TESTING THE DIFFERENTIAL EFFICIENCY HYPOTHESIS by Richard Schmalensee SSM WP#1628-85 February 1985 Testing The Differential Efficiency Hypothesis Richard Schmalensee Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology ABSTRACT The predictions of collusion- and efficiency-based static equilibrium explanations of inter-industry profitability differences are developed and tested using intra-industry data on 70 US Internal Revenue Service minor manufacturing industries in 1963 and 1972. The 1963 data favor collusion-based models, while the 1972 estimates are Patterns of with both paradigms. inconsistent profitability are radically different (in complex ways apparently unrelated to cyclical forces or the Phase II These findings call price controls) in these two years. into question the value of single-year inter-industry studies and suggest the potential importance of panel data and dynamic disequilibrium models in industrial economics. February 1985 _1_11_11_ I. Introduction Since the positive, pioneering work of Joe Bain (1951), the existence of a but typically weak correlation between concentration and accounting measures of profitability has been accepted as an important stylized fact industrial economics. universally Until rationalized relatively recently, this by means of the Differential fact was Collusion of almost Hyeothesis (DCH): Industries differ in the effectiveness with which sellers are able to limit competition by tacit or explicit collusion. Collusion is more likely to be effective, and profitability is more likely to be above competitive levels, the higher are concentration and barriers to entry (as defined by Bain (1956)). This hypothesis has inspired a multitude of cross-section industry-level other measures factors various (1980, thought measures ch. of concentration, relating of conditions of entry, likely to affect the effectiveness of industry profitability. of and of collusion to (See Weiss (1974) 9) for overviews of this literature.) produced results broadly consistent with the DCH, generally studies and Scherer Most of these efforts have with statstical weaknesses rationalized in terms of the difficulty of measuring key variables (especially conditions of entry) with great precision. A decade explanation ago, of the Harold Demsetz (1973, positive 1974) correlation proposed between an alternative concentration and profitability, the Differential Efficiency Hypothesis (DEH): Effective collusion is rare; effective tacit collusion is virtually nonexistent. Industries differ in the importance of long-lived efficiency differences among sellers. Where these differences are unimportant, concentration and accounting profitability will be low. Where efficiency differences are important, the most efficient firms will grow large relative to their rivals and will earn Ricardian rents based on their lower costs. Both concentration and profitability will thus be high in such cases. If this cartel hypothesis is correct, arrangements seller behavior in the absence can be analyzed using competitive or of explicit non-cooperative - 2 - models, issues elements of of entry barriers and entry deterrence do not arise, market structure central to DCH-based analysis can be and ignored., The DEH also implies that antitrust should abandon its historic, DCH-supported concern with market structure and limit itself to prosecution of collusive behavior. The present study examines the consistency of these hypotheses Demsetz (1973, intra-industry profitability differences in US manufacturing. 1974) conducted the first empirical examination of this sort. followed by a host of subsequent authors, Pugel with He has including Carter (1978), been Caves and (1980), Clarke, Davies, and Waterson (1984), Daskin (1983), Long (1982), Porter (1979), Round (1975), Ravenscraft (1983), and Schmalensee (1985).2 strategy in much of this work, on the inter-industry parameters share. of which is also employed here, has been to focus relation between industry-specific (Scherer (1980, ch. The seller concentration and distributions of profitability 9), Brozen (1982), various and and Daskin (1983) market provide contrasting summaries of this literature.) Most previous have not employed formal models of industry behavior under alternative hypotheses. As a consequence, in clarify comparisons of the DEH and the DCH it is often unclear whether the empirical results obtained are consistent with one, begin empirical Section both, or neither of these hypotheses. Accordingly, II by analyzing simple equilibrium models that the intra-industry and inter-industry implications of and a hybrid hypothesis combining the key features of both. this analysis is not to develop a full-blown determinants of accounting profitability. would argue, testable more realistic): to structural serve to DEH, the the DCH, The goal of model of the The aim is less ambitious (and, use simple models to predictions of these alternative world-views. I identify I critical I am concerned here - 3 - with empirical regularities and stylized facts, not structural coefficients. III describes the data used in this study. Section are examined in 1963 and 1972, The same two cyclically comparable years. industries This design was chosen to permit both evaluation of the stability of key relationships and analysis of industry-level changes over time. Section IV presents the results taking explicit account of estimating intra-industry profitability relations, both the aggregation of firms into size classes of Revenue data Service) employed and of in the (U.S. Internal patterns plausible of heteroscedasticity. Section 1972 of V the presents the results of inter-industry analyses for 1963 levels of key parameters, industry-specific along with and an evaluation of the consistency of the DEH and the DCH with the main features of these data. Intra-industry estimates are explicitly treated as measuring the Section VI employs estimation technique to describes the pattern of parameter changes unknown industry-level parameters of interest with error. the same 1963 and 1972, between and Section VII summarizes the main findings of this study and their implications for future research. IiImEglications of Alternative- Hvotheses Two model central features of the DEH, designed to reveal which should be present in any the implications of that hypothesis, formal are of market shares on efficiency differences and the independence of dependence seller behavior and market concentration. In contrast, a central feature of I also the DCH is the dependence of seller behavior on market concentration. take as a central feature of what I term the relation pure' DCH the lack of a between market share and differential efficiency within -_-._11^-1(--11-I- -.- random shocks are stressed as sources general industries. mergers, historical accidents, In at least some textbook versions of the DCH, and the of concentration, rather than - 4 - differential efficiency or, (See, for deriving except for very small firms, for that equation. The I begin simple by intra- I then explore the implications of the pure Section concludes with of a hybrid DEH/DCH model, implications 4).) implications of the DEH for the parameters of a the industry profitability equation. DCH ch. the discussion in Scherer (1980, instance, economies of scale. an in which shares of analysis reflect the efficiency differences and concentration facilitates collusion. A. The Pure DEH This relation between market share and differential efficiency under is DEH basically relation, capacity has been expanded or modified. implications that long-run an since efficiency-enhancing full impact on the innovator's market share is usually not innovation's until a of the DEH, the felt To explore the inter-industry it is thus natural to focus on long-run reflect the presence of efficiency differences. Moreover, equilibria while one cannot expect all industries in any data set to be in long-run equilibrium, it seems reasonable in the absence of a suitable dynamic theory of disequilibrium to treat deviations from long-run equilibrium as random in cross-section data. This is, of course, the standard practice in the cross-section literature in industrial economics. I thus consider an industry in long-run equilibrium in which N firms sell a homogeneous product. and hence economies face have Suppose that all have attained minimum efficient scale constant long-run average costs. (Most studies concluded that firms generally need relatively shares to be in this position; see Scherer (1980, ... I co, with at least one inequality strict, scale market small ch. 4) for a survey.) Let so that c c2 is firm i's unit there be long-lived efficiency differences among these firms, C of where c cost. 3 Unit cost should not be interpreted in narrow process efficiency terms here. A firm with a superior product may simply be more efficient the production of market. While differentiation sensibly minor Lancastrian characteristics it supplies major and product create innovations something approaching a as simply reducing costs, modeled differences that to an yield new in the existing substantial market cannot be it seems reasonable to think of among products in cost/efficiency terms for purposes of formal analysis of profitability. Adoption of the DEH as a working assumption rules out collusive behavior. But I do not think that as a logical matter it requires behavior. pure price-taking Firms with large shares of industry capacity or output should not simply be assumed to ignore the effects of their actions on market price. It seems uch more cooperative plausible behavior, to under begin with which the equilibria, variable. This assumption each fire simply makes profitable) response to its rivals' actions. run basic its of non- best (most As we are concerned with long- investment in productive capacity becomes a central decision is in effect an output choice, equilibria are the most relevant. which suggests More formally, that Cournot Kreps and Scheinkman (1983) have recently shown that non-cooperative capacity decisions, followed by non- cooperative (Bertrand) price competition yield Cournot outcomes. Accordingly, let us explore the implications of the DEH Cournot equilibria with cost differences. behavioral identically; assumption that here is that all by examining (As is noted below, the fundamental firms, behavior need not be Cournot). in all industries, behave The economic profit of a typical fire is given by i = P(q+4q) where P is market price, P(Q) is - c]q 1, the inverse demand function, and q (1) Q - q, - 6 - Firm i's first-order condition, with is the total output of firm i's rivals. rivals' output treated as exogenous, can be written as follows: (P - c) = (2) ePq1 /Q, elasticity E -1/[(aQ/8P)(P/Q)] is the reciprocal of the industry where demand. Multiplication If equilibrium. (2) of firm i by q employs yields firm i's assets worth K*, economic and if profit the of in normal, rate of return on invested capital relevant to the industry is p, competitive firm i's accounting profit is given by ira Finally, its letting revenue/capital = (3) K1 + e(q/Q) (Pq). si Pq±/KI q/Q be firm i's market share and v ratio, can divide (3) by K one to obtain a be simple equation involving the accounting rate of return on assets: r, = A + B(sivi), where, under the DEH, A = , (4) the competitive rate of return, and B = e, the reciprocal of the market elasticity of demand. of One can think of A as the rate return corresponding to a zero market share. operating in any industry will thus generally have rates of return in of A under the DEH. concentration. 4 accept investigations While equation (4) flows directly from the DEH, that of the intra-industry presence variables the same units.) Under DEH, excess The size of this excess may even be positively related to one need not hypothesis to view (4) as a natural specification to that particular The smallest firms actually profitability of v gives the differences. independent and employ in (Note in dependent It is employed as such in what follows. as described above, both A and B should be positive for all - 7 - industries. Further, negatively) with neither parameter should be correlated (positively seller concentration across industries. Under or the DEH, variations of A across industries ought mainly to reflect differences in risk and in accounting biases, while variations in elasticities. differences in demand large-firm profitability advantage B should mainly To obtain an alternative that should be reflect measure correlated of with concentration, define RA as the difference between an industry's average rate of return, and its intercept parameter, A. R, Then, using equation (4), the DEH implies N N (E a,/E Ki) - A = i=l i=l RA where v (PQ/E K) and seller concentration. and it should H E (s) z (5) veH, is the Hirschman-Herfindahl index of RA should be positive for all industries under the DEH, be positively correlated with most concentration measures, especially when differences in capital intensity are controlled for. varies across industries, however, Since e one cannot expect the correlation between RA and concentration to be particularly strong. B. The Pure DCH Under what I have called the pure DCH, by differences in efficiency. Under this hypothesis, estimation of (4) should still yield positive values of A. systematically related, have a mean market shares are not determined But, since share and profitability are not the distribution of B and RA across industries should of approximately zero. Inter-industry differences in these parameters would reflect accounting quirks and historical accidents. There the DCH, is no reason why B should be correlated with concentration but the implications regarding A and RA are less clear. under On the one - hand, if barriers industries to differ - in the importance of mobility (Caves and Porter (1977)) barriers entry, but generally unimportant, collusive behavior will raise the profits of all firms together. With market shares A and positively concentration are to unrelated to efficiency differences, correlated with concentration in cross-section, a positive correlation between RA and seller consistent with the pure DCH. that small in On the other concentration is also To see this, suppose (following Porter (1979)) industry has two strategic groups: and into which entry is be but RA (which may be positive or negative in any particular industry) will not be. hand, will free, one in which market shares are and one in which established sellers are protected by barriers to entry and mobility. Sellers in the first group will earn only competitive returns, while the DCH implies that if (and only if) the second group is concentrated, its members will earn monopoly rents, industry average rate of return will be supracompetitive. If this and the two-group structure is typical, RA will be positively related to concentration in crosssection, while A will not be. To summarize, the pure DCH predicts that be uncorrelated with concentration, while either A, or RA, will or possibly both will be positively correlated with concentration in cross-section. C. A DEH/DCH Hybrid Since both the DEH and the DCH seem rather special, it is important to investigate the implications of DEH/DCH models, in which shares are related to differential efficiency and seller concentration facilitates collusion. this, I generalize the Cournot model developed above, using the conjectural variation formalism to describe possible collusive equilibria. i's conjectural derivative, 8a1 /3qi, ri = To do If Xl is firm equation (4) can written as + [(l+Xk)e](siv). (6) - 9 - equal, It is easy to show that all else (including rivals' total output) the lower is firm i's output. In other words, the higher is higher is X, the X X, Under the DEH/DCH, one would the more firm i restricts output in equilibrium. expect the to be positive and to be generally larger the more concentrated is the industry considered. If Xi = X for all firms in immediately that estimation of evH(l+X). If, uncorrelated in addition, industry, (4) should yield A = equation (6) B = e(l+k), , the implications indistinguishable from those of the pure DEH. this of and RA and RA should be positive, = least model are however, X Under the DEH/DCH, should be positively correlated with concentration across industries. B, implies or at X is constant across industries, concentration, with some Then A, A should be independent of concentration, and both B and RA should be positively correlated with concentration. There is no strong theoretical or empirical that the Xi are equal within industries, have r version = (See also Long assumption the Clarke and Davies (1982) (1-s)/s1, with a (1982) and Clarke, positively Davies, and Under this assumption, equation (6) becomes Waterson (1984).) This of course. proposed the alternative assumption X correlated with concentration. support for = Q+aevi] + [(1-c)e(sv). (7) of the DEH/DCH thus implies that greater seller concentration should be associated with higher estimates of A and lower estimates of B. main rationale for the Clarke-Davies assumption appears to be that as a The 4 1 (with rising marginal cost), the equilibrium described by (7) converges to the maximization of total industry profit. While total industry profit may be a plausible cartel objective when side payments are possible, however, it does not seem function especially - when, Moreover, maximization - essentially impossible. of total industry profit requires small, inefficient such payments are as in the U.S., plausible 10 firms to be the main restrictors of output, st Xi and in imperfectly the and the inverse relation Clarke-Davies assumption imposes equilibria (i.e., collusive this OPEC, (See But this those with a<l). imperfect Nash within counter to If, (loosely) following the relevant cooperative and non-cooperative theory. widely-employed runs Clarke-Davies assumption also The all pattern almost any recent discussion of behavioral differences instance.5 ) for on pattern seems inconsistent with most descriptions of the actual behavior of cartels. between model of bargaining as a cooperative game without side payments, one examines the conditions for maximizing the product of the firms' profits, is it easy show that the optimium can be to represented conjectural variation equilibrium in which firms with lower costs have thus than that small firms run a lower risk of detection and punishment oligopoly restriction. firms if they fail to do their "fair share' of output large higher it follows from Stigler's (1964) model of On the non-cooperative side, X's. that a positive relation between s, and X conclude a as is I plausible more than a negative relation of the sort pos tulated by Clarke and Davies. suppose that the DEH/DCH To explore the implications of such a relation, holds for some industry, so that equation (6), with the addition homoscedastic- disturbance distributed independently of the X1 and the correct suppose specification. that v in employed to = X + Ys so that X the industry, and focus on the Finall y, = v for all i. are linear in the si, firms To is concentration, where N is the number of 1 -(1/N)], Then if least a bit of algebra expectations of the estimated parameters of (sivi), a assume that the X, have mean X and is some constant. estimate equation (4), influence of yields the squares is following - E(A) = 2 + ev[YH -E(s,) 2 E(B) = e(l+X) + eN 3 11 - ]/[NH-1], (8a) E(s1 )3-2NH+1]/[N(NH-1)], (8b) + evH(1+X) + evY[E(s,)3 -(H/N)] - E(A), E(RA) = (8c) where H = E(st) 2 , as above. If approximated by the which is commonly treated as a workable approximation to firm size lognormal, it distributions, ch. (1963), of the s, can be adequately distribution the 2) is that and easy to show (using results from Aitcheson expected value of E(s 1 )3 the substitution in equations NH 3. is Brown Making this (8) yields - evYH 2 , E(A) = (9a) E(B) = e(l+X) + e[YN 3 3 (9b) H -2NH+13/[N(NH-1), E(RA) = evH(1+X) + evYNH3 +H2 -(H/N)]. As an empirical matter, concentration. is it N is at best weakly (negatively) easy to show that the second terms on the right of (9b) and Equations A though are is generally positive and independent should be negijively correlated with the (9c) And /N, its lower bound. (9) thus imply that if concentration, cross-section, with correlated (See, for instance, Schmalensee (1977), esp. footnote 1.) positive and increasing in H for H > of (9c) correlation may be weak, concentration while the in positive correlation between concentration and both B and RA will be stronger than if = 0. If is large, A could be negative for highly concentrated industries, but B and RA should be positive in all cases. In what follows I treat these as the most likely outcomes under the DEH/DCH. Equations ____· (9) also show that negative values of , which I have argued - 12 - are relatively implausible, will tend to induce a positive correlation between concentration concentration and and A and to weaken the positive and between concentration and RA. B between correlations If generally is negative and large, these latter correlations could become negative, producing A should be but negative values of B and RA could be observed in results like those implied by equation (7). in all cases, positive highly concentrated industries industries. with v and (along ), Since <O is the norm, If e may vary among substantially one cannot expect any of the correlations predicted by this hybrid DEH/DCH model to be particularly strong. III. Data Employed The data employed in this study cover U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) minor which manufacturing industries for 1963 and 1972. Census concentration. of Manufactures data could be I chose to use years used to measure for seller These particular Census years were selected because data for them were readily available, they were far enough apart in time for changes in industry-level variables to reflect changes in their fundamental determinants, and because they were comparable in terms of the business cycle. 6 and 1972 were relatively prosperous years. 5.5% in both years, Both 1963 The overall unemployment rate was while the civilian unemployment rate was 5.7% in 1963 and 5.6% in 1972.' Real GNP grew 4.6% during 1963 and 5.7% during 1972. was somewhat higher in 1972 than in 1963: the 6NP deflator rose Inflation only 1.5% during 1963 but rose 4.9% during 1972. Focusing on the manufacturing sector, quite similar. the two years studied again appear The Federal Reserve Board's measure of capacity was 83.5% in both periods. 1963 and 10.4% in 1972. utilization Real 6NP originating in manufacturing rose 7.7% in The corresponding implicit deflator fell 1.1% during - 13 - 1963 and rose only 0.3% during 1972. Almost all the inflation that worried policy-makers during 1972 occurred outside the manufacturing sector. Perhaps operation the obvious most difference between 1963 But there are Phase II price controls during 1972. of 1972 and is at least reasons for concluding that this is unimportant for the present three the study. the macroeconomic literature suggests that these controls did not have First, effects on the economy as a whole; large controls Second, Appendix A results of a time-series analysis indicating that the the reports had insignificant an effect on of relation the This manufacturing. between study, firm size and II Third, time-series US in profitability undertaken to test for the possibility that the II controls were enforced mainly against leading Phase Phase profits. manufacturing Appendix A also reports the results of a small-scale study of the behavior and Dornbusch for instance, 566-67) and the references they cite. pp. Fischer (1981, see, smaller rivals artificial competitive advantages, firms, their giving does not find 1972 to be an outlier in any relevant sense. Data Revenue by industry and by industry-specific asset size-class for minor Service industries for 1972 were mainly obtained Internal from the Project on Industry and Company Analysis (PICA) at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. In order to reduce well-known easurement problems associated with very small fires and to reduce the importance of scale-related cost differences (the presence of which would tend to bias of the DEH) in the data, favor excluded. industry, In order to from the sample. broadly defined results have at least four usable 2398, 2899, size classes Nany of the remaining industries are with at least some supply-side links. for eact 3860, and 3870) were ther sufficiently that they should be thought of as including several 11^_1____---.-----_~~~1.~~~-1__ In data on fires with assets below $500,000 were five IRS industries (2380, dropped our A final industry (3990, markets miscellaneous - 14 - manufactured dropped except ordinance, manufacturing not allocable) because the markets it included seemed unlikely to be at all linked. least products, Our final sample consisted of 70 IRS minor industries, four usable size classes. was closely each with at The maximum number of usable classes was eight; the mean number was 6.8. for 1963 IRS industries was provided by Allan J. Data from the Daskin, data set assembled for use in his dissertation (Daskin (1983)). were aggregated (size-class by size-class) to conform to the These 1972 data industry All following the 1968 IRS Sourcebook of Statistics of Income. definitions, 1963 industries had between five and nine usable size classes, with a mean of 8.3 classes per industry. For each size-class for each industry, total assets, The ratio I compiled the number of pre-tax profits plus interest payments, the distorting taxation. of and business receipts. of total pre-tax returns (profits plus interest) to employed was used as the accounting rate of return, effects of differences in r. leverage firms, total assets This measure avoids and effective income (Daskin (1983) reports that the effects in this context of the use returns after-tax profitability, r is are negligible.) inherently Like imprecise. all The accounting measures inter-industry of equations discussed below include controls (crude ones, to be sure) for some frequentlydiscussed accounting biases. one should anything expect more the More importantly, however, it is not clear why most obvious infirmities of accounting than add noise to our estimates. In particular, data it to is obvious why accounting biases should be correlated with concentration in a way as Similarly, to produced biased estimates of key cross-section do not such coefficients. the conglomerate merger wave of the late 1960's undoubtedly serves to lower the quality of the 1972 data, but it is not clear why it should bias - 15 - estimates of relations involving concentration. The following variables were computed for each IRS minor manufacturing industry in 1963 and 1972: = Ratio of pre-tax profits plus interest payments to total assets for all firms with assets above $500,000 R CONC = Weighted average, using value-added weights, of four-firm concentration ratios of constituent 4-digit Census industries. AD/K = Ratio of advertising outlays to total assets. PQ/K = Ratio of business receipts to total assets. DDUR = 1 - DNDR = 1 for durable goods industries, zero otherwise. DCON = 1 - DPRO = 1 for consumer goods industries, zero otherwise. standard deviations, and inter-year correlations of the first four The means, of these variables are shown in Table 1. Those figures seem generally consistent with the presumption that 1963 and 1972 are comparable years. They also indicate that dramatic changes between these years were relatively rare.@ correlations between R and the corresponding industry-wide rates The return were above .99 in both years. multiple markets, including If one thinks of IRS minor industries as also be computed using (net) asset seemed the closest readily available substitute. The correlations between AD/K, Thus CONC should weights value-added The advertising-sales ratio, which seems slightly preferable because it has the same units as the other variables, is also the both correction __II__IDEl____1-__ and AD/PD exceeded .96 in both more natural variable to use as a advertising-related accounting biases; serves weights; as is often treated as a proxy for product differentiation under the DCH. AD/PQ, AD/K of observed rates of return must be thought asset-weighted averages of rates of return in those markets. ideally of rough see Demsetz (1979). for correction The variable PQ/K to control for differences in capital intensity and as for accounting biases in asset valuation during inflation. _- years. a rough I do - 16 - not attempt to provide structural interpretations of the coefficients of and PQ/K; these variables are included as controls and for AD/K descriptive purposes. Similarly, in the interests of providing an adequate description of the it seemed desirable to examine differences between industries producing data, nondurable goods and between industries producing and durable between the along with 1963 value-added weights and digit Census industries in 1967, 1963 and 1972 IRS definitions to classify the sample Seventeen of the 70 industries in the sample along these lines. industries and I used Ornstein's (1977, Appendix B) classification of four- producer goods. correspondence consumer were found to produce mainly durable goods, and 22 were classified as consumer goods industries by this procedure.' IV._ Intra-Industry_Estimation In order to compare values of A, (4) must be estimated B, and RA across industries, for each industry in the sample. This the data are for groups of firms within asset-based size-classes. seems to have is not a since (4) relates to individual firms, while completely straightforward task, (1983) equation recognized that one cannot obtain Only Daskin unbiased or even consistent estimates by simply substituting size-class averages into equations He dealt with the problem by estimating an intra-industry equation like (4). linear in profits and assets, bias. Unfortunately, it is for which there is no problem of aggregation difficult to interpret the parameters of Daskin's equation in terms of the hypotheses of interest here. The class approach taken in this study is to aggregate (4) from firm to data explicitly and to unobservable quantities (defined substitute below) consistent that appear as estimates a size- of consequence the of - 17 - Suppose it class c in some industry. size Consider aggregation. ci" denote the it h firm in class c. firms, and let the subscript Nc has Multiplying equation (4) by the firem's total assets and adding a disturbance term yields a, + BP(q,)2 + c,i. = AK , (10) by The basic equation for size-class average rates of return is then obtained summing over the firms in class c and dividing by total assets in the class: r= - N, N= E a=,/S K, i=1 i=1 a/K= = A + B(4f=9v.) + u. (11) The new variables in this equation are defined as follows: N, f, - N, N, (q,)2/( N= q)2 N (q,)2/(q,)z (12a) (12b) -(q=/N=)/Q, s9 vc = u - (12c) Pqc/Kc, Nc (12d) E zc,/Kc. i=1 The unobservable quantity f c have the same sales. variance of the equals one if and only if all firms in size class In general f equals one plus the ratio of the sample qci to the square of their sample mean. It thus is an indicator of the importance of intra-class differences in market share. In order to handle the unobservability of the f, I assume that class differences in assets are as important as those in sales: intra- - - 18 N, N. E (K i=l1 ) 2 /(K) 2. (13) This assumption is needed here because size-class boundaries relate to assets, not A' sufficient sales. satisfied (but not necessary) condition is that within a given industry, the same revenue/capital ratio. K., on Given (13), the f alternative be N., The procedure employed is based density function linear in assets. approach to are estimated using assumption that assets of firms within each class are class-specific (13) all firms in each size class have and the values of size-class boundaries. the for drawn from a Details are given (and an based on the lognormal distribution is discussed) in Appendix B. A second problem in estimating (11) with size-class data aggregation may produce differences in the variances of the u. possible heteroscedasticity among the u within industries, is To deal with I employ bounding assumptions about the distribution of the s.c in Perhaps most natural of these is that the standard deviation of equal to aK_ for all i and c, where is an Under this assumption, the variance of u industry-specific two (10:). alternative, the that ec is constant. is given by N. 2(U.) = 02 E (K,) 2 /(Kc) 2 = a2 (f /N,). (14) i=1 Division of (11) by (f¢/N) 1 2 ' yields what is referred to below as the CRS estimating equation, because it embodies the assumption of stochastic constant returns to scale: r (N /f,)' s The variance of $g is = A(N./f.)' 2 + B[s,v,(f,N,)'23 2 + $,. (15) for all classes in a given industry if (14) holds. - The section CRS literature 19 - on the effects of scale on the cross- (K1 )-1 of overviews /2 (See . Prais (1976, of this literature.) e.c is generally equal to specification the These studies generally find that the standard deviation of rates of return declines with firm size, CRS and variability of firms' rates of return suggests an alternative to specification. that time-series pp. 92-98) and Daskin than (1983) for This suggests that the standard deviation where a(Kc~)b, assumes with the decline less rapid = 1. b X is as before and 1/2 Since b is unknown and may of 1. The vary from industry to industry and from year to year, I deal with the possibility that b is less than unity by exploring the implications of the alternative assumption b = 1/2. Under this assumption the variance of u o 2(uC) Division of (11) bounding is simply = a2/K. by (16) (K=) -'' 2 yields the IRS estimating equation, which embodies the assumption of stochastic increasing returns to scale: re(K) The statistics with given explanatory. 1 0 estimates 1963 under 1963, Perhaps while the obtained by and 1972 data are the heading + (17) c. employing summarized 'Sample Those statistics indicate that positive in both years, both years. + BS9v.fc(K=) ' / 23 2 = A(Kc) 1/' parameter specifications are / the CRS in Table Coefficients' and IRS 2. The are essentially all estimates of A while estimates of B and RA have both The majority of estimates of B (59X) signs striking feature of this Table is between the 1963 and 1972 estimates. in and RA (56%) are positive in negative values (66Z of B's and 69% RA's) are the rule in most self- the sharp 1972. difference Table 1 shows that on average R (= RA + A) changed little between these years, but Table 2 reveals that A rose broadly and substantially, while B and RA generally fell. _1_________111____1-11_-- - 20 - are The first two statistics given the significance levels obtained in standard X2 tests of null hypotheses. indicate that under the heading Probability the Levels" indicated Except for estimates of B under the CRS specification, these the null hypotheses that the underlying parameters or their 1963-1972 changes are the same across industries can be confidently rejected. That the is, intra-industry estimates of the coefficients of equation (4) provide information on what seem to be real inter-industry differences. The statistics under the heading Population Estimates" in Table 2 provide summary information on the importance of those differences. Following, for instance, Swamy (1970, esp. parameter, pj, for industry j, + bj= == if Sect 5), b is the estimate of some true one can write + v + (18) Here qj is the sampling error associated with b. can be treated standard error population as of from It is unobservable, but it having mean zero and standard b5 , which we denote (qj). which the pj are drawn, deviation If p is so that the v equal to the mean of the the have mean zero, an unbiased estimator of the variance of the population distribution of the p is given by N ¢2(v) = M - 6) 2/(M-1) - E (b j=1 where E Given a2 (v), (19) j=1 is the sample mean of the b, estimate of E o2 (qj)/M, and M is the the precision-weighted average of the b number of provides an industries. efficient : = N £ bj/tE j=1 2 (v)+a 2 (qS)]}/ H E {1/o j=1 2 (v)+ff2(R)]}. (20) - 21 - A comparison of p with its large-sample variance, l/E{l/o 2 (v)+ 2 (q)]}, yields a large-sample X2 test of the null hypothesis that the population of the p mean is zero. The statistics computed using equations - (20) (18) reinforce impression of considerable inter-industry variation in underlying Population standard deviations especially for RA and B. appear large relative to (Equation (19) the parameters. population means, (v) yielded a negative estimate of for B under the CRS specification, reflecting the large standard errors of the corresponding from zero, parameter estimates.) Population means differ significantly and the changes in estimated values between 1963 and 1972 seem to reflect real changes in underlying population distributions. I the postpone discussion of the consistency of the results in Table 2 with models of Section II until after an examination of the key inter-industry correlations identified by those models. V. Inter-Industry Estimation: In order efficiently, from to estimate cross-section relations involving one must 8 B, A, take explicit account of the fact that the intra-industry regressions measure the true underlying error. and Levels and RA estimates parameters with If pj is the true value of some such parameter for industry j, and Zj are vectors of industry-specific explanatory industry coefficients, variables and inter- respectively, a typical inter-industry equation can be written as follows: bj = The gj variance and j,+ , = Z'6 + ( + ). the Aj are assumed to be independent. 2(4),21 the (21) If the variance of the jth error term in gj have equation common (21) is - 22 - [a 2 2 (t)+a Since (j,)]. of application differ the sampling variances of the b ordinary least squares to would (21) in yield general, inefficient estimates of 6. This Saxonhouse problem has been treated in general terms by Hanushek (1974) and (1977); Long (1982) and Daskin (1983) have previously allowed for source this of heteroscedasticity of the b errors obtained by applying division by the different can be treated as known, of sensitive to the estimate of approach to presented the and because estimates of 2(t) estimation often employed, the yield are in details can or be after rather many I used an iterative of that variance, obtain Since the 2(t). estimates such Because these two regressions 2(t) to either as it stands least squares to (21), (qj). estimates order , one needs a consistent estimate of efficient estimates of standard In in this context. cases fixed-point of which are Weighted least squares estimation was then used to in Appendix C. obtain efficient estimates of &. presents weighted least squares estimates of the 3 Table relation between concentration and A, estimates of Model" capital terms, labeled in relation and RA. For comparison between between concentration which CONC is the only independent variable, the and R are while in the variables AD/K and PQ/K are added to control for advertising intensity which differences. All equations estimated are of little interest and hence are 'Pooled' corresponding Since also not the CRS reported. Equations regressions (In no case could the and IRS parameter estimates and intercept were estimated by simply stacking the weighted to the CRS and IRS specification. "Full included hypothesis of coefficient identity be rejected at any reasonable level.) purposes, statistics labeled "Basic Model' refer to a simple bivariate The presented. model the B, cross-section cannot null significance be considered - 23 - independent, the 'Pooled" estimates have no claim to optimality. They merely provide convenient summary information. The first measure of goodness of fit the R2 R2 -Wtd., presented in Table 3, statistic of the weighted regression used to estimate 8. A is second measure, R2 -Raw, is the square of the correlation between predicted and actual values of b. zero and The second measure can be negative; the first must lie between one. involving A, differences Chow B, or tests for coefficient stability RA provided no evidence of applied to significant equations coefficient between durable goods and nondurable goods industries or between consumer goods industries and producer goods industries.1 2 The tests Prob. Level' statistics in Table 3 are the significance levels of F- with intercepts These generally cast appreciable doubt on this not only do the average values of A, 1972, but and 1972, allowed to differ in light of the results shown in Table statistics That is, and the null hypotheses of equal slope coefficients in 1963 of their correlations with B, null 2. hypothesis. and RA differ between 1963 concentration and other industry characteristics (themselves relatively stable, as Table 1 indicates) appear to differ as well. The instability detected in Table 2 is apparently quite fundamental. Coefficient instability is most clearly present in equations involving R, industry-level profitability. for 1963 .20 1972 there that inflationary is with the in the estimated coefficients imply that an increase in no visible relation at all between the concentration to .85 would raise R by only about one standard deviation. consistent data) 3 Estimates of both Models yield the traditional weak positive relation between and profitability; from Table CONC and R. CONC But in This is eiss's (1974) observation (based on studies using pre-1970's concentration/profitability periods, though relation tends (as was noted in Section III) to the weaken n inflation - 24 - rate in manufacturing was only 1.3 percentage points higher in 1972 1963. The implications statistics in of the instability revealed in the first than in column of Table 3 for the reliability of conclusions drawn from single- year cross-section studies are obvious and depressing. The remaining regressions in Table 3, none of which have such explanatory indicate that the relations between concentration and A, B, and RA are power, On the other hand, also likely to differ between the two years studied. Basic generally Full Models and the CRS and IRS specifications and the produce Since the DEH and the DCH predict only the existence very similar estimates. of statistically weak relations (because of inter-industry variation in E), is appropriate to looser than usual With this in mind, of positively correlated with concentration in 1963. negatively correlated non-zero and relation. standards hypotheses concentration no apply with concentration, B appears to be positive. correlation A for RA and In 1972, while the it null rejecting to be A appears to be appear correlation between There is not a hint here of between B and concentration in 1963 or between RA a and concentration in 1972. Table 4 summarizes the implications of the DEH, developed in Section II, from Tables 2 and 3. a the DCH, concentration, the along with the corresponding statistical Consider first the findings for 1963. positive relation between A and concentration, pure DEH and is the DCH, and the DEH/DCH findings The evidence for which is predicted only as strong as that for a similar relation between RA which is consistent with all three hypotheses and required the DEH/DCH. The DEH/DCH prediction of a between B and concentration receives absolutely no support. positive by and by relation The correlations with concentration in 1963 thus tend to favor the DCH as against the other two hypotheses. - 25 - Similarly, RA the DEH and the DEH/DCH both predict positive values of B and in all industries, but the 1963 estimates imply that these parameters are nearly as likely to be negative as positive. population zero, distributions of both parameters are significantly different they estimated are small population only with the DCH. previous While the estimates means of the authors, both absolutely and relative standard deviations. to the corresponding This pattern appears consistent Results similar to these have been reported by a host including Caves and Pugel (1980), Clark, Davies, Waterson (1984), Comanor and Wilson (1974), Daskin (1983), Long(1982), (1969), and Porter from (1979), of and Marcus using a variety of specifications and data sets. It is clear from this literature as well as from Table 2 that one cannot treat the positive intra-industry relation between profitability and predicted by manufacturing. the DEH and the DEH/DCH as a stylized market fact share in 1 While the 1963 data thus favor the DCH over the DEH and the DEH/DCH, results obtained hypotheses. US for Negative 1972 are basically inconsistent values of B and RA are the norm; with the null all the three hypotheses that the corresponding population means are zero are decisively rejected. The estimated population mean of B is small relative to the corresponding standard deviation, however, so that the estimated distribution of B could perhaps be described as approximately symmetric around zero and thus consistent with DCH. the But the statistics for RA describe a distribution with most of its mass below zero, and this is consistent with none of the three hypotheses. Similarly, concentration would be the clear lack of a positive correlation between RA in 1972 is inconsistent with both the DEH and the DEH/DCH. consistent with the DCH concentration were positive, but it is if the negative. correlation between A and It and The correlations involving A and B are consistent with the DEH/DCH, but that hypothesis predicts a positive - 26 relation between concentration and RA, short, the - and no such relation is present. In pattern of correlations observed for 1972 is consistent with none of the three static equilibrium hypotheses considered here. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the findings summarized in Table 4 is the striking difference between the 1963 and 1972 estimates for identically defined implicit single-year cross-section work in industrial The economics. weaknesses the static equilibrium approach on which standard versions of both the DEH and the DCH rest. to in obtained here may well signal the presence of fundamental results in This difference casts doubt on the stability assumption industries. Except in periods of unusual stability, it may be necessary model deviations from long-run equilibrium explicitly in order to the main patterns differences. Panel of intra-industry and inter-industry explain profitability data seem necessary to provide tests of such models with adequate power. VI. Inter-Industry Estimation: Chanqes I had originally intended to estimate a variety of dynamic specifications using data relations from 1963 between and 1972 to changes parameters analyzed in Table 3. B's 1972 in test some concentration (For instance, DEH-based hypotheses and industry-specific the about industries with above-average in 1963 might be expected to have become more concentrated on average as reflected leading in firms expanded to exploit cost market presented in Table 3, share.) The evidence advantages of not coefficient the dramatic changes in the distributions of shown in Table 2, yet fully instability industry- and the results of a few attempts specific parameters estimate dynamic models indicate that the stationarity conditions for such an exercise to be sensible are simply not satisfied here. by to necessary - 27 - The pattern of changes in A, B, and RA across industries over the nine- year period between 1963 and 1972 is nonetheless of some interest. Tables 5 6 present simple descriptive estimates of the Basic and Full models using and parameter changes as dependent variables and average values of CONC, AD/K, and PQ/K as quantities these experiments clear the futility of trying to associate changes in A, B, or RA relations No and industries however, real to good of for differences industries across stability sub-sets consumer between encountered. was unstable between durable be goods and Surprisingly, the goods nondurable I have no supportable explanation for this basic finding or related details discussed below; of goods showed most versions of the Full Model (but not of tests Model) checked evidence producer Chow industries. were with The presentation follows that in Table 3. in these three variables.) industries. the indicates, of estimated Basic 1 and a number changes All (As Table change little between 1963 and 1972, generally make variables. independent I present these results in part in for the hope that someone will be thereby stimulated to provide such an explanation. 3s The estimates experienced smaller decreases in R. Table 5 indicate that in than more average increases in concentrated A and larger industries than average As the P-Levels reported at the bottom of the Table indicate, durable/nondurable instability in the Full Model for A seems to be confined to the intercept (CNST) and the coefficient of average PQ/K. R shows no significant instability of this sort; (The Full Model for it is estimated in the same version as the A equations entirely for purposes of comparability.) equal, durable nondurable goods industries goods industries. experienced smaller increases Among durable goods industries, opposite indicates that effect in industries the nondurables in A subsampl-e. with higher than average The else than increases in A while there is some evidence are smaller the higher is capital intensity, the All Full advertising Model of also intensity - 28 - experienced smaller than average increases in A, while advertising intensity was unrelated to changes in R. Table 6 presents a similar analysis of changes in RA and B. The Basic Model indicates a weak tendancy for more concentrated industries to experience larger than in in the Full Models for RA and B did not seem to be confined to Instability subset average declines in RA and smaller than average declines of the coefficients, B. a so that separate estimates of the Full Model are presented in Table 6 for durable and nondurable good industries. (Recall that there are 17 durable good industries and 53 nondurable good industries in this sample.) RA and All else equal, the intercept terms point to larger declines in both B for industries producing industries, declines higher concentration nondurables. is Among associated with larger in RA but had no significant effect changes in B. producing nondurables the pattern is reversed: the durable than good average Among industries concentration has no effect on changes in RA, but higher concentration is associated with smaller declines in B among nondurables. Advertising intensity has a positive sign in estimates, but coefficients and significance levels vary considerably. all Higher capital intensity has a positive effect on changes in RA and B in the durables subsample but has a negative effect on both changes among industries producing nondurables. There of may be some simple explanation for the apparently complex changes shown in Tables 5 and 6. But pattern static equilibrium versions of the DEH and the DCH do not seem likely to produce it, nor do plausible hypotheses regarding the incidence of the Phase II price controls. VII. Conclusions and Imelications This essay has derived a set of testable implications of the DCH, and a hybrid DEH/DCH model DEH, the and employed new techniques for testing those - 30 - To explore profits, I the impact of the Phase II price controls estimated a variety of standard with data for the period 1955-1970. controls that on manufacturing acroeconometric profit equations (I excluded 1971 because the Nixon price began with the imposition of the Phase I price freeze in year. satisfactory, Estimates also August employing post-controls (1975-1982) were presumably at least in part because of the 1973-1974 oil of less shock and contemporaneous changes in the definitions of the manufacturing profit and sales series employed.) Both manufacturing sales and real 6NP originating in manufacturing were used as measures of activity. were employed in these experiments, of Standard cyclical variables along with trend terms and growth of average gross hourly earnings of production and manufacturing workers. data series HE, the rate non-supervisory (Unless otherwise specified, footnote 7 applies to all introduced in this outperformed those based on GNP. Appendix.) Equations based on sales Deletion of insignificant variables led to the following standard equation, which was then estimated using data for 19551970 and 1972: wa/PQ = -.0320 - .0011 T + .1492 CU + .0004 PQ - .0031 D72 (2.34) (11.1) (8.45) (2.69) (1.30) RZ = .973, (A1) DW = 2.33. Here wa/PQ is the ratio of pre-tax manufacturing profits to sales, T is a time trend (1954 = 1), CU is the Federal Reserve utilization in manufacturing Board (expressed as a fraction), increase in manufacturing sales from the preceding year, variable for 1972. Figures in parentheses are measure of capacity APQ is the percentage and D72 is a absolute values dummy of t- statistics. The coefficient of D72 in equation (Al) is insignificant at usual levels, II - 31 - and its absolute value is only about a third of the standard deviation of the dependent data, variable. the suggests sectors (In the best of the equations that also coefficient that of of used D72 had a t-statistic of -0.58.) the Phase II controls mainly affected the This analysis non-manufacturing where most of the inflation in 1972 the economy, 1975-1982 occurred; the effects on total manufacturing profits were at any rate insignificant. In order to see whether the Phase II controls produced a shift relative profitability obtained the of following large and small manufacturing firms variables from the IRS Statistics in of in 1972, Income Sourcebook of Statistics of Income for the 20-year period 1958-1977, the I and which is centered on the two years analyzed in the text: RT = Pre-tax profits plus interest payments as a percentage of total assets for all manufacturing firms. RS = Pre-tax profits plus interest payments as a percentage of total assets for manufacturing firms with assets between $500,000 and $1,000,000.15 dR = 100x(RT - RS). RS gives the profitability of the smallest firms considered in our analysis of 1963 and 1972. asset values below $500,000, the While most manufacturing firms in most years have the aggregates used to compute RT mainly reflect performance of firms with assets above $1,000,000. gives a reasonable detailed indicator of the average The variable dR thus importance of large-firm profitability advantages, measured in basis points. One might expect dR to be positive in most years, positive in 16 of the 20 years in the sample. assumes uch larger negative values in 1968, in fact It is negative in 1972, but it 1975, and 1977. dR in these years are as follows: 1968 = -26.7, 1972 = -4.2, 1977 = -71.2.) and it is (The values of 1975 = -80.1, and Even if 1972 is something of an outlier, these findings do not - 32 - point toward the Phase II price controls as the reason. The behavior of dR over time is illustrated in Figure 1. seven years of the sample, the mean of dR is 201.6. very large economics fraction relatively The steadily to -26.7. first It is worth noting that a of the published cross-section studies From 1965 through use data from this period. In the in 1968, industrial dR declines Thereafter its behavior is somewhat erratic. mean of dR in the last seven years of the sample is 4.3, just over 2% of its mean in the first seven years of the sample. In this sample, dR is negatively correlated with the rate of growth the implicit deflator for and RT. It originating is NP originating in manufacturing, a time trend, uncorrelated with CU and the rate of growth in manufacturing, of also 6NP standard cyclical variables with which RT and of these measures with RT are .62 and equation (Al), HE, real other measures of aggregate profitability are positively correlated. correlations of above.) .27, This suggests that the (Simple respectively. correlation See with RT reflects accounting practice rather than economic reality. The discussed most in satisfactory the regression equation involving preceding paragraph and natural variants the thereof variables is the following, where figures in parentheses are absolute values of t-statistics: dR = 535.2 (3.90) - 38.33 (5.33) HE - 22.45 RT R2 (1.71) DW = 2.26 The residual for 1972 from equation (A2) is negative, for 1963. = .644 but so is the (A2) residual And 1961, 1967, and 1968 have larger negative residuals than 1972. The residual for 1971, the year in which price controls were first imposed, is also negative, but it is smaller in absolute value than the negative residuals for seven other years. When dummy variables for 1963 and 1972 are added to this equation, the coefficient of the former is a tenth of its standard error, - 33 - the coefficient of the latter is and Once 1972 again, does equal to 1.09 times its standard not emerge as an outlier in any way that error. might be attributable to the operation of the Phase II price controls. Consider a size class including N firms with assets between a and b Let K be the assets of a typical firm let m be reported mean assets per firm. in and assumed to be a draw from the density function g(K) with mean this class, Taking the expectation of the second-order Taylor series expansion of the p. right-hand side of equation (13) about the point at which all the K = , one obtains the asymptotic approximation employed to estimate the f: f* = where the quantity R, + (N-1)R]/N, which equals (B1) or exceeds unity and reflects the population dispersion in g(K), is given by R = E(K2 )/g2 . that for N = 1, Note any distribution, and f* (Bi) both the true f and the approximation f* equal one as there are no intra-class differences. approach the population value R. The mechanics As N e of for , both estimating 4 the population ratio R depend on whether b is known or unknown. In the largest size class in each industry, the upper bound on firm size, b, is unknown. function of K it is I deal with this by assuming that g(K) is a linear decreasing and reaches zero at K = b. For such a triangular distribution easy to show that p = (2a + b)/3, (B3) - 34 E(K2 ) = (3a2 + 2ab + b2 )/6. p Setting (B4) = m in (B3) yields an estimate of b. Substitution into (B4) and division by m2 then produces an estimate of R. I assume initially that g(a) = a, When b is known, 0, g(b) = p, with ,p For such a and that g(K) is a linear function of K between these points. trapezoidal distribution, (85) p = u[(2a+b) + (1-w)(a+2b)]/3, = where /(a+p), and E(K2 ) = [6(a+b)p-(a 2 +4ab+b 2)]/6. For (2a+b)/3 dividing by preceding < < (a+2b)/3, m2 . For m R is estimated by setting the triangular < (2a+b)/3, paragraph is employed. triangular with g(b) (Sb) For m > (a+2b)/3, = m in (B6) and o4 the distribution to g(K) is assumed > 0 and g(x) = 0 for some x > a. experimented at some length with an alternative approach that involved I This assuming a lognormal distribution of firms' assets within each industry. approach with should be more efficient than that described above approximately lognormal size distributions. computed (1963, Sects. 9.2 and 9.6). produced class-specific industries estimates were see Aitcheson and Brown Exact formulae for conditional expectations then estimates of R. For most industries this approach f*'s and estimates of A and B that were very close to those produced the method described above. with Parameter for using variants of the basic maximum likelihood method for estimating the parameters of truncated lognormal distributions; gave be In a few cases, size distributions that seemed approach however, involving far from lognormality, yielded implausible estimates of the f,. The by industries this alternative technique described - 35 - above was employed because of its apparently greater robustness to substantial departures from lognoreality. Apendix Consider dividing the estimating consistent estimate of where (wj) 1 observation by jth v = equation (21) in the text by For any set . 2(4), the unknown variance of the M SSR - E ( j=1 v a j, is given by and SSR is the sum of squared residuals Interest attaches here to weights of the form + 2(q,) ]. (C2) deviation of these weights to their mean. 0 and s/m, wj, (C1) Let D equal the coefficient of variation of the wj, between positive M (qj)/wj)]/E (l/wj), j=1 from the weighted regression. = of regression, 2 is the number of industries, wj 2 weighted the ratio of the standard For weights given by (C2), D varies where m is the mean of the 2 (hj) and s is their standard deviation. Now consider the function F, constructively as follows. (C2) to compute w negative. F(DO). O0,s/ml to the real line, Pick a non-negative initial value of v, the corresponding calculate the initial value of D, vector from DO. vector of weights, w, and defined vO. Use directly Run a weighted regression with weight and use (C1) to obtain a new value of v, which need not be non- (C2) to compute new weights and a new value of D, D1 Finally, use Iterated weighted least squares is simply a search for a fixed point of F. In this study it proved very efficient computationally to employ a linear approximation _1_1 to the function __1___1_________ F. _ OLS estimation of (21) yields F(O); III - 36 - estimation wj = with r2 (qj) yields F(s/m). the first regression, residuals from residuals from the second. Let SSRo be tne sum of squared of squared and let SSRW be the sum A bit of algebra establishes that if F is linear and has a fixed point, the corresponding value of v is given by (C5! v* = (SSR./M)[(SSR./M)-1]/E(SSR./M)-l+Yl, where n E n 2(q~)][E 1/a2(q,)]/N 2 j=l j=1 (C4) [E Given an estimate of a2 (4) from (C3), a third weighted regression. one can use (C2) to compute weights for If a fixed point of F has been found, it follows from (C1) and (C2) that the sum of squared residuals from this regression will equal M. This technique could not be applied to equations involving estimates of B computed using the CRS specification; relative to their standard errors, the because these estimates differed little (C3) produced negative values of v*. discussion of Table 2 in Section II of the text.) Instead, (See estimates of ~2(g) derived from the IRS specification were used for all equations involving IRS estimates the CRS and Otherwise, the (In equations involving estimates of A and RA, estimates of B. of g2(g) were generally nearly identical.) approach described above either yielded an approximate fixed point directly or made it easy to obtain such a point with one additional iteration. - 37 - References Aitcheson, J., and Brown, J.A.C. The Lognqoral Cambridge University Press, 1963. Bain, Distribution. Cambridge: Joe S. Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration: American Manufacturing, 1936-1940." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 65 (August 1951): 293-324. . Barriers to New Competition. 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Only I can be held responsible for sins of omission or commission embodied in this paper, however. Under the DEH, one should 1. There is important common ground, however. attempt to understand the obstacles to diffusion of knowledge that must be Under present if intra-industry efficiency differences are to persist. the DCH, obstacles of this sort are a subset of what Caves and Porter (1977) have termed barriers to mobility". 2. The interesting work of Peltzman (1977, 1979) and Lustgarten (1979, 1984) on the relation between changes in concentration and improvements in productivity (see also Scherer (1979)) was designed to test the DEH in a rather different fashion. The main finding of these studies is that large increases or decreases in concentration are associated with above-average While this is certainly consistent with the increases in productivity. DEH, it is not inconsistent with the DCH. After all, one does not expect to see major changes in seller concentration under plausible variants of either hypothesis except in response to major alterations in competitive Major innovations, which are likely to be followed by an relationships. increase in the innovator's market share under almost any plausible hypothesis about market behavior, are an important source of such alterations. Innovations by market leaders should thus tend to be associated with increases in both concentration and industry productivity under either the DEH or the DCH. Innovations by new entrants or small firms should tend to lower concentration while raising average productivity. Industries in which little innovation occurs are likely to in along with below-average gains exhibit stable concentration productivity. (Note also that Peltzman (1977) finds evidence in support 'of the DCH assertion that increases in concentration lead to increases in price -- cost margins.) 3. This model has been used by Clarke and Davies (1982) to analyze the determinants of equilibrium concentration in the presence of efficiency differences; see also Long (1982) and Clarke, Davies, and Waterson (1984) The more complex DEH for further development and empirical applications. and Telser (1982) models of Jovanovic (1982), Lippman and Rumelt (1982), stress the dynamic mechanisms determining N and the c rather than equilibrium and do not lend themselves readily to use in empirical analysis. In the Cournot model in the text, the larger is N, the smaller the differences among the c that are consistent with non-negative market If the market demand curve is P = a - bQ, for instance, nonshares. is the [a + (N-1)J,]/N for all i, where negative shares require c average of all c's except cl. 4. To see this last point, suppose, in the spirit of the more complex DEH models cited in footnote 3, that in order to enter any particular - 41 - industry, firms must spend some industry-specific amount on research and This allows them in effect to draw a value of c from the development. Firms that draw a industry-specific distribution of possible unit costs. high c will elect not to start up production, while lucky firms with low Depending on the c's will enter and earn positive rents on their luck. pattern of differences in R&D costs and distributions of possible c's across industries, one might expect industries that attract relatively few firms to draw costs or to enter (and are thus concentrated ex post) to produce substantial rents to all those lucky enough to be able to operate profitably. 5. But see Spiller and Favaro (1984) for an apparent counterexample. 6. On the necessity of using substantial inter-period gaps in the analysis of structural change, see, for instance, the discussion of concentration It should be noted that changes by Caves and Porter (1980, esp. p. 9). (1974) has argued that 1963 is an outlier that is somewhat less Demsetz consistent with the DEH than surrounding years, though the statistical analysis that supports his argument is suspect because it is based on absolute fire size rather than market share. (See Daskin (1983) for a general discussion of this issue.) 7. All data used in this and the next paragraph come from the 1984 Economic Reogrt of the President. Growth rates reported for any year T are are the This (T-1) and (T+1). annual rates of growth experienced between procedure better reflects growth during the second half of each year than the usual approach of reporting changes from the previous year. 8. To investigate the intertemporal stability of R and CONC, equations of the form X(1972)-X(1963)] = [ - X(1963)] were estimated for each variable. , or both were functions of (More complex specifications, in which , other variables, generally did not perform noticeably better.) Estimates of I indicate a half-life of deviations of R from the mean (= 9.0x[ln(0.5)/ln(1-)], the equation's median lag in years) of 8.8 years, CONC also tends to with an asymptotic standard error of 2.1 years. regress toward the mean in these data, but the process seems much slower; the estimated half-life of deviations from the mean is 19.9 years, with an asymptotic standard error of 6.6 years. It is unclear exactly how to interpret this difference in adjustment speeds, especially in light of the differences in patterns of profitability between the 1963 and 1972 samples The implications of this that are discussed in Sections IV - VI. difference for choice between the DEH and the DCH are in any case not obvious. 9. __*_1__IL(·l__l_ Previous studies using IRS data from the early 1960's (e.g., Comanor and (1974) and Porter (1979)) typically have many more consumer goods Wilson industries. A good deal of the difference is accounted for by aggregation from 1963 to 1972 industries and the deletion of some of the latter. But a detailed comparison reveals that a number of industries generally classified as producing mainly consumer goods in earlier studies in fact generate the majority of their value-added in four-digit industries that Ornstein (1977, Appendix B) classifies as producer goods industries. Examples include IRS minor industries 2850 (Paints and allied products), 3010 (Rubber products), and 3420 (Cutlery, hand tools, and hardware). ..1__1__.-_..·.. III - 42 - 10. Since R is known, the sampling variance of RA the standard error of A. Similarly, since 1963 providing independent observations, sampling parameters between these two years are sums of standard errors. is equal to the square of and 1972 can be treated as variances of changes in the corresponding squared 11. There is, of course, no guarantee that the tj are homoscedastic in fact. In particular, differences in the numbers and relative sizes of economic markets included in different IRS industries will induce heteroscedasticity, as will various differences among the basic markets themselves. As is usual in applied work, homoscedasticity is assumed here simply because it is unclear how to obtain plausible estimates of the pattern of heteroscedasticity. 12. The equations involving R (Table 3) and R (Table 5) showed signs of coefficient instability between consumer and producer goods industries. But since these equations play no direct role in our comparisons of the DEH and the DCH, the sources of this instability were not explored. 13. (1985) A number of authors including Ravenscraft (1983) and Schmalensee have found highly significant relations between share and profitability in models in which the coefficient of share is constrained to be the same across industries. (See Scherer (1980, ch. 9) for a discussion of earlier work of this sort.) The tests of coefficient equality in Table 2 indicate that this constraint is highly suspect. Profitability is apparently strongly related to market share in some industries, but not in all. 14. Aggregate time series for durable and nondurable goods industries do not reveal differences substantial enough to suggest obvious explanations based on either standard cyclical arguments or the findings reported in Appendix A. Real NP growth (computed as per footnote 7) in 1963 was 8.6% for durables and 11.4% for nondurables. The 1972 figures were 6.4% and 9.0%. The corresponding figures for growth in the implicit 6NP deflator were -1.2% and -0.6% for 1963 and 1.2% and -0.9% for 1972. Rates of growth of average hourly gross earnings per production or nonsupervisory worker (from Business Statistics: 1982) were 2.7% for both groups of industries in 1963, 7.0% for durables in 1972, and 6.4% for nondurables in 1972. (All these series are based on more precise divisions between durable and nondurable goods industries than could be employed with IRS data.) It has been suggested to me that an explanation of the durable/nondurable instability could be constructed out of cross-sectional differences in the incidence of unionization, coupled with changes in union behavior over time between 1963 and 1972. A serious attempt to construct such an explanation would carry me far beyond the bounds of the present study, however. 15. Interest payments by manufacturing firms in this size class were not published for 1962. A quadratic fit to the ratio of interest payments by these firms to interest payments by all manufacturing firms over the periods 1958-1961 and 1963-1970 had an R2 of .975 and a Durbin-Watson of by 1.76. This equation was used to estimate interest payments manufacturing firms in this size class in 1962. Table 1 Main Industry-Level Variables Mean 1963 Std. Dev. R .1028 .0352 .0995 .0299 .5802 CONC .3353 .1572 .3606 .1511 .7602 AD/K .0270 .0326 .0197 .0226 .8302 PQ/K 1.5837 .6310 1.4086 .4502 .8764 Variable Mean 1972 Std. Dev. Note. -- See text for sources and definitions. 1963-1972 Correlation III Table 2 Summary Statistics from Intra-Industry Regressions Coefficient/Specification RA/CRS RA/IRS A/CRS A/IRS Statistics for 1963 Sample Coefficients Sample Mean Standard Deviation Number Positive B/CRS B/IRS .0910 .0322 69 .0955 .0296 70 .0118 .0416 39 .0077 .0322 40 .4823 1.7599 42 .1747 .9397 40 Mean t-Statistic Mean Itl-Statistic 11.2 11.2 7.27 7.27 1.27 3.35 0.64 1.68 0.31 0.76 0.89 2.29 Population Estimates Estimated Mean Standard Deviation .0919 .0275 .0929 .0220 .0114 .0381 .0077 .0254 * * .1359 .4391 Probability Levels Coefficients = 0 Coefficients Equal Population Mean = 0 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 .02 <.01 <.01 .03 .18 .29 * <.01 <.01 .03 Statistics for 1972 Sample Coefficients Sample Mean Standard Deviation Number Positive .1118 .0253 70 .1079 .0273 70 -.0123 .0350 19 -.0084 .0325 24 -.3554 .8492 23 -.3532 1.0839 24 Mean t-Statistic Mean ItI-Statistic 18.0 18.0 12.8 12.8 -2.00 4.31 -0.99 2.83 -0.32 0.83 -1.18 3.45 Estimated Mean .1121 .1077 -.1249 -.0079 * -.2586 Standard Deviation .0228 .0242 .0332 .0300 * 1.0119 Probability Levels Coefficients = 0 Coefficients Equal Population Mean = 0 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 .04 .08 .08 * Changes, 1963 to 1972 Sample Coefficients Sample Mean Standard Deviation Number Positive .0208 .0323 53 .0128 .0336 49 -.0241 .0372 15 -.0162 .0330 20 -.8377 1.8832 18 Mean t-Statistic Mean ItI-Statistic 1.86 2.34 0.87 1.50 -2.06 2.04 -1.09 1.69 -0.45 0.67 Estimated Mean .0211 .0135 -.0245 -.0170 * -.3731 Standard Deviation .0253 .0241 .0314 .0289 * 1.2373 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 Population Estimates <.01 <.01 .04 -.5279 1.5400 19 -1.44 .29 Population Estimates Probability Levels Coefficients = 0 Coefficients Equal Population Mean 0 .97 .99 * *Could not be computed because estimated population variance was negative. <.01 <.01 .02 h h 0% -~ e(N C 0 00 rn* 0,-~ .· . -4-O O0. 0 r * mS -4 00 uo CD 0 00 *0 ,v hv .J 00 -4 N u~ 00 9 C . r. ej uN .4 N 0 C o - * 00 N'4 o 00 -1 n . 'D :{ 00% 0D 0 r o 00 00 _; v n I .4i* 0 4- N._ - 0 - Cr 1-: r4 C 00 0 c C 0 iIt-4 co VO 0 N U-. 'n ;O veo _4 r-'7j . O O *n % u o= Lr -4 - C en X 0 'm 4-V (N( (N a, -4 1e .v . D 0 a -4-4 z re s00 r, 00 00 4 * 00 -4 O q' -9 * CO -.0 -4 0 (N(N II Q -H "jo rv 0 M c"O s0.~ - 0 00 00. O4 -4 * I mr. ch 3 a I N I C: -4 a a a, E 000 (N zr 4 0 co I 0 I * (N ((O 0 oN I 0 ( . . . a, O0 I I I I. a, 1. V a M -40s L ,, rC - Ln _4 rr _s. i .- 14 -. 7 *0 M \0 0% N_ 9 l. -a co~v~ a, -4 400 0 a, I'-I' _ N CS I.- rcCC u! * 00 Hoc ·J·00 , M 0v CT, (N 0 .P -4 M 0 f, (N 0 cN co - .1 ;M 0 '0 a=, 0 0 · o -40 00 .4 a; M M 4- 00 . ~0 0% V .0 0 -4 00 -4.4 cr - . _ a, '0-7T _ cm o tn - r- 0 W 4 ID N 0 *~ _ . cO > a . -4 ai 3 a, a 0 -4 (cN 0-4 C 1-4 O 4 a a 11 t. a a, , .04. 0 (N C - o r~l 1-1 A' a '4 a, N cN Cr . 0o ~ o v 11 N00 * -4 N * 0 Li1N 00 * . · 0-4 V - O a, ^- U- . 0 ,c- C9 A, 0 a 4 L , -C14 co C 0 7 14 eq '7r 00 * h je -4 V-, 4 '0 C! o4 1 Xs e < ax o0 04 -" -C ?:; to W M X I' 00 N .7 4-4 00 .~ -4%- -. U Oe'i 00 I C a Q, 0 a c or: a O *s 10 M c av -4 0 0 a 'I I 00 r . 0 00 m . ~~ *~ _CN I= I a eo 99 XDl "' * Or H : . ( C -. 4 h U, Un 1-4 0 0 I r0R .q es u C · o V r o X wr * w· 4-4 CO O C I . WS h o o -4 e - r-. I -* V· 0 O- . _ _ .7 C! C4O . _ -(N *C0 C C . _ IC C 4n C CC . a, i 0 v a aM · __IX a. 5: 11_1___ C.) *' 'a Z . 3: I I , Z 1" cq (B O N 00 ,.tr. z -a, a, a I 1 a _ 1-4 U z -4 c' c I hn v a _ a0% 4am 0 4 o 4-7 O 0 * - 9 IT 0% o C0 0 C-t CC -'L ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *r _ a, oD O 0 * h xD 0 \3Q . · J O c o m^ 8* <eso h I 1 . I n e O. -4 1-4 0F y *-Z _ 8 . z4 L ~ r0 Y M g '1. ~ "a e 1 8 - -. In -> 0' -C . '4W 3I 0:=I M (N 00 v: av, *. C 0 0 _- Iu z 0 u C 0 A 0 Al 00 Ln 1-4 -- 0 A oCu O & h 1_; Cc) O 00 a) 4 4-i o 3 1-4 A 0 - oI C i-- E- -4 0l 0) k4 k4 0 a4 N o 0 14 O O 00 t P~ C O altA Q) a) -- c Q) M -W 4i 4-4 U '-f- L) Al VIl l ,.-I -,- O ra a) o u o ,-4 V-" I-" o O o A Lt') 0 a) co O r-. V O, 'I 0 d 4.4 EnZ 0 W I 0 Cu 0 44 .. 3 co Cu 0 C) r ); a,P" a) 0 .- A r4. a) O4 · 0 O 4' - VA- a) ao 43 a) Cu co M . .0 oA 0 0 A A a) O H 4. 0 0 a) Cu P.4 Pa C Lr A 0w iO "Y4 u 0 ~D CN · r-O ;L 4 Na" r- . 7 O a a Pc PI < I 00 . h- -H ^ IZ ^ . s FrH = -'-4 M '0 b I )C 0 V 00 . * ao 0-1 rz. '-H t) 1 0 a) )aoo ..4t4.0 'H a * Ir -~ rALf Table 5 Correlates of 1963-1972 Changes in Average and Estimated Zero-Share Profitability* AR Dependent Variable AA/Pooled AA/CRS AA/IRS Basic Model CONC -.0905 -.0518 -.0500 -.0573 (3.96) (2.88) (2.02) (2.02) .187 .057 .068 .057 .090 .057 .049 DDUR -.0201 (0.55) -.0508 (1.74) -.0517 (1.27) -.0531 (1.26) DNDR .0186 (1.20) .0445 (4.20) .0560 (3.82) .0325 (2.12) CONC -.0801 (3.15) -.0355 (1.89) -.0411 (1.59) -.0270 (0.99) AD/K -.0429 (0.32) -.2797 (2.89) -.1585 (1.25) -.4562 (3.07) DDUR*PQ/K .0351 (1.42) .0615 (3.05) .0642 (2.27) .0607 (2.11) DNDR*PQ/K .0044 (0.61) -.0046 (0.99) -.0098 (1.54) .0009 (0.13) .179 .169 .190 .168 .219 .197 .03 .24 .04 .11 .40 .18 R2-Wtd. -Raw Full Model R2 -Wtd. -Raw .217 P-Levels: CNST & PQ/K Equal CONC & AD/K Equal All Coeffs Equal .45 .17 .27 <.01 .38 <.01 *Figures in parentheses are absolute values of t-statistics. "----^'-`"~~~"~"""1"-^~1`"1- Table 6 Correlates of Estimated 1963-1972 Changes in Large Firm vs. Small Firm Differentials ARA/Pooled ARA/CRS Dependent Variable ARA/IRS AB/Pooled AB/CRS AB/IRS -.0439 (1.46) -.0472 (1.75) .5074 (0.86) 1.078 (1.62) Basic Model CONC -.0455 (2.27) R2-Wtd. -Raw .036 .010 .031 -.002 .9003 (2.00) .043 .026 .028 .009 .011 -.034 .037 .039 Full Model Durables: CNST .0934 (2.74) .0657 (1.24) .1152 (2.34) 2.936 (2.82) 2.339 (1.33) 3.118 (2.02) CONC -.1394 (4.14) -.1087 (2.07) -.1638 (3.40) -1.305 (1.23) -1.059 (0.61) -1.428 (0.90) AD/K 1.824 (3.90) 2.026 (2.95) 1.690 (2.38) 21.40 (1.92) 20.67 (1.10) 21.92 (1.34) PQ/K -.0642 (3.19) -.0579 (1.87) -.0694 (2.38) -2.158 (3.13) -1.827 (1.44) -2.245 (2.25) R2-Wtd. -Raw .572 .355 .552 .328 .617 .424 .305 .286 .245 .208 .326 .327 CNST -.0377 (2.88) -.0492 (2.47) -.0291 (1.68) -1.272 (4.54) -1.362 (3.44) -1.257 (3.05) CONC -.0079 (0.31) -.0055 (0.15) -.0118 (0.35) 1.141 (2.33) 1.119 (1.78) 1.186 (1.60) AD/K .1425 (1.28) .0032 (0.02) .2845 (1.84) 5.377 (2.58) 4.140 (1.54) 5.943 (1.91) PQ/K .0105 (1.97) .0161 (2.00) .0062 (0.88) .1710 (1.59) .2262 (1.67) .1508 (0.92) .070 .053 .089 .053 .100 .088 .144 .042 .142 .030 .150 .063 .01 .01 .01 .01 .07 .06 .05 .03 Nondurables: R 2 -Wtd. -Raw P-Level: Slopes = All Coeffs = <.01 <.01 .05 <.01 *Figures in parentheses are absolute values of t-statistics. Q) C 0 0: o u4 4. a) 'n C71% 1-- a) '-4 '4 , \0 ON o 0 ___ _____ 111_ o m 0 0 0 Cr4 N 0 0 C 11