OSU Student Affairs Assessment Council Minutes January 12, 2011

OSU Student Affairs Assessment Council
January 12, 2011
Attendance and favorite vacation: Angi Baxter-Cancun, Gus Martinez-Padilla-Palm Springs,
Pat Ketcham-Belize, Jo Alexander-Crete, Eric Hansen-Coast, Victor Santana-MelgozaPhoenix, Doug Severs-Hawaii, Tom Watts-Seattle, Eric Dunker-Sydney AU, Anne LapourScotland, Melissa Yamamoto-Hawaii, Kent Sumner-Nola, Kim Scatton-Grand Canyon, Andrea
Coryell-Estes Park Co, Laurie Bridges-Victoria BC, Ann Robinson-Skiing, Kami
Hammerschmith-Disneyland, Jodi Nelson-Belize, Rebecca Sanderson-Toronto or Hawaii
1) Welcome
a. New members: Laurie Bridges, Tom Watt, Eric Dunker
2) Announcements
a. Victor will be leaving OSU to take a position at the University of Massachusetts—
Lowell. Best of luck to Victor and we will miss him and his contributions to the
Assessment Council!
b. New members- Laurie Bridges, OSU Libraries, and Tom Watt, Registrar’s office
c. 2010 NSSE Report is completed. Rebecca will send it out as a pdf to the Council
members. Be aware that it is about 150 pages in length
3) OSU Sustainability Coordinator Brandon Trelstad
a. He is looking for information on student knowledge of sustainability and was
wondering if any of us had that sort of data. Please contact him if you do.
b. Also, he was wondering if there were any large scale surveys going out that he
might add a couple of questions to. If so, please contact him. He also may
contact some of you since Rebecca gave him a few names.
4) Check In and Questions/Updates
a. Assessment plans/reports- how is everyone doing? Can we review in a timely
i. Rec sports will make the deadline
ii. New student programs- need to organize it
iii. SLI- will be ready around the deadline
iv. If you didn’t make the Sept target, Jan is your new target
v. Struggle with Sept- push to get it done but the implementing is difficultvi. Ann felt that the plan actually highlights what they’re doing because the
plan was developed while doing the work
vii. Tom- Registrar’s posted and ready
viii. Doug- should be ready, finishing up a few touches
ix. ISS- need to get together with Angi for help with Student Voice
b. How will the strategic plan change any of our work- how is that going to roll out
and/or influence our assessment work? We don’t know yet since we have not
completed the Division strategic plan. Predict that it will increase the need for
good data about student learning. Right now accreditation is pushing
assessment in the academic areas. Predict that we will need to start thinking
about how what we are assessing supports the Learning Goals for Graduates.
Rebecca believes that the new accreditation cycle of a two year review will have
more impact on assessment expectations across the university.
c. DAS grad student wants to focus on assessment- is the class aligned with
assessment in Student Affairs? Could grad students go to the assessment 101
or 102d. Concerns- co evaluator on plans/reviews-Angi will take Victor’s place
e. Rebecca explained our review system since we had some new members present
today. When plans/reports are posted, a 2 or 3 person team from the council
reviews the plans/reports and provides feedback and suggestions. Please
contact us if there are any scheduling difficulties.
f. Suggested plans/reports to review:
i. Jodi’s report is done a little differently as she has taken 10 years of data
and then compiled it to look at the trends and progression-good picture
how you can use the data over time
ii. Doug’s plan is just at the beginning. He wants it to be something that is
meaningful- starting on a program of assessment where he starts with
determining what areas are key for the success of FA and then building
best practice rubrics for these areas. He then can use the rubrics to
measure progress and improvement. Thinking of building one rubric and
using it each year.
iii. Also we have done some different analysis with NSSE where we are
looking at the trend over time to see if we are improving. Rather, than
looking only at one year at a time.
5) StudentVoice Request
a. SV would like permission to post our intercultural rubric on their website with the
appropriate citation.
i. We will send our layout to Kim and ask if they can make their rubric like
ours-if Student Voice can post it so that it looks like we want it then okay
however, if they can’t then we don’t want it posted.
b. Webinar
i. SV wanted to know what our process was to develop the rubric- they
would like us to do a webinar spring term. We can set the dates
ii. Interested in delivering the webinar: Jo, Angi, Jodi, Ann, Rebecca
6) Assessment Plan Writing 101 & 102
i. Council would still like these workshops to happen. Rebecca will figure
out a schedule, place, etc. for the second week of spring term
7) Next Meeting:
a. Housing will be talking about their use of the rubric
b. In February Angi will present her ePortfolio and we will be visited by Rebecca’s
counterpart at Portland State, Vicki WiseJanuary 26, 2011
MU Council Room