Student Information STNM ST01 ST91 STNM - Student Name Search This transaction displays identifying information for records in the student file where the name is the same or similar to a name entered by the user. STNM STUDENT NAME SEARCH VALID THRU: LAST NAME: smith______FIRST: c__ SEX: _ SCHOOL? __ CLASS: 13 INACTIV? Y *ENTER LAST NAME. (SEE MESSAGE BELOW)* When you enter a student's last name, the transaction will return to you a list of students whose last name sounds similar to what you have typed.If you are sure of all or part of the spelling of the last name, type aplus sign after that portion of the name. For example: "SMITH+" will only return names spelled exactly "SMITH" while "SM+ITH" will return names beginning with "SM" which sound like SMITH. Enter one or all of the following fields to further refine the list: "FIRST" - Enter 1-3 beginning letters of the first name "SEX" - Enter "M" or "F" "SCHOOL" - Enter a BC College code (or "?" to get a list) "CLASS" - Enter the student's 2 digit class year "INACTIVES" - Enter "Y" to include students with no present college When a list is returned to you, select the student you want by entering the selection number for that person in the field provided followed by pressing the ENTER/RETURN key. STNM STUDENT NAME SEARCH VALID THRU: 08/15/2009 TYPE SELECTION NUMBER=> ____ OR CHANGE CRITERIA BELOW LAST NAME: SMITH______FIRST: C__ SEX: _ SCHOOL? __ CLASS: 13 INACTIV? Y SELECT# N A M E STUDENT ID SCHOOL CLASS GENDER _ 1 SINNOTT,COLLEEN M 62629525 01=A&S 13 FEMALE _ 2 SMITH,CLAIRE R 23938334 09=SOE 13 FEMALE _ 3 SMITH,COLLEEN C 51664048 10=GSOE 13 FEMALE _ 4 SMITH,CONOR J 78740267 01=A&S 13 MALE *END OF TABLE* PRESS ENTER TO DISPLAY FROM BEGINNING* ST01 - Student Biographical Display This screen displays the basic biographical and registration information for a including the: • • • • • • • present school present class graduation term degree program and major(s), minor(s), Programs(s) student status total credits (also enrollment status of full time, half time or < than half time) confirmation date (Date bill payment was posted) student • • withdrawal date entrance term ST01 78740267_________ STUDENT GENERAL INFORMATION K.MCGUINNESS NAME: Smith,Conor J MON AUG 17, 2009 *** PRESS ENTER OR PF9 TO RETURN. *** NOTE: THIS SCREEN IS FOR OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY USE ONLY. YOU MAY ONLY RELEASE THE TERM PHONE NUMBER. ANY FIELDS THAT HAVE AN ** PRECEDING THE DATA IS NOT TO BE GIVEN OUT TO ANYONE OUTSIDE THE BC COMMUNITY <----- TERM ADDRESS INFORMATION ------><------ HOME ADDRESS INFORMATION -----> PHONE: 655-7557 PHONE: SUPPRESSED ADDR: SUPPRESSED ADDR: SUPPRESSED <----------- CURRENT SEMESTER 2010F REGISTRATION INFORMATION ------------> PRESENT SCHOOL: 01=A&S MAJOR 1: 26=POLI SCIENCE CLASS OF: 2013 2: GRADUATION TERM: 2013S 3: DEGREE PROGRAM: BA MINOR 1: 2: STUDENT STATUS: ** REGISTERED 3: TOTAL CREDITS: ** 16=FULL TIME PROGRAM 1: CONFIRMATION DT: ** 08/12/2009 2: WITHDRAWAL DATE: 3: ENTRANCE TERM: 2010F ST91 Browse/Print Student Courses This transaction displays courses and term information for a student. ST91 78740267________ BROWSE/PRINT STUDENT COURSES K.MCGUINNESS CONOR JOSEPH SMITH GRAD TM: 2013S MON AUG 17, 2009 CURRENT SCH: A&S DG: BA MAJORS: POLI SCIENCE STATUS: REGISTERED REGISTRATION ACCESS CODE: 7350 EAGLE# 78740267 <- Enter Your Password to Send to Printer PT36 COURSE DESCRIPTION FACULTY CR GR COMMENT 2009-2010 1ST Sch: A&S Deg: BA Maj: POLI SCIENCE EN13109 UN24509 MT00407 RL00303 PL08809 TH08809 STUDIES IN POETRY FRESHMAN TOPIC SEMINARS FINITE PROB/APPLICATIONS ELEMENTARY ITALIAN I PERSON & SOC RESPON I PERSON & SOC RESPON I MATSON GOIZUETA HENRY FERRONI MC MENAMIN MC MENAMIN 03 01 03 03 03 03 Term GPA Points: 0.00 Term GPA Creds: 00 Term GPA:0.000 Cum GPA Points: 0.00 Cum GPA Creds: 00 Cum GPA: 0.000 ============================================================================= = ** DISCLAIMER: This is not an official record **