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Quantum Optics and Photonics Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics Academic and Research Staff Professor Shaoul Ezekiel, Dr. Selim M. Shahriar, Dr. Stephen P. Smith Visiting Scientists and Research Affiliates 1 2 Dr. Philip R. Hemmer,' Dr. Mara G. Prentiss, John D. Kierstead Graduate Students 2 John J. Donoghue, 3 Daniel Katz, 2 Juliet Mervis Undergraduate Students Arthur Chu 2 1.1 Distributed Fiberoptic Sensor for Quench Detection in Superconducting Tokamak Magnets Sponsor MIT Plasma Fusion Center The next generation of magnetic confinement fusion machines (tokamaks) will use superconducting rather than conventional magnets for confining and heating plasmas. These magnets can be longer than a kilometer and typically cooled using a forced flow of liquid helium through the conduit which surrounds the superconducting cable. The detection of a quench, i.e., a section of the magnet going normal, is important since any increase in heat in an area caused by an undetected quench could result in permanent magnet damage. Thus, a quick and reliable way of detecting such quenches is very valuable. Conventional methods for quench detection in superconducting magnets, such as voltage taps or monitoring the helium flow in the conduit, have various limitiations. For example, voltage taps can have poor signal-to-noise ratio due to inductive pickup, while helium flow changes caused by a quench can be slow, depending on the location of the quench and the length of the magnet. One novel method for detecting quenches in such a magnet, is to include an optical fiber with the super4 conducting cable inside the conduit. Since the optical fiber is in close contact with the cable, any increase in heat in an area of the cable also causes heating of the fiber, which can be detected interferometrically. Figure 1 shows a simplified schematic diagram of a fiberoptic quench detector. Light from an optical source is coupled along a single mode optical fiber and is then sent into two fiber arms using the directional coupler (labeled C1 in the figure). One of these arms, the sense arm, is co-wound with the superconducting cable, and the other arm, the reference arm, is held at a constant temperature. Light from these two arms is recombined using a second directional coupler (C2) to form a MachAs the sense arm is Zehnder interferometer. heated, its optical length increases, and a series of fringes are observed at the output of the interferometer. By counting the number and the direction of these fringes, the change in the integrated temperature along the fiber can be found. 1 Rome Laboratory, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, Massachusetts. 2 Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 3 Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts. 4 S. Pourrahimi, W.C. Guss, J.V. Minervini, D.B. Montgomery, N.T. Pierce, J.H. Schultz, S.P. Smith, and S. Ezekiel, "US Contributions to the Development and Calibration of Quench Detectors for the ITER QUELL," Proceedings of the Applied Superconductivity Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 17-20, 1994. 187 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics Intensity Reference C1 LASER C2 Sense Thermal Perturbations Optical Path Length (a) Figure 1. Initial tests of this fiber interferometer using short lengths of superconducting wire have demonstrated that quenches can be easily observed even at liquid helium temperatures. Figure 2 shows one example of the data, where initially there is no perturbation to the optical fiber, and very little drift is observed in the fringe count. When a current is introduced into the superconducting wire, as indicated by the slight rise in the voltage across the wire (due to ohmic losses in the leads), very little change is observed in the fringe count. However, when the superconductor is quenched, using a current pulse applied to a heater wrapped around a short section of the superconducting wire, a large rise in the voltage across the superconductor is observed, and the fringe count rises dramatically. Finally, when the current is stopped in the superconducting wire, the fringe count abruptly drops to near its pre-quench level. There are a number of issues with this sensor that still need to be investigated including reduction of the sensitivity of the optical fibers to changes in cable strain, survival of the optical fibers through the manufacturing of the superconducting cable, and extraction of the fibers from the magnets. Preparations are currently underway to test this quench detection scheme and a number of others in a 100 meter superconducting cable. This test is part of ITER, an international scientific collaboration on fusion research between the United States, Japan, the European Union, and the Russian Federation. This test cable will be manufactured in Japan with sensors provided by the United States. The tests will be carried out in Switzerland. 188 RLE Progress Report Number 137 Fringe Count 1600 50s. bt Superconductor Voltage Quench Heater Voltage 5 Figure 2. 1.2 Measurement of Liquid Helium Flow in Superconducting Tokamak Magnets Sponsor MIT Plasma Fusion Center The accurate measurement of liquid helium flow is important in a number of experiments and applications involving superconducting magnets. Conventional measurement techniques such as venturis or orifice plates have a number of drawbacks including a small dynamic range, constriction of the flow, Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics poor bidirectional response, and poor transient response. A new optical technique is being investigated for the measurement of the liquid helium flows. This technique has the advantages of a very large accuracy, inherent dynamic range, high bidirectionality, virtually no constriction or disruption of the flow and, in contrast with laser Doppler velocimetry, does not require a seeded flow. counterpropagating flow. Thus, the flow will cause a difference in the optical path length for the two beams, resulting in a phase shift between the two beams. Figure 5 shows an example of how this system could be implemented with only minimal disruption of the flow. In this case, the interferometer will measure the component of the flow along the direction of light propagation. This flow measurement technique is based on the change in the speed of light in a moving medium, referred to as Fresnel drag.5 The relativistic calculation gives the speed of light in a moving medium, cm, as: +U do/n m 1 + u/nco co n 1 n I where c, is the speed of light in vacuum, n is the index of refraction of the medium, and v is the velocity of the flow along the direction of light propagation. Thus, for a 1 m/s flow in liquid helium the fractional optical path length change, AL/UL, resulting from this change in the speed of light is only about Figure 3. 2 x 10- 10. One method for measuring this small effect uses a Sagnac interferometer (shown in figure 3).6 Light from a source is coupled into a single mode optical fiber and then is split into two beams by a fiber coupler C and the beams are then sent in opposite directions around a fiber ring. The beams are then recombined using the same coupler C and the resulting intensity is measured using detector D. However, in contrast with either a Michelson or Mach-Zehnder interferometer, since both beams travel along the same path, any change in optical path length, for example due to fiber temperature or strain changes, is the same for both beams so that the effect is reciprocal, and results in no change in the output intensity. Only effects which are nonreciprocal, i.e., different for the two directions of propagation, will result in a change in the output intensity. Fresnel drag, as discussed above, is one such nonreciprocal effect. As shown schematically in figure 4, the light in the clockwise (CW) direction experiences a copropagating flow while the light in the counterclockwise (CCW) direction experiences a Figure 4. Liquid Helium Figure 5. Initial calculations indicate that this technique could be used for liquid helium flows on the order of 1 m/s with very small or negligible perturbation to the 5 R.T. de Carvalho and J. Blake, "Slow-flow Measurements and Fluid Dynamics Analysis Using Fresnel Drag Effect," Appl. Opt. 33: 6073-6077 (1994); G.A. Sanders and S. Ezekiel, "Measurement of Fresnel Drag in Moving Media Using a Ring-resonator Technique," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 5: 674-678 (1988). 6 J.L. Davis and S. Ezekiel, "Closed-loop, Low-noise Fiber-optic Rotation Sensor," Opt. Lett. 6: 505-508 (1981). 189 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics flow. In addition, the sensor is inherently bidirectional, virtually immune to electro-magnetic interference, and insensitive to temperature and mechanical perturbations. It also has a very high dynamic range and a very low sensitivity to magnetic fields. Experiments are currently underway to study this type of flow meter using several cryogenic liquids. 1.3 Efficient, Low-Intensity Optical Phase Conjugation using Coherent Population Trapping in Sodium Sponsor U.S. Air Force - Electronic Systems Division Contract F19628-92-K-0013 intensities accessible with cw diode lasers, opening the possibility of the development of portable, high speed, four-wave mixing devices. To see how CPT can be used to perform OPC, consider the four-level double A system of figure 6a in the traditional phase conjugation geometry of figure 6b. The two A subsystems are assumed to be separate. For simplicity, consider only the case where F and S saturate the two-photon transition and B and C are weak. The A subsystem involving F and S and the states Ia >, Ib >, and le > gets optically pumped into a transparent superposition of the ground states. This corresponds to a purely sinusoidal grating in the phase of the ground state coherence. The important property of this grating is that it can be saturated at optical intensities well below those needed to saturate the individual optical transitions. We have observed optical phase conjugate gain (>50) in sodium vapor using low intensity pump lasers (1 W/cm 2), with a response time on the order of 1 psec.7 We have experimentally identified coherent population trapping (CPT) as the phase conjugate mechanism. We have also developed a theoretical model which supports these observations by showing that coherent population trapping can write large amplitude, nonlinear optical gratings at laser intensities well below those needed to saturate the optical transitions. Four-wave mixing and optical phase conjugation (OPC) have long been known to have potential applications to optical image amplification, processing and aberration correction. However, widespread application of these techniques has so far been limited because of the slow response and/or low efficiency of existing nonlinear optical materials at laser intensities achievable with compact cw lasers. For example, previous work in sodium vapor shows fast response, 8 but phase conjugate gain is observed only at high pump intensities (in the range of 100 W/cm 2).9 We have demonstrated high efficiency OPC in sodium for pump intensities near 1 W/cm 2, with a response time on the order of 1 psec. If sodium were replaced by rubidium or cesium, a similar performance could be achieved at (a) F , F \ le> F C la> (b) B C Ib> Ib> Figure 6. (a) Schematic of four-level double A system. (b) Corresponding four wave mixing geometry. To produce the conjugate beam C, the read beam B scatters off of the grating formed by F and S. For the special case where all lasers are resonant with the excited states, the conjugate wave amplitude C only increases until the four-level closed-loop transparency condition is approached. After this, B and C propagate as though the medium were transparent. In the more general case, for example, off resonant lasers and strong forward and backward pumps F and B, preliminary calculations show that high gain is possible. In the case of a pure three- 7 P.R. Hemmer, M.S. Shahriar, D.P. Katz, J. Donoghue, P. Kumar, and M. Cronin-Golomb, "Efficient Low-Intensity Optical Phase Conjugation Based on Coherent Population Trapping in Sodium," Opt. Lett. 20: 982 (1995). 8 C.J. Gaeta, J.F. Lam, and R.C. Lind, Opt. Lett. 14: 245 (1989). 9 M. Vallet, M. Pinard, and G. Grynberg, Opt. Comm. 81: 403 (1991); J.R.R. Leite, P. Simoneau, D. Bloch, S. Le Boiteux, and M. Ducloy, Europhys. Lett. 2: 747 (1986). 190 RLE Progress Report Number 137 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics LASER F A/O LASER B RF SODIUM S C C BDETS. B S DF ETS. Figure 7. Schematic of experimental setup. Laser beam S is derived from F with an acoustic optic modulator (A/O), driven with a stable rf source. level system, this scheme still works as long as B and S are nondegenerate.10 The experimental apparatus used to perform OPC using CPT is schematically shown in figure 7. The sodium vapor cell is a heat pipe oven operated at about 200' C with 5 mtorr of He buffer gas and a variable interaction length of 6 to 12 cm which is magnetically shielded to better than 100 mGauss. Two ring dye lasers generate the forward and backward pumps F and B, as shown. Both lasers are tuned approximately to the D1 transition. The signal beam S is derived from F using an acoustooptic modulator (A/O) configured for upshifting and driven with an rf signal of 1.77 GHz having about 1 kHz frequency jitter. This ensures that the laser jitters of F and S are correlated as required for efficient CPT." Laser beams F and S typically enter the active medium with a 4 mrad angular separation. In addition, the backward pump B is also aligned about 3 mrad away from counterpropagating with F in a direction perpendicular to the F and S plane. This prevents optical feedback of one laser into the other while maintaining the Bragg angle. Typical spot sizes in the cell are about 1.6 mm FWHM for B, 1.0 mm for F, and 1.0 mm for S. Pump intensities (F and B) are in the range of 1 W/ cm2 . All of the beams are detected in transmission through the cell. Finally, the frequency reference is provided by an atomic beam (not shown). Figure 8a shows a scan of the conjugate gain R (reflected power/input signal power) and transmitted signal gain T as a function of the frequency of the forward pump laser F. Note that the frequency of laser S is also scanned since S is generated from F with the A/O. As shown, high gains are observed, both in reflection and transmission. Here, the peak conjugate gain of 55 occurs when F is blue detuned about 200 MHz from the F=2 <-> F'=2 transition frequency, S is upshifted from F by 1774 MHz, and B is red detuned about 600 MHz from the F=1 <-> F'=2 transition. For this data, the optical intensity of the forward and backward pumps F and B are 1.2 and 0.5 W/cm 2, respectively, and the signal beam S has an intensity of 3.5 mW/cm 2. This data shows a factor of 16 increase in reflectivity over previous sodium vapor experiments at about 1 percent of the pump intensity. For this data, the shortest interaction length of 6 cm is used. Using a longer interaction length of 12 cm and higher pump intensities (5 W/cm 2), conjugate reflectivities well above 100 are observed (not shown). The response time is measured by switching the rf signal to the A/O and monitoring the phase conjugate reflection. We find that the response time is no slower than 1.4 psec, the measurement being limited by the speed of the rf switching electronics. Figure 8b shows a scan of the conjugate gain R as a function of the frequency detuning of S relative to F, obtained by scanning the rf frequency applied to the A/O (see figure 7) while compensating for alignment changes. All other conditions correspond to the peak gain in figure 6a. The observed difference frequency width of the gain is about 2.3 MHz (centered near 1774 MHz), which is to be compared with the 10 MHz natural linewidth of sodium. This subnatural rf frequency linewidth provides evidence of Raman CPT. 12 Frequency measurements of the conjugate beam C show that it is downshifted from the backward pump B by 1774 MHz. When B and C are combined on a fast photodiode, a narrow 2 kHz beat note is observed (near the 1 kHz rf linewidth), even though beams F and B are derived from independent lasers, each having about 50 MHz absolute frequency jitter. This narrow beat is evidence of the closed-loop model. In summary, we have observed high-phase conjugate gain (R > 50) in sodium vapor at low pump intensities (-1 W/cm 2), with a fast response time (-1 psec). Raman coherent population trapping has been experimentally identified as the physical basis of the conjugate generation process. This excellent 10 M.S. Shahriar, P.R. Hemmer, J. Donoghue, M. Cronin-Golomb, and P. Kumar, OSA Annual Meeting Technical Digest (Washington, D.C.: Optical Society of America, 1992), v. 23, p. 127. 11 J.E. Thomas, P.R. Hemmer, S. Ezekiel, C.C. Leiby, Jr., R.H. Picard, and C.R. Willis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48: 867 (1982). 12M. Poelker and P. Kumar, Opt. Lett. 17: 399 (1992). 191 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics performance opens the possibility of developing practical, portable, high-gain optical signal processing devices, based on optical phase conjugation or four-wave mixing. (a) 37i0 J 55- I I F=1 2 LASER F FREQ. t (b) 2.3 MHz RF FREQ. - Figure 8. (a) Signal gain T and phase conjugate gain R versus laser F frequency. The frequency scale is labeled by the transition frequencies corresponding to the F=1 and F=2 ground state hyperfine components. (b) Phase conjugate gain R versus rf frequency driving the acousto optic modulator. 1.4 Highly Selective Nonspatial-Filters Using Porous Matrix Based Thick Holograms Sponsor Ballistic Missile Defense Organization Grant NG0921-94-C-0101 We have developed a novel technique for laser beam cleanup, the nonspatial filter, 13 which is based on the Bragg selectivity of thick holograms. This technique eliminates the need for laser beam focusing, which is the source of many of the alignment instabilities and laser power limitations of spatial filters. Standard holographic materials are not suitable for this application because differential shrinkage during processing limits the maximum Bragg angle selectivity attainable. We have developed a new technology which eliminates this problem. Preliminary results show an angular selectivity of less than one milliradian. For practically any application, the laser beam should be as clean as possible. Currently, this is accomplished by spatial filtering. 14 There are two types of spatial filters in widespread use. The most common is the so-called "pinhole" filter, which consists of a lens with a pinhole in the focal plane. For more demanding applications, the pinhole is replaced by a single-mode optical fiber. One major problem with both the pinhole and fiber spatial filters is their requirement for matching a tightly focused laser beam to a small target. Moreover, both pinhole and fiber spatial filters are problematic when used with high-power lasers. In the case of pinhole spatial filters, a focused high-power laser can machine its own pinhole (of nonoptimal size). For this reason, spatial filters for high-power lasers are often aligned with the power turned down. However, if the pinhole position is inadvertently shifted during high-power operation, the holeburning problem returns. The situation is worse for fiber spatial filters, since even a moderate intensity laser beam can produce nonlinear optical interactions when focused into the small optical fiber core, for example Brillouin and Raman scattering and refractive index changes due to increases in heating. To solve the numerous problems inherent in spatial filters, we have developed nonspatial filtering. The basic idea of nonspatial filtering is similar to that of spatial filtering. Specifically, note first that a laser beam with arbitrary spatial variations in intensity can be expressed as linear combinations of plane waves (or some other basis functions). In spatial filters, a Fourier transform lens is used to convert angle into position in order to separate the spatial components. In contrast, nonspatial filtering is done directly on the laser beam angle. A filter 13 J.E. Ludman, J. Riccobono, J. Caulfield, J. Fournier, I. Semenova, N. Reinhand, P.R. Hemmer, and M.S. Shahriar, "Porous Matrix Holography for Non-Spatial Filtering of Lasers," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, California, 1995. 14 E. Hecht and A. Zajac, Optics (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1975). 192 RLE Progress Report Number 137 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics element is inserted in the laser beam path to selectively deflect light waves propagating at a particular angle, throwing away the unwanted light (as does the spatial filter). In particular, we use a thick hologram as the filter element. The Bragg selectivity of such a hologram guarantees that only waves propagating at a particular angle (the Bragg angle) get deflected. Two-dimensional filtering can be achieved by using two such holograms. We consider here the special case in which nothing is absorbed, and where only the phase of the wave gets modulated, due to the presence of index modulation. For a monochromatic hologram with a grating periodicity of A, the angle of incidence, 0 B for perfectly phase matched Bragg diffraction is given by Sin(OB) = A/2nA, where A is the wavelength of incident light, and n is the average index of refraction of the hologram.1 5 The diffraction efficiency, rj, for TE polarization, is then given by j = Sin 2{rrnid/ACos(0)}. Here, n, is the amplitude of the sinusoidal index modulation, and d is the thickness of the hologram. For TM polarization, the effective value of the index modulation is reduced by a factor of Cos(28). The smallest value of n, for which maximum diffraction can be obtained thus varies inversely with the thickness and is very small for a thick hologram. The angular selectivity (FWHM) is given by AO , A/d. Thus, in order to maximize the angular selectivity, one has to choose as small a wavelength as possible for writing the hologram and make the hologram as thick as possible. Both of these factors are of course limited by practical considerations. For example, residual loss may limit the maximum usable thickness. Standard holographic materials are not suitable for this application because differential shrinkage during holographic processing limits the maximum Bragg angle selectivity attainable by affecting the Bragg angle in a nonuniform manner. Differential shrinkage occurs because processing usually requires the addition or removal of molecules through the surface of the material, thus leading to shrinkage, which depends on the distance from the surface of the material. What is needed is a holographic structure with negligible differential shrinkage. The technology we have developed is based on the use of a rigid porous substrate material, porous glass. An active light sensitive material such as holographic photopolymer is loaded into the rigid host structure. The size of the pores is much smaller than the optical wavelength, and the index of modulation is small. We made a thick hologram using porous glass, which contains Boron, Sodium, and about 70 percent SiO 2 (before being rendered porous). The light sensitive material used is a holographic photopolymer. 16 The average pore diameter is about 300 A. The hologram was recorded using a wavelength of 488 nm, resulting in about 2000 lines/mm. The thickness of the hologram is about 0.7 mm. The hologram was found to be most transparent (96 percent) at 1500 nm, a wavelength of particular interest in fiberoptic communications. The transparency drops on either side of this wavelength. For example, at 1900 nm the transparency is about 50 percent, while at 540 nm it is about 70 percent. We tested the performance of this hologram using a He-Ne laser. At this wavelength (632.8 nm), the transparency is close to 75 percent. To measure angular selectivity, we mounted the hologram on a rotation stage and measured the diffracted power as a function of the incidence angle. We found an angular selectivity of about 0.8 milliradian, which is close to the theoretically expected value of about 0.7 milliradian. This small difference may be attributed to the finite resolution of the rotation stage, as well as the finite divergence of the test beam. To demonstrate nonspatial filtering in one dimension, we used a Gaussian beam from a He-Ne laser as the input beam. In order to compare the transmitted beam profile with that of the diffracted beam, we did not add any index matching fluid so that the transmitted and diffracted beams could be of comparable intensity. The profiles of the transmitted (top) beam and the diffracted (bottom) are shown in figure 9. The image was taken with a ccd camera and recorded on a video tape. A frame grabber was then used to digitize the image. As can be seen clearly, the beam has the same width in the horizontal direction but is much narrower in the vertical direction (the direction of diffraction). Thus, the beam has been cleaned in the vertical direction but not in the horizontal direction. Figure 10 shows the horizontal (top) and vertical (bottom) cross section of the diffracted beam. As can be seen, the width (FWHM) in the vertical direction is about one-fifth of the width in the horizontal direc- 15 H. Kogelnik, "Coupled Wave Theory for Thick Hologram Gratings," Bell Sys. Tech. J. 48: 2909-2947 (1969). 16 D.H. Whitney and R.T. Ingwall, "The Fabrication and Properties of Composite Holograms Recorded in DMP-128 Photopolymer," Proc. SPIE 1213: 18 (1990). 193 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics 0 50 50 Figure 9. Profiles of the transmitted (top) and diffracted (bottom) spots through the one-dimensional thick hologram. tion, with a residual divergence of about 0.8 milliradian. To summarize, we have demonstrated nonspatial filtering with a thick hologram made in a porous glass host. We have demonstrated an angular selectivity of about 0.8 milliradian, which is in close agreement with theoretical predictions. Future work will include demonstration of nonspatial filtering in two dimensions, further enhancement of angular selectivity, and reduction in absorption. The thick holograms we have developed may also be of use for other applications, such as holographic optical data storage, spectroscopy, and intracavity laser mode selection. 1.5 Cache Memory using Optically Induced Spin Echo Sponsor U.S. Air Force - Electronic Systems Division Contract F19628-92-K-0013 194 RLE Progress Report Number 137 100 100 200 150 150 250 200 300 250 Figure 10. Horizontal (top) and vertical (bottom) cross sections of the diffracted beam, demonstrating an angular selectivity of 0.8 mrad. Optical computers and neural networks require the ability to store, process, and interconnect highresolution 2D (and 3D) optical data entering at high frame rates. Currently, high-speed 2D images can be stored (for later readout and processing at slower rates) using high-speed video cameras. Commercially available cameras can store 30 frames at 1 MHz or 8 frames at 10 MHz, and effectively act as optical cache memories. To store 3D images, high-speed holographic techniques can be used. Holographic cinematography can store 4000 medium-resolution holograms at 300 kHz frame rates or 40 high-resolution holograms at 20 kHz frame rates. Optical spectral hole-burning materials can be used to both store and process 2D and 3D optical images at high frame rates. So far, optical photon echoes have been used to perform mediumresolution pattern recognition at a 30 MHz frame Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics rate, 17 and to store 1600 optical data bits (at 8 a single spatial location) with a 40 MHz frame rate.' Optical spectral hole burning has limitations, however. For example, slow readout for interfacing to optoelectronic devices would require a gated detection scheme and multiple reads of the entire memory contents. While 10 read cycles at a single point has not been found to significantly degrade the stored data, the 1000 read cycles required to separately read 1000 images would be expected to cause image degradation, especially for highresolution data. Also, although data storage times for stimulated optical echoes can exceed hours,19 the total duration of the input optical data stream cannot be longer than 1 msec. This limits the number of images that can be stored at frame rates Even to achieve this slower than 10 MHz. maximum 1 msec duration, a very stable laser is needed so that the laser will remain approximately phase-coherent. Finally, there are potential limita- tions due to the low readout efficiency (about 10- 5 of the input image strength). 18 We have designed a high-speed optical cache memory 20 which should have similar performance to optical echo memories (i.e., capability of storing 1000 seccessive holographic images at frame rates up to 10 MHz), but without many of their limitations. For example, slow readout should be possible without multiple reads (and hence partial erasure) of each image. This memory should also be capable of storing optical data streams of duration much longer than 1 msec without the need for maintaining absolute laser phase coherence (i.e., noisy lasers can be used). Finally, theoretical efficiencies are higher than for optical spectral hole burning. This design is based on our recent demonstration of the ability of Raman coherent population trapping to store and recall optical temporal and phase information using spin echoes (in a sodium atomic beam). 21 In this experiment, two optical data pulses are used as input, each pulse consisting of twofrequency Raman-resonant laser light. Both of these Raman optical pulses create spin coherences via Raman population trapping. 22 The population trapping process also allows for these spin coherthe storing thereby interfere, to ences temporal/phase information. Any technique applicable to spin echoes can be used to rephase the spin coherences, for example an rf Tr-pulse or an off-resonance Raman Tr-pulse. The rephased spin coherences are then detected optically using a twofrequency Raman resonant probe. The spin echo leads to an experimentally observed decrease or increase in probe absorption, depending on the relative optical phase.2 1 Slow readout of the stored optical images can be achieved by noting that the maximum input/output data rate in a spin-echo memory is determined by the magnitude of the inhomogeneous broadening of the rf spin-transition. Since most spin-echo materials have small intrinsic inhomogeneous broadening (about 1 - 10 kHz), their speed is determined primarily by the strength of an applied magnetic field gradient. For example, a 2 kGauss/cm magnetic field gradient and a 5 kHz/Gauss magnetic Zeeman shift should permit an input data rate of 10 MHz over a 1 cm sample of spin-echo material. However, reducing the magnetic field gradient to 2 Gauss/cm gives a 10 kHz output data rate. This is illustrated in figure 11. 17 X.A. Shen and R. Kachru, "High-speed Pattern Recognition by Using Stimulated Echoes," Opt. Lett. 17: 520 (1992). 18 Y.S. Bai and R. Kachru, "Coherent Time-domain Data Storage with a Spread Spectrum Generated by Random Biphase Shifting," Opt. Lett. 18: 1189 (1993). 19 M. Mitsunaga, R. Yano, and N. Uesugi, "Time- and Frequency-domain Hybrid Optical Echo Memory: 1.6-kbit Data Storage in Eu3 :Y2SiO s ," Opt. Lett. 16: 1890 (1991). 20 M.S. Shahriar, P.R. Hemmer, and M.K. Kim, "Five Dimensional Optical Data Storage," submitted to Opt. Comm. 21 P.R. Hemmer, M.S. Shahriar, M.K. Kim, K.Z. Cheng, and J. Kierstead, "Time Domain Optical Data Storage using Raman Coherent Population Trapping," Opt. Lett. 19, 296 (1994). 22 M.S. Shahriar and P.R. Hemmer, "Direct Excitation of Microwave-spin Dressed States Using a Laser-excited Resonance Raman Interaction," Phys. Rev. Lett. 65: 1865 (1990). 195 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics F write •ih DATA I- n- PULSE nread 1 L [] READ-OUT rread [B] n- PULSE SLOWER READ-OUT Figure 11. Schematic illustration of the variable speed read-out of spin echo: (a) Data stream stored, time-reversed, and read at a high speed using a large spin inhomogeneous broadening, created by a magnetic field gradient; (b) Slower read-out if the inhomogeneous broadening is reduced during rephasing. The duration of the input data stream is not limited by the optical coherence lifetime, but by the spin coherence lifetime which can be much longer than the 1 msec limit for optical echoes. For example, in Eu 3 +:Y 2 SiO 5 crystal at 2 K, the spin population lifetime can exceed hours and spectral diffusion is also very small. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that spin coherence lifetimes on the order of seconds or longer should be possible. Moreover, since Raman coherent population trapping is not very sensitive to correlated laser frequency jitter, the laser stability requirement can be greatly relaxed if, for example, laser field 2 is generated from field 1 with acoustooptic or electro-optic devices. To summarize, we have designed a novel highspeed optical cache memory which is capable of storing about 1000 successive holographic images at frame rates up to 10 MHz and allows a much slower read-out. Experiment is in progress using a dye laser and a Eu3 +:Y 2SiO 5 crystal cryogenically cooled to superfluid He temperature to demonstrate this memory. 23 1.6 Doppler Cooling in Traveling Wave Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping Sponsor U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Grant N0014-91-J-1808 Recently, there has been increasing interest in cooling atoms to ultralow temperatures for potential applications to spectroscopy, improved atomic clocks, and observation of quantum collective effects such as Bose-Einstein condensation. One promising candidate is a system of A type atoms excited by two counterpropagating traveling waves. It has been shown previously that such a system cools to a temperature far below the recoil limit. However, velocity selective coherent population trapping (VSCPT), occurs via random walks in momentum space and therefore is extremely slow. This makes it nearly impossible to achieve subrecoil cooling in three dimensions. What is needed is to provide additional frictional forces that coexist with this process. However, theoretrical calculations showed that no such frictional force exists in this system for any choice of parameters.2 3 A. Aspect, E. Arimondo, R. Kaiser, N. Vansteenkiste, and C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61: 826 (1988). 196 RLE Progress Report Number 137 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics We have found that this theoretical prediction was incorrect,24 and have identified conditions under which a frictional cooling force exists. In a semiclassical view, this force is found to exist in the transient regime of the optical Bloch equations. However, we have also shown that this frictional cooling is actually continuous when a fully quantized model is used. This additional cooling force is expected to accelerate the process of VSCPT enough to achieve a sub-recoil temperature in three dimensions. Figure 12 illustrates the physical origin of this cooling force. Consider the case where, in the lab frame, both fields are equally detuned to the red, and the atom is moving opposite to the oa polarized beam at a velocity v. In the atom's rest frame, the o-_ beam is tuned closer to the resonance, while the o- beam is tuned farther away from resonance. It turns out, however, that even under this broken symmetry there is no semiclassical friction force in the steady state. We have interpreted this result physically using cascaded adiabatic following arguments. The steady state coherence is such that the expectation value of the force operator identically vanishes. However, in the transient regime, more photons are absorbed (and randomly remitted) from the ao beam than the other one. Therefore, the atom This semi-classical result, however, is not valid when the atoms become so cold that the de Broglie wavelength becomes comparable to the laser wavelength. Therefore, it is necessary to examine this process in a model in which the atom's position and linear momentum are fully quantized. We performed this calculation and found that the cooling takes place even in the model. More important, the model predicts that this additional cooling process Therefore, is not transient, but is continuous. VSCPT under the condition of red detuning is expected to be significantly more efficient. To summarize, we have found that, contrary to previous assertions, frictional cooling force does exist in traveling wave VSCPT if the beams are red detuned. This may prove useful in enhancing the rate of VSCPT in three dimensions. Experimental work is in progress for using this effect, as well as the alternative method of standing wave VSCPT, to achieve subrecoil cooling in three dimensions, using 87 Rb atoms and semiconductor lasers. a a lab experiences cooling until the steady state is reached. This is illustrated in figure 13. For parameters of experimental interest, this transient process lasts about as long as the time scale for the polarization gradient cooling. The cooling coefficient is comparable to that of conventional Doppler cooling for a two level atom. frame atom Lb frame Figure 12. Physical origin of the transient cooling force in traveling wave VSCPT for red detuning. 24 M.S. Shahriar, M.G. Prentiss, and P.R. Hemmer, "Transient Heating and Cooling in Travelling Wave Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping," OSA Annual Meeting Technical Digest, (Washington, D.C.: Optical Society of America, 1994), v. 25, p. 159. Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics The uncertainty in one quadrant, however, may be arbitrarily small, provided the uncertainty in the other quadrant is allowed to grow correspondingly larger. Phase sensitive detection of the quadrant with the reduced variance thus may be used to perform measurements below the shot noise limit. Fields that have suppressed variance in one quadrature are called squeezed states and can be generated via multi-wave mixing processes in a nonlinear medium. xE-2 1.81 -F(t) ---Aug. T(t --Doppler I U -1.81 -3.N I I TIfE ---) Figure 13. Illustration of the duration and magnitude of the transient cooling force for traveling wave VSCPT under red detuning. The force is in units of hk/F, and time duration is 80 F-1. In the fully quantized model, this cooling is seen to be continuous. 1.7 Near-perfect Squeezing in a Folded Three-Level System Sponsor U.S. Air Force - Electronic Systems Divisions Contract F19628-92-K-001 3 In many applications involving lasers, the ultimate accuracy of measurement is limited fundamentally by the shot noise. The shot noise is a consequence of the quantum nature of light, and results from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The output of a conventional laser is the coherent state, which closely resembles a classical electromagnetic field. However, the strength of the electric field amplitude, for example, can not be measured precisely. In particular, the two quadratures of the sinusoidally oscillating field are conjugate quantum variables, and the product of the variance for the two quadratures is limited by Planck's constant. To date, the best material for generating squeezed states have been crystals with X2 type nonlinearity. However, this medium is inappropriate for applications involving detection of very weak images because phase matching constraints severely limit the spatial bandwidths of image squeezing.25 What is needed is a material with X3 type nonlinearity, which yields perfect phase matching for any configuration, which in turn implies very large spatial bandwidth for image squeezing. One such material is a two-level atom. The noise from spontaneous emission strongly degrades squeezing in such a system, however. We have performed calculations showing that near perfect squeezing can be achieved if a A system is used instead of a two level system. 26 This system possesses strong X3 type nonlinearity, but does not have problems of noise from spontaneous emission. This is because Raman type strong gain can be generated via ground states coherence, without much optical coherence. Figure 14 illustrates the field configuration to be used for observing this squeezing. Here, F and B are the forward and backward pumps, respectively, in a phaseconjugate geometry, S is the probe, and C is the conjugate. When mixed with the local oscillator, a superposition of the signal and conjugate beams yields quadrature squeezing in a configuration similar to the one used by Slusher et al. for a two level system.2 7 Note that unlike other predictions,2 8 this system does not assume a nonzero decay rate of the ground states and can be easily realized for example, using a j=1 <-> j'=l transition. To summarize, we have found that near perfect squeezing can be achieved in a X3 phase matched 25 P. Kumar and M.I. Kolobov, "Degenerate Four-wave Mixing as a Source for Spatially-broadband Squeezed Light," Opt. Comm. 104: 374 (1994). 26 M.S. Shahriar, P.R. Hemmer, and P. Kumar, "Detailed Theory of Near-perfect Squeezing Using an Ideal A System," to be submitted to Phys. Rev. A. 27 R.E. Slusher, L.W. Hollberg, B. Yurke, J.C. Mertz, and J.F. Valley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2409 (1985). 28 C.M. Savage and D.F. Walls, "Squeezing Via Two-photon Transitions," Phys. Rev A 33: 3282 (1986). 198 RLE Progress Report Number 137 Chapter 1. Quantum Optics and Photonics four wave mixing geometry using a pure A system. Experimental work is under progress to observe this effect in sodium using dye lasers, and in rubidium using semiconductor lasers. Twin beams generated this way may help improve the signal to noise ratio in the large angle atomic beam splitter demon29 strated by us. ........ ..... ........ ... S- ......... e \ F LO C\ Figure 14. Schematic illustration of the level structure and optical fields to be used in generation of squeezed states via four wave mixing, using a A system. F: forward pump, B: backward pump, S: probe, C: conjugate, LO: local oscillator. 29 K. Johnson, A. Chu, T. Lynn, K. Barggren, M.S. Shahriar, and M. Prentiss, "Demonstration of a Non-magnetic Blazed Grating Atomic Beam Splitter," Opt. Lett., forthcoming. 199 Professor Daniel Kleppner, Associate Director of the Research Laboratory of Electronics (Photo by John F. Cook) 200 RLE Progress Report Number 137