QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE The City University of New York MEMORANDUM Office of Academic Affairs Telephone: (718) 631-6344 Fax: (718) 631-8284 TO: Dr. Mel Gorelick, Chair Biological Sciences FROM: Dr. Karen Steele Vice President for Academic Affairs DATE: June 5, 2012 SUBJECT: Administrative Report – Update to Environmental Health Action Plan – 2011 As preparation for this year’s year-end report, based on a meeting of June 4, 2012, of the department chairs and faculty representatives, here is a follow-up to the action plan for the Environmental Health degree program, which was reviewed in 2011. The action plan for the Environmental Health program indicated curricular change, new and updated articulation agreements, an assessment plan, additional equipment and supplies, and new promotional and advisement strategies for the modified curriculum. A. Curricular changes Both the program review and the site visit recommended a complete curricular revision of the Environmental Health program, to be renamed either Environmental Science/Health or Environmental Science and Health. A central core was to be developed and two separate tracks. Each track would have a program coordinator. Delayed by the institution of Pathways, the curricular revision will be developed in fall 2012 and submitted to the Senate in spring 2013. A new hire in the department will be dedicated to coordinating the program. The plan was to develop the curricular modification in the 2011-2012 academic year, with deployment in fall 2012. The modification would require that all promotional materials, principally the Web site, be revised and expanded. The course numbering issue brought up in the report as a program weakness is and remains a systemic problem at the college that will ultimately be addressed across courses and curricula subsequent to the launch of Pathways in fall 2013. Some course prefixes and numbers have already been changed. B. Articulation Articulation agreements needed to be updated and developed. A major articulation for this new program would be with Molloy. Negotiations with Molloy were planned for 2011-2012. Curricular revision will need to be informed by the negotiations with baccalaureate programs in CUNY and beyond (e.g., Baruch). OAA plans to hire an articulation director in fall 2012 to provide support and coordination of all articulation efforts. C. Timetable for assessment The plan for course assessment is as follows. Missing information might be updated at this point. Key courses to be assessed BI 201 BI 202 BI 301 BI 302 BI 311 BI 501 BI 505 BI 520 General Education Objectives (1-10) 2, 5, 9 2, 5, 9 2, 5, 9 2, 5, 9 2, 5, 9 2, 5, 9 2, 5, 9 2, 5, 9 Date last assessed Date of next assessment 2010 2011 2011 2009 2009 NA NA NA 2012, 2014 2012, 2014 2014 2014 2014 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 To address the issues raised about data in the site team report, OAA has collaborated with Institutional Research to establish standardized data sets, much like that presented to by the external reviewers, for use by review committees for their analysis of academic programs and assessment of student outcomes. These data sets will be available for future program reviews and be available in summary form on the Web site. D. Personnel, equipment, facilities, and resource changes The plan requested that equipment and supplies be budgeted to the program for the purposes of sampling during field trips and testing that would occur as part of the program. The year-end report should indicate the status of this activity. E. Student recruitment and student support activities After approval of a modified curriculum, which has to be updated, the department will host, with the sponsorship of OAA, informational meetings with advisers, counselors, freshman coordinators, and other student support staff to ensure that students understand program requirements of each track and the prospective careers for which the program is preparation. In 2011-2012, Academy advisement offered individual interviews with students to assess readiness, advising for BI 115 or 201 accordingly. cc: Dr. Diane Call, Interim President Dr. Arthur Corradetti, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Urszula Golebiewska, Biological Sciences and Geology Dr. Bryn Mader, Biological Sciences and Geology Dr. Andrew Nguyen, Biological Sciences and Geology