\%ST. OF TECHIVOo 8 1963 FEB LIBR A R' THE EFFECTS OF SALT ON THE SHEAR STRENGTH OF BOSTON BLUE CLAY by William A. Bailey Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1961 Signature of Author: Departme Certified by: . . . ..... 0 .r of Civil Engineering, Ju ., ..* 0 ., 0 ., .. * . . . ... ,g*-. V 1961 * Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: .... .. .......... . . Head of the Department .. ............... 00 00 ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF SALT ON THE SHEAR STRENGTH OF BOSTON BLUE CLAY Isotropically consolidated, undrained triaxial tests with pore pressure measurements were run on three types of Boston Blue Clay (MIT 1139): 1) samples consolidated from a slurry prepared with "water" (less than 3 gm NaCl/liter) pore fluid; 2) samples consolidated from a slurry prepared with "salt" water (35 gm Nal/liter) pore fluid; and 3) four "leached" samples of salty clay, consolidated to 3.0 kg/cm2 a leached of the majority of their salt prior to shear. The data showed: 1. Water samples had a lower Wf/ ec ratio but the same S / rc ratio as the salt samples. 2. Water samples have a slightly lower (20) effective stress envelope at maximum principal stress difference than salt samples for normally consolidated specimens. Water samples have a slightly lower effective stress envelope at maximum principal effective stress ratio than salt samples for normally consolidated specimens. 4. Leaching the salt from the normally consolidated salt samples at constant rc produced the following effects: c a) decreased the shear strength and the strain at failure (maximum principal stress difference), 3. b) increased Au and Af at maximum obliquity; at maximum principal stress difference Au is virtually unaffected and A changes only very slightly due to a combination of reduced strain at failure and reduced shear strength, c) reduced the effective stress envelope at (0" - Q ) (*) from 26.50 (salt samples) to as low as 190 (L-4). -ii- The data indicate that the lower strength at the larger strains near maximum obliquity of the leached samples is due to higher pore pressures generated in the sample by remolding in the failure zone. These higher pore pressures are caused by increased particle reorientation which could be explained by the relative inability of particles to remake broken contacts during shear because of the increased double-layer repulsion in samples with lowered salt concentration and high water content at a given consolidation pressure. -iii- ACKINOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude to Mr. Richard Harkness for hours of conversation: critical, informative, and helpful; and to his thesis supervisor, Professor Ladd, for advice, commentary, and unending patience. -iv- TABLE OF COTIENTS Page TITLE PAGE ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SYMBOLS and NOMENCLATURE LIST of FIGURES and TABLES CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTIOI Section 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 CHAPTER II: Section 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 CHAPTER III: Section 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 A General State ment Expected Effec'ts of Salt Content on Shear SLrcngrth A Review of Somc Previous Investigations Scope of the Present Investigation PROCEDURES Summary Sample Preparation Triaxial Testing Arrangements for Leaching out Salt Water Contents After Failure Void patios After Oven-Drying TEST RESULTS Classification Tests Stress-Strain Curves Shear Strenrgth Effective Stre;;s Parameters Hvorslev Parameters Water Contents After Failure Void Ratios After Oven-Drying vii CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSIONS OF RESULTS Section 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 CHAPTER V: BIBIZOGRAPHY Effects of Salt on Atterberg Limits Effects of Salt on Stress-Strain Curves Effects of Salt on Shear Strength Effects of Salt on Effective Stress Parameters Effects of Leaching Out Salt After Consolidation Effects of Aging Use of Hvorslev Parameters to Adjust Undrained Shear Strengths Distribution of Pore Water After Failure and Void Ratios After Oven-Drying COCUSIONS 64 64 64 65 66 67 70 72 74 80 83 SYMABOIB and NOMCATURE = obliquity of the Mohr-envelope at maximum principal stress difference on the plane of maximum obliquity. = obliquity of the Mohr-envelope at maximum principal effective stress ratio on the plane of maximum obliquity. = obliquity of the Mohr-envelope at maximum principal stress difference on the plane of maximum shear stress. = obliquity of the Mohr-envelope at maximum principal effective stress ratio on the plane of maximum shear stress. = axial strain ='change in length/ initial length w = water content = weight of pore water/weight of soil grains. vI = volume of pore fluid/weight of soil grains. v = liquid limit. £ wp plastic limit. P.I. plasticity index. CIU OCR NC triaxial test: consolidated isotropically, sheared undrained with pore pressure measurements. =over-consolidation ratio = maximum past consolidation pressure/ consolidation pressure just prior to shear. = = C normally consolidated over-consolidated. = normal effective stress. shear stress. q = p ( 3)* (3). S u T c= = undrained shear strength = .1 ( ' 2 1 consolidation pressure. vii -)3 max SUBSCRIPTS: S = salt samples. W = water samples. L = leached samples. f = "at failure" or "on the failure plane". ff "on the failure plane at failure". viii FIGURES and TABLES Figure Number 1.1 Title Data on Asrum Clay (fr: Pahge BJERRUM and ROSENQVIST (1956)) 3.1 13 Grain Size Distribution (MIT 1139) Fig. 3.2 thru 3.26 plot: pore pressure vs. C; ( d (" 26 - a3) v3.e;excess ) vs.E. ; A vs.4 for the tests listed below: 3.2 S-1 ( ac = 2.0) 27 3.3 S-4 ( c = 3.0) 28 3.4 3-9 (&c = 3.0) 29 3.5 S-2 (& = 4.0) 30 3.6 S-3 ( &c = 6.0) 31 3.7 s-6 (4 -c = 0.5; oCn-6) 32 3.8 s-8 ( 33 3.9 3-5 ('e 3.10 W-4 (Cc = 2.0) 35 3.11 W-2 (* c = 3.0) 36 3.12 W-8 (i-e = 3.0) 37 3.13 w-6 (4&c g-c = 1.0; OcR:12) = 1.0; OCR=12) = 3.0; consolidated, rebounded to zero, and reconsolidated) = h-o) 3.14 W-5 3.15 W-9 3.16 W-3 3.17 W-1(&c = 6.0) ( c ( c &c 34 - 4.03) 6.0) 38 39 11o Figure Number Title Page W-10 (e = 1.0; cR=6) 43 3.19 W-11 (& = 0.5; oc.n=12) 44 3.20 W-12 ( 0.25; 45 3.21 L-1 ( 3.22 c 6C C=24) 3.0) 46 L-2 ( = 3-0) 47 3.23 L-3 ( c = 3.0) 48 3.24 L-4 ( = 3-0) 49 3.25 S-10 (e 3.26 W-7 ( 3.27 S U = = 3.0; aged 46 days) 50 3.0; aged 46 days) 51 vs. w'; c vs. w' (all normally consolidated C samples) 52 3.28 g vs. p; Su V . (salt samples) 53 3.29 qma. vs. p; Su vs. c (water samples) 54 3.30 Effective Stress Paths for N.C. Salt Samples 3.31 Effective Stress Pt'h3 for HT.C. 3.32 Effective Stress Pathi: Comparison of Leached Samples with Salt and Water Samples at the Same Consolidation Presssure 57 3.33 Effective Stress Patahs for O.C. 3.34 Effective Stress Paths for 0.C. Water Samples 59 3.35 Hvorslev Parameters for Salt Samples 60 3.36 Hvorslev Parameters for Water Samples 61 3.37 Pore Water Distribution after Failure 62 3.38 w' after Failure and Oven-Drying 63 s Water Samples Salt Samples 55 56 58 Figure Number 4.1 Tile Page Leached Samples: Effective Stress Envelope at Maximum Principal Stress Difference 4.2 Effective Stress laths for Aged and Non-Aged Salt Samples 4.3 Effective Stress Paths for Aged and Non-Aged Water Samples 5.1 1.2 2.1 79 Comparison of a Leached Sample (L-3) With a Salt Sample (S-10) Table Number 1.1 77 82 Title Pare Effects of Salt Leaching on the Shear Strength of Horten Clay (fr: SKEMPTON and NORTHEY (1952)) 6 Properties of Asrum Clay (fr: ROSENQVIST (1956)) 8 BJERRUM and Age, Leaching Time, and Salt Content at Failure of Leached Samples 17 3.1 Properties of MIT 1139 (Boston Blue Clay) 19 3.2 Sunmiary of Triaxial Test Data (Salt and Leached) 24 3.3 Summary of Triaxial Test Data (Water) 25 3.4 Maximum Obliquities for Salt, Water, and Leached Samples 21 4.1 Effects of Salt on Atterberg Limits (fr: (1956)) GREEN 64 4.2 Effects of Aging on Water Content 68 4-3 Effects of Water Content on 73 4.4 Su of Salt Samples Adjusted for Water Content 73 4.5 'Tf 74 of Leached Samples Computed From Hvorslev Parameters xi OF BOSTON BLUE CIAY EFFECTS OF SALT ON THE CTFAR STRENGT CHAPTER I: TITROIUCTION A General Statement 1.1 In recent years it has become generally recognized that the engineering properties of clay-water systems can be changed appreciably by altering the environment contributed to the system by the pore fluid. These environmental changes do not necessarily need to be drastic,'but rather are often within the variations that might typically be encountered in the field. The engineering behavior of clay-water systems is determined by the structure of the clay; that is, by the arrangement of particles, or fabric, and the forces that act between particles. LAMBE (1958) contends that the structure of a clay is determined by the electrical forces associated with the charged clay platelets. Changes in the characteristics of the pore fluid that affect these electrical interparticle forces will change the structure of the clay and, consequently, changes in the engineering behavior of the soil should be expected. 1.2 Expected Effects of Salt Concentration on Shear Strength: LAMBE (1960) has offered an equation for force equilibrium across a unit area in a saturated soil-water system: W = -am + ua w +(N-A) (Eq. 1.1) The terms in this equation are defined as follows: G" =the average total stress across the unit area, u = the average stress where there is "mineral-mineral" contact, = the pressure in the bulk pore fluid, a m the fraction of the unit area where there is "mineral-mineral" contact, a = the fraction of the unit area where there is w water-mineral contact or water-water contact, (i-I) = net electrical effect (repulsive when +) acting across the unit area. The "effective stress", 0', is deduced from this equation by taking a V 1.0: + (-X) u= '-u=Ya m Thus, there are two components of effective stress: and 2) forces. (Eq. 1.2) 1) contact stresses, stresses due to an electrical contribution to interparticle LADD (1961) has separated am from (:-X) on the basis of m where interparticle distance is proximity of the particles; (ram acts less than 200 A. Thus, there are "short-range" (contact) stresses, Tam' and "long-range" stresses, (R-X). If the effective stress, d, is maintained constant, the contact stresses, 4a , must be reduced if the electrical component, (R-X), is increased and vice versa. The effective stress, da , has proved to be auseful shear strength parameter for saturated soil-water systems. It is not an ideal parameter since one would expect that the relationship between shear strength and effective stress would change if the distribution of a given amount of effective stress between contact stresses and long-range stresses was changed; that is: the "coefficient of friction" associated with contact stresses would not be expected to have the same value as the "coefficient of friction" associated with long-range stresses. Soils in which the (T-X) component of effective stress is thought to be comparatively large, such as a sodium montmorillonite (see LADD (1961)), show friction angles in terms of effective stresses that are less than friction angles in other soil-water systems where the (s-X) component is believed to be less important. Therefore, a transfer of effective stress from contact stress to long-range stress might be expected to reduce the shear strength of the soil-water system. Also of interest is the effect of changing, after consolidation and prior to shear, Ta /(-X) in a soil to be sheared at constant volume. If C am /(R-X) for a soil of a given fabric (particle arrangement) were changed prior to shear and the fabric did not change, it might be expected that the behavior of the soil in the vicinity of a newly broken contact would be different from a soil of identical fabric and consolidation pressure in which T a /'(N-X) had not been changed prior m to shear. In particular: if (7-A) were increased prior to shear, this dispersive force would tend to hamper the reforming of broken contacts during shear and some normal stress in the area of the broken contact would have to be transferred to adjacent contacts, to (B-X), or into pore pressure, u. To transfer the normal stress to (B-A) would require some additional consolidation and. higher than normal pore pressures would result during undrained shear. This could appreciably reduce the undrained shear strength of the soil by reducing the effective stress. Thus, we are herein concerned about the effect of salt concentration on' / A). m The attractive component (A) of the net electrical effect, (R-X), Ca is believed due primarily to van der Waals-London forces. They derive from attractive forces associated with the charge on sub-atomic particles in the clay mineral lattice and are not much affected by changes in the pore fluid characteristics. The repulsive component (n) of (1-I) derives largely from the net electrical charge on clay minerals and is very sensitive to the characteristics of the pore fluid (Lambe (1958)). The electric charge on clay minerals results from the substitution of atoms into the crystal lattice during the formation of the clay crystal that have a valence inappropriate to produce a neutral crystal. This phenomenon is called isomorphous substitution and in clay minerals it always results in a net negative charge; positively charged clay minerals have not been observed. The negative charge (which varies from particle to particle depending on the quantity and type of isomorphous substitution) is neutralized by a number of cations that are distributed over the faces of the clay If the clay particle is placed in a particles when the clay is dry. dispersive medium (such as water) the cations will cluster around the clay platelet. The volume of fluid around the clay platelet in which the concentration of cations exceeds the concentration of cations in the bulk pore fluid is called the diffuse double layer. The distribution of charge in the double layer, and consequently the electric potential, is described by the Poisson-Boltznann Law (for distances greater than 3 several cation diameters from the particle surface) and is similar to the distribution of electrons around a charged, infinite capacitor plate. A repulsive force results when two like-charged doible layers overlap. By using the Poisson-Poltzmann Law, one can predict that the double layer repulsive force will decrease as the concentration of cations in the bulk pore fluid incracs (see IADD (1961), . IIT-3). Consequently, one would expect the not electrical effect, (-X), to decrease if the cation concentration were increased, and vise versa. It is recognized that chanrges in cation concentration may have a direct effect on ra for a given effective stress as well as an effect m on (I-X). effect. Unfortunately, it is not possible to estimate the actual If one would assume that C a is transmitted over extremely small interparticle distances ((6 W) it would seem that changes in cation concentration would have little effect on "a m since cations would be largely excluded from the contact area because of the proximity of the particles. Direct effects of cation concentration on contact stresses will henceforth be ignored. Consequently, the expected efrect of changing salt concentration are: 1) Reduced shearing resistance for a given effective stress if the (R-X) component of F is increased, 2) Higher pore pressure during shear if (n-X) is increased at a constant & and no change in fabric results. C These effects would be expected assuming that the clay particle acts as an infinite flat plate. In addition to the negative charge on clay particles due to isomorphous substitution, there is evidence of positive charges on the edges of clay particles (see LAIME (1958)) resulting from unsatisfied primary valence bonds. Edge effects would be expected to appreciably influence the behavior of soils if the edge area contributes appreciably to the total surface area. Some data on kaolin (WISSA (1961)) show that changes in salt concentration affect soil behavior quite the opposite of what would be expected from consideration of double layer forces only. 1.3 A Review of Some Previous Investigations: In recent years, the leaching of salt from the pore fluid of marine clays has been shown a factor contributing to their sensitivity.SKEMTON and 11ORTEY (1952) have noted that the sensitivity of quick 2 clays is due to a low remolded shear strength. remolded shear strength to high liquidity index They have related low and have concluded: "the liquidity index of an extra-sensitive clay must be very considerably greater than that of a medium or low sensitivity clay existing at the same overburden pressure." SKEMPTON and NORTHEY and, later, BJERRU1 (1954) agree with an earlier conclusion by ROSENQVIST (1953) that the liquidity index of these quick clays results from removal of salt from their pore fluid subsequent to consolidation. Removing salt from these illitic clays reduces the liquid limit and, hence, the plasticity index. There was no evidence of fabric collapse during leaching; the in situ water content was little affected by removal of salt after consolidation. ROSENQVIST (1953) reported having performed tests on a "typical quick clay" in 1946. This clay had an undisturbed shear strength of 2 0.12 kg/cm and negligible remolded strength. After the salt content of the pore fluid had been increased to 30 gm NaCl/liter, the shear strength (remolded) increased to 0.09 kg/cm 2 . The salt was then removed by 2 dialysis and the shear strength measured as 0.10 kg/cm . Upon remolding, the shear strength was again found too small to measure. In these experiments no attempt was made to determine whether or not the water content had changed during leaching. undisturbed shear strength remolded shear strength at the same water content 1. Sensitivity = 2. "quick" has been defined as meaning a sensitivity in excess of 16. 3. the maximum value of principal "shear strength" hereafter is stress difference in an undrained test. 4. liquidity index = L.I. = w w P w -w 1 p A Tnese tests clearly illustrate that the sensitivity of the clay had been greatly increased by removal of the salt in the pore fluid after consolidation. Tne effects of salt removal on the undisturbed shear strength are not very conclusive. S1MITON and NOR--TH (1952) performed tests on a Shellhaven Clay, undisturbed, that had a relatively high natural salt content (26 gm/l). By leaching out salt until the concentration in the pore fluid was reduced to 12 gm/liter, the sensitivity was increased from 10 to 18. It was also noted that the undisturbed shear strength was reduced from 3.2 to 2.8 psi. The water contents for the leached samples were found to be the same as those of the non-leached samples but no confining pressures had been applied to the soil samples during leaching. quently, it Conse- could not be concluded that the fabric would not have collapsed had a confining pressure been applied during leaching. More tests were run on a batch of Horten Clay samples subjected to consolidating forces throughout the leaching process. The results of the tests are presented in Table 1.1. TABLE 1.1 Effects of Salt Leaching on the Shear Strength of Horten Clay Su (usi l leached 1.29 w 31.6 leached 1.29 31.2 - no t not L.I. undisturbed remoided St aX_ I saltgn 28.6 1>.b 1.23 0.145 0.13 1-1 - 24.5 1.7 1.7 0.144 0.03) 3.7 2.2 from: *Sensitivity S XT and NTH0EY112 (1952) These data illustrate that the effect of salt leaching on this particular clay had been to in rease the sensitivity by decreasing the remolded shear strength; the undisturbed shear strength had not been affected. The water content remained nearly constant during leaching despite the confining pressures and the increase in liquidity index was affected by a reduction of the liquid limit. LAME (1953) has proposed that creating dispersive double layer forces while the fabric of a clay is hield constant, as 'would result from leaching salt from an illitic clay, should greatly reduce the remolded shear strength and reduce the undisturbed shear strength to some limited extent depending on how the contact stresses in the undisturbed soil were affected by the change in salt concentration. LA13E gives some data for undisturbed Boston Blue Clay leached with a disperundisturbed shear strength sant (Na6P4 01 3 ) that support his theory: was reduced by the leaching 30-50; remolded shear strength was reduced from 41 pounds per square foot to zero by leaching, indicating an increase in sensitivity from about 10 to infinity. The work sunarized above illustrates that sensitivity can be increased by removal of salt after consolidation. strength are inconclusive. BJEREUM (1954), The data on shear after a systematic inves- tigation of Norwegian marine clays, has related low S / plasticity index. ratio to low Since salt leaching was known to reduce the plasticity index of illitic clays, Bjerrum concluded that salt leaching should also reduce the undisturbed shear stren;th. BJERUM (1954) presents some data for tests on an artificially sedimented Norwegian marine clay that show reduction of undisturbed shear strength from 0.31 kg/cm 2 to o.06 kg/cm2 after the salt concentration in the pore fluid had been reduced from 39 gm/l to 1 gm/l. Sensitivity was increased from 6.4 to 90. data, contrary Lo those of SKEMPTON and NORTHEY (1952), These show a remarkable reduction of shear strength accompanying a reduction of salt content. More complete and conclusive data regarding the effect of salt content on shear strength has been presented by BJERRUM and R0SENQVIST (1956). An extensive series of tests was performed on four groups of samples of a typical illitic Norwegian marine clay of glacial origin. Its properties are sumnarized in Table 1.2. Three groups of the samples were prepared with salt-water pore fluid and the fourth group was prepared with fresh-water pore fluid. The salt samples were produced in the laboratory by sedimentation; several months were expended in the process. The fresh water samples were consolidated from a slurry at an initial water content of 150 (L.I.=13.3) to avoid segregation of silt particles. After sedimentation and K -consolidation, the three groups of salt samples were treated as follows: one group was leached while under consolidation pressures so that the salt concentration of the pore fluid was reduced; a second group of salt samples was leached as in the first groun until the salt concentration was reduced, then reconsolidated to higher pressures; the third group of salt samples was not subjectcd to any leaching at all. The data obtained from these tests are rep;o-duced in Figure 1.1. The following conclusions are indicated: 1) the undisturbed shear strength was reduced approximately 40~, by decreasing the salt concentration of the pore fluid from 35 gm NaCl/liter to 5 sm NaCl/liter, 2) the leaching out of salt has not caused any appreciable change in the water content, 3) a ntastable structure has resulted from the leaching as indicated by the large decrease in water content and increase in shear strength of the two samples reconsolidated to higher pressures after leaching, 4) the fresh water clay had a lower water content and a considerably higher shear strength than the unleached salt clay for the same 4c BJE~PUM and ROSETQVIST explained the reduction of shear strength caused by leaching salt from the -srum Clay by reference to the following equation in terms of Hvorslev Parameters (the choice of Hvorslev Parameters is arbitrary; an equally valid equation can be had by replacing the Hvorslev Parameters by effective stress parameters, )/2 cr Cos < r + &c(KO+ A (1 - KO))sin 1 + (2A f - 1)sin *r r TABLE 1.2 Properties of Asrum Clay Natural Clay natural water content liquid limit plastic limit plasticity index Salt Clay L7r 28r') 18.8% 9.2% 41.5o 20.0e 21.5%o # and c): 1 TABLE 1.2 (Cont'd) Properties of Asrum Clay Natural Clay Salt Clay salt concentration (NaCl) base exchange capacity 0.05 gm/l 13.5 35 gm/l clay fraction (-2A ) 502 0.18 50% 0.43 activity - - For a given consolidation pressure and assuming that K does not change because of leaching, there are three variables in the equation that can account for the reduction of the principal stress differences caused by leaching: 1) A reduction of Hvorslev cohesion, cr' 2) A reduction of Hvorslev friction, +r; 3) An increase in A . BJERRUM4 and ROSENQVIST believed that a reduction in cr would not account for the 40% reduction in shear strength because the cohesion in Norwegian marine clays is not thought to contribute nearly 40% of the strength at maximum principal strength difference. Unconfined compres- sion tests, which permitted observation of the inclination of the failure planes, indicated that 4r was the same for leached samples and salt samples. It was concluded that an increase in A the reduction in shear strength. The A must account for was believed to be higher for the leached samples because their fabric is highly compressible. Shear stresses cause a partial collapse of the fabric resulting in high pore pressures. This analysis implies that the strength parameters at maximum principal stress difference for this clay, in terms of effective stress, are not affected by leaching out salt. The smaller Mohr's circles at failure for the leached samples will be shifted to the left by their larger Af until they are tangent to the normal Mohr envelope and exhibit the normal values of 4 and c (or i and c ). To account for the 40% reduction of shear strength observed by BJERRUM and ROSENQVIST, Af at maximum principal stress difference during an undrained test would have to have a value of 3 or 4. Unfortunately, pore pressures during undrained shear of an undisturbed quick clay had never been measured. Attempts had failed because the metastable structure broke down during reconsolidation in the triaxial cell and the resulting soil did not behave like a quick clay. Some data is presented in Section 4.5.2 which suggests that the effective stress parameters are indeed affected by removal of salt but that the pore pressure at failure is little affected; the increase in A f is not due to abnormally high pore pressure but, rather, to reduced shear strength. The clay-water systems that have been discussed thus far have consisted of glacial marine clays with primarily illite as the clay mineral. A different reaction to salt might be expected in a kaolin because of the affect of the positively charged edges of the particles. WISSA (1961) has recently completed experiments on a homoionic, sedimented, sodium kaolinite in which NaCl was diffused into some of the samples after consolidation. His data lead to the following conclusions: 1) no change in water content is caused by the introduction of salt into the pore fluid after consolidation, 2) the undrained shear strength is not affected by the introduction of salt after consolidation, 3) the principal stress difference at maximum principal effective stress ratio is reduced and the effective stress parameter, ) at maximum principal stress difference is reduced by the introduction of salt to the pore fluid after consolidation. These data show that the effect of salt on strength behavior is not the same for all clays. The effect on the effective stress path after maximum principal stress difference is reached caused by a removal of salt in illitic clays is accomplished in kaolinite by the addition of salt. In kaolinite, where the effects of positive edge charge may outweigh the effects of double layer forces, the effect of salt on shear strength may be nil or even the opposite of the effect on an illitic clay. Data presented by LADD (1961) for Vicksburg Backswamp Clay (25% illite, 25% montmorillonite, w 65%, w -25%) show increased shear p strength and increased maximum obliquity ( %/ #3) for samples in which the content of pore fluid salt (CaCl 2) was increased after consolidation. Similar results were obtained for samples in which the salt had been added before consolidation. These results are in agreement with expectations based on double layer considerations. 1.4 Scope of the Present Inrestigation: In view of the interpretation by BJERRUM and ROSENQVIST (1956) of the behavior of the leached Asrum clay and of the expected effects of salt leaching discussed in Section 1.3 and 12 respectively, it appeared desirable to measure the pore pressures during shear in a quick clay to determine if A, alone would account for any reduction of the maximum principal stress difference caused by removal of the salt after consolidation. Also, measurement of pore pressures would permit an assessment of the changes in effective stress parameters at maximum principal effective stress ratio (complete failure of the soil skeleton) caused by the presence of salt. Consequently, this experiment has two main purposes: 1) to investigate the effects of consolidation in salt water (35 gm NaCl/liter) on the strength characteristics of a local, illitic, silty-clay (IT 1139) (Boston Blue Clay). 2) to investigate the ef'fect on the strength characteristics of the same silty-c ly of leaching salt from the pore fluid after consolidation. 1.11mim,_ , , . _____ LIQUkl> -f LIMC7 3.9 34.0 P , S$Tv T C, 1 1 ' I q*r~ LIQW:)ITY 4 7 "Y 1- -a6 A C su $ C) .6~5 Gcj. ______ $fwt Cz~ ~o. s I u (VvUL&). 9 .r I I ± 10 0j ± A0 10A (b) o 1.0 6, - S fikC, o E 1.0 ~c~Z s +1-~ 2.0 2.0 3.0 C-KGC.?-1 (CO) Su FoR5A9-et ~ e~ z ~P) --1-_ 4- -L'CNE 0 I.A. CC. a.0 CHAPTER II: PROCETURES 2.1 Sumar It was hoped that a clay with reasonably high sensitivity could be produced in the triaxial cell by removing the salt from the pore fluid by diffusion after the soil had been isotropically consolidated in the cell. The leaching had to be done in the triaxial cell in order to avoid the disturbance to the fabric that would inevitably occur if the soil were leached before consolidation in the cell. To perform the experiment, three types of samples were needed: 1) "water samples" in which the salt content of the pore fluid was relatively low (less than 5 gm NaCl/liter) during consolidation and shear, 2) "salt samples" in which the salt content of the pore fluid was 35 gmI NaCl/liter during consolidation and shear, 3) "leached samples" in which the salt content of the pore fluid was 35 gm NaCl/liter during consolidation and reduced to much lower values prior to shear. Triaxial testing was performed on the samples to obtain the following data: 1) effective stress parameters at maximum principal effective stress ratio and at maximum principal stress difference for the water, salt, and leached samples, 2) Hvorslev parameters at maximum principal effective stress ratio and at maximum principal stress difference for both the salt samples and the water samples, 3) effective stress paths for four leached samples; ideally, each of approximately the same age and having a different salt content. Water contents and shrink;age limits after failure were determined as possible indicators that greater fabric collapse had occurred in the leached samples during shear. 2.2 Sample Preparation: The results of previous investigations sumnmarized in Section 1.3 indicate that an appropriate soil had to have at least the following two characteristics if any considerable degree of sensitivity was to be obtained by leaching salt from the pore fluid after consolidation: 1) it must flocculate readily and produce a highly porous fabric when consolidated in salt water, the liquid limit must be affected by salt content so that the liquidity index would be increased if salt were removed from a conoolidated sample. The soil samples used in this experiment have proved to satisfy these 2) requirements only to a limited degree. not been produced in the triaxial cell. A quick clay has definitely Nevertheless, the sensitivity has undoubtedly been increased considerably and the results of the tests on leached samples are believed to illustrate adequately the clays. effects of leaching salt from consolidated samples of illitic Both the salt samples and the water samples were prepared from the same batch of soil. A slurry was prepared by mixing the soil and its natural pore fluid with enough demineralized water to bring the water content to 421L. The soil had not been dried prior to this mixU)g. From this batch sufficient soil was removed to make the salt samples. The water content was increased to 724 (L.I.=3.2) and sufficient salt (reagent NaCl) was added to bring the salt content of the pore fluid to 35 gm NaCl/liter. This slurry was thoroughly mixed and then deposited in an evacuated consolidometer and consolidated under YO conditions to 1.5 kg/cm ( C1 ) in a single increment of pressure. The samples, when removed from the consolidometer, were stored in transformer oil. The material for the water samples was the remainder of the original slurry at 42% water content. This soil was mixed with sufficient demineralized water to bring its water content to 51% (L.I.=2.7) where it appeared about as stiff as the salt slurry. The slurry was then de- posited under vacuum in the same consolidometer used for the salt samples and consolidated under KO conditions to 1.5 kg/cm2 ( I ). The samples were removed immediately after primary consolidation was completed and stored in transformer oil. 2.3 Triaxial Testing: Strain-controlled, consolidated-undrained triaxial tests with pore pressure measurements were run on all samples. English triaxial equipment (see BISHOP and HEMEL (1957)) was used with the null system developed by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute for measuring pore pressures (see ANDR1ESEN, et.al. (1957)). Pore pressures during shear were measured through a porous stone at the bottom of the sample. Samples were trimmed to 10 cm2 area and 8 cm length and set up with eight 1/4" wide filter paper drains and latex membranes (two prophylactics with silicone grease between). Except for the four leached samples, the tests were set up with bottom drainage only. All samples were back-pressured (usually 3 kg/cm ) to increase the pore pressure response (B= 4u/ 3 ) and sheared with constant pore pressure and varying cell pressure. For most of the normally consolidated samples, the nominal strainrate was adjusted to 0.00036 inch/min until the sample has reached maximum principal stress difference (about 2% strain) and then increased to 0.0008 inch/min for the remainder of the test. A couple of tests were completed at a constant strain-rate of 0.00036 inch/min. The time to failure (maximum principal stress difference) varied from l- to 6 hours depending on the strain and the deflection of the proving ring. In total, 25 consolidated-undrained tests were run that are reported herein: 1) 4 leached samples, 2) 9 salt samples, and 3) 12 water samples. 2.4 Arrangements for Leaching7 out Salt: Four salt samples were set up in triaxial cells to be leached (actually diffused) of the majority of salt in their pore fluid. The leaching was done by permeating demineralized water through the filter paper drains around the periphery of the samples. Arrangements were provided for drainage at both top and bottom surfaces of the samples. Salt from the pore fluid diffused into the filter paper drains where the concentration of salt was less. The rate at which water permeates thru the filter paper is a variable affecting the rate of diffusion. rate of permeation decreases appreciably with time. The Sample (L-4) passed 11 cc of water during the first 39 hours of leaching but only 10 cc during the last 105 hours (12 days later). 2.4 cc during 16 Sample (L-1) passed only the first day of leaching and this rate decreased to 0.9 cc after 50 days. It can be seen in Table 2.1 that (L-4) produced a lower final salt content than did (L-1) although the former was leached for 4 much shorter time. The seepage head on all samples during leaching was 2 about six feet of water or 0.2 kg/cm . This seepage force caused a condition of anisotropic consolidation on the samples which was inadvertantly ignored when the samples were sheared, 2 consolidated to 3.0 kg/cm prior to leaching. Table 2.1 shows the age, All four samples were leaching time and salt content of the pore fluid at failure for the four leached samples. TABLE 2.1 aged (days) leached (days) salt (gm/l) (L-1) 56 48 3.1 (L-2) 42 30 4.7 (L-3) 46 14 4.o 17 14 2.6 (L-4) Salt concentrations in the pore fluid after failure were determined by measuring the resistance of the pore fluid with a resistance bridge as described by WISSA (1961). 2.5 Water Contents at Failure: After completion of the triaxial tests, the samples were weighed and measured. Water contents were determined for the top, middle, and bottom thirds of each sample. Water contents of the samples containing salt were corrected for salt content so that the water contents quoted would be a true indication of void ratio at failure. 2.6 Void Ratios After Oven-Drying: Shrinkage limits of the top, middle and bottom thirds of the triaxial samples were determined by immersion in mercury. These shrinkage limits are actually the water content required to fully saturate the void space of the o-en-dried sample. Such water contents were computed after accounting for the salt content in the soil pattie. Volume corrections for the salt were not made, however, since it was felt that the salt was still in solution when the fabric of the pattie was set up and thus the salt crystals would have had little effect on the volume of the dry pattie. CHAPTER III: TEST RESULTS Classification Tests: A silty-clay (MIT 1139) from a local clay pit was used in this experiment. Some properties of the soil are given in Table 3.1. 3.1 A grain-size distribution curve is shown in Fig. 3.1. TABLE 3.1 Properties of MIT 1139 (Boston Blue Clay) water" clay 30.0 liquid limit plastic limit 17.5 plasticity index 12.5 40Q, clay fraction ( 4 2,4) activity 0.31 salt concentration (NaCl) 2-3 gm/liter specific gravity 2.77 3.2 "salt" clay 34.7 17.7 17.0 40%o 0.42 35 gm/liter 2.77 Stress-Strain Curves: Plots of principal stress difference, pore pressure, and A versus strain are presented in Fig. 3.2 through Fig. 3.26. These data have not been corrected for effects of piston friction and filter strips. Pertinent information from the stress-strain curves is tabulated in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. In these tables, the values of ( -1 - C3 quoted have been reduced 0.10 kg/cm 2 to account for the strength of filter-paper drains. In most of the triaxial tests on normally consolidated samples, the strain-rate was increased -'rom 0.00036 in/min to 0.0003 in/min soon after the maximum principal stress difference had been reached. The increase in strain-rate produced a noticable discontinuity in the (( 1 - T3) vs. strain plot. A few tests (S-9, Fig. 3.4) run at 0.00036 in/min failure are consequently smooth in the region of peak ( Gl - C3 ) and have been used as "models" in arbitrarily smoothing out the data where the strain-rate had been increased. The values of maximum stress difference tabulated in Tables 3.2 and 3.3 are the 19 maximum values prior to any chan;e of strain-rate. All quoted strainrates are, of course, a.nly nominal and were affected by rate of proving ring deflection. 3.3 Shear Strength: Undrained shear strength (SU) is plotted versus water content on Fig. 3.27. In this plot, the water content used is the average of the three parts of the sample at failure. The values of S have been u taken from Tables 3.2 and 3.3 and have been reduced from measured values by 0.05 kg/cm2 to account for filter paper drains. The shear strength is plotted versus consolidation pressure ( ) in Fig. 3.28b for the salt samples and in Fig. 3.29b for the water samples. The S vs. 0- plots have definite cohesion intercepts and u c provide the following relationships: S u = 0.15 + 0.28 a- (Salt and Water Samples) c The data used for these plots are from Tables 3.2 and 3.3 and are reduced 0.05 kg/cm2 ((r . 3)/2) as a filter paper drain correction. 3.4 Effective Stress Parameters: At Maximum Principal Stress Difference: Mohr failure circles for the plane of maximum shear stress are plotted in Fig. 3.2 8 a for the salt samples and in Fig. 3.29a for the water samples. These plots provide the following relationships between shear stress and normal stress on the failure plane at failure: Salt Samples: = ifftan ff = Water Samples: .50 ff =fftan 4 (*= 26-50) ff ( = 24.50) 4 T ff = 0. 5%f Data from Tables 3.2 and 3.3 have been used in these plots. Mohr failure circles for the leached samples are shown in Fig. 4.1 on page 77. I At Maximum Principal Effective 3tress Ratio: Effective stress paths on the plane of maximum sher St ress are plotted for normally consolidated samples in Fig. 3.30 and Fig. 3.31 for the salt samples and the water samples, respectively. The data used in these plots were obtained directly from the stress-strain arves and have not been corrected for the strength contribution of filter-paper drains. Consequently, the values of shear stress shown are somewhat larger than on Figs. 3.28 and 3.29 and in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. As a result, the small cohesion intercept of 0.05 kg/cm2 results. From Fig. 3.30, 3.31, and 3.32, the value of the friction angle on the plane of maximum obliquity can be deduced. Table 3.4 compares the maximum obliquity angles for the three types of samples. TABLE 3.4 Sample Salt Water Leached ______u 270 250 250 30.50 280 280 The cohesion intercept has been ignored in the determination of these effective stress parameters. In Fig. 3.32 the stress paths for the four leached samples are plotted in comparison with stress paths for salt and water sanples of the same consolidation pressure. all reach maximum obliquity on the It is seen that the leached samples -angle corresponding to the water samples. In Fig. 3.33 and Fig. 3.34, stress paths are plotted for the over-consolidated salt samples and water samples, respectively. 3.5 Hvorslev Parameters: Hvorslev Parameters at maximum obliquity are presented for salt samples and for water samples in Fig. 3.35 and 3.36, respectively. The data are plotted by the method of BISHOP and HENKEL (1957). graph is a plot of the equation: (Cr 2f r CrCO or e*e (1 e e - sin +r +f sin4 r ) The e (1 e - sin * r) where the subscript "f" refers to values measured at failure and F e is the value of ic for normally consolidated samples from Fig. 3.27 or the water content of the failed sample. By plotting the data as shown, the slope of a straight line through the data is: the intercept on the ordinate is: Cr S OC cr = -e + crCos $ r/ Offtan + r sin 4 r/(l - sin i ); (l - sin 4 and ); where: (Hvorslev's shear stress eq.) shear stress on the failure plane at failure a "cohesion" component of ' by the parameter related to void ratio ' e tan b r a "friction" component of ^C 'ff; water content were kept constant ff / ~0Cr if f the th The Hvorslev Parameters for the salt clay were obtained from Fig. 3.35 and from Fig. 3.36 for the water clay. Graphs are presented of the data both at maximumn principal stress difference and at maximum principal effective stress ratio. In computing the parameters, the data from Tables 3.2 and 3.3 (corrected for filter strips by subtractir the cohesion intercept of Fig. 3.30 and 3.31) were used. 3.6 Water Contents at Fati lure: Each of the stress-strain curves tabulates data for the water contents measured after failure for the top, middle, andi bottom thirds of the samples. In Fig. 3.37, the difference between the average water content and the water content of the center piece is plotted. The water content of the center piece is probably a better indication of the water content in the failure zone. 3.7 Void Ratios After F%.ilure and Oven-Drying: Since shear stresses are believed to cause particle :erienta-tion, void ratios after failure and drying were measured to indicate possible more fabric collapse and particle reorientation in the leached samples than in the salt samples. Fig. 3.38 plots oven-dried void ratio against consolidation pressure for all the samples tested in undrained shear. TRBLF- 32 0 z ~'1w~S~ '5Wwlse J (~) RFTE-R a: Ry 0C O F, 5 QFCm 'i TIs FT 0~ I- LI~ &3~ 'a' 0 ,25.~ Is-i (3) C, I SLT (z) (a;/~ 3 \) ~1F~( AT: AT:V (( :(ys) cs-3 0/Nu 1-1;70F*7T71 * A (5~3 q9 1*~~"~~~ ~ O.6Z Omi COO ~ 4 2AZ .25 o 42 1103 3.;Zg I2.1..il 3.1 5.90 s-3 98 6.o 2.1 2. 3Ac9 4.131 2. q7j I.Ot &o3.~ 1A.69 3JAI I .Eo I.OL 1,5. 5 -A ge. 97 Z~ J~S,0 162~ 3 Pz) G 2. -P 1 .06 3.3 M?. '---Z Z.18 .18 Z-5 3 ^30 -0.0!7 6 .C 3.S c9 iq 0 2 .ZA -?Z ' . 4.1, ~.I 01s g .381 S, 1.90 __ 1.8 8 ji.~ I ~ j2~.6 ~3.3o 1 . ______ _________ _____________ L -I18S '2q. O t~q 1 2-23 .o 8~0 R-3 --9 S-1O~9 2 o.91 0E1 3.~ ___ __ ___ ___ ____ ____ ______ 2.o ,3.o 13.1 14j -~ 56 t ~ 1.9 -~ __ __ __ -~ __ ____ j ~ Y~ ~.68 __ __ 48 t~~dj / -r ~.& 0.C~~c' 3&. ~ ~ ~ .-I1 1 Co q5 .9 - 10.901 NCT~fr~ TT ' t4e.AR j __ __ ___ __ ____ 2 0.9 1 tcA G .S __ - ___ 1_____ I I ____ Ie .q2~q. 1A3 C~E~ 3.~I __ 2____ is l IL.09 ~ ____I __ __ __ ____ __ ____ -f __ ____ __133___ I.Srq o).p 1 3 1.03i 28a8.63 1 .zo 0. 4'0 o351 ~ 15 UW-) I___ I..84 __ 1 .(,3 C0.52 j3.~1Z~ tA$$~e,~ PPES5'.;It;- l C.\,, > 3.03z 0).Sl ~0.0 I.1 ___ 1.. 51 C A.o 1 A OF 1. EoA! 2.~ I aA ~ UE~$ 30 12. C Ij1 rq'I L...r~zzz 4 -A 'A2 1 1 11 ~3 18.o ~ 0.88 1.01 ' __ ~~66 '~ C0.e3 13.?VI 12.091'8.0 LIWPEUt I~ TALBU3. ALL S1RES $tt> IN ' -I Ow a: 3 0 ~to. w-1 c) (Plv4( 26.9 ?o. ~ (WSL le 20.6 6.0q ~ .4 A MT: RT(04 (e) (~'/X~(3)- MAY TI (o/) 2.5, --I- (~) 'G'3J 3.52 2.11 T3 -4.35 r)O~ 7' 1 1 'Z . So If-32 5.ZS o. &, 6 1.3L ,3.0 A.I., .1 0 (.%) 25.1 2 1. qs 3.Z 0 21 .'?9 I3.'1 S 7T.125.2 (6 j ;52P6 c E 25_ 12j.9o -01-- - ..I 1 _.(o_ 3 19E) 9 I Alce j2. 6 . SG 46q 20 ?~o .(o 8.3 .-331 I'7AZ IAZ~. 1-7. .5&o 1 3.5. 3~1 21.A fc 31VI 11 L1 E .67-.^ a. 7. (or-) )4 -- 0.. I.A 2.38 a .Z)l ;Z. 4.3 3.0 ,6.c . 0.661 1. R. 61 6.' R-2 1,11 2.qB OB A ) 2.512c 3.o, ~.o, 3.0 l.o '.. I.A 2-o 4,c~ ., J2?.8 1- 1.1 i1 ____ 30. 3.o 3.$o~ 3.So .10 W-1_2_ 2.30 9 o C) I As q.13 oo22,c> 35, 1., W-8 5 .77 1730 'T-9 4 CC Vf-7 2.55 1 .39 8 O.cut '1.52 11 4iL1 0~. . 53-3 1.o'i 2 ~qq ~Aq 3.oz 1-0.03.2 1.0p 5.? 2 i-09 2 ~i 2. 3q Z 10 2 1oi 2 IA'? ?21$ O.6 13.?'' I-OAtZ o01 1. .3'? 1A2g 4) 0A~ 3.o(z 7-O.Z3j 0. $0 0.26 SAq~ .__ ct,%jt Ci EC.A'J$E 0;7 0 44R =~ c~No~~~N S ~oo LEA14JZ IA =0.xz IN~ W~~4T ?~$.jr?~Z z 5UbR~~~ hiq Q.58 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION MIT 1139 MIT SAND CLASSIFICATION MEDIUM COARSE SILT CLAY MEDIUMI FINE COARSE FINE COARSEI MEDIUM FINE 100 90 80 w70 -t- - - - -- >60 Im - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - 7w50 z -_ z _-_ -- _ -__ - z -L - -_- - w ~a2 10 0 1.0 0.01 DIAMETER IN MM 0.1 0.001 FlcuRE 3.1 0.0001 0 .- O -0 -~ c~ /IT 6 m1 o.A 0.2 0 .~ 0oc 0 o 0oo 4 (V U-S- TEST NO . uA&.O .o%& Cra.o9%& i~2 i15 Lig' '-0.6 TOP nom 25.8 25.6 16." 11.9 FIGURE 3.2 oL 2 3 5 k 6 STEN 9 ~4o( 1o C .III --- 3.o~ 0 a ~- 0- o 0- 1I3 0 C / 4: .1 / Ki 0 _ ~ ~ - k 6 6--- ~-A rJ 5: 0 L4 f/tb A1.? 0 I! II I Th.ST NO. CIU-S4 Rb- '<"tv 3.0 l%-l7/ t.3. IF MIWIO. 'TP eoTTO1 CA Rc7u Fg- 3.3 0'-0 3 4 $"TRRAN t4 0/0 9 a C) II ~~0 0 o0-0 a- 0-o .4' 2 TEST No. Clu-ScP = 3 KQ.0 T-o? 0.6 3.c) 101/ctl z U-:;: 0 Wr___ Ui,4 252 WI LJ~jt /1~3jI. 0 FGURE 3., 1.. 0'- 0 3 4 5 6 17 , 10 ~ (S/ Q C' -~0 3.C1 A, p/ 0 (j' 0 P &- 0 A A L A 00O O -0 -- C 2.5 N- 1.5 TEsr No. CIU-S-2 vr 4.o TOP w4.o ". imotewT7e1l o.5~ RcuRE 3.5 OL a 3 $ STRaiN - *-/o 1.2 0 0~0 / /0 'lv- /0,0 ~I.0 0.E6 O.A ~ .0 -A A ,- -o-0 - 0 -- 0-0 0 0 - T, 0 OA 0/ ... 0 0' /4/A ~0 0 2.0 ThsTr NO. CItJ-S-3 6 -*r.o /r<M1. E 8 U cc,-;; "TOP toC L I 23.0 1 22. A~1t6.aK~~i. hGURE 0 mkjoorcz 3.6. 3. 0 0' 3J.1 / ( OAo 4i o.ao 0 cxoo 0 10.0 -o.zo 1.0 0 0 0 0~~ aA 0 1.o 0 .6 TEsT No. CI U- S- 6 **1 ~0 ac&= o.5 % k=3.o 0 oc= -Top neo. a eom. -224.5 24A.6 24-.5 0.2 X%%- 16A4 1').5 16.6 ,-c~bk FIGURE- 3.2 -021 - 'o 1 2 3 4 5 6 ST RAliN ~ l ? 9 10 --- 11 K%4 -o C - - - 0 0 C 0 I 0.110 I K a 0 0.20 %a- ol o - Q0 0 C) 0 0 p 7< .3 0/ IA .TEST NO. C1US8 uj'I?c 123 L 3, I a ~ R=1.IV 164 0A~~ FIGURE 3.8 -4 o o -1 2 STRR~N ___ 3 '-RIo 5 6 9 10 C>- 0---0 3.0~ ~0 0 0.? 4: rz A A 0 0 0 p., 0 ~c1 'U Th-STNO. CIU-S-5. 0' / 0,., 0 TcMP M10E v orrcm 242' 242 0.6/ LJ$L1~.CV?.6'.SEA RiGuRE. JA- -0?2'- 1. .2 , 5 STrRlwP,.N 9 30 0 C 0 7 C o ~ 0 -.----- - 0 I 14 . 0 00 0~ L / 0 ~b4W lo A / TEsr No. C U-\- 4 o. -fop e 0.21 0 i'.o 16 FIG U RE 2 6 3 5T RA N -~* o 7 3.10 9 Eor 1'1.Q) 3.0 -o 0 8 0 ~ 0- I s C ~~ / a.o 7 I 0 '3/ / to 0 -- o00 goO 0 t 0 0000, 00 T-6 bko //4 1/ina jwa-A ~a A' TE..ST NO. CIU-W--2 3.0I& k% 0.8, 2J.[2.3 22.0jt2:.-j CL.4 i 0.21 FiGURE 0 L- 0 1 5 ro ,5"TR R V4 ,- 0/0 ±7 3.11 $ 5 10 11 M.0 lea .4 p- 0-0 19 0 119 a l 0 T/s z-.O - I.A 0 (-) (S <3 Q.E~ 7~zj 0.6 40 I! WSL iD.E$ ) I cx ~ FGURE. 0 2 3 A .4 5 5 ST R RIw 6 6 10 7 7 6 9 . ~LO 10 .il 11 C- C~ , 4 OOO~O-O.-.o...~ ~0 ~ .ch~o~-C 0*~~~ 'p cC ~ / 0 ,/ 1~)- ~> iA 7 A 0 0 fi .- 0 2.4 0~* rt~' / 0 ~- 0 0 --- o~o.-o~0 ~ ~ 0 I 0 I 0 I S-4r -~ ~0 IJ / I, 11.1 z iF-QT I-Fop N.CU-VJ-b 122:0,uj -t SL- U oa I-. 0' 3 A S 0/ 6 7 e 9 IC III ---- 0 -c 0 *- -o ;; 0 0 0~0 4f 0 0 / / 0 a p a 0-~~~ ~ I 0 0 -c 0 ~ .- O ~ 0 M1.0 0~~ op 0 A~ 2.5 00 ('7 4 0 0~~~ 0 -00~ ~ 0 1.c /L 1.,5 TEsT C1UV&~ NO. I/- 3- =% Aeo L 2i±~L~?I 2 ~ L~r~L~k ~ie~ LkZ~' FtURE. 0'-0 3 4 314, 1() 11 3.O'o 'o 03- 00 V - e~ - A ~ A- R. 4 A S // /,0~~ 0 / ~ A ~O t/4 1.5 A I o 71ru-rT N~o. COU-V>-9 A O /cf M' II~, 4,-. -:-1 a.o C) I c a 3 A5 6 ST RN N '/ 4o 7 8. 9 ID 3.o 0-0 /C ~~' 11 .~ I 0 / A 3.0 2.0 6 ft 17' . TesT No. CIU-W- 3 TOP 20.5 20.4 I0.6 Urlibo15816' C-' 0 1 2 3 4 5 STPAN 6 0/~ 6 9 10 1 3.0 0~ ~ \\ ~ - ~ - -10 2.00 0 -A . 0...i-- i~2- - A- -4 A 0 .oo--o0 *-Q~~,o 0 * - 0 30 I J iv U TEST Nc. CU L2 12.1n 1 2o.? o.24 E6.9 1 FiGURpE 3.1 0 .1 2 3 4 5 STR'AIN 6 7 */o~ 8 9 1 11 -1-0 0-oO0- 0 1.00 1.2. 00 0~ OC 00 0 STP l\tl FIGURE -3.i 3. 01 u 0-0-0 /0 0 0 0 I~2 S 0 0 - 0 A_ 1.01 - 0.6 o.A A A '4 "A C 0 3.4 0 0 0-0 - 0-0 O * * Th-sT No. CU21 0.8 66. 503. OCR 12 0.60 -w. 225 LL ib 3 4 5 2 "?2.6 1k6.? Tr.O I1?.1 8 hGURE 9 3.19 -o 0 V 00") 6 00 0.4 0 A IA It, It, A 0 I ~ ( 1.0 - o -0 0~~ / 0.0 0.8 / 0.5 0 0.3 / TEST No. CU-W-12 0. i OCR=24 0.1 'TOP IkLDE ear. Ls A... A .. ~ -0.2 -- a ~A-~A 0 1 2 3 4 5 STRAIN 6 6. 1.4162 6 9 10 U- */o 320o FIGURE 1 01* NO i RE 5: 010 0 0 3.0'STEZ 3.T0 /0~G. 0o / TO Ut 20,1 L:''- CAiI I! I Ct 0 / ~. 2 3 $ ~ ? VF1- 1 0 Ir1' o-~-f'~-~- ~ C o 0 i ~ c'-~ -~ ~ 0~~-~~ ~- R A ~A ~ A A -~ ,6 ' 0 ~ 00 .0-- ('j / A 'Tes7Nc. CItJ-L-3- ii AGt1-,a £-,)ys 11 TOPI Mt oot Forrcm II LAftr+ . 0. 4 0' c I a .~CIA> 24.5 2S.2 0 .~ 0~~~ '*- 0 _--0 /0 4f A V A' II 1/ / A /~ 0 A 1! 0** '' TEST 4o-CIU-L-3 NGE 'Ii I 0.6 I 46 D sa~CT cosTsNT 4.o "% JS 1 24.1 24.2. 25. LJ 5 17.2. i'. 18.2 Ft6U uR E 3.a3 CA i 2 3 4 6 STRMA ~ */o 2l1 3l 0 0 K R.I 0 .0 00 0 A Th-ST NO.QlJLI KG/ C-c- 3.0 P&G ED15 t>RY 5 SRLfC c0o4mFX: T09*v~ I.S 0p w4j 0A GM/L o~~ A.~.0~. bh0 3.4 tu 00 Cx.4 FIGU RE 3.2L4 01 C 6 1-2" I3 d- .49 6o 87 9 --- 4 -00 0.0 0- 7 / 0 0' / 0 I.C) ~0 /0 2.c, - a ~ ~ A 0 -~ ~ 0 / 4 10 I . (.) I.A I 1~' 7 i:V' ( I & 4 .ip- TE.sT / I. Sc, N4o. C~U-S4O w zr-, TC.= 3.0 1,'C , S o.L I/.C 6. I' Ii . r 25W ? -~242 0.2 -FieGURF0 a5 6 7 S- IRR l )0 3.Z!S 9 .1i~ C) 3.0 ~ 0-,o cr -0- -0--- -- 0-0 10 - t~ A 2A /0 -0 C 0.0 . 0 ~~-4 -A A,4 ~ 7 A7 ~. / Q TE-sT wo. CIU-V)?7- <3 TOP LJSL 2E0 c 3 A Sm .5 6 3.0C I'/ V,e 3. 0 it _ 1. 2. 20 _ .... I - - rv~~~ni~i~~i Li~~ti~ il I~ Il~J'4 t L -. -ii'{-I --~ -- Ki -t - -t ------- 1- t - -T_-- - S--- l-T T... H T; - - F - -- -- -~-- - 4.iy - -T-- ~ - -- ---- - -- -K -. rp: -- - - -- 1-- l N4- itj I 1 lilt!T ; Iill F II i I $ V Mill 4 -,I- O' 0 I Cj I I MCIO 1" I t I -T-1 Su ScL:T dIJ +Co.ze 5u <s t-I Yf (At-; S-4 - ( 0 * (b s SALT SALEs, . MV .osoc N IS 0 S e (a) C FKGu.E 3.26 WP I~ i , F I N (2 c~9 W:G W '7 (I (b) (Al V)RTP-PR I ^C,, = 6 5AMVt'L: h-CE 40 tI:~j (CO) "' K ________ a 0 ______________________ 'a 3 F1GU~<E. 3~?9 NORMRLLY CONSDLIRTED *1 £ U' U' ,~Aw Co '-4 tu-s-2 4 N /' ,..~ .9 FPFE-CT NFY-, RT I., 'N 0 ltI tj ful 4. 6 +4Y- VG/ ~GUR~E 3.3'L CF-PEC-TN)F- STRESS FKTl4(:; CIU-L-1 clu- Lu ,g4a , A-r c RM -P t Vcn-' .0 ri FIGUtFrz- SP~~t~ T V~L C, co C'U-SCIO olu-s- $ OCU-56 ,CCR, - E <---1---E c 6:,tc? FIGURE :33.3 ~WGT~E5ES5 PATHS ______________TE. TO G-0A "'cA- 0 II:I w olu -w-1o IOC)CR=r clu-W-1? Or-RZ a zk 0) e FIGURE 3- 3q I 0.A 0.3 C, lb ('3 H\/op -:sU-:- PA~PU-Ilf RS- Ir MX.PPN10 "5 100 0. a SALT SAMPLS: 0.3 +X % 0.4 o 0 0 0 0 -~ 4D 0.3 5 ~ 0 ckc~ ATMA. "'t STRIZLSS &zl-Ci L SA~vPL2.S: rO6 14O0 .0.1 -D.1 0.Z as3 OA FIGU~ 0.5 3s3 o0000 Z0 co (~-i~) 0 q) X7.sL~P~rz 0.?. ' LI. I 37 WR*.?R. SAMPLES: ; OA 4. .(*A t 0.13 0. . 0a) ci (taI) 0.6 (L- 3)-,* 4) 0.4 & * 0 0 0 0.3B 09 NFriRl$&1v 7~z, RT MRX. PK if-ICA Pf L ArE. r :z 1I.-a"; crz 0.1 : 0.1 0 OA 0.Z.0.3 .4 0~ 0. 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 ~GyR~3.36 0.9 I 0. e 0.1 j 0.6 -+ 0. oA :3 0.3 U) 0 0.11 -0.1 2 > C.SWRER Sa\t N- - - O.C. '' * .s 3 n 5 4 sW \ P0.R A FT ERFA 5.iVZ LUR E -0.0C. cD - (L:-1) C - (L-2) - e- (L- 5) (L-4) FIGURE 3.31 0 Top p ve A A A ---- - - 3 - , it./ 19 0 A * d t(?) ~ 6 AI7 \ t>) LE PIEG W iFr ER 16 15 LT 6 - 0 0* 16 A 0 L'I V) A A -A A 3.4 ~crrcA ?~c~ _ _ _ Vy -W R 5E - LA FmuL U rap O\te-)tsyC, F~uR~ 3.3~ A CHAPTER IV: 4.1 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Effects of Salt Content on Atterberg Limits: The properties of the silty-clay (MIT 1139) used in these experiments are given in Table 3.1 on page a9. It can be seen that the liquid limit is only little affected by the addition of 35 gm/l of NaCl This may be due to several factors: to the pore fluid. 1) a small amount of actual illite despite the 40% clay-size fraction, 2) the influence of the initial amount of electrolyte in the pore fluid. The second factor seems to be the most likely cause since the soil produces differential thermal analysis quite similar to other soils in which the percent illite is known. GREEN (1956) has presented the data shown in Table 4.1 for a batch of Boston Blue Clay homoionized with sodium. It was washed thoroughly during preparation and contained a negligible amount of initial salt. The data illustrate that the first few grams/liter of NaCl has a very Thus, the salt content in the prominent effect on the Atterberg Limits. water samples (2-3 gm/l) before additional salt was added could have precluded a more pronounced change in liquid limit. TABLE 4.1 P.I. salt (gm/1) w w 1 3* 33 45 22 22 11 23 5 49 22.5 26.5 20 36 53 52 24 25 29 27 from: *interpolated 4.2 GREEN (1956) Effects of Salt on Stress-Strain Relationships: The salt samples and the water samples, at the same consolida- tion pressure, have similar stress-strain plots until the maximum principal stress difference is reached. about the same value. The initial tangent moduli have After maximum principal stress difference has been reached, the stress-strain curves for the salt samples and the water samples differ somewhat with the principal stress difference for the salt samples tending to remain about constant for large strains while the principal stress difference for the water samples tends to fall off. This. is quite noticeable for samples at low consolidation pressures (compare Fig. 3.2 with Fig. 3.10, Fig. 3.4 with Fig. 3.11) but less apparent at higher consolidation pressures (compare Fig. 3.6 with Fig. 3.16). Much of the difficulty in comparing the curves at high consolidation pressures derives from the effects of strain-rate change. Considering only the higher water content of a salt sample for a given consolidation pressure, it would seem that the salt sample should show greater tendency to lose shearing resistance after initial contacts had been broken than would the water samples which have lower water contents. Apparently, the salt makes it easier for the broken initial contacts to "remake" and carry the shear stress without loss of strength. The contacts in the water sample cannot remake as readily as in the salt samples and some shearing resistance is lost-after the initial contact breaks. 4.3 Effects of Salt on Shear Strength: Fig. 3.27 which plots water content versus shear strength and water content versus consolidation pressure, indicates the following: 1) at the same consolidation pressure, the salt sample and the water sample have shear strengths that are very nearly equal; 2) at the same water content, the salt sample is about twice as strong as the water sample; 3) at the same water content, the consolidation pressure of the salt sample is about twice as large as the consolidation pressure for the water sample. It must be emphasized that these observations are pertinent only to the soil-water systems peculiar to this experiment and must not be taken out of context to illustrate the effects of salt on shear strength. Obviously, the difference between the water content at failure of salt samples and water samples at the same effective stress is a valid enough reason for differences in the shear strengths of these two types of samples before any consideration is given to the possible effect of salt concentration. If an evaluation of the effect of salt alone on shear strength is to be derived from the data, the variable of void ratio must be eliminated. Use of Hvorslev Parameters at maximum principal stress difference would seem an appropriate means for adjusting the data for water contents at failure. The fact that the salt samples have the same Su/W value as the water samples yet have a somewhat higher void ratio at failure indicates that the salt clay would surely be stronger than the water clay if the two . This follows, of course, c from a consideration of the meaning of Hvorslev Parameters. In Section samples had the same void ratio at the same 4.7, an estimate of the strength- the salt clay would have at the water content of the water clay will be made using the Hvorslev Parameters quoted in Fig. 3.36. 4.4 Effects of Salt on Effective Stress Parameters: 4.4.1 - - at Maximum Principal Stress Difference: Fig. 3.28a and Fig. 3.29a provide the following relationships between shear stress and normal effective stress on the failure plane: = 0.50 T-f T Tff = 0. 45 f (salt samples) (water samples) Since the undrained shear strength is the same for the salt clay and for the water clay at the same consolidation pressure, the sizes of the Mohr's circles at failure are equal for the two samples and the increased obliquity for the salt sample means that the Mohr's circle is closer to the origin. This indicates a higher Af for the salt samples than for the water samples at maximum principal stress difference. This would seem to indicate that there is somewhat more collapse of the initial fabric in the salt sample than in the water sample during the first few precent strain; the higher water content of the salt sample would seem to explain this behavior. The effect of the salt is apparently to offset the effect on shear strength that might be expected to accompany this collapse of fabric. The broken initial contacts can remake readily because of the suppressed double layers and carry a considerable portion of the shear stress carried by the original bond. This behavior will later be contrasted to the behavior of leached samples where similar initial fabric collapses in the presence of dispersive double layer forces. 4.4.2- - at Maximum Principal Effective Stress Ratio: The ji-angles of Fig. 3.30 and Fig. 3.31 provide the following effective stress parameters for the failure plane if one attributes the cohesion intercept to filter strips and piston friction: = 30.5 Vff = 0.59 (salt) ff ?ff = 0.53 T u = 280 (water) It follows directly from the expected effects of salt discussed in Section 1.2 that the angle of maximum obliquity for the salt samples should be greater than that of the water samples. At the large strains at maximum principal effective stress ratio the original bonds along a failure plane will mostly all have been destroyed so that the shear strength will be dependent upon the strength of remade bonds and the .value of (R - T) in the remolded soil on the failure plane. Double layers are suppressed by salt and conseguently we expect that a larger portion of the effective normal stress is carried by contact stresses than is the case in water samples. If it is conceded that (N - A) will develop less shear resistance than Tam for a given value of normal effective stress, then the increased c 4.5 U of the salt clay is explained. Effects of Leaching out Salt after Consolidation: It has been noted in Section 1.3 that previous investigators have shown that the leaching process after consolidation is one of essentially constant volume; that is, there is presumably little change in fabric. The water contents at failure of all salt samples and all 2 leached samples that were consolidated to 3.0 kg/cm are summarized in Table 4.2. The data show that the aged samples have slightly lower water contents than the two samples failed soon after consolidation; but the water contents of the leached samples are not lower than that of the aged, unleached sample. These "data support previous conclusions that no appreciable volume changes accompany leaching. TABLE 4.2 EFFETS OF AGING ON WATER CONTENT Age at Test Failure (days) S-4 S-9 L-1 L-2 3 6 56 42 25.1 25.0 24.8 24.9 28.9 29.8 28.9 28.7 L-3 S-lo 46 46 24.6 24.6 29.4 29.7 L-4 17 24.5 29.2 The effect of salt on an illitic clay is to increase the liquid limit as has been discussed and illustrated in Sections 1.3 and 4.1. This will increase the liquidity index and reduce the remolded shear strength as shown by SKEMPTON and NORTEEY (1952) and discussed in Section 1.3. The sensitivity of the clay will be increased. It was suspected that it should also reduce the undrained shear strength. The change of environment caused by removal,of salt will leave the fabric somewhat out of equilibrium with the electrical forces of the A disturbance to the structure by application of shear stresses should cause marked reorientation of soil particles. It would be expected that the stress-strain curves and the effective stress paths double layer. should be quite different for leached and salt samples. 4.5.1 Effects on Shear Strength: If salt were leached from an illitic clay without fabric change and with constant effective stress, the normal stresses at original points of contact should be reduced. The ability of the clay to reform contacts should be impaired. Both of these effects should contribute to a reduction of shear strength. The maximum shear strengths versus water content at failure for the * w. is the water content when the sample was set up in the triaxial cell prior to isotropic consolidation. four leached samples tested during this experiment are plotted on Fig. Three samples have noticably reduced shear strength; the fourth sample fits the salt-curve guite well. None of the points for leached samples fit the S vs. wf curve for water samples very well although the 3.27. data for (L-4) fits the water-line better than it fits the salt-line. If the leached samples had the same salt content as the water samples, they might be expected to matbch the curve for water samples better. The salt content after leaching is undoubtedly an important factor in explaining these data (see Table 2.2 for a summary of salt content in the leached samples). The strongest sample (L-2) has the highest salt content; the weakest sample (L-4) has the lowest salt content. BJERRUM (1954) and SKEMPTON (1953) have proposed that the ratio Su/ic can be correlated with plasticity index. Since GREEN (1956) shows that the effect of salt on plasticity is confined largely to salt concentrations of less than 5 gm/liter, the importance of accurate salt determinations is apparent. The distribution of- the salt in the triaxial sample should also be of considerable importance. If the shrinkage on drying may be accepted as an indicator, the amount of structural breakdown that occurred in the top third of the leached samples was appreciably greater relative to the rest of the sample than was found to be the case for any water or salt.samples. This may suggest that the zone of failure in the leached samples may have been shifted toward the top of the samples because the salt concentration was less there. Consequently, the salt contents at failure as reported in Table 2.2, which are averages for the entire sample, may not be accurate enough indicators of the salt content in the failure zone. 4.5.2 Effects on Effective Stress Paramenters: At Maximum Principal Effective Stress Difference: The Mohr's circles at failure, (" - 3 max. for the four leached samples are plotted on Fig. 4.1 along with the o.-envelopes for salt samples and water samples. The 4( -envelopes are the obliquity at maximum shear stress on the plane of maxiu=,Shea- stress as determined on Fig. 3.28a and Fig. 3.29a. The obliquities at failure of the leached samples vary from 170 to 210; less than the obliquity of either salt or water samples at failure. This shows that the reduced shear strength of leached samples cannot be accounted for by A stress parameter, *, alone; the effective is definitely affected by leaching out salt. At Maximum Principal Effective Stress Ratio: Effective stress paths for the four leached samples are plotted on Fig. 3.32 along with the effective stress paths for a salt sample and for 2 a water sample consolidated to 3.0 kg/cm . The maximum obliquity envelopes for the salt samples and for the water samples are also shown. It can be seen that maximum principal effective stress ratios for the leached samples fall on the maximum obliquity envelope of the water samples. This is as expected. At the large strains corresponding to maximum obliquity, almost all of the initial bonds have been destroyed and the shearing resistance that remains will be dependent solely on environment. Since the leached clay is electrically equivalent to the water clay, it would be expected to behave similarly after initial structure has been destroyed. The high pore pressures that develop in the leached samples are in marked contrast to the behavior of the normal salt'samples at the same void ratio and consolidation pressure. Prior to attainment of maximum principal stress difference the pore pressures in leached samples and salt samples are virtually equivalent; after about l% strain, the leached samples begin to develop greater pore pressures than salt samples. The higher pore pressures in leached samples at high strains are due to their dispersive double layer forces. As the initial structure breaks down during shearing stresses, ability to remake contacts is hampered by expanded double layers in the leached clay. Clay particles tend to reorient into a more parallel array and transfer normal stress into pore pressure. The A-factor for the leached samples increases rapidly after maximum principal stress difference is reached and is still increasing at.maximum obliquity. The A-factors for the two weaker leached samples (Fig. 3.23 & 3.24) increase almost linearly with strain. 4.6 Effects of Aging (consolidation during aging is permitted): Since the leached samples would be considerably more aged after consolidation when sheared than any of the salt or water samples, it would be possible that aging might increase the shear strength of the To get some idea of the effect of aging, a salt sample 2 (S-10) and a water sample (W-7) were consolidated to 3.0 kg/cm , aged 46 leached samples. days, and then tested in undrained shear. A. salt solution (35 gm NaCl/ liter) was used in the cell with the salt sample to avoid loss of salt from the pore water by diffusion through the membrane during aging. The effective stress path for the aged salt sample is plotted in Fig. 4.2 along with the effective stress paths for the two non-aged salt samples used to determine the effective stress parameters. There is no appreciable difference in these stress paths. The shear strength of the aged sample is virtually equal to that of the stronger non-aged sample. However, the lower water content of the aged sample causes the data at maximum shear stress to plot nicely on the Su vs. r'c plot of Fig. 3.27. The Af at maximum principal stress difference is slightly less in the aged sample but not enough to affect the effective stress parameters; in fact, as seen in Fig. 3.28a, the data falls right on the z-envelope. 4.3 The effects of aging on a water sample is shown on Fig. by the It is seen that this aged sample effective stress path for test (W-7). has a considerably higher undrained strength and a lower A non-aged water samples also plotted on Fig. 4.3. than the two The aged sample also developed an appreciably higher maximum obliquity for a few percent strain but subsequently dropped back to the normal failure envelope. in obliquity occurred almost instantly. This change On Fig. 4.3, the last data above the envelope and the next data on the envelope were taken consecutively at 6.7% and 7.0%strain. This marked decrease in obliquity and in effective stress is shown very well by the stress-strain plot, Fig. 3.26. It is believed that this behavior was caused by formation of a failure plane. The increased strength of the aged water sample is due to reduced water content. This sample had a water content of 22.0%, somewhat less than either of the two non-aged samples. on the Su vs. Thus, the aged sample plots well Tc line in Fig. 3.27. Another water sample, (w-6), (Fig. 3.13) also consolidated to 3.0 kg/cm but not aged developed a shear strength equal to that of the aged This sample, because of a leaky membrane, was consolidated, water sample. rebounded to ( = 0, and reconsolidated. As a result, its water content was lower than that for the normal samples consolidated to 3.0 kg/cm but On Fig. 3.27 and Table 3.3, the data equal to that of the aged sample. for (W-6) compares well with the data for the aged sample. On Fig. 3.28a, it was shown that aging has had no effect on the effective stress parameters at maximum principal stress difference for the salt sample. For the aged water sample, however, Fig. 3.29a shows that the effective stress parameters at maximum principal stress difference have been increased a noticeable amount by aging. The difference in the effect of aging on the salt sample and the water sanmle makes it difficult to surmise the effect on the leached samples since the salt content of the leached samples was changing during ,he aging period. The data for the aged samples indicate that it is unlikely that the effective stress parameters of the leached samples are greatly affected by aging. However, Fig. 3.27 shows that aging may contribute a bit to the shear strength but the magnitude of the effect is likely to be no larger than would be expected from the slightly reduced water content; aging most likely does not diminish the departure of the data for the leached samples from the S vs. u 4.7 ( c line. Use of Hvorslev Parameters to Adjust Undrained Strength: Ideally, one would like to have salt and water samples at the same void ratios and consolidation pressures if the effect of salt alone on shear strength is to be estimated. The i vs. w line for the salt samples does not correspond to the 6'C vs. wf line for the water samples (Fig. 3.27); due, probably, to having been consolidated from slurries of different initial water contents. It was believed that Hvorslev Parameters might provide a means for making the adjustment in measured shear strength necessary to separate the effects of salt from the effects of voi ratio. A shear strength equation in terms of Hvorslev Parameters for the salt samples is: ff ff = rK + T r 0 '16 e ff tan .re.f e + 0.25 The cohesion component can be adjusted by using a value of rc corresponding to the water content of a water sample at the consolidation pressure of the salt sample. The frictiOn component should also be adjusted since changes in the water content may affect * even though ( that r should be independent of water content.There is some evidence will increase if the water content decreases at constant consoli- dation presoure. TABLE 4.3 Effect of Water Content on T ff Test fc lf S-9 S-10 3.0 3.0 3.03 3.24 3f ff 1.15 1.22 f 1.67 1.77 e 25.0 24.6 2.85 3.30 In Table 4.3, the normal stress on the failure plane at failure is seen to have increased 0.10 kg/cm 2 for a reduction in water content of 0.4%. For a decrease in water content (2.5%) corresponding to the adjust- ment in cohesion that must be made, an appreciable increase in G- For lack of adequate means to evaluate the effect of water content result. on may Gff the effect will be ignored. Table 4.4 adjusts only the cohesive component of shear strength. TABLE 4.4 Su of Salt Samples Adjusted for Water Content Test cGT c lf 3f f ew 0.16~ (rtan~ ew ff r e ' ff u S-1 2.0 2.31 0.89 1.28 4.5 0.72 0.32 1.04 1.16 s-4 3.0 3.18 1.16 1.70 7.5 1.20 0.42 1.62 1.80 S-9 S-2 3.0 4.0 3.03 3.92 1.15 1.50 1.67 2.17 7.5 9.0 1.20 1.43 0.42 0.54 1.62 1.80 1.97 2.19 S-3 6.0 5.87 2.38 3.39 13.0 2.08 0.85 2.93 3.39 - is the equivalent consolidation pressure for leached samples read ew line for water samples. from the Wf vs. * "c The S vs. c relationship for this soil would be: Su = 0.15 + 0.46r c and if the effective stress parameter, $, at maximum principal stress difference is not to exceed Iu (30.50), Af must be on the order of 0.5, which would not be too unreasonable. Since the leached samples have about the same salt content as the water samples, it was thought that the Hvorslev Parameters for the water clay might be used to predict the shear strength of the leached samples by using the consolidation curve for. water samples to determine ie for the leached samples. on Fig. 3.36. The data obtained by this assumption are plotted is seen that the Hvorslev Parameters for the water It samples are not generally appropriate for the leached samples although the quoted parameters for water samples give the strength of (L-3) and (L-4) with good agreement as indicated in Table 4.5. TABLE 4.5 ff of Leached Samples Computed from Hvorslev Parameters f Test e L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 4.8 __ff 1.30 1.23 1.40 1.45 2.04 2.03 2.15 1.84 0.16r tan % ff 0.42 0.41 0.44 0.37 r e 0.21 0.20 0.22 0.23 computed measured ff 'ff 0.63 0.61 0.78 0.66 0.73 0.63 0.88 0.61 Distribution of Pore Water After Failure and Void Ratios After Oven-Drying: It is considered by some researchers that the gradients in water content between the failure zone and the ends of a triaxial sample often noticed after an undrained test are an indication of structural reorientation during shear. The clay particles will tend to realign parallel to shear forces and induce a tendency to consolidate in the failure zone (normally consolidated samples; the reverse in over-consolidated samples). Pore water will migrate away from the failure zone due to excess pore pressure there and result in the water content near the center of the sample being lower than the water content near the ends of the triaxial sample. This concept is currently subject to considerable debate. Recent measurements at MIT have shown that gradients in water content exist in triaxial samples that have been merely consolidated in the triaxial cell but not sheared. NASIM (1961), using Vicksburg Backswamp~Clay, has shown that the gradients in water content after failure in normally consolidated samples can be largely explained by the gradients that existed prior to It follows, then, that water migration must occur in overconsolidated samples to account for the fact that the distribution of failure. water in an overconsolidated sample after failure is different from the distribution of water in a normally consolidated sample after failure; the evidence indicates that water migrates toward the failure plane in an overconsolidated sample during shear. The triaxial samples of MIT 1139 used in this experiment were cut, perpendicular to the centerline, into three parts of approximately equal In Fig. 3.37 is size and the water content of each piece determined. plotted the difference between the water content of the center piece and the average water content of the entire sample versus the consolidation pressure. The data suggest the following: 1) the distribution of water in the normally consolidated samples is not much affected by consolidation pressure, 2) the distribution of water after failure in the over-consolidated samples differs from the normally consolidated samples, 3) the leached samples show a more pronounced reduction of water content in the failure zone than do either the salt or the water samples. (1) and (2) are in general agreement with the findings of NASIM (1961) and suggest either that water migrates away from the failure plane in normally consolidated samples, into the failure plane of an overconsolidated sample, or both. Unfortunately, the distribution of water in a triaxially consolidated, unsheared, sample of MIT 1139 was not determined. (3) suggests that even if there is no water migration in the normally consolidated salt and water samples, there must be migration in the leached samples. The weakest leached samples show the greatest variation of water content between the middle piece and the average (Fig. 3.37). LAMBE (1958) has suggested that the shrinkage upon drying of a clay specimen may be used as an indication of particle orientation; at the same water content, parallel particles should show a larger reduction of void space upon drying than random platelets. Shrinkage limits after failure and oven-drying are plotted in Fig. 3.38. This figure indicates the following: 1) dry void ratio is little affected by consolidation pressure, 2) dry void ratio of the center piece (failure zone) is less than the dry void ratio of the top and bottom pieces, 3) dry void ratio for water samples is less than the dry void ratio for salt sanples but the difference is less than the difference in their water contents at failure; the salt samples actually shrink more, dry void ratios of the leached samples (initially, a "salt" fabric) tends toward the value of dry void ratio of the water samples. These data suggest that the amount of fabric collapse and particle reorientation is greater in the leached samples; the leached samples shrink to a noticeably lower void ratio upon-drying than do the salt samples at the same water content. AToM% yis M S-r?,FLSS C Ils-24 CIUL- 3.0' 1,0 (5 a ....... .. o EFECN ~CIU-S-9 STRESS ATH ( c qr. > Ays) I- ciU-S-A CoM~Ra1soce AcRG Ruet (V 1 to C 0 A a a 0 r3 CIU-\,V- t7 clu-14- 2 clu-w- 8 (Rc-jEU) 46 t)RYc-;) P-P-VzFC-rl\)F- -SMRU-,S FKTH5 WAI :' R SAO PL.L S COM-PRRV CN. Oiz- RGEA> AWb k4CN-" G SRMPU-S CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS The CIU tests on the salt samples and the water samples lead to the following conclusions regarding the effect of salt on the strength characteristics of the normally consolidated samples of MIT 1139 used in this experiment: 1) Shear strength: at the same consolidation pressures and for the void ratios encountered in these experiments, the water samples and the salt samples are equally strong. If the salt samples and the water samples had the same void ratio as well as the same consolidation pressure, the salt sanples would surely be the stronger. 2) Salt samples have greater maximum obliquity by about 2-1/20. 3) Salt samples exhibit higher effective stress parameters ('i) at maximum principal stress difference by about 20. Since the salt and water samples have the same Su/4c, Af in the salt -samples is slightly greater. This behavior may be more rightly associated with the differences in void ratio between the salt and water samples and not to the 'difference in salt content. The four tests on salt samples that were leached of their salt after consolidation permit the following conclusions: 1) Shear strength: leaching out salt reduces the shear strength if the salt content is lowered far enough - say to 5 gm/liter or less. 2) Leaching at constant consolidation pressure does not change the void ratio. 3) The effective stress parameter ( ) at maximum principal stress difference is definitely reduced by leaching. Increases in Af are due to reduced shear strength, not to greater excess pore pressures. 4) ) is the same whether the salt The maximum obliquity (-/ is removed before or after coasolidation. The effects of leaching (and, of salt, for that matter) are most aptly summarized by comparison of the stress-strain data for two tests: (L-3) and (S-10). These two tests had the same age at failure (46 days), the same consolidation pressures (3.0 kg/cm 2 ), and the same void ratio at failure (ef = 0.68). The salt concentration in the pore fluid of (S-10) was 35 gm/l; in (L-3), 4.0 gm/liter. The stress-strain data for these two tests are superimposed in.Fig. 5.1. The following behavior can be observed: 80- 1) Both samples have virtually the same initial moduli of elastidity. 2) Pore pressures are equivalent in the two samples until about 0.81% strain where the leached sample fails. 3) Leaching has reduced the strain at failure from about 2 to less than l1o. 4) The leached sample develops only about 80% of the shear strength of the salt sample. 5) Subsequent to failure of the leached sample at 0.8% strain, the leached sample develops greater pore pressures than the salt sample. 6) Remolding in the failure plane causes a considerable reduction of shear strength in the leached sample; very little in the salt sample. 7) The leached sample never develops the obliquity attained by the salt sample. 3.01 (A) L (~) C6 - - ,1~' I 1.6 ':2 1. 0 CoM 0.6 ~.3 -I(-o 0.6 10.68 0.68 3.o 3.0 c; 46 46 rE 0.4 *.Z 0' Leacvwes> 5AMPLE AND A SALT SAMPLE (s-10) PAR SON OF A C ' 1 4.o T 2 -L **s 3 4 - --- Ri .b FGURE. 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