Systems-Based Analysis of a Ship Borne Approach for the Detection of Fissile Material Concealed in Cargo Containers by Brett P. Broderick B.S. Electrical Engineering (2001) Texas A&M University Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology September 2004 @ 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved I Cerified Signatureof Author ............. ............. Department of Nuclear Engineering August 31, 2004 Certifiedb .......... . .K.i -- Richard C. Lanza Senior Research Scientist in Nuclear Engineering n Thesis Supervisor Readby......... .:. V' Michael J. Driscoll Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering zAd . , Thesis Reader Accepted by................................................... ... Jeffery A. Coderre Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students MASSACHUSETTS S~iirTL OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 1 12005 .IBRARIES ARCHie . Systems-Based Analysis of a Ship Borne Approach for the Detection of Fissile Material Concealed in Cargo Containers By Brett P. Broderick Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering On August 31, 2004 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering Abstract The international maritime container trade, which imports an average of 19,000 largely uninspected cargo containers to United States ports each day, has been identified as a potential avenue of attack for nuclear terrorism. Currently envisioned and deployed defensive measures that seek to detect and interdict concealed fissile material once containers have already reached a U.S. port do not adequately protect against nuclear threats due to the unique power and range of nuclear weapon effects. This thesis describes and examines a novel "ship-based" approach to container-borne fissile material detection where suites of radiation detectors with imaging capabilities are enclosed in standard, non-descript cargo containers and shipped in limited numbers aboard commercial containerships. Outfitted with communication hardware, these dedicated containerized units could provide crucial advance detection and notification of an inbound nuclear threat while the danger is still safely removed from U.S. shores. Attributes of the container shipping trade that would impact the performance and viability of the proposed ship-based approach were identified and investigated. Average available count times, based on the duration of shipping voyages, for container imports to representative ports on the east and west coasts of the U.S. where found to be 19.2 days and 13.3. days, respectively. These long count times will enhance the ability of the shipbased approach to confidently detect heavily shielded and well-concealed fissile material. A distribution for the average distributed density of commercial cargo, which affects radiation attenuation between the source and detectors, was also derived and found to have a favorably low mean value of 0.198 g/cm3 . The coverage efficiency (i.e. the number of containerized units required to provide detection coverage over a given percentage of a reference vessel) variations associated with prospective modes of deployment were also investigated using Matlabbased computer simulations. Evaluated deployment strategies ranged from fully random placement of detection units to completely constrained optimal placement. Despite holding important advantages in terms of stealth, random deployment was found to require an average of between 2.2 to 3.3 times more detectors than optimal deployment, depending on the desired level of detection coverage. This result suggests that some combination of random and constrained deployment might yield an optimized balance between stealth and coverage efficiency. This analysis also identified significant efficiency and deployment flexibility benefits associated with units that could detect sources at ranges equal to, or greater than, 70 ft (21.3 m). Overall, no results were obtained that seriously challenged the potential efficacy and viability of the proposed ship-based approach. Thesis Supervisor: Richard C. Lanza Title: Senior Research Scientist in Nuclear Engineering 2 Acknowledgments I would first like to thank my research advisor, Dr. Richard Lanza. His patient guidance and continuous stream of ideas were extremely helpful throughout this effort. I would also like to thank Professor Emeritus Michael Driscoll for agreeing to serve as my thesis reader. His insightful comments were invaluable to this thesis. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Shawn Gallagher who first conceived of the topic about which I wrote. Without his selfless collaboration and intellectual ingenuity this thesis literally would not have been possible. I would also like to thank Dr. Richard Wagner for his valuable feedback and continued support. The Federal government and the fine people at the U.S. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board provided financial support for this academic enterprise. Rachel Batista was very helpful in making this thesis sound more like English, in addition to generally making life more pleasant around the office. Antonio Damato was gracious enough to share his cultural sophistication and his Matlab expertise with an ugly American. Finally, I'd like to thank Michael Pope for his many contributions and for sharing his proficiency in a number of areas, not the least of which was his extensive knowledge and appreciation of scientific jargon. 3 Table of Contents Abstract .......... ................................................................. Acknowledgments . ... ....................... Table of Contents...................................... ....... Table of Figures.......................................................... List of Tables............................................ 1 Nuclear Terrorism Threat ..................... 1.1 Objectives and Organization of Thesis ....... 1.2 Introduction ......... 2 ................................. 4 ............................. ....................................... ................ ..... .... ................ .................... ......... 1.3 Threat Dynamics.............................................................. 1.4 Container Scenario Development... ..................... .......... Fissile Material Detection................. ............................................. 2.1 Fissile Material Characteristics........................................................ 2.1.1 HEU Radiation Signature .................. .................... 2.1.2 Pu Radiation Signature . ......................................................... 2.1.3 23 3 U Radiation 2 Signature ............................ 8 11 11 11.. 12 15 20 20 24 30 33 2.2 3 Detection Techniques ...................................... ............................. 34 2.2.1 Active Detection ............................................................. 34 Induced Fission ......... ......... ......... ................................. 34 Radiography ........................................... 35 2.2.2 Passive Detection ................................................................ 37 Detection Schemes ................... 4...................0............. 3.1 Current Approaches .................................................................. 40 3.1.1 3.2 4 Customs-Based.................. ............................. 3.1.2 Smart Containers ................................................................ Ship-Based Approach ........ ................... 3.2.1 Attributes ................... Sensitivity ................... ....................................... Stealth ................................. Standoff .................................................................... 3.2.2 External Uncertainties ............................................................ Shipping and Cargo Analysis .. .... 40 41 42 4...................2............. 43 44 44 45 ........................................................... 47 4.1 4.2 Container Shipping Overview ........ ..... ............................................ 47 Count Time ................... 4...................9............ 4.2.1 Distance Between Ports ................... .................... 50 4.2.2 Vessel Speeds . ....... ................ 65 4.2.3 Voyage Times ...... ........ ........ ............................................... 68 4.3 Vessel Container Capacities ....................... ....................................75 4.4 Cargo Density .. ........... ...................... 77 5 Deployment Simulator ................. 81 5.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 81 5.2 Model Development ..................................................................... 83 5.2.1 Assumptions........ ... 5.2.2 Input/Output ..... .. ...... ......... 5.2.3Algorithm ..... .. ...... 4 ......... ... ......... ..... 83 ......................85 .......... 85........ 5.2.4 Validation and Verification...................................................... 89 Random Deployment ........................ . .......................................... 91 Constrained Deployment.............................................................. 114 5.3 5.4 5.5 Centerline Deployment . ...................... ........................................ 5.6 Deployment Comparison. ...................... ...................................... 5.7 Total Detector Estimates ................... ...................................... 6 Summary, Conclusion, Recommendations . ...... ......................................... 6.1 Summary... ............................................................................... 6.2 Conclusions ............................................................................... 6.3 Recommendations for Future Work................................................... References.......................................................................................... Appendix A ......................................................................................... Appendix B . ................... 5 126 139 141 143 144 147 149 152 156 174 Table of Figures Figure 2-1. High resolution HEU spectrum .......... .......... ............................. 25 Figure 2-2. Dominant regions for different photon interactions ............................. 26 Figure 2-3. Thorium series ................................................................ 28 Figure 2-4. Photon interaction cross-sections for aluminum and lead...................... 36 Figure 2-5. Schematic representation of source detection through intervening material ................................................................ 38 Figure 4-1. Map of upper North America showing selected ports ........................... 52 Figure 4-2. Map of the United States, Central America, and the Caribbean showing selected ports . .................................................... 53 Figure 4-3. Map of Africa showing selected ports ............................................ 54 Figure 4-4. Map of Europe showing selected ports ........................................... 55 Figure 4-5. Map of the Middle East and India showing selected ports ..................... 56 Figure 4-6. Map of the Far East showing selected ports ...................................... 57 Figure 4-7. Map of Australia showing selected ports......................................... 58 Figure 4-8. Vessel speed CDF .................. 67 ................................. Figure 4-9. Vessel capacity CDF ............................................................... 76 Figure 4-10. Cargo distributed density, Pdist, CDF ............................................. 80 Figure 5-1. Container orientation for simulation.............................................. 86 Figure 5-2. Cube bounding the detection sphere .............................................. 87 Figure 5-3. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 1440 TEU array [Random] ............. 102 Figure 5-4. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 2496 TEU array [Random]........... 103 Figure 5-5. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 3600 TEU array [Random]........... 103 Figure 5-6. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 4800 TEU array [Random]........... 104 6 Figure 5-7. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 6460 TEU array [Random] ............. 104 Figure 5-8. Graphical determination of detectors required for various coverage levels........................................... ..........................105 Figure 5-9. Required Detectors vs. Range for the 1440 TEU array [Random] .......... 109 Figure 5-10. Required Detectors vs. Range for the 2496 TEU array [Random] .......... 109 Figure 5-11. Required Detectors vs. Range for the 3600 TEU array [Random] .......... 110 Figure 5-12. Required Detectors vs. Range for the 4800 TEU array [Random] .......... 110 Figure 5-13. Required Detectors vs. Range for the 6460 TEU array [Random] .......... 111 Figure 5-14. Required Detectors (with 45 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random]...... 112 Figure 5-15. Required Detectors (with 55 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random]...... 1 12 Figure 5-16. Required Detectors (with 65 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random]...... 1 13 Figure 5-17. Required Det ectors (with 75 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random]...... 1 13 Figure 5-18. Required Det ectors (with 85 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random]......1 14 Figure 5-19. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 1440 TEU array [Constrained]........ 122 Figure 5-20. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 2496 TEU;array [Constrained] ......... 123 Figure 5-21. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 3600 TEU;array [Constrained] ......... 123 Figure 5-22. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 4800 TEU; array [Constrained]......... 124 Figure 5-23. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 6460 TEU; array [Constrained] ........ 124 Figure 5-24. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 1440 TEU array [Centerline] .......... 135 Figure 5-25. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 2496 TEU array [Centerline] .......... 136 Figure 5-26. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 3600 TEU array [Centerline] .......... 136 Figure 5-27. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 4800 TEU array [Centerline] .......... 137 Figure 5-28. Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 6460 TEU array [Centerline] .......... 137 7 List of Tables Table 2-1. Densities of common weapons-grade fissile materials ......... .............. 23 Table 2-2. Ratios of MFPs in selected materials to HEU ................................... Table 2-3. 208 T1 gamma lines and branching ratios ................... 23 ......................... 28 Table 2-4. Decay rates for selected gamma emissions from plutonium anditsdaughters ......... ......... ........ ........................ 31 Table 4-1. Containerized cargo volume by U.S. port (CY 2003) ........................... 48 Table 4-2. Foreign container import data (CY 2003) ........................................ 49 Table 4-3. Nautical distances from selected ports to New York and Los Angeles ................................................................. 61 Table 4-4. Vessel database capacity benchmark results ...................................... 66 Table 4-5. Vessel speed statistics ............................................................... 68 Table 4-6. Voyage times from selected ports to New York and Los Angeles ............. 69 Table 4-7. Mean voyage times to New York and Los Angeles ............................. 74 Table 4-8. Vessel capacity statistics .......... 76 ........................................ Table 4-9. Average distributed density, Pdist, values for imported cargo ................... 79 Table 5-1. Properties of the OR operator ...................................................... 88 Table 5-2. Spherical volume error .............................................................. 91 Table 5-3. Reference array dimensions ...................................................... 92 Table 5-4. Mean fractional coverage results for variable run sizes ......................... 93 Table 5-5. Random deployment simulation results ......................................... 94 Table 5-6. Estimated number of detectors needed for various scenarios [Random]....106 Table 5-7. Double assignment probabilities for 20' and 40' containers [Random].....108 Table 5-8. Constrained deployment simulation results ...................................... 8 116 Table 5-9. Estimated number of detectors needed for various scenarios 125 [Constrained] .................................................................... Table 5-10. Centerline deployment simulation results ......... .. ......... .. 127 Table 5-11. Estimated number of detectors needed for various scenarios .......... [Centerline] ............................................................ 138 Table 5-12. Random vs. Centerline deployment comparison ................................ 140 Table 5-13. Average R/C values................................................................. 141 Table 5-14. U.S. port calls by vessel capacity................................................. 141 Table 5-15. Total detector estimates ........................................................... 143 Table 6-1. Results summary for deployment environment analyses...................... 145 Table 6-2. Random deployment results summary ............................................ 146 Table 6-3. Centerline deployment results summary......................................... 146 9 [This page left blank intentionally.] 10 Chapter 1: Nuclear Terrorism Threat 1.1 Objectives and Organization of Thesis The objective of this thesis is to describe and analyze a novel "ship-based" approach, proposed by Gallagher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), for the detection of fissile material concealed in waterborne cargo containers. The need for new thinking will be established by investigating the nature of the threat posed by unconventional nuclear attack and nuclear terrorism and then highlighting the critical shortcomings of currently deployed approaches that seek to address this threat. The attributes and advantages of the ship-based approach will then be examined in the context of the threat and compared to existing detection and interdiction methodologies. Once a case for the promise and utility of the proposed approach has been presented, analysis will be performed to remove or constrain important remaining uncertainties related the to potential efficacy and viability of a ship-based fissile material detection regime. 1.2 Introduction The specter of nuclear weapons has loomed large over the Earth since their dramatic introduction to the world in 1945. The nature of the threat that these weapons pose to the United States, however, has evolved over time. The end of the Cold War brought with it a relaxation of the conventional nuclear threat stemming from blast hardened silos dotting the land, strategic bombers roaming the skies, and ballistic missile submarines prowling the seas. Yet, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the ascendance of transnational terrorism has brought with it a new challenge for the nuclear age, that of devising and implementing effective strategies to prevent the acquisition and deployment of nuclear weapons by individuals and organizations who are not restrained by the same means that had deterred nuclear catastrophes for more than half a century. Although the dynamics of the threat have changed, what remains constant is the understanding that the detonation of a single nuclear device on American soil would have 11 profound and lasting impacts on this country and the world, the scale and breadth of which are difficult to comprehend. 1.3 Threat Dynamics The September 11 th attacks clearly demonstrated that transnational terrorist organizations have supplanted state-based actors as the primary (or at least most immediate) threat to the security of the United States. To strengthen our homeland security posture and develop more effective strategies to defend against attack, including those involving unconventional weapons, we must seek to understand how the emergence of this new adversary alters the nature of threats faced by the United States. The transnational terrorist organizations we must combat today are not only fundamentally different than the state-based adversary faced during the Cold War, they are also markedly different from terrorist organizations that have been encountered in decades past. Some critical differences, at least as they pertain to the threat of nuclear attack, can be generally described in terms of deterability, material access, and motivation. Nuclear aggression during the Cold War was deterred through the doctrine of mutually assured destruction. This conventional means of deterrence was effective because the primary belligerents were state-based actors having well-defined borders with citizens and national assets to protect. Both the United States and the Soviet Union developed nuclear arsenals massive enough, and deployment platforms and delivery systems diverse enough, that any offensive nuclear strike was sure to be met with a devastating retaliatory counterattack [Knorr, 1985]. Therefore, the motivation to unleash nuclear weapons to destroy the enemy was checked by the understanding that a decisive blow could not be struck without the assurance of a crippling reprisal. However, unlike states, transnational terrorist organizations, in general, are highly mobile, have no delineated territorial borders, and no populace to defend. Without fixed targets to be held in jeopardy of counter-attack, a terrorist organization can hope to deliver a devastating blow without the prospect (or at least the assurance) of immediate annihilation. 12 Therefore, a transnational terrorist adversary contemplating a nuclear attack remains undeterred by conventional means. Unlike a large state-based actor, a terrorist organization is unlikely to have open access to a military-industrial infrastructure dedicated to the production of fissile material and the design and assembly of nuclear weapons. Numerous barriers, both physical and political, have been erected by international institutions to inhibit the flow of fissile material from established nuclear states, which are susceptible to conventional means of deterrence, to undeterred terrorist organizations [Bunn et. al, 2003]. As such, even highly motivated, well financed terrorist groups will likely find gaining access to fissile material the most difficult and daunting aspect of initiating a nuclear attack. The difficulty associated with the procurement or acquisition of fissile material, and the resulting scarcity of the commodity, has important implications for how an attack might be planned and executed. In the past, terrorist organizations used attacks primarily in an attempt to achieve political objectives [NCT, 2000]. With this political motivation, it was thought that terrorist organizations would eschew attacks that claimed large numbers of civilian lives, because such an act would promote public outcry, inspire widespread condemnation of the perpetrators and ultimately weaken support for their cause [Hoffman, 1995]. The transnational terrorist organizations threatening the United States today, however, are increasingly found to have at their core fanatical religious and ideological, rather than purely political, motivations [Laqueur, 1998]. With radical religious ideology serving as the basis, attacks are no longer carried out with the express purpose of meeting political ends. Instead, they are executed to destroy infidels and punish the enemies of God/Allah. As such, religiously inspired terrorist organizations now tend to view attacks that cause mass casualties as desirable rather than taboo [Morgan, 2004]. This motivational shift was summed up succinctly by former CIA director James Woolsey who said, "Today's terrorists don't want a seat at the table, they want to destroy the table and everyone sitting at it." [NCT, 2000] 13 Another key to understanding the threat posed by unconventional nuclear attack is to appreciate the unique destructive capabilities of nuclear weapons. Although they are often grouped alongside chemical and biological weapons under the generic banner of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), nuclear weapons stand markedly apart even from their other WMD brethren. The totality of destruction that can be wrought, together with the massive spatial and instantaneous temporal scales over which their effects are unleashed, combine to make the gravity of threats posed by nuclear weapons wholly unique. Unlike chemical and biological agents that inflict harm by specifically targeting and damaging human biological functions, nuclear weapons destroy in a much more indiscriminate manner. With their combined thermal, blast, and radiation effects, nuclear weapons inflict their damage on all forms of matter in their vicinity, including people, buildings, and economically vital infrastructure. These effects can be devastating even at distances far removed from the location of the actual detonation. Finally, the primary effects of a nuclear detonation are all experienced more or less instantaneously and simultaneously, and without warning. As such, there is no time for affected populations to evacuate or seek refuge once a nuclear weapon has been actuated. Given the destructive potential of nuclear weapons, the motivation and stated desire of transnational terrorist organizations to obtain and use these weapons, and the ineffectiveness of conventional means to deter terrorist-mounted nuclear attacks, it is unacceptable to rely solely on existing barriers meant to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to fissile material or assembled weapons. Realizing that no individual barrier or safeguard is going to provide perfectly reliable protection, we must develop multiple, redundant and diverse layers of protection that can impede or disrupt all phases of attack from fissile material procurement to final operational deployment. One important step in effectively implementing this type of defense-in-depth protection philosophy is to identify and assess potential avenues of attack that could be used by a terrorist adversary that had somehow managed to obtain fissile material. The vulnerabilities of each potential avenue of attack should then be evaluated so that deficiencies can be identified and remediated. 14 1.4 Container Scenario Development One potentially vulnerable avenue of attack flows through US seaports where an average ofjust over 19,000 cargo containers arrive by ship each day [MARAD(1), 2004], any one of which could be used by an adversary to conceal fissile material or an assembled nuclear device. Only about 4% of these incoming cargo containers currently undergo any type of physical inspection [Lok, 2004]. The vulnerability associated with thousands of opaque, largely uninspected, and loosely controlled cargo containers arriving on U.S. shores everyday is compounded by the proximity of major seaports to large metropolitan population centers. As a result of this collocation, a weapon arriving in a major U.S. port is often already in range to cause massive casualties, regardless of the intended ultimate target of the device. Despite security concerns, seaports and the international container shipping trade are critical to sustaining modern global commerce and to maintaining a healthy U.S. economy. The transaction of international commerce requires an open architecture, where containerized goods can move freely and efficiently between countries and across borders. Therefore a critical and urgent challenge remains to develop and implement protective measures that can enhance the U.S. security posture with respect to seaports and incoming containers of foreign origin, without unduly burdening the free flow of commerce. As a first step in meeting the challenge of successfully addressing port and cargo container related vulnerabilities, a conservative threat scenario will be developed based on carefully chosen and logically defended assumptions. Scenario development will frame the problem, allowing helpful insights to be drawn. The resulting product will then provide a means to evaluate the efficacy and highlight weaknesses of potential solutions. The overarching assumption used in scenario development is that a rational, determined adversary would always seek to maximize the probability of a successful attack. (Despite fanatical religious ideologies, transnational terrorist organizations have repeatedly proven themselves rational in the context of operational planning, coordination and execution.) As discussed later, in detail, the following propositions are 15 some logical implications of the "rational enemy assumption" as applied to a transnational terrorist adversary: 1) if an enemy somehow procures fissile material, they will seek to weaponize it (if not already in the form of a functional nuclear weapon) and use it; 2) an enemy will seek to weaponize unassembled fissile material prior to container shipment to the U.S.; and 3) an enemy may provide some means (e.g. booby-trapping or remote detonation capability) to thwart the successful interdiction and neutralization of a deployed (i.e. shipped) weapon. The assertion that a transnational terrorist organization, having obtained fissile material, will weaponize it and attempt to use it is perhaps the most easily justified of the preceding discussion. A number of leading figures in transnational terrorist organizations (including al Qaeda) have openly professed their desire to obtain nuclear weapons and there have been several well-documented attempts to purchase fissile material [Lee, 2003]. Additionally, these groups have demonstrated the motivation and ability to carry out well planned, large-scale attacks that result in mass civilian casualties. Finally, as noted previously, highly mobile, borderless terrorist organizations are not stymied by conventional means of deterrence based on the threat of massive retaliation. Given the vigor with which fissile material procurement has been pursued, the repeatedly demonstrated willingness to employ ever more lethal tactics to carry out high-casualty attacks, and the undeterred nature of the adversary, it is reasonable, and certainly conservative, to posit that if a sufficient quantity of fissile material is obtained, a terrorist organization would seek to assemble it into a weapon and use it for an attack. The belief that an enemy would seek to ship a functional weapon to the U.S., as opposed to unassembled fissile material, follows from the rational enemy assumption for the following two reasons. First, to maximize the probability of a successful attack, an adversary that had obtained unassembled fissile material would clearly want to avoid disruption or detection during the device assembly process. Unfettered weapon assembly and preparation would presumably be far easier to achieve abroad, in a location of the terrorists' choosing, where they could enjoy a substantially stronger and more secure support network, in addition to a less menacing intelligence gathering and law 16 enforcement presence than would be encountered in the United States. Second, a rational adversary would seek to ship a functioning weapon rather than attempt to smuggle unassembled fissile material into the U.S. to create the possibility that some degree of operational success (i.e. a nuclear detonation causing significant casualties and physical damage) could still be achieved even in the event that the device was somehow detected or discovered prior to reaching its intended target. There is no such possibility of limited success if the fissile material has not been weaponized prior to shipment. The assertion that an adversary would seek to implement countermeasures such as "booby traps" or remote detonation provisions to guard against interdiction and disarmament prior to detonation can also be defended using the rational enemy assumption. "Booby-traps" are defined here as a feature or features intended to trigger detonation of the device if certain perturbations, such as mechanical or radiation probing, are experienced. A remote detonation capability would give an adversary the opportunity to detonate a detected weapon before it could be isolated and rendered safe. Despite the technological difficulty of implementing such features, the presence of countermeasures to guard against interdiction cannot be ruled out since the rational-enemy assumption dictates that an adversary would aggressively seek to ensure detonation once the weapon was deployed. The desire to ensure detonation, using any available means, would only be amplified by the extremely limited availability of fissile material and the extraordinary efforts that were likely required to obtain it. Even if the device did not reach its intended target, a nuclear explosion impacting any Western port or territory would presumably be a marginally successful outcome for a terrorist organization. Finally, to accept the rational enemy assumption but to reject the possibility of countermeasures being present requires the assumption that an enemy is not capable, for whatever reason, of implementing them. However, the fact that we concern ourselves with screening cargo containers for fissile material in the first place implies that we are willing to accept that an enemy possesses a level of sophistication high enough to procure, transport, (possibly) assemble and deploy a nuclear weapon, all without being detected or exposed by any military, law enforcement or intelligence gathering 17 organization. It seems, therefore, wholly irrational to then assume that the same enemy is not sophisticated enough to devise and implement effective countermeasures. Consistent with the assumptions discussed in the previous paragraphs, we now postulate a scenario in which a functional nuclear weapon is concealed in a standard, full sized (40' long, 8' wide and 8.5' high) cargo container and deployed from a foreign location aboard a transoceanic container vessel that is due to call on a major United States seaport that is in or adjacent to a large urban population center (e.g. New York City or Los Angeles). We conservatively assume that the weapon is surrounded with some level of shielding appropriate for the fissile material used in the weapon (i.e. high atomic number material for uranium or both low and high atomic number material for plutonium). We further assume that the device has been outfitted with counterinterdiction features, including a remote detonation capability and booby-traps that trigger the weapon in the event that certain mechanical or radiation insults are experienced. We consider the above scenario (referred to hereafter as "the container scenario") to be conservative and bounding. As such, it is assumed that an approach that can defeat this extremely challenging scenario can similarly defeat any number of less conservative, less challenging scenarios. We further believe that the highly conservative nature of the container scenario is appropriate considering the extraordinarily dire consequences of a successful nuclear attack on U.S. soil and the fact that none of the (admittedly) improbable elements of the scenario can be confidently excluded as incredible. Using the postulated container scenario we can now make a number of useful observations regarding the capabilities that will be required to successfully address the specific vulnerabilities associated with the commercial maritime container trade as an avenue for nuclear attack. First, it is clear that the only way to ensure adequate protection from this threat is to keep the weapon (or the container concealing the weapon) from ever reaching U.S. shores. To do this, not only must the weapon be detected prior to the threat-bearing vessel reaching a U.S. port of call, but the presence of this threat must also 18 be communicated to appropriate parties in time for an effective response to be mobilized prior to port entry. Additionally, the initial threat detection must be made in a manner that accounts for the possibility that countermeasures may be present, which could function the weapon if intrusive perturbations are experienced. The ultimate success criterion for any defensive measure (or measures) in defeating the container scenario or any other postulated nuclear attack is not the detection of the device; it is the ability to prevent a nuclear detonation that physically impacts the United States. Detecting the weapon is a necessary but not sufficient step toward defeating this threat. Stated differently, the deployment of a defensive measure that detects incoming fissile material with perfect effectiveness and reliability (even if this were possible) fails to adequately protect against the threat of nuclear attack if the weapon isn't detected until it is already in range to impact the United States (e.g. in a U.S. port). 19 Chapter 2: Fissile Material Detection 2.1 Fissile Material Characteristics It is clear both intuitively and from the earlier discussion of the container scenario that no nuclear attack will be thwarted if the concealed weapon is never detected. As such, it is useful to investigate the common properties of fissile material and the various ways in which these properties can be exploited to remotely detect the presence of this material without the luxury of having physical access to the inside of each cargo container. In the current context, a nuclide is defined as fissile if it can undergo neutroninduced fission with the absorption of a neutron of any energy. The ability to fission readily when interacting with neutrons of any energy regime makes fissile isotopes critically important in producing and sustaining the fission chain reactions that give nuclear weapons their explosive power. For the purposes of this analysis, fissile materials will be generally defined as materials containing fissile isotopes in sufficient quantities to make them suitable for use in nuclear weapons. Although nuclear weapons can theoretically be constructed using more exotic materials, such as neptunium or americium [Albright et. al, 1999], the following discussion will focus on materials that contain the fissile isotopes 239pu, 235U, and 233 U. Natural uranium has an isotopic composition of 99.28% (by weight) 238 U, 0.72% 235 U, and 0.0055% 235 U 234U.Uranium is considered enriched if the abundance of the fissile constituent is artificially increased above its naturally occurring level. Uranium that is greater than 20% 235 U is classified as highly enriched. The 20% cutoff corresponds to the minimum enrichment, as identified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), required for materials that can be used in nuclear weapons [IAEA, 2001]. Unlike the fissile 235U isotope, 238U can only be made to fission with neutrons exceeding a threshold energy of approximately 1 MeV [Krane, 1988]. This threshold makes 20 uranium with a high 238U content unsuitable for creating and sustaining chain reactions because not all neutrons produced during a given generation of fissions will exceed the 238U energy threshold and be available to create subsequent fission events. The population of neutrons energetic enough to fission 238U would be further decreased as neutrons undergo inelastic scattering events that transfer some of their energy to the nuclei with which they interact. As a result, the highly enriched uranium (HEU) used in nuclear weapons typically has an enrichment of greater than 90% 235U [Bunn et. al, 1997]. Plutonium, unlike uranium, is not a naturally occurring element and must be produced artificially. Fissile 239 Pu is typically bred in a nuclear reactor through the following transmutation chain and then chemically separated. 238 U (n,y)>239 U >239 2d 23.5m Weapons grade plutonium is rich in the fissile defined as containing less than 7% of the Np P 65 >239 23 9 Pu isotope 24 0 Pu isotope P 56.5h (again above 90%) and is [DOE, 1994], which is considered a contaminant by weapons designers. Reactor grade plutonium also contains 239Pu,but is defined as containing greater than 7% 240pul . Each type of plutonium also contains varying amounts of other plutonium isotopes including 238 Pu,24 1pu, and 242pu. Although weapons grade plutonium (as the name implies) is vastly preferable for use in fabricating a nuclear weapon, reactor grade plutonium can also be used to produce an explosive that delivers a nuclear yield2 [Mark et. al, 1987]. For this reason, and because a terrorist organization is unlikely to be picky if an opportunity to obtain this material avails itself, reactor grade plutonium has been included in the discussion, despite the added weapon design and assembly difficulties associated with its use. ' Plutonium containing between 7 and 18% 2 4 0 Pu is sometimes referred to as fuel grade. 2 In 1977 the United States declassified the existence of an underground test conducted in 1962 where a nuclear device fabricated with reactor grade plutonium was successfully detonated. 21 233U is not a constituent of naturally occurring uranium and, like plutonium, must be produced artificially. This fissile nuclide is bred from thorium in nuclear reactors through the following transmutation chain. 232 Th (n,) 233 Th 22.3- 233 Pa 6 27.0d >233 U Uranium bred and chemically separated from thorium blankets is contaminated with varying amounts of 232U. 233U is not nearly as popular as 2 35 U and 239 Pu for use in nuclear weapons (no country is publicly known to have produced weapons using 233U [NTI, 2003]) because of radiation dose concerns arising from the 232U contaminant. However, this material is very capable of producing a nuclear explosion, evidenced by a bare sphere critical mass3 smaller than that of 235 U [NERAC, 2000]. Currently, the worldwide availability of 233 U is rather small compared to other fissile materials that are likely being coveted by terrorist organizations. However, a number of countries, most notably India (already a nuclear weapon state), are considering the use of a 233Uproducing thorium fuel cycle for nuclear power generation [Gopalakrishnan, 2002]. Despite their many physical, chemical, and metallurgical differences, fissile materials have a number of common traits that can be used as a basis for detection. One characteristic that is obviously shared by all fissile materials is that they can be made to fission. When fissile materials are bombarded with neutrons of any energy or gamma rays above a threshold energy4 , fission (or so-called photo-fission in the case of gamma bombardment) will occur and neutrons and prompt gamma rays will be released immediately as a result of the fission event, followed by delayed gamma rays (and occasionally delayed neutrons) emitted by subsequent decay and de-excitation of the fission products. Unlike the heavy ionized fragments created during fission and the beta particles that are typically emitted as these fission products decay toward stability, neutrons and gammas are uncharged. Due to their lack of electronic charge, these particles do not undergo Coulomb interactions with the atomic electrons of the matter 3 The bare sphere critical masses of 233U and 235U are 16.4 kg and 47.9 kg, respectively. 4For 235U and 239 Pu, the photo-fission threshold energy is about 5.3 MeV [Fetter(l), 1990] 22 through which they pass so they can travel a relatively long distance before and between interactions. The long-range nature (relative to other forms of nuclear radiation) of neutrons and gammas makes them particularly well suited to the task of detecting fissile material at a distance using conventional equipment and well-understood methods. Another useful characteristic shared by all fissile materials is that they have high densities, and are able to readily absorb gamma rays and neutrons. Densities of some common weapons-grade fissile materials are shown in Table 2-1 [Mark et. al, 1987]. Table 2-1: Densities of common weapons-grade fissile materials HEU (94% U-235) Weapons Grade Pu delta phase alpha phase 18.7 g/cmA3 19.86 g/cmA3 15.6 g/cm^3 One way to quantify how effectively a material can absorb a particular type of radiation is to define the mean free path of that radiation in the material. The mean free path is the average distance traveled between interactions. Since each interaction creates the opportunity for scattering or absorption, a short mean free path, or equivalently, more average interactions per unit length, indicates that the material is effective in absorbing or shielding that particular radiation. Table 2-1 below shows the mean free path ratios between HEU and a number of other materials for neutrons and gamma rays of several different energy regimes [Fetter(l), 1990]. Table 2-2: Ratios of MFPs in selected materials to HEU Gamma Rays Neutrons Ratio of MFP in element to that in HEU Al Fe W Pb Energy MeV C 0.4 10 100 22 23 56 19 16 27 thermal 50 240 24 40 70 0.001 10 3.0 2.2 16 2.4 2.2 1.5 1.6 0.94 4.1 1.5 6.7 4.3 5.5 1.4 1.1 1.1 2.0 1.8 1.7 Ratios in Table 2-1 greater than unity indicate a larger mean free path in the reference material than in HEU. Plutonium with its similar density, atomic number, and ability to 23 fission (even with thermal neutrons) would produce comparably small mean free paths for gamma rays and neutrons at energies tabulated above. Fissile materials are also radioactive. However, since each type of fissile material has a distinct isotopic composition, which in turn gives rise to distinct populations of decay progeny, each of the materials produce intrinsic radiation signatures that can differ in terms of character and intensity. The characteristic emission signatures for each type of fissile material will now be identified and discussed separately in the context of how they can be used to facilitate remote detection. 2.1.1HEURadiationSignature The isotopic composition of a radioactive material determines both the nature and energy of the radiation emitted. Therefore to begin discussing the radiation signature of HEU, the general composition of this material must first be revisited in greater detail. The primary constituents of HEU are the naturally occurring 2 3 8 U, 235U, and 2 34 U isotopes. To produce weapons-usable material, some means of enrichment (e.g. gaseous diffusion or centrifuge enrichment) must be employed to artificially raise the relative abundance of the fissile 235U isotope to well above its natural level of 0.72%. Because most means of enrichment exploit the fractional mass differences between isotopes, the trace amount of 2 34 U found in natural uranium is also preferentially enriched along with 235U due to its comparatively low atomic mass. If none of the material used as input, or feedstock, to the enrichment process had ever been irradiated in a nuclear reactor, than the naturally occurring nuclides listed above would be the only uranium isotopes present in the resulting HEU. However, if even a minute fraction of the enrichment feedstock had been irradiated (and subsequently reprocessed), the HEU output would likely be contaminated with small amounts of the non-naturally occurring 232U, 236U, and 237U isotopes [Peurrung, 1998]. As the 23 5U, 23 8U, and 234U isotopes (as well as the 23 2 U, 23 6U, and 2 37 U contaminants that may be present) begin down their long decay chains toward stable 24 nuclides, alpha and beta particles are emitted as individual nuclei decay. While these short-range, charged particles are generally unhelpful for remote detection, the longrange characteristic photons that often accompany these decays can be usefully exploited. The gamma rays emitted as the excited daughter nuclei created during alpha or beta decay transition to lower excited states or their ground states, give rise to a rich and complex spectrum of photons that can penetrate surrounding material and be detected at a physically removed location. Since gamma ray energies are determined by the characteristics of the emitting nucleus, peaks in the measured spectrum can be used to unambiguously identify the presence of specific isotopes. The HEU spectrum, as measured using a high resolution, high purity germanium (HPGe) detector, is shown in I Figure 2-1 [Gosnell, 2000]. I ____... .- i . I tx10 6 lx10 5 lx10 4 1x10 3 O0 O U) Z0 U z lx10 2 1x10 1 x10O o lx10 -1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Energy (keV) Figure 2-1: High resolution HEU spectrum As indicated by the magnified region of Figure 2-1, the characteristic gamma lines emitted by 235 U are concentrated at the low energy end of the spectrum. The most intense of the 59 discrete lines emitted by 23 5 U is at 186 keV and the most energetic line emitted with a reasonably high intensity is at 205 keV. Unfortunately, these photons are 25 not highly penetrating because most types of matter have large linear attenuation coefficients in this energy regime, with a particularly large contribution from the photonabsorbing photoelectric process. Figure 2-2 shows the dominant regions for various types of photon interactions as functions of the atomic number of the transmission medium [Evans, 1955]. § 0 N 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 E. (MeV) 5 10 50 100 Figure 2-2: Dominant regions for different photon interactions As a result of the high probability of photoelectric interaction, which results in the loss of the photon in the process, dense matter shields low energy gamma lines emitted by 235 U very efficiently. In uranium the mean free path of 200 keV gamma rays is 0.5 mm, so a significant fraction of these low energy photons are subject to self-absorption within the HEU from with they originate [Fetter(2), 1990]. The most notable contribution to the HEU spectrum stemming from residual 238U is the 1001 keV line arising from the isomeric transition of 234 mPathat is created through the following series of decays. a 4.5 Gy >234 Th d 24.3d >234m Pa Although this line is highly penetrating and emitted with reasonably high intensity, the use of gamma rays that arise from 238U (or its daughters) for fissile material detection 26 purposes is inherently problematic. This is due in part to the fact that the presence of 238 U doesn't necessarily indicate the presence of HEU. Additionally, the ubiquitous nature of the 238U isotope, particularly in terrestrial settings, produces a significant amount of nuisance background that can confound detection efforts. Because gamma lines emitted by 235U are intense but not highly penetrating and lines emitted by 23 8U (and its daughters) are less than ideal for fissile material detection, gamma emissions stemming from the decay of 232 U and its daughter products can prove extremely useful for remote detection applications. 232U is produced primarily through the following reactions in a nuclear reactor [Peurrung, 1998]. (1) (2) (3) 235U U '234 a 704My a 246ky 235 U >230 Th Np a- 238U (n,2n) >237 U 231 Th 25.5h V (n,y) >237 >236 PU a >237 (n) 231 25.5h Th (r) (n,y)>236 U 236m (4) 231 >232 Np U 232 Pa (ny) >231 > 237 > 6.8 Pa Np 31.4h >232 >232 U Pa 31 .4h >232 U n,2n) > 2 U ,2 ) >236m 6.8d Np '1 - 22.5h >236 PU a >232 U 2.9y The reactions shown above (particularly the first two listed) are the most significant pathways by which 232U is produced in a reactor, provided that actinide impurities arising from previous irradiations have been removed from the initial fuel prior to loading [Perrung, 1998]. If present in HEU, 232U will decay through a long chain of successive alpha and beta decays through the so-called thorium series depicted below in Figure 2-3 [Krane, 1988]. 27 Figure 2-3: Thorium series The thorium series is shown in detail because several of the distant daughter products of 23 2 U emit high energy, highly penetrating gamma lines that can significantly enhance the distance at which HEU can be remotely detected. Of the daughter products found in the thorium series, the one with the most utility for detection is 208 T1. The beta decay of 208T1 to stable 208 Pb is accompanied by one or more high-energy photons emitted as the daughter nucleus de-excites. Table 2-2 shows the energies of the most intense gamma ray lines produced by 208T1 decay, as well as the branching ratios of these lines [Fetter(3), 1990]. Table 2-3: 208TI gamma lines and branching ratios Gamma Energy Branching Ratio (keV) (% per decay) 583.0 860.3 86.0 12.0 1620.7 1.51 2614.4 99.79 28 Because of their significant branching ratios and highly penetrating nature, the 583 and 2615 keV 208 T1 gamma lines can be particularly useful in detecting HEU that is contaminated with the 232U parent nuclide, even if 232 U is found in concentrations less than 1 ppb [Fetter(1), 1990]. The prominence of these two peaks in the HEU spectrum can be seen in Figure 2-1. The 2615 keV photon is especially noteworthy because photon interaction cross-sections at this energy are generally quite low, which allows this gamma line to be powerfully penetrating and quite long range. Also, as shown in Figure 2-2 the Compton scattering process dominates the overall interaction cross-section at 2615 keV, so even when an interaction does take place, the photon will most likely be scattered (albeit losing some energy in the process) instead of absorbed. Additionally, in general, the background rate in this high-energy region of the spectrum is fairly low, so a source that emits gammas in this regime can usually be detected more easily than a low energy gamma emitter. Unfortunately, as the thorium series in Figure 2-3 demonstrates, not the only potential source of 20 8T1 and its 2615 keV decay photon. 2 32 Th, 232U is an isotope that represents greater than 99% of naturally occurring thorium and is 3 times more abundant in the earth's crust than natural uranium [WNA, 2003], also decays down to 208Tl and can produce a very strong background signal, which inhibits confident detection of HEU. Like many other extremely heavy isotopes, 238 U and 23 4 U can undergo spontaneous fission. In general, spontaneous fission is more likely in nuclides with even numbers of protons and neutrons and becomes increasingly important as atomic number increases. However, it does not seriously compete with alpha emission as the dominant decay process until atomic mass increases above about 250 [Krane, 1988]. As a result, 238U and 234U both have partial half-lives for spontaneous fission that are significantly longer than their total half-lives. (Partial half-lives are defined as the time necessary for half of the nuclei in a given sample to decay if only a single specified decay process were allowed to occur.) 2 38 U has a partial half life for spontaneous fission of 8.20x1015 yr versus a total half life of 4.468x 109yr and 2 34 U has a spontaneous fission half life of 2.04x1016 yr versus a total half life of 2.455x10 5 yr [Fetter(4), 1990]. 29 Several other processes contribute to neutron generation in HEU. One is the production of neutrons through (a,n) reactions that can occur when light element impurities (e.g. carbon and oxygen) in the material interact with alpha particles emitted by the uranium nuclides and their daughter products [Fetter(2), 1990]. The other process influencing the neutron population in HEU is the multiplication that occurs when an existing neutron induces fission in the fissile material thereby releasing additional neutrons. The degree of multiplication is strongly dependant on the geometry of the material. Despite the effects of multiplication and the neutron production that could occur due to (a,n) reactions in light element contaminated material, spontaneous fission events in 238Uand 234 U occur infrequently enough that the intrinsic neutron signature of HEU is very small and essentially undetectable for the remote detection application of interest. 2.1.2 Plutonium Radiation Signature Both weapons grade and reactor grade plutonium contain essentially the same plutonium isotopes ( 238pu, 2 39 Pu, 1 240pU, 24 pu and 24 2 Pu) but in different concentrations. Weapons grade plutonium is typically composed of greater than 93% 239Pu,around 6% 24 0 Pu, and small quantities (less than 1%) of 238 Pu, 241pu, and 2 42pu [Fetter(1), 1990]. Reactor grade plutonium, a material that does not have uniquely specified isotopics, has been produced and separated from higher burnup fuel than weapons grade plutonium, giving it a lower concentration of 239 Pu and higher relative concentrations of the 238 Pu, 240pu, 241pu, and 242 Pu isotopes [Mark, 1990]. All of the plutonium isotopes identified above are radioactive, and just as in the case with HEU, the alpha and beta decays undergone by these isotopes and their daughter products are accompanied by the emission of one or more characteristic photons. The most prominent gamma lines in the plutonium spectrum arise from the decay of 239pu, and the decay of the 24 1pu isotope's daughter product. 239 Pu is an alpha emitter with a half-life of 2.41 lx105 yr. The two most intense gamma lines arising from the 239 Pu alpha 30 decay are at 375 and 414 keV with branching ratios (% per decay) of 0.00158 and 0.00151 respectively [Fetter(3), 1990]. The most energetic line emitted by 2 39 Pu with a 24 1 Pu has useful intensity is at 769 keV, and has a branching ratio of 0.000011. of 14.35 yr and beta decays to 24 1 Am a half-life 99.9976% of the time [Oetting, 1968]. The 24 1 Am daughter then alpha decays with a 432.2 yr half-life emitting gammas at 662, 721.96 and 722.70 keV with respective branching ratios of 0.00036, 0.00006 and 0.00013 [Fetter(3), 1990]. The peak energies of the later two photons are exceedingly difficult to resolve, using even high-quality semiconductor detectors, because the peak energies are so close together. As such, the counts from these two photons can be aggregated into one peak centered at approximately 722.5 keV, with a combined branching ratio of 0.00019. Table 2-4 shows the decay rates of the gamma emissions discussed above5 [Fetter(3), 1990]. Table 2-4: Decay rates for selected gamma emissions from plutonium and its daughters Parent Isotope Gamma Energy (keV) Decay Rate (g x s)^-1 Pu-239 Pu-239 Pu-239 Pu-241 Pu-241 375 414 769 662 722.5 36300 34600 252 174000 92000 In the case of weapons grade plutonium, the 239 Pu and 241 Am gamma lines identified above can be fairly helpful for remote detection due to their reasonable intensity and good penetrating power in most materials. Since reactor grade plutonium has a significantly higher concentration of both 241pu and 241Am, the highly penetrating 662 and (averaged) 722.5 keV can become quite intense. Consequently these gamma lines can be extremely helpful in remotely detecting reactor grade material. It should also be noted that because 2 39 Pu and 2 4 1 Am are not naturally occurring isotopes, the detection of plutonium using the gamma lines discussed above does not suffer from the same problems associated with natural background that can complicate HEU detection. However, 241Am is used in commercial products such as smoke detectors 5 Decay rates in Table 2-4 assume 10-year-old plutonium (i.e. 10 years of decay time starting with I g of the pure parent nuclides). 31 and the popular radiation source 13 7Cs, emits a gamma ray at 661 keV, which is essentially indistinguishable from the 662 keV line emitted by spectral peak overlap with 137 Cs could 2 41 Am. Although the frustrate unambiguous identification of 241Am, the unexpected detection of this line emanating from a cargo container would still presumably be of intense interest due to the potential use of 137Cs (particularly in its powdery chloride form [Stone, 2002]) in a radiological dispersion device. A potentially more important aspect of plutonium's intrinsic radiation signature, in terms of remote detection, is neutron emission. Plutonium has a high rate of internal neutron generation due largely to the spontaneous fissioning of its nuclei. All of the plutonium nuclides present in weapons grade and reactor grade materials undergo spontaneous fission more readily (i.e. they have shorter spontaneous fission partial half lives) than 2 38 U [Fetter(4), 1990]. The 238pu, 240pu, and 2 42 Pu nuclides, with their even number of protons and neutrons, are particularly active contributors to the neutron population with relatively short spontaneous fission partial half lives of 4.77x101°, 1.31 x10, and 6.84x10 10 years respectively [Fetter(4), 1990]. As is the case with HEU, alpha particles interacting with light element impurities can cause (a,n) reactions, giving rise to another potentially important neutron production mechanism. However, reactions of the (a,n) variety are more significant in plutonium than HEU because the dramatically higher alpha activity in plutonium creates more opportunity for these reactions to occur. Likewise, neutron multiplication can also play a more significant role in plutonium because more spontaneous fission and (a,n) neutrons are present to begin the multiplication process by inducing fission. There is also some evidence to suggest that a significantly enhanced high-energy (above 1.6 MeV) gamma flux can be observed in the vicinity of plutonium-based nuclear weapons [Baryshevsky et. al, 1994]. These energetic photons would most likely be the result of radiative capture reactions occurring as materials in the surrounding chemical high explosive absorb neutrons emitted by the plutonium. Due to the low natural 32 background flux in this energy regime, these highly penetrating gamma rays could prove quite useful for remote detection. 2.1.3 23 3 U Radiation Signature The isotopic composition of uranium that is chemically separated from thorium targets irradiated in a reactor varies depending on the reactor type and burnup. Although the relative concentrations may vary, all uranium produced from thorium irradiation will be contaminated with 232 U produced primarily through the following reaction chains. 232Th (n,2n) >231 232Th (n,y) >233 Th fl >231 Pa (ny) >232 Pa A3- >232 U Th A- >233 Pa - >233 U (n,2n)>232 U The limiting reactions for both 232 U production mechanisms are the (n,2n) reactions that have threshold neutron energies of around 6 MeV. As a result, uranium bred in reactors with relatively large neutron populations in the high-energy (i.e. > 6 MeV) portion of the spectrum will typically be contaminated with higher levels of 232U. 232U contamination also increases with burnup [Kang, 2001]. As noted above for HEU, 2 32 U, with its 69.8 yr half-life and its 2 08T1 progeny can be very helpful for remote detection even at 232U contamination levels on the order of 100 ppt. In contrast to the minute concentrations of 232U that can be found in contaminated HEU, 233U is considered to be "clean" if it has levels of ppm. [Kang, 2001]. 2 32 U contamination The intense radiation field given off by the 23 2U less than 1 decay chain is the root of radiation protection concerns that have kept 233U from being pursued by states as the basis for nuclear weapons production. This intense, high-energy radiation will also help to facilitate fairly straightforward remote detection of concealed 233 U. 33 2.2 Detection Techniques Detection techniques that seek to exploit the common properties of fissile material discussed in the previous section can be generally categorized as either active or passive. Active methods involve the application of external radiation sources to induce fission events in fissile material that may be present or to take photon transmission measurements that can indicate the presence and location of dense materials. Passive techniques do not probe with radiation, but instead measure the intrinsic radiation emitted by the fissile material to achieve detection. Methods using both active and passive techniques will now be discussed in additional detail and their applicability to the postulated container scenario will be assessed. 2.2.1 Active Detection There are a number of disparate detection methods that fall under the category of active techniques. The commonality between these methods is that they all employ some dedicated photon or neutron source to bombard an object or material with intense radiation to measure its response. In some cases the response of interest is the induced radiation emitted by the object or material being interrogated and in other cases the measured response is the amount of radiation that is effectively transmitted through (or absorbed in) the test object. Methods concerned with stimulating radiation in fissile material using external radiation sources will be referred to here as induced fission techniques and methods that measure radiation transmission will be referred to as radiography. As discussed earlier, fissile materials can be made to fission with neutrons of any energy and by gamma rays above certain nuclide-specific threshold energies. Fission events are accompanied by the emission of about 7 prompt gamma rays and anywhere between 2 to 5 prompt neutrons depending on the isotope undergoing fission and the type 34 and energy of the particle that induced the event [Fetter(4), 1990]. Induced fission techniques interrogate an object with intense beams of radiation and detect evidence of induced fission in the form of prompt neutrons and/or gammas. Induced fission techniques have a number of attractive attributes. The intense probing radiation can penetrate significant amounts of intervening material such that even well-shielded fissile material can normally be detected. Additionally, by artificially inducing a strong signal that is unique to the class of materials that are being screened for, induced fission techniques require a much smaller detection time than other methods, particularly those that are passive in nature. Disadvantages associated with this method include radiation protection concerns for workers and bystanders stemming from the use of intense and energetic radiation sources. An additional concern for methods that would employ neutrons as probing radiation arises from the possible activation of benign materials in the test object. In terms of suitability to the container scenario, induced fission techniques are not a particularly desirable option. Although the ability to detect fissile material despite shielding is an important virtue of this method, the insult to the device arising from the bombardment of probing radiation is a critical drawback. A booby-trap provision, such as the one postulated by the container scenario, could be triggered by intense radiation resulting in detonation of the weapon. Radiography As photons pass through material they can interact with surrounding matter through a number of different processes. The most notable of these photon interactions are photoelectric absorption, Compton scattering, and (if the photon has an energy greater than 1.022 MeV) pair production. Examples of photon interaction cross-sections for aluminum and lead, illustrating the energy dependence of the three primary interaction processes, are shown in Figure 2-4 [Krane, 1988]. 35 I I E I 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 MeV 0.1 1 10 MeV Figure 2-4: Photon interaction cross-sections for aluminum and lead The denser the material being traversed by a photon, the more matter is available to cause these interactions per unit length traveled. As such, a test object with unknown contents can be exposed to a beam of photons with a known intensity and transmission measurements can be carried out to detect the presence of particularly dense material, which could indicate the presence of either fissile material or shielding. Sophisticated radiographic techniques can image the contents of an unknown test object using the contrast provided by the varying linear attenuation coefficients of different materials. These contrast images can be used to indicate both the presence and geometry of suspicious dense material. An advantage of radiography is that it can provide visual insights into the contents of sealed, opaque containers without requiring them to be physically opened. The sensitivity to very dense materials could also easily detect the presence of engineered shielding. However, high densities are not unique to fissile materials or shielding that is being used to conceal a nuclear weapon. As such, this method (and other more exotic 36 radiographic methods including those using muons) could be prone to high false alarm rates that could create a potentially costly commercial choke point. Additionally, the bombardment of high-energy photons can damage some radiation-sensitive types of commercial cargo, such as photographic film. Evaluated in terms of the container scenario, radiography warrants an assessment similar to that of induced fission techniques. The ability to readily detect the presence of material that could be used as shielding is desirable (although unlike induced fission methods, radiography cannot unambiguously detect the presence of fissile material behind potential shielding). However, the overall desirability of this technique, at least with respect to the postulated container scenario, is severely limited by the fact that the bombardment of a booby-trapped nuclear device with intense external radiation could trigger the weapon. 2.2.2PassiveDetection Whereas active techniques use externally applied radiation to exploit common properties of fissile material related to fissionability and density, passive techniques focus on the intrinsic radiation that is emitted in varying forms by all fissile material as a means of detection. Using large static arrays of gamma and neutron detectors to obtain gross count measurements can identify the presence of a radiation source. This technique cannot, however, discriminate between fissile material and any other type of radiation emitting material. More advanced techniques using gamma spectroscopy can be used to detect and identify individual types of fissile material. By relying on intrinsic radiation emitted by fissile material instead of radiation induced by powerful external sources, passive techniques are non-invasive and do not present radiation protection concerns. However, the intrinsic signal emitted by fissile material is significantly less intense than the signal that can be artificially induced using active methods. In general, the number of counts detected from an isotropic point source can be expressed as follows, 37 SAet -'ii (1) where is the intensity A of apoint source, is2thedetector areanormal totheincident where S is the intensity of a point source, A is the detector area normal to the incident radiation, e is the detector efficiency, t is count time, r is the linear distance between the source and the detector, /u is the linear attenuation coefficient of a given intervening material, and ris the thickness of a given intervening material. The situation described by Eq. (1) is shown schematically in Figure 2-5. Apt Ad |t---- T2 r Figure 2-5: Schematic representation of source detection through intervening material Assuming that the detector or detectors will be placed as close to the source as the situation permits and that detectors with efficiencies as high as feasible were employed, Eq. (1) shows that the only remaining options for increasing the magnitude of the detected signal are to increase the effective detector area or increase the count time. As a result, either large detectors, arrays of detectors, long count times or some combination thereof are likely to be required to make a confident detection of fissile material using passive techniques. An additional difficulty encountered using passive detection methods arises from the relative ease with which the low energy characteristic gamma emissions from some types of fissile material (most notably HEU with very limited or no 232U contamination) can be shielded by dense materials. Shielding can cause already weak intrinsic signals to become even weaker and can be a serious obstacle to confident detection. 38 Assessed against the container scenario, passive techniques have the critical advantage of not perturbing radiation-sensitive booby-traps in the course of detection. The trade-off for this desirable attribute is the potential for significantly longer count times if the weakly penetrating intrinsic radiation from fissile material is to be detected despite the presence of intentional shielding. Increased count times may or may not be tolerable. 39 Chapter 3: Detection Schemes 3.1 Current Approaches The preceding section discussed general methods for detecting concealed fissile material without consideration for how and where within the international container shipping architecture these techniques could be implemented. Identifying suitable deployment strategies for selected detection techniques is often complicated by the potentially competing interests of enhancing security and preserving the free flow of commerce. A number of deployment approaches seeking to strike a balance between security and commerce have been envisioned or even implemented. Some of the more prominent approaches that have been proposed or realized to date will now be discussed in terms of their abilities to address the conservative postulated threat. 3.1.1 Customs-Based Approach The vast majority of detection schemes that are currently deployed or slated for deployment, can be generally characterized as customs-based approaches. These approaches strive to integrate detection systems using either active or passive techniques into existing infrastructure elements at U.S. ports. Examples include outfitting cranes that transfer containers from cargo vessels onto shore with passive large-area detectors, processing incoming containers through inspection facilities where they are subjected to active interrogation, or using mobile detection units to scan containers with photons for signs of fissile material. The development of in-port detection regimes, such as the examples cited above, represents a natural extension of conventional strategies based on the customs model for finding and seizing contraband as the material is coming into the country. Nuclear weapons, however, are utterly unlike conventional forms of contraband due to the power and range of their effects. As such, when an attack is mounted by a rational and determined adversary, the discovery of a nuclear weapon in a major U.S. port simply cannot ensure protection from the device's destructive power and reach. 40 3.1.2 "Smart" Containers Another approach that has been vigorously discussed recently is the deployment of so-called "smart" containers. This approach would retrofit containers used for maritime commerce with small radiation detectors to sense the presence of concealed fissile material. Aside from the extremely daunting logistical challenges that would be presented by installing, maintaining, and mentoring detection equipment in the approximately 11 million [WSC, 2003] cargo containers in circulation worldwide, there are a number of critical limitations associated with this approach. First, the detectors employed in "smart" containers would be very susceptible to tampering. It is the sender who loads and seals the cargo container prior to shipment, so if a "smart container" approach was adopted and it was well known that each container was outfitted with a small detector or detectors, the enemy would have ample opportunity to disable or defeat the detection devices given their unlimited access to the container prior to shipment. Even if an enemy did not successfully defeat the detector or if sensors in neighboring containers detected radiation, the presence of a threat would still not be known until the container entered port unless the alarm could be communicated in a quasi-real time fashion. Equipping all containers with detectors that can transmit alarm information would most likely render the "smart" container approach cost prohibitive. Therefore, like customs-based approaches, "smart" containers would not identify the presence of a nuclear weapon until it has already reached a U.S. port, which is not adequately protective when faced with a sophisticated and determined adversary. These and other current approaches that subscribe to the conventional notion that threats can be successfully detected and interdicted as they enter the country (in this case when the threat has come ashore in port) are critically flawed because they do not take into account the unique destructive dimensions of the nuclear threat they seek to address. Even if they make detections with perfectly reliability, these approaches and any others that propose to look for fissile material in containers that have already entered port cannot ensure that a nuclear detonation that physically impacts the United States can be 41 prevented. Therefore, with respect to the challenges posed by the threat of containerborne nuclear attack, these approaches do not meet the ultimate success criterion. 3.2 Ship-Based Approach 3.2.1 Attributes The primary drawbacks of the approaches discussed above relate to the critical issue of how and where defensive measures are to be deployed. For conventional contraband, shipping ports are logical locations to field inspection and detection capabilities because they represent choke points where many elements (i.e. containers) of a generally diffuse threat (i.e. container borne contraband) come together. Domestic ports are also convenient deployment nodes because, unlike foreign ports and commercially owned property, the U.S. government has wide access to the facilities and infrastructure. To ensure protection from the effects of nuclear weapons, however, the threat must be interdicted prior to reaching, or even coming into range of, U.S. shores. Large ocean-going container vessels represent another choke point where many cargo containers, each representing a potential threat, come together en route to the United States. If the presence of a concealed nuclear weapon could be detected and communicated while the ship carrying it was still at sea, a defensive response could be mounted while the threat was still safely removed from U.S. shores. The U.S. government cannot unilaterally deploy and maintain control over detection equipment deployed on the actual vessels themselves since they are the property and dominion of private concerns. However, akin to the terrorists who may seek to exploit it as an avenue of attack, the U.S. government does have access to the open architecture of international maritime commerce that allows any party to ship containers to and from just about any destination aboard these ships. Therefore, Gallagher at MIT has proposed an approach whereby suites of commercial off the shelf (COTS) gamma and neutron detectors are mounted inside 42 standard, non-descript cargo containers. These dedicated units could then be shipped clandestinely using existing commercial channels where they would be deployed alongside potentially threat-bearing containers aboard vessels sailing for U.S. ports. On board the container ship, the detection units will be able to utilize passive neutron counting and imaging-enhanced gamma spectroscopy techniques to detect and potentially identify any threat-related nuclear signature being emitted from nearby containers with a count time constrained only by the duration of the voyage. The containerized detection units would also be outfitted with a transmission capability such that the presence of potential threats could be communicated as they were detected and prior to entering U.S. ports. The primary advantages of this "ship-based approach" can be summarized as sensitivity, stealth, and most importantly, standoff. Sensitivity Characteristics of the ship-based deployment environment and the containerized detection units themselves combine to promote good detection sensitivity. Standard fullsized cargo containers, which would be used to house detectors, have dimensions measuring 40' in length, 8' in width and 8.5' in height. The 2720 ft3 interior volume of these containers provides ample space to mount neutron detection equipment and arrays of gamma detectors that can be configured to present a large effective area when viewed from any incident direction. Additionally, the long transoceanic voyages required to ship containers from many foreign ports of call to U.S. shores provide extremely long count times. From most foreign ports, count times of a week or more would be available. Referring back to Eq. (1), it is clear that a large detector area and very long count times will enhance signal strength and help to offset the unknown and variable distance to the fissile source. However, the signal strength defined in Eq. (1) is not the only relevant factor in confidently detecting the presence of fissile material. Background radiation being emitted by benign sources can mimic or obscure the emissions from a genuine threat. Two particularly problematic contributors of background radiation are cosmic ray induced neutrons and naturally occurring radionuclides. Cosmic rays, composed 43 primarily of energetic protons and alpha particles, produce neutrons predominantly through spallation interactions with matter [Frank et. al, 2000]. The distributed neutron background flux at an interface between air and iron (e.g. on the deck of a containership) has been found to be approximately 12 times greater than the background flux at an interface between air and ground [O'Brien, et. al, 1978]. This distributed neutron background enhancement, sometimes referred to as the "Ship Effect", is the result of a massive object composed of dense material (e.g. iron) serving as an effective medium for the production of cosmic ray-induced neutrons. Naturally occurring uranium and thorium can also frustrate detection efforts because these radioactive materials and their daughter products produce characteristic gamma emissions that are identical in energy to those emitted by some fissile materials of interest. Unlike many terrestrial settings, the uranium and thorium concentrations of seawater are small at 3.3 p.g/L [Turekian, 1976] and 9.2 ng/L [Emsley, 1998] respectively, and these concentrations are not expected to fluctuate substantially. Therefore the background sources likely to interfere with shipbased fissile material detection are diffuse uranium and thorium impurities in the ship's structural steel and distributed benign sources in commercial containers. Imaging techniques provide a means for identifying localization of incident radiation. As a result, threatening point-like sources can be distinguished from the benign distributed background sources described above. Stealth The nondescript nature of the containerized ship-based detection systems allows these units to operate surreptitiously. The stealth afforded by these sealed, containerized units will frustrate attempts by adversaries to disable or defeat the embedded detection equipment. Additionally, while the exact number and location of the detection units would not be obvious to an enemy, the knowledge that they are operationally deployed may produce sufficient uncertainty regarding mission success to dissuade the enemy from using this means of delivery. This could achieve an important degree of deterrence. Standoff 44 The most important advantage of the ship-based approach is the physical location of the material when a positive detection is made and communicated. Instead of identifying the presence of concealed fissile material once it has already entered the country, a ship-based approach could detect the presence of a threat while the container was still safely removed from American shores. The warning time provided by a transmitter equipped, ship-based detection system would allow protective measures to be taken to ensure that a minimum level of standoff distance between the container vessel and the United States coastline could be established and maintained. Not only would early warning prevent a concealed weapon from ever becoming a threat to the American homeland, it would also ensure that responders had the greatest possible degree of flexibility in how to safely contain and neutralize the threat. 3.2.2External Uncertainties It is difficult to overstate the critical advantages of a system that uses COTS equipment and well understood techniques to provide advance detection and notification of an incoming container borne nuclear threat. However, before the effectiveness, reliability, and practicality of this conceptual approach can be persuasively demonstrated, a number of important remaining uncertainties must be investigated and resolved. Some of these uncertainties involve aspects of design and performance verification concerned with elements internal to the containerized detection units. Other uncertainties are external to the detection units and relate to facets of the international shipping trade and characteristics of the deployment environment. A concerted effort is underway to remove or constrain these uncertainties and to produce defensible assessments of the efficacy and viability of the ship-based approach. Research and development activities supporting this effort have been roughly divided along the lines of whether they address uncertainties that are internal or external to the detection units. The remainder of this thesis will address some of the more pressing external uncertainties. These uncertainties include the count times available on container voyages originating from different regions of the world, the number of detection units needed to adequately cover a vessel of a given 45 size, and the number of detection units needed for a fully deployed system. Internal uncertainties are being investigated by Gallagher at MIT and are outside the scope of this thesis. Some important internal issues that are explicitly excluded are detection suite design and quantification of internal performance parameters such as the expected maximum distance (or range) at which a detection unit will be able to confidently and reliably detect fissile sources under realistic conditions. Although concerns internal to the detection unit will not be addressed here, there is an extremely high degree of coordination and collaboration between the two functional areas and as work is produced on one track it is immediately fed into ongoing activities on the parallel track. 46 Chapter 4: Container Shipping and Cargo Analysis Some important uncertainties associated with a ship-based detection regime cannot be meaningfully addressed and resolved outside the context of the international container trade and its attendant infrastructure, equipment, and cargo diversity. The following analysis seeks to gain insights into relevant external uncertainties by examining the imported container traffic at U.S. ports and deconstructing it terms of where the containers came from, how far containers traveled to get here, what kinds of vessels (with respect to container capacity and speed) were used to transport them, and what are the relevant material properties of the cargo found within them. 4.1 Container Shipping Overview In 2003, commercial vessels of all types, including tankers, bulk material carriers, vehicle transports, and containerships, made 56,759 calls at U.S. ports [MARAD(1), 2004]. Containerships accounted for 17,271 (31.7%) of these calls with 1,025 separate vessels importing over 13,900,000 containers, measured in twenty-foot equivalent units6 (TEUs). In the same year, containerships averaged about 17 calls per vessel and had an average nominal capacity of 3,144 TEU. Table 4-1 shows the volume of imported and exported containers that are processed through the top 30 U.S. ports in 2003 [MARAD(2), 2004]. 6 Cargo containers come in lengths of 20', 40', and 45'. For the sake of normalization, TEU is the standard measure for container statistics even though 40' containers are the most commonly used. A TEU is nominally defined as a 20' x 8' x 8' container. A standard 40' container therefore counts as 2 TEU. 47 Table 4-1: Containerized cargo volume by U.S. port (CY 2003) Rank Port Export Total (TEU x 1000) (TEU x 1000) 1022 4664 Import I - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Los Angeles Long Beach New York Charleston SC Savannah Norfolk Oakland Houston Tacoma Seattle Miami Port Everglades Baltimore New Orleans Portland OR Wilmington DE San Juan Gulfport MS West Palm Beach Jacksonville Philadelphia Boston Newport News Chester PA Wilmington NC 3091 723 2803 1250 1124 1093 1064 933 838 529 529 460 815 764 423 307 237 210 595 633 517 450 594 486 428 187 192 115 139 147 98 63 29 39 166 71 108 106 34 113 72 103 9 34 42 95 58 48 195 185 179 140 93 80 San Diego 53 9 50 41 37 23 20 25 21148 147 32 28 28 72 72 44 44 44 28 21 19 18 I 23 7312 141 77 21289 7389 - 721 483 337 329 336 236 931 (TEU x 1000) 3642 2368 1965 548 Freeport TX Richmond VA Honolulu Port Bienville MS Total (Top 30) All Other Ports Grand Total I - 2 13837 62 13899 - Table 4-2 shows the origin and volume of containers imported in 2003 from the top 25 U.S. containerized cargo trading partners [MARAD(3), 2004]. 48 Table 4-2: Foreign container import data (CY 2003) Country of Origin China Total Trade Imports (TEU x 1000) (TEU x 1000) 4447 5656 Hong Kong Japan Taiwan Korea 1292 722 651 469 Germany 467 650 Italy Brazil Thailand United Kingdom Belgium Indonesia Netherlands India 473 388 378 206 156 261 225 253 602 533 496 429 392 391 390 389 Malaysia 239 299 France Honduras Guatemala Spain Costa Rica Philippines Dominican Republic Australia Turkey Chile Total All Others Grand Total 195 152 156 158 166 141 98 78 114 135 12019 1880 13899 280 275 268 246 245 221 216 210 196 190 17637 3650 21287 1619 1603 946 898 4.2 Count Time The amount of available count time is a critical factor in determining the efficacy of the proposed ship-based approach. Count times for ship-based detection are constrained only by the duration of the containership voyage. The voyage time between any two ports is determined primarily by the total nautical distance between the ports of interest and the average speed of the vessel. The following focuses on nautical distances between ports and vessel speeds separately and then combines the results of these analyses to derive defensible count time estimates for container shipments originating anywhere in the world. 49 4.2.1 DistanceBetween Ports The nautical distance a vessel travels between a foreign port and a given U.S. port is dominated by the location of the originating port and world geography (i.e. intervening land masses). This distance, however, can also be heavily influenced by the number of intermediate calls made between the ports of interest and by the size of the containership. Many international shipping lines offer regularly scheduled service routes that call on multiple ports en route to the United States. These additional port calls add distance to the overall voyage and each call results in some idle time while the ship is berthed during the container discharge and loading process. The size of containerships is relevant to the travel distance because some important navigational short cuts have physical dimensions that limit the size of vessels that can safely access them. The most important of these size-limited navigational conveniences for containerships is the Panama Canal, which has a 32.2 m maximum width restriction [Ircha, 2002]. Vessels with a beam width exceeding this dimension (i.e. vessels that can fit more than 13 containers across the weather deck) cannot transit the canal and must instead sail around the tip of South America. Despite the additional voyage distances, economies of scale associated with larger, higher capacity vessels drove many international shipping companies to build containerships with deck widths that exceed 32.2 m [Wijnolst, 1999]. These so-called "Post-Panamax" vessels, with capacities greater than 4,000 TEU, now account for 30% of the worldwide containership fleet, by capacity [Tozer, 2003]. Several important assumptions were made prior to carrying out distance to port calculations that would ultimately serve as input to count time estimates. First, New York was selected as a representative destination for the east coast of the United States and Los Angeles was chosen as a representative west coast destination port. In addition to being the largest U.S. ports on their respective coasts, these ports were chosen because their proximity to large urban population centers with vast cultural and economic significance presumably makes them especially attractive targets for attack. Another assumption was that all voyages made from foreign ports to the reference ports (i.e. New 50 York and Los Angeles) were direct, with no intermediate calls. This assumption was made to ensure conservatism, since intervening port calls add time and distance to the voyage. Finally, it was assumed that the originating port used in a nuclear attack (i.e. the port from which a fully functional device is operationally deployed to the United States) could be anywhere in the world. A total of 133 foreign ports were included in the distance analysis. An effort was made to select a set of foreign ports that provided reasonably comprehensive coverage of the world's navigable coastlines when taken as a whole. Therefore, some ports were selected for inclusion because of their prominence in the international container trade (e.g. Singapore and Hong Kong), and others were chosen to fill in geographical gaps. By providing quasi-continuous coastal coverage, the distance from any port not included in this analysis can be reasonably approximated by interpolation. Figures 4-1 through 4-8 show the geographic locations [Hammond, 1999] of the selected ports by region. 51 ., NW~~ )Mr - ~~ ;~ , {'r.'tl iX ms i '~~~~~~.. ix. .Ep"> . , ~ ·..- .. ,,.Lu - t .,erUBM .· vrL ,N i' : .. 3Q;: ::Xv , 1~e > r uvr ir -.. - a.Ue __ . "Mm,' '" UNbtE ,bm ,'4t2 -g,," t .'., , . i.* ° STAESP. U N'rFsi l.E Uw I1-s B-wV. S TA D Of4 Wv CkOVbma' ' m EO. ' ',b T i cd~,o b1 iD -- !SCleu ' ,ilv? .'.. North America Map Number 1 2 Port Halifax Prince Rupert Country Canada Canada Figure 4-1: Map of upper North America showing selected ports 52 " Ihih"8lhi .$: rU*e--Sr,FDBiXdT:.;t ·) OE'· i "Zru;i · '· ."·. ·:··-J· : ,·t:r,l"P`" ·.·+ . -, P· i 1. irl k;·' "` i ,*r * ······""jl `;i: 5-;." · r·· ,· X:· :4'jr::rr":t· J ;:`'* · .i ·- ';;.·::·" :: .e 911P fi ·xp" t'' y·i. -. ?' `81 .". '.;::s20 a. s .aJq ,, I.krau8s :hi. P ed· 1P:.· i :·· ·tr "" "..::-: r `F i" 1` i· r-· · i :B * 2;, .!· ·.··;:· ·, ::"";::·5· ;:1·, X·; : .4· s· I.·:I·* I: ·· ·· C" j, c I.::·: : 'e·· ·i" · ·· · 4 .- · · · · - \.`·:'r'·'·'.:iis.:· * ,·. ··· ·-::._ -ii t;· rkn i, ;'r :· % i. · I· i,: J·:· 1.k.f :·· · · ··. '. : ·e i: Central America/ Caribbean Map Number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Port Havana Kingston Port au Prince Santo Domingo Fort de France Tampico Belize City Puerto Barrios Puerto Cortes Limon Panama Puntarenas Corinto Acajutla Champerico Acapulco Mazatlan Cartagena Maracaibo Country Cuba Jamaica Haiti Dom. Rep. Martinique Mexico Belize Guatemala Honduras Costa Rica Panama Costa Rica Nicaragua El Salvador Guatemala Mexico Mexico Colombia Venezuela Map Number 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Port Georgetown Paramaribo Natal Salvador Rio de Janeiro Porto Alegre Monte Video Buenos Aires Bahia Blanca Comodoro Rivadavia Puenta Arenas Puerto Montt Valparaiso Antofagasta Mollendo Callao Guayaquil Esmeraldes Buenaventura Country French Guyana Suriname Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Uruguay Argentina Argentina Argentina Chile Chile Chile Chile Peru Peru Ecuador Ecuador Colombia Figure 4-2: Map of the United States, Central America and the Caribbean showing selected ports 53 Africa Map Number 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Port Port Said Tunis Banghazi Algiers Casablanca Las Palmas Dakar Freetown Lagos Boma Luanda Cape Town Durban Beira Dar Es Salaam Mombasa Mogadishu Djibouti Tamatave Figure 4-3: Map of Africa showing selected ports 54 Country Eygpt Tunisia Libya Algeria Morocco Canary Islands Senegal Sierra Leone Nigeria Congo Angola South Africa South Africa Mozambique Tanzania Kenya Somalia Djibouti Madagiascar Europe Map Number 60 Port Batumi Country Georgia Map Number 77 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Odessa Constanza Varna Istanbul Piraeus Durres Split Koper La Spezia Barcelona Lisbon Coruna Ukraine Romania Bulgaria Turkey Greece Albania Croatia Slovenia Italy Spain Portugal Spain 73 Bordeaux 74 75 76 Le Havre Southampton Dublin Port Zeebrugge Country Belgium 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Antwerp Rotterdam Hamburg Copenhagen Gdynia Klaipeda Oslo Stockholm Helsinki St. Petersburg Riga Tallinn Belgium Netherlands Germany Denmark Poland Lithuania Norway Sweden Finland Russia Latvia Estonia France 90 Murmansk Russia France England Ireland 91 92 Arkhangelsk Reykjavik Russia Iceland Figure 4-4: Map of Europe showing selected ports 55 Middle East / Indi I Map Number 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 I Port Calcutta Madras Colombo Bombay Karachi Bandar Abbas Bushehr Abu Dhabi Umm Said Mina Raysut Manama 103 104 Ad Damman 105 Mina al Ahmadi 106 107 Aden Rabigh 108 109 Eilat Haifa Beirut Al Latakia Al Basrah 110 111 112 Country India India Sri Lanka India Pakistan Iran Iran U.A.E. Qatar Oman Bahrain Saudi Arabia Kuwait Yemen Saudi Arabia Israel Israel Lebanon Syria IraqI Figure 4-5: Map of the Middle East and India showing selected ports 56 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 9-~ ~' ~sv~lrrarar Wnrt~ i -9, i A - FarEast Map Number 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 i;· I'BE r·i:*tSi `!· ·i':?$ P"·`S-;: i..kii:2 I:·lr. t :·".! 5,rP r··:·:··· -· t; · "; i: r2,· ';;1 `·j · .·'· .. ii.. I* Port Vladivostok Yokohama Weonsan Busan Nampo Tianjin Shanghai Kaohsiung Hong Kong Manilla Ho Chi Minh Selat Lombok Jakarta Singapore Port Kelang Bangkok Chittagong Figure 4-6: Map of the Far East showing selected ports 57 Country Russia Japan North Korea South Korea North Korea China China Tiawan China Philippines Vietnam Indonesia Indonesia Singapore Malaysia Thailand Bangladesh "' ,.B ~Lombo al NAURU se / Si , CaN ak ag - . JvI , Chritmas . t. Sumb. .. \ .... - .· _, . .: .. . ,· · .. .... ...... Xt... i -LoN V e St.Isabledonl . 0a :./,/s _ ta Cwztces .no, .~.. ,, .; ... :; .... ·· ·., Sl~ ~ ~~ I"my r s , Thri Kings ,nae ¶j ' .r e. T~dac.- ,-vd ia * djl K Australia Map Number bISouth A Port ttttttUttttttSttttt 130 Brisbane 131 Port Moresby 132 133 Port Darwin Freemantle - ttttttttttttttttttt Country Australia Papua New Guinea Australia Australia Figure 4-7: Map of Australia showing selected ports 58 ZEALA/N G wo'3 Tomltnia . I . E y I The nautical distances between the two U.S. reference ports and the 133 selected foreign ports shown above were calculated using information tabulated in "Publication 151 - Distance Between Ports" (referred to hereafter as DBP) prepared by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency [NIMA, 2001]. Information on over 1400 worldwide ports is compiled in this document and all published distances are based on accepted maritime routes and charted nautical sailing lanes. Because of the impracticality of listing distances between every possible combination of these ports, distance calculations using this document typically have to be carried out in several intermediate steps using specified "junction points". The DBP identifies 25 junction points where international shipping routes converge and through which ships pass when sailing from one major maritime area to another (e.g. the Strait of Gibraltar or the Cape of Good Hope). Distances between any two tabulated world ports can then be calculated by summing the distances to, and between, these junction points. Some voyage distances vary considerably depending on whether the Panama Canal can be transited. Because a significant fraction of the international containership fleet is Post-Panamax, distances between a given foreign port and the two U.S. reference ports were calculated with and without access to the Panama Canal. When the two distances differed depending on canal access, the following expression was used to calculate a weighted average, Dvg = 0.3 Dos_,,anamax+ 0. 7Dpanaax (2) where Dpost Panamax is the voyage distance without access to the Panama Canal and Dpanaa,,is the distance with access. The weighting factors were chosen because 30% of the current fleet (by capacity) is Post-Panamax and the balance is not. Therefore, a container heading to the U.S. should have a 0.3 probability of being on a ship that can't gain access to the Panama Canal and a 0.7 probability of being on a ship that can. Distances from the 133 foreign ports to New York and Los Angeles in nautical miles 7 are shown in Table 4-3. The Panamax, Post-Panamax and weighted average 7 1 nautical mile = 1.15 statute miles = 1.85 km 59 distances are captured for each foreign port to the 2 U.S. reference ports. Highlighted cells illustrate the shorter of the voyage distances between the two reference ports. 60 Nr) rI~ -. 0) LO N 0 - mC () D LO )CT C- OD T00) n CO 0O C CD N- CD O LOD) C1s6 LO .'I I (D D Co CD r C C C! ) I D 0. Lr- CD ) ,.q 0t,CCON-L '-"-0)N-O- 'I CQ U a)CM U3~~~- mr O O CD LO CD j. LO ) CD )O - (D N 0 o O N-N-Ntr CO r '03)'0 0)Q' OCD N- CD cD CD N N; C wil ' M - -0 'IMC - Nl-m 0 n-')r-w I 0 lpc l) NMCo "T MI (V --,r w N0 "T NN Vm Mm0M MM 0M C N I"NNN, I,-m- -YNN-0)N --0l-NC-_-CN-CD NN D D ) I) 3 11 I 00 ir. ) 1V0Mn 0T0t M 0) -)C- )N-00 Nt-CO a -C I- 0 o f Q M 0 ) S) t5I. MOM Lo'r N (D v% DClD ft t M) N M) M N - N C W: - t - 0 W M ON0 L -0 0 - "t - t qTC 0 U) ND -C 'O D CD W) DL) N ) n-l N T N T D 0 W D - - - CD T- O 0N O O I- W I 10 02 cn 0 I,,Y 0; :0 .- U'. 0) ao B R: i' 1O 0) I- cO N CO Co cD ~C4V1 0 "L0 n ~i. ;'%'5: J·: j -0 C 3wc ;·· 0 0 lD C ., LO ** ' *j-0 0 ,o 0 ~4D¢~ C': CJL ;""; ; ·.r · :1; L. ' Sl ,.1'; nO 0 .-. ,i., - x CU E o D *oCu 0 00 0 CL I- cu 5 la uCu 4). 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CO 0u)0 0 ur0tur 0 a CD O CD CD o T 11 m0 -T LrO- U7 0 . _ C CO1CDCD 0CO C) O N f.O 0 C0, v-r" w04 C',',-,0' (M ,O o4 v- wN OO OO M 04 N CO .4 -o' G CmOO wmmO It 0O m.00 CO " !'tOcO 'g !- - O O O f'N - CMC CDO) CCD O 0- O ,O-NO ,TN3 OO 0 CO'N- ' M M CD DOD03QO CT Q cn O a c ° O °) JO I O o O(Di - NN N - - !o oC ) ) MMM Il, - - ',v- v- I- OON CM00 (D C r4 f X) M -- 1'') W _OI Ott 0 O)N, Q -- O O O - c, M )o I- , ) CM MC4-dt'ITt qO v- - I V' v C ) , O v- ) CO I -LO L N )O cw- - 0 Ocs OO 00 OD 0 oCO ....S, ...... "'1 2 wwCO) · *:l: .~:·:'"~~ :!:·iII~ll· '·' ·':~: S ~·:~: < -IO OD 00 CO , ,'> ' ~ j": :!i:;~·~: , ··I :id:·q5·.·i:.·.i:jiL i, ' ::: v o) O LO O Co r 0 rt CM CI'O OCC' rO M OM t v v 00 rl 0 - N -O ) stdt s UUO ° Ot I'll' 0) o LO O - - - v- v N C , m lqr "It I- 0 LOItco m 0 0T '-T M M "I- v- - O nC e v C0 O 00 CO - (D 00C COCO O 0 N .o O O O O 0-. O LO 0 L - O O) D O NO O Oq 00 0 - ,tD '- 0 - In Cl 00N c t O c IC- - - v- 'm .- 0 - - - r I m M, N I- tl " 0 0 Lo - CD 0 0 T VI' 0 ·- t I O . w o O - 0 . - ,COO OM- T' . 0 .-' OO f.O Oi N OD O) U.O1o0 COCo t9 o ' ' f C'O O) OMN .ON O O. O O O CO 0 O - N N O I'' N N, CN mO C) m Cm CO 'Cf)O , , et It i") ,Td C) t C N o) O ) ), C) 0 C M 3 T U v 0 ) Ln 'IO 7 N 0 N N -t w Fv- ·- LO (-C DI'll, 00CO O 0 - C~OCOLO)(DV L - 0(O D O. - 00 -N ) NC 1 N,N o- O O COO . - O cO ~-CD w~tI O) CD I)- rK w! O C Or TD -0 ' 0 t-CD T C') O4 0 CO O V.. T CN0 IO O WT- N N4 O Co) , oO 00 W0 O C m O 00 m m C CO m) ,t'O "i) t m 'IT 'T 'l w' m -T O 00 LO CD, w r M 0 00 00 v- V- 14 OO 0 M0LO OO 0 0 4 ,C °)' TO - v - 0 0t vu a CUco .C .o oo U) c OQ.,t Q - cC 0 =E E C E C-u C CU CO 10 ".r- 'c : .o 'o 1 C !=MDazo o o CumC a.LL-UW. caQ z0U.u) , . o , . ° (L, S E- , C , o C C; : 00 ir o C 0 Q a,C. CO IC OOC la C O0 (n ) o m aC O I v, ° - NcN C) MT) s I- -_ I- -J~ w w IL.w o Cux u)It *.LI cY t 0waw s Co Is0 r_ 0- 0 0O co 'N 0w wm0 03C0 00 63 5 CU <Cu aE gC< C< co co a_ , * co c co c : 2E <Yw u Cu C 5uC Eltu.1 E~Cu .0 c co C., 0o w 10 V) E E m - , - ar C) O O E m co. C E EmY U) M CS ale, m CO 0 mr m mm E .c C v 0) 0) " Cn I U) o r0) 0) co0) - ° ,°- ,-° ) 0) C 0) (7) mo z W .D C) : co e: )V- - V cv ON N ,i O co c"C0 .~- !.. ::oo oC ,) . .t O 0 i, CoO ~ 1 COcO 0O 0 4 eO ,_O,--O . oO O P , Oi C, _CO 0 0Q i- ~ ~ .- COC303 , O OD 0 O 0 U) ))N C - 03cO3O ,r - DC L) 00 ,u3 ' lO 1 cO u, - 0) ,, O O (D w (M[I- e O °N 1 s C) 0M I- OOt0 Lc D(D .D0) , 4, co W0 N IS) QD ) w- o ,- CM,l MM .".0 00 a C- w ' ) 0 CO O,,,,,N(NCDC- ° N M N N r.O oc LOCD' DC)) O I-LC) t__ O rl- 0 1^ W) U) M M W N ,- M I-0 N M M N O·r , CO C0 M-- 00 C L C-L N N 0 V) V LV L '-T 'IT CVCM 'oNn L L -T -T -T , -Il -T l O 0CD LC a) ) N N0 C 0 l 1V C CO LO CN N 0( 0 () N C (N C0 1 or I.{3 co0 0. CDV) 0 O cnd00 LO uz) Co a) CV o O a) 0O O.0 r.DO D ''CVo0 rO O O C O o O "O O U O ' e 1 " 1 ( v1 CNC U) 0 0 C 0 CN I rM rM 0- 0 C- 0r-Ir 0 T 0- - m- I- NN r- - N r-If S 0 _ _ r-. L. cn n cuc (fLu aD,) c- .. o : U U)> J cu L . 0 v, : 0 c$ co _co a 3E w <xNa *0 co 5 M 0O Co -N IM N- I,- - Ir- Irl cu ococo 00 a = w UV) 0 .c - E ) (10.C) .0 tn F~:C co m Ca C uc> c uCuu E 'F a) VOV 0 0 p C > E vC 2Co D II M0 - O - cV 0O Co UcQ U)cum co C or = m m m r O C-O '- m °oco w zEp cnY Ir-)I - D C Co Co C C 0) 0 L V) CuC = c *_ N- I- O° CN C U) a) co-e w .. co S 2. -C ° )C 0"wY 4- .~0 )n Cm ._ cn a. U.)co O - N m Cr - V- CV CV V It II 64 C-r 0 0 CO rCO o 0_) 0¢4 ('I M CY C) C 4.2.2 Vessel Speed The diverse fleet of international containerships has a broad spectrum of nominal cruising speeds. Although point estimates, such as mean values, can be used to convey information about large and diverse data sets, the character of a wide spectrum of values is better and more completely captured by a statistical distribution. To develop an appropriate and representative distribution, a containership database was created using publicly available Lloyd's Register information provided online by large commercial shipping lines and U.S. ports. This database was populated with nominal speed (in knots8) and/or container capacity (in TEU) data for 1,734 commercial container vessels. Information on both capacity and speed could not be found for every vessel included in the database so there are 1,184 vessel speed entries and 1,706 vessel capacity entries. The full database can be found in Appendix A. No size threshold was initially imposed to exclude any vessel from the database, however, since the subject of interest is international shipping, some screening criterion had to be devised to bar small domestic feeder ships from further consideration. In its annual breakdown of commercial shipping statistics the Maritime Administration (MARAD) of the Department of Transportation imposes a vessel size threshold of 10,000 deadweight tons9 [MARAD(1), 2004]. This threshold was adopted as a screening criterion for the containership database to facilitate fair comparison with the MARAD statistical abstract and was found heuristically to correspond to vessels with a capacity of roughly 715 TEU. The screened database contained speed information for 910 vessels and capacity data for 1,313 vessels. For comparison, MARAD reported that 1,025 containerships called on U.S. ports in 2003. The speed and capacity information contained in the database were assumed to be reasonably representative of vessels importing containers to U.S. ports for the following reasons. All information used to populate the database was available through U.S. ports or major container shipping lines that service the U.S. Additionally, the size of the data sets for speed and capacity are comparable to, or exceed, the total number of 8 1 knot = 1 nautical mile/hour = 1.85 km/hour 9 Deadweight tonnage is the amount of cargo, fuels, water, stores, and crew that a vessel can carry when fully loaded. It is measured in long tons (1 long ton = 2,240 lbs.). 65 containerships that called on U.S. ports in all of 2003. However, to obtain some benchmark of how well the vessel information in the database comported with the containership fleet that actually serviced U.S. ports in 2003, the mean capacity of (screened) database vessels was compared to the actual mean capacity reported by MARAD. The results are shown in Table 4-4 below. Table 4-4: Vessel database capacity benchmark results Mean Capacity (TEU) MARAD Database 3144 3047 Error (%) 3.085 Although this benchmark used only a single parameter (because it was the only value that invited straightforward comparison), the excellent agreement between the database and the MARAD data suggests that conclusions drawn using the vessel database will be reasonably representative of the actual containership fleet servicing the U.S. To extract meaningful statistical information from the 910 nominal vessel speeds tabulated in the containership database, a cumulative distribution function (CDF) was constructed. A CDF is a statistical distribution that relates the value of a parameter to the probability that the given parameter value, or a lesser value, will be observed. In this case, the CDF gives the probability that a containership calling on a U.S. port will have a nominal speed equal to or less than any given value. To construct a CDF, the raw vessel speed data from the screened containership database was first sorted into ascending order. Then the frequency of each distinct nominal speed was computed by simply counting how many times a given speed was . (3) observed in the database. The probability, or relative frequency, of each nominal speed was then calculated using the following general expression, P = nn, Zn, 66 where Pi is the probability of the ith value, and ni is the frequency of the ith value. The CDF was then found using the following general formula, (4) F o where F[xi] is the discrete CDF value for the ithelement. In this case, xi represents each distinct nominal vessel speed. Figure 4-9 is a plot of the vessel speed CDF with the 25 th , 5 0 th, 7 5 th, 9 5 t h , and 9 9th percentilevalues identifiedgraphically. Vessel Speed - Cumulative Distribution Function (N = 910 Vessels) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 u. 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Nominal Speed(knots) Figure 4-8: Vessel speed CDF The mean, median, and mode values of the nominal speed from the screened containership database are shown in Table 4-5 along with interpolated numerical values of the 2 5 th, 7 5 th 9 5 th, and 99th percentiles. 67 Table 4-5: Vessel speed statistics MEDIAN MEAN MODE Speed (knots) 21.43 21.29 21.00 25TH 75TH 95TH 99TH 18.88 23.86 25.77 26.33 4.2.3 Voyage Times The distance and speed analyses performed in the previous sections can now be used to generate estimated non-stop voyage times for the 133 foreign ports. Weighted average distances between foreign ports and the U.S. reference ports were used to calculate voyage times to account for the additional expanse that must be traveled by Post-Panamax vessels on some routes. Also, acknowledging the inherent variability of vessel speeds, voyage times were calculated using both the expected, or mean, value of 21.29 knots and the conservative 9 5 th percentile value of 25.77 knots. Voyage times, in days, were found using the following expression, T voyage D =D g (5) (5) 24 * V where Tvoyageis the voyage time (in days), Davgis the weighted average distance between the ports of interest (in n.m.) and vx is the mean or 9 5 th percentile vessel speed (in knots). Table 4-6 shows calculated voyage times, by region. 68 0 In I I- LO 0 0 o- C0 (c U) od CDC, 00 'a o CO u O 6 , COVN CD 4 T, c0 t . 0 E F co 0 CV) , 0 to Il) -I IE lar ai, 2 V E oi Nf a)I,'m "T %Tlq co T- llq - vrv xTnu tod m . . i lE L O0M - CN 'O I C s0 - M M - CM C OV- t O IO) - v CMC l T ,-)T M :CVq cN ) I U)' CM eM 0 DO O ) C .* . .0 .CV) . ' iin - c ) OO - M , N M CMl M CM CNl _ q CD WCOLO 0 c WT ' -cor--UMr O OCN to)N f O Us 00) 0q C0) 0lCw) O (0C O C 0D 0 - Cl CN N T CO CW1<- 1.- W0 W O ,1 0r0 In 0 0 S0 a) 0- N N U) C) ' C) C 0 C 0D ) ) A,, 0E i 0 .a x FSm0 a, 2 m C:0 V) CV ) c O CD MC, O~~t o)OO 0 Cw ! z 0 a. £e c a, I C co c co _-') - I1 C ar Al 4) u) N NI 0-v (N -I- ) O -- - 00 0 ) 0) V CO0W-' 0 0 CO 1n 10 U UU) (CN ( N 0 Cl (ON - C) . T) "T U. D 0 COCO 0 4) o I I' a) a T) 0 0( 0 r- 0 .0 O( C 0 C 's Eu .I C C t C QQ E0 a:3 w C 0 ca I 0 c o_ 0) r cmt: aIo rC m z - 0 C 5) Cl u 30 0E O co > C 03 0: o 0ot I CD C Ca :C O a U) LL m (N o> ,O > E C o - a) co )0 0e ( 21E0 0 t o )D (oE Co o 0 Co Co Cu<0 0 - O 0 E E CM , Ln O - CO 0)O - CN CV CVl)CO ) ) NN1CN NC N co o ._ m I !z Q0 *L L. * . D00 .0Q L Q .0. Q D L * L . Q. n . Q . 00 L L EEE EEEEE E EEEE D O .9Z- d d d d d d d d d 69 d d 'i . EEEEEEE d d i d d . L.. Wv m m w V 0U00?0 9 L d . 0000000 o aO .00 0 ZCDco0a: -M - 0 04 c Co oo nOp . - C D C co Oo8 S _, C .C C) CoC 0Cc' C - vV"- I 0. 0 0 N0 v---w-- 00 0 . E 0 00 0 C~ m0.- 0 0 .0 E 0 L. ,m E = _- - Gca0 O O~ E ,O, m N_ C) I 8 rC a0 C)CVS C 0 aCL I _ -0 U) o1o V C -= II 0 co 4aa 0 0 C C - .r 0 0 - Co- QOL d *C .C . . 8 C . E E E E E EE d d c i d d~~~~ cn;u-o a) LC) L 0 Qc)O C cv )C 4t c1- c- c- - cc- 0o- T c .' 0I (0- ( r- I oo c6 DS CD ' c 6 o6 C\ ' 'LO 'T u Ci oc CD - T_ I- 0) LONO C w ,- I, c t Vc 0 c, o CN 0n cN a 0 0 O. O , r o: .- -( N N N N N NC V_ 'rl IV-, , - - ' I Cl CNVC N C~ - O O LO v-N- 0 CN O- 0O 0 t r O w-(.. O00. 0,On 10) 0 V- - Ns- a) C. c (N ra - C - 6V ) O CC)O CO CD 0O0 0 r sOO r - CD0 co0_ , -0O O - C Noo uo Ln OMT CD L O c O N ON (-w---0 L 0) 0CCc cc O0 0o oO Cw t ac-O)OC ° - 011tvvMMMM N- C) o0 C 0) O D cI- °° '- .- 0 co 6 a c r 0) U) C)° - wl ' o- ' O .O O 1 O - t) CO M0 0a "0 I- nL O ) O - - ° o; eo c o0 m.06 CU 00uCu a °°o > < 2"=~0 9 $ 3 w o 0 C_ n~ -. O V o~~o~~~cn . n I- ~W~--Q 0 = CO) 0 CO0N ~3COc0 0 w MMMMMM 3 o o c CD .C . , *C *, *, EE EEEE cr~ o N Ctt- CD CU Cuo0. -us . co ._C C 0 CD a. - ' - ' n o 60 o CuVu 0 < M c )COu En z mgCo C Cu0* .- CD< C F C U m o a CU`0 u co 0) Cu Cu C 0 L. M0 M ~ M. m C.)m C)Q m C) m m m m 8 C) ._QoQO ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ . 0__ a Z;*; ata m m .) co CuW c C t N 'IT 0"I CO t CN t 0t t0 0 0- 0C"N) ._ a C' 0 Cu.- w0 E ma L. Cu co Cu'I Cu C aI Co U) y /) 0 Cu.YQ Ca.E 0 0 __ 2 o if ")t (O0 L -u . < < < < <" Cu V O- N CuC 'n E Cu (0) :z co Cu im O0o : ddddddcdd 70 .W >. Cu Cu .0 > uQ C QOC ~u=M 0 C)Cu *- ' CC cm , >,m n 131 > IDa. I- -. Y=CL :3 0L 0 = (a (f Cu ) C C Ca a l a a a = ¢z = llJ W w w E E a, m, F ICu 0 O -N CO 0CD V o(D C( C9 CO C0 CD (0 ¢a 0c0 0 0 00 .00 ._ t ) N - N- Lo C 0w - t) nr) (r 0) O( ) (0NL CL (0100OO co co 0 _C0 T C N0t CO C rO O O 0C O 100 O0 ) ' 00 ()N C C MO O 0 I. o cTO 0 1 ,- 0C-tnOOCO c~ C 1 c'O 00 w') . I.O rDI. 0 O) O~ O~ CO CO in o~ cQo00 0o :3 1D lJ IIJ ¢D¢D JU LIJUJ O LOv· Cs - cs-C-s M ·T N c M c LO L O Cn cM Cs Cs ( c O n oo i m C6 4 0 c coo~q 1- 'I- -t -olq-0 cs T" 0-O - -0 Oco TD - TD (D -r 0 0 0 C o ccN 'T ci CY (y 0 FI N sO 0 a OD Nc- o 'tM LOO aw - t s Irv- 0 CD o s I.- ' w CN N N- N 0 N- 4 0 N NN (N 0 N N (9 N O o OM 0 0 I0 CO NO- vO M - UN MCD 0I O N ONo00 04 UDCO o-) (D O--O OO O -00 C (CCO C O - 00o - C--r-L dIto£t t Om r r I re rs s r- s 0- 0r 0w aO wc oo oo ww o o 0 o) ' 0 tO 'Ito f' , U t c q P- C CD m °~ozo )a - - - 0 N ) - U) CD D L O £ ~~ - N-O (- U,,C c, ci c, O - - O M M O co - "T 0 M " qT I- M M M f- , , " LO LO m 1T 0 N M M M V LO CV N CO 0 V00dc CD'cr W M M0 ','. * I- M M V N O C M M M W o v N dT N N I m C N m m m m m m m m m V- "I d( m 'IT "gr I-T lqt 'IT m "T N ·,- - UC U. .3 'CCU c *m F C^ E C . C C M 0 .Z .a= 0 oo co *) C C Q C/3) C-T)( X m) 0 oM -j0 , C aCUI0 c m-6 0EC '023VE3 C~ 0 Om > - o) w CU .iX CU CU w - v C CCU w 0 C _ - o . 0 75jC CD Cl).a 0 CU'F * ' U -crw a ** C a0a000 0 o, -> Co C ECC w .w *9)*2 : 41 0 CD= co w P m <:C L0 L L J LU00 WWWWWWWWWWWU J 000 LU UWWW U 0 0 IW UJ Lw 0 Q Q 2 0 .0 . . 0.. WI I 71 W WJ W CO M MO) (.O,, CD . r N .O O ', O , O ,- - v - O - 00 I' 0 co C _ -Co co C C -a CCo C - uij c o LIJ W - 0 C .0 c E 0 2 o *3-C= C 'a roZ*q C _ O M t- -) 0O c-N-N ON cuq 0 w 0w 0a) o -Na N-- N N-N -N - 0o w 00w wcw w w wm 0 0 00 0 0 o oj 0Y Ci -ACD r- -Q az E .Q0 0 F NCU .. Ci , Co c E co 0 'Om m 'IT 0 co r- 3u, E M:~ C co . 0 o) ) 0) Ml ) ) ) 0 C cu C C c c a, CcUnOC EU CU.C 7O c c Ir - N 3n - v 0 -- Cu cu c T I- c . m D W 0 '- c T c ._ ._._V ._ ._ V.__._. CU CU Cn CU CUW uza CUCU fio_ .ln ux 'CZ:) uxr .Io u zOl . CU n axC) 'O 'P 'Z:2 .'C3 ~ ~ ____U_______U CU CUCU a uo 'C3 .a 'C3: a .E!-o 0 0 0 0 0 V D V V V (D V V VC V __ V aI oo c LOuzj ur u ci C LO 0C o1 c T- cc Ce- Co a) OD 0 col cOT_c C C 0 a a. , U:0 CO T t M0 0 O - - ' r -r N,TN 0 ( ·r ·- C- C clV ( li C C Ii cli 6 'w~-NWM N C C co c Cu C ^rCu C .) co , a. ._m IC n w co cU - u m ct: C) 0 0 O . - N V- r· .co co -C a co N CN 0 E V) 3:~ Z~ :: fu a f CD C Co -: Cr) s C- a. C c <coz r- O . -J cm~ c Cu a0) C o 0CMu f, 'o ,) C: Cu 0 CD C CAn _; i 0 C OEo a. .e- 0 0 u 0 C') C2 I co Cu.a-0co. - N CY) C) Cr) (D( L Y co LLwwwwww L LLIW LUll :.- C a0 N > 0 Cu 0 O I T- Cu ,. C CCCCCC Cu C m coz - mC )O~ M )NNNNNNNNNN 0- - -NN CMo TT- T-C- cTIr - L"n tN I- CT l CD fN I-00T) I - -c .U) CL :_ C i5 C -5 :CU i5 i5 C_ _ : uc CUCUCUCUCUVu cn Z:3 - a) C 0 CD O Ci Ncoi cn Cu C C t- 00 r- c6 acd co cu C e 0e rn L. Co 0 Cro a cCo o ma - oa Y 0 Cu '3 no o C -Y 0c CD r c o Co 0 M~ Ž CaK O).C C E 0 , --)0- - C N oo o O O )D CO CM CD 10NN MNNN"MN CrM CVC CD MLC-N CN) ._m 5- Cu - -_u c Z °a) N - - C· C- LO 00 N i - V-- - - C. co T -- oL t - 0 0O ,r-V,V- LO O U,) LO U) C .n CO o u: C C c-co T-O CY)NN)s C-C0 0 aNa- 00 CO qr a0 t )O COO r- LO o ·co t LOm C C O <0 ( C s )c 0 s 0D s f N' a) Co t -00 o co LO Z3 a m -v 0v vv vv - 0 uvw m LLL . U. un wCn W LWI UJ . I. u0 QU u W U w LL. IL L I. U U. L U L. IL LL L L U iL U. U. 72 Cufuuufu L- L. _ M fM . LEL M ._ Highlighted cells in Table 4-6 illustrate whether the voyage is shorter between the given foreign port and New York or Los Angeles. The highlighted 9 5 th percentile voyage time represents a conservative lower bound for the amount of count time that will be available if an attack is mounted from this port. Count times for non-stop voyages from almost any port in the world to New York or Los Angeles can now be approximated by interpolating between the tabulated values shown in Table 4-6. The information above is useful for determining the minimum count time available for a container shipment being deployed from a particular port or region of the world. However, it cannot be used directly to give an accurate measure of the expected, or average, count time that would be available on incoming containerships. This is because containers are not uniformly imported to the U.S. from all parts of the globe. To derive a reasonable estimate of how much count time will actually be available on average, the voyage times from ports that ship more containers to the U.S. must be given higher relative weightings. The information in Table 4-2 documenting the volume of container imports broken down by country can be used to assign weighting factors. Since the 25 countries listed in Table 4-2 make up 86.5% of the total containerized imports to the United States, using voyage times from ports located in these countries alone should yield a reasonable estimate. Using this approximation, weighting factors were then calculated as follows, nTEU E (6) 'nTEU where Wi is the weighting factor for the ith country in Table 4-2 and nTEUiis the number of imported containers from the ithcountry (in TEU). Distances from the countries listed in Table 4-2 to the U.S. reference ports were obtained using information from the distance analysis presented above. Each country of interest has at least one port listed in Table 4-3. For countries with multiple ports listed in Table 4-3, the arithmetic mean of the port distances from that country was used to establish a single representative distance. 73 Voyage times from the countries in Table 4-2 were then calculated using the mean vessel speed of 21.29 knots (because an expected value was being sought). The appropriate weighting factors were then applied to the voyage times for each country to find expected count time values for ships calling on New York and Los Angeles. Results are shown in Table 4-7. Table 4-7: Mean voyage times to New York and Los Angeles LosAngeles NewYork Imports Weighting (TEUx 1000) Factor Avg. Distance(n.m.) Time [Mean](days) Avg.Distance(n.m.) Time [Mean](days) China 4447 0.36997 11991 23.5 6057 11.9 23.4 6380 12.5 1292 0.10749 11981 HongKong 9.5 0.06007 11371 22.3 4839 Japan 722 Taiwan 651 0.05416 11774 23.0 6011 11.8 Italy 473 0.03935 4067 8.0 9643 18.9 Korea 469 0.03902 11771 23.0 5374 10.5 18.9 3654 7.2 9661 Germany 467 0.03885 Brazil 388 0.03228 4413 8.6 7366 14.4 Thailand 378 0.03145 13257 25.9 7775 15.2 Indonesia 261 0.02171 12042 23.6 8392 16.4 India 253 0.02105 11730 23.0 9758 19.1 Malaysia 239 0.01988 12160 23.8 8087 15.8 Netherlands 225 0.01872 3391 6.6 9402 18.4 6.2 9181 18.0 206 0.01714 3169 UnitedKingdom France 195 0.01622 3211 6.3 9167 17.9 CostaRica 166 0.01381 3537 6.9 4243 8.3 Spain 158 0.01314 3314 6.5 9183 18.0 Belgium 156 0.01298 3358 6.6 9365 18.3 Guatemala 156 0.01298 1804 3.5 6546 12.8 Honduras 152 0.01265 1764 3.5 6535 12.8 12.8 0.01173 13543 26.5 6530 Philippines 141 Chile 135 0.01123 6073 11.9 5135 10.0 Turkey 114 0.00948 4997 9.8 10471 20.5 DominicanRepublic 98 0.00815 1489 2.9 6290 12.3 Australia 78 0.00649 11321 22.2 7271 14.2 Total 12020 1 WeightedAvg. = 13.3 Country The mean count times available for vessels calling on New York and Los Angeles are on the order of 2 weeks. This represents a significant amount of time to make a confident detection of fissile material. Finally, even though the average count times shown above were calculated using mean vessel speeds, the assumption that all voyages are non-stop still makes these numbers reasonably conservative. 74 4.3 Vessel Container Capacities Modem containerships vary considerably in size, with the largest vessels in the current fleet able to carry over 8,000 TEU [MacGregor, 2003]. The number of detection units needed to provide adequate coverage of a given vessel will depend on the dimensions of that particular vessel's container array and the number of commercial containers being transported. Therefore, to gauge the number of containerized detections units that will be necessary to implement a comprehensive ship-based detection regime, a container capacity distribution must be derived for the commercial fleet. Information from the containership database that was discussed in the vessel speed section was used to construct a similar CDF for container capacity. The screened database contained 1,313 capacity entries ranging from 724 TEU to 8,200 TEU. The CDF development process used for vessel speed was employed again for container capacity. The general formulae shown in Eqs. (3) and (4) were used, with the frequency of each distinct container capacity serving as n in Eq. (3) and container capacity (in TEU) being represented by x in Eq. (4). The resulting capacity CDF is shown in Figure 4-9, with the 25t h, 50th , 75t h , 95t h , and 9 9 th percentile values illustrated graphically. 75 Vessel Capactiy - Cumulative Distribution Function (N = 1313 Vessels) 0.9 0.8 0.7 k In .o 0 0 U. 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Capacity(TEU) 6000 7000 8000 Figure 4-9: Vessel capacity CDF The mean, median, and mode values of the container capacity from the screened containership database are shown in Table 4-8 along with interpolated numerical values of the 2 5th, 7 5 th, 9 5 th, and 9 9 th percentiles. Table 4-8: Vessel capacity statistics Capacity (TEU) 2722 3047 4300 MEDIAN MEAN MODE 25TH 75TH 95TH 99TH 1666 4173 6204 6782 76 9000 The container capacity CDF generated here will be used in subsequent analysis to develop defensible estimates for the total number of containerized detection units that will be needed for a fully implemented system. 4.4 Cargo Density For a ship-based approach to be effective, the signal emitted by concealed fissile material must be strong enough to be confidently distinguished from natural background fluctuations by a passive detection unit some distance removed from the source. The signal will be attenuated by intentional shielding that is likely to be present in the container bearing the weapon and by the commercial cargo in containers that are oriented between the source and detector. The maximum amount of intentional shielding is constrained by the physical dimensions of the container and the 32-ton weight restriction imposed by international shippers [Lok, 2004]. Although they still allow for a very substantial amount of intentional shielding, the space and weight constraints do bound the problem and worst-case signal attenuation can be calculated. What is less straightforward is the extent to which the intervening commercial cargo will attenuate the signal. Density is a cargo parameter that is helpful when trying to accurately model radiation transport through intervening commercial material. One way to obtain a rough but useful measure of the density of imported cargo material is to assume that the contents of a container (and the mass of the contents) are equally distributed throughout the volume of the container. This "distributed density" (in g/cm3 ) can then be found using the following expression, m (7) Pdist = VOlcontainer where m is the total mass of the cargo, VOlcontainer is the interior volume of the container. Although the homogeneous distribution of mass throughout the container is clearly 77 unphysical, it can be a helpful measure for benchmarking computer simulations. When simulations are run where representative types of cargo (e.g. furniture, electronics, clothing, etc.) have been explicitly modeled, it is important to know how the aggregate distributed density of the modeled cargo compares with the average distributed density of actual imported cargo (i.e. is the model more, less, or similarly attenuating as actual cargo). A simple method for obtaining a point estimate of the average distributed density of actual imported cargo is given by, mtot (8) Pdist TEU VOITEU where mtotis the total tonnage of a large sample of imported containers, nTEUis the number of imported containers, and VOlTEU is the interior volume of a TEU. Using imported cargo data for calendar year 2001 (the most recent year for which MARAD reported total tonnage information) as the large container sample, mtot, nTEU, and VOITEU are 80,725 metric tons (MT), 11,268 TEU, and 1360 ft2 respectively [MARAD, 2002]. Converting these values into appropriate units and plugging into Eq. (3) gives an average distributed density of 0.1977 g/cm3 . However, a single point estimate of the average distributed density is less instructive than a distribution that reflects the relative probabilities of a range of distributed densities. The 2001 data for container imports at the top 25 U.S. ports was used construct an average distributed density CDF. Table 4-9 below shows mtot,nTEuand the calculated average densities for the top 25 ports [MARAD, 2002]. 78 Table 4-9: Average distributed density, Pdist,values for imported cargo Port n TEU m tot (TEU x 1000) (MT x 1000) Avg Density (glcc) Los Angeles 2614 16221 0.1712 Long Beach 2376 14355 0.1667 New York 1588 12758 0.2217 Charleston 612 4890 0.2204 Seattle 500 2993 0.1652 Norfolk 454 3556 0.2161 Savannah 431 2998 0.1919 Oakland 419 3058 0.2014 Houston 381 3656 0.2647 Tacoma 356 2111 0.1636 Miami 347 3120 0.2481 Baltimore 178 1942 0.3010 PT Everglades 171 1235 0.1993 San Juan 108 1006 0.2570 Wilmington (DE) 103 965 0.2585 New Orleans 86 891 0.2858 Gulfport 74 599 0.2233 Philadelphia 71 913 0.3548 Boston 51 445 0.2407 Portland 47 350 0.2055 Wilmington (NC) 37 232 0.1730 Chester (PA) 31 316 0.2812 Ponce 30 332 0.3053 W Palm Beach 27 195 0.1993 Jacksonville 25 210 0.2318 All Other 153 1379 0.2487 Total 11268 80725 0.1977 By specifying mtot and nTEu for 26 separate sample populations (i.e. the top 25 ports and the lumped data for all others) this data can be used to construct an approximate CDF. The same CDF derivation procedure outlined earlier is used here with the tabulated values of nTEuserving as the frequency of the given average distributed density value. The resulting CDF is plotted in Figure 4-10. 79 Dist. Density - Cumulative Distribution Function 1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 7 0.6 ' I 0.5 U. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Dist. Density (g/cmA3) Figure 4-10: Cargo distributed density, Pdist,CDF Ideally the mass of every individual imported cargo container would be known so that an exact CDF for Pdist could be derived. In this case, however, the data points used to construct the CDF were themselves already point estimates of larger data sets. Although some useful information about the character of the original data is lost when a single point estimate is used to represent a population of data, these point estimates encapsulate the most important aggregated attributes of the original data. Therefore, even though it is based on aggregated point estimates instead of exhaustive raw data, the approximate average distributed density CDF is still a useful measure of the probability that the distributed density of a cargo container will exceed a given value. 80 Chapter 5: Deployment Simulation 5.1 Introduction The fact that the proposed ship-based approach would deploy containerized detection units aboard commercial containerships has been discussed, but the manner in which these units would be deployed (i.e. how they are loaded onto the ship and distributed throughout the vessel's container array) has not been addressed. Ideally, the detection units could be loaded in a manner that simultaneously allowed completely clandestine deployment and maximum detection coverage with the minimum number of units. If this could be accomplished, total system costs would be minimized and adversaries would be kept utterly unaware of the number and location of deployed detection units that could interrupt or thwart their efforts. In reality, however, there is a trade-off between the precision with which one can dictate or predict the placement of the detection units and the covert nature of the deployment process. Specifying exactly where or how certain cargo containers are to be loaded into the container array can optimize the amount of the containership covered per detection unit, but it could also provide enemies with valuable information about the defensive measures being employed against them. This fundamental trade-off leads to a potential clash between coverage efficiency and stealth. A computer-based deployment simulator was created using Matlab to help inform the process of striking an appropriate balance between coverage efficiency and stealth. This simulator was used to quantify the coverage efficiency gains that could be reaped by adopting increasingly constrained (and consequently less stealthy) deployment strategies. Three strategies were investigated, including a random deployment where units could be placed anywhere in the container array, a partially constrained deployment where units were randomly placed anywhere except a specified exclusion zone one container deep around the surface of the array, and a fully constrained deployment where units could only be placed along a row down the length of the array. Hereafter, these strategies are referred to as random, constrained, and centerline deployment, respectively. 81 An extremely important remaining uncertainty (that is outside the scope of this thesis) is the effective detection range of a deployed unit. The effective range is the maximum distance at which a unit is expected to reliably detect the presence of fissile material when deployed amongst commercial containers with realistic and representative cargo. Once a reasonable estimate for the effective range is obtained, it is a straightforward problem to determine the expected detection coverage provided by centerline deployment. The relative ease of calculating centerline coverage stems from the highly constrained nature of this deployment strategy, which uniquely determines the spatial distribution of detection units for any given container array. The spatial distributions arising from the other two strategies, however, are determined either totally or partially by chance. Mean attributes, such as expected detection coverage, of systems with this stochastic character are often difficult or impossible to derive analytically and instead lend themselves to Monte Carlo analysis. Monte Carlo techniques use random numbers to sample distributions for parameters to be used in a calculation, or calculations, of interest. The calculation is then carried out a large number of times with each iteration using different randomly sampled parameter values. The large population of outputs from the calculation of interest can then be statically analyzed to gain meaningful insights. The speed with which modem digital computers can carry out large numbers of computations makes Monte Carlo analysis a very powerful tool for solving complex problems. Detection coverage calculations for container arrays of arbitrary sizes were carried out using Monte Carlo methods for both random and constrained deployment. Random numbers were used to sample the uniform distributions representing Cartesian coordinates that determined the placement location of a given detection unit within the container array. Once a given number of detection units with a specified detection range were randomly distributed throughout a container array with known dimensions, the detection coverage calculation could be carried out for this geometry. The output was then logged and the entire detector placement and coverage calculation process was 82 carried out again until the output population was large enough to yield good statistics. Expected values, along with corresponding standard deviations, for random and constrained deployment could then be determined through statistical analysis. 5.2 Model Development The deployment simulator was programmed in Matlab and takes advantage of the ease with which the Matlab environment can create and manipulate n-dimensional matrices. The entire container array of a hypothetical vessel is modeled in matrix space with each cubic foot of actual volume represented by an individual element in a 3dimensional matrix. Detection units are then distributed through the container array in a manner consistent with the constraints of the scenario (i.e. random, constrained, or centerline) being studied. With the geometry of the problem now uniquely specified, the fractional volume of the actual container array that would be effectively covered by the detectors in the generated configuration can be calculated using a few simple matrix operations in Matlab. If Monte Carlo analysis were being used, as would be the case for random and constrained deployment, this process of detector placement and fractional coverage calculation would be repeated many times. 5.2.1 Assumptions Key assumptions will be identified, and explained before a detailed treatment of the simulator's algorithm and mechanics is offered. First, it was assumed that all container arrays were continuous rectangular prisms. This is an approximation given that large vessels often have container arrays that taper below deck (to accommodate hull dimensions) and some discontinuity created by the ship's superstructure. These effects were not explicitly modeled because the degree of tapering and the location and magnitude of superstructure discontinuities vary depending on the size and design of the containership and cannot be meaningfully generalized. 83 Since the detection suite is not necessarily confined to the center of a containerized unit, it was also assumed that detectors could be centered at any (nonconstrained) location in the container array and not limited solely to coordinates that corresponded to the midpoints of containers. This assumption simplifies calculation but was made primarily to conserve computation time. It was noted that this assumption could lead to the non-physical situation of two or more detectors being randomly assigned to the volume corresponding to a single container. The probability of any two detectors being randomly assigned to the same (TEU) 0° container volume is represented by the following expression, p= 1 fnl(xyz-i) = (xyz-1)! (xyz)( i- xyz - ' (xyz - (9 n)! where x, y, and z are the number of unconstrained TEUs arrayed in the respective x, y, and z directions and n is the number of detectors being deployed. In general, the probability of 2 detectors being assigned to the same container volume increases as n increases and as the total number of TEUs (i.e. [xyz]) decreases. The effects of this "double-assignment" will be examined in more detail in subsequent sections. Another important assumption is that deployed units provide coverage of a perfectly spherical volume with a radius determined by the effective detection range. (Estimates for the effective detection range are being developed by Gallagher at MIT and are still evolving as design decisions and improvements are made, so a series of range values were assumed as part of a parameter study). This is an approximation of a realworld setting, where shielding effects manifested by the specific loading and cargo characteristics of surrounding commercial containers and the threat container itself would render the effective detection volume non-spherical. It is further assumed that fissile material located anywhere within the idealized coverage sphere will be detected with equal probability. In reality, a source close to the detector will be more easily detected '0The probability that any two detectors will be assigned to the same 40' container can also be found using Eq. (9) by substituting (xyz/2) for each (xyz) term. 84 than one at the outer edge of the sphere (along the same line of sight) as a result of shielding by intervening materials and the inverse square nature of detector solid angles. This assumption was deemed acceptable because the definition of the effective detection range is the expected maximum distance at which a source can be confidently and reliably detected with a given count time under realistic conditions. Also, by not considering or crediting the enhanced ease of detection afforded by source proximity and detection sphere overlap, the analysis gains a measure of conservatism. 5.2.2Input/Output The Matlab-based deployment simulator accepted user-defined inputs for container array dimensions (length, width, and height in TEUs), the number of detectors to be distributed through the array, the effective detection range (in ft.) and the number of runs to be completed for Monte Carlo analysis. Output for Monte Carlo calculations were statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values) that described the set of fractional detection coverages calculated for each run, or iteration, of the simulation. Output for the deterministic centerline analysis consisted of a fractional detection coverage corresponding to the evaluated scenario. 5.2.3 Algorithm The simulation of each deployment strategy (i.e. random, constrained, and centerline) used the same algorithm to generate a virtual container array and then calculate the fractional volume that was "covered" by deployed detectors. Differences in random, constrained, and centerline deployment simulation were limited primarily to the manner in which the detectors were placed into (or distributed through) the virtual array. For clarity, the algorithm will be explained in its entirety using random deployment as an example. Differences in the detector placement step for constrained and centerline deployment will then be identified and discussed. The actual Matlab codes used to simulate each type of deployment are found in Appendix B. 85 The simulation began by creating a matrix representation of the physical space to be modeled by employing user inputs that defined the desired container array dimensions. The inputs specify array dimensions in terms of how many (TEU) containers are to be aligned along the length, width, and height of the array. Figure 5-1 shows the assumed orientation of the containers along the 3 Cartesian axes. 20' I'l (height) I 8' I Y (width) I" z 0ength) Figure 5-1: Container orientation for simulation A 3-dimensional matrix was then constructed in which each cubic foot of physical space in the user-specified container array was represented by a matrix element with an initial value of 0. This "geometry matrix" had dimensions [(x*8),(y*8),(z*20)], where x, y, and z were the user inputs for the number of containers along the respective height, width, and length of the array and the scaler multipliers are the corresponding height, width, and length dimensions of (TEU) containers in feet. Detector placement was the next step in simulation. For random deployment, Matlab's random number generator was used to assign arbitrary coordinates (referred to here as dx, dy, and dz) to fix the center-point of an emplaced detector. Once dx, dy, and dz had been identified, a new null matrix, referred to hereafter as the "detector matrix", was created. The detector matrix was of the same dimensions as the geometry matrix and the element at (dx,dy,dz) representing the emplaced detector was assigned a value of 1. 86 Next the coverage sphere associated with the emplaced detector was generated. An approximated sphere can be created within a 3-dimensional matrix by serially evaluating individual elements to determine the linear distance between the given element and the emplaced detector using the following expression, D= (i dx)2+(j -dy)2+(k -dz)2 (10) where i,j, and k are the respective x, y, and z coordinates of the matrix element being evaluated. If this distance is greater than the effective detection radius, R, then the element under evaluation is outside the detection sphere and the value of that element remains 0. If the distance is less than or equal to R, the element in question is within the detection sphere and its value in the detector matrix is changed to 1. To save computation time, only matrix elements inside a cube centered at (dx, dy, dz) with sides measuring 2R were evaluated using Eq. (10). This cube bounding the detection sphere is shown (2-dimensionally) in Figure 5-2. 2R I 2R (dx4yjdz) 2R Figure 5-2: Cube bounding the detection sphere Once the entire coverage sphere, represented by elements with a value of 1, had been generated, an element-by-element comparison of the detector matrix and the geometry matrix was performed using the logical OR operator, whose properties are shown in Table 5-1. 87 Table 5-1: Properties of the OR operator x (OR)Y 0 X O Y 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 The matrix resulting from this operation becomes the updated geometry matrix. The process of detector placement is then repeated and a new detector matrix is created. The new detector matrix is then compared to the updated geometry matrix, again using the logical OR operator, and the result becomes the new geometry matrix. Each time the geometry matrix is updated, the OR operation imprints it with another coverage sphere. The OR operator is used in lieu of matrix addition to avoid overlapping coverage regions being double counted in the final fractional coverage calculation. The process of emplacing detectors, creating detector matrices, and updating the geometry matrix continues until the user specified number of detectors has been deployed. At this point, the geometry matrix holds the placement and coverage information of every detector, in addition to information defining the overall dimensions of the simulated container array. An element of the geometry matrix with a value of 1 represents physical space that is within the effective detection range of an emplaced detector, and is therefore "covered". Matlab can then sum the values of all the elements in the geometry matrix to find the volume covered by deployed detectors. The coverage volume, represented by the summation of the geometry matrix, can then be divided by the total number of elements in the geometry matrix, which represents the total volume of the simulated container array, to find the fractional coverage volume. The fractional coverage volume calculation is shown symbolically as follows, V Vtotal 88 (11) where F is the fractional coverage volume, Vcovis the volume of the array that is "covered" by deployed detectors, and Vtotalis the total volume of the array. This entire process is repeated until the user-defined number of fractional coverage volume outputs has been generated. At the end of each run, the calculated fractional coverage value is added to an output vector. Once the vector has been fully populated, Matlab performs statistical analysis on the output data and returns the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values for the fractional coverage. Detector placement for constrained and centerline deployment is the only major difference from the simulation process described above. Matlab's random number generator is also used to determine coordinates for detector placement in constrained deployment simulations. However, before a detector matrix is generated reflecting a given placement location, the coordinates are checked to ensure that the detector is not being placed in physical space that would be in a container that is along the surface of the array (i.e. the first or last [TEU] container in any row, column, or span of the array). If the prospective placement coordinates fall in this exclusion zone, then they are discarded and new sets of random numbers are generated until coordinates are obtained that satisfy the constraints. When coordinates are found that do not place the detector in the exclusion zone, a detector matrix is generated and the element representing the placement coordinates is given a value of 1. For deterministic centerline deployment calculations, detector placement is determined by the user inputs concerning the geometry of the container array and the number of detectors to be deployed. 5.2.4 Validation and Verification During development, a 2-dimensional version of the each simulation code was created to facilitate validation and debugging. Once the 2-dimensional models were found to work as expected with high confidence, they were scaled up to the full 3- dimensional simulations of interest. Prior to actual data collection, the output from 3dimensional test simulations, starting with small scale runs (i.e. modestly sized arrays 89 with a small number of deployed detectors) and concluding with a limited number of larger scale runs, were extensively checked against hand calculations. This validation and verification process also sought to ensure that reality was being modeled with reasonable accuracy. One problem with representing physical space, and especially spherical regions of space, with elements of 3-dimensional matrices is the discretization error introduced by the non-continuous nature of matrix space. To provide reasonably high fidelity models of coverage spheres, each matrix element represented 1 cubic foot. For reference, at this resolution, it takes 2720 matrix elements to model the interior of one full sized 40' cargo container. To check the error introduced by discretization, the calculated volume values for spheres generated in matrix space were compared to the theoretical volume (in ft3 ) given by the following formula, 4 V = '-r 3 where r is the radius of the sphere (in ft). Table 5-2 shows the discretization error observed for spheres of varying radii. 90 (12) Table 5-2: Spherical volume error Radius (ft) 45 Simulation (ftA3) Theoretical (ftA3) 381615 381703.5 Error (%) 0.0232 50 523305 523598.8 0.0561 55 60 65 696507 904089 1149651 696910 904778.7 1150346.5 0.0578 0.0762 0.0605 70 75 1436385 1767063 1436755 1767145.9 0.0258 0.0047 80 85 2143641 2571711 2144660.6 2572440.8 0.0475 0.0284 The errors tabulated above are quite small, so the volume underestimation caused by the discrete nature of matrix space will not significantly impact the accuracy of the fractional coverage values output by the simulations. 5.3 Random Deployment A deployment methodology where containerized detection units are randomly loaded onto containerships is vastly preferable in terms of both logistics and stealth. By imposing no constraints on the placement of these units, there is no opportunity for an adversary to identify their presence due to abnormal or preferential treatment during the loading process. Therefore, the enemy is not afforded an opportunity to study and probe the defense posture prior to attack or the opportunity to take compensatory action during an attack. The logistics of random deployment are also favorable in that the detection units can be simply delivered to the embarkation port or commercial shipper and then monitored from afar without the need for further direct involvement. Despite these important advantages, randomly placed detection units can lead to highly inefficient container array geometries due to spatial clustering of units or deployment on or near the fringes of the array. Due to the possibility of poor container array geometries, additional units must be deployed to ensure that an adequate level of detection coverage will be provided. Simulation was carried out in an attempt to better quantify the effects of placement randomization on coverage efficiency (i.e. the fractional coverage provided by a given number of detection units) and to estimate the number of 91 units that would be required for different levels of coverage for containerships of a given size. The simulation explained in Section 5.2.3 calls for the specification of container array dimensions, effective detection range, number of deployed detectors, and number of runs as inputs. Five standard container array geometries were selected for use throughout this analysis to facilitate comparison between the deployment strategies. The dimensions of these "reference arrays" are shown in Table 5-3. Table 5-3: Reference array dimensions Reference Array Dimensions Capacity Height (cont) Width (cont) Length (cont) (TEU) 8 8 10 10 10 9 12 12 15 17 20 26 30 32 38 1440 2496 3600 4800 6460 Reference arrays shown above were selected to provide a representative sample of the capacities and array geometries of the contemporary containership fleet. Gallagher at MIT is currently investigating the effective detection range. Preliminary analysis and modeling suggests that the range may be somewhere around 65 ft. Using this uncertain estimate as a point of departure, detection ranges spanning from 45 ft. to 85 ft. (in 5 ft. increments) were studied. To determine the appropriate number of iterations to obtain high confidence results with good statistics, a sample simulation was run using 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 iterations. Results of the test, which used 15 detectors with 65 ft. ranges randomly deployed within the 4800 TEU reference array, are shown in Table 5-4. 92 Table 5-4: Mean fractional coverage results for variable run sizes Runs Mean Std Dev 1 0.7133 0 5 0.7308 0.0646 10 0.7750 0.0922 50 0.7577 0.0673 100 0.7522 0.0566 200 0.7523 0.0584 500 0.7566 0.0583 1000 0.7553 0.0587 Table 5-4 shows that the mean fractional coverage begins to converge at around 50 iterations and the standard deviation has been reduced to the extent practicable by the 100th run. These results are similar to those obtained for cases using different test parameters. As a result, 200 was chosen to be the standard number of iterations used in the simulation of each scenario. This number of runs was large enough to provide high confidence results with good statistics, but small enough to make efficient use of limited computational resources. Simulations were carried out as follows. Starting with the smallest reference array, the shortest effective detection range was held fixed and the number of deployed units was varied until a distribution of outputs with mean fractional detection coverage values having a nominal span of at least 0.75 to 0.95 was obtained. Then 5 ft. was added to the effective detection range input and the process was carried out again. Once this had been completed for each 5 ft. increment of effective detection range from 45 ft to 85 ft. the next reference array was selected and the entire process began anew. Inputs and output statistics for each simulated scenario are shown in Table 5-5. 93 c0 0000000000 0000000000 C) 0 N w? x 0N4CO CO - NCCO N 0 0u CO4 N co 0) O OO U C0o 0) LO 4.. NN NN N 0 CN 0 CN aO 1- d O O O 6 ° 600 aO O 0 "ItC')) ) CoN hM t O 0 0 0C) 0 COS c C 000x ~0.0000 C O OC o c0 c 2 0 t oo oo D 0 0 0f) 0006 00 CN ot c 6O 00 O 00000000 Uf 0 ( 000 '0 0 cO IO 0 O 00 00 0 D) CN C O3 C a) 0- d t C (0 CD - 00) CCO O 0co0co0co 00) 0) O I-0c 0 0 O -. 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C N- N- c0 CD -O - co CO0O :O O5 O c C5 j60 oN . 0) (D O - , CD .CO c 0n CU) O) - N 0) C (CD N- c0 c0 0) 0) = C IN 60 a ON-(0 O 0ic C= aO 6oO O 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 00 C) U) r- 0 - co( W0 :)DC c cc r)L (0 CO I- 0' C ot 0Co ao 000< ~a0o 0 0 a)00 0 ) 0 . 1) *c D N c 00, 000 CO O 0 - - CD -0 00000 D c c) ~O .0 - O O v- 04 N 1. 'D 0 0 Cl r- ) C) C) C C) C: C) - - 0c 0c l_ !, V 0 (N 0 0 0 0 0CO O 00C 0W OCr 00 r 0* CO Cr I 0 CY) C, (N D0 0 0 0 0 c0 '666oo c:2c5 C) o t C Ct Ct 1< U '.4 Cl, Ml (0 'ITI'l T00 LOC) 11 F N - N 0 00 - CY)r- U) 00 o C) ':) 0 CY)ND o rl- r- cc cc 0 0 ) 6 0O0000cc 0 Ot 0 00 00 O0 ( C 0 jd O O O 0 I0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 I)0 0 0 C o )J 0N0 0 0ClN(N :.J CN C N 0N N 'J 0N 2N N ° N CN ,J N N CNlN N (C C(D o C0 C(DC N- N- N-NN 'fl- - 00000 CD CO (D (0 (0(0(0(0( CD 00000 NNCNCNN CN O0 O Co Cn O C) CN v- :°o o o o ) C) 0 !6 c O' 0o O O a'~O' ~0 OD o cO co co 0 Lu N O 1. LO C N2 N N N N C N-CC) CD - Co C) cn tD co C 0O )t 0 0 0 M0 o C 2 Co 0 oO C a Ico N- N- CO y) C) Co a) 0 - Co 0 0 C 0 r · Cs- s- o°oL 0O 0D 000't0 N 04 o Co C)O 0*0*0 't 6 - N N o) Lo o ° : D)O DL C) 60 oT, C OC C 00 C) C0 iO C-) C OC n O 0 J0 I V C) 0 It t D N-.DCo C) r-a C) D~ ,' 0 N CO O CO C) CODc O 0)c NcoC)C)C) ) - '- COCV)Co 1 l- C D) CNO v CO 1- O 'T " r._ 0) CD C) 0) C) Co C - Co co C) a) 0 0d 0 0 D c) ) 'T O CO ) ' I cON) 0) . 5 C5o c o CNIO O CO O . ,,-v CY) o0 C C0 O U) O r- )O CNC') 0 0 Co O LO LO O) LO) IO Nl- 0O O Co co cO CO O3 00 00 c0 CO 00 C 00 o0 r I, v- 0 C 00000C T N- N- - - - - c 00000C I-- - - r-- rT- -- , IV CO CO Co Co Co C CO CO CO CO C cc Co to Ct Co Co Ct CO c4 D ~D Co Co C cO CD CD CD CD rt ~ Co CD ~ 101 To distill the information captured in Table 5-5 for easier inspection and analysis, Figures 5-2 through 5-6 show plots that relate the mean values of fractional coverage volume, as defined in Eq. (1 1), to the number of deployed detectors for each reference array. Coverage vs. Detectors (1440 TEU) 0.9 -0 E *R 45 * R 50 R 55 v R.60 X R_65 .o * R70 +R 75 - R80 - R_85 0U0.7 E 0.6 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Numberof RandomlyDeployedDetectors Figure 5-3: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 1440 TEU array [Random] 102 40 Coverage vs. Detectors (2496 TEU) 0.9 0 .s * R_45 & 0.8 R50 R_55 R_60 XR65 R_70 + R_75 -R_80 - R.85 R85 -R 0 o 00.7 0 0.6 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 Numberof RandomlyDeployedDetectors 60 50 Figure 5-4: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 2496 TEU array [Random] Coverage vs. Detectors (3600 TEU) +w . UI~..-_ 1 + ~ 0.9 ~~ 0· ·-- · x ·. B · :·: i·~ a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::'j 0 E g 0.8 -x~~~~~~~- 0) 133 0 o p ; a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'st, '''I' oE 0.7 -·.-- ~rw X :'.'r*n~,~: a.. - ....... ' ' r' "... ' ..---:.. ! !.,v - ir x' .. - >-:o.Yb e 0.6 ;7 + f .._ ·e :·· ··; · · '· - .r· :. ;·: ·..::C :':''r""'ii;·· Til.·:' -ta"" t··l·-· · r -·2···i··· I'··:·· _l"i'r·r-rJr.l· ·:.*·' 7;;i i·r ''"" , :II · : h·;;·; ''' ;.· ,1-. .'··;·· '· ;'-'·"": Lj·:':)`·· i; i·;· .I s· 0.4 0 10 20 I ":i?· 0.5 · ,,f"VI·"ir· · ;··-. 40 30 50 Numberof RandomlyDeployedDetectors 60 1: i·l · h'. 70 Figure 5-5: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 3600 TEU array [Random] 103 80 *R_45 *R.50 R_55 I R_60 XR_65 *R_70 +R_75 - R_80 - R 85 Coverage vs. Detectors (4800 TEU) 0.9 0 E *R_45 R_50 R_55 o ' R_60 x R65 * R70 +R_75 & 0.7 U. -R80 - R 85 0.6 0.5 0 10 20 30 50 40 60 70 80 100 90 Numberof RandomlyDeployedDetectors .4,~~~~ Figure 5-6: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 4800 TEU array [Random] Coverage vs. Detectors (6460 TEU) - 0.9 -+ :C x · ;, + ~~ U;·I· ,·. e 0.8 CD E 0 x* t* .·; ·- * R-45 *R-50 R-55 , R 60 x R-65 *R-70 + R-75 ~~+: 0.7 0) 00 0 1 E.o_ U. c -R80 1· 0.6 0 - R85 .:" ·(· II. i i sc · 0.5 · · · :·-.·. ·· · .·:: · ` ,.· · ; · · ·'::' ·- . ... a ,~.?¥, Number~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; Deployed:Deetr of~.Randoml /.i i ~, 0.4 0 20 40 80 60 Number of Randomly Deployed Detectors 100 120 Figure 5-7: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 6460 TEU array [Random] 104 140 It is unclear what minimum acceptable level of detection coverage is appropriate, given the reality that it will not always be possible to provide 100% coverage of every containership and that attempting to do so will likely prove to be cost prohibitive. Acknowledging this uncertainty, all subsequent analysis will measure the system against three potential choices for minimum acceptable coverage. These three levels are 75%, 85%, and 95%. To identify the number of detectors with a given range that are required to provide 75%, 85%, and 95% coverage for each of the 5 reference arrays, the mean fractional coverages for each simulated scenario were plotted and graphical techniques were employed. Figure 5-7 shows an example using the 1440 TEU reference array and detectors with a 65 ft. effective range (error bars represent +/- 1 standard deviation). 1440 TEU (Range = 65 ft) I 0.8 cm 0.6 o 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Detectors Figure 5-8: Graphical determination of detectors required for various coverage levels For the example case illustrated in Figure 5-7, it was estimated that 75%, 85%, and 95% fractional detection coverage could be provided with 6, 8, and 14 detectors, respectively. 105 Results of these graphical analyses showing the estimated number of detectors needed to provide various levels of coverage for each scenario are listed in Table 5-6. Table 5-6: Estimated number of detectors needed for various scenarios [Random] Reference Array Capacity (TEU) Random Deployment Coverage (ft) Range (ft) Range Coverage 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 1440 2496 3600 4800 6460 13 19 32 11 15 25 9 12 19 7 10 15 6 8 14 5 7 11 5 6 10 4 6 9 4 5 8 21 31 50 17 23 39 13 19 30 11 15 25 9 12 21 8 11 18 7 9 15 6 8 14 5 8 12 30 40 69 22 31 53 18 25 41 15 20 34 12 17 27 10 14 23 9 12 19 8 10 17 7 9 15 37 52 88 29 40 69 23 31 53 18 26 43 15 20 34 13 18 29 11 15 24 9 13 21 8 11 19 59 68 117 37 52 88 30 41 70 24 33 55 20 27 45 16 22 38 14 18 31 12 17 29 10 15 25 One clear trend observed in the Figures above (particularly 5-2 through 5-6) are the diminishing returns in coverage afforded by the deployment of each additional detector, especially in the high coverage region (i.e. above around 0.80). It takes the addition of considerably more detectors to get from 85% to 95% coverage than it took to get from 75% to 85%. Using the scenario where detectors with a 65 ft. range were deployed in the 6460 TEU reference array as an example, it took 7 additional detectors to go from 75% to 85% coverage and 18 additional detectors to go from 85% to 95%. 106 The primary cause of this phenomenon is the fact that random deployment does not promise uniform distribution of detectors throughout a container array. As a result, randomized placement will unavoidably give rise to some well-covered regions with significant coverage overlap and some sparsely covered regions with little to no detection coverage. Detectors cannot be preferentially deployed to uncovered or inadequately covered areas. Therefore, to enhance the fractional coverage area with additional detectors, one must rely on the capricious nature of random placement to fortuitously deploy added units to sparsely covered regions. Inefficiencies associated with this process lead to the diminishing marginal returns observed in the simulation results. The extent to which random deployment is less efficient than optimal centerline deployment will be discussed in a later section. Although the mechanism discussed above is the primary determinant, there is another factor at work in the deployment simulation that artificially magnifies the diminishing returns effect. Given that the simulation used for this analysis assumed that the center point of detectors could be placed at any point in space within the container array, there is a non-negligible probability, given by Eq. (9), that 2 detectors could be randomly assigned to the space that corresponds to a single container. The probability of this "double assignment" increases as the number of deployed detectors increases. Since double assignment is an inefficient distribution of detectors, it could make a small contribution to the diminishing returns effect. Table 5-7 shows the probability that any 2 detectors will be randomly assigned to the same 20' and 40' container volumes for a sampling of simulated scenarios. 107 Table 5-7: Double assignment probabilities for 20' and 40' containers [Random] Capacity Detectors Double Assign. Double Assign. Capacity Detectors Double Assign. Double Assign. 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 2496 2496 2496 2496 2496 2496 2496 2496 2496 2496 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 39 47 52 3 5 10 20 30 40 50 0.002 0.007 0.031 0.071 0.124 0.189 0.262 0.341 0.001 0.004 0.018 0.041 0.074 0.114 0.161 0.258 0.353 0.414 0.001 0.003 0.012 0.052 0.114 0.195 0.290 0.004 0.014 0.061 0.137 0.234 0.344 0.458 0.568 0.002 0.008 0.036 0.081 0.142 0.215 0.296 0.451 0.584 0.660 0.002 0.006 0.025 0.101 0.216 0.354 0.497 3600 3600 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 4800 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 6460 60 70 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0.390 0.491 0.002 0.009 0.039 0.087 0.150 0.226 0.310 0.397 0.484 0.568 0.002 0.007 0.029 0.065 0.114 0.173 0.240 0.313 0.388 0.464 0.537 0.607 0.671 0.630 0.743 0.004 0.019 0.076 0.166 0.279 0.402 0.525 0.638 0.736 0.816 0.003 0.014 0.057 0.126 0.215 0.317 0.424 0.529 0.627 0.714 0.787 0.847 0.893 Table 5-7 shows the probability that any two detectors will be assigned to a single container becomes quite large as the number of deployed detectors gets large and in some extreme cases, double assignment is almost assured. Since this inefficient double assignment is non-physical, the fractional detection coverage output by the simulation will be marginally underestimated and the diminishing returns effect will be slightly exaggerated. Another notable feature of the results captured in Table 5-6 is the strong relation between the number of detectors needed to provide a given fractional coverage level and the effective detection range of the deployed units. This dependence is illustrated in Figures 5-8 through 5-12 where the estimated number of detectors required for 75%, 85%, and 95% coverage are plotted against detection range for each of the 5 reference arrays. 108 Detectors vs Range (1440 TEU) 100 0 0 0 Q * Cov 0.75 * Cov 0.85 10 Cov_0.95 1 40 50 60 70 90 80 Range (ft) Figure 5-9: Required Detectors vs. Range for the 1440 TEU array [Random] Detectors vs. Range (2496 TEU) *.'.' 100 - I; (.Cov .ek 0.75 U .. 10- .. .... ;,-, 0 40 50 60 70 80 .. .. Cov 0.85 I Coy_0.95 90 Range (ft) Figure 5-10: Required Detectors vs. Range for the 2496 TEU array [Random] 109 Detectors vs. Range (3600 TEU) 100 0 E .o * Cov 0.75 * Cov 0.85 10 0 Cov_0.95 03 4-I 1 40 50 60 70 90 80 Range (ft) Figure 5-11: Required Detectors vs. Range for the 3600 TEU array [Random] Detectors vs. Range (4800 TEU) 100 I * Cov 0.75 mr 10 , *Cov 0.85 Cov_0.95 1 'I 40 ' 50 I 60 I 70 80 90 Range (ft) Figure 5-12: Required Detectors vs. Range for the 4800 TEU array [Random] 110 Detectors vs. Range (6460 TEU) 1000 p 100 a 10 * Cov 0.75 * Cov 0.85 Cov_0.95 1 40 50 60 70 80 90 Range (ff) Figure 5-13: Required Detectors vs. Range for the 6460 TEU array [Random] The pronounced "range effect" illustrated in Figures 5-8 through 5-12 can be explained by the relation between the effective detection range and the volume of coverage provided by a detection unit. Equation (12) shows that the volume of the idealized detection sphere increases as the cube of the effective detection radius. Therefore, the volume of a detection sphere created by a detector with an 85 ft. radius is 6.74 times greater than that of a detector with a 45 ft. radius. By covering a significantly larger detection volume per unit, fewer long-range detectors are needed, on average, to provide a given fractional coverage. Finally, although the 6460 TEU reference array represents a larger container capacity than the 95 th percentile vessel in the current fleet, it is likely that the trend to build and deploy larger and larger containerships will continue in the coming years until capacities exceed 10000 TEU [Ircha, 2002]. Figures 5-13 through 5-17 plot the number of detectors needed for given coverage levels versus vessel capacity for a representative sampling of ranges. 111 Detectors vs. Capacity (Range = 45 ft) , , 140 120 100 , * Cov 0.75 80 · Coy 0.85 * Cov_0.85 60 Cov_0.95 40 20 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Capacity (TEU) Figure 5-14: Required Detectors (with 45 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random] - Detectors vs. Capacity (Range = 55 ft) 80 70 60 50 . -. . ... . 4 .... ... . ; i ;RtJI Cov 40 2010 - ; - 830 u O Cov_0.85 C _0.95 I .. .. .r : . . . . . .. 0.75 . - 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Capacity (TEU) Figure 5-15: Required Detectors (with 55 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random] 112 Detectors vs. Capacity (Range = 65 ft) mA 50 45 40 35 E 30 * Cov 0.75 O 25 aCov 0.85 * Cov_0.85 a 20 Cov_0.95 15 10 5 Nv 2000 O 4000 6000 8000 Capacity (TEU) Figure 5-16: Required Detectors (with 65 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random] Detectors vs. Capacity (Range = 75 ft) 35 - E 15 20 -0000 ": 2 "' : (T)Cov | *Cov 0.75 · 0.85 Cov 0.95 5 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Capacity (TEU) Figure 5-17: Required Detectors (with 75 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random] 113 Detectors vs. Capacity (Range = 85 ft) 30 25 20 0 U * Cov 0.75 * Cov 0.85 15 Cov_0.95 a lO 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Capacity (TEU) Figure 5-18: Required Detectors (with 85 ft. range) vs. Array Capacity [Random] Figures 5-13 through 5-17 show relationships between the number of required detectors and vessel container capacities that are linear to a very good approximation. This linearity could be used in the future to estimate the number of detectors needed to provide coverage of proposed vessels with capacities exceeding those of containerships in the fleet today. 5.4 Constrained Deployment Deviation from random deployment could challenge and potentially comprise the desired surreptitious nature of the ship-based approach and invite serious logistical difficulties. However, given the coverage inefficiencies that are an unavoidable consequence of completely random deployment, the constrained deployment strategy was investigated to determine the efficiency gains that could be reaped by imposing minimum loading constraints. In an effort to limit the undesirable and inefficient situation in which detectors are placed close to the edge or surface of the container array, the constrained 114 deployment simulation explicitly barred the assignment of detectors to space that corresponded to the first or last (TEU) container in any row, column, or span of the array. It is unclear whether even this limited constraint would be possible to impose in practice. Constrained deployment simulation was carried out in the same manner as described above for random deployment. The only modification to the simulation schedule was the exclusion of scenarios with detectors having 45 ft. and 85 ft. effective ranges. Limited computing resources necessitated the tailoring of the simulation schedule and the excised scenarios were the most computationally intensive 1 . Table 5-8 shows the output statistics for constrained simulations. " 45 ft. range scenarios were intensive due to the large number of detectors that had to be deployed to achieve desired fractional coverages. 85 ft. range scenarios were intensive because of the large number of computations required to construct their detection spheres. 115 00 0 0 00 00 00 C r 00 C o0N 0,0 0C0 0 CC 00000C C 0 N4 0C 00 CC o0 0 0 o cc 00 00 00 N CN N N N C 0 0 CN N N N a w )M A U' N t - M a) CD LO N 0 Co a0 0) 0) NLO Cd C CO - 0) Co) 0a - 6 - a0) - a)ac 0 0 0000 a CO C O O)CDLOCr) CD O C a) a0 00c C C (I) CD 0 0 o C o CN CN c c o o Cl.c sO NV CV oi CVsC Ua , - a) sO U3 0 -~ tmB o' O. o. oo. oC oo o ooo o C 0) - ) a) ' C) N O -00 .) TCr n 0) %J 4) cu o C) CD Co0) C00 a a a o C o Co C a) Lo I o O M) ._ a 0 0 tC C) t u r. C C) DO N M 00 - T- M 0 CD CD o 0a? O 0a 0a o oo 0 0) C aV O ' V) c cM CN C c 0* o . o. 0 j C 0) 0) c: O IT 'r c N- cr c: ) - N 'T C r 00 a a 0 a 0) o Co 0 a C 0)N-CD E NC Cs an in CD 0) c~ n CO- T c CO 0) 14 O C) ) "tt C, N-a 0 0 c " t Co c OCDQb 6 (=00 It- 00 -N- - a a ~t CV CO o ) C a - t C U a 6 oc° o 0 0 0 CD 0C ' CD C) LOV00 0) D Na. COCD Ir cc CN 0 0 o c O C O001S CO O 5 C) I- cv) 0) C00 L N- ooooc N O CD C Cc Cr) Cc N O00 LO Co c , 0- 00C N t O O 00a )C00 CN 'q 0) CD cc O O O Co - a a0) a V uCo au C ~n o00 t oc o A dt CDC cD - 0 a0) a - "- O 0) '4 ." 6oo C 6 c; c oC 6 Do oM Co ooooC (aD a0) Ca C0a a0) o o o 0) N LC Cr) C ) LO N- N '0 00 0 0000 c I CN N0000 CN C Co 0 0) C CO)N CO It CO0 CDpD~?~ 6oce o;o6 o6 °0 o o c 0CD 0) a ) Cy Co ) r- CD C a C Co U 0 c) C - 0 N N a) CDa4 C 0o 0 - 0 C d C C a) a) a T U) 0 00 Co C O cc 0 CO oi Ooo O C C0 1 0o C o c j. 01 c U)C IT O C I't <D b C0 D - cC CDN 0) C cr N C Cr) CD Co co N 5q 0 0 0 6 c;c; ._ 0 o o C0 o n Lo aM ac c - 0) o V56Cr) C CD 0) C c tM C OC) O CD CD cM) 0 O o a aq CC a oo o o ) LO - - ) 00 0 0o o O CDCO u u D D D CD C)O i LO CO U 4 CO .CD o oo00000O NNNNNNN C (~ O 0 NONION O N N N O0000 0000 NJNC NC NC0 Na 0000 N CN CN CN N N O C1l N O N~ N Cl O C( ) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 ) 0) ) 0 0 0) D 0) 0) 0o) ) 0) 0 0) 0)a 1) 0 ) 0 0 ' ) 0't 0t 0t 0t 0t D 0 0 0 () CD CD CD CD CD 1 6) 0) ) ' 0) 0) C C ) .:O a ) -0 6 0 0 r- o-a0)0) 0) a-TcC oc.~ -C 0 N 0)0) C) aC aN a oCN0) oNN ao Lo Co ) C cr I co CD 0c c 0 C C CN C xr .0 O O O O , O (CD CDOD I,- N- - oi, .OC) O LOD UO a, 0 0 *_ 0 a E '1) N NV NV N N a, 0 Z.)0 E Mf, 0 UM) a, cm .3c 0 D U t, 0. M a 0) R: U )7 0o o o o ' % V V- 'T r1,'t "t" q t, t", m. - t- v- 116 o o oo D)0 0 0 t 'T'elt 't t t r t ~) O) O ) 0 =0) 0 0 0 :2-":3 "- ":3- ,It- 00000 00000 CN N (N C4 N 00 00 00 00 )) 0 00 00 00 00 D O O04 0040 0 00C000 D 0 00 00 00 )D) ')00 O0 00 D:O00 00 )) CN qN N N N J ( CN(N (NI (I C N C NI 1 0I C0 (C CN NfI ClN (N 3)(NI0) CD ) a) ,a CO"t O LO D CD NU 1. :0 O) 00 CCO 0 )0 ) CD N- CD 0) ) 1.0 D ) a) co 0 C)0 a) 0 0 o a) 0) 0) a0) ) ) O) I~ C,, 'ct e 0)-0) ao0 1- - 00 c; (D C 0 0 03 0 ) · O n 'dO ci OC a)~ m .- d c O _·, _ ) - 00 0) OD 00 '- · D O(D C5 U C 0000c o V. °O1cc (D 0 'It 0 C 0C c N d N CO t V CDvT- CD' LO CO CD CO ,- 0 Cr) sc (IN t CO CC N $ 0 l_ o -o 0o 0o ° -5 I- I Ij O °n O co.0) 0) - 0 ci m OC )6 0) , 66 C 0O CO tM o N- O D ac co.f 0O O6O 6 O O O LO0 ) 0) 00C 0000 N N N (NI (N C CDC CD C(O CO CD C N N N NC N NC O O O CODCD CO CD CO CD (1 w- C 1q X llt ll~ - ~--m X) Il I, .ql V O LO LO L 0 01 t LO 10 N C N NC . N D CD g0 j 0) 5 D D - I D ) 0 0a - LO O N_- CN CD O CO - CY) C (V) o CO)O 0 co 'C oI 0 0 0 0 CD CD a) cOLO'IT I-) LO 'IT O0 coN :)5C56C5 0 0 0 c0 OCDO0) 00 0 °) 3 C) CN C D 0c0 0 a 0 Ca 0CY DO 0 0 O r) CDD 00 L.O N0N. C 0 i.OU.O . 1 CD CC 0O CO CD D (0O C C Nw o 0 CY) CY) N- N'r-a 04CO 0 CD0 U') c aa D o o o O ,r- CD CD CD C C .N O 0 c - a 0a a o oo j ) CO T O LO1C O C U- L) O - - N- 0 OO N CS04 CNN N' N T CD C 6;B O 3) D00O CO OO O . O i.o C C a) a) a) ) a a) a a) a) a) C) c a) a) ) ) a) ) a) ) Ca a) ) CT Ct Ct 'T Ct Nt C' Nq N- 'C t C C N C N N C CNC C~lN C C C CN N C 117 D OCD cO CD CC CO CO CO CD CC CD (0 C ~- CN - VI CD ,, O1 O O Cf) t-a0Cv)M L CY) N'q D U' s0 N-~ C 0 N N C N C N N N C N N C C N C0 C q- yTt - 1 CD CD (O CD o C CD CD C 0) 0-tc0IO - 5 0- 0o 0o CO CD NNC 2 0 0) 00 C) 0 COa) r) 0 co D t co 0, CD O0 a 0 0 C 0 0 j O 0 CD c. - O O 00 O) O O CD OCDCO Cq C CC 0 D CD C N CN C C N CN V 0 D 0 0) C d N N N N N N CO a) a) Ca 0) 0 w- O N Y O0 C 0 10 1.0 1.0 10 1.0 1. CO O) N CD 0CO't cc 1v OI N) C ( 0 0 1. D O LO CD X1 CO N- 0 D D 00 D CY) CY) 10 00 't U) X) C o C0 r0Cl 0 0 00 O 0 "Cr OOlt 5 C c5 c5 c5 LO -CY ) OcO O O N 1. N- I-t a) O1. to I- 1. D 0) CD (N (N O O )co~ a) 6 a Cl c s; Ir) Cf 'T CO C C) 0) co Lt LO) 0 O5 CO P- r) t 06 0 LO 10 1.0 C CO N * 0tO 0a a : NI 0) 0) C) 0) V)O 0) a 0) D 360 6ooo j6606~)0j O D v) 6, r CD C_ OD >0000 O cO C'1 C ) O 00 0 d' 00 CD -N)OO O) - 0 0N O U. 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N N N N N N Cs N CNN N 0 N N N N CS N CN N N N Ci C C C C C C C Cr C) C Cl') Cl') Cl C) Cl C' C) C c) cr - O N 0)C o 0 CO c) j6ooo OC C cq CV)C ),00 0 0O)N j66oo g- (CDCoD V- :DO1. C 'q C) Ce " - Co .- C1 (Co !.N N. C LO T d - C) N) N CO 0 CV)0) o Co N a) O0 0 c5 c O c OR C C- ·n CJ)Cn c5 0 c5 CDC) 0) 00 N) - D 0C') 0t Cl to O - C)o CD 0 O O O N C a) c) '-10 Co a) a) na) t 6 066 O o 0 v 0 O)o O O O ° jdd 0 0 0 C 5 c C; c c OOOOO0C 0 0 0 0O I0 . o0 Co Co T- - )M N ) 0' '*T 0) CDC CoC) 1t 0> 0 NO OC OO O o* 00 CO) CoJ) 0) ICo N Co CD C 0 t Q C v- UDl '- 0)CD- 00C 0 0 00 0 - 0 % CO CO CO N 5c5 0 D 0 0 0 0 D o3 o o, oD o c) 0 CO 0CJ) O, Q>C07 0 '- -O T ' 1- L- O 'IlV- Il LO - - T - . LO O O 1 U 10 10 O LO L u VI' CO O 0 0 0Co coO00 Co 0 C 0 O 00 C C CO 0o0 0Coo ,, t ' ,r N 0 rO O C · r· ~T- . 't 119 ItT I- O0 O00 0 *t V I C 't2*"t ' ) 0CN C') CO Co 0) -0)NC 100)0 0 Co0)o 0) o q0 0 00 r Co Co oN oT N C!', ol uo ')o 'It M N 10 c 10 N CIO LO LO CD 00D - N CJ) 0 ) 00 o O o oa) a) C) a)a) '- O CO O )o Cl' C o C dCt CtO CNr a0 L0 O t c - N N : v- 0 0Nl 0N- C .0 L LO N N IV) C CN N Cs C 0 00 '- LO L '- ' U - C '- - ) U =;6 0 Uo O O 00 Co N N N N N s N C C CC CO . 0 C CN O I, -N Dc) CY 0 0 %-T-- L) C C O O V LO LO L u - 1 V- l- O O 0 0 0 0 C OOOOC o o 00 0 0 C O 0 0 0 C 00 o OOOOC~` I OD 000 000 )000000 )000000 N Ci (I CN J CNN CN1(N N 0 00 0 O O 0 O1 C C' %IN -t CO N 0 C '00 'It COo) 0) 0) 0) 0) -00 M OC cO i O) C OO CD C O '( OC D I. I- N 1 C :D C1 0 - L) f-. 0)NCD CN CN (Cu C ) D 0 0 00 - - ICD 0 CD - 0 00 0 CD 0) 0 O C0 5 ,N 0~ 't0 (0 4- tD 6 CD0)CD) 0) 000 N 0 CDIt C ) c 0 D 00co cO 0) O 066066 0 't N- CD00 OO0000 0 CD CD CD CD CD I N N CO 0C e C) C") C, CD) C s w00 mo 0) r S VCO f - 0) 0)C oU:~~~~~ CD w CD ws C m : 0 ~Sn C0 0 ~~~= C5 0 . O CO) * q - - - - N'- rD D (0 oD 1-c 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 j.)°)tj ) 00 N4 N4 CD 0) 0) 0) 6 0 CNI C0 c." r) t-- (NI o O o~ CO O Cd 00000 lD Ln to C D D D C, C rQ D ( Cq CD v0 O 0CD00 000 0 D O UD LD UDO00000 O n .) O O UI) O U' c 00 0 IC 00 CO) C) 0 C) s s ss CD 0 D :i c - ' CC y) V' N (D cO t CS 0 0c 0) 0 000ci C; O aO Q, Q O rN000 C4)'' N CV) 't O CO s 0 c O O CO (D .O uL) L LD u CD CD D Co (0 . o00 CO Oc Co C Co C0 (C' 0 m 0 Cf) C) : ') m) ('E CY) C) C) - V- V- V- I - N C0 CD D C 00000 O- 0000 C C") '- O CD C 000000C 00000 0o Co 0OCC 0t 0 0 t C l C 0 00 00 X) 0) n CD U (N CD O 00 O LO O 0) )c CD0 Nl O I) N Co "4 N3 6 N N 01D0 CD O C) 0CY) 00\ 66C 0 0 t , N NIJv o CD CN C 00 U) C) N 0 c6 c .i O C O O O 0 CY O LO 0 N0000 V0 00 0 'IT~ 'I Uc 0 D - N '0 O 0 00 OC). . )C0 . . C j O sCD rN CD 0 0 O0 N £ 006 0 CD . N0D 06 co N ') C) to NOt 0 t N O 000 oo0666 D : 0 )V- DOO0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N o Uo I, 0) ) CD - 0C (D 4 Ct') CD C N 0 C) c c) C I, ') N N CV 0C CoDT- t 0) - 0) C(DC C '-N N ITN m c- corl t 0) N C) ) O I- 0 00 0 L 0 O N L O 00 t .CN 0 R 0 CD - r-- - r, N CD 0 N N' 'IT q O 0 DO CD 0) 0 CD , N 0 O,(NJ 0 c O)0)N 0C.D0 00 0) ' 15D) 0) ) o Ir 00) 0) 0) 0) 0 0a T) 0) o O O zj 6OoO (OC c5 5 0~ O; c c O 0 O - 0T L 1R0l 0)t OR ) cD o 0 dy O 10(3 C) CD =O O - CD O 00 000 ON. .0). .,0) D LO 0 o 0 N CO CD(Ot L C) 0) 0) D N ) Ct co CD ) 0 U)CDOCD o UO OOO CD 0 (D N 0) )) 0)N CD '0t 'C0) 0 O)0 0 0000300 C O j5 OO 0OOC000 OOiC co C C N N tSo 0 't r) U) 000c 0 00 I.NCNNL 0 00 o, N ' 0) C N NJ0) D) -*- 00 0 CO C oa : 0 0 0 0CJ 0CN N0 0N DOOOOO 0 0 0C% 0 C0 N(N CI N C0 0 0 0C N N N N (N :4 N N N N NJ - 0 rl U0 - 0) cr) c (Y 0 LO Ta0 CDO -t CDCDU) 0 0) - 00 CO N c 0) 't s0 c) .:00 ') 00) a0) CD0)0) 0) 0) =; C C; 00 0 0 0 0 C; 06 o, 0 0 0 cN No oN 0 N N N N C C0000 Ir r -. I' -I- OOOOOC O 0 0 C m co C) C 0I, I0 V00 C 000 - N N N N " C Co c C) c Il 0) 0 0) 0 O co 0O c OCD 0O D C CoD (C CD CO CD cD (C cD CO CD C Cdt Dt ( (0O QD CD D C4DQ CIOCD CD co Q CD CD CD 120 0 00 - N- - - C 00 00 oo6606 D O O10 CO "N N C) C) O .O U) C L i) UC N N N N N N- O 00 ) CV) Cf) C V- IrlV- , I- - N i V,%1- ,l- o C 0) - 0)C 3)D - V- 'w"T- C) T- ',,"' '%'"' C C 0cD 0c 0D O co CD tCD dt d D t CD (0 C C C C o 0 00 0 ao 00 c) Cf) C co, -. I- I- N'- ' ,- - r t C O Cd't( O D c Q N O ,D 'I,. co o 0oc 0 o0oc 0 ', - CC C o. Cl)'- c)a o6o 00 cCDND c; Qa ( 00oo 0 6d c r (o I CO - ( CCC c oo C L L 0O O o oC 0000 m CY) C) Ce) (0 CD ( 121 For ease of inspection, the mean fractional coverage volumes for each scenario and reference array are plotted in Figures 5-18 through 5-22. Coverage vs. Detectors (1440 TEU) 1 0.9 o. o 0 * R50 ° 0.8 L o0 * R 55 R 60 R R65 x R70 C o 0 t * R75 + R80 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Numberof Detectors Figure 5-19: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 1440 TEU array [Constrained] 122 Coverage vs. Detectors (2496 TEU) 0.9 ._ * R50 g 0.8 o I. 0 a * R 55 R 60 R65 *RR70 + R75 +R 80 o 0.7 I 0.6 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Numberof Detectors 30 35 40 45 Figure 5-20: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 2496 TEU array [Constrained] Coverage vs. Detectors (3600 TEU) 1 + 4· a 0.9 II· * 0.8 .2 :9 S 0 +· I~' +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:-,, i···: ii R 60 RR65 0~· 0.7 .2 0 "~· *R 50 *R 55 * R70 R75 :~~ +R 80 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'·i· C I 0.6 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Numberof Detectors Figure 5-21: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 3600 TEU array [Constrained] 123 Coverage vs. Detectors (4800 TEU) 0.9 0 E * R50 * R55 f 0.8 1! R60 RR65 x R_70 0o 0 0o 0 * R75 + R80 = 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 10 20 40 30 50 70 60 Numberof Detectors Figure 5-22: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 4800 TEU array [Constrained] Coverage vs. Detectors (6460 TEU) U; -4 + 0.9 2 + . X y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l: i:~' :·· I a 0 0, 0.8 + La 0 0 X 'a IL +* * R50 * R55 x. R_60 R_65 x R_70 .i S 0.7 0.6 x , J; . 'e' I : . ,of ,- *R_75 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.·.:: : "-. , +R 80 · ' . D' ec , '· . 't , '~· ' ...' ''',~ ·'::' · ·- , ' ' g ' , ',?.'' ,' S;",''. '',t ' j ; :; 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Numberof Detectors Figure 5-23: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 6460 TEU array [Constrained] 124 The number of detectors needed to provide 75%, 85%, and 95% coverage for each scenario were estimated in the same manner as described in the previous section and results are shown in Table 5-9. Table 5-9: Estimated number of detectors needed for various scenarios [Constrained] Constrained Depl ent 1440 2496 3600 4800 6460 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 9 12 21 7 10 18 6 8 15 14 20 38 12 16 28 9 13 23 20 28 51 16 21 39 12 18 31 25 35 65 20 28 50 15 23 40 33 48 86 26 37 65 21 29 51 0.75 5 8 11 13 18 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 7 11 5 7 11 4 6 11 19 8 10 16 7 9 15 25 9 12 20 8 11 18 32 11 16 28 10 13 24 43 15 20 36 15 20 0.95 9 14 18 23 35 0.75 0.85 4 5 6 8 7 10 9 11 11 15 0.95 9 13 15 20 26 Range (ft) Coverage 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Capacity (TEU) When the numbers tabulated above for constrained deployment are compared to the random deployment results shown in Table 5-7, the differences are not particularly striking. Surprisingly, very little is gained in terms of coverage efficiency by constraining placement in containers along the surface of the array. It appears, that by excluding placement in such a large volume fraction of the total container array, that inefficient overlapping was promoted in the center. This seems to have offset efficiency gains that were realized by limiting coverage volume "losses" at the surface of the array. Double assignment effects also played a larger role in the constrained simulation because the (xyz) term in Eq. (9) was smaller due to the imposed placement constraint. 125 5.5 Centerline Deployment Centerline deployment, where detectors are optimally distributed along the length of the middle row and column of the container array, is the least secure of the examined deployment strategies, in terms of concealing the location of detection units. It is also dubious as to whether this approach would be logistically feasible in practice. However, the completely constrained nature of this strategy does afford extremely efficient utilization of detector coverage. As a result, this deployment approach is useful for establishing a lower bound for the number of detectors that would be needed to cover a vessel with a given capacity. This lower bound can also be used to quantify the coverage efficiency losses resulting from full randomization. Since the imposed constraints dictate that detectors could only be placed along the centerline of the reference arrays, the geometry of each scenario was uniquely specified so only one calculation (as opposed to multi-run Monte Carlo analysis) was needed to determine the coverage. For the purposes of these calculations, the centerline of each array was assumed to consist of 40' containers to more accurately model arrays encountered aboard actual containerships. It was further assumed that detectors were only placed in the center of these full-sized containers. The first scenario for each reference array would place a detector in each of the available full containers along the centerline. The next scenario would place detectors in every other container, then every third container, and so on. Sometimes using placement patterns of this fashion did not uniquely specify the arrangement of detectors. For example, if detectors are to be placed in every third full sized container and there are 15 containers along the length of the centerline, then the desired placement pattern can be realized with an equal number of detectors when the pattern is begun with a detector in the first, second, or third container in the line. Whenever there were degrees of freedom associated with which container to place the first detector in, the coverage for each available geometry was calculated and the arrangement with the highest coverage was used. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 5-10. 126 0 4) N CO O 0 COCOCoaCa 0o m L. COO0)0 O q (D t - COOC) CCo o CO Oo C CN oo0 CLO 04O I Co a oC oo o C o60) C;C)O' 1-0000 0 0 0 LO 0o o oo cC o d·t-t aC CO 0 C O L 0 N 0) Co C 00o CON N )o O sCD QO C 0 a) UON a C0) CO N o 0o 0 if 0 0) a N Lr o0) ooocci6 : 00)CO o C) CD CDOo0 ) acC oo a) 6 C; o oa) ' a LO t C) c( 0 LO 'tI -- 1- ) CN 0O.C) "ILO "I C O CI C It- LO" C 4 0OCLOI'll COIC) V-U" "T ) (N C O . w cn o ca 00 a, L C - CV) CO c CO5 U)5 L "V) - ) 1 ) - ) V) -C 0(1C - n - V- - C). ) CO M V) C (V ) in V) -Cy - - r- MV) 1- - - - rV) 0- U) CVN C t N Ms st U') 2'- ' 2' 2~a, 0 0 0 i O bb2-111~I -1 aUi 0 0 0 LU Wi wi Wi iL iL W Lu 0 L LJ CV "C0 L C0 C) t LO L, 2' L2 2 2 0 La0 a,0 w w aL IWWW 0 0 L0 WWWW UJ WWWW> ~uLU WU rC n N CO t LO 0 L1 C 2' =COLO 2 'D Cn) 0N a 0 - )0)w0 ww llii UJ > > LU>>·L iuwwWW In 0 0E 0 a 0 a 0 C C 0 0 -j 0 0000 1-Ir - 1- - 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000 1- - - - - I- - - - - 1- - - - - ._ E 0 1- - VI - - 1- o- o C 0 bItU 0 t t t T T0 0000 0 n) cm C m - O )LO LO n LO O LO LO 0 O O UO rO LO O U)LO O 00000 co CD co CO O .O CO O COC oco coo 00000 s . N. rNN O CO LO . N. N '- 0 l 00000 0000 00000 00000 00000 0000 000 N N C N 02 cm` N C0 N C CN CN N C C N N N C C N CN N C0 CN C0 C N C C C C NNNV ( C'm 4-.R 0 E *C O_ o 0 = )n0_UI 0) 0) 0)Dm) ) ) 0) ooo000 0 ,It. ) ) ) ) 0) C) CD a) m)O)C0) ) 0 0 0) ) Om 0) O0 'CCL 0 m 0 L 00o0o o0o ~ ~j ml'~w· o o tooo It t I'l' 't 00000 1- 127 - 1- 1- 1- 00000 00000 000 44 1- w' 4 1- - 44.'14 '4 1- 0 o0 )O ON )00-r-_9-- -o v 00 C C o o c 04 ) 9- t O ° sr cn 0D I- D _ 0IO - C) C Q- .- 0 o ) CC - ) 9V a) L C L)- Lo ,U Li >' >Vq' u L L o0 00 0T- Vc L r CNi 000 LO it C a, LL W W W IL LjuJ L L 0) C 0) O C 4' , 0 0 0 0 C C CS ) 0) 0) C ,'t "It't ' t N ON 2 2 2: ?t-- Ln I CY)0 u U-- u) TN 04 C WWW 9.- W C) C V- - ) 0 o Un) o L0 Ln C C N N N N N C0 N N N N C0 C C 94-t t'9 4 9 4 '94 L LL C.( CD ) ) C 0) ) 0) 0) 0) C 9 0 N1 C N N N CN N C N N CqV 128 L I Ot , - I,, L IC , Wi W1 W i LU > W C) Cv C) Cr "- CN 9 ) t-= ) CV)CV)c CY)CO 9- 9- ( V" DO C ) 0) ) 4 N C N 9 ( CD ( N D C NV- 9- . D Vt t t I C I D N 0 (CO(COco D V- T- CN4 9. oo 0COO0(D cC 00coDcC N ON C C C N C 0 _ *-~ N CNN N NV cO ( D) 0) 0) Co( 0) 0) - ) >i)0) 00) 0 U W WWUW 9- 0n nLOn u u u: n Lnun un u: I I I DC (Y) C C 9 ci) ci c ) m CN - M0 C ) CO cO CO CC oDc CoDcD CcO NNCV( CCC CD (co CD CO 0 4T 4t 94 O O V) C CY CV c- NNN N N C' N CI C1 N C OC C N1N 0) 0) 0) C N *v9 V9. 0 00 OC 0)D C0O ) ) )( - L0n (CO C 'I i> uL D cO cO L N MV c) rC) U t3 Li - LO Lu LO Lr 110 14 Ill 1 cLOCM - -- -UNCV C) en e Ut; , wN U LU L J U -- ?t- Ib e) CO)C) C) C) cV) e) c) C CC rt 't > CD C) ) cON CO)CD IOn c00 N ) co cT CON ) c -. LO r. co ) 0) 00 O Oc o o o d o od d o d o o C o NCv)jLOr' W Z WC C14C) W a) n u O 00 N4NN I t, )) Co 0)coc Occ ) -0-00) C0) C cj T- - - 0 C) L cc 0 cO 0 0 o O0 co 0 C4 s Ln t ? V) 9 O 0 00 OC NC .,. 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O O 0 C .- 0 0 0 C OD OO D CD cD D C) m) C) - Cm) C) - - CO C ) C) ) ) D I.. 4- ) 0 0) d O O CO -66ddc C C4 C% M.T C C )OCD 0) 00 CD T r- I - C-a c -a - CU) ) u) oo LLJ W Ui LL IL iU) Lo O C 0 0nM Cv) 0 C) 0 M V- T- IV, 00000 O 0 0 C CY) CV) C) L V nV) C) NC N N C C C N N (JN ( 4- U I D Ofl WWW) 2 W 2 a) > > > 0 0000 N CN (NI C '- C 'c WWUJW U LLU 0 ICDi > -S LO 0c n CD U CnUC CD D CD (o CD C 0000 - i r S Cv) 't .- N t It U) - DO ) 0) ) - -00000 C) 'Itt 0o 00000 D CD CD C O 00 c - a 2'N 0) U) ) ) CD c CD U) o CD C" cL U a) Li w` LU wW LLJiLL O u L io n L. C iCD 0U LoO U) L: 0D 00 c0Dc0 T-I L) UC) ) LO 0 UC)CD U) CD ILn C) 5) C NC) (U) 0 O O O O 0 CD C a0 ) 0) - 0) ) 0) 0) - U) nc 'a -0 = = = C C Cy)IT toco > N C) T CO c 03 C C C0 w 00 I D 2' 2' 2' 2^, J a a)U)U) U) LI)a , L) l >>>> > 11 a,WWWWW WWWW l Ul L 11 Ul L) U) L I- r- C00U) 0 1=. (N CC) - CD c CCV - - - - C C N - T- N C N (C 0r 00000 - - - C CV 000000 u n C) (c) 00000 - Cr) C - - C" C) C V C) 0N CN 04 C 04N C CV CD C C C C) CV CV)CV) ) CV) C)CV) C0 C 130 - - N,- - 00 0) C C) c) C) IVV) CC)O CC CV Cy C0 O O OO c C OC 0 0 0 c O 0 00cD 0 c O O0 O0 0 0 0 00 C CO D CO c cc CD D CD C CODQ C) C) C) - '4 T' V- 1* T CN CN N CN CN O CDO C I- ·e , T C) CV) C?) C) C v 000 CN N CN 000 000 C (4 co c co C) cr) ) LO - - ) 0) 0 0) o r- D0 Co - t'N 00 P-CoN :)) O 0 0) o CD ) O 0 ) - 0 0 - 0 ) I)O -- 00 O a) (O oo C 00 5) Co t:. '- Go c) O D) C) t 'D 0O 0) C) C- ..O D ) 't CO ON N o66 · -: o Z -- C0'OC -0 1CO -'el' 4'- oo- C U)U (0 Co-t -t )2 - t- 0 NI M )t C - N4 C') t 2'- U) 2 U)U 2 2 > 2>> Li i,,, U) 0 -",O T-U) VU) V-O T-U LI) O O 0CY) C) 00000O fC C CY)C OOC 00000 O CN N C Cl C 10 0 C) ut uto ' VI' NN .) C') () CY ' C CN N .T I C CY) C) C) C)C CN N N C C) Cl) Cm Cf) C C) tO C O O) I V~ IV , >, LLW LLJ L Co (o CD co O D CD CD C - T- f WC IO ,OtO O O It IV- T C - - V- o o I a) W ) lll LjW - O 00000 n U) to tou) Io C) C V) C) C . t I.O I n O CO CoD(O CO (D CO. C 00 0 0 V LO O On O -,- - T- T- 0 0 0 0o L- D (0 CD o (D CO D CD(o CO Cs CN N N C N CN C') C C N C) 'IT r- tO LO f W Tc c/)" C 'tW W W) Z T O O D Co CO*- ii a) 11 Lj L W U I N N4 N N C 0a) D 0) - 2WW to . C V 0 .- -"- - 04 - 0 )D CO c c t2 o -U U25 z t WWa) - cCl' c o I- I C) O O0000 tn uO IO tO ) o O O000 r MI 0. (DCD GO-00 C~ ce) 5 5 c c c. C) 2 2'2 ( -D'- N v- 0 - T-T U)U) CD) >1N O T CoD t -t _~ 0 0 0 00 C 00000 C CN C, I OOC O 0O O OOC 0 00 00 0 CC CD .o CI co O (oCO D r C) to CY) jdCo C;acooCCc; 'a C L- I O Co to0 o 0o 0o CN - C) Z5 'O -c z CD C C WaW IjJ UJ X) Co Co Co Co Co, t -0 CDO (o CD O 0 cO LO 5- - 0 M M C 0 C - r-T cy r· C- LWW L LLWW 0U) - t - 2 00 C U)U) ) C') -C s sc U) U C) N ) 0o) 0 O0 CO (.0 q- N CY) TLO (D W > WLLU UJ LLJ > >>> WWWWW LO t C D - LO Co J) WWW Ll oo o o 3 5 oc C c c5 - CvT)NC 0 I C) cN ( c s) a) Cv) ' - O - C O0 0 0 . I I C I, ., , - - - O U) CO Co NN NN N C N C) Cv) C) C ) C - CO:CY)C C'N CO C) C 0000 V O L) L) to LO )O tO Lo LO It '!- 0000C 00 0 00 C Tl ITT 0000 0000 o o CO o 00 o C O0 0 00 0 Co 0 00 00 00T C co oc 'I C0 0 C Co 0 00 aq) cc0o 'IT 'I, T 1 "r 14 l' ' ' m ' ~' ' ~' ml '~ ~1 131 D't C)( Ot 1 r O) 0 0 C N- -0 ) a) o Cr ) 00 o DD I-O I-DC) - CLO CO - o) T30) o CD.0 -NCL0 n) C ) (D O D O )) CO t LO CY) (.0 3 ) r- (N ) ) 0) D U) J N C 0( r- D u) C) 0( D '0 '0 1) a) 0) N- o 10 D 0) 0) D (D C s 0C; - a). 0 . 00 0C 0 0O 0O rO C. . 0 0; 0 6 6 D)0O, O 6 C It)~ '- -00000 CY) D 00 CD : C) ww C s 'a C 2> -- '.0(0 ) ct 1)0 (D 't Z- - C M 2' -2= ) CD W 0 C M " Cc - N C4 I- C c - _0 = a))) Wa) C'4 C "It ct Co N - liJ L i IWW C C/ M C ,e Cr) 'O CO (OD Cl) c C )Z .- C) C - M == c LO to C .I U LWWWJ L LWL LJ CU c cs - Lo - - cN C ii 0)0)0)002 ( WWW F)0- - a) 2' 2' ?at a> Q a, a, > V' 0 .CC 0 ) CW C W 'C ' 2^ cuC4' LO C L LLI LU LL WWWWW Li W I) .D ,- , -' = -'= a) > Ll D O joo666 slC . ) O) C) (. CD -- C CN) ) OCD 000-C D ) C) N N i O O O CO 't U C14 -V O C - fl LO 'I ) WCC _ 'n n rcV VVCS L. C . >- lC 0 Q 2' W 2' ) ) 0 - u >, > >> LL U L LL CC 2' 2 ( (D (CD ( O C I- - O '. (CC( OC U)L '4- O C O C CO c ':1- OOO- oOOOC 'w" ~ ~ x- '0 IU) L O ' 'T- CD O C(D D O Co (D (O C )) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )0) 1rl 0 OO-0 O C '- " (D (D C( - 0000 L Ln O O n un ~-I_ r- fs I- r U It ' (0 CD OC .4 00000 ( ( LO(0 (0 It ( u) V- It- - V- - - c '- C U0I 0 00 - - COO 00 O VI' (O (0 U( It ( - LO ( I '4 .) UL . 0o 0Cc ' V (0 (0 It V' 0 00 c 0 Co0 CO 0 CO 0 CO 0 aC 00 00 0 0 0 O 0 a Co 0CO 00 a CC) OD CD ODCC ( ( ( (0 mr l '~', 'e '' 'l 132 CO0 00 0 0 a C (0 (0 (T (T a, N V- - "r- u) LO " U) O T I 1T t O0 O 0 O NN-Nl4-- 00000 00000 O 0 C) O C C V- V- - --s VIs l VV- (D(t C ( (D( I- T- - 00000 CD CD C (Da( O D (D C( CDCDo C t O CD 0) C) ) 0C O 0oOu jddd I. ) CY) D 0 N- 0 oo '--wToCO N- oc N o CO ) n ) O - O I- O'UI O DcO -N0 CV)C i C 0 C 0 0= N 3) (CD C0 ) 0 00 0C 0 - 0 0 0 0 00 O )t U) C) u C N C CN Ml ` - - U) CI)C) C CY) L-_ CD a) U wL C) 0LO CO C O 2' a)a W 2 LWLW ' 0 a) lI V - C / U uz C UM 04T C ito iI- CN C M (0 Wa) ) ) u ) WWUIWW O 0 CD 0 CD 00D - r o o0 0 0DOO CC CD 00000C CD CD CD O CC CT CD CD 'CD Ct ' (O (.0 Cto Ir C oo OL j 0o 00 0 Cl 0 L CD C ) ) 0) 0) C 0) 0 O LOO'.0 )O t) Lr CC CD cD C CS CD Cc ) C) C) C) CC - U) C) o I-C ) O 0) N-c) C CO c CDCO ) 0) ) 0 CDLO 0o o 65666 c5 o CO o0 oo 0 - Lnd' M Q I- 0 0,1N-- Lo ) 2:X,LL) L , W UWWWW C C N C ) s ii ?-)(D D N5 0 Q -v- - ' N C) "T LOtCD J -t COC) 't - N- cl) cl C C ci - C 04 ' U) = t d -T Nv ao, @, ia) a) 0 CO 00 CO cD CO O 0C 0D0 CO 00 CC COCC ' C C) C) CV) C C C C C: Cr) T CC O10O 't ) 0 1- Lo - -T 't S W L W .n LO LO ILO LO U) 1D LO U t UO ) C CO C 00 00 C0 00 1-0 'D -0 t _~ 3) 0) 0) 0) C) 0) ) 0) C) 0) ) 0 r - - N- N- - ! C C - CN ,- O C co m;' t CO co CD T 5(V) GO - - L- C .- V VS 0) 0) a ) 00 0 OD cO CV) C) C) N 4 _; _ L- CD CD CD LO C N- - L) - N- - ; ) IW Wi WWiW W LW LiWW UW ) 0) ) 0 0) or _I. VI 0 0 0 0- Nl- - ~- C C N C) T LD CD ) ) ) 0) o) 0 3) 0) 0) 0) 0) C - ) 00000 CO 00 00 C 00 cOD C CD Cc 00 CO 0D CO CO CC cO Co CO OD CO Cc CV) CO C) CY) ) C) ': -, C C C) CV) CV) C: 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 C OOr- OO OC OOOOOC 0 00 0 0 C -VI T v - N- N- D CD CD CD C IT, . V ss s s s F N- N- N- N- - N- N 0 CO 0CD CD0 O C CD Q C) - CD C CDctD to4:3CD 3' CD '4 co Cl C CC CD CD D CD CD C co 133 N,- D CDC(D oD CD C (CDCO i N- - - - - N- - N- N- - r V- If 0 O O O 0 C CD CD D CD cD CO CD coD CD C D C V- cD C>DCD CDC CD CD co CD CO C' oo ~ a) O0 O O o- C) C sO r C\ r vc- oO a) or: s LO'DIU) LL) C CD ) C c I- 0 a 7dd CC ? r- llJ LL LI UJ 11j (7 ) av ) ) C3) 0 CO LO DO CO 0 U00 0o o o 0- coLOU oo 00 o00 000000 CO D CD O D cO (D CD (D (D D '(0It(ItIt ( ( (cc)co It cI 134 For ease of inspection, the fractional coverage volumes provided by selected detector loading patterns 1 2 in each reference array are plotted in Figures 5-23 through 5-27. Coverage vs. Detectors (1440 TEU) .. 1.0 i .· lj ·· ·· ii. ...· · li·' ·· · i: r.i .i cFd: i i· · 0.9 :· "- -s -0 : E _= 0.8 .i i *··IL· ;I·1 : i 03 ::· : '·. D T: .·· .; i: E ; :pc·; i· L m 0.7 ·i· i":- 1· .t i" " '? ;;· · ·· i·C , ""' i.·.'';··i 1· U e1U : ·. 1 -i .J 0.6 ':"'t' :··· ·· , l":ar:i -- R65 -"· '··85 :·, -- "' j ". 0.5 ;I· r?· "Ir i :I-;;'; r :·· i-··· · :;· i -;-·1·· -:-q-?-p-··i-?·; - R_80 -R 85 -i ;·· ;i i :'··· :I'i: ;i- -7*XI*---n;r; '::,;;:··· '····- ·. :· ··-· :: Y- iS!1""'.` a zr· ' iir.. jre .it .1· 0.4 ?d ·;1 r ·! : ·-1 -- i· 0.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Numberof Centerline DeployedDetectors Figure 5-24: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 1440 TEU array [Centerline] 12 When two or more loading patterns resulted in the same number of detectors being deployed, only the result from the pattern with the highest fractional coverage was plotted. 135 R_-70 -- R_75 '· Ila R_45 R_50 R_55 -RR_60 i .;·1..,. j --- 't;',·r i· Coverage vs. Detectors (2496 TEU) 1.0 0.9 0.8 E 0 -e-- R_45 0.7 -- R50 Ol R_55 - R60 R65 o 0.6 -* 0.5 R-70 -- R75 -R80 iL I 0.4 R-85 R 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Numberof CenterlineDeployedDetectors Figure 5-25: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 2496 TEU array [Centerline] Coverage vs. Detectors (3600 TEU) r·: 1.0 y· 0.9 :(::· · :· 0.8 -:L E -e-- R_45 -- R_50 R_55 "R_60 --- R65 -- R_70 > 0.7 '::-"T:·.r: r·'-i;. -·. -· -. · 0 :-:" ·ti ;· ·" I:E4S?i'r :·F-· 0 0.5 I V// 0.4 *Q< r | . A. . In ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ -·_LI k a se nrrsS a E :, W z aa z ew.r s s s Ac;i·;-·;·t·e r,·T·i-:n------·i·--r -r~~~'·w'r;2;;,. ,·.· .;·; ' ,,,: o, ·r·--·Y·--_ -;1 . ...; 0.3 "··."li·.:.:i: 0.2 1···-- ,- · ::r:...sar·:: ''' ;r-·i·::r*ma··.i· -:;-··zlni . 2 3 I I zm.X;,,;_ R-R-80 --- R 85 :: Hill 0.1 t 1 --- R75 ·· ? yi :·: IPSP, i--:Q,;··:1·· 4 5 6 ''c .: .··i: :·bi r· : i"t'i· " : 2* ' 11 12 L ;·· ... `;='"f il.·'. \1J":;'"- .· -. ,·· ·-'" -. : 7 8 9 10 13 14 Numberof CenterlineDeployedDetectors Figure 5-26: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 3600 TEU array [Centerline] 136 w Coverage vs. Detectors (4800 TEU) 1.0 0.9 0.8 E 0.7 -eR_45 - R50 o 0.6 I- R60 e o0 R-55 0 R-65 R70 I--R 75 R-80 -- R 85 U. 0 - -- 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Numberof CenterlineDeployedDetectors Figure 5-27: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 4800 TEU array [Centerline] Coverage vs. Detectors (6460 TEU) 1.0 -·:· ·;··?. 0.9 I· ·-L; .i-· `·· `I i -·I-··' 'I'·:"r" :· 0.8 0 E 2 0.7 .·' :· :1 · 0.6 . i ,· r--) 0.5 irbi_. ; .· ·· · ·i; · ·. .·-.- r-l · Ir -·=.?.-· ' .·· "' -·· ··· --- :: 'I :: - · i d: ·1- i· ·:- LI 0.3 ; ·I ,i-. -" · ; · · · :·;' ·· = : c· ,.i :· t:: ir: Y.··, ·'! ... i .'T·-' i:- : :. ··· ': "::· :·' R65 ·· I 0.1 - s·· ., ·-··Z;'· ... I I ··i".·:.·:.:?·':j"i· :- :·--YL-rf"C: i;. . 0.2 "-:;'i":':' -·; .r ·-i .. · ·. · R_50 R_55 I R60 --- R_70 +-- R_75 R_80 -;r ;·:·-.a 0.4 R 45 -- ,· ·..XII:ri.rr.:·.rl c - · ., : ·i 3'.' ·· .· ' -·-. :;-· I*' -1 '-" · "1";`::7'F:':"'' ":' · ; "':':i·1·':· .,' " ·'· 0.0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Numberof CenterlineDeployedDetectors 16 17 18 19 20 Figure 5-28: Coverage vs. Detectors plot for the 6460 TEU array [Centerline] 137 -- R85 The number of centerline deployed detectors needed to provide 75%, 85%, and 95% coverage for each evaluated range and reference array are shown in Table 5-11. Table 5-11: Estimated number of detectors needed for various scenarios [Centerline] Centerline Depi Range (ft) 45 50 55 60 oment Coverage 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 Reference Array Capacity (TEU) 1440 2496 3600 4800 6460 5 7 10 5 5 7 4 5 5 4 4 5 3 10 N/A N/A 6 9 N/A 6 6 10 5 6 7 5 N/A N/A N/A 8 13 N/A 7 8 N/A 5 6 9 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A N/A 7 12 N/A 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A N/A 8 65 0.85 4 5 5 7 15 70 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 4 3 4 4 3 6 4 5 5 4 7 4 5 6 4 14 4 6 8 4 N/A 7 8 19 6 75 0.85 3 5 4 5 7 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 4 2 3 3 2 3 3 5 3 4 5 3 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 7 4 5 7 4 4 5 9 5 6 8 5 5 6 80 85 Depending on the effective range of the detection unit, there are some levels of coverage for certain reference arrays that cannot be achieved through the use of detectors deployed exclusively along the centerline (denoted in Table 5-11 as N/A). However, in cases where the range is sufficient to provide desirable coverage using only centerline deployment, the deployment efficiency resulting from the preferential placement attendant to this approach allows high levels of coverage to be achieved with a significant economy of detection units. 138 5.6 Deployment Comparison The most germane comparison that can be drawn between the deployment strategies examined in the previous sections is to contrast the number of detectors required by each method to achieve given levels of fractional coverage when faced with identical range and array capacity scenarios. Since constrained deployment was not found to hold any significant efficiency advantages over random deployment (despite its stealth and logistical disadvantages), only random and centerline deployment will be considered in the following analysis. Table 5-12 shows the number of detectors required for each scenario using both random and centerline deployment. It also tabulates the ratio of randomly deployed detectors to centerline deployed detectors for each case so that a measure of the efficiency cost of randomization can be obtained. 139 Table 5-12: Random vs. Centerline deployment comparison Random vs. Reference Centerline Ranae ftl Coveraae .I -- '113 0.75 0.75 45 0.85 0.95 I 50 32 IZn A, IIIf v. I'~ '" E 0.85 0.95 I I 55 I I 60 65 70 75 80 85 U. 7 I. 1440 R C IR/C 5D2,-I 13 5 2.6 19 7 2.7 I 10 15 5 25 7 Ia , 3.2 v 3.0 23 9 A # 3.6 39 . Ile_ L.31 I 'I 4 13 0.85 12 5 2.4 0.95 19 5 3.8 30 1n VI 7 I1 7I A -TI I I. 19 I .v^I v 2.6 n '1 I lele-I 6 31 13 14 3.2 7I 2.4 25 8 1 I 1I 1I1 .&.I le__U 3.1 . I .; rJ N Z. II J. V n I I ga 4 2.5 15 6 2.5 20 6 3.3 26 0.95 15 5 3.0 25 7 3.6 34 9 3.8 43 0.75 6 3 2.0 9 5 1.8 12 5 2.4 15 0.85 8 4 2.012 0.95 14 4 3.5 21 6 V, 52 88 IZ I I I ,fan ati 41 70 I e-v 1 'A r_- 12 22 33 6 2.5 20 I II I -. W 55 3.4 20 7 2.9 27 7 3.9 34 14 2.4 45 5 27 ?7 31 10 3.5 117 53 0.85 2.417 59 68 40 I 6460 C C I R 69 OR I 4800 C IRIC 37 52 88 9 &.v ' 10 10 3.0 41 : I II I R .v 53 U (TEU 40 69 50 / -v v. ' Array Capac 3600 R C IR/C 30 2496 R C IR/C 21 10 2.1 31 15 1.8 0.75 5 3 1.7 8 4 2.0 10 4 2.5 13 4 3.3 16 7 0.85 7 4 1.8 11 5 2.2 14 5 2.8 18 6 3.0 22 8 2.8 0.95 0.75 11 5 4 3 2.8 1.7 18 7 5 4 3.6 1.8 23 9 6 4 3.8 2.3 29 11 8 4 3.6 2.8 38 14 19 6 2.0 2.3 0.85 6 3 2.0 9 5 1.8 12 4 15 5 3.0 18 7 2.6 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 10 4 6 9 4 2 3 3 2.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 15 6 8 14 5 3 4 5 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.8 19 8 10 17 5 4 4 5 24 9 13 21 7 4 5 7 3.4 2.3 2.6 3.0 31 12 17 29 9 5 6 8 3.4 2.4 2.8 3.6 3.0 3.8 2.0 2.5 3.4 2.3 0.75 4 2 2.0 5 3 1.7 7 3 2.3 8 4 2.0 10 5 2.0 0.85 0.95 5 8 3 3 1.7 2.7 8 12 4 4 2.0 3.0 9 15 4 4 2.3 3.8 11 19 4 5 2.8 3.8 15 25 5 6 3.0 4.2 Comparisons between random and centerline deployment could be rendered moot if the centerline strategy is definitively judged to be logistically infeasible or if it is determined to be an unacceptable compromise of the stealth characteristics that are so important to the ship based approach. Additionally, centerline deployment, by itself, would presumably stop receiving serious consideration if the effective detection range is found to be too low to provide the minimum acceptable detection coverage for all vessels of interest. That said, Table 5-12 clearly illustrates the efficiency gains realized through centerline deployment. Table 5-13 shows the average random to centerline, R/C, values for the three analyzed fractional coverage volume targets. 140 Table 5-13: Average R/C values Fractional Coverage Volume R/C 0.75 0.85 0.95 2.249 2.531 3.306 As Table 5-13 illustrates, the efficiency advantage enjoyed by centerline deploy increases as the desired level of coverage increases. This stems from the diminishing marginal returns phenomenon associated with random deployment. Unlike the random case, when additional detectors are deployed along the centerline to achieve a higher level of fractional detection coverage they will preferentially "fill in" uncovered or sparsely covered areas of the container array. Therefore, marginal returns are greater when employing the centerline approach and as a greater number of detectors are added to provide higher levels of coverage this amplifies the efficiency advantages over random deployment. 5.7 Total Detector Estimates To estimate the total number of detectors required to field a comprehensive system (i.e. to cover every inbound commercial containership) the data compiled in the previous sections must be combined with information from the shipping industry and U.S. ports. If all classes of containerships called on U.S. ports with uniform frequency then the capacity distribution derived in Chapter 4 could be used directly to determine the total number of detectors. Some types of container vessels, however, make more port calls than others, so these vessels should receive a higher importance weighting in the analysis. Table 5-14 shows the relative frequency of calls at U.S. ports broken down by vessel size (i.e. container capacity) [MARAD, 2000] and the number of calls that these vessel classes would make out of the CY 2003 call total of 17287 [MARAD(1), 2004]. Table 5-14: U.S. port calls by vessel capacity Relative Freq. Calls <2000 0.3491 6035 Vessel Capacity (TEU) 2001-3000 3001-4000 4001-5000 0.2853 0.2129 0.1147 4932 3680 1983 141 >5000 0.038 657 Total 1 17287 Since one of the reference arrays described in the previous analysis fits approximately in the middle of each of the capacity bins shown in Table 5-14, the number of detectors found to be required to cover a given reference array can be considered roughly representative of the entire binned vessel class. Estimates for the total number of detectors needed for comprehensive deployment can now be made using the following expression, (13) DetTotal = Avgclv i where Avgc/vis the average number of calls made per vessel, Ci is the number of calls for a given vessel class, and Deti is the number of detectors required for a given vessel class. In 2003, the average number of calls made by containerships was 17 [MARAD(1), 2004]. Since the detection units have no inland destination and are intended solely for deployment aboard containerships, once they are discharged from a given vessel they can be redeployed with minimal downtime. Downtime that could be required for maintenance and calibration is not considered. For the purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that turn-around can occur immediately, so the discharged detection unit can be shipped out (i.e. transported back to a foreign port where it can be deployed for its intended purpose) without delay. It should be noted that the export leg of the detection unit's voyage could be used to perform performance reliability tests and to monitor for the unlikely event that a fissile or radiological source was being smuggled out of the United States, for use abroad. Stops between foreign ports on the export leg could also be used to monitor for radioactive material movement abroad, which could discourage or thwart international smuggling attempts and augment the ability of other nations to defend against nuclear or radiological attack. Eq. (13) was applied to the results from the random and centerline deployment simulations and estimates for the total number of detectors that would be necessary using either deployment strategy are shown in Table 5-15. 142 Table 5-15: Total detector estimates Total Detector II I Estimoatea Fatimtnt -- 7 --- I Rnna , ,- .. 45 fft nvarnna 0.75 0.85 0.95 I GaI% 23798 33091 55589 0.75 18412 25384 43112 0.75 0.85 0.95 7 14705 20385 33211 4O.x4 0.85 16539 0.95 27079 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 9861 13378 22612 8395 0.85 11657 4962 0.95 0.75 18957 7578 5837 3790 75 0.85 0.95 0.75 9784 16012 6406 4235 5117 3106 80 0.85 8789 3906 0.95 14507 4724 0.75 0.85 5706 7907 2890 3751 0.95 12751 3906 55 60 65 70 85 I l ll 1 0.85 0.95 50 I Deployment Strategy DAnrm __., I _ _ __ _ 4607 5349 3828 Table 5-15 shows that if only purely random or purely centerline deployment strategies are being considered, the option space is limited if the effective detection range of the containerized units is less than 70 ft. An additional advantage to units with effective ranges equal to or greater than 70 ft is the significant reduction in the number of detectors required to provide any of the evaluated fractional coverage volumes. Table 5-15 also demonstrates the reduction in detection units required for full deployment if the fractional coverage volume is chosen to be less than 95%. 143 Chapter 6: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommended Future Work 6.1 Summary The rise of highly mobile, religiously motivated transnational terrorist organizations that are not restrained by conventional means of deterrence has changed the dynamics of the threat that nuclear weapons pose to the United States. The international commercial container trade that delivers over 19,000 cargo containers to U.S. ports every day is one possible avenue that could be exploited by a terrorist organization to mount an unconventional nuclear attack. Due to the unique power and range of nuclear weapons, defensive measures that have been envisioned or deployed that would not detect threats until they come ashore at U.S. ports do not provide adequate protection against attacks that are planned and executed by rational, determined adversaries. We propose a new ship-based approach to fissile material detection where large effective area, commercial off the shelf, radiation detectors, enhanced with imaging capabilities, are enclosed in standard, non-descript cargo containers and shipped alongside commercial containers. When deployed in limited numbers aboard commercial vessels the detection units would passively measure any nuclear signature emitted by nearby containers with count times limited only by the duration of the voyage. By outfitting the dedicated detection units with communication hardware, identification and notification of a potential threat could be made while the danger was still safely removed from U.S. shores. To better characterize the feasibility of the proposed ship-based approach, "external" uncertainties associated with the deployment environment and potential modes of deployment were investigated. Characteristics of the deployment environment that were evaluated included the count times that would be available on container import voyages terminating at U.S. ports, the container capacities of the vessel fleet that ply the international container trade, and the average densities of cargo being imported to the U.S. Table 6-1 summarizes the salient results of these analyses. 144 Table 6-1: Results summary for deployment environment analyses Vessel Capacity Avg. Density* Count Time (days) (TEU) (q/cmA3) To NY To LA Mean 3047 0.1977 19.2 13.3 Median 2722 0.1708 19.1 13.3 25th 75th 1666 4173 0.1664 0.2208 21.7 17.2 15.1 11.9 95th 99th 6204 6782 0.2620 0.2998 15.9 15.6 11 10.8 * 0.1977 g/cm3 corresponds to 15.23 metric tons / 40'container To study different potential modes of deployment, a Matlab-based simulator was developed. The simulator was used to evaluate and compare detection coverage efficiencies for fully random detector deployment, partially constrained deployment where containerized detection units could not be placed along the surface of container array, and fully constrained deployment where detectors could only be placed along the centerline of the array. Partially constrained deployment was not found to have any particularly desirable attributes. The number of detection units required to provide various degrees of coverage for random and centerline deployment are summarized in Tables 6-2 and 6-3 respectively. Coverage is defined as the fractional volume of a vessel's container array that is within the effective detection range of one of the deployed containerized detection units. The effective detection range is the expected maximum distance at which a source can be confidently and reliably detected in a given count time, under realistic conditions. 145 Table 6-2: Random deployment results summary - Reference ArravCaoacitv(TEUI - Random Deployment Range(ft) Coverage 0.75 45 0.85 0.95 0.75 50 0.85 0.95 0.75 55 0.85 0.95 0.75 60 0.85 0.95 0.75 65 0.85 0.95 0.75 70 0.85 0.95 0.75 75 0.85 0.95 0.75 80 0.85 0.95 0.75 85 0.85 0.95 1440 2496 3600 4800 6460 13 19 32 11 15 25 9 12 19 7 10 15 6 8 14 5 7 11 5 6 10 4 6 9 4 5 8 21 31 50 17 23 39 13 19 30 11 15 25 9 12 21 8 11 18 7 9 15 6 8 14 5 8 12 30 40 69 22 31 53 18 25 41 15 20 34 12 17 27 10 14 23 9 12 19 8 10 17 7 9 15 37 52 88 29 40 69 23 31 53 18 26 43 15 20 34 13 18 29 11 15 24 9 13 21 8 11 19 59 68 117 37 52 88 30 41 70 24 33 55 20 27 45 16 22 38 14 18 31 12 17 29 10 15 25 TotalDetectors 23798 33091 55589 18412 25384 43112 14705 20385 33211 11951 16539 27079 9861 13378 22612 8395 11657 18957 7578 9784 16012 6406 8789 14507 5706 7907 12751 Table 6-3: Centerline deployment results summary I eployment I ICenterl-neDeployment 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 __ntene .. 1440 5 7 10 5 5 7 4 5 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 3 2 3 3 ReferenceArrayCapacity(TEU) . I . I 2496 3600 4800 10 N/A N/A 6 9 N/A 6 6 10 5 6 7 5 5 6 4 5 5 4 5 5 3 4 5 3 4 4 N/A N/A N/A 8 13 N/A 7 8 N/A 5 6 9 5 5 7 4 5 6 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 146 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A N/A 7 12 N/A 6 7 14 4 6 8 4 5 7 4 5 7 4 4 5 6460 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A N/A 8 15 N/A 7 8 19 6 7 9 5 6 8 5 5 6 5349 3828 4962 6837 3790 4235 5117 3106 3906 4724 2890 3751 3906 Tables 6-2 and 6-3 show that the geometrically optimal centerline deployment provides significantly more efficient detection coverage than the stealthier and more logistically appealing random deployment. The efficiency advantage of centerline deployment is evidenced by the finding that an average of 2.249, 2.53 1, and 3.306 times more randomly deployed detection units are required to provide 75%, 85%, and 95% fractional coverages, respectively, for vessels with a given container array. The preceding tables also demonstrate the considerable benefit to developing detection units with an effective detection range equal to, or greater than, 70 ft. Units with ranges at or exceeding 70 ft. will yield maximum flexibility in terms of deployment options and will significantly reduce the number of units required to cover a given vessel and to field a comprehensive ship-based detector network. 6.2 Conclusions Since this work was performed as one element of an integrated effort, not all of the calculations and evaluations documented in this thesis may carry significant relevance and meaning when viewed alone. These results will be combined with, and serve as input to, ongoing work being conducted by Gallagher at MIT on system design and performance modeling. The end product of this continuing effort will yield crucial information regarding the expected performance of the detection units and the overall efficacy of the ship-based approach. Despite the essentially unfinished nature of system development, there are a number of notable conclusions that can be drawn strictly from the analysis presented and discussed in this document. First, and perhaps most importantly, none of the results obtained in the preceding analyses serve to discredit the overall feasibility of the ship-based approach. A primary objective of this thesis was to assess the practical viability of this new detection methodology and nothing was discovered that suggested the ship-based approach could not be viable and effective if prudent design and deployment decisions are made. 147 Mean count time estimates for the representative East Coast and West Coast ports were particularly encouraging. With an average of 19.2 days and 13.3 days of available count time for voyages to New York and Los Angeles respectively, the ship-based detection units will have a lengthy window of opportunity to passively detect incoming fissile material and communicate warning to responders while the threat is still safely at sea. The results of deployment simulation highlighted the effective detection range of containerized units as being especially important to promoting and ensuring the viability of the ship-based approach. Special consideration should be paid to maximizing this parameter during upcoming design and optimization activities. Design decisions that increase the expected detection range at the expense of unit costs should be vigorously examined in light of the dramatic reductions in per vessel and total detectors required as effective range was increased. The observed relationship between the required number of detectors and the effective range suggests that while unit costs may increase as range enhancing features are incorporated, the total system costs could fall as less detectors are required on the whole. Simulation also helped to quantify the efficiency costs associated with random deployment. While a purely random deployment strategy is very desirable from both stealth and logistical standpoints, the use of this approach necessitates the deployment of 2.2 to 3.3 times more detectors (depending on the fractional coverage target) than the less covert strategy of deploying detection units only along the ship's centerline. This inefficiency could become quite costly. Therefore, some combination of random and centerline deployment may prove to be the most attractive strategy. In such a "hybrid" deployment scenario, if even a small number of detectors could be deployed along or near the array's centerline with the remaining detectors randomly distributed, an important degree of stealth would be preserved by the random component and a helpful boost in efficiency will be afforded by the centerline component. 148 6.3 Recommendations for Future Work The deployment strategies described and modeled in this thesis were selected to represent archetypal cases useful in studying the fundamental trade-off between deployment stealth and coverage efficiency. Random deployment is at one end of the spectrum, being the stealthiest approach, but having less than optimal efficiency. Centerline deployment (i.e. fully constrained placement of detectors along the ship's centerline) resides at the opposite end of the spectrum, affording optimal efficiency, but being among the least covert of any potential strategies. Simulations documented in Chapter 5 provide some quantitative insights into the trade-offs involved when going from one end of the deployment spectrum to the other. This analysis, however, was somewhat divorced from important practical considerations that arise from the common practices and capabilities of the international shipping trade. For instance, it is unclear whether centerline deployment would be logistically feasible in practice. Therefore, a clear priority for any future deployment analysis should be to conduct more in-depth consultations with individuals possessing intimate knowledge of the shipping trade (particularly the loading and discharging of containerships) to better understand what types of placement constraints are and are not practicable. This practical knowledge is essential to understanding the true performance capabilities of a ship-based system and to developing an effective deployment strategy that can be reliably implemented in the real world. Future deployment modeling conducted either to refine the results of this analysis or to study alternative deployment strategies could employ an enhanced version of the Monte Carlo simulation codes used to produce the results presented in this thesis. Simulation codes used in this analysis (and documented in Appendix B) assumed that detectors could be placed anywhere within a container being used as a dedicated detection unit. This assumption saved considerable computation time but also created the opportunity for unphysical situations (e.g. multiple detectors in a single container) to arise that underestimated the actual performance of the ensemble of deployed detectors. 149 Reality would be more accurately modeled if the locations where detectors could be randomly placed were limited to the centerpoints of simulated containers. Output distortions caused by double-assignment situations would be eliminated with this modification. Additionally, by imposing a minimum separation distance between detectors (i.e. the distance separating the centers of adjacent containers) better overall distribution should be observed. Therefore, the enhanced simulation would be expected to show better and more realistic coverage efficiencies than the results shown above. Another assumption used in deployment modeling that warrants further attention is the geometry of the coverage volume provided by deployed detectors. In the preceding analysis, this volume was represented by a perfect sphere centered at a detector and having a radius equal to the effective detection range of the unit. A focus of future efforts should be to investigate factors that morph or distort this idealized sphere. This includes better characterization of important radiation transport phenomena, such as the effects of potential radiation streaming through tiny openings, or "pinholes", in commercial cargo packed in containers. More thorough understanding of these mechanisms can lead to more realistic and appropriate coverage patterns that can be incorporated in future performance and deployment models. Another useful extension of the work presented above would be to model a number of different hybrid deployment scenarios where some detectors were placed along the ship's centerline (assuming this mode of deployment is found to be practicable) and the balance were randomly distributed. By performing parameter studies, an optimal ratio or mix of centerline to random detectors may be identified. The results from this optimized hybrid deployment could then be compared to the results of pure random and pure centerline deployment. Some of the results presented and discussed in this thesis have direct and important implications for the on going design and performance assessment activities being conducted by Gallagher at MIT. One outcome with direct bearing on the continuing design process is the pronounced benefit of detectors that can achieve 150 effective detection ranges equal to, or greater than, 70 feet. Results of the parameter study undertaken as part of the deployment simulation demonstrated that significant gains in coverage efficiency and deployment flexibility were realized when detection units had effective ranges of 70 ft or higher. These findings strongly suggest that any available means to augment the detection range of the containerized detection suite should be investigated and seriously considered. Even design features that enhance range while increasing unit costs should be considered since the eventual reduction in the number of longer-range detectors required to provide a given degree of coverage may ultimately offset the unit cost increases. 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Moller 6600 (knots) 24.6 Agnete Maersk Albert Maersk Alva Maersk Amersham Axel Maersk Caroline Maersk Carsten Maersk Cecilie Maersk Charlotte Maersk Chastine Maersk Chesham Christian Maersk Claes Maersk 1100 1100 1100 658 18.0 18.0 18.0 14.8 6600 6600 6600 24.6 24.6 24.6 Zhao Gang No.1 Zhao Qing He Zhen He Zhen Wu 1750 19.0 Zhi Shan 1 6600 6600 658 24.6 24.6 Zhong Hang 608 (TEU) - Clara Maersk 1550 1750 1550 Clementine Maersk Clifford Maersk Columbine Maersk Cornelia Maersk Cornelius Maersk 6600 6600 6600 6600 Denham 658 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 2840 2840 2840 2840 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 3700 3700 3700 3700 Dirch Maersk Glasgow Maersk Gosport Maersk Grasmere Maersk Greenwich Maersk Jens Maersk Jeppesen Maersk Johannes Maersk Josephine Maersk Karen Maersk Kate Maersk Katrine Maersk Kirsten Maersk Knud Maersk Laura Maersk Laust Maersk Leda Maersk Lexa Maersk Lica Maersk Luna Maersk Madison Maersk Maersk Aberdeen Maersk Ahram Maersk Antwerp Maersk Arun Maersk Atlantic Maersk Avon Maersk Carolina Maersk Gairloch 6600 Zeus Zhong Hang 905 Zhong Hang 909 Zhong Hang 912 Zhong Hang 913 Zhong Hang 915 Zhong Hang 916 Zhong Hang 917 Zhong Hang 919 Zhong Hang 920 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 14.8 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 22.4 22.5 22.5 23.0 24.6 24.6 24.6 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 4300 4300 24,20 24.2 Speed (TEU) (knots) 12.0 83 345 2728 72 16.5 3801 108 36 36 80 80 80 60 104 104 120 22.5 96 118 118 118 4215 22.0 1668 15.5 Zhu Chuan 992 Zhu Hai 203 ZIM Adriatic ZIM America 42 ZIM Asia ZIM Barcelona 72 2810 19.0 3029 3429 3429 4992 21.0 21.7 21.7 24.0 4992 3029 3429 2998 2606 3429 3005 2810 24.0 21.0 21.7 21.0 21.0 21.7 20.0 19.0 3029 3429 21.0 21.7 3029 3029 3429 3029 21.0 21.0 21.7 21.0 ZIM Buenos Aires ZIM California ZIM Canada ZIM China ZIM Dalian ZIM Eilat I ZIM Europa ZIM Florida ZIM Haifa I ZIM Hong Kong ZIM Iberia ZIM Israel ZIM Italia ZIM Jamaica ZIM Japan ZIM Keelung ZIM Korea ZIM Mediterranean ZIM New York ZIM Pacific 157 12.6 20.5 Zhong He Zhuang He ZIM Atlantic 24.6 3700 4300 II Zhong Hang 901 Zhong Hang 903 14.8 18.9 19.0 18.9 24.6 24.6 24.7 27.7 24.7 24.7 25.0 25.0 23.5 3700 Yu Quan Shan Yu Xi Quan Capacity 19.5 2810 19.0 3029 21.0 24.0 24.0 21.0 4992 3429 Maersk Gateshead Maersk Georgia Maersk Gironde Maersk Missouri Maersk Virginia Magleby Maersk Majestic Maersk Marchen Maersk Maren Maersk Margrethe Maersk Marie Maersk Marit Maersk Marstal Maersk Mathilde Maersk Mayview Maersk Mc-Kinney Maersk Mette Maersk Munkebo Maersk Nele Maersk Nexoe Maersk Nicolai Maersk Nikoline Maersk Nora Maersk Nysted Maersk Regina Maersk Sea-Land Champion Sea-Land Charger Sea-Land Comet Sea-Land Eagle Sea-Land Freedom Sea-Land Intrepid Sea-Land Lightning Sea-Land Mariner Sea-Land Mercury Sea-Land Meteor Sea-Land Pride Sea-Land Racer Sea-Land Value Sally Maersk Sine Maersk Skagen Maersk Sofie Maersk Soroe Maersk Sovereign Maersk Susan Maersk Svend Maersk Svendborg Maersk Taasinge Maersk Thies Maersk Thomas Maersk Thuroe Maersk Tinglev Maersk 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300 4000 4300 4300 4300 4300 4000 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2026 6000 3733 3733 3733 3733 2344 3733 3733 2344 3733 3733 3918 3733 3612 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 6600 1750 1350 1500 1350 1500 24.0 24.2 24.2 24.3 24.0 23.5 23.5 23.0 23.0 ZIM Panama ZIM Piraeus ZIM Ravenna I ZIM Shanghai ZIM Shenzhen ZIM Singapore I ZIM USA ZIM Venezia II ZIM Virginia 23.0 Zi Ya He 23.5 23.0 24.5 23.0 23.5 23.5 23.0 24.5 21,80 21,80 21,80 21,80 21,80 21.8 24.6 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 20.3 24.0 24.0 20.3 24.0 24.0 21.0 24.0 21.0 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 19.0 Hyundai Republic Hyundai Kingdom Hyundai National Hyundai Dominion Hyundai Patriot Hyundai Independence Hyundai Liberty Hyundai Discovery Hyundai Freedom Hyundai Fortune Hyundai General Hyundai Highness Hyundai Admiral 18.6 18.9 18.6 18.9 Hyundai Baron Hyundai Commandore Hyundai Duke Hyundai Emporer Hyundai Federal Hyundai Explorer Hyundai Poineer Hyundai Frontier Hyundai Commander Hyundai Vladivostok Hyundai Future Hyundai Stride Hyundai Advance Hyundai Sprinter Hyundai Progress Hyundai Highway Hyundai Bridge Hyundai Primorskiy Hyundai Infinity Hyundai Nobility Suzuran Asian Zephyr Cape Canet Doris Waluff Saturn Star Eagle Star Evanger Star Evviva Star Florida 158 4992 5000 2998 4992 2633 2474 3429 2682 4992 764 6479 6479 6479 6479 6479 5551 5551 5551 5551 5551 5551 5551 4411 4411 4411 4411 4411 4411 3014 3014 3014 3014 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 628 2241 2241 1177 1032 834 1203 1129 24.0 21.0 24.0 21.0 21.0 21.7 21.0 24.0 19.2 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 15.8 23.0 23.0 18.1 18.5 18.0 19.5 18.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 Tobias Maersk Torben Maerks Tove Maersk Trein Maersk Troense Maersk Achim 1300 1300 1350 1300 1350 ACX Dahlia ACX Hibiscus ACX Lily ACX Magnolia ACX Marguerite ACX Marigold 1430 1430 1250 1480 1467 ACX Primrose 820 ACX Raffiesia 1430 Agios Dimitrios I Akashi Bridge Akinada Bridge Alexandria 3428 3456 5600 400 2199 3209 2199 Al Mariyah Alva Star Al Wajba Ambassador Bridge America Senator Anan Bhum An Rong 1 Aotea Apollon I 181 18.0 18.0 18.6 18.0 18.6 15.5 19.5 19.5 19.0 19.5 19.0 19.0 19.5 19.5 18.5 23.0 25.0 17.5 21.0 21.5 2661 993 116 1842 1566 16.5 21.0 Star Fraser Star Fuji Star Geiranger Star Gran Star Grindanger Star Grip Star Hidra Star Hoyanger Star Ikebana Star Inventana Star Isoldana Star Istind Star Isfjord Star Ismene Adeline Delmas Africa Alpana Astrid Blandine Delmas Bougainville Caroline Delmas Delmas Acacia Delmas Aloe Delmas Blosseville Delmas Cartier Delmas Casablanca Delmas Charcot 937 1935 1664 574 937 1730 937 676 676 1202 1728 518 1706 1740 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 16.0 16.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 13.5 18.0 20.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 18.5 18.5 19.0 20.0 15.5 19.6 Arafura Aramac 2432 2732 Delmas Forbin Delmas Fjacaranda Aris I 1810 357 1032 14.3 18.5 2258 20.0 3100 3100 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 Delmas Kenya Delmas Kerguelen Delmas Mascareignes Delmas Sycamore Delmas Tourville Delphine Delmas Eax Sanctity 1158 1740 1466 789 1730 937 940 13.5 Elisa Delmas 20.3 Kaduna Kamina 1614 1614 1614 1935 582 511 1113 Kwanza 4355 Asian Glory Asian Gyro Astoria Bridge Atlantic Cartier Atlantic Companion Atlantic Compass Atlantic Concert Atlantic Conveyor Australia Bridge 3100 3100 3110 2400 Bai Yun He 1674 Baltrum Trader 2470 456 Banga Bijoy Banga Biraj Banga Birol Banga Bodor Banga Bonik Banga Borak Banga Borat Banga Lanka Bao Zhong 23 Bao Zhong 68 Barcelona Bridge Flora Delmas Gaby Delmas Giorgia Heide 20.0 21.0 669 606 510 500 510 846 538 66 140 3965 23.1 159 676 La Bourdonnais Laura Delmas Lauren Lucie Delmas 4473 2150 4473 Madagascar 1346 Marie Delmas Mirella Mol Horizon 2207 2152 21.0 18.5 17.0 20.5 18.5 18.0 20.0 20.3 20.3 18.0 15.5 15.3 16.5 19.0 1600 1113 19.0 23.0 19.0 22.6 19.0 16.5 Bay Bridge 2257 20.0 Beauty River Berlin Senator Mol Karina 1932 17.5 3007 21.0 15.5 Nicolas Delmas Paraguay Parana Patricia Delmas 9.0 Ponl Mahe 14.5 16.0 Bimba 1 Bin Cheng Bin Dong Shan Bing He Blue Moon Bonn Express Bonvoy 88 Bo Shi Ji 386 Bosporus Bridge BPW 2031 Bremen Bridge Bremen Senator Bunga Mas Empat Bu Yi He Cai Yun He California Luna California Senator Camilla Rickmers 74 724 78 1696 3400 21.0 Rejane Delmas Reunion Rokia Delmas Roland Delmas Romain Delmas Rosa Delmas Roxanne Delmas Saint Roch Santa Barbara I Santa Margherita Sassandra 1432 19.0 St Pauli 2916 2850 22.0 Trave Trader CSAV Shanghai Copiapo 614 2803 279 45 3210 22.8 11.5 24.0 350 5576 1730 135 1728 1510 20.0 Cap Colville Cap Delgado 2442 21.5 Cape Campbell Cape Canaveral Cape Canet 834 356 590 Cape Coldbek 834 Cape Cook Caraka JN3-9 Caraka JN319 Carinthia Caroline Schulte 834 18.5 16.0 18.5 18.5 18.5 10.0 10.0 2824 2532 CEC Mayflower CEC Morning Centre Point 28 Chang An 104 650 650 80 104 Chang Jiang Bridge 3456 Chang Sheng 301 Chang Xing 108 Chang Xing 208 Chao He Chao Shan He 74 Cherokee Bridge Chesapeak Bridge Chesapeak Bay Bridge Chicago Bridge Chiswick Bridge Chuan He Chun He Concord Concord Bridge Conti Arabian 128 24.0 21.0 20.2 20.2 48 1322 836 4226 4226 3400 5576 5600 5446 1322 1452 24.5 24.5 21.0 25.0 25.0 22.5 3308 1742 1895 4355 411 1608 2214 2074 IGA Sea Puma IZU 2205 Alice Rickmers Donna Schulte 1900 2256 CSAV Livorno CCNI Ancud 1878 1816 1878 1829 Ankara Arnis Berulan Cabo Creus 3482 23.0 Cap Aguilar Cap Blanco Cap Bonavista 1466 18.5 Cap Carmel 160 5278 3308 3308 2578 3590 1613 Alianca Urca 16.0 1113 1104 1684 1364 2524 2450 2456 Alianca Macarena Alianca Sao Paulo Alianca Shanghai Alianca Singapore 17.2 17.0 2129 Ikoma Alianca Hong Kong Alianca Ipanema 48 1935 CSAV Callao CSAV Shenzhen Buxfavourite CSAV Barcelona CSAV Genova Alianca Bahia Alianca Brasil Alianca Europa 24.0 770 2207 1613 1613 2460 2045 2045 2468 2233 2233 2524 2442 2456 1151 1388 1208 907 2524 1740 2154 2442 2542 22.6 18.0 17.5 16.5 18.0 16.0 17.0 17.0 16.0 15.5 17.0 19.2 20.0 19.0 14.0 21.0 Conti Cartagena 2432 20.0 Conti Jork Conti Valencia Cosco Antwerp Cosco Atlantic Cap Castillo 2442 1597 18.0 Cap Colorado 2305 5446 2054 21.0 24.5 21.4 22.2 24.5 24.5 24.5 Cap Colville Cap Cortes 1510 1510 1651 Cosco Cape Town Cosco Felixstowe Cosco Hamburg 5446 5446 Cosco Hong Kong Cosco Kiku 5446 542 Cosco New York Cosco Norfolk Cosco Qingdao 2728 3330 5446 24.5 Cosco Ran 542 1164 18.0 18.7 5446 24.5 Cosco Redsea Cosco Rotterdam Cosco Sakura Cosco Sao Paulo Cosco Shanghai Cosco Singapore Cosco Tianjin 542 5446 Da Qing He Daxin 5446 5752 96 3801 1932 764 588 Delaware Bridge 4452 CRC No. 1 Da He Dainty River Diman II Donau Bridge Dong He Dong Rong Dong Xu Dong Yun 009 Dong Yun 030 Dong Yun 556 Dubai Duburg 1822 18.0 17.5 22.0 Cap Ortegal Cap Pasado Cap Pilar Cap Polonio Cap Reinga Cap Roca 18.0 Cap San Antonio Cap San Augustin Cap San Lorenzo 22.2 24.5 24.5 26.3 Cap San Marco Cap San Nicolas Cap San Raphael 24.0 Cap Velas Cap Vilano Cap Vincent Castor City of Glasgow City of Hamburg 18.5 19.2 15.6 19.0 4038 2761 58 83 36 Cap Domingo Cap Ferrato Cap Finisterre Cap Frio Cap Lobos Cap Norte City of Istanbul City of Manchester City of Tunis Columbian Express Columbus Australia Columbus Canada Columbus China 18.5 9.5 24 96 2199 Columbus Florida 1464 1704 21.0 Eagle Strength E Cheng Elbe Bridge 725 680 17.0 18.3 Elisabeth Schulte Empress Dragon 2532 3494 Empress Heaven Empress Phoenix 3494 3494 Empress Sea En Hui En Yuan Ever Able 3494 24.5 21.9 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 Columbus Victoria Columbus Waikato Copacabana Courier Damaskus 88 88 1164 1164 1164 4211 20.5 20.5 20.5 25.0 Eagle Express Ever Ally Ever Apex Ever Dainty Flamengo Independente Intrepido Kairo Kapitan Kurov Karthago Leblon Mekhanik Kalyuzhniy Santa Felicita Santa Fiorenza Santa Francesca 161 2100 2478 2023 2456 1645 2468 2442 1550 1581 2023 1651 2640 3739 3739 3739 3739 3739 3739 1709 1742 1835 1129 956 2228 1232 300 1709 752 2062 1215 2524 1651 1229 1837 1402 1452 1645 1254 1138 1138 1709 1250 1354 1157 1167 2169 2169 2169 Ever Delight Ever Deluxe Ever Diadem Ever Diamond Ever Dynamic Ever Gaining Ever Gallant Ever Garden Ever Gather Ever General Ever Genius Ever Gentle Ever Gentry Ever Gifted Ever Given Ever Glowing Ever Golden Ever Goods Ever Govern Ever Growth Ever Guest Ever Guide Ever Uberty Ever Ultra Ever Union Ever Unique Ever Unison Ever United 4211 4211 4211 4211 4211 3428 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 21.7 22.1 2728 2728 3428 2868 2868 2868 2728 3428 2868 3428 2868 2728 3428 2390 5364 5625 21.7 20.5 20.7 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.0 22.2 21.9 21.3 22.2 21.3 22.5 22.2 22.0 25.0 Santa Isabella Santos Express Sea Tiger Stoja Tausala Samoa Uranus Vernuda Westmed II Bruarfoss Dettifoss Godafoss Manafoss Selfoss Skogafoss Heinrich S 1894 21.0 I 26.7 Ever Pearl Ever Urban Ever Useful Fair Wind 18 Fair Wind 28 5652 120 120 25.0 Ever Reach Ever Refine Ever Renown Faith I 3428 Fang Gang 1001 Fang Gang 3 Fang Gang 6 Fei He Fei Yun He Feng Da 328 54 32 18.5 8.0 Ever Racer Feng Guang 2 Feng Shun 8 Feng Yun He Fo Hang 906 1432 60 19.0 France Franconia Franklin Strait 4158 946 518 23.1 Fu Feng Fu Feng Shan Fu Gang 811 132 132 96 52 96 Fu Gang 812 Fu Gang 815 Ever Repute Ever Result Ever Reward Ever Right Ever Round Ever Royal 20.2 7.0 Ever Unific Ever Unity Green Modest Green Moral Hansa Africa Hansa India 208 21.0 Athena Ever Gleamy Ever Grade Ever Peace 1702 16 80 416 2474 17.6 17.5 Caribbean Sea 8.0 14.0 724 1457 1457 518 724 657 Conti Barcelona Dimitra II 23.0 1181 1555 25.0 25.0 45 3764 703 Agiasofia Angeln 5364 5364 5364 5652 5652 Ever Uranus 703 1116 1835 Global Rio Birk Cala Paestum 5364 2400 2532 2562 657 17.0 1645 3681 1597 1894 21.0 24.0 2728 2728 1618 1618 4229 4229 4229 4229 4229 4229 4229 4229 4229 4229 5652 5652 951 951 18.0 21.0 20.5 20.5 19.3 19.3 23.0 23.0 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.0 23.0 23.0 25.0 25.0 15.5 15.5 20.0 Hatsu Ethic LT Going 15.5 Pelopensian Pride 3424 3424 6332 2728 3428 Poseidon VII 1894 21.0 Rhoneborg 1643 UNI Accord UNI Ahead UNI Ardent 1164 1164 1164 17.5 18.7 18.7 18.7 162 23.5 22.8 24.5 20.5 18.0 Fu Gang 816 Fu Gang 818 Fu Tai Gallant Wave Ganta Bhum Gao Cheng Gao He 96 96 63 1510 1094 724 2761 10.0 18.0 18.0 15.6 18.5 Gao Yao Gang No. 1 Genoa Bridge George Washington Bridge Gigi Gihock Gijoo Gikim Gileong 36 5600 9.0 25.0 21.5 152 504 152 276 597 Gi Lian 396 235 278 11.0 14.0 11.0 10.5 14.0 12.0 12.5 15.0 11.0 13.5 11.0 11.0 8.0 18.0 Gimeng Ginter Star Giseng Gisiang Gisoon Giswee Global 3 Glory D Golden Cloud 191 384 191 202 100 946 5610 Great Pride Guang Da Lun Guang Liong Lun 538 Guang Xing Lun Guan Hang 109 Guan Hang 238 Guan Hang 278 Guan Hang 362 Guan Hang 393 Gulf Bridge Guo Dian 1001 Haifenglianfa Hai Feng Shan Hakone Han Bo 1 Hao Han Bo 2 Hao Han Da Hang Feng Ha Ni He Han Jiang He Hanjin Amsterdam Hanjin Athens Hanjin Barcelona Hanjin Basel Hanjin Beijing AnnaJ Cape Falcon Castor Chesapeak Bay City of Cape Town 24.4 City of Stuttgart Colombo Bay Columbus New Zealand Delaware Bay Endeavor Endurance Enterprise Genua Express Heemskerck 208 14.2 45 45 45 64 60 10.0 60 84 45 9.0 1984 106 19.0 358 283 13.5 11.5 Heide J Ijsseldijk Jervis Bay Karin B Luetjenburg Marivia Mercosul Palometa Mercosul Pescada Mercosul Uruguay Merkur Lake 1864 66 66 51 10.0 140 3400 422 5618 5618 4024 5753 5302 Vlaherna Vladivostok Kapitan Afanasyev Fesco Voyager Amsteldiep APL Manaus Argana Argonaut Astor Aynur Urkmez Baltimar Boreas Beliz Urkmez 618 Golden Gate Bridge Golden Star UNI Assent UNI Forever UNI Fortune UNI Oasis UNI Onward UNI Order UNI Orient UNI Phoenix 21.0 17.5 26.3 26.3 24.0 26.3 26.4 163 1164 978 953 1170 1278 1170 1182 1618 1555 1748 1748 1684 446 198 1016 353 1236 1129 580 256 580 1200 446 2411 3126 1900 4224 4112 2411 1928 1928 1928 2157 3230 202 301 4224 350 3510 2082 Mount Ida 1512 1730 740 1012 724 Nedlloyd Africa Nedlloyd America Nedlloyd Asia Nedlloyd Clarence Nedlloyd Clement Nedlloyd Europa Nedlloyd Hong Kong 3604 3604 3604 2515 2470 3604 4169 18.7 16.5 16.5 15.6 14.8 15.6 14.8 18.7 17.6 18.5 18.5 20.0 Hanjin Bremen 2692 Hanjin Brussels 5618 5447 5752 Hanjin Cairo Hanjin Chicago Hanjin Colombo Hanjin Copenhagen Hanjin Elisabeth Hanjin Felixstowe Hanjin Geneva Hanjin Gothenburg Hanjin Hamburg Hanjin Helsinki Hanjin Kaohsiung Hanjin Kelung Hanjin Lisbon Hanjin London Hanjin Los Angeles Hanjin Madrid Hanjin Malta Hanjin Marseilles Hanjin Nagoya Hanjin New York Hanjin Osaka Hanjin Oslo Hanjin Ottawa Hanjin Paris Hanjin Pennsylvania Hanjin Philadelphia Hanjin Phoenix Hanjin Portland Hanjin Praha Hanjin Pretoria Hanjin Rome Hanjin San Francisco Hanjin Savannah Hanjin Shanghai Hanjin Singapore Hanjin Taipei Hanjin Tokyo Hanjin Valencia Hanjin Vancouver Hanjin Vienna Hanjin Washington Hanjin Wilmington Han Long Hansa Stavanger Hanseduo Han Shui He Han Tao He Han Zhong He Hao Sheng 101 Happy Island 4024 5618 2846 2692 5752 5447 2692 5447 2692 2668 5752 5306 4024 5752 4024 4024 4024 4038 4024 5308 5618 5302 4389 4389 4389 4024 4389 4389 5308 4024 4038 4024 2666 5447 4024 4024 2692 22.0 26.3 25.9 26.3 24.0 26.3 21.0 21.0 26.3 24.0 21.0 24.2 21.0 22.0 26.3 26.4 24.0 26.3 24.0 Nedlloyd Honshu Nedlloyd Oceania Newport Bay Olivia Oriental Bay P&O Nedlloyd Abidjan P&O Nedlloyd Acapulco P&O Nedlloyd Accra P&O Nedlloyd Aconcagua P&O Nedlloyd Adelaide P&O Nedlloyd Adriana P&O Nedlloyd Agulhas P&O Nedlloyd Algoa P&O Nedlloyd Altiplano P&O Nedlloyd Andes P&O Nedlloyd Antisana P&O Nedlloyd Apapa P&O Nedlloyd Araucania P&O Nedlloyd Atacama 24.0 P&O Nedlloyd Bantam 24.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 26.3 P&O Nedlloyd Barentsz P&O Nedlloyd Barossa Valley P&O Nedlloyd Beirut P&O Nedlloyd Botany P&O Nedlloyd Brisbane 26.4 P&O Nedlloyd Brunel 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.0 24.3 24.3 26.4 P&O Nedlloyd Buenos Aires P&O Nedlloyd Cagliari P&O Nedlloyd Calypso P&O Nedlloyd Caracas P&O Nedlloyd Caribbean P&O Nedlloyd Cesme P&O Nedlloyd Chania 24.1 P&O Nedlloyd Christine 22.0 24.0 22.0 25.9 24.0 P&O Nedlloyd Chusan P&O Nedlloyd Cobra P&O Nedlloyd Cook P&O Nedlloyd Curacao P&O Nedlloyd Damietta 24.0 P&O Nedlloyd Dejima 21.0 P&O Nedlloyd Drake 5752 26.3 P&O Nedlloyd Dubai 5302 4024 52 26.4 24.0 P&O Nedlloyd Encounter P&O Nedlloyd Houston 500 422 422 422 96 400 4181 3604 4224 1452 4180 2506 2556 2506 2556 3005 2556 2506 2506 2556 2556 2556 2506 1102 2556 3430 5468 2602 1717 4112 2686 2080 1779 970 1730 4253 4253 1022 1012 856 3430 4038 6802 1012 3607 3430 5468 2732 4112 1779 10.0 P&O Nedlloyd Houtman 6802 20.0 16.0 P&O Nedlloyd Hudson P&O Nedlloyd Hunter Valley 5468 17.5 P&O Nedlloyd Inca 17.5 P&O Nedlloyd Juliana 17.5 P&O Nedlloyd Kowloon 2478 923 2556 6690 6690 P&O Nedlloyd Los Angeles 1548 P&O Nedlloyd Kobe 15.0 164 Hatsu Eagle Hatsu Elite Hatsu Envoy Hatsu Excel Hatsu Pride Hatsu Prima Heidelberg Express Henry Hudson Bridge Hera Hermes III Hong Kong Senator Hong Yun He Honor River Hope Howrah Bridge Hsh Ubin Hua Chang Hai 16 Hua Hang 229 Huai Ji He Huai Lai He Hua Lun 1 Hua Tai He Hua Yun He Hui Long 7 Hui Xin Hang 508 Humber Bridge Humen Bridge Hunsa Bhum Hu Tuo He 6332 6332 6332 6332 1618 1618 3468 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 P&O Nedlloyd Magellan P&O Nedlloyd Mahe P&O Nedlloyd Mairangi P&O Nedlloyd Malindi 18.7 P&O Nedlloyd Marita P&O nedlloyd Maxima 2556 2556 22.0 21.5 P&O Nedlloyd Mercator P&O Nedlloyd Muisca 5468 1102 2728 18.5 P&O Nedlloyd Nina 2014 21.3 20.0 P&O Nedlloyd Obock P&O Nedlloyd Olinda P&O Nedlloyd Palliser 384 3430 16.5 P&O Nedlloyd Panama 21.0 20.0 P&O Nedlloyd Pantanal P&O Nedlloyd Pinta 1926 2850 1700 1932 3480 2257 2097 17.0 P&O Nedlloyd Regina P&O Nedlloyd Remuera P&O Nedlloyd Rotterdam 150 36 424 724 100 1216 1700 16.9 17.3 P&O Nedlloyd Salsa P&O Nedlloyd Samba P&O Nedlloyd San Francisco 24.8 20.0 P&O Nedlloyd Seattle P&O Nedlloyd Shackleton 5642 1104 4112 1116 4112 3014 2474 2394 2556 4112 6690 2061 1742 1716 3450 6802 2169 6690 6802 154.0 P&O Nedlloyd Singapore 60.0 21.0 21.0 P&O Nedlloyd Southampton P&O Nedlloyd Stuyvesant P&O Nedlloyd Surat 18.0 19.2 P&O Nedlloyd Susana P&O Nedlloyd Taranaki 2556 20.5 20.5 P&O Nedlloyd Tasman P&O Nedlloyd Tema P&O Nedlloyd Teslin 5468 16.0 14.5 19.8 P&O Nedlloyd Thekwini P&O Nedlloyd Torres P&O Nedlloyd Trinidad 1055 5642 384 25.0 19.5 P&O Nedlloyd Valentina P&O Nedlloyd Vera Cruz 2556 14.5 P&O Nedlloyd Vespucci 3400 21.0 P&O Nedlloyd Xiamen Peninsula Bay 8.5 Providence Bay Jin He 36 52 5446 Jin Long Jiang 71 Jin Sheng 386 1432 120 5551 802 3456 3008 1094 764 Hyundai Challenger Hyundai Innovator 3014 Ibn Sina 2850 Indonesian Star 1203 3014 Intra Bhum Jade Trader James River Bride Japan Senator Jaru Bhum Ji Hai Xiang Jing Po He Jin Hai Feng Jin Hai Yan Jing Yun He Jun Chuan 9 Jupiter Bridge Jurong Bauhinia Kaido Kai Fa Kai Yue 1122 5610 2661 640 96 450 90 8.5 Repulse Bay 23.0 10.0 18.0 19.0 San Lorezo I Santa Federica Shenzhen Bay Singapore Bay Stadt Kiel 25.9 Sydney Express 16.5 15.0 Tai Chuang Ulsnis Volkers Providence 113 165 3430 1270 1511 2556 1779 5642 2986 4180 4224 4224 1512 2169 4224 4224 373 4112 1034 1388 374 1624 Kasuga 1 2450 Khaled Ibn Al Waleed Kota benar Kota Bintang Ksh Kusu Kuoyu Kwong Ta No. 8 Lan Shi 10 2211 Lausanne 2826 Lian Fa 66 Lian Fa 67 Lian Feng Liao He Lilium Ling Chang He Ling Quan He Ling Yun He Lin Hai 103 Lions Gate Bridge London Senator Long Beach Bridge Long He Long Lun 103 LT Garland LT Genova LT Giant LT Grand LT Greet LT Guard LT Lloydiana LT Pearl LT Popular LT Power LT Trieste LT Ulysees LT Unica LT Unicorn LT Unity LT Universo LT Ursula LT Usodimare LT Utile Lu He Lumoso Express Lunar River Luo Ba He Luo He Lu Sheng Lykes Ambassador Lykes Deliverer Lykes Discoverer Lykes Explorer 764 476 1674 1169 132 64 Karukera Anterpen Express Tokyo Express Bremen Express Rotterdam Express 17.0 15.0 17.5 18.0 Kuala Lumpur Express 16.1 New York Express Singapore Express Kobe Express Dusseldorf Express London Express Hannover Express Leverkusen Express Dresden Express Hoechst Express Ludwigshafen Express 1702 54 20.3 Essen Express 5610 2850 5576 25.0 725 52 18.9 10.0 Stuttgart Express Paris Express Busan Express San Francisco Express Bankok Express Los Angeles Express 3428 2987 2728 2728 2728 2868 21.0 21.0 Berlin Express Hong Kong Express 17.5 2511 1618 1566 1618 20.0 Hamburg Express Shanghai Express Santiago Express Humboldt Express Frankfurt Express Abu Dhabi Al Abdali 24.0 140 140 1234 387 377 672 2820 5652 4948 5652 5652 5346 5652 4948 5652 5446 12.0 17.7 15.0 12.5 25.0 20.5 17.5 19.3 21.0 18.7 17.5 Al Farahidi Alnoof Asir 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 Deira Fowairet 19.5 21.0 1234 127 18.3 3266 11.5 3026 3026 18.8 18.8 166 7506 7506 7506 7506 2181 2181 3430 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 Al Ihsa'a 1665 1718 AL Manakh 2199 Hammurabi Hanjin Berlin 4051 6732 PONL Beirut Port Said Senator Najran Al Sabahia MSC Brasilia MSC Carla MSC Germany MSC Levina MSC Maria Laura MSC Pretoria 138 494 3400 6732 3800 3800 3800 3800 3800 3074 3022 2708 2900 2557 2829 2199 5302 2199 AlMutanabbi 25.0 25.0 24.5 1624 4890 4890 4890 4890 4890 4890 4890 4612 4612 4612 4639 4639 4639 4639 4639 4639 4639 4639 6732 6732 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 18.0 18.0 23.0 Lykes Hero Lykes Innovator Lykes Liberator Lykes Motivator Lykes Navigator Lykes Pathfinder Mackinac Bridge Maersk Doha Maersk Norfolk 3026 2808 3026 2954 3026 2280 2875 4158 2300 Man Fu 72 Manhattan Bridge Maple River Mare Balticum Mare Doricum Mare Lycium Mare Thracium Margret Knueppel Mathu Bhum Matsuko Med Taipei Mentor Mercury Bridge Merkur Bay Methi Bhum Mild Lin Mild Star Mild Sun Mild Union Min Feng Ming America Ming Asia Ming Bamboo Ming Cheng Ming Cosmos 2157 1054 1054 3900 Ming Longevity Ming North Ming Ocean Ming Orchid Ming Pine Ming Plum Ming South Ming West Ming Zenith Min He Min Su Min Tai No.2 Min Tai No.4 Min Tai No.5 18.8 21.7 18.8 19.8 21.5 CMA-CGM Eiffel 18.0 17.5 17.5 Norasia Enterprise CMA-CGM Vernet CMA-CGM Vega 24.0 21.0 CMA-CGM Neptune 564 2550 294 20.7 5551 25.9 23.0 928 17.0 15.5 15.0 15.0 14.0 422 422 443 308 3494 3604 5551 724 5551 3502 3604 5551 1984 3502 1984 5551 5551 5551 Qatari Ibn Al Fuja'a Norasia Valparaiso 22.4 16.0 17.0 746 Canmar Bravery Canmar Endurance Canada Senator Canmar Glory Canmar Triumph Canmar Valour Canmar Victory Al Mirqab 20.0 532 1080 Ming Cypress Ming East Ming Europe Ming Green 21.0 22.0 CMA-CGM Mercure DAL Kalahari DAL Madagascar Karonga OOCL Hamburg 21.0 OOCL Long Beach OOCL Ningbo OOCL Qingdao OOCL Rotterdam OOCL Shenzhen OOCL Chicago OOCL San Francisco OOCL Netherlands OOCL Singapore OOCL America OOCL Britain OOCL California OOCL China 21.2 21.2 25.9 15.6 25.9 25.9 24.0 21.2 25.9 OOCL Hong Kong OOCL Friendship OOCL Fair OOCL Fidelity OOCL Freedom OOCL Envoy OOCL Exporter OOCL Montreal 19.0 24.0 19.0 25.9 25.9 25.9 OOCL Belgium MV Helgafell MV Arnafell 3502 3502 3052 24.0 MV Skaftafell MS Jokulfell 2761 144 106 140 18.5 24.0 24.0 MV Regina J MV Kurske MV Adele J MV Carina MV Virtsu 80 MV Dirhami 167 1737 1952 2017 1074 1061 1061 1053 2199 2199 4100 3900 4444 3538 3900 4369 4365 3177 1730 1191 8063 8063 8063 8063 8063 8063 5714 5714 5390 5390 5344 5344 5344 5344 5344 3218 3161 3161 3161 2544 2544 4402 2808 703 703 364 140 395 266 202 202 266 266 16.5 16.5 15.5 13.8 15.0 13.0 12.5 12.5 14.0 14.0 Min Tai No.6 Min Yun He Mol Glory Mol Triumph mol Wellington Montreal Senator MSC New Plymouth Na Xi He Nevelsk New Blessing Newpac Cirrus Newpac Cumulus Newport Bridge Nicolas Delamus Nithi Bhum Noble River Nordseas Nordstrand Nordsun Norfolk Express Normandie Bridge Northern Fortune Northern Virtue NYK Prosperity OOCL Atlantic 72 1432 19.0 2400 2400 20.6 1600 18.0 3400 270 706 650 650 21.0 12.5 16.5 20.2 20.2 3456 2207 23.0 21.8 ACX Cosmos ACX Hokuto ACX Lilac ACX Sakura ACX Swan Angela J 928 969 1400 17.0 15.0 20.0 California Jupiter California Mercury Cape Charles 2280 20.0 Cape May 1158 3607 17.0 23.5 23.0 19.3 Commodore 1899 2987 3607 3161 OOCL Harmony OOCL Japan OOCL Japan 5344 2762 Oriental Bright 1001 Orient Brilliancy OSG Argosy Oxford 545 2880 2500 P&O Nedkowlown 2890 2890 2890 2890 2720 2890 Pac Bali Pac Banda Pac Bintan 306 314 306 728 2661 2661 Panagia Tinou Patmos Senator Conti Malaga Hotaka Maru Ipanema Iris Iwaki Iwashiro Kaedi Kaga 22.0 22.5 23.5 20.5 20.5 22.0 23.0 22.0 Kamakura Katsuragi Kitano 17.0 15.0 NYK Andromeda NYK Antares NYK Aphrodite NYK Apollo NYK Aquarius NYK Argus 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 22.0 21.5 NYK Artemis NYK Athena NYK Canopus NYK Castor NYK Fantasia NYK Freesia NYK Kai NYK Leo NYK Libra NYK Lodestar NYK Lynx NYK Lyra 16.3 18.0 18.0 22.0 916 725 2661 ACX Cherry Hansa Constitution 279 P&O Nedlloyd Auckland P&O Nedlloyd Genoa P&O Nedlloyd Jakarta P&O Nedlloyd Marseille P&O Nedlloyd Newark P&O Nedlloyd Sydney Pan He MV Marienborg 23.8 821 6690 Pancaran Sinar Libra New York Ocean Trader Libra Buenos Aires 1174 1550 OOCL Europe OOCL Faith OOCL Fortune Pacific Envoy Pacific Senator Palermo Senator 22.0 MV Kalana MV Muuga CMA-CGM Rodin 16.0 16.8 18.0 168 266 266 2602 2526 1608 2470 1684 1048 1048 338 1430 1350 484 260 2841 2990 2829 2826 2764 2432 2760 1939 1613 2113 1613 1613 2020 3618 3611 3609 3618 6141 6141 6200 6200 6238 6238 6200 6200 6135 6135 2532 3468 3618 NYK Pegasus NYK Phoenix 6200 6200 6200 6200 6200 6200 6238 NYK Pride 2641 14.0 13.0 21.5 21.7 21.0 22.0 19.0 Peking Senator Penang Senator 4545 4545 23.7 23.7 Pira Bhum 628 15.5 Pohang Senator Ponl Nelson Portland Senator Portugal Senator 4545 23.7 Potomac Bridge Precious River Pretty Lake Pretty Ripple Pretty River Pretty Sea Pretty Wave Progress 3 Pudong Senator Pugwash Senator Pu He Punjab Senator Pusan Senator Qian Jin 303 Qian Jin 310 Qian Yuan Shan Quin Yun He Qing Yun No.2 Qui He Qi Yun He 1600 4545 4545 3965 969 420 420 1932 316 316 126 4545 4545 2716 4545 4545 16 36 137 1702 30 1318 1432 Rainbow Bridge 23.7 23.7 23.1 15.0 14.0 18.5 15.9 14.0 7.0 23.7 23.7 18.0 23.7 23.7 Victory 15.5 19.1 21.5 628 Ratstor Reestborg Resourceful 516 558 100 15.5 16.0 17.5 16.0 3681 23.0 23.0 River Aquamarine River Crystal River Elegance River Wisdom 65 542 22.5 Rong Feng 524 14.5 Rotterdam Bridge 5576 Rui Yun He 1702 25.0 21.0 Saipan Winner 428 3482 San Pedro Bridge Santa Elena Santa Giovanna Santiago Savannah Sea Breeze Seabright Sea Dragon Seto Bridge 1664 Athlete F Baltic Tern 18.0 18.0 25.2 2157 3802 3802 14.5 21.5 21.5 17.5 19.0 2000 2868 21.0 261 517 12.5 15.0 424 2310 23.0 1 America Feeder Angelica Schulte ANL Australia ANL Bass Trader ANL Emblem ANL Explorer ANL Pacific ANL Progress Anne Catharina APL Cyprine Aron Asturia 20.3 9.0 Ratha Bhum Rhein Bridge Rialto Bridge Ri Feng NYK Procyon NYK Sirius NYK Springtide NYK Starlight Provider Sagar Sakura Sandra Azul Sandra Blanca Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Santa Monica Sanuki Satsuki Settsu Shima Shion Soga Sophia Britannia Sumida Sumire 169 1782 1005 4931 4895 4895 2893 2918 2905 1157 1181 1152 1152 1122 1091 3618 1100 1181 3066 584 366 2668 642 3300 2266 4250 910 298 5016 17.5 15.3 19.0 16.0 22.5 21.0 23.3 19.0 12.5 22.5 333 13.5 2202 369 357 20.0 Banjaard Barrier Burak Bayraktar Cap Canaille 550 133 15.0 13.5 14.5 17.0 16.0 16.0 Cap Melville 2532 21.5 Carola Cervantes 1107 538 Cimil 426 City of Lisbon City of Oporto 700 700 2811 18.5 15.5 13.5 16.5 16.5 CMA CGM Aegean CMA CGM Alabama CMA CGM Alger CMA CGM Amazonia CMA CGM Arno CMA CGM Balzac 15.1 4895 6135 2893 2918 912 860 2758 678 405 22.0 21.5 1668 17.0 15.0 19.5 6447 25.9 Sha He Shamrock Shang Cheng Shanghai Bridge Shanghai Senator 1234 18.3 CMA CGM Baudelaire 350 724 5576 6447 16.0 CMA CGM Belem 1162 17.0 15.5 25.0 CMA CGM Bellini CMA CGM Berlioz 24.5 18.0 CMA CGM Bizet 5700 6627 6627 3538 San He Sheng He 2661 3801 725 Shi Gang 233 45 Shi Gang 388 75 Shimanami 450 Shi Tai 3 Hao Shuang Feng Shan Sinar Bali Sinar Bangka Sinar Batam Sinar Bintan Sinar Bontang Sinar Java Sinar Lombok Sinar Salju Sinar Solo Sinar Sunda Sinar Surya Sing Ping Siri Bhum Sky Light Sky River Sky Success Song Cheng Song He Song Yun He Star River Steamers Prudence St Petersburg Mariner Su Da Suez Canal Bridge Sui Da 3 Sui Jian Hang JI 129 Sui Jian Hang JI 131 Sui Jian Hang 133 Sui Shun 101 Sui Shun Hang 28 Sui Shun Hang 32 Sui Sun 77 Sui Wu 501 Sui Xing 3 Sui Yue 2 Hao Sun Hop Lee Synthesis No.28 22.0 18.0 CMA CGM Capella CMA CGM Caribbean CMA CGM Chardin CMA CGM Chopin CMA CGM Claudel CMA CGM Colombie CMA CGM Condor CMA CGM Constellation CMA CGM Debussy CMA CGM Eygpt CMA CGM Elbe CMA CGM Emerald CMA CGM Energy CMA CGM Falcon CMA CGM Force CMA CGM Fort St Georges CMA CGM Fort St Louis 11.0 15.0 90 140 1060 1054 1556 1054 1054 1146 816 197 1060 1556 1556 18.5 96 550 14.5 746 1960 617 724 1688 1432 494 779 3005 288 5608 18.0 18.0 18.5 18.0 18.0 17.0 18.0 16.0 18.0 18.5 CMA CGM Fort St Pierre CMA CGM St Marie CMA CGM Greece 16.5 CMA CGM Hispaniola 23.0 CMA CGM Hudson 14.0 15.5 15.5 19.0 19.2 17.5 20.0 14.0 25.0 CMA CGM Hugo CMA CGM Impala CMA CGM Kalamata CMA CGM Kingston CMA CGM Kiwi CMA CGM Komodo CMA CGM La Bourdonnais CMA CGM Latour CMA CGM Lea CMA CGM Licorne CMA CGM Maghreb CMA CGM Makassar 36 45 45 45 9.0 9.0 7.5 CMA CGM Manet 100 45 45 48 24 36 CMA CGM Marmara CMA CGM Matisse CMA CGM Mozart CMA CGM Normandie CMA CGM Okapi CMA CGM Oran CMA CGM Papagayo CMA CGM Pasteur CMA CGM Potomac CMA CGM Puccini CMA CGM Puget CMA CGM Puma 9.0 39 124 96 Tai Hang 302 Tai Heng 8 42 Takeko 564 51 10.0 9.5 20.7 170 25.9 25.9 25.9 22.5 516 15.5 3300 5700 2602 2113 22.5 24.5 21.5 20.0 1354 19.5 22.5 3359 6627 2811 2917 2458 2438 2432 2438 2260 2260 2260 2260 2824 25.9 22.0 22.0 21.0 20.5 21.0 20.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 24.0 1367 1668 17.8 19.5 8200 24.5 1726 19.6 2917 4250 22.0 23.3 20.0 22.0 1730 2917 1684 18.0 2272 21.5 541 1728 20.0 580 2917 2272 2811 2262 5700 4688 1708 352 1354 2023 1645 5700 4404 1716 15.0 17.0 22.0 21.5 22.0 20.5 24.5 24.0 19.8 13.0 19.5 19.0 19.5 24.5 24.0 21.8 Teng He 3764 Teng Yun He 1702 TMM Campeche 3032 TMM Yucatan Tong Jie Tong Wei Tower Bridge Trade Eternity 3200 Trade Freda Trade Hallie Trade Harvest Trade Selene Trade Tesia Trade Worlder Trisk Tsing Ma Bridge Twadika Umeko UNI Active UNI Adroit UNI Ample UNI Angel UNI Arise UNI Aspire UNI Assure UNI Chart UNI Concert UNI Concord UNI Corona UNI Crown UNI Forward UNI Pacific UNI Patriot UNI Perfect UNI Popular UNI Premier UNI Probity UNI Promote UNI Prosper UNI Prudent UNI Ahead UNI Phoenix 22.0 20.2 20.5 21.6 80 75 2140 2480 4038 4038 2227 2480 4038 442 204 5610 267 564 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 998 998 998 998 998 956 1618 1618 1618 1618 1618 1618 1618 1618 1618 20.6 19.0 24.0 24.0 20.0 19.0 24.0 25.0 12.5 20.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 16.5 18.7 18.7 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.7 18.7 18.7 15.0 19.6 CMA CGM Rabat CMA CGM Ravel CMA CGM Rio Para 511 15.3 2478 5700 370 2986 2732 2917 21.7 24.5 CMA CGM Strauss 5700 24.5 CMA CGM Tage CMA CGM Tatiana CMA CGM Tucano CMA CGM Turkey CMA CGM Ukraine CMA CGM Utrillo CMA CGM Verdi CMA CGM Verlaine CMA CGM Virginia CMA CGM Vivaldi CMA CGM Voltaire CMA CGM Wagner CMA CGM Wallaby CMA CGM Yantian 1645 19.5 18.5 Corona Denizhan Bayraktar Doerte Dollart Trader Dutch Runner Enforcer Engiadina Er Caen Er Calais Er Camargue Er Cannes Er Sydney Euro Storm Fas Damman Fas Gulf Fas Provence Fas Var 3482 Wang Foong 18 Wang Foong 9 228 130 WanHai 215 Indamex Godavari Ingo J 500 Jan D 784 5551 25.9 1118 1020 23.0 19.2 17.0 2500 21.6 Gascogne Holger Iduna Indamex Delaware 171 17.5 25.8 CMA CGM Romania CMA CGM Rossini CMA CGM Santiago CMA CGM Sapphire CMA CGM Seagull CMA CGM Seine CMA CGM Skikda CMA CGM Springbok CMA CGM St Laurent CMA CGM St Martin Van Xuan Vega Diamond Venus Bridge Victoria Bridge Victoria Strait VN Sapphire Wadi Alrayan 594 976 6712 516 1608 1162 1162 822 2008 2811 2824 2262 5700 6456 2811 8200 6456 5700 1684 4250 372 470 448 1608 221 750 2824 2556 2556 2556 2556 3359 686 847 1102 581 601 558 508 325 2890 3607 202 440 15.3 21.5 22.5 22.0 16.0 21.0 17.0 17.0 21.5 22.0 24.0 20.5 24.5 25.8 22.0 24.5 25.8 24.5 20.0 23.3 15.5 15.0 15.5 21.0 12.5 18.0 24.0 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 22.5 17.6 17.5 20.0 15.5 14.3 17.5 15.0 14.5 21.8 23.5 11.5 14.0 WanHai 262 1240 Wan Hai 266 Wan Hai 301 Wan Hai 302 Wan Hai 303 Wan Hai 305 Wan Hai 307 Wan He 2496 2496 2496 Washington Senator Wehr Bille Wehr Havel Wei Xing Welcome Well Grace Well Union Westerhever Wide Tech 23 Wide Tech 33 Wing Hing NO.18 Wing Lee No.1 Wing On 838 World D Xetha Bhum XHSJ 0288 Xiang Da Xiang Dan Xiang He Xiang Kun Xiang Lain Xiang Peng Xiang Qian Xiang Tan Huo 0029 Xiang Xing Xiang Yun He Xi Bo He Xie Hang 1 Xie Hang 12 Xie Hang 198 Xie Hang 2 Xie Hang 28 Xie Hang 313 Xie Hang 88 Xie Hang 9 Xing He Xin Hai Run Xin Hui He Xin Hui JI 12 Xin Xin Xin Xin Hui Hui Hui Hui JI JI JI JI 13 15 16 19 Xin Hui J 20 2496 2496 2496 5446 2850 2546 2526 65 437 132 124 1572 72 100 120 120 120 934 1080 64 200 200 1686 582 200 576 582 392 316 1702 3400 21.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.5 19.8 22.0 10.0 14.0 96 80 96 1328 612 836 10 36 48 48 16 12 Madeleine Rickmers Margaretha Maria Schulte Neva Nicola Nordmed Northern Dignity Orient Aishwarya Pacheco Priwall Promoter N 20.0 17.0 12.0 12.0 14.5 15.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 Rahana Renate Schulte Rigena Rybno Sadan Bayraktar Saipan Carrier Saipan Harvester Saipan Voyager Sea Explorer Sieltor Stella J Sunshine II Sylvette 14.0 20.3 21.0 10.0 868 366 263 847 2478 3607 21.7 23.8 1020 300 17.0 13.5 2480 20.0 756 1122 1354 1810 261 596 602 576 13.5 18.5 19.5 17.0 12.5 15.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 15.0 15.5 16.0 13.5 17.5 12.0 701 384 516 520 347 844 132 4030 Ville De Mars Ville De Mijo 2954 21.5 601 3961 4031 3961 23.7 23.8 23.7 4030 23.7 3961 23.7 22.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Andalusia Safmarine Cotonou Alicantia Safmarine Maluti Safmarine Cameroun Safmarine Concord Safmarine Asia Safmarine Europe Safmarine Lobito Safmarine Soyo 8.0 Elise D 172 847 1728 17.0 17.5 17.5 19.6 18.5 15.3 12.5 17.5 Ville D'Antares Ville D'Aquarius Ville De Dubai Xiang Ling 17.6 15.5 16.5 8.0 678 657 VD Mina Qaboos Ville De Mimosa Ville De Tanya Ville De Taurus Ville De Virgo Ville D'Orion Westerland Wotan 36 36 120 60 45 Janina Kappel N Karina 3961 847 23.7 23.7 17.5 14.3 2764 297 210 2262 21.5 1737 19.5 2262 2063 2096 21.5 21.5 21.0 1799 1972 1972 17.5 17.5 17.5 14.5 15.0 14.5 428 428 428 12.5 12.5 Xin Hui JI 22 Xin Hui JI 23 Xin Hui JI 3 Xin Hui JI 5 Xin Hui JI 9 Xin Tong 16 Xiu Shan Yang Jiang He Yang Xian 8 Yan He Yantra Bhum Yellow Sea Yin He YM Athens YM Bremens YM Earth YM Fountain YM Genova II YM Great YM March YM Milano YM Napoli 12 8.0 36 16 16 36 24 66 8.0 8.0 8.0 16.5 54 725 1080 3681 1328 16.8 17.0 16.5 5618 5576 26.3 1620 5551 1400 5576 5576 19.7 25.9 YM New york 4038 25.0 25.0 22.0 22.4 22.2 YM Pearl River I YM People 1464 1620 18.0 19.7 YM Savannah 4038 22.2 YM Sky 1620 5551 YM Success YM Tacoma YM Wealth YM Wilmington YM Yantian Yokohama Senator 2800 3359 3456 5551 4038 3916 4545 Yongyue No.6 Young Liberty 631 1295 12.0 17.0 Yuan He Yu Chang 2 3764 24.0 Yue An Yun 05 Yue Feng 902 Yue Feng 903 Yue Hai 1028 Yue He Yu Feng Yu Gu He Yu He Yun Bao Yun He 3101 3101 3101 3101 Safmarine Letaba 2080 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 21.0 20.0 22.2 Safmarine Mgeni 1730 Safmarine Kei 2474 LT Grace LT Greet LT Garland LT Glamor LT Usodimare LT Unica LT Universo MV R.J. Pfeiffer MV Mahimahi MV Mokihana MV Manoa MV Manukai S.S. Maui 17.0 45 118 72 60 60 96 5446 14.5 13.0 15.0 15.5 15.5 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 15.5 15.0 15.5 16.5 Safmarine Igoli Safmarine Ibhayi Safmarine Ikapa 19.7 764 140 428 640 925 519 525 925 414 414 414 448 390 523 510 Pongola Safmarine Zambezi Safmarine Tugela Maersk Dakar 25.9 24.0 25.9 22.2 22.5 23.7 Yong Ding He Yong Feng Yong Hang 9 Safemarine Gabon Theofano Safmarine Bioko Safmarine Onne Safmarine Houston Safmarine Douala Safmarine Evagelia Safmarine Meroula Safmarine Congo Elizabeth Portlink Caravel Portlink Pacer Sven Oltmann SA Winterberg Maersk Constantia SA Sederberg SA Helderberg S.S. Chief Gadao S.S. Lurline S.S. Kauai S.S. Lihue S.S. Ewa S.S. Matsonia 24.7 65 3400 20.0 1686 98 14.5 5446 24.5 Independent Trader Independent Venture Independent Endeavor Independent Action 173 797 18.0 2496 2063 2106 3152 2732 2732 2728 2728 3428 3428 5652 5652 5652 2229 2824 2824 2824 2600 2600 21.7 21.5 21.0 22.0 22.5 22.5 20.5 20.5 20.7 20.7 25.0 25.0 25.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 22.5 22.5 21.0 21.5 22.5 21.0 21.0 21.5 1981 1379 1626 1979 2015 1712 1208 1468 1452 1388 17.5 18.5 19.0 17.5 Appendix B 174 %Random Deployment Simulation function cov = cov_3d(X,Y,Z,r,num det,N) % % % % % % X: Height of container array (in TEUs) Y: Width of container array (in TEUs) Z: Length of container array (in TEUs) r: Effective detection range (in feet) num_det: Number of detectors to be deployed N: Number of runs tic x = 8 * X; % Conversion from TEUs to feet y = 8 * Y; % Conversion from TEUs to feet z = 20 * Z; % Conversion from TEUs to feet for 1 = :N % Number of runs loop % Constructs initial geometry matrix DO = logical(zeros(x,y,z)); count = 1; % Generates random number vector pos = rand(1,3); while count < (numdet % Number of detectors loop + 1) % Constructs a new detector matrix D1 = logical(zeros(x,y,z)); pos = rand(1,3); % % % % % dx = ceil(pos(l)*x); dy = ceil(pos(2)*y); dz = ceil(pos(3)*z); Dl(dx,dy,dz) = 1; % x-axis loop for i = dx-r:dx+r if ((i < 1) I Fixes the x-coordinate of the detector Fixes the y-coordinate of the detector Fixes the z-coordinate of the detector Establishes the detector's center-point in the detector matrix (i > x)) % Ensures detector matrices & geometry % remain equi-dimensional continue end % y-axis loop for j = dy-r:dy+r if ((j < 1) I (j > y)) % Dimension control continue end % z-axis loop for k = dz-r:dz+r if ((k < 1) I (k > z)) % Dimension control continue end if sqrt((i-dx)^2+(j-dy)^2+(k-dz)^2) 175 <= r % % % % Checks whether element is within the detection sphere Dl(i,j,k) = 1; % Fills in the detector matrix end end end end % Current geometry matrix and detector matrix are 'OR'ed together DO = DO D1; count = count + 1; end. det cov = sum(sum(sum(D0))); cov(l) = det_cov/(x*y*z); % Sums the number of elements within detection spheres % Calculates fractional coverage volume and writes it % to an output vector end cov = coy' mean cov = mean(cov) mediancov = median(cov) stdcov = std(cov) min cov = min(cov) max cov = max(cov) % Statistical analysis of full output vector % Statistical analysis of full output vector % toc 176 % Constrained Deployment Simulator function cov = new_3d(X,Y,Z,r,num_det,N) % % % % % % X: Height of container array Y: Width of container array Z: Length of container array r: Effective detection range num_det: Number of detectors N: Number of runs (in TEUs) (in TEUs) (in TEUs) (in feet) to be deployed tic x = 8 * X; % Conversion from TEUs to feet y = 8 * Y; % Conversion from TEUs to feet z = 20 * Z; % Conversion from TEUs to feet for 1 =- :N DO = logical(zeros(x,y,z)); count % Constructs initial geometry matrix = 1; % Generates random number vector pos = rand(1,20); while count < (numdet + 1) % Number of detectors loop D1 = logical(zeros(x,y,z)); % Constructs a new detector matrix pos = rand(l,20); rnd cnt = 1; x switch = 0; % y_switch = 0; % Initializes constraint test variables z switch % = 0; while x switch < 1 dx_test = ceil(pos(rnd_cnt)*x); if ((dx_test > 8) & (dx_test % % % Checks dx = dx test; < (x-7))) % satisfies constraints if x-coordinate rndcnt = rndcnt +1; % x switch = 1; % else rnd cnt = rnd cnt + 1; end end while y_switch < 1 dy_test = ceil(pos(rnd_cnt)*y); if ((dy_test > 8) & (dy test % % < (y-7))) dy = dy_test; rnd cnt = rnd cnt + 1; y_switch = 1; else rndcnt = rnd cnt + 1; 177 % Checks % % % satisfies constraints if y-coordinate end end while z switch < 1 dz_test = ceil(pos(rnd_cnt)*z); if > 20) & (dz test < (z-19))) ((dztest dz = dz test; % % Checks if z-coordinate satisfies constraints rnd cnt = rnd cnt + 1; z switch = 1; else rnd cnt = rndcnt + 1; end end Dl(dx,dy,dz) = 1; % Establishs detector center-point % in the detector matrix % x-axis loop % Dimension control for i = dx-r:dx+r if ((i < 1) )) I (i > continue end for j = dy-r:dy+r if ((j < 1) ( )) % y-axis loop % Dimension control I (k > z)) % z-axis loop % Dimension control > continue end for k = dz-r:dz+r if ((k < 1) continue end if sqrt((i-dx)^2+(j-dy)^2+(k-dz) 2) <= r % Checks whether % element is within % the detection % sphere Dl(i,j,k) % Fills in the detector matrix = 1; end end end end % Current geometry matrix and detector matrix are 'OR'ed together DO = DO D1; count = count + 1; rnd cnt = 1; 178 end det_cov = sum(sum(sum(DO))); cov(l) = det_cov/(x*y*z); % Sums the number of elements within detection spheres % Calculates fractional coverage volume and writes it % to an output vector end File = strcat(num2str(X), '',num2str(Y) , ',num2str(Z),' ), ' ',num2str(N)) meancov = mean(cov) median cov = median(cov) stdcov = std(cov) min cov = min(cov) ',num2str(r),' ',num2str(numdet % Statistical analysis of full output vector max cov = max(cov) toc 179 % Centerline Deployment Simulator function cov = centerline(X,Y,Z,r,det_start,det_step,det_stop) tic x = 8 * X; % Conversion from TEUs to feet y = 8 * Y; % Conversion from TEUs to feet z = 20 * Z; % Conversion from TEUs to feet DO = logical(zeros(x,y,z)); % Constructs initial geometry matrix for det = det_start : det_step : det_stop % Detector placement loop D1 = logical (zeros(x,y,z)); % Constructs a new detector matrix dx = ?; % 1440 TEU -> dx = 28 % % % % dy = ?; 2496 3600 4800 6460 TEU TEU TEU TEU -> -> -> -> dx dx dx dx = = = = 36 36 36 36 % 1440 TEU -> dy = 36 % % % % 2496 3600 4800 6460 TEU TEU TEU TEU -> -> -> -> dy dy dy dy = = = = 44 44 60 68 dz = det % Places detectors along the length Dl(dx,dy,dz) = 1; % Fixes center-point of detector in % the detector matrix for i = dx-r:dx+r if ((i < 1) I % x-axis loop (i > x)) % Dimension control continue end for j = dy-r:dy+r ((j < 1) (j continue end % y-axis loop if > y)) % Dimension for k = dz-r:dz+r if ((k < 1) I cont:rol % z-axis (k > z)) % Dimension cont: rol continue end if sqrt((i-dx)^2+(j-dy)A2+(k-dz)A2) <= r % Checks whether % element is within % the detection % sphere 180 Dl(i,j,k) = 1; % Fills in the detector matrix end end end end DO = DO Dl; % Current geometry matrix and detector matrix are 'OR'ed together end = sum(sum(sum(DO))); detco co = det_cov/(x*y*z); cov % Sums the number of elements within detection spheres % Calculates fractional coverage volume % Outputs fractional coverage volume toc 181 MITLibraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.5668 Fax: 617.253.1690 Email: http: //libraries, mit. edu/docs DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. 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