Queensborough Community College City University of New York CURRICULUM COMMITTEE

Queensborough Community College
City University of New York
of the Academic Senate
Minutes of the Meeting held on January 12th, 2016
T. Bayer, J. Carroll, L. Ellis (Chair), D. Klarberg, P. Marchese (Vice-President),
N. Matsimela (Student Representative), L. Reesman (President’s Designee), E.
Tai, E. Volchok, P. Wallach (Secretary), R. Yuster
B. Bonous-Smit
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm in the Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center.
1) The minutes of the January 5th, 2016 meeting were approved by the committee.
2) The Committee on Curriculum Guide is complete. The committee discussed download
instructions and the distribution of hard copies to department chairs and committee
members. The chair thanked all the members of the committee for their participation in
updating the guide.
3) The committee discussed the proposed program revisions for the Environmental
Science Program. After discussing the revisions, the committee voted and the proposal
was approved unanimously by those present.
4) The committee discussed the proposed new course HIST-252: “History of Medieval
and Early Modern Spain.” After discussing the proposal, the committee voted and the
proposal was approved unanimously by those present.
5) The committee discussed the proposed new course HIST-205: “History of the First
World War: 1914-1918.” After discussing the proposal, the committee voted and the
proposal was approved unanimously by those present.
6) The committee discussed the proposed new course HIST-242: “History of Modern
Japan, 1868-1989.” After discussing the proposal, the committee voted and the
proposal was approved unanimously by those present.
7) The committee discussed the proposed new course HIST-262: “History of the
American Civil War and Reconstruction.” There was a question about the course
description; the proposal will be sent back to the History Department for revisions.
8) The committee discussed the proposed new course HIST-227: “British History since
1688.” After discussing the proposal, the committee voted and the proposal was
approved unanimously by those present.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Wallach