strange attractors STRUCTURE complex STRUCTURE complex complex Complex, or non-linear, fractals are fractals that exhibit a self-similar structure, but are not exactly self-similar. The overall appearance of a non-linear fractal closely resembles some of its smaller parts but always with some variation. In some cases smaller parts might look quite similar to the overall fractal and help define the fractal’s overall shape, in other cases varying regions appear as twisted or skewed scale copies of the original, while still other regions have shapes that bear no resemblance to the original. STRUCTURE complex complex number fractals STRUCTURE Strange Attractors are defined by an equation or system of equations. The orbit points are generated by passing the current orbit point through the equations to obtain the next orbit point. This process is repeated thousands (or millions) of times This process to produce the fractal data. Of course, most equations will not produce a fractal and the challenge is to find equations that do. Quadratic Attractors and Cubic Attractors are examples of these fractal types. produce the fractal data. Take an equation, solve it; take the result and fold it back into the equation and then solve it again. Keep doing this a million times. Each time Clifford Pickover of IBM solved the equation he marked a point on a graph and therefore he could follow the point as it swept around the plotting space. It’s a little like tracing the path of a fly as it whizzes around a room. Pickover’s feedback sculpture is what scientists call a strange attractor. All strange attractors are fractal. THE MANDELBROT SET LOOKS VERY COMPLICATED, AND YET IT IS GENERATED BY A VERY SIMPLE RULE: REAL NUMBERS fractal geometry: 2 3 4 5 3i If one comes the real line and the imaginary line at a right angle a plane is created, a complex plane. 2i i -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 An imaginary number is the square root of a negative real number. “Imaginary” comes from imagining that -1 or any other negative number has a square root, a mathematician supposition that is extremely useful. The unit imaginary number is i=√-1. In a similar geometric sense, there is a line of imaginary numbers. The arrow can be read as ‘goes to’ or ‘becomes’, for what this rule represents is a transformation of two-dimensional space; the letters z and c by convention indicate generic points in this space, with z being variable and c constant. In other words, the rule transforms the point z to another point in the space, while leaving c unchanged. This two- dimensional space inhabited by z and c, the home of the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets, is central to mathematics, from quantum mechanics to number theory. 3 4 5 -2i -3i -4i 12 The Mandelbrot set is the set of points on a complex plane. The formula used to build the Mandelbrot set, separates the points of the complex plane into two categories: points inside the Mandelbrot set, points outside the Mandelbrot set. The Mandelbrot Set emerges when we apply this rule over and over again, taking the outcome of one transformation as the input for the next. The main body of the Mandelbrot Set consists of a cardioid, or heart-shaped core, surrounded by infinitely many circular buds. Each bud is surrounded by a further infinity of smaller buds, and, at the end of each of these chains of buds, a spiral frond, sometimes lacy and floral, sometimes straight and spiky. The fronds, which comprise the boundary of the Mandelbrot Set, actually consist of infinitely many miniature copies of the whole shape, joined together by bifurcating threads of ever-smaller miniatures. In response to this continual branching, these fronds are also called dendrites, from the Greek for tree. The name conjures up associations with the straggly branching receptors of nerve cells in our brains, which are also called dendrites. This is no accident: evidently the functionality and processing power of neurons derive from their richly entwined fractal structure. Pickover’s feedback sculpture is what scientists call a “strange attractor,” which means “it has some structure even though it’s very irregular”. 28 13 16 through visual media 29 17 STRUCTURE PULL THE TABS TO SEE EACH ITERATION OF THE FRACTALS. linear cantor set Linear fractals or “classical” fractals are exactly self-similar. If you look at a very small part of a fractal’s overall shape, it looks exactly like the original fractal, only smaller. We call this size difference “the scalability factor” or “scale”. These fractals begin with a “seed”, a set of lines that form a basic structure. Next you make duplicate copies of the original seed and you use them to replace the lines found in the original seed. You continue this process at greater levels by replacing line segments with seeds, whose lines in turn get replaced by seeds, so on and so on, forever. Since many of these fractals can be easily drawn, they were the primary types of fractals generated before computers. STRUCTURE linear Karen Yee The Cantor set, introduced by German mathematician Georg Cantor in 1883, is a remarkable construction involving only the real numbers between zero and one. It was actually discovered by Henry Smith, a professor of geometry at Oxford in 1875, however without explanation. Cantor was interested in what happens when you apply these rules an infinite number of times. Most people would think, “Well, if I’ve thrown everything away, eventually there’s nothing left.” Not the case; there’s not just one point left, there’s not just two points left. There’s infinitely many points left. As you zoom in on the Cantor set, the pattern stays the same, much like the noise patterns that Mandelbrot had seen at IBM. The Cantor set is the prototype of a fractal. FIRST ITERATION SECOND ITERATION S. Gud d e r 31 FIFTH ITERATION LIFT EACH TAB TO REVEAL HOW THE CANTOR SET ITERATES BY ERASING THE MIDDLE THIRD. It is self-similar, because it is equal to two copies of itself, if each copy is shrunk by a factor of 1/3 and translated. The Cantor set has no length or interior. In technical parlance, it has “zero measure” A randomly thrown dart is infinitely unlikely to hit it. It is “nowhere dense’. Every part of it consists almost completely of holes and yet despite being nothing but totally disconnected points, it is uncountable. In fact, it contains as many points as the whole line it is carved from. Ever point is an “accumulation” or “limit” point, meaning there are infinitely many other points from the set in any neighborhood of it, no matter how small. Conversely, the Cantor set contains all of its limit points. There’s not just one USE THIS OVERLAY TO COMPARE THE COMPUTER GENERATED FRACTAL TRANSFORMATION FERN TO A PHOTOGRAPH OF A REAL FERN. point left, there’s not just two points left. CANTOR SET STRAIGHT LINE KOCH CURVE There’s infinitely many points left. The essence of mathematics 30 FOURTH ITERATION A CROSS SECTION PERPENDICULAR TO THE PLANE OF THE RINGS OF SATURN SEEMS TO HAVE THIS STYLE OF FRACTAL STRUCTURE. A Cantor set contains two one-third-sized copies of itself. A straight line can be split into three on-third sized copies of itself. A Koch curve consists of four onethird-sized copies of itself. A square is made up of nine one-third-sized copies of itself. In some sense the Cantor set and Koch curve lie on either side of the straight line. The Koch curve is between the line and the square. It takes up more space than the line, but less space than the square. It lies somehow between the first and second dimensions. This concept is called similarity dimension. is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple. THIRD ITERATION STRUCTURE linear One very simple way to understand fractals and the meaning of “iteration” is to examine a simple recursive operation that produces a fractal pattern known as Cantor Set. The Cantor set is defined by repeatedly removing the middle thirds of line segments. This is the first step or iteration, and then take the remaining two lines and repeat the clipping procedure. Eventually after 5 or 10 iterations you have dozens of tiny lines which take up only as much room as the two original ones from the first step. linear fractals STRUCTURE linear A tactile exploration -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 4i COMPLEX NUMBERS 11 FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS UNDERNEATH TO BUILD A KALEIDOCYCLE, WHICH SIMULATES THE ZOOMING CHARACTERISTIC OF A MANDELBROT FRACTAL. IMAGINARY NUMBERS Geometrically a real number is any position on a line which extends infinitely. 10 is repeated thousands of times to TWO COPIES OF ITSELF 1/3 FULL SIZE THREE COPIES OF ITSELF 1/3 FULL SIZE FOUR COPIES OF ITSELF 1/3 FULL SIZE LESS THAN 1-D ONE DIMENSIONAL (1-D) MORE THAN 1-D The old-fashioned way to store an image digitally is to impose a grid on it and record the average gray level of each grid cell (pixel). The finer the detail needed, the finer the grid must be and the larger the record. Fineness of detail is a matter of persistence in iteration. Left, sketched on the photograph, is an outline of the fern and collaged upon it are four trans-formed copies of it. This is the result of iterating the transformations. This process is known as recursion: the repeated application of a rule to successive results will be explained in further detail on the following page. 33 32 48 38 39 Not surprisingly, fractals occur in other geographical features. The land surface of countries is an obvious example, which can display fractality from scales of hundreds of miles down to a few feet. Mountain ranges contain many peaks, each with subsidiary summits, with hillsides made up of large and small undulations resulting from local geology or erosion by streams, and smaller hillocks and tufts formed by soil irregularities. Mathematical fractal constructions have been used very effectively to simulate realistic looking landscapes. Fractal landscapes have been utilized widely in art and movies, with fractal planet and landscape simulations pioneered in the early 1980s films Whether we are conscious Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan of it or not, fractal shapes and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and used in many later films. fractal simulations Not only does fractal geometry describe natural phenomena, it can also be used to simulate, or “fake” or “forge,” them. In other words, fractal principles can be used to create exceedingly realistic images or models of these natural phenomena. For instance, topological representations created fractally are indistinguishable from the real thing. Furthermore, these fractal simulations are useful; petroleum engineers routinely use them because they can accurately model the distribution of oil in sedimentary rock. This characteristic of fractals explains why school children find it so easy to create plausible, but fictitious, maps of rivers and coastlines; one just draws a squiggly line that approximates the contours of the original. fractals in nature coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line. Be no it Mand e l br o t The Frac t al Geo met ry o f Nat ure This stained cross section of cells in a cucumber bears a curious resemblance to the purely mathematical fractal pattern generated on a computer. have become part of our Mathematical fractal constructions have been used very effectively to simulate realistic looking landscapes. Methods used to generate random curves such as Brownian motion may be extended to produce random surfaces. RELEVANCE nature RELEVANCE Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, nature thought patterns. Usually it is the overall appearance of the landscape that is important rather than its precise form, and random fractal constructions can produce and vary such scenery very efficiently and at a much lower cost than creating elaborate film sets. The mountains on the left are created with a Brownian fractal function, in comparison to a photograph of mountains on the right. RELEVANCE nature abstract Most of the fractals encountered so far in this book lie in the idealized world of the mathematician, where it is theoretically possible to repeat a construction step forever, or view an object at arbitrarily fine scales. Of course, the real world is not like that—in reality, we only encounter approximate fractals. If we zoom in too closely on a real object any self-similarity will be lost, and eventually we encounter molecular or atomic structure. Nevertheless, it can be very useful to regard natural objects as fractals if they exhibit irregularities or self-similarity when viewed over a significant range of scales. But all scientific descriptions or `models’ of reality are approximate, and this is a further instance. This section will take a look at fractal geometry in natural occurring existence. Intelligence can be applied to conventional storage to reduce the space required. A simple thing to do if there is a run of pixels with the same value is to encode them with two numbers—a count of the pixels in the run, and the value common to them all—rather than recording all the values in the run. And there are much more elaborate methods. What they all have in common is that they somehow find and remove redundancies in the image. Fractals are in a way the ultimate in redundancy, so this method is potentially the most effective compression of all. Whether we are conscious of it or not, fractal shapes have become part of our thought patterns. Perception scientists have carried out psychology experiments that shown we are most comfortable with objects whose dimensions range between 1.2 - 1.4 and 2.2 - 2.4, these coincidentally are the dimensions most commonly found in trees, mountains and clouds. Perhaps as we coexist harmoniously with the fractal patterns in nature, our visual systems process thoughts that themselves have become fractalized, subconsciously in tune with the world around us. The ocean is a large drop; a drop is a small ocean. Ral ph Wal d o E me r s o n 49 fractals in the universe Fractals will maybe revolutionize the way that the universe is seen. Cosmologists usually assume that matter is spread uniformly across space. But observation shows that this is not true. Astronomers agree with that assumption on “small” scales, but most of them think that the universe is smooth at very large scales. However, a dissident group of scientists claims that the structure of the universe is fractal at all scales. If this new theory is proved to be correct, even the big bang models should be adapted. Some years ago we proposed a new approach for the analysis of galaxy and cluster correlations based on the concepts and methods of modern Statistical Physics. This led to the surprising result that galaxy correlations are fractal and not homogeneous up to the limits of the available catalogs. Many more redshifts have been measured and we have extended our methods also to the analysis of number counts and angular catalogs. The result is that galaxy structures are highly irregular and self-similar. The usual statistical methods, based on the assumption of homogeneity, are therefore inconsistent for all the length scales probed until now. A new, more general, conceptual framework is necessary to identify the real physical properties of these structures. But at present, cosmologists need more data about the matter distribution in the universe to prove (or not) that we are living in a fractal universe. EXPLORE INTO MORE FRACTAL IMAGERY FROM NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY. By using the iterative features of “recursive programming” Dawkins created a biomorph program that simulations evolution and iterates genes which resemble the trilobites that swam in the oceans of the Cambrian era 570 million years ago. complex Mathematics and art are considered by some to be in opposition. Math is perceived to be intimidating to artistically creative people. There are many visual elements of math most creative people are unaware of. 52 53 Canyonlands from Island-in-the-Sky, Utah 54 55 60 61 62 63 This algorithmically designed piece of jewelry is a metaphor for fractals’ history for the multiplicity of different contacts fractals create between fields. Here is it compared to an Apollony Gasket. fractals in our bodies nature RELEVANCE applications If people do not believe that applications Jo h n Lo uis v o n Ne umann Already, technological and commercial advances have stemmed from such questions – for example, a compact antenna for mobile phones, new ways to analyze the movements of the stock market, and efficient methods to compress the data in computer images, squeezing more pictures onto a CD. Once our eyes have been opened to the fact that fractal objects possess a distinctive character and structure, and are not just irregular or random, it becomes obvious that the universe is full of fractals. Indeed, it may even be one. Fractals teach us not to confuse complexity with irregularity, and they open our eyes to new possibilities. Fractals represent an entire new regime of mathematical modeling, which science is just beginning to explore. The nervous system exhibits fractal patterns seen at both visible and microscopic levels. Looking at the cerebellum, a structure located at the base of the brain, one can see a series of continually smaller nerve branches forming a network that sends sensory information throughout the body. This branching structure is called the arbor vitae which literally translated means the “tree of life”. Spiral lens structure in the compound eye of a firefly (left) and computer simulation of a spiraling DNA ladder from the top. 64 65 66 67 Another system which demonstrates fractal structure, is the cardiovascular system, which is composed of the heart, arteries, and veins. Blood vessels which transport blood through the body form another branching network. Blood is carried away from the heart by arteries leading to all parts of the body, and these divide into narrower arterioles and end in fine capillaries of about 0.01mm in diameter. Oxygen and nutrients pass out through the thin capillary walls to body tissue and waste products are absorbed into the capillaries. For this to function, every cell in the body must be within around 0.1mm of a blood vessel. Moreover, for the circulatory system to function efficiently, the distance between the heart and the capillaries should be no longer than necessary. This requires an intricate branching fractal network, comprising a total length of blood vessels of around 60,000 miles. An understanding of these new principles derived from fractal geometry has provided us with greater insight into the human body. What’s absolutely amazing is that you can translate what you see in the natural world in the LEARN ABOUT FRACTALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN ART. language of mathematics. 68 69 FRACTALS ARE CONSTANTLY BEING APPLIED TO NEW APPLICATIONS. HERE IS A SHORT LIST OF PLACES WHERE FRACTALS ARE BEING USED: • • • • • • • • • • • aggregation growths art cardiovascular system analysis computer graphics cellular automata modeling chemistry city planning crystallography data compression dielectric processes electrochemistry • • • • • • • • • • • epidemics geology image rendering image processing lung analysis kidney structures analysis material science mammography meteorology metallurgy music • • • • • • • • • network structure peace and conflict studies psychology plant structures population biology semiconductors stellar formation structural engineering traffic flow 72 73 SYSTEM MAP: Opening spread | First spread | Interior spread | Final spread with interactive pocket The way in which a medium can convey research affects how wide of an audience it can reach. Through paper-based interactive elements housed in the book, including overlays, tabbed reveals, and paper folding, math concepts become a hands-on experience that facilitates learning and makes math a visually interesting and interactive experience for anyone, regardless of their knowledge of mathematics research affects how wide of an audience it can reach. This project was for completed for my senior thesis in Graphic Design, over a course of ten weeks. Full size: 10.5"x9.5", 80 pages RELEVANCE mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. In the breathing or respiratory system, the windpipe, or trachea, splits into two bronchial tubes leading into the two lungs. These tubes split into narrower tubes, which continue to split repeatedly until, after about 11 levels of branching, they reach numerous very fine tubes called bronchioles which end in microscopic thin-walled sacs called alveoli. A lung contains around 400 million very closely spaced alveoli. Air breathed through the mouth or nose passes down the trachea and into the lung to reach the alveoli from whence oxygen is passed into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is absorbed from the blood to be exhaled. Adult human lungs are about 12 inches long and 5 inches wide, but because of their branching fractal structure have an enormous surface area of about 100 square yards. It is the fractal structure that achieves this large area within a confined space and thus enables oxygen to be supplied to the blood efficiently and in adequate quantity for the whole body. within a confined space. On a cellular level, these nerve branches are comprised of cells with similar structure, neurons and astrocytes, that also display these fractal patterns. Neurons, which are the cells primarily responsible for the transfer and processing of information within the nervous system, contain cell extensions called dendrites. Dendrites receive information in the form of electrical impulses from a variety of sources. This network of dendrites, which is often called the “dendritic tree” can be seen in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum, which are organized into short, asymmetric branches that break off into smaller branches and so on. RELEVANCE applications fractals Are they important? Undoubtedly. Turbulence in the atmosphere makes it difficult for Earth-based telescopes to produce accurate images of stars; a turbulent atmosphere is well modeled by a fractal distribution of the refractive index. Light bouncing off the ocean, with its myriad waves on many scales, closely resembles reflection from a fractal mirror. And the way trees absorb energy from the wind is closely related to the ‘vibrational modes’ of a fractal – and it is such modes that create the sound of a drum. The natural world provides an inexhaustible supply of important problems in fractal physics. RELEVANCE applications linear Fractals are mathematical patterns that infinitely repeat and have strong connections to nature and applications in daily life. My presentation will be on the design of an interactive print book, with an electronic tablet companion, to demonstrate how these tangible components can make learning mathematical concepts an accessible and rewarding and enjoyable experience. the importance of fractals that achieves this large area RELEVANCE applications STRUCTURE It is the fractal structure Some of the most extensive examples of branching fractal networks are to be found within the bodies of humans or other mammals, in particular in the breathing, blood circulation, and nervous systems. Whilst these remarkable structures lead to efficient physiological operation of the body, it is still not clear what evolutionary or biophysical mechanisms underlie this branching growth. system map color system The book is divided into two sections, Structure and Relevance, overview that further break down into two subsections. - Each chapter opens up with large imagery in the color the corresponds to the specific chapter. STRUCTURE - Discusses concepts for both Complex and Linear fractals - Explains what fractals are, how they were discovered, and how they are created - Bulk of the interactive elements are s t housed r u c t u r ein othese v e r vchapters iew - Green is used through out the book as an interactivity indicator. - Each chapter ends with a green pocket that holds an interactive element related to the content of the chapter. - Color palette is inspired by psychedelic poster art from the 70s. This time period is relevant to the rise of computers, which led to large strides in research of fractal geometry. RELEVANCE - Subsections: Nature and Application S E L F S I M I L(less ARITY - This half of the book is a more visual experience interactivity than the first half) chapter relate back O n w h a t e v e r s c a l e , a n d w i t h i n - Interactive elements at the end of each PEANO CURVE a g how i v e n r athey n g e y oare u examine a - Explains where fractals exist in nature and to the color of the chapter they (live I N A in. KOCH SNOWFLAKE) fractal it will always appear important in other elements of our lives t o h a v e t h e s a m e s h a p e o r interactive elements same degree of irregularity. These are the interactive elements that are included in the book to heighten the learning experience for the user. By using interactivity in a print form it creates a tangible and visual experience while learning new concepts. overview END OF CHAPTER POCKET INTERACTIVE ELEMENTS overview icon system ITERATION 1 o rreiterate e p e a t a n o p econcepts ration, Icons seen here are used throughout the book Tto that show 2 generally using the last result up in multiple places. There is also a green, the color used for interactivity, icon structure overview of that operation as the input. to indicate where you can use an iPad to digitally experience fractals. structure overview FRACTAL CONCEPT: Self-similarity A pull tab shows how the Mandelbrot set is self-similar using frosted vellum as an overlay. 3 4 KOCH CURVE SELF SIMILARITY SOEnL F w hS aI M t eIvLeA r Rs Ic T aY le, and within a given range you examine a c thaal t ietv w yn s da pwpi et h a irn Of rnaw e ri lsl caallw e ,a a t o h a v e t h e s a m e s h a p e o r a given range you examine a r eygs ual a fsraam c tea ld ei tg rweiel l oaf l iwr a p rpietayr. to have the same shape or same degree of irregularity. This kaleidocycle is a visual representation of the “zooming in” you experience with the self-similar qualities of fractals. The user is given instructions and a pre-scored template to glue together. PEANO CURVE (IN A KOCH SNOWFLAKE) PEANO CURVE The dimension of a fractal (IN A KOCH SNOWFLAKE) in general is not a whole number, not an integer. FRACTAL DIMENSION PASCAL TRIANGLE SIERP PASCAL TRIANGLE SIERP CANTOR SET BOUN FRACTAL CONCEPT: Recursion ITERATION Multiple pull tabs that show recursion. r eApTeIaOt Na n o p e r a t i o n , ITToE R generally using the last result a et aotp ae rnaot p i oenr aatsi otnh ,e i n p u t . Toof rt he p generally using the last result of that operation as the input. 1 3 1 50 2 3 4 2 REVIEW MORE FRACTALS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS PAGE 4 KOCH CURVE KOCH CURVE FRACTAL CONCEPT: Iteration This overlay lets the user discover the similarities between a computer generated fern using a fractal equation, and a photograph of a real fern. LEVY C CURVE LEVY C CURVE FRACTAL DIMENSION FTRhAe CdTi A mLe nDs Ii M o nE oNfS aI Of N ractal in general is not a whole Tnhuemdbiemr e, nnsoi to na no fi nat ef rg ae cr t. a l in general is not a whole number, not an integer. A visual representation using acetate overlays of the Cantor Set. This fractal is created by eliminating the middle third of a line. 50 REVIEW MORE FRACTALS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS PAGE REVIEW MORE FRACTALS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS PAGE CANTOR SET CANTOR SET BOUNDARY OF A DRAGON CURVE BOUNDARY OF A DRAGON CURVE 50 FRACTAL CONCEPT: Iteration This circle explains the process of iteration. Passing colors through a blue overlay shows that the output of the first iteration becomes the input of the next. This small booklet has a further exploration of fractals in nature. It only uses black and white photography to showcase form and pattern that naturally exist. FRACTAL CONCEPT: Form This element is a study of threedimensional form that fractals can take. This element is white to let the user focus on form. These oversized postcards give more information on fractals in art, and can be used as miniposters if the user desired. Full book with pocket interactive elements H HI