UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA MILITARY SCIENCE 1 Military Science MS 101 Basic Leadership Skills I 1 cr An introductory course of instruction and participation in common military task and leadership skills. Students are encouraged to attend Physical Training (PT) Lab three (3) times per week for 1 hour per session and a 2 hour leadership lab every other week. No Fee. MS 102 Basic Leadership Skills II 1 cr A continuing course of instruction and participation in individual common military task and leadership skills. Students are encouraged to attend Physical Training (PT) Lab three (3) times per week for 1 hour per session and a 2 hour leadership lab every other week. No Fee. MS 201 Intermediate Military Skills I 3 cr A further development of common task and leadership skills required to prepare cadets to lead small military units. Emphasis on practical application of basic military skills and ability through development of leadership skills. Students are encouraged to attend Physical Training (PT) Lab three (3) times per week for 1 hour per session and a 2 hour leadership lab every other week. Fee. Pre-requisite: MS 101 Minimum Grade of D and (MS 102 Minimum Grade of D or MS 103 Minimum Grade of D) MS 202 Inter Military Skills II 3 cr A further development of common task and leadership skills required to prepare cadets to lead small military units. Emphasis on practical application of basic military skills and ability through development of leadership skills. Students are encouraged to attend Physical Training (PT) Lab three (3) times per week for 1 hour per session and a 2 hour leadership lab every other week. Fee. Pre-requisite: MS 101 Minimum Grade of D and (MS 102 Minimum Grade of D or MS 103 Minimum Grade of D) and MS 201 Minimum Grade of D MS 301 Adaptive Team Leadership 3 cr Challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to military operations containing ethical dilemmas. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. Cadets also conduct physical fitness training three times per week focusing on development of individual flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-respiratory endurance. Students are required to attend Physical Training (PT) Lab three (3) times per week for 1 hour per session and a 2 hour leadership lab every week. Contact Hour Distributions: 3 hours and 1 lab. Pre-requisite(s): 101, 102, 201, and 202. Fee. Pre-requisite: (MS 101 Minimum Grade of C or MS 102 Minimum Grade of C) and (MS 102 Minimum Grade of C or MS 103 Minimum Grade of C) and (MS 201 Minimum Grade of C or MS 202 Minimum Grade of C) and (MS 202 Minimum Grade of C or MS 203 Minimum Grade of C) MS 302 Applied Team Leadership 3 cr Increasingly intense situational leadership challenges in order to develop a cadet s awareness and critical thinking skills while in a leadership role. Cadets review aspects of combat, stability, and support operations. They also conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in the operational orders process. Cadets also conduct physical fitness training three times per week focusing on development of individual flexibility, muscular strength, and cardiorespiratory endurance. Students are required to attend Physical Training (PT) Lab three (3) times per week for 1 hour per session and a 2 hour leadership lab every other week. Fee. Pre-requisite: MS 301 Minimum Grade of C MS 401 The Army Profession 3 cr MS 401 introduces Cadets to the challenges of mission command and gaining an understanding of the Army Profession. Cadets learn the basics of what mission command is and how it is used in Army operations. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the U.S. Army. The overall focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army leadership while gaining a big picture of understanding the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student. In addition, MSL IVs are rotated through a variety of leadership positions that support a variety of ROTC battalion training and recruiting events throughout the semester where the MSL IV student will receive detailed and constructive feedback on their leader attributes and core leader competencies from experienced cadre. Students are required to attend Physical Training (PT) Lab three (3) times per week for 1 hour per session and a 2 hour leadership lab every week. Fee. Pre-requisite: MS 301 Minimum Grade of D and (MS 302 Minimum Grade of D or MS 303 Minimum Grade of D) MS 402 The Company Grade Officer 3 cr Introduces Cadets to the challenges of mission command and gaining an understanding of the Army Profession. Cadets learn the basics of what mission command is and how to use it in Army operations. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the U.S. Army. The overall focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army leadership while gaining a big picture of understanding the Reserve Officers' Trainig Corps (ROTC) program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student. Pre-requisite: MS 301 Minimum Grade of D and (MS 302 Minimum Grade of D or MS 303 Minimum Grade of D) and MS 401 Minimum Grade of D 2015-2016 GRADUATE/UNDERGRADUATE BULLETIN UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA MS 494 Directed Studies - MILITARY SCIENCE 2 1 TO 3 cr Directed study and research. May be repeated in different subject areas. Course work will be specified by the instructor prior to the beginning of the semester. Studies may include but are not limited to research papers, special projects, and leadership seminars. One and three hour courses are available. Fee. 2015-2016 GRADUATE/UNDERGRADUATE BULLETIN