2810.44 Exhibit 01 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSM 2800 – MINERALS AND GEOLOGY CHAPTER – ZERO CODE Supplement No.: 2800-2001-1 Effective Date: May 31, 2001 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: JAMES T. GLADEN Deputy Regional Forester Date Approved: 05/21/2001 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Title was 2800-94-1 to FSM 2850. New Document(s): 2810.44 Exhibit 01 5 Pages Superseded Document(s): 2810.44 Exhibit 01 2803 2811.11 through 2817.3 2821—1 through 2822.42 3 Pages 1 Page 16 Pages 33 Pages Digest: 2803 2817.23 2817.3 2822.04b Retains policy to insure that cultural resources are identified and evaluated for significance, per FSM 2361.01. Retains review and approval of plans’ responsibility for identifying and evaluating cultural resources to comply with 36 CFR 228. Retains noncompliance, criminal action direction relating to the Regional Lands and Minerals Staff review of cases before issuing a violation notice. Retains that Director or acting director of Lands and Minerals staff provides response to BLM proposals to issue mineral leases, permits, and licenses. R3 SUPPLEMENT 2800-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/31/2001 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2810.44 Exhibit 01 Page 2 of 5 FSM 2800 – MINERALS AND GEOLOGY CHAPTER – ZERO CODE 2810.44 - Exhibit 01 Delegations of Minerals and Geology Authorities Delegable (Del) = The authority is delegated and may be redelegated to next lower organizational level. Yes = The authority is delegated to the organizational level. Yes ( ) = The authority is delegated to the position identified in parenthesis. No = The authority is not delegated and may not be exercised. RF = Regional Forester; DRF = Deputy Regional Forester; SD = Staff Director; FS = Forest Supervisor. Delegated Authority - Activity FSM 2800 - Minerals and Geology Insure that cultural resources (FSM 2361.01) are identified and evaluated for significance and, if found to be significant, are salvaged or protected from adverse effects in advance of land disturbance. The statutory rights of those operating under the general mining law also must be recognized. Conduct minerals examinations of mining claims for validity, surface use determinations, valid existing rights determinations, and mineral classification reports on common versus uncommon variety mineral materials (MOU 4/1/57, see FSM 1531.12). Note: On the matter of mineral examinations of mining claims for patent applications, the Forest Service has recently agreed to surrender all responsibility back to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). With the exception of certain "grandfathered" patent cases in Arizona which are part of BLM's 5-year plan for completion. Advise land office of course of action to be taken upon the application. FSM/FSH Reference Authority delegated to RF DRF SD FS FSM 2803 Del Yes Yes (LM) FSM 2815.04 Del Yes Yes Del Yes Certified Certified Mineral Mineral Examiner Examiner FSM 2815.04 Del Yes Yes (LM) No R3 SUPPLEMENT 2800-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/31/2001 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2810.44 Exhibit 01 Page 3 of 5 FSM 2800 – MINERALS AND GEOLOGY CHAPTER – ZERO CODE Delegated Authority - Activity Administer 36 CFR Part 228, Subpart A. Redelegation to District Rangers shall be made to the maximum extent practicable except for approval of plans of operations for Research Natural Areas, Experimental Ranges, and Experimental Forests. Administer 36 CFR Part 228, Subpart A, with regard to wilderness Review and approval of plans. The agency responsibility for identifying and evaluating cultural resources must be met while also complying with the objectives, policy requirements, and procedures of 36 CFR 228, especially with respect to being “timely” and reasonable. Based on the cultural resources survey, the Forest Service specifies protective and/or mitigative measure required to be taken by the operator as a condition of approval of the plan of operation. These measures should seek to preserve the resource in situ if possible, or provide for their recovery if not possible. Cost of the measures is a responsibility of the operator. In order to bring this requirement to the attention of operators under 36 CFR 228 the following statement should be given to them prior to, or upon, submission of a plan of operations: “The Forest Service is responsible for survey of the area of surface resource disturbance described in the plan of operations required by 36 CFR 228, to determine whether significant cultural resources are present. The operator may, at its discretion and cost, cause the survey to be conducted. 2810.44 – Exhibit 01 -Continued FSM/FSH Reference FSM 2817.04 Authority delegated to RF DRF SD FS Del Yes No Del FSM 2817.04 Del Yes No Yes FSM 2817.23 Del Yes Yes (LM) Del R3 SUPPLEMENT 2800-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/31/2001 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2810.44 Exhibit 01 Page 4 of 5 FSM 2800 – MINERALS AND GEOLOGY CHAPTER – ZERO CODE 2810.44 – Exhibit 01 -Continued Delegated Authority - Activity In this circumstance survey must be done by, or under the supervision of, a qualified cultural resources specialist authorized by permit from the agency. Upon review of the cultural resources survey report, the Forest Service shall, as a condition of approval of the plan of operation, specify any necessary protective or mitigative measures to be undertaken by the operator.” In addition to the protective or mitigative measures which become a condition of approval, each plan of operations also shall contain the following stipulation as a condition of approval: “If previously undiscovered cultural resources (historic or prehistoric) are exposed as a result of operations under an approved plan, the operator shall leave such discoveries intact and immediately notify the District Ranger. The operator shall not proceed until notified by the District Ranger that they have complied with provisions for mitigating unforeseen impacts as required by 36 CFR 228.4(e). Delegated Authority - Activity FSM/FSH Reference Inspection and noncompliance. FSM 2817.3 Noncompliance – criminal action: The Regional Lands and Minerals Staff shall review noncompliance cases before serving a violation notice [(36 CFR 261.10(a) or 36 CFR 261.10(k)] for violation of mining regulations (36 CFR 228, Subpart A). RF Del DRF Yes SD Yes (LM) FS No R3 SUPPLEMENT 2800-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/31/2001 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2810.44 Exhibit 01 Page 5 of 5 FSM 2800 – MINERALS AND GEOLOGY CHAPTER – ZERO CODE Delegated Authority - Activity Advise Chief regarding issuance and special conditions for leases, permits, and licenses for mineral deposits in lands designated as experimental forests and ranges or natural areas (36 CFR Part 251.23). Advise State Director of BLM regarding issuance and special stipulations for leases, permits, or licenses. Director or acting director of L&M staff provides response to BLM proposals to issue mineral leases, permits, and licenses. Advise responsible USDI officers of Forest Service decision regarding adequacy of proposed lease operating plans received from BLM (see FSM 2822.04c for redelegation restrictions). Administer 36 CFR Part 228, Subpart C. Redelegation to District Rangers may be made to the maximum extent practicable regarding mineral materials sales and issuing free-use permits. 2810.44 – Exhibit 01 -Continued FSM/FSH Reference FSM 2822.04b Authority delegated to RF DRF SD FS Del Yes Yes No (LM) FSM 2822.04b Del Yes Yes (LM) Del FSM 2822.04c Del Yes No Del FSM 2850.43 Del Yes No Del