A Study of Polymorphic Sickle Hemoglobin Polymers James Amarando, Frank A. Ferrone Department of Physics, Drexel University Introduction Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein found in human red blood cells (RBCs). Hb is responsible for the transport of oxygen within the blood. Sickle Hemoglobin (HbS) is a mutation of Hb in which a Glu is replaced by a Val on the two beta subunits of the molecule. This mutation causes HbS to polymerize inside the RBCs. These polymers are long and rigid and cause the RBCs to become sickle shaped. It also makes them too rigid to deform to pass through thin capillaries, causing many complications such as strokes and anemia. An occluded red blood cell in the capillary blocks blood flow Axial contacts occur at locations between molecules as they stack on each other going up the polymer. The interaction between the axials is not as strong as the laterals. The axial contacts occur on the sub protein chains of the molecule. Method – 3D Images Using Visual Python The Flex Angle Given the (x,y,z) coordinates for the contact points on one hemoglobin, code was written which will generate a full polymer. Figure 5 has an example of one molecule using the bead molecule. In this the red and blue spheres are lateral contacts (both the valine and the “pocket”). The other colored beads are the axial contacts, with colors matching those identities in figure 4. The white sphere on each pole represents a repulsion, meaning no two white spheres should ever be touching. The flex angle mathematically is a rotation at an arbitrary point around an arbitrary axis. This is coded in Cartesian coordinates. The conversion is accomplished using the Quaternions to derive a rotation matrix about an arbitrary normalized axis a= (ax,ay,az,). θ Figure 8: Quaternion derived flex angle Note: s and c are shorthand for sin(θ) and cos(θ) Figure 3: Model of the contact points Results Bogdan Barz, Brigita Urbanc and Frank A. Ferrone, (unpublished) proposed that the same amino acids can be used in a different pairing (figure 4). Figure 6: One hemoglobin bead (output from code) Oxygen will not be delivered to tissues beyond the blockage (blue) Figure 1: Sickle cell disease illustration Hb is composed of two alpha chains and two beta chains. Source: http://www.bio.miami.edu/~cmallery/150/chemistry/hemoglobin.jpg Working with just a single pair, a polymer of 14 beads is generated using the new axial points. This is figure 9. Algorithm Figure 4: Left – old axial contacts Right – new axial contacts Given an alternative set of axial contact points, can a feasible model of an HbS polymer be generated? To make a polymer, a second bead is connected to the first using lateral contacts. A flex angle is then put in about the lateral contact so that a third bead's axials will align with the desired axials on the first beads. From a coding perspective, the math of adding in new beads is performed in Matlab, which then outputs coordinates in visual python formatting to the end of a python script. The bash wrapper script will execute the python script once all beads are generated. A high level flow chart of the algorithm is in figure 7. Figure 9: HbS polymer using new contacts (output from code) This result is a linear polymer (linear in the sense of it is essentially planar). The next steps is to correlate this result to the expected result of a twist. Figure 10 is previous work assembled using the same contact points but using styrofoam balls. It is expected that this twist can be achieved by altering the bend of the flex angle at the lateral contacts. The bead model is used in simulations of the polymer. In a bead model, each hemoglobin is represented by a sphere. Figure 2: Structure of Hb The HbS polymer is formed as the hydrophobic valine on one molecule comes into contact with another hydrophobic “pocket” on another molecule. This forms a very strong hydrophobic bond which is similar to a ball and socket joint. These are referred to as the lateral contacts, as they connect molecules within a cross section. These contacts are well defined and are the strongest intermolecular interactions within the polymer. The ultimate goal is shown in figure 5 , which is based on electron microscopy , which cannot distinguish the contact pairs. Figure 10: Styrofoam model of HbS polymer (Klaiss and Ferrone, unpublished) Figure 5: Bead model polymer Figure 7: Algorithm Flow Chart