2016-2017 University of South Alabama – College of Education Master of Science – M.S. SPORT MANAGEMENT Student Name _______________________________ _______ Jag Number ____________________________________ Advisor ___________________________________________ Date Admitted to Program ________________________ MINIMUM GRADUATE HOURS REQUIRED: 30 I. IDE 510 II. Hours Semester Grade 3 ___________ ___________ 3 3 3 3 3 3 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 3 3 3 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 3 3 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 3 ___________ ___________ Research and Evaluation (3 Hours) Educational Research and Evaluation Area of Specialization (18 Hours) SM 572 SM 575 SM 584 SM 585 SM 586 SM 587 Sport Event Law and Risk Management Sport Leadership and Organizational Behavior Sport Event Marketing Social and Ethical Issues in Sport Management Sport Event and Facility Management Sport Business and Finance Choose Either the Thesis or Non-Thesis Option below: III. Thesis Option (9 Hours) IDE 620 SM 599 Quantitative Methods I Thesis (6 Hours) OR IV. Non-Thesis Option (9 Hours) HPE 500 Administration of Sport/Health/Physical Education SM 595 Internship in Sport Management Advisor Approved Elective: ________ _________________________________________________ Sport Management Program Course Offerings: Fall Semester: SM 575, 586, 595, 599; IDE 510, 620 Spring Semester: SM 584, 587, 595, 599; IDE 510, 620; HPE 500 Summer Semester: SM 572, 585, 595, 599; IDE 510 Revised 03/09/16 Master of Science – M.S. Regular Admission Requirements: 1. Sufficient courses in the major area to qualify for graduate study in the involved discipline. 2. An appropriate advanced degree may be used in lieu of other requirements for Regular Standing. 3. Admission to the Graduate School. 4. Submission of official GRE or MAT test scores. Scores must be sent from the testing agency to the Office of Admissions. 5. Official transcripts from all institutions attended. 6. Submission of resume with chronology of professional employment. 7. Two letters of recommendation attesting to the prospective student's scholarship and/or professional abilities. 8. Student narrative on the prospective student’s career goals and purpose for graduate study. 9. See academic departments for additional requirements. 10. For other admission requirements, see Graduate Studies Section of the current USA Bulletin. Additional Information: 1. Program GPA required for graduation: 3.00 2. Successful completion of a comprehensive examination is required for graduation. Only students who have applied for graduation and are completing their degree requirements in the current semester are allowed to apply for the comprehensive exam. The Comprehensive Exam Policy and application form can be obtained from Student Services, UCOM 3020 or on the College of Education Graduate School webpage at the following link: http://www.southalabama.edu/colleges/coe/gradschool/index.html 3. All information pertaining to graduation, including application deadlines, is available on the Registrar’s Office website at the following link: http://southalabama.edu/departments/registrar/graduation_apply.html 3/02/16