Minutes: Awards and Scholarships Meeting
Date: 5/15/13 Time: 3pm
Attendance: Sharon Lall-Ramnarine,Wei Lai,George Muchita, Margaret Stroehlein,VP Ellen Hartigan , Kee Park
Minutes Recorded By: Margaret Stroehlein
Topic of discussion
Incoming members were introduced
Incoming members for 2013-2014: Wei Lai,
Kee Park
Continuing members:
Sharon Lall-Ramnarine,George Muchita, VP
Hartigan(Presidents Designee)
Outgoing members: Margaret Stroehlein
Minutes pending per Sharon Lall-Ramnarine
The minutes will be reviewed next meeting
Monetary value of awards
Sharon shared information with the committee on the
source and monetary value of each award that she
had obtained.
Day and Evening incentive awards: $100 per
award funded through the Student Government
Ray Ricketts: As of March 31, 2013 (3rd quarter),
there was a balance of $2,404 in the account. The
Ray Ricketts account has stipulations that the student
must be a returning student (must have left QCC at
one point and has now returned); must exhibit
exceptional scholarship; and must exhibit
The committee was happy to finally have this
information and thanked Sharon for obtaining
it. It was noted that the Martin Luther King Jr.
account has a balance of $0. VP Hartigan will
find out about where money is currently coming
from for this award and the committee will
decide on whether to continue seeking
nominations for it.
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exceptional leadership. VP Zins recommends that we
consider giving out an award no less than $50 and
perhaps consider $100.
Women's Club: As of March 31, 2013 (3rd quarter),
there was a balance of $223 in the account. VP Zins
recommends that we consider giving out an award no
less than $50, perhaps consider a $100, and begin to
plan to phase out this account over the next couple of
years. The Women's Club account has a stipulation
that the student who receives the award must
demonstrate outstanding leadership and service to the
college community.
The Ray Ricketts and Women’s Club accounts are
temporarily restricted accounts, meaning that you
can give out as much as is there until the balance
becomes zero and then the account goes away.
JFK Award: History of payments show $250 per
award and a balance of ~$10,737 as of last December
MLK Award: History of payments show $250 per
award and a balance of $0 as of last December
Voting for office positions
Current Chairperson Sharon Lall-Ramnarine
explained the procedures for voting that only 20122013 committee members are eligible to vote. She
indicated that she would be willing to continue
serving as committee chair if the committee was in
favor of this. VP Hartigan nominated current
Chairperson Sharon Lall-Ramnarine for another
term. New members voted for Sharon to continue as
Chairperson for the 2013-2014 academic year.
Sharon asked the new members who would like to
hold the office of Secretary and explained the duties.
The duties include posting the minutes on the
committee’s website. She explained that the position
of secretary counts as extra committee service.
Wei Lai volunteered to serve as secretary.
Chairperson Sharon will share her notes on how
to post information on the website with Wei.
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Selection of the recipients of the
following special awards:
 John F Kennedy Award
 Martin Luther King Jr.
 Ray Rickets Award
 Women’s Club Award
 Incentive Awards: Day and
Evening Students
The 2013-2014 committee members had reviewed
the 45applications prior to the meeting. They
compared notes and discussed their nominees for
each award.
JFK (reviewed 12 applicants and selected 1),MLK
(reviewed 6 applicants and selected 1),
Women’s Club (reviewed 11 applicants and 2
selected), Ray Rickets (reviewed 7 applicants and
selected 1), Incentive Award for Day(reviewed 6
applicants and 2 selected),Incentive Award for
Evening(reviewed 3 applicants and selected2).
A total of 45 applications for special awards
were reviewed and 9 recipients were chosen:
JFK: Jace Dunn
MLK: Jemima Matiminu
Womens Club: Jelena Blagojevic, Camilo
Ray Rickets: Steven Oliveri
Incentive Award Day: Natasha Francis, Maria
Incentive Award Eve: Racquel Breg, Sudip
Award amounts are as follows: JFK $250.00, MLK
$250.00, Women’s Club $100.00 each, Incentive
Award $100.00 each, and Ray Rickets $100.00.
Number and quality of application
Review of 2011-2012 Annual
Committee report
The committee noted that they saw an increase in the
quality of the applicants compared to previous years.
The committee expressed disappointment in some of
the recommendation letters received. The
recommendations varied from two words to lengthy
letters. The number of applicants / recommendations
decreased slightly from last year.
Committee members plan to thank faculty for
their time and consideration in nomination
process. Also a possible creation of a
tool/instrument by committee members to aid
selection process for faculty use.
Sharon suggested that the applications for these
awards should have sections (Scholarship, leadership
on campus, service to the college, promotion of
racial harmony, working parents) depending on the
awards. This is similar to how she reformatted the
Who’s Who application.
The committee is in favor of this. Hopefully it
will lead to improvement in the quality of the
recommendations received.
Sharon reported on her 2011-2012 Annual report she Annual report is available on web site for all the
had previously submitted to The Academic Senate, to review.
committee members. She noted that this was the first
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Annual report of the committee that included all of
the awards granted by the college. She explained
what a tedious job it was to gather the information
and format it for the report.
will administer s
Date of Meeting__________ May 15,2013