OSU Student Affairs Assessment Council Oct 22nd, 2008 Minutes 1) Attendance: Angi Baxter, Jo Alexander-, Tina Clawson, Melissa Yamamoto, Claire Bennett, Eric Hansen, Rick DeBellis, Rebecca Sanderson, Michele Riberio, Jodi Nelson, Beth Dyer, Kami Hammerschmith 2) Check in on progress of plan/reports and Reviews a. Any issues with Student Voice for reviews or inputting plans/reports Attachments- in Nov Student Voice will launch another version that includes the ability to add attachments directly into your plan After you have done your group review, you give a compiled rubric that has the concerns and commendations from everyone to the department Also send an electronic copy of that rubric and feedback to Angi to be attached to the hard copy on file in the Student Affairs Research and Evaluation office Each department can choose to put their feedback on the rubric into student voice if they so choose 3) White paper discussion a. What needs to be in the white paper—sections? It was conclusive that the introduction is a good map for the white paper Don’t have to be in assessment to understand the introduction Overall, the white paper is trying to make a case for & ask questions about learning oriented organizations The diagram is confusing, chaotic and clutteredo Wording of the diagram needs to be altered to reflect more inclusive language o Within the diagram, one can start anywhere and eventually examine the rest of the components- we started with assessment and found that the process was much larger than just assessment. We need to look at all components of the diagram to create a learning organization, assessment is part of a much bigger process and the larger process is more important that just assessment Rebecca and Angi will work up a few different alternatives to the learning diagram and bring to the November 26th meeting Integration of learning diagram and assessment diagram o Rebecca and Angi will work on an integrated diagram that includes both the assessment & learning diagrams The paper is a work in progress It is much more powerful coming from the council rather than from Rebecca Primary audience is Student Affairs professionals, Department Heads, accreditation councils, students learning about assessment o The scope of the paper needs to address all of these audience members o Can do that in a cover letter o The white paper needs to be framed as bigger than assessment b. What needs to be there in terms of content or main ideas Topics that need to be addressed in the paper include: o This is a learning process which can be messy at times o Pacing your readiness due to time commitment o This isn’t a one shot wonder, it needs constant revisiting o What is the buy in o Why are you doing assessment o What the results of being part of this process is for the players o Fun can mean different things to different people, but addressing what is fun about being part of this process should be included o Pooling of resources o Creating energy & support for programs that you’re not involved in (creates community) Things to keep in mind: o Use wording that is enticing & inviting- collaboration, renewal, stimulating c. 3 questions for white paper You still have time to send your responses to Rebecca regarding the 3 questions below: o What would you tell someone who asked, why do we have to do assessment? o What value do you derive from engaging in assessment? o What have you learned through your work with assessment? Rebecca would like your permission to utilize parts of your responses to use within the white paper These questions will be used in the white paper as an appendix and integrated into the paper o The appendix allows people see actual data o Integration adds depth and meaning 4) Rubric resources a. Please get to Rebecca prior to our Nov 5 meeting Please get the rubrics to Rebecca by the Nov 5th meeting It would be greatly appreciated if you would scan them so we have an electronic version of the rubric 5) Next Meeting: a. Focus of the next meeting, Nov 5th, will be to work on the researched rubrics b. Focus of the November 26th meeting will be the white paper NOTE Change in Location for Nov 5th Meeting Nov 5th, 2008 9-10:30 MU 213