CONSTITUTION FOR QUEENSBOROUGH'S STUDENT VETERANS ASSOCIATION Article I. Queensborough Student Veterans Association (QSVA) Article II. Queensborough's Student Veterans Association is an assembly of persons whose purpose is to further the welfare, image, and general well being of those who are veterans ofthe military services of the United States of America. It is also constituted to assist directly those who serve on active duty as well as their families. The association also serves to educate the general public as to the status and needs of veterans and their families. Article III. All persons who have served in any branch of the military, whether active, Reserves, or National Guard, are eligible for membership in the organization. Family members and supporters of veterans are also eligible. No person shall be denied membership or office in this organization because of race, color, religious beliefs or non-belief, national origin, gender, political beliefs, veteran status, handicapped status or sexual orientation. Article IV. Section I. There shall be a minimum ofthree officers of the organization; president, vice-president and senator. The president shall preside at meetings and be the chief representative of the body in all matters. The vice-president shall assist the president in his/her duties. The senator's chief task shall be to represent the body to the student councils and organizations when the president's presence is not required. The president shall have the power to form committees and assign regular duties to members as required. Officers shall serve a term of one semester. No officer may serve more than two consecutive academic years. Section II. The departing officers shall supervise the new election during the last QSVA meeting of each semester. Nominations for officers Shall be made from the floor. Any member may nominate any other for any office. After nominations, paper ballots shall be distributed and a secret vote taken. Ballots shall be tallied by all officers and the names of winners announced. Ballots, as to count, shall be open for inspection by any member. Article V. Meetings shall be held monthly and may be called more often as the need arises. Any two officers may call a special meeting. In order for any votes to be taken, a quorum, consisting of a simple majority of the declared membership shall have to be present. Article VI. Any members may propose an amendment to the constitution. a two thirds vote of the entire membership. Article VII. The constitution Any such amendment needs to be ratified by and all amendments to it must be approved by the QSA Student Senate. Article VIII. Most meetings are conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, although moderate rather than strict parliamentary procedures are normally followed.