Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Sums of Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT Multiple Zeta Values) Michael E. Hoffman Proof of the sum formulas USNA Basic Notions 6 February 2014 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Outline Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline 1 Introduction Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind 2 H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas 3 Proof of the sum formulas ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Generalized harmonic series Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas The generalized harmonic series we will be concerned with are H(a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ) = ∞ X n=1 na1 (n + 1)a2 1 , · · · (n + k − 1)ak where a1 , . . . , ak are nonnegative integers whose sum is at least 2. We call this quantity an H-series of length k and weight a1 + · · · + ak . Of course H-series of length 1 are just values of the Riemann zeta function. We will prove that X H(a1 , . . . , ak ) = kζ(m), (1) a1 +···+ak =m where m ≥ 2 and the sum is over k-tuples of nonnegative integers. This was conjectured by C. Moen last spring, and proved by both of us over the summer. ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) First cases Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Equation (1) is only interesting if k > 1. The first case is H(2, 0) + H(1, 1) + H(0, 2) = 2ζ(2), ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas which is pretty trivial: evidently H(2, 0) = ζ(2) and H(0, 2) = ζ(2) − 1, and the usual telescoping-sum argument shows ∞ X 1 = 1. H(1, 1) = n(n + 1) n=1 More generally, equation (1) for k = 2 is H(m, 0) + H(m − 1, 1) + · · · + H(1, m − 1) + H(0, m) = 2ζ(m), which reduces to H(m − 1, 1) + · · · + H(1, m − 1) = 1. ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) (2) Multiple zeta values Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas Equation (1) is superficially similar to the “sum theorem” for multiple zeta values (conjectured by C. Moen 1988, proved by A. Granville 1997): X ζ(a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ) = ζ(m) (3) a1 +···+ak =m, ai ≥1, a1 ≥2 for m ≥ 2, where ζ(a1 , a2 . . . , ak ) = X 1 . · · · nkak n a1 n a2 n1 >n2 >···>nk ≥1 1 2 But note that the multiple zeta value ζ(a1 , . . . , ak ) is a k-fold sum, while H(a1 , . . . , ak ) is a simple sum. Also, the left-hand side of (3) is a sum over k-tuples of positive integers, while that of (1) is a sum over k-tuples of nonnegative integers. ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Another sum of H-series Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline We could ask what happens if we sum H-series over all k-tuples of positive integers with sum m ≥ 2. There is a nice formula in this case, though by no means as simple as equation (1): Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas X H(a1 , . . . , ak ) = a1 +···+ak =m, ai ≥1 k−2 X 1 k −2 (−1)i . (4) (k − 1)! i (i + 1)m−k+1 i=0 Note that the right-hand side is a rational number. The case k = 2 is equation (2). ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Telescoping Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) We shall build up a chain of lemmas on H-series. Using 1 1 1 n(n+1) = n − n+1 , note that for a, b ≥ 1, ME Hoffman Outline H(a, b) = n=1 Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas ∞ X ∞ X n=1 na (n 1 = + 1)b 1 1 − = H(a, b−1)−H(a−1, b). na (n + 1)b−1 na−1 (n + 1)b Hence H(m − 1, 1) + H(m − 2, 2) + · · · + H(1, m − 1) = H(m − 1, 0) − H(m − 2, 1) + H(m − 2, 1) − H(m − 3, 2) + · · · + H(1, m − 2) − H(0, m − 1) = H(m − 1, 0) − H(0, m − 1) = 1, proving equation (2). ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Sum over indices of fixed sum, fixed positions Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas This generalizes as follows. Lemma (1) Let 1 ≤ i < j ≤ p, and let a1 , . . . , ai−1 , ai+1 , . . . , aj−1 , aj+1 , . . . , ap be fixed nonnegative integers. Then m−1 X H(a1 , . . . , ai−1 , k, ai+1 , . . . , aj−1 , m − k, aj+1 , . . . , ap ) = k=1 1 [H(a1 , . . . , ai−1 , m − 1, ai+1 , . . . , aj−1 , 0, aj+1 , . . . , ap ) j −i − H(a1 , . . . , ai−1 , 0, ai+1 , . . . , aj−1 , m − 1, aj+1 , . . . , ap )]. ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Sum over indices with fixed nonzero positions ME Hoffman We can use Lemma (1) to obtain a formula for the sum of all H-series of fixed length and weight and nonzero entries at P (r ) specified positions. Let Hp,q = qj=p j −r for p ≤ q. Outline Lemma (2) Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas For k ≥ 1 and 1 ≤ i0 < i1 < · · · < ik ≤ n, let P(i0 , . . . , ik ) be the set of strings (a1 , . . . , an ) of nonnegative integers with a1 + · · · + an = m and aj 6= 0 iff j = iq for some q. Then X H(a1 , . . . , an ) = (a1 ,...,an )∈P(i0 ,...,ik ) (m−k) (−1)j−1 Hi0 ,ij −1 k X j=1 (ij − i0 )(ij − i1 ) · · · (ij − ij−1 )(ij+1 − ij ) · · · (ik − ij ) ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) . Sum over indices with fixed number of nonzero positions Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind For 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, let C (k, n; m) be the sum of all H-series H(a1 . . . , an ) of length n, weight m, and exactly k + 1 of the ai nonzero. If k ≥ 1, C (k, n; m) is the sum over all sequences 1 ≤ i0 < · · · < ik ≤ n of the sums given by the preceding (m−k) 1 with result; since each Hi0 ,ij −1 in that result is a sum of pm−k 1 ≤ i0 ≤ p ≤ ij − 1 ≤ n − 1, we have Proof of the sum formulas C (k, n; m) = n−1 (n) X ck,j j=1 (n) (5) j m−k (n) with ck,j rational. We can deduce results about the ck,j from Lemma (2). ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) An (anti)symmetry property Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Lemma (3) (n) (n) For 1 ≤ k, j ≤ n − 1, ck,n−j = (−1)k−1 ck,j . ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas Proof. For 1 ≤ i0 < · · · < ik ≤ n, let Snm (i0 , . . . , ik ) be the left-hand side of the equation in Lemma (2). Then if Snm (i0 , . . . , ik ) = p1 + p2 pn−1 + ··· + , 2m−k (n − 1)m−k it follows from Lemma (2) that (−1)k−1 Snm (n + 1 − ik , . . . , n + 1 − i0 ) = pn−2 p1 pn−1 + m−k + · · · + . 2 (n − 1)m−k ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Some explicit coefficients Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) (n) Here are some of the coefficients ck,j . (3) ME Hoffman c1,1 = Outline c2,1 = (3) 3 2 1 2 (3) c1,2 = (3) 3 2 c2,2 = − 21 Introduction (4) c1,1 = H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind (4) c2,1 (4) c3,1 Proof of the sum formulas (5) c1,1 = (5) c2,1 = (5) c3,1 = (5) c4,1 = 25 12 35 24 5 12 1 24 11 6 =1 = 1 6 (5) (4) c1,2 = (4) c2,2 = 0 (4) c3,2 = − 62 35 12 (5) c2,2 = 85 (5) 5 c3,2 = − 12 (5) 3 c4,2 = − 24 c1,2 = ME Hoffman 7 3 (5) (4) 11 6 (4) c2,3 = −1 (4) c3,3 = 61 c1,3 = 35 12 (5) c2,3 = − 85 (5) 5 c3,3 = − 12 (5) 3 c4,3 = 24 c1,3 = (5) 25 12 (5) c2,4 = − 35 24 (5) 5 c3,4 = 12 (5) 1 c4,4 = − 24 c1,4 = Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) More explicit coefficients Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas (n) For brevity, we give the matrices [(n − 1)!ci,j ] for n = 6, 7. 274 404 444 404 274 225 150 0 −150 −225 85 −40 −90 −40 85 15 −30 0 30 −15 1 −4 6 −4 1 1764 2688 3108 3108 2688 1764 1624 1330 490 −490 −1330 −1624 735 −105 −630 −630 −105 735 175 −245 −140 140 245 −175 21 −63 42 42 −63 21 1 −5 10 −10 5 −1 Note that all row sums except the first are 0. ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Stirling numbers of the first kind Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas The first columns the of the matrices above turn out to be n well-known. Let k be the number of permutations of {1, 2, . . . , n} with exactly k disjoint cycles; 0this is the unsigned Stirling number of the first kind. We set 0 = 1, and for n ≥ 1 n the Stirling number k is only nonzero if 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Some useful facts are n n n n = (n − 1)!, = 1, = . 1 n n−1 2 One has the generating function x(x + 1) · · · (x + n − 1) = n X n k=1 ME Hoffman k x k , n ≥ 1. Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) (6) Stirling numbers of the first kind cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman (n) The following result relates the Stirling numbers to the ck,1 . Lemma (4) For 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, Outline Introduction (n) ck,1 = (−1)k−1 ck,n−1 = H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas n 1 . (n − 1)! k + 1 Proof. By Lemma (3), it suffices to prove the last equality. Lemma (2) says X (−1)k−1 (n) ck,n−1 = (n − i0 ) · · · (n − ik−1 ) 1≤i0 <···<ik−1 <n ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Stirling numbers of the first kind cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Proof cont’d. so it’s enough to show Introduction X H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas 1≤i0 <···<ik−1 <n n (n − 1)! = . (n − i0 ) · · · (n − ik−1 ) k +1 Now the left-hand side is evidently the sum of all products of n − k − 1 distinct n factors from the set {1, 2 . . . , n − 1}, and that this is k+1 follows from consideration of the generating function (6). ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) A general formula Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman The preceding result generalizes as follows. Lemma (5) For 1 ≤ k, j ≤ n − 1, Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas (n) ck,j = j X q X (−1)p−1 q=1 p=1 qn+1−q p k+2−p (q − 1)!(n − q)! . We only sketch the proof. The lemma amounts to n+1−j j X (−1)p−1 pj k+2−p (n) (n) . ck,j − ck,j−1 = (q − 1)!(n − q)! p=1 (n) (n) By Lemma (3), we can make this about ck,n−j − ck,n−j+1 . ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) (7) A general formula cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) (n) ME Hoffman Now think of the ck,i as sums of terms via Lemma (2). If Outline j ≤ k, then all terms contributing to ck,n−j+1 also contribute to (n) (n) Introduction ck,n−j , and in addition there are j classes of terms that H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind contribute to ck,n−j and not to ck,n−j+1 : these j classes of terms can be matched up with the j terms on the right-hand side of equation (7). If j > k, then there are also terms that (n) (n) contribute to ck,n−j+1 and not to ck,n−j : one can use Lemmas (2) and (4) to match up their sum with a term on the right-hand side of equation (7). Proof of the sum formulas (n) ME Hoffman (n) Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Proof of the second sum formula Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Now we’ll prove the sum formulas (1) and (4). As a warm-up, we’ll do the second of these first. Replacing k by n, equation (4) is Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas X a1 +···+an =m, ai ≥1 n−1 X n − 2 (−1)j−1 1 H(a1 , . . . , an ) = . (n − 1)! j − 1 j m−n+1 j=1 The left-hand side is C (n − 1, n; m), so it suffices to show that (−1)j−1 n − 2 (n) cn−1,j = . (n − 1)! j − 1 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Proof of the second sum formula cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Since kn = 0 when k > n and nn = 1, this turns out to be an easy consequence of Lemma (5): ME Hoffman Outline (n) cn−1,j = Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas = j X q X (−1)p−1 qn+1−q p n+1−p (q − 1)!(n − q)! q=1 p=1 n+1−q j X (−1)q−1 qq n+1−q q=1 (q − 1)!(n − q)! j X 1 q−1 n − 1 = (−1) q−1 (n − 1)! q=1 (−1)j−1 n − 2 = . (n − 1)! j − 1 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Proof of the first sum formula Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Next we attack equation (1). We have X ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas H(a1 , . . . , an ) = C (0, n; m) + a1 +···+an =m n−1 X C (k, n; m). k=1 Now C (0, n; m) is H(m, 0, . . . , 0) + H(0, m, 0, . . . , 0) + · · · + H(0, . . . , 0, m) 1 1 = ζ(m) + ζ(m) − 1 + · · · + ζ(m) − 1 − m − · · · − 2 (n − 1)m n−2 1 = nζ(m) − (n − 1) − m − · · · − 2 (n − 1)m n−1 X n−j = nζ(m) − jm j=1 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Proof of the first sum formula cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind so (using equation (5)) X H(a1 , . . . , an ) = nζ(m) − a1 +···+an =m n−1 X n−j j=1 jm + n−1 X n−1 (n) X ck,j k=1 j=1 j m−k . Hence, to prove the result requires n−1 X Proof of the sum formulas (n) j k ck,j = n − j k=1 for 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1. In view of Lemma (5), this is n+1−q j X q n−1 X X (−1)p−1 qp k+2−p k j = n − j. (q − 1)!(n − q)! k=1 q=1 p=1 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) (8) Proof of the first sum formula cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman The left-hand side of equation (8) is j X q X Outline q=1 p=1 Proof of the sum formulas p k=1 Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind q n−1 X n+1−q k j . (q − 1)!(n − q)! k +2−p (−1)p−1 If p = 1, the inner sum is n−1 n X n + 1 − q k X n + 1 − q k−1 n+1−q j = j − = k +1 k 1 k=1 k=1 (n + j − q)! n+1−q n+j −q − = (n − q)! −1 , j(j − 1)! 1 j where we have used the generating function (6). ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Proof of the first sum formula cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman If p ≥ 2, the inner sum is X n + 1 − q (n + j − q)! j k+p−2 = j p−2 , k (j − 1)! k≥1 Outline Introduction again using equation (6), and so H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind n−1 X n+1−q Proof of the sum formulas k=1 k +2−p k j = (n − q)!j p−1 n+j −q . j Thus the left-hand side of equation (8) is j j X q X X (−1)p−1 qp n + j − q p−1 n+j −q −j + j . j (q − 1)! j q=1 q=2 p=2 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Proof of the first sum formula cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) ME Hoffman The double sum can be rewritten as j q X X n+j −q 1 q (−j)p−1 = j (q − 1)! p q=2 p=2 Outline Introduction j X H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind q=2 Proof of the sum formulas n+j −q q 1 (1 − j)(2 − j) · · · (q − 1 − j) − j (q − 1)! 1 X j j X n+j −q n+j −q j −1 =− + (−1)q−1 j j q−1 q=2 q=2 using equation (6) again, so the left-hand side of equation (8) is j X n+j −q j −1 −j + (−1)q−1 . j q−1 q=1 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) One more lemma Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) This means we need one last lemma. Lemma ME Hoffman For positive integers n and j, Outline j X n+j −q j −1 (−1)q−1 = n. j q−1 Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas q=1 Proof. Use Wilf’s “snake oil method”: let j ∞ X X n+j −q j −1 F (x) = (−1)q−1 x n . j q−1 n=1 q=1 ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) One more lemma cont’d Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs) Proof cont’d. ME Hoffman Then Outline Introduction H-series and Stirling numbers of the first kind Proof of the sum formulas j ∞ X X j −1 n+j −q n q−1 F (x) = (−1) x q−1 j q=1 = j X q=1 n=1 j−1 X j − 1 (−1)q−1 x q x j −1 = (−x)p q − 1 (1 − x)j+1 p (1 − x)j+1 p=0 = x)j−1 x(1 − x = = x + 2x 2 + 3x 3 + · · · j+1 (1 − x) (1 − x)2 and the result follows. ME Hoffman Generalized Harmonic Series (NOT MZVs)