LOOP SIMULATION CAPABILITY FOR SODIUM-COOLED SYSTEMS by Oluwole A. Adekugbe, Andrei L. Schor and Mujid S. Kazimi Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 84-013 July 1984 Energy Laboratory and Department of Nuclear Engneering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 LOOP SIMULATION CAPABILITYU FOR SODIUM-COOLED SYSTEMS by Oluwole A. Adekugbe Andrei L. Schor Mujid S. Kazimi July 1984 Topical Report of the MIT Sodium Boiling Project sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 84-013 LOOP SIMULATION CAPABILITY FOR SODIUM-COOLED SYSTEMS by Oluwole A. Adekugbe Andrei L. Schor Mujid S. Kazimi ABSTRACT A one-dimensional loop simulation capability has been implemented in the thermal-hydraulic analysis code, THERMIT-4E. This code had been used to simulate and investigate flow in test sections of experimental sodium loops and of LMFBR fuel assemblies. Such analyses had required the use of boundary conditions specified at the inlet and outlet. The new code, THERMIT-4E/L simulates the entire primary coolant loop and therefore eliminates the need to specify such boundary conditions. additions and modifications to the THERMIT-4E code include: The constant temperature heat sinks, implicit heat transfer to environment and generalized body force field specification. To date, applications have been focused on natural circulation. A series of experiments performed in the Sodium Boiling Test Facility (SBTF) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been simulated with the loop code. The results of single-phase calculations are generally in good agreement with the experimental data. However, we have not as yet been able to obtain a stabilized flow configuration when a significant amount of boiling takes place in the heated section. It appears that the extremely violent condensation n the plena loads to the .noted calculational difficulty. iii An analytical treatment approximating the single-phase loop behavior has also been developed. The results are quite general and can be applied to other loop systems. Approximate expressions have been obtained for the frequency and damping coefficient of a flow oscillation in a loop. The analysis has also yielded a criterion for stability, dependent on the input power, difference between the upper and lower plena temperatures, and a modified Stanton number. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express their appreciation for the support provided by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the United States Department of Energy. Thanks are due to Mrs. Rachel Morton for her help in computer related matters. Dr. Sorel Kaiserman's suggestions and comments on the flow oscillation modeling are greatly appreciated. The work described in this report is based on the thesis submitted by the first author for the M.S. degree in Nuclear Engineering at M.I.T. The fellowship provided to him by the. Center for Energy Research and Development at the University of Ife, Nigeria is gratefully acknowledged. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv NOMENCLATURE ix LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Fast Breeder Reactor Safety Issues 1 1.1.1. Introduction 1 1.1.2. Safety Design and the U.S. Ground Rules 2 1.1.3. The Scope and Limitation of Numerical Models in Safety Designs 12 The Scope and Limitations of THERMIT in Safety Design 13 1.2. Outline of the Present Investigation 14 1.3. Organization of Report 1.1.4. 2. THE THERMIT CODE 15 17 2.1. Introduction 17 2.2. Mathematical and Physical Models in THERMIT 18 2.2.1. The Two-Phase Flow Model 18 Six-Equation Model 19 2.2.2. Mixture Models 22 Four-Equation Model 22 Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM)_26 2.2.3. The Exchange Terms and the Interfacial Jump Conditions 27 vi 2.3. The Physical Models in THERMIT _9 2.3.1. Wall Friction 79 2.3.2. Interfacial Momentum Exchange 34 2.3.3 Wall Heat Transfer __ 2.4. Problems with THERMIT Physical Models and Loop Simulation 40 2.4.1. Forced and Natural Convection 40 2.4.2. Condensation Modeling 45 2.5. The Numerical Methods 49 2.5.1. Introduction 49 2.5.2 The Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics _o 2.5.3. The Solution Scheme _o 2.5.4. The Jacobian Matrix and the Pressure Problem A2 2.5.5. The Numerical Method for Fuel Rod and Hexagonal Can Conduction _ 65 Overall Solution Scheme and the Hierachy of Subroutines in THERMIT 65 2.5.6. 3. THERMAL-HYDRAULIC SINGLE PHASE LOOP ANALYSIS 67 3.1. Introduction 67 3.2. Typical Flow Loops 69 3.2.1. A Natural Convection Loop 69 3.2.2. A Forced Convection Loop 73 3.3. One-Dimensional Loop Analysis 75 3.3.1. Mathematical Model 75 Governing Equations 75 Dependence of Mass Flow Rate on Heat Input for the ORNL Sodium Boiling Test Facility (SBTF) Loop 78 vii of Analytical Results with the Codes Calculations R8 for Form Losses in the Actual Loop 91 3.3.2. Loop Flow Oscillation Order Perturbation Theory Applied to Flow Oscillation 93 94 3.3..2.2.Stability Boundary 109 Experiments 111 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL LOOP CAPABILITY IN THERMIT 1 i21 4.1. Introduction 11 4.2. Loop Component Models 171 4.2.1. The Heater 121 4.2.2. Constant Temperature Sinks (The Plena) 172 Scheme for Plenum Heat Transfer 122 4.2.3. Treatment of the Body Force 12 4.2.4. The Expansion Tank 1 15 4.3. Implementation in THERMIT-4E/L 1-6 5. THERMIT SIMULATION OF NATURAL CONVECTION LOOP EXPERIMENTS 142 5.1. Introduction 5.2.1. Geometry Transformation 143 5.2.2. Non-Uniform Flow Cross-Sectional Areas 145 5.2.3. Single-Phase Calculations 148 4.42 of the Single-Phase Test: ORNL/TM-7018; 10742 148 Cross-Sectional Loop Calculations 154 5.2.4. Two-Phase Calculations 6. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 154 16 1 viii 6.1. Summary and Conclusions 161 6.2. Recommendations for Future Work 164 APPENDIX A. 167 APPENDIX B. 169 APPENDIX C. 173 APPENDIX D. 186 REFERENCES 189 ix NOMENCLATURE flow area specific heat J/Kg.K contact fraction diameter m internal energy per unit mass J/Kg force N friction factor mass flux, pu Kq(m2*sec) gravitational acceleration m/sec 2 enthalpy per unit mass J/Kg heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 K) heat transfer coefficient W/(m2 K) friction coefficient N.s/m 4 thermal conductivity W/(m.K) Nusselt number, hD/K perimeter pressure Prandtl number, iCp /K peclet number, Re Pr heat source heat source Reynolds number, pUD/i nucleate boiling supression factor Stanton number, HD/WC temperature K time sec U Velocity m/sec u velocity m/sec V fluid volume m3 W mass flow rate Kg/sec x quality loop patial coordinate void (vapor) fraction thermal diffusivity, k/pC m2/sec phase change rate Ka/(m3.sec) decrement (or change) in.... time step size sec mesh spacings m weighting factor for interfacial velocity viscocity N.sec/m 2 P At density Kg/m 3 T shear stress Pa angular frequency rad/sec Subscripts a phase e equivalent i interfacial liquid p at constant pressure sat saturation v vapor xi w wall w wetted t turbulent z laminar xii LIST OF FIGURES FIG. 1.1. FIG. 1.2. Possible Accident Paths and Lines of Assurance for a Potential CDA Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Unprotected Loss of Flow Accident 7 Key Events and Potential Accident Path for Loss of Pipe Integrity Accident 8 Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Unprotected Transient Overpower Accident 9 Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Inadequate Natural Circulation Decay Heat Removal Accident 10 Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Local Sub-Assembly Accident 11 FIG. 2.1. The Fluid-Wall Interaction 29 FIG. 2.2. Heat Transfer Selection Logic_6 FIG. 2.3. Hex Can with Associated Structure Actual Representative 41 Hex Can with Associated Structure Equivalent Representation 42 Velocity Profiles for Forced and Natural Convection in High and Low Pr Fluids 44 Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 6.0 47 Variations Between Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 0.006 48 FIG. 2.8. Minimum Computational Effort so FIG. 2.9. A Typical Fluid Staggered Grid Showing Locations of Variables and Subscripting Convections 53 Sodium Internal Energy Per Unit Volume Versus Internal Energy 61 Summary of the Solution Technique in THERMIT 4 66 FIG. 1.3. FIG. 1.4. FIG. 1.5. FIG. 1.6. FIG. 2.4. FIG. 2.5. FIG. 2.6. FIG. 2.7. FIG. 2.10. FIG. 2.11. xii FIG. 3.1. Sodium Boiling Test Facility - Loop 70 FIG. 3.2. Sodium Boiling Test Facility - Test Section 71 FIG. 3.3. Core Sub-Assembly (EBR-II) 72 FIG. 3.4. Loop C.F. Na (French Experiment) 74 FIG. 3.5. Test Section of Loop C.F. Na 74 FIG. 3.6. Loop Modeling Geometry 87 FIG. 3.7. Marginal Stability Curves Using AT Parameter FIG. 3.8. as a 122 Flow Oscillation Leading to Flow Reversal at Input Power of 100W and Reduced Loop Resistance 117 FIG. 3.9. Flow Oscillations at Higher Input Powers 118 FIG. 4.1. Heater Rod in Loop Geometry 123 FIG. 4.2. The Plenum Heat Conduction Discretization Grid 126 FIG. 4.3. Setting Up the Acceleration Due to Gravity Array for a Typical Loop 134 FIG. 4.4. The Expansion Tank and the Boundary Cells 137 FIG. 4.5. Modified Subroutines 141 FIG. 5.1. Schematic Diagram for Geometry Transformation 144 FIG. 5.2. Staggered Mesh Arrangement with Suddent Flow Area Change 147 FIG. 5.3. The Actual Loop Calculation Cells 149 FIG. 5.4. Relative Error in Test Section Power Determination as a Function of Test Section Power 150 Loop Temperature Profile at Input Power of 270 watts 152 Pressure Profile Round the Loop at Input Powers of Zero and 270W 153 Functional Dependence of the Mass Flow Rate on Input Power 155 FIG. 5.5. FIG. 5.6. FIG. 5.7. xiv FIG. 5.8. Condensation Near the Upper Plenum; Pressure and Void Profiles 157 Condensation Near the Lower Plenum; Pressure and Void Profiles 158 Low Quality Boiling at Input Power of 450 watts; Temperature and Void Distributions 159 FIG. Al. The Loop/Tank Interaction Modeling Geometry 167 FIG. D1. Hierachy of Subroutines in THERMIT-4E 187 FIG. 5.9. FIG. 5.10 xv LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2.1 Two-Phase Flow Models 23 TABLE 3.1 Comparison of Analytical Predictions with Codes Results for the Loop Mass Flow Rate 90 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Fast Breeder Reactor Safety Issues 1.1.1. Introduction The usual procedure in the safety analysis of a power plant (nuclear of fossil) is to postulate certain abnormal events of increasing damaging potential to the plant and to the environment. Calculations are then performed such that after a particular event, the plant can resume operation with no significant damage or the accident may result in limited or severe damage to the plant but no off-site consequences. Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and engineer- ing judgement are often used in the postulation of these events. In the liquid metal fast breeder reactor, typically there are several critical masses of fuel present in the core. This fact, in conjunction with the core high power density led people to conjecture accidents in which the fuel melted and slumped into a super critical configuration. This slumping of the fuel will eliminate the sodium coolant and cause fast neutron spectrum hardening. The core will event- ually meltdown, and possibly cause vessel failure. This concern about meltdown led to an emphasis on hypothetical core-disruptive accidents (CDA) for the liquid metal fast breeders. These accidents are considered hypothetical because they would occur only when the built-in reactor safety systems fail to operate and there is a sustained inability to remove heat from the fuel at a rate commensurate with its generation. For example, if the reactor control system fails to control the power level, the safety system will scram the reactor. But if both systems fail, then a major heat up excursion will occur and lead to a CDA. Likewise CDA will occur when the heat transport from the core deteriorates due to pump failures or extreme pipe leakage but again, only when coupled with the failure of the safety system to scram. Other possibilities are associated with the malfunctions of the redundant heat removal systems. Design and construction faults leading to the disintegration of welded parts and bowing of the fuel rods in the operational temperature field could also lead to severe accidents. In fact, the fuel rod bowing initiated the meltdown of EBR-I and the clogging of a coolant channel by a disintegrated member caused the ENRICO FERMI reactor accident. The other events that could lead to severe accidents of the CDA type are related to an inherent safety parameter - reactivity coefficient of the reactor. Unfortunately, the liquid-metal fast breeder core designs that are most desirable in terms of performance and economics also have undesirable positive reactivity during severe heatup transients. For instance, core structural materials and coolant both absorb neutrons and moderate neutron's energies. The loss of these materials contributes to the positive reactivity by increasing the available higher energy neutrons. This happens if sodium boils around the fuel pins, or if the stainless-steel cladding melts and flows from the core. 1.1.2. Safety Design and the U.S. Ground Rules The detailed mechanistic analyses of the severe accidents of an LMFBR plant had been deemed an impossible task by many knowledgeable scientists and engineers. An appropriate model for the description of the --- --- Yi ,, IIu NMMI 3 thermodynamic, the fluid-dynamic, and the thermal and neutronic behavior especially at the advanced stages of these accidents beyond the state of the art in the various fields. has been judged As a result, the hypothetical CDA has been dealt with in two major ways. First, engineers have attempted to design reliable systems with very low probabilities of even entering the severe accident regime. Second, the complexity of the problem has been side-stepped by basing design on a highly conservative estimate of the "damage potential". This is the potential for a neutronically heated core materials to produce high pressures damaging to the containment structures and it is typically based on the assumption of isentropic (reversible and adiabatic) expansion of the fuel. While this approach has been found to work for small scale experimental breeder reactors, e.g. the EBR-II developed at Argonne National Laboratory, its consideration for large commercial reactors still stands to answer some questions. density level and the reactor size Damage potential depends on the energyin a way that may not make it work well for large cores [22] . The U.S. Fast Breeder Reactor Safety Development Program recognizes the difficulties involved in the safety analysis of the severe accidents of the LMFBR plants. However, the Program's fundamental objective is to develop a program to make sure that LMFBR power plants are designed, constructed and operated to assure that the public risk from any accident that may occur from these plants will be acceptably low. Thus a compromise has to be sought between an almost impossible task and a very important constraint that borders on the integrity of our lives, our equipments and the eco-system in general. To provide this assurance, the U.S. Breeder Reactor Safety Development Program is based on four levels of protection aimed at reducing both the probability and consequences of a postulated core disruptive accident. These levels of protection, referred to as lines of assurance (LOA's), have been defined as follows [1]: * LOA-1 : Prevent Accident * LOA-2 : Limit Core Damage * LOA-3 : Control Accident Progression * LOA-4 : Attenuate Radiological Products Fig. 1.1 illustrates possible accident paths and lines of assurance for a potential CDA. In Fig. 1.1, it has been estimated [22] that LOA-1 and LOA-2 fall within the first phase of the CDA Scenario (10-30 sec.). LOA-3 falls within the second phase with a duration of about 1 sec. during an accident, and LOA-4 falls into the third phase which may last for milliseconds for highly fueled core or a few days for the highly depleted cores. For the purpose of our analysis, our interest shall be primarily on LOA-2. LOA-2 becomes operative upon the failure of LOA-1 to terminate an accident in progress. The design and control equipment should make the probability of entering LOA-2 very low. anistically possible. However, this is still mech- As a goal, a failure probability of 10- 2 or less has been set for LOA-2 for all accidents identified under it (LOA-2). These accidents are: UIIri I Reactor Operator ~ r ... .. .I... -- Normal Condition Fault Occurs Inherent Response or Fault Detection and Control Action - ae No Da=age t ill PPS Action Required • l II II li 1 II I I1 II PPS 1 IIII No Damage Action NNEEMONOW LOAI PPS Failure, Some Clad/FTdel Melting and Relocation Inherent Response and Intact 10A2 Numa Aiiw 2 1 -- I i m - -I S II I I 0 No I•iI Acciden I Progression Controlled, Containment Intact or Di spersal LOA3 Core Damage Coolable 0 __ -- 1 Core Mel tdo-w- Liited Core'and I-S ILeaves Con rol.ed Rel eas to Environent - ll l Progression not Co ntroll.d Accident naireease Lite Limits Release to Environment l LOAI _ JLII - - to Enviro=-."ant N I I- I 1 I Uncontrolled ReContainment Fails Figure 1.1 lease to Environmen Possible Accident Paths and Lines of Assurance For a Potential CDA (From Reference 2) 1. Loss of Flow Without Scram - loss of electrical power to motors driving the primary coolant pumps, resulting in pump rundown and loss of core flow while the reactor is operating at power - coupled with the failure of the safety system to scram the reactor. 2. Loss of Piping Integrity (LOPI) - leak in a reactor coolant pipe, resulting in double-ended guillotine rupture at the inlet nozzle of the reactor vessel followed by rapid decrease in core flow and partial loss of liquid - with scram. 3. Transient Over Power Without Scram - malfunction of plant reactivity control system or operator error, resulting in a sudden increase in core reactivity and power coupled with the failure to scram. 4. Loss of Shutdown Heat Removal System - loss of forced cooling to the core and failure of shutdown heat removal system following shutdown. 5. Local Sub Assembly Fault - Inlet flow blockage or internal sub assembly fault resulting in cooling and disturbance and potential for fuel failure propagation - with scram (once condiction is detected). Figures 1.2 through 1.6 illustrate the paths for these accidents. In these accidents, the occurrence of sodium boilina assumes a major role in dictating the paths, the rate of progression and the final states of the events taking place. Consequently, research and development work relating to LOA-2 has focused on the understanding BI ll IIM IIri iWill l IluMlllll Fault Occurs Leading to Pump/ Flow Coastdorn & Core Heatup Reactor Scra=; Reactivity & Pcwer Decrease Failure to Scram Boiling Flow Transfer; & Power Two-phase & Eeat Reactivity Increase IIIIII C No Damage II LI I I Flow/Heat Transfer Instability & CHF I Fuel Pin Failure & Fission Gas/Moltae Fuel Release Fissio Pe M I Reactivity/Power Increase Due to Fuel Motion -'CI & Subasse=bly Vciding Mechanical Disasse.-bly Disruption SCoreAccident Figure 1.2 .1 eactivity/?cver Decrease Due to Fuel Motion Some Clad/Fuel Melting but Adequate Cooling Restored C Limited Core Damage Bulk Subasse=nbly Voiding; Clad Melting & Relocation Core Geometry Not Coolable; Gradual Mel!tdown Core Disrution Accide Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Unprotected Loss of Flow Accident (From Reference 2) Fault Develops with Potential for Loss of Pipe Integrity I rili I I| I Fault Detected Operator Action No Damage Flow/Hcat Transfer Instability and CMF Adequate Cooling No CHF Core Dam'age Bulk Subassembly Voiding; Clad Melting and Relocation Some Clad/Fuel Melting and Relocation but Adequate Cooling Restored Limited Core Damage Fault Undetected Loss of Pipe Integrity qilIll flow Decay and Heatup Reactor Scram Reactivity and Power Decrease iEii___ii - -- Boiling, Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer I Fuel Pin iailure and Fission Gas Release Core Geometry not Coolable; Gradual Meltdo-wn Limite CDA 3 I Figure 1.3 Key Events and Potential Accident Path For Loss of Pipe Integrity Accident (From Reference 2). Faul: Cc=urs Leacing to Tranrser.t Over;ower esatup and Core Reactcr Ecr. Failure to Scr-= PFoer De--y uel Pin Failure and Fissicn Cas Pelease No Dage C V Predcninan:ly Eish Failure Aial Location Subs:tantial Nunber ridplace of AxIl Failures i Fuel Relocation to TFrm ?ar:ial Blockaege M'CI and Scoasse.bly Voidin Mechanical Disasse=bly ( CD to Tor= No .locka.e artial .1 eaac:lviy azc Reactivcy ana Power Decrease Adequate Cooling Without Eoiling "it d FPoer InCrease Eoiling in Wake of Blockage g nr. cCuUa Ie Cooin i ( CF.0 and 1 Adequate Cooling No Blockagee Propagation I .or f-CI: Elockage P:.-pa~atiCn Dr.-ge ) Li ited SCore Damage Figure 1.4 Fuel Relocatio. Fuel S-ee: t - - i - Reactivity and Power Increase ) 1 M-MM" Sul'k Sutasse=:iy Vcdin~g and XeltdorVn d0 W"' Y.-!1t CCA D Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Unprotected Transient Overpower Accident (From Reference 2). 10 Reactor Shutdown; Power & Flow Decrease; Cooldown Loss of Forced Cooling in Primary Loop Single-Phase Natural Circulation Flow & Eeat Transfer I1 1 Adequate Heat Removal with no Coolant Boiling Boiling Natural Circulation Flow & BEeat Transfer C No Da=age =m Fuel Pin Failure 6 Fission Gas Release I Inadequate Heat Removal; Flow/Eeat Transfer Instability & CEF Adequate Heat Reoval Bulk Subasse=bly Voiding; Clad/Fuel Melting & Relocation No or Minor Until Forced Cooling Restored Core Damage Core Geometry Not Coolable; Gradual Meltdown Core Disruption Accident Figure 1.5 Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Inadequate Natural Circulation Decay Heat Removal Accident (From Reference 2). ~ __ ___ Local.Fault Due to Clad Defect, Fission Gas/ Molten Fuel Release &/or lock&ate Formation Local Flo Restriction & Increased Coolant Temperatures in Wake ue ?in Failure 4 Fission Gas/Molten Fuel Release ; Gradual Blockage PropagatioI Local Boiling in Wake Flov/Heat Transfer Instability & CRT .ault Tolerated or Detected; Operator or Control Action wiI Minor No or Core Damage Bulk Subassembly Voiding; Clad/Fuel Melting & Relocation ~~I. Fault Tolerated or Detected; Belated perator or Control Action Molten Steel-Sodium Interaction; Subassembly Wrapper Failure Core Geometry Coolable; Adequate Cooling Restored Subassembly Propagation Limited Core Damage Core Disruption Accident Figure 1.6 Subassembly to Key Events and Potential Accident Paths for Local SubAssembly Accident. I of the two-phase sodium boiling and heat transfer processes during the accidents. Such understanding should help in the designs of systems that will terminate all postulated accidents with limited core damage as required in LOA-2. 1.1.3. The Scope and Limitation of Numerical Models in Safety Designs Engineering systems are designed to perform certain functions usually of transferring mass, energy, information or any combinations Normally, a system is designed to perform within a range in of these. which its behavior can be adequately modeled and safe performance guaranteed. At the design stage, experimental data can be obtained from a prototype of the system. Such data provide the standard against which numerical model (code) results for the system are tested. agreement of these results confirms a good numerical model. A good Henceforth, the numerical model becomes a very useful tool for the design because of its flexibility, it is capable of simulating further experiments, performing controlled examinations of isolated phenomena, and predicting results in a variety of the system's configurations. These results become useful design parameters. In safety design, however, the probability of some abnormal events occurring during the life of the system, such that its performance goes out of the safe range becomes an input in the design. problem then becomes much more complex than described above. The design The behavior of most systems outside their performance range are often not well understood. It is therefore difficult or i.n some cases impossible to formulate any worthwhile mathematical model for the system in these regimes. Even r-u -, Mu il I 'u if good engineering guesses are made to come out with some empirical laws and constitutive equations and thus a numerical model, experimental data are often not available against which the be compared. numerical results could The state of affairs is not completely satisfactory at this point. However, in many systems that had failed, the failure paths had agreed well enough with the numerical predictions. Again, that depends on how good the engineering guesses and the empirical laws are in the first place. 1.1.4. The Scope and Limitations of THERMIT In Safety Design THERMIT is a component code for the thermal - hydraulic calculations of a nuclear reactor core. It was originally written for water coolant and later revised for sodium coolant. Essentially, THERMIT attempts to satisfy the LOA-2 demands. The results of the simulations of sodium boiling experiments in the test sections of various experimental loops and the core conditions of reactor plants have shown that the physical models and the constitutive relations in the code are satisfactory within the steady boiling regimes. Post dry-out conditions, core variable geometry,multiphase, multicomponent fluid dynamics and variety of heat transfer processes that characterize the LOA-3 and LOA-4 are beyond the scope of THERMIT. THERMIT being a component Also, code cannot simulate the entire coolant loop of the reactor and thus cannot adequately predict the results of transients that may originate outside the reactor core, unless the core boundary conditions can be accurately specified. The present work initiates the process of building the loop capability in THERMIT. 14 1.2. Outline of the Present Investigation Recent workers on THERMIT, especially Hee Cheon No - MIT -EL 83-003 (1983) and Kan Yuh Hul - MIT-EL 82-023 has suggested that implementing the loop capability in THERMIT could serve very usefully in explaining some salient discrepancies between experimental results and the code's predictions.., which may be inherent in the boundary conditons that are used. Some of the advantages of the loop capable code are: (1) guessing the boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet plena would not be necessary and (2) the code would be able to simulate a larger portion of the actual power system and therefore treat transients that may originate from outside the core e.g. feed-ump failure, heat exchanger malfunction and pipeline rupture on line. In the present work, a loop capability is implemented in the four-equation model of THERMIT. was developed by A. L. Schor. [1]. This four equation version,THERMIT-4E, One-dimensional flow is deemed sufficient, within the scope of this investigation, to describe the flow within the reactor's primary loop sections. Usually, in nuclear power reactors and in the experimental loop that is simulated in this work, the plena are maintained at constant temperatures by cooling or heating during operations. A numerical scheme for structural heat conduction to keep the plena at constant temperatures during transients is implemented in the code. In order to be able to simulate loop flows while preserving the loop geometry, it becomes necessary to be able to input the acceleration due to gravity with the appropriate signs and magnitudes at the different sections of the loop. built in the code. To achieve this, an input array for gravity is ------ LIY, A typical sodium test loop (as well as actual LMFBR plant) is provided with an expansion tank of sodium pressurized with an argon cover. During the loop transients, mass is rejected into or withdrawn from this expansion tank. In the case of natural convection loop, the argon cover pressure sets the pressure level in the loop. We have assumed an infinite mass expansion tank connected to the loop at the fictitious boundary cells (discussed in Chapter 4). In this context, the thermodynamic state of the expansion tank would remain constant curing the loop transients. A series of natural convection experiments performed in the sodium Boiling Test Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory are simulated. 1.3. Organization of Report In Chapter 2 of this report, the mechanics of the code THERMIT-4E is discussed. The mathematical and physical models in the code are reviewai Explanation of the code from the numerical point of view is given and the hierachy of the code's subroutine is illustrated. Some of the problems especially in the physical models are discussed. In Chapter 3, the analysis of a single-phase thermal hydraulic loop is given. Typical flow loops for both natural and forced convection are illustrated. A one-dimensional loop analysis is made. An expression is de- ived for the mass flow rate as a-function of power input for the SBTF(and can be applied for any vertical rectangular loop with upper and lower plena). Formulas are also obtained for the single-phase flow oscillation frequency and damping coefficient. A numerical experiment is performed using the code to verify typical flow oscillation frequency and agreement was obtained. good In Chapter 4, the methods leading to the implementation of the one-dimensional loop capability in THERMIT are given. The modeling geometry, the constant temperature plena problem including the numerics, the treatment of the body force, the expansion tank and the boundary conditions are treated. The modifications made in the affected sub- routines are discussed in.detail. In Chapter 5, the simulation of a series of natural convection loop experiments are made. A brief discussion about the geometry, especially non-uniform cross-sectional flow area and sloping sections are given. The method of setting up the gravitational acceleration arrays for various loop geometries is illustrated. Results are obtained for both single-phase and two-phase calculations. In Chapter 6, conclusion and recommendations for future work are given. ~ ---- 1 .. _~-l..li 17 2. THE THERMIT CODE 2.1. Introduction Much work has been done and is still being done in the area of sodium boiling simulation in LMFBR plants in the United States and abroad. Sodium boiling plays an extremely important role in the initia- tion of some transients of interest in safety research. At various research centers and institutions, efforts have been directed towards building two - or three - dimensional computational tools for sodium boiling simulation. Some of the products of such efforts include the following: - HEV-2D code, an equilibrium, equal-velocity two-phase flow model developed at Purdue University. - NATOF-2D code: recently Zienlinski and Kazimi [3] improved this code to its present status with significant increase in the reliability of its predictions over its original form. - COMMIX-2 code: uses three-dimensional, two-fluid two-phase flow model. It is the product of a major on going effort at Argonne National Laboratory. - CAPRICORN code: the preliminary version of this code was recently released by Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory. It employs a more implicit scheme than NATOF-2D or THERMIT [1]. - BACCUS code: uses homogeneous equilibrium two-dimensional (r-z) geometry. in France. It has been under development at Grenoble Research Center 18 - TOPFRES: A two-fluid, three-dimensional two-phase flow code being developed in Japan. At MIT, efforts have been directed towards the development of the code THERMIT. Originally THERMIT was written for water and later modified for sodium coolant. Currently there are two versions of the sodium coolant THERMIT viz; THERMIT-4E developed by A. L. Schor[1] and THERMIT-6S developed by HeeCheon No [2]. THERMIT-4E uses mixture mass, mixture energy and separate phasic momentum equations resulting in a 4-equation mixture model with thermal equilibrium assumed between the coexistirg phases at saturation. THERMIT-6S use, the general two-'luid (six-equation) model. 2.2. Mathematical and Physical Models In THERMIT 2.2.1. The Two-Phase Flow Model Introduction Mathematical models for vapor-liquid flows are usually derived starting from the local instantaneous differential conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy and the interfacial jump conditions. of varying sophistication Models result from the specific choices for the averaging procedures and the assumptions made about the nature of the mechanical and thermal coupling between the vapor and the liquid phases. The most general model is the two-fluid, six-equation model (also referred to as the separated-phase model). by an average temperature and velocity. It describes each phase It could in theory provide the maximum in capability and physical consistency among the two-phase flow 19 models. Various two-phase mixture models exist. These mixture models use less than six equations and consequently require additional assumptions to be made about the thermal and mechanical coupling between the phases. The Six-Equation Model The detailed derivation of the volume-averaged two-phase equa- tions is given in [1]. The working forms of these conservation equations, written for one-dimension that is relevant to our loop flows are given below. S is the only spatial co-ordinate that runs round the loop with unit vector e. Vapor mass equation a- (O ) + (apvUv) = r (2.1 a) Liquid mass equation -a [(1-a)p] + s [(1-a)pu ] (2.1 b) = -r momentum equation Vapor 3U v v at pv v+ aUv s + aas -F wv -F. + c eg v iv .c) Liquid momentum equation (1-+ (-a)o U + (l-c) + (1-a) -F e*g - F. (2.1 d) 20 Vapor internal energy equation -t (ap e ) + v v - (aUv ) + P (dc e U ) + P v s v v v s = Q' t + Qiv +Qkv (2.1 e) Liquid internal energy equation t (-a)p [(1-a)U [(1-a). e Uc ] + P e] + = wk + QiZ + Qkk (2.1 f) where F. 1V Qiv = F. + rU (2.2 a) = F. + ?U (2.2 b) SQw + F U F zU 1 1 (2.2 c) wv v (.2.2 d) = 2 U /2 + F.U + Qi1 (2.2 e) = TU 2/2 + F.U 1 1+ Qi 1 (2.2 f) Sv 21 Qkv (2.2 g) as (q v) k (1-(X) - (2.2 h) q] It should be noted that the internal energy equations are not They are the reduced forms of the total energy conservation equations. conservation equations, obtained by subtracting the mechanical energy from the total energy (reference [1]). This is done for numerical convenience. Also the momentum equations are written in the non-conservative forms for the same convenience reason. P There are 8 unknowns in equations(2.1), These are: a, Pv' F P, ev , e., Uv and UZ. ' The effective fluid conduction sources, equation (2.2 (g) & (h)) are assumed to depend, via constitutive relations,on these variables and the phase temperatures Tv , T., and hence provide two additional unknowns. Thus we have a total of 10 unknowns. Equations (2.1) and (2.2) are equivalent to 6 equations, hence we must provide 4 additional equations for closure. These are the equations of state given in the forms: Tv) v(P, (2.3 a) pZ P (P, T) (2.3 b) ev ev(P, TV ) (2.3 c) e (P, T ) (2.3 d) P e = = v 2.2.2. Mixture Models As mentioned earlier on, a mixture model is a degenerate form of the six-equation model and we should expect consistent results from all models by activating the appropriate constraints or assumptions that led to each model. Table 2.1 gives the summary of the two-phase flow models. The four-equation model shall be discussed in greater detail because of its relevance to THERMIT-4E that is used in this work. The homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) shall also be discussed because it provides an easy analytical tool for the loop analysis that is the subject of chapter 3. The Four-Equation Model The detail of the considerations leading to the adoption of the four-equation model in THERMIT-4E has been given in reference [1]. Importantly, the code is developed for the particular applications of the analysis of two-phase sodium coolant flows. The very high conductivity of the liquid sodium precludes significant temperature gradients in the vicinity of the liquid-vapor interface and thus makes the assumption of thermal equilibrium at saturation of the coexisting phases a reasonable one. The assumption of mechanical equilibrium cannot be a good one however, because the enormous liquid-vapor density ratio of sodium at near atmospheric pressure coupled with the prevalent low flow conditions lead to substantial slip ratios. It will therefore be necessary to write separate momentum equations for the two phases in any worthwhile mixture model. TABLE 2.1 Two-Phase Flow Models (General assumption: pt= pv ) ---------------- Two-PhaseFlow Model (suggested nomenclature) Implosed Restrictions Conservation Equations Required Constitutive Relations External Interfacial Total 1 i E . . 'rota ] T a U Total i- - -- Qw Fw r Oi F. -. 3C 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 2 4C2M 2 1' 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 3 4C2E 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1* 1 0 5 4C2K 5C 2 MK 1 1 2 4 2 0 2 1 2 1* 0 1 5 2 2 1 5 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 5 5 C 1E 2 1 2 5 1 0 1 1 2 1. 0 1 5 5C1M 1 2 2 5 -1 0 I 1 2 2 1* 1 1 7 2 2 2 6 0 2 2 1 11 6C I,egend: - 0 7 M = Conservation of Mass E = Conservation ofi Energy K = Conservation of Momentum Ta = Phase "a" temperature; a = v or U = Relative velocity = i -Ui cv Q *note that the interface mass exchangel, r, is . needed whenever Q0 and/or F. are needed. 24 the parameters pv' In the 6-equation model, P' ev, ez are functions of Tv or T and P (eqn. 2.3), but with the assumption of thermal equilibrium at saturation, Tv = T = Ts , these parameters all become functions only of Ts . Thus, the equations of state become: pv ( p) (2.4 a) = p( p) (2.4 b) S ev( P) (2.4 c) = e( p) (2.4 d) = TS (p) (2.4 e) S Hence the 3 unknowns Tv , T, P in (2.3) reduce to only 1 unknown Ts in (2.4). The number of conservation equations is also reduced by two, from six to four, yielding the four-equation model as follows: Mixture mass equation a- o + [o v (1-) U = 0 (2.5 a) Momentum equations (identical to 2.1 (c) & (d)) (2.5 b,c) - Mixture internal energy equation - (Pmem) [apvevUv + (1-a)p e U] + P s [Uv + (1-) U] = Q + Qim (2.5 d) + Q where (1-a) p9 (2.6 a) = [p e v + (1-a) ezp]/pm (2.6 b) - mixture wall heat source -ap + Q'w wQ sourcwve due to interfacial effects mixture+ heat Qim -- mixture heat source due to interfacial effects Qiv - Qik mixture conduction heat transfer rate Qkv p + + Qk and em are 2 additional unknowns to the 10 unknowns counted in the six-equation model. Thus we have a total of 12 unknowns. (2.5) and definitions (2.6) represent a total of 6 equations. Equations The 4 equations of state (2.4), and the 2 equations implied in the assumption of thermal equilibrium at saturation: Tv TZ Tsat (P) (2.7). provide the additional 6 equations required for closure. By using the four equations (2.5), the two definitions (2.6) and the two constraints (2.7), we shall be able to calculate the following eight quantities em. c, Tv , TZ p ,P , p , ev, eZ for any given P and This is a very important step in the solution technique in THERMIT. As shall be shown in a later section, reduction of conservation equations to pressure problem is a dominant feature of the numerical method in the code. The following terms are neglected in THERMIT-4E calculations because of their relatively very low magnitudes: (i) contribution of interfacial effects to mixture heat source, (ii)work terms due to the interfacial momentum exchange,i.e. FiUv and FiUZ, (iii) the kinetic energy transport via interfacial mass exchange,i.e. Uv 2/2 and U 2/2, thus Qim = 0 and (iv) the pseudo work terms due to wall forces i.e. F U and F U in the wall heat source. The Homogeneous Equilibrium Model (HEM) The HEM or the three-equation mixture model is obtained by assuming thermal equilibrium of the co-existing phase at saturation and equal phase velocities. Equilibrium drift flux model would result if a correlation for relative velocity were used. The resulting HEM conservation equations are given below: 27 Mixture mass equation -- m + + ~s mUm) m-- = 0 (2.8 a) Mixture momentum equation Um m at + (PU ) aUm mm - Fw + aP as + Pm e*g (2.8 b) Mixture internal energy equation a p ~meS + + 7_s mU +p +P mUm) =, (2.8 c) + Qk where Um = the mixture velocity Um = Uv = Uz 2.2.3. The Exchange Terms and the Interfacial Jump Conditions The wall and the interfacial exchange terms are the mass, momentum and energy exchanges that take place at the fluid-wall and the fluid-fluid interface respectively. The interfacial jump conditions are essentially the equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy at the fluid-fluid interface. The definitions of the exchange terms and the interfacial jump conditions have been given in Reference [1]. - i---;" -L--2-"- -~ --_-_---- ERRATA SHEET for LOOP SIMULATION CAPABILITY FOR SODIUM-COOLED SYSTEMS by Oluwole A. Adekugbe Andrei L. Schor Mujid S. Kazimi 1. There is no page 28 - .-l E-L_---.l~;rst---- _-T-- 2.3. 2.3.1. The Physical Models in THERMIT Wall Friction The fluid-solid interaction at the wall lead to momentum dissipation Fwa [force per mixture unit volume] of the phase "a" forming interface with the solid (Fig. 2.1). The Fluid-Wall Interaction Figure 2.1. In Fig. 2.1 ?wa represents the average wall shear for the phase "a" and Awa represents the average area 'wetted' by the phase "a". Aw wa By analogy to V wa (2.9) single-phase flow, 7wa can be related to the kinetic energy of phase "a" through a'Darcy-type relation. -1 f wa 8 wa P a IU U a (2.10) where fwa friction factor for phase a. The wetted area per unit volume for phase "a" is given as: Awa, wa AL V w C A fa (2.11) - fa De Cfa where wetted perimeter for phase "a" Pwa = L = 'length' of the control volume A = Pw = total wetted perimeter De = equivalent hydraulic diameter = 4A/P = contact fraction of phase a = Pwa/Pw Cfa total flow area 31 .Combining (2.11), (2.10) and (2.9) we obtain the final forms of the wall frictional force per unit volume for phase a as: Cfa Fwa fwa e = a IUa (2.12 a) Ua (2.12 b) Kwa Ua We shall refer to Kwa as the wall friction coefficient for phase a. The factor Cfa and fwa must be defined with proper considerations to the two-phase situations. An assumption which has been deemed adequate is that whenever twophase flow exists,an annular flow regime prevails, with the liquid coating the solid surfaces. contact is allowed. At very high void fractions, some vapor wall Accordingly, Cfa is prescribed as: 1.0 Cfa ; ~a 10(0.99-a); i 0.0 ; 4 0.89 0.89-,< a < 0.99 a > 0.99 (2.13) and 1 - Cf Cfv For fwa' the following postulate is made by analogy to the single-phase flows. YI MINII. C Re-b = fwa (2.14) a The Reynold's number Rea of the phase "a" is defined to.take into account the actual flow area of phase "a". PaUaDe,a Pa Rea (2.15) where 4Aa De,a P 4aA P (2.16) aaD e We shall now provide the working form correlation (equation (2.14)) for the axial flow condition that is relevant to our I-D loop flow problem. Actually the correlations that follow were formulated for wire-wrapped rod bundle flow-channels but by proper adjustment of parameters, essentially by letting H/D +.., they have been found to work for circular pipe loop flows. Axial Flow (fwa) laminar (fwa) turbulent 32 P 1.5 FH D 0.316M Re0.25 Rea Re Rea for Rea a 400 (2.17 a) for Rea > 2600 (2.17 b) . 33 ( fwa ) turbulent ( fwa ) transition " x + (fwa) laminar , for 400 < Rea < 2600 (2.17 c) S0.885 where 94 66.94 1.034 1 2 4 M (P/D) = H 0 + Rea (0.086) 29.7(P/D) (H/D) 2 .239 (H/0) (Rea - 400)/2200 = wire-wrap lead length (meters) P/D = Pitch-to-diameter ratio , H/D = helical pitch-to-diameter ratio. The laminar flow correlation was proposed by Engel et al, and the correlation used in turbulent flow is a slightly modified version of the correlation due to Novendstern. tions for bare rods (i.e. H - c), correlation by requiring flaminar To avoid unrealistic situa- a cut-off is imposed on the laminar Re >, 60. The hydraulic diameter has been recommended to be calculated thus [1]: D = 4 x A (bundle)/Pw (rods + ducts) (2.18) _ 2.3.2. _ _1 1 1111 Interfacial Momentum Exchange The interfacial momentum exchange Fia in (2.2) is made up of two components, one due to interfacial mass exchange, the other due to form and shear drag at the interface. The form of the correlation used in THERMIT-4E for Fia are given below F.iv = Kiv (U - U ) Fit = Ki Kiv = nr Ki = (1-n)r " (Uv - U) (2.19) where n + Ki + Ki (2.20.) is a weighting factor defined (empirically) for the present by a donor-like formulation [1]. n = 1 , if r > 0 (evaporation) n 0 , if r < 0 = (condensation) r and Ki must be specified in (2.19) in order to obtain the momentum exchange coefficients Kiv and Ki in (2.20). I is obtained from the equation of conservation of mass on any one of the phases. Thus for the vapor phase; 35 ? (ac ) = + (aUv) ' (2.21) ' The following correlations for K. are obtained using the Wallis Ill for friction factor. correlation 0.01 D e (Kturbulent (Ki)turbulent (Ki)laminar 1 + 150 (1-)] IU vUr I 321v - 3 De (2.22) (2.23) where Ur 2.3.3 = relative velocity = Uv - U Wall Heat Transfer The heat transfer correlations between the fluid and the solid surfaces (heater or fuel rods and the hex can) that are used in the code are given in this section. Fuel or Heater Rods The heat transfer regime selection logic is presented in Fig. 2.2 adapted from Schor and Todreas [1]. The correlation for single-phase liquid in triangular - arrayed bundle due to Schad is adopted. Nu = Nu (Pe/150)0 .3 Pe > 150 (2.24) =Nu Pe < 15 Figure 2.2 Heat Transfer Selection Logic (adapted from Reference 1) 37 where = Nu and Pe = 4.5 [-16.15 + 24.96 (P/D) - 8.55 (P/D)2 Re.*Pr The single-phase vapor heat transfer correlation used is the well-known Dittus-Boelter's correlation.: Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4 (2.25) For two-phase fluid heat transfer, the total heat transfer coefficient for two-phase flow boiling with no liquid deficiency is given by hTP TPc= h (2.26) +hNBNB as suggested by Manahan [1]. The convective component hc could be represented by the Schad's correlation in which the Peclet number for two-phase (Pe Pe TP ) is given by TP (2.27) = ReTp Pr and the two-phase Reynold's number (ReTP) is obtained through the factor F defined as = (2.28) (ReTP/Re )0.8 F depends on the Martinelli's parameter, Xtt . 101, x 0Xtt.9 0.5. = __i 0 .1 I (2.29) The heat transfer correlation for nucleate boiling due to Forster-Zuber's analysis istl : 0.79 hNB = 0.00122 0. K 45 CP p 0. 4 9 . AT0. 24 sat S0.5Z 0.29 hfg0.24 p0.24 AP 0.75 S sat (2.30) where ATsa t t S = wall superheat , = pressure difference corresponding to = nucleate boiling suppression factor , = 0.99 (ATsate/ATsa )099 , sat ~sat,e sat ' ATsa it,e = effective wall superheat The following fits for F and S are given in reference [1]. -1 ; Xtt 1.0 , 0.10 (2.31) F = -1 2.3 5 (Xtt 0. 736 + 0.213)0;3 -1 Xtt > 0.10 39 S= ] [1.0 + 0.12 (ReTp)l.14 - ; ReTP < [1.0 + 0.42 (ReTP)078 -1 ; 32.5 & ReTP - ; ReTp > 70.0 0.1 32.5 < 70.0 (2.32) where = ReTP (10 - 4 ) ReTp At high void regimes, (0.89 < a < 0.99), film begins to blanket the surface. Heat transfer decreases and is approximated by 2hTP,c hfilm %TPIc + (1- 2) hvapor (2.33) where = 10(0.99-a) The Hex Can The hexagonal can of the LMFBR assembly provides a heat transfer medium between the assembly and the adjacent materials, broadly referred to as the environment. The heat loss through the hex-can can be signifi- cant for consideration in the general energy balance and also during transients, this structural material plays the role of heat source or sink affecting the fluid heat up and cool down behavior. The actual representation and the equivalent annular representation of the hex can with the associated structure are illustrated in 1.......__. MlWi d IIIYII I i ll hl iihl 40 figures 2.3 and 2.4 respectively. In Chapter 4, it will become clear how the hex can heat removal capability that is already built in the code is adapted for the constant temperature plena problem in the implementation of loop capability in THERMIT-4E. In this regard, the hex can heat transfer process becomes an important aspect of the present work. The heat transfer correlation used is due to Dwyer[l]for liquid sodium flowing in an annulus, transferring heat only through its outer boundary. Nu = A + A = 5.54 + 0.023 (r2 /r1 ) C = 0.0189 + 0.316 x 10- CPe + 0.867 x 10S = 4 (r2/r 0.758 (r 2 /rl)-0. 2 (r 2 /r 1 ) (2.34) 1)2 0 204 rl, r2 = outer and inner radius respectively. 2.4. 2.4.1. Problems with THERMIT Physical Models and Loop Simulation Forced and Natural Convection The physical models in THERMIT especially the wall friction and the wall heat transfer are derived for forced convections. The shapes and the thicknesses of the momentum and the thermal boundary layers peripheral mesh cell Figure 2.3 Hex Can with Associated Structure Actual Representation ______________________ ___________ U I, I,, ldllllikllll l,, , W Imi ,, , 42 imaginary sodium annulus. e Figure 2.4 Hex can with Associated Structure Equivalent Representation. 43 determine the extent of the frictional resistance and the heat transfer rate between the fluid and the wall of the channel. In a natural convection flow, the heat supplied create a bouyancy force field which drives the fluid. For higher Prandtl number (>0.7) fluids, the resultant thermal and momentum boundary layer profiles are different from the forced flow case. In a high Prandtl number fluid, typically the thermal conductivity is low, and the temperature profile across the boundary layer has a relatively steep grandient. The flow field responds to the temperature profile, resulting in higher flows near the wall than near the channel center. In the forced flow case, on the other hand, the flow field responds to the driving pressure drop regardless of the temperature profile. We would therefore expect significant level of inconsistency whenever forced flow correlations are used for natural convections for the high Prandtl number fluids. Little work has been done in the area of natural convection in the liquid sodium. However, sodium (low Prandtl number (X0.001)) has high thermal conductivity which precludes steep temperature gradients in the boundary layer. profile is close Thus for natural convection in sodium, the velocity to a unform to the forced convection flows. distribution which is similar Accordingly, the forced flow correlations for wall friction factor used in THERMIT should be applicable to natural convection loop flows. This agreement has been obtained in our calculations as will be seen in chapter 5. The heat transfer correlation, however, should depend on the Rayleigh number Ra [24] for the natural convection flows. Figures (2.5 a, b, c, & d) show the velocity profiles for forced and natural convections for both high and low Pr fluids. _I ~II_~ I.. I .. . ... .. l- I I II[FI Il 44 (a) Forced ConvectionHigh Pr Fluid (c) Forced Convection,Low Pr Fluid Figure 2.5 (b) Natural Convection,High Pr Fluid (d) Natural Convection,Low Pr Fluid Velocity Profiles for Forced and Natural Convection in High and Low Pr Fluids Condensation Modeling 2.4.2. In a typical two-phase flow natural convection.loop, a singlephase liquid is heated to boiling in a section. The two-phase fluid flows from the heated section through an adiabatic hot leg to an upper plenum where it condenses and returns through an adiabatic cold leg to the heated section as a single-phase liquid again. tion modeling in th_ upper Thus condensa- plays an in-portant role in two- lenum phase loop simulation. Zielinski and Kazimi [3] have obtained that for the range of temperatures in which sodium boiling and condensation occurs, the form of the mass exchange rate is given by the following approximate relations. S< dryout n+1 S= n+1 2 a An+l 2-a M) 1/2 -2R P -P s Ts 1/2 S> adryout (2.37 a) - n+1 = An+l 2o., n+1 20 1/2 Pv-P TMs (2.37 b) -1-1 1-1 h illI miEEogaggggminmM*.lk * I, 46 where Pv = pressure corresponding to a saturation temperature of Tv Pz = pressure corresponding to a saturation temperature of T Ps = pressure corresponding to the saturation temperature Ts Ts = saturation temperature A = interfacial area calculated implicitly R = universal gas constant M = molecular weight of a particle a = mass exchange coefficient In THERMIT-4E, the assumption of thermal equilibrium at saturation of the coexisting phases leads to the situation whereby heat is extracted from the vapor phase as latent heat during condensation. Suc- cessful low quality condensation has been obtained in some of our calculations. At high quality and void regimes, the interfacial mass transfer must be adequately modeled. Thus, the phasic temperatures must be able to have different values according to the Nigmatulin model [4] for instance. Figures (2.6) and (2.7) illustrates the time variations of the vapor and saturation temperatures for low and high ranges of interfacial heat transfer Nusselt number. 1120 - Vapor and Saturation Temperature 1100 1080 1060 1040 o 1020 S- E 1000 980 960 940 920 - 0.0 0.1 Figure 2.6 0-.4 0.3 0.2 Time (sec) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 6.0 (from Reference 3) -IIIYIIYIII ---- IIYIYIYIIIIIII 48 1120 1100 10 E0 1060 1040 1020 1000 980 960 940 020 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Time (sec) Figure 2.7 Variations between Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 0.006 (from reference 3) ,,1101110 00 2.5. The Numerical Methods 2.5.1. Introduction THERMIT is a lumped parameter component code that can handle up to three-dimensional two-phase flows. is used for the fluid dynamics. An Eulerian numerical approach This approach follows the evolution of the volume- (and time-) averaged values of material parameters and other quantities of interest at fixed points in space. The reactor is divided by a mesh into a collection of cells and the parameters and quantities are calculated at each cell as a function of time. The smearing of transported entities within the cells due to this technique is minimized by reducing the sizes of the averaging volumes wherever there is a strong spatial variation of the quantity being averaged. The numerical method in THERMIT is a modified form of the successful I.C.E. (Implicit Continuum Eulerian) technique. Like the I.C.E. method, it uses a staggered grid, treats sonic propagation implicitly and convective transport explicitly and obtains a pressure-field solution from which the other variables are inferred. In THERMIT, all the equations (mass, momentum and energy) are blended simultaneously to obtain the pressure-field solution while in the I.C.E., the energy equation is treated explicitly. This choice of treatment is necessary in THERMIT because the change in density with energy can no longer be assumed a small correction to the flow field in two-phase flows as can be done in single-phase flows F8]. The next subsection gives a review of the numerical method used in the four-equation model - THERMIT-4 , adapted for one-dimensional closed-loop flow situations. The detail of the analysis for multi- 50 dimensional flows has been given in Schor and Todreas[1]. 2.5.2. The Numerical Methods For Fluid Dynamics The Finite Difference Equations The choice of the method of treatment of the time discretization of a system of partial differential equations can be obtained from a spectrum of schemes, ranging from fully explicit to fully implicit ones. Whatever the choice, stability and consistency must be ascertained in order to guarantee convergence (Lax Equivalence Theorem [15]). judicious choice can be A qualitatively inferred from the curve of minimum computational efforts (fiqure 2.8 [19]) and from the Knowledge of the time scales of the phenomenainvolved. 3 1.0 Fully Implicit Figure 2.8 Fully Explicit Minimum Computational Effort 51 LEGEND 0 Computational time per time step (normalized to a fully implicit scheme). -This is low for the fully explicit scheme because the linear equations of the fully explicit shceme are solved directly while the non-linear equations of the fully implicit scheme are solved iteratively. Total number of time steps required for one time step of the fully implicit scheme. -This is larger for a fully explicit schene because of the full courant criterion required for numerical stability leading to very small time steps At < minimum over all AS v+c For the semi- implicit scheme, the more relaxed stability criterion is At < minimum over all - v where c is the speed of sonic propagation and v is the transport speed. Total computation effort. The phenomena respresented by our equations are associated with different time scales. i) We have: Local pheomena (couplings); here we have the interphase momentum exchanqe and the fluid-wall interaction. Generally the implied time constants could vary widely, from very short __I_ 52 to moderate; ii) sonic propagation; the very high sound speed in liquid makes the transient time for a pressure pulse quite small (10-5 to 106 sec), for the grid. size of interest in our applications; iii) transport by convection; as long as the phase convective velocities are well below their sonic counterparts, the time constants involved will be considerably larger than above; iv) transport by diffusion; in our applications, the time constant of this pheomenon is of the same order of magnitude as that associated with convection. An optimum scheme would allow acceptable time steps (on the scale of the transients under consideration) and would not lead to a prohibitively complex and expensive algorithm. In the light of the above, we seek a numerical method that treats the first two types of phenomena in a fully or highly implicit manner, while describing explicitly the two transport mechanisms. In space, a full donor-cell differencing is used accompanied by additional averaging whenever quantities are required at the locations other than those at which they are originally defined. The widely used staggered-mesh approach is adopted, whereby the scalar quantities are defined at the cell center while the fluxes are defined at the cell faces to which they are normal (Fig. 2.9). The discrete analogs of the partial differential equations describing our two phase model will now be presented. _1_1~_ __ 53- i-1/2 i+1/2 i+1 i+3/2 Ui+3/2 cell center (i): a, p, Pv' P' Pm' em, ev, e., Tv , Tl Figure 2.9 A typical fluid staggered grid showing locations of variables and subscripting convections The Mixture Mass Equation v(n+1 m n)/At m -{A[[aov)n(Vv)n+1 + {A[ap) n(U) + ((1-a) ))n(U n+1 )n(U1)n+} i+1/2 + ((1-a)p zi1/ )n+l] i-1/ 2 - 0 (2.38) In the above, the convected quantities are needed at cell faces, where fluxes are defined. quantities. Full donor-cell differencing is used to define these Let C stand for any cell-centered quantity (see Fig. 2.9) and consider the face (i + 1/2), normal to the direction of flow in the loop. The quantity Ci+ 1/2 is then determined as: YIIIIYI 54 C. , if Ci+ i+1 ' 1 (U) i+1/2 > 0 > i+1/2 if (U)n i+1/2 < 0 It is important to note that donor-cell decisions are made only with regard to quantities at time level n, using velocities at the same time level. As a result no difficulty arises even if a velocity sign change occurs during a time step. The Mixture Energy Equation A number of variants for the finite difference energy equation exists. The conservative/semi-implicit convection (CSIC) scheme is given below: V[(P e )n+1 (Pe)n]/t [pn + ven ][An(Un+1/2 n+1/ Sn+2(pe]) n ][A(n(U ) i-1/2 +[Pn+ (Pe p z)+1/2 n+ i+1/2(Ui+i/2 +1/2[[A(1-a)An ( n+l] - [pn + (pev)n-1 /2[An(Uv) n+l]i 2 [pn + (P e )ni/2][A(1_.)(U)nl i-i/2 : n+1/2 + Qkn+1/2 (2.39) IUI MWM The difference forms of energy and the mass equations, equations(2.38)and(2.39)are a strict adaptation of the scheme used for a six-equation model [1], [2] to a four-equation "mixture" model. The schemes for both models are equivalent for single-phase, either liquid or vapor. For two-phase however, the four-equation adaptation suffers a subtle flaw, namely the lack of monotonicity of the mixture internal energy density (me m) with respect to em . This feature is undesirable for the Newton method used to solve our system of equations. To avoid the problem raised by the product pmem , a non- conservative/semi-implicit convection (NCSIC) form of the energy equation is used. To this end, the mass equation is multiplied by em and then subtracted from the conservative form of the energy equation. The resulting difference equation is ) n+l - (em)n]/At V(Qm)n[(em + [conv e - conVm = (Q+ n + 1/ 2 Qk)n+1/2 (2.40) where convmnn+1/2 and conve n+1/2 stand for the semi-implicit convective terms in the mass and energy equations, respectively. The heat sources appear with superscript n+1/2, indicating a combination of implicit / explicit components in the constitutive relations used for them The Phasic Momentum Equations The momentum equations are used in the non-conservative form, particularly convenient to our method. The control volume for which the oilillilI 61 ' 1 hUIJN1 56 momentum equation is written is offset by half mesh with respect to that used for the scalar quantities (Fig. 2.9). The momentum equations are presented below: Vapor Momentum Equation (apv)n i+1/2 (U )n] nl [ (Uv) (U)i+/ 2 - At + + (c n + ai+1/ S- vn ]AUn ) i+1/2] n 5 +1/2(Uv)i+i/2(. /v) v 2 i)n (Pi+1 ASi+ 1/2 n n+1/2 (F n+1/2 (Fwvi+1/2 - (Fiv )+1/2- (Mp) ^ + eg (2.41 a) Liquid Momentum Equation (similar to(2.41a)) (2.41 b) AU In the above equations (- )i+1/2 represents a difference approximation for the spatial derivatives 3U a/S i+1/2, where evaluated at the point a = k or v. Again the cell-centered quantities a, Qv', at the cell faces. are now needed Donor-cell differencing can be used in case of single- phase liquid where the properties in the adjacent cells are not greatly different. Things are different, however, once the face in question separates a liquid cell and a two-phase cell. In this case the mixture 57 density (mainly through a) may vary by as much as two orders of In such a situation a change in the sign of the velocity(ies) magnitude. at the face, for donor-cell scheme, would lead to very large changes in terms of the momentum equations, which in turn could generate large pressure spikes and even ruin the solution, by imposing an impractically short time steps. As a result, a weighted average scheme is adopted. Let C be a cell-centered quantity, then its value at the cell surface is specified as: Ci+/2 . (C ASi + Ci+ AS i+)/(ASi + AS )i+ ) (2.42) For the product caa for instance, we define (aaCa i+1/2 (2.43) S(a)i+1/2 (Pa)i+1/2 The difference approximation of the convective derivatives are defined through a donor-cell logic-: , \ (Uv)i+3/2 - (Uv)i+1/2 if (Uv ) i+1/2 < 0 if (Uv v ) i+1/2 i+I / 2 >- i+1/2 0 AS. L i+1 (Uv i+1/2 - (Uv)i-1/2 (2.43) and the mesh spacing (LS)i+1/2 needed in the pressure gradient is given by: 53 (AS) i+1/2 (2.44) = (ASi + ASi+1)/2 In the momentum equations, the wall and the interfacial exchange terms havealinear dependence on the new time phase velocities or they can be linearized in these new time velocities about the old time velocities [1]. The following forms of constitutive relations are adopted in our calculations. n n+1/2 (Fwa) (Kwa) i+1/2 n+1/2 (Fia)i+1/2 n+1 (Ua) i/2 i+1/2 i+1/2 n (2.45) n+1 = (Kia) (U ia 1+1/2 - U) i+/2 (2.46) The coefficients Kwa and Kia can be complex functions of any variables, the only requirement being its evaluation using old time quantities. With equations(2.45)and(2.461 the momentum equations(2.41 a) and(2.41 b) can be written in the form: Un+1 v = a APn + 1 + b Un+1 = a APn + + b v v where the coefficients av , aZ, by and b APn+1 (2.47) contain old time quantities only. (Pi+1 - Pi )n+1 is the pressure drop over the interface at i+1/2. The spatial subscripts have been dropped in(2.47)with the under- standing that the velocities are evaluated at the faces of a node while the AP's are the total pressure drops across the faces. by, bk are defined below [1] The quantities av3 a, (2.48 a) -)]/d ae 2 + At k (/iv -- -[(1-a)el t (2.48 b) + At kia]/d (2.48 c) (fle 2 + At kivf 2 )/d = (f2 e1 Sapv = (l-a)p S c = S + At ki fl)/d (2.48 d) + At(kwv + k.iv ) (2.49 a) iZ + 1~l t(kw (2.49 b) + ki ) (2.49 c) [Uv - at (conv\ + e.g )] (1-a)p[U ee 2 - At(conv z + e- - (At) 2 In equations (2.48) and (2.49), kiv ki )] (2.49.d) (2.49 e) everything is evaluated at the old time. Consequently the coefficients a's and b's can be calculated only once at the beginning of the current time step and stored. 2.5.3. The Solution Scheme The finite difference equations described in the preceding section combined with the equations of state (equations 2.3) form a large system of non-linear equations. The following seven new time variables appear as unknowns for all cells in the domain of the problem: n+1 pn+l n+l n+l n+l n+l n+1 Pm M 9 , em e , T,' Tv ,' Uv and U The new time temperatures appear from the fully-implicit treatment of the heat sources and sinks that is adopted for our loop flow model. The high heat transfer coefficient and the low heat capacity of the plenum material that are required to keep the plenum temperature constant during transients may give rise to instabilities for the fully explicit or the semiimplicit treatment, hence our decision to use a fully-implicit treatment. n+l n+1 Note also that Pm and em now appear as separate unknowns due to the non-conservative form of the energy equation adopted (equation 2.40). This splitting of the product (mem )n+1 ., which otherwise would appear as an unknown from the conservative form (equation 2.39), is highly desirable. The product pmem is a non-monotonic function of em for sodium (and also for water at low pressure, (Fig.2 10). This behavior have the tendency of ruining the Newton-Raphson method adopted to solve our non-linear system. extremum Generally, the Newton-Raphson method is destroyed when an point exists between the guess and the solution. 61 , 4-- P = 1.5 bars 10- io2 E S 101 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 67 Internal Energy (MJ/kg) Figure 2.10 Sodium Internal Energy Per Unit Volume versus Internal Energy YY 62 The Jacobian Matrix and the Pressure Problem 2.5.4. The new time velocities that appear in the mass and the energy equations are eliminated in favor of the new time pressures using the momentum equations in the form of(2.47). Thus for each cell we now have two scalar conservation equations namely the mass and the energy equations. The appropriate equation of state is combined with these scalar conservation equations for closure. In our one-dimensional loop flow treatment, the. elimination of the new time velocities leads to the appearance of the new time local and two neighboring pressures in the mass and the energy equations for each node. In three dimensions up to six neighboring new time pressures will appear. The resulting mass and energy together with the state equations can be written in functional form for node 'i' as follows [19].: Rmi ( mi' Pi-' Pi' Rei (0mi' emi' Pi-l Cmi - Imi ( P i . emi) Pi+l) Pi'., Pi+) = 0 (2.50 a) = 0 (2.50 b) = 0 (2.50 c) where Rmi refers to the mass equation for node 'i' Rei refers to the mass equation for node 'i' All the quantities inside the parentheses are new time quantities Equations(2.50)are generally highly non-linear, non-linearity being mainly the state equation. the source of 63 The pressure P and the mixture internal energy em are taken as the main variables and the mixture density pm is eliminated through the equation of state. Consequently we obtain two non-linear scalar equations in P's and em for each node. These equations can be written symbolically as: i(U) (2.51) = 0 = ]T [Rm 1 , Rel........, RmN, ReN = [P where em........' PN' emN T Applying Newton's method to solve 2.51 we have J(U)U (2.52) = - R(U) where the jacobian J(U) is given by Let k be the counter for the Newton iteration. Then the scheme becomes: J(Uk) (Uk+1 -uk) (2.53) The entries of the jacobian matrix for a particular node 'i' are obtained from the following partial derivatives - MVM -II MMIIIIY, 64 i aRmi Pi-1 i aRei aemi aRei aPi1 aP i-1 aRmi aRei e m i+1 aRei aP i+1 We denote these generally non-zero entries by "x" and thus obtain a matrix form for equation(2.52), for cell i: k +1 6P i-1 6 x o x x x 0 x 0 x x x 0 emi-1 - 6P. 6 emi Rmi LRei Pi+1 6emi+1 Lemi+l (2.54) Equation(2.54)forms a total of 2N equations, where N is the total number of nodes. The full 2 x 2 block in(2.54)provide local (within cell) coupling while the sparce 2 x 2 blocks provides spatial coupling, indicating a field couplinq throuqh pressure only. The next step in the solution is to solve the main diagonal block to eliminate 6emi in favor of the neighboring pressures. This procedure effectively reduces the problem to a pure pressure problem in N equations. The pressure problem in matrix form becomes: IIMM 65 k+1 6P.1i1 P. xx = R k. (2.55) 6P i+1 Equation(2.55) when written for the N-cell domain gives rise to an N x N tridiagonal jacobian matrix in the right hand side becomes an N x left hand side while 1 vector. The pressure increments are solved in(2.55) by a direct technique (i.e., LU decomposition). The increment 6e k+1 is then obtained from the second equation ofC2.54) mi in each cell. This completes a Newton iteration. The process is then repeated until successive changes in the main variables become very small. 2.5.5 The Numerical Method for Fuel Rod and Hexagonal Can Conduction This is similar to the numerical method for plenum heat conduction given in section 2.5.6. Overall Solution Scheme and the Hierachy of Subroutines in THERMIT The solution scheme in THERMIT is summarized in the block diagram shown in Fig. 2.11. The hierachy of the subroutine for THERMIT-4E is depicted in the chart THERMIT4, (Fig. Dl, Appendix D). .~~..milli 1 SUMMARY OF THE SOLUTION TECHNIQUE IN THERMIT 4 Vol. averaged differential equations of conservation Area averaged interfacial and wall exchange terms Area averaged interfacial jump conditions Equations of state Difference forms of the conservation equations Difference forms of the state equations* Difference forms of the constitutive equations* Use the momentum equations to eliminate UV ? in the mixture Mass and energy equations Pick P and em as main var. and eliminate pm through equation of state 1 Obtain the Jacobian of the resulting 2 scalar equations Reduce to pressure problem Do innter iteration on pressure problem Back substitute the converged P to obtain the other variables * Algebraic equations differenced only in time re the chances in main variabl small Yes Stop Figure 2.11 67 3. THERMAL-HYDORAULIC. SINGLE PHASE LOOP ANALYSIS 3.1. Introduction The laws of conservation can be summarized in the vector equation thus: S t + = (3.1) B where P is the vector of the conserved flow properties of mass, momentum and enerqy , e isa vector representing the fluxes of the conserved quantities, B is a vector representing the interface and wall transfers of mass, momentum and energy, and s is the spatial coordinate in our one-dimensional representation of the loop. If we let 7o represent the rest (non-flow) condition of the loop and 6T a given element of T applied to the rest condition, then the loop will change from the state of rest characterized by To to a state of flow characterized by T , where =-T In practice, 5T + 6T (3.2) is supplied by providing 'holes' in the loop for access to the environment from where 67 can be applied. Since a real loop cannot be an infite sink (or source) of T, at some other hole(s), 6T 68 (or some fraction of it) must be rejected to the environment. The continuous transport of 6W added to the loop at some points to the points of rejection maintains the loop flow [20]. The steady state configuration of the loop flow is specified mathematically by 3.3 0, S looo while the transient condition is given by S~0 , loop < t < T + T. - Where t is the time, T is the period through which the transient lasts and T is the time at the onset of the transient. During steady state, there is no net exchanqe of T between the loop and the environment. During transient, the loop has storage capability for some fraction of 6-T. This storage capability depends on the inertias associated with transport of energy, momentum and mass within the loop. A large environment would maintain its thermodynamic state constant despite the disturbance from a loop during transient. In this context, the environment would serve as an infinite source or sink for the loop. An important aspect of the loop flow that has drawn the attention of many investigators is the issue of flow instability. A thermal-hydraulic 69 loop (thermosyphon) may become unstable; three types of instabilities have been found both experimentally and theoretically. One is associated with the onset of motion in the whole loop (not in just one local cell). The second is the existence of multiple steady state (meta-stable equilibrium) solutions and the third is that of oscillation growth [12]. The third instability in which small amplitude oscillations grow, may lead to flow reversals. Both analytical and numerical methods have been used to investigate these phenomena and to find stability boundaries (or marginal stability curves) [14]. In this work, a first order perturbation theory is used to derive an approximate relation for the natural frequency of oscillation and to obtain the marqinal stability curves for the particular loop being simulated. The expressions obtained can be applied to loops of similar geometry. 3.2. 3.2.1. Typical Flow Loops A Natural Convection Loop [6] A typical natural convection loop is the Sodium Boiling Test Facility (SBTF) at Oak-Ridge National Laboratory. A series of single channel sodium boiling experiments [ONRL/TM-7018], designed to simulate Fast Test Reactors (FTR) natural convection boiling behavior was conducted in this facility. The SBTF is shown in Fig. 3.1 with the axial dimensions of the tubular test section shown in Fig. 3.2. These dimensions are approximately equal to those of a full-scale FTR fuel sub-assembly, Fig. 3.3. The heated length is 0.97m and the simulated fission gas plenum region downstream of the heated zone is 1.50m. The inside diameter of the Hastalloy X 70 ORNL-DWG 79-16755 ETD EOUALIZER LINE 1.83 m Figure 3.1. i Soditm Boiling Test facility - loop. 71 ORNL-DWG 79-6142 - r - - - ETD T AYLOR PRESSUPE TRANSDUCER (PT-7) " UPPER PLENUM TANK 'CT..FLOWMETER (FESB) VOLTAGE CONNECTION FOR VOID DETECTOR SYSTEM z O w Ye wE ' THERMOCOUPLES AND VOID DETECTOR VOLTAGE TAPS 4 wo. \i VOLTAGE CONNECTION FOR VOID DETECTOR SYSTEM Z O U-o w,,. w SENSOTEC PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PE-2B) I(FE-1B) NNECTION FOR TOR SYSTEM LOWER PLENUM TAYLOR PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PT-14A) Figure 3.2.Sodium Boiling Test facility - test section. 9153)/4 OVERALL LENGTH - I- 041.000 4 PPE ..- LA-KET Su UPP(A BLANKET . 43/ 6 - 2It ECTION HEXAGONAL TUBING SECTION 14 22 CORE SECTION LOWER BLANKET SECTION LOWER ADAPTER CENTRAL TIE ROo I test section is 3.25mm which corresponds to the average hydraulic diameter of the fuel sub-assembly. A coil upstream of the heated section simulates the sub-assembly inlet module hydraulic resistance [c/f EBR-Idesign] and accommodate the thermal growth of the test section. Tanks at the top and bottom of the test section simulate the reactor inlet and outlet 0lena. these tanks and completes the loop. A 51.0 mm I D return line connects An a-celectromagnetic pump in the return leg of the loop is available for forced flow testing. Oxide control is accomplished by a zirconium foil trap in the facility dump tank. The heat source is a 15.2kw radiant furnace. The reflector of the furnace is water-cooled, and the power input to the test section is computed from an energy balance on the furnace. A guard heater assembly is used to approximate adiabatic conditions in the simulated fission qas plenum region of the test section. The upper and the lower plenum temperatures are maintained at 590 0 C and 420 0 C respectively, by sodium-to-air heat exchangers located inside the plenums. These temperatures correspond to the rated FTR operating conditions. 3.2.2 A Forced Convection Loop [7] A typical forced convection loop is Sodium Boiling Test loop [Loop C.F. Na) at the Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires in Grenoble, France. The schematic of this loop is illustrated in Fig. 3.4 with the detail of the test section illustrated in Fig. 3.5. This loop is designed so that one can perform tests with pressure difference, inlet subcooling, outlet mixing temperature, fluid velocity and specific power the same as in an LMFBR plant. This is important 03 ,MBP2 , 02, Figure 3.4 LOOP C.F. Na No t COOL FLOW U w~ = Figure 3z5 MSE The Test Section because the stability of boiling and the voiding of channel, for'instance depend on the inlet subcooling and the pressure difference between the inlet and the outlet of the test section. The loop uses a mechanical pump with vertical shaft and gas cover. The pressure head is 100 meters of sodium for a flow rate of up to 10 m3/hr. The pump is maintained at maximum temperature of 5500C. The main bypass valve (VR2) is used to keep the pressures at the inlet of the heated bypass (VR04) and test section constant even if there are flow oscillations within the test section. Throttling valve VR4 is used to simulate flow blockage at the bottom of the fuel assembly by its pressure drop. The test section consists of a heated rod 6.6mm diamter, 600mm heated length, whose power of 30kw is dissipated in electrically heated wires insulated by boron nitride. The outside diameter of the flow annulus is 8.6 mm. 3.3. One-Dimensional Loop Analysis 3.3.1. Mathematical Model In this work, a one-dimensional flow approximation has been deemed sufficient to represent the state of flow within the sections of the exoerimental loops. For ease of manipulations, we shall adopt the three equation homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) for the loop analysis that is done in the next sub-section. The Governing Equations Summing the two phasic momentum equations (1.2) we have: --'IIYY at [ayUv + (1-a)pU]1 z s [ap U + (I-a)p zU ] + (-a)tj! v as Pas as e.v[ k = 0 - [apy + (1-a)p ] g*e (3.4 a) where s denotes the only spatial coordinate that runs around the loop and e is the unit vector in the direction of s. We define: Mixture mass flux Gm + (1-a)pzUe = aPyUv , (3.4 b) Mixture velocity Um = Uv = U , and (3.4 c) Mixture stress tensor t = CT + (1-c) (3.4 d) From equations (2.8) and (3.4) we obtain the one-dimensional HEM aoverning equations for a loop as: Mixture Mass Equatioh ;Pm Gm -t = -s (3.E a) 0 Mixture Momentum Equation ( +s 2 m PM BP as fIGm Gm 2DePm (3.5 b) Mixture Energy Equation L (p h - p) -t mm q"PH A ) + -as (hG mm G P PM TP + f lG m JG 2e m (3.5 c) 2e mI Where, Se m P + - is the mixture specific enthalpy, PM PH = heated perimeter , A = q" = heat flux flow cross-sectional area, and The stress tensor T has been written in the usual wall frictional dissipation form. 78 The Steady State Loop Flow Model The steady state loop flow model is easily obtained by neglecting the terms containing time derivatives in(3.5). We have: aGm a as (3.6 a) 0 - as 2 Gm Pm a as flGmlGm 2DePm + g + Pm q"PH Gm aP Tas (hmG mmm) A + Pm ^ e (3.6 b) fG m 2e Pm (3.6 c) -1. Functional Dependence of Mass Flow Rate on Heat Input For the ORNL Sodium Boiling Test Facility (SBTF) Loop We neglect friction and form loss terms in the energy equation (3.6 c) compared to the source and the sink terms. Then the steady state governing equation for the single phase liquid reduces as: dG ds d -ads G2) dP ds p0 d (hG) ds (3.7.a) 0 - PH A f)GIG 2 DeP q source + p(s) -e PH qin A sink (3.7 b) (3.7 c) We have neglected the effect of spatial variation in density in both the acceleration and frictional dissipation terms in(3.7 b). This is in compliance with the Bousinesque approximation in which it effect of spatial density variation is only important is assumed that in the head loss term (bouyancy). This approximation as well as the neglect of the friction and form loss terms in the energy equation will be valid for single-phase sodium flows in which large spatial density variation does not exist in the loop. We shall base our derivation on uniform cross-sectional flow area and make correction for the non-uniform cross-section of the actual loop by a k-factor for the local losses. Form(3.7 a) G is constant, hence equation(3.7'b) and(3.7 c) further reduces as dp ds + p e ()e - f 2D Po = 0 (3.8 a) and Gdh ds P AH q source P AH , sink (3.8 b) Where in 3.8, po is the initial (reference) density , A is the heated area (both for source and sink), PH is the heated perimeter in the source and the cooled perimeter in the sink q" is heat flux 010iI li, ,ill , 80 Integrating (3.8 a) round the loop we have: loop dP ds p(s) ge ds + f GIG ds = 0 loop 2Depo (3.9) - loop Now, dP loop p(s) Sds = , and (3.10) = pO (1 - a(T(s) - T0 )) where is a reference temperature corresponding to P and is the coefficient of thermal expansion B Equation(3.10)is valid in the range of temperature of interest for liquid sodium flows. Using(3.10)in (3.9)we have : flIGI T(s) ds - = loop loop 2 ds (3.11 a) Dep o The friction factor f in(3.11 a) is given in the usual form as: : where 'a' and 'b' aRe 1-I ) (3.11 b) are flow regime dependent positive numbers, and Re is the Reynold's number. becomes: = a( GDe -b The right hand side intearal in(3.11 a) ml a G(2 -b)ibL 2D + b ) fIGIG loop 2Dep o O 2e a W(2 -b) bL 2 2D (lb)A( -b) where L is the total length of the loop. Again, the variation of viscosity ipwith temperature has been neglected. - Po (3.11 .c) Equations (3.11) yield: (3.12) a W(2-b) bL g. T(s)ds D 2 20, loop To evaluate the integral (1+b)A A(2-b)PP, in(3.12)we re-write the energy equation (3.8.b) using temperature as the dependent variable in the form appropriate to the SBTF loop. Thus we have: LH H 2 LH <S< L LE1 4H W dT Tw1 -T(s)) e A p ds 4H(Tw -T(s)) e 2 L LE2 2 (heated section) E1 <S < <S < otherwise 1 (upper plenum) 2 _ 2 (lower plenum) (cold & hot legs) (3.13) *$*Now"l -- 1IL llil I I I Ih 82 where W is the mass flow rate is the heat flux is the heat transfer coefficient between the liquid sodium and the plenum wall. H Twl, Tw2 are the constant temperatures of the upper plenum and the lower plenum respectively. Other geometrical parameters that appear in(3.13)are as depicted in Fig. 3.6. Solving 3.13, we obtain 44 1 T(s) + k1 + k k2 e- as LE1 S2-< k3e -as 2LE 2 -pe C WL CpWLH LH T(s) = Twl + T(s) = Tw2 + ' LH -2 -s LE1 s < s < LE 22 2 (3.14 a) (3.14 b) (3.14 c) LE 2 T(s) = LE -1 2 < s < LE < s < 22 LH LE 2 2 2 < S < (3.14 d) where 4HA DeCp and H W H = The constants k1 , k2 . . . k (3.14 e) are to be determined by matching the inlet and the outlet boundary conditions of the various sections. At steady state T(-LH/ 2 ) - Tw2 is the inlet temperature to the heated section From(3.14 a): k = 1 Tw L (H) L11cW 2 LHEquation 3.14(a) becomespW + 2 Equation 3.14(a) becomes T(s) S + = Tw2 CpL L H ((cL 2 + LH s)- LH 2 < - (3.15 a) 2 2 From 3.14(b) k2 = T(- - Tw exp(-aLE /2) At steady state, T(4.E /2) = T(LH/2), hence 1 [Tw2 - Twl + Q k2 T(s)= Twl + Tw2 - Twl + exp(-L E /2) , and exp(-aLE /2 + s) LE < 21 -< s -2 LE E1 (3.15 b) .1 i11m1iii, 84 From equation (3.14 c) LEexp(- k3= (T(- -- T(s) = Tw2 + T w2 Tw2) exp(-aLE 2/2) = T(LE 1 /2), hence T(-LE 2 /2) At steady state; K3 )- LE2 Tw 2 + - Twl + Twl-Tw2 + (Tw2 - Twl + exp(-aLE /2) L T(s) = K4 LH (3.15 c) 2 - < < LE < s<- T =Tw2 exp(-aLE2/2 + s) L 2 S. )exp( -aLE 1), and (3.15 d) L T(s) = K5 T + Tw2 - Twl + Q L exp(-aL E; 2 s < (3.15 e) T(s) = K6 - Tw2 + (Tw2 - = Tw2 + ITwl LE 2 2 < s < ) exp(-aLE LH 2 exp(-aLE ) (3.15 f) We now express the loop integral in eqn. 3.12 as integrals over the sections to have: B8o g*e T(s)ds = poq loop - JTds LH - Tds - Lh fTds + Tds LE 1 Lc - 1 1 -Tds E2 2 - Tds 85 The top and bottom plena have the same dimensions and heat transfer is the effective vertical L' 2 = L = coefficient, hence A 900 turn has been assumed in the height of the return (cold) leg. plena, thus making the effective elevation change in them 1/2 LE. Evaluating the indicated integrals above using equations 3.15 we have: o loope Tds = o 1oopg l e - + [ LH +L pog *C W +'Lh p BPo~ 0 [- L , + (exp(-2aLE)- 1)] 2p E I Lc exp(-LE)]exp(-aLE) BP (Tw2 - Tw ) exp(-aLE ) (exp(-aLE)-l) c0 + 6p g [Tw 2 (LH + Lh, + L ) + 1 (Twl+ Tw2 )LE + 1 (T - Tw2) - Twlc w2 w1 c 1 a w1 + Bog [(Tgw2 - Twl)exp)(aLE + Lc2 (Twl ' c I1~ + LcR 2 exp(-aLE) Tw 2 ) exp(-2aLE) For practical values of H, A, De , Cp and LE ' exp(-aLE)<< 1. (For example exp(-aLE) 0.006 for the SBTF loop). The above equation simplifies, after neglecting terms containing exp(-aLE) or exp(- 2aLE), and noting that L' = LE + Lc + LH + Lh as: . -Sc o eog Tds loop =agpo CpW + ...-- - - lIN1 + Lh hZ +2 gp0 (Tw2 - Twl)(LH + Lh +-- + L - 1) (3.16) Substituting (3.16) into (3.12)we have: 3 b) aW( De(l+b) (2b b) 2 - W(Tw 2 - LTwl) 2D (1+b)AH(2-b) (LH + Lh w2 - C ( + L H 1 h 2 + L h +) 20 2 + Lz 2 - c2 = 0 (3.17) Equation (3.17)gives the analytical relationship between the mass flow rate and the power input for the SBTF loop assuming constant area. It is interesting to note in(3.17)that for Twl = Tw2 and remains stagnant as expected. If Q = 0 and Twl = 0, 0 the loop Tw2 , a positive flow field develops as have been obtafned in our calculations for Twl > Tw2 * Equation(3.17)is cast in dimensionless form by dividing through by Q/C De to obtain: aW(3-b ) 2 De ( 2 +b) A b C 2 L aW )po2 g WC L - -- (T 2 - T)(LH + L + E + L c 2 2 h H w1 w2 Q De LH SH ++ 22Lh L 2D e +1 I 2t 0 D De ) St (3.181 Upper P1 enum Lower P1 enum Fiqure 3.6. Loop Modeling Geometry where the dimensionless number St = C e 4HA WCp is the Staton number defined with respect to the plena heat convection. It should be noted,that equation(3.18)can be used for all constant cross sectional area loops of geometry similar to Figure 3.6 Comparison of Analytical Results with the Codes Calculations The values of the following parameters that appear in(3.17)are used. Geometrical Parameters: LH = 0.97 m LhZ = 1.5 m = 3.0885 m = 0.6175 m = 3.25 x 10-3m = 8.295 x 10-6m2 = 11.07 m Fluid Properties: C p 11 = 1.2573 x 10 p = 850.14 kg/m 3 H = 1.0 x 106 B = 0.274 x 10- 3 J/kg - K (see Table 3.1) Watt/m2 - K K-1 Plena Temperatures: Twl = 863.15 K (upper plenum) Tw2 = 693.15 K (lower plenum) = -H = 8.121 m DC -aLE e 0.006 For the range of power calculated (150 W to 370 W) for the constant area geometry case, the flows fall within the transition regime 400 <Re< 2600 as prescribed in the code. Equation(3.17)written for transition regime, using the friction correlation in Equation(2.17 c) becomes: eff eff (3-bt) bt L iaturbW b L aam W(3-bt) lam + (I+b ) (2-b ) 2 A 2poBgD e o - W [(Tw2 Twl)(LH + L LH pL + Lh + 2P L+ + Lc (1-bt) ( 2-bt) BgD A o A 2 L1 1 + (3.18) = p Where 1 = eff ala m eff and aturb. for laminar flow, 0.25 for turbulent flow, and are as given in Table 3.1. The value of M that appears in(2.17 c) has been taken as unity since the value of H/D (helical - --I ------ IYYIYIYIIIYIII 90 pitch-to-diameter ratio) used for the calculation is very large 1010 TABLE 3.1 Comparison of Analytical Predictions with Codes Results for the Loop Mass Flow Rate Code's W(g/s) .316AV eff a 1am 60/1- Analytic. W(g/s) eff turb Q (W) 114 (x10 - 4 ) .373t 150 2.1137 738.1 0.1537 .1239 55.197 .375 .481* 230 2.103775 895.8 .2254 .1511 52.8068 .503 .495* 240 2.1001 923.5 .23797 .1552 52.3766 .519 .509* 250 2.096 951.5 .25068 .1593 51.93796 .534 .522* 260 2.090 978.5 .26295 .1632 51.5215 .548 .534* 270 2.0892 99816 .2743 .1674 51.1320 .561 .549* 280 2.086 1031.2 .28691 .1705 50.66679 .575 .30982 .1771 49.84624 .605 - e 290 .574* 300 2.0793 1081.6 .633+ 330 2.0723 1196.79 0.36218 .19017 47.918 .636 .656t 350 2.0653 1244.48 0.3839 .19578 47.097 .659 .678+ 370 2.0583 1290.59 0.4048 .2011 46.289 .681 --- *: Results obtained for cut-point on top.of the lower plenum. -: Results obtained for cut-point beneath the upper plenum. 91 In the actual experiment the upper plenum is connected to the' pressurizer line, thus the results obtained for cut-point beneath the upper plenum are more dependable. The discrepancies of about 0.5% between the analytical results and the code's calculation can be explained in terms of the approximations made in obtaining equation (3.17) Correction for Form Losses in the Actual Loop Equation (3.17) or (3.18) cannot predict accurately the mass flow rate for a given Q in the actual loop. There is pressure loss due to contraction and expansion and elbows in the non-uniform cross-sectional area loop. This extra drop is corrected for by the k-factor. The ratio of the flow cross-sectional area in the cold return leg to that of the test section is about 250:1. For all practical purposes, the fluid in this return leg can be regarded as stagnant compared to the flow in the test section. Thus we neglect the frictional losses in the return leg in the actual geometry calculation. Accordingly the value of L in(3.17)and(3.18)becomes the length of the test section including the plena only. The form pressure drop is given as: AP form KIGIG 2Po De 2 KW 2A2 oDe Adding(3.19)to the friction pressure drop in(3.8 a), of(3.17)that is valid for the actual loop as: (3.19) we obtain the form _ 2A 2 2g gD oe 2P0 2 gD (1+b )A(2 -b) gDe A H + Lh - W[(T w2 - Twl)(L hZ H W1 + E 7E L2T H + C , -IM aW( 3-) bbL 33 KW 2A p ____^_ _^1_- 1-] L + ha-Za LE 1 cz2 (3.20) = 0 where Lv = LH + LhZ : is the height of the test section including the plena + 2 LE + Lc 1 The value of K is obtained by calibrating with equation(3.20)and the code's calculations for the actual geometry. The consistent value of K obtained is K = 0.216 Hence for the actual SBTF loop, equation(3.18)is modified as: 0.108 C W3 A p2 gD e aW( 3- b) b c L WC (Tw2- Twl) (2+b) (2- b) 2 A O 6 e o Bg 2D e x (LH + Lhk LE 2 + L ct2 L2 - e e St LH + 2 Lh + 1 = 0 (3.21) 93 It should be noted that equation (3.21)is valid only for the SBTF loop (Fig. 3.1). Equation(3.18 however, is general for all uniform cross sectional vertical rectangular natural convection loops in which the heated section is between two plena from where heat is rejected. The only condition that should be met is that the dimensionless number L (St. D- ) associated with the plenal heat convection, the thermal e capacity of the fluid and the loop geometrical factors be greater than LE two (St. E > 2) so that the approximation made to obtain(3.16)can still e be valid. This condition is easily met by 3.3.2. most practical loops. Loop Flow Oscillation In this section, an analytical investigation is made of the loop flow oscillation for the single-phase liquid sodium in a vertical rectangular loop in which heat is added between an upper and a lower plenum both of which serve as constant temperature heat sinks. Creveling et al [10], using horizontal toroidal loop had obtained single-phase water oscillations with frequencies ranging between 0.007 Hz and 0.018 Hz, and Kaizerman et al [13], using a vertical toroid, had obtained frequencies ranging between 0.005 Hz and 0.02 Hz, also for single-phase water. The report of the Oak Ridge experiments [6] indicates that the single-phase frequencies are not available. The analysis done in this section has shown that the effective resistance of the loop for the range of input powers corresponding to single-phase flows, are such that the initial surges are quickly damped off. By reducing the loop hydraulic - i ttIIt, _lltii resistance,flow oscillation has been numerically obtained for the loop which has yielded a value of frequency that is in good agreement with the analytical prediction. First Order Perturbation Theory Applied to Flow Oscillation We represent the dynamic state of the loop flow by the steady state solution plus in general, a space-time dependent perturbation of the flow properties. Accordingly, equations (3.7) for the single-phase liquid becomes: at at + a (G + G') as + = 0 ) -- ( S(p+p) a (G+G')2 S (3.22'a) as p 1 ') + Sq ((h' + h)(G + G')) as + (p+p')g e t Ctank h at (P0 (G+G) 2 Depo = (t') dt' G' tank source A H (3.22 b) qsink PH A (3.22 c) Where in equations (3.22) we have assumed the following: - The effect of the perturbation in the density is negligible in the acceleration and the frictional loss terms and in the 95 enthalpy density (p h). - The steady state correlations for the friction factor f and the heat transfer coefficient (inherent in (3.22 c ) are employed even under dynamic conditions. Welander [14] has pointed out that this is true whenever the advection time is large in comparison with the time for momentum or energy to diffuse across the tube cross-section. The primes are used to denote the perturbations in the various flow quantities. We shall assume that the perturbation in the mass flux G' is This assumption can only be valid for the uniform only time dependent. cross-section loops and in single-phase flows in which the density does not vary appreciably around the loop. The term j G'an(t')dt' where Ctank is the gravity-tank capacitance of the expansion tank, and G'tank(t) is the mass flux into the tank, is a new addition to the momentum equation. expansion tank. could take place. It represents the pressure drop (or rise) due to the In transient conditions, net flow into the expansion tank Under steady-state conditions, there is no net flow into the tank and hence, the term does not appear in equation(3.7 b). Its inclusion in transient situation is important because it affects the frequency of the flow oscillation that may take place. In our model mm mouse a l umm i l ulillYiij, ,kll , 96 we do not solve for Gtank' A separate mementum equation must be written for the tank's fluid which will be coupled to the loop fluid flow through the pressure at the tank junction. The modeling of the expansion tank-loop fluid interaction has not been done in this work. An infinite mass expansion tank has been assumed. tank does not alter the junction pressure. Flow into such a Thus in our calculations, the gravity tank capacitance does not come into play. equation(3.22 b) is just for completeness. Its inclusion in The gravity tank capacitance is given by [23]: Ctank Atank Pog We re-write equations(3.22)using the temperature T as the dependent variable with the corresponding perturbation T'. dependent. T' is both space and time The right hand side of equation(3.22)is written as in equation (3.13). Steady state heat addition and extraction has been assumed, hence there is no perturbations in the heat source nor in the wall temperatures of the heat sinks (plena). The dynamic state of flow is due to some perturbation in the mass flux at the initial time. With the above, and neglecting terms containing second and higher orders of perturbations, we have the following equations of perturbations for the momentum and the energy equations obtained by subtracting equations (3.7)from equations (3.22). The momentum equation is integrated round the loop prior to this subtraction. We have: 97 d G'L dt - aub (2b)G(1b)L G' 2De e*g T'ds - po loop o+b)P o Ct tank Gtank(t') dt' 4HT' De dT BT' aT' PC T + G C T + G'Cp ds p Ts o p 3t 0 (3.23 a) (upper and lower plenum) ; otherwise (3.23b) With the initial conditions: G'(0) T'(O) = 0 (3.23a) Equation(3.23 b) must be solved for T' which must then be used in equation (3.23 a) to evaluate G'. We let R' = _ au b(2-b)G (1-b) L -2D (+b) e o (3.24) IC -~I"L I1I 98 and 4H DePoC p aW -o 0 where a is as defined in equation(3.14 e). Next we define Laplace transforms as: (z) , {G'(t)} T (s,z) . f{T'(s,t)} = Then taking the Laplace transforms of equations(3.23)we have: zG L - G0L - p0 SR T ds (3.25 a) tank loop - zT + The W dT G dT pO ds I A0WT 0OcJ ; (upper and lower plena) ; otherwise (3.25b) dT term ds in (3.25b) can be obtained by differentiating the steady- state temperature profile (Equation (3.15)). The perturbation in the buoyancy pressure drop ( 6 PB) driving the flow perturbation (G ) round the loop is given by: SPB =- Po loop e. T ds (3.26) The close loop integral in equation (3.26) simplifies for the loop in which the upper and the lower plena are maintaned at constant tempera- 99 tures even during transients. Then the magnitude of T' (and thus of T) is small in the return leg compared to the test section. Thus the integral in equation (3.26) can be replaced by the integral over the Hence, equation 3.26 reduces as: test section only. PB - o (3.27) T-s T ds, where T-s is used to indicate that the integration is performed over the heated section and the adiabatic hot section only. integral in Equation (3.27) into two components and PB = Pog LH/ 2 -L H/2 We split the have: T1ds +fLH/2+LhZ T2ds} H/2 (3.28) We must obtain the temperature distributions in the heated section and the adiabatic hot section, respectively. We must obtain the temperature distributions T1 and T2, perform the integrations indicated in Equation (3.28) and use the result obtained in-Equation (3.25a). This will give the perturbation in the mass flux as a function of the frequency domain variable, z. The steady state temperature gradients at the different loop sections are obtained from Equation (3.15) thus: 1. - llili 1 100 -LH CpWLH - a(T 2 < s < LH/ 2 H/2 /22 - TWI + WC exp(-ca( LE LE <s< + s)); -~-9- 2 - dT -a(Twl ds - TW 2 + (TW-T -cL E + W 2 LE )exp(-a(- p ; LE - LE2 2 + s)) L s E 2 otherwise (3.29) From Equations (3.29) and (3.25b) we have: zT 1 + W Ap 0 dT 1d ds G p C WLH dT2 ds -0; 2 zT 3 + W dT3 AP o ds - = 0 ; - L /2 < s < LH/2 H H LH /2 < s < H (3.30a) L (3.30b) El Gac (Tw - TW + ) exp(-a LE/2 + s)) 2 WCp E Po p WT 3 Ap LE s < 2 LE 2 (3.30c) zT + W Ap zT 4 0 dT 4 ds Ga (TW1 - TW 2 + (Tw2-TW1 + WCp '-)exp(-aLE)) P 0 x exp(-a(LE/ 2 + LE2 2 aWT 4 po 4 LE2 2 (3.30d) lmIwb 101 zT A s L zT + L -3 (3.30e) s < - LH /2 (3.30f) <S 0 ; + 0 W dT zT6 + A o ds 6 - 0 o Solving Equations (3.30) we have: =- W + K exp(- ApoZ 1 GQ oCpWLHz (3.31a) APoz W s) = K2 exp (- (3.1lb) AApo =K 3 exp(- (z + p W )s) 0 + po Gz (T 2 - Tw w APo T (z 4 = K4 exp( - + p0 z (Tw1 T5 = K5 exp(- SAp T6 = K6 exp( - + ) exp LE + 2-1( s)) aW Apo 2 Tw2 ) exp (-a(LE/ + s)) Ap z W s) oZ W s) (3.31c) (3.31d) (3.31e) (3.31f) . , ..k . . .. .. . . ... .. .. I I Ii, 102 In obtaining (3.31d), the second term in the square bracket in Equation (3.30d) has been neglected compared to the first term in that bracket. The neglected term is small because of the exp(-aLE) multiplying it which is usually a small number. Using the boundary conditions of the common temperatures at the six interfaces between adjacent sections round the loop, we eliminate K 2 through K6 in Equations (3.31) and solve for K1 to obtain: K 1 Q6G~ Ap z LH Po PWLH z exp (- W 2H -G (Tw cG + -P SApo T ) exp(-aLE ) exp( Ao z LE (T 1 - Tw2 ) exp(-L E) exp(2 ) 3aL Te -- z LE W e pWLZ exp(-2L )E exp ( W Ao z LE ) G . ApoZ L G (T - T + - )exp(-2aL E ) exp(- W 2) p Z w2 w WC E W 2 (3.32) 103 Considering the order of magnitudes, the fourth and the sixth . terms are negligible compared to the second and third terms, and the fifth term is negligible compared to the first term. This is satisfactory for aLE >> 2. This condition can always be satisfied for practical values of heat transfer coefficient and loop dimensions (for the SBTF loop, aLE = 8.121). Then, QG exp (- Apoz LH) pC WL Hz W 2 K1 K = 2~G + APz LE (Twl - Tw2) exp(-aL E) sinh(- -) (3.33) Now at s = LH/ 2 ; T1 = T2 , hence K2 exp(- K2 W W + -Q 22) = PCpWLHz WoCpLHZ exp ( W 2) + K1 1 exp(-W 2 (3.34) Substituting Equations (3.33) and (3.34) into Equations (3.31a) and (3.31b) respectively, gives the required temperature distributions, T and T . 2 Using Equations (3.31a) and (3.31b) in Equation (3.28) and performing the integration we obtain: - -- - In.~.-~. - I ~lnluuuulv lu 104 QG PB Po9 oC Wz pC g SA + W Ao z L 2K1+2K ( W z sinh S w 2H 2 ApoZ ApoZ LH W z K2 exp (- W 2) (exp ( W Lh )- 1)} (3.35) Substituting for K1 and K2 in Equation (3.35) we obtain: -Q 6PB = Gp0oB oCpWz 4Wa +42 + 2Q 2 Ap Apnh LH Ap o LH 2) exp (- W W 2 (T Apoz LE (Twl Tw2) exp(-aLE) sinh (W 2) APZ Apoz Sxsinh 2 2 (exp (AP C LHz Lh ) - 1) ApoZ 2 exp(2 ApO CpLHz ApoZ LH) (exp (- 2cW - 2 2 ) 2 ApW + LH (Twl - Tw2 ) exp(-aLE) exp(ApoZ x sinh ( W X Lh ) - 1 AQoz LE W 2 ) (exp( LE 22 ) } Apo z Lh)- (3.36) 105 Equation (3.36) can be written in the compact form: 6PB = GF(z) (3.37) Substituting Equation (3.37) into Equation (3.25a) gives: G{ zL - R' + z ZCtank - F(z)} = GoL or GH(z) = GoL (3.38) We wish to obtain the contributions to the resistance, the inertia the capacitance terms due to function F(z). and To this end, we expand the exponential and the hyperbolic functions in F(z) (Equation (3.36)), in Taylor series about z=O (corresponding to the expansion about steady state in time) such that the resulting form of the function H(z) in Equa- tion (3.38) will be a quadratic polynomial in z. This is equivalent to the truncation of the system to a second order, which is plausible in view of the low frequencies that we anticipate for the single-phase flow oscillations. The Taylor series expansion has been done under Appendix B. The resulting form of Equation (3.38) becomes: [L - QgP02QBgp2 A 2LH 6W3Cp +QgpALH 2W C p - 2 A A 24g9 -2 24W T 24W 2 gpoA 2W 2 2 2 2 2 )(LH+LE) aLEexp(-aLE)]z Twl - Tw2 )LH LEexp(-LE)]z ~^---~--~ '~ 1111~ 106 + gA/ATank + -_ g (Twl pWCp Tw2) aLE exp(-aLE = zGoL (3.39) In Equation (3.39), the coefficients of z 2 are related to the flow inertia where the first term, L is related to the hydraulic inertia of the fluid inthe entire loop, usually given by: I = pL/A. The second and the third terms are related to the inertia due to heat addition and heat extraction in the heated section and the plena respectively. The coefficients of z are related to the resistances, where R' is related to the hydraulic resistance in the loop while the first and last terms give some kind of fluid resistance due to heat addition and heat extraction at the heated section and the plena respectively. The constant coefficients are related to the inverses of flow capacitances. For our uniform cross-section, non-deformable liquid sodium loop, the'capacitances due to acoustic volume and pipe flexibility do not exist. There are two forms of capacitance present. One is the gravity tank capacitance of the expansion tank and, which for our own loop does not contribute to loop pressure drop (or rise) due to the assumption of very large tank. The second type of capacitance is the liquid-volume capacitance due to the fluid volume changes that take place in the heated section and in the plena. These are the two terms represented by the second and third constants in Equation 3.39. 107 We re-write Equation(3.39)in the compact form: 4 (ez2 + fz + c) = zG'L (3.40) 0 where 0g 2A2 2 e =L - 6W33C LH 2 - R' - 2W Cp 24W (T -T (Twl-Tw2)( 3 LH+ )Cexp(-aL LE)~LEexp(-LE (3.41a) gp oA QBgPo ALH f 0 2 (Twl - Tw2) LHaLE exp(-aLE) (3.41b) c = gA/ATank gQ -g(Twl WG"p - Tw) w2 aLEexp(-aLE (3.41c) In bond graph notation, our second order system is simply given by [23]: R:f -C:c SF IG' I:e Next we define the transfer function from Equation (3.40) as: I-*131~ L101116111 ,1411,I IIIIh1, 1, ii ,IiII161 ii 1 llililll liliNII ,, , 108 zL zL Y(zy = ez2+fz+c O zL/e (z+f/2e)2+c/e-(f/2e) 2 or G zL/e W22 2 O (z+r) +W (3.42a) Where a = f/2e (3.42b) 2 = c/e - W2 (3.42c) Multiplying Equation (3.42a) through by Go and taking the inverse Laplace transform (the inverse Laplace transform of equation (3.42a) can be found in table A-i of reference [26J]we have: (-IG(z)] = G'(t) = Ae-tsin(wt + ) (3.43) where p = tan-1 (-~ A = GL7e(cosec¢) It should be noted that the mass flowrate G'(t) as given by equation (3.43) does not reproduce the initial value G. at t=0.This is due to the 109 order truncation of our system to second order in obtaining the Taylor series expansion in Appendix B. Equation (3.43) gives the time response of the perturbation in the mass flux G' due to an initial perturbationin the mass flux Go . The stability and the frequency are determined by the sign of a and the value of w respectively. If we use the initial flowrate (a fictitious steady-state) in Equation (3.41) with the corresponding value of the resistance R' obtained using Equation (3.24), we will obtain the initial flow response which will in general be oscillatory. Depending on the value of the re- sistance, the initial surge could be either slowly damped. quickly damped or If R' is low enough, the initial surge may grow and it may be impossible to attain steady state. Stability Boundary For stability, the damping factor must be greater than or equal to zero, marginal stability being provided by the equality. Hence, a>0 or f/2e > 0 110 For marginal stability; f = 0 (e 0) (3.44) Thus, by using the expression for f in Equation (3.40), we will be able to obtain the marginal stability curves for the mass flowrate against the input power using ATw (Twl - Tw2) as a parameter. Figure 3.7 is an example of such curves. For the steady state flows, the inertia term e is negative, hence the condition for stability will only be satisfied for f less than zero. Thus, in Figure 3.7, the region above the marginal stability curve corresponding to a particular ATw is the region of unstable operating points while the region below is the region of stability. Information obtained from the stability maps such as Figure 3.8 could be useful in the stability control of the natural convection loop flows. During a reactor cooldown for instance, the de- cay heat addition to the core cannot be controlled. This type of analysis can then be used to assess the probability of obtaining self-natural convection cooling during shutdown. Another set of marginal stability contours can be obtained by using Equation (3.40) in conjunction with mass flowrate Equation (3.18). By using the stability criterion Equation (3.44), and 111 the mass flowrate equation, we shall be able to eliminate the mass flowrate W between the two equations and evaluate the input power Q for varying values of the dimensionless number St.LE/D e curve obtained by plotting Q against St. LE/D e . The is a marginal stab- ility curve. 3.3.23 Numerical Experiments In order to obtain oscillation in the loop and thus be able to verify the predictions of Equations (3.40) and (3.41), the frictional resistance in the loop was reduced. A new friction factor was im- plemented in THERMIT-4E/L (only for the purpose of obtaining oscillation in the loop). The new correlation which is obtained by retain- ing the turbulent part of the correlation in Equation (2.17c) is given as: f = 0.1099 Re-0 .25 ; Re > 1000 (3.45) The correlation for laminar regime as given in Equations (2.17) was retained for flow regimes or Re < 1000. At the initial flow conditions, the Reynold's number was greater than 1000, hence the wall friction was indeed evaluated using Equation (3.45). The correlation of Equation (3.45) effectively reduces the frictional resistance in the loop by a factor of about ten. Flow reversal was obtained for input power of 150 Watts 0111 I_I 112 ATww = Twwll - Tw2 w2 AT =170K 1.4 ATw=100K ATw= 50K AT =0 1.2 1.0 ATW,= 170K 0.8 Locus of Operating Points 0.4 I 150 p 200 Input Power Figure 3.7 300 250 Q 350 (Watts) ;4arginal Stability Curves Using AT, as a Parameter. and flow oscillations were obtained for 250, 300 and 350 Watts.respectively, usinr. the unfirom cross-section representation of the SBTF loop. An initial mass flowrate of 0.845 g/sec wasused for all calcula- tions. and 3.9. The results of these calculations are shown in Figures 3.8 At an input power of 150 Watts, no oscillation in the sense of flow amplitude variation in a single direction of motion was obtained. Rather flow reversal of approximately constant period of 45 seconds predominated the flow in the loop. Result of calculation to be shown later in this section indicates that a0O and w2 > 0 for this case. For calculations at input powers of 250 Watts, 300 Watts and 350 Watts, the general trend of increasing damping with increasing At 250 Watts (Fig. input power can be observed from Figure 3.9. 3.9 (a)), the flow reversal tendency is still obvious with the inFigure 3.9(c) shows let flow reversing after 65 seconds of flow. that steady state flow is attained within less than seventy seconds of flow at the input power of 350 Watts. Calculations using Equations (3.40) and (3.41) are given below. The resistance in the loop corresponding to the initial flowrate is obtained by using the definition of Equation (3.24) in Equation (3.17) to obtain the form: -R'W (2-b)Ap g + W(T (Tw - T w2 (L + (LH + L L1/) E Lh L (H) +Lh+ C 2 h 1 za ) = 0 (3.46) ~31111C---- - - YI YIIUYIIIYIIIIYII .. lultin 114 Using the knowivalues in Equation (3.44) we have: Q = 150 (Watts) R' = 2.6413 (m/sec) Q = 250 (Watts) R' = 0.1004 (m/sec) Q = 300 (Watts) R' =.1.1699 (m/sec) Q = 350 (Watts) R' = -2.44 (m/s'ec) Then from Equations (3.40) and (3.41) we obtain: For Q = 150 (Watts) Wo = 0.845 x 10-3 (kg/sec) e = 6.1697 (m) f = -1.1071 (m/sec) c = 0.3641 (m/sec2 ) a =-0.0897 (sec'l ) S= 0.2257 (rad/sec) F = 0.035 Hz For Q = 250 (Watts) W = 0.845 x 10-3 (kg/sec) 0 e = 3.41 (m) f = 2.7534 (m/sec) ll 115 c = 0.6169 (m/sec2 ) a = 0.'4037 (s-1) w = 0.134 (rad/sec) F = 0.022 (Hz) For Q = 300 (Watts) Wo = 0.845 x 10-3 (kg/sec) e = 2.0304 (m) f = 4.1929 (m/sec) c = 0.7433 (m/sec2 ) a = 1.032 (sec-) = -0.700 For Q = 350 (Watts) W = 0.845 x 10- 3 (kg/sec) e = 0.6507 (m) f = 5.959 (m/sec) c = 0.86966 (m/sec2 ) a = 4.578 (sec-l) 2 = -20.295 The results of these calculations show that the flow is unstable at Q = 150 Watts with a = - 0.0897. At the other (higher) powers, Equations (3.40), predict that the flow is stable, with damping factors of 0.4037 sec -I at 250 Watts and 4.578 sec-1 at 350 Watts. The predictions about damping of Equations (3.40) are in good agreement with the results of the code's calculations. The general trend of increasing damping with increasing input power predicted from the above calculations can be observed from the results of the code's calculations III~ -------- I.IIYllllillI , II il niMM m iiiia, 116 as depicted in figures 3.8 and 3.9. It should be noted that no further approximations are made in obtaining the resistance term in the Taylor series expansion of Appendix B. The frquencies predicted by equations (3.40) show some inconsistencies with the results of the code's calculations. The analytical predictions about frequencies are 0.035Hz for input power of 150 Watts, and 0.022Hz for 250 Watts. The code's results for these input powers are 0.022Hz and 0.026Hz respectively. At 300 Watts and 350 Watts,the analytical expressions predict that the flow is damped and non-oscillatory with w2< 0. The results of the code's calculations (Figures 3.9(b)&(c)) show still increasing frequencies with increasing input powers of 0.033Hz at 300 Watts and 0.083Hz at 350 Watts.It should be noted that there are some errors involved in the determinations of the frequencies from the figures. The approximations made in obtaining the capacitance term from the Taylor series expansion in Appendix B is probably not valid for the range of values calculated. In summary,further investigations should be made about the contributions to the capacitance term in the loop to be able to predict the frequencies to a desirable accuracy. sq 0D U, 0d C C Un H (D (D LQ C o*2 P -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 Mass Flowrate 1.0 2.0 (g/sec) 117 3.0 4.0 Ou let ., SInlet (a) r4 0I, 10 20 30 TIME Figure 3.9 (). 40 50 60 (SEC) Flow Oscillation at Input Power of 250 Watts S*Outlet o (b) Inl et M Ln 10 30 20 TIME 40 50 60 (SEC) Figure 3.9(b). Flow Oscillation at Input Power of 300 Watts S ; I ZOutlet (c) Inlet Ln 10 20 '30 TIME 40 !150 60 (SEC) Figure 3.9(c). Flow Oscillation at Input Power of 350 Watts 121 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL LOOP CAPABILITY IN THERMIT 4.1. Introduction In this chapter, the steps leading to the implementation of a one-dimensional whole loop simulation capability in THERMIT are presented. The four equation thermal equilibrium version - THERMIT-4E In this work, applications have been limited to a natural is used. convection loop, hence a pump model which will be required for a forced convection loop simulation has not been provided. However, with a minor modification in the solution scheme, the natural convection loop capable THERMIT-4E/L can easily be adapted to forced convection loops. A typical natural convection loop consists of the following basic features for which appropriate models should be provided: Heat addition at the heated section; heat extraction at the constant temperature sink(s) (heat exchanger or plena); mass and energy exchanges and mechanical balance between the loop and the supression tank - this is particularly important for transients; and the adiabatic hot and cold legs. The next section presents these models. 4.2. Loop Component Models 4.2.1. The Heater The existing capability in the code for fuel rod (heater rod) heat transfer to the fluid in a flow channel is used. The heat conduction in the heater rod and the heat transfer model between the heater rod and the moving fluid have been given in references [1] and [ 5]. For the specific application to the experimental loop being simulated in this work, the loop has been modeled as a one-dimensional annular channel with 122 a central heater rod running around the loop. Heat is applied only to that section of the loop that corresponds to the heated section in the actual experiment (Fig. 4.1). 4.2.2 Constant Temperature Sinks (The Plena) In order to keep the temperature of the plenum constant in time and spatially flat while transferring heat through its wall, it is required that the thermal inertia be very low to avoid any significant heat storage during transients and that the conductivity be high. The values of pc . 10- 5 and k - 104, in consistent S.I. units have been used for the fictitious plena material in our simulations. Numerical Scheme for Plenum Heat Transfer By analogy with the rod heat transfer capability already implemented in the code, the structure nodes are counted starting from the boundary adjacent to the environment. However, since the perimeter of the channel in contact with the structure is an input to the code, the structure is discretized with increasing radius from the channel center line (Fig. 4.2). The transient heat conduction equation, with no sources, is given below: pc 5tT 1 Tr r (rK -) ;r = 0 (4.1) We integrate (4.1)over the control volume bounded by the interfaces at i + 1/2 and i - 1/2 to obtain: 123 Upper Plenum QE 0 -o Heated Section Lower Plenum Figure 4.1 Heater Rod in Loop Geometry 1___1__~~ __ _ 124 r2 C2 i Ti at i - 1/2 + 2 r pc -- i + 1/2 i T rK 1/2 - I - 1/2 Temperatures are evaluated at the main grid points while the properties pc and K are evaluated at half mesh points. The values of quantities at i-1/2 and i+1/2 are replaced by their weighted averages over [i-l,i] and [i, i+1] respectively. A linear implicit difference scheme is used. thermal inertia pc and the thermal conductivity K Thus the are treated explicitly, whereas the temperatures are determined implicitly. We have: 2 1 r2 )(pc) [(i+1/2 i n - [( r (Tn+l [( i+1/2 i+l + (r2 - r2 i+1/2 Tn+l) n - )i n T +1/ 2 )(pc) i _ 1/2 (Kr) (Tn+l 1/2 n+l - Tn l 1t Tn+l i-i = 0 (4.2) 125 where =ri+ (r)i+1/2 (-) - (i) ri (i-1 (i-I) At the half-cells adjacent to the external surfaces, we represent the net heat flux with its convective and conductive components. Thus, at i=1 and i=I, equation (4.2) takes on special forms as follows: Si=I: 1 [(r 2 - r I_ 2 n /2 -1 2I I-1/22 )(pc) I-1/2 Tn+1 - T n I I q, At -q 'sfRI At (< r Ar I-1/2 (Tn+1 I-1 (4.3) where RI is the radius of the fluid channel (see Fig.4.2) * 1 i=1: 22 - [(r 2 3/2 2 n - r )(pc) 1 3/2 ] Tn+l -ITn 1 1 At n (n+1 n+l1 _ q sIR (Ar 3/2 (T2 - T1 ) (4.4) where R1 is the outer plenum radius. We now relate the convective heat fluxes to the appropriate temperature differences. 126 RI 1 2 i-i Figure 4.2 i-1 1 i+1 I I R The Plenum Heat Conduction Discretization Grid 127 q = hT hn(Tn+l q" e 1 q - Tn(+I ) (4.5) -Te) (4.6) e where Tf and Te refer to the fluid and the enviror ment temperatures, respectively, and he and hf are the corresponding heat transfer coefficients. The reader should note that we have used a fully implicit coupling with the fluid temperature. This has been done in order to avoid the numerical instability which could otherwise appear for high values of heat transfer coefficients and very low thermal inertia. Note that both extremes are needed to keep the plenum temperature constant during transients. The heat transfer coefficients are determined explicitly because of their generally weak dependence on temperature. In our case, these coefficients may be actually given arbitrarily large, fixed values. Using (4.5) in (4.3) and (4.6) in (4.4) and with (4.2), we have the following finite difference equations for the structure heat transfer: [2 1 2,t 2 2 (c)n (r/2- r (pc)3/2 3/2 1 3/2 + r n+1 + h e R] T - ( Ar n+1 3/2 T2 2 Tn hnR T + 1 (r2 - r2)(c) e 1 e 2 t 3/2 1 3/2 1 1 [226t 2 (rIi+1/22 - n 2 2 n 2 (r - r./2)(c)i-/2 + r.)(pc) 1 i+12ic1/2 i-1/2 + < rn (ar )i+ i+1/2 . I .l l- l 128 n + ("-) Ar i-1/2 1 (r2 < r n+1 Ar i+1/2 i+l I )(c)n i+1/2 ,r 2 - rl_1/2)(pc)I-1/2 2 (P<nr 1 A- - n .n Tn+l I <nrr) Tn+l T 1 + + hf I = R n+l + = hhnRT r-1/2 I- r2 i-1/2 1 + 1 i- 1/ Tn+l 2 i-I )(pc)n i-1/2 (( -- ) I-/2 - r (r t f If r (< Ar Tn (l<i<I) n+1 I )(pc) I Tn I-1/2 I n In matrix form, this system of equations can be written as: (dl + Rlhn) -c 2 7F -al d2 Sn+l f l Tn+R1 hnTe fT 2 2 -a2 -aI- -cI-1 -CI d +Rh fn where the entries are defined as: I-1 f e Tn f Tn+R hnTn+l I I ff 129 i i+1/2 Ar i r2 + (r2 n i+1/2 r2 1 [(r2 i+1/2- i 2A )(pc) n + a + c. i-1/2 -1/2 n C i Ar .I 2At 1 ) i-1/2 2 - i+1/2 r)(pc)n + (r i r i+1/2 The symmetry of the problem provides ci+ 1 = a i - r2 )(c)n 1-1/2 1<i<I 1i-1/2 . Using the Gauss elimination procedure, we perfom the forward elimination of the above matrix and obtain the form: 1 n+1 x 1 b1 b2 1 x bl- f d +R hn b bI 1 where b.'s are the modified values of the righ-hand-side vector components. From the last step of the forward elimination, i.e. at i=I, we obtain a relationship between the wall temperature and the fluid temperature, both at the new time level: IIIY ll" -- IIYI r 130 n n+ n+l n n ,T) (d+R hf)T 1 = RIhf-f + g(TeT1,T2,...T (4.7) (4.7) The surface heat source (Qws) is a function of the fluid temperature directly and indirectly through the wall temperature. The implicit treatment here provides additional terms in the derivatives of the heat flux with respect to the main fluid dynamic variable p and e (p - pressure, em - mixture energy). Hitherto, heat flux derivatives had been obtained for fuel tod conduction and fluid conduction only. With Aws being the structure (plenum) heat transfer area, we have: (4.8) Qws = Awq Thus, (-,'ws = ;e -ws f aQws "Tws 3Tws ;Tf ;T e (4.9) em and (6Q\e p Qws TTp where Tws = Tn+1 I from (4.5) and (4.8): ;T ws Tf / Tf e (4.10) p IMMON 3Qws Tf r Qws ws f Tws (4.11) and from (4.7): aTws DTf = Rhn /(d+Rl If hn) f (4.12) It can be shown that in the limit of very large hf and he , the wall heat source derivatives reduce to zero. 4.2.3. Treatment of the Body Force The treatment of the body force in the momentum equations (2.1 c&d) is generalized by providing the acceleration due to gravity, g, as an imput array. In this manner, proper sign and magnitude of g can be specified for each node depending on the direction of flow relative to gravity. g is specified at the faces of each node with its magnitude and sign determined by the magnitude and the sign of the product g-*e respectively. e is the unit vector in the direction of flow at the particular surface in consideration. Fig. 4.3 illustrates how the g-array can be set up for a typicalloop. Note that the interfaces between the boundary fictitions cells and the first and last real cells are considered in -) setting up the g-array. These boundary cells are a single cell and the x-x section in Fig. 4.3 is meant to show an imaginary interface. 132 Sloping Sections and Corner-Cells The SBTF loop as well as many other loops contain slopinq sections and corner-cells (-the plena in the case of the SBTF) in which the flow exhibits up to 900 turn. Dividing such loops into calculational cells often leads to a situation whereby some interfaces are between cells with different values of the gravitational force. the magnitude of g Specifying for these interfaces and the corner-cells require a spatial averaging of the gravitational force over the two adjacent cells. Generally the distance-averaged value gi of the acceleration due to gravity at the interface at the point Si should be specified, The averaging distance is that of the momentum grid in the direction of flow about the interface at Si(i.e. Si+/2- g SASi+ 1/2 ASi 1/2 ASi_ g i- Si-1/2) Hence; 1e/ 1-1/2 k + i+1 i-1 i+1 2 i2a ei+l k i+1 or A g.i ASi = qi-1 ASi- A A ei-1 k + gi+ ASi A ei+1 lk (4,13) Sj1/2 where gjej.k = J - j+1/2- Sj-1/2 g(s) e(s) * kds (4,14) Sj-1/2 is the magnitude of the body force at the interface at the point S. 133 e. is the unit vector in the direction of flow at the interface at point Sj, and is the unit vector in the positive z - axis. For the case where either the cell i-i or i having the common interface at Si is a corner-cell, the integral in (4.14) vanishes for half of the cell when flow is horizontal. Thus for this case, (4.33) reduces as: T-ilaS. e. ok i-1 1-1 1-1 - i i + (1/2 g) ASi i (4.15) where cell i is the corner-cell. Equation (4.15) shows that only one-half of the magnitude of g for a corner-cell should be specified in setting up the g-array, For a closed loop: N+1 oi i -i = 0 (4,16) i=1 where N = total number of cells N+1 = total number of interfaces Pi = the density of node 1. At rest (no heat input) and other situations when the density of the fluid in the loop is uniform, (4.16) reduces to: 134 -A1-"--T- -A Mesh Size Array AZ (m): 0.5 4(0.8) 0.5 4(0.8) 0.5 4(0.8) 8(0.5) Gravitational Acceleration Array 2 ): -9,8 GRAV (M/S 1.9325 4(2.5364) 5(9.8) 4(2.5364) 1.9325 8(-9.8) 'b J Figure 4.3 Setting Up the Acceleration Due to Gravity Array for a Typical Loop. 135 N+1 giS = (4.17) 0 Equation(4.17)provides a formal way of checking the proper setting up of the g-array. Fig. 5.6 shows the hydrostatic pressure profile round the SBTF loop obtained from the code's calculation. 4.2.4. The Expansion Tank A typical sodium loop (and also an LMFBR primary loop) is provided with an expansion tank. by an argon gas cover. The expansion tank :consists of sodium pressurized In a natural convection loop, the pressure of the argon gas sets the pressure level in the loop. During a loop transient, sodium is ejected into or withdrawn from the tank. The volume as well as the thermodynamic state of the expansion tank fluid, and thus it; pressure, changes during the loop transients. A thorough loop model should therefore incorpora::' the changing thermodynamic state of the suppression tank leading to the changing system's pressure, Mass and energy exchanges that takes place between the loop fluid and the expansio. tank during transients should also be well modeled. In this work we have restricted ourselves to a one-dimensional treatment and steady state calculations. Hence the loop-tank interaction does not pose any problem in our calculations. We have assumed an infinite mass expansion tank whose thermodynamic state and thus its pressure stay 136 constant. The loop is "cut" at the expansion tank junction and the constant pressure of the tank is imposed as a boundary condition. For all our single-phase calculations, the boundary updating capability of the code was turned on . The boundary updating subroutine in the code uses a donor-cell logic to reset the boundary conditions depending on whether flow is into or out of the boundary cell, Whenever flow is into a boundary cell, the conditions of that boundary cell is automatically set to the conditions of the cell from which flow is exiting. By turning on this boundary updating we are able to infer how much energy is lost into the tank from the difference between the inlet and the outlet conditions. Figure 4.4 illustrates these concepts. A better way of modeling the loop-expansion tank interaction is to write a separate momentum equation for the tank fluid. The details of this method are given in appendix A. 4.3. Implementation ir THERMIT-4E/L The changes made in THERMIT-4E leading to the one-dimensional loop capable THERMIT-4E/L consist of making modifications in some subroutines and providing additional array locations, inputs and flags. The block diagram shown in Fig. 4.5 illustrates the hierarchy of the affected subroutines. Three levels of changes are made according to the nature of the modifications required in the subrouti es. The first level consists of those subroutines that require some fundamental changes in them. The second level are those prompted by calls made to the modified subroutines 137 Expansion Tank Pl enum Boundary Cells Figure 4.4 The Expansion Tank and the Boundary Cells 138 in the first level. The third level consists of the changes required in the global array locations and the common blocks due to the new variables added. The details of the changes made in the subroutines are given below. First Level INITSC - modified to calculate the structural mesh radii increasing from the face adjacent to the fluid channel. The perimeter of the structure (plena) in contact with the fluid is the input for this calculation. STEMPF - modified to be able to provide temporary storage for the rhs and the upper diaqonal elements after the forward elimination of the structural heat conduction matrix. These stored quantities are to be used later for the final stage of the structure temperature calculation. QLOSS - split into QLOSSO and QLOSS1. QLOSSO, which calls STEMPF, performs the forward elemination state of the structure temperature calculation for all axial levels. QLOSSI, which is called in TRANS does the final stage of the temperature calculation after the fluid Jynamics calculation is completed. QWK4EQ - Expanded to include structure wall heat source derivative calculation. UPD4EQ - Expanded to update the structure wall temperature iteration after each Newton iteration. MINI III. llH I nll illnII J,Illh 139 - overridden by providing a flag (IHTS = 3) and providLing HLOSS the fluid-structure heat transfer coefficient as an input through the array HLSS. - modified to use the input array GRAVN for the gravitational MOMENT acceleration in the momentum equations. 2nd Level TRANS - calls QLOSSO and QLOSS1 if the structure temperature calculation is desired. INPUT - expanded to read and provide storage locations for the added arrays in the global array. JAC4EQ, JACOBG, NEWTON - the changes in these consist only of expanding the argument lists in the subroutine, dimension and the relevant call statements. The new real variable AREAS is added to the common LOCAL in JACOBG. 3rd Level COMMON /POINT/ - the following arrays are added and pointers are provided for them in the array pointer common block POINT: HOUT, TOUT, DTSTR, GRAVN, DTWS. 140 COMMON /RC/ NAMELIST /REALIN/ NAMELIST /RSTART/ - the real variables HOUT and TOUT (now being provided as arrays) are removed from the above common block and namelists. 141 Figure 4.5. Modified Subroutines 142 5. THERMIT SIMULATION OF NATURAL CONVECTION LOOP EXPERIMENTS 5.1. Introduction In this chapter, the details of the whole loop simulation of a series of experiments performed in the sodium boiling test facility (SBTF) loop at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/TM-7018) presented. are The one-dimensional loop capable version (THERMIT-4E/L) of the code that is developed in this work is used for the simulations. Results of the sinqle-phase calculations in the actual loop qeometry have shown agreement of the mass flowrate to within 10% of the experimental data. Calculations performed in the uniform cross-section equivalent loop have also shown agreement to within less than 1% of the analytical predictions for the flow rate developed in chapter 3 or this thesis. The agreement of the results both with the experimental data and with analytical predictions, indicate that the numerical models in THERMIT are dependable at least within the range of conditions covered. It has been pointed out in chapter 2 that condensation modeling is It has turned out that this essential to two-phase boiling loop simulation. is even more necessary for a sodium loop in which boiling takes place explosively due to the very large density ratio between the liquid and the vapor phases. This often leads to flow reversal in some cells. Whenever flow reverses in a cell that is adjacent to a subcooled liquid sodium cell (such as the plena), subcooled liquid flows into the boiling cell and causes rapid condensation in the case of the upper plenum. At the lower plenum, the two-phase sodium from the boiling adjacent cell flows into the plenum (inlet module) and condenses rapidly. In this work the problem of condensation modeling as pointed out in chapter 2 has not been solved. 143 It has therefore not been possible to perform steady state two-phase calculations in the loop. At some initial flow situations, however, the quality is low and calculations have been obtained. The results of the various attempts and the modes of failure of some of our two-phase calculations are also presented in this chapter. 5.2.1. Geometry Transformation The geometry in the code is a rod-bundle geometry which is different from the simple tube of the experiment. It is therefore necessary to transform the simple tube geometry to a rod-bundle geometry. The constitutive relations for the rod-bundle geometry are used directly for the circular tube. The justifications for this in the case of the wall friction correlation has been discussed in section 2.4. For the heat transfer correlation, the range of the Rayleigh number involved makes the code's correlation applicable. It should be noted that the heat transfer coefficient is prescribed at hiqh fixed values for the plenum heat transfer calculations. The tube is taken as a single fuel rod flow channel (Figure 5.1(c)). The dashed lines in the figure is used to show the boundary of the flow channel associated with a fuel rod. In the rod-bundle geometry, a pitch-to-diameter ratio and a wirewrap-to-diameter ratio are necessary to calculate the wall heat transfer and wall friction. Since there is no wire wrap in the tube geometry, a very large value of the wire wrap-to-diameter ratio is prescribed as an inout. An equivalent pitch-to-diameter ratio for the circular tube geometry is calculated using the invariants of the hydraulic channel transformation. 144 (a) SS S S S S I I II i I i 4 Figure 5.1. Equivalent Equivalent Single Rodded Channel (b) (c) Equivalent Channel In a Fuel Assembly D -- Simple Circular Tube Schematic Diagram for Geometry Transformation h 1I l Idl WIII 145 These in variants are: (i) the flow area, and (ii) the equivalent hydraulic diameter. The preservation of flow area provides: P2 2 lD 2 2D 4 4 e (5.1) The preservation of the equivalent hydraulic diameter provides: 2 T)D 2- ) 4(P D where = De (5.?) e P is the pitch-to-diameter ratio D is the fuel rod diameter De is the circular tube diameter Eliminating De between equations(5.1)and(5.2)we obtain: P/D 5.2.2 = Vr/2 = 1.2533 Non-Uniform Flow Cross-Sectional Areas The SBTF loop flow cross-section is section-wise uniform. Consequently, the staggered mesh arrangements at some points in the loop are such that the two halves of the scalar grid (control volume) belong to two sections of differing flow cross-sectional area (Figure 5.2). 146 Khalil and Schor [18] have implemented a non-uniform flow area correction in THERMIT-4E. The correction procedure is based on the volume-averaged areas given in reference [181. The volume averaged areas are calculated as follows: volume of cell i The flow area at the face i; A. 1 mesh size of cell i A1 (5.3) AS The flow area at the face i .+ 1/2; Ai+1/2 _ (volume of cell i + volume of cell i+1) (mesh size of cell i + mesh size of cell i+1) V. 1 + V i+1 AS.1 + ASi+l (5.4) The flow area at the face i + 1: Ai+ volume of cell i+1 1 mesh size of cell i+1 Vi+ 1 ASi+1 (5.5) Equations(5.3), (5.4)and (5.5)are used in preparing the inputs for the simulation of the loop experiments. --- - h .--- Y 147 i+1/2 Fiqure 5.2. i+1 Staggered Mesh Arrangement with Sudden Flow Area Change 148 5.2.3. .Single-Phase Calculations Simulation of the Single-Phase Test: ORNL/TM-7018; 107R2 The SBTF loop is divided by a mesh into calculational cells as shown in Figure 5.3. The heated section and the adiabatic simulated fission gas region downstream of the heated section (adiabatic hot leg) are each divided into five uniform meshes. Thus a mesh in the heated section is 0.194 m long and a mesh in the adiabatic hot leg is 0.3m long. The mesh sizes in the heated section are smaller than in the other sections of the loop because of the strong spatial variation of the flow properties in this section. The upper and the lower plena are each taken as a single cell with an effective length of 0.6175m. The heated section inlet module is taken as a single cell of length 0.6175m. The vertical portion of the return leg is divided into six uniform meshes of length 0.6175m each. Boundary Conditions Due to the purely one-dimensional treatment of the loop flow, it is necessary to specify the inlet, and the outlet boundary condition at the cut point. For all our calculations, the constant pressure of the infinite mass expansion tank that we assume was used as the inlet and the outlet boundary conditions. condition. This corresponds to a pressure-pressure boundary A pressure of 1 atmosphere has been specified for the boundaries. The other flow property required at the boundary is the mixture internal energy (or the temperature for this case of single-phase). In this calculation and all other single-phase calculations, the boundary condition updating discussed in section 4.2.4 has been applied. In single phase, local flow reversals do not take place, hence the inlet temperature is maintained at the constant temperature of the expansion tank while the 149 QE Upper Plenum 'cut-point' Heated Section Lower Plenum Fiqure 5.3. The Actual Loop Calculation Cells 150 ORNL-DWG 79-6162 ETD 0.7 I1 I I I I 0.6 t 0.5- 0.4- 0.3 0,~ 0.2 ) I 1 0.4 0.6 j 10 0.1 0 0 0 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 4.6 4.8 QTS (kW) Relative error in test section power determination as Figure 5.4. function of test section power. (from Reference 6) 2.0 151 outlet temperature varies as the flow develops. Input Power The input power to the test section was not measured directly but was calculated based on the heat balance over the coolant, the furnace, the clamshell heater of the simulated adiabatic fission gas region and the ambient air [6]. The uncertainties involved in the measurements of these quantities of heat plus the error involved due to the shifting of the center of focus of the radiant furnace due to the slight bending that occurred during heating made it impossible to know precisely the actual input power during the test. Figure 5.4 gives the relative error in the input power as a function of the reported test section power. The test section power of 300 watts (Figure 5.4) involves an over estimation of about 38%. However, at the low test section powers, the relative errors have been over estimated [25] and an input power of 270W has been deemed appropriate for the 107R2 test. Results The result of this calculation shows that the inlet volumetric flow rate is 0.8 ml/sec (data. 0.7 ml/sec). The discrepancy lay be attributed to the uncertainty in the input power. Figure 5.5 illustrates the temperature profile round the loop for this test. A maximum temperature rise of 341Ko was obtained with the maximum temperature of 1034K occurring at the simulated adiabatic fission gas section. Figure 5.6 gives the pressure profiles for the rest condition (hydrostatic head) and for the steady state flow at the power of 270 watts. It can be observed from this figure that the pressure drop across the large 152 1200 1034.34K 1000 863.15K 800 Upper Plenu 693.15K. v Lower Plenum 600 600 L- - 400 200 Heated Length , 2 4 6 8 10 DISTANCE ROUND THE LOOP (m) Figure 5.5. Loop Temperature Profile at Input Power of 270 watts. - ~-- - -Ylu~--i-r- _.. _ ~_n :n------- n~--- ,~_~___~_~ 153 .3 1.4 Figure 5.6 Pressure Profile Around the Loop at Input Powers of Zero and 270W. _~__ 154 cross-sectional area return leg is due mainly to the hydrostatic head drop even for the steady state flow at 270 watts. Uniform Cross-Sectional Loop Calculations A series of calculations with input power ranging from 150 watts to 370 watts were calculated for the uniform flow cross section loop. The results of these calculations are compared with the predictions of the analytical expression (equation 3.18) derived in chapter 3 (Table 3.1). Figure 5.7 illustrates the functional dependence of mass flow rate on the input power both for the code's calculations and the analytical predictions. 5.2.4. Two-Phase Calculations Initial attempts were made to obtain boiling in the actual loop geometry and letting condensation to occur in the upper plenum. The input power was gradually increased from an initial single-phase flow value. The 'cut-point' for this calculation was at the upper plenum corresponding to the position of the pressurizer junction in the actual experiment. With this set-up, the boiling fluid exiting the last cell of the adiabatic hot leg will condense in the first half of the plenum. Successful steady boil- ing in this set-up was ruined by the flow reversal that occurred locally at the cell adjacent to the upper plenum leading to rapid condensation in that cell. The long time delay in the large cross-sectional area return leg coupled with the short time steps for the two-phase calculations make the actual geometry two-phase calculations very time consuming and expensive. Hence, the uniform cross-sectional area geometry equivalent loop has been 1111 155 0.6 0.5 W 0.4 (g/sec) 0.3 A Analytical 0.2 0 Numerical U- 0.1 200 250 300 350 INPUT POWER (watts) Figure 5.7 Functional Dependence of the Mass Flow Rate on Input Power used for all the two-phase calculations. Since the 'cut-point' is provided just below the upper plenum in this geometry, condensation will occur in the expansion tank outside the calculation domain. Condensing in the expansion tank of a fixed pressure is feasible in the light of the infinite mass expansion tank that we assumed. Condensation Near the Upper Plenum Even with the 'cut-point' provided at the inlet to the upper plenum as described above, flow reversal in the last boiling cell, at the end of the adiabatic hot leg had caused sub-cooled liquid from the expansion tank to flow into the cell ard cause rapid condensation there. The distribution of void and pressure in the loop is shown in Figure 5.8. In order to avoid condensation taking place in the last boiling cell as described above, the boundary update algorithm was turned on again. Thus, even when flow reversal takes place, the conditions of the fluid in the cell does not change. Condensation in the last cell was successfully avoided by this way. Condensation Near the Lower Plenum By turning on the boundary update algorithm as described above, we were able to obtain boiling up through the simulated adiabatic fission gas section with condensation taking place in the expansion tank out of the domain of the problem. section As voiding developed in the rest of the heated however, local flow reversal that has occurred in the first heated cell had caused two-phase sodium to flow into the inlet module cell and cause rapid condensation there and thus terminate the calculation. The void distribution in the loop with the accompanying pressure profile is illustrated in Figure 5.9. ilI C I 157 1.6 I' ressure 1.4 1.2 0.8 s- 0.6 -o 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.6 Void 0.4 Upper 0.2 Plenum 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 DISTANCE ROUND THE LOOP (m) Figure 5.8 Condensation Near the Upper Plenum at 640 Watts; Pressure and Void Profiles ° 158 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2.0 Figure 5.9 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 DISTANCE ROUND THE LOOP (m) Condensation Near the Lower Plenum at 910 Watts; Pressure and Void Profiles o mn111IuIYImmrnYY iiii IIll,I - 1ill H11i l iI 'llU I." 159 1200 sat sat .- . A 1000 863..15K Lr- Upper P1 Plenum . 800 Lower P1 enum "' 600 Void Heated Length 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 DISTANCE ROUND THE LOOP (m) Figure 5.10. Low Quality Boiling at Input power of 450 watts; Temperature and Void Distributions .2 160 Low Quality Non-Steady State Boiling Figure 5.10 illustrates the void distribution and the temperature profile in the loop for some initial low quality boiling in the loop at an input power of 450 watts. Steady state two-phase was not reached at this power level because as the flow developed, the voids collapsed and singlephase was the final state of the loop flow. I 161 6. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 6.1. Summary and Conclusions One-dimensional loop capability has been implemented in the four equation, thermal equilibrium model of the sodium version of THERMIT. The resulting loop code has given good results for the single-phase loop simulations. Good agreement has been obtained among the code's results, the experimental data and the analytical predictions. The implementation consists of providing models for certain loop components. These components include: constant temperature heat extraction inthe plena during transients; heat transfer to the fluid from the heater rod; the body force, and the expansion tank. The existing models in the code for the exchange of mass, momentum and energy between the wall and the fluid as well as between the phases in the cases of two-phase flows are used directly. Since our applica- tions have been limited to the simulation of a natural convection loop experiments in this work, we have not implemented a model for the pump which is an essential component of a forced convection loop. With some minor modifications in the solution scheme however, a pump model can easily be included in this loop capable version (THERMIT-4E/L)of the code. In the Oak Ridge experiments (ORNL/TM-1078) that are simulated in this work, the plena are kept at constant temperatures during the tests. This is along the line of the practice in the operation of Fast Test Reactors (FTR) for which these experiments are designed to simulate. Constant temperature plenum heat conduction has been achieved numerically by treating the coupling between the fluid and the plenum wall temperatures fully implicitly in the numerical scheme for the plenum heat conduction. 162 This way, the numerical scheme has remained stable despite the use of high heat transfer coefficient and low thermal inertia for the fictitious plenum material. It should be noted that these extremes of values are required to keep the plenum temperature constant during transients. A spatial averaging procedure is used to provide the body force (gravity) at the various sections (sloping and vertical) of the loop. The body force is set up to be provided as an input array in the code. This way, it has been possible to simulate the experiments while preserving the geometry and other conditions. The model for the expansion tank - loop fluid interaction requires a two-dimensional treatment, at least locally at the junction of the tank. We have restricted ourselves to a pure one-dimensional treatment and have treated the expansion tank as of infinite mass. The mass and energy exchanges that may take place between the loop and the tank during transient will therefore lead to no changes in the tank's junction pressure. The loop has been cut at the expansion tank's junction and treated as a straight channel with the equal and constant pressure of the junction used as the inlet and the outlet boundary conditions. The model for the heating of the sodium coolant by the fuel rod that already exists in the code is used directly. Two modes of heating are avail- able; one is the steady heat ejection to the fluid by the heater rod. This mode of heating does not recognize the feedback effect of the fluid temperature. The second mode of heating goes through the transient heat conduction in the heater rod and accounts for the thermal intertia in the rod as well as the feedback from the fluid temperature. The numerical scheme of THERMIT-4E, have been found to work well 163 * for the loop simulation of two-phase boiling under the condition of reduced density ratio of the liquid to the vapor phases [4]. For the naturally high density ratio of sodium at atmospheric pressure, the code fails to converge for the condition of condensation. The problem of rapid condensation has been encountered in our two-phase calculations. At the inception of boiling, the local flow reversals that have taken place in the cells have led to rapid condensation at the inlet first and the last boiling module to the heated section and at the last boiling cell. Condensation have not been observed to occur in the plena in any of our attempts. The single-phase thermal-hydraulic loop analysis that is done in this work has yielded an expression for the functional dependence of the mass flow rate on the input power for the loop. The dimensionless form of the equation can be applied to other loops of similar geometry (that is vertical loop with heated section between constant temperature plena). The predictions of the equation have shown agreement to within 1% of the code's results. The single-phase loop flow oscillations that has also been investigated have given the result for the damping of oscillations that are in good agreement with the result of the one-dimensional loop code - THERMIT-4E/L. Flow oscillations in the loop have been obtained numerically by reducing the frictional resistance through the wall friction correlation in the code. The criterion for stability of flow due to an initial surge from the prescribed initial flow condition has been found to depend on the steady power input, the difference between the upper and the lower plenum temperature, and the modified Stanton number - St LE/De . This dimensionless group arises from the heat convection at the walls of 164 the plena. Experimentally, the initial surge will arise from the heat addition at the initial time and will either grow or decay depending on the effective resistance in the loop. In view of its high level of flexibility, THERMIT-4E/L can easily accept developments that will be made in the future. With more studies done on the numerical models - especially towards obtaining a faster calculational tool, the physical and the loop component models, the code might be improved to the state that it can handle a wide range of real LMFBR accident situations. 6.2. Recommendations for Future Work The following items are recommended for future work: 1. Condensation Modeling The problem of rapid condensation failure mode of the code should be solved. The Nigmatulin model that has been incorporated into the six- equation version of the THERMIT [2] may be further developed to effectively solve the problem of rapid condensation. However, the ultimate model should incorporate the transient phenomena taking place at the interface during condensation. 2. The Expansion Tank The better treatment of the loop-expansion tank interaction should be provided. In particular the energy exchange taking place between the loop fluid and the tank fluid should be accounted for. process can be developed for this. A proper mixing The changing thermodynamic state of the tank content leading to the changing pressure of the argon gas cover, 165 and thus the changing pressure at the loop-tank junction should be well modeled. - A separate momentum equation can be written for the tank fluid. The common pressure at the tank junction provides the coupling between the loop momentum equation and that of the tank. This treatment requires some extra storage locations in the pressure field solution matrix and more details on this can be found under Appendix A. 3. Two-Phase Oscillation Mathematical model for the two-phase oscillations in the loop should be provided. In general a model for flow inertia, resistance and capacitance can be developed. Insight regarding the contributions to these quantities due to heat addition at the heated section and heat extraction in the plena can be obtained from the expressions obtained for them in the case of the single-phase analysis of chapter 3. THERMIT-4E/L can then be used directly to obtain information on oscillation with this lumped parameter treatment. 4. More Loop Components Other components that typify the primary loop of the LMFBR should be modeled. These components include: a. Primary coolant pump b. Bypass channels c. Heat exchanger d. Valves With the accomplishment of the models for this components, a wide range of transients under LOA-2 can be simulated. 166 5. Improvement of the Overall Numerical Scheme Efforts should be directed towards implementing a fully implicit scheme in THERMIT. The present level of implicatness in the numerical scheme of the code leads to serious limitations on time-steps giving rise to very short time steps under certain conditions and consequently, long and expensive computational time. The situation with loop simulation is even worsened by the time delay caused by the adiabatic return leg. 167 APPENDIX A. Treatment of the Expansion Tank and the Loop-Fluid Interaction A better way of modeling the loop-expansion tank interaction is to write a separate momentum equation for the tank fluid. The pressure at the loop-tank junction provides a coupling between the loop fluid and the expansion tank fluid flows. pressure-field solution. This junction pressure becomes part of the Once the pressure is obtained, the flow into or from the tank can be used to determine the energy exchange between the loop and the tank. This method requires two dimensional treatment at least at the junction. Also extra storage is required for the additional entries in the pressure matrix. The example below illustrates how the pressure problem can be set up and shows the additional entries in the forward eliminated matrix. expansion tank Figure Al. Loop/Tank Interaction Modeling Geometry 168 The pressure matrix for the loop and the expansion tank in figure Al can be set up thus: x x 0 0 0 x x x 0 X X X X X X X x After performing the forward Gauss elimination of the matrix we obtain the form: 0 0 00 0 0 1 x 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 x 0 0 0 1 P1 0 The entries encircled are additional entries that come into the pressure matrix due to the expansion tank junction. - -- IIYIYU 169 APPENDIX B. Obtaining the Inertia, Resistance and Capacitance Components from SPD The expression for the Laplace transform of the bouyancy pressure drop in the loop is obtained as: O3gG + oCp Wz F~~ 2 L APo2CpLHZ exp (- ApoZ LH)sinh W T sinh LE APo0 z + (exp CpLH z A opH 2 - ( ApWZLh exp. (Twl - Tw2 ) exp (-aLE) APo2Z x exp (- AZW L LH W z LH sinh (AP inh ---- T) )-1) LH exp H Ap0 CpLHz 2aW oW (Twl - Tw2 ) exp (-aLE) sinh + Po -1 A Lhi) exp A z LH exp W 2) sinhAp z LE We expand the exponential and the hyperbolic components of 6PB in Taylor series about z = 0 (corresponding to expansion about steady state in time). Term by term, we obtain: 170 Ap z L2 2QG exp Aoo2 CpLH z '- QG AL =- 2 QGA L H oWCpZ W (Twl + @(z2) 6W3C 2 2 (Twl - Tw2 ) exp (-aLE) Apo z =G (T 2 H z 2W2C Aoz L sinh sinh A - Tw2) LHa LE exp (-caLE) 2 ) s i nh z L + @ (z2) Aq2C0 L 02 (exp (- Ap pH APO CPLH z - LhZ - Lh) + WC LHz -1 QG A2(L+ 3 Q A(Lhk2) 6W3C LH p H 2W2C pLH p( QG p~2T.,exp Ac z L (z 2 exp A WZ L z + ( - Ao CpLHz QG(Lh-LH) -WCL h H 0 p LH GA 2 Q A Lh 2 2W2C LH PH + QG A2 o 3C L 6W L 3 z h + + (z2 Z2) -IY S- --- IIYII lilYlli1mm lill1ii. II1HIIIkl,1, 171 where LH2 and LH3 have been neglected- compared to the Lht2 and LhZ 3 respectively. 2WaG (Twl - Tw2) exp (-aLE) exp (- 2 -A 0 - Ap exp H) Lh) - 1 z sinh(Apoz LE ( -2WG W\72 SAPOZ (Twl - Tw2) exp (-aLE) exp Apo2 z - Tw2) w 0OS(Twl1 A2 + LE exp (-a W H+LE) = o Apz ()LE) - Tw2) LHaLE exp(-aLE) (Twl W 2 (Twl - Tw2 ) (3LH 2 + LE2 )aLE exp(-aLE) z + Summing terms we have finally: OPB - exp- o 24W g g 2 (Twl -Tw2) [ oWC O aLE exp (-aLE Z (z 2 ) 172 + + -W (Twl - Tw2) LHcLE exp (-aLE)] 2W2 P 22 + oALH 3 cp 2 o+ (T_ 2 w1 - Tw2 )(3L 2 + L 2 )aL w2 H E E exp(-aL E 173 APPENDIX C. Typical Computer Inputs and Outputs Some of the important computer inputs and outputs are published here. The inputs are those for the actual loop geometry and for the uniform cross-section loop calculations. The outputs for the simulation of the test ORNL/TM-7018; 107R2 at 270 Watts in the actual loop geometry and the single-phase calculations at the input powers of 150 Watts, 250 Watts and 370 Watts in the uniform cross-section representation are included. The results for the low quality two-phase boiling, and the two-phase calculations at the input powers of 640 Watts and 910 Watts that failed due to rapid condensation at the upper and lower plena are also reported, Typical results for the plenum heat conduction and hydrostatic pressure profile calculations for the loop are included. . INPUT FOR ACTUAL LOOP GEOMETRY CALCULATIONS 2 SINGLE PHASE MEASUREMENT FOR SODIUM NATURAL CONVECTION IN A VERTICAL CHANNEL:ORNL/ M-70 1 SINTGIN NC-1.NZ*30.NR-l.NARF.I.NXI,.NRZS-t.IHTF-1, IHTS3,ISSI.IXFL*O.IDUMP*I.1B*-O. ISIRPR-I.ISIPR-tIO1II.NITMAX-2.IPFSOL-34. NEO-4.NUMOER-O.1HIRPR-I $ SREALIN D-3.25E-3.25E-3POR-.2533.HDRI.OE0.OELPR-O.5. RNUSS-7.O.RAOF*l.625E-4.WINLET*S.50E-4.GRAV*O.ODO s SROOINP 00-210.0 S ISPJCR OSINDENT ISIFCAR ISHRZF l ?nIMAF 3$MNRZF 7$MNRZS 4$NRMZS 4.07327E-3 SOX 4.01327E-3 SOY I.OE-6 0.604 0.02 4(0.4764331) 0.02 5(0.604) 0.02 4(0.4164331) 0.02 0.604 0.65 510.194) 5(0.3) I.OE-6 s$0 SARX 30(0.0) 30(0.0) SARY 8.29577E-6 18(2.04262E-3) 12(8.29577E-6) SARZ 11.1046E-3 40.8564E-6 4(973.267E-6) 40.8564E-6 5(I.23386E-3) 40.8564E-6 4(973.267E-6) 40.8564E-6 11.1048E-3 5.39225E-6 5(l.60938E-6) 5(2.4885E-6) $VOL 3.25E-3 SHEOZ 3.25E-3 SWEOZ SP 32(i.01325E+05) 3210.0) $ALP 32(693.15) STEMP 31(12.OE-2)1 VEL -9.8 0.0 3.22756 3(3.3630454) 3.22756 0.0 4(9.8) 0.0 3.22756 343.3630454) 3.22756 0.0 12(-9.0) SGRAV 30(693.5) STWF 20(0.0) 5(1.0) 5(0.0) $OZ 1.0 SOT 1.0 SOR 1.0 IRN 1.625E-3 SORZF I.62929E-2 $PCX 10RZ5 2.03E-2 I.OE*6 1710.0) 2(1.OE6) 10(0.0) SHOUT 863.15 171500.0) 2(693.15) 10(500.0) STOUT 30(693.15) STWS 30(2.5E406) SHLSS SIMO l IE1*I)-IOO.O.DIMIN-I.OE-6.DTMOE-6. O.UTSP20.O.DTLP20.0.IREDMX20 STIMDAI IENO*O.0 s 0 SINGLE-PHASE TEST ORNL/TM-7018; 107R2 SIMULATION IN ACTUAL GEOMETRY AT POWER OF 270W. TIME StEP O80* 232680 laImTlER Of NFION ITERATIONS NUM.BER OF INNER IIERATIONS * 2 I O 10O1 REACIOR POWER TOTAL IIEAl IRANSfER FLOW ENIlIALPY RISE ILOW ENERGY RISE * 0.270 0.270 0. 137 0. 137 Kw KW KW KW w v REAL TIME lIME "*********** SEC SIEP SIZE I I I I I I ZIMMI PIBARI S 0 0 2 302 0 3 614 0 4 862 2 5 1338 6 6 IsIS I 7 2291.5 8 2539 7 9 2851 7 to 3455 7 II 4059 7 I2 4663.7 13 5267.7 14 5579 7 IS 5827.9 I6 6304 4 17 6700 6 18 7257.2 19 1505 5 20 7817 5 21 6444.5 22 6866 5 23 9060 5 24 9254 5 25 9448 5 26 9642 5 27 9689.5 28 1019 5 2910469 5 3010789.5 3111089 5 3211239 5 1 01325 0.99901 0.98901 0.99551 I 00950 I 02149 1.034A46 1.04091 1.04097 1.086997 1.13697 1.18499 IZ 1.23299 1.23299 1.23949 1.25250 1.26551 1.21853 I 28505 1.28505 1.23217 1. 19679 1.18091 1.16534 I.I5007 1.13511 1. 11626 1.09337 I 07048 1.04159 1.02470 1.01325 VOID O. OO0000*0 0 0 INLET FLOW RAlE OUTLET FLOW RATE 1OTAL SYSTEM MASS GLOBAL MASS ERROR 0.626 0.625 29923.699 -0.2190-09 MAXIMUM IN IN IN MAXIMUM RELATIVE CHANGES OVER Il1E TIME StEP IN PRESSURE: 0.2390-07 IN MIXTURE DENSITY: 0.8560-06 IN MIXTURE ENERGY: 0.3370-05 IC * QUAL(%) 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0 0000 0.000 0.0000 0 000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000oo 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 O.wOO 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 O 0.000 ooo 0.0000 0.000 0.00O00 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0 000 00000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 O 0000 0.000 0.0000 0 000 0.0000 0.000 0 0000 0.000 0.0000 0 000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 EM ROM 1127823. 1128251. 1128251. 1121251. 610.94 010.63 110.113 1128251. 112251. 1128251. 1126211. 1128248. 1128226. 1128134 1127840. 112074. 1127040. 1125924. 1124000. 1120909. 1116237. 111039. 913565. 913565 999519. 1085473. 1171421. 1257360. 1343333. 1343331. 1343329. 1343327. 1343325. 1343323. 1343323. 810.85 StO 86 810 88 310.88 910.94 611 00 811. 10 611.29 1i1.30 811.88 812 47 613.35 13.39 850.4 1 850.36 034.75 81.94 802.96 76 91 770.79 770.70 770.75 170.73 170.71 170.69 770.67 I VAP 662.61 863. 15 663. 15 063. 15 863.15 063. 15 663.15 03 IS 863 IS 863. 13 863.06 862.62 862.21 062.19 861.30 859.76 857.30 853.58 853.42 693.16 693.16 760.89 829. 10 897.5S 966.01 1034.24 1034.24 1034.24 1034.24 1034.24 1034.24 1014.24 10 962..01I 063. IS 863. 15 863. 15 863.15 063. 15 663.15 663. IS 863.15 863. 13 663 06 062.02 802.21 662.19 661.30 659.76 857.30 653.58 653.42 693.16 693.16 760.89 829.10 897.55 966.01 1034.24 1034.24 I034.24 1034.24 1034.24 I034.24 1034.24 1 914.25 SEC CPU TIME * SEC O TIME STEP REDUCTIONS DUE 10 ERROR LAST PRINT REDUCED 1IME STEPS SINCE 0 MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES ROD* 1035.33 AT 1034 45 AT WALL: 1034.24 At LIOUID G/S 0/S 0 0 IC I 1 I IZ 25 25 25 RELATIIVE LINEARIZATION ERRORS PRESSURE: 0 3010-01 0.1630-12 MASS/VOLUME: 0.170t-17 ENERGY/VOLUME: SAT 1158.70 1156. 10 1156. 10 1156.82 11560.26 I159 68 1161.09 161.79 I161. 79 1166.095 171.74 176.46 111.04 181 .04 11 1.65 1182.86 1184.06 1165.25 1185.04 1185.84 1180.96 I177 60 1176.07 1174.5s 1173.04 T171.55 1169.65 1 67. 3 1 1164.92 1162 50 1160.03 1158.17 VVZ VLZ 0.093 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.089 0.009 0.091 0.092 0.094 0.096 0.098 0.098 0.098 0 090 0.098 0.098 0.093 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0000 0 000 O 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 006 0.000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0 000 0.089 0.089 0.09 1 0 092 0.094 0.096 0.098 0.090 0.098 0.090 0 090 ROV O 2173 0 267 0 2678 0.2694 0 2727 0 2759 0.2792 0 2808 0.2808 0 29217 0.3046 0.3165 0.3283 0 3283 0.3299 0.3331 0 3363 0.3395 0 3411 0.3411 0 3781 0.3194 0 3155 0 3117 0 3019 0.3042 0 2995 0.29386 0 2881 0.2024 0 2767 0.2730 ROL FLOWIG/S 0.626 O 626 O 626 0.626 O 626 O 626 0.626 0 676 0 626 0 626 0 676 0 621 0 627 0 627 0 627 0 627 0 620 0.628 0.628 0 6211 0.628 0.628 O 628 0.628 0 628 O 628 0.620 0 628 0 620 0 628 0 628 CONDENSATION NEAR LOWER PLENUM AT INPUT POWER OF 910W . lIME SIEP NO * 24322 REAL TIME -000-***.**t fIIIMER OF NFWIII ITERAIIONS tAIMBER OF INJNER ITERATIONS I O O0 loiAL REACTOR POWER a IO1AL IlEAl TRANSFER * FrOW E[NIIALPY RISE FlOW ENERGY RISE • 0.910 K(W Q)UALI% zIMMI P(BARI VOID I 2 3 4 0 0 3)2 0 614 0 862 2 1.01325 O 05663 0.85641 O 86274 0 0000 O 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 000 0.000 0.000 O 000 1127823 1128251. I12P75I. 1128251. 810 94 810.70 810.70 10O 71 EM ROIM 5 1338.6 6 I8s5 1 0.67541 08810 0.0000 O 0000 0.000 0 000 1128251. 1128251. 810.72 810 13 7 8 O O 90082 90719 0.0000 O 0000 O 000 0 000 1128251. 1128251. 010.74 9 2851 7 0.90'04 IO 3455.7 0.95477 II 4059 7 1.00257 12 4663 7 1.05041 1.09930 13 5267.7 14 5579 7 1.09825 15 5827 9 1.10472 16 6304 4 I 11769 17 6780.8 1.13073 10 7257 2 . 14400 15100 19 7505 ~ 20 7817 5 1.15 72 21 8444 5 10.00000 22 8866 5 O 41657 23 9060 5 O 41549 24 9254 5 O 41936 25 9448 5 O 41910 26 9642 5 O 40994 27 9009 5 0 35763 2810189 5 0.33666 29101489 5 O 32562 3060789 5 O 30683 311101d 5 6.06986 3211239 5 I 01325 O 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 O 0000 O 0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1128248. 1128226. t129134. 1127842. 11270718. 1127053. 1125931. 1124013. 1120931. 1116272. 1116066. 9365 926474. 1423053. 1397138. 1391629. 1407678. 1394196. 1370073. 1375919. 1360044 1351348. 1342795 13,13324. 810 75 810 s0 810.87 810.97 811.16 611.16 811.38 011.75 012.33 813.21 813.25 -85026856 0B 13 99 41.13 91 31 24.26 47 8 169 21 27 92 123.43 284 08 775 83 770.67 0-00--0"0 0 0000 0.A018 O 9462 O 8803 O 9683 O 9373 0.1790 0.9637 O 9393 O 6305 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 O 842 0.2175 0. 16 O 482 O 231 0.048 0.339 O 065 O 020 0.000 0.000 STEP a & * SIZE 810 75 * 0.623540-09 SEC CPU lIME 5u3 28 SEC I TIME SIEP REDUCIIONS DUE TO ERROR 4 1030 REDUCFD lIME STEPS SINCE LAST PRINT 19 757 G/S -53.958 G/S 29906 436 G -0 MAXIMUM IN IN IN I VAP T LIO 862.801 063. i5 863 15 063. 15 863.15 063. 15 863.15 863. 15 863.15 063. IS 863 IS 863 IS 063.15 863. 15 863.13 863. 13 863.06 663.06 962 82 962.82 862.22 862.22 862 20 862.20 861.30 861.30 059 77 859.77 857 32 857.32 8953 61 853.61 853.45 853.45 '693.23' 693.23 703.29 703.29 I067.88 1067 88 O061.63 1067.63 1068.51 1068 51 1068.45 1068.45 1066.37 1066 31 1053 73 1053.73 10.18.22 1048 22 6045 21 1045.21 1039 89 1039 89 1033 82 1033.82 1034.24 1034.24 062.81 863.15 863 15 063.15 MAXIMUM TEMPERAIURES ROD1113 89 AT WALl.: 1110 90 At 1068 51 AT LIOUID' 4600-07 G SIEP z2 2291 5 2539 7 TIME INLEI FlOW RATE OUlET FLOW RAIE TOTAL SvSIEM MASS GLOBAL MASS ERROR 0.910 KW -94.775 KW -94 765 kW MAXIMUM RELATIVE CHANGES OVER TilE TIME IN PRESSIJRE: 0.7040-06 IN MIXTIRE DENSITY: O 1000-09 IN MIXTURE ENERGY: 0. D000-09 IC SEC I RELATIIVE LINEARIZAIION ERRORS PRESSURE O 7040O00 MASS/VOIUMF: 0.1080-06 ENERGY/VOLUME: 0.1470-07 SAT 1158.78 1140.41 1140.38 6141.18 1142.75 1144.31 1145.85 1146 62 1146 60 1152 21 1157.60 1162 80 1167 82 1167.01 168.48 1169.80 1171.11 172.44 1173.14 1173 21--1487.34 VVZ 2 937 O Oil 0.011 0.011 0.01 0.011 0.012 0 012 0.012 0 013 0.014 0.015 O 016 0 016 0.016 0.017 0.0I0 0.018 0 018 4 538 94 878 1067.88 (41j393' 1067 63 IO68 56 1060 45 1066 37 1053.73 040 22 1045 21 1039 89 1400 38 1158.711 -24 637 -2 620 31.372 64.912 43 699 35 031 27 060 -151 472 -8.440 VLZ 2 937 0.01 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.012 0 012 0.012 0 013 O 014 O 015 0 016 0 016 0.016 0 OIl 0 019 0.00 0.018 4.539 0.209 -1 025 -O 570 -0 207 O 356 1.792 O 805 0 410 -0 019 -9 529 -8.440 ROV 0 2738 0 2344 0 2344 0.2360 0.2392 0 2424 0 2456 0 2472 0 2472 O 2592 O 2762 0 2831 0.2950 O 2950 O 2966 0.2999 0.3031 0 3064 O 3081 0 3083 2 2421 0 1200 0. 1197 O 1207 0 1207 0. II82 0. 0O41 0 0984 O 0954 0 0902 I 4194 0.2738 ROL IO 94 810 70 810 70 610.71 810.72 810.73 SIO 74 860.75 810 75 80I 80 010 87 810.97 811. 16 ill. 16 611.38 III 75 812.33 813.21 813 25 850 26 856 80 762. 10 762 16 761 95 761 97 762 45 765 40 766 69 767 39 768 63 775.83 770 67 FLOWIG/S) 19 757 18 389 18.388 18 431 IB 623 IS 968 19.467 19 491 20 347 21 428 22.708 24 151 25 120 25 773 27 068 28 380 29 649 30 695 30.721 32 009 I 480 -0 389 -0 453 -0 044 0 102 0.770 1 159 0 122 -0 026 -61 332 -53.958 .INPUT FOR UNIFORM CROSS-SECTION LOOP CALCULATIONS 2 SINGLE PlIASE MEASUREMENT FOR SODIUM NATURAL CONVECTION IN A VERTICAL CHANNEL:ORNL/IM-701 SINIGIN NC I.NZ*26.NR*t.NARFut.NX I.NRZS., .ITF5l. IHIS-3.ISS-l.IXFL-O.IDUMPt.198"O. ISIRPR-I.ISHPROtIt.NITMAX-2.1PFSOL134. NEQ4.NUMOER*0. IHRPR.s SREALIN tOiD3.25E-3.POR*I.2533.HODRaI.OE#0.OELPR-O.5. 1 RNUSS*7.O.RADF*I.625E-4.WINLETl.60OE-4.GRAV0O.00 $ SRODINP 00-150.0 tSNCR OS INDENT ISIFCAR ISNRZF ISNRMAF 3$MNRZF ItSINX 7SMNRZS 4$NRMZS SOX 4.07327E-3 toy 4.07327E-3 1.OE-6 0.617'5 4(0.4575) 6(0.6175) 4(0.4575) .6175 5(0.194) 5(0.3) 5.OE- 6 Soz SARX 2610.0) SARY 26(0.0) SARZ 27(8.285E-6) 5.122162E-6 4(3.794962E-6) 6(S.22,'2E-6) 4(3.794962E-6) %VOL 5.122162E-6 5(1.60923E-6) 5(2.48851E-6) SIEDZ 3.25E-3 3.25E-3 SWEOZ sP 28(1.01325E,05) SALP 26(0.0) 281693. 5) SVEL 275 12.OE-2) -9.6 5(0.0) 5(9.6) 5(0.0) 26(693.5) 1610.0) 541.0) 5(0.0) 5.0 SOf STEMP 1f(-9.1) SGRAV STWF SOZ $OR $RN SDRZF $PCX SORZS 2.03E -2 SHOUT I.OE*6 14(0.0) 5.0846 10(0.0) STOUT 863.15 14(500.0) 693.15 10(500.0) STWS 26(693.15) SHLSS 26(2.5E*06) SflMDAf TENOD300.0.OTMIN-I.OE-6.OTMAXAI.O.DTSP-S.O.DTLP*O.0.IREODMXS S STIMOAT TENDOO.0 $ 0 1.0 i.625E-3 I.62929E-2 HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE CALCULATION IN UNIFORM CROSS-SECTION REPRESENTATION TIME STEP NO 45 nrIMOER OF NEWION IlERATIONS NtIMRER OF INNER IIERATIONS * IOIAI REACTOR POWER TOTAL IlEAI TRANSFER * FlOW ENIIIIALPY RISE FLOW ENERGY RISE - - REAL TIME 2 I O 0 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 45.000000 SEC TIME SIEP IZ ZIMMI P(BAR) KW KMW KMW MW 1.01325 I 0O 2 3 91.0 291 0 O 4 485 0 0.97284 5 679.0 6 073 O 7 1120 0 8 1420 0 9 17120 0 10 2020 0 It 2320 0 12 277 7 13 3316 2 14 3771137 15 4231 2 16 4688.6 17 5226 3 Is 5843 a 19 6461 3 20 70170 21 7696 3 22 8313.8 23 8851 2 24 9300 6 25 9766 0 2610223 4 2710760 9 28 11069.6 1.00517 0 98901 95668 O 94052 0 91994 0 89495 0 86996 0.84491 0.81998 0.70171 0.73701 0.73701 0.73701 0.13701 O 78177 O 03321 0.88464 0.93608 0.99753 1.03097 I 08375 I 09375 1.08375 I 09375 I 03897 I 01325 VOID OUAL(%) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 O 0000 0.0000 O 0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100000401 O INLET FlOW RATE a OUTLEI FLOW RATE e TOTAL SYSTEM MASS a GLOBAL MASS ERROR - EM 913656. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. 913556. ROM 850. 14 850.13 850.12 850.10 650 08 850.07 050 05 050.02 950.00 849.97 049.95 049.91 849.87 649.87 849.67 649.67 849.91 849.96 050.01 850 06 950. 12 050. 17 950.21 850.21 050.21 850.21 850. 17 850. 14 SEC CPU TIME 21.50 SEC TIME STEP REDUCTIONS DUE 10 ERROR O 0 REDUCED TIME STEPS SINCE LAST PRINT -0.0oo00G/S -0 000 G0/ 73.224 0 MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES ROD: 693.15 At WALL: 693.15 At LIOUID: 693.15 AT -0.1540-14 0 MAXIMUM RELATIVE CHANGES OVER TIlE TIME STEP IN PRESSURE: 0.1000-09 IN MIXTURE DENSITY: O.ICD-09 IN MIXTURE ENERGY: 0. 1000-09 IC SIZE - MAXIMUM IN IN IN T VAP. T LIQ 693. I5 693.15 693.15 693.15 693. IS 693. IS 693. IS 693. IS 693.15 693. 15 693. 15 693. 15 693. IS 693.1S 693. I5 693.15 693. IS 693. 15 693. IS 693. 15 693. 15 693. IS 693. IS 693 15 693 15 693.15 693.15 693. IS 693. IS 693.15 693.15 693. 15 693. 15 693. 15 693.15 693. 15 693. IS 693.15 693. 15 693. 15 693. 15 693.15 693. 15 693.15 693. 1 693.15 693.15 693. IS 693. 15 693. IS 693.15 693. IS 693. 15 693. 15 693. 15 693. 1I 1158.78 1157.89 1156.09 1154.27 1152 43 1150.50 1148.14 145. 14 1142.00 1138.94 1135.73 1130.66 1124.46 1124.40 1124.46 1124.46 1130.66 1137.44 143.109 1150.04 1155.93 1166.31 1166.31 1166.31 1166.31 1161 .5 1158.78 IZ 22 22 22 RELATIVE LINEARIZATION ERRORS PRESSURE: 0.9020-14 0.7450-15 MASS/VOLUME: ENERGY/VOLUME: 0.5630-t9 T SAT I161.50 IC I I 1 VVI -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0 000 -0 000 -0.000 -0 000 -0 000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 VLZ -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0.000 ROV 0.2738 0.2710 0.2678 0.2637 0 2591 0.2556 0 2504 0.2441 0.2370 0.2315 0.2251 0.2154 0.2039 0.2039 0.2039 0 2039 0.2154 0.2265 0.2415 0.2545 0.2674 0.2803 0.2914 0.2914 0.2914 O 2914 0.2803 0.2738 ROL 650. 14 650. 13 850. 12 850. 10 850 08 850.07 850 05 850 02 650 00 849.97 849.95 849 91 049.87 849.67 849 07 849 67 849.91 849 96 850.01 850 06 850. 12 850. 17 850 21 650.21 850.21 850 21 850 I1 850. 14 FLOW(G/S) -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0 000 -0 000 -0 000 -0 000 -0 000 -0 000 -0 000 -0.000 -O 000 -0.000 -0.000 -0 000 -0 000 -0.000 -0 000 -0 000 -0.000 -0 000 -0 000 -0 000 -0.000 -0 000 -0 000 -O 000 SINGLE-PHASE CALCULATION AT 150W lIME STEP NO * 502 REAL TIME * 0.5000403 SEC NUMBER OF NEWTON IIERATIONS * 2 NUMBER OF INNER ITERATIONS * I O O0 REACIOR POWER TOTAL TOIAL IEA 0 TRANSFER * FLOW ENIIIALPY RISE FLOW ENERGY RISE - 0. ISO 0. 150 0. ISO 0. ISO 0. 150 KW K NW KW CPU TIME * 219.88 SEC TINE STEP SIZE - 0.IOOOOo*OI SEC O TIME STEP REOUCIIONS DUE TO ERROR 0 0 INLET FlOW RATE OUTIE FLOW RATE TOTfAL SYSTEM MASS GLOBAL MASS ERROR KW 0.373 0.373 74.193 -0.3760-14 MAXIMUM RELAlTIVE CIHANGES OVER IllE TINE STEP IN PRESSURE: 0.1000-09 IN MIXTIIRE DENSITY: 0.1000-09 IN MIXTURE ENERGY: 0. 1000-09 IC IZ Z4(MM) I O 0 2 308 7 3 846.2 4 1303 6 5 1761.3 6 2218.8 7 2756.2 8 3373. 9 3991 2 1O 4608 7 II 5226.2 12 5843.0 13 6361 3 14 6838 a IS 7296 3 s16 7753 8 17 5291.3 18 8691.0 19 8091 0 20 90S.0 O 21 9279.0 22 9473.0 23 9720 0 2410020 0 2510320.0 2616620 0 21170920 0 2811070.0 PIBAR) I.01325 VOID 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 I.08527 0.0000 1.13410 0.0000 1.16293 0.0000 0.0000 1.23176 1.23155 0.0000 1.23137 0.0000 1.231168 0.0000 1.23100 0.0000 1.23076 0.0000 I.19691 0.0000 1.8100 0.0000 1.16553 0.0000 I.IS27 1.15021 0.0000 1.13530 0.0000 I.11642 0.0000 1.09349 0.0000 I 01057 0.0000 I 04764 0.0000 1.02471 0.0000 1.01325 0.0000 0.98060 0 9838 0.98820 0.98802 0.987084 0.90762 1.03644 DUAL(%) EM 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 913558. 1128246. 1128248. 118246. 1128246. 1128248. 1123248. 1120246. 1128246. 1128246. 1128248. 1020246. 1128240. 1128246. 1128248. 1128246. 1128246. 913562. 993889. 101421S. 1 b4544. 12348071. 1315198. 13151998. 1315198. 1315191. 1315198. 1315198. 1315198. RONM 050.14 810.83 910.83 010.03 610.83 8010.83 810.93 810.88 110.93 110.,98 111.03 111.08 811.00 811.08 811.07 611.07 850.36 035.77 821.02 806.12 191.12 776.07 776.05 1776.03 1778.00 715.980 775.96 775.95 REDUCED TIME STEPS SINCE LAST PRINT MAXIMUM TEMPERAIURES 1012.55 AT ROD: WALL: 1012 08 At LIOUIDO: 1011.95 At O/S 0/5S a 0 MAXIMUM RELATIVE LINEARIZATION ERRORS V VAP 693.15 863.15 63.1I 183. IS 863.IS 683.15 093.15 063.15 663. I5 063.15 T LIO IN PRESSURE: IN MASS/VOLUME: 0.1210-12 0.3400-15 IN ENERGY/VOLUME: 0.1510-18 T SAT 693. S1 1158.78 863. 15 1156.05 863.15 1156.03 063.15 1156.00 11955.98 083.IS 883. I5 1155.96 863.15 1155.84 1181 30 063.IS 1 863.15 663.15 1166.47 1171.45 863.15 063 15 tS 1116.27 863. 15 863. 063. 19 063.15 1180 92 e63.16 863.15 1500.909 863.15 1000.07 1110.10 063.1! 063.15 1180.69 063.1! 662.1I5 893.19 1110.69 100 83 893.19 1160.61 111.11 756.44 756.44 820.IS 620.15 1176.09 804. 10O 84.10 1174.51 940.09 948.09 1173.06 1011.95 1011.95 171.57 1011.95 ot1011.95 1169.67 1011.95 1011.95 1167.32 1011.95 1011.95 1164.93 10o1. 95 1011.95 1162.51 ot1011.95 101.95 1160.03 1011.95 1011.95 1I58.7 VVZ VLZ 0.053 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.050 0.05 0.0586 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.0568 0.056 0.056 0.056 0 056 0.056 0.053 0.054 0.055 0.056 0.057 0.0568 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.050 0.058 0.053 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.0586 0.056 0.056 0.056 0 0586 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.0586 0.056 0.053 0.054 0.055 0.056 0.057 0.058 0 058 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.058 ROV 0.2738 0.2677 0.2676 0.2676 0.2675 0.2675 0.2674 0.2796 0.2910 0.3039 0.3160 0.3280 0.3280 0.3279 0.3279 0.3270 0.3278 0.3194 0.3155 0 3t17 0 3019 0.3042 0.2995 0.2938 0.2881 0.2824 0.2767 0.2738 ROL 050.14 110.183 110.83 810.83 To 03 810.63 110.13 610 as 10.93 10.90 811.03 811.00 111.08 111.08 611.01 1111.07 650.36 035.77 021.02 806.12 791.12 776.07 17786.05 776.03 776 00 775.90 715.96 775.95 FLOWIG/S) 0.373 0.373 0 373 0.373 0.373 0.373 0.373 0 373 0.373 0.373 0.313 0 313 0 373 0 313 0.313 0.373 0.313 0.373 0 373 0 373 0.313 0.373 0.373 0.373 0 373 0 373 0.373 ? A0 SINGLE-PHASE CALCULATION AT 250W IINE STEP NO * t13 NIIMDER OF NEWION ITERATIONS NUIMBER OF INNER ITERATIONS IDIAL REACIOR POWER TOIAL HEAT TRANSFER FlO ENIIIALPY RISE FLOW ENERGY RISE - 0 0 -0 -0 REAL TIME v 150.710295 SEC 2 I O 0 MAXIMUM RELATIVE CHANGES OVER IN PRESSURE: IN MIXIIIRE DENSITY: IN MIXTURE ENERGY: IC IZ ZIMM) PIBAR) I 0.0 2 97.0 3 291 O 4 465.0 5 679 O 6 073.0 7 1120 O 8 1420.0 9 1720.0 10 2020.0 11 2320.0 12 27178.7 13 3316.2 14 3773.7 15 4231.2 16 4608.0 17 5226 3 10 5843. 19 6461 3 20 70718 21 7696.3 22 8313.8 23 8851 2 24 9308.6 25 9166.0 2610223 4 27"10760 9 2811069.6 I 01325 1.00515 O 90914 0.97334 0.95778 O 94245 0.92309 0 69957 0.87605 0.85253 0.82902 0.79113 0.745711 0.74519 0.74466 0.74413 0.78830 0 83906 0.00983 0 94060 0.99138 1.04216 I.0,8637 I.08505 1.08532 I 08480 1.03936 1.01325 VOID THiE TIME EM 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 913556. 979439. 1045321. 1111203. 1177085. 1242968. 1242968. 12429?7. 1242967. 1242966. 1242966. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909?55. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909755. 909755. 9097%5. 900443. 908443. O 0000 0.0000 O 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 O 0000 0 0000 O 0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0OOO. 0.0000oo 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO TIME STEP REOUCTIONS OUtE tO ERROR 0 0 REDUCED TIME STEPS SINCE LAST PRINT w * o * 0.759 0 759 72.224 -0.3660-14 STEP MAXIMUM IN IN IN 0.3000-00 0.3990-07 0.1350-06 OUAL(X) ROM 650.14 638.21 026. 15 813.99 001.72 789.40 789.36 709.36 76119.36 789.34 769.31 789.29 850.60 650.56 050.56 850.56 650.56 050.60 650 65 950.70 950 75 950.60 850.85 850.90 850 90 950.90 650.90 651.09 851.06 85.67 SEC O INLET FLOW RATE OUTLET FLOW RATE TOTAL SYSTEM MASS GLOOAL MASS ERROR .250 KW 250 KW .004 KW .004 KM CPU TIME - TIME STEP SIZE * 0.011210*00 SEC I VAP T LIO 693.15 745 02 797.19 849.57 902.06 954.54 954.54 954.54 954.54 954.54 954.54 690.1 7 690.1 7 690.17 690. 17 690.17 690.11 690.I17 690. I7 690. 17 690. 17 690.17 690. 17 690. 11 690.17 690.17 689. 14 689. 14 693.15 745.02 797.19 649.57 902.06 954.54 954.54 954.54 954.54 954.54 954.54 690. I1 690. IT 690. 11 690. 17 690.1 1 690. 17 690.17 690.17 690. I7 690. 17 690. 17 690. 17 690. 17 690. I1 690. 17 689. 14 609. 14 T O/S G/S 0 0 MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES ROD: WALL: LIQUID: 955.54 AT 954.72 AT 954.54 AT IC I I I IZ 5 S 5 RELATIVE LINEARIZATION ERRORS PRESSURE: 0.2390-08 MASS/VOLUME: 0.2870-15 ENERGY/VOLUME: 0.9380-16 SAT 1156.786 1157.69 115-.11 I154.33 I152.56 1150. 76 1148.51 1145.70 1142 83 1139.90 1136.90 1131.92 1125.69 1125.61 1125.54 1125.46 1131.54 1138.19 1144.52 1150 57 1156.36 1161.92 1166.58 1166.53 1166.47 1966.42 1161.62 1158.78 VVZ VLZ 0. 108 0. 109 0. III 0.112 0.114 0.016 0. 116 0 li6 0. I16 0. 116 0. 116 0. IOI 0. 108 0.106 0. lOB 0. 10 0. 108 0. 108 0. 106 0. 108 0. 108 0. 109 0.111 0. 112 0.114 0. 116 0. II6 0. 116 0. 116 0.116 0.116I 0. 10 0. 198IO 0.100 0. 108 0 109 0.106 0. IOU 0. 0l8 0.108 0. 10 0. 108 0. 10S . 107 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 108 o00 IO8 o00 10 108 100 0. 108 0.108 0. 100 0. 17 ROV 0.2130 0.2718 0 2678 0.2639 0.2599 0 2561 0.2512 0.2453 0.2393 0.2334 0.2274 0.216 0.2061 0.2060 0.2059 0.2057 0.2170 0.2300 0 2428 0.2556 0 2664 0.2811 0.2921 0.2919 0.2918 0.2907 0.2004 0.2738 ROL 850.14 838.31 026.15 013.90 801.72 789.40 789 38 719 36 789.34 7189.31 789.29 050.60 850 56 850.56 050 56 050.56 050.60 850.65 650 70 850 75 850.80 050.05 850.90 050.90 050 90 850.90 851.09 851.06 FLOW(G/S) 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 O 759 0.759 0.759 0.159 0.759 O 759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.159 0 759 0 759 0.759 0 759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.759 SINGLE-PHASE CALCULATION AT 370W TIME STEP NO * 852 tAIMBER OF NEWTON ITERATIONS * NUMOER OF INNER ITERATIONS * TOIAL REACIOR POWER a ItITAL IEAT TRANSFER a FlOW ENTIIALPY RISE FLOW ENERGY RISE - REAL TIME * 2 1 0 0 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.370 0.0500403 SEC TIME STEP SIZE * 0.100000*01 SEC O 0 MW KV KW KV INLET FLOW RATE * OUILEI FLOW RAlE TOTAL SYSTEM MASS GLOBA MASS ERROR MAXFMUM RELATIVE CHANGES OVER TH4E TIME STEP IN PRESSURE: 0.1210-5O IN MIXTURE DENSITY: 0.2960-04 IN MIXIURE ENERGY: 0.6180-04 IC Ii ZIMM) P(BAR) I 0.0 2 308.7 3 846.2 4 1303.8 5 1761.3 6 2218.6 7 2756.2 0 3373.7 9 3991.2 10 4608.7 It 5226.2 12 56843.8 13 6381.3 14 6030 6 15 7296.3 16 7753.8 17 8291.3 I 8691.0 19 8891.0 20 9085 0 21 9279.0 22 9473.0 23 9720.0 2410020.0 2510320.0 2610620 0 2710920.0 7811070 0 1.01325 0.90646 0.96791 0.90756 0.971 S 0.98674 0.98625 1.03471 1.06320 1.13180 1.16033 1.22885 1.22837 1.22796 1.227155 1.22713 1.22661 1. 19259 1.17662 1.16144 . 14644 1.131984 I 11350 1.09122 1.06894 I 04667 1.02439 1.01325 VOID QUAL(%) EM 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 913556. 1120241. 1126241. 1123241. 1120241. 1128241. 1128241. 1121241. 1123241. 1128242. 1120242. 1121242. 1120242. 1128242. 1128242. 1128242. 913566. 1022699. 1131845. 1241019. 1350228. 1459470. 1459720. 1459941. 1400047. 1459972. 1459710. 1459110. ROM 50. 14 110.93 110.13 110.63 010.63 610.13 610.13 1110.66 810.93 1010.99 S11.02 8IT.07 311.07 611.07 611.07 611.07 350.35 630.50 910.35 769.99 769.51 149.05 746.99 740.92 748.86 740.07 746.90 748.89 T VAP 693. IS 863.14 03. 14 063.14 663.14 663.14 663. 14 863.14 663. 14 963.14 863.14 863.14 863.14 663.14 863.14 663.14 693.16 719.25 666.01 952.99 1039.70 1125.69 1 125.8 1126.05 1126. 13 1126.03 1125.17 1125.01 T LI MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES ROD: 1127.20 AT 1126.13 AT WALL: LIOUID: 1126.13 AT 0.67 0.870 73.726 0.4490-09 MAXIMUM IN IN IN CPU TIME * 24.86 SEC TIME SIEP REOUCIONS OUE TO ERROR 0 REDUCED TIME SIEPS SINCE LAST PRIUT IC I I I IT 21 24 24 RELATIVE LINEARIZATION ERRORS 0.1290-05 PRESSURE: MASS/VOLUME: 0.9020-1O 0.2120-13 ENERGY/VOLUME: T SAT 693.15 1153.70 6083.14 1156.03 663. 14 1155.98 863. 14 1155.93 063. 14 1155.19 963.14 1155.14 863.14 1155.79 863.14 1161.12 063.14 11606.26 063.14 1171.22 176.01 663. 14 063.14 1130.65 663.14 1100.60 363.14 1100.57 663.14 1180.53 063.14 1180.49 693.16 1180.44 779.25 1171.20 866.01 1115.61 952.99 1174.17 1039.70 1172.6 1125.69 1171.23 1169.37 S125.8 1126.05 1167.09 1126.13 1164.76 1126.06 1162.40 1125.67 1160.00 1125.87 1158.70 VVZ VLZ 0.096 0.101 0. 10 0.101 0. 101 0.101 0.101 0.1 01 0. 01 0. 01 0. 101 0.101 0. 101 0. 101 0.O101 0.101 0.096 0.099 0.101 0. 104 0. 106 0.109 0. 109 0. 109 0. 109 0.109 0. 109 0.096 0. 101 0.1 01 0. 101O 0.10 0.101 0.101 0. 101 0.101 0. 101 0. lOt 0. 101 0. 101 0. 101 0.101 0.l01 0.096 0.099 0. 01 0.104 0. 106 0. 109 0. 109 0. 109 0. 109 0.109 0. 109 ROV ROL 0.2736 0.2676 0.2675 0.2674 0.2673 0.2672 0.2671 0.2792 0.2913 0.3034 0.3 154 0.3273 0.3272 0.3271 0.3270 0.3269 0.3263 0.3164 0.3145 0.3107 0.3070 0.3034 0 2988 0.2933 0. 21771 0.2622 0.2766 0.2738 850.14 810.63 610.03 11to.13 910.83 010.03 810.83 110.63 610.66 010.93 10.90 811.02 311.01 11.07 11.017 811.07 1111.01 050.35 830.50 810.35 789.99 169.51 749.05 740.99 148.92 748 66 740.87 748.90 740.89 FLOvIG/S) 0.678 0 67 0.678 0 670 0.676 0.678 0 676 0.678 0 676 0.67 0.670 0 6s 0 678 0.676 0 670 0.678 0.676 0.678 0.678 0.678 0.673 0.678 0.678 0.678 0.67 0.670 0.678 CONDENSATION NEAR UPPER PLENUM AT 640W IN UNIFORM CROSS-SECTION IME SIEP ImBIfIGIR OF tI iltR4 OF NDO 5496 NIWIOI IIElAIINS INNFR IIRATIONS • fIOlia REACIIIR POIWER IOIAI IIEAE IRANSFER 1floW tJIIIAIPY RISE flOW FNERGY RISf REAL 1IME 1) I 0 * 1150*04 SEC O 640 KW O 640 KW * STEP SIZE INtEl FlOW RAIE • OUIltt flOW RATE • TOlAL SYStEM MASS * GlORAI MASS tRRUR -835 765 KW -835 607 lIME KW MAXIMUM RfIAIIVF CIIANGES OVER IIIE TIME IN PRESSIllR: 0. 3720 04 IC IZ ZIMMI P(BARI I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 O 308.7 8,46 2 1303 8 1.01325 O 97706 O 95677 0 93949 0 92219 O 904189 O 80455 0 91024 O 93592 O 96160 O 90129 1 01297 0 99261 O 97529 O 95797 0.94066 O 91951 0 81051 0.84766 0 82548 0 80391 0 78504 O 79969 0 78339 0.76502 O 75714 10 00023 1 01325 1761.3 2218 8 2756 2 3371 7 3991 2 4606 7 5226 2 5843 8 638I 3 6838 8 7296 3 7753 8 8291 3 IB 11691 O 19 8891 O 20 9011)R50 21 9279 O 22 9413 O 23 9120.0 24 1(020 0 2510320 0 2610620 0 2710920 0 2011070 0 MIXIURE ENERGY: VOID OUALt) 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 O 000 0.0000 0.000 O 0000 0 000 0.0000 0.000 0.0000 0 000 O 0000 0 (X)O 0.0000 0 000 0.0000 .0.000 0.0000 0. O(X) O 000 0.0000 0 0000 O 000 0.0000 0.000 0o. (K)00 0000 0.000 O 000 0.0000 0 000 0.000 O 0000 0.010 O 000( 0.0000 O 0ro0 0.000 0.0000 O 000 0.0000 0.0(00 0 1920 O 007 0.6494 0 055 O 7291 0 078 0.8258 0. 134 0 880O 0 219 0.0000 0 000 0.oo0000 0.000 878520-09 SEC CPU TIME 159.37 SEC I lIME STEP REOUCIIONS ODUE TO ERROR 4 343 REDUCED TIME STEPS SINCE LAST PRINT 0 4.698 -512.656 61.766 -0.5070-06 SIEP MAXIMUM It IN IN IN MIxIIIRE DFNSIIv: 0. 1000 -09 IN * 0 0. OOT)D09 EM 1128251. 1128251. 1128251. 11282-1. 1120251. (128252 1 ?82752 1120252. 1120252. 1128292. 1120252. 1128250. 1121781. 913626. 993749. 1110146. 124:1096. 1379532. 14667-5. 1471357. 1469601. 1469904. 1471341. 1412523. 145062. RUM 810.86 110 82 8 to 80 810 78 810.76 810.75 810.73 810.75 810.78 810.60 10 86 810.84 81082 810.80 BIO 87 850.03 835.47 813.94 789 26 763.68 603.98 262 00 202 66 130 52 84 73 766.70 750 69 I VAP 1 LIQ 863.15 863.15 863.15 863.18 863.15 863.15 8063.15 063.15 863.15 863.15 803.15 863.15 863.15 863 15 863.15 663.15 863.15 863.15 803.15 063.15 803.15 863.15 863.15 803.15 863.1S 863 15 063.15 863 15 003.15 863 15 862.78 862.78 693.21 693.20 750.33- 756.33 849.21 849.21 954.64 954 64 1062.86.1062 8G 1131.10 1131 10 1133.06 1133 06 1130.88 1130 68 1128:37 1128.37 1127 28 1127.28 1060.85 1068.85 1118 32 1118.32 T G/S G/S 0 0 RELATIVE LINEARIZAIION ERRORS PRESSURE 0.3720102 MASS/VOLUME: 0.4810-06 ENERGV/VOLUME: 0.1620-07 SAI 1158.78 1154.75 1152 44 1190.44 1148.41 1146.34 1143 87 1146 98 1150.02 1152.99 1155.90 1158.75 1156.50 1154.55 1152 58 1150.57 1148.09 1142.14 1139.28 1136 44 1133.62 1131.10 1133.06 1130 88 1128 37 1127.28 1,181.34 1158.78 MAXIMUM TEMPERAIURES ROD1133 71 AT MALL: 1133.06 AT LIOUID: 1133 06 AT VVZ VLZ 0.699 0.699 0.699 0.699 0.699 0 699 0.700 0.700 0.700 0 700 0.700 0.700 0 700 0.700 0.701 0.701 0.701 0.701 0.702 0.702 0.702 0.702 0.703 0.703 0.703 0 703 0.704 0.704 0.704 0 704 0 705 0 705 0 674 0 674 O 678 0.678 0.682 0.682 0 686 0.686 O 736 0.691 -3.577 0.088 I7.130 0.988 23.967 1.214 19 528 0.610 158 374 -8.011 -92.075 -92.0175 ROV O 2730 0.2648 0.2597 0 2553 0.2510 0.2466 0 2415 0 2480 0.2545 O 2609 0.2614 0 2138 0 2687 0 2643 0 2600 0 2556 0 2503 0.2379 0.2321 0.2265 0.2210 0.2162 O 2199 0.2158 0.2111 0.2091 2 2427 0.2738 ROL FLOWIG/SI 810 86 61O 02 81to 80 O1078 810 76 810 75 010.73 810 75 610 78 4.698 4.698 4 698 4 699 4.700 4 701 4 703 4.706 4 709 4.713 4.717 4.721 4 725 4.728 4 732 4 737 4 744 4 691 4 598 4 488 4 373 O 435 2. 164 2.069 0 687 -50 884 -572 656 8 to 83 8I0 8to 86 84 810 82 1810 O 810 80 810 87 850.03 875 47 813 94 789 26 763 68 741.41 746.96 747 46 748 04 740 29 766.70 750 69 LOW QUALITY BOILING AT 450WOIN ACTUAL LOOP GEOIIETRY TIME STEP NO * 888 REAL TIME * MIMItER OF NEWTON ITERAIONS * 2 NUMBER OF INNER IIERATIONS 1 O O TOTAL REACIOR POWER a lOYAL tlEAl IRANSFER • FLOW ENIIIALPY RISE FLOW ENERGY RISE & 0.8700*03 SEC 0.450 NWv 0.450 KMW 0.450 KM 0.450 KW TIME STEP SIZE * 0.100000401 SEC CPU IME * 0.12 SEC O TIME STEP REDUCTIONS OUE tO ERROR 0 0 REDUCED TIME SIEPS SINCE LAST PRINT INLET FLOW PATE OUILEI FLOW RATE IOIAL SYSIEM MASS OLOBAL MASS ERROR 0.763 0/5S 0.763 0/5s 72.333 0 -0.1230,01 0 MAXIMUM RELATIVE CHIANGES OVER IE TIME STEP IN PRESSURE: 0.3900-04 IN MIXTURE DENSITY: 0.31211*00 IN MIXTURE ENERGY: 0.1650-02 IC I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Z(MM) 0.0 300.7 846.2 1303 8 1761.3 2211.9 2756.2 8 3373 7 9 3991.2 o104606.7 I1 5226.2 12 5041.6 13 63801.3 14 6830.8 IS 7296.3 16 7753.8 17 8291.3 Is 6691 0 19 8891.0 20 9085.0 21 9219 O0 22 9473 0 23 9720.0 2410020.0 2510320.0 2610620 0 2710920 0 26811070.0 P(BARI VOID 1.01325 0.98841 0.97833 O 960734 0.98685 0.90636 O 98579 I 03420 1.08261 1.13102 1.17944 1.22786 1.22728 1.22679 1.22631 1.22502 1.22519 1.19113 1.17537 1. 16005 1.14516 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0. 1772 0.312I 0. 1009 0.0000 0.0000 1.13070 1.11255 1.09052 1.06647 I 04640 t.02431 I.01325 Q UALI() 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000O 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.018 0.006 0.000 0.000 EM 9135568. 1129240. 1128240. 1128240. 1128241. 1128241. 1128241. 1128240. 1128241. 1128241. 1128241. 1123241. 1120242. 1128242. 1128242. 1128242. 913568. 1032003. 1151152. 1271161. 1391866. 1512695. 1514135. 1512883. 1510235. 1506904. 1501793. 1501793. ROM 850. 14 310.3 310.83 010.83 oIO. 83 310.03 310.3 8 I0,83 810.13 910.338 810.93 610.98 111.02 311.07 611.07 811.07 811.071 811.07 850.35 928.80 806.76 784.34 761.71 739.13 738.04 608.20 SOS.88 606.33 741.09 741.04 MAXIMUM IN IN IN 7 VAP 693.15 863 14 063.14 863. 14 863.14 863.14 863. 14 863.14 063.14 863.14 863.14 863.14 863.14 063.14 863.14 863.14 693.16 736.63 801.39 978.97 1072.59 1167.17 1163.29 1167.01 1164.71 1162.37 1158.70 1158.70 T LIO I SAT 893.15 863.14 063.14 863.14 863.14 863.14 963. 14 963.14 363.14 863.14 663.14 663.14 863.14 863.14 863.14 863.14 693.16 706.63 081.39 976.97 1072.59 1167.17 1163.29 1167.01 1164.71 1162.37 1153.70 1158.70 1153.76 1156.03 1155.96 1155.91 1155.85 1155.80 1155.172 1161.00 1166.19 1171.14 1175.93 1180.56 1180.50 1180.46 1180.41 1100.36 11980.31 11117.06 0175.53 1174.03 1172.56 117 1. II 1169.20 1167.01 1164.71 1162.37 1159.99 1159.70 MAXIMUM TEMPERAIURES ROD: 1169 02 AT WALL: 1168.29 AT LIQUID: 1161.29 At IC I I I Iz 21 22 22 RELATIVE LINEARIZATION ERRORS PRESSURE: 0 3890-04 MASS/VOLUME: 0 4530D00 0.1350-11 ENERGY/VOLUME: VVZ VLZ 0. 108 0.114 0.114 0.114 0. 114 0.114 0. 114 0. 114 0. 114 0. 114 0.114 0.I114 0. 114 0. 114 0.114 0.114 0. 108 0. III 0.114 0. I17 ll4 0. 0.121 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0. 124 0. 124 0. 108 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0. 114 0.114 0. 114 0.114 0.100 0. 111 0.114 0. 117 0.121 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.124 0. 124 0.124 ROV ROL 0.2731 0.2676 0.2675 0.2674 0.2672 0.2671 0.2670 0.2791 0.2911 0.3032 0.3151 0.3271 0.3269 0.3260 0.3267 0.3266 0.3264 0.3100 0.3141 0.3103 0.30671 0.3031 0.2986 0.2931 0.2076 0.2821 0.2766 0.2738 850. 14 610.03 6 0. 83 010.03 010.03 810.93 310.03 810.80 610.93 810.96 311.02 811.07 11 .07 11.07 811.07 3t.01 850.35 623:00 306.76 784.34 761.71 739. 13 738.34 739.12 739.65 740. 19 741 05 741.04 FLOWI0/SI 0.763 0.763 0.763 0.763 O 763 0.763 0.763 0.763 O 763 0.763 0.763 0.763 0.763 0.763 0 763 0.763 0.763 0.763 0.763 0.762 0 762 0.761 0.761 0.627 0 524 0 625 0.763 , it PLENUM HEAT CONDUCTION CALCULATION RESULT AT 250W 02 IZ HEAT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 178.123 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -178.116 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 SOURCE (W) H-STRUCTURE (W/M.*2) 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000407 0.25000407 0.25000+07 0.2500007 0.25000+01 0.25000407 0.25000407 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000407 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000407 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000+07 0.25000D+07 0.25000407 0.2500007 0.25000*07 0.25000407 STRUCTURE TEMPERATURES (DEG K) 863.148 863.141 863.141 863.141 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693. 152 786.625 881.393 976.972 1072.588 1167.169 1168.287 1167.013 1164.713 1162.373 1158.696 863. 148 863.141 863.141 863.141 863.142 863.142 C63.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 786.625 881.393 976.972 1072.588 1167.169 1168.287 1167.013 1164.713 1162.373 1158.696 863.148 863.141 863.141 863.141 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 786.625 881.393 976.972 1072.588 1167.169 1168.207 1167.013 1164.713 1162.373 1158.696 863. 148 863.141 863.141 863.141 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 706.625 881.393 976.972 1072.580 1167.169 1168.287 1167.013 1164.713 1162.373 1158.696 863.140 863.141 863.141 863.141 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693. 152 786.625 881.393 976.972 1072.588 1167.169 1168.287 1167.013 1164.713 1162.373 1158.696 PLENUM HEAT CONDUCTION CALCULATION RESULT AT 4501- IZ HEAT SOURCE (W) 1 158.588 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -158.582 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 IIt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 H1-STRUCTURE (W/M**2) 0.25OOD007 0.25000107 0.25000107 0.25000407 0.2500D07 0.2500007 0.25000407 0.25000+07 0.25000407 0.25000+07 0.25000407 0.25000407 0.2500D07 0.25000+07 0.250OD007 0.25000D07 0.25000407 0.25000407 0.2500D+07 0.25000407 0.2500D07 0.2500007 0.25000407 0.2500007 0.25000407 0.25000407 STRUCTURE TEMPERATURES 863.148 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 779.248 866.013 952.989 1039.703 1125.689 1)25.879 1126.051 1126.134 1126.075 1125.870 863.148 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 779.248 866.013 952.989 1039.703 1125.689 1125.879 1126.051 1126.134 1126.075 1125.870 m R m (DEG K) 863.148 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 *863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 779.248 866.013 952.989 1039.703 1125.689 1125.879 1126.051 1126.134 1126.075 1125.870 863.148 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863. 142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 779.248 866.013 952.989 1039.703 1125.689 1125.879 1126.051 1126.134 1126.075 1125.870 863.148 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 863.142 693.152 779.248 866.013 952.989 1039.703 1125.689 1125.879 1126.051 1126.134 1126.075 1125.870 186 APPENDIX D. Hierachy of Subroutines. in T~PMIT-4, The hierachy of the subroutines in the four equation version :of the Sodium colant version of THERMIT is illustrated in the chart TEMIT4 in figure D1 below. L87 TH E?-i1TI mPI:-. i I Np*T T L'.:;C i I T TFL.A S :NIT 1F ?J.U. EX.,j Dt. P - IEL I &0 %0VIC DFA IS I I 41PCayl I EDiTn STAk,, IT -- MAPPER -- S I SETICC ACTARV I INITSC IN;ITRC I 1OV STATEG HOVE I EDITOR HP2 TlING DIP STEMPF Iow.ir PFSOLS JACOBC PRPOPUP QCMNGE NEWERR STATEG JA' EQ MC!~NTI TND I FWALL ITR FINTER I 1.1: LINN, EDITOR E TIMING T.LIZ KP2 MP 3 CVECX JAC4EO PFSOLS STATEG PGUESS PSCLID PSOL2D PSOL2R -PSOL3L " PSOL3P L- PSL3DS SBSTAT : - QtK4EQ tP 4 MP 6 FIGURE D1 CVECY L Fpseg31 • w v w..,, j.. 1 CECZ 188 PSOLZD PSOL2R PS L3L LEOTIS 0GOPT OMGOIPT PSOL3P PSOLDS PSOL3D LECTIB LEQTIB -LUDAP R - REBEMAX LUE LP OMGOPT FIGURE Dl (CONTINUED) II - -' I ~" "' 111~ 189 REFERENCES 1. A. L. Schor and N. E. 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