Environmentally Focused Patterning and Processing of Polymer Thin Films by Initiated Chemical Vapor deposition (iCVD) and Oxidative Chemical Vapor Deposition (oCVD) MASSACHUSETTS INSTITE OF TECHNOLOGY by Nathan J. Trujillo SEP 16 2010 M.S. Chemical Engineering Practice Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA (2009) LIBRARIES ARCHIVES B.S. Chemical Engineering University of California, San Diego, La Jolla CA (2005) Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 2010 D 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature of Author: . Department of Chemical Engineering May, 2010 Certified by: ................. Karen K. Gleason Professor of Chemical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: ................................................... William M. Deen Professor of Chemical Engineering Chairman, Committee for Graduate Students Environmentally Focused Patterning and Processing of Polymer Thin Films by Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (iCVD) and Oxidative Chemical Vapor Depositon (oCVD) by Nathan J. Trujillo Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering on October 19, 2009 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering Practice ABSTRACT The new millennium has brought fourth many technological innovations made possible by the advancement of high speed integrated circuits. The materials and energy requirements for a microchip is orders of magnitude higher than that of "traditional" goods, and current materials management requirements for EHS friendly low-k processing require a 10% annual increase in raw materials utilization. Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (iCVD) is a low-energy, one step, solvent-free process for producing polymeric thin films This thesis describes the deposition of a novel low-k iCVD precursor, 1,3,5,7-tetravinyltetramethylcylcotetrasiloxane (V4D4). The high degree of organic content in the as-deposited film affords the ability to tune the film's properties by annealing. The incorporation of atmospheric oxygen at high temperatures enhances the mechanical and electrical properties of the films. Films annealed at 410'C have a dielectric constant of 2.15, hardness and modulus of 0.78 GPa and 5.4 GPa, respectively. These values are comparatively better than previously reported results for CVD low-k films. Environmentally friendly low-k processing encompasses materials and energy management in the entire integration process, including lithography. Colloidal lithography was combined with iCVD and capillary force lithography to create spatially addressable grafted polymer pattern nanostructures, without the need for expensive lithography tools. Using this method, we pattern our novel low dielectric constant polymer down to 25 nm without the need for environmentally harmful solvents. Furthermore, these grafted patterns were produced for a broad material set of functional organic, fluorinated, and silicon containing polymers. A variation of this process created amine functionalized biocompatible conducting polymer nanostructure patterns for biosensor applications. These were fabricated using grafting reactions between oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD) PEDOT conducting polymers and amine functionalized polystyrene (PS) colloidal templates. Carboxylate containing oCVD copolymer patterns were used to immobilized fluorescent dyes. Fluorescent colloidal particles were assembled within dyed PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer nanobowl templates to create bifunctional patterns for optical data storage applications. Finally, UV and e-beam lithography were used to pattern covalently tethered vinyl monolayers for resist-free patterning of iCVD and oCVD polymers, using environmentally innocuous solvents. Thesis Supervisor: Karen K. Gleason Title: Professor of Chemical Engineering To my wonderful parents, Jose and Velia Trujillo AKNOWLEDGEMENTS This page represents the proudest and most gratifying element of the thesis process. Years of hard work and luck have helped bring together this thesis; however, none of it would have been possible without the tremendous support from many exceptional individuals. Karen, you have been a phenomenal advisor and mentor. You have been instrumental in helping me navigate through the whitespace of research and instilling in me creativity in problem solving. To my committee members, Professors Cohen and Love: your generosity, expertise, and perspective have helped shape the direction of this thesis. Thank you. My fellow Gleason group members have provided countless opportunities to discuss and refine the various components of my research project. Many thanks go out to Sung Gap, Sreeram, Sal, and Wyatt for showing me the tricks of the trade. Thank you to Miles, Mahariah, and Jingling for being such great classmates, co-workers, and friends. Thank you Gozde, Ayse, Rama, Rachel, Christy, and Hitesh for letting me bounce my ideas off of you and for being generally great people. And to my fellow ChemE classmates, "GO LANDAU!!!". Thank you to all my friends back in California for believing in me. To my nonChemE friends at MIT, Kevin, Nareg, Nick and TJ: they say misery loves company, I am glad that we have managed to keep each other out of her way. To my best friend Carly: you are a blessing. I would like to thank my undergraduate research advisor Professor Mike Sailor, my brother-in-law Dr. Mike Hale, and my high school chemistry instructor Eric Gibson for instilling in me a passion for chemistry. Dr. Jacqueline Azize-Brewer and the CAMP research program have opened countless doors for me and greatly contributed to my professional development. I wouldn't have reached MIT without their help. My five siblings Christopher, Jonathan, Cesar, Cindy and Geraldine have always been there whenever I needed them, in academics and in life. They rock! Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents. Their limitless love and support has ushered me through this challenging process. I am forever grateful. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRA CT................................................................................................................-----.....----.2 3 DED ICA TION ........................................................................................................................... 4 A KN OWLED GEMEN TS..................................................................................................... 5 TABLE OF CON TEN TS....................................................................................................... 8 LIST OF FIGU RES ................................................................................................................... LIST OF TA BLES...................................................................................................................14 15 CH APTER 1: INTROD UCTION ......................................................................................... 16 1.1. Environm entally focused low -k m aterial processing.............................................. 22 1.2. Environm entally focused low -k patterning............................................................ 1.3. Grafting......................................................................................................................24 27 1.4. Patterning ................................................................................................................... 30 1.5. Scope of Thesis....................................................................................................... 1.6. References..................................................................................................................32 CHAPTER 2: ULTRA-LOW DIELECTRIC CONSTANT TETRAVINYLTETRAMETHYLCYCLOTETRASILOXANE FILMS DEPOSITED BY INITIATED CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION (ICVD)................................................37 2.1. Abstract......................................................................................................................38 2.2. Introduction................................................................................................................39 2.3. Experim ental..............................................................................................................42 44 2.4. Results and Discussion ......................................................................................... 2.5. Conclusions................................................................................................................67 68 2.6. A cknow ledgem ents................................................................................................ 69 2.7. Supporting Inform ation ......................................................................................... 70 ........................... p(V4D4) iCVD for Parameters on Deposition Notes 2.8. Technical 74 2.9. Technical N otes on Porogen use w ith p(V 4D 4).................................................. 2.10. References................................................................................................................82 CHAPTER 3: MULTI-SCALE GRAFTED FUNCTIONAL POLYMERIC NANOSTRUCTURES PATTERNED BOTTOM-UP BY COLLOIDAL LITHOGRAPHY AND INITIATED CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION (ICVD)........86 3.1. Abstract......................................................................................................................87 3.2. Introduction................................................................................................................88 93 3.3. Experim ental Section............................................................................................ 97 3.4. Results and D iscussion ......................................................................................... 3.5. Conclusions..............................................................................................................115 3.6. Acknow ledgem ents..................................................................................................116 3.7. References................................................................................................................116 CHAPTER 4: OXIDATIVE CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION (OCVD) OF PATTERNED AND FUNCTIONAL GRAFTED CONDUCTING POLYMER NANOSTRUCTURES FOR ADVANCED BIOELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS............119 4.1. A bstract....................................................................................................................120 4.2. Introduction..............................................................................................................121 4.3. Experim ental............................................................................................................123 125 4.4. Results and D iscussion ............................................................................................ 4.5. Conclusions..............................................................................................................133 4.6. Acknow ledgem ents..................................................................................................134 4.7. References................................................................................................................134 CHAPTER 5: MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TEMPLATE DIRECTED SELF-ASSEMBLY TOWARDS HIGH DENSITY OPTICAL DATA STORAGE ............................................. 136 5.1. Abstract....................................................................................................................137 5.2. Introduction..............................................................................................................138 5.3. Experim ental............................................................................................................140 141 5.4. Results and Discussion ............................................................................................ 5.5. Conclusions..............................................................................................................149 5.6. References................................................................................................................150 CHAPTER 6: UV AND E-BEAM PATTERNING OF VINYL COUPLING AGENTS: TOWARDS RESIST-FREE PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY OF POLYMERIC THIN FILMS.. 152 6.1. Abstract....................................................................................................................153 6.2. Introduction..............................................................................................................154 6.3. Experim ental............................................................................................................156 158 6.4. Results and D iscussion ............................................................................................ 6.5. Conclusions..............................................................................................................165 6.6. A cknow ledgem ents..................................................................................................165 6.7. References................................................................................................................166 CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK.....................................................167 7.1. Conclusions..............................................................................................................168 7.2. U ltra-low D ielectric Constant Film s D eposited by iCVD ....................................... 168 7.3. Grafted Functional Polymeric Nanostructures by Colloidal Lithography...............169 7.4. Conducting Polymer Nanostructures for Advanced Bioelectronic Applications ....169 7.5. Multi-functional Template Directed Assembly Towards Optical Data Storage ..... 170 7.6. UV and E-Beam Patterning of Vinyl Coupling Agents for Polymer Patterning.....170 7.7. Future W ork.............................................................................................................170 APPENDIX A: INTEGRATIVE CAPSTONE PAPER: HLED TECHNOLOGIES ..... 173 175 EXECUTIVE SU MM A RY ................................................................................................... 178 The Team ........................................................................................................................ M ARKET AN A LY SIS..........................................................................................................180 M arket Segm entation......................................................................................................180 180 D isplay Sizes ........................................................................................................... Industry....................................................................................................................182 Com peting Technologies.........................................................................................184 186 Competition and Com petitive A dvantage ...................................................................... A vionics/M ilitary A pplications...............................................................................186 187 M aterials D evelopm ent ........................................................................................... Display Technology.................................................................................................188 188 G eneral Lighting A pplications ................................................................................ 190 SALES & M A RKETING ...................................................................................................... 190 Overall M arket Strategy ................................................................................................. Pricing.............................................................................................................................191 192 Sales Tactics ................................................................................................................... 6 Sales Force Growth.........................................................................................................192 193 Branding & Prom otion ................................................................................................... 194 TECHN OLOGY & PRODU CT OFFERING ........................................................................ 194 Product Description ........................................................................................................ ................................... 194 How does hLED technology work?............................................. 195 Intellectual Property Strategy ......................................................................................... Technical Risks...............................................................................................................195 196 D evelopm ent Resources ................................................................................................. Product Developm ent Tim eline and M ilestones.............................................................197 198 MANUFA CTURIN G , SERVICES, & LOGISTICS ............................................................. 198 M anufacturing & D istribution ........................................................................................ 198 Service ............................................................................................................................ Logistics..........................................................................................................................198 200 FINANCIALS & OW NERSH IP ........................................................................................... Com pany Structuring......................................................................................................200 200 Financial Sum mary ......................................................................................................... Financial A ssumptions....................................................................................................202 206 Financial Projections ...................................................................................................... 212 Breakeven Analysis ........................................................................................................ 213 Financial Oversight and Cost Control ............................................................................ 214 Exit Strategies ................................................................................................................. Ownership.......................................................................................................................214 Financial Conclusions.....................................................................................................216 216 A ddendum : Cap Chart .................................................................................................... LIST OF FIGURES 17 Figure 1-1: Cross section and schematic of an integrated circuit. ....................................... Figure 1-2: Traditional (left-a) and (right-b) resistless lithography process flow .............. 24 Figure 2-1: FT-IR spectra for liquid V4D4 monomer and the as-deposited iCVD polymer, p(V4D4). The gray bar highlights the position of the vinyl CH 2 absorption. The reduction of this peak in the iCVD polymer is consistent with free-radical polymerization, as is the formation of polyethylene-like backbones between 28782920 cm-1. The remaining vinyl groups are utilized as "built-in" porogens that are removed in subsequent annealing. The lack of broadening in the Si-O-Si stretching peak indicates that the cyclic siloxane D4 ring structure has been 47 p reserv ed ...................................................................................................................... Scheme 2-1: (a) Proposed initiation and propagation polymerization mechanism for the iCVD p(V4D4). (b) Reaction stoichiometry required for two D4 rings to create a substituted silsesquioxane cage structure through reaction with oxygen from the 48 amb ien t air. .................................................................................................................. Figure 2-2: Thickness normalized FT-IR spectra for Si-O-Si stretching (al-a7) and Si-C stretching (bl-b7), where the numbers 1-7 correspond to as-deposited p(V4D4) and p(V4D4) annealed at 90'C, 170'C, 250'C, 330'C, 370'C, or 410'C, respectively. The integrated peak areas for the various bonding environments in (a) correspond to specific suboxide, network, or cage Si-O bonding, are plot as a ratio of the total integrated Si-O peak area from 1000-1200 cm-I (c). The primarily network structure evolves into primarily suboxide and cage structures as 51 the anneal temperature is increased. ....................................................................... Figure 2-3: Raman spectra of p(V4D4) films as-deposited and annealed at 410'C. The preservation of the cyclic D4 structure is evident by the peak at 495 cm-1. The peaks at 575 and 1117 cm-I that appear in the annealed structure correspond to Si-O-Si stretching in organically substituted silsesquioxane cages. ..................... 53 Figure 2-4: Thickness normalized FT-IR for the Si-CH 3 bonding region for as deposited p(V4D4) and films annealed at 90'C, 170'C, 250'C, 330'C, 370'C, or 410'C (ala7). Peaks at 1262 and 1272 cm-1 correspond to 'D' and 'T' groups, respectively. The general trend demonstrates that the degree of silicon oxidation increases as the anneal temperature is increased. The ratio of the integrated Si-CH 3 region (1250-1280 cm- 1) to the total integrated Si-O peak area from 1000-1200 cm-I (b) suggests the incorporation of 'Q' groups (fully oxidized silicon atoms).................56 Figure 2-5: Average film connectivity number plot versus anneal temperature (a). Films annealed at temperatures below 330'C have connectivity below the percolation threshold. The mechanical properties for the cured p(V4D4) (b) reflect drastically increased hardness and modulus as the films approach a connectivity greater than 59 2 .4 ................................................................................................................................. Figure 2-6: Refractive index for various cured p(V4D4) films (a). The porosity (b) was calculated using the Lorentz-Lorentz equation (2-1).............................................60 Figure 2-7: The dielectric constant is plot versus anneal temperature (a). The parabolic shape is attributed to the evolution of highly polarizable carbonyl bonds, C=O. The plot of the 17 10-1740 cm-I FT-IR spectral region (bl-b7) indicates that the largest carbonyl incorporation occurs at an anneal temperature of 250'C (b4), which corresponds to the highest dielectric constant. The dielectric constant reflects that the reduction in film density is offset by the increased bond 63 p olarizab ility . ............................................................................................................... Figure 2-8: A comparison between the best dielectric constant and modulus from this study with previously reported results of merit for low-k OSG films. 9,51-54.....64 Figure 2-9: Proposed molecular model for the cured V4D4 films, which consist of MSQ cages interconnected by crosslinking 'Q' groups....................................................65 Figure 2-10: The elemental ratios of carbon to silicon (a) and carbon to oxygen (b) plot versus anneal temperature. The films lose a significant amount of carbon between 170'C and 250'C, as was suggested by the refractive index trend in Figure 2-6a......67 Figure 2-S1: TGA mass evolution for p(V4D4) films annealed under two different annealing environments. The peaks in the bottom two traces correspond to the respective temperatures for decomposition onset....................................................69 Figure 2-S2: Temperature evolution of various ions detected by residual gas analysis 70 (RGA). Helium was used as the purge gas. ............................................................ Figure 2-NI: Deposition rate data for polymer film growth as a function of substrate temperature. The diamonds represent the deposition rate as measured in-situ by interferometry and the open squares represent the film thickness measured ex-situ 72 by ellip som etry ............................................................................................................. Figure 2-N2: Deposition rate data for polymer film growth as a function of monomer partial pressure as a fraction of saturation. The diamonds represent the deposition rate as measured in-situ by interferometry and the open squares represent the film 73 thickness measured ex-situ by ellipsometry........................................................... Figure 2-N3: FT-IR spectra for hybrid iCVD low-k copolymer films produced from V4D4 precursors and CHMA (a)(b), IBMA (c), and Terpinene. The grey bar highlights the position of the carbonyl peak between 1720-1740 cm-1. ................. 76 Figure 2-N4: Calculated porosity for p(V4D4-co-CHMA) hybrid films annealed in air at 77 various tem peratures. .............................................................................................. Figure 2-N5: TGA mass decomposition profiles for as-deposited and hybrid V4D4 films 78 annealed in air or helium ......................................................................................... Figure 2-N6: Overall film shrinkage for various V4D4-co-CHMA copolymer films annealed in air. The diamond and triangle series corresponds to CHMA:V4D4 79 ratios of 2:1 and 0.5:1, respectively ......................................................................... Figure 2-N7. Dielectric constant versus anneal temperature for various V4D4-co-CHMA copolymer films annealed in air. The diamond and triangle series corresponds to CHMA:V4D4 ratios of 2:1 and 0.5:1, respectively................................................80 Figure 2-N8: FT-IR spectra for iCVD low-k homopolymer (a) and copolymer films annealed in air and produced from V4D4 precursors and CHMA (b), or IBMA 1 (c).................................................................................................................................8 Figure 2-N9: FT-IR spectra for iCVD low-k homopolymer (a) and copolymer films produced from V4D4 precursors and CHMA (b), or IBMA (c)..............................81 Figure 3-1: Schematic of thin dot and ring patterns which form from 2-D colloidal patterning of PECVD polymer (a). The dotted circles represent the colloid template of radius 'r'. The polymer feature height, h, is typically much smaller than 'r' (h << r). iCVD films can produce truly hemispherical "bowl" structures from functional polymers. These structures can either be spaced apart (b) if the film thickness is less than the particle radius (h < r) or directly neighboring (c) if h 1 ~ r....................................................................................................................9 Scheme 3-1: A generic process scheme for creating a topographical template used for producing hierarchical patterns of polymeric nanostructures, by capillary force lithography. A patterned PDMS mold is pressed onto a polystyrene melt (alb). After cooling, the mold is removed. A SAM of colloidal particles is deposited into the grooves (c). This hierarchical template is used for patterning the iCVD 96 polym ers, according to Figure 3-1 ........................................................................... Figure 3-2: A generic process scheme for producing patterned polymeric nanostructures using colloidal lithography. A hydroxylated substrate which has been treated with an oxygen plasma serves as a hydrophilic base for depositing a 2-D assembly of colloidal nanoparticles (a). The masked sample is then treated with a vapor phase silane coupling agent which covalently attaches vinyl groups to the substrate in the exposed regions of the colloidal mask (b). This acts as an adhesion promoter to graft the functional iCVD polymer which is subsequently deposited (c). The grafted film is sonicated in solvent to remove the colloidal template and any ungrafted polymer. This reveals an array of bowl-shaped nanostructures patterned 98 in a hexagonal arrangem ent (d)................................................................................ Figure 3-3: FT-IR spectra for (a) butyl acrylate monomer, (b) corresponding iCVD film, (c) HEMA monomer, (d) corresponding iCVD film, (e) PFDA monomer, (f) corresponding iCVD film, (g) PFM monomer, (h) corresponding iCVD film, (i) V4D4 monomer, (j) corresponding iCVD film. The grey bar highlights the position of the vinyl C=C absorption. The noted reduction in this peak in the iCVD polymer is consistent with free-radical polymerization. The functional similarity between monomers and their corresponding iCVD film is highlighted with asterisks (*), and suggests the preservation of functional groups in the 2 polym er film s.............................................................................................................10 Figure 3-4: SEM images for grafted functional "nanobowls", produced from 1 pm diameter spheres, after the colloid template had been removed. p(butyl acrylate) patterns (a) were very well ordered . A large continuous pattern of pPFM (b) can create a reactive surface. These patterns contain a reactive pentafluorophenyl ester which was used to immobilize an amine-containing fluorescent ligand through nucleophilic addition. The inset contains a fluorescence microscope image of the fluorescent patterns. Hydrogel patterns from pHEMA (c) are incredibly hydrophilic (inset) unlike those produced from low surface-energy pPFDA (d) which are water repellent (inset). All iCVD films were devoid of wetting defects, such as those which would have given rise to island type pattern growth. ............... 105 Figure 3-5: Typical AFM image and line scan for patterned "nanobowls" from 1 jim diameter colloidal template, p(butyl acrylate) pictured. The tallest features are about 500 nm in height. The line scan shows how the honeycomb polymer pattern regularly preserves the hemispherical geometry from the colloidal template, which is theoretically represented in the dotted white curve which appears as an elliptical overlay on the graph since the horizontal and vertical scales are in ratio 107 of 4:1. The features traced are -300 nm in height. .................................................... Figure 3-6: The grafted polymer patterns produced from 1 tm particles ( p(butyl acrylate) shown) typically generate features 150 nm in width (a). Because of the vinyl pretreatment these patterns are robust and withstand several hours in THF. The silyation step is necessary to covalently attach the iCVD polymer to the substrate. Without this step the polymer is easily washed away during the template lift-off, leaving behind a clean substrate (b). The insets depict the corresponding substrate functionality prior to patterning.................................................................................109 Figure 3-7: SEM images for patterned V4D4 dielectric polymer using (a) 1 tm, (b) 200 nm and (c) 80 nm diameter templates. The template was removed in an ultrasonic bath of an environmentally-friendly solvent, isopropyl alcohol. The smallest obtainable features were 25 nm in width, obtained from 80 nm particles.................111 Figure 3-8: Hierarchical patterns were preliminarily generated by micro contact printing the colloidal template. AFM (a) and SEM (b) images of hierarchically patterned V4D4 show high line-edge-roughness and stray beads within the unpatterned 113 reg io n . ........................................................................................................................ Figure 3-9: Hierarchical patterns from grafted iCVD polymer were produced with capillary force lithography. A polystyrene template (a) was used to template the colloidal assembly (b). The iCVD polymers (pHEMA shown) are patterned at two length scales. The large length scale corresponds to the polystyrene template (c). The smaller length scale is attributed to the colloidal template (d). .......................... 114 Scheme 4-1: PS beads are self-assembled on a vinyl-treated Si wafer to form a 2-D HCP colloidal template (a). PEDOT is deposited via oCVD, conformally coating the void space of the colloidal template with conducting polymer, which grafts to the surfaces of the PS beads and the vinyl-treated wafer (b). The non-grafted cores of the PS template are removed via dissolution and rigorous ultrasonication in THF, revealing well-ordered PEDOT nanostructures with a grafted PS surface layer.......127 Figure 4-1: SEM images show a PEDOT shroud in which the internal PS template has been dissolved away by brief ultrasonication in THF (a). Rigorous ultrasonication reveals the hemispherical HCP geometry of the patterned PEDOT nanostructure below (b). Using FeCl 3 as the oxidant yields a well-defined PEDOT/PS nanostructure with a very smooth texture (c). When CuCl 2 is used as the oxidant, hierarchically patterned PEDOT conducting polymer films are formed with tunable nanoporosity (d). The inset captures the morphology of the porous PED OT on an unpatterned substrate..........................................................................129 Figure 4-2: FT-IR spectra of a blanket oCVD PEDOT conducting polymer film (a), a 2-D monolayer of 1 tm diameter polystyrene colloidal template (b), and oCVDpatterned conducting polymer nanostructures (c) in which the PS template was removed by rigorous rinsing and ultrasonication in THF. The observation of PS peaks in (c) is evidence of grafting between the PEDOT nanobowls and the surface of the PS beads..............................................................................................130 Figure 4-3. Surface amine moieties provide a linkage point between the bulk conducting polymer nanostructure and various ligands, demonstrated here by attachment of NHS-tethered fluorescein (a). SEM image of oCVD PEDOT patterned using 1 pm amino-functional PS beads (b); the inset captures the nanobowl shape, which becomes evident at the interface with the unpatterned bulk PEDOT. Fluorescence microscopy shows fluorescence areas patterned using amino-functional PS beads (c); the inset shows the interface between the fluorescent patterned regions and the unpatterned bulk PEDOT, which does not exhibit fluorescence after the 132 identical functionalization treatment (red arrow). ..................................................... Scheme 5-1: Carboxylic acid groups on patterned oCVD films (a) are directly reacted with amine containing FITC dye (b) to create green patterns. Indirect reaction with PDA and AMCA-NHS will create blue patterns (c and d). The dyed nanobowls are then used for template directed assembly of fluorescent beads (e), which creates bifunctional patterns............................................................................142 Figure 5-1: PEDOT homopolymer nanobowls containing statistically distributed quantities of 200 nm diameter non-fluorescent polystyrene beads (p = 4.95 beads 143 per bow l, 5 = 2.13 beads per bow l). .......................................................................... Figure 5-2: 500 nm diamter fluorescent orange polystyerene particles assembled within PEDOT-co-TAA (functionalized with FITC-NH 2 dye) copolymer patterns demonstrate two types of defects: two particles assembling within one bowl (a) and particles attaching to the terrace of the nanobowl structure (b). 200 nm red beads assembled within AMCA-NHS dyed PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer patterns (c) (d) assemble in an analogous manner to the 200 nm diameter non-fluorescent 14 5 b ead s. ......................................................................................................................... Figure 5-3: Optical micrograph of 200 nm red beads assembled within AMCA-NHS functionalized PEDOT-co-TAA nanobowls (a). When these patterns are illuminated using a DAPI filter set, the two dyes become visible, demonstrating bifunctional patterns (b). Image analysis decouples the dye signal corresponding to the bowl perimeter(c) from the fluorescent bead signal (d). Fluorescence micrograph for the template directed assembly of 1 prm diameter dyed beads onto FITC-NH 2 functionalized PEDOT-co-TAA nanobowls (e). Trifunctional patterns using two distinct fluorescent beads assembled atop FITC-NH 2 dyed nanobowls 148 resulted in an irregular assembly (f). ................................. Figure 6-1: Generic processing scheme for resist-free lithography. A vinyl silane treated wafer (a) is exposed to deep UV light through a shadow mask (b). An iCVD polymer blanket layer is deposited onto the irradiated substrate (c). The polymer film covalently adheres to the unexposed regions of the substrate. Rinsing in a solvent removes the untethered polymer layers and reveals patterned iCVD p olym er (d).................................................................................................................156 Figure 6-2: FT-IR spectra for as-grafted TCVS monolayer on a silicon substrate (a) and after 20 hours of photolysis with a UV lamp (b). The grey arrows indicate the position of the photolyzed vinyl groups, which are present in the as-grafted film. The reduced water contact angle reflects the removal of the organic monolayer and the subsequent exposure of the underlying native oxide from the substrate.......159 Figure 6-3: 200 nm thick iCVD patterns were created from p(CHMA-co-EGDA) (a), whereas only 20 nm thick patterns from iCVD p(butyl acrylate) remain after liftoff in IPA (b). The use of a crosslinker can help generate thick patterns after liftoff. Wetting contrast that is achieved after patterning grafted thin layers (<30 nm) of PEDOT via oCVD (c and d). The darker regions correspond to water condensation on the UV exposed regions. PEDOT is located in the lighter regions. 161 Figure 6-4: Linewidth patterns ranging from 2 pm to 10 nm were written onto the vinyl silane treated wafers by e-beam irradiation (a). iCVD was used to deposit a blanket film of p(CHMA-co-EGDA) copolymers onto the pre-pattened substrates. These films were subsequently rinsed in IPA. An optical micrograph (b) indicates that polymer features smaller than 1 prm could not be resolved. ............................... 162 Figure 6-5: AFM image of 1 um p(CHMA-co-EGDA) linewidths developed from e-beam pre-patterned substrates. The white line shows the region corresponding to the accompanying line scan (bottom), which indicates an average height of the patterned lines of 33 ± 3 nm with an average FWHM of 1.01 ± 0.01 pm......163 Figure 6-6: AFM images showing smaller polymer linewidths (<500 nm). For smaller features, there is extensive line bridging which gives rise to features which look like the capital letter 'H' (indicated by the white circle). .......................................... 164 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1: Typical values for bond polarizability and bond energy....................................19 20 Table 1-2: ITRS roadmap for interconnect technology ...................................................... 21 Table 1-3: Material requirements for low-k integration ...................................................... Table 2-1: FT-IR peak assignments from the literature (v stretching, 6 bending, p ............ 46 rocking, to wagging, AS antisymmetric, and S symmetric)................................................46 Table 2-2: Raman shift assignments from the literature (v stretching, 6 bending, p 53 rocking, AS antisymmetric, and S symmetric)...................................................... Table 1-3: Atomic compositions calculated from XPS survey scans for various annealed V4D4 films. The values corresponding to annealing at 4 10 C are within 1%of the theoretical value for a film containing 83% 'T' groups and 17% 'Q' groups......66 70 Table 2-S1: Proposed fragments released during pyrolysis by TGA .................................. 74 Table 2-NI: Reactor conditions for deposition of iCVD p(V4D4) films ........................... Table 2-N2: Summary of electrical, optical, and thermal performance for various as deposited and annealed hybrid and homopolymer V4D4 films...............................82 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1. Environmentally focused low-k material processing The new millennium has brought fourth many technological innovations made possible by the advancement of high speed digital electronics. At the heart of these electronic devices are integrated circuits, whose performance has been improved by shrinking transistor size in accordance to Moore's Law, which states that transistor 1 density on ULSI (ultra-large-scale-integrated) circuits doubles every 18 months. The performance of these devices can be negatively affected by signal delays, cross talk noise, and increased power consumption. The signal (RC) delay through the interconnect system is given by: = OcpL2 (1-1) 0RC m TdTm K = Dielectric Constant p = Metal Density Lm = Length of Metal Lead Td = Thickness of Dielectric Tm= Thickness of Metal Lead To reduce the resistance for metal leads, R, copper metal (1.7 g -cm) has been substituted for the traditional aluminum (3.0 tQ-cm) interconnect. 2Increasing transistor density means smaller inter-metal dielectric (IMD) features, which require a corresponding decrease in dielectric constant in order to keep capacitance, C, low. Reduced capacitance will also decrease the power consumption, P, and cross talk noise, N, :-... ::M :M :-: :M :: ::.::::: ............... - .............. --- . . . ........... ............... P - CV2f (1-2) f = Frequency of Operation N (1-3) ~ Cetoline_ C total thus boosting device performance. Indeed, at the current transistor length scale of 65 nm, performance limitations result from interconnect delay rather than intrinsic gate delay. 2 Therefore, reducing IMD dielectric constant becomes an important parameter for improving device performance. Figure 1-1 depicts a cross section and schematic for an integrated circuit. Metal T. Dielectric Td Figure 1-1: Cross section and schematic of an integrated circuit. There are two main aspects of material design that affect the dielectric constant: material polarizability and density. The polarizability, P, measures the electronic, atomic, and orientation response of a material to an applied electric field, E.3 At device operating frequencies this relates to the dielectric constant, k, through: k =1+ E (1-4) The atomic and orientation contributions to polarization are nuclear effects, and become important at low device frequencies. At higher frequencies (>1013 Hz) the electronic polarization dominates, and the dielectric constant can be approximated as the square of the optical refractive index, k=n2 . Typical devices operating frequencies are < 109 Hz, thus all three components of polarization contribute to the dielectric constant. 3 Nuclear polarization typically arises from permanent and transition dipoles in a material. Polar substituents such as hydroxyl and carbonyl groups would likely contribute to these dipoles and may attract water. The large permanent dipole in water raises the orientational contribution to polarization, thus careful consideration must be taken in material design to avoid polar substiuents which adsorb moisture.3-5 Electronic polarization measures the induced dipole moment per unit volume for particular bonding environments. Table 1-1 shows typical values for bond polarizability6 and associated bond enthalpy. Highly electronegative bonds have electrons tightly bound to the nucleus-less likely to be displaced by an electric field- and have the lowest electronic polarizability. Conversely, conjugated bonding environments, such as carbon double bonds and aromatic rings, demonstrate delocalization of i electrons and result in high polarizability. However, there is a tradeoff: low polarizability bonds are usually weaker. Table 1-1: Typical values for bond polarizability and bond energy Polarizability Bond Energy Bond (A3) Kcal/mol C-C C-F C-0 C-H 0-H C=O C=C C=C C=N 0.531 0.555 0.584 0.652 0.706 1.020 1.643 2.036 2.239 83 116 84 99 102 176 146 200 213 Organosilicon polymers are a class of low-k materials identified to facilitate integration into interconnect structure.! These materials, also known as carbon-doped silicon oxides, or organosilicon glasses (OSG's), contain Si:O:C:H bonding structures which lowers the average bond polarizability when compared to silicon dioxide, k=3.9. This class of materials have also demonstrated superior thermal stabilityl when compared to materials with lower polarizability, such as C:F films7 or fluorinated silicon glasses (FSG).1''', Other methods for reducing the dielectric constant are to reduce the film density by incorporating void space and using precursors with inherently open structures. Void space can be induced by copolymerization of the low-k matrix with a thermally sensitive porogen molecule, which is removed in a post-processing anneal. The void space contains air, k=1 (the theoretical lower limit for k), which lowers the effective density of the film. The Bruggemann, 9 Rayleigh,' 0 and Looyenga" models model porosity and can predict the effective dielectric constant for heterogeneous films. In contrast to tunable porosity obtained through use of porogens, intrinsic porosity can be achieved through the polymerization of cyclic precursors into cage type Si-O structures.1214 These structures ...... ............................................................ .................................................................................... ....................... .. .... .................. --__ ------____- contain molecular nanoporosity which can be persevered through deposition and lower the film density and dielectric constant. The ITRS is a fifteen-year assessment of the semiconductor industry's future technology requirements. These needs drive present-day strategies for world-wide research and development among manufacturers' research facilities, universities, and national labs. The 2006 ITRS roadmap for interconnect,' 5 Table 2-2, has been updated to accommodate integration and characterization challenges for new low-k materials, which now sets the goal for the 36 nm node at a dielectric constant of 2.1. 2008 was the first year that specific EHS technology requirements existed. Therefore the IMD research thrust must shift to incorporate the materials management requirements for EHS friendly processing. By 2011 this requires 90% raw chemical utilization in IMD processing. This suggests modifications to the current IMD processing to reduce the solvent waste streams and to avoid spin-on processes, which are wasteful.16-18 Table 1-2: ITRS roadmap for interconnect technology Year 2001 2003 2004 2007 2010 2013 2017 Technology 130 130 90 65 45 32 20 3.0-3.6 2.6-3.1 3.3-3.6 3.1-3.6 Node (nm)________ 2001 Rodmp3.0-3.6 Roadm 2.7-3.0 . :24 Roadmap 2006 Roadmap Updated 2006 Roadmap 2.3-2.7 5 S. 2.1-2.4 EHS for CVD and Spin-On Minimum emissionslwaste processes Manufacturable Solutions Known T522:2 ;WKM ... .... There are several key considerations when designing low-k materials, other than dielectric constant. In order to integrate a low-k material into an interconnect structure, the multiple criterion in Table 2-3 must be satisfied simultaneously.1, 2 Whereas historical consideration for good dielectric materials were primarily concerned with attractive electrical, chemical , mechanical, and thermal properties, new dielectric processing must be concerned with new EHS focused roadmap requirements. Therefore, the paradigm in IMD materials selection must shift to include only materials which can be processed in an environmentally friendly manner. Initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) is a variation of hot filament chemical vapor deposition and is a one-step, solvent-free process, requires an order of magnitude lower energy density for film deposition when compared to PECVD.' 9 The all vaporphase process avoids the material waste associated with spin-on processing. This thesis introduces iCVD as an environmentally focused process that is capable of producing lowk films with attractive mechanical and electrical properties. Table 1-3: Material requirements for low-k integration Electrical low K low dissipation low leakage low charge trap high breakdown high resistivity Mechanical film uniformity adhesion low stress high tensile modulus low shrinkage high hardness elasticity Chemical low moisture absorption high etch selectivity high chemical resistance high purity no metal corrosion low gas permeability Thermal high thermal stability high glass transition high thermal conductivity low thermal shrinkage low thermal expansion 1.2. Environmentally focused low-k patterning Environmentally friendly low-k processing encompasses materials and energy management in the entire integration process, including lithography. The schematic on the left in Figure 1-2 represents the process flow for conventional photolithography. To define the lithography pattern a photoresist material must be deposited onto the dielectric film, irradiated with UV light, and developed in an aqueous base. The low-k material is patterned by a subsequent plasma etch.2 Typical semiconductor foundries use 25,000 liters of photoresist materials annually, at a cost of -$1,600 per liter. In spin-on photo resist processing -95% of resist is wasted and disposed as toxic material.18 Furthermore, the total weight of secondary fossil fuel and chemical inputs to produce a single 2-gram 32MB DRAM chip are estimated at 1600 g and 72 g, respectively. 1 Therefore, there are opportunities for reducing the materials and energy requirements by simplifying the process flow for lithography. The schematic on the right in Figure 1-2 represents a proposed scheme for resistless patterning using a form of non-conventional lithography. In contrast to conventional lithography, patterning occurs before dielectric deposition. A monolayer of a grafting agent, adhesion promoter, is deposited onto a silicon substrate by a vapor deposition process. A pattern is created on the monolayer by e-beam irradiation, exposure to deep UV radiation, or with a 2-D assembly of colloidal nanoparticles. A blanket of low-k material is subsequently deposited by iCVD. The unexposed areas of the monolayer retains vinyl functionality which can covalently link the iCVD polymer. Because of the high adhesion contrast, the exposed (patterned) regions, which contain no vinyl, can be recovered by removing the non-tethered polymer with an environmentally friendly solvent such as IPA. A common positive tone resist developer, tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, poses health hazards when handled22 and acute aquatic toxicity testing of a neutralized solution has shown it to be highly toxic to organisms. On the other hand, IPA is biodegradable, not likely to bioconcentrate, and has low potential to affect organisms. Moreover, no plasma etch is required to resolve features. This eliminates a >7.5W/cm2 power requirement2o and preserves organic moieties23,24 which help keep k low in porous dielectrics. The resist-free patterning of low-k materials through non-conventional lithography is an off-roadmap approach to process-step reduction. Successful implementation, in combination with a compatible iCVD dielectric, represents a significant EHS and economic win-win. The successful implementation of an EHS compatible, low-energy process for creating well-defined nanostructures from low-k materials requires the integration of two distinct, but complimentary, processes; grafting and patterning. The following sections provide an overview of grafting and patterning strategies that have been successful in creating well defined, robust nanostructures from a variety of functional CVD polymers. These principles serve as a basis for the development of the novel patterning techniques described in this thesis, which, by design, are amenable to various polymers produced by iCVD and oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD). 25 .... ............................................ ........ ...... .................................... .... .... .. .......... ........................... Conventional Lithography d spin-on4& imaging layer . ................... .......................... Non-conventional, VS. Resistless Lithography CYD of grafting agent itetric1. m 'Wet chemistryeliminated selective 2. rm5tles/E-beam irradiation lithography development in 0 aqueous base chemistryeliminated 3. iCVD dic dielectric patterning 4. Liftoff in I imaging prFiplfy 9cssig Reduce ESH impac Figure 1-2: Traditional (left-a) and (right-b) resistless lithography process flow 1.3. Grafting Control over interfacial adhesion is particularly important when integrating materials of choice with device design. Although conformal vapor deposition processes can be used to impart well-defined surface functionality to substrates with complex surface geometries, the mechanical and chemical stability (overall "robustness") of this 26 coating is dictated by the molecular interaction between the coating and the substrate. The hydrophobic nature of many functional polymer coatings often means that there is inherently poor interfacial adhesion to polar substrates. Poor interfacial adhesion is a limiting step in patterning dense sub-micron organic electronic features and can lead to cracks, delamination, and displacements. 2,8Incidentally, many functional polymers either swell or dissolve in common solvents such as THF, toluene, and chloroform, thus demonstrating poor chemical stability. They can be rendered insoluble by introducing covalent interaction between the polymer coatings and the substrates with a procedure known as grafting. In order to remove the grafted polymers from the substrate, covalent bonds must be broken. Thus, grafting also provides some measure of abrasion resistance. Properly engineering the substrate/coating interface allows an additional degree of freedom for designing robust devices and affords the ability to deposit functional CVD polymers for a specific application, regardless of the substrate. Procedures for increasing the interfacial adhesion between functional CVD coatings and substrates are adopted from the widely used "grafting to" and "grafting from" principles in solution phase chemistry. 29 A common approach for grafting polymers deposited from the vapor phase requires chemical activation of the substrates. Organic or inorganic substrates can be chemically activated prior to polymerization by creating reactive free radical species on the surface. Rainby and coworkers used near UV irradiation (> 300 nm) coupled with a type 11 photoinitator, benzophenone, to create reactive sites on polyethylene and polystyrene substrates for graft polymerization of vapor deposited polyacrylic acid. 30 The UV activated photoinitator forms an excited triplet state, which can abstract a hydrogen atom from the substrate to initiate polymerization. 26 Similarly, Albertson and co-workers used wide range UV irradiation (270-420 nm) and vapor phase monomer precursors for covalently coupling acrylamide to poly methylmethacrylate substrates. 31 The immobilized acrylamide was then converted into a primary amine by a Hoffmann reaction, which was useful for bio-coupling reactions. This UV grafting procedure was also used for vapor phase grafting of maleic anhydride onto poly ethylene terephthalate substrates for protein coupling applications. 32 Using grafting chemical vapor deposition (gCVD), our group has demonstrated a low temperature UV grafting process for covalently tethering antimicrobial dimethylamino methyl styrene (DMAMS) polymers to nylon fabric.33 Organic substrates can also be chemically activated using a plasma glow discharge.34'35 This activation generates free radical species on the substrate that can initiate polymerization when contacted with gas phase polymer precursors. This technique has been used to initiate vapor phase graft polymerization of HEMA on cotton fibers 36 and vinyl pyridine vapors on polyamide substrates. 37 Precise control over the plasma parameters is essential to prevent substrate etching from becoming the dominant process in the modification of the material surface. 34 Extensive work on plasma activated grafting has recently been reviewed by Griesser and coworkers.38 Alternatively, inorganic substrates can be chemically activated using a piranha solution39 or oxygen plasma pretreatment*0 to create a high density of surface hydroxyl groups. These surface hydroxyl groups readily hydrolize silane coupling agents to covalently tether adhesion promoters41 or surface initiators for graft polymerization.29 For example, various types of initiators have been immobilized with the use of silane coupling agents. The coupling agent (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane has been used to immobilize an azo free-radical photo initiator for photo-induced vapor phase polymerization of vinyl monomers.42 The methodology originally developed by Chang and Frank for surface-initiated vapor deposition polymerization (SI-VDP), covalently couples (3-aminopropyl)-triethoxysilane (APS) to hydroxylated substrates.4 3 APS can be used to initiate grafting polymerization for homo and block co-polypeptides from Ncarboxy anhydride peptide precursors. 44 Similarly, the coupled silane initiator 1-(4'-oxa2'-phenyl-12'-trimethoxysilyldodecyloxy)-2,2,6,6-tetra-methylpiperidine ("TEMPO") was thermally activated and used for polymerizing various grafted homo and block copolymer brushes via nitroxide-mediated free radical polymerization. 4 5 Since the total quantity of initiating species is fixed when using surface tethered initiators, this fundamentally limits the overall growth rates and thickness of the grafted films. Grafted silane adhesion promoters can avoid these issues by immobilizing passive chemical groups that become integrated into the growing polymer backbone. Because thes'e groups do not dictate the polymer reactivity, initiators can be continuously supplied throughout the polymerization to encourage high growth rates and grafted thickness. Trichlorovinylsilane coupling agents impart dangling vinyl groups onto silicon substrates. These groups are indistinguishable from those belonging to vinyl monomers and have been used to create grafted polymer layers from various iCVD precursors.19 The vinyl groups on stainless steel stents treated with a vinyl-triexthoxysilane adhesion promoter (A-174) immobilized vapor deposited poly-p-xylyelene for drug release applications. We have shown tremendous adhesion 46 enhancement for oCVD PEDOT conducting polymer films deposited onto silicon substrates treated with phenoltrichlorosilane. The aromatic phenol groups act grafting sites when exposed to the Friedel-Crafts catalyst, which is used as the oxidizing agent. Thus, this technique also allows for linker-free grafting of oCVD conducting polymers onto flexible substrates containing aromatic rings, which is desirable for advanced organic microelectronics applications. Furthermore, these grafting techniques can prevent delamination at the edges of high resolution patterned features. 1.4. Patterning The high molecular weight and suppressed lateral diffusion of polymer films have made them a popular target for novel patterning applications. 4 7 High-resolution functional polymer patterns have recently gained exposure from their wide spread applications in tissue engineering and bio-sensors, 48-51 anti-biofouling, 52,53 microelectronics,54-56 optics,47,57 and MEMS.58 Vapor deposited polymer films can be used to create topological and chemical patterns as well as their combination. Both conventional59-63 or non-conventional lithography42,60,64 can produce topology in functional CVD polymers. These relief structures can serve as a resist to enable patterning of an underlying layer or to subsequently immobilize specific target molecules or nanoparticles.65-67 Traditional subtractive processing of polymers is often incompatible with functional group retention. The use of high energy plasma etching or corrosive solvents in pattern transfer from the resist to the organic CVD underlayer can destroy the delicate reactive moieties in the CVD films. 68,69 These issues are exacerbated by the lack of etch selectivity between organic CVD layers and organic resists.70 Additive processing can eliminate some of these difficulties; however, the pattern resolution and achievable film thicknesses can be limiting. 71 Another approach is to chemically pattern blanket film of the vapor deposited polymer by selectively localizing target molecules onto the reactive films using an elastomeric stamp, 72-74 - 77,78 75,76 A or other spatially selective transfer process.7, hard mask, combination of topological and chemical patterning have been extensively used for selectively immobilizing biomolecules onto vapor deposited patterns from functionalized 79 poly-xylylene films. ~87 CMOS processing offers the ability to create high resolution patterns from CVD polymers and is the most promising method to accommodate in vivo measurements using systems-on-chip.88 HWCVD (including iCVD) 89-91 and PVD92 have been used to deposit "dry" positive and negative tone e-beam resists that are compatible with supercritical CO 2 development. These resists overcome the shortcomings associated with patterning using traditional solution deposited polymer photoresists 89,92 and lateral resolution as small as 300 nm have been achieved. The conformal nature of CVD allows application of resist 90,93 layers onto non-planar substrates. ' Furthermore, eliminating "wet processing" prevents pattern collapse of high aspect ratio features during drying, 94 avoids solvent residues and impurities, 92,94 and reduces the negative environmental impact associated with large volumes of solvent. 90 High resolution e-beam patterning was achieved on grafted oCVD and functional iCVD layers. 95,96 Poly(propargyl methacrylate) (PPMA) is a click-active iCVD polymer that exhibits direct positive tone sensitivity to e-beam irradiation. PPMA was directly patterned down at 200 nm resolution without a resist.96 Grafting provides these films with the chemical and mechanical stability necessary for withstanding subsequent click functionalization with selectively conjugated quantum dots. Furthermore, oCVD PEDOT was successfully grafted onto a flexible PET substrate and e-beam patterned to create robust, well-defined 60 nm lines. 95 Materials patterning through non-conventional lithography can reduce the cost of patterning fine structures when compared to traditional nanofabrication techniques.60 Capillary force lithography (CLF) 97 has been used for creating 110 nm line patterns from bifunctional CVD polymers for one pot self-sorting bio-functionalizable surfaces.9 8 TEM grids have been used as templates for patterning high-fidelity micrometer-scale patterns of alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic materials deposited by PPCVD 99 and as a shadow mask for styrene graft polymerization from maleic anhydride pulsed plasma polymer films.100 Microcontact printing has been used to selectively deposit photoinitiators for additively patterned piCVD polymer films. 7 1 Vapor deposition can produce inherently nano-structured polymeric materials. 10 Oblique angle deposition can generate columnar 1 or helicalio2 nanowire assemblies from poly-xylylene films. These structures can support fibroblast cell attachment,o 3 have tunable wetability,104 and can be electro-less templated with metals 02 for catalysis and SERS applications.105 HFPO fluorocarbon films with inherent nano and micro-structure have been deposited using HWCVD.' 0 6-io8 Basalt-like surface Morphology was generated in oCVD films by introducing CuCl 2 as the oxidant.109 The pore size and porosity for the conducting polymer films could be systematically tuned by modulating the substrate temperature. 1.5. Scope of Thesis Chapters two through six are structured as journal articles, each containing independent introduction, experimental methods, results and discussion, and chapter conclusions. Although each chapter can be read as independent work, there is clear connection between chapters four through six with the novel underlying methods and motivations described in chapters two and three. Chapter two presents the synthesis and characterization of a novel low-k polymer thin film, p(V4D4), deposited by initiated chemical vapor deposition. Simultaneous reduction in the dielectric constant and improvement in the mechanical properties are achieved when these films are thermally cured in air. The solvent-less and low-energy nature of iCVD make it attractive from an environmental safety and health perspective when compared with traditional methods for low-k material synthesis. This chapter also contains technical notes for p(V4D4) deposition conditions and describes the properties of p(V4D4) copolymer films produced from a variety of porogen precursors. Chapter three details a novel technique for creating grafted multi-scale patterns of functional iCVD polymers by colloidal lithography. These grafted "nanobowl" patterns are produced for a broad material set of functional organic, fluorinated, and silicon containing polymers Using this method, we patterned p(V4D4) down to 25 nm without the need for environmentally harmful solvents. By combining this process with capillary force lithography, we created spatially addressable topographical templates for largescale orientation of the grafted nanostructures. Chapter four extends the principles developed in chapter three to conducting polymer thin films produced by oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD). We present a simple one-step process to simultaneously create patterned and amine functionalized biocompatible conducting polymer nanostructures. The surface functionality affords the ability to couple bioactive molecules or sensing elements for various bioelectronic applications. Chapter five demonstrates a process for creating multifunctional hierarchical nanostructures from the patterns described in chapter four. These types of materials are of interest for high density optical data storage. Bi-functional patterns are created by assembling commercially available dyed polystyrene beads within functionalized nanobowls produced from reactive oCVD copolymers. A method for producing trifunctional structures is proposed. Chapter six introduces the concept of resist-free photolithography; macroscopic iCVD and oCVD polymer pattern definition by lithography at the monolayer level. Because only a monolayer needs to be irradiated, this technique theoretically requires much less energy density when compared to traditional photoresist irradiation and precludes the use of expensive and toxic photoresists. Chapter seven contains the conclusions for the previous sections and discusses the directions for future work. The funding for chapters two three and six was provided by NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing. 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Chapter 2 Ultra-low dielectric constant tetravinyltetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane films deposited by initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD)* Nathan J.Trujillo, Qingguo Wu and Karen K. Gleason *Published in Advanced Functional Materials (2010) 20, 607- 616 2.1. Abstract Simultaneous improvement of mechanical properties and lowering of the dielectric constant occur when films grown from the cyclic monomer tetravinyltetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (V4D4) via initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition (iCVD) are thermally cured in air. Clear signatures from silsequioxane cage structures in the annealed films appear in the Fourier transform infrared (1140 cm 1 ) and Raman (1117 gm 1 ) spectra. The iCVD method consumes an order of magnitude lower power density than the traditional Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, thus preserving precursor's delicate ring structure and organic substituents in the as-deposited films. The high degree of structural retention in the as-deposited film allows for the beneficial formation of intrinsically porous silsequioxane cages upon annealing in air. Complete oxidation of the silicon creates 'Q' groups, which impart greater hardness and modulus to the films by increasing the average connectivity number of the film matrix beyond the percolation of rigidity. The removal of labile hydrocarbon moieties allows for the oxidation of the as-deposited film while simultaneously inducing porosity. This combination of events avoids the typical trade-off between improved mechanical properties and higher dielectric constants. Films annealed at 410'C have a dielectric constant of 2.15, hardness and modulus of 0.78 GPa and 5.4 GPa, respectively. The solvent-less and low-energy nature of iCVD make it attractive from an environmental safety and health perspective. 2.2. Introduction The new millennium has brought fourth many technological innovations made possible by the advancement of high speed integrated circuits. As the average feature size in integrated circuits continues to decrease according to Moore's Law, reducing the dielectric constant (k) of the interconnect dielectric (ILD) becomes crucial to minimizing RC delay, power consumption and cross talk noise.' The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) requires ILD with bulk dielectric constants between 2.1-2.5 by the 32 nm technology node (2012). The materials and energy requirements for an integrated circuit is orders of magnitude higher than that of "traditional" goods, which is due to its extremely low entropy, organized structure. 2 Thus, the ITRS has also set fourth materials management requirements for environmental health and safety (EHS) friendly processing to increase raw materials utilization in low-k processing by 10% each year.3 The difficulty in reconciling technological challenges with the environmental requirements for low- k processing is quite clear. The ITRS EHS milestones used to be more ambitious and had to be modified; as recent as 2006, the roadmap set a 90% materials utilization goal for 2011.4 Whereas historical consideration for good dielectric materials were primarily concerned with attractive electrical, chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties, new dielectric processing must be concerned with new EHS focused roadmap requirements. Therefore, the paradigm in ILD materials selection must shift to include only materials which can be processed in an environmentally friendly manner. Organosilicon polymers are a class of low-k materials identified to facilitate integration into interconnect structure.5 The stringent criterion for low-k integration has led to much experimentation with novel organosilicate glass (OSG) precursors. Various strategies have been identified for depositing low-k films from organosilicon precursors. Silesesqioxane (SQ) precursors are popular among low-k researchers for spin-on materials because of the open structure and high intrinsic porosity, which are advantageous characteristics for low-k films. 6,7 Silsesquioxane cages contain a large degree of constitutive porosity, which is owed in part to the large free volume of the cage structure and organically substituted silicon atoms. Their dielectric constants are typically very low compared to dense oxides,' however, their spin-on deposition techniques require large volumes solvents, which is incompatible with the stringent EHS materials management requirements. 8 PECVD materials are favored in facilitating integration into interconnect structures, and generally have better mechanical properties than spin-on materials. For example, PECVD of OSGs has been demonstrated to facilitate three-dimensional crosslinking reactions by addition of an oxidant feed gas.5 '9 Several cyclic siloxane precursors have been studied by PECVD. Most studies have been limited to cyclosiloxane structures with more than three siloxane units (D3), as their ring structure is non-planar and unstrained.10 Dense films produced from tetramethylcylotetrasiloxane (H4D4),'" octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (OMCTSO)," and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (DMCPSO), 13 have been created with dielectric constants of 2.4, 2.8, 2.7 respectively. Although PECVD is a workhorse for the semiconductor industry, it is also a high energy process that can destroy organic moieties through unwanted side reactions.1 The retention of these organic functionalities have been associated with a lower dielectric constants in dense PECVD films." iCVD is a variation of hot filament chemical vapor deposition and is a one-step, solvent-free process that requires an order of magnitude lower energy density for film deposition when compared to PECVD.15 Unlike PECVD mechanisms that deposit films with various bonding environments, iCVD chemistry is well understood and most closely resembles free-radical polymerization in solution. In contrast to the real-time oxidation driven deposition mechanisms in PECVD films, the well-defined free-radical polymerization chemistry of the iCVD process allows us to systematically tune the film composition through post process thermal oxidation and removal of unstable organic moieties. The precursor selected for the current work is 1,3,5,7-tetravinyltetramethylcylclotetrasiloxane (V4D4). This precursor is an eight- member cyclic siloxane ring with an analogous structure to commercially used low-k PECVD precursors such as TOMCATs® (tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane). The four vinyl groups have two roles. First, they are necessary for the free-radical polymerization by iCVD. The iCVD process acts to "loosely" bind the precursors through a 3-D network of polyethylene-like backbones that emerge from these vinyl groups. Second, since the organic content and precursor structure is preserved through the deposition, the systematic substitution and eventual elimination of these groups by oxygen incorporation, simultaneously improves mechanical properties while reducing the dielectric constant. Furthermore, we have previously demonstrated that iCVD polymerized V4D4 films can be patterned to 25 nm feature sizes using environmentally focused patterning techniques. Therefore, because iCVD is an all dry, low-energy input process that is compatible with environmentally focused patterning, its integration into BEOL low-k processing can represent an economic and environmental win-win. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that the post processing of a novel iCVD polymer film, p(V4D4), creates a well-defined, environmentally friendly material, that is promising for low-k processing. 2.3. Experimental The custom built iCVD vacuum reactor configuration has previously been detailed.16 V4D4 (Gelest, 98%) monomer heated to 110*C, and tertbutyl peroxide (Aldrich, 98%) initiator, at room temperature, were delivered into the reactor at 1.0 sccm and 0.5 sccm, respectively. The initiator and monomer flow rates were regulated with needle valves. Films were deposited on low resistivity (<1 ohm-cm), 100 mm diameter silicon wafers (Wafer World Inc.). The reactor pressure, substrate temperature, and filament temperature were maintained at 350 mTorr, 55*C, and 300"C, respectively. The deposition rate was monitored in real time with a He-Ne laser (JDS Uniphase) interferometer system.' 6 As deposited samples were annealed in atmospheric ambient for 1 hour using a Barnstead SP 131325 hot plate. The hot plate surface temperatures were calibrated using a 100 mm thermocouple silicon wafer (Thermodynamic Sensors) containing an assembly of 17 thermocouples. Samples were annealed at 90 0C, 170 *C, 250 "C, 330 "C, 370 *C, or 410 "C. The iCVD film composition was elucidated by transmission mode FT-IR spectroscopy (Nicolet Nexus 870 ESP) using a DTGS-KBr detector. Spectra were obtained through the samples over the range of 400 cm-i 4000 cm 1 at 4 cm-1 resolution averaged over 64 scans, and baseline corrected. The sample chamber was purged with dry nitrogen for 10 minutes prior to acquiring spectra. The background was taken from an uncoated silicon wafer that was subsequently coated with iCVD polymer. All spectra were thickness normalized for qualitative and quantitative comparison. Peak deconvolution and area calculations were performed using the Gaussian peak fitting tool in OMNIC software. Resonant Raman spectra were obtained using a Kaiser Optical Systems Inc. Hololab 500OR Modular-Research Micro-Raman Spectrograph with 514.5 nm laser line excitation, through a single mode fiber, and 5.5 mW power at the sampling stage under 50 times magnification. V4D4 films were scraped from the silicon substrate with a clean razorblade and pressed with a stainless steel pellet onto gold coated glass slides. Collection time varied from 10 seconds to 30 seconds per sample, depending on the time required to achieve 80 percent saturation at the CCD detector. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) survey scans were performed using a Science Instruments Surface SSX-100 with operating pressure < 2x10~9 Torr. Monochromatic AlK-alpha x-rays (1486.6 eV) with a 1000 micron beam diameter were used. An electron flood gun was used for charge neutralization. Photoelectrons were collected at a 55 degree emission angle. A hemispherical analyzer collected photoemission electrons, with a pass energy of 150V for the survey scans. The energies analyzed correspond to the Is level in carbon (284 eV) and oxygen (532 eV) and the 2s level in silicon (153 eV). Atomic concentrations were determined using the Scofield relative sensitivity factors in CASA software, corrected using the methods of Ward and Wood.17 Film thicknesses and refractive indices were measured using a J.A. Woollam M2000S spectroscopic ellipsometer equipped with a xenon light source. Data was collected at 68' incidence angle for 190 wavelengths between 315nm and 718 nm. The data was fit to a Cauchy-Urbach model1 8 from which the thickness values and optical parameters were extracted. Refractive index values are reported at a wavelength of 633 nm. The dielectric constant was determined from electrical measurements performed with a mercury probe instrument from MDC. For each sample, three capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were performed at 1 MHz over the voltage range 40 V to - 40V. The mercury spot size was nominally 790 jim. The k values were calculated based on the average saturation capacitance values obtained, the film thickness determined by ellipsometry, and the mercury spot size. The hardness and modulus of the films were measured on an MTS Nano-Indenter XP. Due to the extreme sensitivity of the system, environmental isolation is provided through a combination of a minus k vibration table and a thermal/sound insulated vibration cabinet. A Berkovich diamond tip was used in the measurements with a surface approach velocity was 10 nm/ s. The load versus displacement slope was -81.57 N/m. All films were 500 nm or greater in thickness to minimize any substrate effects on the results. Experiments were terminated at a depth of approximately 500 nm. The hardness is reported at 10% of the film thickness and the modulus is taken at 50 nm.9 Fused silica and a low-k OSG standard film were tested and used as control samples before and after each measurement. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed using a TA instruments TGA Q50 equipped with a Thermostar Mass spectrometer (Pfeiffer Vacuum) in the range of 50 "C to 900 'C. As deposited p(V4D4) films were scraped into a Pt pan and purged with gas for 15 minutes prior to beginning each run. Throughout the runs, the samples were purged with 90 mL/min of dry nitrogen or air. Helium was used as the purge gas when the mass spectrometer was active. 2.4. Results and Discussion Figure 2-1 shows FT-IR spectra for both the V4D4 monomer and the iCVD thin film. The asymmetric Si-O-Si stretching peaks located at 1075 cm-1 and 1065 cm-I correspond to the cyclic eight-member siloxane ring in a network configuration, for the monomer and polymer, respectively. 19 The approximately 10 wavenumber red shift 20 between the precursor and film has been observed in PECVD deposited V4D4. The lack of broadening in this peak is consistent with the hypothesis that the iCVD process has preserved the original cyclic siloxane ring present in the monomer precursor. Broadening of the peak at 1065 cm-1 has previously been observed as a result of ring opening reactions21 . Additionally, typical as-deposited PECVD thin films from cyclic siloxanes are produced though extensive precursor fragmentation, which results in heterogeneous Si-O bonding environments. 9,1,22 The iCVD film deposition mechanism involves freeScheme 2-la demonstrates how initiation radical polymerization about the vinyl groups. and propagation reactions proceed throughout iCVD deposition of V4D4, which is analogous to the mechanism reported for 1,3,5,-trivinyltrimethylcyclotrisiloxane (V3D3).23 Film deposition through free-radical vinyl polymerization is apparent by the reduction of the vinyl absorption bands at 960 cm-1, 1415 cm', 1600 cm-1, which correspond to wagging and bending modes in CH 2 and C=C stretching in vinyl, respectively.20 The simultaneous formation of polyethylene-like backbones in the iCVD polymers is denoted by the symmetric C-H 2 stretching peaks between 2878 and 2920 cm. Residual vinyl groups remain intact through the iCVD process and are utilized as "built in" porogens for subsequent thermal curing steps. Table 2-1 contains a summary of the FT-IR peak assignments from the literature. Table 2-1: FT-IR peak assignments from the literature (v stretching, 8 bending, p rocking, o wagging, AS antisymmetric, and S symmetric) Peak (cm') 3056 3020 2968 2920 2878 1710-1740 1600 1470 1415 -1270 -1260 -1250 1120-1140 1065 Mode VAS - CH 2 vs - CH 2 vs C-H vs C-H 3 2 vs C-H 2 v C=O v C=C 6 CH 2 6 CH 2 6s C-H 3 S C-H 3 S C-H 3 VAS Comment In vinyl groups In vinyl groups 960 845-865 In sp CH2 In sp3 CH 2 In oxidized polyethylene In Si-CH=CH2 Aliphatic backbone In vinyl groups MeSi3 'T' group Me2SiO2'D' group Me3SiO, unequally split Cage SiO -Si angle~ 150C in MSQ spin-on VAS Network Si-O-Si angle VAS Silicon SubOXide, 800 -780 -750 720 tCH 2 6 H-Si-O v Si-C, PAS v Si-C, p VAS Si-C vs 20 20 In sp CH3 ~144 in D4 ring 1035 Reference < 144 Si In vinyl groups H-SiO2 Si, network smaller angle D groups In SiMe 2 In SiMei In Si-C 11,19,20,24 20 25 25 26 26 26 11,12,19,20,27-29 20 19 20 19 19 19 12 11 ................................... 3500 3100 2700 2300 ... 1900 wavenumber (cm-1) = . ....... ....... 1500 1100 700 Figure 2-1: FT-IR spectra for liquid V4D4 monomer and the as-deposited iCVD polymer, p(V4D4). The gray bar highlights the position of the vinyl CH absorption. The reduction 2 of this peak in the iCVD polymer is consistent with free-radical polymerization, as is the formation of polyethylene-like backbones between 2878-2920 cm-1. The remaining vinyl groups are utilized as "built-in" porogens that are removed in subsequent annealing. The lack of broadening in the Si-O-Si stretching peak indicates that the cyclic siloxane D4 ring structure has been preserved. (a) Si + / 202+ 00a ~ 0o J 0'A CH Scheme 2-1: (a) Proposed initiation and propagation polymerization mechanism for the iCVD p(V4D4). (b) Reaction stoichiometry required for two D4 rings to create a substituted silsesquioxane cage structure through reaction with oxygen from the ambient air. the.... extensive ..... M9 cross.inking that iCDalglcs Thi "loosvely bound.... poymriaton.... The striking similarities between the monomer and polymer spectra indicate that the low process power preserves the V4D4 monomer structure in the iCVD polymer. The mild substrate temperature does not affect the chemical structure of the iCVD polymer and is merely used as a parameter to control the deposition rate. The gentle processing preserves the delicate organic structure, in contrast to plasma processed films, which can lack the well-defined molecular structure of the precursor. The energy input to the iCVD process selectively activates an initiator species and in contrast to PECVD methods, it avoids non-selective chemistry in which unwanted side-reactions occur in parallel with 3 c characterizes PECVD films and affords the opportunity to systematically tune the mechanical and electrical properties of the film through subsequent thermal annealing. Thermal annealing is a common strategy for improving the electrical and mechanical properties of dielectric films. The low thermal-budget requirements for low-k integration into advanced logic devices that use nickel silicide (NiSi) metal gates strictly limits curing temperatures < 450'C.3 1 Mesoporosity and nanoporosity22 3, 2 can be introduced into the organosilicon matrix through thermal decomposition thermally labile organic fragments that are copolymerized with a stable Si-O skeleton. The nanoporous voids typically contain air, which ultimately reduces the film density as well as the dielectric constant. Thermal curing can also help improve the film's mechanical properties by driving cross-linking reactions such as hydrolysis, 33 and condensation.9, 34 A large degree of subtractive porosity is often incompatible with mechanically robust films. Induced porosity in an OSG matrix will reduce the dielectric constant linearly with density, however the mechanical properties change as a power law with density.35 Furthermore, hydrolyzation and condensation could encourage the absorption of water, k ~ 80, which increases the polarizability of the material and ultimately the dielectric constant. Thus, optimizing the thermal annealing process becomes essential for improving the properties of SiOCH films. 33 Drastically improved hardness and modulus have been observed in ultra low-k PECVD films copolymerized from decamethylcyclopentasiloxane and cyclohexane precursors that had undergone rapid thermal annealing > 450'C in oxygen ambient.36 The oxidation of the Si-CH3 was believed increase the average film connectivity number, which correlates with improved mechanical properties. 37 Moreover, spin-on SQ-based films that had undergone hot plate curing in oxygen containing atmosphere demonstrated lower dielectric constant and higher electrical breakdown strength compared to films that had undergone standard furnace curing in nitrogen ambient.38 Figure 2-2a demonstrates the evolution of the Si-O bonding environment in the iCVD low-k films that had undergone hotplate curing in ambient air. Figure 2-2c plots the integrated FT-IR peak areas corresponding to the specific sub-oxide, network, and cage Si-O bonding environments, as a ratio of the total integrated Si-O peak area (from 1000-1200 cm'). For curing temperatures < 170'C (al, a2, a3) there is visibly very little change in the Si-O bonding environment, however the peak ratios in Figure 2-2b tend to indicate a slight conversion from the D4 ring structure (network species), to small bond angle sub-oxide species. Extensive oxidation of the iCVD film is not anticipated at such a low temperature and this observation is likely attributed to a ring opening event. Even at the modest filament temperature used in the deposition (-300'C), the D4 ring can form a bicyclic transition state that can lead to the growth of larger siloxane rings and chains.3 9 These chains can have a structure analogous to PDMS, which has an asymmetric Si-O-Si deformation peak at 1015cm-1 .4 More interestingly, there is a dramatic change in the SiO and Si-C (Figure 2-2b) bonding environments when the anneal temperature is increased beyond 250'C. There is a clear conversion in the dominant Si-O network structure, which is centered at 1065 cm' (Figure 2-2a3), to a silsesquioxane-like cage structure in the region 1120-1140 cm 1 (Figure 2-2a4) and suboxide Si-0 2 structures at 1035 cm-1.11,19 The well-defined triplet peak in Figure 2-2a7 and the corresponding peak area ratios in Figure 2-2c indicate that cage and suboxide features dominate the film structure for the films cured at 410 C. (a) (b) bi) ai) (c) E- Cage Structure -0- Network Structure -A- Sub-oxide Structure 0.45 b2) c. 0 a3) b3 a4) --- 0.35 b4) 00e a5) b5) . O a6) b6) a7) b7) 0.25 o--0.15 0 100 200 300 400 Anneal Temperature (OC) 1250 1150 1050 950 wavenumber (cm-i) 900 800 700 wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 2-2: Thickness normalized FT-IR spectra for Si-O-Si stretching (al-a7) and Si-C stretching (bl-b7), where the numbers 1-7 correspond to as-deposited p(V4D4) and p(V4D4) annealed at 90'C, 170'C, 250'C, 330'C, 370'C, or 410'C, respectively. The integrated peak areas for the various bonding environments in (a) correspond to specific suboxide, network, or cage Si-O bonding, are plot as a ratio of the total integrated Si-O peak area from 1000-1200 cm-1 (c). The primarily network structure evolves into primarily suboxide and cage structures as the anneal temperature is increased. Raman spectroscopy is a useful tool for examining the ring structure of cyclic siloxane based CVD films.1 Figure 2-3 compares the Raman spectra for the as-deposited iCVD V4D4 film, and a film that was annealed at 410'C. The Raman shift range of 160230 cm-1 corresponds to the symmetric bending of silicon bound to two carbon atoms.2 ' This peak completely disappears in the annealed film and likely indicates the complete removal of Si-C bonds to the intact vinyl or the polyethylene-like backbones. The cured film shows a peak at 654 cm-1, which is assigned to stretching in silicon bound to one carbon atom 4 1 and further supports the hypothesis that the Si-C bond to vinyl was removed by oxidation. Most significantly are the peaks at 575 and 1117 cm-1 that are assigned to the bending and asymmetric stretching modes in Si-O-Si for organically substituted silsesquioxane cages, respectively. 42 These peaks do not exist in the as deposited structure, and appear in the annealed sample. Furthermore, the as-deposited and cured films share Raman bands between 490-495 cm-1, which corresponds to symmetric bending of Si-O-Si in the cyclic D4 ring. 2 1 This is additional evidence that the iCVD process preserves the cyclic nature of the precursor and that this structure survives the curing process. Moreover, this also indicates that certain facets of the silsesquioxane-like cages in the cured films consist of intact D4 rings. Scheme 2-lb represents the reaction stoichiometry required for two D4 rings within the film structure to create a substituted silsesquioxane cage structure through reaction with oxygen from the ambient air. Table 2-2 contains a summary of the Raman shift assignments from the literature. Table 2-2: Raman shift assignments from the literature (v stretching, 6 bending, p rocking, AS antisymmetric, and S symmetric) Raman Shift (cm-1) 1117 800 795 758 VAS Mode Si-O-Si Si-(CH3 ) 2 C-Si-C VAS, Si-C VAS p s Si-(CH3)3 654 575 p me, VsiC Si-(CH3 ) 6 O-Si-O 490-495 6S Si-O-Si 400, 425 160-230 vs Si-Si 6s C- Si-C Comment Organically substituted SSQ cages PECVD HMDSO In SiC 2 In PDMS and/or PECVD HMDSO PECVD HMDSO Organically substituted SSQ cages D4 ring in vitreous and/or CVD silica In HWCVD D4 In D4, PDMS Reference As Deposited: Annealed @a)410*'C 1150 950 750 550 350 150 Raman Shift (cm-1) Figure 2-3: Raman spectra of p(V4D4) films as-deposited and annealed at 410'C. The preservation of the cyclic D4 structure is evident by the peak at 495 cm-1. The peaks at 575 and 1117 cm-1 that appear in the annealed structure correspond to Si-O-Si stretching in organically substituted silsesquioxane cages. 42 41 21 41,43 41 42 21 21 21,41 In consideration of a mechanism for the systematic formation of the SQ type cages, we further examine the FT-IR spectra in Figure 2-2b. When the Si-O region in the cured film transitions between a network and a cage structure (Figure 2-2a3 and Figure 22a4) there is a simultaneous reduction in the bands at 750 and 800 cm' (Figure 2-2b3) corresponding to asymmetric stretching in Si-C groups within a DCH(CH 2 )xgroup' 19 12 and asymmetric rocking in methyl [0 2 Si(CH 3)(CHCH 2)], respectively. The simultaneous reduction of these bands is accompanied by the appearance of a sharp band at 780 cm', Si-CH3 rocking in 'T'groups,19 [03Si(CH 3 )i], and a broad band between 845- 865 cm' that represents H-Si-O bending in small bond angle Si0 2 .19 The intensity of these bands increase as the curing temperature is varied from 250-410'C (Figure 2b4-2b7). A D4 ring must lose one Si-C bond and form an additional Si-O bond in order to form the facet of a cage. Thus, the destruction of DCH(CH 2 )x and subsequent oxidation of 02Si(CH 3)* would create this 'T' group. The destruction of this bond mirrors the reduction and eventual elimination of vinyl stretching and aliphatic backbones, which was indicated by FT-IR (not shown). The SiCH 3 bonds stabilize the SQ structure, 33 and are less likely to undergo oxidation than the Si-C bonds to the unreacted vinyl groups and the aliphatic hydrocarbons corresponding to the polyethylene-like backbone. 9 '44 The FT-IR spectra in Figure 2-4a specifically illustrates how the as-deposited V4D4 films evolve crosslinks as the film becomes oxidized. Within the 1250-1280 cm' range are found three peaks that correspond to bonding environments of silicon that have undergone various degrees of oxidation.9 The as-deposited structure (Figure 2-4al) demonstrates a strong C-H 3 symmetric bending peak at 1260 cm', which is specific to 'D' groups, 02Si(CH 3 )2 . This reflects the inherent degree of oxidation in the V4D4 precursor, in which two chain propagating oxygen atoms are bound to silicon, and supports the earlier assertion that the as-deposited film is held together by polymerized polyethylene-like backbones, and not by additional oxidation of the D4 rings. This 'D'like character is preserved within the films annealed at 90 and 170 'C (Figures 2-4a2 and 2-4a3, respectively). For the film annealed at 250'C, a transition is observed in the bonding structure. The peak has shifted to the symmetric C-H 3 bending mode -1270 cm 1 (Figure 2-4a4), which corresponds to 'T' groups, 0 3 Si(CH 3 ); however, the broad shoulder of the peak extends to the ~1260 cm-1 region. The broadness of the peak indicates that the bonding environment in this film is evenly distributed between 'D' group and 'T' groups. These 'T' groups are a crosslinking structure in which silicon is bound to three network forming oxygen atom. Furthermore, this represents the onset of Si-C oxidation to form a facet of an SQ cage, as discussed earlier. The degree of silicon oxidation is further enhanced by increasing the anneal temperature to 410'C. Figure 24a5- 4a7 show how increasing the anneal temperature causes the 'T' group peak at -1270 cm-1 to narrow until no more 'D' structure is indicated. No IR activity was observed for singly oxidized silicon 'M' groups OSi(CH 3)3 , which peak at 1250 cm-1. 9,11,12 (a) al) a2) *0.10 2(b) a3) 0.08 0N a4) a6) C 0.06 N. a5) in a6) EN :0.04N N 11 a7) 0.02 0 1290 1270 1250 wavenumber (cm-1) 100 200 300 400 Anneal Temperature ('C) Figure 2-4: Thickness normalized FT-IR for the Si-CH bonding region for as deposited 3 p(V4D4) and films annealed at 90'C, 170'C, 250'C, 330'C, 370'C, or 410'C (al-a7). Peaks at 1262 and 1272 cm-1 correspond to 'D' and 'T' groups, respectively. The general trend demonstrates that the degree of silicon oxidation increases as the anneal temperature is increased. The ratio of the integrated Si-CH region (1250-1280 cm-1) to 3 the total integrated Si-O peak area from 1000-1200 cm-1 (b) suggests the incorporation of 'Q' groups (fully oxidized silicon atoms). One would expect that removal of, or Si-C bond breaking in, the more labile CxHy species" associated with polymerized and intact vinyl groups would convert all of the 'D' groups to 'T' groups. However, we must also consider the oxidation of Si-CH3 bonds, leading the formation of 'Q' groups (silicon quad-substituted with oxygen). These groups represent fully crosslinked Si-O bonds and correspond to the evolution of small angle suboxide species. They are anticipated to bridge the connections between stable SQ cages 29 and provide the films with mechanical robustness. As 'Q' groups contain no Si-C bonds, is not possible to directly measure their presence within the 1250-1280 cm-1 region. Figure 2-4b compares the ratio of the integrated Si-CH3 area to the total Si-O area that was determined by FT-IR. There is an observed trend of CH 3 loss as the anneal temperature is increased. By assuming that the Si-CH3 groups are the more stable Si-C bonds in the as deposited film, this observation indirectly suggests that a fraction of the silicon bonds in the films cured at higher temperatures are in fact crosslinking 'Q' groups. We can quantify the presence of 'D', 'T', and 'Q' groups in each film through connectivity number analysis. This technique is built on the framework of continuous random network theory46 and has been previously demonstrated as a useful technique for exploring the relationship between the structural and mechanical properties of cross linked low-k films. 9' 34 ,46 The connectivity number measures the average ratio of network forming bonds to network forming atoms in a polymeric thin film. The percolation of rigidity occurs at a connectivity number of 2.4. When the average film connectivity is below the percolation threshold, the network solid is considered a non rigid polymeric glass; above the threshold, the solid becomes rigid and amorphous, which translates to significantly improved mechanical properties. The percolation of rigidity for low-k films from the cyclic siloxane precursor octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane was observed at a connectivity number between 2.35-2.4.34 Connectivity numbers of 2.2, 2.4, and 2.67 are ascribed to 'D', 'T', and 'Q' groups, respectively. Thus, a film containing 100% 'T' groups is necessary to reach the percolation threshold. Figure 2-5a plots the connectivity numbers for the iCVD V4D4 films. These values were determined by deconvoluting the peak areas for 'T' and 'D' group contributions from the normalized FT-IR spectra in Figure 2-4a. Because the spectra are thickness normalized, each spectrum is assumed to reflect an identical quantity of silicon atoms. 34 The as-deposited film is assumed to have no 'Q' groups, which is corroborated by the FT-IR data in Figure 2-1. Since each silicon atom exists in either a 'T', 'D' or 'Q' configuration, any difference in the total normalized SiCH 3 area for the annealed films is attributed to the formation 'Q' groups. The calculated connectivity number is simply the sum of the weighted contribution from each group. There is a very slight increasing trend in the connectivity number of films annealed < 250'C, however all these values are below the percolation threshold. For the film annealed at 250'C, the connectivity value -2.2 indicates that the film properties are approximately half 'T' and half 'D'. Increasing the anneal temperature past 250'C boosts the connectivity past percolation threshold. The film properties reflect 'T' and 'Q' bonding structure, 47 as these films contain no 'D' groups. Figure 2-5b shows the measured values of hardness and modulus for the annealed films. The films annealed at 410'C demonstrate greater than five fold increases in film hardness (from 0.15 GPa to 0.79 GPa) and greater than 1.5 fold increase in the modulus (from GPa 3.48 to 5.42 GPa). The film hardness is practically unchanged below 210'C and all films with connectivity numbers above the percolation threshold had hardness values greater than 0.5 GPa. Therefore, the higher annealing temperatures drive oxidation reactions that increase the film connectivity beyond the percolation of rigidity, which significantly enhances the mechanical properties of the films. 5.50 0.90 2.55 (b) (a) 2.45 -Q E 2.54.50 - Percolation Threshold 0.70 Ca 0 C :3 2.35 zE E 0.50 a C- *4.00 -7-2.25 2 cc C 0 0.30 U 2.15 3 2.05 0 100 . 200 '. . . 300 Anneal Temperature (0C) .. 400 3.50 . 0.10. 0 . 100 . . 200 . 300 . . 400 3.00 Anneal Temperature (OC) Figure 2-5: Average film connectivity number plot versus anneal temperature (a). Films annealed at temperatures below 330'C have connectivity below the percolation threshold. The mechanical properties for the cured p(V4D4) (b) reflect drastically increased hardness and modulus as the films approach a connectivity greater than 2.4. The crosslinking mechanisms we have discussed simultaneous act to reduce the density of the cured films. The formation of SQ cages throughout the curing process generates a greater free volume in the film skeleton and introduces intrinsic porosity.29 Furthermore, the removal of thermally labile hydrocarbon fractions represents an induced porosity. Figure 2-6a plots the refractive index of the cured films. There is a slight reduction in the refractive index for films cured < 170'C, after which there is a dramatic monotonic decrease in the refractive index as a function of cure temperature. Thermogravimetric analysis of the V4D4 films (available as supporting information) shows a significant mass loss event at 198'C. This is within the same temperature range over which the most dramatic structural changes were observed by FT-IR. Thus, this transition in film density likely results from the combined effects of removing unstable organic species and forming cross linked SQ cages. Assuming that void spaces in the films are filled with air, the Lorentz-Lorentz equation 4 8 gives the relationship between the film porosity, P, and optical properties by: 2 nF F2 P 1- where n,2porous and n2as n porous nLporous 2,, +2 +2 dep L (2-1) as dep 2,, +2 nporous+2 are the refractive index for the cured films and as-deposited films, respectively. Figure 2-6b plots the calculated film porosity as a function of anneal temperature. There is a monotonic increase in film porosity as the annealing temperature is increased. This trend would indicate that the dielectric constant should decrease monotonically with porosity, 49however, the observed trend for the dielectric constant is more complicated. 25 1.51 (a) (b) 1.48 ,' 20- -01.45/ 1 C 0/ 1.42 0 10 4)~ / 1.39 /*& 1.36 1.330 0 100 200 300 400 Anneal Temperature (*C) 0 100 200 400 300 0 Anneal Temperature ( C) Figure 2-6: Refractive index for various cured p(V4D4) films (a). The porosity (b) was calculated using the Lorentz-Lorentz equation (2-1). Figure 2-7a plots the measured dielectric constant as a function of anneal temperature. There is a slight increase in the dielectric constant between the as-deposited film and the films and the films annealed at 90 and 170'C. The dielectric constant then follows a parabolic trend with a maximum k value of 3.53 and minimum k value of 2.15, which correspond to the samples annealed at 250'C and 410'C, respectively. This counterintuitive observation could be explained by examining the evolution of highly polarizable species within the film. Figure 2-7b shows the FT-IR stretching region between 1710-1740 cm', which corresponds to C=O stretching." 24 The evolution of carbonyl groups mirrors the parabolic trend of the dielectric constant. Although the sample annealed at 250'C corresponded to a drastic reduction in film density, this sample also demonstrates a high degree of carbonyl incorporation. Carbonyl groups are polar substituents that contain high orientational polarizability.' The dielectric constant of a material is commonly described by the Clausius-Mossotti equation: 29 (k - 1) (k- ) (k+2) 4z 3 Na 3 (2-2) where k is the material dielectric constant, N is the number of molecules per unit volume (density) and a is the total material polarizability, which includes orientation, electronic, 29 and distortion polarizabilities. This expression shows that the dielectric constant can be increased even if the film density is reduced, simply by incorporating highly polarizabile substituents such as carbonyl. Therefore, it follows that the observed k value reflects this trend, thus, carbonyl formation is not desired. The mechanism for carbonyl formation is likely analogous to the oxidation of polyethylene, 50 which is a commonly observed phenomenon in the aging of plastics. The polyethylene-like backbones in the iCVD polymer are thus predisposed to oxidation, and their omnipresence in the as deposited film makes them a target for carbonyl incorporation at higher curing temperatures.24 Fortunately, the high temperature instability of the carbon backbones allow for their removal upon annealing at 410'C. This temperature is within the thermal budget for a BEOL process and results in a film with a dielectric constant value of 2.15. This film corresponds to the best mechanical properties and shows that improvement in modulus and hardness and reduction of dielectric constant occur simultaneously in the iCVD p(V4D4) films annealed in ambient air. Figure 2-8 compares the best dielectric constant and modulus from this study with previously reported results of merit for low-k OSG 95 films. ' 1-54 (b) b1) b2) 3.50 b3) (a)/ 3.20 / C 02.90 b4) 2.60 b5 2.30 b6 2.00 0 100 200 300 400 Anneal Temperature (4C) 1850 1750 1650 wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 2-7: The dielectric constant is plot versus anneal temperature (a). The parabolic shape is attributed to the evolution of highly polarizable carbonyl bonds, C=O. The plot of the 1710-1740 cm-1 FT-IR spectral region (b1-b7) indicates that the largest carbonyl incorporation occurs at an anneal temperature of 250'C (b4), which corresponds to the highest dielectric constant. The dielectric constant reflects that the reduction in film density is offset by the increased bond polarizability. 6.5 6.0 - 5.5 - CL S 5.0 U) -o 4.5 0 + 4.0 )K 3.5 -A 3.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Dielectric Constant Figure 2-8: A comparison between the best dielectric constant and modulus from this study with previously reported results of merit for low-k OSG films. 9,51-54 The silicon, oxygen, and carbon composition of the films was carefully examined with XPS. Survey scans were performed for each film and Table 2-3 shows the percent composition of silicon, oxygen, and carbon in the various cured films. Previous studies from our group on the bonding structure of SiOCH films, used XPS to determine the elemental ratios that would be expected for various bonding environments. 5 A film comprising of only 'T' groups would contain 28.6%, 28.6%, and 42.8% carbon, silicon, and oxygen, respectively. A film containing pure 'Q' character would contain 33.3% silicon and 66.66% oxygen. Assuming that the V4D4 film cured at 410'C contains only 'T' and 'Q' groups, the relative contribution calculated from a weighted sum of atomic contributions is 83% 'T' groups and 17% 'Q' groups. This corresponds to 23.780% carbon, 30.447% silicon, and 46.856% oxygen. Our experimentally determined atomic compositions for the sample cured at 410'C in Table 2-3 are within 1%of these values. Therefore, the elemental composition for our cured films supports our other experimental observations suggesting that the fully cured structure exists primarily as SQ cages ('T' groups) that are interconnected with fully crosslinked 'Q' groups. Figure 2-9 demonstrates a proposed molecular visualization of such a structure. Figure 2-9: Proposed molecular model for the cured V4D4 films, which consist of MSQ cages interconnected by crosslinking 'Q' groups. Table 2-3: Atomic compositions calculated from XPS survey scans for various annealed V4D4 films. The values corresponding to annealing at 410'C are within 1% of the theoretical value for a film containing 83% 'T' groups and 17% 'Q' groups. Atomic % Carbon As Dep 52.584 90 0 C 52.414 170 0 C 51.862 250 0 C 39.266 330 0 C 30.343 410 0 C 23.585 Oxygen 25.616 25.797 26.460 33.646 38.413 45.754 Silicon 21.800 21.789 21.677 27.089 31.244 30.661 The XPS data also agrees with the notion that carbon is systematically removed as the anneal temperature is increased. Figure 2-10 plots the elemental ratios of carbon to silicon (8a) and carbon to oxygen (8b) as a function of anneal temperature. The elemental composition of the V4D4 films remains essentially unchanged below 170 0 C. Between 170 0 C and 250 0 C, the films lose a significant quantity of carbon, which is consistent with the trend in refractive index reported in Figure 2-6. Furthermore, thermo gravimetric analysis shows the onset of a significant mass decomposition event at 335'C. This mass loss trend continues through to the final curing temperature of 410'C and is represented well by the XPS ratios in Figure 2-10. 2.20 2.50 (a) 1.80 (b) 20 1.40 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.60 0.20 0.50 0 100 200 300 Anneal Temperature (*C) 400 0 100 200 300 400 Anneal Temperature (*C) Figure 2-10: The elemental ratios of carbon to silicon (a) and carbon to oxygen (b) plot versus anneal temperature. The films lose a significant amount of carbon between 170'C and 250'C, as was suggested by the refractive index trend in Figure 2-6a. 2.5. Conclusions We have demonstrated that thermal oxidation of iCVD p(V4D4) in atmospheric ambient both can simultaneously enhance the mechanical properties and reduce the dielectric constant of the cured films. The as-deposited polymer retains the delicate organic functionality and structure of the monomer precursor and the systematic oxidation of the D4 rings produces an SQ type cage structure, which is indicated through the formation of 'T' groups. Raman spectroscopy confirms that the D4 ring structure is preserved throughout the curing process and likely makes up the facets of the SQ cages. Annealing allowed us to benefit from the high degree of intrinsic porosity of SQ cages, which is attributed to their great free volume. Complete oxidation of the silicon creates 'Q' groups, which impart greater hardness and modulus to the films. The removal of labile hydrocarbon moieties allows for the oxidation of the as-deposited film while simultaneously introducing induced porosity. Although the oxidation of the polyethylene- like backbones creates highly polarizable carbonyl bonds between 250'C and 350'C, they are eventually removed at higher temperatures. Overall, the best films properties occur for an anneal temperature of 410'C, which corresponds to approximately 83% 'T' groups and 17% 'Q' groups, as confirmed by XPS analysis. While typical processes trade-off mechanical and electrical properties, improvement in modulus and hardness and reduction of dielectric constant occur simultaneously in the iCVD p(V4D4) films annealed in ambient air. The measured dielectric constant and hardness for this film was 2.15 and 0.78 GPa, respectively. Thus, the all dry, low energy iCVD process is an environmentally focused process that is capable of producing low-k films with attractive mechanical and electrical properties by curing at temperatures that are within the BEOL thermal budget. 2.6. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the support of the NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing. This work made use of the MRSEC Shared Experimental Facilities supported by the National Science Foundation under award number DMR - 0819762 and the XPS facility at the Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR) with support from the National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) program (DMR - 0520404). We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Jonathan Shu of Cornell University for assistance with XPS. 2.7. Supporting Information Thermogravimetric analysis was performed on p(V4D4) films. Two different annealing environments are represented. The dotted trace represents nitrogen purged annealing. The solid trace represents annealing with an ambient purge. For both runs, there are three significant mass loss events. The first two events occur at the same onset temperatures. RGA analysis shows that the vinyl groups make up the majority of these decomposed species. At elevated temperatures the thermal stability is much greater with the nitrogen purge; the third decomposition event occurs at 335'C for the sample annealed in air, versus 475'C for the sample annealed in nitrogen. This event primarily represents increased oxidation and displacement of the stabilizing methyl groups, as indicated by RGA. The higher stable mass for the oxidized sample confirms that oxygen was indeed incorporated into the structure. 100 0.9 - Annealed in air - - - - Annealed in N2 90 80 0.6 0) E > 0O 70 6 60 0.3 so 50 40 -0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Anneal Temperature (OC) Figure 2-Si: TGA mass evolution for p(V4D4) films annealed under two different annealing environments. The peaks in the bottom two traces correspond to the respective temperatures for decomposition onset. ... .... ............. .............. .. .. .. . .. ..... ............. . Table 2-Si: Proposed fragments released during pyrolysis by TGA Assignment CH 3+ H20 CH 2=CH* O=CH* H2C=C=CH* m/z 15 18 27 29 39 44 56 1.OOE-09 CO2 C4H8 Corresponding Anneal Temperature 120 *C 200 OC 475 0C -Mass 39 Mass 73 -Mass 30 -Mass 18 -Mass 91 -Mass 44 Mass 56 Mass 27 -Mass 26 -Mass 15 -Mass 29 1.00E-10 1.00E-11 o 1.OOE-12 1.OOE-13 " 0 10 20 40 30 50 60 70 80 Time (minutes) Figure 2-S2: Temperature evolution of various ions detected by residual gas analysis (RGA). Helium was used as the purge gas. 2.8. Technical Notes on Deposition Parameters for iCVD p(V4D4) iCVD process kinetics are generally absorption limiting and the rate determining parameter is the net monomer surface concentration.16 Figure 2-Ni shows an Arrhenius plot of the p(V4D4) deposition rate as a function of substrate temperature. The dark diamonds represents the polymer thickness measured during the deposition by interferometry while the open squares represent the film thickness measured by ellipsometry. Interferometry measures the thickness of the as-deposited layer in the vacuum chamber. This layer may contain both polymerized material and entrained monomer. The entrained monomer may desorb from the film during the post-deposition evacuation of the vacuum chamber and during post-deposition annealing. The thickness of the stable portion of the film remaining on the substrate is measured by ellipsometry. Differences between the thicknesses measured by in-situ interferometry and by ex-situ ellipsometry most likely indicate the loss of entrained monomer. After evacuating the chamber, significant outgassing from the stable polymer film is indicated by a change in the film color. For the early region of the plot, corresponding to the highest substrate temperatures, the two data series compare well with one and other. This indicates a stable film, with little to no entrained monomer. In this substrate temperature range the calculated activation energy is -49.30 kJ/mol, which corresponds to a heat of desorption of 24.90 kJ/mol. This is within 20 kJ/mol- 80 kJ/mol range required for the physisorption of small molecules through Van der Waalls forces.56 The negative activation energy is consistent with an adsorption limiting process, and this trend follows through the entire diamond data series. However, for lower substrate temperatures (below 30"C) there appears to be a large difference between the stable polymer thickness measured by ellipsometry and the thickness measured by in-situ interferometry. This means that the polymer deposition rate is actually less than the rate of monomer adsorption; this causes monomer to become entrained. This also suggests that there has been a transition between adsorption limiting kinetics to reaction limiting kinetics, and forming a stable polymer film becomes the slowest step. . .... ...... _.I.-............... ................. ........... .... .. .. .......... ............... .................... Ts (Kelvin) 138 323 328 333 318 313 308 3.20 3.25 3.00 # Interferometry Thickness 0 Elipsometry Thickness 2.50 2.00 * i 00 " - 2.95 - - - *l - 3.00 - - - - 3.05 - - 3.10 1/Ts (x 3.15 OA-3KA-1) Figure 2-N1: Deposition rate data for polymer film growth as a function of substrate temperature. The diamonds represent the deposition rate as measured in-situ by interferometry and the open squares represent the film thickness measured ex-situ by ellipsometry. A separate set of experiments was conducted to explore deposition rates over a range of operating pressures (Figure 2-N2) and similar trends were observed. For low reactor pressures there is almost perfect agreement between the in-situ and ex-situ thickness measurements. These results are consistent with second-order kinetics observed in free radical polymerization.5 7 At high pressures there is a dramatic reduction in the stable film deposition rate measured by ellipsometry. This rate is about 1/3rd the rate .......... ...... . . ...... . ... . ...... ........... . ... .......... . .. ........... measured by interferometry, presumably indicating a large volume of entrained monomer, and about 1/2 the deposition rate observed at a lower reactor pressure. It was difficult to test this concept at lower substrate temperatures or higher reactor pressures since the process window for polymer deposition without condensation was too narrow. Table 2-Ni contains a summary of the reactor conditions used for the deposition rate experiments depicted in Figures 2-NI and 2-N2. * Interferometry Thickness o Elipsometry Thickness 5 0 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13 Pm/Psat Figure 2-N2: Deposition rate data for polymer film growth as a function of monomer partial pressure as a fraction of saturation. The diamonds represent the deposition rate as measured in-situ by interferometry and the open squares represent the film thickness measured ex-situ by ellipsometry. Table 2-N1: Reactor conditions for deposition of iCVD p(V4D4) films Monomer Flowrate (sccm) Initiator Flowrate (sccm) 585 ±4 0.5 1.0 323 ±1 585 ±4 0.5 1.0 653 ±2 330 ±1 585 ±4 0.5 1.0 T4 653 ±2 338 ±1 585 ±4 0.5 1.0 P1 319 ±2 323 ±1 595 ±3 0.5 1.0 P2 658 ±2 323 ±1 595 ±3 0.5 1.0 P3 932 ±2 323 ±1 595 ±3 0.5 1.0 P4 1104 ±2 323 ±1 595 ±3 0.5 1.0 Filament Stage Temperature Temperature (Kelvin) (Kelvin) Sample Name Reactor Pressure (mTorr) TI 653 ±2 313 ±1 T2 653 ±2 T3 2.9. Technical Notes on Porogen use with p(V4D4) Hybrid materials with low dielectric constants are created by copolymerization of cyclic precursors with sacrificial organic materials, to create a nanoporous matrix. 13 22,59 58 cyclopentene oxide," Materials such as dextran, 8 PMMA,4 9 norbornene, and terpinene 22,59 have been successfully used as porogens, to achieve k values as low as 2.05.11 Most these porogen molecules are either cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbons, or linear alkenes;2 however, small changes in chemical composition can result in large differences in incorporation and removal efficiencies upon annealing. Cyclopentene oxide and norbornadiene have been identified as the two most promising porogen precursors to allow preservation of electronic and mechanical properties after anneal.59 The mechanical properties of SiCOH dielectrics generally decrease with lower k values ,9,37 and typically scale with porosity as (1-p)3 I until the percolation point, where pores coalesce. 60 Condensation reactions by thermal curing 9 34 and bond rearrangement through ultraviolet cure61-63 can help improve these mechanical properties. In order to further examine the effects of porosity on the electrical properties of the iCVD low-k film, the V4D4 monomer was copolymerized with a variety of pororgen precursors. The porogens evaluated include two distinct methacrylate monomers, cyclohexyl methacrylate (CHMA) and isobornyl methacryate (IBMA). An additional aromatic porogen, terpinine, was physically incorporated into polymerized iCVD film through non-covalent interactions. Figure 2-N3 shows the FT-IR spectra for various hybrid low-k films. Figure 2-N3a corresponds to a CHMA:V4D4 flow ratio of 0.5:1, whereas figure 2-N3b represents a CHMA:V4D4 flow ratio of 2. Figure 2-N3c corresponds to the hybrid films copolymerized from IBMA and V4D4 precursors at a flow ratio of 2:1. The most distinctive characteristic for each spectrum is the relative height of the carbonyl peak between 1720-1740 cm-1, which increases proportional to the porogen content in the hybrid films. As the p(V4D4) film does not contain any carbonyl in the as-deposited structure, this observation indicates that the porogen precursor has been copolymerized within the growing p(V4D4) chains. Terpinene does not contain any distinguishing FT-IR features that are captured in the hybrid low-k film (figure 2-N3d). . ... ....................... . ...... As Deposited Fil ns C=O a) V4D4-co -CHMA _Job) V4D4-co -CHMA c) V4D4-co -LIBMA d) V4D4/ Terpinene 3200 2700 2200 1700 1200 Wavenumber (cm-') Figure 2-N3: FT-IR spectra for hybrid iCVD low-k copolymer films produced from V4D4 precursors and CHMA (a)(b), IBMA (c), and Terpinene. The grey bar highlights the position of the carbonyl peak between 1720-1740 cm-1. The growth rates for the low-k copolymer films were much greater than for the p(V4D4) homopolymers, with copolymer deposition rates ranging from 20-25 nm/min. This rate enhancement has been reported for copolymers from V3D3 and linear spacer molecules.64 Figure 2-N4 shows the porosity, calculated using the Lorentz-Lorentz equation 48 , for various p(V4D4-co-CHMA) copolymer films annealed in air. When compared to the as-deposited homopolymers, there is only a slight increase in the overall film porosity for the hybrid films at each anneal temperature. The hybrid films with a CHMA:V4D4 ratio of 2:1 should theoretically contain four times more CHMA than those films with a flow rate ratio of 0.05:1; however, the porosity is only slightly higher than for the homopolymer film. This is likely attributed to disparity between the . .. .. ........ .... ..... decomposition temperatures of the porogen and the decomposition of the unstable organic fragments from the V4D4 component. (0 0. 0 0.0 250 330 410 Annealing Temperature ("C) Figure 2-N4: Calculated porosity for p(V4D4-co-CHMA) hybrid films annealed in air at various temperatures. Figure 2-N5 shows the TGA decomposition profiles for as-deposited and hybrid V4D4 films, and CHMA annealed in air. The helium decomposition profile for the p(V4D4) has been included for comparison. ... ........................ ... .................... 100 0As dep. in helium 80 70 As 60 dep. in air - Hybrid 50 40 p(CHMA) 30 20 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Annealing Temperature (*C) Figure 2-N5: TGA mass decomposition profiles for as-deposited and hybrid V4D4 films annealed in air or helium. The decomposition profile for the hybrid film indicates a much smaller stable mass at 400*C when compared to the homopolymer. At first glance, this would suggest that the porous copolymer film should contain greater porosity than the homopolymer film annealed under the same conditions. However, figure 2-N4 seems to contradict this. Figure 2-N6 depicts the overall film shrinkage for the various V4D4-co-CHMA copolymer films. ............... . ............ 70 60 Hybrid ;.- C - I) 40 As dep. 30 20 300 250 350 400 Annealing Temperature (0C) Figure 2-N6: Overall film shrinkage for various V4D4-co-CHMA copolymer films annealed in air. The diamond and triangle series corresponds to CHMA:V4D4 ratios of 2:1 and 0.5:1, respectively. The overall thermal stability of the film is greatly reduced in the hybrid films. The smaller stable mass observed in figure 2-N5 directly reflects this overall film shrinkage and does not directly correspond to an increased porosity. The decomposition profile for the hybrid film indicates that a majority of the film decomposition occurs around 280*C, which is a significantly lower temperature than 330*C, where a large degree of oxidation is anticipated to occur. Therefore, it is likely that the cooler decomposition temperature of the porogen phase (CHMA) causes the V4D4 component of the copolymer to become unstable prior to the onset of stabilizing oxidation reactions, resulting in poor overall thermal stability. ............ ........... .. .. .......................... .................. .... .. .. .......... The annealed hybrid films do not demonstrate a reduced dielectric constant over the homopolymer films annealed at 410"C. Figure 2-N7 plots the dielectric constant versus anneal temperature for the various V4D4-co-CHMA copolymer films. 3.50 P , Hybrid 3320 _-A 2.90 As dep. 2.60 2.30 2.00 0 100 200 300 400 Annealing Temperature (*C) Figure 2-N7. Dielectric constant versus anneal temperature for various V4D4-co-CHMA copolymer films annealed in air. The diamond and triangle series corresponds to CHMA:V4D4 ratios of 2:1 and 0.5:1, respectively. The increased dielectric constant is attributed to the increased carbonyl content within the hybrid films. Between 200*C and 350"C the carbonyl content attributed to oxidation of the polyethylene-like backbones in the V4D4 component likely exceeds the carbonyl incorporation from the CHMA component, which explains why the annealed homopolymer has a larger dielectric constant within this temperature range. Although there does not appear to be any residual carbonyl groups in the hybrid films from CHMA and IBMA porogens annealed at 410"C, FT-IR depicted in figure 2-N8, the dielectric constants at 410"C are significantly greater than for the homopolymer films. . ......... ... .. ..................................... - ...... ...................... ........... .... .... Annealed in air for 1hr @ 410*C a) V4D4 b) V4D4-co-CHMA 04a 3200 A V4D4-co-IBMA A Who- Ow". 2700 2200 0-11, 1700 1 1200 700 Wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 2-N8: FT-IR spectra for iCVD low-k homopolymer (a) and copolymer films annealed in air and produced from V4D4 precursors and CHMA (b), or IBMA (c). When hybrid films were annealed in nitrogen, no improvement was observed in the dielectric constant and film stability over the homopolymer films. Figure 2-N9 shows the FT-IR spectra for the homopolymer and hybrid films annealed at 400"C under nitrogen ambient. 3200 2700 2200 1700 1200 700 Wavenumber (cm-1) Figure 2-N9: FT-IR spectra for iCVD low-k homopolymer (a) and copolymer films produced from V4D4 precursors and CHMA (b), or IBMA (c). In summary, the best overall iCVD low-k films result from p(V4D4) homopolymers annealed in air at 400"C. Copolymerization to form a hybrid film results in a greater dielectric constant and reduced thermal stability compared to the homopolymer. Table 2-N2 summarizes the thermal and electrical properties for several sets of annealed and as-deposited hybrid and homopolymer V4D4 films. Table 2-N2: Summary of electrical, optical, and thermal performance for various as deposited and annealed hybrid and homopolymer V4D4 films. Refractive Dielectric Percent Environment Index Constant Shrinkage V4D4 as dep. -- 1.470 2.70 -- V4D4 as dep. V4D4 as dep. Air Nitrogen 1.345 1.440 2.15 2.71 45% 6% V4D4-co-CHMA 1:2 -- 1.482 3.15 -- V4D4-co-CHMA 1:2 V4D4-co-CHMA 1:2 Air Nitrogen 1.342 1.460 2.54 3.01 67% 42% V4D4-co-CHMA 2:1 -- 1.478 2.99 -- 62% System Anneal V4D4-co-CHMA 2:1 Air 1.346 2.66 V4D4-co-IBMA 1:2 -- 1.479 -- -- Air Nitrogen 1.359 1.450 --- 64% 50% V4D4-co-Terpinene -- 1.460 -- -- V4D4-co-Terpinene Nitrogen 1.455 -- 61% V4D4-co-IBMA 1:2 V4D4-co-IBMA 1:2 2.10. References M. Morgen, E. T. Ryan, J. H. Zhao, C. Hu, T. H. Cho, and P. S. Ho, Annual Review of Materials Science 30, 645-680 (2000). 2 E. D. Williams, R. U. Ayres, and M. 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These grafted "nanobowl" patterns were produced for a broad material set of functional organic, fluorinated, and silicon containing polymers. These polymers fully retain the organic functionality of their monomeric precursors, are free of wetting defects, and are robustly tethered to the underlying substrate as shown by their ability to withstand aggressive solvent. Using this method we patterned a novel low dielectric constant polymer down to 25 nm without the need for environmentally harmful solvents. Furthermore, using capillary force lithography, we created topographical templates for large-scale orientation of the nanoparticle assembly. This "top-down" approach reduces the defect density of the bottom-up assembly and creates multi-scale functional polymeric patterns without the need for expensive lithography tools. 3.2. Introduction Materials patterning through non-conventional lithography can reduce the cost of patterning fine structures when compared to traditional nanofabrication techniques such as photolithography.! The current state-of-the-art in lithography couples 193 nm light with immersion lithography and allows for patterning of sub-45 nm features.2 These advanced developments require very costly instrumentation, and have difficulty providing throughput commensurate industrial demands. 3 Nanosphere lithography has emerged as a simple, convenient, low-cost method for creating large 2-D arrays of nanostructures.4 These are proven techniques which can also be used to fabricate complex opalescent 3-D photonic structures with both well-defined or tunable photonic bandgaps.5- 7 Monodisperse colloidal particles can self-assemble into 2-D hexagonal arrays when deposited onto various substrates. By controlling the drying process, solution cast colloidal particles can self-assemble into a hexagonally closed packed monolayer. Several strategies for creating centimeter-scale monolayers using commercially available latex spheres have been described.8,9 The resulting void array in the particle interstices has been used as a patterning mask for over 25 years.1 0 Evaporation and sputtering into these interstices have been used to produce very thin films (< 30 nm) of metals and inorganic oxides. Their 2-D patterns result from a line-of- site deposition of thin nano-dots, which may coalesce to form a honeycomb pattern of thin lines. These structures have been used to pattern carbon nanotube growth, ZnO nanorods, nickel and gold. 13,14 The desire to pattern functional polymers with colloidal templates provides unique challenges. For example, a common approach for producing 2-D arrays of functional polymers or inorganic oxides uses UV curable prepolymer,4 " sol-gel,4 ' 6 , 7 or electrolyte 4' 17 ,18 precursors. The notable drawbacks to these liquid phase techniques include through-pore defects from template deformation, concentration effects on morphology, template shifting, and incomplete infiltration resulting from surface tension effects.19 Solution based processing can also be time consuming; requiring anywhere between 12 hours to 3 days for precursors to polymerize. 7,20,21 '2,1Furthermore, non-wetting adds additional difficulty when trying to produce patterns of homogeneous structures from low-surface-energy liquid phase precursors, such as fluoropolymers. This challenge is typically overcome by creating a heterogeneous structure, which consists of an inorganic hydrophilic pattern which is subsequently modified with fluoroalkylsilane.16 Vapor phase polymerization processes avoid the difficulties resulting from surface tension and non-wetting effects. Polymerization through PECVD has been successful in creating homogeneous arrays of fluorocarbon nano-dots and nano-rings. 22 Figure 3-la contains a graphical representation of these structures. The polymer nanodots, ~ 25 nm tall, are situated directly under the particle interstices, which is analogous to the line-of-site deposition observed in thermal evaporation. Highly mobile polymer fragments may also form nano-rings under the spheres.22 An alternative 2-D patterning process creates functional polymeric nanodomes. A colloidal template, assembled over a polymer film deposited by PECVD, acts as an etch mask for reactive ion etch of the underlying polymer. Nanopatterns of p(acrylic acid) 23 and PEG24 domes, over 200 nm tall, have been created from this "top down" patterning. A major limitation of this method is that the reactive ion etch can destroy delicate polymer functionality. Furthermore, PECVD, a workhorse for the semiconductor industry, is a high energy process which can destroy organic moieties through unwanted side reactions. 25-28 The large surface area make the general formulation of 2-D patterns produced from solution or plasma polymerization attractive for various applications which require functional nanostructures such as catalysts, sensors, nanoreactors, antifouling surfaces, nanoactuators, and photovoltaics. Notable disadvantages such as poor functional group retention, lack of adhesion between the polymer and substrate, structural inhomogeneity, time-consuming synthesis, non-wetting issues, and the negative environmental impact associated with template removal, would preclude their wide-scale implementation in device fabrication. ....... .......... ...... ... .......................... ::::..:: .......... ..................... .. .................... ... (a) (b)-r r Figure 3-1: Schematic of thin dot and ring patterns which form from 2-D colloidal patterning of PECVD polymer (a). The dotted circles represent the colloid template of radius 'r'. The polymer feature height, h, is typically much smaller than 'r' (h << r). iCVD films can produce truly hemispherical "bowl" structures from functional polymers. These structures can either be spaced apart (b) if the film thickness is less than the particle radius (h < r) or directly neighboring (c) if h - r. Initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) , is a solvent-free process 29,30 for depositing thin polymer films, which requires much lower energy density for deposition when compared to PECVD (0.02-0.12 W/cm2 29 versus 0.13-2.1 W/cm2 30,31), allows for 100% retention of delicate functional groups, 30 and to date has been used to create thin films from over 50 different functional precursors. Unlike PECVD mechanisms, iCVD polymerization is well understood and most resembles closely free-radical polymerization in solution.29 Moreover, in contrast to the dot and ring patterns produced by PECVD, iCVD offers the ability to produce tall, > 250 nm, hemispherical "bowl" structures from functional polymers, which can either be spaced apart (Fig 3-lb) or adjoining (Fig. 3-1c). Compared to solution polymerization, iCVD offers reduced polymer deposition time and avoids wetting effects, giving us the ability to produce homogeneous polymeric films for pattern synthesis from high and low-surface-energy precursors. Because iCVD is a surface controlled process opportunity for producing adherent patterned polymer films. it affords unprecedented 30 Vinyl groups covalently anchored to a surface can react with the initiating species by the same free radical mechanism responsible for polymerization of vinyl monomers, allowing propagation to proceed from the surface-bound radical. These grafting sites improve the adhesion for both the directly bound polymer chains, as well as the subsequently deposited chains which become entangled in the grafted layer or branch out from the grafted chains. The ability to produce films with adhesion contrast is important to the novel patterning technique we describe, as patterns can be developed in an environmentally benign solvent. We employed the principle of colloidal lithography coupled with iCVD and grafting to create a generalized process for "bottom-up" patterning functional polymers. The excellent interfacial properties maximize the durability and reliability of these functional patterns for device applications. 33 The methods we present in this report are quick, simple, and generic; they can be extended to create robust patterns of grafted functional nanostructures from any iCVD polymer without the need for environmentally harmful solvents. Finally, we employed capillary force lithography as a top-down approach for assisting the bottom-up assembly to create spatially addressable features that are hierarchically patterned. These are attractive for a variety of applications where spatial registration of functional patterning patterns is desired. 3.3. Experimental Section Preparation of Colloidal Monolayer: All chemicals were used as received without further purification. 4" p-type silicon wafers (Waferworld) were cleaned for 5 minutes 2 with capacitive oxygen plasma (13.56 MHz, 100 W/cm , 100 mTorr). A solution of monodisperse poly-styrene nanoparticles, 2.5% wt. (1 pm, 200 nm, 80 nm nominal diameter, Polysciences) in water, was mixed 1:1 with a surfactant solution (Triton X100:methanol/1:400 volume) (Fischer Scientific),34 cast onto the plasma cleaned wafer in discrete 2.0 ptL droplets, and allowed to dry under ambient conditions for 20 minutes. To remove any residual water, the samples were then placed into a nitrogen purged vacuum oven (VWR, 1400E) which was maintained at 60'C and -15" Hg gauge pressure. After 3 minutes, the nitrogen flow was stopped and the samples were exposed to tricholorvinylsilane (Aldrich, 98%) vapor at -30 in. Hg gauge pressure for 6 minutes. iCVDfilm grafting: The custom built iCVD vacuum reactor configuration has previously been detailed. 32 iCVD deposition conditions were adopted from previously reported work for n-butyl acrylate (BA, Aldrich, 99%),32 hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA, Aldrich, 99%), pentafluorophenyl 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecyl acrylate (PFDA, Aldrich, 97%),36 and methacrylate (PFM, Monomer-Polymer, 95%).37 Tetravinyltetramethylcylcotetrasiloxane (V4D4, Gelest) monomer, heated to 90"C, and tertbutyl peroxide (Aldrich, 98%) initiator, at room temperature, were delivered into the reactor at 1.0 sccm and 0.5 sccm, respectively. The reactor pressure, substrate temperature, and filament temperature were maintained at 350 mTorr, 50'C, and 300*C, respectively. For each polymer, three samples were simultaneously coated via iCVD: 1) colloid template on silane treated substrate 2) colloid template on hydroxylated substrate 3) blank silicon substrate for measuring film thickness in situ by laser interferometry. To keep from over-coating the template all V4D4 depositions were terminated after a film thickness, equal to the radius of the template, had been deposited. Template Removal: Patterns produced from linear polymers were ultrasonicated by a 70 W ultrasonic cleaner, in 30 mL of THF (Aldrich, >99%) for 10 minutes, to remove the colloidal template. The solvent was then replaced with fresh THF and the samples were left to soak in the solvent overnight, for at least 8 hours. The V4D4 samples were ultrasonicated in 30 mL of IPA (Aldrich, >99%) for 1 hour and subsequently dried under nitrogen. PFM Functionalization: PFM patterns were functionalized with fluorescein-5thiosemicarbazide (Molecular Probes) for 30 minutes using techniques described elsewhere. 37 To remove any unreacted ligands, the functionalized patterns were triple washed by shaking with 30 mL of ethanol in a sealed glass jar. Multi-scale Patterning: A topographical template was created for the nanoparticle assembly using capillary force lithography3 8 A 1.5% wt. solution of polystyrene (MWn = 45,800, Aldrich), dissolved in toluene, was spin-coated onto a plasma-cleaned silicon wafer, to form a 300 nm thick film. A pre-patterned PDMS mold, created from a polyurethane master, was placed onto the polystyrene film and pressed at 150'C, for 2.5 hours. This forced the polystyrene to be siphoned into the grooves of the mold (Scheme 3-la/lb). The pressed assembly was cooled at room temperature for one hour, to allow the polystyrene to solidify; the mold was subsequently removed. The patterned silicon substrate was then exposed to oxygen plasma for 1 minute. This etched away any polystyrene that remained in the grooves. The colloidal nanoparticles were deposited into the patterned grooves (Scheme 3-1c) and the grafted iCVD polymers were patterned, according to the methods outlined above. The lift-off step removed the patterned grooves as well as the nanoparticle assembly within the grooves, revealing hierarchal patterns of grafted iCVD polymer. Pre-patterned low crosslink density PDMS stamps were used for micro contact printing (pCP) the colloidal templates using previously published procedures. 39 Film Characterization: The iCVD film composition was elucidated by transmission mode FT-IR spectroscopy (Nicolet Nexus 870 ESP) using a DTGS-KBr detector. Spectra were obtained through the patterned samples over the range of 400 cm-1- 4000 cm 4 at 4 cm- 1 resolution averaged over 64 scans, and baseline corrected. Contact angle measurements were performed with a contact angle goniometer with automatic dispenser (Rame'-Hart Model 500) using 2.5 pL water droplets. Nanostructure characterization: The patterned samples were sputter coated with 5 nm of gold and SEM images were obtained using a JEOL JSM 6060 with 5 kV acceleration voltage. Sub- 100 nm patterns were imaged using a JEOL 6320FV Field-Emission High- ...... ........ ... .......... resolution SEM at 2 kV acceleration voltage. Fluorescence microscope images were obtained at 50x magnification using a Zeiss Axiovert 200 inverted microscope with FITC illumination. Atomic force microscope images were generated using a scanning Probe microscope (Digital Instruments, Dimension 3100) in tapping mode with a 1.0 Hz scan rate. Film thicknesses were measured using spectroscopic ellipsometry (J.A. Woollam M2000S). Data was collected at 68' incidence angle for 190 wavelengths between 315nm and 718 nm. The data was fit to a Cauchy-Urbach model from which the thickness values were extracted. (b) (a) T,P PDMS Mold PS Melt Substrate Solidify Polymer, Remove Mold (TopView) CDeposit Colloidal SAM (Side View) Scheme 3-1: A generic process scheme for creating a topographical template used for producing hierarchical patterns of polymeric nanostructures, by capillary force lithography. A patterned PDMS mold is pressed onto a polystyrene melt (a/b). After cooling, the mold is removed. A SAM of colloidal particles is deposited into the grooves (c). This hierarchical template is used for patterning the iCVD polymers, according to Figure 3-1. 3.4. Results and Discussion The process used here for creating polymer patterns from 2-D colloidal templates is shown in Figure 3-2. A silicon substrate was treated with oxygen plasma both to remove any organic impurities 40 and to increase the surface hydroxyl concentration.4 1 Increasing the hydroxyl concentration not only provides more surface sites for subsequent silyation chemistry, but creates a hydrophilic surface which is critical for forming a monolayer of the colloidal particles.4 Monodisperse polystyrene nanoparticles were cast onto the plasma treated wafer in discrete droplets, and allowed to dry under ambient conditions (Fig. 3-2a). The samples were then loaded into a vacuum oven and exposed to tricholorvinylsilane vapor. A monolayer of vinyl-silane coupling agent was covalently bound onto the silicon substrate through hydrolysis of the chlorine moieties by surface hydroxyls. 42 This occurs only in the exposed regions of the substrate through the particle interstices (Fig. 3-2b), thus providing an anchor point for grafting iCVD polymer. A blanket polymer film was then deposited onto the substrate via iCVD (Fig. 3-2c), with only the polymer deposited in the interstices undergoing grafting through the surface vinyl groups. The grafted films were subsequently placed in an ultrasonic bath and rinsed in THF to lift off the polystyrene particles and any non-grafted polymer. This step revealed largely ordered honeycomb-like arrays of polymer covalently bound to the substrate through free radical polymerization about the substrate-tethered vinyl group (Fig. 3-2d). ................... ........ ............ ............................ ...................... OH ............... (b) (d) Figure 3-2: A generic process scheme for producing patterned polymeric nanostructures using colloidal lithography. A hydroxylated substrate which has been treated with an oxygen plasma serves as a hydrophilic base for depositing a 2-D assembly of colloidal nanoparticles (a). The masked sample is then treated with a vapor phase silane coupling agent which covalently attaches vinyl groups to the substrate in the exposed regions of the colloidal mask (b). This acts as an adhesion promoter to graft the functional iCVD polymer which is subsequently deposited (c). The grafted film is sonicated in solvent to remove the colloidal template and any ungrafted polymer. This reveals an array of bowl- shaped nanostructures patterned in a hexagonal arrangement (d). To demonstrate the versatility of this process, functional homopolymer patterns were produced from five different monomer precursors. Figure 3-3 depicts the FT-IR spectra and the molecular structure of the various iCVD films which were successfully patterned with 2-D colloidal templates. The biocompatible polymer pBA has a low glass transition temperature (-55"C) 43 that makes it attractive as a non-crystallizable segment in shape memory polymers. '4 32 Alkyl acrylates have a characteristic carbonyl stretch between 1732 and 1736 cm-1. This peak remains unchanged from the BA monomeric precursor (Fig. 3-3a) and iCVD polymer film (Figure 3-3b). Furthermore, the pBA polymer can be identified through the double band at 950 cm-1,32 thereby indicating the preservation of the original functionality, and by the absence of the vinyl peaks present in the monomer precursor between 1630 cm- and 1650 cm-land also at 1410 cm-1. The iCVD pHEMA behaves as a hydrogel and can absorb high water content and swell in the absence of crosslinker.35 The C=O stretching modes between 1750-1690 cmI, C-O stretching (1300-1200 cm-1), and C-H bending at 1500-1350 cm-1 appear in both the spectra obtained for the monomer precursor (Fig. 3-3c) and as-deposited film (Fig. 33d). There is also a broad peak centered at 3450 cm-1 (not shown) which is present in both monomer and polymer spectra and signifies that the functional hydroxyl group is retained after polymerization. This is consistent with previously reported results,3 5 which indicate that the entire functional pendant hydroxyethyl functional group is retained in the iCVD polymer. By preserving this delicate functionality, iCVD preserves the ability to create patterned, responsive surfaces. The iCVD pPFDA is a low surface energy ( 9.3 mN/m) 36 fluorocarbon film which imparts superhydrophobic behavior to various surfaces. PFDA contains two sharp peaks at 1207 and 1246 cm-1 corresponding to the -CF 2 - symmetric and asymmetric stretching 36 modes as well as a third peak at 1153 cm' which represents the -CF 2-CF 3 end group. The strong presence of these peaks in both the monomer (Fig. 3-3e) and polymer (Fig. 3- 3f) spectra indicates that the iCVD film retains the original fluorine functionality present in the precursor. The iCVD pPFM is another functional fluoropolymer, which is useful for immobilizing biomolecules through a single-step nucleophilic substitution of the pentafluorophenyl moiety by a primary amine.37 The intense peak at 1523 cm-1 is characteristic of the fluorine substituted phenyl moiety and is present in both the monomer precursor (Fig. 3-3g) and the iCVD polymer (Fig. 3-3h). Peaks at 1069 cmand 1000 cm-1, corresponding to the C-O ester bond and C-F bonds, respectively, are also found in both the polymer and monomer spectra. The low energy input for free radical polymerization and absence of energetic charged species preserves the delicate ester side group, which can be damaged in alternative vapor deposition processe. 45 Low dielectric constant, k, polymers have been introduced into the interconnect structures of integrated circuit to improve device performance by reducing cross talk and power consumption associated with parasitic capacitance losses through the intralevel connections.46 Cyclic organosilicon polymers are a class of low-k materials identified to facilitate integration into the interconnect structure of integrated circuits because of their attractive electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. 47 V4D4, is a cyclic siloxane, with a structure analogous to commercially available low-k precursors and with a "puckered" ring that allows for the formation of a 3D bonding network through vinyl crosslinks. Figure 3-3 contains FT-IR spectrum from both the monomer precursor (i) and the asdeposited dense iCVD pV4D4 film (j). Film deposition through free-radical vinyl polymerization is apparent by the reduction of the vinyl absorption bands at 960 cm', 1410 cm1, 1600 cm', and the subsequent formation of methylene bridges at 2900 cm~ '(not shown).48 The methyl groups bound to Si appear between 1230 cm-1-1280 cm-1. The 100 region between 950 cm' and 1200 cm-1 corresponds to Si-O skeleton stretching. This region corresponds to three different substructures (Si-O bonding environments): suboxide with bond angle <1440 and peak around 1020 cm-1, network (bond angle -144 0) at 1060 cm', and cage structure with bond angle ~150" which peaks at about 1150 cm- .49 The broadening of this peak towards higher wavenumbers indicates that the open siloxane structure of the monomer was preserved after polymerization. The results shown in Figure 3-3 directly demonstrate the benefits of iCVD, which include deposition of material of limited or no solubility such as fluorocarbon films and crosslinked layers. The absence of wetting effects allowed us to produce patterns with consistent morphology for a variety of functional materials. Deposition rates of all the materials fall in the 30 to 200 nm/min range, which means the polymerization process takes a few minutes, instead of several hours as in solution polymerization. 7,20,21 Furthermore, because no solvent is required for polymerization, the template deformation and shifting associated with solution processing is avoided. 101 Utility: Low temperature martensitic phase for biocompatable shape memory polymers O Utility: High surface energy hydrogel polymer whose swelling can be systematically controlled OH O < Utility: Hydrophobic low surface energy polymer 0 CF2) 7 CF3 O Utility: Functional polymer for binding biological ligands. 0 F F F Utility: Low dielectric constant polymer for integrated circuits O- si-0 0.0Si-O 1900 1000 1600 1300 wavenumber (cm- 1) Figure 3-3: FT-IR spectra for (a) butyl acrylate monomer, (b) corresponding iCVD film, (c) HEMA monomer, (d) corresponding iCVD film, (e) PFDA monomer, (f) corresponding iCVD film, (g) PFM monomer, (h) corresponding iCVD film, (i) V4D4 monomer, (j) corresponding iCVD film. The grey bar highlights the position of the vinyl C=C absorption. The noted reduction in this peak in the iCVD polymer is consistent with free- 102 radical polymerization. The functional similarity between monomers and their corresponding iCVD film is highlighted with asterisks (*), and suggests the preservation of functional groups in the polymer films. Figure 3-4 contains SEM images of the grafted functional polymer patterns obtained from linear polymer precursors, using 1 tm polystyrene spheres as a template. Figure 3-4a reveals the pBA honeycomb pattern that was produced after the colloidal template and ungrafted homopolymer were removed with THF. The conformal nature of the iCVD process coupled with the "bottom-up" growth mechanism of the free radical polymerization allows the colloidal assembly to act as a template allowing the grafted BA pattern to preserve the hemispherical geometry of the colloidal template. This is in contrast to the vapor phase sputter processes, which have utilized the particle assembly as a shadow mask for "top down" deposition techniques for producing thin patterned dots. Figure 3-4b shows a large area (-25,000 um2) of the grafted 2-D honeycomb bowl pattern produced from PFM. These patterns were functionalized with fluorescein-5thiosemicarbazide. The amine functionality allows this fluorescent molecule to become immobilized on the patterned pPFM substructure upon reacting with the pentafluorophenyl ester. After functionalization the sample was rinsed in ethanol several times and visualized under FITC illumination (Figure 3-4b inset). The fluorescent pattern indicates that the fluorescein-5-thiosemicarbazide was indeed immobilized, and therefore that the functionality of the PFM precursor was realized in the patterned polymer film. These large surface-area functionalizable patterns are robustly tethered to the substrate 103 and can serve as a robust polymeric substructure for immobilizing proteins, peptides, and other biological ligands. 50 Very well-ordered arrays of grafted pHEMA hydrogel patterns were also obtained (Fig. 3-4c). iCVD HEMA homopolymers can swell up to 55% upon uptake of water,35 making these types of nanostructures useful for creating responsive surfaces for potential sensing,1 actuation, 52 and photonics 7 applications. The patterned hydrogel film demonstrated significant contact angle hysteresis and the observed ultimate receding water contact-angle, Figure 3-3c inset, was 15" (± 20). These results are consistent with the previously reported water contact angle of 170 and dramatic hysteresis behavior for iCVD pHEMA which results from surface-state equilibration of the polymer with the wetting medium.35 Fluoropolymer films, besides offering excellent water repellency, have found applications in MEMS devices 5 3 and amphiphilic non-fouling surfaces.5 4 Patterning these films by conventional lithographic methods requires that the film undergo a reactive ion etch, which can damage the delicate fluorine functionalities5 5 and greatly impact the properties of the patterned films. Figure 3-4d shows a patterned film of grafted PFDA. The inset demonstrates the water repellence of the patterns, with a contact angle of 1300 ( 50), which is consistent with values reported for iCVD pPFDA. AFM measurements indicate that the film thickness was 140 nm, which is much less than the radius of the template. As illustrated in Figure 3- lb, this causes the feature width to appear larger than those deposited from the other polymers depicted in Figure 3-4. These fluoropolymer "nano-bowls" represent a significant contrast to fluoropolymer "nano-dots" and "nanorings" which have been produced by colloid lithography and PECVD and are potentially useful for a variety of applications such as a template for assisting the self 104 ....................... ..... -X- ---.................. ............................. - -................... . . . . . .... ................... . .................................. assembly and aggregation of functional nanoparticless657 to create structures with wellcontrolled hybrid functionalities. a b BAPFM C d PFDA Figure 3-4: SEM images for grafted functional "nanobowls", produced from 1 Pm diameter spheres, after the colloid template had been removed. p(butyl acrylate) patterns (a) were very well ordered . A large continuous pattern of pPFM (b) can create a reactive surface. These patterns contain a reactive pentafluorophenyl ester which was used to immobilize an amine-containing fluorescent ligand through nucleophilic addition. The inset contains a fluorescence microscope image of the fluorescent patterns. Hydrogel patterns from pHEMA (c) are incredibly hydrophilic (inset) unlike those produced from low surface-energy pPFDA (d) which are water repellent (inset). All iCVD films were 105 devoid of wetting defects, such as those which would have given rise to island type pattern growth. The AFM image and accompanying line scan in Figure 3-5 show that the particles were successfully removed by ultra sonication in THF. Furthermore, the geometry of the polymer wells, with feature heights as great as 500 nm, preserves the hemispherical HCP lattice generated by the self-assembled monolayer template. The dotted white curve overlay is a theoretical representation of the 1 pim diameter hemispherical template, which has been scaled for comparison with the line scan. The theoretical line very closely traces the actual geometry of the polymer "bowl", and deviations in the fidelity can be attributed in part to convolution from the AFM tip. To our knowledge, these are the tallest set of organic polymer features which have been reported for vapor phase patterning by 2-D nanosphere lithography. 106 .. .. .... ... .. . ...... ...................... : ................ W .. .......................... ............. ..... Figure 3-5: Typical AFM image and line scan for patterned "nanobowls" from 1 sm diameter colloidal template, p(butyl acrylate) pictured. The tallest features are about 500 nm in height. The line scan shows how the honeycomb polymer pattern regularly preserves the hemispherical geometry from the colloidal template, which is theoretically represented in the dotted white curve which appears as an elliptical overlay on the graph since the horizontal and vertical scales are in ratio of 4:1. The features traced are -300 nm in height. As compared to adjacent areas of unpatterned substrates, the interstices display a larger grafted thickness. Thus, a greater degree of entanglement, higher crosslinking density, and/or increased molecular weight are anticipated in the nanopatterned regions. 107 Because of small overall volumes, it is experimentally difficult to distinguish between these possibilities. Any changes in grafted polymeric structure would reflect the impact that the geometry of the confined region, within the interstices, has on local growth conditions. While patterning would not be expected to alter the relative arrival rates of the monomer and the initiator radicals, the potential for multiple collisions with the walls within the interstices would be expected to lower the relative probability of escape of the monomer, which has the higher sticking coefficient per collision. 58 Creating a monomer rich environment would enhance the molecular weight of linear chains 59 as well as increase the probability of branching reactions,60 such as chain transfer to the polymer backbones. It is crucial to emphasize the importance of the silyation step in the patterning process described in Figure 3-2; without pre-treating the wafer with the adhesion promoter trichlorovinylsilane, the polymer will be removed from the surface after the sonication step. The patterns in Figure 3-4 were imaged after 10 minutes of sonication in THF and additional overnight soaking (> 8 hours total); however, the linear homopolymers of Figure 3-4 are not crosslinked and are extremely soluble in common solvents. The use of adhesion promoter prevents the patterned polymer from dissolving into the solvating media, allowing creation of robust patterns with features as small as 150 nm in width (Fig. 3-6a), whereas the patterns produced on surface without adhesion promoter were incapable of withstanding a gentle 5 second rinse in THF (Fig. 3-6b). Therefore, the covalent attachment between the polymer and the substrate is a necessary step and provides a robust interface that renders the patterns insoluble in aggressive solvents. 108 Figure 3-6: The grafted polymer patterns produced from 1 sm particles ( p(butyl acrylate) shown) typically generate features 150 nm in width (a). Because of the vinyl pretreatment these patterns are robust and withstand several hours in THF. The silyation step is necessary to covalently attach the iCVD polymer to the substrate. Without this step the polymer is easily washed away during the template lift-off, leaving behind a clean substrate (b). The insets depict the corresponding substrate functionality prior to patterning. Because the adhesion promoter acts only on the iCVD polymer, the adhesion contrast between polymer/substrate and polymer/template interfaces allows for patterns to be generated without having to dissolve the colloidal template. Therefore, the use of an aggressive solvent, many of which are environmentally harmful, is not a requirement for producing these robust structures, as the colloidal template can be removed by simple 109 agitation in a mild, environmentally-friendly media. To demonstrate this concept we produced patterns from pV4D4 which were developed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA). Neither the pV4D4 films, which are highly crosslinked, nor the polystyrene template are soluble in IPA. Furthermore, IPA is biodegradable, not likely to bioconcentrate, has low potential to affect organisms, and is an environmentally-friendly substitute for common solvents used in lithography such as tetramethylammonium hydroxide61 or hydrofluoric 4,62-64 The use of a mild media is also an improvement upon more typical techniques acid.'2- for template removal by calcination, '17'65'66 as such high temperatures are incompatible with functional group retention in polymers. We created high-resolution features with this process by using three different particle sizes (1 pim, 200 nm, and 80 nm) as the patterning template. Figure 3-7 contains SEM images for V4D4 patterns developed in an ultrasonic bath of IPA for 1 hr. The patterns produced with 1 prm particles (Fig. 3-7a), 200 nm particles (Fig. 3-7b), and 80 nm particles (Fig. 3-7c) have an identical nanostructure to those shown in Figure 3-4. The physical agitation resulting from the ultrasonic bath jostles the template loose from the crosslinked polymer film, leaving behind the pattern of hemispherical depressions, thus allowing the patterns to develop across several length scales. In order to facilitate the template removal, the film thickness was controlled to minimize the over-coating on the template. We achieved feature dimensions as small as 25 nm in width for patterns produced from 80 nm particles using IPA as the developer. The ability to create robust low-k materials using a low energy/waste process, such as iCVD, and substitute harmful solvents for patterning sub50 nm features is a step towards EHS-focused dielectric processing to meet the newly instituted ITRS roadmap requirements for environmentally-friendly semiconductor 110 manufacturing 67 and to reduce costs when compared to more conventional PECVD and spin-on processes. pm a2 I Figure 3-7: SEM images for patterned V4D4 dielectric polymer using (a) 1 sm, (b) 200 nm and (c) 80 nm diameter templates. The template was removed in an ultrasonic bath of an environmentally-friendly solvent, isopropyl alcohol. The smallest obtainable features were 25 nm in width, obtained from 80 nm particles. The above experimental procedure created regions of monolayer coverage with an area greater than 0.3 cm 2 . This method was not optimal for creating the largest areal monolayer coverage as Langmuir-Blodgett type techniques have been described for depositing a continuous monolayer of colloidal particles over areas of several cm 2 8'9 Practical implementation of these robust functional polymer requires large scale order; the self-assembly must contain few point and line defects. By providing a 111 topographically patterned template, which can also be produced via non-conventional lithography or by electrode assisted assembly,68 one could achieve long range order within a nano-patterned regime 69. Therefore, precisely defined large-scale features can drive rational design at the nanoscale 69( since the colloidal crystal template defines the lowest level for hierarchical polymer patterns). Templated self-assembly can produce spatially addressable nano-features with low line-edge roughness69 for various device applications. We employed capillary force lithography techniques to form hierarchically patterned iCVD nanostructures, without the need for expensive lithography equipment. Combining processes for large scale low-defect self assembly with our generic process for creating robust functional patterns is a rout towards hierarchical structures logically designed for widescale device fabrication and implementation for a variety of applications. The methods we present in this report are generic, and can be extended to create addressable patterns of grafted functional nanostructures from any iCVD polymer. Preliminary attempts at hierarchical patterning used microcontact printing (pCP) for creating spatially addressable features. 39 The polystyrene beads were arranged in an HCP pattern that was reminiscent of the line features that were pre-patterned in the PDMS stamp. Figure 3-8a and 3-8b respectively show an AFM and SEM image of p(V4D4) hierarchically patterned through 1 pm polystyrene beads. These images demonstrate high line-edge-roughness and non-specific placement of stray beads in between the line patterns of the p(V4D4) film after template liftoff. Although, hierarchical patterning was achieved, these patterns were not sufficiently well-defined over large areas and were far from optimal. 112 .............. 11 .......... 11 ................ .... 11 ............ .... .......... ... .. .. ...... ...... .. .................. . ....... Figure 3-8: Hierarchical patterns were preliminarily generated by micro contact printing the colloidal template. AFM (a) and SEM (b) images of hierarchically patterned V4D4 show high line-edge-roughness and stray beads within the unpatterned region. Figure 3-9a is an optical micrograph that depicts a set of polystyrene lines, patterned by capillary force lithography. The PDMS mold contained sets of grooves of varying width, with a 6 prm pitch. Therefore, the patterns transferred onto the polystyrene were capable of confining a monolayer of six, close- packed 1 pm polystyrene particles (Figure 3-9b). This hierarchical assembly was then used as a template for grafting iCVD polymer. After the template was lifted off, hierarchically patterned, grafted iCVD polymer was revealed. These patterns contain two periodicities, at different length scales. The first periodicity, corresponding to the larger length scale, is attributed to the polystyrene template. The iCVD patterns are separated from one and other by a distance equal to the width of the grooves (Figure 3-9c) in the PDMS mold, and, in contrast to pCP, no stray beads were located within the unpatterned linewidths. The geometry of this template is not limited to parallel grooves. Multiple geometries have been explored for 2- 113 D templated assembly, including circles and polygons. 56 The second periodicity, in the iCVD polymer, is attributed to the colloidal template (Figure 3-9d). This is the smaller length scale that gives rise to the nanostructure. This length scale can be easily tuned by selecting colloidal particles of a different diameter. Figure 3-9: Hierarchical patterns from grafted iCVD polymer were produced with capillary force lithography. A polystyrene template (a) was used to template the colloidal assembly (b). The iCVD polymers (pHEMA shown) are patterned at two length scales. The large length scale corresponds to the polystyrene template (c). The smaller length scale is attributed to the colloidal template (d). 114 3.5. Conclusions We have presented a simple set of techniques to create large well-ordered arrays of functional polymeric nanostructures which are covalently bound to the substrate. These structures were templated by a 2-D assembly of a colloidal monolayer and grafted onto the underlying substrate by a unique "bottom-up" approach. iCVD is the enabling technology that allowed production of grafted micro- and nano- patterned polymeric films. These films were produced by vinyl polymerization through the iCVD process and preservation of the functional pendent groups was verified by FT-IR spectroscopy, contact angle measurement, and chemical functionalization. Patterns were generated for a broad material set of functional iCVD films, including organic polymers (pBA, pHEMA), fluoropolymers (pPFDA, pPFM), and organosilicones (pV4D4). The properties of these materials range from hydrophilic (pHEMA) to hydrophobic (pPFDA); from soluble linear polymers (pBA) to heavily crosslinked networks (pV4D4); and to films with highly reactive pendent groups which are readily biofunctionalized (pPFM). Wetting defects were absent for all iCVD produced structures, including fluoropolymers. All patterns survived long exposure to an aggressive solvent and AFM imaging shows that the patterned films produce a "bowl" structure which matches the hemispherical geometry of the colloidal template, with features up to 500 nm in height. The lack of adhesion between the grafted films and the colloid template allows the patterns to be produced in an environmentally benign media, as demonstrated by the ability to produce high resolution patterns of crosslinked dielectric polymer across a variety of length scales, down to 25 nm. We employed capillary force lithography as a top-down approach for assisting the bottom-up assembly. This process is generic and is an inexpensive way to pattern any iCVD polymer to create high surface-area honeycomb patterns that are 115 hierarchically patterned, which is attractive for a variety of applications where spatial registration of functional patterns is desired. 3.6. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the support of the NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing as well as the support of the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. This work made use of shared electron microscopy facility in the MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE).We would like to thank Sung Gap Im for providing the PDMS molds. 3.7. References Y. Chen and A. Pepin, Electrophoresis 22, 187-207 (2001). I 2 B. Alberto, C. Paolo, G. Mark, K. Masashi, K. Helmut, K. Takuya, S. Danilo De, P. Paolo, P. Miriam, P. Paolo, and R. Alessandro; Vol. 6924, edited by J. L. Harry and V. D. Mircea (SPIE, 2008), p. 69244X. 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This surface functionality affords the ability to couple bioactive molecules or sensing elements for various applications, which we demonstrate by immobilizing fluorescent ligands onto the PEDOT nanopatterns. Nanoscale substructure is introduced into the patterned oCVD layer by replacing the FeCl 3 oxidizing agent with CuCl 2. 120 4.2. Introduction High-resolution functional polymer patterns have recently gained exposure from their widespread applications in tissue engineering and biosensors, 1-4 anti-biofouling,5 microelectronics,6 optics,7 and MEMS.8 Micro- and nanopatterning of functional polymeric materials enables precise definition of reactive chemical moieties that can be used to selectively immobilize target molecules for a desired application. For example, patterned bioactive molecules such as cell growth factors and matrix proteins induce anisotropy in cardiac myocytes,9 which can increase their viability. Furthermore, selectively patterned antibodies can facilitate spatially directed deposition of mammalian cells for biosensor applications.' 0 It is no surprise that micro- and nanopatterned conducting polymers have been an 11 12 integral component in state-of-the art biosensors and various biomedical applications. Conducting polymers, such as poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), can provide a biocompatible platform for interfacing biological systems with electronic devices. These devices can convert biological signals into electronic signals, and vice versa. Furthermore, the softness and flexibility of these organic materials closely mimic the natural environment for tissue growth, and provide an innocuous alternative to inorganic conductors. 13 For example, it has been shown that PEDOT does not induce a cytotoxic response in heart tissue14 and demonstrates high cell viability when polymerized around living neural cells.' 5 Moreover, a variety of counter ions can be incorporated into PEDOT, providing avenues for ionically modulating cell-substrate interactions.14 It is known that functionalized conducting polymers with the attachment of biomotifs, such as growth factors, enable even greater ability to control the adhesion and growth of cells on surfaces. 16-18 However, complex synthesis routes are commonly 121 required for imparting functional groups onto commercially available conducting polymer precursors.1 8-20 Alternatively, "grafting to" techniques have been used to impart amine functionality to conducting polymer films. 16 ,21, 22 In addition to complex synthesis routes, these techniques require surface activation with UV light or plasma discharge, which can damage the underlying conducting polymer. Carboxylate functionalized oCVD copolymers have directly been deposited, 23 but this approach has not yet been extended to other functional groups, often because required monomers are not readily available. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is compatible with CMOS processing and is the most promising method to accommodate in vivo measurements using systems-onchip. Within this framework, oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD) can conformally deposit thin, adherent coatings of PEDOT and other conducting polymers on practically any substrate via a step-growth polymerization process.2 5 This process allows for direct control over dopant concentration, work function, and conductivity by varying substrate temperature;26 we have reported conductivities as high as 1000 S cm-1.27 Here, we present a novel process in which well-ordered conducting polymer nanostructures are simultaneously patterned and functionalized by combining oCVD with colloidal lithography. Colloidal lithography can reduce the costs and complexity when compared to conventional lithographic techniques, and cost-effective biosensors that 28-30 utilize patterned structures from colloidal lithography have been demonstrated. Moreover, it has been shown that the spatial confinement and regularity presented by colloidal patterns can be useful for aligning cells for studying their interactions.3 1 Similar to our recently reported technique that uses colloidal lithography and initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) to pattern grafted non-conductive polymer nanostructures , 32 we employ commercially available polystyrene (PS) beads to create 122 arrays of grafted conducting polymer nanobowls with large surface area. In both techniques, substrate grafting is essential to successful patterning. However, in contrast to the iCVD patterning technique, here we exploit the unique polymerization mechanism of the oCVD process to directly transfer the functionality of the colloidal template to the surface of the bulk conducting polymer patterns. Thus, a well-ordered interface with specific functionality or bioactivity can be created by using surface-functionalized PS beads, such as those containing amine, carboxylate, hydroxylate, sulfate, or protein conjugation, while maintaining the advantageous properties of the underlying bulk conducting polymer. This process takes advantage of the unique properties of oCVD, which creates PEDOT films that are covalently grafted to PS and other aromatic-containing surfaces by the Kovacic mechanism. 33 In this process, a vaporized oxidant, such as FeCl 3 , forms radical cations in the EDOT monomers and the benzene moieties on the PS chains. These radical cations combine to form covalent bonds between the growing PEDOT film and the PS substrate. This process generates a robust interface that prevents delamination during patterning applications.3 3 Similarly, oCVD PEDOT films can be covalently grafted to Si wafers by pre-treating the wafers with a linker material such as trichlorovinyl silane (TCVS). During the oCVD process, the oxidant converts these surface vinyl groups to radical cations, which combine with the EDOT to covalently tether the PEDOT film onto the Si wafer. 4.3. Experimental Preparation of Colloidal Monolayer: The procedure used to cast a monolayer of colloidal particles has been detailed elsewhere. 32 Briefly, monodisperse 1 pm polystyrene spheres, both non-functionalized or primary amine functionalized (Polysciences), were 123 diluted in a 1:1 ratio with a solution of methanol and Triton X- 100 and cast onto plasma cleaned silicon wafers in discreet 2 pL droplets. To remove any residual water, the samples were then placed into a nitrogen purged vacuum oven (VWR, 1400E) which was maintained at 60 'C and -15 in. Hg gauge pressure. After 3 min the nitrogen flow was stopped, and the samples were exposed to tricholorvinylsilane (Aldrich, 98%) vapor at 30 in. Hg gauge pressure for 6 min. oCVD Film Grafting: Conducting polymer PEDOT films were deposited using a custom built reactor that has been previously detailed.3 4 Low roughness PEDOT films were deposited using FeCl 3 (Aldrich) as the oxidizing agent and nanoporous PEDOT films were deposited using CuCl 2 (Aldrich) as the oxidizing agent using previously detailed reaction conditions. 26,35 The substrate temperature was set at 85"C to help enhance the film conductivity. Template Removal: PEDOT patterns were ultrasonicated with a 70 W ultrasonic cleaner, in 30 mL of THF (Aldrich, >99%) for 2 min, to completely remove the colloidal template. The samples were subsequently dried under nitrogen for 10 seconds. Pattern Functionalization: After the template had been removed, amine functionalized PEDOT patterns were immersed for 4 hours in a 1 wt% solution of NHS-Fluorescent dye (NHS-Fluorescein, 494 nm excitation wavelength, 521 nm emission wavelength, Pierce Scientific) in DMSO. The samples were then triple rinsed with copious quantities of DMSO to remove any unbound fluorescent ligands. 124 Film Characterization: The iCVD film composition was elucidated by transmission mode FT-IR spectroscopy (Nicolet Nexus 870 ESP) using a DTGS-KBr detector. Spectra were obtained through the patterned samples over the range of 400-4000 cm-1 at 4 cm-I resolution averaged over 64 scans and baseline corrected. Three types of spectra were obtained: as deposited PEDOT on a silicon wafer, non- functionalized colloidal template cast onto a silicon substrate, and one in which the PS template was removed by rigorous rinsing and ultrasonication (2 min) in THF. Nanostructure Characterization: The patterned samples were sputter coated with 5 nm of gold, and SEM images were obtained using a JEOL JSM 6060 with 5 kV acceleration voltage. High resolution patterns were imaged using a FEI/Philips XL30 FEG ESEM with a 5 kV acceleration voltage. Fluorescence microscope images were obtained at 50x magnification using a Zeiss Axiovert 200 inverted microscope with FITC illumination. The film conductivity was determined using a two-point probe measurement (Agilent) with probe spacing of 3 mm on unpatterned PEDOT films; bulk resistivity values were obtained across patterned regions. 4.4. Results and Discussion Scheme 4-1 illustrates how this enhanced surface adhesion to both Si and PS is utilized here for simultaneous patterning and functionalization of conducting PEDOT films. Monodisperse PS beads are cast onto oxygen-plasma treated Si wafers and allowed to dry under ambient conditions, forming a 2-D self-assembled hexagonal close-packed (HCP) colloidal template. This patterned surface is then exposed to TCVS vapor, which modifies the exposed area of the Si wafer by forming a monolayer of covalently bound vinyl groups on the surface (Scheme 4-la). This occurs only in the exposed regions of the 125 substrate through the colloidal template and provides an anchor point for subsequent grafting of oCVD conducting polymer. A blanket PEDOT conducting polymer film is then deposited via oCVD, in which the substrate is exposed to EDOT monomer vapor while oxidizing agent (FeCl 3 or CuCl 2 ) is simultaneously sublimed to the surface. The substrate is maintained at elevated an elevated temperature (ca. 85'C) to maximize PEDOT conductivity26 without destroying the underlying PS template. When the oCVD process is applied to the colloidally patterned substrate, the resulting PEDOT film conformally covers the PS beads and the coating infiltrates through the interstices to the bottom of the HCP pattern. The oCVD PEDOT coating becomes covalently bound to the surfaces of both the PS beads and the Si wafer (Scheme 4-lb). The non-grafted cores of the PS beads are then dissolved out with tetrahydrofuran (THF) (Scheme 4-1c). Since the PEDOT coating is grafted to the Si wafer, the solvent rinsing step does not delaminate the patterned PEDOT film from the Si wafer. After the THF rinsing, the covalently bound PS polymer chains remain on the PEDOT coating as a grafted capping shell. 126 ........ ...... ...... .... .. .. .... ............. 11 .... .... .. .. ........ ...... PS Beads (a) Vinyl-Treated . ...... .. ... .... ....... .... .. .. .... [ 0 0 I A iC Silicon Reombiation Depotonation Grafted PEDOT0 H o PEDOT ==E*o Pattern With PS Surface Layer + S Grafted (C) o o o00 Fried s Cyst o0 0 Scheme 4-1: PS beads are self-assembled on a vinyl-treated Si wafer to form a 2-D HCP colloidal template (a). PEDOT is deposited via oCVD, conformally coating the void space of the colloidal template with conducting polymer, which grafts to the surfaces of the PS beads and the vinyl-treated wafer (b). The non-grafted cores of the PS template are removed via dissolution and rigorous ultrasonication in THF, revealing well-ordered PEDOT nanostructures with a grafted PS surface layer. Figure 4-1 contains SEM images of the grafted PEDOT conducting-polymer patterns obtained using the oCVD colloidal patterning scheme described above. The conformal nature of the oCVD process coupled with the growth mechanism of the oCVD polymerization allows the colloidal assembly to act as a template in which the grafted PEDOT pattern preserves shape of the PS colloidal template. dissolution of the PS by ultrasonication in THF. This is evident upon Due to PEDOT grafting and the solubility contrast between PS and PEDOT in THF, the internal PS template is dissolved 127 away after brief ultrasonication (<30 sec) while a PEDOT shroud remains (Fig 4-la). It is suspected that the retention of the complete hollowed-out, 3-D, HCP geometry is due to the unique ability of the oCVD process to graft PEDOT to the exterior polymer chains of the PS beads. This results in enhanced mechanical stability, especially at the tangency points between adjacent beads, which helps to preserve the top shroud. More rigorous ultrasonication (>2 min) causes this shroud to break away, revealing the hemispherical HCP geometry below (Fig 4-lb and 4-1c). These patterns can typically form over areas as large as 0.3 cm 2 for a 1 ptm diameter template. The typical feature heights and separation widths of the nanobowls range from 300 to 500 nm and 50 to 150 nm, respectively, and will vary depending on the template diameter used. Using FeCl 3 as the oxidant for the oCVD polymerization yields a well-defined PEDOT/PS nanostructure with a very smooth texture. Alternatively, it has been shown that CuCl 2 can be used to produce PEDOT conducting polymer films with tunable nanoporosity.35 This was coupled with the templating technique described here to produce unique hierarchical nanostructures (Fig 4-id); internal basalt-like nanoporosity is achieved while maintaining the large-scale HCP pattern. The high conductivity of oCVD PEDOT films was maintained in these patterned structures. The bulk resistance laterally across the patterned PEDOT nanostructures ranged from 3-15 kQ, measured by two-point probe with 3 mm probe spacing. Due to the wide variation in film thickness inherent in the patterned structures, the bulk conductivity of the conducting polymer patterns was not calculated; however, the resistance of the unpatterned PEDOT from the same depositions ranged from 1-10 kQ which corresponded to conductivities of 2-100 S/cm. 128 .. ...... .... ..- - - ....... ....... ..... Figure 4-1: SEM images show a PEDOT shroud in which the internal PS template has been dissolved away by brief ultrasonication in TIHF (a). Rigorous ultrasonication reveals the hemispherical HCP geometry of the patterned PEDOT nanostructure below (b). Using FeCl as the oxidant yields a well-defined PEDOT/PS nanostructure with a very smooth 3 texture (c). When CuCl is used as the oxidant, hierarchically patterned PEDOT 2 conducting polymer films are formed with tunable nanoporosity (d). The inset captures the morphology of the porous PEDOT on an unpatterned substrate. The FTIR spectra of the bulk oCVD PEDOT (Fig 4-2a), analyzed in detail elsewhere, 26 and the self-assembled PS colloidal template (Fig 4-2b) are compared to that of the oCVD-patterned conducting polymer nanostructures (Fig 4-2c) in which the PS template was removed by rigorous rinsing and ultrasonication in THF (Fig 4-lb). The 129 ........ ..... ......... . ......................... .... ... .. .. .................. ......... ...... ............. ... .. .... ................ characteristic peaks of the PS colloidal template (blue) are retained in addition to those of the bulk oCVD PEDOT (yellow), indicating chemical adhesion of a PS shell to the surface of the bulk conducting polymer. This retention of the chemical characteristics of the PS colloidal template is unique to the oCVD process and is not observed when other CVD polymerization mechanisms are used. 3200 3100 3000 2900 1250 1450 1650 1 Wavenumber (cm ) 1050 850 650 Figure 4-2: FT-IR spectra of a blanket oCVD PEDOT conducting polymer film (a), a 2-D monolayer of 1 sm diameter polystyrene colloidal template (b), and oCVD-patterned conducting polymer nanostructures (c) in which the PS template was removed by rigorous rinsing and ultrasonication in THF. The observation of PS peaks in (c) is evidence of grafting between the PEDOT nanobowls and the surface of the PS beads. The grafted PS capping shell on the PEDOT colloidal pattern can be further utilized for applications by imparting specific functionality via appropriate chemical modification of the colloidal template. To demonstrate this, we employed commercially 130 available amino-functional PS beads for the PEDOT colloidal patterning process. Upon patterning PEDOT with these beads, the surface of the PS capping shell contains primary amine groups. These surface amine moieties can be coupled to a variety of ligands such as proteins, carbon nanotubes, or nanoparticles (Fig. 4-3a). Since the bulk PEDOT underlayers demonstrate high electrical conductivity and are wired to the functional PS capping shell via conjugated molecular linkages, these high surface area PEDOT patterns are attractive for various applications, including biosensors, electrical drug release,36 and plasmonic devices.3 7 131 .................... "I'll - , -",, , ................................................ (a) Grafted aminofunctional PS surface layer-] Grafted PEDOT Bulk = Amino Functional PS Beads Grafted Bulk PEDOT I Figure 4-3. Surface amine moieties provide a linkage point between the bulk conducting polymer nanostructure and various ligands, demonstrated here by attachment of NHS- tethered fluorescein (a). SEM image of oCVD PEDOT patterned using 1 pm amino- functional PS beads (b); the inset captures the nanobowl shape, which becomes evident at the interface with the unpatterned bulk PEDOT. Fluorescence microscopy shows fluorescence areas patterned using amino-functional PS beads (c); the inset shows the interface between the fluorescent patterned regions and the unpatterned bulk PEDOT, which does not exhibit fluorescence after the identical functionalization treatment (red arrow). Figure 4-3b shows SEM images of the oCVD PEDOT patterned using aminofunctional PS beads as the colloidal template. After the non-grafted portion of the amino- 132 functional colloidal template was removed by rigorous rinsing and ultrasonication in THF, the presence of amino-functional groups on the surface of the patterned PEDOT nanostructures was easily confirmed by applying an NHS-tethered fluorescent dye (NHSFluorescein, 494 nm excitation wavelength, 521 nm emission wavelength). The fluorescence from the immobilized dye was captured using a fluorescence microscope, as shown in Fig. 4-3c. The green fluorescence image mirrors the oCVD PEDOT pattern shown in Fig. 4-3b. No fluorescence was detected on the unpatterned bulk PEDOT (inset Fig. 4-3c), and the pattern fluorescence was only observed after functionalization with the fluorescent dye. This confirms that the PS capping shell on the oCVD PEDOT pattern contains functionalizable surface amine groups. The ability to tailor the surface functionality enables the coupling of bioactive molecules or sensing elements to the bulk PEDOT patterns for various applications. 4.5. Conclusions We simultaneously patterned and functionalized grafted PEDOT conducting polymer nanostructures using a simple process combining oxidative chemical vapor deposition and colloidal lithography. The robust polymer/template interface is established by covalent coupling of oCVD PEDOT to the aromatic surface groups of the PS template. Functionalized PS beads can be used to impart specific functional groups to the surface of the patterned PEDOT layers while maintaining the high conductivity of the bulk conducting polymer. Here, we used amino-functional PS beads to tether amine functionality to the conducting polymer nanostructures as demonstrated by the immobilization of fluorescent ligands. The ability to tether biomolecules or sensing elements to well-defined arrays of biocompatible conducting polymer nanostructures makes this technique of great interest for biosensor and cell growth applications; 133 furthermore, the excellent substrate adhesion makes it practical for device applications. Nanoscale substructure can be introduced into these patterns by replacing the FeCl 3 oxidizing agent with CuCl 2. Parameters such as substrate temperature, bead size, and bead type allow for precise control over conductivity, pattern dimensions, and imparted functionality, respectively. 4.6. Acknowledgements This research was supported in part by the US Army through the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, under Contract DAAD-19-02-0002 with the US Army Research Office. This work made use of the shared electron microscopy facility in the MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE). 4.7. References G. C. Engelmayr, M. Y. Cheng, C. J. Bettinger, J. T. Borenstein, R. Langer, and I L. E. Freed, Nature Materials 7, 1003-1010 (2008). D. Morrison, K. Y. Suh, and A. Khademhosseini, in Principles of Bacterial 2 Detection: Biosensors, Recognition Receptors and Microsystems (Springer, 2008), p. 855-868. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "1 12 13 K. K. Parker and D. E. Ingber, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society BBiological Sciences 362, 1267-1279 (2007). N. D. Gallant, J. L. Charest, W. P. King, Garc, A. a, and J. s, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7, 803-807 (2007). J. A. Finlay, S. Krishnan, M. E. Callow, J. A. Callow, R. Dong, N. Asgill, K. Wong, E. J. 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This work uses template directed assembly of fluorescent colloidal particles within dyed PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer nanobowls to create bifunctional patterns. Patterns of red fluorescent 200 nm beads were successfully visualized within blue dyed 1 pm diameter PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer nanobowls. A process for creating trifunctional patterns is proposed. Additionally, it is anticipated that pattern uniformity could be optimized by implementing a simple fluidic cell to control the drying front during the template directed assembly process. Furthermore, this would reduce the effects of particle/template interaction and provide a strategy for obtaining trifunctional patterns from binary sets of colloidal crystals. 137 5.2. Introduction The demand for increasing the capacity of information storage is driven by advancements in high-definition displays. Future storage demands will soon exceed the capabilities from advanced optical storage platforms, such as digital versatile disks (DVDs) and blue ray DVDs. Thus novel techniques are desired for the future of high density optical data storage.' Ultra-dense, macroscopic arrays of nano-scale elements are 2 purported to revolutionize the microelectronic and data storage industries. Ordered arrays of cylindrical domains 3 nm in diameter (containing areal densities greater than 10 2 terabits/inch 2) have been created using self-assembled block copolymers. Although this technique is amenable to magnetic data storage, it would be difficult to implement in optical data storage because of optical diffraction limits and cross-talk between neighboring marks.3 Storage densities as high as 75 Gbit/inch 2 have been achieved using hexagonal closed-packed 50 nm molecular dot arrays of organic photochromes with '1'/'0' bitwise fluorescence detection. 3 Furthermore, two-color spectral encoding was demonstrated with gold nanorods doped in a silica sol-gel matrix.I Femtosecond laser pulses were used to reduce the longitudinal shape of the rods, inducing a blue shift in the spectral signals. Up to 5000 of these nanorods can be imbedded within a 1 pm 3 focal volume. The use of multiple photosensitizers demonstrates notable advantages. The number of binary recording modes in optical data storage scales as 2", where n represents the number of individually addressable photosensitizers.4 Therefore, a system containing two, three, or four different color dyes would represent four, eight, and sixteen-fold increase in data storage over a homogenous structure, respectively. 138 Polymers are attractive materials for optical applications, as their ease of fabrication and functionalization, low-cost, and high performance has been demonstrated. 4 Two-photon absorption has been shown to excite resonance energy transfer from quantum dots to azo-dyes dispersed in a photochromic polymer matrix. This results in isomerization of the azo-dyes, leading to a dramatic refractive index change, which allows for optical data storage.5 Periodic fluorescent polymeric nanocomposites have been successfully used for high density 3-D optical data storage. Photonic crystals were assembled using fluorescent dye-labeled core-shell latex nanospheres. Two-photon laser scanning microscopy was used to photobleach the optically sensitive fluorescent cores, allowing for bits of information to be written into the material. Similarly, multi-dye polymer nanocomposites were used for 3-D optical data recording. 4 Confocal microscopy was used to selectively photobleach different patterns onto the same spot containing a composite of dyed materials; readout of the resulting patterns was accomplished by reducing the fluence of the writing laser. Typical recording densities were ~ 15 Gbit/inch 2 . These techniques require complex synthesis routs for producing core-shell dyed polymers, which makes the widespread implementation of these techniques difficult to achieve. For these techniques, typical laser beam widths range from 350 nm up to several microns. Using the fabrication techniques discussed in chapter four, we created bifunctional patterns for optical data storage applications. This was accomplished by assembling commercially available fluorescently dyed polystyrene beads within functionalized nanobowls produced from reactive oCVD copolymers of PEDOT and thiophene-3-acetic acid (TAA). The reactive -COOH groups in the copolymer patterns were used to covalently immobilize a different color dye onto the patterned oCVD film. 139 Under fluorescence excitation, these patterned structures emit two colors of light: 1) corresponding to the dyed polystyrene beads and 2) corresponding to an immobilized dye attached to the functionalized nanobowls. Furthermore, a method for producing trifunctional structures is proposed in this chapter. 5.3. Experimental Copolymer Pattern Fabrication: Hexagonal-close-packed copolymer patterns of PEDOT-co-TAA were produced using the colloidal patterning scheme described in chapter four. oCVD deposition conditions were adapted from previously published procedures, 7 and needle valves were used to control the partial pressure of the gas feed at 10 mTorr and 60 mTorr for EDOT and TAA monomers, respectively. Covalent Immobilization of Reactive Dyes: Blue and green dyes were covalently immobilized onto PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer patterns using NHS/DCC chemistry. Green patterns were created by soaking the grafted copolymer patterns in 30 mL of a 1:1:1 (vol) mixture of 0.01 M dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (Alpha Aesar), 0.1 M Nhydroxysuccinimide (99%, Aldrich), and 0.1 M fluorescein-5-thiosemicarbazide (494 nm excitation wavelength, 521 nm emission wavelength, Molecular Probes) in methanol, for 8 hours at 23'C. The samples were then removed from the mixture and were triple washed by shaking with 30 mL of methanol in a sealed glass jar. Alternatively, blue patterns were created by first soaking the grafted copolymer patterns in 30 mL of a 1:1:1 (vol) mixture of 0.01 M dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (Alpha Aesar), 0.1 M N- hydroxysuccinimide (99%, Aldrich), and 1 M p-phenylenediamine (99%, Aldrich) in methanol, for 12 hours at 23'C. The samples were then transferred to a glass jar containing 30 mL of a 0.04 M solution of AMCA-NHS dye (335 nm excitation, 440 nm 140 emission wavelength, Pierce Scientific) in methanol, for 8 hours at 23'C. The samples were then removed from the mixture and were triple washed by shaking with 30 mL of methanol in a sealed glass jar. Dilute Template Directed Assembly of Fluorescently Dyed Polystyrene Beads: solutions of fluorescent and non-fluorescent monodisperse polystyrene beads were used to assemble the beads within the dyed nanobowl structures. A 1.0 % wt. solution of beads (1 pm/ violet, 500 nm/ orange, 200 nm/ red nominal diameters, Phosphorex) in water, was mixed 1:3 with a surfactant solution (Triton X- 100:methanol/1:400 volume) (Fischer Scientific), cast onto the dyed patterns in a discrete 2.0 p.L droplets, and allowed to dry under ambient conditions for 15 minutes. The nanobowl template directed the particles to assemble within the bowl structures, creating a bifunctional pattern. Trifunctional surfaces were produced from a 1:1 mixture of 1 pm violet beads in surfactant solution and 200 nm red beads in surfactant solution. Pattern Visualization and Characterization: The patterned samples were sputter coated with 5 nm of gold, and SEM images were obtained using a JEOL JSM 6060 with 3 kV acceleration voltage. Fluorescence microscope images were obtained at 100x magnification using a Zeiss Axiovert 200 inverted microscope with either a FITC or DAPI filter set. Image analysis was performed using GIMP 2.6 software. 5.4. Results and Discussion The generic process scheme for producing bifunctional patterns is shown in Scheme 5-1. Patterned PEDOT-co-TAA copolymers containing free carboxylic acid groups (Scheme 5-la) are directly reacted with an amine containing dye (FITC-NH 2) to 141 . ........ . ..... .... .......... . ... . ......... . ......... ....... ... . ................ .... ............ create green patterns (Scheme 5-ib). Alternatively, blue patterns are created by pretreating the patterns with phenylenediamine (PDA) and subsequently reacting with an AMCA-NHS dye (Scheme 5-1c and 5-1d). Fluorescent beads are then assembled within the bowls through template directed assembly within the pre-patterned film (Scheme 5le).' (b) r (a) MeOH/NH2-FITC, NHIS, DCC I H 8 hours OOH OOH OH OH OOH or PEDOT-TAA, PS Shell Silicon --- (C) Substrate MeOH/PDA, NHS, DCC NH 2 L. NH 2 k NH2 N NH2 12 hours NH NH NH (e) (d) NH Assemble fluorescent beads I q:.J=. NHS inMeOH, 8 hours H Scheme 5-1: Carboxylic acid groups on patterned oCVD films (a) are directly reacted with amine containing FITC dye (b) to create green patterns. Indirect reaction with PDA and AMCA-NHS will create blue patterns (c and d). The dyed nanobowls are then used for template directed assembly of fluorescent beads (e), which creates bifunctional patterns. This process provides two distinct avenues for selectively coupling desired functionalities. Although the above scheme demonstrates the immobilization of dyes, the surface functionality could be used to immobilize primary amine or NHS containing 142 ................... ............ ::::::..:: - - - -- - -- -- -= - I - - - - proteins, antibodies or nanoparticles 7 for sensor applications. Furthermore, as the particles assembled within the patterns can contain unique surface functionalities, such a multifunctional surface can be used to monitor the interaction among absorbed components from a complex biological mixture.9 Figure 5-1 shows an array of 200 nm non-fluorescent polystyrene beads assembled within PEDOT homopolymer nanobowl patterns. Figure 5-1: PEDOT homopolymer nanobowls containing statistically distributed quantities of 200 nm diameter non-fluorescent polystyrene beads (p = 4.95 beads per bowl, a = 2.13 beads per bowl). Because the diameter of the beads is significantly smaller than the diameter of the bowls, up to five adjacent beads can be accommodated across the largest lateral dimension. However since the diameter of the "bowl" varies in the z-direction, the quantity of beads 143 - - - , __ per bowl is statistically distributed' 0 (Mean = 4.95 beads per bowl, Standard Deviation = 2.13 beads per bowl). By decreasing the diameter difference between the nanobowls and the beads, the quantity of beads per bowl and the statistical spread will decrease. Figure 5-2a and 5-2b shows an array of 500 nm fluorescent polystyerene particles assembled within PEDOT-co-TAA (functionalized with FITC-NH 2 dye) copolymer patterns. Although the distribution of beads per bowl has decreased, the interaction between the beads and the template appears to increase. The white arrows in figures 5-2a and 5-2b indicate assembly defects where there is strong interaction between the beads and the template. In chapter four we indicated that the walls of the nanobowls contain a layer of polystyrene. The terrace between the nanobowls does not contain the polystyrene layer, and appears to strongly interact with the beads, causing the beads to attach to the top of the terrace. In figure 5-2a, this defect allows two 500 nm beads to assemble within a single bowl; in figure 5-2b, this defect causes a single bead to assemble outside of the confining geometry of the nanobowl. This effect is much less pronounced when 200 nm diameter fluorescent beads are used, as electrostatic interaction energy has been shown to decrease linearly with particle diameter.10 Figure 5-2c and 5-2d show 200 nm beads assembled within dyed PEDOT-coTAA copolymer patterns. The beads assemble within the nanobowls in an analogous manner to the 200 nm non-fluorescent beads. Furthermore, the distribution of beads within the bowls is different than what was observed in figure 5-1. This reflects how the assembly process can vary depending on the template and bead functionality. 144 Figure 5-2: 500 nm diamter fluorescent orange polystyerene particles assembled within dye) copolymer patterns demonstrate PEDOT-co-TAA (functionalized with FITC-NH 2 two types of defects: two particles assembling within one bowl (a) and particles attaching to the terrace of the nanobowl structure (b). 200 nm red beads assembled within AMCA- NHS dyed PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer patterns (c) (d) assemble in an analogous manner to the 200 nm diameter non-fluorescent beads. Although it is difficult to quantify the effects of surface interaction on the quality of the template directed assembly, it is essential to analyze the factors that may influence the uniformity. Various studies have determined that there are three major forces that act upon the colloidal particles throughout the self-assembly process: gravitational forces, 145 electrostatic forces, and capillary forces.' -14 As the density of the beads is approximately equal to that of the wetting media, gravitational forces are usually negligible." Electrostatic forces become particularly important when there is an attractive force between the beads and the template. This factor is responsible for the beads randomly sticking to the template in Figure 5-2b. Previously reported strategies for overcoming this limitation have been to modify the surface wettability in order to create a repulsive interaction with the particles 13,15 or to directly change the surface charge of the template by controlling the pH value of the dispersion medium. 10 "' Capillary forces from the dewetting liquid front provide the most important driving force to push the colloidal particles into the template holes. By properly engineering a fluidic cell for controlling the dewetting process, the effect of surface interaction can be eliminated. Although the procedure that was employed in chapter three can create uniform monolayers of hexagonal-close-packed particles on a planar substrate, this procedure has notable short comings for the template directed assembly reported in this chapter. In order to ensure uniform template assisted assembly over large areas, a simple fluidic cell should be constructed according to previously published procedures. 11,16 This would create a uniform drying front and allow a greater degree of control over the magnitude of the capillary force exerted onto the colloidal particles. To demonstrate the potential of using a template directed assembly process for optical data storage, the patterns depicted in figure 5-2c and 5-2d were visualized under a fluorescence microscope. Figure 5-3a shows an optical micrograph of the 200 nm red beads assembled within AMCA-NHS functionalized PEDOT-co-TAA nanobowl patterns. Only the 1 pm diameter nanobowls are visible under the white light illumination. When the patterns are illuminated using a DAPI filter set, the two dyes 146 become visible (Figure 5-3b). Image analysis was performed to decouple the respective dye signals. The blue regions correspond to the PEDOT-co-TAA regions that were functionalized with the AMCA dye (figure 5-3c). This represents the regions along the perimeter of the bowls. The yellow regions correspond to the 200 nm beads that are assembled within the nanobowls (figure 5-3d). Although the actual bead color is red, the DAPI emission filter only allows for the yellow component of light to pass. The hexagonal pattern of the yellow emission indicates that the 200 nm particles are assembled within the bowls. This image demonstrates a proof of concept that bifunctional patterns can quickly be achieved through template directed assembly. Through proper laser excitation, each color could be selectively photobleached to record different information on the same spot. This process has previously been demonstrated as a feasible method for reading/writing data without cross-talk.4 Furthermore, an important consideration when using multiple dyes for data recording is the tradeoff between recording time and photostability of the dyes used. In order to reduce the destructive readout of the patterns, high photostability is preferred. Therefore, when evaluating these patterns for optical data storage, it might be necessary to vary the dye components to optimize the photostability and recording time. Figure 5-3e shows a fluorescence micrograph for the template directed assembly of 1 prm diameter dyed beads onto FITC-NH 2 functionalized PEDOT-co-TAA nanobowls. Since the center to center distance between the nanobowls is identical to the diameter of the beads, the beads in the top layer are hexagonally-close-packed and are in physical contact with one and other. These packed beads obscure the underlying template, which limits the applicability towards optical data storage. Thus, future studies 147 I........... ....... ........ ...... .... .................. . should focus on using either 700 nm, 500 nm, or 200 nm dyed polystyrene beads so that the dyed regions along the perimeter of the bowls remain exposed. Figure 5-3: Optical micrograph of 200 nm red beads assembled within AMCA-NHS functionalized PEDOT-co-TAA nanobowls (a). When these patterns are illuminated using a DAPI filter set, the two dyes become visible, demonstrating bifunctional patterns (b). Image analysis decouples the dye signal corresponding to the bowl perimeter(c) from the fluorescent bead signal (d). Fluorescence micrograph for the template directed assembly of 1 pm diameter dyed beads onto FITC-NH functionalized PEDOT-co-TAA nanobowls 2 148 (e). Trifunctional patterns using two distinct fluorescent beads assembled atop FITC-NH 2 dyed nanobowls resulted in an irregular assembly (f). Figure 5-3f demonstrates an attempt to produce trifunctional patterns using two distinct fluorescent beads assembled atop FITC-NH 2 dyed nanobowls (1 Pm diameter blue beads and 200 nm red beads were used). The lack of control over the drying process resulted in irregular assembly of both sets of particles, confirming the limitations of the experimental procedure in creating a controlled assembly. By precisely controlling the drying process, Blaaderen and coworkers were able to create binary colloidal crystals consisting of silica beads of two different diameters. 7 By controlling the drying front, three distinct binary structures can be created. Similarly, asymmetric dimers of different size red and green beads were assembled within pre-patterned templates. This was achieved merely by sequentially flowing dispersions of different colloids through the same fluidic cell." Moreover, the step-by-step deposition of 2-D arrays successfully created Kagome structures from red and green beads assembled over prepatterned templates.16 Thus, by implementing a controlled fluidic cell in our template directed assembly experiments, we can practically achieve trifunctional patterns using two distinct fluorescent beads. The presence of three distinct photosensitizers would increase the amount of binary recording modes and enhance the applicability for high density optical data storage. 5.5. Conclusions A simple process for creating bifunctional dyes patterns is presented as a first step towards surfaces for optical data storage applications. Nanobowl templates produced from PEDOT-co-TAA copolymers were used to covalently immobilize green or blue dye 149 molecules through NHS/DCC chemistry. The dyed nanobowls were used as templates for directing the assembly of 200 nm, 500 nm, or 1 pm fluorescent polystyrene beads. When the bead diameter was significantly smaller than the diameter of the nanobowls, the amount of beads per bowl was statistically distributed. High interaction between 500 nm beads and the terrace between the nanobowls resulted in beads assembling outside of the confined regions. Furthermore, use of 1 pm beads obscures the underlying dyed template. Using fluorescence microscopy, patterned dyes from the nanobowl template and the 200 nm particles were successfully visualized, indicating that bifunctional patterns can quickly be achieved through template directed assembly. In order to ensure uniform template assisted assembly over large areas, a simple fluidic cell should be constructed. This would reduce the statistical variation of particles within the nanobowl template, reduce the effect of particle/template interaction, and provide a practical route for creating trifunctional patterns using two distinct fluorescent beads. Through proper laser excitation, these bifunctional and patterns could be photobleached for the reading and writing of optical data. 5.6. References 1 J. W. M. Chon, C. Bullen, P. Zijlstra, and M. Gu, Advanced Functional Materials 17, 875-880 (2007). 2 S. Park, D. H. Lee, J. Xu, B. Kim, S. W. Hong, U. Jeong, T. Xu, and T. P. Russell, Science 323, 1030-1033 (2009). 3 H. Port, S. Rath, M. Heilig, and P. Gartner, Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 229, 463-468 (2008). 4 I. Gourevich, H. Pham, J. E. N. Jonkman, and E. Kumacheva, Chemistry of Materials 16, 1472-1479 (2004). 5 X. P. Li, J. W. M. Chon, R. A. Evans, and M. Gu, Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008). 6 B. J. Siwick, 0. Kalinina, E. Kumacheva, R. J. D. Miller, and J. 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Furthermore, e-beam lithography successfully patterned 1 Pm linewidths of grafted monolayers using power doses less than those required for traditional photolithography. Although these processes must be optimized before they can become commercially viable, this work represents an incremental step towards materials reduction and process simplification in lithography. 153 6.2. Introduction There are two approaches for covalently tethering polymers to surfaces. The "grafting to" approach requires the reaction between preformed end-functionalized polymer chains with a suitable substrate that will bind covalently with the polymer. "Grafting from" is accomplished by treating a substrate with a substance from which polymerization is initiated. The latter approach is more attractive for producing high density polymer brushes' where the theoretical maximum density for polymers deposited 2 2 on fully hydroxylated silica is 4.6 groups/nm . Historically, these grafting techniques have been performed in the liquid phase and generally result in limited film thickness.3 4 Andao and coworkers patterned polymer brushes by selective activation of tethered photoinitiators with UV light, followed by subsequent polymerization. However, the polymerization was very slow and the films were only about 25 nm thick.5 Alternatively, patterns were created by using an e-beam to bombard and decompose tethered initiators. Although lateral pattern resolution was 150 nm, it took over 12 hours to deposit 50 nm of polymer.6 Photoinitiated CVD (piCVD) was used to grow CHMA films from initiator species patterned by micro contact printing.7 This technique improved throughput for additive polymer patterning tremendously, however, the inability to continuously supply initiating species from the vapor phase limits the ultimate film thickness obtainable. In an iCVD deposition, initiator is continually supplied, thus allowing for the deposition of thick polymer brushes when copolymerized with a crosslinker. We propose a method for creating thick films of patterned polymer by using deep UV light or e-beam lithography for decomposing the vinyl anchoring sites that can be used for free radical grafting polymerization. 2 DeSain and coworkers recently studied the photolysis mechanisms for trichlorovinyl silane and allyltrichlorovinylsilane, common vinyl silane 154 coupling agents, and determined that the formation of volatile vinyl radicals was dominant at 193 nm. 8 They also found that both the adsorption cross section and quantum efficiency were orders of magnitude larger at 193 nm than at 256 nm.8 In principle, commercially available 193 nm steppers can be used for irradiation and traditional lithography masks can define exposure patterns. Because only a monolayer needs to be irradiated, this technique shall theoretically require much less energy density when compared to traditional photoresist irradiation (0.8 mJ/cm 2 versus > 15 mJ/cm 2). 9 This concept of monolayer irradiation has been pioneered by Sugimura and coworkers. 10-1 They used excimer lamp excitation at 193 nm and 172 nm to photolyze organosilane monolayers that were grafted onto hydrolyzed silicon substrates. They determined that there are indeed two competing mechanisms for the photolysis mechanism. In the presence of atmospheric oxygen, the deep UV light can create reactive ozone molecules,' 0 which react with the tethered monolayer through photoxidation. This phenomenon competes with the direct photoloysis of the silane layer. Furthermore, the unrestricted diffusion of the reactive ozone can cause feature widening, thus, high resolution features can be created by reducing the overall system pressure. Using this method they have demonstrated patterns with feature sizes as small as 565 nm. The objective of this work is to demonstrate a proof of concept for the resist-free patterning of iCVD and oCVD polymers. By using deep UV light for irradiating covalently coupled vinyl silane monolayers through shadow masks (Figure 6-la and 6lb), iCVD polymers will selectively adhere to the unexposed sites (Figure 6-1c); the patterned polymer features can be resolved by rinsing the blanket films in a solvent (Figure 6-1d). The patterned features from the monolayer are then transferred to grafted polymer films. The adhesion contrast between the grafted portions of the blanket film and 155 ................... . ............. .... .......... .. ......... the ungrafted regions result in the removal of the ungrafted portions by solvent rinsing. Eliminating the use of photoresists avoids dectructive plasma etching14 and can reduce the overall environmental impact from semiconductor manufacturing.1 5 (b) (a) Quartz Shadow Mask and Deep UV Light Exposure Vinyl Silane Treated Wafer Deposit Blanket Polymer Film Via iCVD ~monolayer (c) (d) Rinse/Sonicate With EHS Friendly Solvent Figure 6-1: Generic processing scheme for resist-free lithography. A vinyl silane treated wafer (a) is exposed to deep UV light through a shadow mask (b). An iCVD polymer blanket layer is deposited onto the irradiated substrate (c). The polymer film covalently adheres to the unexposed regions of the substrate. Rinsing in a solvent removes the untethered polymer layers and reveals patterned iCVD polymer (d). 6.3. Experimental Resist-free polymer patterning was performed using the general procedure in Figure 6-1. After a 15 minute oxygen plasma treatment, clean silicon wafers (Waferworld) were dipped in de-ionized water (Aldrich) and baked for 30 minutes in a nitrogen purged vacuum oven at 100"C. 156 Vinyl silane monolayers were grafted by evaporating 1 mL of monofunctional trichlorovinylsilane (TCVS 98%, Aldrich) in a heated vacuum oven and allowing the vapor to sit stagnant in vacuum for 1 hr. The chamber was then purged with nitrogen under vacuum and allowed to outgas for an additional 30 min to remove any unreacted species from the wafers. Water contact angles on the treated silicon ranged from 75"-780, thus confirming that the monolayer grafting was successful. A quartz shadow mask (Photronics) containing patterns of squares between 200 pim -300 pim or line patterns ranging from 1 pim - 50 ptm was placed over the silane treated wafer. A mercury (Hg) lamp (300 W) was placed inside an arc lamp housing (Thermo-Oriel), with a beam turner and full reflector directing the UV light onto the substrate, through the reticle, approximately 2.5 cm away from the reflector. The mercury emission spectrum has a small intensity tail at 193 nm, which is believed to photolyze the vinyl bonds. Typical treatments times range between 12-20 hours. Using previously published techniques,16 iCVD was used to deposit 200 nm thick blanket copolymer films of cyclohexyl methacrylate (CHMA, Aldrich) and ethylene glycol diacrylate (EGDA, Aldrich) (4 minute deposition) and homopolymer films from butyl acrylate onto an unpatterned silane treated wafer, a patterned silane treated substrate, and bare silicon. Both sets of three samples were then rinsed in isopropanol (IPA 99%, Aldrich) for 5 seconds. Additionally, using the deposition conditions reported in chapter four, oCVD was used to deposit a 30 nm PEDOT coating onto pre-patterned substrates. This film was ultrasonicated in IPA for 20 minutes. Water vapor was condensed onto the PEDOT patterns from an Erlenmeyer flask with 100 mL of water heated to 600. The flask was outfit with a stopper containing plastic tubing, and orienting the open end of the tube over 157 the patterned regions. The compositions for all polymer films were confirmed, albeit not reported, via FT-IR. E-beam lithography was performed using a Leica VB-6HR electron beam lithography system with doses ranging from 800 pC/cm 2- 6000 pC/cm 2. Contact angle measurements were performed with a contact angle goniometer with automatic dispenser (Rame'-Hart Model 500) using 2.5 piL water droplets. FT-IR spectra were obtained using a liquid nitrogen cooled Mercury-CadmiumTelluride (MCT) detector over the range of 700 cm-1- 2000 cm-1 at 4 cm-1 resolution averaged over 64 scans, and baseline corrected. Optical micrographs were captured using a Olympus CX-41 microscope with a Olympus TH4-100 fiber optic backlight. Atomic force microscope images were generated using a scanning Probe microscope (Digital Instruments, Dimension 3100) in tapping mode with a 1.0 Hz scan rate. Film thicknesses were measured using spectroscopic ellipsometry (J.A. Woollam M-2000S). Data was collected at 68' incidence angle for 190 wavelengths between 315nm and 718 nm. The data was fit to a Cauchy-Urbach model from which the thickness values were extracted. 6.4. Results and Discussion To demonstrate the UV photolysis of surface tethered vinyl, a blank vinyl silane treated wafer was irradiated under the UV lamp without a photomask. Infrared spectrum and water contact angles were acquired before and after irradiation (Figure 6-2). The asgrafted monolayer, prior to photolysis (Figure 6-2a), shows absorption peaks at 733 cm , 1009 cm-1, 1271 cm-1, 1407 cm-1, 1604 cm-1, which all correspond to the presence of vinyl.18 After UV irradiation, these peaks no longer remain (Figure 6-2b), indicating that 158 .. ... . ......... . ..... ... .............. the silicon surface no longer contains any vinyl. This assertion is further confirmed by water contact angle which decreases from 970 to 50", and shows the transition from a hydrophobic to a hydrophilic regime when surface-tethered vinyl groups are removed the underlying oxide is revealed. 1700 1600 1500 1400 wavenumber 1100 1200 1300 1000 900 (cm- 1) Figure 6-2: FT-IR spectra for as-grafted TCVS monolayer on a silicon substrate (a) and after 20 hours of photolysis with a UV lamp (b). The grey arrows indicate the position of the photolyzed vinyl groups, which are present in the as-grafted film. The reduced water contact angle reflects the removal of the organic monolayer and the subsequent exposure of the underlying native oxide from the substrate. After the iCVD deposition, the bare silicon sample did not contain any polymer after rinsing, the blank treated wafer retained the entire film, and the patterned wafer revealed 200 nm thick square patterns of p(CHMA-co-EGDA) (Figure 6-3a) 159 corresponding to the unexposed regions of the photomask. This represents a marked success when compared to solution based techniques for patterning polymer brushes, which require 12 hr to deposit ~ 50 nm 6 and more recent vapor deposition techniques which required 45 min to deposit 100 nm.7 Butyl acrylate was patterned without a cross linker and generated patterns less then 20 nm thick, after having deposited about 75 nm before rinsing with IPA (Figure 6-3b). To produce thicker film patterns, a cross linking agent, such as EGDA, is required. This increases the average size of the grafted polymer chains, which is necessary as the liftoff step removes all polymer species but those covalently bound to the surface. Figures 6-3c and 3d demonstrate the wetting contrast that is achieved after patterning grafted thin layers (<30 nm) of PEDOT via oCVD. The darker areas contain condensed water vapor that has preferentially wets the regions of the substrate exposed to UV light. The 50 pm linewidths containing PEDOT appear lighter in color and do not favorably condense the moisture. 160 . . .. ..... .......... .... ......... .. ... ....... . .... ............. ..................... Figure 6-3: 200 nm thick iCVD patterns were created from p(CHMA-co-EGDA) (a), whereas only 20 un thick patterns from iCVD p(butyl acrylate) remain after liftoff in IPA (b). The use of a crosslinker can help generate thick patterns after liftoff. Wetting contrast that is achieved after patterning grafted thin layers (<30 nm) of PEDOT via oCVD (c and d). The darker regions correspond to water condensation on the UV exposed regions. PEDOT is located in the lighter regions. We extended the basic concept of macroscopic polymer pattern definition by lithography at the monolayer level, to e-beam writing. Several line patterns ranging from 2 ptm to 10 nm were written onto the vinyl silane treated wafers (Figure 6-4a). These samples were then coated via iCVD and subsequently rinsed in IPA. Approximately 90 161 .................. ........ nm of p(CHMA-co-EGDA) was deposited via iCVD. Liftoff was performed with 5 X 5 second rinses of IPA. Figure 6-4b contains an optical microscope image which shows successful recovery of the e-beam patterns. The polymer should and did remain everywhere but in the pattern pitch, which is where the e-beam irradiation had taken place. 0 nm Decreasing Line Width (a) 1pm ( I 1 Figure 6-4: Linewidth patterns ranging from 2 pm to 10 nm were written onto the vinyl silane treated wafers by e-beam irradiation (a). iCVD was used to deposit a blanket film of p(CHMA-co-EGDA) copolymers onto the pre-pattened substrates. These films were subsequently rinsed in IPA. An optical micrograph (b) indicates that polymer features smaller than 1 pm could not be resolved. 162 ............... ....... ........ ............. AFM images (Figure 6-5) indicate that a poor iCVD deposition lead to island polymer growth instead of a uniform blanket; however, it is clear that 1 pm linewidths were recovered. An AFM line scan indicates that the average height of the patterned polymer lines was approximately 33 ±3 nm with an average FWHM of about 1.01 ± 0.01 gm. Here, the pattern pitch between the lines indicates regions where the untethered polymer had been removed. Figure 6-5: AFM image of 1 sm p(CHIMA-co-EGDA) linewidths developed from e-beam pre-patterned substrates. The white line shows the region corresponding to the accompanying line scan (bottom), which indicates an average height of the patterned lines of 33 ± 3 nm with an average FWHM of 1.01 + 0.01 pm. 163 .......... ... .......... ... .............. ............. .............. For smaller linewidths (<500 nm) there is extensive line bridging which gives rise to features which look like the capital letter 'H' (Figure 6-6). This is likely a caused by large polymeric length scales which span adjacent features. After liftoff it may be possible to have a single crosslinked polymer unit covalently linked to two distinct features, "bridging" over the pattern pitch. The likely case is that this lateral length scale is somewhere between 500 nm and 1 pim, which is larger than the pattern pitches/linewidths and is responsible for the bridging. Therefore, this process should be optimized by performing a systematic variation of crosslink density to determine the length scale threshold where line bridging occurs. Figure 6-6: AFM images showing smaller polymer linewidths (<500 nm). For smaller features, there is extensive line bridging which gives rise to features which look like the capital letter 'H' (indicated by the white circle). As 193 nm steppers are currently in commission within most semiconductor foundries, a key to demonstrating success in resist-free photolithography is to adapt a 164 monolayer irradiation process to commercially available equipment. Although this technique needs to be optimized before it can become commercially viable, this work represents an incremental step towards materials reduction and process simplification in lithography. 6.5. Conclusions UV and e-beam irradiation of grafted vinyl monolayers has been successfully used for resist-free patterning of iCVD and oCVD polymers. UV irradiation of TCVS monolayers was used to create iCVD patterns 200 nm and 25 nm thick from p(CHMAco-EGDA) and p(butyl acrylate) polymers, respectively. Wetting contrast was observed on 50 pm linewidths of grafted thin layers (<30 nm) of oCVD PEDOT. Adhesion contrast between the grafted and ungrafted portions of the films deposited onto prepatterned substrates allowed for iCVD and oCVD patterns to be developed in an environmentally friendly solvent, IPA. Selective e-beam irradiation of grafted monolayers requires doses less than 800 pC/cm 2 to achieve monolayer patterning. Patterned polymer lines were obtained for p(CHMA-co-EGDA) polymers, with features 33 ± 3 nm high and FWHM of about 1.01 ± 0.01 pam. The energy and materials requirement for this process is substantially lower than what is used in traditional photolithography patterning, as no photoresist is required. Future work should be directed at optimizing this process for integration with commercial steppers. Nevertheless, this work represents an incremental step towards materials reduction and process simplification in lithography processes. 6.6. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the support from the NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing. 165 We would like to thank Dr. Marvin Paik at Cornell University for his assistance with ebeam lithography. 6.7. References B. Zhao and W. J. Brittain, Progress in Polymer Science 25, 677-710 (2000). 2 V. Nguyen, W. Yoshida, and Y. 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Mechanically robust dielectric films with k- 2.15 were patterned to feature sizes of 25 nm using environmentally innocuous techniques. The novel patterning techniques introduced in this thesis are extendible to iCVD and oCVD polymers and can enable a wide range of applications. The areas of interest to the scientific community that this thesis primarily addresses are in realm of environmentally focused deposition of novel dielectric materials and non-conventional nanopatterning of broad material sets for semiconductor, bioelectronic, and data storage applications. 7.2. Ultra-low Dielectric Constant Films Deposited by iCVD Films grown from the cyclic monomer tetravinyltetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (V4D4) via iCVD become mechanically robust when they are thermally cured in air. The solventless iCVD method consumes an order of magnitude lower power density than the traditional Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, and preserves the ring structure and organic substituents in the as-deposited films. Silsesquioxane cage structures in the annealed films appear in the Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectra. The beneficial formation of intrinsically porous silsequioxane cages result from annealing in air. Greater hardness and modulus is observed in films with connectivity numbers above the percolation of rigidity. Removal of labile hydrocarbon moieties results in oxidation of films while simultaneously inducing porosity. In this process, the typical trade-off between improved mechanical properties and higher dielectric constants is avoided. Films annealed at 410 C have a dielectric constant of 2.15, hardness and modulus of 0.78 GPa and 5.4 GPa, respectively. 168 7.3. Grafted Functional Polymeric Nanostructures by Colloidal Lithography Colloidal lithography, combined with initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD), provide an inexpensive, simple, and environmentally friendly process for creating robust well-ordered arrays of functional patterned polymeric nanostructures up to 500 nm in height. These grafted "nanobowl" patterns were produced for a broad material set of functional organic, fluorinated, and silicon containing polymers and fully retain the organic functionality of their monomeric precursors These patterns are robustly tethered to the underlying and withstand aggressive solvent rinsing. We patterned p(V4D4) down to 25 nm without the need for environmentally harmful solvents. Capillary force lithography was used to create topographical templates for large-scale orientation of the nanoparticle assembly. Multi-scale polymeric patterns were created without the direct need for expensive lithography tools. 7.4. Conducting Polymer Nanostructures for Advanced Bioelectronic Applications Patterned and amine functionalized biocompatible conducting polymer nanostructures were fabricated using grafting reactions between oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD) PEDOT conducting polymers and amine functionalized polystyrene (PS) colloidal templates. These patterns preserve the advantageous electrical properties of the bulk conducting polymer. This surface functionality affords the ability to couple bioactive molecules or sensing elements for various applications. Fluorescent ligands were immobilized onto the amine-functional PEDOT nanopatterns and nanoscale substructure was introduced into the patterned oCVD layer by replacing the FeCl 3 oxidizing agent with CuCl 2. 169 7.5. Multi-functional Template Directed Assembly Towards Optical Data Storage Fluorescent colloidal particles were assembled within dyed PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer nanobowl templates to create bifunctional patterns. Using fluorescence microscopy, patterns of red fluorescent 200 nm beads were successfully visualized within blue dyed 1 pm diameter PEDOT-co-TAA copolymer nanobowls. These bifunctional patterns can be easily synthesized, and are attractive for optical data storage applications Pattern uniformity could be optimized by implementing a simple fluidic cell to control the drying front during the template directed assembly process, and can enable the fabrication of trifunctional surfaces. 7.6. UV and E-Beam Patterning of Vinyl Coupling Agents for Polymer Patterning In the final work of this thesis, UV lithography was used to pattern covalently tethered vinyl monolayers. iCVD or oCVD polymers deposited onto the pre-patterned substrates graft to the unexposed regions. Non-tethered polymers were removed with an environmentally friendly solvent, IPA. p(CHMA-co-EGDA) and p(butyl acrylate) were successfully patterned without the use of a photoresist. Wetting contrast was observed on grafted thin layers (< 30 nm) of oCVD PEDOT. Grafted monolayers 1 pm in width were patterned with e-beam using power doses smaller than those required for traditional photolithography. Although this process shows promise for resist-free photolithography, further optimization is required to create a commercially viable process. 7.7. Future Work The studies described in this thesis lay the basis for additional, applicationoriented work. In particular, the approach of this thesis has been to explore novel techniques in iCVD and oCVD to increase the general applicability of these platform 170 technologies. The novel processes reported are merely a means to an end, and benefit from optimization and fine tuning. There are several avenues for improving the p(V4D4) dielectric films. A first order improvement would be to the thermal stability of the films. The thermal curing process reported in chapter two results in approximately 45% film loss. An interesting study would be to examine the film shrinkage for films deposited at elevated substrate temperatures (ca. 300*C). This form of "soft baking" has been shown to increase the thermal stability of PECVD low-k films. Furthermore, low thermal stress is required for successful film integration. Four cured p(V4D4) films were shipped to Junjun Li at TEL LTD. for thermal stress analysis; however, budgetary reasons did not allow for the independent characterization of the samples. There are many target applications for the patterning work reported in chapters three and four. Although this thesis focused on the fabrication of novel nanostructured materials, such as functional, fluorinated, and conducting polymers, the challenge becomes to use these materials in a target application. For example, the robust multi-scale patterns reported in chapter three can be used for creating optical waveguides or cell growth scaffolds. Christy Petruczok has recently created high surface area nanobowl structures from p(vinyl pyridine), for detection of nitro-aromatic explosives. The functionalized conducting polymer nanobowls reported in chapter three can be used to construct biosensors or as a platform for cell stimulation. Two major issues remain unresolved from the multi-functional template assisted assembly study reported in chapter five. The absence of large-scale pattern uniformity would preclude the use of this process for high density optical data storage. Large scale pattern uniformity can be greatly improved through strict control over the drying process. 171 Further study will require a custom built fluidic cell, which can easily be fabricated using previously published techniques. Moreover, an optics set-up is necessary to evaluate the ability to read and write multiple bits of data to the same regions of the multi-functional patterns. Dr. Steve Kooi at the ISN can provide the necessary expertise in arranging the appropriate lasers, and filters, for selective photobleaching (data recording). Fluorescence microscopy will remain the tool of choice for data readout. A practical application for the patterned p(CHMA) reported in chapter six can be towards the creation of airgap structures for advanced dielectric stacks. This process of resist-free lithography, however, still requires systematic study of the effects of crosslink density on the minimum resolvable feature width. Although the technique is quite robust for feature widths much greater than the thickness of the film, it becomes limiting for lateral features smaller than 1 pm. Once this study is complete, the ultimate goal is to evaluate this process on a commercial 195 nm stepper. Demonstrating the commercial viability of this resist-free process would represent a significant step towards reducing the overall environmental impact of photolithography processes. 172 Appendix A Integrative Perspective Capstone* Adapted from 100K Business Plan Submission 173 -I h)L ED Tedcr "I'll 4 OWNWAww"WO . . o Iogr-li es Revolutionary solutions for revolutionary displays Nathan Trujillo Eric Lam Kiran Divvela Yoo Mi Hong Hai Liu Faculty Advisor: Professor Fiona Murray 174 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY hLED Technologies is a company that offers technology development and licensing solutions for manufacturing hybrid inorganic-organic Light Emitting Diodes (hLEDs) to display manufacturers. Our patent pending technology developed in Professor Karen Gleason's lab at MIT is similar to the emerging Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) technology but offers more robustness, enabling longer lifetimes, a broader range of applications, and lower manufacturing costs. Because of the difficulties in manufacturing and slow adoption rate of OLEDs, we have a unique opportunity to leapfrog OLED technology. Our target customers will be display integrators for military and avionics products, who highly value the improvements but have not adopted OLED technology due to low product lifetimes. We will approach Vuzix, Parvus, and other display integrators about forming co-development partnerships to take our technology from proof-of-concept to prototype and subsequently expand into the rest of the display market. Market Opportunity The display market can be broadly segmented by display sizes: large screens, midsized screens, and small screens. Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) continue to dominate the small and midsized display markets. The newest LCDs use LED backlighting to produce white light, which issubsequently filtered to produce a range of colors. Because the majority of the produced light iswasted in filtering, LCDs are inherently inefficient. Furthermore, filtering limits the darkest black that can be produced, and hence reduces the display's dynamic range or contrast ratio. To solve these two major problems associated with LCDs, companies have been developing OLED displays. Instead of filtering light, OLEDs produce light: with no light to filter, blacks are blacker and light efficiency is improved. Unfortunately, OLEDs are sensitive to moisture and oxygen, which complicates the manufacturing process and reduces the material durability. These reliability problems have slowed the transition to OLED displays. Additionally, OLED materials have inherently low lifetimes. Currently applications with OLED displays are very few and concentrated in the consumer electronics market, which only comprises4% of the display market, but is expected to increase ten-fold in the next six years and isforecasted to reach $7Billion by 2016. Product Description Our patent-pending technology has similar device architecture to OLEDs. In OLEDs, an organic emissive layer issandwiched between two conducting layers. The key difference between OLED and our hLED technology is our emissive layer is inorganic quantum dots. Because the layer is inorganic, it is more robust and able to withstand conditions that ruin their OLED counterparts. While this seems like a simple layer substitution, the increased robustness enables significant cost reductions because we do not need the costly additional equipment, processing, and packaging that OLED manufacturing requires. 175 Competitive Advantage LED displays are separated into two categories: inorganic and organic. OLEDs have been hyped as the replacement for inorganic LEDs as they offer improvements in mechanical flexibility, inexpensive processing, and don't require an LCD to filter light. These improvements, however, come at the loss of stability, longevity, and robustness that inorganic LEDs offer and are one of the main reasons that the industry has been slow to adopt OLEDs. hLEDs, on the other hand, are both organic and inorganic and possess the best features from both OLEDs and LEDs. Because hLEDs have many of the advantages but face fewer obstacles than OLEDs, we have the opportunity to leapfrog OLEDs with this technology. Entry Strategy We anticipate a staged entry into the display market. The goal is to co-develop hLED display prototypes with our first customers and expand our IP portfolio. In exchange for exclusive use of the hLED technology, our partners will help us create a complete display prototype. The ideal target for such a partnership would offer military funding for R&D and have little current stake in OLEDs. Such an agreement will further develop our core technology and afford us more flexibility in crafting revenue strategies when targeting new segments. Stage 1: Avionics Applications We believe the avionics display industry to be the perfect point-of-entry for hLEDs. To capture the most from our technology, we will initially target avionics displays for military applications. Product specifications are set by military documents, where the emphasis ison capability rather than cost: particularly important specifications are weight, durability, and visibility in direct sunlight. Potential customers include display integrators such as Vuzix and Parvus. Because these customers are integrators, brand owners, and retailers, they flatten the value chain and offer the best opportunities for co-development partnership and military-sponsorship. Stage 2: High-end consumer devices After initial penetration into the display market, we plan to target luxury consumer applications. Apple's Display and Touch Division has already expressed interest in our technology. They have stated that we address many of the problems they experience with potential OLED manufacturers for their small or midsized devices. Similar to Vuzix and Parvus, Apple also takes the role of system integrator, brand, and retail, flattening the value chain. Although they do not manufacture their displays, their engineers qualify processes and heavily encourage their suppliers to adopt certain technologies. We believe they will help bring us into the high-end consumer market. Stage 3: Large screens - The final frontier Once established in the small and midsized display markets, we will push into the display market's final segment: large screen displays. The large screen market is extremely attractive for hLEDs because it currently accounts for 72.3% of all consumer display sales and has the poorest OLED market penetration. While the large screen 176 market isvery enticing, we will address this market last as it demands high-quantity, low-margin products and a mature manufacturing process. Sales strategy hLEDTechnologies' sales strategy involves two steps: First, we co-develop hLED display prototypes and enrich the IP portfolio by partnering with several display manufacturers, particularly those with no current stake in OLEDs. We will own the IP developed; in exchange our partners are afforded a certain amount of exclusivity in their hLED segments. Key terms of partnership will be: exclusive rights for the initial period in our partners' products, free of licensing charge during the second period and licensing charge from then onwards. Next, we focus on offering technology development services and licensing of our IP portfolio, targeting flat panel display manufacturers, integrators, and adopters in the relevant markets. One of our founders, Professor Karen Gleason, co-founded GVD Corporation, which sells customized manufacturing equipment suitable for making hLEDs. We will include sales of this equipment as part of the hLED technology development services package. Combined with the upfront development of functional prototypes, we are selling a full hLED display manufacturing solution. This strategy increases the likelihood of licensees adopting hLED directly with few R&D costs, rather than shelving our technology. In the long run, we believe that combining patent licensing with technology development services isthe most efficient and effective way of commercializing and populating the revolutionary display technology. This strategy will allow us to mitigate the potential for product delays, such as those experienced by display licensers such as Cambridge Display Technologies. Financial Projections The main source of revenue for hLED Technologies will be recurring IPlicensing fees and royalties. Additional revenue will be generated from developing and supporting a supply chain that has the capability to supply the global display markets with the materials and services needed to manufacture hLED devices. While much of the revenue will rely on IP licensing, by becoming the leading authority on hLED display solutions we can continue adding value long after patent expiry. Capital expenditures and administrative expenses are expected to be low due to the inherent cost advantage that the technology has and the expected funding for military applications. As a result, the firm is projected to have positive cash flow throughout much of the life of the firm, and net profit is expected to reach $40 million by year 5.We also expect to begin to generate more revenue from technology development and equipment services and in year 3. Given the forecasted market for OLED technology, our model reflects an increase in royalties with time. Financing needed and planned exit hLED Technologies will pursue a business model that will initially focus on a few strategic partnerships to further develop the core technology and to increase the IP 177 portfolio. hLED Technologies will own the IP developed, and in exchange, hLED's partners will be afforded a certain amount of exclusivity in their market segment. During this phase, hLED's strategic partners will bear the majority of R&D and some SG&A costs. We anticipate the firm to require approximately $20 million in military funding over the first two years. From year 3, hLED will start to work with GVD Corporation to offer customized manufacturing equipment, and offer technology development services and licensing for flat panel displays. Revenues are expected to rapidly increase as our technology expands into the larger consumer display market. This strong revenue growth will be supported by lower costs. There are several viable exit strategies for hLED. We could sell the business to an existing licensing company, manufacturer or buyout firm; or take the company public through an IPO. Historically, the most successful OLED licensors have sold their IP rights and assets to large display integrators. Milestones To keep hLED technologies on track for a successful staged market entry, the following milestones are set for the first five years: e Year 1-Establish co-development partnership with key customers and develop hLED display prototype e Year 2-Obtain avionics retrofitting contracts to sell/replace > 10,000 avionics displays * Year 3- Establish relations with high-end display manufacturers and assist development of small/midsize displays * Year 4-Three lines of high-end products using our display technology. Approach large screen display manufacturers e Year 5-Assist in development of large screen hLED displays. Expect release of new products in mid 2016. The Team Professor Karen K.Gleason isthe Associate Dean of Engineering for Research at MIT and the Alexander and I. Michael Kasser Professor of Chemical Engineering. Professor Gleason received her B.S. in Chemistry and M.S. in Chemical Engineering at MIT and her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. She received both the NSF Presidential Young Investigator and ONR Young Investigators Program awards. She has authored more than 150 publications. From 2001 to 2004, she served as Executive Officer (Vice-Chair) of the Chemical Engineering Department and from 2005 to 2008 served as Associate Director for the Institute of Soldier Nanotechnologies at MT. In 2001, she co-founded GVD Corporation, a technology company based in Cambridge, MA. 178 KiranDivvela has been involved with Internet startups since 2000, starting as a cofounder of FeedMe and most recently at the venture backed social gaming startup Dotblu. Kiran started his career at Apple after graduating with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Michigan Yoo Mi Hong worked as a Senior Analyst in Lehman Brothers' Global Real Estate Group, where she performed valuation analyses and conducted due diligence on real estate investments. She was also an Associate and Co-Founder at Principal Investment Advisor, a real estate and distressed debt investment firm. Ms. Hong received a BA in Computational and Applied Mathematics from Rice University and is an MBA candidate at MIT Sloan School of Management. Eric Lam was part of a product development team at Hewlett-Packard where he worked on outlining and characterizing printing fundamentals for next generation inkjet printers. He is continuing his work in researching inkjet printing applications for deposition and micromachining as a PhD Candidate in EECS at MIT. He has two BS degrees from the University of Washington in EE and BioE and an SM in EECS from MIT. Hai Liu worked as an Assistant Product Manager at the Digital Media & Communications Division of Samsung Electronics, where he specialized in consumer electronics product development, emerging market strategies, telecom client management and manufacturing quality control. He isan MBA candidate at MIT Sloan School of Management, and he holds the BS and MS degrees, majored in EE, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Seoul National University, respectively. Nathan Trujillo, PhD is an MBA candidate at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Prior to Sloan, Nathan received his PhD in chemical engineering from MIT under the mentorship of Professor Karen Gleason and an MS in Chemical Engineering Practice. Prior to MIT, Nathan also worked as a process engineer at Intel Corporation and for General Atomics Corporation's nuclear hydrogen production project. He attained his BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at San Diego. 179 MARKET ANALYSIS Since there iscurrently no hLED market, we will report on the OLED market. The OLED market is currently over $600 million. However, Display Search (a market research firm dedicated to displays) believe that OLEDs will become a $7 billion industry by 2016. These numbers are trending upwards. As mentioned before, the OLED market is set to increase over 10x in a six-year period. Also, as people become more energy conscious, we believe that trend will grow. Currently, OLED market growth iscontingent upon the increased adoption of high-end phones and MP3 players. Many high-end phones and MP3 players use OLEDs as a point of differentiation because of their higher quality and lower energy consumption. Since our technology facilitates LED manufacturers' ability to create OLEDs, we believe that the adoption of hLED manufacturing technology will increase the demand for the category of lower power, high contrast display technologies, which is ultimately a substitute for LEDs. The market opportunity is a function of a shift from an older technology (LED) to a newer, better technology (OLED). However, since OLED is prohibitively expensive, hLED allows LED manufacturers to leapfrog OLED to a different type of low cost, high quality display technology. Market Segmentation Display Sizes The display market can broadly be segmented by display sizes: large screens, midsized screens and small screens. Included in the large screens category are television panels and flight simulator screens, which typically are 24" in diagonal or larger. Flight simulators can require displays that are even larger when mimicking the windshield. Among the midsized displays are laptops, computer monitors, smaller television screens and flight simulators. Finally, consumer handheld displays such as cell phones, PDA devices and mobile media players comprise the majority of the small screens market. Helmet displays in the military that project a virtual image to simulate large screen displays also comprise a segment of the small screens market. Large screens- Approximately 72.3% of sales of displays come from large screens.1 The major LCD television makers are BenQ, TECO, Sampo, Tatung, Lite-On, AOC, Compal, Visionbank, Phlips, Coretronics, and Albatron. These are then rebranded to Sharp, Philips, Samsung, Song, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Toshiba, JVC, Sanyo, TTE, and Syntax. These LCD manufacturers make up over 70% of the LCD market. Frost & Sullivan. Market Engineering Research. World Display Driver ICs Market. <http://www. frost.com.libproxy.mit.edu>. 180 Although the majority of televisions today are made using LCD technology, major manufacturers are split on next generation technology. Some, such as Sony, have committed to OLED technology, although at a slow adoption rate. In an interview conducted by Tech Radar, Sony states "The OLED TV market will not surpass the LCD TV market within the next few years... Rather, we think it is necessary to steadily cultivate OLED so that we can deliver new lifestyle ideas and applications that make full use of OLED technology." They realize the value in OLED, but also accept the manufacturing problems that need to be addressed to enable OLED technology. Others are less enthusiastic. According to Carl Mansfield from Sharp Labs, they "do not have any activity in this area and had no interest in proceeding with a discussion." The main reason seems to be that television flat panel display is so cost sensitive and capital intensive that until a disruptive technology with mature manufacturing techniques is developed, most vendors will remain with the conventional flat panel technologies of LCD and plasma. In flight simulators, the top sellers are CAE, FSI, Thales, and Mechatronix. A major manufacturer (anonymous by request) revealed that the display unit alone cost approximately $1M: "The civil market is 20 to 40 FFS / year, let's say 200 and $400M / year. Visual system is around $1M / FFS." Decreasing the cost of the visual system can be interesting, but more importantly is decreasing weight, since the dynamic platform is approximately 12 tons; OLED and OLED-like technologies can address this pain. Today, the main technology used is liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS), a rear projection display technology which is cost effective for large displays. OLED-like technologies have fewer components and can be competitive here as well. Because these customers require low quantities with high margin, it is possible to be successful in this market with a 2 prototyping lab. Midsized screens-Midsized and small screens comprise 27.7% of total sales. 3This segment isdominated by laptops and computer monitors in the consumer space. In laptops, the OEM manufacturers are Quanta, Compal, Winston, ASUS, Unwill, FIC, Arima, ECS, Clevo, Mitac, and LG Electronics. These are normally rebranded to Dell, HP, Acer, Toshiba, Lenovo, Fujitsu-Siemens, Sony, NEC, ASUS, Apple, and Gateway. The top ten make up over 80% of the market. The OEM manufacturers of computer monitors are AOC, BenQ, Foxconn, Lite-On, Philips, Coretronics, Compal, Delta, Proview, Samsung, and LG Electronics. These are then 8 rebranded to Dell, Samsung, HP, Acer, LGE, Philips, BenQ, Viewsonic, Lenovo, SONY, and NEC DS. The top ten make up 67% of the market. Looking at flight simulators, each virtual cockpit requires multiple screens to display diagnostics and controls. Similarly, their real world counterparts in avionics require the 2 iTeams Report. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Light Emitting Diodes. 3Frost & Sullivan. Market Engineering Research. World Display Driver ICs Market. <http://www. frost.com.libproxy.mit.edu>. 181 same hardware. Many of the hardware manufacturers, such as Parvus, provide durable but bulky display units. OLED displays can potentially be thin and lightweight, but durability is still an issue. Hybrid LED displays can provide a solution to both of these major problems. And because the market is less competitive than the consumer space, there is more potential to compete on functionality rather than manufacturing efficiency.4 Small screens- The handheld display market is also highly competitive, but here OLEDs have penetrated the market much further than anywhere else. They are already being used in many commercial devices. In 2008 for example, Nokia began requiring all of their small screen vendors to be able to produce OLED displays. Hybrid LED is a good fit with niche consumer applications such as the Apple cell phone and mp3 players because they can command higher margins and afford these manufacturing costs. However, because the technology needs to be mature enough to sell to a live manufacturer, the technological risks are too substantial at this time. Finally, helmet displays are the analog to handhelds for the military market. They are generally even smaller, and project a virtual image into the eye to simulate large screen displays at a fraction of the weight. Because they are to be worn in rugged terrain, the most important requirements are weight and durability. Considering each of the segments of the display market according to display size, the large screen market seems attractive for hybrid LED because there is a large addressable market that has experienced less market penetration by competing technologies such as OLEDs. Industry The display market can also be segmented by industry. The four main industries that purchase display systems are military, medical, consumer electronics and industrial. Summarized below are the total market size and segmentation according to technology. Military- The military comprises roughly 10% of sales in the display market with roughly 1,161,977 displays. DoD budget for technological development has risen drastically over the past few years with billions of dollars added to the DoD budget for R&D development.5 Today the flat panel display market is largely dominated by LCD panels. Much research and engineering work is being done on OLED panels to push it as the next technological node in displays. Hybrid LEDs provide many of the same benefits of OLEDs, and solve some of the difficult manufacturing issues, which may allow our hybrid LED technology 4 iTeams Report. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Light Emitting Diodes. 5Daniel D. Desjardins, James C. Byrd, and Darrel G. Hopper. SPIE Digital Library. Military display market: update to fourth comprehensive edition. <http://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/>. 182 =:::..,:: ............... .. .... . ........... "I'll", . .................... -- .. .............. . .... . ........................ to replace OLED as the next node altogether. Given the conditions of the market and the relatively high cost to a display manufacturer of transitioning from the current LCD technology to ours, we decided to pursue commercialization through targeting the avionics industry. The industry values displays that are lightweight, durable and high contrast, all conditions that are satisfied by the technology. In the following section we give an overview of this industry. The Avionics Market- The current IOLED tests have yielded parts with a brightness of 1600Cd/m2. This exceeds the brightness specification necessary for the avionics market. The current lifetime numbers are 10,000 hours, which is not sufficient for the avionics market. While the required lifetime number varies widely it is generally considered to be 20,000 hours minimum, and up to 50,000 hours. Some devices have even less stringent specification, for instance the Northrop Grumman Military Avionics MultiFunction Display has a MTBF of only 5677 hours, something that we can already achieve. Efficiency is less important in this market, which is important as the current research isyielding relatively low efficiency when compared to other display types. While it seems logical that the efficiency will improve dramatically it is the one metric 6 where the current technology performs well below existing displays. Figure 1.LCD display configuration for a Boeing 747 Displays are a critical component of airplanes, as they display vital information to the crew. Currently, most displays are LCD. There are inherent problems with LCD in the avionics industry, but there has never been a different technology that could compete. The avionics demands light-weight displays with high contrast. We believe the inorganic organic hybrid LED is a perfect technology for the avionics display industry. Low weight is desired, as every fraction of a pound that can be removed will boost performance of 6 iTeams Report. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Light Emitting Diodes. 183 the airplane. Also, high-contrast ratio is important, as airplanes will be operated both in direct sunlight and nighttime, which require drastically different brightness levels.7 The avionics market is made up of military, commercial and private aircraft. The military market istempting to go after, as the margins are quite high. Despite the relatively small variety of airplanes being produced at any one time there are regular retrofits of existing airplanes, and these almost always involve an upgrade to the displays. In addition, there isa push to move away from analog gauges so the number of displays in the military aircraft market isonly going to increase. With nearly 20,000 new planes in the next 20 years, there is a feasible market for avionics displays. Medical- The medical industry comprises roughly 5%-6% of total sales in the display market. The market size is $329.9 million in terms of revenue and 110,499 in terms of number of units. Typical applications are medical imaging acquisition display monitors, diagnostic and referral display monitors, surgical display monitors and patient medical display monitors. 9 Consumer Electronics- The consumer electronics industry is the largest with roughly 70% of total sales. An increase in the demand for digital information coupled with the demand for portability of devices is one of the main drivers backing the race to develop new and innovative technologies in consumer electronics. Current trends in the industry are clear indicators of the same. The display industry has witnessed significant growth, both technologically, as well as in terms of market volumes. Earlier, all displays were based mainly on CRT technology, however, over the past few years LCD and plasma displays have invaded the CRT space in a number of sectors. LCDs, owing to their low cost, have found wide use as displays in portable devices and laptops. However, as technological developments are continually on the rise, OLED (organic light-emitting diode) displays are now seen to be upsetting the strong foothold that LCDs have enjoyed so far in the display market.10 Industrial- The industrial sector comprises roughly 7%-10% of total sales with a wide range of displays manufactured for industrial applications. Competing Technologies Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs)- LCDs are still the display technology of choice for small and midsized displays. LCDs rely on a backlight and subtractive processing of light to produce a range of colors. Although efficient backlighting allows the technology to utilize relatively low power, the inherent subtractive process leaves potential for improved light efficiency. Furthermore, the subtractive process puts a limit on the iTeams Report. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Light Emitting Diodes. Daniel D. Desjardins, James C. Byrd, and Darrel G. Hopper. SPIE Digital Library. Military display market: update to fourth comprehensive edition. <http://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/>. 9 Frost & Sullivan. Market Engineering Research. North American Medical Display Monitors Markets. <http://www. frost.com.libproxy.mit.edu>. 10iTeams Report. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Light Emitting Diodes. 8 184 darkest black that can be produced, and hence a limit on contrast ratio. LCDs comprise roughly 90% of the market." Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)- To solve the two major problems associated with LCDs as described above, much recent work has been done to enable OLEDs. Instead of a subtractive process, OLEDs are additive. Blacks are blacker and less light is lost due to absorption. However, problems remain with OLED technologies, and these problems have slowed the transition from LCDs, as shown in the penetration diagram below. OLEDs are sensitive to moisture, which complicates the manufacturing process and inhibits high durability. In addition, the dyes no not inherently have a high lifetime. Thus, applications with OLED displays are currently very few and concentrated in the consumer electronics market. OLEDs comprise roughly 4% of the market.1 2 3D and Holography- 3D and holography are being adopted in the medical industry for the use of volumetric 3D displays for specific applications. Penetration in consumer electronics has been low and is currently limited to gaming applications. In the industrial market, oil and gas exploration and production sectors utilize 3D visualization. 3D and holography serve roughly 1%-5% of the total market.' 3 Multi-touch Displays- Multi-touch displays are currently available only in high-end mobile phones and serve roughly 1%-5% of the total market. 14 In light of the market analysis and segmentation performed above, to capture the most from our technology, we will target displays for military applications initially. Product specifications are set by MIL documents, and emphasis ison capability rather than cost. In particular, the important factors discussed previously are weight, durability, and cost. Visibility in direct sunlight is also a must. Flexibility here can also be leveraged for large displays in flight simulator applications. Potential customers include eMagin, Vuzix, and Parvus. One reason the value chain isflatter for niche applications, is because these companies are essentially integrators, brand owners, and retailers. Afew, including eMagin, also own IPon materials. After honing our product with sales and collaboration with military, we plan to target niche consumer applications. Apple's Display and Touch Division has shown interest in our technology. We address many of the problems they experience with potential OLED manufacturers. Like many of the military manufacturers above, they take the role of system integrator, brand, and retail, and flatten the value chain. Although they do not manufacture themselves, their engineers qualify processes and heavily encourage their suppliers to adopt certain technologies. They will help bring us into the high-end consumer market. 11 Frost & Sullivan. Market Engineering Research. World Display Driver ICs Market. <http://www. frost.com.libproxy.it.edu>. Frost & Sullivan. Market Engineering Research. World Display Driver ICs Market. <http://www. frost.com.libproxy.mit.edu>. Frost & Sullivan. Technical Insights. Innovations in Display Technologies. <http://www. frost.co m.libproxy.mit.edu>. 13 Frost & Sullivan. Technical Insights. Innovations in Display Technologies. <http://www. frost.com.libproxy.mit.edu>. 1 13 185 Finally, after our hybrid LED process has penetrated the consumer market, we will attempt to enter the commodity display market. Here, the top three FPD integrators are Samsung, LG, and AUO. Samsung and LG brand some of their displays, but for the most part FPD integrators are at the bottom when it comes to margin. High quantities make up for these low margins, so cost efficiency is most important. By this stage, we hope our manufacturing process will be tuned to be competitive with the state of the art, while our technical specifications remain superior. Competition and Competitive Advantage Initially, hLED Technologies seeks to forge partnerships with avionic and military display manufactures. Such an agreement will help develop our core technology and afford us more flexibility in crafting revenue strategies when targeting new segments. We will likely encounter competition at each stage of market entry as most of our targets are current or prospective OLED customers. The main competitors are categorized into four areas involving OLEDs: developers for avionics and military displays, materials developers, commodity display manufactures, and general lighting developers. Avionics/Military Applications eMargin- eMargin is a company that develops OLED microdisplay& virtual imaging technologies. While having high-end 3D display visors for consumers, their primary business has been in the development of military applications. eMargin licenses their OLED technology from Eastman Kodak and has developed additional IP on materials. They were recently awarded $6M towards the development of a ultra-high resolution OLED microdisplay for the US Army. They reported 2009 Q3 revenue of $6.1M. Given the additional IP eMargin has already developed for their OLED products, it is unlikely that they will readily adopt hLED technology and can be seen as a direct competitor to our efforts to form partnerships for avionics & military applications. eMargin's has a competitive advantage in the military markets because they have been first to develop OLED products for the military and have been continually broadening their portfolio. However, eMargin epitomizes the OLED market: eMargin has needed to develop a lot of additional processes in order to overcome the issues with the yield and stability of their OLEDs. Our advantage over eMargin isthat our technology is inherently more stable and does not require as much supporting processes to build a viable product. QD Vision Inc.- QD Vision is arguably our closest competitor our hLED technology also uses quantum dots (namesake for QD Vison). Founded in 2004, QD Vision's purpose is to manufacture "LED technologies for consumer electronics products, flat-panel displays, electronic signage, solid-state lighting, and national security applications". Despite having over 30 patent applications around using quantum dot technology, little is known about their product development strategies. Last year QD Vision released its first 186 product which was a QD-LED light bulb intended for consumer usage. This product was developed in partnership with Nexxus Lighting Inc. and future products have not been disclosed. As QD Vision is approaching the market from the other end of the value chain, they are not seen as direct competition in the near future. Despite only having one product, QD Vision was awarded $775k from the US Army Small Business Innovation Research Phase Il Grant as part of its Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate. In addition to the grant, QD Vision has raised $13M in financing within the last year. While QD Vision has a significant advantage in financing, their lack of products over 5 years potentially suggests poor market analysis or significant issues with R&D, which hLED Technologies can capitalize on. Patent encroachment isanother serious risk we might encounter when competing with QD Vision-- this will need to be monitored. Materials Development DuPont- DuPont started developing materials and processes for OLEDs in 1993 and is currently one of the largest supplier of OLED materials and processes for OLED displays. As one of the leaders in OLED technology, DuPont is one of our major competitors. DuPont is currently addressing several of the issues with OLED manufacturing: using solution-based processes to reduce process material costs and reducing the number of patterned layers to increase throughput & yield. In addition to process improvements, DuPont is continually improving their OLED materials: in 2009 DuPont introduced their 3rd-generation OLED materials, indicating significant increases in OLED lifetimes. DuPont operates by selling their OLED components and licensing the process technology to display manufacturers. Merck KGaA- Merck is a material's company with short term and long-term strategies for OLED materials development. In 2009 they made $7.7B in revenue, representing a 2%sales growth. Merck has a leading market position in blue singlet materials and is strongly focused on developing highly efficient emitting materials for next generation OLEDs. They are developing their IP portfolio to include materials for the hole-injection layer--namely small molecules and evaporable materials. Merck acquired all of OLED-T's assets in 2008 to further expand their IPin electron transport and phosphorescentemitting materials for OLEDs. Their long-term plans are to develop ink-jet processable OLED materials, to help their customers achieve reduced manufacturing costs. As a material supplier, they work in close cooperation with key customers to deliver continuous material improvements to achieve the customer's targets. The identities of these customers are protected under NDA, but are likely high-end display manufacturers. Since Merck's business ison the extreme end of the value chain, it will be worth investigating partnership development opportunities in order to better target a broader display market. 187 Display Technology Sony- Sony is one of the world's largest consumer electronic companies with annual revenues exceeding $79B. They were late in entering into the LCD market, and in 2008 they announced that they would invest $200M on OLED production lines for midsized and large-sized panels. They have developed a proprietary packaging process that allows them to seal off the OLEDs from the atmosphere, increasing the lifetime of the display. Currently, an 11" OLED display sells for $2500. Unless Sony can significantly reduce their manufacturing costs, they will unlikely penetrate the niche avionics display market anytime soon. Samsung- Samsung is pursuing OLED development efforts through their wholly owned subsidiary, Samsung Mobile Displays (SMD). In 2005 SMD established a patent license agreement with Universal Display Corporation in order to integrate OLEDs into SM D's active-matrix display products. They are currently the largest supplier of passive-matrix OLED displays in the world. Color OLED displays for the mobile phone display market are manufactured using both active matrix OLEDs (AMOLED) and Passive Matrix OLEDS (PMOLED). SMD isthe largest supplier of passive-matrix OLED displays in the world and their 3" AMOLED panel isincorporated into mobile phones, MP3 players and other mobile devices. For future OLED applications, SMD pursuing large panel displays and flexible/transparent displays. For example, they are expected to release a 55" OLED display by 2015. State of the art SMD OLEDs have an expected lifetime at 90% emission of about 15,000 hours. They minimum required lifetime for avionics displays is about 35,000 hours. Therefore, SMD OLED will unlikely pose a threat until they can increase their material stability and extend their lifetimes. LG Display- LG Display is a large maker of displays for TVs, computer screens and mobile devices with a primary focus on AMOLED displays. In December of 2009, LG Display bought Kodak's OLED division for $100M, giving LG an incredibly versatile OLED IP portfolio. Currently, LG Display manufactures small OLED displays for mobile phones and similar devices solely for Korean market. The capacity is limited at 7k sheets/month, which is equivalent to 200K 3" screens. LG Display has announced that their 15" Active Matrix OLED (AMOLED) display will be released in Europe for 1999 Euros by May 2010. They have forecasted that the large screen displays (> 30") from their new 5G AMOLED plant will be released by 2013. General Lighting Applications Mitsubishi Chemicals- In2009, Mitsubishi Chemicals have paired up with UDC to develop new solution-based OLED materials. Additionally, they recently paired with Pioneer to enter the OLED lighting market. Their lighting prototype has not been demonstrated and is scheduled for April 2010. 188 Philips- Philips is the world's largest supplier of LED based lighting has been developing their technology capabilities in OLED lighting since 2001. In 2008 they generated $7.1B in lighting revenues, representing 17% sales growth. Much of this growth was driven by the acquisition of smaller solid-state LED companies. In 2007, they boosted their sales growth 11% by acquiring Boston-based Color Kinetics. Their acquisition of Lumileds in 2005, made them a leader in high-power LED dyes, and the recent acquisition of TIR Systems provided them with lines of fully-integrated Solid State Lighting (SSL)-modules. While they have active research in OLED technology, most of their research is dedicated to their Lumiblade line of lighting panels. As these products almost exclusively target lighting applications, they would likely not compete against our hLEDs in the avionics display segment. Philips manufacturing process competes on homogeneity of emission over the complete surface of a device and not on device resolution, which is an essential component of display manufacturing. 189 SALES & MARKETING Overall Market Strategy hLED Technologies' sales & marketing strategy involves two stages: Stage 1: Avionics Applications Co-development We plan to co-develop hLED display prototypes and enrich our IPportfolio by partnering with avionics display manufacturers. The ideal target for such a partnership would offer military funding for R&D and have little current stake in OLED technology. Moreover, avionics demand high contrast, lightweight displays, making hLED technology a perfect fit. A co-development agreement will further develop our core technology and afford us more flexibility in crafting revenue strategies when targeting new segments. Working with an established avionics display manufacture will allow us to quickly incorporate the hLED technology into a working prototype. According to the Research and Development Council, a common contractual approach for the relevant IP created by either or both parties during the co-development alliance is that "one party retains complete IP ownership and grants licenses, limited according to field of use, to the other party." We will own the IPdeveloped in creating the prototype; in exchange our partners are afforded a certain amount of exclusivity in their hLED segments. The key terms of the partnership will be: exclusive rights for the initial period in our partners' products, no licensing charge during the second period, and licensing charge from then onwards. Stage 2: Patent Licensing and technology development services Next, we will target consumer display manufacturers, integrators, and adopters in the relevant markets and offer display technology solutions and licensing of our IP portfolio. The display technology solutions will include: customized equipment, installation services, and ongoing process support. One of our founders, Professor Karen Gleason, co-founded GVD Corporation, which sells customized manufacturing equipment suitable for making hLEDs. Having access to this organization will enable us to offer customized manufacturing equipment as part of our hLED technology suite. Combining the upfront development of functional prototypes with the on-site assistance of our engineers, will we are selling a full hLED display manufacturing solution. This strategy increases the likelihood of licensees adopting hLED directly with few R&D costs, rather than shelving our technology. In the long run, we believe that combining patent licensing with technology development services isthe most efficient and effective way of commercializing and populating the revolutionary display technology. This strategy will allow us to mitigate the potential for product delays, such as those experienced by display licensers such as Cambridge Display Technologies. After initial penetration into the avionics applications, we plan to target luxury consumer applications. As previously mentioned, Apple's Display and Touch Division has expressed interest in our technology. Similar to Vuzix and Parvus, Apple also takes the role of system integrator, brander, and retailer, flattening the value chain. Although 190 ... ................. ..... ...................................................... ::.............. they do not manufacture their displays, their engineers qualify processes and heavily encourage their suppliers to adopt certain technologies. We believe they will help bring us into the high-end consumer market. Stage 3: Large screen displays Once established in the small and midsized display markets, we will push into the display market's final segment: large screen displays. While the large screen market is very enticing, we will address this market last as it demands high-quantity, low-margin products. We could face stiff competition from Sony, Samsung, and LG as all three manufactures have invested substantial capital into OLED technology and will likely resist adopting our technology initially. Other large screen vendors such as Sharp have expressed that until a disruptive technology has mature manufacturing techniques, they will continue to focus on conventional LCD displays. Thus, it would be difficult to compete without first establishing ourselves in other display market segments and maturing our manufacturing processes. Pricing The pricing of patent licensing and technology development services include various options: Royalty Lump sum Licensing + tech development services Patent licensing only Cost of tech development services+ 25% 5% of the sales Projected 10-year royalty The royalty rate is based on a representative pricing scheme for similar services in the OLED space, which can usually range from 3-6%. A lump sum payment of royalties (for sales projected over a 10 year period) will be considered on a case-by-case basis. This will provide us with short-term cash flow, but will require that we reduce the royalty rate. Technology development services are a crucial to the successful uptake of the hLED technology by new customers. At this stage, extensive knowledge of the process and components isessential, at an engineering level, and operations level. Customers will heavily rely on these services during the initial installation of the system, but will also require recurring services to maintain, repair, and/or upgrade the production line. The customer will cover the cost of delivering the services, including engineer's salary, travel, and overhead. An additional 25% markup represents the margin. This is a standard margin rate for consultants. Customized equipment prices are set by GVD, however we will sell the equipment at a 10% markup as a convenience (finder's) fee. Purchasing and/or leasing arrangements are subject to GVD's protocols. 191 :::-:-:.. .. ... -I- - __ Sales Tactics Our sales plan will include the following phases to secure the desired partners in avionics and military displays sector. * Contact potential co-development partners through direct sales (emails, calls and visits), public relation companies or personal networks. Set up meetings and invite key inventors, scientists and professors from MIT to add credibility. * Conduct negotiation with partners on terms of co-development agreement. These discussions usually involve an alliance advocate at the executive level, director-level cross functional representatives, and a dedicated technical staff. Determine the project timelines, joint-team dynamics and communication channels based on mutual benefits. Nominally, the "exclusive rights" and "free of licensing charge" periods will last four and two years, respectively. Sales at the licensing phase will follow several procedures to ensure a growing source of revenues: e Develop dedicated sales force and post-sales service team. e Determine deal structure, licensing fees and licensee targets. Both lump sum and royalty payment will be considered. e Reach potential licensees through viral marketing campaigns by demonstrating successful hLED prototypes in our partners' particular display segments. Illustrate prototypes at exhibitions and conferences such as the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Set up meetings with interested customers. * Conduct negotiation with licensees on terms, conditions and licensing technical support. Sign win-win agreements, finalize technology transfer and generate revenues. e Build on success and penetrate more display segments on top of established reputation. * Table 1 illustrates the timeline of market expansion. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Avionics Displays High-end Devices Flat Screens Table 1. Sales & Marketing Penetration Timeline Sales Force Growth The avionics co-development stage requires virtually no sales force. The founding team will be mainly performing the roles of salesmen during this period. The sales force will 192 be established once a fully functional display prototype has been developed. The number of high-end device display manufactures and adopters are limited. As such, we plan to hire 5 sales representatives to target the small- and mid-sized display manufacturers. They will focus primarily in engaging in discussions with the directors for new business development within these companies. When expanding into flat screen display market, we double the number of sales reps to 10. The compensation of sales force includes annual base salary ($100,000) and commission (5%of the deal value). The technical nature of the hLED products requires that training become a primary component of the sales recruiting process. Prior to engaging in sales, each sales person will be paired with a technical services engineer. They will accompany each other on at least 2 service calls/installations, so that the sales person can be familiarized with the services we are offering. Branding & Promotion The hLED brand represents a disruptive innovation for the display industry. We license technology and provide display technology solutions, which will improve performance and significantly reduce manufacturing cost of LED applications. The first promotion channel of our hLED brand is a website including company introduction, successful licensee cases and deal explanation. The communication platform between academy and industry such as papers, journals, seminars, workshops and conferences are other channels to promote hLED brand. Public Relation companies will be another choice to spread hLED names over the display industry. Additional brand awareness will be generated from stage 2 onwards. Similar to how Intel Inside® publicizes that a product contains an Intel chipset, every product with our technology will state "Illuminated with hLED". This product stamp requirement will be outlined during the initial licensing agreements. 193 TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCT OFFERING Product Description The hLED technologies product offering represents a full display manufacturing solution for display integrators and manufacturers. hLED's revolutionary and proprietary device architecture allows manufacturers to produce mechanically flexible and chemically robust displays for a variety of applications. Our in-house expert engineers will evaluate a customer's display manufacturing capabilities, and develop a customized strategy to achieve scaled hLED display manufacturing. These strategies will offer: e Customized process recipes and channeling of chemical resources * Development of custom-built manufacturing equipment (with GVD) e Process milestones that best leverage the licensed IP Throughout the life of the licensing agreement, customers will have access to hLED engineers to support continuous process improvement and equipment customization. The combined access to hLED Technology's IPand engineering expertise provides customers with a turnkey solution that will minimize their time to full-scale operation. How does hLED technology work? These hLED devices represent the pixels, which form the basis of a display. Our patentpending technology (Figure 1) has similar device architecture to OLEDs. In OLEDs, an organic emissive layer is sandwiched between two conducting layers. When a voltage is applied across the conducting layers, two charged species (electrons and holes) combine in the emissive layer to release a light photon. Typical OLED devices are comprised of unsaturated organometallic synthetic compounds. Because the unsaturated bonds are susceptible to degradation by air and moisture, OLED devices are typically manufactured in ultra-high vacuum environments (<10e-6 Torr) and require bulky packaging to protect them. The key difference between OLED and our hLED technology is our emissive layer uses inorganic quantum dots. Because the layer is inorganic, it is more robust, able to withstand conditions that ruin their OLED counterparts, and can be manufactured using only a mild vacuum (~1 Torr). The increased robustness enables significant cost reductions because we do not need the costly additional equipment, processing, and packaging that OLED manufacturing requires. These savings can be on the order of ~$100M-$1B per facility when considering high volume manufacturing processes. When compared to traditional LCD displays, hLEDs will use many of the same device components (Figure 2): transparent upper electrode, transparent ITO lower electrode, thin-film transistor, glass substrates, and display chassis-while eliminating the need for a backlight, polarizer, and LCD array. Thus, the hLED process can lead plug into an existing LCD display process and possibly lead to a net process simplification. 194 ............ Finally, the conducting layer consists of a conformal vapor-deposited conducting polymer. This layer isdeposited using a proprietary process pioneered in the Gleason laboratory. The conducting polymer is essential to the operation of the hLED and adds increased device robustness as it patches cracks that can form in the relatively brittle ITO anode upon mechanical flexing. Anod on Gm LIGHT Figure 2. Traditional LCD display (left) and hLED device architecture (right) Intellectual Property Strategy hLED Technologies will pursue a business model that will initially focus on strategic partnerships to further develop the core technology and to increase the IPportfolio. Once prototype displays are developed, we will leverage the full range of our IPto generate revenue. As our manufacturing process begins to mature we will possess a set of process recipes that are optimized for aspecific customer's needs. While generic process will be fully disclosed to customers according to licensing agreements, it will best serve hLED Technologies to keep certain process recipes as trade secrets, provided there is no conflict with the terms of original co-development agreements. These decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis as seen fit by hLED's lead R&D engineer and executive team. GVD will exercise any decisions regarding IPstemming from customized manufacturing equipment. Because hLEDs core technology was developed at MIT, we will apportion revenues directly related to this IPaccording to the MIT TLO licensing and royalty agreement. Technical Risks To date, functioning red hLED prototypes have been demonstrated. Red, green, and blue devices are required to form a fully functional display. While the chemistry for creating devices remains identical regardless of the color, certain performance issues 195 can arise that are color-dependent. For example, the luminous intensity of blue quantum dots can be quenched if too many linker molecules are attached to it. Therefore, special attention must be directed towards these chemistries when optimizing device recipes for blue and green hLEDs. Much of hLED's value is drawn from the chemical stability compared to OLEDs. While current hLED devices have already achieved lifetimes of greater than 10,000 hours at room temperature, avionics applications require lifetimes greater than 15,000 hours. Furthermore, in avionics applications these devices will be subjected to hostile environments. Therefore, we need establish firm benchmarks surrounding operating temperatures, pressures, humidity, cycle times, impact resilience, from which we can develop additional stress tests for our devices to determine accurate lifetime values. To date, hLED devices have been structured as a passive matrix. In order to achieve optimal switching speed and display contrast, OLED devices have been integrated into displays using active matrices. Therefore, we wish to incorporate active matrix design in future generations of hLED devices. While the thin-film technology for active matrix device isvery well established, we must be thoughtful in incorporating these processes into our hLED device process scheme. Development Resources Human resources will comprise hLED Technologies most valuable asset. The monetization of our value proposition will hinge heavily on our ability to properly balance in-house expertise with our technological and intellectual resources. The essential resources will vary depending on the stage of hLEDs development. Specifically, while developing a prototype display during the initial co-development stage we will require: * 1 PhD chemist to lead quantum dot chemistry development * 1 PhD chemical engineer to drive the development of conducting polymer layers using GVD corporation's tools * 1 PhD engineer (materials, mechanical or chemical) to specialize in integrating the manufacturing process with inkjet printing e 1 MS level electrical engineer to lead the active matrix device integration In our second stage of development we will target high-end devices. By this stage, our engineers would have developed significant competencies involving the hLED process and can support the technology service thrust of the product offering. The integration engineers will shift their focus to technology development services that target the highend market while the conducting layer engineer and chemist will drive our in house R&D effort. We will hire on an additional two MS level engineers to support the technology development services for high-end devices. The two senior engineers will be responsible for training the new engineers in their new role. We will iterate through this process as we move forward in targeting large-screen display applications. 196 ........ .... _ __... ......... .......... ............ We anticipate the R&D expenses of $8M and $12M as part of our first and second years of staged development, respectively. These figures cover: e Salary for 1 MS level engineer $180-$200K/engineer e Salary for 3 PhD level engineers $200-$220K/engineer e Lodging, travel and meal expenses for on-site co-development * Equipment in R&D Phase: customized GVD reactors, process chemicals, characterization equipment, inkjet apparatus, commercial scale gold sputtering tool, active matrix TFT elements, logic systems/softwa re/packaging for prototype, and electrical testing equipment R&D over the first couple of years is expected produce a fully functional display prototype, and should be higher than for subsequent years. From year 3 onward we anticipate ~$1M in annual R&D expenses. This will cover salary for two engineers, a new GVD reactor, and $300K for additional process innovations. Product Development Timeline and Milestones Figure 3 contains a timeline for our various stages of market entry. To keep hLED Technologies on track for a successful staged market entry, the following milestones are set for the first five years: e Year 1- Establish co-development partnership with key customers and develop hLED display prototype e Year 2- Obtain avionics retrofitting contracts to sell/replace > 10,000 avionics displays e Year 3 - Establish relations with high-end display manufacturers and assist development of small/midsize displays * Year 4 - Three lines of high-end products using our display technology. Approach large screen display manufacturers * Year 5 - Assist in development of large screen hLED displays. Expect release of new products in mid 2016. 2011 Avionics Displays 2012 1 2013 2014 High-end devices 2015 2016 Flat screen displays beyond General Lighting Figure 3.Timeline for various stages of market entry 197 MANUFACTURING, SERVICES, & LOGISTICS Manufacturing & Distribution As we are a company focusing on providing a technology solution for display manufacturers, our primary products are the processes and techniques needed to manufacture hLED displays. The maturation of our core processes and techniques will be done during the co-development phase. We will subsequently continue expanding our patent portfolio and refining our processes in-house. Our processes will focus on using off-the-shelf chemicals to reduce the amount of physical products we have to manufacture. In addition to our primary products, we will also offer the customized tools required to manufacture the hLED displays. These tools include the QD printing system, metal sputterer, and conformal deposition tool. Most of the tools will be acquired via third parties and be modified in-house. The exception to this isthe conformal deposition tool, which will be manufactured & customized by GVD. Because there are relatively few display manufacturers, the tools will be made-to-order and subsequently directly shipped to the customer. Typical manufacturing and distribution of our tools will go as follows: 1. Trained engineer will visit the customer's facilities and assess their capabilities. 2. The engineer will correspond will GVD and craft a strategy to deliver the customized conformal deposition tool. 3. While the GVD tool is being manufactured (~6 months), the remaining tools are ordered, and customized in-house to meet customer's capacity requirements. 4. Tools are freight shipped to customers and the trained engineer installs tools upon delivery. Service Under the terms of recurring technical support, we will retrofit & repair equipment components as needed. The GVD deposition tool falls under their warranty agreements and will subsequently be maintained by their personnel. Naturally, we will provide technical support & consultation should there be any problems and/or the customer wishes to install more hLED manufacturing lines. Logistics During the co-development phase, we expect to have a small lab facility for some R&D. Most of our R&D is to be conducted at our partner's facilities. As we move out of the codevelopment phase and into the high-end consumer device phase, we will acquire a small manufacturing facility. This will be used for customizing the manufacturing tools mentioned above and serve as short-term storage of said tools while the orders are being completed. In the final phases, we will upgrade from the small facility to keep up with demand. Because there are relatively few display manufacturer facilities, we do not foresee the need to invest in large-scale production of these customized tools. 198 Because suppliers of the stock tools generally target the semiconductor industry, we do not need to worry about our suppliers keeping up with our demands. Our main bottleneck is GVD because they are a relatively young company and their facilities are also limited. This, however, is not a major concern because they are planning on expanding to a new facility in South Carolina to increase their throughput. While we're producing a small amount of physical goods, we are primarily a knowledge provider. As such, the growth of our company's core capabilities will scale with human resources. With our processes and techniques maturing, we will establish extensive training guidelines and increase the MS to PhD ratio hired (~5:1). In the high-end consumer device phase, we will upgrade to a medium-sized lab facility and leverage inhouse R&D for continuous expansion of our IPportfolio. 199 FINANCIALS & OWNERSHIP This section outlines the financial projections and ownership structure for hLED Technologies. A financial summary is provided, followed by a detail analysis of revenues, cost, financial controls and ownership allocation. The following analysis is intended to give the investor a better sense of how hLED Technologies will be managed by giving transparency into operating and financing decisions, as well as intended distribution of owner's equity. Company Structuring hLED Technologies will be incorporated as a CCorp. Although we anticipate 100% of the equity to be held by the founders and potentially some key employees (except for the equity venture capitalists will receive for funding), we wanted to allow flexibility in terms of additional external funding, should the need arise, including potential IPO. We may establish subsidiaries depending on business needs. Financial Summary Income Statement (Numbers are inthousands) hIy Technologies Income Statement Summary 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2,100 4,200 - - 25,704 6,209 16,500 48,413 6,426 41,987 50,000 8,279 22,000 80,279 12,500 67,779 License Fees and Royalties Tech Services & Developnent Equipnent and Supplies Total Reienue Cost of Sales Gross Profit - - 2,100 525 1,575 4,200 1,050 3,150 13,440 4,140 11,000 28,580 3,360 25,220 Research and Developnrnt SG&A Total Operating Expenses Profit before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense 7,548 920 8,468 (6,893) (1,240) 11,048 1,060 12,108 (8,958) (2,960) 1,048 2,830 3,878 21,341 (2,960) 1,048 3,470 4,518 37,469 (2,960) 1,048 4,170 5,218 62,561 - 7,469 13,114 21,896 Taxes Incurred - - 200 Balance Sheet hLD Technoloes Balance Sheet Summary | CurrentAssets Cash Accounts receivable Inventory Total current assets HxedAssets Long-term investments PP&E (Less accunilated depr) Intangible assets Total fixedassets Other Assets Deferred income tax Total Other Assets CurrentUabilities Accounts payable Income taxes payable Acrrued salaries and wages Total current liabilities Long-term Liabilities Long-termdebt Deferred income tax Total long-term liabilities 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 517 578 12,050 34,085 38,469 517 578 12,050 34,085 38,469 7,500 (600) 18,500 (2,080) 19,500 (3,640) 20,500 (5,280) 21,500 (7,000) 6,900 16,420 15,860 15,220 14,500 0 0 0 20,911 23,079 43,990 25,247 29,582 33,918 25,247 29,582 33,918 15,500 37,000 37,000 37,000 15,500 37,000 37,000 37,000 50 50 50 Owner's Equity Owner's investment Other investments Retained earnings Total owner's equity (8,133) (8,083) (20,052) (20,002) (9,140) (9,090) 12,255 12,305 52,919 52,969 TotL1 ILiablihties and s/L 7,117 60,988 ~3. 7,8 7 S6.887 ~ 50 50 201 ............... ........... . Cash Flow Statement bhiI Technologes CFStatement S um Net incomne Adjustments to reconcile NI to NC Increaseminreceivables 2011 2012 2013 2014 (8,133) --- (11,918) 10,912 - - 21,395 - 600 1,480 1,560 20151 40,664 - 1,640 1,720 Net CF from Operating Activities (7,533) (10,438) 12,472 23,035 42,384 Purchase of equipments Net CF from Investing Activities (7,500) (7,500) (11,000) (11,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) Founders' equity Net borrowings Repayment Net CF from Financing Activities 50 15,500 21,500 - - (37,000) (37,000) 11,472 22,035 4,384 Depreciation expense Net Increase in Cash 15,550 21,500 517 62 Financial Assumptions Revenue- In our revenue forecast, we estimated the license fees and royalties based on the projected addressable market for OLEDs and projected the market share for hLED. Market data shows that there will be a $10 billion addressable market for OLEDs by 2015. Currently there is approximately a $1 billion market for OLEDs with the projected CAGR for next year being approximately 40%. Therefore, the estimated addressable market for OLEDs in 2011 is$1.4 billion (this is shown in the following chart under "Addressable Market"). We estimated our market share to be 3%based on the fact that we will be targeting the avionics market and the total market for military is approximately 10% of the total display market. We projected a gradual YoY increase of the addressable market to $10 billion by 2015 and increased our market share to 10%. We assumed a 5% licensing fee to derive the total license fees and royalties to be received by hLED Technologies. However, given the forecasted market, our royalties should increase with time. For technology services and development, we projected 10 clients by 2013, 15 by 2014 and 20 by 2015. We assumed an average of 2 services performed per year per client. We determined the salary based on the assumption that the personnel would spend an average of 5 days per service. The travel expense includes airfare, hotel and meals for the days of service, and we assumed average of $5,000 per service in service-related products and infrastructure for other expenses. We assumed 25% markup, which is similar to providing consulting services. The reason that we're starting the technology services business in 2013 is because we're assuming that we will have a partner help 202 develop the technology, fund us and have an exclusive license on the technology for the first couple years. Then after the exclusive expires we can go out to other companies and sell the technology and services associated with it. For equipment and supplies, for simplicity's sake, we assumed packaged equipment and supplies per site/client of $1 million with the number of clients projected above. We assumed 10% markup for customization. Rewnue Forecast 2011 License Fees and Royalties Addressable Market YoYincrease Market Share Marketfor hLED Subtotal 1,400,000 40% 3% 42,000 2,100 2012 2013 2014 2015 2,100,000 50% 4% 84,000 4,200 3,360,000 60% 8% 268,800 13,440 5,712,000 70% 9% 514,080 25,704 10,000,000 75% 10% 1,000,000 50,000 20 16,438 20 100 30 24,658 30 150 40 32,877 40 200 4,140 6,209 8,279 1,000 10 1,000 15 1,000 20 Tech Services & Dewlopment # of services performed Salary Travel Other expenses Subtotal - - Equipment and Supplies Price of equipmentper client # of clients Subtotal Total Sales - - 11,000 16,500 22,000 2,100 4,200 28,580 48,413 80,279 Because licensing fee isthe major source of revenue, we performed sensitivity analysis on the addressable market and market share. As shown below, our sensitivity analysis confirmed that our assumptions are fairly conservative. 203 . 18,727 19,214 19,702 20,189 20,677 21,164 21,652 22,139 22,627 23,114 23,602 ... .......................... .... .... . 21,164 22,139 23,114 24,089 25,064 26,039 27,014 27,989 28,964 29,939 30,914 26,039 27,989 29,939 31,889 33,839 35,789 37,739 39,689 41,639 43,589 45,539 23,w 25,064 26,527 27,989 29,452 30,914 32,377 33,839 35,302 36,764 38,227 28,477 30,914 33,352 35,789 38,227 40,664 43,102 45,539 47,977 50,414 52,852 30,914 33,839 36,764 39,689 42,614 45,539 48,464 51,389 54,314 57,239 60,164 33,352 36,764 40,177 43,589 47,002 50,414 53,827 57,239 60,652 64,064 67,477 35,789 39,689 43,589 47,489 51,389 55,289 59,189 63,089 66,989 70,889 74,789 Cost of Sales-Our primary cost of sales is the royalty that we would have to pay to MIT's Technology Licensing Office (TLO). We assumed 25% based on the average figure from start-up companies that commercialized technologies developed at top universities, but it would depend on what we negotiate with the TLO. We could also explore the option of buying out the patent, in which case our initial costs would increase. Cost Forecast License Fees & Royalties to MIT Revenuefrom Licensing Subtotal Total COGS 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2,100 525 4,200 1,050 13,440 3,360 25,704 6,426 50,000 12,500 525 1,050 3,360 6,426 12,500 Operating Expenses- We anticipate the R&D expenses to include equipments in the R&D phase, including customized GVD reactors, process chemicals, characterization equipment, inkjet apparatus, commercial scale gold sputtering tool, active matrix TFT elements, logic systems/software/packaging for prototype, and electrical testing equipment. In addition, there will be lodging, travel and meal expenses for on-site codevelopment. Including salaries for R&D personnel, we anticipate the expenses for R&D to be approximately $8 million and $12 million in the first and second years. R&D over the first couple of years is expected to produce a fully functional display prototype and should be higher than for subsequent years. From year 3 onward we anticipate approximately $1 million in R&D expenses, including salaries for R&D personnel. This will cover a new GVD reactor and $300K for additional process inventions. Our funding will come from the partnership we develop the technology with. This isalso what "On-site co-development" refers to in the expense forecast below. The assumptions for salaries are listed in the next sub-section. We assumed rent of $40,000/year for about 2000 sq. ft. of office space in the outskirts of Boston, such as Waltham (approximately $20/sq.ft.), for the first two years. From year 2, we assumed 3,000 sq. ft. of office space for $30/ sq. ft. and 10,000 sq. ft. of R&D and laboratory 204 38,227 42,614 47,002 51,389 55,777 60,164 64,552 68,939 73,327 77,714 82,102 space for $100/sq. ft. We assumed standard legal and accounting fees as well as travel expenses, with steady growth in the final three years as the business grows bigger. Expense Forecast 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 48 7,500 48 11,000 48 1,000 48 1,000 48 1,000 7,548 11,048 1,048 1,048 1,048 480 620 1,240 1,680 2,180 40 40 1,090 1,090 1,090 300 100 300 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 920 1,060 2,830 3,470 4,170 8,993 13,158 7,238 10,944 17,718 R&D On-site co-development Equipment Subtotal SG&A Salaries Rent Legal & accounting Travel Subtotal Total Sales Salary- The five founding members of the company will initially comprise the sales & marketing, G&A and production personnel. The five founding members have agreed to receive half the salary in the first year to free up cash for other expenses. We will hire four personnel for the first and second years of staged co-development, including 1 MS level engineer at the cost of $75-$80K/engineer and 3 PhD level engineers at the cost of $95-$100K/engineer. The salary for these 9 employees for the first year will be $480,000. We expect a dramatic growth in the number of people required after year 2 as we attempt to expand our operations beyond the avionics market. We also expect the average salary per person to grow as our business becomes larger and more sophisticated. Other assumptions that are inherent in the projection are: e Average salary includes employee tax e Sales and marketing hiring and wages are based on estimates outlined in that section of our business plan. e R&D hiring and wages are based on estimates outlined in the Technology section of our business plan. * There are only a few people on staff because we assume that we will be able to utilize the resources of our partner company. 205 Personnel Plan 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Sales & Marketing Personnel People Average per Person Subtotal 2 20 40 2 40 80 4 70 280 5 80 400 7 90 630 G&A Personnel People Average per Person Subtotal 2 20 40 2 40 80 4 70 280 6 80 480 7 90 630 R&D Personnel People Average per Person Subtotal 4 95 380 4 95 380 4 95 380 4 95 380 4 95 380 1 20 20 2 40 80 5 60 300 7 60 420 9 60 540 9 10 17 22 27 480 620 1,240 Technical Support Personnel People Average per Person Subtotal Total People Total Expenditures Payroll 1,680 2,180 Interest Expense- We assumed a conservative interest rate of 8% (approx. 5% premium over risk-free rate) for the interest expense to be incurred from government loans for the initial three years. Depreciation- We assumed straight-line depreciation with salvage value of 20% of purchase price and useful life of 10 years. Tax-We anticipated tax expenses to be approximately 35% of earnings before tax. However, this is a conservative assumption given that the IRS's tax rate schedule varies from 15% to 35% of taxable income for most corporations depending on the taxable income bracket (taxable income of $18.3 million and for 35%) and that tax credit would be given for years 1 and 2 during which the firm would incur losses. Financial Projections 206 C E -W MART M1 M2 M3 hN~mhm~-m1 M4 MS M6 TWai M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 A12 350 350 350 350 350 35 2,100 M r 88 263 24 88 263 263 2,100 525 L575 E License Fees and Royalties Tech Services &Development E o o a. Eq4unt and Supies 350 88 TaoW evane Cost of Sales GMsP t 263 _ Operating 88 263 __penses Research and Development - - 1,258 SG&A TaltperatgLFpn=se Pn& beheerestamdTau - - 153 1,411 1,258 153 1,411 1,258 153 1,411 1,258 153 1,411 1,258 153 1,411 1,258 153 1,411 (1,149) (207) (1,149) (207) (1,149) (1,149) (207) (1,149) (207) (1,149) 8,468 (6,893) (207) (1,240) (1,356) (1S.133) InterestExpense Taxes Inciured Net ln1come - - . - - - 1.35 6) 1 .L3;6 (207) 11.3-46 (1J. 3566 7,548 920 ...... ....... ...... .......... .. ...... .. ......... Technolog es Pro Forma Income Statement - 2012 MO T Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 4,200 Tech Services & Development - - - - - Equipment and Supplies - - - Total Rewnue 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 4,200 Cost of Sales Gross Profit 263 788 263 788 263 788 263 788 1,050 3,150 2,762 265 3,027 2,762 265 3,027 2,762 265 3,027 2,762 265 3,027 11,048 1,060 12,108 (2,240) (740) (2,240) (740) (2,240) (740) (2,240) (740) (8,958) - - License Fees and Royalties SG&A Research and Development Total Operating Expenses Profit before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense Taxes Incurred - - (2,960) - hLD Technolo-gies Pro Forma Income Statement -2013 Q-1 License Fees and Royalties Tech Services & Development Equipment and Supplies 3,360 1,035 2,750 Total Rewnue 7,145 Cost of Sales 840 Gross Profit Research and Development SG&A Total Operating Expenses Profit before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense Taxes Incurred Net Income Q2 3,360 1,035 2,750 ' 7,145 840 Q3 Q4 Total 3,360 3,360 1,035 1,035 2,750 840 840 6305 6.305 ,-,0, 13,440 4,140 11,000 28,580 3,360 25220 1,048 2,830 3,878 21,341 (2,960) 7,469 10,912 2,750 7,145 r 7,145 63Aa5% 6305 ,0, 262 708 970 5,335 (740) 1,867 262 708 970 5,335 (740) 1,867 5,335 (740) 1,867 262 708 970 5,335 (740) 1,867 2,72S 2.728 2 728 2.728 ,-6, 208 ..... ....... ............................................. hED Forma Income Statement - 2014 Pro Technoloies Q1 License Fees and Royalties Tech Services & Development Equipment and Supplies Total Revenue Cost of Sales Gross Profit I 01wratill1g, I-AI)CIISCI, Research and Development SG&A Total Operating Expenses Profit before Interest and Taxes Interest Expense Taxes Incurred Net Income I Q3 Q4 Total 6,426 1,552 4,125 1,607 6,426 1,552 4,125 12,103 1,607 25,704 6,209 16,500 48,413 6,426 A407 I1097 4198Q7 Q2 6,426 1,552 4,125 12,103 1,607 6,426 1,552 4,125 ' 12,103 1,607 .1 097 1 f07 12,103 1 F A , ,-,0,8, 262 868 1,130 262 868 1,130 262 868 1,130 868 1,130 3,470 4,518 9,367 (740) 9,367 9,367 9,367 37,469 3,279 5,349 (740) 3,279 5,349 - 1,048 (2,960) 13,114 (740) 3,279 (740) 3,279 5,349 -5,349 I 2 1,3 9 Pro forma balance sheet I d L. U. C~Ommomw w &Me loin Iamm. rmismsue 1 1 209 M1 M2 MDBTeddai* M4 M3 4eenaaSlaomst-201I M7 M6 MS M8 M9 (1356) (1356) Netincome Adpstments to reconce NI to NC Increase inreceivables se Deciaopm NetafraOpeadqgAdikies ( Pwchase of equiments NetCFhmiestimgAdkids (P;" I10 (OA MO M11 M12 ToWn (1,56) (1356) (1,356) (1,356) (,133) 100 (1A5) 100 (5 100 100 1o (1 (VA) (1X" (I) (P;" (I4 A) (VA) ( (1X"50) (P;" 5 (125 (1^2) 600 (7 (1m) W,0) -- Net bomirMgs I 50 Fmer'equiy 15,00 NetnCmFh= ing Adisides 15,550 Netacruse insCuh U4 15,550 (Z506) Z506) 506) 506) O6) ) hLTecnooge Pro Frm C StemnQ2 Q1 Net income Adjustments to reconcile NI to NC Increase in receivables 21 Q3 Q4 Total (2,980) (11,918) (2,980) (2,980) (2,980) - - - - - - - - Depreciation expense Net CF from Operating Activities 370 (2,610) 370 (2,610) 370 (2,610) 370 (2,610) 1,480 (10,438) Purchase of equipments Net CF from Inves ting Activities (2,750) (2,750) (2,750) (2,750) (2,750) (2,750) (2,750) (2,750) (11,0) (11,000) - - - - - 5,375 5,375 5,375 5,375 21,500 - - - - 5,375 5,375 5,375 5,375 21,500 15 15 15 15 62 Q4 Total Founders'equity Net borrowings Repayment Net CF from Financing Activities Net Increase in Cash htFD Technologies Pro Forma CF Statement -2013 Q3 Q2 I Q1 Net income Adjustments to reconcile NI to NC Increase in receivables Depreciation expense Net CF from Operating Activities I Purchase of equipments Net CF from Investing Activities - 2,728 2,728 2,728 2,728 10,912 390 3,118 390 3,118 390 3,118 390 3,118 1,560 12,472 - -- (250) (250) (250) (250) ~ -- (250) (25)) (1,0UU) (250) (250) (1,000) Founders'equity - - Net borrowings - - Repayment - - - - - - - 2,868 2,868 2,868 2,868 11,472 578 3,446 6,314 9,182 578 Net CF from Financing Activities Net Increase in Cash 211 ... I ....... I.... .. .. .... ............. .. -' ---- . - - -- hLED Technologies Pro Forma CF Statement -2014 Q3 Q2 1 Q1 Q4 Total ("IS11 HoN From Ojx ratillg ActiNities Net incone Adjustments to reconcile NI to NC Increase in receivables Depreciation expense Net CF from Operating Activities I 5,349 5,349 5,349 5,349 '21,395 410 5,759 410 5,759 410 5,759 410 5,759 1,640 23,035 - - -- (250) (250) Purchase of equipnrnts Net CF from Invsting Activities Founders'equity (250) (250) (250) (250) (250) (250) (1,000) (1,000) - - - - - - - 5,509 5,509 5,509 5,509 22,035 12,050 17,559 23,067 28,576 12,050 Net borrowings Repaynent Net CF from inancing Activities Net Increase in Cash Breakeven Analysis Breakeven Analysis 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 4- 50,000 -Ar-Revenue 40,000 -- TotalCost 30,000 20,000 10,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 The breakeven analysis shows that hLED Technologies will reach its breakeven point in 2013, the third year of its operations after the 2 years of significant initial R&D phase. Based on initial customer response and market surveys, hLED Technologies feels confident that demand and pricing power is strong. Therefore, it is anticipated that 212 ...................... internal cash flow could be stronger than projected. Since a large percentage of the revenue is based on license fees and royalties, hLED could discuss upfront fees with customers to reach breakeven more quickly. Additionally, hLED does not anticipate needing funding after year 3. Although the initial development costs are high, future cash flow margins are high enough to support necessary expansion. The size of the gross margins is illustrated below: Gross Margin 2011 2012 75% 75% 2013 88% 2014 2015 87% 84% As shown, the size of gross margins is big and price sensitivity is minimal given that licensing fees tend not to vary a lot. We also assumed a conservative rate of 5%, our sales projections were also conservative relative to the advantage of the technology and our potential market share, and we made conservative assumptions about technology services and equipments. Should the venture fall short of sales projections, the breakeven point will shift slightly more to the right, but we assumed fees and purchases from a small number of clients, so it should not shift more than a year unless there is a dramatic change in the landscape of the display market. Financial Oversight and Cost Control Because of the capital-intensive nature of hLED, costs are a very important part of the project. As a startup, it's entirely on us to keep our costs low. Initially, we considered hiring an outside auditor, but realized that would be expensive and unnecessary because our own interests are aligned with those of the company. We plan on self-policing by having each group at the company report their costs monthly to an individual on the team. This auditor will be changed to a different team member each month. This will have two effects: 1) it will force each individual on the team to have an in-depth understanding of our costs, and 2) it will require the auditor to transfer his knowledge to the next auditor, which will facilitate further knowledge transfer throughout the organization. We have a small team, so if there are significant budget overruns, we will meet up and discuss how to alleviate the budget problems. Budget problems will mean further oversight by the rest of the team to ensure the offender doesn't exceed their budget. In terms of funding, hLED will seek approximately $20 million in government grant and loans. We believe government funding to be appropriate for the initial stages of cash shortfall when developing our product with the avionics market. In addition, we will be able to maintain tight control over the ownership structure by avoiding shareholder equity dilution. We do not anticipate the need for additional rounds of funding as the cash flow margins are projected to be high enough in subsequent years as we target the consumer display market with fully-developed capabilities. 213 Exit Strategies In terms of exit strategies, hLED Technologies could sell the business or the license portfolio to an existing licensing company, manufacturer or buyout firm. Alternatively, the firm could also grow the business around hLED licenses and then liquidate the firm once the opportunities have been depleted. We will continue to monitor exit opportunities throughout the life of the firm. Ownership The table below provides founders' allotment: Founder Nathan Trujillo Eric Lam Hai Liu Kiran Divvela Yoomi Hong Total Ownership Allotment 27% 25% 16% 16% 16% Vesting Schedule (one year cliff) 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years We have instituted a four-year vesting schedule that rewards time with the company. The vesting schedule has a one-year cliff, after which founders will receive 1/16 of their equity each quarter for four years. In recognition of the contribution of the founders' effort to this point, everyone will receive 1%of equity upfront. Nathan, who has previously spent significant time and effort on this project, will receive an additional 6% of his equity upfront. hLED Technologies will initially issue 1,500,000 shares. We will set aside 500,000 shares, which would be held by an employee options pool. 7%of Nathan's equity and 1%of everyone else's equity will vest immediately, so the initial share split would be: Founder Nathan Trujillo Eric Lam Hai Liu Kiran Divvela Yoomi Hong Total Shares Vested 18,900 2,500 1,600 1,600 1,600 26,200 After 1 year of operation, if all five founders are still actively involved in the business, X of the remaining founders' equity will vest. Founder Nathan Trujillo Eric Lam Hai Liu Kiran Divvela Yoomi Hong Total Additional Shares Vested 65,732 60,863 38,952 38,952 38,952 243,450 214 . ...... ........... ........ . .. The result of this distribution schedule will be that, if at the end of four years all five founders are still actively involved with the company, they will own the following number of shares: Shares Vested 270,000 250,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 1,000,000 Founder Nathan Trujillo Eric Lam Hai Liu Kiran Divvela Yo omi Hong Total Beyond founder's equity, we anticipate allocating some equity to future key hires. For example, additional management will be considered based on the progress of the company. There would be 500,000 additional shares held in the employee options pool and we expect that some of the founders will leave the company before the four-year vesting period, thus freeing up additional shares to be sold. We plan to maintain tight control over our equity and fund the cash shortfalls that will occur in the development stage almost entirely through government funding, as mentioned above. Share Vesting Schedule Term Immediate Q1 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 26,200 26,200 9,738 11,338 60,863 87,063 ric Lam Cumntv Hai Liu Cuitv 18,900 18,900 2,500 2,500 1,600 1,600 35,333 Cumltv Shares Vested Cumltv Cumltv Kiran Divvela 16,433 Vesting this Period Yoomi Hong Nathan Trujillo Cumltv 15,216 17,716 9,738 11,338 9,738 11,338 9,738 21,076 9,738 21,076 9,738 21,076 60,863 147,925 2 16,433 51,766 15,216 32,931 Q3 16,433 68,199 15,216 48,147 9,738 30,814 9,738 30,814 9,738 30,814 60,863 208,788 Q4 16,433 84,632 15,216 63,363 9,738 40,552 9,738 40,552 9,738 40,552 60,863 269,650 60,863 330,513 Q5 16,433 101,064 15,216 78,578 9,738 50,290 9,738 50,290 9,738 50,290 Q6 16,433 117,497 15,216 93,794 9,738 60,028 9,738 60,028 9,738 60,028 60,863 391,375 Q7 16,433 133,930 15,216 109,009 9,738 69,766 9,738 69,766 9,738 69,766 60,863 452,238 Q8 16,433 150,363 15,216 124,225 9,738 79,504 9,738 79,504 9,738 79,504 60,863 513,100 573,963 Q9 16,433 166,796 15,216 139,441 9,738 89,242 9,738 89,242 9,738 89,242 60,863 Q10 Q11 16,433 183,229 15,216 154,656 9,738 98,980 9,738 98,980 9,738 98,980 60,863 634,825 16,433 199,662 15,216 169,872 9,738 108,718 9,738 108,718 9,738 108,718 60,863 695,688 Q12 16,433 216,095 15,216 185,088 9,738 118,456 9,738 118,456 9,738 118,456 60,863 756,550 Q13 16,433 232,527 15,216 200,303 9,738 128,194 9,738 128,194 9,738 128,194 60,863 817,413 14 16,433 248,960 15,216 215,519 9,738 137,932 9,738 137,932 9,738 137,932 60,863 878,275 Q15 16,433 265,393 15,216 230,734 9,738 147,670 9,738 147,670 9,738 147,670 60,863 939,138 Q16 16,433 281,826 15,216 245,950 9,738 157,408 9,738 157,408 9,738 157,408 60,863 1,000,000 215 ........ ...... ..... .............. Financial Conclusions In spite of the high initial development costs, capital expenditures and administrative expenses are expected to be low due to the inherent cost advantage that the technology has and the expected funding for military applications. The main source of revenue for hLED will be IP licensing fees and royalties, but additional revenue can be generated from co-developing and supporting a supply chain that has the capability to supply the global display and lighting markets with the materials and services needed to manufacture hybrid LED devices through the use of strategic partnerships. As a result, the firm is projected to reach breakeven by year 3 and achieve net profit of $40 million by year 5. We will seek to receive $20 million in government funding. We expect the firm's financing needs to be minimal thereafter. Given the strong expected cash flow, we do not plan on obtaining additional funding during this phase. There are several viable exit strategies for hLED including sale or liquidation of the business and we will continue to monitor various opportunities as the firm matures. Addendum: Cap Chart %Share CapAnit Founders 1,000,000 100.0% 66.7% 1,000,000 0.1% 66.7% $50 Shares 1,000,000 100.0% 66.7% $0 0 0.0% 0.0% $40,000 0 99.9% 0.0% $0 0 0.0% 0.0% ESOP 0 500,000 0.0% 33.3% 0 500,000 0.0% 33.3% 0 500,000 0.0% 33.3% Total $50 100.0% $50 1,500,000 100.0% 100.0% Govt Grant+Loan 1,500,000 100.0% 100.0% $40,050 1,500,000 100.0% Valuation Multiples % Changes in the Value of Ownership Stakes Changes in Valuation Mfultiples & Value of Ownership Stakes 2011 Valuation Multiple 0.00x 2012 2013 2014 2015 0.00x 0.12x 0.84x 1.07x Nominal Value 0 0 1,257 17,047 40,931 Value of Ownership Stakes 0 0 1,257 17,047 40,931 216