approximations across neighboring patches). A bound analogous to (5.57) holds for the lifted projector still denoted by πb?? u, with an algebraic loss of p18 . f`,ce,k M σ Lemma 5.26. We have ΥTe `,c [u − πb?? u] . p18 ΥTe `,c [u − πb u]. σ σ f`,ce as We define the lifted patch projector Πu over the corner-edge patch M σ . `,ce,k D,? ?? `,c,⊥ `,c e e f Πu := πb u on Mσ and Πu := πb u on Oσ ∪ Tσ . It is conforming over the entire corner-edge patch and preserves essential boundary conditions. Moreover, Assumptions 3.1, 3.2 ensure the conformity over adjacent patches. With the bounds in Lemmas 5.24, 5.25 and 5.26, we conclude that bound (3.26) holds over the cornerf`,ce edge patch M σ . Proposition 5.4. With (5.1) we have ΥM [η] . p18 ΥM [ηb ]. f`,ce f`,ce σ σ This completes the construction of the reference corner-edge patch projector in the case of refinement along one edge e. 5.4.2. Simultaneous refinements f`,ce Finally, we comment on extensions to the case where M is simultaneously refined σ along two or three edges. We first consider refinements towards two edges e1 , e2 as shown in Figure 10. In this situation and analogously to (5.58), we write e `,c ∪. O e `,c,x3 ∪. M f`,ce := T f`,ce1 ,k ∪ M f`,ce2 ,k , M (5.76) σ σ σ σ σ f22 f22 f31 f31 f33 f33 f76 f76 f77 f77 f23 f23 April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE paper f24 f24 F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 E1 E1 E2 E2 42 Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab E3 E3 E4 E4 e `,c consists again of the single terminal E5where T E5 layer element abutting at the corσ 1 ,k e `,c,x3 is a corner-type mesh in f`,ce E6ner c, and O E x -direction. The submeshes M and σ 6 3 σ `,ce ,k 2 fσ E7 M are two non-disjoint sequencesEof7 ` scaled edge-patch meshes as in (5.59); E8they overlap over the mutual diagonal elements E8 K3 , K6 and K30 , K60 as illustrated in E9Figure 10 (left) (the overlap in the omitted E9 mesh structure is analogous). In the subN1 N1 N2 N2 00 K K 6 6 N3 N3 N4 N4 K6000 K60 K6 K100 N5 N5 K10 N6 K400 N6 N7 N7 K1000 K40 K4 1 1 2 2 00 0 0 K2 K K K1 K 3 1 2 1 K4 3 ··· ··· ` ` x3 `0 `0 e `,c e `,c T T σ σ K K 2 1 `,c,⊥ `,c,⊥ eσ eσ O O Fig. 10. Refinement towards two edges. Left: Outermost edge-patch blocks for σ = 0.5 and ` = 5. 0 e `,c Right: Interface between T σ = {K1 } and the first edge-patch blocks for σ = 0.5 and ` = 2. 1 ,k 2 ,k f`,ce f`,ce meshes M and M , we apply the liftings Le [πb u], LT σ σ e [πb u] in (5.8), (5.28), respectively. As in (5.63), these liftings leave the base projector πb u unchanged on the diagonal elements, which are given by K1 , K3 , K4 , K6 and K10 , K30 , K40 , K60 for blocks away from c (case 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `) and by K1 , K3 , K4 , K6 and K10 for the last configuration abutting at c (case `0 = 1). Similarly to the discussion in Section 5.4.1, the resulting lifted projector πb? u is generally non-conforming over the regular faces fK10 ,K100 , fK30 ,K300 , fK30 ,K3000 , fK40 ,K400 fK60 ,K600 , and fK60 ,K6000 in the case of edge-patch block `0 with 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `, as well as over fK10 ,K100 and fK10 ,K1000 in the case `0 = 1. (Note that the elements K3 , K30 , K300 , K3000 are not explicitly labelled in Figure 10.) The definitions (5.69), (5.73) of the projector πbD,? u can be readily extended to the configuration in Figure 10, by replacing the set D`0 in (5.63), (5.64) by ( {K100 , K300 , K3000 , K400 , K600 , K6000 }, 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `, (5.77) D `0 = {K100 , K1000 }, `0 = 1, where we employ notation as in Figure 10. The projector πbD,? u coincides with πb u on the diagonal elements indicated in Figure 10; cp. properties (5.70), (5.74). Moreover, corresponding variants of Lemma 5.22, Lemma 5.23 and Lemma 5.24 hold 1 ,k e `,c,x3 and M f`,ce fσ`,ce2 ,k follows as in true. Continuity across faces between O ,M σ σ K3000 K5000 K7000 K3000 K4000 K5000 K6000 K7000 0000 April 26,K2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 1 paper f21 f21 f22 f22 f31 f31 f33 f33 f76 f76 f77 f77 hp-CGFEM for Elliptic Problems in Polyhedra 43 f23 f23 f24Section 5.4.1, by invoking property (4.6) f24 across regular faces. Polynomial jumps e `,c,x3 are lifted F1over irregular faces within O F1 as in the corner patch case, and the σ 0 ` e F2corner element K1 in Tc is treated as Fbefore, thereby providing estimates as in 2 F3Lemmas 5.25 and 5.26. Consequently, Proposition F3 5.4 holds true also for cornerE1edge patches which are refined along two E1edges. E2 E2 Next, we consider the case of refinements towards the three edges e1 , e2 , e3 as E3illustrated in Figure 11. In this case, weEdecompose the corner-edge patch into 3 . E4 E 4 `,ce `,c `,ce ,k `,ce ,k 3 ,k e ∪ M fσ := T fσ 1 ∪ M fσ 2 ∪ M f`,ce M . (5.78) σ σ E5 E5 `,ce ,k e `,c contains the single corner element, fσ i is sequence of ` scaled E6The set T E6 and M σ E7edge-patch blocks as in (5.59) along edgeEe 7 i . These sequences overlap on the mutual E8diagonal elements as illustrated in Figure E8 10. The overlap is similar in the omitted E9mesh structure. E9 N1 N1 N2 N2 00 K K 6 6 N3 N3 N4 N4 K6000 K60 K6 K100 N5 N5 K10 N6 K400 N6 N7 N7 K1000 K40 K4 1 1 2 2 0 00 K K K K1 K10000 4 3 3 1 1 ··· ··· K4000 ` ` `0 `0 e `,c e `,c T T σ σ K1 K1000 `,c,⊥ `,c,⊥ eσ eσ O O Fig. 11. Refinement toward three edges. Left: Outermost edge-patch blocks for σ = 0.5 and ` = 5. 0 e `,c Right: Interface between T σ = {K1 } and the first edge-patch block for σ = 0.5 and ` = 2. The intermediate projector πb? u is obtained from πb u after application of the f`,cei ,k . While we have liftings Le [πb u] and LT e [πb u] on each of the submeshes Mσ ? again πb u = πb u on diagonal elements, the approximation πb? u is non-conforming across edge-perpendicular faces of the subdiagonal elements given by ( {K100 , K1000 , K300 , K3000 , K30000 , K400 , K4000 , K600 , K6000 }, 2 ≤ `0 ≤ `, D `0 = (5.79) {K100 , K1000 , K10000 }, `0 = 1, employing notation as in Figure 11. As before, the definitions (5.69), (5.73) of the projector πbD,? u can be generalized to the configuration in Figure 11, by using the subdiagonal elements in (5.79). This gives rise to a conforming approximation πbD,? u April 26, 2016 8:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE 44 paper Dominik Schötzau and Christoph Schwab `,ce ,k fσ i . It is also continuous across the faces fK 0 ,K 00 ,fK 0 ,K 000 and fK 0 ,K 0000 over ∪3i=1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 e `,σ , cp. (4.10), there is in Figure 11 (right). Since πb u is identically zero on K10 ∈ T σ e `,c . Therefore, Proposition 5.4 remains valid for no need for further liftings into T σ corner-edge patches which are geometrically refined along three edges e ∈ E c which meet at a convex vertex c. Finally, we emphasize that the case of edges meeting at a reentrant vertex c, i.e. a Fichera corner, can be dealt with by superposition of the preceding constructions on seven patches: one corner patch (cp. Section 5.3), three corner-edge patches with a single edge (cp. Figure 8) and three corner-edge patches with two edges meeting at c (cp. Figure 10). In view of Assumptions 3.1, 3.2, the lifting constructions given above are conforming across patch interfaces. 6. Acknowledgment This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and by the European Research Council (ERC) under grant AdG STAHDPDE 247277. References 1. I. Babuška and B. Q. Guo. Regularity of the solution of elliptic problems with piecewise analytic data. I. Boundary value problems for linear elliptic equation of second order. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 19(1):172–203, 1988. 2. I. Babuška and B. Q. Guo. Approximation properties of the h-p version of the finite element method. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 133(3-4):319–346, 1996. 3. E. Burman and A. Ern. Continuous interior penalty hp-finite element methods for advection and advection-diffusion equations. Math. Comp., 76(259):1110–1140, 2007. 4. M. Costabel, M. Dauge, and S. 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