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Pter Griffithi For the Office of Naval Research Contract No. N5 orL-07894 YOUR - 1848(39) DSR aOnoT o. 7.7673 December 1, 1958 DIVISIK OF IDUcSTRIALCP 'a Masachusetts Institute of Technology Ceabr.dge, Massachusetts - Research Assistant, Departent of Rechanical Engineering assachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Oassachusette Assistant Professor of Mechanical E!gineering, Massachusetts Institute of Tehnology, Cambridge, Massaehusetts ZAMU-2m - I- M.. 1- 2 3 /-12 13-17 1-23 24-28 29 30 31 32 33-34 35 Abstract Nomenclature Introduction Description of the Analogy Description of Apparatus Description of Experiments Using the Straight Mni' Deacription of RxpmIeumts with the Scoop Photographs of Flow Patterns ppendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Description of Illustrations Acknwledgemnts and References Figures 1 - 97 ABSTRACT This report contains a description of the design and operation of an experimental appats for the analysis of two-phase flows similar to thom occuwring in boiler tubes at low pressures. Velocity and denuity profiles of air-water mixtures are determined across a passage in which boiling Ocditiosis are simulated by puping air through porous walls into a water strea. Photographs of the flow patterns are also presented as a qualitative check on the quantitative data. The results obtained are: 1) Vslocity and concentration profiles of the two phases for various values of the flow rates of each. 2) A classification of the flow into several patterns or regimes with quantitative data describing each regims. The data is suitable for use In acapering the physical phenen with athematical models and for developing a more accurate theoretical treatment of the flow of boiling fluids in heated channels. D channel width f(x) = Ji) flow fraction intercepted by knife at Wx 100 G(Z) h P p AP q/A rate of flow at 3xv enthalpy knife position, micrometer reading, thousandtbs of an inach Pressur pressure drop heat fluz Q dryness total flar, c.f.n. T specific Volume V V I x valuma total mass flow water concentration distance from channel wall a L I air lef'-hand sids right-head side total channel water value 6f properties at x Sstem T W x INTROMCTIO The study of two-phase flow with boiling is of particular interest to heat transfer engineers in many fields. Nuclear reactors and rocket motors are obvious examples. A number of theories, correlations and theoretical analyses are avalable in the literature on the various aspects of two-phase flows with heat addition. All of them suffer from the same disadvantage, a lack of experimental information concerning the pbysical processes occurring. It is all very well to postulate a flow pattern; quite another thing to show that it actually corresponds to realit. The objective at these eperiments was to observe the flow patterns and liquid and gas distributions in a chanel in which heat addition was simlated. This information will be of assistance in framing analytical models which are appropriate for pressure drop, liquid distribution and burnout calculations. In this report we describe a method for masuring the distribution of concentrations and velocities of the two phases across a simple charnel. Boiling is simulated by pumping air through the porous bronse walls of the chnnel. eadt. The flow is analysed over a crosa.-section at the Flash photographs are also made of the flow itself to check results and to show the patterns present along the length of the streas. Every eperiment performed is described. Because these methods have not been used before, to the author's knowledge, it was considered worthwhile to give all details of the development of techniques and the various problems emncotered and to try to show the capabilities and limitations of this kind of apparatus. . 2 - The apparatus and experiments are reviewed criticaily throughout the report. Certain definite conclusions are drawn about the nature of two-phase flow patterns and the velocity and density distributions In the passage. Parallels are drawn between the flow of air-vater mixtures with air addition through porous walls and the corresponding problem of the flow of boiling fluids in heated pipes such as boiler tubes, reactar coolant chamnels, etc. Suggestions are made as to further similar experiments which couid be performed. lopes are entertained that an analysis of two-phase flows on these lines will lead to a fuller understanding of the phenoma and the eventual development of an effective mathematical theory to predict pressure drops, burnout points, heat transfer coefficients, and other importsat engineering data. DESCRITION OF TE ANA~GY The basic feature of the flow of a boiling fluid in a heated tube is the continuous creation of the vapor phase at the walls. The phase may be created in the form of bubbles, small or large compared with the channel dim aiOns, or conceivably in the form of a sheet or fila of vapor. It has been observed that several possible flow regimes exist for two-phase boiling airtures, BbbLy", 'ananlar 5 , 8slug', 'dropwise', and combinations of these, are weil know adjectives used to describe patterns and there is no need to dwell on the subject. We shall proceed with the description of the analogy. The vapor which is created on the walls of a boiler tube is represented in thi. analogy by air. To obtain conditions of surfaae nucleation similar to those prevailing under boiling conditions, a uperfine grade bronse filter material is used through which the air is pumped into the water streame. Each pore becomes a bubble nucleation point and under normal oonditions the bubbles will grov at these points and be swept aWay into the main stream. It is claimed that a distinct parallel exists between the flow regions observed under these conditions and those prevailing In a boiler tube of similar geomtry. Further, it has been suggested that the barmnut heat flux is determined entirely by lydrodynamic considerations. In this case it sem reasonable to expect that the analogy will throw light on this phana as Vell. -Ow - DSIPI OF APPARBTUS (Figs. 1-8) Bimulated Uilinpr Test Sectia The test section is modelled after one previousy built by Marlon D. R~ller and operated by R di Wensa (refol) in the Heat fransfer Laboratory at the Masacasette Institute of TeOlo1g. The idea Is to simalate the generation of bubbles at a boiling surfa"e by p=ping air tbrough a porous bronse filter material into a stream of Water. Numerous geomstries are, of oose, possible. In this apparatos we have chosen one of the simplest, a rectangular passage. Two Walls of the passage are the 'boiling' surfaces consisting of 3/2-inch wide bronse hese are claMped 3/4-inch apart between two sheets of plexiglas strips. The transpsrest plastic so that the flow may be viewed and photographed. whol. assenbly is show in Tig. 5. behind the bronse. ear air lines feed the pleom chaibes Two others feed a siing chamber before inlet to the passage so that any desired inlet quality may be obtained. Each air line has its ow needle valve. Water enters by the central tube at the top and flows via the mixing chamber to the simulated boiling section. The frame is out from 3/2 brass to which the bronse strips are soldered. shown. The pleaiglas sides are clasped firmly by the bolts and mate The cross-pieces are stainless steel spring strips which are needed to ensure that the plexiglas, which is slightly flexible, grips the bronse firmly. Gaskete between the plexiglas, bronse and brass are of cork out from a single sheet. This material was fond to provide the best solution after experiments with various kinds of rubber rnd water lines are firmly brased in the brass frame. fabric gaskets. Air and M 5 - The whole assembty is glued to the plexiglas base plate which is designed to Alide an the top surface of the air-water separating chambers described later. Fow Samplin Telean We desire to mamre the air aod water veoeaity distribution aeross the outlet from this passage. A kind of saqling devise or pitot tbe is of geestmble vale in a flow ocasisting of bubbles ad drops, sine mnty and surface t amnes. I be of nYva ia effects are of pr- suoh a devicem ould have to be about the sine of the ohomel itself. Since we shld lik, a rsoin the of an 4ic, -ta i Import. s to a few thand.- sch an arrangmnt is obvioasly ile0ctiea. !he solutimo to this problem is to out the eait flov Into tm parts by passing it overa sharp straight knife-edge uater flows n each side of the blade. barrier to the fli.. nd to aaur the air A The edge represents a negligible To obtain mass flow distributons all that is necessary is to differantiate the readings as the knife is nwed across the *mi.a1 2he differvatiating process is a source of inaocuray but this ma be ofmrated for br increasing the aoraq of the flew neasremuss since the only Unit to +his is the external Iastr umnatiom. In the actual se6.. the knife-edge is stationary and the boiling analogy assembly slides over it. Te position of the slide is recomed by a micrameter head. Details of the fitting of the slide over the knife and the seal obtained both against leakage to the atmosphere and across the knife, are sboee in PIg. 6. ftrther details are given later. - 6Keamameats of Flow Rates of the Two Phases The to-phase mixtures issuing from the passage an the tw sides of the knife pass directly into large chambers where the phases are separated. A system of baffles and stainless steel wool dissipates the considerable mnerg of the strem. Air collects in the upper part at the chamber and is suyd through an orifice plate floameter to be ebausted to the atsphere. The air .zhaust system comprises a vacm cleaner whi h maintains a suction in a pem cylindr1. Talves in the ducting to the exhaust system enable the pressures in the chambers to be adjusted to aMshei before readings are take. In this way leakage either between the chambers or to and from the atmphere is prevented. The amas are air-tight and all jouints are carefully fitted with gaskets, nevertheless the method of equalising pressures Is an added precaution helping to give one more measure of confidence in the results. Leakage between the chambers can only occur through the emai clearance between the knife and the exit and of the passage. This clearance is adjsted to a few taandthe of an inch by a method desOribed later. Since there is no presuare difference between the chambers saWay this leakage may be neglected. It only introduces a very slight statistical fiuotwation which is not bised in favor of either chamber. The..mai= pressuue difference allowed between chambers was one mil4mter of water. Air flow is measured by arifices of various sises chosen to fit the particular requirements. The orifices are of standard design and the calibration curves are knowa. Coparison between air flows measured in the main air supply line and at these orifices showed excellent areemen6. Pressure difference across the chaher metering orifices in measured by a 100 centimeter vertical water anamter reading to one millimter. Chamber presawe in adjusted to atmospheric by bringing the reading of a differential water mnamter to s. A mass balance on the air flow is obtained by omparing rea&. ings from the main supply line with those from the two chamber orifices. The air line pressure is measured by a 300am mercury manoter and pressure difference across the main orifice by a 300am water manomster. Water flow is maeamwed by stainless steel V-motches end hoobgauges (Figs. 2 and 3). lor very small flows a weighing teohoique is used; this is the reason for the spouts placed below the notches. The water surface is sufficiently moothed by the baffles and stainlass steel wool so that hook gauges can be read to one tmanmdth of an inah under normal conditions. Since the plexiglas may sag or distort with tme nder stress or as it absorbs water, the notch and hook gauge assembly is a separate castruction of channel steel which maintains its shape in any event. As a precaution, periodic checks of book gauge calibration were carried out throughout the series of experiments. No significant change was detected. In fact, the hook can be reted more accurately than is warranted by the weigh-backet method of calibration, slight flow changes due to surface tension changes with temperature, ste. Book gauges are shon in detail in Fig. 3. The brass book is screwed into a 3/.-inoh diameter steel rod which slides in holes in the frame. Readings are given by the micrometer head. The micrometer tip is soldered into a precision bearing which is the fixed point of the .m8.. -ste. Mdustment is made by mean# of the 3 swus show metering umtii mstio Is qitt free in aU parts of the tavL. epmpesla effects In the zed are negligblbe. sanges wae --- 11-ea Se posmfoomnoe shsrpened as msede 1c heyand m01ratel1 as ith fae files. they are ooossicna1y emesved with a fila possible to help prdeVat w morves for the motes are sows In protee, beoene of flu, rates od the lsarp a as am tawnO, Pigs. n am Calratiem n. inevitable f~meem r of adjatsunts nesswy d s to d the oorwes In the befere agte-me seris an it preyes better to aonseWte mter netering ca A abme of the Jet to the emfae. notch pe aning ieder 3e head is slum sn ftg. 2. ibria t these thevmghat anl empeiamats. The motcbes vw of .il esmil ing air seres sMparatiy. A phetograph of the whole apparatIs is Ibaan F9g. 1, a vim tom above with the slide assnmbly ramo3a ia Fig. 4 mad a shmtie diag in Pig. 7. It was a deminite admtage to ate the whole appaaates et plezigdas since visal cheks Oaad essmr be mnde ow the finetioming of aW part. Mh nate of the flow past the knife eav3d also be seem. -e restgaer test soticaM assembly fits in a slo both In its baseplate and In the frme. Befoe finally fixing the test seetica to the basplate the whole assmb3r of ob-mbers .a knife was built.4g. Two thilmesses of mitable paper were the placed an the blade edge md the test section lowered throgh the two slots 1atI it rested an the paper. - 9 Verticality and aligament were checked and the gluing of the test Uem section to its baseplate performed in situ with plastic oiment. the oment dried and the paper was remved, the test section slid with its proper clearance over the lnife-edge. A crude, but effective, rack and pinion mechanism is used to traverse the slide. The mirometer head in for masuremt purposes only and is not used to help nove the slide at any time. In this 0a the integrity of its readings in maintained. Air Seal betwees Sid. and hamber Asembly Details of the seal between the slide and the chamber asmbly ce soun In Pig. I. The horisontal sliding surfaces of plexiglas ay be :%pt wet or smearzed with grease in order to provide a perfect seal againt air penetration, but this is a lu=ry. Ie side of the slot in the plexiglas roof of the main assembly is finishe' flat and serves as a guide for the slide. The other side is sealed by a etrip of gasket material as shaoun in the drawing. The gasket is stwk to the slide with glue. It is easly seen that the only place where significant leakage anald conceivably occur is in the clearance between the knife and the sliding pieee and we hmve already stated that this is negligible. As for perturbations in the main stream due to a possible sligh6 pressure difference between chambers, they are not biased in favor of eitbr side and can be espected to average out. evidence of ay such effect. In fact, the resilts show no - 10 - In Fig. 6 is shown the knife and the 'scoop'. The scoop was i later refineent used to sample the middle section of the passage nd eliminate the effect of water which rums dow the pleiglas sidewa:.ls and in the corners. The scoop results are nearer those which woumd be obtained using a two-dimensional model ith the bronse walls infinite in extent in the direction perpendicular to the direction at flow. L a nd Limitatns of the Al narats 1) The soIdering teclque used to fit the bronse to the b'ass results in som. soklor being absorbed by the bronse at the mds of the passage. Ths the air does not enter imformVy over the last 1/2 of the carnel. Large scale flow patterns will not be changed such by this fault, but there is soen uncertaintr in the interpretation of results close to the wall. 2) Erosion of bronse and gasket material near the exit. There is a certain mount of flow dow between the brasse and the wall at the eit due to erosion of a few bandredthes of an inch of the gasket. also two or three charnl There are torn in the bronse noam 10 or 15 thousadths of an inch deep and a little wider. These should not carry an appreeiable flow but may account for thin Jets of water seen passing the knife edge iben it had already passed what was theoretically the end of its traverse. .. nq.. 3) Blooking of porons bemne pores by dirt In the air. A fIlter was -- stalled in the air ite bat as the same some partiAes of dirt ow be em to hase amn lnt Me lU -ke ratea . bF pag a high premass tse man m dhimbesn and hae stonk to gh de to wash ut dIrb In the ems atw S a rewmese direetgWa to the aw=== aVe 2.4) A eahS effect presser drop neOr n hab ftaw rates mbihc remaits In a large bt aesit a the passage. air eaters at the lowae end th in This mneo that mah me the entaIse region. come a point (I1g. 96) where aOst no air gets 2 fat tmere s the first partae the channel at all. Under these eaditions it Ls impossible to spedf a babble generation rate indiaetive of the aotmal pieae 5) Plauiglas sa ully distorts =uder the inU situatom. nc, of stresses, water, and internal stress-eeeving as a result of storing and cutting. Eventully th baseplate of the Alide does not fit flat an its base. This is only a sligt disdvantage for met purposes as it tus cut but it is nevertheless a wekess. 6) Too msW gauges which havie to be adjusted sanidtaeously, and at l0 flows a long time constant before steady conditions ae obtained. Also, some fl]ctuations ft water and air pressure which ooml4 not be entirely damped oat. ftrik to get aroud those problems were developed as familiarity with he apparats Increased. 7) Ass&7try In tie apparas. usfortuately, the physical iqaont at present gives rise to assuastries In the flow pattern. This can be corrected by adjusting the air valves on each side, but is then only good at one particular set of flow conditions. Since there is no guarmatee that in practice a boiler tube will be heated uniformly the assymmetry in this apparatus is not so serious as might be supposed. However, theoretical aalyses are more easily performed when dealing with symmetrical flows. -W12 -M 8) A passage consisting of two NboilingU walls and two *insulated* walls is not the best model for practical purposes. The flow observed is a kind of bybrid between what we should have for air addition on all faces and for air addition at entry to the passage alone. Nevertheless, we observe phenoma which are initiated solely by the 'boiling8 faces and by using the scoop rather than the knife, we try to minimise the effectt of the plexiglas. The weaknesses described above in 1) through 7) can be oerected by improved design of the apparatus. The last fault is inherent in as: attempt to simlate a two-dimensional flow in a finite apparatus. - 13 O E6! G 13 I e.e of apeimats (Figs. 13-.m) was perfmd to The first invesApte "Is epaMlIttee of the aparaas nd to get som Idea at the kind at resits to be emted. ip. 13 and 14 shw water measurmmts for traverses ames the adt pime of the passage. All the air is fed into the inlet obamber betore the passage siae we Iam hat kiM of flow to empeot for thes , It Is In fhat an samalar flow 0di~ a s shm i iiatims ie an air ores. Te total flow during the eperimmab. that the points define a smooth my. pe It Is seem and that fewer pidne are necessary p ner regions of special iterest. Tig. 15 shos an saprowsa to the above by plotng the ftraptm of total f=m, rathser ta the anlu-. maUi In this ow an greeks .. are no..1edW to the same scale ad the varietiams in the total flow beoome less signtitoant. Fgs. 16 amd 17 show tan air traverses, nomlised, for the asm outlet caMditaS but In one case with all the air put In the mixing chamber end in the oter case, all the air pamed in through the browse. These graps tend to anerestImat the ao y with which air meamr aebs can be ade sAnce at that time emperiame in rwining the appara was small. We can do several things with these graphs. Fig. 18 sbows th results of differentiating a pair of mormnalsed graphs for air amd water flows. The result is a distributin curve. - Aa (vo tri or gravinstric) - 14 - If we assume no slip betwemn the phases, we can divide the water mas rate of flow by the total volume flow obtained by suming the air and water cves, multiplied by suitable weighting factors, and obtain an estimate of the water cncentration profile. The scales of these graphs are all proportional to the quantties stated above and my b converted to absolute magnitudes if desired. It should be stressed that since the flow is ver turbulent the local velocities and oncmentrations change with tim and we only asrn the tim-average values here. A mathematical analysis is given in In Fig. 18 we also show the result of calclating X from Gand Ga ourves. The e ocentration of water at the wall is very noticeablIe. In the set of graphs Pig. 18 the technique for obtaining the best Curve was to nease the four slopes of the 3 curves at points equidistant from the senter and to calculate a nea. curve draWing is reduced. .. ohis way some of the error in This is all very well if the flow is substantially Setrieal and is all right for the particular case here. In the general ease, of ase, only slopes at the particular mx are to be ameared. Fig. 19 shows the comparison of the results of differentiating the graph in Figs. 16 and 17. the to The difference in mir velocity profiles under conditions is clearly shoum. Fig. 2D is a omparison of water flow uemi-profiles obtained by differentiating Fig. 15. With practice in reading the graphs it is easily possible to deduoe the general character of air and water velocity direct fron F graphs. 415 - Canclusion to Prelisdaarr Tests lxperiusntal results are enouraging ad shw that the nethod has a.e is very satisfaotory and an be imnered proise. Accuracy obt if desired. antmserably ?he flowS a, seriA of graphs ,. Th i1s. 23.34 show f izhe air and water intigrated arm again of an emploratory natur and describe the effect (as the air speed profile) of a steady increase In the water flow. Air traverses ware taken first. These are shba in Jigs. 21-30 and olea3l sow for all sme a umiform vloecity in the canter of the strean with a bomdary lqar 5 with +aman= a fraction of the dir-umter flow rates. She results are show differentiated and presented as velociy profme Is Jig. 31. It is to be noted that the velanott beones steadiy nre vimfemm the boa y layer decreassag in se strn is increased. Amray as the water fractica in the near the walls is bad beoatse of the lowr flow rates there. These results are partcuLarly iopreesive in showing the large core in whih the air speed is coustant. Alsut withmt emseption the carves sh a clearly defined lin.ea partion with epermental In sam ftier mpeinental LMatm b pointa falling deed a the omly a portiem of the gph is dsou besm of to the air flow distribUtms whch cod be bandled Me Yam cleaner aystm. htee travees (Pigs. 32-) of th sob el with oswaue sides of te passage. egeite show agada a linear pertes in the to that of the V. ursis toninds b enAr - 16 - Figs0 35-43 show further air and water traverses for which the air flow rate is near the maximum obtainable with the present apparatus. It was hoped that these experiments would shed some light on the canditions approaching burnout. No noticeable or dramatic effects were observed, hw- ever, except that the water appears to be concentrated more towards the sides of the channel. Air traverses, though they provide valuable information about the overall velocity profiles, are not suitable for highlighting the various flow regimes. Furthermore, a greater accuracy is needed in order to probe the most interesting region, that near the channel walls. Flow Near the Walls At this point we became particularly interested in the flow near the bronse walls. Since it appears that a uniform velocity and water concentration area exists in the middle of the passage the changes in flow patterns will probably be most marked in the regions near the walls. If we kn- the profiles in these boundary areas we can simply join them up to each other with a straight line apparently. We are also keen to find son clue as to the nature of the burnout process which is almost certainly accompanied by a deorease in liquid concentration at the walla To this end traverses were taken close to the wall for flows at particularly low qualities. Results are shown in Figs. 44-4. tion of liquid at the wall is particularly pronounced. The concentra- It is especially noticeable in Fig. 44 where the results for single phase flow of water are also plotted. Fig. 46 suggests the possibility of some new effect Just at the wall, such as for example a sub-layer pc- in water, which could indicate the onset of flow conditions leading to burnout, -17- he vater flow distribaton near the vail in of psrtoular Latewest =ad am be neasured accuratey. - ee the nmet setom for a ne relmits. ori oel asessmnt of these -18 DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIKNTS WITH THE SCOOP Reasons for Changing to the Seoop It was now realised that the relevance of the analogy (in its form at that tine) to the model it was supposed to represent should be re-exaained. Nobody ever makes a rectangular boiling tube with pure insulan, tion cn two sides. This is what we have in the present analogy. We should prefer to eliminate (or at least minimise) the effect of the plexiglas walls. A visual observation of the flow leaving the passage shows that a noticeable fraction of the water runs doum the plexiglas and in the corner between bronse and plexiglas. In fact, the flow we want to measure, that in the channel center, is obscured in our measurements so far by the effect of the superposed flow down the walls. From our measurements we can only say that the layer on the plexiglas is thin since it will be of the same order of magnitude thickness as the layer on the other wells presumably. NaB, The air velocity profile is not obscured in any important way by this effect so that the knife in its present form is good enough for air traverses. To get over this problem the scoop shown in Fig. 6 was designed for use in place of the knife. It performs the same function essentially as did the straight edge but it now samples only the middle 0.400 inches of the stream and avoids the layers on the walls. It is not good for measuring air flows since the seal between the ambers was designed for - 19 the straight knife and clearanCes are not so close now. Pressures are still be1enced betbeen chaubers so that negligible foraes act to divert the water phase, which has cainerable momenton amuewy. A few experiments showed that results for water flow with the scoop were far more realistic than those taken using the straigh6 knife. A traverse (Fig. 49) under conditions of hullydeveloped .a..a flow shows en almost sero water coneentration in the channl center (shorn as sero slope an the graph). By successfully subtracting the obscuring effects of the plexiglas we have succeeded in highlighting the main stream conditions and approaching the ideal which would be a measure of flow distribution in a ohannel of infinite width, the effect of the plexiglas faces having been reduced to sero by pushing then far am . A traverse in the scoop case is slightly longer than in the case of the straight edge since the scoop edge is not trWly parallel to the bronse faoe. Since we are differentiating to get results this effect is of miner import..ce. We are simply measuring the average flow over SonM 0.010 inches aentered at t& instead of the fiw itself at x' ad the only sigifloat errer is caused at the walls or close to then where the scoop is at Its 3east effective as an acinrate sampling device sewe. With the development of the scoop it was felt that a flller and nore systematic exploratom of the range of flow obtainable was tinely. The series shown in Pigs. 51-99 is typical of what happens when the air flow is increased in steps, keeping the water flow rate constant. The graphs are shom differentiated in Vig. 60. -20- The dotted line across the graphs shows the fraction of the total water flow which is captured by the scoop. There is some correlation between this and the flow patterns, at will be seen. The general sequence of flow regime is al follows: With no air flow the water has the usual parabolic velocit y distribution. As air flow is increased the water flew down the center of the passage increases at the expanse of the walls. larly clear in the next series Fig. This effect is partiou.- 6148. This is thought to be partially due to the increased visoosity of the bnbbly layer at the wall. On further increase of the air flow the distribution becaes parabolic again and soon the linear center portion became more noticeable. A transition point is reached where the concentration at sudeny increases considerably. we This is accompanied by a more violent - noise at exit to the passage, sonething like a roar, compared with the sott sound of bursting babbles in a frothy liquid which was observed previously. After passing through the transition region the flow adjusts to a double,-humped distribution which strongly suggests the annular flow folnd before. As in the case of Fig. 18, the curve of actual water concentration is far more vivid in showing this effect end it should be borne in mind that the height of the peak at the wall will be many times the level in the passage center if we plot such a curve. lar,. Rather then increase the already number of graphs presented, this re-presentation is left to the resaer. - 21 As air flow is fwther incresed the profile toads to become more nifom agIn. Noise level increses steadily as more air is 14rther traverses (Pig. 61-6) were taken in an effort to ap the area of the first transitin region. defined This region is not very vWml oept at iom water flow rates since its debermlaadem depends an our being .abLe to .lasity a particular flow as being of me kInd or In fact at hg rates of water flow the tranimtan, a another. lr ad uniforA ftiw regions become ae and more indiutInguishable. The general area of the treaitios region is show In Fig. 90 uiich enmariueu the laswfication of flows in this seiels. This experiMt was the most satisfactory CUe of the series. We have sIceeded In apping tree district fiew regimes wbieh will later be identified as"bb,trasion, and inlawr. ftrther quantitative results for the magitude of the obhages in flew paterns may be obtained by the methods indicated. Silted -unwt Exeaffan With e bunout problem still In mind it was decided to investIgate flows at the 2a1smm air capacity of the system. Th Griffith correlation (ref.2) gives an estIate for the water flow rates of ligres U7 thra S9, af arond ll oubte feet per minute of air at atmospheric pressre spplied uniformly dowa the passage to bring about an approach to barnab camdiimmh. .. 22 .. this figure of 1laft may be inalcnrate br a fastor At Ach low premes of 2 or s, -of so there is no guarantee er sneess, especially in a boama suai oross-es-tin. Abmot the mnutn air flow ob+.simbh1 ith this apparatOs is 33ebs. Resmats of traverees are shmm in ligs. 67.. ater news eem be -eaamee as accurately asdesires a weighing the flw over patimo. peats, by mting for equaineiw 3emg peitoss. The e -d as amaties er Water into the ar is nwt 4sitteeinmt here since am. the water beems vapor it bebees an the gas phase in the ohwna4 we are euly interested in the distribution of water which remins is the ligata phase. Ih nifora distag- batioa of flow rate is v7 marked over the Fig. 89 is a partclulary good .mpa. greter part of the oen. is sti1l a fil1 at the wall mih is enneniuably .a.naed There by drops stice- Iag to Oe wUl. In sue oases, a strange effet ocars at ts left bas well. In Ig. as sefsal potats on a readings 1a the lhe inear eft bad side she 0 a0 may ndate s= t = 60W en instability akin to bemmxs. p is lost, there appears to be a im ao air heisting potat, ate. anG was a of fompres frm the wal is srioiint -ater on the (this rn eapability, pressure 32e repeated.) the medsa fm am& a case is preambly ee, -Aert-e In Pig. 67 ould be stempreted as a ease of '-roma". ow ae at the accohM in the strm , abow mltiple values t that the velocity of air auw to blaw te drops, *hi&h hae may fsm the w l l idt u a belenS velocities ffn mt- ftrce to preeat the gttag trogh to te wall itme.e. Bub a adal seem rmam1 bawasut pimmammam t the bigqwplig, Is. pressure ang. aeeurate ezperlmemts are needed to confirm or dispro w this. fr th ore detaed and - 23 We thus add the final regim, to the set; drop-vise flov of water Ia a strean of air. Cog~anoson on -the 3h=3late BMrWa jxermenta A remI- malw nodel for the approach to bumout at high qualities sesto hane been found, it is thim At high boiling rates the turbulent mticn of the water drops In the ant stream is Iufficient to support the water film wbich rms down the wall and is being contianl y dqleted by evaporation and by being blom. off" the wall. Bkrammt Oditima reault. rates the burnout regian seems to be preceeded Note that at all f3 by a flour reges Ia which both phases are uIformiy dietributed across the eseal. These seoop is not pimats are not calete without a dimnstration that the finhmalag the flow distribatAn In the eit plane and aking the readings sunr=4=a-i TO this end the scoop was turned and three flow distrbutions hebeked with the reversed soap. Zhese are ehen Sn ias. 8s, 82, mad S, sA, 82A, and N, whih cheek with Figs. espetivly. Of oore, the readings have to be refleeted before plottiag. The w right hand well of Wig. S is oheoked by ig. SOA. The rest ot the crve is nob very good because of large obus in the water fle rate, uovever the masn polat has been ohecked umtfieit3a. -- 24 - Pim0GRA 0? OF L0f PATITMS A further technique possible with this apparatus Is to p the fin Wsing a highb-peed flash. g The various flw pattenrs are Wel defined and provide a very usel check on the previous lsperiment. few photographs of a sIa A type have been taken by Di Saes (ref.l). The photographs provide essentially a measure of the attauation of light rays in passing through the flowing mixture. In the experimental set-up the flash, ground glass screem, test section, and canera are arranged in a straight lime. The flash gives an intens. pulse of light lasting 2 microseconds and this is sufficient to obtain instantaneus pictures of the flow. In spite of the ptarabolio reflector behind the flash and the grond glass screen in front of it, tesw-section is not quite uniform. the ilm=ination of the All the pictures turn out to be brighter in the center, bet all the same the general flow characteristics are usms13y olearly visible for the whole length of the passage. Photographs were taken with camera settings from fS to f321 aperture vals being chosen to give optima detail on the negatives, the f8 represents the upper limit since for this valUe the depth of focus besones insuffioient to view the whole flour clearly. There is also the distortion of the Image by the p3eiglas to be considered at the ends of the section. This is the same as the vefll-nous effect whereby the bottom of a swimming-. pool appears to rise away from the side of the pool until it f1naW3' water surface. hits the A pair of phtographs wae takui at each setting to obtain an tinate of how steady the flou patters were with time. It aobwad be stressod that the brightness of maccessive photo. graphs is not a masenr of the relative attmation of the light rg xposure time are cboen sines both the camra aperture ad the printing fbr ea& pioture separately to th local contrast as well as Vihasise possible. S..ples of photographs are ahien in "babbl' to aiAmn r nigs. 91.9n. The te.ad from mad finally to a more niforu streaky' flou at bigh quanities is clear. Desemm of Zia Pten this fl pattern (or flow reAgas) consists of air babbles of all sises ith the Itersttces filled with water. A aose inspection of the pictwes shows that my more babbs near the walls and in same oases these appear atached to a point n the wall, pres ae. The distribtil Jably a %nuleation of the two phases looks fairly uifom aroes the chamel. A speetal mlarg- int of the bubbly £lov regime is abown in this regime is Jt bubbly to =mar flow. nig.97. what Migt be expeed from a transition froe It Is a Iqbrid of the twe forms. - 26 -- EssntiMally this regise onasists of a core of air, which may contain sos water In the fam of drops, suwrumded by bubbly layes an the broose walls. The pattera is not at all steady and In places the are bridges of b*Uls which appear to spam the channe1, althaugh these 3ay be only one or two layes thick on the side wall. the bubbly 1ayer ca the bromse walls eperiences heavy shear stresses from the high speed air stream In the oear and is eseited to fora surface waves, some of which develop Into orests and appear to be being torn off to fors droplets which are then earried alcng In the core. As air flew rates, and hnee flowing speeds, are Increased he . ar flr gives way to a new regine. The photographs show a rather unntelligible sist of varying opasity which it is thought might be due to a flaw pattern In which the water In the strean is In the form of drops suirliug arnim babbl with eaceenly turbulent velocities. present but they will be very small since a apart by the Intense shear stresses. tendeney to There ay be some large ones are torn This model would acolt for the itforz water fler rate aeroses the channel at high flowing velocities *bmud In previous traverse eperints. At eer high air flaw rates the pattern is flrther obsreg tw shear stresses actIng on the liquid layer an the plexiglas. A nlargeunt of this kind of flew is shown In PIg. 97. -m273 Cahine Ifeots For high rates of water flow a "hokingN effect, simiar to that obsved for flashing flow of hot liquids, gives rise to high prno gradints near the soit so that only a small proportion of the air am get in at the beginning of the passage (see Fig. 96). 9asnUnt a ,1 amanit (se night expect the local flow regime to be a faotion the flow rates of the two phases. of aainly This would sean that we should have the am series of flow patters aMting up the passage as we increase the air flow rates from the siAmIas- lbr meaple, we should have the sas flw.ing rates of air and water and preumb3y the same flow regime about 1/2 the way up picture C of Fig. 91 as at the eit of picture B. tbfortunately, such a oorrelation does not suoced at all. Picture a appears nearly all inlar whereas picture B is certainly hubbly. The flow regime seems in gensial to be determined more by the rate of babble faatiu at the wall (i.e. the stealated bolitag rate) than by either the flaing quality or the legth along the passage in which the friw has had time to It sbani be bonne in mind that a photograph does not sho all features of the the- m ma flow. For amanple, an s=13 -- core will not be visible it it is behind a row of hobbles ca the pleaiglas wall. An attuqat to classify the pictures representing and abubbg, transition, =la flows resulted in transition lines at higher qualities than those aboum in ftig. 90. This is partly &e to the fact that the photograph does eacted to the full length of the chmanl (co t and one-half inches or so abort) and partly due to the shielding effect described above. - 28 - The photographs show one thing that the previous traverses osanot hope to showe the variation of flow patterns along the length of the passage. Suppemetaryi l4otofrachio eRosssets A forther series of photographs was taken with all the air being introduced at the top and of the passage. The results are not partiwmlarly relevant to the present report but the pictures are available at NLI.T. should interest in this type of flow arise. 1) Changes in the distribution of the liquid and vapor acros theahannel correspond to changes in the flow configuration suchgram bubbly to eawra or drapemflove 2) The distribution of liquid and vapor across the chan1 and the flow regine is arkedly altered if the vapor is generated at the walls instead of passing i th liquid dow the cbanel for the same apparent flowing conditions. 3) No slug flow regime develops when the vapor enters at the walls at a sufficiently high rate. 4) So striking change in flow regime is detected in passing through a simlated buruout. 5) At large rates of vapor formation at the walls, the flow regime appears to be mor dep ndnt on the rate of vapor formation then either flowing quality or local velocity. -- 29 .. IMatpA9oaL DsrideM of theAnlr The mathma oal descipliot used here is eztreme aipl.# por a boiler tabe we have the appraxmate relatioM (which is accurate if the pressue drop in the tube is emal): Volisee additica to flow per unit lngth = For the naloga Tobame Adition to flee per ift lengh = T. lbr u10de ooMParisons we equate the above quantities and writes since steam ad air prapetes are comparable at atspherio pressure. The maiA flow characterislis are a result of the interacton of the light gas with the heavy liquid and are determined primariuy by the imma=e deuit difference. Thas we do not expect sigificant errors by replaing stem by air. g does not take aocut of the loss of water mass when Th aSna steam is fotmed. At lM pressures Mis effect is negligible. Of orse a mre asedete analyuis is possible. parameters m imensionless be inIIsA. which take acont of the difference in properties of steam and air, of the bramse and a boiling surfae. &eh a development is cassidued premature in this report which is more a descriptio of techniques and of the kind of results obtainable then an exhaustive investgation. .- 30 - APPERIX l symbols we have: In na+mtmA = water flow fraction up to distanc z f,(x) () -~ s(z) = air flow fraction up to dista z water fnew cu.ft.per in. ou.ft.per min. total air flow =with of pass. t = tal Q= D Wene the resultst f,(D) = fa(D) = 1 U ax a a Ox rate at water flow at Z = rate of air flow at z I a+ az = total dx voeI2 rate of flo at x. For no slips Water cameontration i t dr + a In met oases Q,<G ." 4 and the streaw velooity profile nq be taken an the m" as the air flaw profll@, eoept close to the wall where there is usualwg a laer rich in water. -W31- Pig. (1) of a report by P. Griffith, 'The Correlation of Nulate Boiling Biunot Data* (ref. 2) shows burnout points plotted on a graph 41.5 (9) (I -bg where P/' 4-1 is the ratio of stream prese to the critical prese. For the analogy we estimated P/P, = 0.005 giving an ordinate oe arond 500. (h-ht) is replaced by 7 4 1(l ) is given by Appendix A. The rest of the variables are taken as the corresponding values for air and water where appropriate. The result Ist for bnurout (M OW 10.7 (1 -,) a. ft/mdn so32 as V-" ?-1-9 4- Lumfth 100o brola wile 040'D wide, 0.0o20' gaekot, mosumc at vidt 0.542 X 0.250'. Chryser OsApArtOm Dtzitl RFoh~go flltemd Sis. reo at part~l"e om.feui da ome brouse 300 Ina as of water S-12U at f13 zates of 2 o.f.,m/qSa. Mdth 00',8 sma3ag bier of omu hAUO CC 940P area to faul 01om ~obe tqpe Iap. Liin a o50- area, 0.74. bof Wby Oel ShaoCbip ofJtaiy llgt flaeh of 2 uiozroeeod dME-=m 33 - - -LTST Description of _oarataae Figs. 1-s ngs. 11-12 Photographs and diagrams. Hook gauge calibratio curees. C Figs. 13-14 ater traverses, all air added in mizing chahber before flow passage, water flow rate as ordinate. pig. 15 Series of water traverses as in 13,14. Fractioa1 flow rate as ordinate. Fig. 16 Air traverse. Fig. 17 As 16. Fig. 18 Water and air flow rate profiles for Fige.15,16. 7ig. 19 ig.1 20 Figs. 21-30 ig. 31 igs. 32-34 Air added in mixing chamber. Air added through bronse walls to aiinilate boliing. Comparisn of air f2ow semi-profiles for Figs. 16,17. Water flow se.Lprofiles for Fig. 15. Air traverM Air flow profiles for Figs. 21-30. Water traverses corresponding to Fgs. 24,25,30. Figs. 35-40 Air traverses for high air flow rates. ngs. Water traverses for high air flow rates. Figs. 4L-43 Detailed water traverses elose to wall for high air flow rates. SiMIlated BoilIUn oeiamnts RBain 80o00 Air added in sliing chamber. Figs. 49-50 Preliminary Tests. FIgs. 51-59 Water traverses with simlated boiling. Water flow canstant, air flow varied. Fig. 60 Figs. 61-86 Figs. 8749 Water flow profiles for Figs. 51-59. water traverses. mal ated burnout experiamts. Water traverses. Figs. 90 Flow regies deduced from Figs. 49-9. Figs. 91-97 Photographs of flow patterns. page in all cases. Flow downvards from top of Air added through broanse. 4w33 - This wf hs bom eftt"Iwy mjprtdby the Ofioe at lavi hseaoh a hasbornp.fo=*d isth. bat Trmsfw Lebyabotoc'tth Nsa I ette I pm i 6 s b of so1@mo, uwb s mda' the msmwvIsa 2) *Flow balms In a Toha DuIM3g MW oU' 1. 0. ft. Sama LI.?. SL thesis l958 2) 'iOftlato of N P. WItfth Wclatehlu amut Dataus A.8.l3. Papa No. 574T-41.~ pF '710 -i MMM -; 1- fC) LL c-l C)4 ~~A1 11=101hldlki I 11'''ildill"i 200 psi Air I City Water Fi Lter Exhaust t Test top Section I Air to sides Position P of T/S Measured by Micrometer head APR - ----- Water rator water b-- hR air Left hand half of system not shown on drawing. It is identical with the right hand half. FIG.7 SCHEMATIC SYSTEM DIAGRAM Brass Porous Bronze - Flow Channel Gasket Glued Joint Slide Base-plo 'acking Soldefed Joi lexiglas of Frame Knife Blad II I I II II II I SECTIONAL VIEWS OF KNIFE ARRANGEMENT SCALE', FULL SIZE AIR SEAL FI GUR E 8 No bolt s ,nuts or screws shown. PAGES (S) MISSING FROM ORIGINAL Figure 9 ? PAGES (S) MISSING FROM ORIGINAL Figure 10 1.0 0.8 u0.8 .C C 0 C : 0.6 0 0 o.40.6 z 0. 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 2 6 10 14 18 Water Flow lbs. /min. FIG. I1 22 26 2 6 10 14 Water Flow lbs /min. FIG. 12 18 22 26 09 007 09 d 00E 09 02 09 00t d 09 00E 09 002 9 9? 9 9 0 01 0 M 01 M 100 100 80 80 60 60 Fa 40 40 20 200 60 60 P FIG. 15 300 400 60 P Air in Top Only FIG. 16 100 40 36 32 80 28 24 60 G 20 40 16 12 20 8 4 0 0 200 Air in Sides Only FIG. 17 60 60 300 FIG. 18 400 40 36- 32- 28- 24- Go 20- 16- 12- 8- 400 200 60 300 P FIG. 60 600 60 200 60 300 P FIG. 20 60 400 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 340 400 40 500 360 400 40 p FIG. 22 FIG. 21 60 QO 500 = 3.7 Qw = 0. 182 5040 Fa Fa - 30F 20 0 360 400 p FIG. 23 40 500 340 400 40 p FIG. 24 500 30 10 0 340 400 40 340 500 40 500 400 40 p FIG. 28 500 400 FIG. 26 FIG. 25 70 70 50 50 F0 a 30 30 10 340 400 FIG. 27 40 500 340 009 I O 02 'd4 d 0017 I I I / 017 009 O0 d 0017 / / A0 / 0VE9 / 0 01 -/ 09 08'0 = MO 9,9= =O Do II2r I ' OIL I I I 02. I I 02. I OL 009 I I Ot? I I 009 I I d Ot, I I 0ot I I OtE I I 7, 09 Ot, 02 d 00#t 08 09 OVE Ot 91 02 Do 09 981'0 - 08 M o / - 0o1 001 80 60 F, 40 20 0 340 400 40 500 40 600 340 400 40 p 500 40 600 p FIG. 33 FIG. 34 100 0, =1166 0,= 0 352/ - 80 60 F. 40 -/20 - 0 340 400 40 P FIG. 35 500 40 80 340 400 40 P FIG. 36 500 40 80 I i I II I i Qa = 9.8 Q = 0.41I . = 10 Qw = 0.112 50H 30 I- 30 K- 1o - 101, 1 1 1 400 40 P FIG. 37 340 I I , 340 1 500 I I I 400 I 40 500 FIG. 38 70 ||| Q =10 Q. = 12.6 Qw = 0.688 Qw = 0.198 50 50 30 30 / / 10- 10 / 340 400 P FIG. 39 40 500 I I I I /l 400 340 I I 40 FIG. 40 I 500 009 Ot, £17 'OHz 0ot Ot7E 009 Zt7 'E)1 Ot, 0ot 09 017 It, *9 11 d 009 Ot' QOt' 0t7 O012 11'. 20- 6 - 2 10 6 2 540 560 580 FIG. 44 600 22 18 - 14- 10 6 270 540 600 p FIG. 45 26 - 22 20018w 14- 10 - 6 - 2540 60 80 P FIG. 46 - 600 mull. 26 22 18- 14- 10- 6 2 540 60 80 600 80 600 FIG. 47 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 40 60 P FIG. 48 Iu I I I I I I 10 Q.= 4 95 Qa Q,= 0 221 Q=0 234 80- 80 60- 40 I ! il II I 40- 20- 20 n 600 40 700 40 P FIG. 49 AIR IN TOP 800 50 600 40 40 700 P FIG. 50 AIR IN TOP 800 | | 600 | | 40 | | | I I 40 700 P FIG. 51 I I I 800 I 100 100 | I| I |I I | I I 00 = 2.4 Q= 2.21 Q. =0.232 Q,= 0.233 80- 80- 60 60- NF, 40- 40- 20- 20- I 10 0 i i i i IQ I 40 700 P FIG. 52 40 600 i i 1 0 01 i i I I i 1 1 1 600 800 1 I I l 1 i 800 40 700 P FIG.53 40 I 00 Q0 = 2.49 0, = 0 230 = 3.23 Q, = 0.230 80- 80 60- -- ----------------- 60------- Fw w 40- 40 - - 20 20- 0 600 40 40 700 P FIG. 54 800 600 40 700 P 1G. 55 40 800 100 80 60 w 40 20 0 600 40 700 40 p FIG. 56 800 p FIG. 57 100 100 Q. = 9.2 0,= 14.0 Qw = 0.234 Qw= 0.237 80 80 601 60 40 40 20 201 -- - 600 40 700 p FIG. 58 40 800 - 600 - - 40 - - - - 700 FIG. 59 - 40 ---- 800 Qo =2.4 Q, =2.21 Q, I I I I I Q,= 2.49 Q,=0. 230 Q, =0.232 =0.233 I Q.= 3.23 Q= 0.2 30 Qa =9.2 Q, =0.234 P FIG. 60 - 0, = 3.90 Q, = 0.234 Qo =14.0 Q, = 0.237 100 100 0 = 0.75 Q. = 0.62 Q0 =0 Q, 0.620 80- 80 ---------------------------------- 60- 60- w Fw 40- 40- 20- 20- 0 0 600 10 0 40 | | | 700 P FIG. 61 40 | 1 1 800 | | 600 700 P FIG. 62 40 1| 1 0, = 1 10 ,= 0.62 40 800 1 1 Q0 = 2,3 Qw = 0.60 80- 80 60- 60- w F, 40- 40- 20- 20- o | 600 40 700 40 P FIG. 63 | 800 0 L 600 I 40 I I I I 700 40 P FIG. 64 I I 1 800 1. . l I i I I I I I I I I l Qo = 3,6 Q,=0.60 80- 5O- 40-- 20- 0 Ii I1L I LI 600 40 700 P FIG. 65 40 i 800 FIG. 66 11| 1111I | | | | 0. = 14.0 Q, = 0.60 80b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 20 600 40 700 P FIG. 67 40 800 600 40 700 P 1G. 68 40 800 - 100 Qo = 2.5 Q, = 0. 365 801 401 201 - - - - - - - - ----- I I 600 I 40 I r I I I I 700 40 P FIG. 69 I 1 1 1 10 01 1 11 800 600 40 700 P FIG. 70 600 40 700 40 800 40 800 1 1 Q, =4.0 Qw = 0.357 80- 60- - w 40- 20- O I I I 600 I 40 | [ l 700 P FIG. 71 40 800 FIG. 72 11 00 1 001 1 1 1 1 Q. = 1.75 Oa = 1.6 Q, =0 088 Q. =0.077 80- 80- 60- 60- 40- 40- 20- 20- 0 0 600 40 700 P FIG.73 40 800 100 I I F 100 600 40 I 700 P FIG. 74 I 40 800 I Q, = 2 8 Qa = 2.2 Q. = 0.085 Q = 0.089 80 80- 60 60- F,< . 40 40- 20 20 - 0 0 600 40 700 P FIG.75 40 800 600 40 700 P FIG. 76 40 800 1 Q, =3.18 Qo = 5.55 Q, =0.091 Qw = 0.088 801- 801 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 601- 60 40 2040 20 600 40 700 P FIG.77 40 600 800 40 700 40 P FIG.78 1001 800 1- I I I I - - Q =2 12 = 0.154 Q 80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 40 20 600 P FIG. 79 40 700 P FIG. 80 40 800 50 I11, j 100 I | | I | I | | I I I | I Q, = 2.42 0 = 0. 141 80Qa =2.40 Ow =0. 1 2 60 Fw 40- P FIG.81A SCOOP REVERSED 20- 0 40 600 I| i 10 0 | 700 P FIG. 81 40 | | 800 | | Q =2.81 Q. =0.125 - 80- Qo =2c 60- 0. F 40- 20 - | | | | | | P FIG. 82 A SCOOP REVERSED 0 600 40 40 700 P FIG.82 800 100 100 Qa = 3.06 Qw = 0.44 80 80 60 60 1 - 40 1 11 l i 20 . 600 40 700 40 800 600 40 700 40 800 p FIG. 84 FIG.83 100 Inn I I I II I I I I I I I I Qo = 13.5 Q,= 0.131 801 -- - - - - - -- - - - - - 601 40 20 600 40 700 FIG.85 40 800 600 40 700 FIG. 86 40 800 - 69 01 09 009 9891AI Ot, 0OL Ot' 009 | 0 008 | | l| i| d 0OL i J Ot 009 il|l| | Ot,01 "o 0.t, I='0 0 21 = Do I Ot, -C 910,0 =M0 II I I I I I I n I I I I I I III I I I I I nn 14 I U II I I I x Bubbly flow 121- A 0 0 a 10 Transition region Annular flow Simulated burnout points (dropwise flow) 8-Qa 6F- 410 D501 x G 2H x x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 FIG. 90 0.5 0.6 0.7 A B C D F G Q,(cfm) 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0.038 0.b 8 0.035 Qa(cfm) 0. 42 0.94 1.83 2.56 3.56 4.8 7.12 FIGURE 91 PHOTOGRAPHS OF FLOW PATTERNS. H 0.035 13.0 S- p -a -II C Qw(cfra) 0.075 0.074 0.074 0.070 Q (cfm) 0.72 1.45 3.6 6.8 FIGURE 92 0.067 12.1 A B 0. 155 1.52 Q,(cfa) 0. 155 Qa(c fa) 0.95 FIGURE 93 C D E F 0. 146 7. 67 o.150 0. 149 0. 150 2. 65 3.96 5.20 G 0.144 11.3 -4 t 0)O -10 to OH a0 a U N O O O O H H rA -4 O 0 C C4 Ol 8 c4 00 RO"A O 4400 BUBBLY FIG.97 STREAKY ANNULAR TYPICAL FLOW REGIMES