Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Combinatorics and Multiple Zeta Values Michael E. Hoffman U. S. Naval Academy Simon Fraser University Discrete Mathematics Seminar 8 July 2014 Factoring ζγ Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Outline Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman 1 Multiple Zeta Values Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions 2 The Quasi-Symmetric Functions 3 ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu 0 ζ : QSym → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions 4 Other Homomorphic Images of Quasi-symmetric Functions 5 Factoring ζγ Factoring ζγ Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Multiple Zeta Values Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ For positive integers i1 , i2 , . . . ik with i1 > 1 (to ensure convergence), we define the multiple zeta value (henceforth MZV) ζ(i1 , i2 , . . . , ik ) as the sum of the k-fold series X 1 . ik i1 i2 n n · · · n k n1 >n2 ···>nk ≥1 1 2 We call k the depth of ζ(i1 , . . . , ik ), and i1 + · · · + ik its weight. Of course, the MZVs of depth one are the values ζ(i) of the Riemann zeta function at positive integers i > 1, for which Euler proved the formula (2π)2i |B2i |, 2(2i)! but he also studied depth-two MZVs. Interest in MZVs of general depth dates from about 1990, stimulated by their appearance in physics and knot theory. ζ(2i) = Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs (1) Multiplication of MZVs Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman An important point is that the product of two MZVs is a sum of MZVs. For example, Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ ζ(2, 1)ζ(2) = X 1 X 1 = i 2j k2 i>j≥1 X 1 + i 4j i>j≥1 X i>k>j≥1 k≥1 1 X k>i>j≥1 k 2i 2j X 1 1 + + i 2k 2j i 2j 3 i>j≥1 + X i>j>k≥1 1 i 2 jk 2 = ζ(2, 2, 1) + ζ(4, 1) + ζ(2, 2, 1) + ζ(2, 3) + ζ(2, 1, 2) = 2ζ(2, 2, 1) + ζ(2, 1, 2) + ζ(4, 1) + ζ(2, 3) My study of this product led me to the quasi-symmetric functions, first introduced by Ira Gessel in 1984 as a source of generating functions for poset partitions. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Symmetric and Quasi-Symmetric Functions Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Let x1 , x2 , . . . be a countable sequence of indeterminates, each of degree 1, and let P ⊂ Q[[x1 , x2 , . . . ]] Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ be the set of formal power series in the xi of bounded degree: P is a graded Q-algebra. Any f ∈ P is quasi-symmetric if the coefficients in f of xip11 xip22 · · · xipnn and xjp11 xjp22 · · · xjpnn agree whenever i1 < · · · < in and j1 < · · · < jn . The quasi-symmetric functions QSym form an algebra, which properly includes the algebra Sym of symmetric functions, e.g., X xi2 xj = x12 x2 + x12 x3 + x22 x3 + · · · (2) i<j is quasi-symmetric but not symmetric. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Monomial (Quasi)symmetric Functions Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ For a composition (ordered sequence of positive integers) I = (i1 , . . . , ik ), the corresponding monomial quasi-symmetric function MI ∈ QSym is defined by X MI = xni11 xni22 · · · xnikk n1 <n2 <···<nk (so (2) above is M(2,1) ). Evidently {MI |I is a composition} is an integral basis for QSym. For any composition I , let π(I ) be the partition given by forgetting the ordering. For any partition λ, the monomial symmetric function mλ is the sum of the MI with π(I ) = λ, e.g., m21 = M(2,1) + M(1,2) . The set {mλ |λ is a partition} is an integral basis for Sym. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Other Bases for Sym Combinatorics & MZVs 1 Michael E. Hoffman ek = M(1)k = mπ((1)k ) , Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions 2 0 ζ : QSym → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions The elementary symmetric functions are where (1)k is the composition consisting of k 1’s. Then {eλ |λ is a partition} is an integral basis for Sym, where eλ = eλ1 eλ2 · · · for λ = π(λ1 , λ2 , . . . ). The complete symmetric functions are X X hk = MI = mλ . |I |=k 3 |λ|=k Then {hλ |λ is a partition} is a integral basis for Sym. The power-sum symmetric functions are pk = M(k) = mk . Factoring ζγ Then {pλ |λ is a partition} is a rational basis for Sym. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Multiplication of Monomial Quasi-Symmetric Functions Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Two monomial quasi-symmetric functions MI and MJ multiply according to a “quasi-shuffle” rule in which the parts of I and J are shuffled and also combined. For example, M(1) M(1,2) = M(1,1,2) + M(1,1,2) + M(1,2,1) + M(2,2) + M(1,3) Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions 0 ζ : QSym → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ = 2M(1,1,2) + M(1,2,1) + M(2,2) + M(1,3) . In general the number of terms in the product MI MJ is min{`(I ),`(J)} X `(I ) + `(J) − i i, `(I ) − i, `(J) − i i=0 3 so, e.g., M(1,1) M(2,1) has 42 + 111 + 22 = 13 terms: M(1,1) M(1,2) = 3M(1,1,1,2) + 2M(1,1,2,1) + M(1,2,1,1) + M(1,2,2) + M(2,1,2) + M(2,2,1) + 2M(1,1,3) + M(1,1,3,1) + M(2,3) . Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Algebraic Structure of QSym Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Over the rationals, the algebraic structure of QSym can be described as follows. Order compositions lexicographically: (1) < (1, 1) < (1, 1, 1) < · · · < (1, 2) < · · · < (2) < (2, 1) < · · · < (3) < · · · Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions A composition I is Lyndon if I < K whenever I = JK for nonempty compositions J, K . ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Theorem (Reutenauer-Malevenuto, 1995) Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ QSym is a polynomial algebra on MI , I Lyndon. Since the only Lyndon composition ending in 1 is (1) itself, the subspace QSym0 of QSym generated by the MI such that I ends in an integer greater than 1 is a subalgebra, and in fact QSym = QSym0 [M(1) ]. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs MZVs as Homomorphic Images Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ There is a homomorphism ζ : QSym0 → R given by ζ(MI ) = ζ(ik , ik−1 , . . . , i1 ) for I = (i1 , . . . , ik ), induced by sending xj → 1j . (This is well-defined since ik > 1 for MI ∈ QSym0 .) Note ζ(pi ) = ζ(M(i) ) = ζ(i) for i > 1. The intersection Sym0 = QSym0 ∩ Sym is the subspace of Sym generated by the mλ such that all parts of λ are 2 or more, and is in fact the subalgebra of Sym generated by the pi with i > 1. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs MZVs as Homomorphic Images cont’d Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Knowing MZVs are homomorphic images has immediate consequences. For example, we know that the power-sums pn generate Sym rationally, so there is a polynomial Pn with rational coefficients such that Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ en = Pn (p1 , p2 . . . , pn ). Now apply to both sides the homomorphism sending M(i1 ,...,im ) to M(ki1 ,...,kim ) to get M(k, . . . , k ) = Pn (pk , p2k , . . . , pnk ) | {z } n and thus ζ(k, . . . , k ) = Pn (ζ(k), ζ(2k), . . . , ζ(nk)) | {z } n Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs MZVs as Homomorphic Images cont’d Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions for any k > 1. In particular, since we know from equation (1) that ζ(k) is a rational multiple of π k if k is even, and since Pn has degree n, we have the following result. Theorem If k is even, then ζ(k, . . . , k ) is a rational multiple of π kn . | {z } n For particular values of k more specific results are known, e.g., π 2n 22n+1 π 4n ζ(2, . . . , 2) = , ζ(4, . . . , 4) = , | {z } | {z } (2n + 1)! (4n + 2)! n n 6(2π)6n ζ(6, . . . , 6) = . | {z } (6n + 3)! Factoring ζγ n Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs The Function A− : QSym → QSym Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ Consider the linear function from QSym to itself defined by ( M(a1 ,...,ak−1 ) , if ak = 1, A− (M(a1 ,...,ak−1 ,ak ) ) = 0, otherwise. (Here M∅ is interpreted as 1, so A− (M(1) ) = 1.) From the quasi-shuffle description of multiplication in QSym the following result can be proved. Proposition A− : QSym → QSym is a derivation. Note that ker A− = QSym0 . So if we think of QSym as QSym0 [M(1) ], then A− is differentiation by M(1) . Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Extending ζ to ζu : QSym → R[u] Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ Since QSym = QSym0 [M(1) ], we can extend ζ to a homomorphism ζu : QSym → R[u] by defining ζu (w ) = ζ(w ) for w ∈ QSym0 and ζu (M(1) ) = u. In view of the Proposition above, we have the following commutative diagram: ζu QSym −−−−→ R[u] d A− y du y ζu QSym −−−−→ R[u] In the case u = γ ≈ 0.5572 (Euler’s constant), the homomorphism ζu turns out to be especially useful. To explain why we must digress a bit to introduce some generating functions. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Generating Functions Combinatorics & MZVs 1 Michael E. Hoffman Outline The generating function of the elementary symmetric functions is X Y E (t) = ei t i = (1 + txi ). i≥0 Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions 2 ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ That for the complete symmetric functions is X Y 1 = E (−t)−1 . H(t) = hi t i = 1 − txi i≥0 3 i≥1 i≥1 The logarithmic derivative of H(t) is the generating function P(t) for the power sums: P(t) = X d X d log H(t) = − log(1 − txi ) = pi t i−1 . dt dt i≥1 Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs i≥1 Generating Functions cont’d Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The power series expansion of ψ(1 − t), where ψ is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function, is X ψ(1 − t) = −γ − ζ(i)t i−1 . i≥2 The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ If u = γ, then ζu (p1 ) = γ and so ζu (P(t)) = −ψ(1 − t). d log H(t)) we have Hence (since P(t) = dt Theorem (Generating Function) ζγ (H(t)) = Γ(1 − t) . From E (t) = H(−t)−1 follows ζγ (E (t)) = Γ(1 + t)−1 . Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Generating Functions cont’d Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Now it can be shown analytically that the generating function X F (s, t) = ζ(n + 1, (1)m−1 )s n t m n,m≥1 Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ can be written F (s, t) = 1 − Γ(1 − t)Γ(1 − s) . Γ(1 − t − s) Applying the Generating Function Theorem, this is H(t)H(s) F (s, t) = ζγ 1 − . H(t + s) Since H(t) = exp X pi t i = e p1 t exp i i X pi t i i≥1 Michael E. Hoffman i≥2 Combinatorics & MZVs Generating Functions cont’d Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman it follows that 1− Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ H(t)H(s) = 1 − exp H(t + s) X pi ti + si i≥2 − (t + i s)i and hence, applying ζγ , X ζ(n + 1, (1)m−1 )s n t m = n,m≥1 1 − exp X ζ(i) ti i≥2 + si − (t + i s)i . It follows that any MZV of the form ζ(n + 1, (1)m−1 ) is a polynomial in the ζ(i), i ≥ 2, with rational coefficients, though / Sym for m > 1. M((1)m−1 ,n+1) ∈ Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Multiple t-Values Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Besides MZVs, other quantities are homomorphic images of quasi-symmetric functions. For a sequence i1 , i2 , . . . , ik with i1 > 1, the associated multiple t-value is Outline t(i1 , . . . , ik ) = Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ X i1 n1 >···>nk ≥1, ni odd n1 1 · · · nkik Evidently X t(i) = n ≥ 1 odd 1 = (1 − 2−i )ζ(i) ni for i ≥ 2, and from equation (1) it follows that t(2i) = (−1)i−1 B2i (22i−1 − 1)π 2i . 2(2i)! Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs . Multiple t-Values cont’d Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions 1 Then sending xj → 2j−1 induces a homomorphism θ : QSym0 → R with θ(M(i1 ,...,ik ) ) = t(i1 , . . . , ik ) By essentially the the same argument as for MZVs, we have that t(k, . . . , k ) | {z } n is a rational multiple of π kn , but the multiple is different than for MZVs, e.g., π 2n π 4n t(2, . . . , 2) = 2n , t(4, . . . , 4) = 2n , | {z } | {z } 2 (2n)! 2 (4n)! n n π 6n t(6, . . . , 6) = . | {z } 8n(6n − 1)! n Factoring ζγ Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Multiple t-Values cont’d Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions We can also extend θ to a map from QSym to R by choosing a value for θ(M(1) ): the most natural choice seems to be log 2. Then for the generating function H(t) we have 1 1−t . θlog 2 (H(t)) = √ Γ 2 πe γt Despite the similarities with MZVs, multiple t-values have a flavor all their own. For example, instead of ζ(2, 1) = ζ(3) we have 1 t(2, 1) = − t(3) + t(2) log 2. 2 Factoring ζγ Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Finite Multiple Harmonic Sums Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ Another quantity one can consider are the finite truncations of MZV series: X 1 ζ≤n (i1 , . . . , ik ) = ik i1 n≥n1 >···>nk ≥1 n1 · · · nk These are images of monomial quasi-symmetric functions via the mapping ( 1 , j ≤ n, xj → j 0, otherwise. There are no convergence issues here, so the homomorphism is immediately defined on all of QSym. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Hopf Algebra Characters Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Now QSym is a graded Hopf algebra, with coproduct X ∆(MI ) = MJ ⊗ MK I =JK Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ where the sum is over all decompositions of I as a juxtaposition (including the cases J = ∅ and K = ∅). Also, ζγ is a real character of the Hopf algebra QSym (that is, an algebra homomorphism QSym → R). A character χ of QSym is even if χ(w ) = (−1)|w | χ(w ) (3) for homogeneous elements w of QSym, and odd if χ(w ) = (−1)|w | χ(S(w )), where S is the antipode of QSym. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs (4) The ABS Theorem Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ Theorem (Aguiar, Bergeron and Sottille, 2006) Any real character of a (graded connected) Hopf algebra has a unique decomposition in the convolution algebra into an even character times an odd one. Thus, there is an even character ζ+ and an odd character ζ− so that ζγ = ζ+ ζ− in the convolution algebra, i.e., X ζγ (w ) = ζ+ (w(1) )ζ− (w(2) ) (5) (w ) using Sweedler’s notation for coproducts: X ∆(w ) = w(1) ⊗ w(2) . (w ) Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Primitives Combinatorics & MZVs The power sums pi = M(i) are primitive, i.e. Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ ∆(pi ) = 1 ⊗ pi + pi ⊗ 1, and so ζ(i) = ζ(pi ) = ζ− (pi ) + ζ+ (pi ). (6) Equation (3) implies that ζ+ (w ) = 0 for any odd-dimensional w , particularly w = pi , i odd. On the other hand, equation (4) gives ζ− (pi ) = 0 for i even, since S(pi ) = −pi . Together with equation (6), this says ( i even, 0, ζ(i), i even, ζ+ (pi ) = and ζ− (pi ) = ζ(i), i > 1 odd, 0, i odd, γ, i = 1. Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Even Parts Theorem Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline In general, computing ζ+ (MI ) and ζ− (MI ) for an arbitrary monomial quasi-symmetric function MI is difficult, apart from the general fact that Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions ζ+ (MI ) = 0 if |I | is odd. Nevertheless, there is the following result, which can be proved from the general theory of Aguiar-Bergeron-Sottille together with a specific result of Aguiar-Hsiao (2004). Theorem If all parts of I are even, then ζ− (MI ) = 0. Factoring ζγ Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Computing ζ+ and ζ− on Sym Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman The situation is dramatically different if ζγ is restricted to Sym (which is all we need for the Γ- and Γ̂-genera). The pi generate Sym, so for every partition λ Outline mλ = Pλ (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , . . . ) Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions for some polynomial Pλ with rational coefficients. Since ζ+ and ζ− are homomorphisms, ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ ζ− (mλ ) = Pλ (γ, 0, ζ(3), 0, . . . ) and ζ+ (mλ ) = Pλ (0, ζ(2), 0, ζ(4), . . . ). In view of Euler’s identity (1), the latter formula means that ζ+ (mλ ) is a rational multiple of π |λ| when |λ| is even (and of course ζ+ (mλ ) = 0 when |λ| is odd). Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Generating Functions Yet Again Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ Since the involution of Sym that exchanges the ei and the hi leaves the odd pi fixed, it follows that ζ− (en ) = ζ− (hn ), i.e., H(t) ζ− = 1. E (t) On the other hand, ζ+ (E (t)) is an even function, so ζ+ (E (t)) = ζ+ (E (−t)) = ζ+ (H(t))−1 and thus H(t) ζ+ = ζ+ (H(t))2 . E (t) Hence, using ζ+ ζ− = ζγ and the Generating Function Theorem, H(t) H(t) H(t) ζ+ (H(t))2 = ζ+ ζ− = ζγ = E (t) E (t) E (t) Γ(1 − t)Γ(1 + t). Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Factored Generating Function Theorem Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Because of the reflection formula for the gamma function, this is πt . ζ+ (H(t))2 = sin πt Thus we have the following result. Theorem (Factored Generating Function) The ABS factors of ζγ are given by r −1 ζ+ (E (t)) = ζ+ (H(t)) ζ− (E (t)) = ζ− (H(t)) = Factoring ζγ Michael E. Hoffman = r sin πt πt sin πt Γ(1 − t). πt Combinatorics & MZVs Explicit Formula for ζ− (en ) Combinatorics & MZVs There is also the explicit formula for en in terms of power sums: Michael E. Hoffman en = Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions 0 ζ : QSym → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ X i1 +2i2 +···+nin =n p in (−1)n n (−p1 )i1 · · · − , i1 !i2 ! · · · in ! n which follows from E (t) = H(−t) −1 Z = exp − −t P(s)ds . 0 If we apply ζ− to this, the minus signs cancel nicely to give X ζ− (en ) = i1 +3i3 +5i5 ···=n Michael E. Hoffman γ i1 ζ(3)i3 ζ(5)i5 · · · . i1 !3i3 i3 !5i5 i5 ! · · · Combinatorics & MZVs (7) An Example Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions ζ : QSym0 → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Factoring ζγ To see how to put these results together, we note that r sin πt π2t 2 π4t 4 =1− + − ··· πt 12 1440 Then since the ei are divided powers, ∆(e4 ) = 1 ⊗ e4 + e1 ⊗ e3 + e2 ⊗ e2 + e3 ⊗ e1 + e4 ⊗ 1 and from the Factored Generating Function Theorem together with equations (5) and (7) it follows that ζγ (e4 ) = ζ− (e4 ) + ζ+ (e2 )ζ− (e2 ) + ζ+ (e4 ) π4 γ 4 γζ(3) π 2 γ 2 + − · + 4! 3 12 2 1440 γ 4 γ 2 ζ(2) γζ(3) ζ(4) = − + + . 24 4 3 16 = Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs Factoring θlog 2 Combinatorics & MZVs Michael E. Hoffman Outline Multiple Zeta Values The QuasiSymmetric Functions 0 ζ : QSym → R and its Extension ζu Other Homomorphic Images of Quasisymmetric Functions Recall that θlog 2 : QSym → R is the homomorphism that sends M(1) to log 2 and M(i1 ,...,ik ) to the multiple t-value t(ik , . . . , i1 ) when i1 > 1. Just as ζγ can be factored, so can θlog 2 . In this case the result is as follows. Theorem The ABS factorization θlog 2 = θ+ θ− satisfies r πt θ+ (H(t)) = sec = θ+ (E (t))−1 . 2 Factoring ζγ Michael E. Hoffman Combinatorics & MZVs