SOLAR SOn يسمشSAmAS Eguzki SuncE nAy TAiyEung SOL 太阳的 Sunce Slunce Iru солнечная Zon Sun SunO PäikE שמשSóL khORShid ARAw, AuRinkO SOLEiL SinnE gRiAn SOnnE iLLiOS พลังงานแสงอาทิตย์ hELiOS kuARAjhy ShEmESh SuRyA, nAP mATAhARi kORShid TAi yOu, PREAh ATu SAuLE zôn mòi SOnn SOncE XEmX Tàiyáng 太阳的 SLOncE inTi SOARE SOLncE LA SuRyA SinkO SOncE uTA juA d’SOnnE TAnE SuRyAn duAng AhTiT günES SOnTSE hAuL слънчев Solarna aurInko ΗλιακΗ du SOLEiL SAuRA ソーラー SOLAR SOLAR SOn يسمشSAmAS Eguzki SuncE nAy TAiyEung SOL 太阳的 Sunce Slunce Iru солнечная Zon Sun SunO PäikE שמשSóL khORShid GLOBAL SOLAR COUNCIL © Photo courtesy of Craig Miller Productions and DOE ARAw, AuRinkO SOLEiL SinnE SOLAR SOn يسمشSAmAS Eguzki SuncEThe nAy TAiyEung SOLby 太阳的 Global Solar Council (GSC) was established leading regional and national solar associations. SunceIt Slunce Iru солнечная Zon will unify the entire solar power sector at an international level, share best practices, and Sun SunO PäikEtoשמש SóL khORShid work collaboratively accelerate solar electricity deployment worldwide. ARAw, AuRinkO SOLEiL SinnE gRiAn SOnnE iLLiOS พลังงานแสงอาทิตย์ hELiOS SOLAR teStImONIALS Of pOLICy LeAdeRS kuARAjhy ShEmESh SuRyA, nAP mATAhARi kORShid TAi yOu, PREAh ATu SAuLE zôn mòi SOnn SOncE XEmX Tàiyáng 太阳的 SLOncE inTi SOARE SOLncE LA SuRyA SinkO SOncE uTA juA d’SOnnE TAnE SuRyAn duAng AhTiT günES SOnTSE hAuL слънчев Solarna aurInko ΗλιακΗ du SOLEiL SAuRA ソーラー SOLAR SOLAR SOn يسمشSAmAS Eguzki SuncE nAy TAiyEung SOL 太阳的 Sunce Slunce Iru солнечная Zon Sun SunO PäikE שמשSóL khORShid “We need to bring sustainable energy to every corner of the globe with technologies like solar energy mini-grids, solar powered lights, and wind turbines.” UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon “For decades, we’ve been told that it doesn’t make economic sense to switch to renewable energy. Today, that’s no longer true. In fact, the solar industry now employs twice as many Americans as mining coal.” president of USA, Barack Obama “Countries who have the most sun represent only a small part of the global production of solar power . . . How can we reduce energy inequality? By technology and by financing.” president of france, françois Hollande “Our goal is to make solar energy an integral part of our life and reach it to the most unconnected villages and communities.” prime minister of India, Narendra modi ARAw, 2 AuRinkO SOLEiL Global Solar Council | SinnE SOLAR ALReAdy COSt-effeCtIve tOdAy today solar is one of the cheapest forms of electricity globally. The levelized cost of solar electricity (LCOE) is 80% lower than it was during COP-15 in Copenhagen in 2009. In fact, every solar market segment has reduced prices faster than any other generation source in history: SOLAR COSt RedUCtION deveLOpmeNt OveR tIme COmpARed tO OtHeR pOweR SOURCeS USD/KWh 0.60 80.00 0.50 0.40 60.00 0.30 40.00 0.20 0.10 20.00 Nuclear Hydro: small Biomass CSP Hydro: large 2009 2006 2012 Source: IRENA 2015 Diesel Generation (off-grid) Nuclear Geothermal Natural Gas (USD1 - 8/MMBtu) LNG (USD6 - 12/MMBtu) Coal Biomass Nat. Gas Solar PV: small Coal Solar PV: large Solar 2003 2000 1997 1994 0.00 Offshore wind Onshore wind 0 1991 Primary Energy Dollars per mmBtu 100.00 tHe LeveLISed COSt Of eLeCtRICIty fROm ReNewABLe, fOSSIL ANd NUCLeAR teCHNOLOGIeS (2014) Solar is already the least cost option in many regions, and prices will continue to decline rapidly. Utility-scale PV system costs will halve by 2040 to only $0.69 per watt ($2014), according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. ReCeNt NOtABLe LONG-teRm fIxed pRICe SOLAR CONtRACtS INdIA LCOe fOR LARGe-SCALe pv veRSUS fOSSIL fUeLS ($/ MWh, nominal, capacity factors are 16 to 21%) Brazil $0.08 / kWh 200 Dubai $0.058 / kWh 150 Germany $0.09 / kWh 100 India $0.07 / kWh 50 United States $0.038 / kWh 0 2015 India gas India coal 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: BNEF New Energy Outlook 2015 Global Solar Council | 3 SOLAR mOSt veRSAtILe fORm Of eLeCtRICIty Solar is the most versatile and democratic form of power available because it can be used in many sizes and applications anywhere in the world. Not only does solar have more generating potential over a wider area than any other source – and can be used for smart on-grid distributed generation, it is a disruptive leapfrog technology uniquely suited to empower the 1.3 billion people who currently lack access to electricity. Solar power also has the highest share of popular support of any electricity technology. mOSt peOpLe wItHOUt ACCeSS tO eLeCtRICIty LIve IN AReAS wItH HIGH SOLAR ReSOURCeS Source : NASA, IEA Solar is the only source of power that can be used in basically any size and uncounted applications: from large utility-scale power plants to grid-connected residential rooftop systems; from beautiful building-integrated architecture and smart digitalized houses to simple solar home systems; from large installations on commercial buildings for self consumption and backup to hybrid installations in mines to reduce diesel consumption; from solar car ports to consumer electronics. there is a solar system and type for anyone anywhere. 4 Global Solar Council | 6 1 2 4 5 3 7 8 9 10 1, 2, 4 © Photo courtesy of Canadian Solar Inc. / 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 © Photo courtesy of Phaesun Gmbh. 5 © Photo courtesy of SunPower Corporation / 8 © Photo courtesy of Scatec Solar Global Solar Council | 5 SOLAR Key tO meetING CLImAte GOALS It is already one of the fastest growing electricity sources globally. Starting in 2022 and beyond, each year more emissions-free solar will be installed than any other energy source, including all fossil fuels combined - and this estimate stems from the moderate central scenario of BNEF. SOLAR pOweR - tHe fASteSt GROwING eLeCtRICIty SOURCe By 2022 Global gross annual capacity additions by technology, 2015-2040 (GW) 2022 400 12GW 300 30GW 49GW 100GW 200 19GW 88GW 100 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 Flexible capacity Other renewables Wind Solar Nuclear Fossil Fuels 0 Source: BNEF New Energy Outlook 2015 Even if implemented aggregated and globally scaled up, the government commitments (INDCs) submitted to COP-21 in Paris are not enough to keep the average global warming below 2°C. But if national governments set the right market conditions, solar with its quickly decreasing cost and versatility - is the top candidate to help closing the gap of the INdCs. Estimates from Bloomberg New Energy Finance see total solar power generation capacity up to 5 Terrawatt (TW) in 2040, reaching a penetration level of close to 20%. tHe pOteNtIAL Of SOLAR IS HUGe - fOReCAStS fOR GLOBAL INStALLAtIONS & peNetRAtION GW 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 % of generation 5,008 3,697 2,722 1,639 104 1,074 2012 2040 Lower Bound Utility scale PV 1,936 1,783 1,904 3,063 2040 2040 Upper Central Bound Small scale PV 20% 15% 10% 5% 0 2012 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Source: BNEF New Energy Outlook 2015 6 Global Solar Council | 2040 Global Solar Council | © Photo courtesy of Canadian Solar Inc. 7 SOLAR SOn يسمشSAmAS Eguzki SuncEThe nAy TAiyEung SOL 太阳的 principal members of the Global Solar Council national and regional solar associations from Sunceare Slunce Iru солнечная Zon both established and emerging markets, including China, Europe, India, other Asian countries, Middle Sun SunO PäikE שמש SóL khORShid East, Australia, South America and the United States. ARAw, Founded AuRinkO SOLEiL SinnE by 17 members at COP-21, the GlobalgRiAn Solar Council is seeking additional partners to work SOnnEtogether iLLiOS พลังsolar งานแสงอาทิ ตย์andhELiOS to accelerate penetration rates tackle climate change. kuARAjhy ShEmESh SuRyA, nAP mATAhARi kORShid TAi yOu, PREAh BOARd memBeRS ATu SAuLE zôn mòi SOnn SOncE XEmX Tàiyáng 太阳的 SLOncE inTi SOARE SOLncE LA SuRyA SinkO SOncE uTA juA d’SOnnE TAnE SuRyAn duAng AhTiT günES SOnTSE hAuL слънчев Solarna aurInko ΗλιακΗ du SOLEiL SAuRA ソーラー SOLAR SOLAR SOn يسمشSAmAS Eguzki SuncE nAy TAiyEung SOL 太阳的 Sunce Slunce Iru солнечная Zon Sun SunO PäikE שמשSóL khORShid produced in collaboration with: for more information contact: John Smirnow Secretary-General Global Solar Council ARAw, AuRinkO SOLEiL Global Solar Council | SinnE