Background Prediction Feature Selection Sex | Run 7

 The human microbiome is composed of trillions
of organisms occupying the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and respiratory tracts, the skin, and the
oral cavity.
Feature Selection
Sex | Run 7
(F=0 | M=1)
 Influential in immunity, vitamin production, digestion, maintenance of intestinal mucosa.
 Shifts in microbiota composition may have significant consequences in the homeostasis of the host .
 Implement supervised latent Dirichlet allocation (sLDA) to describe microbial architecture.
Body Site | Run 1
(Skin=0 | Gut=1)
 Predict host features based on microbiome composition as a function of topics.
Body Site
 Open access American Gut Project
 Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) genomic information from 3832 subjects with information on
194 variables such as sex, diet, and weight.
Obesity | Run 1
(Lean=0 | Obese=1)
Support Vector
Random Forest
are not directly associated with the two regression figures (Log(OTU) vs. raw BMI). These are the logistic regression coefficients from the sLDA model fit. sLDA fits a maximized set of topic assignments then re* Coefficients
gresses the document annotations (in this case 0 or 1 for non-obese or obese, respectively) against the distribution of words assigned to a given topic k for each document d:
TZ = Yd, where Yd is a vector of annotations of length D
Z is a D x K matrix where K is the number of topics and Zi,j = N1(zn,d = kj, Yd = di)