2. Presence of Missing Values Missingness is multivariate Explore joint distribution of missings, and their association with variables Evaluate imputation schemes 2{1 Simple Visualization Strategies Complete case analysis Assign some xed value { Pro: Easy identication of missings { Con: Problematic for high-d views Assign imputed values { Pro: Data and all plots available { Con: Missingness information is lost 2{2 Advanced Visualization Strategies MANET: Missings Are Now Equally Treated (Unwin, Theus, Hofmann, et al) MANET incorporates missing values in barcharts, histograms, boxplots, dotplots, scatterplots, etc. XGobi Natural extensions of linked scatterplot paradigm 2{3 Missing Values in XGobi Prerequisite: Retention of case-value identity Optional display of missing values Quick reset of xed or imputed values Multiple linked windows { One window (...) plotting the data { One window plotting a multivariate indicator matrix of missingness: that is, jittered zeroes and ones 2{4 Dening Missing Values in XGobi Use \." or \na" or \NA" in the data le Create an filename.missing le { Allows the investigation of censored data with missings 2{5 Exploration of Imputation Methods in XGobi Reads user-supplied les of sets of imputed values Allows rapid cycling through imputations 2{6 Variation in Work Eciency During Exercise What is the eect of subject characteristics on work eciency? 136 human subjects Covariates: sex, age, body weight, %body fat, ... 3 walk and 4 step exercises, AM and PM ... 14 repeated measures for each primary response variable: mechanical work, eciency, etc. Missing == failed exercise (Data courtesy of Ming Sun, MD and George Reed, Vanderbilt University Medical Center) 2{7 Eciency Exercise: Covariates The points are brushed according to sex. 2{8 Mechanical Work: Repeated Measures By default, missing values are shown as zeroes. 2{9 Aside: Parallel Coordinates Plots Axes are parallel instead of orthogonal Each case is represented by a line instead of a point Strength: Many variables in a single view Weakness: Overplotting! Interaction is essential. 2 { 10 Parallel Coordinates Plot of Covariates 2 { 11 Parallel Coordinates Plots of Covariates One displays the data for men, and one for women. 2 { 12 Mechanical Work For this data, something like a time series plot ... 2 { 13 Eciency Missings are not drawn in the parallel coordinates view. 2 { 14 Eciency Data: Observations Using parallel coordinates plots { Work monotonic in exertion; not so eciency { Morning and afternoon similar { Most \missings" on hardest step Using missing values plot { Number of missings increased with exertion { Correlation between missingness and % body fat { Correlation between number of missings and % body fat 2 { 15 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 step4a 0.2 step4p 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 step4p 0.3 0.4 Eciency data: Exploring imputation schemes 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 step4a Univariate imputation is inadequate because correlation structure is ignored Multivariate imputation (courtesy of Chuan-hai Liu) is considerably better 2 { 16 Importing Imputed Values into XGobi filename.imp: Each column contains all imputed values filename.impnames: one imputation name to a line (Three rows from a set of data with missings) 467 585 na2 43 na4 463 580 86 67 12 379 na1 na3 88 12 filename.imp (Four sets of imputed values) 583 582 584 580 (imputed values for na1) 86 90 85 84 (imputed values for na2) 86 90 88 87 (imputed values for na3) 12 14 11 13 (imputed values for na4) filename.dat 2 { 17 Quick Quiz 25 ss temp 25 air temp 20 0 20 -5 0 5 70 80 90 100 20 22 humidity 24 26 28 30 air temp ss temp humidity air temp 5 zon.winds -5 25 ss temp 30 zon.winds 0 -5 20 zon.winds 5 30 30 Are the salient features in each of these plots potentially due to coding of missing values? humidity 20 humidity air temp ss temp 22 24 air temp 26 28 30 -5 0 5 mer.winds ss temp air temp 2 { 18