Queensborough Community College CURRICULUM COMMITTEE of the Academic Senate

Queensborough Community College
City University of New York
of the Academic Senate
Minutes of the Meeting held on November 20th, 2012
Present: Dr. Philip Pecorino (Chair), Dr. M. Santoro, , Dr. M. Chauhan (Secretary), Dr. K. Pearl, Dr. D.
Klarberg , Dr. A. Corradetti (Ex-Officio), Dr. K. Steel (Vice President, invitee), Dr. A. Borrachero
Absent: Dr. D. McKay, Dr. R. Yuster
1. The meeting was called at 2 pm in H-345.
2. Minutes of Nov 6th, 2012 meeting were approved.
3. The committee discussed the submission of CH-251, 252 courses in the 1C and 2E
categories of the pathways common core and as a STEM variant course.
4. HE 200 course changes were approved.
5. Social science courses PSYC225 Psychology of Personal Adjustment, Prerequisite change from
PSYC101 to Prerequisite BE122 (or 226), or satisfactory score on the CUNY/ACT Assessment Test
were approved by the committee. SS390 Sociology of Health and Medicine Prerequisite change
from SS310 to Prerequisite BE122 (or 226), or satisfactory score on the CUNY/ACT Assessment
Test and Course Number changes from PSYC225 Psychology of Personal Adjustment to
PSYC125 and from SS390 Sociology of Health and Medicine to SOCY190 Sociology of Health
and Medicine were approved by the committee.
6. New course proposals EE 205, Linear Systems Analysis and ET 275, Computer Network
Security were approved.
7. French 401 course was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Moni Chauhan