I G rup'ETE R., 'ay KAI W- R MQMD;,, M. AEYNO F OFHA _N NR JECT] Num _0 $94 ICAL EN SSACHUETtS INSMUE -.OF AM 3 p EM EMT INTRODUCTION In order to effectively utilize the high heat flux available through the mechanism of nucleate boiling in forced convection heat transfer, it is of primary importance that the maximum flux or "burnout" conditions be known for the liquid under consideration. It is a characteristic of the boiling heat transfer process that, as attempts are made to exceed the burnout heat flux, the conditions at the heat transfer surface become such that the heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing temperature difference between the wall and fluid. If the apparatus in which this process occurs is not of the type in which a constant temperature is imposed, another equilibrium point will be reached at a significantly higher wall temperature. In the case of water at pressures of atmospheric and higher, the wall temperature assumed in the new equilibrium state is high enough to cause failure in all but the most conservatively designed apparatus. Because of the unstable nature of the boiling process beyond the maximum vs. temperature difference on the q/A vs. L T curve, once the burnout temperature difference is exceeded, small power reductions will not save the heat exchanger from the major portion of the incipient temperature jump. Power must be reduced to a relatively low level to insure that excessive temperature will not be developed in the equipment. The time in which this power reduction must be accomplished depends on the particular flux and the heat capacity of the system being used; however, in most practical cases, this time can be expected to be extremely short. DETECTOR REQUIREMENT FOR MIT PROJECT The boiling heat transfer project at M.I.T. utiliz0s water at a maximum pressure of 2000 psia. flowing through a .18" I.D. nickel tube with a .015" wall. Power is supplied by a Q.kw, 2000 amp generator system and is absorbed by a 9" length of the nickel tube. In this system, calculations indicate that approximately 6 millisecs are available between the time at which the burnout A T is exceeded and the time at which "serious" overtemperature will occur. Power must essentially be reduced to zero in this time. "Serious" overtemperature in this case is somewhat lower than that which would rupture the test section because of the importance of an unaltered tube surface condition to insure the consistency of subsequent data to be taken with the same tube. It is estimated that, in this particular configuration, a 50 degree overtemperature is tolerable at peak test conditions. It is on this temperature rise that the 6 millisec requirement is predicated. In order to avoid the delays involved in taking burnout data by actually rupturing test sections, the project undertook to devise a mechanism which would interrupt the heating current circuit within 6 millisec of the initiation of the burnout process. It is important that this particular apparatus actually reach burnout flux, since it is being used for research on the burnout phenomenon. The circuit breaker must, therefore, be such as to insure that interruption is not initiated before the actual burnout point is reached. The system must be capable of "deciding" when a bona fide burnout condition exists and performing the necessary sequence to insure circuit interruption within the time alloted. GENERAL FEATURES OF THE DETECTOR The logical burnout criterion is test section wall temperature at the Since the MIT projtube exit where thermodynamic burnout invariably occurs. ect employs DC heating by passing current through the test section wall, ther- mocouples must be electrically insulated from the wall. The necessary insulation reduces the response time of the thermocouple to an unacceptable level; therefore, wall temperature is read indirectly through its effect on the resistivity of the tube wall. Specifically, the resistivity of the final 1/16" of the test section is compared with that of the remainder with a rapidly increasing unbalance constituting a burnout signal. This unbalance, which is measured with a Wheatstone bridge circuit, provides the input signal of a DC Amplifier. The rate of change of tube resistivity with temperature is such that, after biasing the circuit to exclude signals fran background noise (generator ripple, nearby equipment, etc.) and internal noise generation within the amplifier, the decision time of the system is relatively long. In view of this anticipated decidion time, a design goal of 9.5 millisec was chosen as the action time of the switch itself. The problem of failure prevention then became one of devising a system which would satisfy the above requirements. It was soon learned that the fastest $echanical circuit breakers available fell far short of the necessary performance. The best mechanical breaker considered required 2.$ millisec for -3interruption. A level of performance which could only be achieved at the expense of extreme wear of the breaker components. Consequently, explosives were investigated as a means of rapid circuit interruption. After extensive testing of various interrupting and firing configurations, a satisfactory system was designed around a DuPont X-98-N blasting cap (#6 strength, RDX loaded for 350 degrees F temperature stability) inside of a 1/2" OD, .047" wall copper tube carrying the test section current. This cap is fired by a 7000 volt discharge from a 0.1/A f farad condenser. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS The detection of incipient burnout is accomplished by the Wheatstone Bridge. The resistance of the final 1/16" of tube and the remainder of the tube form two legs of the circuit. The remaining two bridge circuit legs are made up of fixed and variable resistances (see Fig. 1). This configuration is ideal for its present use. During a run, the test section current is increased slowly. Therefore, any bridge unbalance due to varying tube temperature can be readily compensated for by manual adjustment of the variable re-. sistors. At high heat flux, in the neighborhood of burnout, the test section is normally almost isothermal, so that, while the test section resistance may vary, the resistances of the two portions of the tube remain in a relatively constant ratio to each other. The net voltage at the reference point in the bridge circuit is fed to a four stage DC amplifier consisting of two 12AY7 and two 12AX7 stages. The voltage across any one or combination of the four amplification stages may be monitored and manually adjusted. The output of the DC amplifier is used to fire a triggering circuit (Fig. 2) which discharges the 7000 volt .1014,f capacitor through the spark gap in the dynamite switch. A 4035 thyratron tube is required to perform this function. The 4C35 will not, however, tolerate the relatively slow buildup of the triggering pulse in the amplifier. It is, therefore, isolated from the amplifier by another pulse circuit consisting of a 2D21 thyratron, pulse transformer, and capacitor which will tolerate relatively slow pulses and provide an output signal with a rise time of approximately one microsec. This circuit is shown in Fig. 1 as part of the amplifier circuit. The pulse generator physically contains somewhat more circuitry (see Fig. 2) than required for a functional explanation of its operation. The function f condenser and to provide of the rest of the circuit is to charge the .10 sufficient warmup time for the 4C35 cathode. -4The pulse generator physically contains somewhat more circuitry (see Fig. 2) than required for a functional explanation of its operation. The function of the rest of the circuit is to chatge the .10 f condenser and to provide sufficient warmup time for the 4C35 cathode. In an effort to minimize the susceptibility of the DC amplifier to drift, a power supply is provided which accurately regulates the reference voltages (Fig. 3). This is achieved in part by a series tube voltage regulator circuit using gas-discharge reference tubes and amplified feedback. The supply is, in reality, two regulated supplies; one for +180v and the other for -90v with respect to ground. The OB2, 6AU6, 12AU7 circuit produces a regulated 270v ungrounded. The important ratio of the + and - voltages is determined by a 12AX7 difference amplifier which reads the signal from a precision voltage divider and drives a 6AQ5 tube to establish ground at low impedance. OPERATING EXPERIENCE Without exception, the burnout detector has successfully prevented failure of the test section. The detector has permitted the actual attainment of the burnout condition in the test section and no unexplained premature interruptions have occurred. The fact that the detector is not firing prematurely is checked by periodically allowing a test section to fail while observing the relation between the discharge of the capacitor and the appearance of steam or other evidence of failure. These two events invariably occur simultaneously. There have been a few instances of unintentional test section loss due to failure of the interruptian system. In each of these cases, failure was attributable to poor electrical connections or improper adjustment of the bridge circuit. The reliability limiting electrical element of the system is the DC amplifier. The tolerance of this unit to variations in tube characteristics is lower than the tube manufacturing tolerances. Consequently, electrical failures are difficult to isolate and trouble shooting the unit is time consuming. Failure of the amplifier is usually characterized by wide fluctuations in output voltage. This type of failure is usually detected during warm-up of the unit. If the amplifier should become unstable during a run, the circuit breaker is actuated by the erratic signal and the run aborted without failure of the test section. -5BURNOUT DETECTOR SWITCH The actual interruption of the circuit, as mentioned previously, is accomplithed by setting off an explosive cap which is contained in a hollow copper tube (Fig. 4). The tube is 3-1/32" long and has a 1/2" OD and .047" wall. It is fitted with a nylon end piece which holds the blasting cap leads at right angles to the tube axis and provides electrical and thermal insulation between the tube and cap leads. One of the cap leads is grounded to the switch body (Fig. 5) while the other is held under an entry for the electrode from the .1A.-f condenser. Contact between the electrode and the cap lead is light and is maintained by the lead bearing on the electrode under its own elastic restoring force. The tube is held by two pairs of steel clamping blocks, each block being 2" by 3" by 1" thick. One pair of these blocks is shown holding a spent tube in Fig. 6. The mating faces of each pair form an oval hole with a circumference slightly larger than that of the tube. The change in tube cross section during clamping insures a strong grip on the tube and low contact resistance. The clamping force on the blocks has been measured at approximately 2-1/2 tons, and is provided by a heavy toggle linkage mounted on the switch body. To avoid arcing between the clamping blocks and the copper tube on opbning or closing the clamping blocks, an auxiliary pair of contacts is used to make the connection with the bus bars. The clamping blocks may be thought of as "long" and "short" motion blocks. One pair of these is shown in Fig. 6. The sequence of events in closing the switch is as follows: a) As the motion starts, the long motion block (2-1/4" travel) shown to the left of the copper tube in Fig. 6, moves to make contact with the tube. b) Further motion causes the clamping block-tube assembly to compress the rubber gasket between the bus bar and the rear face of the short motion block shown to the right of the copper tube in Fig. 6. After 1/16" of travel, the short motion block comes into contact with the bus bar. The 1/16" compression of the rubber gasket requires a force of approximately 100 lbs. c) Further motion of the toggle mechanism causes deformation of the copper tube between the clamping blocks. -6On opening the switch, the reverse takes place with the contact between the short motion block and the bus bar being broken before the clamping blocks separate from the tube. The separation force is provided by the rubber gasket on the bus bar. The entire assembly is enclosed in a box of 1/4" steel plate (Fig. 8 and 9). The outer container is insulated from the current carrying components inside the unit by 1/4" of high strength glazed micarta. Micarta is also used as insulation around all bolts. SWITCH OPERATION The mechanical components have an excellent service record. The switch shown in the photographs in this report has fired approximately 150 times. It can be seen that the clamping blocks show little evidence of wear. The mi- carta insulation is eroded in the blast area, but penetration of blast effects into the micarta has not yet warranted any replacement. There are, however, two areas in the mechanical switch which are prone to wear. The portion of the case directly opposite the open end of the copper tube must be protected from erosion with a small (1" x 1") steel plate which must be replaced at 50 shot intervals. motion blocks. The second point of wear is the rubber gaskets on the short These eventually acquire a permanent set and must also be re- placed at approximately 50 shot intervals. CONCLUSION The burnout detector design outlined above is well suited for research work because of its rapid action and accuracy. The nature of the burnout process under study mates further refinements in its operation unnecessary. The detector and switch have excellent operating records and burnout is invariably prevented quickly enough to avoid measurable effects on the test section. The largest single factor effecting the utilization rate of the unit is the DC amplifier which is somewhat lacking in stability and should be changed to a more stable, commercially available design in future detectors. E2LRN-OtUT -SYSTEM D.C. AMPLIFIER t V*Ciiobk Sz3YtoLIGevierci+or +0 R-ALse oi Pluic Flow VOLTMETER 40 0~LQ~S 0 5w vv.79st SEL. +I8Ov~ -++ 0v Ret-a Stest* viv. Gryowncl Swti GL-2X2A BURN-OUT SYSTEM D.C. AMPLIFIER POWER SUPPLY -90 v. F.gare 3 :p ,2Jj Fig. 5 View showing orientation of leads to dynamite cap. down lead is grounded to case. Up leg is under entry point of electrode from capacitor. Bus Bar Gasket Long Motion Block Short Motion Block 40 Fig. 6 Contact Face of Bus Bar Bus Bar Edge Gasket VOW1 Fig. 7 View showing the edge of one bus bar and rubber gasket around the bus bar contact area. ta 4