A CAPACITIVE SIGNAL PICK(F DEVICE JUN 11 19S58 by e R AeR WARREN W. BENJAMIN Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements f or the Degree of Bachelor of Science at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE2? &TECHNOLOGY June 1958 Signature of Author uepartment of Economics. A 1958 Certified by Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Departmental Committee on Theses ACKf OWIEDGENS1T The author wishes to express his gratitude to Dr. E. B. Dane and Mr. Frederick Hopewell for suggesting the subject of this thesis and providing laboratory space and materials. Appreciation is directed to Professor Robert K. Mueller for his guidance as thesis advisor and to Mr. Francis Merenda for his technical assistance. Also appreciation is expressed to the personnel of the Instrmentation Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for countless favors over a long period of time. .. ... . ............ A oli ...... .... A CAPACITIVE SIGNAL PiC 10FF DEVICE by WAEEN W. BfJAMIN Submit ted to the Department of 3Economics on May 26th, 1958, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science. ABSTRACT An investigation has been made of a gaseous discharge transducer for possible use as a Capacitance Signal Pickoff device that will convert the angular displacement of a two-degree-of-freedom gyro wheel, about its combined input-output axes, to- a de voltage that is proportional to these angular changes. The possible appli- cation and limitations of the device are examined, and experimental evidence is presented to show the feasibility of the device. The sensitivity and accuracy are found to be a function of the ampli-V tude and frequency of the R.F. supply voltage, is the frequency increases, amplitude variations in the excitation supply voltage become less important while the sensitivity decreases, The device is designed to measure angular displacement, and it is found to have merit for this purpose, TABLE CF CONTENTS Pate Nmuber Chapter I Introduction 1 Chapter II Pickoff Considerations - 5 Chap-ter III Preliminary Investigation 9 Chapter IV Final Investigation 16 Chapter V Results and Conclusions 20 Appendix A Data from which figures 5and 6 were drawn 22 Appendix B'Derivation of the Input Impedance for the Difference Amplifier shown in figure 8 25 Appendix C Data from which figure 8 was drawn 27 Bibliography 28 TABLE OF TIGURES Figure 1 Basic Transducer 2 Figure 2 Characteristics of Basic Transducer 2 6 Figure 3 Pickoff Configaration Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Basic Experimental Circuit 10 Sensitivity vs Excitation at 250 E 11 Sensitivity vs Excitation at 600 C 12 Figure 7 Differential Amplifier 15 Figure 8 17 Transducer Characteristics CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION If a tube containing two internal electrodes is filled with an inert gas at a low pressure and is then excited by a radio frequency electrical field of sufficient magnitude to cause ionization of the gas within the tube, a de voltage arises between the two electrodes. This phenomenon was discovered independently by L. Rhode1 in 1932 and by K. S. Lion in 1938. Three masters theses2,3,4 have been presented at M.I.T. on this subject under the supervision of the late Professor K. S. Lion. The first of these three theses, presented by J. W. Sheets in 1949 examines the effect of varying the position of a movable excitation electrode around a gaseous discharge tube (see fig. 1). This mechanical movement gives rise to a do voltage between the two internal electrodes that varies linearly with the position of the movable excitation electrode (see fig. 2). Sheets attributed this phenomenon to variation of electron energies in the plasma thereby causing a difference of charge to appear between the two electrodes which in turn gives rise to different potentials on the electrodes. The second of these theses, presented by G. H. Wayne,3 describes an application of the gaseous discharge transducer to an ultra-micrometer. Wayne presents data which show that the R.F. excitation frequency affects sensitivity and that as the frequency increases the effect of voltage variations becomes less important. dP2- 4 The third of these theses, presented by W. W. Woods, investigates the phenomenon still further. His results contradict pre- viously advanced theories and show that the electron energies in one part of the gaseous discharge do not vary appreciably with respect to those in another part as the position of the discharge tube is varied in the exciting field. No complete explanation of the gaseous discharge phenomenon confirmed by quantitative analysis has been put forth, but recent 22 investigations by Chenot and K. S. Lion2 suggest that the phenomenon may be caused by the following mechanism: consider that the two internal electrodes are probes inserted in the ionized gas. If there is no external conducting path between the electrodes, each electrode will assume the potential of an isolated probe. Now, since the drift velocity of the relectrons is much higher than that of the ions in the ionized gas, each isolated probe will take on a charge that is slightly negative with respect to the potential of the surrounding ionized gas. If the ionized. gas is caused by a do field, a stationary potential difference could arise between the two probes as a function of differing electron and ion temperatures surrounding each probe. If the ionized gas is caused by an ac field, a comlication arises because the internal electrodes are capacitively coupled to the external exciting electrodes -- as shown by Wood.0 The result is that the internal electrodes are not isolated probes and that their potentials oscillate in time with the frequency of the exciting ac field. With a given external electrode configur~tion, the magnitude and place of the ac potential on each electrode will be a function of the electric Parameters of the equivalent circuit as seen by each electrode, Thus, a variation of capacitances (along 4 with the inherent nonlinear character of the probes ) C or C2will produce asymmetrical eurrents from the ionized gas to the electrodes and result in net cha;rges on each electrode which lead to a difference of potential between them. These conditions suggest the essen- tial reasons that make possible the use of a gaseous discharge tube as capacitance pickoff device. To detect gyro wheel angular displacement, a pickoff device is used which consists of a gaseous discharge tube and capacitors 0 and 02. The asymmetry caused by varying these capacitors pro. duces an output dc voltage that appears between the two internal electrodes. CH4PTR II PIOKOFF ONSIDERATIONS The aim of this chapter is to discuss the use of a set of capacitors, used in conjunction with a gaseous discharge tube, as a signal pickoff transducer. -- An important requirement of a pickoff the term "pickoff" being used f or that part of a gyroscopic de- vice whose function it is to transform the output of the device into a suitable signal -- is that it gauge the desired quantity without appreciably affecting the quantity or disturbing the gyroseople de- 5 vice. For the purpose of this thesis, the desired quantity refers to the angular displacement of a two-degree-of-freedom gyro wheel about its combined input-putput axes. The method of angular measure- ment to be used consists of mounting four fixed metal plates of equal area in close proximity to the gyro wheel as shown in fig. 3. The gyro wheel can be at ground potential via a sliding brush assembly in contact with the outside diameter of the gyro wheel. These four plates, separated by a distance 6 from the gyro wheel, form four capacitors all mounted in the plane of one of the input~o output axes, A similar set of four capacitor plates is mounted in the 1ane of the other input-dutput axis. This is neither dis- cussed nor shown since it is a similar system and therefore all that is pertinent to one system applie to the other. It is to be noted that each fixed capacitor plate is connected in parallel to the capacitor plate mounted diagonally opposite to it so as to form a total of two capacitors instead of four. This diagonal parallel arrangement is used so that motion of the gyro wheel perpendicular o-5- GYRO WHEEL 8 C, C2 FG.3 PICK-OFF CONFIGURATION -6- A ak to the capacitor plates will not produce a change in total capacitances Cl and C2 . That is, when b is decreased on one side of the is increased by the same amount on the other side of 1 x.Area C will not change value. The the wheel; and since C= gyro wheel, 6 same conditions hold true for capatitor 02* However, when the gyro wheel is displaced 0 degrees, both and 8{ decrease an equal amount with a resulting increase in 6 magnitude of capacitance Cl .As &l ad {- decrease, 6 2 and ' in- 2 crease with. a resulting decrease in magnitude of capacitance C2' Both capacitances Cl and 02 change by the same magnitvAe but in opposite senses. A similar analysis holds true for angular displace- ments of negative 6 degrees. For the given gyro wheel configuration, as shown in fig, 3, R = 1.65 inches; therefore, for an angular displacement of one second arc -- which is equal to 4.848 microinches -- 6 will change eight microinches. Abt::'6RAO = (1.65")C.000004848);Z: 8 microinches Now, since this movement of eight microinches appears as Ab's in all four capacitance plates, the resulting change in the magnitude in total capacitance is four times what it would be had only one plate been used. If the area of each capacitance plate is 3.5 cm2 and 8 is equal to .0762 cm, both Cl and C2 will be 8.10 micro-microfarads. The problem then is to detect changes in capacitance of the order of .005 micro-.microfarads and convert these changes to a do voltage that will be proportional to either a positive or negative angular displacement of a two-degree-of-freeom gyro wheel about -7- its combined input-ontput axese 'This proportional voltage can then be used to correct a gyrO system to a null position via a servo system. To determine the feasibility of the capacitance pickoff device for possible application in the above specified system, it is necessary to determine the following important properties: 1. Sensitivity For given capacitance changes, - what is the corresponding change in the da voltage output of the capacitance pickoff device2 2. Null drift -- If the two capacitances in question (Cl and 02) remain of equal value, does the de voltage output of the transducer remain at sero3 3. TUncertainty -- Are there any fluctuations in the de voltage output with a fixed capacitance configarationt -8-w =M! .... -77 13 CAPTR III PRELIMINARY INTESTIGAT ION In order to illustre the basip priciples of operation of the capacitance pickoff device, a simplified circuit, shown in fig. 4, was constructed. This circuit utilizes a readily available NE-2 neon bulb ,as the basic gaseous discharge transducer. The radio frequency seurce used is a Hewlett-Paelard Model 4000 signal generator, the 6AQ5 tube is employed as a conventional power amplitier, and T1 is an auto transformer utilizing a core from a television flyback transformer. C make up a series resonant BI.O circuit. and the two 0B2 gas tubes The purpose of the two QB2 gas tubas is to insure that the gaseous discharge tube excitation voltage will have a relatively stable amplitude. When the two 032 tubes ionize, together withfl 1 they form the resistance part of the RWL circuit, These tubes, when ionized, act similarly to a resist- ance except that the voltage drop across the two tubes remains relatively constant as the current passing through them increases or decreases. 6 This is true, however, only if the voltage appearing across the tubes is high etough to maintain ionization. By varying the value of R, the amplitude of the excitation voltage appearing across the NFr2 neon bulb can be varied. graph shown in fig. 5 The presents data taken for three different age excitation magnitudes at a frequency of 250 XC. lwt- The do voltage output of the transducer is plotted against changes in Cy while C2 is held constant. The graph shown in fig. 6 presents the same kind of data except that the frequency is 6oo XE. -9-M Higher frequencies BA SIC EX PER IMENTAL CIFR C'Ui T Fig. 4 D.C. OUT C03 IM T IM 6AQ5 NE -2 6o80pf CI C2 2- 30ppf 270 A .022 250 220K 50 150.A + 2 25V 4- Fig. 5 SENSITIVITY vs EXCITATION -4 VOLTS at 250 K.C. 18 17 _____________ 4$ / /1 I 16 45 cC zt 14 c 13 c -o) 0- 1, . . 1. . 60L . . M* 2A 12 i 499 N N~ 0 :11 00' 9 0 8 7 I CZ. -2 -1.5 - I -. 5 4< 0 D. C. VOLT-S OUT +tL.0 - +1.5 +2.0 Fig. 6 SENSITIVITY vs EXCITATION 78 VOLTS at 6-00 K.C( 17 16~ 15 0 -2CIATO1.0OLT5 Lo Sol f+60 13 za C _ a> 14 K.C..5 too 10 -. 5O1.0 D-..5 D. C. V OLT S OU-T- V~ r r rrw' + 0 were npt tried because a variable high frequency source was not available. During these tests, the exeitation electrode was set at an arbitrary position; and therefore, when the two capacitors In were of equal magnitude, a dc voltage output was produced. any final system, the exeitation electrode would be set at a position correspondin& to X = 0, as shown in fig. 1, so that when isM equal to C2 the de voltage output would be zero. As shown in the graphs of fig. 5 and fig. 6, the device is quite linear from -'2 volts to +.5 volts; and the sensitivity is a function of both excitation amplitude and frequency. When the excitation voltage, at 250 30, is equal to 500 volts peek-to-peak (as measured on a Tektronix Oscilloscope), the sensitivity is 5 millivolts for a change in capacitance of .005 micro-mierofarads. Inereasing the frequency reduces the sensi- tivity to 4 millivolts for a change in capacitance of .005 micromicrofarads, but the effect of amplitude variations in the excit- ing electrode voltage becomes less pronounced. the findings of Wayne. This corroborates 3 Increasing the magnitude of the exciting electrode voltage beyond 500 volts peak-to-peak results in greater sensitivity; how- ever, tube life is considerably shortened. The output impedance of the gaseous discharge transducer is on the order of one megohm. Therefore, the device used to measure the dc voltage output must have an input impedance of ten megohms or higher in order to avoid loading effects, Since it is the difference between the two internal electrode voltages that is pertinent, a difference amplifier (as shown -13- in fig. 7) was constructed whose input impedance is greater than ten megohms (see Appendix 3). The cathode-follower action of the difference amplifier provides an impedance match so that a Sanborn recorder can be used without affecting the trensduber output4 order to eliminate the possibility of any temperature variation affecting the difference amplifier, boron carbon resistors were used because of their almost zero temperature coefficient, T. * -14-- In .' .......r. .4 ".- " . Ii.'. N4f m Em e s s"'. =d 1m l.gg s~t 0.m m .- 1Pr-"I"m a ' "sm "'" '5"M . 9.""', . r ..- r.... m .n . . - "= " L . .,....1 . . . . . . s .~~. . D.C. INPUT from TRANSDUCER +150V .Oilp, D.C. OUT 4.7 M 470 3900 4.7 M 3900 000n DIFFERENTIAL Fig. 7 a/5 AMPLIFIER p F . " " C,-- _-_- CHAPEfl IT INVESTIGATIC& VAL In this chapter a commercially available gaseous discharge transducer is examined and its characteristies are shown graphisally. Then the problem of keeping the excitation supply voltage at a constant amplitude is examined, and attempts to solve it are presented. In Chapter III an fE-2 neon bulb was used as the basic gaseous discharge tube. A specially made transducer, manufactured by the Decker Aviation Corporation, was on hand and so a plot of its characteristics was also made and is presented in fig. 8. The linearity displayed was f ound to be qui.te good and the sensitivity obtained was 10 millivolts for a change in capacitance of .005 micro-microfarads. A check on the uncertainty error and the null drift revealed results that were not within allowable limits. Using a Sanborn Recorder (Type 150) driven by the difference amplifier shown in fig. 7, the uncertainty was k3 millivolts and the null drift was 8 millivolts in eight hours. A check of excitation voltage ampli- tude showed variations and dritt which were correlated with actual uncertainty and null drift, Now, from the graphs shown in figs. 5 and 6 of Ohapter III, it becomes apparent that variations in the amplitude of the radio freqency excitation voltage cause wide variations in the de output voltage of the transducer. In order that the uncertainty of the de voltage output of the gaseous discharge transducer be kept wwwwwwwamm"Wwwom .mmmmmm-om W-MMWAMMOO", "7, Fig.8 CHARACTERISTICS TRANSDUCER 1 ....- ---.... 0.8 0.6 04 000 9.2 9.0 D.C. - - - ---- -- - .. - --- 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 .-...... V OLTS ... .. 7$ 1,5 1,0 .5 2.0 OUT .& ,,.............. ,:--.-- -- .-.- --- ---.-.--. ^-..- - ---.--.. ~..'- a id si e*Wohlemed***awa-M:i-'s:--'^= P"p -TVn!, W - .ye * as low as possible, a constant amplitude radio frequency source is necessary. Not only must the amplitude of the radio frequency source be constant over a long period of time, but also it must be unaffeeted by transient changes. Very little has been written about constant amplitude sine waves that is applicable to this particular problem, Since in this case the amplitude of the excitation supply voltage is 380 volts pp. and the frequency is 250 EC. (The Decker Aviation Corporation recommends these values for long tube life and high sensitivity.) The high voltage re- quirement demands the use of a step-up transformer and thus inherent thermal sensitivity is introduced. The 250 EC requirement megns that the transformers and coils must be wound since no com- mercially manufactured transformers and/or coils are available at this frequency. A self-contained oscillator amplifier was designed utilizing a feedback system to correct for amplitude variations. Using con- ventional techniques, the output voltage is sampled and fed back to control the bias of the oscillation. As the amplitude of the output increases, the feedback loop causes the bias to increase and thus reduces the amplitude of oscillation. Both the oscillator coil and the output transformer were wound using Litz wire and polystyrene coil forms. Since the oscillator anmplifier must have long term stability, one percent boron carbon resistors were used in order to reduce the effects of temperature, The oscillator amplifier was not completed at the time of this writing. However, it was felt that the problem of building -18- frEI~a.hftMIEI~ImI*m.*m~*. I I AN Mill "T" Ovin ANN.'! IRA. a constant amplitude oscillatoi amplifier was beyond the scope of this thesis -- this constituting an independent problem within the realms of engineering probability. Preliminary results using the oscillator amplifier show that the uncertainty can be reduced to Al millivolt, but that the long run null drift remained on the order of 8 millivolts for an eight-hour test. -19- ... .... BRSULTS AD CONCLUSIONS The capacitance signal piekoff device was designed to measure the angular displacement of a gyro wheel by converting this displacement to a change in capacitance. measwed using This capacitance change is then a gaseous discharge tube. The results obtained in this thesis show that the gaseous discharge tube will convert ehanges in capacitance to a do voltage proportional to either a positive or negative angular displacement. It has been shown both by previous work9 and by this thesis that, in order for the gaseous discharge transducer to have a low uncertainty error, the radio frequency supply voltage must have a constant amplitude which at 250 EC requires an accuracy of one part in -one thousand using the Decker Aviation transducer. The sensitivity at 250 ED was found to be 10 millivolts for a change of .005 micro-nicrofarads which corresponds t-o one second of arc of angular displacement. The problems of signal output uncertainty and null drift have not been resolved; but, as- pointed out in Chapter IT, the design of a constant amplitude amplifier is within engineering possibilities. The null drift poses a more serious problem in that the drift is probably due to temperature caused component changes. More experimentation would be necessary in order to de- termine the exact source of the drift. Current signal generators used at the Instrumentation Laboratory produce 100 millivolts for an angular displacement of 1 milli- ,~* '9sr!~5~ a macu radian. I Using the capacitanee pickoff transducer, the sensitivity is 2000 millivolts for 1 milliradian of angular displacement. While this is a significant improvement, it must be remembered that the data collected for this thesis was obtained under static conditions, the capacitors being fixed. The effects of a rotating wheel might well introduce periodic errors not observable under static conditions. These considerations probably require more attention; however, any frequency components derived from wheel asymmetry could be filtered out. In any further research, an investigation should be made of the characteristics of the transducer using frequencies in the range of five megacycles. While the sensitivity will be decreased, it might prove worth while to sacrifice sensitivity for less null drift and uncertainty. Since the most serious drawback of the capacitance pickoff is the null drift, it is suggested that Zener diodes (when they become available) be used to clip the output of the radio frequency excitation voltage. This clipped sine wave could then be reshaped using a conventional filter. The effects of temperature drift might well be lessened with this approach. In sumation, the capacitance pickoff was designed to measure angular displacement of a gyro wheel and convert this angular dis- placement to a dc voltage that would be proportional to either positive or negative displacement. The pickoff device was found to accomplish this purpose with the limitation of excessive null drift which in the copinion of the author is a solvable engineering problem, -21- singe ~ a - - ~ ~u- marnr 3W *- APEEIH A Data from which figa 5 a4 6 were drawn. Fig, 5 2 T Trequency ut 01 pjf d pyfd volts 400 volts pp. 18,0 27.5 2.0 250 E 400 volts pp. 15.4 27.5 1.5 250 X 400 volts pp. 13.8 27.5 1.0 250 W 400 volts pp. 11.9 27.5 .5 400 volts pp. 10.7 27.5 400 volts pp. 9.8 27.5 - 400 volts pp. 9-0 27.5 -1.0 250 EI 400 volts pp. 8,4 27.5 -1.5 250 XE 400 volts pp. 7.5 27.5 -2.0 250 EM 400 volts pp. 6.8 27.5 -2.5 250 E 450 volte pp. 16.4 27.5 2.0 250 E 27.5 1.5 250 m 1.0 250 EM 3xeitation YoltaO 450 volts pp. -139 250 C 0 250 E .5 250 10 450 volts pp. 12.1 27.5 450 volts pp. 10.7 27.5 .5 250 EC 450 volts pp. 9.8 27.5 0 250 E 450 volts pp. 9.2 450 volts pp. 8.5 27.5 -1.0 250 E 450 volts pp. 7-8 27.5 -1.5 250 XC 450 volts pp.- 7.3 27.5 -2.0 250 EC 450 volts pp. 6.6 27.5 -2.5 250 EC .27.5 - .5 250 XE Fig. 5 (cent.) e2eout ci C2 pf pidft volts 500 vots pp. 14.0 27.5 2.0 250 C 500 volts pp. 12.2 27.5 1.5 250 X 500 volts op. 11.0 27.5 1.0 250 E 250 X Exeitation Toitage 500 volts pp. 9.5 27.5 .5 500 volts pp. 9-0 27.5 0 250 E0 500 volts PP. 8.6 27.5 - .5 250 E 500 volts pp. 8o 27.5 -1.0 250 X 500 volts pp. 7.4 27.5 -1,5 250 X 500 volts pp. 7.0 21.5 -2.0 250 500 volts pP. 6.4 27.5 -2.5 250 XC 400 volts pp. 19.5 27.5 2.0 6oo E- 400 volts pp. 16.2 27.5 1.5 600 m 400 volts pp. 14.3 27.5 1.0 6oo E 400 volts pp. 11.9 27.5 .5 400 volts pp.' 10.5 27.5 0 400 volts pp. 9.7 27.5 - 400 volts pp. 8.8 27.5 -1.0 600 MX 400 voltspp. 8.2 27.5 -1.5 6oom 400 volt s pp. 7.5 27.5 -2.0 6oo EC 400 volts pp. 6.8 27.5 -2.5 600 Ec c Fig. 6 .5 600 Em 600 E 6oo Ec Fig. 6 (cont.) Excitation Voltage 01 450 volts pp 16.9 450.volts PP. 14,4 450 volts pp 12.8 450 volts pp. 10-9 450 volts pp. 10-0 Frequency 02 pad Tout 27.5 2.0 6oo M- 27.5 1.5 27.5 1.0 600 IC 600 W 27.5 .5 600 xc 27.5 0 600 E 600 XC 450 volts pp. 9-2 27.5 450 volts pp. 8,5 27.5 27.5 volts .5 - 600 600 E 450 volts p 7-9 450 volts pp. 7.2 27.5 -1.5 -1.0 -2,0 6.6 27.5 -2.5 450 volts pp500 volts PP. 14.8 27.5 2.0 12.8 27.5 1.5 volts PP- 500 volts PP. 11.5 27.5 1.0 500 volts pp. 10.2 27.5 .5 500 volts PP. 9-4 27.5 e 500 8- 27.5 - 8.2 27.5 -1.0 6oo x 500 voltsr PP. 7-7 27.5 -1.5 500 volts PP. 600 xE 6oo im 7.0 .27.5 -2.0 500 volts PP- 27.5 2.5 -. 500 volts pp. 500 volts PP. 6.5 .5 600 Ec 600 E0 600 Ec 6oo mc 600 E 600 EL 600 xc 600 E 600 XC 6oo 6o,o 130 APPThDI B Derivation of the Input Impedance,for the Difference Amplifier shown in figare 8. Using an incremental model shown below of one-half of the difference amplif ler is analyzed. where: =5.3K r p = 165 +p ,RSR.=-470 Re 1 R =4.?meg g 9 se + RE+RL)+Ri =i(r+R)+R(1iP=i(rP and since eg iRg p(R- =p(rp pil Rx) i iR- - - aR)- i9R - r 9 o- i (r ~r + 1 + B) + +RK+ + IR -iR, RL+RJ T1 rp '' ) 1p =4.5K - p+1) - R i R) + +RR (+1) = 0 = 0 =0 Now, substitution of equation 2 into equation 1 gives: L1(pR in =gl't+ ra in +r e in i p - Bg) + +L(pR g+ - B1 ) rp + IL + RKp+ Using the values given in the above figure: Z g ............ 24 megohms. 1) AIPFKDUC Data from which figur 8 was drawn. Yrequency C2 Vout ppfd ppfd volts 380 volts pp4 11.00 10 2.0 250 EC 380 volts pp. 10.72 10 1.5 250 E 380 volts pp. 10.52 10 1.0 250 EC 380 volts pp. 10.26 10 .5 250 XC 380 volts pp., 10.00 10 0 380 volts pp. 9.74 10 .5 380 volts pp, 9.52 10 -1.0 250 EM 380 volts pp. 9424 10 -1.5 250 EM 380 volts pp. 9.00 10 -2.0 250 E Excitation Voltage di7m 250 E0 250 E B LBLIOGRAPFY 1. Lion, Kurt ,: "Mechanital-]1leetric Transducer"; The Review of Scientific Instrumente, Volume 27, No. 4, pp. 222-225, April 1956, 2o Sheets, John ., 8.M. Physics, M.I.T. 1947: 'An Experimental Study of a Rectifier Effect in High Frequency Discharges". 3, Wayne, George H,, S.M. Electrical Engineering, M.I.T. 1949; "Investigation of a Glow-Lamp Ultra-Micrometer". 4. Woods, W. William, 5.M. Electrical Engineering, M.I.T. 1951: "A Gaseous Discharge Mechano-Electric Transducer". 5. "An Introduction to the Study of Gyro- Weems, William R.: scopic Instruments", pp. 7-. 6. Francis, T. J: "Fundamentals of Discharge Tube Circuits"; Methuen's Monographs on Physical Subjects. UN~ Nt -