THE DEVELOPMENT OF DISCOURSE: A LANGUAGE FOR COMPUTER ASSISTED CITY DESIGN by William Lyman Porter B.A. Yale University (1955) B. Arch. Yale School of Art and Architecture (1957) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in City and Regional Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology August, 1969 Signature of Author..... ................ Department of Urban Studies an Planni . August 18, 1969 Certified by........ hesis Supervisor Accepted by.............. .... .. .. ..... ......... .II .. ••.• Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Archives 1969 25IST. ' NOVLkIA, R1E - ABSTRACT The A of Development for Language Computer As by William Lyman ISCOURSE: isted City Design Porter Submitted to the Department of Urban Studi es and in partial fulfillment of the Planning on August 18, 1969 Philosophy in City requirement for the degree of Doctor of and Regional Plannin DISCOURSE is a language and computer system to assist large the city designer in the process of the design of scale physical environments. The system can accommodate large amounts of data describing the environiment which can and new categories of the description be readily changed, can be added at any time. which data as well as new DISCOURSE permits the designer to devel1op his own ways of working by having a data structure which i s not committed to any particular set of environmental descr iptors and yet which allows the des igner to speci fy hi s own without extensive bookkeeping; and by having a larg e vocabulary of building-block manipula tions out of wh ich th e designer can fashion his own special requests. The d es i gne r can alter the alter it subje ct to criteria which description directly or he specifies. In Chapterll is the record of an experiment in the to the replication of a design which was fundamental analyse to attempts III Chapter system. development of the the process of city design in functional terms which will point toward the use of a computer system. It is argued that what designers do when they design can be thought of as describing) the environment, "describing" (and further it. The "testing" "transforming" the description, and language of DISCOURSE accommodates these three activities; its structure and manipulations are presented in Chapter IV. Chapter V contains an example of the use of DISCOURSE to simulate the use of recreational facilities in an urban environment. The emphasis in system development to-date has been to build the capability of the computer system to handle internally the data and manipulations used by designers and to permit the designer to create and change both. Plans for the immediate future include improving the ease of entering improving the quality of the large quantities of data, display, and facilitating communication with other sources of data and systems for manipulation. Thesis Supervisors: Aaron Fleisher Professor of City and Regional Planning Kevin A. Lynch Professor of City and Regional Planning iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DISCOURSE is the product of the efforts and skills of many. My thanks to those who have been most involved is not meant to suggest that, by the support which they gave me, they were not making progress in their own right, progress which deserves reporting from their points of view, just as this dissertation reports from mine. I would like to express my special thanks to Professor Aaron Fleisher whose insights and criticisms are an integral part of the thinking which underlies this work. I would like to thank Professor Kevin Lynch for his quidance particularly in the early phases of the work when the direction was hard to find. My thanks go also to Dr. John Boorn with whom much of the early thinking was done. Many of my colleagues in the Departments of Urban Studies and Planning and of Architecture have contributed to the development of the ideas and have given me their support and patience as this document was being prepared. My thanks are to all of them. The design of the first version of the DISCOURSE system was the work of Katherine J. Lloyd. She deserves much of the credit for bringing clarity and order to the idea of "DISCOURSE" at its inception. Wren McMains is reponsible for the development of the of DISCOURSE, and, beside second and present version of the system, he has design the to bringing his ingenuity ideas about particular many been able to help generalize "mapping" on work able done design. Stanley Hoderowski has him and to go and other features of the system; my thanks computer the of to others who have part of the development system. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . .............. City Design City Designing . . . . . .. . . . . ........ . . The DISCOURSE Language . . . Outline of the Remaining Chapters . . . . . 3 . 11 .. . 15 .. AN EXPERIMENT IN THE REPLICATION OF A DESIGN . . II. The Experiment . . . . . . . . . .... 6 . . . . . 1 . . . Summary of Descriptors and Transformation Rules. Results. . . . . . . . . . . Strategy for Replicators . . III. . . . . . 0 0 25 a 0 * 45 Functions of Testing . THE DISCOURSE LANGUAGE . . . . . 60 . Functions of Transformation . 64 . .. 68 69 Basic Structure of the Language Characteristics of ATTRIBUTES: C and CHARCONS . System Components V. 0 21 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF CITY DESIGN Functions of Further Description IV. * 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RVA 93 109 SIMULATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL USE 112 Description of the Experiment 112 Uses of the Experiment . The Experiment. . . . .. .. ...... Files for the Experiment . . . . 114 117 123 V CHAPTER VI. PAGE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF DISCOURSE Problem Oriented Features . . Use Prototypes ....... . . . ..... . .. ..... Graphics and Modes of Representation .. APPENDIX . . . . . . BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE FOOTNOTES . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 . . . . 136 . . . . 143 . . . . . . . . 149 . . . . . . . . 185 . . . . . . . . . . 129 132 ... Description of the Environment . . . . . . .. . . . 186 196 LIST OF FIGURES F I GURE PAGE (1.01) DISCIOURSE placed with respect to . . . . . . . other higher level languages . . . . . . 18 (2.01) - (2.07) Figures illustrating the experiment 36-42 in the replication of th e design of Ciudad Guayana. (4.01) Data structure of DISCOURSE (4.02) - (4.10) Illustrations of the . . .. 0 * operators in DISCOURSE . .0. . . . . . 75 logical . * a . . . - (4.21) Illustrations of the DISCOURSE language including CHARVARS and CHARCONS . . . . . 76-83 (4.11) . 98-108 (6.01) Places identified by names, not coordinates. . 147 (6.02) File to refer to places with names ..... 148 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION rest of the thesis. the background to introduction and is an This chapter It describes: 1. what the writer means by "city design"; 2. describes the characteristics of city design the summarizes the following an outline of 4. concludes with language; and DISCOURSE the of design for the criteria 3. behavior; solving problem designers' and problems chapters. has DISCOURSE and generating studying alter native These configurat ions environment. of a implications of pol icies set of the the design, the heart of the configurations be may is which in designer the assisting do with to design, or a representation of the erivironment which is useful in determining what the design proble .m is. DISCOURSE is not a tool fo r data gathering though through its the use information he the needs. communication designers although of a get may designer ideas to fut ure this in the of sense people might be what help in been developed Nor has design better other than one of its uses. DISCOURSE should help the designer system which mastery over some generating of the conceived from has been his material design ideas. It is begi nning as sense of to achieve a the during devoted to the a time he is designer's communication with himself. The major difficulty in the development of a computer CHAPTER PAGE 2 INTRODUCTION I: language to assist the city desi gner is that what the designer not been well describe d. does has vocabulary and computer, one grammar a syst em computer which appropriately designer's ways of working one must have a of what A second dif ficulty line they are. the designer between what well as best, as to the fairly clear idea the dividing is that does the computer and what c)f the the nature in order to design and, res ponds a the vocabulary idea of what mus t have a clear on implemented be whi ch can and grammar of the city designer are; a design a For in order to criteria by which that judgment is made, are not clear. In the development of DISCOURSE we have tried to program This what we could describe of what the designer does. (1.01) both difficulties still leaves of what how much not know described; unresolved: the designer one does first, to be does remains and second, one does not know whether an activity, better be performed describable, may not even though designer than the computer. And there will be by the to further complicate matters a moving frontier between what is programmable and what is not. user, it the subtle will force him issues which, if he were to he might not have surely work presently to satisfy the system is rich enough If the in being to face. an used through design design in the traditional manner, He may work more unfamiliar by to think demands of way. designers Many will slowly, he will techniques suddenly not become CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION available. The change PAGE 3 in design aids will and opportunities for working on from those problems which are different past and may of the offer constraints change design designer may become increasingly resourceful own much of abilities as in the use of his customarily done he has But it aid of the computer. (1.02) accomplished with the be that what behavior. The and designers as know it now design as we which the goal continues to augment the skills DISCOURSE, to govern of the development the designer as may they are presently trained are not adaptabl e to the new techniques. so is If of we know him, will have been ill chosen. I. The city designer cities over time spatial form of is concerned with the what society does as cause and as effect of is concerned with it as means and feels; he and concerned he is CITY DESIGN with it to the wide particularly sensitive environment affords as to himself an end in range of and to to other goals; itself. He is experiences the others. His special skill is in the manipulation of the elements which affect that experience. environments enhancing: His be contribution is own normative of high responsive to quality present contributory to the development of which make up the society. These norms and and that usually that they future be needs, life and the individuals and groups (1.03) have been further safety, health, and comfort of specified to include the people, adequacy of facilities CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION PAGE 4 and of settings for the conduct of everyday life and business, a wide range of diversity of many others ranging from facilities and of settings and creature comfort to transcendental may design not only the public spaces pleasure. (1.04) The city designer of towns and cities, but also the suburbs, over spaces, industrial areas, parking strip commerce, systems of arterials, left areas, junk yards, and movement, communications, public services and the other systems which affect the ecology of the total environment as well as key aspects of those systems; and the city's graphics, designer may work furniture, lighting at the location of and color. The activities and physical facilities, at the design of pieces of the environment or its systems, result at the processes development or at which in environmental the policies which would set the stage for better design. The designer might corridor for a new address a problem of the highway to be built design of a through an already developed area. The goals he will have to contend with may be many: federal of the satisfactorily to and other roads state agencies to connect and to minimize the costs of land acquisition and site preparation; of the city to minimize the loss relocation politically to its of tax base residents damaging; of clarity in orientation, and and minimize businesses the drivers the which on the good lighting and well problems of might be road who need marked access PAGE 5 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION points; of the residents who generated by the use of the highway and minimum breaks in the movement to adjacent areas; residential pattern to allow free of the would-be politician who wants clear to build his reputation and in the who are involved and other highways, utility systems design of issues upon which consolidate his constituency; and other professions and groups of the from nuisances require freedom components of the urban environment who have their own design criteria, The designer engages in many activities during the course of his work: finding out what the area are, who local environment, are; in the physical characteristics of lives in there, how they use and value the who changes the area, and what the ir plans trying alternative locations and designs of the corridor where detail needed I pedestrian crossings, road connections; studying the possibilit ies developments, ai r rights and for regional the environment wil 1 change predic ting how with and without the kind s of interventions which woul d result from his influence, and value imag :ining how the changed criteria for a the institu the design ideas , spelli of new institutional purposes clearly and people will percei ve, use, cha nging ona 1 arrangements associ ated out the environmental arrangements; and to develop criteria by alternati ves may be evaluated. developing environment, with impl ications trying to state which the design CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION PAGE 6 We face the typical situation in large-scale objectives numerous, poorly related, and design: possibly shifting, constraints imperfectly known and changing, the range of alternatives limitless and not occurring along a single continuum; even the potential variables not certain. (1.05) To these observations must be added the necessity for the spatial, city designer to deal with components: his problem area so large that it connot short time; simultaneously from he is considering issues changes to that environment period of time; very long is usually large geographically, be comprehended any point nor even in a which may imply temporal and experiential and extending over a concerned with he is at once the easily and the not so easily measured. (1.06) CITY DESIGNING II. and City design problems fall ill-defined problems. criteria, for into designer The what constitute the category all at once. the criteria. implicitly, for those A problem environment and satisfactory values "Problem", perceived for exists between known is a condition in which apparently no fit of reaching satisfactory values criteria, and for design alternatives alternative states of the is of complex therefore, solutions, and it includes at is in part least the inappropriateness of the solutions perceived which creates the problem. As he designer nears the achievement is usually able to of design demonstrate alternatives the that his proposal overcomes major disadvantages of the existing environment plus INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: existing development PAGE 7 trends, which his disadvantages evident to him even though design overcame the not have may until very late in the design precise process. been It is as if the designer were engaged in a process of finding almost simultaneously problem and solution. (1.07) Ways of Working Some designers may prefer to work from the formulation of goals and tests measured, which by which the achievement of the to the inventing would ensure prefer to work in possibilities of policies and their achievement; other ways, for action specifications other designers for example, to goals goals may be which may from particular can reasonably be achieved or from attempting to explore the environmental needs of some particular group of people with those people in order to develop both goals and appropriate actions.(1.08) The designer may limit his area a single goal, a single of Inquiry by working on small geographic area, one activity system such as the recreation or transportation system, trying to improve the environment population, or looking for a single at the impact of a environmental change or the constraints group in the specific system of on it such as zoning. (1.09) As the city designer works he attends to different scales of the environment in aspects of the problem. response to He may thinking about be interested in character of certain points in the environment. different the design At the larger CHAPTER 1: scale he PAGE 8 INTRODUCTION the qu al ities may specify points, at the smaller scal e he further specify the qualiti ! the to s those present at may work out the character of Or, a t area in detail. the to be smaller might scale, he be satisfied by the designer ! of form, structure and mate I als. i design the designer will probably At the early stages of related systems, and be tested. As be very about the finding out more time spend environment and the standards by which the and problem the design design is to the description may he proceeds the changes to large begin will Later, he will probably formulated more clearly. its to be spend more time testing the various design alternati ves he has developed; the changes to the description may beginning to the end his major attention from information gathering and the goals to assemble them trying to smaller. be From the will probably shift inve ntion of in some designs and acceptable design alternative. (1.10) Although sequences of activities solving have been as a identified they may be no things checklist of designer: Juring creative problem the order to remembier for more useful than any in which any desij gner works particular may be very usefully his own. (1.11) Graphic Media Maps or spatial designer's way of displays working. are fundamental The visual representation design is the traditional focus to the of the of the designer's act ivit ies; CHAPTER I: PAGE 9 INTRODUCTION aware of many aspects of considerations of patterns makes him (1.12) the design. means by simulations and models dimensional view, sections, perspectives, three plan or map environment: the of representing ways different designer uses The of movies, photographs and videotape, to mention a few. But none of these which display motion to change over time permit des ign changes be through space or made readily. It is difficult a lso to record large amou nts of data in map form. be varl•ables can Several clTarity, but particularly si ngle d rawing if the variables take there cannot be many variables And a a mapped on with many values, before the drawing is unclear. prolif eration of symbols, keying location to specific information, is also difficult to read. The desijgner tight fit his design may deal with wi th the real world. At one extreme the description ambiguously d efined. which are And, at thie or a his sketches the land and may refer to may be only a pproximately placed on categories of in a loose either scarcely or other extreme, the sketches or models may be intended as a Pýreci se scale representation of some piece of about the the real world or of Norld like road combinations of loose drawings some specific information there are with detailed information, for ali gnments. And example, traf fic flow diagrams in which the width of the lines represents the exact volume of traffic, but the land is approximate. the placement on Large environmental des i gn, scale translati on, through help the because information the designer works growth the of it. of of the material Certain kinds with population population the means may better diagrammatic graphic or of or groups population to translate distribut ion the by Either is symbolized in the new had tabular, in example, income, which scale concepts. as increas ing his understanding of having displayed smaller designer providing new associatio ns with what mode as well like vi sual and non visual design includes both may, PAGE 10 I NTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: or density income circulation form: for pattern of of be for against several an air from i ts terminal. But the where idea inception, the violence is visual spatial or don e it by translation less than by translation into symbol may be into a visual a verbal symbol. Ideas may need to be nurture d in their relatively untranslated states during part of their development. The designer ways than geometries, the operates on the verbal fiel d: symmetrical goodness of In different form, transformations, doodling play all yield new justaposi tions which enrich the vocabulary of different and form and other new relationships possibilities for designing as well as for testing the desi gn. pattern yields visual field information not And the scanning of a visual always expected and problems which one may not be verball y aware of. Just what accounts for the insights which a designer CHAPTER I: PAGE 11 INTRODUCTION gains from graphic displays and from visual not at Nor is i t clear how translation from one representation to anothe.r is accomplished. What is all clear. mode of clear is manipulations that the designer needs a wide variety of displays which can be readily manipula ted as he works. In of amounts desig ning involves summary, city noin-visual, and visual non-geographic material, much of which during the course of the the des i gn. see the pre-experience the in an is appended or changed design designed envi ronment. unpredictable order on all large or small and The designer requires vivid of consequences large geographic and manipulable displays easi ly t:ranslatable to use of one to the other and changes The designer works or part of the scale, and with aI "tight" or to problem, at "loose" fit with the real world. THE DISCOURSE LANGUAGE III. The DISCOURSE language has been designed as a high level problem oriented language in which the data structure would be transparent to the the user and in manipulations existing language. It affords the which there would be in any general purpose opportunity language, responds rapidly to answer to program most of computer in the user requests, and has a limited range of displays. Soon it should have a wide range of vivid displays, have sources and should ways of interfacing with have associated with it other data teaching programs which make It easier to learn and to use than at present. CHAPTER I: assisting any u ser user vernacular are Those other end of by many own user's the to oriented" languages sometime s called "problem at t he are close to which are usable close are w hich for languages computer grou p range from those which own vernacul ar to those groups. and those of design the to Approaches the user's PAGE 12 INTRODUCTION the range, "general purpose" The terminol ogy is somewhat misleading because, as languages. indicated in of languages whole spectrum the f igure (1.01), which is being discussed is already "problem oriented" in that within it are designed to the languages contained be used in scientific and commercial applications. (1.13) Some (usually either be somewhat lower) in higher level languages. They is an may to be program or remain The were written. language in which they latter type of language is DISCOURSE be written translated into an object interpreted by the other can languages higher level sometimes called an "interpreter". in "interpreter" written level the higher language of AED. (1.14) Languages at the top end of the spectrum tend to be closely tied to a particular problem or set of problems and it is in this sense that the label "problem oriented" is helpful. For example, STRUDL is a structural engineers written ICES: the problem oriented in ICES using two Command Definition Language (CDL) manipulations language, very much Some typical lines typed by the language for subsystems of and ICETRAN which is like FORTRAN. (1.15) engineer user in STRUDL might PAGE 13 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: be: TYPE SPACE FRAME UNITS INCHES KIPS JOINT COORDINATES X 0.0 Z 0.0 Y 0.0 SUPPORT where SUPPORT, for of wh ich example, is one of two have been anticipated by the them after the only use at the engineer wishes to perform The computations which the joint. of restrai nt indicating the degree is FREE options, the other ICES system programmers; he need been entered, appropriate data have and the computations will be performed. Where many of the tasks to be performed are well defined, Where the appropriate. offers the his own and task is new subsystem using ICETRAN. Even though ICES well defined, not as the engineer-programmer opportunity to be very STRUDL level vay oriented language at the a problem to define Definition Language the Command of modification subsystems is relatively easy the ICES system seems particularly appropriate for assisting in tasks which can be well defined at the outset. The major justification of oriented languages is to building higher level problem relieve the user having to deal with the complexities data internal to the computer and different components of the computer to the user facilities in is of the burden of of the management of the the communication system. among What one brings terms of input, manipulations, and another matter and depends upon output the PAGE 14 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: of problem user's problems and manner characteristics of the solving. (1.16) Unlike some other fields, city design does not have a set of well Therefore, built. user defined sub-problems to program manipulations in for which the possib ility DIS COURSE offers the in order language that he be facilities could with w ide a able to modi fy it be for the range of to s uit himself and in order that designer-programmers can improve the system without having to rely entirely on the expert syst ems programmers who constru cted the system in the fi rst place. The rapid response time of the system has been achie ved by virtue of the time s haring systems at M.I.T. which give the user the appearance of having a large computer fully dedica ted The reason for the rapid respon se is to al low to his own use. the user the opportun ity to learn question he has just posed without he would if he had to submit result of from the the getting off the subject as and wait until a deck of cards the next da y for the results. Until recently work on the language has been concentrated on the deve lopment of the storage, retrieval and manipulations facilities. Now the creating a wide associated stress in development will range of displays, with getting reading in complicated data from and on the input problems other sources and large amounts of And the res ults of the present be placed on and with geographic data. phase will include an up-dated learner's primer plus examples of the use of the system. PAGE 15 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: IV. OUTLINE OF THE REMAINING CHAPTERS nor the to make process of design is well enough understood system obvious. The reflection can the design of the computer be seen the language the fact that neither This thesis reflects spent analysing shares of time in the roughly equal design and describing the language to accommodate design. is anything which approximated by computer could could even a be that a so clear sequence of instruct ions computer is an algori thm. A out. out on some be carried which can there of instructions a sequence carry them whether which does designer the of the issue to addressed Design", of Replication the Experiment in "An II, Chapter The same issue restated asks if there is anything the desi gner does which can be replicated by means of an algorithm. In Chapter designers design which end of the master near the fast growing city Guayana, a was II, a by favored Ciudad planning for in southeastern the Venezuela, was selected as a subject for the replication. (1.17) An algorithm the designers' thinking about was developed to substitute for the design; environment was generated and, at the a design algorithm seemed from a representation beginning of not unlike to be the planning that of capable of of how phase, it the designers. refinement to the The produce an even better approximation of the design, or of modification to produce some of the other designs for the same city which had PAGE 16 :INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 been cons idered by the designers at other times. luster: the algorithm, components of The if they could, designer? to describe a function. which computes are algorithm, one needs algorithm is a procedure functions, then, Algorithms and for which are functions But there closely allied. in a computer be useful To write an because an a function new more rearranged, generate by being than one plausible design, might they language for the on a then, took no algorithm exists. (1.18) Chapter Three, Design", is "Functional Analysis of City an effort to analyse city design in functional terms which are more independent Ciudad Guayana situations: design these of applicable to a wide range are of "functions description", the derivation and inference further of new d ata of the description, "functions of transformation", the data of "functions distinct experiment. Several design" emerged which seemed to be of than the problem situation of a particular the alt eratio n of the description, and "functions of tes ting", the comparison of data of the description with norms. The major achievement of the DISCOURSE language, explicated in Chapter IV, "The DISCOURSE Language", is can accommodate reference, the user "places" and and data structure these functions. Although the and manipulations of DISCOURSE are independent can most easily think of "descriptors of places": ATTRIBUTES, names which specify that it of empirical the 1anguage as a grid or qualify of LOCATIONS; what is at CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION LOCATIONS. Examples in PAGE 17 Chapter IV serve to illustrate the basic features of the language for this interpretation. Chapter V, "Simulation Environmental of Use", moves somewhat closer to how a designer might use the language. experiment ,which simulates facilities, demonstrates language functions developed in Description", and are discussed the the use of of recreational "Functions of "Functions of Measurement". In a highly explicit in the categories the of Chapter III: some of the issues context of use functions written two to correspond which people's which can be The of Further the chapter considered in formulation of a design problem. Chapter VI, "The Future ahead - pointing out tactics the short run to city issues surrounding environment richer than for increasing its usefulness in designers, discusses the elusive issues of "graphics and modes of the Development of DISCOURSE", looks representation", and raises some of the need for a description of that easily afforded by the DISCOURSE as it stands. In the Appendix is the developed in used for some mig•ht want. the same implementation of Chapter II, demonstrating of the how DISCOURSE bookkeeping which Also included is the design an additional decision rules but with the algorithm analyst experiment with a minor change in which caused major changes in the results. can be the data CHAPTER I: I NTRODUCT ION general purpose system building languages special purpose design languages specific problem oriented languages FOR SCIENTIFIC, PAGE 18 *---eg. LISP,PL-1, AED, ICES, FORTRAN +-------DISCOURSE *---eg. TRANSET HIGHER LEVEL LANGUAGES COMMERCIAL AND RESEARCH APPLICATIONS LOWER LEVEL LANGUAGES assembler languages machine languages on the DISCOURSE occupies a range Figure (1.01) continuum within higher level languages offering to the user a language in which he can store, retrieve and manipulate data about his environment without having to do any of his own the line the top part of programming (represented by with facilities the offering and associated with DISCOURSE), the adapt and to modify programming own which he can do his (1.19) system to his own special requirements. PAGE 19 CHAPTER II AN EXPERIMENT IN THE REPLICATION OF A DESIGN II Chapter is of replication beginning of language and record the for a design, the the the was the DISCOURSE be will short a perspective within to clarify the historical note underlies however, First, system. in experiment that experiment in which thinking an of which the experiment was conceived. semina r on the city design This exper iment grew out of a process. (2.01) The seminar started as an the skill of th e city designer. The parti c ipan ts harbored two first that designing suspicions: eff ort to describe could be rat ionalized, that is that the ways in which desi gner s worked were , by and large; rational city - desig n designer's project, among even though the y mi ght largely was ways of kinds favored ndividually is, simi lar in srmla 1 in number - t he most act of topography, i t hat were arising the rivent ional, and second that worki ng a nd, possibly, desi gns co not know it, visua y from vities (map) loc al to be that project the after differences differences accommodated, oatterns. Behind in and the apparent variety there might be a kind of behavior which could be described, and, therefore, replicated. Recording how the designer works, trying to determine the types of information he uses, his sketches, and his analytical procedures and asking him to keep as complete a record as PAGE 20 II: REPLICATION CHAPTER possible of what he was doing and thinking might have been one of research. method But would that method have taken an enormous amount of time, not only on the part of the analysts, but on There the part of designers would have been whose work was of communication problems as well of confidentiality, designer and in order to be sure study many designers that the hypotheses And this which could in hypotheses have resulted of the necessary to being advanced were of more than parochial interest. approach would the problem of as the it would have been research activity. Moreover, with was changing because much the design recognizing how being analysed. not easily have been tested. behavior. This completely described substitute designer's activity, the behavior of been, callied have reproduced the sketches, and verbal comments which when faced success, it then about the with the same initia the processes i of a the designing" The test programming the designer might have been possibl similarity of "ci ty same record algorithms, to done aspe ct algorithms. means of by have required e very for have been translated into would have success woIuld approach designer's would have to have simulated the might have been to A second approach the of drawings, would have With conditions. to have speculated the human mind to those which were programmed.(2.02) The behavior which Newell and simulate was in the context of Simon were trying to a very well defined problem in PAGE 21 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION was to added ever. then distant some seemed more and sketches Moreover, the drawings, designer over the entire of a verbal comments behavior of design simulation the designers, of behavior eccentric apparently the design problems of city the ill-defined nature when logic; course of a design project were not readily available. reflec ted procedures the procedures interested in conventions of design; required. not was proce ss design tl he we because they were looking the well design er. accurate protocol of desii gn by-product of an the of behavior the for how regard without the designer of reproduce the we could which would create procedures however product selected, was to and the one which we A third approach, The behavi or during we Instead were might embody for the the logical equivalent of the designer. (2.03) I. experime nt was The aspect of the favored growing industrial this writer was design was the level of detail. were: industry, THE EXPERIMENT an attempt design for to r e pl i cate only Ciudacd Guayana, a city in southeastern Vein ezuela familiar. (2.04) pl an for the use The cho s en of the lain d at The categories of "uses" major city center, and one fast with which aspect of the a very gross (or "activities") urbanization - a residual- category for developed land consisting principally of residence. The "design" which was to be replicated was assumed to be CHAPTER II: REPLICATION "the order of activities." PAGE 22 occurrence The formation of the various commenced desi the environment from at lopment 2.05) developing the region. describe an "initial with the in 1961, it was de locations of these first departure the corporation the time of charged with It was necessary, therefore, to s tate" of the enviro nmen t including the three types of activiti es selected. The next step was to pick the variabl es from the existing environment which It three activities. some of with the locationis of the woul d most influence seemed reasonable the vari ables design discussions: slope preferred by industry; which had b een of the land: 0-5 6-15 percent for any Orinoco River partly pro cess ed percent was most the riv er: channel to the ocean highly valued by in dust ries exporting volume and the nore than 15 pe rcent purpose; (2.06 ) had a de:ep sea centra 1 to stil 1 buildable for both industrial and resident ial purposes; and unacceptable land at least, to start, whic raw materials and finished products; and the was arge the existing activities in the three categorie:s selected. In order for t he representation of the design an d states of the envi ronment to location, a grid be unambiguous with w as laid over the land which of squares within wh ich differently stated, the limits of one the vari ables points at whi ch square could be placed). respec provided a could be the data ini placed falling wi The grid size selected was the maximum which would still retain the identity PAGE 23 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION of the The sacrifice was initial and design states. accuracy of the description, but of the a description the gain was with fewer parts very much simpler to manipulate. Figure (2.01), the the replication was drawn state" for "initial existing environment in 1 961 square one mile on a side; the squares by and the wi th each g rid and the variables were assigned to the arbitrary rule that if more than half the square was occupied by the variable in question it became t rue of the entire square. figure (2.02) , could then The designer's "design state", be drawn using the des4:ription and the selected variables of grid size plus the order and placement of the activities over time which were part of the design. The of problem described: write the was, replication set of rules which completely then, transform would figure (2. 01) into figure (2.02). The t ransformation the quanti ty of activities, the order in which they would be of the environmental relative importance assigned, and the variables considered. For located on flat land next to river if possible. reduce the cost and be other urbanization and next to a Flat land was of was to example, urbanization thought by the designers to urbanization, urbanization could take advantage of did exist; considering developed by rules were land next to a river adjacency to existing the urban services which seemed desirable. Next in priority would be sloped land next to existing urbanization PAGE 24 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION arid, if category of If land river. would urbanization then available was a to possible, next neither not be assigned. The apparent only retrospect, description was created, one which, the other variables presence in a of the operated on a location, a useful variable of the description, depended for its found within that function, center of gravity, which values found elsewhere. can be seen that there were designers' in counter distinction to location not on values to be location but on a specific in to the center proved to be Thus a new "compactness". rules; of the form of the city. Proximity of the existing activities way of expressing site became different part been "compactness" had discussions of the of gravity of trial the during "compact" development ends of the out the letting it run rather than the keeping for necessity Also, in the rules, it three other functions needed: next to a location, and nearest of one at class of locations to some other location. Finally, the quantities of new activities were taken from the design drawing, and the order freely interpreted from the design drawing and indirectly from the economists' projections for the city. PAGE 25 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION II. 1. SUMMARY OF DESCRIPTORS AND TRANSFORMATION RULES Description 1.1 Grid size: one mile squares 1.2 Variables and their values: 1.21 slope 0-5 percent 1.22 slope 5-15 percent 1.23 unacceptable land (more than 15 percent or flooded) 1.24 river 1.25 deep sea channel 1.26 industry 1.27 urbanization 1.28 major city center 1.29 center of gravity of locations with industry, urbanization, or major city center 1.3 Functions needed for the description: 1.31 variables occur at the location 1.32 center of gravity 2. Rules 2.1 Quantitative measure of change required: 4 square 24 square miles of urbanization; miles of major city center; 24 square miles of industrial land. 2.2 Assignment urbanization, 3 orderings: square miles 3 of industry, center, 3 square miles of urbanization, square miles 1 square of mile of and 3 square miles of PAGE 26 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION industry four times in succession. 2.3 Transformation rules of flat or sloped proximity to the center of other urbanization, location adjacency to to a river, and land, adjacencey of function a is urbanization of location The gravity of activities. to deep adjacen cy channel, sea of adjacency indust ry is a function The location of industry, other to and proximity to the center of gravi ty of all activities. The location location on of the is a function of to other major center, and major center flat land, adjacenc y proximity to the center of gravi ty of all activities. elaborations the figure (2.07) a re of 2.3, above, w hich, In "decision when coupled trees", the with assignment orderings, generated figure (2.03). Additional functio )ns needed for the rules: 2.4 2.41 variable does not occur at a location 2.42 adjacency 2.43 nearest (of 2 variables or more) to a location III. THE RESULTS Figure (2.03) represents the result of the application of the rules to the "initial state". The differences chief between figures (2.02) and (2.03) are in the use of the sloped land. The differences can be further figures (2.04), (2.05), and (2.06) noted by examining which compare the patterns PAGE 27 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION with the pattern generated by generated by the decision rules the designers for each of the three activities: urbanization, industry, and c enter. The resu Its raise some issues to be investigated further, issues which it would be practical rules were cornput er. Better "fit" i mp lemented on a migh t design to investigate only if have been achieved the with the the assignment by varying The generated des ign seems to be relatively orderings. (2 .0 7) insensitive t0 assignment orderings except in the later stages when the abil it:y to predict events is not great. Clearly if all act ivities wanted the same variabl at the location, that is, the transformation rul es for each ere the same, then the desi gn configuration of the land desire, the distribu tion wou d depend only upon the and ordering. assignment This phenomenon can I e obser ved in assignments 15 to 25 of ind ustry This extreme might and urbanizatioi city where the boundries was proximity to th The other supply limited of total or in a land be reached in a gr owing within the metropolitan muni cl pal region wihere region al core was highly valued. extreme , when in design because same land, may be reac hed try to fit eac partic ularity of the site activity. In this case, compete for no activities the the designers often to the approp riate transformation rules for different activ ities would have not similar branches and would determine the configurations; the assignment have no influence. orderings would PAGE 28 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION Where assignment configurations, orderings do have there may other be an influence rules on the which can be formulated for the competition for land among activities which political resources available for represent their monetary or the purpose land acquisition of facilities appropriate instead and of of construction the point in the time of assignment. The assignment orderings used in the experiment were very the detailed in overly later stages, the and they would happen; of what designers' sense respect to of development with the initial stages gross for were could fault which a easily be remedied by different assignment orderings. example, more have been reflect changed during the changing the growth locational activities as the city grew in size. real changes in the activities more to industry and transformation rules The residence. land for sloped flat land for weight to process in might order the of criteria for to give, rules the transformation by varying achieved have been the designers' design might Better "fit" with to various And, in order to reflect themselves as the city grew, new activity types might be introduced with new transformation rules. One could land, have varied for example, changing the qualities attributed to "unacceptable" to "sloped" the at location 7,13, a site favored by many of the designers for the major city center, and one where the original decision as to CHAPTER II: REPLICATION which category PAGE 29 to use in figure (2.01) for the "initial state", 6-15 percent or "unacceptable", was difficult to make. One could introduce new information, for land owned by Orinoco Mining Company, example, that the locations 5,11 6,9 6,10 6,11 7,9 7,10 7,11,, would not be ava ilable for development for at least half "unacceptable" growth period thle and would For this design the one mile grid size was too large in some areas, but needles sly small If the differences design could the to ascribed experimenters, as Ian id during that time . And, the grid size might have been varied. designers' be classed lack in others. between the generated design not be redu ced, the of ingenui ty or to the designer: on and the failure could be the part of the either his artistry or his error. More generally, if the differ ences between many designs by generated designs done reduced by rules in d ifferent by designers in rules situations tho seemingly arbitrary, then somethin g or creative contributio n "Creat i ve" , when used as violations system of a might the delay beyond of the another. of one The element of surprise only be case and the indentif ied. thought of as Iocal exageration of to some important space; wall of enclosure. rule system each been the previous spa cing (point next opening in a violations have of rules : in many of each designer's un ique above, can be height of one facade in relation the situations could were different which and may well the or of expectat ion) Of course, the be consistent with mixed with joyous curiosity PAGE 30 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION can yield may be consistent through a sequence movement regular of violations designed carefully which with a system the designer is at least of behavior in environments of which intuitively aware. thought of as those which But creative ideas can also be violate conventional regularity strongly implied. this sense, the The more with some way a global in ideas new "creative" a n idea , In and the it more of observation is changed by more wide ranging are its repercussions throughout the bod' y of concepts making up the present theory of design. (2.08) ideas Conventional are the ideas conventional readjustment:s in the a fter factors external conventional ideas cannot be the taken place. body of knowledge have hindsight, a nd without reference creative and tomor row of of today may The creative ideas of interpretation and thought. become rules used the habitually In to both, distinguished from each other. (2.09) Suppose that the transforma tion rules have replicat ed the land use des ign alone it is impossible rule set conventional or replicated many called desi gns. land use land use them most closely some land use design a new generated better land to infer that Sup pose creative. conventional for adhered to By w-th reasonable fidelity. use looking at the tho se that ru1 es are the rule s t hen be rules might The design and des i gns designs than which f from conve ntiona 1 des igns. set of rules were have inferred which had been done CHAPTER II: REPLICATION previously, PAGE 31 then they might be termed design termed "creative" from which brand of creativity the "creative", and they were inferred. might better be termed a This very high level of competence. IV. STRATEGY FOR REPLICATORS Exploring the "conventional" and the "creative" implies a different kind above. of development Instead of designer's design, even working the are, the main of experiment described bet ter"fit" It should rules with wh ich be observed were an activity's adjacency the seeking of flat land, and the simplicity and working tow lard it implies they as consisted in toward general applicability. the promise of that, from the utilized to itself, the seeki ng of central position with respect to the whole development. I t w'ould be tempting to try various formulations do on several land of these rules to see use designs, as we 11 rules which are involved kinds of designs from designers' experiments would be to that how well they as to explore the in i mpr oving the point on . find the fit with goal in The these of rules simp lest set to account for the largest part of the desi gn. But, in worki ng toward rules would expect some replicate any struck of g reater loss in the accu racy with part icular design. between rules which are A so gene rali ty one which they might ba lance will have specific as application to other situations and those to be to have no which do a very bad job of replication or generate foolish designs. (2.10) CHAPTER II: REPLICATION There may with the another be designs which land suggested. use of the rules. the point different criteria but of for (for view land use The the consequences of his work in is not the what extent designers that Of course, to satisfy criteria it should for the a question the of how its own terms. in example, (2.11) to are working ground level). but realms; designs, have been that a good design ought one could argue to replicate explanations primarily other realm, not understandable in in many Two may design from seen at simply be are impossible designer his design environment is design may design First, the aspect generating PAGE 32 satisfy replicator of The themselves. rules governing the design may be derived primarily from a realm the may simply have been looking replicator is not looking at, he at the wrong variables. has to second explanation The between the representation representation may with the of the design which difference is the object intent of the designer. (2.12) of the replication and the full The do to a depend large extent upon planning and design; conventions of the field of city the a land use plan, often has the same legend which limits the choice of variables; it is course in detail; time only; and puts only one the replication intent may fall short because the rules it represents one point in land use at one location. Thus, of including the governing the expressed in the conventional media design full design may not be of design. The replicator CHAPTER II: REPLICATION may fail because PAGE 33 the rules governing the design were unrepresented or unrepresentable, perhaps not becoming evident until the design is realized. V. THE SHIFT FROM REPLICATION TO DESIGN AID There are two major reasons least temporarily, why, at the project shifted at this point from attempting to replicate designs to designer. the building The first of a system to assist has to do with the the city substance of design, and the second with the formal structure of the replications. Subs tance Substantively, the replication could be looked at as a way of o btaining the consequences form of a set of rule s about how that form should evolve. (2.07) rules, figure Guayana in terms could of environmental be interpreted effort to generate a "least cos t" city form: construe tion because of the ut i lization cost" to channel; industry because "least cost" of urb an as an "least cost" for of flat land; f proximity The to services, at the "least deep sea least in the early st ages, because of the pO ssibility of extending existing services to adjacent transpor tation because as possi ble. develo pment; purpose of producing "least of kee p ing the development It is not a to obser ve that the and cost" of as compact cha 1lenge to this line of reasoning rules may not have been the a "least cost" city form. they stand were conceived from the best for the The rules as point of view of trying to replicate what the designers actually did. The point is that, PAGE 34 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION that the having recognized once "least on to then go designer could the some fashion, in other criterion any cost" or express seem to rules did that rules for design better purpose, test them, and observe their consequences. Structure The the structure of variable the characters, transformation rules; names: industry, function and the for state" of the the "design state" theorem to be proven: environment; and a and the "initial axiom: an the postulates: a list of description the for needed acceptable adjacent; urbanization, nearest, functions replication contains: of the designers. In building the replication one could work forward to and to cut down replication. which would help design state, a procedure backward from the the time develop the needed to the set up the replication, the Once he has (2.13) rules for replicator's job is to find the rules of interpolation between the initial and final states. A designer, on the other hand, can be thought of as constantly inventing and re-inventing all the structure the of components studying components and different outlined, just the trying consequences of his choices. (2.14) A system replication implications which could from would accommodate also accommodate design experiments assumptions. effort to determine what kinds experiments Chapter in Two in drawing is an of city design assumptions can CHAPTER II: REPLICATION be made clear. PAGE 35 CHAPTER II: REPLICATION PAGE 36 CIUDAD GUAYANA in 1961 1 123456789012345678 1 .*. 2 3 4 5 6 +.+.*. 2 1 .... *.+.+.+.+. 2+. * 1 . . . . *.*.* .... 1 +.+ . . . . . *+. . . . . . 1 1 .+.+. . .. 7 8 *.*.*0 9 *.*. 10 11. 12 . +.*.* . .. +.*.*. 1 1 . . ...... 2 *. . . ... . 13 14 15 . . . . 1 . . . +.+. 2 . . . 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 +. 11 12 +.+.+.+. . . . . . .+.+.+. 0 00 0 a0 +. . . . . . +. . 2 3 . +.+ . ............. . .+.+. 1 . . 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = URB1961(20); '2' IND1961(21) = NON EMPTY LAND = RIVER(8); '-' REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' CHANNEL(12); '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS = Figure (2.01) Ciudad Guayana as it was in 1961 when the Venezuelan Development Corporation was formed. "urb1961" means "urbanization" in 1961; "ind1961" means "industry" in 1961. CHAPTER PAGE 37 II: REPLICATION AN ALTERNATIVE DESIGN FOR CIUDAD GUAYANA BY THE CITY DESIGNERS IN THE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 123456789012345678 . 1 +.** * 2 . +.*.*. 1 1 1 . 2 3 .*. 1 2 3 4 +.*.+.2 1 1 1 .. 5 *.++. ++.+. 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 5 *.*.*.2 2 2 1 .+.+. 1 .... 6 *. 7 *.*.*. 8 2+. 1 1 1 2 2 . . 2 2 1 1 . 1 1 .+.+ 2 1 1 3 3 .++. *.*. *. 2 . 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 *. .. . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 8 2 3 3 1 1+.+. . . . . . . . 1 1 1 . 1+.+. . 1 1 . 1 1+.. 1+.+.+.+. . +.+.+. . .+. 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 2 2 1 1 . . . . . .+. 15 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - IDESIGN(2); - '1' = UDESIGN(3); '2' = '3' = CDESIGN(4) = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = RIVER(8); '-' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS '*' CHANNEL(12); = An alternative design for Ciudad Guayana Figure (2.02) created by the city designers in the Development Corporation. "udesign" means their design for "urbanization", "idesign" for "industry" and "cdesign" for "center". CHAPTER II: REPLICATION PAGE 38 PATTERN FOR CIUDAD GUAYANA GENERATED BY DECISION RULES 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 123456789012 1 2 3 +.*.*. 4 +.+.*.2 1 2. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +.*.* *.+.+.+.+. * *. 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 . 2 . . 1 .+.+ *.*.*. *.*. 2+. 1 .. 2 2 1 B . 1 1 .+.+. *. 2*0*.2 . 1 B 1 . B .+.+. 1 2 2 2 2 . 1 2 2 1 1 2 S2 2. 2 . 1 2 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 . B+.+. .+.+ 22 1 1 . . +. 1 2 1 . 1 1 .+.+.+.+. . 2 .+.++.+ 2 .+. . .+ . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = URBANION(6); '2' INDUSTRY(7); '3' = CENTER(5) 'B' = 1, 3 '.' = NON EMPTY LAND = RIVER(8); '-' REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS CHANNEL(12); Pattern generated for Ciudad Figure (2.03) decision rules specified in this chapter. = Guayana by the PAGE 39 CHAPTER I I: REPLICATION COMPARISON OF GENERATED PATTERN (URBANIZATION) WITH DESIGNER'S PATTERN (UDESIGN) 123456789012345678 .*. 1 . 1 2 +.*.*. . . 2 3 4 +.**. A AA . +.+.*. . A 2 2 . 3 4 *.+.+.+.+. 5 **.*. 6 *A . . . 7 8 9 .. *.*.*. * . . ... 12 1 1 13 . 14 . 15 .. 2 . . . . A A . A A .+.+.. . . 1 AAA . 1 .+.+. 1 1 1 . .... *.*1 10 11 .+. 2 A 2 .. . . A .+.+. 2 A+.+ 1 A A 2+.+.+.+. 1 . 1 . 1 . 6 7 A . . . 8 . ... 9 . . . . . A A 2 . 2+.+. 1 2 A 2 . 2 2+.. . 1 . . 5 10 11 12 • *+.+.+. . 13 .+. 0+. 14 15 45673 1234567890123 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = URBANION(6); '2' = UDESIGN(3) 'A' = 1, 2 '.' = NON EMPTY LAND = RIVER(8); '-'= REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS '*' CHANNEL(12); Comparison of the pattern of urbanization Figure (2.04) generated by the decision rules ("urbanization") with the pattern of urbanization of the designers ("udesign"). CHAPTER I1: REPLICATION PAGE 40 COMPARISON OF GENERATED PATTERN (INDUSTRY) WITH DESIGNER'S PATTERN (IDESIGN) 123456789012345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 0*, . +.*.*. A1 +.* *. . +.+.*. A . 1 . . *.++.+0.+. A+. 1 . . 2 2 . *.*.*0 A 2 2 .++o * ...... *. A A . . . . . 0+.+0 . . . *.*.*. A 2 2 . . . .+.+. ..... **. A AA . 2 2 .. . .+0+ . ... *. A A A AA A ... . .++ .. .. 1 A 2 2 21 .... +. . . 2 A 2 . . .+.+ +.+. . 1 1 . 1 1 .+.+.+.. 1 . I . 1 .+. . . 1 . . .+. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = INDUSTRY(7); '2' = IDESIGN(2) 'A' = 1, 2 '.' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = RIVER(8); '-' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS '*' CHANNEL(12); = Figure (2.05) Comparison of the pattern of industry generated ("industry") with the pattern of by the decision rules ("idesign")/ designers industry of the CHAPTER II: REPLICATION PAGE 41 COMPARISON OF GENERATED PATTERN (CENTER) WITH DESIGNER'S PATTERN (CDESIGN) 1 123456789012345678 1 2 .*. +.*.*. 3 +.*.* 4 5 +.+.*0 *.+.+.+.+. .+. 6 *.*.* 7 * 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . . . *.*.*. .. **. . . . . *. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . +.+ . 1 .0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+.+. .0. . 1 2 . . 45 3 . . 6 . 7 1 . 2 A .+.+0 . . .. . 2 2 . * 1+ +. . . . . . . . . .+.+. .. . ..... . .+. .0 . .+.+.+.+. . .+.+.+. . *+. . . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . . . . . .+. 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = CENTER(5); '2' = CDESIGN(4) 'A' = 1i, 2 '.' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' '*' CHANNEL(12); ' = RIVER(8); '-' = NO REF ATTS Figure (2.06) Comparison of the pattern of center generated by the decision rules ("center") with the pattern of center of the designers ("cdesign"). CHAPTER II: REPLICATION PAGE 42 1al or a2 and not a6, a7 or a8 2 b7 3 al not a2 (5 b4 (10 read next (9 c9d7 b4 8)c9d7 (7 c9d7 6)c9d7 RULE FOR ASSIGNING URBANIZATION nd not a6,a7 or a8 2 b5 7 al not a2 (14 5 - 3 a1 not a2 6 b6 5 b6 9d6 12)c9d6 11)c9d6 10)c9d6 (9 c9d6 8)c9d6 RULE FOR ASSIGNING INDUSTRY 1 al or a2 and not a8 2 b8 3 b7 (7 read next (6 c9d8 (5 c9d8 T4)c9d8 RULE FOR ASSIGNING CENTER LEGEND: 1=slope0-5 2=slope6-15 3=unacceptable land 4=river 5=channe I 6=industry 7=urbanization 8=center 9=center of gravity of 6,7,and8; a=at the location ore locations) b=beside the location c=closest to (of 2 or mn (1)=node number of the decision tree d=assi gn ; Figure (2.07) Decision rules which generated Figure (2.03). PAGE 43 CHAPTER III FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF CITY DESIGN A function is the specification of a rule which, when applied to values falling within its domain of definition, may be evaluated. Computers functions which demand can be algorithms, realizations used to compute their is programmable on some computer. to assist consider designers with of city whether any values. If a form of an algorithm, then it function can be realized in the how of (3.01) In order to consider computers it is necessary to thought of in can be design functional terms. The replication of the last chapter was an algorithm but, it might that was be argued, general application. This do formalized. to and trying There case, not chapter is an effort extract sections are to rebut that might be functions of part which the discussing "Further Description", of "Transformation", of any designer does or into some of what the assessment by looking might an isolated and of "Testing" These three different kinds of functions have been arbitrarily constructed in order to thinking, and to help reveal the explore designers' ways of the sorts of capabilities needed for computer assistance. At any instant in time during designer can be environment the process of design, the thought of as having data and rules of inference which describe the drawn from information CHAPTER III: about and environments environment combination wi th rules, in PAGE 44 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS related his data, The matters. permit him to further the description, or to describe the environment, to transform test the description agai nst the achievement of some goal. The data which "primitive", our "basic" are to inferences or true by definition; For example, (3.02) space, and time. of two types: and "derived", or true by or "laws" conventional notions are of logic, if mathematics, "primitive" data were the locations of houses, then the total number of them, or the average distance between them would be "derived" data. Data resulting from the combin ation of of "basic" data and rules of inference are "inf erred" data. primitive data gi ven The above that conclusion drawn from the "the houses consti tuted a neighborhood" woul d be an "inferred" datum. An inference can take many forms, common are: the combination of statement: but two of the most a universal and an existential "all drivers will be alerted to possible action by any sign more than one square foot in area within twenty feet of the road and which carries a message of danger"; "this sign satisfies the previously stated sign will alert conditions"; drivers. The universal statement phrased as a conditional statement, form. And the second is is the value ("signs evaluating the function in therefore, this can also be a variation of this first the functional form, t = f(x) where t which alert drivers") f(x) where "f" is the universal statement and obtained by the rule expressed "x" is the needed information PAGE 45 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: from the environment, the arguments distance from the the sign, "evaluating" of the function, (size of content); and road, and message the rule means applying to the arguments and obtaining the value. If the function is continuous there of the arguments which can be found to satisfy - within some standard, k. (t + or "size of example both were road" expressed is a range of values k = f(x)) In the previous the "distance the sign" and as intervals the function of discrete values, but the message content from the than rather values had to be the single This function was continuous with respect to value, "danger". two out of three of its arguments. The discussion which follows is organized under the three functional of functions identified above: types "further description", "transformation of the description" and "testing The examples are intended to illustrate types, not to serve as a comprehensive list of of the description". the functional what designers do. I. Functions types: data; FUNCTIONS OF FURTHER DESCRIPTION of further "measurement description consist functions" which result of two in major "derived" and "extension" functions which are defined to be those which result in "inferred" data. Measurement Derived data which receive as are obtained arguments from "measurement" the primitive data functions of the r result in manipulations t o Many of the values in those realms. They are a name attributed to a place (3.03) there and or not category having the same or a can be a s k wher e .He can c:oincid they or where the of a designer can n this area?", or transit stop transit stops?" a member simi lar name. Assuming that the descript on exi st, of the "where is the last observation, make this each of geometric are of the be there points" are and pr imitive data which the designer has type "nominal". categories mathematical apply logi cal, and description which can PAGE 46 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: e "where are the the "visually strategic with transit he ne eds to ask stops. look at To each place where one category occurred and se e whether the other occurred If as well. thought of each occurrence as a member of a members two category at a set by the the same share place is same name, is all e xis t ing locations, universe o f discourse if of t he is location and the then to see to logically intersect the two sets. This same operation is accomplished almost literally when a designer overlays one map on another and makes he is interested in at of the overlaps between the categories the moment. The interpretations other stops and visually a third map have empirical than being the "coincidence of transit new may category strategic points", for example, those locations may be "ideal spots for public information centers". That shift realm of of meaning thought. connects the The new category functions which do that to another kind of CHAPTER III: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS connecting involve a PAGE 47. rule of inference and are dealt with in the next part of this chapter. Observation regarding practice, almost avoid are. location can, in the issue of precisely conventional "where" things The reason, perhaps, is that because the map is both the medium of study and of communication to never or seldom has to be answer to "where point." There is it?" is "there, on are, of course, as well as by street, street "stone fence", "location" described in any other medium. the map, at references to areas The that by ward, renewal area, for examples, precinct, census tract, and urban tree", others; corner, and address, and by "oak "stream bed" or "abandonned loggi ng road" to mention just a few fixed and not-so-fixed elements in the environment. Location in relation to other locations rather than in relation to some larger geographic reference system, designers are quite explicit about. number of connectedness, Distance occurrences continuity; per away, nearest of several, unit area; adjacency, direction, orientation, and and relative position in three dimensions plus functions which can be written on them computing, example, for the rate of change of any of the elements per unit distance are some of the major kinds of locational manipulations which can be explicitly formulated. The designer may have numbers with his map description. The and other names associated numbers may take ordinal or FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: cardinal values, manipulations: He manipulations. an values ordinal cardinal for and magnitude; implying each for PAGE 48 allowable values, "are there can ask, residents in this neighborhood?" of relations ranking, 4 set the of arithmetic than more employees can record the answer or He not; this sort of question like tho se above derives more data from the description through manipiulation information ; it itself add new empirical but does not by does not "extend" the description. Extension The designer has he as ways different describes description which informs the category of him along the lines of the as in at of h is but does not is the description then it many The it. hen its usefulness. W1 the description extends existing data looking of ways information because of is design environment inq uiry a new change the result of what is called here a function of "extension". A function data of of "extension" receives as the description and arguments "basic" information about some "system" related to the environment embodied in a rule of inference. It is characteristic of functions of "extension" that they can be empirically tested, at least in principle. For example, "playgrounds easy to environment related to be a description get to by of an environment might be ages 6-9". The children system from which information drawn would be the behavior of children of would have those ages CHAPTER III: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS with respect to moving rule of which variable would residence. the about their inference would a playground was suffice: Then the state the conditions under easy to get Assume that distance to. of 0-500 feet from would be easy to given to one their would be playgrounds. name "playgrounds 6-9" and The have to residences and be the children ages local environment. measurement of the environment distances between category would PAGE 49 The get to new by those playgrounds which satisfied the condition, "within 500 feet of a residence of children ages 6-9". could be verified, This new category of the description possibly, by well designed interviews and observation procedures. The discussion organized under thinking functions several different of "extension" ways the environment: its about the development of be designer has of relation its perception over time; will and to use; its and form; its ordering patterns. Environmental Use. designer may need to The know about soil bearing capacities in an area. He may have access to the detailed data, he needs to connect them to something he wants to do they before capacities could, then, become be related to what kinds of activities or construction might be placed on bearing capacity locations furthermore, of were to tall that the Bearing information. design be buildings map of the land. Suppose that the of sole determinant the in bearing some city. the Suppose, capacities is highly F CHAPTER III: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS accurate as field. PAGE 50 verified repeatedly by new Use of locally available measurements in materials and labor prohibit other than conventional foundation types. bearing capacities permissible above some tall building the Then a map showing amount would locations and a be a map solution to of the problem of where to put them. If the map assuming were also to be used for that the bearing capacity design determinant The map or above at category of the this the designer bearing capacity. of soils having new value desc ription which was critical still the the variable, dictated by the placement capacity was (a doubtful assumption) then another va lue of would like low buildings, and, a bearing would become a new isomorphic with the "allowable location of low buildings". The designer migh t want to see what the implications were of assuming that he had a way of treating the soil or the foundations to permit tall buildings on soils presently having too low a bearing cap acity. He could then see what pattern emerged for areas for tall buildings by mapping the areas with lower bearing capaciti es. why one of the new There might be enough other reasons maps was to desirable recommending that a br eakthrough be make it worth sought which would permit the lower bearing capa city soils to be used. In arriving connected at two realms his recommendations of thought: human purpose of city building. the designer has environment and the the He has isolated (by a process FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: not single the discussed) a range has specified the in variable of values environment, rule of inference in city building, a "bearing capacity" and which PAGE 51 capacity of bearing which will accommodate specified values of buildings. Soils bear a close relationship to climate in like the characteristics other environmental the they exhibit that are imperfectly known and, effects of natural processes which therefore, call for expert opinion. Although one can measure climate - its temperature, humidity, the effects of the local wind velocities and direction, one cannot always estimate with great those same accuracy what will be measurements under different circumstances. Nevertheless there are rules of thumb which help out the to fill buildings are descriptions of have high likely to tall an area: their bases winds around during the winter. Other rules for the use of the natural environment can be the indicating found activities, for the use of land land development based land of suitability various for in highway corridors, and for on sewerage potential of the soil and other factors relating more directly to health. (3.04) Another type space or of rule vice versa. If a links human activity to designer needed to enclosed find enclosed places for meetings of 400 to 1000 people, he might look for a drawing "meeting showing drawing showed too could state (or places" but, few, he might have to look up) criteria that assuming look elsewhere. for a the He space's the task: appropria teness to not areas of PAGE 52 FUNCTI ONAL ANALYSI CHAPTER I I1: than 3500 square less than 20 feet; clear spans feet; some district; have such order to be able to construct his new category. mentioned data above of the description are measurements themselves, the make available use places meeting the as data to the category "where environment in miss ing further from they have them has might go, he where the meetings determination of Many of these infer designer the Once descriptions. or and use standards in city designe rs; descriptions normally available to to and many a space a set of the environment and such inventory of times e ither the the space to private establishm ent; need to He would other factors. code s; location in th e city to owner of a cooperative government or not less free to compare with the times needed for the meetings in question; within least 40'; hei ghts to sa tisfy local means of egress at which those spaces would be be of at from made then might describe mass transi t a the stops might go" . Other space-use turnover of measurements helpful environment; pupils sales in making per committee in the country; others. employees per square foot an economic school facilities by and been have standards use-space recreation facilities developed for foot, or per square other many analysis of almost every the school use standards, and many (3.05) Another type of explicit formulation of environmental PAGE 53 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER II traffic relationsh and transportation models, other ac tivities an d environmenta 11 activities to upon human t rip behavior is heavily dependent links factors and usually either expressed as an inverse ratio of d istance raised to some power from home to work curve to represent uses or behavior. And based on facilit es establishe ,d mathematical to an exi ting trip relationship i type of land itted or and on based is standards feor which iimplicitly are based on characteristics. And there the have been time. cannot be verified In both time to see the sense would what The form of the testing is a way of use" seeing the predicted data, on the because they refer cases, the experts are generating means of a body of explicitly for the "environmental whether the new data are accurate; other hand, efforts to consi dering. prediction function is similar to field highways and comfort Predicti on is used in happen to the environment he is the latter, desig ýn of ( 3.06) designer's looking forward in functions: The highway diffe rent facto rs which might influence urban locational patterns. Development Over Time. nuisance T"hese standards hufman performanc :e formulate more complex mixes of of the the human comfiort and safety . are intended to insure have their proximity of adjacency or characteristics of each activity o r facility. engineers still another to future new data by generalizations which describe some system they know about. The "system of environmental change" can be very complex. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: one Taking a example: PAGE 54 to decision developer's build a commercial office building will be, very likely, a function of he has price which the buildi ng site, for the to pay the interest rates, the zoning regulations pertaining to the site, the marke t schedule for building the plans and others' a nd city's type and space, both for office for plans amount, others' types other of space and His decision many other factors. facilitie s in the area, and space, the same type of to reques t a zoning variance may depend upon whether he thinks he can make an considering the rents he potenti development costs, and upo from resistance people of prices, and those kinds of developmen t woul he When does that the zoning plus ot her to charge and building, other or his lot of groups and e city council. to repr esent the developer, mi ght zoni ng, land mentio ned hen do so on) and under he anticipates a the ar ea i The designer, in order factors like it the whether acceptance on the parts of map of 11 be a ble producing income "go" economic tak take final map, above (the a map showing where cer tain place under tho se conditi ons. the designer simulates the decision function of the developers. Perception and of the natural and Form. The designer records the qualities It is usually these man-made landscape. qualities and the processes which are associated with changing these qualities with which the designer is most directly concerned. If the landscape were already described in terms of CHAPTER III: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS and direction of slope its slope dimensional nat ural them. for finding landscape s, in great detail forms might be The then three computed by means of rules c ategories "ridge", "military crest", persist because they are, "isolated hill" , and even "hil I" most PAGE 55 identifiable. There are oth er in landscapes where those cat egories are not a S read ily perceived as concave as "saddles", shapes such The the land qualities of would of an d designer's knowledge h im guide sen sitivity h ow people and to most appropr iate set "description". The however, might well be sufficie ntlv d that rules desi gner would the and "bowls". "val 1 eys", "passes", used be to visual land perceive the categories of btain forced to the the of categories, fficult to externalize to make the judgments himself in the field rather than infer ring them from such data as slope and di rection of slope. In the obj ect world the nat ure of permits an overlaying of The envi ronmental other ki nds of be conveyed forms and bui iding of form upon form. medium both al ows when the perceiver is non-verbal permits similar messages to in a variety of different it permits economical phra sing and a distinctive grammar where, for example, the suj ect object, and the predicate words. components of and verba overlapping and it positions and sequences; The the vocabulary of forms can be an (3.07) experience which func tion as si gn, object or symbol may be the same, functioning fi rst as one and then as the other, action and conception fused together i nto the probably highly difficult to meaning are process the there description may b e CIould whi are sensitivity to be a form of the on the designer for both and "perception and f orm" expl i cit. One rule of inference for the b ehavior by manipulations. the lirni ted played the part of on the the connotations environment, it is necessary to rely Neverthel ess specify, and aspects of the perception and perceiver. In most of the to the variable with respect knowledge of data in to which contribute environment the data of communication of the adventure an (3.08) understanding". form and life human makes "that experience The PAGE 56 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: role in making the design functions of might try to substitute a of the subj ect which would produce the same response. For example, if a des igner wanted to in his "corridor" zone which were of one of the maj or streets percei ved as generally identify the compute his the most fol lowing dat a new category: of the building; walking whom exposed, centrality to their view; and groups: from the Once having he might form in to the local against the background, proximity of signs, surface number of people of duration viewer t ype, newcomers, local employees by. (3.09) forms" environment needed size of bu ilding, presence and texture to "dominant singularity of context, clarity of outline to observer and know which aspects driving, and exposure and the perhaps only three a nid shoppers, and passers classified the environment in those PAGE 57 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: categories, the designer would have to complement the existing field observation by trained description where necessary with computing some categories from designers and, where possible, might example, for outline, of clarity data: other be measured by projecting lines from street level at the edges of their of hypothesis "esthetic" kind A response. and personal seemingly be made in part, can, at least of judgment verify his groups, to of the different interviewing samples try, through And he could three groups identified. for the with other would be dominant could evaluate which forms He then forms. then intersected if they to determine the forms explicit. Order "Functions of order" differ from "functions of extension" function to the designer is the in that the importance of the organizational scheme than the specific which example may which it provides data which to help sometimes arrange designers are for the part of clarify elements of this data rather An the scheme. idea follows; the environment in linear patterns, densely clustered along the line with density off falling away extending out normal following the lines expressed as description might fall line and to the major line This out. a function. which come into the from such a to pattern. lines smaller with higher densities particular pattern Its arguments even close with can of the are any data suggesting that Its value be is they the PAGE 58 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER IiI: specification of data not present specified pattern. gaps of the to fill in the data required in the existing description, (3.10) cited the designer form example just when applied to things. to put provide places they design: heuri sti c powerful order" have a "Functions of In fi 11 it in the linear a rule which introduced open questions the e xisting environment left as to what would role points and what the in at the empty empirical correlat es w'ould be of its various parts. intersections a re links a nd connecting organize often des igners st rongly geome tric pattern, a environment in a the u rban example For "neighborhoods", a nd someti mes left called each membe r of grid perha ps: "centers", the "roads" and areas, over the roads, and the centers, neighborhoods is arran ged in a h ierarchy corresponding to s ome "level" movement, or activity. (3.11) of importance, addition, the grid i tself is assumed to rectilinear structural "framework" for the which is supposed to afford flexibility of be a strong a good and growth over time. are helpful conventions. the designer's many of in growth of the city Admittedly somewhat out of date, these "megaforms" in illustrating Often, (3.12) Other bes i de the are the and, organizing schemes for the grid and the linear radial, circumferentia 1, analogies with trees, form wi th arms star, witt h environment man made extending out galaxy, organisms and network; and with PAGE 59 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: rivers.(3.13) Some elements which bespeak their formal origins the conventional vocabulary of have become permanent parts of radials, belts, green form: city and circumferentials, satellite centers. The designer, as he works with these "functions of order" may tug and pull against them resisting the full extent of the on him by making ad regularity they force them, some to be some local building explicable in terms of important natural some particularly saved, or hoc adjustments to feature which may cause a bend or even a break in the pattern, some in terms of the inexplicable either to the pattern, and others into the to introduce variety designer's wish simply analyst or to the designer. (3.14) "functions of Some the visual form and event and of each their or der and perceived) play a major role each event empirical instead on on patterns of the communicated mean ing timing of occurrence (as in determinining the strength success of and the based of being plan view, may be based geometric patterns in events in which order" the pattern 01 whole. The as a correlates of the elements of these patterns may be the doorways, paving, signs, and lights of the designer of the public or popular world. (3.15) Other "functions single class: small, for example, medium and activities and of order" large, "role" in include "seriation" three sub-categories each with its the city'. withi n a of cente rs: own composition Dichotomization is of the FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: division into two often PAGE 60 opposed cl asses, accompanie d by the establishment of oppo sites: the "communi ty " and "privacy", the descri ption as to expected play organizati on, the for some group. or new class to create connection and are environment, new ogical designer possibilities which description of the of hypotheses. A his the the other n creates gaps And diagr am s to be challenged. clustering, are bubble diagrams, to to fit ex isting the fit other "functio ns some its specification. of (3. 17) FUNCTIONS OF TRANSFORMATION engages in descriptions he looks at and the ways of design. He may design alternative is a existing description of of hypoth et i cal wi th the and examines along environment existing possibilities for change purposes part of Like organizatio order" more strongly geometric in The datum. distorted then or, perhaps, IfI. some existing studying essential relati onships in the often used as ways of which serves to the intersections of each of to to be filled and regula rities design "Morpho- logi cal" to afford the possibility either "functions of order", m orpho- exhibiting (3.16) data of which it is cross classification of classes, assign ing that often between gradations well as with some social role the classe s in the table and environmen t five each associated with some draw the designer's attention to of is a scale of values between example, for and ou t the satisfying th e m any to study investigate many set of changes the environment in which such to the the cha nges CHAPTER III: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS are mutually consistent A PAGE 61 design alternative the designers the isolated hypotheses tried out by can be analysed and new in that it description of the Moreover, it presumably achieves some entire set environment. of purposes an entire as differs from which has been formulated to solve some design prob em. The city designer control over the course of which he can exercise on ly partial events. The world gets designed and built even if he does not intervene. He often can i ntervene preconditions upon which the has an environment in most often works on altering the env rironment related "systems " he or operate ; envisioned by by altering the rules w hich describe how the system he envisi ons operates. A function of "tran sformatio in" receives as arguments, the "primitive" data of the env ironmental desdription and functions of "further descriptionI". When evaluated, it yi elds a changed description. "primitive" data or It does so by altering either the rules of inference the in the "functions of extension". Transformingf the as looking at Data. The designer can a world which is best imagine himself described by envisioning "systems of environmental change". For example, the designer might change the "environment" within which a developer acts in such a way as to change what he does and where he does it but not to change the criteria by which he evaluates the choices open to him. CHAPTER III: The FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS designer PAGE 62 intervening is alter to system in environmental conditions upon which the operates. assumes that he can control He specifies the changes, simulates the the changed environment and of some the question these conditions, action of the systems on then might check to see if the environment so obtained is satisfactory. A variation on this theme would be if the designer chose to influence the environment related constraints on the agent industrial development through zoning ordinances to encourage available for the areas increasing lower income people as these actions activities, by increasing the lot as discriminatory behavior or to such use exclude size, as misguided combination with other may be they have, in such changes to the At the local level, of environmental change. active promotion on the part of industry of real estate or agents, achieved their stated purposes. Changing developer's the which he environment within actions acts is basic transforming the data of the function of "development over time". could also alter the changing by the basic data of other The designer types of "functions of extension": "functions of environmental use" and "functions of perception and form". Illustrating example cited above interest in "form the latter type: guided to his the designer may have been dominance" attention of as much of the by wishing in the to direct the population as possible to certain kinds of facilities on the premice that "form dominance" would CHAPTER III: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS increase awareness and use PAGE 63 of those facilities. He could, perceived the environment, try to with his rule of how people rearrange the environment to achieve his goal. Transforming the designer can the designer have could the "system" rules of perception. and, A second the rule to the representing by the have trained people to observe He might their changed hence, of inference change chosen he was mode the In the previous basic data of the functions. characteristics of better is to change operate in instead of the example, Rules _of Inference. of perceptions the environment. Inasmuchas the perceived "form dominance" is part of the description of the environment, the designer would have transformed the description. A second example of this mode of work might be the design of a new type of developer which would respond to the needs of low income residents without a For example, in houses settlement have into gotten existing institution with motives development, an well very high financial incentive. housing which seem suited to the purpose but which previously did not engage that sort of activity. Cooperatives composed of the affected individuals, existing model, for the same reasons. been set have up a new institution on an In these cases, the designer tries to bring together a group whose motivations are in line with the designer's convictions about how things ought to be done. developer, the Once again, new group as in may be the case described as of the private acting freely FUNCTIONAL ANALYS IS CHAPTER III: area (3.18), some opportunity within existing for he after change, he environmental of roads and land ownership, and existing im portant operating in the new which system for has imagi ned some will probab ly want to might change the environment or mode of environment. the particula rly are considerations perhaps , order to be locations to pertaining legislation designer, patterns of which may an area considerations as the bounded by such utilities PAGE 64 after the city agent of see how it new 1 revert to the first conditions within change the acts, and, These that, see how the changed environment affect the quality of life in a variety of different ways. Thirdly, the wisdom about a geographic health, safety, based o n development rules environmental experience as comfort, build and other tall buildings. associated with the of "system", one which would provide a of expert which pertains dimensions of to human and political An example of the latter of development institutions which could enforce invention set where to recommendation about set This a body of well as technological, economic, the soils engineer's constitute a region, wisdom feasibility of environmental change. would be es tab l ish could designer new rules, if them, would environment related new constraints on what the other agents of environmental change actually did. III. During the design FUNCTIONS OF TESTING process the designer is constantly neither the alternative comprehensive special conceptual activities pose These alternatives. and with elsewhere. are dealt many of which procedural problems many of evaluation comparative the nor design single a of evaluation is to here is referred "testing" which criteri a. The many explicitly, against implicitly or ideas, either testing his PAGE 65 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: (3.19) "Testi ng", as used here, refers to what the designer is doing as he i s working toward a design alternative. three kinds of arguments: A "testi ng" functions receives of the data other sources ; o true "testin.g" fu descri ption; sources; is, he the value of they match within the standard, sources and, if function with the data from other compares the data of the description the "test" The comparison. standard of and a from data obtained description; environmental or , or can he To change the change the data t e of the other comparison, that two types between the o from obtained data the standard of the "fit" value the transform can he can change can relax . designer the :tion passed of data. (3.20) "Testing" functions internal Internal consistency (eg. that acres of house data of refers description: environmental and consistency types: environment in city design tc the eit :her there were can be of external no more lots in one hundrE!d acres of the description and rulEýs of consistency. consistency among two basic data than one of of the the hundred land) or between inference representing that (eg. related "systems", environment were the shadows and the longitude position considering the proper drawn in PAGE 66 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: latitude of the environment and the time of day and year being recreational engaged in people these range for acceptable at this place is within an that the noise index (eg. the specification of of the description and between the data purpose, to the consistency External consistency refers represented). activities). of "description" of type; highway, and vehicle function compares then "desired value" source which measured expresses some group's environment matches If the The noise the The "testing" index a value obtained tolerance of with a from a noise when measured noise index in the value" within the "desired test is passed. of the convert could noise index. of the noise index, engaged in some activity. then the the of kinds three a environment related and from the environmental measurements into a being obtained from received which coeficients which acoustics: of turn was in environment: highway position, use arguments from the system index The noise considered. the environment are the environment in index a noise of the values function The measurements of example. used as an be noise will tolerance of and people's Highway noise the standard "desired value" could as well refer to the designer's preferred level or the average of many groups. The values and standards in other ways. And for comparison can be stated the "desired value" may change with the new environment, exposure able to stand more (or a for example, embodie d or people may be less ) noise after they have lived there consid erati on could while. This example, PAGE 67 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER III: n be built into the above which might example anothe r demonstrate the long term adaptation effects. (3.21) The "funct ions" o f cit y design as spelled out here are of three types: or infer " functio r data new transformation" directly, or and which i ndi rect 1 "functions of further description" ot the Iter desc ription; the by altering testing" data of "functions the the rules which compare which derive of description of inference; the description with data obtained from other sources. data of the PAGE 68 CHAPTER IV THE DISCOURSE LANGUAGE The language of DISCOURSE will be presented in three sections: the first dealing with LOCATIONS and ATTRIBUTES, the basic the of features second, the language; the with elaboration of the data structure to include numerical values; and the third a short description of of the the components DISCOURSE system. of DISCOURSE has The structure as possible transparent clear understanding and in order chooses. The that operations have been it, and are world as the developed to be he close to event, though he may not always what the designer does in any realize to depict able a and changing is manipulating of what he he be designer have that the in order simple and been made as be so intended to avoid as to basic commitment of the designer to an uncomfortable or unwanted way of working. The basic features accommodate the types functions chapter: with values the language of the derivation and to the previous inference of data, and the obtained from it allow of functions developed in transformation of the data, the the data of new comparison of other sources which may represent standards or norms. As a analysing, designer works he creates and of generating new ways of environmental working, of forms. The CHAPTER IV: PAGE 69 LANGUAGE of a design exercise may techniques he uses toward the finish No be entirely different than those he used at the beginning. want to make. features which to the designer permit special requests, allowing him to build special his to make requests. and to modify his own as he But he must program. still appears There that the requests which respond better to his needs, to be order to designer, in unresolvable dilemma: an make will demand more he will have language and, as a consequence, features of the his eases DISCOURSE in much of the bookkeeping for programming job by taking care of him. own his The designer must, therefore, do some "programming" works. order construct design proposals well as his design as techniques of additional has therefore, language, The will a designer the requests anticipate all programmer can to become proficient in an increasingly complex language. Ease of use and subtlety of expression is taken up in Chapter VI, features LOCATIONS) (or and data structure of the limitations of the of on future development. BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE LANGUAGE I. Places This issue may be opposed. structure will ATTRIBUTES explored later the Some of of DISCOURSE. system which have resulted be are the from this kind this chapter, in basic but principally in Chapter VI. usually mean LOCATIONS space which can that space. a position in some be distinguished from all The space is two dimensional; geographic other positions in two coordinates PAGE 70 LANGUAGE CHAPTER IV: LOCATION uniquely. It should be are necessary to describe any single dimensional array. space to a the two that coordinate addressing of three dimens ional or data structure the list 'I information cannot deduce from i n DISCOURSE with the is inconsisten nconsistent with its particular the mom ent. can be thought of as the name for a c oordinate s A pair of One the LOCATIONS pace is rather it ; impl ementation a t LOCATION N dimensional computer ultimately reduces any noted that the abo ut mem bers of the LOCATION is at that what Coordinates refe r to an a rea rather list particu lar contain LOCATION. the than a sing le point; LOCATION may be the size of a city block or, as in the example II, in Chapter ATTRIBUTE at a LOCATION within LOCATION. that The presence or absence a square mile. Thus the "resolving designer's lense is limited in major LOCATION he uses . Other ways of to its clue as gives no of an placement power" of the part by the size of each increasing the detail of the description will be discussed below. ATTRIBUTES An ATTRIBUTE an ATTRIBUTE is descriptive of LOCATIONS. is the name of In DISCOURSE a list of LOCATIONS which share it. Examples of ATTRIBUTE names are "water", "tidal flats" and "middle income residents". LOCation is called An ATTribute which eXists at a be thought of an "ATTXLOC". Most maps can as a display of ATTXLOCS. The data structure of DISCOURSE I is a particularly CHAPTER IV: PAGE 71 LANGUAGE eloquent representation of the logical structure of ATTRIBUTES and figure LOCATIONS, created: for one (4.0 1). LOCATIONS LOCATION consisted of its two Two in which "dictionaries" were the each coordinates; name for and the other for ATTRIBUTES. Organization of data by l ists means organization of the data ins ide the logical organization of geographic location that the physical the computer is divorced from One logical record (the the data. of indu stry , for example) is located in computer storage by storage allo cation features which are part of the computer language in (4.01) whi ch DISCOURSE I was programmed. In order to find that rec ord again, it is pointed at by the previous member of the same list and it, in turn, points to the next member of the li st. The values of the pointers are determined once the storage Ioca tion has been determined. organization the With list shortened havir ig had to lists can predic t only the be lengthened or total amount of working space re!quired for all lists plus expansion instead of having had to re!serve a specific the expansion airea of any place in computer storage for parti cular list. For problems in which the data aire seldom changed or come in predictably sized feature is packages, this meani ngless. design where thE designer is addi ng, his data constaritly, it is has disadvantage!s as organization in well. computer But in problems of subtracting, and changing signi ficant. But list organization The pointers which permit random storage take up space themselves; PAGE 72 LANGUAGE CHAPTER IV: time is required for moving around through storage which is in computer's core and part in has to be constantly used as in the it, leaving part memory device if it some other it is expensive each list is continuous records; and because to cut sequentially organized that required for searching excess of part of the search procedure, for it would have to be read in core. of the computer's and out This consideration becomes crucial for problems in which such search in the categories of the description is Both be extensive. to are likely data in which the commonplace and for problems are city true of design. list The organization contrasted with an be logical records phone book. like a in sequence, must storage computer organization in which the placed physically are of One common attribute of the records is selected by which to key them in sequence; in the case of the phone book, it is the name. If address one were to look it would be number or for a particular phone difficult. If one lengthened either all subsequent or record is to be all previous records must be moved to leave space. These are limitations to sequential organization when the problems to be dealt with as well as continuous involve records of changing lengths modification of the records. But sequentially organized records can be stored redundantly, that is, one could name; a make three phone books: second ordered one alphabetically by by telephone number; and a third by CHAPTER IV: PAGE 73 LANGUAGE the same for the operation of either the overhead which one has to pay list or sequential organization will depend upon many factors of the the core-resident memory are the size of The multiple list structures. advantages of record access as among which many of Redundant storage affords street address. computer plus the amount of the data that the programmers must of logical structure of software being used. The transparency version of in the first list organization utilized the pure and hard- the particular of features and the with, deal DISCOURSE gave way to a structure which took advantage of both list and array features of the computer. (4.02) In the version of first ATTRIBUTE names were associa ted wi th "permanent extens ion" "initial", The paradigm typ es of three and "temporary on the of behavior LOCATION the DISCOURSE part of and lists: extensi on" . the designer this earlier arrangement of lists sugges ted was roughly as follows: a designer makes an "initial" desc ription of the environment, indicating where things are; d uri n g the course of his work he looks thin gs are , where around at combination, creating categor ies of of "temporary" "permanent" deleting) to use change of the a category him of the The designer looking around and in they are where the description which are a nd, he finally, descrip tion either LOCATIONS or by creating a new LOCATION. and desc ription to makes by adding (or from) a (or some cat egory and adding it to some persists in this then changing things unt il way, repeatedly he reaches the CHAPTER IV: end of LANGUAGE PAGE 74 his working session. At that point he stores what he has done. At the next working sessions he again starts with an initial this time, description, but, it can the of the previous (or any or the terminal description "initial" be either other) working session. In the latest version of DISCOURSE there is only one type of list but the designer can create his own variety through the ways in whi h he names and manipulates them. ine trees, not good drainage, by "where are the ike Questions too steep, ... " on ATTR IBUTES logical ope ations goo d view, places with a and can be a nswered A LOCATIONS. category of the description is a new ATTRI BUTE lis t; new a desi gn change is an alte ration of the ATTRIBUTES of LOCAT IONS. ATTRIBUT E lists exi st which In DISCOURSE two to in the designer various ways: Universe is an ATTRIBUTE which null exists at no LOCATIONS. less obviously useful description whic h LOCATIONS. (Eg. operators of (4.10). at "new for that LOCAT ION and Universe is essent ial (Eg. "dry land *=* unive rse water. "null". and exists at every fi nding all LOCA TIONS operations as "uni verse" are useful exce pt those keepi ng min oment does popula tion not. .and. *=* DIS COURSE are illustrated a in such whi ch have wat er" ) Null catego ry not nul11") ex ist The in figures is of the at any logical (4.02) to CHAPTER IV PA E 75 •Z L--- 4 o LU4 z 0 U C/) 09 3 z O 0 C U 0 (ri "U tIS ti·J 0% C) ·u 14 3 hif rao %a, PAGE 76 CHAPTER IV map* (a b) 1-7 1-9 12 3 4 56789 . aaa . bbb Saat tbbb .aattbbb. .aaa . Symbol Computer generated ATTRIBUTE number referring to ATTRIBUTE "A" (or "a" in the Figure titles). 123456789 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS 't' = a, in the map bbb. - 'a' = A(2); 'b' = B(3) b = NON EMPTY LAND (contains ATTRIBUTES other than "a" -----------------------------------------------map* (a b universe) 1-7 1-9 1234 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B B S B B B 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 AAA 0 AA TT A A TT AAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or "b" ) 0 B B 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123456789 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - ' = UNIVERSE(1) 'A' = a, 'B' = b, 0 'T' = a, b, 'a' = A(2); 'b' = B(3); '0 0 !j S.' = NON EMPTY LAND Figure (4.02) Positions of ATTRIBUTES "a" and "b", the basic data ------------------------------------ Figure (4.03) "a", "b" and "universe" In figures (4.03) to (4.10) the desired results are always in capital letters. PAGE 77 zt 0 cV) (I iU o 3I 0 u II r-4r F-O L. CnL .0 C - (o _O -• 1 * 4 F-CIO U * * *F- * V- CL" C < 4-• -<w C14 - *z0CO LCC % -- • 0- cN L.. r L - LoU . * N - z < ..j r). II - S- .- 0• >D L 3 1 - L PAGE 78 N- 0( O <: o 0 -o O C, 4C-,< I -W a < 41 W< Or,CI .o - .• N- re * I* *, o I *o *O C , * .0 CN * .i z * .4 . -E * * -n *<< O . 0 *m Or CI o Ln % C-C wo <<* L0 H 4- 2- - LUO SH C LU rDE C -J - OU Q- .4J< --- * PAGE 79 co LU H "t' *4 aa "II CU U-1 0 -o O I C .*0203 L.. 4J *C* * * * I) h -H . .« * - -c (- N < Cu 0 u . In CO C S0 • - 03 L .2 C.. III II II < - CC I * PAGE 80 0000000 01 e4 0 -J 0 I- (O 0r a ILl I.- 4 .V4M LOnL , r- 0 11 -II Sc. E 0 --- C0 PAGE 81 S CN _- · a9 r- (O Ln fY3 r~tl · · · · CS · · s~3 · o r-4 r3D i~fi O, 01- · rsD ~32 p~ C & 4.J 4j * Z LU- 4- 4-J< OO C• * • Of D H H- r>- 0- < r- u x 1wE C N -f Lfn (0 o- On L-U -j Z >- * * I rr 4-J I II * * II= i! r PAGE 82 ri 4 r%- LA N-1 Z 0000000 b0 .,c '. ,,0 .O .. .0 '~ r..P 0. O r% ,) 0 C S'. ON o • O O• O c co >- r 00O 0o II 0 . 9 *C O -z ---I.-. ccn r,, r- 1N 11-tr U-1* Lo\I-. CZ d, <1l *... >. m I II II 0m ) oc , ,a- * PAGE 83 C L. E 0 II v -0 O 40O CD J 3 to O9 c' Co LU CZ CO H 4- O t Coc- L- .C C C, d • C. C · '-4 u Co OC z1 *-rCo *-4 * * * * * *• ** ** ** * *o • • * • • " • LL= I-. C -J >- u Le CE z C E C mI z o cm -- E r-4C-4 n -: LC% QO r-~ w - <D - -2 C_ 0. *-- -, o CHAPTER IV: PAGE 84 LANGUAGE In the logical operations described above, the computer had to look down the ATTRIBUTE lists member by member in order to determine, for example, whether or not some ot her ATTRIBUTE was present at any of the LOCATIONS on the list. down a list member by member oper ation may is called "looping" . The looping to remember if be easier This looking each ATTRIBUTE list can also be thought it is realized that of as a ring in which the last member points back to the first. A second kind of looping for geometrical requ ired because each LOCATION is two numbers: its coordinates. lang uage were necessary functions was represented in DISCOURSE as Additional fea tures of to permit the designer the to manipulate them (and to manipulate numerical data which will be discussed below). Both arithmetic and relational features were required. The arithmetic operators are: "+" = plus "-" "1*11 = minus = times "/" = divided by ".power." = raised to the power The relational operators are: ".grt." ".geq." ".]eq." ".les." ".eql." ".neq." = = = = = = Additional objects of greater than greater than or equal to less than or equal to less than equal to not equal to the description were required as well: CHAPTER IV: PAGE 85 LANGUAGE which would temporary variables store a number in order to The rules keep track of the results of numerical computation. specifying the precise The features manuals. (4.03) and "Reference" the "Notation" are included in use of these features are illustrated in the several examples in this chapter and in Chapter V. Three examples geometric of the LOCATION. nearest member of are "nearest" which ATTRIBUTE list some which to some These three have been included as basic requests in and others which DISCOURSE. These which are probably not want but "ci rcl e" LOCATION; of specifi ed dimension; and creates a circle finds some size around a spec ified which creates a rectangular block frequently used are "block" which of functions a particular designer may of general use can still be written in DISCOURSE. To il lustrate LOCATIONS the feat ures of and ATTRIBUTES Commands in DISCOURSE spaced except separated from where the system left margin, single will appear on the demands the preceding and an and space extra following text by space. Commands given by the designer made. will be data file a simple clarity pertaining to an extra are in lower case type; the computer responds in upper case. Step 1. LOCATION and, The designer therefore, the size command establishes columns selects the size numbered 1 the grid to 11, of the of the grid. with rows numbered space for 32 map and The "setup" 1 to 8 and ATTRIBUTES and 32 CHAPTER IV: LANGUAGE PAGE 86 temporary variables. comment step 1. setup 1 8 1 11 32 32 He decides upon the initial set of categories of Step 2. his description. comment step 2. land *=* null water *=* null lowres *=* null midres *=* null tidal *=* null highpoint *=* 3. Step null The ATTRIBUTE can be "1owres" on lists expanded or contracted by saying: put lowres 6,7 delete lowres 6,7 in order to put or delete all the high po i nts: put lowres for each loc on highpoint delete lowres for each loc on highpoint and, LOCATIONS, finally, to add or subtract "lowres" one gives the following corners of the block are identified: from a block of commands in which the CHAPTER IV: LANGUAGE PAGE 87 put lowres(6,7)... lowres(7,9) delete lowres(6,7)...lowres(7,9) The following commands pertain to the data file which being built: comment step 3. Locating the ATTRIBUTES comment or describing the LOCATIONS. put land(1,1),5) land(1,6)... land(1,7) land(1,8)... land(5,11) land(5,1),1) put water for each loc on uni verse .and.. not. land put lowres(l,1)...lowres(2,3) lowres(2,3) . .. lowres(3,4) put midres(2,8)...midres(3, 8) midres(2,9) ... midres(5,11) put tidal (2,2). .. tidal(4,5) delete tidal(2,2) put highpoint 1,6 4,8 5,11 6, 1 comment to store this file for future use: store mapp p Step 4. He may wish to display the check them for errors and in Display in DISCOURSE is of two display and tabular display. in tabular form; comment step 4 show lowres LOWRES( LOWRES( LOWRES( LOWRES( LOWRES( LOWRES( LOWRES( data in order to order to begin major types at look around. present: map The command "show" yields values "map" makes a map-like table. CHAPTER IV: PAGE 88 LANGUAGE LOWRES(3, 3) LOWRES(3,4) map (lowres midres; highpoint land) 1-8 1-11 1 12345678901 - - - -.-... 0 0 0 -1-1-1-1-. . .-2-2-2-2 .1-1-. . .-2-2-2-2 . . . . . . . .*.-2-2-2 -. . . 0 . 0 0 .-2-2*2 i, · · · · · • 12345678901 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = LOWRES(7); '2' = MI DRES(8) I., = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = HIGHPONT(10); = LAND(5); '*' = LAND & HIGHPONT; ' ' = NO REF ATTS Step 5. He could "fill" the land where the '- low income residents lived: comment step 5 altering the data put land for each loc on tidal .and. lowres delete tidal for each loc on tidal .and. lowres Step 6. He development subject might decide to the to assemble a following criteria: adjacent to existing residential development; zone for new that it be that it not be CHAPTER IV: on water, that PAGE 89 LANGUAGE high point, and not on a the LOCATION on that closest to list flats; and not on tidal a highpoint be assigned to low income residents. The sequence of requests might look as follows: 1. This "tlistl *=* creates a new LOCATIONS on "lowres" 2. This .or. lowres midres" ATTRIBUTE which includes all the or "midres". "ex beside (tlistl)" creates a new ATTRIBUTE includes all the LOCATIONS which named "beside" which are beside "tlistl", but not on "tlistl". 3. "tlist2 *=* beside .andn. water .and..not. highpoint .andn. tidal" This creates "beside" which a new ATTRIBUTE also contain in which the LOCATIONS of "water", "highpoint" or "tidal" have been eliminated. 4. "ex dnearest (highpoint tlist2)" This finds the LOCATION on "tlist2" which any LOCATION on "hignpoint", its column coordinate in puts is closest to its row coordinate in "qi", "qj", and its distance from the closest highpoint in "q". 5. "put lowres qi,qj" This puts "lowres" 6. in that LOCATION found by "dnearest". "show loc qi,qj" This simply displays to the LOCATION which has been changed. designer the contents of the CHAPTER IV: LANGUAGE PAGE 90 If the designer wanted to he could make them a Request call It by choice open residence a name. when he he would COMbination file (RCOM file) and Additionally, he might want called that RCOM file assign. Therefore, substituting "argl" for then read "put repeat that series of requests he "lowres" in line 5 argl qi,qj". The first named of what type of might rewrite it above which would argument in the RCOM call would be substituted for executed. The execution of the RCOM file follows: "argl" when the comment step 6 oldzone *=* to leave the Iowres .or. midres rd newzone p(lowres) LOWRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 1,7 AND IS 500 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(lowres) LOWRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 1,5 AND IS 500 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(lowres) LOWRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 1,8 AND IS 1000 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(lowres) LOWRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 1,4 AND IS 1000 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(lowres.) LOWRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 3,1 AND IS 1500 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(lowres) LOWRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 4,1 AND IS 1000 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(midres) MIDRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 5,1 AND IS 500 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(mldres) MIDRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 1,9 AND IS 1500 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT rd newzone p(midres) MIDRES HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION 1,10 AND IS 1802 FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT file was CHAPTER IV: LANGUAGE PAGE 91 comment the results of the RCOM file comment can then be mapped: newzone *=* lowres .or. midres .and..not. oldzone mapset standard (6;+) red map* (newzone oldzone;highpoint land) 1-8 1-11 1 12345678901 1 -2-2-2-1-1+.-1-1-1-1-. 1 2 -2-2-2-2-. . .- 2-2-2-2 2 3 -1-.-2-2-. .- 2-2-2-2 3 4 5 6 -1-.-. . . .* .+.-2-2-2 -1 . . . . . . .- 2-2+2 + . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 6 7 8 -. . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 5 2 3 4 12345678901 1 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = NEWZONE(16); '2' = OLDZONE(12) . NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' '+' = LAND & HIGHPONT; ' = LAND(5); ' = HIGHPONT(10); = NO REF ATTS '- comment the RCOM file, "newzone p", which generated comment the new pattern follows: printf newzone p TLIST1 *=* LOWRES .OR. MIDRES EX BESIDE (TLIST1) TLIST2 *=* BESIDE .AND..NOT. WATER .AND..NOT. HIGH' POINT.AND..NOT. TIDAL EX DNEAREST (HIGHPOINT TLIST2) PUT ARG1 QI, QJ EXPAND +$2ARG1 HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LOCATION $3QI,$3QJ/+ EXPAND +AND IS $1Q FEET AWAY FROM THE NEAREST HIGHPOINT/+ READCONSOLE CHAPTER IV: comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment LANGUAGE PAGE 92 newzone p requires three other small files which are geometric "Functions of Measurement". (see Chapter III) Ibeside p results in an ATTRIBUTE list which is beside the named ATTRIBUTE list but not on I t. Idnearest p find the nearest member of the second named list to any member of the first named list. and Inearest p is called by dnearest p in the course of its work, finding t he closest member of the list named to the LOCATION specified. printf Ibeside p BEGIN_tMACRO BESIDE BESIDE *=* NULL FOR 1= EACH LOC ON ARG1 BLOCK 1. BESIDE(I) BESIDE *=* BESIDE .AND..NOT. ARG1 END_MACRO RETURN printf Idnearest p BEGIN_MACRO DNEAREST Q = 999999. THROUGH LABEL FOR I=, J= EACH LOC ON ARG1 EX NEAREST (I J ARG2) IF Q .LES. MINDIST GOT O LABEL Q = MINDIST QI = BESTI QJ = BESTJ LABEL$ CONTINUE END_MACRO RETURN printf Inearest p BEGIN_MACRO NEAREST MINDIST = 999999. THROUGH NE2 FOR 11=, JJ= EACH LOC ON ARG3 SUM1 = ARG1 - II .POWER. 2. 2. + SUM1 .POWER. 0.5 DIST = ARG2 - JJ .POWER. IF DIST .GRT. MINDIST GOTO NE2 MINDIST = DIST BESTI = II BESTJ = JJ NE2$ CONTINUE MINDIST = MINDIST * GRIDSIZE CHAPTER IV: PAGE 93 LANGUAGE RETURN ENDMACRO READCONSOLE Through of the Introduction the to name a statement) plus the capacity (the "if" with that name (to make RCOM series of requests and call them files), most of the sorts and "for" ("goto" statement), and the "through" statements), the branch conditional loop (the of manipulations which the designer can make on his description are possible in DISCOURSE. II. CHARACTERISTICS OF ATTRIBUTES CHARVARS AND CHARCONS An ATTRIBUTE kinds of at LOCATIONS; different CHARacteristic whose and "number" would different LOCATIONS; value everywhere. calculations of total have a land "residence", use (low of income vary its with its CHARCON "income" would have the same The names CHARCON and values permit income or income per person in locations where more than one income level doing regardless which could a is and a CHARCON "income", values a value may CHARCON ATTRIBUTE "lowres" residents) had a CHARVAR "number" CHARVAR a CONstant value remains For example, if the LOCATION. characteristics: an ATTRIBUTE whose a CHARacteristic of CHARVAR is VARy can have two survey he "industry", is found. If a designer were could "commerce", LOCATION (or some finer breakdown). assign and the ATTRIBUTES "open space" to that Probably he would be well CHAPTER IV: PAGE 94 LANGUAGE advised to make a small grid size. The smaller grid size would permit mapping of the uses in as many of the Of course, LOCATIONS if he were distinct areas or at least with as possible in distinct categories. involved in a study and all he needed to know regional transportation at the time was the number of origins and destinations by type and in that LOCATION, then the grid quantity and time of day size of 500 feet square might be satisfactory. The numbers ATTRIBUTE "residence" of residents could broken down have by age as CHARVARS and sex the and as a CHARCON the average income per family. A school could have the number of students, teachers, administrators and staff; industry and commerce could be elaborated in similar ways. In DISCOURSE, the new ATTRIBUTE plus CHARVARS and CHARCONS would be defined: "define residence with 3 charvars: men women children ' and with 1 charcon: averageincome = 9000" and it would be placed in LOCATION i,j: "put residence i,j(22. 30. 32.)" indicating children. Note that there were that the average 22 men, alone then to state been: 32 refers to residence occurs. If it had the average "residence" would have to CHARVAR rather than a CHARCON. women, and income per family all LOCATIONS where the ATTRIBUTE been desired 30 income for this LOCATION have had "income" as a The two statements would have CHAPTER IV: LANGUAGE PAGE 95 "define residence with 4 charvars: men women children ' averageincome*" "put residence i,j(22. 30. 32. 9000.) Another kind of legend might be spaces and of human kept separate as might like some the two much as possible. For the purpose might be categories were example, the designer of loft spaces of average areas of more than those recorded. to find under-used spaces of a certain size. of use of activity where to record the number area, and an inventory of types of His for public events He might al so like to know the time tables the spaces. gotten much of (Whereas he might have the data for the previo us legen d from census and other surveys already completed, he might we11 have had to collect most of the data for this legen d by his own field surveys.) One way of recordi ng this information would be: "define loftspace with 4 c harvars: number averages ize use6to8 use8tol0* and with 1 charcon: minsize = 5000." In "number" would go the greater than or would go number of loftspaces whi ch were equal to 5000 square their average size feet; in "avera ges Ize" for this LOCATION; in "use6to8" and "use8tol0" would go the number of those spaces in use from 6 to 8 and from 8 to 10 PM respectively. If the designer similar different ways, and could describe other types he activities, he could describe could environment as space and activity. build up people a of spaces in engaged picture of For example: in the CHAPTER IV: LANGUAGE PAGE 96 "define people with 4 charvars: working residing ' shopping playing*" in which way of knowing however, there would be no In this case, type of space were working. they Instead, the designer could make a finer breakdown of types of people: "define workingpeople with 2 charvars: inloftspace insmallspace*" Similarly there space Industrial would be no way to know establishments were in what kind unless there of were a further specification under that category: "define industry with 2 charvars: inloftspace insmall space*" Nor would there be any way to know whether the working people were working at industry or retail, for example, unless there were the further specification: "define industry with 4 charvars: inloftspace insmallspace workingloft workingsmall*" categories of With the description of the environment referring to classes of individuals rather than to individuals enrichment of the description beyond the description can be done of each category, even point) of redundancy to the as by elaborating the point (and has been done well above. (Enrichment of the description is further discussed in Chapter VI.) To illustrate pertaining the display particularly to features data which of the language include CHARVARS and CHAPTER IV: PAGE 97 LANGUAGE CHARCONS, the data file used In has been elaborated figures (4.11) and will to (4.21). read as part of the text. the Section I. of the chapter be shown in Figures (4.11) various ways to (4.15) in can be comment step 1: finding out what is in the data file. PAGE 98 list attributes ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -- NULL UNIVERSE ROW HIGHRISE DETACHED LAND WATER LOWRES MIDRES TIDAL HIGHPONT RENTS list row CHARVAR CHARVAR CHARVAR CHARVAR CHARCON I 2 3 4 1 ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW CALLED CALLED CALLED CALLED CALLED RENT UNITSOCC UNITSVAC DUSPACE COST list land LAND HAS NO CHARVARS LAND HAS NO CHARCONS list lowres CHARVAR 1 OF LOWRES IS CALLED NUMBER CHARCON 1 OF LOWRES IS CALLED INCOME list tidal CHARVAR 1 OF TIDAL IS CALLED AREA TIDAL HAS NO CHARCONS list highpoint CHARVAR 1 OF HIGHPONT IS CALLED HEIGHT HIGHPONT HAS NO CHARCONS list rents CHARVAR 1 CHARVAR 2 CHARVAR 3 RENTS HAS OF OF OF NO RENTS IS CALLED AVERAGE RENTS IS CALLED TOTALD RENTS IS CALLED TOTALP CHARCONS Figure (4.11) PAGE 99 list temporary variables GRIDSIZE = 500. I = 0. T = 9. S = 975. Q = 1. R = 11. N = 1. P = 8. comment step 2: continuing the search, now using comment "Functions of Measurement" show count lowres LOWRES EXISTS AT 9 LOCATIONS comment this also could have been sritten as a loop: for i = each loc on lowres t#z = z + 1. show z Z = 9. show total lowres(number) TOTAL OF LOWRES(NUMBER) = 975. comment similarly the last command could have been: for i = each loc on lowres y = y + lowres(number i) show y Y = 975. show total lowres(number) with tidal TOTAL OF LOWRES(NUMBER) = 175. comment this totals up the number of "lowres" living in comment locations where there is also "tidal", and comment would have needed: tlist *=* lowres .and. tidal for i= each loc on tlist u = u + lowres(number i) show u U = 175. Figure (4.12) PAGE 100 show lowres LOWRES (1,1 LOWRES (1,2 LOWRES (1,3 LOWRES (2,1 LOWRES (2,2 LOWRES (2,3 LOWRES (2,4 LOWRES (3,3 LOW RES (3,4 show lowres with tidal LOWRES(3, LOWRES(3, show row with lowres .or. midres ROW(1,1) ROW(1,3) ROW(2,2) ROW(2,4) ROW(3,3) ROW(3,4) ROW(3,9) ROW(3,10) ROW (3, 11) comment this shows al 1 the locations which contain row comment houses and ei ther "lowres" or "midres". show row(rent) ROW( RENT 1,1) = 100. ROW( RENT 1,3) = 100. ROW( RENT 2,2) = 90. ROW( RENT 2,4) = 120. ROW( RENT 3,3) = 100. ROW( RENT 3,4) = 90. ROW( RENT 3,9) = 250. ROW( RENT 3,10) = 250. ROW( RENT 3,11) = 300. show row(rent 1,1) ROW(RENT 1,1) = 100. Figure (4.13) PAGE 101 show highpoint(height) HIGHPONT(HEIGHT HIGHPONT(HEIGHT HIGHPONT(HEIGHT HIGHPONT(HEIGHT 1,6) = 30. 4,8) = 55. 5,11) = 65. 6,1) = 25. show loc 1,1 LOCATION 1,1 CONTAINS ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR 1 -2 -3 -5 -7 -11 -- UNIVERSE ROW HIGHRISE LAND LOWRES RENTS show gridsize GRIDSIZE = 500. comment any DISCOURSE element can be renamed. rename lowres lowincome list attributes ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -- NULL UNIVERSE ROW HIGHRISE DETACHED LAND WATER LOWINCME MIDRES TIDAL HIGHPONT RENTS TLIST rename lowincome lowres delete tlist Figure (4.14) comment step 3: generating new values, a "Functions comment of Further Description" rd rents p AVERAGE RENT, TOTAL RENT, AND NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS PAYING RENT HAVE BEEN COMPUTED. THEY ARE ADDRESSED: RENTS(AVERAGE), RENTS(TOTALD), AND RENTS(TOTALP). PAGE 102 ALL NON-MACRO LABELS REMOVED comment the RCOM file which did that is printed below: printf rents p SUBSTITUTION ON THROUGH R3 FOR I = EACH LOC ON RENTS FOR Z = 1. STEP 1. UNTIL 3. RENTS(Z I) = 0. R3$ CONTINUE THROUGH R2 FOR QQ = 2. STEP 1. UNTIL 4. THROUGH RI FOR I = EACH LOC ON QQ RENTS(TOTALD I) = QQ(RENT I) * QQ(UNITSOCC I) RENTS(TOTALP 1) = QQ(UNITSOCC I) R1$ CONTINUE R2$ CONTINUE THROUGH R4 FOR I = EACH LOC ON RENTS RENTS(AVERAGE I) = RENTS(TOTALD I)/RENTS(TOTALP 1) R4$ CONTINUE EXPAND +AVERAGE RENT, TOTAL RENT, AND NUMBER OF DWELLING/+ EXPAND +UNITS PAYING RENT HAVE BEEN COMPUTED'./+ EXPAND +THEY ARE ADDRESSED: $2RENTS*($2RENTS(AVERAGE)*),/+ /+ EXPAND +$2RRENTS*($2RENTS(TOTALD)*), EXPAND +AND $2RENTS*($2RENTS(TOTALP)*)'. //+ SUBSTITUTION OFF READ_CONSOLE R; T=0.04/O0.87 23.32.55 Figure (4.15) PAGE 103 comment step 4: display rd tabmap2 p(rents average rents totalp) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 80 80 80 200 85 30 2 80 100 90 20 140 10 3 B B %4 B 8 5 B B 6 B B 7 B B 8 B B B B B B 120 40 B B B B B B B B 9 10 11 200 30 200 40 210 50 210 30 200 25 175 10 150 15 150 10 B B B B 190 180 190 30 40 30 280 25 310 40 250 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RENTS(AVERAGE) AND RENTS(TOTALP) HAVE BEEN GIVEN A VALUE WHERE THEY EXIST "B" INDICATES THAT THEY DO NOT EXIST AT THAT LOCATION ALL NON-MACRO LABELS REMOVED commen t comment comment comment The top values in each LOCATION are the average rent paid in that LOCATION; the bottom values are the numbers of swelling units in each which pay rent. Figure (4.16) comment the designer-written RCOM' file which comment created the display printf tabmap2 p PAGE 104 SET CARRIAGE WIDTH 120 TABSET 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 THROUGH P1 FOR J= Q STEP 1. UNTIL R EXPAND +.$3J+ P1$ CONTINUE EXPAND +///+ THROUGH P2 FOR I = N STEP 1. UNTIL P EXPAND +$31+ THROUGH P3 FOR J= Q STEP 1. UNTIL R GOTO P5 IF ARG1(ARG2 IJ) EXPAND +.B+ GOTO P3 P5$ CONTINUE EXPAND +.$3ARG1(ARG2 I,J)+ P3$ CONTINUE EXPAND +.$31/+ THROUGH P6 FOR J= Q STEP 1. UNTIL R IF ARG3(ARG4 1,J) GOTO P7 EXPAND +.B+ GOTO P6 P7$ CONTINUE EXPAND +.$3ARG3(ARG4 I,J)+ P6$ CONTINUE EXPAND +//+ P2$ CONTINUE THROUGH P4 FOR J= Q STEP 1. UNTIL R EXPAND +.$3J+ P4$ CONTINUE EXPAND +/$2ARG1*($2ARG1(ARG2)*) AND $2ARG3*($2ARG3(ARG4)*)/+ EXPAND +HAVE BEEN GIVEN A VALUE WHERE THEY EXIST/+ EXPAND +"B" INDICATES THAT THEY DO NOT EXIST AT THAT LOCATION///+ RETURN R; T=0.05/0.47 00.59.43 Figure (4.17) PAGE 105 comment comment comment comment showing the LOCATIONS of row housing with step 5: respect to low and middle income residents. The "mapset" command allows the designer to pick his own character set for the map if he chooses. red (6;+) mapset standard (1;a) red map* (row lowres midres; highpoint land) 1-8 1-11 1 12345678901 •. • •-. 1 1 2 -2-A-2-A- -A-2-A-.-•+.-. ..-3-3-3-3 3 -.-.- A-A. 4 5 -. 6 +. ........... 7 8 -. -. . . 2 . -3-A-A-A 3 ... . . . . +.-3-3-3 . .-3-3+3 4 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 8 . . . .......... 12345678901 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS WRES(7); '3' = MIDRES(8) 'A' = A, 2 'A' = A, 3 '.' - 'A' (4.,8) '2' = LO = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '-' = LAND & HIGHPONT; ' '+' ' = LAND(5); Figure = ROW(2); = HIGHPONT(10); ' = NO REF ATTS '- PAGE 106 comment alternatively one could differentiate between the comment combination of "lowres" and "row" and of "midres" comment and "row". mapset standard (1 2;a) red only (1 3;b) red only (6;+) red map* (row lowres midres; highpoint land) 1-8 1-11 1 12345678901 1 -A-2-A-.-.+.-.-.-.-.-. 1 2 3 4 -2-A-2-A-. -.-.- A-A-. . .- 3-3-3-3 . .- 3-B-B-B *.... +.-3-3-3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -. ....... +. . . . -. . . . . . .-3-3+3 . . . . . . . . . .. .. 5 6 7 8 . . . . . . . . . 123456789O1 ) 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS 7); '3' = MIDRES(8) 'A' = 1, - '1' = ROW(2); '2' = LOWRES( 2 'B' = 1, 3 = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = HIGHPONT(10); ' = LAND(5); '+' = LAND & HIGHPONT; ' ' = NO REF ATTS Figure (4.19) '- PAGE 107 * C; 4 04 .0 O 4 C-400 4 O* CD 00 * 0 LNOO 44 C)00 r-l O at'% 00 *CaJ NO C•• "-C'4 0N* N Ln 0. 0 LU CD 000 L 1n 000 -I La 4 I-4v-Ie'% 0.- --0Iq l 0 4 000 000 * O 0• C " 00 LU v C- 0 C * 00 Lno ** *N 40LAL Cw =a: 00 m *LAv- v-i C; A C) La0 v- h*n or- Cn o N>uor a CN O- 4 U.J C% 4 ACN __ ?4 r- a *W~ *nC) <wCD*CD H* vI Q.LUL -- = CDJ·ovU sC 4 O C4 v-I0LA a C* Z -LLJ )OU CN vI 0 J--- mCDO C:) 0Lunnw Uln U-1Iv-400 oCD -l E al *LL)-*L tn r-4 " c Oi %cn4 * r-4 C%4 M000 %00 v-C' 4 0O - zWv-4 C)4 C-4 4 LO LO%00 r4 0ULO% lA0X C00 4 4E- C' NV0 4 4**1-4 04 0 4-@ eNJ,4M- r-I- .0 W4 v-r4 N- f rl% 4 0 v--I 0 0 -..t-m C) U% < LUw r- 4 C4 r-4 cn er CD oo 0I'*0 v-I % tN% =) LAC .-- LO tC LO a OM0 MLC 4 1-1- a) -4 0 LA f%- A c) 0 C LU M S41% a4 00 = % `ý Ln 4 0n P W L 0% r4LO t4 0 Co0oA 02: 400 w a r-4tLnm * CD C D ON N 4 0 00A cJ ''AO4** M IA 0 L100L U) 0 0M 4 C 14*, *) C_v-r OLOZ: *- MO0 v-4.:I-LA ONN 14viC-) 00 a LA % CD r-. I*- AN v-- 00 • - c) n 4= H z: H-o 0 HO 4 0 444W LA 4 * rl v ir S4 * * 0 0o0 C)4 CN t00 as LA? O _L 4a .004 r- at • Z, 444 0 % 4%@vi V-4~ M rl- M C CD LOv4# nLAK*cn V%0 0 COO * 0 0002: T 00D MCA A AN M a G)M 04rGc 4 -4 rLn MO NV) i- Cq 400 4 cn -q 0 aC *Ln C) WC%4CD L00 (UVN v CD .CD ONur 0) Cý4 h-lv LA i- %-C:)rf -41 v-4Srr-. 4 4 <0 L* Q0 o *OWN 0C/)7J eq* oL 0 A *LA Co 00u* C- L v-I 0 0) Ln C4~ 4 0 -4 U% mbH O 000 000 N pLn o 0 * 00t C I- COLA000 -.t IC 0 4 4 C)C*v-C)4 v-I II .. ri Q II 0) %.., • 1• %L CnVMM-4 m 4*CJL O *CD % **C W 4 Ln LnrC J % %< rrLD 0 uj 00 ; t4 -:0 LOtU v-<LA C= v-I4 4 UA4 HZ o- - LLHAMC-1LL 0UD 4 r4LUD % M 40.D-0O PAGE Ma 0 *. .0 0 S0 ~t h Vs hr v DL *0 *00 M000004 (NA 00 0'LA? * LOr'=)-4e C*- LA C) (N(N0 C', C. SLn ~ Ul 0%00 C. ' C ) C v un a * LOC %- -- oo V I. t 04r % - (/) %-o r cr. o. OLU a Va r-4 OM 0 -j< 0 Lo < = LU-- LL -zl- C,4 a CL r--4v 0 - Z LU L 00LLZIT- L -LL LL w3 0*W .. LA 0 0 - --Lo La 0. 0 -C *. %. t * 0 % eC *r c = 0 -J 0C U) rZl C%4-.tN a 0= C 0C. %C A7) C · L * V) *002 -:rL eC) * u-4I =00 6 10 CCCN oC 000 006 C ZuC)'-o, LA IC .* *C) f% WAr4= Ln**LC14 r-lP W CD %4 %C) -- r**4 aLAn % C10)0 C* LLO N'* %*. r-1 00 0O (N 0U % Ln w e0-T 0rI%C=)-%%.00 * ,* *q-%%-In ** C * C1.4 %-* < _ 04 4LAZ %. 00 00(4C) n 1ý' tn C C% *IAC e J 0 u-I CO rL40 LA<"%CDO A 4. * Mtr r LA V ti * VOO wo -* * t-IC-D 0 *C " .. C rl(N CD (NC) C,4r C%4 r.C= r-l < 4= pN % r O CN C) 141)0 L * CI r- CHN O * eu-IC CUN 4004 Om · LD CLA CO-I ^ 000P.t * C. M O 04O IA - Ln %-r-l r-4 nU) L * r%- CD %--O.D4'j.?LA r.N 4 0 * I O * * .0 * NC L000 -IC * * (N 7 L?( * * · CN V* Z um CD r-l ofC P') LA Lh # C Ph u4uI -I# V *'%(%i-I 00CDC * 00 CN 0 O.0 * %C1 -C C) u-I C) C) C)I --I %t 04 LA C* C)C:)* e000% * NcI m LU %N LA- . *C''0 *-C 0 *L C) 00 l C LAt a--r"COo LA (N -M tAC D ' 0 --q 00 II II II C N II ,.rr- II II ... , IIt < az u Zacr U 108 V CHAPTER IV: PAGE 109 LANGUAGE I II. SYSTEM COMPONENTS The components of the DISCOURSE system are the designer's console at which his output; he issues his requests and core, computer, which the central is the active receives most of processing part of the unit of the computer's memory where the computation takes place and where of DISCOURSE resides; and "disk files" which contain the rest of the DISCOURSE system and the main program the designer's data files and special RCOM files. The path followed at the during a typical request console, interpreted branches to read into by the is initiated main program which then the appropriate pre-compiled subprogram core from the disk if it which is is not already also reading in the appropriate parts in core, of the data if they are not in there already, executes the requests and either returns the reply to the designer at his printer in want to the computation wait for console, prints it on a line center if what he has the designer requested to does not be typed by the console, or writes the reply on a disk file. The examples in the previou s two sections of this chapter were all involved work in utilized to comfortable as the within i DISCOURSE, generated from designer but some another progra m called EDIT create and to moSdify disk must be fluent in (4.04) which is files. presently possib ,le in working of theim To be as with DISCOURSE, both DISCOURSE and EDIT. CHAPTER IV: DISCOURSE permits called a EDIT. course the making of a having to MACRO without MAC ROS which the PAGE 110 LANGUAGE have been useful user has of this which perm it RCOM file leave DISCOURSE and enter for short series wanted to repeat work, but of requests quite often DISCOURSE does editing MACROS once ones which are special type of during the not have created; not wanted can be erased and instead, features the old new ones created in their places. The f iles used in connection with the examples in this chapter we re all written in EDIT, tried out in DISCOURSE which returned a n erroi r found some hing message and EDIT RCOM fil worked. i s eas y: Communication one need D ISCOURSE, working on In return to DISCOU RSE recall could not agai n in D SCOURS E, and so on interpret, ed i te d i n EDIT, until the it only "store" enter EDIT, the create "stored" between DISCOURSE what he has been the needed file, data and resume work, his newly created RCOM file. The communication able to ut i lize will become even easier because soon call EDIT from w ithin DISCOURSE. the use r will be able to When a desi gner commences to work on a des ign exercise he has to spend a does have great deal of time entering the about the environment this file is into a data easily modified, there is, data which he file. Although nevertheless, apt to be more work in the early than in later stages associated with the building of however, that the data file. one of the major It should be emphasized, virtues of DISCOURSE is that CHAPTER new data The IV: PAGE 111 LANGUAGE can be easily added data file which is stored on designer constructed files, only a could be made from the console. in the and then stored for system between the disk series of later use. is, like other requests which Thus, there is no distinction the initial data and new data. The designer can, of course, make that distinction if he chooses. PAGE 112 CHAPTER V SIMULATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL USE facilities at a place likelihood of people using recreational in an would urban area vary the distance with more look to perhaps adding places of employment were, facilities and the recreational the where at closely those of The designer might then facilities from places of employment. begin that the given designer to a seem reasonable It might recreational facilities at different locations and making some guesses about how the use pattern would be affected. This experiment effort to is an extend the designer's ability to consider this one aspect of his design problem. the designer left himself the order to set up the experiment, of consequences the explore to opportunity In differing assumptions about how people use environments. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT I. In the highly simplified world designer has where has included average income categories of experiment, the recreation; a little extra and educational employees. He has places work; bluecollar employees and of employees in each category and the numbers He places of described only: managerial, clerical, of this information, level achieved at each place. namely, by the described the piece the three of the urban area he is working on as a collection of 400 blocks, 200 feet square. or "RCOM A "file," Files. of PAGE 113 SIMULATION CHAPTER V: basic to the designer-written supplement or a the data is either a description file," language of DISCOURSE, adapting DISCOURSE to the special needs of the experiment. (5.01) experiment are included files needed the All the part of the later in this chapter as file in which The explained where they appear. text and are for the designer has recorded the initial state of the environment is entitled RECREAT P. people will himself environment in use the the opportunity at one location the basic in which a file DISCOURSE Requests of Chapter Further Description," and, is a III, RECUSE P a specifically, Extension" because it generates new will use are COMbined, is entitled RECUSE P. In which actually makes the computation the terminology namely The RCOM file, distance. recreational facilities within what how left way but a general certain aspects: to change of people employed what proportion assumptions about his expressed designer has The "Function of "Function of data by means of existing • I data plus a rule of inference how people about use the environment. The designer wants to be able to get he has generated with RECUSE P: at the information to find out where people are using the recreational facilities, PWHERE P; where those using some recreational the locations facility come from, which are used by RWHERE P; more than some the designer will decide at the time, MAP P. and to map number which Again, according CHAPTER V: PAGE 114 SIMULATION these are "Functions of to Chapter III, but simply represent the data which they do not add new data, are there, or Measurement" in that of arithmetic, logic, derive data by the rules or geometry. wish to generate and interrogate data those easily handl ed by the basic the files he designer works, that as the be noted It should reques writt n. has alrea dy in many he may ways besides in DISCOURSE or by ill, He therefore, be engaged in intermi ttent "programm ng." II. USES OF THE EXPERIMENT The most obvious use to be made of this experiment is to try new locations for recreational facilities and how they are used by whom and from where. Note simulates how the environment will about the environment, data the that RECUSE P be used, given information in RECREAT procedure, or rule of inference, in RECUSE P. Given some disposition of to observe and P, the (5.02) the employment and recreation, the designer can establish new values for the parameters which accessible to are directly parameters the type are: environment he him in the of the wishes to simulate; they will walk to recreational P. These file RECUSE use employees whose the distances of he thinks facilities; and the proportion of employees at some workplace which will use the recreational facilities at those distances. There are several he might neither be reasons why he might sure how far people do this. would First, go to use recreati onal walking, nor at all. If he could s tate see the extreme but reasonable range the of consequences h is assumptions. to one from distances several ke go limits, he in He might, f rom 0.5 percent to proporti on of users mode, employed woul what proportion of those know recreati onal use of vary given some transportation facilities t hen could PAGE 115 SIMULATION CHAPTER V: terms of for example, and blocks 50 percent. the Second, he might try to establ ish reasonable assumptions for different groups where then see and recreati onal facilitie s. then the the distance which the differences observe same want to assume a new in order to extend go and would be using might Third, he might mode of transportation people they in the patterns of use. If he found to vari ations of the param, eters of use due radically imply field survey or a literature search i n order best about assumptions and hi s environment best guesses recreational facil ities, better environments would development through a program. problem in of He might, make The this way about in capacities how people that the of use recreation the consequence should be use people how a bout the data second of to generate new course, discover differe nce no location uncertainty about help to reduc e the parameter valuies. his the night want to initiate a the designer information which m ight making was sufficient to for programs d ifferent recreational facili ties, the int ensity and pattern that the range in the of that the working designer T CHAPTER V: SIMULATION becomes more PAGE 116 aware of critical to the environmental his description and the elements which relationships which are he believes to exist among them. The uses which the designer would make of this experiment might reflect might the range of be placed, his ideas about how people use the where recreation environment, and what transportation facilities were imaginable. He might change the experiment in response to its to his own in response not being interesting growing understanding of to him; the problem and changing perceptions of what was important to observe; to new information in response people use becoming available or environment the about new or about how modes of transportation. of interrogating the data, for He might develop new ways compute to example, available or to their annual income; users. power purchasing any recreation location as recreation users at by recreation the of a function of compute average distance traveled assign a cost to If he could transportation system as well as some new to new recreation locations, one of which depended he could compare alternative proposals, heavily upon making better use of existing parks and the other of which did modes change the not of travel or distance traveled by people, but provided more recreation areas. The designer change his RECUSE could, after data, or P. He his procedure might decide some time, experimenting for that he for generating needed to new data, discriminate PAGE 117 SIMULATION CHAPTER V: among more types of environmental day of use; RECUSE P users or introduce times of or he might decide that the procedure embodied in which selected the location was nearest recreation not spreading people out enough to approximate reality so that he could get a sense of where to distribute people to therefore, rewrite it locations which fell He might, meet. people would all recreation their places of within some radius from work. III. The experiment THE EXPERIMENT on the following cursory look at the data file, contents and The mapping "office," experiment second following within it. itself page. pages is preceded by a RECREAT P, listing some of its "industry," commences with Explanatory and "recreation." "design2 comments p" are on the embedded PAGE 118 comment recreat p is a data file containing information comment about places of employment and recreation. One comment can find out about it by reading "irecreat p" comment which is included later in this section of the comment chapter. list attributes ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -- NULL UNIVERSE MANAGEAL CLERICAL BLUECOAR INDUSTRY OFFICE RECREAON TLIST TLIST1 TLIST2 ALLWORK ALLREC SUBREC SUBWORK list recreation CHARVAR 1 OF CHARVAR 2 OF CHARVAR 3 OF RECREAON HAS RECREAON IS CALLED CLERICAL RECREAON IS CALLED MANAGEAL RECREAON IS CALLED BLUCOLAR NO CHARCONS list managerial CHARVAR CHARVAR CHARVAR CHARVAR CHARCON CHARCON 1 2 3 4 1 2 OF OF OF OF OF OF MANAGEAL MANAGEAL MANAGEAL MANAGEAL MANAGEAL MANAGEAL IS IS IS IS IS IS CALLED CALLED CALLED CALLED CALLED CALLED NUMBER RECLOCI RECLOCJ RECNUMB EDUCATON INCOME list office CHARVAR 1 OF OFFICE IS CALLED EMPLOYES OFFICE HAS NO CHARCONS PAGE 119 map (office industry; recreation) 1-20 1-20 1 2 1234567890 1234567890 +. +.+.+. 2 2 2222 222 1 1 111 111 2111 1 1 1 1 11 12 13 +o+,+,+,+o+,+,+,+. +0 +0 +0 12345678901 2345 6 7 8 9 0 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = OFFICE(6); '2' = STRY(5) '. = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - ' = NO REF ATTS comment each grid location comment is 200 feet square: show gridsize GRIDSIZE = 200. '+' = RECREAON(7); INDU r PAGE 120 design2 p IF DESIGN SYSTEM CRASHES GIVE THE DEBUG COMMAND: DUMP NAME 12000 3D000 R 0.03/0.03 rd recreat p R 0.69/0.72 rd execrecr p comment this file has a few convenience commands for this comment particular experiment. printf execrecr p READY OFF MESSAGE OFF SET CARRIAGE WIDTH 62 RD LNEAREST P RETURN rd recuse p(managerial 300. 600. 0.3 0.1) USE OF RECREATIONAL FACILITI ES BY MANAGEAL EMPLOYEES HAS BEEN COMPUTED rd pwhere p(managerial) RECREATIONAL NUMBER OF MANAGEAL FACILITIES AT EMPLOYEES USING comment the distances of 300 feet and 600 feet were too short rd recuse p(managerial 500. 1000. 0.2 0.1) USE OF RECREATIONAL FACILITI ES BY MANAGEAL EMPLOYEES HAS BEEN COMPUTED rd pwhere p(managerial) RECREATIONAL NUMBER OF MANAGEAL FACILITIES AT EMPLOYEES USING 3,11 30.00 3,13 20.00 17,12 80.00 17,19 40.00 17,20 20.00 18,12 10.00 19,12 10.00 20,12 10.00 rd rwhere p(managerial 17 12) MANAGEAL EMPLOYEES FROM THE FOLLOW ING LOCATIONS USE THE RECREATION AT LOCATION 17, 12 40.00 FROM 13,9 10.00 FROM 14,8 10.00 FROM 15,8 10.00 FROM 16,8 10.00C FROM 17,8 80.00 TOTAL AT 17,12 7 PAGE 121 rd recuse p(clerica1 700. 1500. 0.4 0.2) USE OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES BY CLERICAL EMPLOYEES HAS BEEN COMPUTED rd pwhere p(clerical) NUMBER OF CLERICAL RECREATIONAL EMPLOYEES USING FACILITIES AT 400.00 3,11 3,13 320.00 5040.00 17,12 680.00 17,19 480.00 17,20 160.00 18,12 160.00 19,12 160.00 20,12 rd rwhere p(clerical 17 12) CLERICAL EMPLOYEES FROM THE FOLLOVII NG LOCATIONS USE THE RECREATION AT LOCATI ON 17,12 160.00 FROM 11,8 680.00 FROM 11,9 680.00 FROM 12, 7 680.00 12,8 FROM 680.00 FROM 12,9 680.00 FROM 13, 7 160.00 FROM 13,8 680.00 FROM 13,9 160.00 FROM 14,8 160.00 FROM 15,8 160.00 FROM 16,8 160.00 FROM 17,8 5040.00 TOTAL AT 17,12 rd rwhere p(clerical 17 19) CLERICAL EMPLOYEES FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS USE THE RECREATION AT LOCATI ON 17,19 680.00 FROM 12, 19 680.00 TOTAL AT 17,19 PAGE 122 comment map p maps the most used locations. rd imap p THIS FILE MAPS THE SUBSET OF ALL RECREATION LOCATIONS IN WHICH MORE THAN "ARGI" FACILITI ES. EMPLOYEES USE THE RECREATIONAL IT MAPS THE LOCATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT WHERE THE USER CAME FROM. AND IT REFERENCES THESE AGAINST ALL IT IS CALLED BY EMPLOYMENT AND RECREATION PLACES. SAYING "MAP P (ARG1)" WHERE ARG1 IS A CONSTANT. rd map p(150.) 2 1 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 12345 1 2 + +1+ .+1 -2-2 -.- 2-2-2 -2-2 -.-.-. -2 -2-2 -2 -.-2-2 -2-2-2 11 12 13 14 15 16 -2-2-2 +1+.+.+* .++ .+*1+1 +1 +1 123456 7 8 9 0 1234567890 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = SUBREC(13); '2' = SUB WORK(14) I.' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' '*' = ALLWORK & ALLREC; ' ALLWORK(11); = ALLREC(12); '-' ' = NO REF ATTS = PAGE 123 CHAPTER V: SIMULATION IV. All of the FILES FOR THE EXPERIMENT files necessary to do included in the remainder of this chapter. the experiment are All files in which each line is preceded by the word SAY simply print the rest of line the for the designer when he calls that file. In RECFILES P the designer is keeping track of what files he does have. The other files follow in the order in which they are listed in RECFILES P. RECFILES P SAY THERE ARE THE FOLLOWING FILES: SAY RECREAT P, RECUSE P, NEAREST P, PWHERE P, SAY RWHERE P, AND MAP P. SAY THE DESIGNER CAN GET INFORMATION ABOUT EACH SAY BY CALLING ANY OF THEM WITH THE PREFIX "I", SAY EG. "RD IRECREAT P". READ_CONSOLE IRECREAT P SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY SAY THIS FILE CONTAINS THE INITIAL DATA DESCRIBING THE ENVIRONMENT. THERE ARE SIX DIFFERENT "ATTRIBUTES", MANAGERIAL, CLERICAL AND BLUECOLLAR (WHICH IDENTIFY TYPES INDUSTRY, OFFICE AND RECREATION (WHICH OF EMPLOYEES); EACH TYPE OF EMPLOYEE IDENTIFY TYPES OF ACTIVITIES). HAS ASSOCIATED THE NUMBER AT ANY LOCATION, THE ROW AND COLUMN NUMBERS OF THE RECREATION LOCATION THEY USE AND THE NUMBER USING THE RECREATION THERE, THEIR AVERAGE YEARS OF EDUCATION AND AVERAGE INCOME. OFFICE AND INDUSTRY HAVE THE NUBMER OF EMPLOYEES IN ALL CATEGORIES; AND RECREATION HAS THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN EACH CATEGORY. "PUT CLERICAL 5,6(400. 0. 0. 0.)" MEANS PUT 400. CLERICAL EMPLOYEES AT ROW 5 COLUMN 7 AND SET THE VALUES OF THE 2ND, 3RD AND 4TH VARIABLES (THE ROW AND COLUMN NUMBERS OF THE LOCATION OF RECREATION AND THE NUMBER USING IT) TO 0. INITIALLY. THE COMMAND "SETUP 1 20 1 20 40 40 0" ESTABLISHES A GRID OF LOCATIONS 20 BY 20 NUMBERED 1 TO 20 SAY IN EACH DIRECTION. ALSO ITCREATES SPACE FOR 40 "ATTRI SAY BUTES",40 TEMPORARY VARIABLES AND 0 ALPHANUMERIC VARIABLES. SAY THIS FILE ALSO DEFINES THE "GRIDSIZE" OF THE BLOCKS (OR SAY INDIVIDUAL LOCATIONS) AS 200 FEET SQUARE. PAGE 124 CHAPTER V: SIMULATION READ_CONSOLE RECREAT P SETUP 1 20 1 20 40 40 0 DEFINE MANAGEAL 4: NUMBER RECLOCI RECLOCJ RECNUMB* 2: EDUCATON = 14. INCOME = 15000. 0. 0.) 5,8(100. 0. 0. 0.) 6,4(100. PUT MANAGEAL 5,7(100. ) 6,6(100. 0. 0. 0. 6,7 (100. 0. 0. . 0. 0. 0.) 6,5(100. 0. 0 100. 0. 0. 0.) 0. ,2(100. 0. 0.) 7, .) 7 0.) 7,1(100. 0. 0. 0 11, 0.) 0. ( 100. 0. 400. 0. 0. 0.) 7,14(100. 0. 0. 0.) 7,15 11,8(100. 0. 0. 0.) 1 1,9( 400. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.) 12,8(400. 0.) 11,20(100. 0. 0. 0.) 12,7(400. 0. 0. 0.) 12,20(100. 0.) 12,9 (400. 0. 0. 0.) 12,19(400. 0.) 13,7(400. 0. ) 13,20(100. 0. 0.) 13,8(100. 0. 0. 0 .) 13,9(400. 0. 0. . 0. 16,8(100. 0. 0. 0.) 14,8(100. 0. 0 . 0 ) 15,8(100. 0 0.) 17,8(100. 0. 0. 0.) 18,8(100. 0. 0. 0.) 19,8(100. 0. 0.) 20,8(100. 0. 0. 0 DEFINE CLERICAL 4: NU MBE R RECLOCI RECLOCJ RECNUMB* 2: EDUCATON = 11. INCOME = 6000. I PUT CLERICAL 5,7 (400. 0. 0. 0.) 5,8( 400. 0. 0. 0.) 6,5(400. 0. 0 . 0 .) 6,6(400. .0 0. 7,2(400. 0 0. 0.) 7,1(400. 0. .) ( 800. 0. 0. 7 7,14(800. 0. 0. 0.) ,15 0. 0 11,8(800. 0. 0. 0.) 11,9(3400. 0. O . 12,7(3400. 0. 0. 0. ) 12,8(3400. 0. 0. 0.) 12,20(80 12,19(3400. 0. 0 0.) 13,8(800. 0. 0. 0.) 13,9(340 0 . Vn AV 0. 0. 0.) 15, 8(80 0. 0.) 14,8(800 0. 0. 0.) 18, 8(80 0. 0.) 17 ,8(800 0. 0. 0.) 6,4(400. 0.) 6,7(400. 0. ) 7,3(400. 0. 0. 11,7(3400. 0. 0. 11,20(800. 0. 0. 12,9(3400. 0. 0. .) 13,7( 3400. 0. 0.) 13,20(800. 0. 0. 0.) 16,8(800. 0. 0.) 19,8(800. 0. 0.) 20,8(800. 0. 0.) DEFINE BLUECOAR 4: NUMBER RECLOCI RECLOCJ RECNUMB * 2: EDUCATON = 8. INCOME = 8000. 0.) 6,4(1000. PUT BLUECOAR 5,7(1000. 0. 0. 0.) 5,8(1000. 0. 6,7(1000. 0. ) 6,6(1000. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.) 6,5(1000. 0. 0. 7,3(1000. 0. 7,2(1000. 0.) 0. 0. 0. 0.) 7,1( 1000. 0. 0.) 7,14(50. 0. 0. 0. 0.) .) 11,8(50. 0.) 7,15(50. 0. 0. 0.) 11,7 (200. 0. 0. 0. 0.) 0. 0. 50. 0. 12,7(200. 11,9( 200. 0. 0. 0.) 11,20( 12,8(200. 0. 0. 0.) 12,9(200. 0. 0. 0.) 12, 19(200. 0. 0. 0.) 12,20(50. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.) 13,9(200. 0. 0. 0.) 13,7 (200. 0. 0. 0.) 13 ,8(50. 0.) 13,20(50. 0. 0. 0.) 14,8(50. 0. 0. 0.) 15,8 (50. 0. 0. 0.) 16,8(50. 0. 0. 0.) 17,8(50. 0. 0. 0.) 18,8(50. 0. 0. 0 .) 19,8(50. 0. 0. 0.) 20,8(50. 0. CHAPTER V: SIMULATION PAGE 125 0. 0.) DEFINE INDUST RY 1: EMPLOYES* 6,4(1500.) 6,5(1500.) 5,8(1500.) INDUSTRY 5,7(1500.) PUT 6,6(1500.) 6, 7(1500.) 7,1(1 500.) 7,2(1500.) 7,3(1500.) DEFINE OFFICE 1: EMPLOYES* 11,7(4000.) 11,8(950.) 7,15(950.) 7,14(950.) PUT OFFICE 12,8(4000.) 12,9(4000.) 11,9(4000.) 1 1 ,20(950.) 12 ,7(4000.) 12,20(950.) 12,19(4000.) 13 ,9(4000. ) 13,20(950.) 14,8(950.) 13,8(950.) 13,7(4000.) 19,8(950.) 18,8(950.) 17 ,8(950.) 16,8(950.) 15,8(950.) 20,8(950.) 3: CLERI CAL MANGERAL BLUCOLAR* DEFINE RECREA 2(0. 0. 0.) PUT RECREAON ,12( 0. 0. 0.) 3,11(0. 0. 0.) 14(0 . 0. 0.) 3,13(0. 0. 0. 17,1 2(0. 0. 0.) 17,13(0. 0. 0.) 17, 18(0. 0. 17 ,16( 0. 0. 0.) 17,17(0. 0. 17,15(0. 0. 0 0.) 17,2 0(0. 0.) 17,19(0. 0. 0.) 19,12(0. 0. 0.) 20,12(0. 0. 0.) 0. 0.) 18,12 GRIDSIZE = 20 RD LNEAREST P READ CONSOLE I RECUSE P SAY THIS FILE COMPUTES HOWMANY PEOPLE WILL USE RECREATION SAY AS A FUNCTION OF DISTANCE FROM PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT. SAY IT IS CALLED BY SAYING "RD RECUSE P (ARG1 ARG2 SAY ARG3 ARG4 ARG5)" WHERE ARG1 IS THE TYPE OF PEOPLE ARG2 AND ARG3 ARE SAY EMPLOYED, EG. "CLERICAL", SAY TWO DISTANCES AWAY FROM PLACES OF EMPLOYMENT, SAY AND ARG4 AND ARG5 ARE THE PERCENTAGES OF EMPLOYEES (OF SAY TYPE ARG1) WHO WOU LD USE THE RECREATION IF IT SAY FELL IN THE ZONES DELIMITED BY ARG2 AND ARG3. SAY EG. "RD RECUSE P ( CLERICAL 400. 1000. 0.3 0.1)" SAY WOULD MEAN THAT IF THE RECREATION SAY WAS 500 FEET AWAY 10 PERCENT OF THE SAY CLERICAL EMPLOYEES AT THAT LOCATION WOULD USE IT, SAY OR IF THE RECREATION WAS 300 FEET AWAY 30 PERCENT SAY WOULD USE IT. READ CONSOLE RECUSE P TLIST *=* NULL FOR 1=, J= EACH LOC ON RECREATION RECREATION(ARG1 I,J) = Z = ARG3/GRIDSIZE THROUGH RE1 FOR I=, J= EACH LOC ON ARG1 BLOCK Z TLIST(I,J) * TLIST *=* TLIST .AND. RECREATION EX NEAREST (I J TLIST) PAGE 126 CHAPTER V: SIMULATION IF MINDIST .GRT. ARG3 GOTO RE1 IF MINDIST .GRT. ARG2 GOTO RE4 PCT = ARG4 * ARG1(NUMBER I,J) GOTO RE5 RE4$ I,J) PCT = ARG5 * ARGl(NUMBER RE5$ ARG1(RECNUMB I,J) = PCT RECREATION(ARG1 BESTI,BESTJ) = RECREATION(ARG1 ' BESTI,BESTJ) + PCT ARG1(RECLOCI IJ) = BESTI ARG1(RECLOCJ I,J) = BESTJ RE1$ CONTINUE EXPAND +USE OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES BY $2ARG1 EMPLOYEES+ EXPAND + HAS BEEN COMPUTED/+ READ_CONSOLE INEAREST P SAY THIS FILE IS CALLED BY "RECUSE P" TO COMPUTE SAY THE NEAREST LOCATION WHICH CONTAINS ATTRIBUTE "ARG3" SAY TO THE LOCATION IN QUESTION, "ARG1 ARG2" WHERE "ARG1" SAY IS THE ROW NUMBER AND "ARG2" IS THE SAY COLUMN. THIS FILE CAN ALSO BE USED BY THE DESIGNER IN ORDER, SAY FOR EXAMPLE, TO DETERMINE THE NEAREST "INDUSTRY" SAY TO SOME LOCATION, EG. 12,18, CONTAINING "OFFICE". SAY THAT COMMAND WOULD BE "EX NEAREST (12 18 INDUSTRY)". SAY THIS FILE GENERATES VALUES FOR THREE VARIABLES: SAY MINDIST, BESTI, AND BESTJ WHICH ARE, RESPECTIVELY, SAY THE DISTANCE AWAY OF THE NEAREST MEMBER OF ARG3, AND SAY THE I AND J COORDINATES OF THAT MEMBER. READ_CONSOLE NEAREST P BEGIN_MACRO NEAREST MINDIST = 999999. THROUGH NE2 FOR 11=, JJ= EACH LOC ON ARG3 SUM1 = ARG1 - II .POWER. DIST = ARG2 - JJ .POWER. 2. 2. + SUM1 IF DIST .GRT. MINDIST GOTO NE2 MINDIST = DIST BESTI = II BESTJ = JJ NE2$ CONTINUE MINDIST = MINDIST * GRIDSIZE RETURN END _MACRO READ CONSOLE .POWER. 0.5 CHAPTER V: SIMULATION PAGE 127 IPWHERE P SAY THIS FILE IS USED WITH THE DATAFILE "RECREAT P" IT COMPUTES SAY AND AFTER CALLING "RECUSE P". THE USING ARE EMPLOYEES ARG1 MANY HOW SAY LOCATIONS. WHICH AT AND FACILITIES SAY RECREATIONAL EG. "MANAGERIAL". EMPLOYED, PEOPLE OF TYPE THE IS SAY ARG1 ARGi". P PWHERE "RD SAYING SAY IT IS CALLED BY READ_CONSOLE PWHERE P TABSET 10 40 EXPAND +.NUMBER OF $2ARG1.RECREATIONAL/+ EXPAND +.EMPLOYEES USING.FACILITIES AT/+ THROUGH PW1 FOR 1=, J= EACH LOC ON RECREATION IF RECREATION (ARG1 I,J) .EQL. 0. GOTO PW1 EXPAND +.$1RECREATION(ARG1 1,J).$31,$3J/+ PW1$ CONTINUE READ_CONSOLE IRWHERE P SAY THIS FILE IS USED WITH THE DATAFILE "RECREAT P", SAY AND AFTER CALLING "RECUSE P". SAY IT COMPUTES HOW MANY "ARG1" ARE USING RECREATION SAY AT "ARG2, ARG3" WHERE "ARG1" IS THE TYPE OF PEOPLE SAY EMPLOYED, EG. "CLERICAL", AND "ARG2" AND "ARG3" ARE SAY THE COORDINATES OF THE LOCATION OF THE RECREATION. SAY IT IS CALLED BY SAYING "RD RWHERE P (ARG1 ARG2 ARG3)". READ_CONSOLE RWHERE P TABSET 30 Q = 0. EXPAND +$2ARG1 ** EMPLOYEES FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS/+ EXPAND +USE THE RECREATION AT LOCATION $3ARG2,$3ARG3/+ THROUGH WH1 FOR I=, J= EACH LOC ON ARG1 IF ARG1(RECLOCI I,J) .EQL. ARG2 IF ARG1(RECLOCJ I,J) .EQL. ARG3 ' GOTO WH2 GOTO WH1 WH2$ CONTINUE Q = Q + ARG1(RECNUMB I,J) EXPAND +FROM $31*,$3J.$1ARG1(RECNUMB I,J)/+ WH1$ CONTINUE EXPAND +TOTAL AT $3ARG2,$3ARG3.$1Q/+ READ_CONSOLE PAGE 128 CHAPTER V: SIMULATION IMAP P SAY THIS FILE MAPS THE SUBSET OF ALL RECREATION LOCATIONS SAY IN WHICH MORE THAN "ARG1" EMPLOYEES USE THE RECREATIONAL IT MAPS THE LOCATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT WHERE SAY FACILITIES. SAY THE USER CAME FROM. AND IT REFERENCES THESE AGAINST ALL SAY EMPLOYMENT AND RECREATION PLACES. IT IS CALLED BY SAY SAYING "MAP P (ARG1)" WHERE ARG1 IS A CONSTANT. READ_CONSOLE MA P P SUBSTITUTION ON TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 *=* NULL NULL THROUGH MAl FOR I=, SUM = 0. FOR Q = 1. J= EACH LOC ON RECREATION STEP 1. UNTIL 3. SUM = SUM + RECREATION(Q I,J) IF SUM .GRT. ARGI PUT TLIST1 I,J MA1$ CONTINUE THROUGH MA2 FOR R=2. STEP 1. UNTIL 4. THROUGH MA3 FOR 1=, J= EACH LOC ON R F = R(RECLOCI I,J) G = R(RECLOCJ I,J) IF R(RECNUMB I,J) .GRT. 0. MA3$ CONTINUE MA2$ CONTINUE ALLWORK *=* OFFICE .OR. ALLREC *=* RECREATION SUBREC *=* TLIST1 SUBWORK *=* TLIST2 IF TLIST1(F,G) PUT TLIST2 I,J INDUSTRY MAP (SUBREC SUBWORK; ALLREC ALLWORK) 1-20 1-20 READ CONSOLE PAGE 129 CHAPTER VI FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF DISCOURSE As it stands right now, DISCOURSE offers the user a data structure which can be easily interpreted as a geographic grid of LOCATIONS with and LOCATIONS example, to the properties (or ATTRIBUTES) attached numbers to attached (for ATTRIBUTES, the 400 residents at location i,j). An ATTRIBUTE, ("residents" in this example), is the name by it. ATTRIBUTES of LOCATIONS which are described of a list can have numerical or nominal values associated two which vary those types: with them of different LOCATIONS with and those which remain constant regardless of LOCATION. The system also accommodates and temporary variables which can alphanumeric values. All elements have have numeric both names and values. There are three dictionaries: temporary variables. accessed through Any datum in LOCATIONS, ATTRIBUTES and the these dictionaries by system can and must be means of the name of the element in which the datum resides. Reflecting the designer's need to add new data and modify the existing data, DISCOURSE has a this purpose, data at any hoc and to of the and for storing time. full range of commands for the different "states" Reflecting his need to manipulate data ad manipulate according to rules all description, DISCOURSE of the of the elements contains logical, relational, including conditional The last mentioned are list and reflecting the array structures: the values iteration of two types one which looks and the other member of ATTRIBUTE lists successively at each which increments and branching, (looping) statements. of control a full range operators as well as and arithmetic statements PAGE 130 DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: and which of a variable can be used to examine specific parts of an array. DISCOURSE features a flexible which "FORMAT" statements. designer to The specify the way requests the for which designer, output facility called "EXPAND" FORTRAN's of combination a resembles "map" displays map-like and tabular produce and its "show" to In addition statement EXPAND he wants (see figure (4.16), page 103) EXPAND, "WRITE" and permits the information displayed. also, is the first step in the direction of putting information contained in DISCOURSE in such a form that it can be used as input by other systems. And, finally, reflecting the designer's language for himself simpler than basic requests of designer, chooses it to be, DISCOURSE, but exactly as he, the DISCOURSE contains the need to create a facilities for writing subroutines (RCOM files) using the basic requests of the language. In the first version command "center" executed a in a language DISCOURSE, for it is the found the "center a geographically distributed set II example, particular algorithm, implemented invisible to the user, which of gravity" of In DISCOURSE of possible to of elements. write and name one's own CHAPTER V DEVELOPMENT "center" gorithm. language, FORTRAN. like A the It PAGE 131 can then be writing of similar increase used as subroutine in the part of subprograms richness of the in facilities available to the system user has occurred in the other aspects of the system, including more and general purpose has increased required computer language. the possible because the more features more of the features richness of users have be accessible to increase of complexity, This line of a of development usage; it has been consistently demanded their use. But, that despite this the language remains possible to use for some purposes without having to "program" in the language. The language of DISCOURSE has changed from being somewhat specific to its initial uses to being much more general but still allowing the individual user to develop his own specific style. Any which may not be best for what may into a way of language forces the user be difficult to subtlety of expression; use, but using it he is doing; a richer language in it an awkward the user may achieve language may prevent self expression altogether. Much of the time using DISCOURSE is files, that is, building a higher level specific to the design problem than spent building RCOM language which is more the basic requests and which is more specific to what the designer wants to do at the moment. The dilemma posed by the apparent conflict between two of the goals for the development of the language - richness of the language permitting subtle expression and simplicity of CHAPTER VI: DEVELOPMENT PAGE 132 the language permitting ease of usage - may be resolved in the future through the development of problem oriented features for the system; and by developing prototypes of the use of the system. I. PROBLEM ORIENTED FEATURES features are Problem oriented functions whic h the designe r can ready made techniques or use in connection with his work, techni qu es requiring a minimum of alteration to suit his ne eds. Although particular system to-da te built by the experience of limited (6.01) there seem to is se;ve ral users whi ch are usage of the be RCOM files sufficiently similar that they or elem ients of them cou Id have been provided in the basic language. T*he result would have without loss features wi 0 f subtlety of been increased ease expression. of use The problem oriented range from tho se which have a clear reference to particular typ es of problems to those which do not. Examples of intensity ratio" one end of the range might be a "density of function or a "land use persons residing per square foot of residential construction." Although many of these are easy to presence ready made user would help useful to write in the language in the list of features him to begin to him during the course use the as it is, their available to the system, might of his designing, be and would serve as models for his own making of techniques better suited to his own needs. Examples at the a function which computes the other end of the range are: equivalence of two lists of CHAPTER VI: DEVELOPMENT LOCATIONS v, ch share commo n an average stance function, and they can be written PAGE 133 ATTRIBUTES, weighting functions, in the many others which, although anguage , the wri ting of t:hem does desi gner with respect fruits o f insi ght to the not yield ainy to his desi gn problem. On the other hand, the "compact:ness" of a pattern or the implemented in "mi x" of activ itie s might two a varie ty of well be would s tand differ en t ways, and for many di fferent desi gner-d efined functions. The tactics for developing "problem ori ented feature s"i will be: DesiLr Problems : considerati ons problems, which look ing come up the in connection kinds the for example, at associated with design for ve ry kinds specific design w ith f accounting of procedures den se urban areas: floor area ratios, parking ratios and so on. looking at the functions us ed over and Design Functions: over again system. the by designer s As can be seen in the geometric designers. "nearest in connection request s Many of of several" which would have ha ve these :, could be with their using the examples in Chapter s IV and V, be had to like "average written written by distance," in generalized serve d in every situation. the or form Some implemented already in DISCOURSE as RCOM files should probably be included as basic commands applicability will in the language; others probably be left of less general in the DISCOURSE language with instructions for use. Data Structure: looking at the data structure as it PAGE 134 DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: there are more types presently stands and determining whether of briefl , structure the data Reviewing easil could which manipulations on be written it features : it. two a dimensional array (the GRID) which can have members ( ATTX LOCS) vectors; and temporary be examined made available to array compari sons. can be the results can be of lists are the according to and list Many other examp les can be created from fe atur es. different combin ationis of these then be looked if it comp aris on of vectors CHARVARS, values contained in features can ate r use. Examples orderi ng rank if and for immediate or of 1 ists, comparison be man i pulated, easil features other with compared like be treated variables. Eac h of these if it can to see as well which can and CHARVARS) (CHARCONS assoc iated have values ATTXLOCS can and the the ATTRIBUTES the GRID; associated with LOCATIONS in of lists (ATTRIBUTES) at fo r possible emp iric al Each example would interpretations and for its usefulnetss to the designer. Techni ques to been useful candidates are constru(=tion and matrix may the techniques mathema tical techniques which have survey ing the kinds of design in c)ther fie lds and to whi ch problems looking at Borr ow: optimization manipulation. Some techniques exisit alread y in CHOICE Obv ious be ap plied. and techniques, of these (6.02), a system la tter to help the designer in the eval uation of several desi gn alternati ves. the technique s may manipulations facilitie s other Many of require data than those structures which exist and at CHAPTER VI: present in whether new issue of The DISCOURSE. facilities DISCOURSE data from or the into DISCOURSE be built should PAGE 135 DEVELOPMENT system and returned is one taken out, processed in some other which will have to be resolved on an individual basis and will to the particular implementation depend on factors pertaining of such as system the computer central processing in the storage available programming time and free other unit for programs. finding ways Interface: terms of used; with data from from various kinds example, the census or other sources, for of surveys: interface to characterizing each of the sources identified, in and developing techniques, programs and, where needed, will help to ease the utilizing other computer hardware which large quantities of data burden of entering to get are easy of data Small quantities least conventionally are at and how they its data into the system. into the system: witness the several examples in Chapters IV and V. II. of difficulty inhibiting the The second type system to-date has stemmed implementation but from its uses. use, examples a lack of well which strongly parts he about. These nor its explained examples of suggest whole classes of help the designer both to design problem and to thinks use of the its design neither from Such "use prototypes" should think about his the USE PROTOTYPES implement in DISCOURSE "use prototypes" will probably result from two approaches: from the use of DISCOURSE CHAPTER VI: by city DEVELOPMENT designers in private firms; PAGE 136 the field working and from in agencies continuing efforts and for to analyse the process of design. The functional analysis of city a first intended to b e step toward building a library of use The 1 ibrary will probably contain some prototypes prototypes. which design in Chapter III is are close "transformati on" functiona I to the and "testing"; types of and "description," others which describe d uring the course of design. patterns of work by the designer Subcategories within each type wi probably be developed from different emp irical applications. Many of the first type have illustrations in Cha pter III. been used for to implement them on the system, them Some where necessary. What remains is i mproving them and adding to of t he second type should be developed in the context of a des ign project and will probably range of techniques us ed to result in a t he time; problem which was being faced at should be developed in second type address a particular and others of the trying to the context of explore some specific idea like "adaptability" (6.03) Ill. The most variety needed improvement of displays changed by time GRAPHI CS AND MODES OF REPRESENTATI ON and the designer has to in his head, description for dis plays means of a graphic system is in the which input device. carry system, or wait frorr time to time map ca n be At easily the present changes to the independent of the the latest update a a richer for the console to type out the PAGE 137 DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: latest map. display cathode With the ray tubes recently purchased it will the through sequences help to protray "growth" time, over envi ronment be possible to create and "change" patterns activity envi ronment, the (6.04) a ATTRIBUTES of the descri pt ion. continuous display of selected This feature should ARDS as achieving of well as of the some effects o f true "dynamic" dis play (6.05). Addi tional features ARDS and which display and side the firs major t, "pointing" feature the areas, ATTRIBUTES, map displa y specified func tions; for example, readily be di made availabl the maps to enl arge the grid as well Tlay any element or will be in the very near future. A second copy display photography so that maps can be symbols. These ar e either und er development tures hard from or to da ta can so t hat numerical and related f is for be shifted in scale, pres en t map of as the which will be developed when of the and names listed along third, outli nle and tone I ayed i; which He can point a t, refe r to which may second, p resent improvement over to introduce data manually LOCAT I ONS, on the direct his interrogation the designer to will perm it example, represent a output are: input and whi ch are readily programmed at present kind of d isplay the ha rdware has been identified a pri nter, the designer ca n have plotter and or by a permanent record of his work. Other features which may in the system to stimulate help through their availability the development of graphics are: the permutations inversion, transformations: mirror, various symmetrical change of rotation, translation, and PAGE 138 DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: of those with the combinations scale and and to two respect three and plan to dimensional forms in two dimensional projection; section to persepctive viewing along with a symbolic language designer that he is looking at which will make evident to the the same form in the different views. Not so clear, however, is the development of support for Some of the less easily described activities of the designer. the time spent designing is spent working with pencil on paper making sketches, the some of which may be in section or perspective, and others of diagram relations which may plan view, but majority of which are in which have no direct little or spatial analogue. A sketch the other, one into elements, sometimes consists of but a group finely graded members of of elements the which can generally be distinguished one from the other. The elements are positioned in two dimensions or in three, as in a rough And, model. in the variation variations in line, a the introduction with same type the intensity of element, of color, still further richness of range a through often done tone, or of strength of of the representation can be achieved. Metric and Non-metric Representations These which, in elements are the case represented in of city designers, a spatial framework is usually metric or PAGE 139 CHAPTER VI: DEVELOPMENT non-metric. Each of these types of rules. spaces has its own set of In metric space, distance is interpreted as the linear (straight line) ruler; when distance between points non-metric distance is measured from the other. refers to a space is as measured represented by by the number of nodes away In metric space, unit of distance on the if the by some a graph one node is unit of distance land, the representation can be mapped point for point onto the land. If the representation is in a particular space, for example euclidean space, then euclidean geometry applicable. representation graph, then is in all of become non-metric space axioms the of kind of metric all the axioms of (6.06) as If represented by graph theory the a become applicable. An is usually organization chart space than metric space, though Even so, some positional better in non-metric the latter would be possible. importance is usually ascribed to the chart making it a mixture of the two types of representations: organizationally; top is up in the organization, sideways is indifferent though often those in the to rank center of the chart at the same level are more important because it is often easier to draw the boxes with more connections to them in the center. In the of the form is metric representation, the possibilities spaces represented into more evident; in a three the non-metric for fit dimensional building representation, the PAGE 140 DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: decision organization's an officer in some of centrality than in metric space, particularly making may be more evident if the network of communication is very rich. If the designer assigns thought to the elements and to the relations of representation then may he conclusions of realm in some meaning a some mode of draw valid from inferences in the representation are true for the realm he has been referring to. organization to For example, if he assigns positions in an message to sending a graph and the the nodes of a receive a message through the vice the treasurer, from president; message directly to the then for the links, possibility of it must first the president but to the president pass can send a treasurer. The further interpretation of the diagram can be made that the president has more "power" and the vice president more information assumptions about the directional component if the appropriate of the arrow have been made. Likewise in may be a metric associated representation: associated with for of reality representation aspects with rules the example, greater greater likelihood which govern proximity of communication may the be between two groups in the population. Distortion of Metric Representation Change in the function mapping the metric representation to a geographic region will result when distance in the metric representation refers to time or, perhaps, time and a mode of like to might distance of the same map would look very The resulting was within five He might then different from the designer in the minutes five group. map of of geography may be Distortion geography would be distorted. informative to A representation would be metric, Although the distance alone. alone. s pace the proximities so derived. wish to represent in metric very was within who know a certain group; and who walking distance of minutes driving geographic distance than to transportation rather designer PAGE 141 DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: reveal it might that relationships which were not previously obvious. Mixed Representations need to have a geographic some purposes, in that application, reference. The designer and values with each nodes, its links, and network by of the its faces; nodes, and he needs to find o r the longest the shortest the network: elements of see what is on or adjacent want to to associate names needs to be able links toward along move and, for represent road networks be used to Graphs can his way path. to any of its be able to through the also will He its elements. The last requirement probab ly means that the network will have to be overlayed requirements imply that employed were added used for graphical t.he onto a data so far to handle graphical analysis it geographic structure somewhat in D ISCOURSE II. If a netwrorks easily than analysis. If is important to different from data structure it might networks first The grid. are also be used have flexibility for in DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: attaching meanings represent a PAGE 142 to the for elements, a system, communications a can network power of diagram Each relations, a family structure, or a logical proposition. interpretation should system just as it be possible to is now possible in the make explicitly to expli cit make such interpretations of the data in DISCOURSE. Three general principles for the the experience of build representation seem to emerge from first, DISCOURSE: a that full development any mode manipulations range of needed which is proper to that mode. With respect to a grid of LOCATIONS, the major categor ies of manipulations adjacency, seem be: or ientation and and functions. proximity, res pect With connection, and other manipulations all at, existence at, direction, network: existence functions to a proximity on based to matrices. (6.07) The s econ d principle distinguis habl e possibilit y of is element in three parts: of the mode first, that each selected have the having values associated with being named, and that name whic h are specific at the named elements, and having values wh ich respective ly); manipulabl e: true the to (analogous (logical, are second, ie., all similarly named elements CHARVAR, and CHARCON ATTRIBUTE, that that rel ational, DISCOURSE be of usable in and the all names parallel set arithmetic) which the new mode; and values of exist and third, be operators now in that each PAGE 143 DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: such that its name calls element should by individually named element name, its and LOCATION the to (analogous particular with that associated information all the forth its coordinates). is that A third principle, even more tenatively advanc ed, possible another obtained the information such that onto one can be a network is if LOCATIONS on that will be associated one of the links passes grid across which user. the contained in geographic grid, then the overlayed onto a and, to example, For other. the from translation one representation means laying "Communication," here, made accessible be communication, possibly, such for rules the that and shou ld be between modes and communication translation to that link such that when the link is queried for what falls "along" LOCATIONS will the information the it, be available. And, of possibility representation matrix is meant by "translation" for passing from, a to geographic those at stored example, of representation a network the same material. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IV. The present system seems to require constant reference to two coordinates, and the LOCATIONS by their as the objects of properties inhibit are the use the description attributed. of the The designers' traditional modes to which first because of use of LOCATIONS its of working; qualities characteristic lack and the of fit or may with second may DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER VI: PAGE 144 inhibit subtlety of description. When a designer speaks of "places" he is usually speaking of Auburn one For example alone. necessary if geographic speaks of not of Street but would be combinations, LOCATION ATTRIBUTE and one were symbol of the whole, used as the act ivi ties and the people present designer seldom if ever has to can usually des cribe using measures of Some coordinate Square, or the label in a for may be defined more use a coordinate scheme. is The He of common knowledge somebody a map to understand "where" it is. geogr aphic functions However, this not imply that the coordina te scheme a by the than by the geography. necessary if are to be compl etely descri bed. which the place p roximity, or he can "show" sys tem is Mt. center, whichever a place from points the o ther person which enables is or its LOCATIONS and longitude to pinpoint Square Its limits geographic region. Harvard the latitude Harvard sense. not the statement does need be prominent in the language which the designer uses. Ways of maak i ng the coordinate include developing graphic input of the burden of typing data sys tem less prominent procedures to eliminate much in according to coordinates, and developing new techniques for describing the environment which rely less on places. coordinates, but instead rely upon To illustrate this possibility see the names of the example in figures (6.01) and (6.02). Required is a special category of ATTRIBUTES which can be CHAPTER VI: PAGE 145 DEVELOPMENT thought of of the description, as objects specialty shops?" "where are designer asks "Harvard Square" so that the answers Street, " not and "Mt. Aubu rn 4,5." Other operations need to be when the are "location 3,4 thought through in the same way and can probably also be simulated on the present system. It is and name probably not only LOCATIONS to which designers give The transpa rency sense. the when one has to structure clouds somewhat and activities to LOCATIONS as It of DISCOURSE data ascribe facilities ATTR IBUTES of those LOCATIONS. should be possible to more chly descr ibe a physical world DISCO URSE a building type to which we then ascribe meani SIn is an ATTRIBUTE of a LOCATION; the activ ity in that building th e LOCATION . must also be an ATTRIBUTE of be an ATTRIBUTE of buil ding. the Instead it should There should objects of the description whic h have be other the same status in fhte language as the present LOCATIO NS. description is to solution One possible capable havin g of these objects might the existing ATTRIBUTES be ATTXACT and ATTXFAC, ATTXLOCS. assigned, th e existence of an ACTIVITIES and FACILITIES; like ATTRIBUTE at corresponding to these would have And of the create new objects to be ways of associating LOCATIONS ACTIVITIE S and FACILITIES in relation to how the designer thinking about wanted the en vironment described. this possibilit y is for purposes which are non to use some A way of of LOCATIONS geo graphic and not consistent with _ the rest of the representation -- o which would be geographic, for CHAPTER VI: PAGE 146 DEVELOPMENT the LOCATIONS. Again, to illustrate the idea but not to prove its worth, the activity unit, a family named "Smith," might be equivalent to a "father" might be could have location," "Smith" family's income residents," of "Smith." two of the ATTRIBUTES several all "Middle "ij." LOCATION called CHARVARS: "income," "age," specific to that place of residence, recreational facilities particular and shopping and habits of or "Father" and "work The family. the use each of of its members could be specified and manipulated. Summary of Future Development Plans The test of the DISCOURSE language is its capacity to accommodate what the city designer does. The data structure and manipulations of DISCOURSE - its basic features - have been developed to the point where where they can accommodate many aspects of the city designers' work, but there may be many more, some of which may not be accommodated in the language as it stands. The discovery of these can be greatly hastened by having the system used by many designers in been most involved in its addition to those who have Improvements of the present system are development to-date. These increase its ease of usage. needed, therefore, to improvements include adding a wide variety of displays, adding functions which can be written on the DISCOURSE data structure which increase its convenience of usage, and developing clear instructions for and examples of the use of the systeri. two major difficulties of the There are, however, language which are presently evident and which challenge its it is hard to accommodate the designer's basic features: activity of "sketching;" and it is hard to describe "objects," from distinguished as "activities" or "facilities," by resolved be may difficulties These "LOCATIONS." the of objects new and representation of modes introducing new description. Such changes may point toward the next stage of development of DISCOURSE. PAGE 147 design2 p IF DESIGN SYSTEM CRASHES GIVE THE DEBUG COMMAND: DUMP NAME 12000 3D000 R 0.03/0.03 comment That loaded the DISCOURSE system into core. R 0.01/0.04 ready off comment That turned off the time message. rd attsdata p comment That read in the data file. list attributes ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR ATTR 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -- NULL UNIVERSE HARVSQ MTAUBURN A B MASSAVE C D E F FAKENAME SPESHOPS BRICKFES comment ATTRIBUTES 2-10 are place names. rd ltryatts p comment That read in the "macro"; now it's ready to use. ex whereare (speshops) SPESHOPS EXIST AT HARVSQ MTAUBURN ex whereare (brickfactories) BRICKFES DO NOT EXIST AT THE NAMED PLACES foodstores *=* harvsq .or. mtauburn .or. massave ex whereare (foodstores) FOODSTES EXIST AT Figure (6.01) HARVSQ MTAUBURN MASSAVE PLACES IDENTIFIED BY NAMES NOT COORDINATES printf Itryatts p PAGE 148 COMMENT THE REASON THIS WAS SET UP AS A "MACRO" COMMENT WAS SO THAT IT COULD BE CALLED WITH A SINGLE NAME COMMENT AND SO THAT IT COULD BE CALLED FROM OTHER RCOM FILES. BEG IN MACRO WHEREARE COMMENT THIS SETS TABS TO POSITION THE PRINTED OUTPUT. TABSET 20 COMMENT THIS ALLOWS ME TO SUBSTITUTE ATTRIBUTE NUM.BERS COMMENT FOR THEIR NAMES. SUBSTITUTION ON COMMENT Q HELPS ME TO KNOW WHERE I'VE BEEN IN THE PROGRAM. Q = 0. COMMENT THIS GOES THROUGH THE ATTRIBUTES WHICH ARE PLACE NAMES. THROUGH WH1 FOR 1= 2. STEP 1. UNTIL 10. COMMENT THIS INTERSECTS "ARGI", THE ATTRIBUTE I AM ASKING ABOUT COMMENT WITH EACH OF THE PLACE NAMES. I TLIST *=* ARG1 .AND. COMMENT IF THE INTERSECTION DOES NOT EXIST THEN IT BRANCHES. 0. GOTO WH1 IF TLIST .EQL. COMMENT IF "ARG1" HAS BEEN FOUND TO EXIST AT SOME PLACE THEN COMMENT THE PROGRAM SKIPS THE NEXT THREE LINES. IF Q .EQL. 1. GOTO WH2 COMMENT THIS IS THE FIRST TYPED LINE IF "ARG1" IS ANY PLACE. EXPAND +$2ARG1 EXIST AT $2FAKENAME(I)+ Q = 1. GOTO WH1 WH2$ CONTINUE EXPAND +**.$2FAKENAME(I)/+ WH1$ CONTINUE COMMENT IF THE PROGRAM HAS GONE THROUGH ALL THE PLACE NAMES COMMENT AND "ARG1" DOES EXIST AT ANY OF THEM THE PROGRAM SKIPS COMMENT THE FOLLOWING LINE. IF Q .EQL. 1. GOTO WH3 EXPAND +$2ARG1 DO NOT EXIST AT THE NAMED PLACES/+ WH3$ SUBSTITUTION OFF RETURN END_MACRO READ_CONSOLE R; T=0.06/0.84 Figure (6.02) 13.34.27 FILE TO REFER TO PLACES WITH NAMJES PAGE 149 APPENDIX AN EXPERIMENT DOCUMENTATION OF IN THE REPLICATION OF A DESIGN This Appendix contains some of the evidence of the work the desinn for Ciudad Guavana. The on "Fi rst" pattern which s referred to in the illustrations is the pattern exhibited i Chapter II. The "Second" pattern was the chan nel generated later with a ingle change in the data: was moved from location 4,12 to location 4,11. The reason for the change was that if the channel were in 4,12, then 5,13 was "beside" i t according to the decision rules whereas in fact location 5,13 is not nea r the channel. This adj acency was unintended by the author and it was, therefore, changed in order to improve the "accuracy" of the data. The c hange, given the same assignment orderings and decision rule s, was enormous. Urbanization in the "Second" the pattern stay ed almost entirely on the eastern side of than the river, much more like Ciudad Guayana 1969 (p 152) design. In th e "First" pattern, "industry" had been assigned first to 5,1 3. If the single change in the data caused the difference in the generated pattern, (further examination may reveal other reasons) then it shows the importance of initial judgments of the designers in describing the environments they will design. the repl of ication TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE APPENDIX Ciudad Guayana, 1961 PAGE 151 Cludad Guayana, 1969 152 Design for Ciudad Guayana by the Designers of the Development Corporation 153 Application of to the Initial 154-157 the Decision Rules State of the Environment, 1961 The Record of the Decision Paths Taken through the Decision Trees (p42) 158-159 First Pattern for Ciudad Guayana Generated by the Decision Rules 160 Comparison of the First Pattern Generated by the Rul es with Designers' Pattern for Urbani zation 161 Comparison of Urbanization by Order of Assignment 162-163 APPEND I X PAGE 150 Comparison of the First Pattern and the Designers' Pattern for Industry 164 Comparison of industry for the Assignment Order 165-166 Comparison of the First Pattern and the Designers' Pattern for Center 167 Application of the Decision Rules Generating the Second Pattern 168-172 The Record of the Decision Paths Taken through the Decision Trees (p42) 173 Second Pattern for Ciudad Guayana Generated by Decision Rules 174 Comparison of Second Pattern with Designers' for Urbanization 175 Comparison of the Second Pattern with Designers' for Industry 176 Comparison of the Second Pattern with Designers' for Center 177 Decision Rule for Urbanization 178-179 Decision Rule for Industry 180-181 Decision Rule for Center 182 Ciudad Guayana Data File 183-184 PAGE 151 APPENDIX 1 123456789012345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +.*.*. 2 +.+.*. *.+.+.+.+. *.*.*. * . *.*.*. 2 . *0 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 0 .. . . . 0 . . 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0+. . . . . . . • • • · • o'l' .+0 .+ . . . .+0+-. . . 1 .0 . .+. . .+.+0 +.+ . 1 . . .0 .. . +.+.+. . 1 . 1 . . 0 . . . . 0 .+0+. *. . 2 2 .. 1 2+. . 1 . 1 .0 +" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = URB1961(20); '2' IND1961(21) '.' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = RIVER(8); '-' CHANNEL(12); '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS CIUDAD GUAYANA -- 1961 SHOWING URBANIZATION AND INDUSTRY T7 PAGE 152 APPENDIX 1 123456789012345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 *. . 1 2 1 2 +.*.*. +.**.*. 1 1 1 1 +.+.*. 2 1 1 1 1 1 *.+.+.+*+. 2+. . 1 1 2 . 1 *.*.*. . . 2 1 .+.+ ...... *. . . 2 . . . 1 1 .+.+. . . . *.*.*. . 2 2 . . 1 .+.+. 1 . .. *.*. 2 . . . . . . . . 1+.+0 . . . . *. . 2 2 2 . . . . 0+.+6 . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . +. . . . . . . . .+.+.+ .+. . .+.+.++ . . . . . . +. . . . . . +. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = URB1969(13); '2' IND1969(14) '.' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' '*' CHANNEL(12); CIUDAD GUAYANA -- SHOWING URBANIZATION AND = RIVER(8); '-' ' = NO REF ATTS 1969 INDUSTRY = APPENDIX PAGE 153 1 1234567890123t5678 1 2 +0.*.* 3 4 5 6 7 1 +.*.*. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 +.*.+. 2 1 *.+.+.+. +. 2+. 1 1 *.*.*. 2 2 2 1 .+.+. 1 *. . 2 2 1 1 . 1 1 .+.+. *.*.*. 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 .+.+. *.*. 2 2 . 2 2 3 3 .1 1+.+. . *. 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 . 1+.+ . 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 . 1 1+. 1 1 1 1 2 . . . 1 . . . . 2 2 2 2 1 1 1+.+.+.+. 0 a .0 f .+.+.+. . 123456789012345678 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - IDESIGN(2); '3' = CDESIGN(4) '.' '1' = UDESIGN(3); '2' = = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = RIVER(8); '-' '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS CHANNEL(12); DESIGN FOR CIUDAD GUAYANA BY THE DESIGNERS OF THE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SHOWING URBANIZATION, INDUSTRY AND CENTER design2 p IF DESIGN SYSTEM CRASHES GIVE THE DEBUG DUMP NAME 12000 3D000 R 0.02/0.02 rd dataguay p R 0.78/0.80 rd macsguay p rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 3,17 d@rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,11 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 assignu p ERROR 1001 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,12 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U6 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 5,13 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assign #i p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,4 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,5 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assignc p "CENTER" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,11 DECISION PATH WAS Cl C2 C6 C7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 7,9 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,9 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,6 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 9,9 PAGE 154 T rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,7 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 6,7 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,8 U2 U3 U4 U7 DECISION PATH WAS Ul rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,8 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,8 U2 U3 U4 U7 DECISION PATH WAS Ul rd assigni p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,2 "INDUSTRY" 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,2 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,1 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assignc p "CENTER" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9, 12 C2 C3 C5 C7 DECISION PATH WAS C1 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,7 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,7 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assicn##gnu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,8 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 4,15 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 Ill PAGE 155 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 2,17 12 13 16 111 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 2,13 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,7 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U6 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 12,6 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U6 rd assignu p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,7 "URBANIZATION" U2 U3 U4 U7 DECISION PATH WAS Ul rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,5 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,6 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni "INDUSTRY" p HAS BEEN DECISION PATH WAS 11 PLACED AT 11,6 12 14 17 112 rd assignc p "CENTER" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,9 DECISION PATH WAS Cl C2 C6 C7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,5 U2 U3 U4 U7 DECISION PATH WAS U1 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 12,5 U2 U3 U4 U7 DECISION PATH WAS U1 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN U2 U3 U4 U7 DECISION PATH WAS U1 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 12,4 PLACED AT 12,3 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 13,4 "INDUSTRY" 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 PAGE 156 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 13,5 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 13,3 DECISION PATH WAS UlJ U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 12,2 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 Ul4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACEV AT DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 1 L,5 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 13,2 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 14,3 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assignc p "CENTER" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,8 DECISION PATH WAS Cl C2 C3 C5 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION"' HAS B EEN PLACED AT DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assi-gnu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 12,1 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS B EEN PLACED AT 14,2 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 15,3 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 13,1 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 14,1 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 store d2guay p PAGE 157 PAGE 158 list center CHARVAR CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON 1 OF CENTER 1 OF CENTER 2 OF CENTER 3 OF CENTER 4 OF CENTER 5 OF CENTER 6 OF CENTER 7 OF CENTER 8 OF CENTER 9 OF CENTER 10 OF CENTER 11 OF CENTER 12 OF CENTER 13 OF CENTER 14 OF CENTER 15 OF CENTER IS CALLED ORDER IS CALLED Cl IS CALLED C2 IS CALLED C3 IS CALLED C4 IS CALLED C5 IS CALLED C6 IS CALLED C7 IS CALLED D8 IS CALLED D9 IS CALLED D10 IS CALLED D11 IS CALLED C12347 IS CALLED C12357 IS CALLED C1267 IS CALLED C17 for i= 12. 1. 15. show center(i) CENTER(C12347) = 0. CENTER(C12357) = 2. CENTER(C1267) = 2. CENTER(C17) = 0. fo @for i=17. step 1. until 22. PAGE 159 show urbanization(i) URBANION(U12346) = 4. URBANION(U12347) = 20. URBANION(U12358) = 0. URBANION(U123359) = 0. URBANION(U1210) = 0. URBANION(U110) = 0. for i=23. step 1. until 30. show industry(i) INDUSTRY(112358) = 0. INDUSTRY(112359) = 0. INDUSTRY(1123610) = 10. INDUSTRY(1123611) = 2. INDUSTRY(112L4712) = 12. INDUSTRY(1124713) = 0. INDUSTRY(1I2414) = 0. INDUSTRY(111I •) = 0. PAGE 160 APPENDIX 1 8 9 012345678 1234567 S*. +.*.*. . 2 2 1 2 +.*.*. 1 1 +.+.*.* 2 1 2. *.+.+.+.+. 2+. 2 1 . . *.*.*. 2 . . 1 .+.+ . .. *. . 2 2 1 B . 1 1 .+.+. *.*.*. 2 . 1 B 1 . B .++. 1 *.*.2 2 .. 1 1 . B+.+. *.2 2 2 2 2 1 1. . +.+. . 2 2 .. 1 2 1 . . . ... 1 1 2 1 1 1 .+.+.+.+. 2 2 1 2 2 .+.+.+. 2 1 2 1 2 .+. . . 2 1 . .+. 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS = CENTER(5) INDUSTRY(7); '3' 'B' = 1, 3 '.' - '1' = URBANION(6); '2' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' CHANNEL(12); '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' = RIVER(8); '-' ' = NO REF ATTS FIRST PATTERN FOR CIUDAD GUAYANA GENERATED BY DECISION RULES SHOWING URBANIZATIONs INDUSTRY AND CENTER = PAGE 161 APPENDIX 1 123 4 567890123 4 5678 1 +.*.*. A A 2 . . . . . +.+.*. . A 2 .+. 2 A 2 *+.+.+.+ *.*.*. . . . A .+.+. 2 . * .. . A . AA .+.+. *.*.*. . . 1 A A . 1 .+.+. A *.* . . . 1 1 1 . 2 A+.+. . A A 2 . 2+.+ ... *. ..... . . . 1 2 A 2 . 2 2+. 1 1 . 1 A A 2+.+.+. . +. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . .+. 14 . 0 . 1 . .+0 15 0+.+ 123456789012345678 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - UDESIGN(3) 'A' = 1, 2 '.' '1' = URBANION(6); '2' = = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' CHANNEL(12); ' = RIVER(8); '-' = NO REF ATTS COMPARISON OF FIRST URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES (URBANION) WITH URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS (UDESIGN) = APPENDIX PAGE 162 4 1 2 3 8 9 5 6 10 B B B B 1 B B B B B B B B B B B B 1 B B B B B B B B 1 B 7 B B B B B 8 5 B B B B B B B 15 12 B B B B B B B 25 14 B 8 B B B 6 B B B 9 B B B B B B B B 12 15 B B B B B B B 25 14 B B B B B B 9 B 7 10 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 10 B 13 B B B B 6 B B B B 6 B B B B 11 B B B 11 B B B B B B 17 B B 11 B B 15 B B B B 15 B 15 B B B B B 25 B 25 25 18 15 B 19 B B 12 24 21 B B B 15 15 B B B B B B B B B B B B 25 25 B B B B B B B 20 13 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 14 B 25 B 22 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 23 B B B 15 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 5 6 9 4 8 1 10 2 3 URBAN ION(ORDER), IUDES I GN(ORDERLO), UDESI GN( ORDERHI) HAVE BEEN GIVEN A VALUE WHERE THEY IST "B" INDICAT ES THAT THEY DO NOT EXI ST AT THAT LOCATION TOP NUMBER IN EACH LOCATION IS THE ORDER ASSIGNED BY THE DECI SION RULE MIDDLE AND BOTTOM NUMBERS INDICATE TIHE DESIGNERS' ACCEPTABLE RANGE OF ASSIGNMENT ORDER 6 COMPARISON OF FIRST URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES WITH URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS ROW G, COL 12 TO ROW 15, COL 10 PAGE 163 APPENDIX 1 11 B B B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 1 1 1 3 B B B 2 10 5 B 5 13 B B B B B B B B B B B B B 12 14 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 14 B B B B B B B B B 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 6 11 B B B B B B B B B B B B 14 15 B B B B B B 1 1 B 2 5 B 6 11 B B B B B B 1 1 1 B B B B B B 15 16 B B B B B B I 1 1 B 2 5 B B B B B B B B B B B 17 18 B B B B B B B B 2 6 11 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 18 B B B B B B B B B B B B B 5 6 7 8 9 10 B 10 16 17 13 11 URBANION(ORDER), UDESIGN(ORDERLO),AND UDESIGN(ORDERHI) HAVE BEEN GIVEN A VALUE WHERE THEY EXIST "B" INDICATES THAT THEY DO NOT EXIST AT THAT LOCATION TOP NUMBER IN EACH LOCATION IS THE ORDER ASSIGNED BY THE DECISION RULE MIDDLE AND BOTTOM NUMBERS INDICATE THE DESIGNERS' ACCEPTABLE RANGE OF ASSIGNMENT ORDER COMPARISON OF FIRST URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES WITH URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS ROW 1, COL 11 TO ROW 10, COL 18 APPENDIX PAGE 164 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 0 12 3 4 56 7 8 . @ A +.+.*. A . 1 *.+.+.+.+. A+. 1 . . 2 2 *.*.*. A 2 2 . .+.+. *. A A . . +.+. . *.*.*. A 2 2 . .0. . +.+. . . *.*. A A . 2 2 . . . .+ .+ . *. A A A AA .... .++ .. 1A 222 1. ... +.. I . 1 11 . 1 . +.+.+.. .+. S . 1 . .+. 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 A 2 o. . .+.+.+.+. 1 1 1 2 3 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS IDESIGN(2) 'A' = 1, 2 - - '1' = INDUSTRY(7); '2' '.' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = RIVER(8); '-' CHANNEL(12); '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS COMPARISON OF FIRST INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES (INDUSTRY) WITH INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS (IDESIGN) = PAGE 165 APPENDIX 1 2 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 10 B B B B B B 7 B B B B B B B B B 8 15 8 B B B B B B B 14 25 14 B B B B 5 7 B B B 6 B B B B B B 8 B 15 B B B B B 14 B B B 25 B B B 8 B B B B 4 B B B B B B 8 15 B B B 2 B B B B B B 14 25 7 B B B B 9 B B B 1 3 B B B B B B B 15 1 8 B 2 B B B 1 B B 25 B 14 B 7 B B B 1 10 B 8 B 15 14 1 B B B 1 B B 15 1 2 15 B B B 1 B B 25 1 7 25 B B B B B B B B B 16 11 10 9 B 8 B 8 B 15 15 B B B B B B 25 14 25 B 14 B B B 12 B B 17 B B B B B B B 15 B 15 B B B B 15 B B B 25 B B B 25 25 B B B B B 18 19 B B B 13 24 21 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 22 B B B B 14 25 B 20 B B B B B B B B B B B B B ISTB B B B B B B B B 8 B 23 B B B 15 B B B B B IDE B B B B B B B B B B IS B B B B B B B B B 8 7 4 5 6 1 2 3 9 10 IDES IDESIGN(ORDERL 0)), AND INDUSTRY(ORDE R), IGN(ORDERHI) HAVE BEEN GIV EN A VALUE WHERE T HEY EX "B" INDICATES THA T THEY DO NOT EXIST AT THAT LOCATION TOP NUMBER IN EACI H LOCATION IS THE ORDER ASSIGNED BY THE DECISI ON RULE MIDDLE AND BO TTOM NUMBERS INDICATE T HE DESIGNERS' ACCEPTABLE RA NGE OF ASSIGNMENT ORDER 6 COMPARISON OF FIRST INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES WITH INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS ROW 6, COL 1 TO ROW 15, COL 10 APPENDIX PAGE 166 11 14 15 16 17 18 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 2 B B B 12 13 B B B B 2 B B B B 7 B B 3 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 4 B 11 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 5 1 B B B B B 1 B 2 2 B 1 7 7 B B B B 6 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 7 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 8 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 9 B 9 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 10 10 B B B B B B B B B c B B B 14 11 15 16 17 18 I NDU STRY( ORDER), I DESI GN(ORDERLO),AND IDESIG N(ORDERHI) HAVE BEEN GIVEN A VALUE WHERE THEY EXIST "B" I ND I CATES THAT THEY DO NOT EXIST AT THAT LOCATION THEY TOP NUMB ER IN EACH LOCATION IS THE ORDER ASSIGNED BY THE DEC ISION RULE MIDDLE AND BOTTOM NUMBERS INDICATE THE DESIGNERS' ACCEPTABLE RANGE OF ASSIGNMENT ORDER 1 COMPARISON OF FIRST INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES WITH INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS ROW 1, COL 11 TO ROW 10, COL 18 PAGE 167 APPENDIX 1 123456789012345678 1 2 3 _*_ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ,÷o0 . .** . 15 0 . . . * 0 0 • . . 0 1 . . . . 1 . 2 A .+.+. . . . . . 2 2 . . I+.+. . . . 0 0 + . 0+0++ 0 0 0+0 0 + 0 ++ 0 0 0 ÷ . 0 0 0 ,+0 . . . *.*.*0 . *.. +,--, 4 .+0+0 + 0+0+ 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '1' = CENTER(5); '2' = CDESIGN(4) 'A' = 1, 2 '.' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = RIVER(8); '-' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS '*' CHANNEL(12); COMPARISON OF FIRST CENTER PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES (CENTER) WITH CENTER PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS (CDESIGN) PAGE 168 design2 p IF DESIGN SYSTEM CRASHES GIVE THE DEBUG COMMAND: DUMP NAME 12000 3D000 R 0.02/0.02 rd dataguay p R 0.78/0.80 rd execguay p printf execguay p SET_CARRIAGE WIDTH 60 READY OFF MESSAGE OFF RD LBESIDE P RD LGRAVITY P RETURN comment execguay p sets the carriage width to 60 characters, comment turns the ready message off, turns other messages comment off, and reads in two files which are needed in the comment Guayana assignment rules. rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 3,17 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U6 comment this last command assigned urbanization to the land comment according to the decision rules developed in comment Chapter II. comment to complete the algorithm of Chapter II it is comment necessary to go through the whole series of comment assignments: 3u, 3i, Ic, 3u and 3i - 4 times. rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,11 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,12 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U6 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,4 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,5 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,6 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 PAGE 169 rd assignc p "CENTER" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,9 DECISION PATH WAS Cl C2 C6 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 4,17 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 5,16 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 6,17 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 6,7 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,7 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,2 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 comment now starts the second time through the series. rd assignu p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,17 "URBANIZATION" DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,17 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 5,17 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,2 "INDUSTRY" 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,1 12 13 16 110 DECISION PATH WAS 11 PAGE 170 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 4,15 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 Ill rd assignc p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,9 "CENTER" DECISION PATH WAS Cl C2 C3 CS rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,17 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,16 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,17 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 2,17 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 Ill rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 2,18 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 13 16 110 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,8 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,18 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 comment that was the first of the tiird series. rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 6,18 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,18 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,8 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 PAGE 171 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,9 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,8 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assignc p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,9 "CENTER" DECISION PATH WAS Cl C2 C3 C5 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 5,18 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,18 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,18 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U4 U7 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,8 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 8,7 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,7 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 5,13 DECISION PATH WAS U1 U2 U3 U5 U8 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 6,14 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U5 U8 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 9,11 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U5 U8 PAGE 172 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,7 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,7 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,6 "INDUSTRY" DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assignc p "CENTER" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 7,8 DECISION PATH WAS Cl C2 C3 C5 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 6,9 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U5 U8 rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,11 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U5 US rd assignu p "URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 6,8 DECISION PATH WAS Ul U2 U3 U5 U8 rd assignu#i p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 11,6 DECISION PATH WAS 11 12 14 17 112 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 10,5 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 rd assigni p "INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT 12,6 12 14 17 112 DECISION PATH WAS 11 comment that completes the series. store d4guay p PAGE comment to exhibit some of the bookkeeping, and to find comment out where to look for the information which has comment been kept, "list" and "show" commands follow. list center CHARVAR CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON CHARCON 1 OF CENTER IS CALLED ORDER 1 OF CENTER IS CALLED C1 2 OF CENTER IS CALLED C2 3 OF CENTER IS CALLED C3 4 OF CENTER IS CALLED C4 5 OF CENTER IS CALLED C5 6 OF CENTER IS CALLED C6 7 OF CENTER IS CALLED C7 8 OF CENTER IS CALLED D8 9 OF CENTER IS CALLED D9 10 OF CENTER IS CALLED D10 11 OF CENTER IS CALLED D11 12 OF CENTER IS CALLED C1234 13 OF CENTER IS CALLED C1235 14 OF CENTER IS CALLED C126 15 OF CENTER IS CALLED C17 for i= 12. step 1. until 15. show center(i) CENTER(C1234) = 0. CENTER(C1235) = 3. CENTER(C126) = 1. CENTER(C17) = 0. for i= 23. step 1. until 30. show industry(i) INDUSTRY(112358) = 0. INDUSTRY(112359) = 0. INDUSTRY(1123610) = 9. INDUSTRY(1123611) = 2. INDUSTRY(I124712) = 13. INDUSTRY(1124713) = 0. INDUSTRY(112414) = 0. INDUSTRY(1114) = 0. for i=17. step 1. until 22. show urbanization (i) URBANION(U12346) = 2. URBANION(U12347) = 16. URBANION(U12358) = 6. URBANION(U12359) = 0. URBANION(U1210) = 0. URBANION(U110) = 0. 173 PAGE 174 APPENDIX 1 0 1 23 4 5678 123456789 1 S*o +.*.*. 1 1 +0.**. +.*.+. 2 1 2 . *.+.+.+.+. 2+. 1 1 . 1 2 3 4 5 . 2 2 1. 1 . 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 *.*.*. 2 1 1 1 .+.+. 1 . . 1 1 6 7 *. . 2 2 C 3 . I 1 .+.+. . 1 1 7 8 9 10 2 . 2 2 3 . 1 .+.+. 1 . 1 1 2 2 . . 2 2 C . 1 1+.+. . . 1 1 *.*.*. *.*. *. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .. 1+.+. 11 12 .+. 2 2 . . . 2 2 ... 2 .+.+.+.+. ..... 13 . . . . . +.+.+. 14 +. 0 . . . . . 15 . . . 1 0. . 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 +. 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - INDUSTRY(7); '3' = CENTER(5) 'C' = 2, 3 '1' = URBANION(6); = '2' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' CHANNEL(12); ' = RIVER(8); '-' = NO REF ATTS SECOND PATTERN FOR CIUDAD GUAYANA GENERATED BY DECISION RULES SHOWING URBANIZATION, INDUSTRY AND CENTER = PAGE 175 APPEND I X 1 123456789012345678 1 2 . *. +.*.*. A +.*.+. . A 2 .+. A A 2 *.+.+.+.+. . 1 1 A .+.+. A . •.*.*. A A .+.++. . 2 2 *. . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 . . **. . .. 2 2 . 1 .+.+. . A A 2 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 A . 1 1 . A A+.+. . . 1 1 • .* . . 0 . . . . . . 222 . A+.+. .. 1 111 * .. . . . 22 2 . 2 2+. . 0 . . . . 2 2 2+.+.+.+. . . . . . .+. .* . . . . +. 14 15 123456789012345678 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS UDESIGN(3) 'A' = 1, 2 - '1' = URBANION(6); '2' = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' '*' CHANNEL(12); = RIVER(8); '-' ' = NO REF ATTS COMPARISON OF SECOND URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES (URBANIZATION) WITH URBANIZATION PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS (UDESIGN) = APPEND I X PAGE 176 1 123 4567890123 45678 .*. .Al +.1** * 0o . A +.*0+ . *A 1 0 1 . .2 .. *.+.+.+.+. A+ . . . 2 . . . *.*.*. A 2 2 . .+.+. . . . *. A A 1 . . . . +.+. .+.+ . .. .. .. *.*.*. A 2 A 1 .0 . *.*. A A . 2 A 1 1 . . .+.+.. .+.+. A 1 1 . *. A A A 1A 2 2 2 1 1 . . . .. . 2 2 2 2 . 1 .+.+.+.*+. . . 13 .. +.+.+. 14 . . . . . .+. 15 . . . . . +. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - IDESIGN(2) 'A' = 1, 2 '.' '1' = INDUSTRY(7); '2' = NON EMPTY LAND = RIVER(8); '-' = REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' CHANNEL(12); '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS COMPARISON OF SECOND INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES (INDUSTRY) WITH INDUSTRY PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS (IDESIGN) = PAGE 177 APPENDIX 1 123456789012345678 1 .*. 2 3 +.*.*. . . . . . . +.*.* 4 +.*.+. . .+ . *.+.+.+.+. 5 6 *.*.* . . * . 7 . +.+ . 1 .. . . . . . . . . . . ..... +. . *.*.*.* . . . 1 2 2 .+.+ . . . . .a.*. . . . . 2 A . . .+.+. . . . . 8 9 10 . * .. . 0 . 0 .0 0 0. .0 . 0 . . . +.+.+.+. 13 . . . . . +.+.+. 14 . 15 . . . . . . . . +.+ .+. 12 . . 0 . . . . 0 11 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 . 13 14 0+. .+. 15 123456789012345678 1 LEGEND: PRIMARY ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - CDESIGN(4) 'A' = 1, 2 '.' '1' = CENTER(5); '2' = = NON EMPTY LAND REFERENCE ATTRIBUTE ASSIGNMENTS - - '+' = RIVER(8); '-' CHANNEL(12); '*' = CHANNEL & RIVER; ' ' = NO REF ATTS COMPARISON OF SECOND CENTER PATTERN GENERATED BY DECISION RULES (CENTER) WITH CENTER PATTERN GENERATED BY DESIGNERS (ICENTER) = APPEND IX PAGE 178 DECISION RULE FOR URBANIZATION SUBSTITUTION ON FOR I= 1. STEP 1. UNTIL 10. URBANIZATION(1) = 0. COMMENT THIS SETS THE CHARCONS WHICH KEEP TRACK OF COMMENT THE DECISION PATH TO 0. INITIALLY TLISTO *=* CENTER .OR. URBANIZATION .OR. INDUSTRY EX GRAVITY (TLISTO X Y) COMMENT LOC X,Y IS THE CENTER OF GRAVITY OF ALL ACTIVITIES URBANIZATION(U1) = 1. COMMENT URBANIZATION(U1) IS ONE OF THE CHARCONS KEEPING COMMENT TRACK OF THE DECISION PATH TLIST1 *=* SLOPE05 .OR. SLOPE615 .ANDN. TLISTO COMMENT TLIST1 IS THE DEVELOPMENT ZONE FOR URBANIZATION COMMENT FORMED AT THE FIRST NODE ON THE DECISION TREE COMMENT DECISION TREE 0. GOTO UR3 IF TLIST1 .EQL. COMMENT IF IT DOESN'T EXIST THEN THE PROGRAM BRANCHES TO UR3$ EX BESIDE (URBANIZATION) COMMENT THIS PRODUCES A LIST NAMED "BESIDE" WHICH CONTAINS COMMENT ALL THE LOCATIONS NEXT TO "URBANIZATION" TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 .AND. URBANIZATION(U2) = 1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. GOTO UR3 TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 .AND. URBANIZATION(U3) = 1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. EX BESIDE(RIVER) BESIDE SLOPE05 GOTO UR5 TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 .AND. URBANIZATION(U4) = 1. BESIDE URBANI ZATION(U7)=1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. GOTO UR8 URBANIZATION(U7) = 0. URBANIZATION(U6) = 1. TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 GOTO UR8 UR5$ CONTINUE EX BESIDE(RIVER) TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 .AND. BESIDE URBANIZATION(US) = 1. URBANIZATION(U9) = 1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. GOTO UR8 URBANIZATION(U9) = 0. TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 URBANIZATION(U8) = 1. UR3$ CONTINUE APPENDIX PAGE 179 NEAREST TLIST1 X,Y BESTI, BESTJ MINDIST PUT URBANIZATION BESTI, BESTJ EXPAND +**"URBANIZATION" HAS BEEN PLACED AT $3BESTI,$3BESTJ/+ ORDERU = ORDERU + 1. URBANIZATION(ORDER BESTI,BESTJ) = ORDERU UR12$ CONTINUE EXPAND +DECISION PATH WAS U1 + T = 1. THROUGH UR10 FOR 1=2. STEP 1. UNTIL 10. IF URBANIZATION(I) .EQL. 0. GOTO UR10 EXPAND + U$31 + IF I .GEQ. 10. A = 100. IF I .LES. 10. A = 10. T = T*10. + 1 UR10$ CONTINUE EXPAND +//+ THROUGH UR11 FOR I=11. STEP 1. UNTIL 17. J = 1 + 6. IF T-URBANIZATION(I) .EQL. 0. URBANIZATION(J) = URBANIZATION(J) + 1. UR11$ SUBSTITUTION OFF READ CONSOLE UR3$ URBANIZATION(U10) = 1. EXPAND +NO LAND SUITABLE FOR "URBANIZATION" + EXPAND +WAS FOUND/+ GOTO UR12 DECISION RULE FOR URBANIZATION APPEND I X PAGE 180 DECISION RULE FOR INDUSTRY SUBSTITUTION ON FOR I= 1. STEP 1. UNTIL 14. INDUSTRY( I)=0. TLISTO*=*CENTER.OR. INDUSTRY.OR.URBANIZATION EX GRAVITY (TLISTO X Y) I NDUSTRY(1) =1. TLIST1*=*SLOPE05 .OR. SLOPE615 .ANDN. TLISTO IF TLIST1 .EQL. 0. GOTO IQ3 EX BESIDE (CHANNEL) TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 .AND. BESIDE INDUSTRY(2)=1. IF TLIST2.EQL. 0. GOTO IQ4 TLIST1 *=*TLIST2 TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 INDUSTRY(3) = 1. .AND. SLOPE05 0. GOTO IQ6 IF TLIST2 .EQL. EX BESIDE(INDUSTRY) TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 TLIST2 *=*TLIST1 .AND. BESIDE INDUSTRY(5)=1. INDUSTRY(9)=1. 0. GOTO 1Q8 IF TLIST2 .EQL. INDUSTRY(9)=0. TLIST1*=*TLIST2 INDUSTRY(8)=1. GOTO IQ8 IQ6$ INDUSTRY(6)=1. EX BESIDE(INDUSTRY) TLIST2*=*TLIST1 .AND. BESIDE I NDUSTRY(11)=1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. GOTO 1Q8 INDUSTRY(11) = 0. TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 INDUSTRY(10) = 1. GOTO IQ8 IQ4$ INDUSTRY(4)=1. EX BESIDE( INDUSTRY) TLIST2*=*T LIST1 .AND. BESIDE IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. GOTO IQ3 TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 .AND. SLOPE05 I NDUS.TRY(7 )=1. INDUSTRY(1 3)=1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. GOTO IQ8 INDUSTRY(1 3)=0. INDUSTRY(12)=1. TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 APPENDIX PAGE 181 IQs$ CONTINUE NEAREST TLIST1 TO X,Y BESTI,BESTJ MINDIST PUT INDUSTRY BESTI, BESTJ EXPAND +**"INDUSTRY" HAS BEEN PLACED AT $ ORDERI = ORDERI S3BESTI,$3BESTJ/+ + 1. INDUSTRY(ORDER BESTI,BESTJ) = ORDERI IQ12$ CONTINUE EXPAND +DECISION PATH WAS 11 + T=1. THROUGH 1Q10 FOR 1=2. 1. 14. IF INDUSTRY(I) .EQL. 0. GOTO 1Q10 EXPAND + 1$31 + IF I .GEQ. 10. A = 100. IF I.LES. 10. A = 10. T = T*A + I IQ10$ CONTINUE EXPAND +//+ THROUGH IQ11 FOR 1=15. 1 • 22. J = I + 38 INDUSTRY(J) = INDUSTRY(J) IQ11$ SUBSTITUTION OFF READ_CONSOLE IQ3$ INDUSTRY(14)=1. EXPAND +NO LAND SUITABLE FOR "INDUSTRY" EXPAND +WAS FOUND/+ GOTO 1Q12 1 F I T- I ) . EQL. NDUSTRY( DECISION RULE FOR INDUSTRY + 1. APPENDIX PAGE 182 SUBSTITUTION ON FOR 1= 1. STEP 1. UNTIL 7. CENTER(1) TLISTO *=* CENTER .OR. = 0. URBANIZATION .OR. INDUSTRY EX GRAVITY (TLISTO X Y) TLIST1 *=* SLOPE05 .AND..NOT. RIVER .AND..NOT. CENTER CENTER(C1) = 1. IF TLIST1 .EQL. 0. GOTO CE3 EX BESIDE (CENTER) UNACCEPTABLE .AND..NOT. TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 .AND. BESIDE CENTER(C2) = 1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. GOTO CE7 EX BESIDE (URBANIZATION) TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 TLIST2 *=* TLIST1 CENTER(C3) = 1. IF TLIST2 .EQL. 0. .AND. BESIDE GOTO CE6 TLIST1 *=* TLIST2 CENTER(C4) = 1. CE7$ CENTER(C6) = 1. GOTO CE4 CE6$ CENTER(CS) = 1. CE4$ CONTINUE NEAREST TLIST1 X,Y BESTI,BESTJ MINDIST PUT CENTER BESTI, BESTJ EXPAND +**"CENTER" HAS BEEN PLACED AT $3BESTI,$3BESTJ/+ ORDERC = ORDERC + 1. CENTER(ORDER BESTI, BESTJ) = ORDERC EXPAND +DECISION PATH WAS Cl + T=1. THROUGH CE5 FOR 1=2. STEP 1. UNTIL 6. IF CENTER(I) .EQL. 0. GOTO CE5 EXPAND + C$31 T=T*10. + I + CE5$ CONTINUE EXPAND +//+ THROUGH CE8 FOR 1= 8. STEP 1. UNTIL 11. J = I + 4. IF T- CENTER(1) .EQL. 0. CENTER(J) = CENTER(J) + 1. CE8$ SUBSTITUTION OFF READ_CONSOLE CE3$ CONTINUE EXPAND +NO LAND SUITABLE FOR "CENTER" WAS FOUND/+ EXPAND +DECISION PATH WAS C1 C7/+ CENTER(C17) = CENTER(C17) + 1. SUBSTITUTION OFF READ_CONSOLE DECISION RULE FOR CENTER APPENDIXX PAGE 183 CIUDAD GUAYANA DATA SETUP 1 15 1 13 60 60 DEFINE IDES IGN WITH 2 CHARVARS: ORDERLO ORDER H I, DEFINE UDES IGN WITH 2 CHARVARS: ORDERLO ORDER HI* DEFINE CDES IGN WITH 2 CHARVARS: ORDERLO ORDER HI* PUT IDESIGN 2,17(2. 7.) 4,13(1. 1.) 5,11(1. 1 5,16(2. 7.) 5,17(2. 7.) 6,7(8. 14.) 6,8(15. 25.) 6,9(8 . 14.)' 7,6(8. 14.) 7, 7(15. 25.) 8,5(8. 14.) 8,6(15. 25.) 8,7( 2. 7.)' 9,3(1. 1.) 9,4 (8. 14.) 9,6(2. 7.) 9,7(15. 25. ) 10,2(15 . 25,)' 10,3(1. 1.) 10 ,4(1. 1.) 10,5(2. 7.) 10,6(15. 25.) ' 11,2(15. 25 .) 11,3(8. 14.) 11,4(8. 14.) 11,5( 15. 25.) 12,1(15. 25 12,2(15. 25.) 12,3(15. 25.) 12, 4(15. 25. PUT UDESIGN 3, 15(1. 1.) 3,16(1. 1.) 3,17(6. 1 1.) ' 4,14(1. 1.) 4, 15(2. 5.) 4,16(2. 5.) ' 5,13(12. 14 .) 5,14(1. 1.) 5,15(6. 11.) ' 6,10(1. 1.) 6, 14(6. 11.) 7,8(15. 25.) 7,9(12. 14. ) 2 7,11(1. 1.) 7,12(1. 1.) 8,8(15. 25.) 8,9(12. 14.) 8,15(1. 1.)' 9,11(2. 5.) 9, 12(2. 5.) 10,7(15. 25.) 10,8(6. 11. 10,9(6. 11. )10,11(5, 10) 11,6(15. 25.) 11,7( 15. 25.)' 11,8(15. 25 .) 11,10(15. 25.) 11,11(15. 25.) 12,5(15. 25 .) 12,6(15. 25.) 12,7(15. 25.) PUT CDESIGN 8, 11(2. 2.) 8,10(4. 4.) 7,8(5. 5.) 7,9(3. 3.) DEFINE CENTER WITH 1 CHARVAR: ORDER * AND WITH 15' CHARCONS: Cl = 0. C2 = 0. C3=0. C4=0. C5=0. C6=0. C7=0. D8=1234. D9=1235. D10=126. D11=17. C1234=0. C1235 = 0. C126=0. C17=0. DEFINE URBANIZATION WITH 1 CHARVAR:ORDER * AND WITH 22 CHARCONS: Ul=0. U2=0. U3=0. U4=0. U5=0. U6=0. ' U7=0. U8=0. U9=0. U10=0. U11=12346. U12=12347.' U13=12358. U14=12359. U15=1210. U16=110. ' U12346=0. U12347=0. U12358=0. U12359=0. U1210=0. U110=0. DEFINE INDUSTRY WITH 1 CHARVAR: ORDER * AND WITH ' 30 CHARCONS:11=0. 12=0. 13=0. 14=0. 15=0. 16=0. 17=0. 18=0. 19=0. 110=0. 111=0. 112=0. 113=0. 114=0. ' D15=12358. D16=12359. D17=123610. D18=123611. D19=124712. D20=124713. D21=12414. D22=114. 112358=0. 112359=0. 1123610=0. 1123611=0. 1124712=0. 1124713=0. 112414=0. 1114=0. RIVER *=* NULL SLOPE05 *=* NULL SLOPE615 *=* NULL UNACCEPTABLE *=* NULL CHANNEL *=* NULL ORDERC = 1. ORDERU=I. ORDERI=1. APPENDIX PAGE 184 PUT INDUSTRY 4,13 5,11 9,3 10,3 10,4 PUT URBANIZATION 3,15 3,16 4,14 5,14 6,10 7,11 7,12 8,15 PUT RIVER 1,17 2,15 2,16 2,14 3,12 3,13 3,14 4,10 4,11 4,12 5,12 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,12 6,13 7,4 7,14 7,15 8,2 8,3 8,4 8,13 ' 8,14 9,1 9,2 9,13 9,14 10,1 10,12 10,13 11,12 12, 8 12,9 ' 12,10 12,11 13,7 13,8 13,9 14,7 15,7 5,6 5,7 5,8 5,9 5,10 PUT SLOPE05 3,17 4,14 4,17 5,16 5,17 5,18 6,1 7 6, 18 7,8 7,9 7,17 7,18 8,7 8,8 8,9 8,11 8,17 8,18 9,7 9,8 9,9 9,12 9,17 ' 9,18 10,3 10,5 10,6 10,7 10,8 10,16 10,17 10, 18 ' 11,5 11,6 11,7 12,1 12,2 12,3 12,4 12,5 12,6 13,1 13,2 13,3 ' 13,4 13,5 14,1 14,2 14,3 14,4 14,5 15,1 15,2 15,3 15,4 PUT SLOPE615 2,17 2,18 3,16 3,18 4,15 4,16 4, 18 5,11 5,13 5,14 5,15 6,7 6,8 6,9 6,10 6,14 6,15 7,6 7,7 7,11 7,12 8,5 8,6' 8,15 8,16 9,3 9,4 9,6 9,11 9,15 9,16 10,2 10, 4 10,9 10,11 ' 11,1 11,2 11,3 11,4 11,8 11,10 11,11 12,7 13, 6 14,6 15,5 15,6 PUT UNACCEPTABLE 1,18 4,13 6,11 6,16 7,5 7,10 7,13 7,16 ' 8,10 8,12 9,5 9,10 10,10 10,14 10,15 11,9 11, 13 12,12 13,10 PUT CHANNEL 1,17 2,15 2,16 3,13 3,14 4,11 6,4 6,6 6,5 7,4 8,2' 8,3 8,4 9,1 9,2 10,1 5,6 GRIDSIZE = 1. N = 1. P = 15. Q = 1. R = 18. BESTI = 0. BESTJ = 0. MINDIST = 0. A = 0. READCONSOLE DATA FILE FOR CIUDAD GUAYANA, 1961 INCLUDING THE DESIGNERS' DESIGN ' PAGE 185 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE William Lyman Porter was born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. on February 19, 1934. Prior to entering the doctoral program he attended Yale University where he majored in Architecture. He received a B.A. degree in 1955 and a B. Arch. in 1957. In 1958 he was drafted into the U.S. Army where he served as a draftsman-designer. Upon his release from active duty he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army reserve. He was honorably discharged in 1964. From 1960 to 1962 he worked for Louis I. Kahn, Architect in Philadelphia. It was there that his interest in the analysis of design and of the creative process was nurtured. He became registered to practice architecture in Pennsylvania in 1961. From 1962 to 1964 he worked as an urban designer on the fast-growing industrial city of Ciudad Guayana in the southeastern part of Venezuela. In 1964 he entered the doctoral program in M.I.T.'s Department of City and Regional Planning. He received a Mellon Fellowship from M.I.T. in 1964 and a Stouffer Fellowship from the Joint Center for Urban Studies of Haraard and M.I.T. in 1966. He has been an Instructor in Civic Design at the University of Pennsylvania in 1961, and in City Planning at M.I.T. in 1966. He is presently Assistant Professor of Urban Design in the Departments of Architecture and Urban Studies and Planning. Mr. Porter has written for publication "Changing Perspectives on Residential Area Design," in Regional Planning for Developemnnt by L. Rodwin and Associates (M.I.T. Press, 1969). and, with K.J. Lloyd and Aaron Fleisher, "DISCOURSE: The Development of a Language and System for Computer Assisted City Design" in the Proceedings of the Design Methods Group Conference, Spring 1968, (forthcoming). Mr. Porter is a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the Boston Society of Architects. He is married and has three children. PAGE 186 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER I: FOOTNOTES (1.01) The team which has developed DISCOURSE has included: Katherine J. Lloyd and Wren McMains as overall systems programmers; Corrie Menger, Stanley Hoderowski, and Chris Reedy programming various aspects of the system; Michael O'Hare, David Sandahl as users of the system contributing to its development by placing specific demands upon it; and Aaron Fleisher for overall direction and coordination. The project has enjoyed the support of IBM, The Urban Systems Laboratory and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. (1.02) "It is a profoundly erroneous truism, repeated by all copy-books and by eminent people when they are making speeches, that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in a battle--they are strictly limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments." Alfred North Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1958), pp. 41-42. (1.03) There is a wide range in the literature of what is meant by "city, "civic" or "urban" design and "physical" city planning. Locating the point of view represented here in that range is not crucial for the developemnt of the DISCOURSE language. The discussion of city design is intended to help the reader to imagine some of the implied or understated examples throughout the rest of the thesis. (1.04) Kevin A. Lynch, "Quality in City Design," Who Designs America, Laurence B. Holland, editor (Princeton Studies in American Civilization, No. 6, New York: Anchor Books, 1966). (1.05) Ibid., p. 142. (1.06) For a discussion fo the not-so-easily measured see, for example, Susanne K. Langer, "The Social Influence of Design," Who Designs America, op. cit. and Kevin A. Lynch, "City Design and City Appearance," Principles International City and Practices of Urban Planning (Washington, D.C.: Managers' Association, 1968), pp. 249-271. (1.07) A great deal has been created at the time of problem formulation or recognition. A restricted number of variables has been identified, major points of conflict noted, and a hint of the nature of the solution because of the kinds of conflict to which the designer's attention has been drawn. See also Mackworth in his discussion of "problem finding" versus "problem solving." He regards the former as the activity demanding much greater originality. N.H. Mackworth, "Originality," American Psychologist, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1964, pages 51-66. FOOTNOTES PAGE 187 CHAPTER I: FOOTNOTES (1.08) Let me stress here and elsewhere that the aspects of the design process which I have addressed are those concerned with the designer's communication with himself and his thinking through of the design issues independently during the time he is generating design ideas; not all the activities of the designer during that process. (1.09) Lynch speaks of several of these in his "Quality in City Design," op. cit., pp. 141-152. (1.10) Although the sequence of technical studies associated with the physical planning and design of cities may be continuous, that is, goals constantly being formulated and revised, new information gathering activities being initiated and so forth, with respect to any particular design product there will probably have been the kinds of changes over the duration of generating it which are spoken of in the text. For a description of the sequence of technical studies see: F. Stuart Chapin, Land Use Planning (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965), pp. 457 ff. (1.11) This is probably especially true for problems which are complex and ill-defined. For surveys of such sequences of activities see for example: Graham Wallas, The Art of Thought (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1926). J. Hadamard, The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field,(Dover publications Inc., 1954). And for suggested strategies to improve problem solving see: George Polya, How to Solve It (New York: Doubleday, 1957). Newell, Shaw, and Simon,"The Processes of Creative Thinking," Contemporary Approaches to Creative Thinking, Gruber et al, editors (New York: Atherton Press, 1964), pp. 63-119. (1.12) A fascinating discussion of the designer, the design and the representation of the design as well as ways in which the representation is helpful to the designer occurs in: Gordon Pask, "The Conception of a Shape and the Evolution of a Design," Conference on Design Methods, J.C. Jones and D. Thornley, editors (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963), pp. 153-168. (1.13) Manuals are generally available which describe general purpose languages for scientific and commercial application. (eg. FORTRAN, COBOL) (1.14) The DISCOURSE interpreter permits a wide variety of new instructions to be written by the user. These are called "RCOM files" in this thesis and there are many examples in Chapters IV and V and in the Appendix. Where shorter execution times are demanded, any RCOM file can be written in AED and called as a basic command of the DISCOURSE language. PAGE 188 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER I: FOOTNOTES (1.15) ICES System: General Description, Daniel Roos, editor (Cambridge: Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institure of Technology, 1967) (1.16) D.T. Ross, AED-O Programming Manual--Preliminary Releases Nos. 1-4 (Cambridge: Electronic Systems Laboratory, 1964). 1 spent over two years as part of a team working on the plan(1.17) ning and design of Ciudad Guayana. For further information about the project see: Lloyd Rodwin and Associates, Planning Urban Growth and Regional Development: The Experience of the Guayana Program of Venezuela (Cambridge: The Joint Center for Urban Studies, The MIT Press, 1969). (1.18) Minsky's discussion deals with both the notions of algorithms and functional equivalence which are the intuitive basis of the analysis in Chapter II. Marvin Minsky, Computation Finite and Infinite Machines (Englewood-Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation, George Forsythe, editor, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1967), pp. 132-137. (1.19) For the idea to represent DISCOURSE as a range rather than a point on this continuum I owe my thanks to my colleague in the Department of Architecture, Professor Leon Groisser. For an explanation of TRANSET, see: Earl R. Ruiter, ICES TRANSET I Transportation Network Analysis Engineering Users' Manual (Cambridge: Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968). CHAPTER II: FOOTNOTES (2.01) This work began as a seminar in city design led by Professor Aaron Fleisher in which were John Boorn, Christine Boyer, and Hans Bleiker. There was agreement neither on the analysis nor the direction of research; the interpretation of the work may, therefore, not be shared. (2.02) The GPS (General Problem Solver) did reproduce the subject's protocol with memarkable fidelity. Newell and Simon, "GPS, A Program that Simulates Human Thought: Computers and Thought, E.Feigenbaum and J. Feldman, editors (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1963), pp. 279-293. (2.03) See FOOTNOTE (1.18). (2.04) Please refer to the APPENDIX for some of the documentation of this experiment. See also FOOTNOTE (1.17). (2.05) L. Rodwin, Op. cit., pp. 1-39. PAGE 189 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER II: FOOTNOTES (2.06) A great deal has been decided here: "land suitable for industry" is only a small leap forward from "SLOPE615" toward making the description of the environment equal the specification of the design. For experiments of wider applicability it would probably be better to pick environmental descriptions with less commitment. (2.07) The problem of determining how well the generated design "fits" the designers' pattern is difficult to solve with a rule. A square by square comparison of the generated pattern gives a value no different for values computed from very unsuccessful patterns. Examining clusters of squares may yield values which are different from those compiled from outlandish patterns. These issues seem to be similar to many discussed under the name "Pattern Recognition" where the success of the human pattern recognizer seems to have much to do with the context he is able to provide which helps him to recognize the particular object he is looking at. O.G. Selfridge and U. Neisser, "Pattern Recognition by Machine" Computers and Thought op. cit., pp. 237-250. (2.08) Putnam introduces the notion of "law cluster" in which the status of a law is provisional and depends for its importance upon its degree of connectedness to other laws and upon the meaning of that to which it refers. A new discovery, therefore, affects both laws and the objects of meaning. H.P. Putnam, "The Analytic and the Synthetic," Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Feigl and Maxwell, editors (Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1962), Vol. I I. (2.09) A particularly creative solution could be defined as one which has a high degree of both novelty and and usefulness because of the types of elements and relationships among them both in the solution and the implied problem formulation. No solution can be tested on either criterion without reference to considerations external to the created solution itself. The novelty of a solution may be a product of the surprise elicited by previously remote elements being brought into a new combination. The combination may be achieved because the elements play complementary roles in performing some task; because they are similar in some respect to each other; or because they are joined by some third element which is common to both in either one of the two previous respects. The sense of surprise is often justified by the observers' knowledge that effort in the area of the new solution had consistently met with failure or that the solution represents the filling of a gap in previous knowledge. Mednick notes that although the creative person may have a relatively higher number of associations in all, the non-creative person may be able to produce more associations at first; this might be ascribed to the to the high strength of the bonds between elements which the non creative person has and which prevent him from moving beyond to less strong or more remote associations. Mednick also found a good correlation between high scores on a remote association test and independent ratings of creativity of the same students by their professors. PAGE 190 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER II: FOOTNOTES S.A. Mednick, "The Associative Basis of the Creative Process" Psychological Review. 1962, Vol. 69, No. 3. The usefulness of a solution may be judged in part by the acceptance which it is rendered by people to whose advantage it ought to be to accept it. The criteria used by officials granting patents run very much along these lines. The same sorts of problems face administrators when trying to judge relative merits of productive scientists. J.H. Mc Pherson, "A Proposal for Establishing Ultimate Criteria Its Recognition for Measuring Creative Output," Scientific Creativity: and Development, Taylor and Barron, Eds. (Wiley and Sons Inc. 1963). (2.10) Some rules, at least for land planning, which would seem to be at about the right level of specificity can be found in: F. Stuart Chapin, "Location Requirements" and "Space Requirements", Urban Land Use Planning op. cit., pp. 370-456. (2.11) Design of the highway from the observer's point of view yields horizontal profiles for which the reasons may not be obvious in plan view. See: C. Tunnard and B. Pushkarev, "The Paved Ribbon: The Esthetic of Freeway Design," Man-Made America: Chaos or Control? (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963), pp. 157-206. D. Appleyard, K. Lynch and J. Myer, The View from the Road, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1964). (2.12) G. Pask, op. cit. (2.13) Polya suggests"working backwards" as one of the strategies for improving the chances of problem solving. G. Polya, op. cit. pp. 225-232. (2.14) Bartlett's discussion of "artistic thinking" is illuminating in this regard. See also his discussion of "interpolation" (with reference to "working backwards") where the subject has both beginning and end points to work with. F.C. Bartlett, Thinking: An Experimental and Social Study (New York: Basic Books, 1958). CHAPTER III: FOOTNOTES (3.01) See FOOTNOTE (1.18). (3.02) A.N. Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics, op. cit., p. 186. "The notion of Law, that is to say, of some measure of regularity or of persistence or of recurrence, is an essential element in the urge towards technology, methodology, scholarship, and speculation." PAGE 191 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER III: FOOTNOTES A.N. Whitehead, Adventures of Ideas (New York: The MacMillan 1952), p. 139. Also, see: A.N. Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics,op. cit., pp.]07-1 2 0 for a discussion of functions. Company, (3.03) G. Hodge, "Use and Mis-Use of Measurement Scales in City Planning," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, pp. 112-121. ment. (3.04) See: Many communities have their own rules concerning land developF.S. Chapin, op. cit., p. 311. Principles and Practice of Urban Planning, op. cit., p. 126. (3.05) F.S. Chapin, op. cit., pp. 383-456. (3.06) J. Herbert and B. Stevens, "A Model for the Distribution of Residential Activity in Urban Areas," Journal of Regional Science, Vol.2, No. 2, 1960. (3.07) J. Ruesch and W. Kees, Nonverbal Communication: Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1956), pp. 89-148. Books, (3.08) Susanne K. Langer, Philosophy in a New Key (New York: Mentor The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., 1952), p. 228. (3.09) These categories reflect a taxonomy developed by Donald Appleyard which are partly evident in: Donald Appleyard, "City Designers and the Pluralistic City," L. Rodwin and Associates, op. cit., pp. 422-452. , "An Environmental Improvement Program for Metropolitan Boston," (Cambridge: Joint Center for Urban Studies, 1966). and R. Okamoto, "Environmental Criteria for Ideal Transportation Systems," (Chicago: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., 1968) (Mimeographed). (3.10) cussed in: Filling the gaps and creating the gaps to be filled is disF.C. Bartlett, op. cit. (3.11) Harvard's Sixth Urban Design Conference, "Designing Inter-City Growth," Progressive Architecture (August, 1962). (3.12) F. Maki and J. Goldberg, "Some Thoughts on Collective Form," (St. Louis: Washington University, 1962) (mimeographed). (3.13) H. Blumenfeld, "The Urban Pattern," The Annals (March, 1964). FOOTNOTES CHAPTER I II: PAGE 192 FOOTNOTES K. Lynch, "The Pattern of the Metropolis," The Future Metropolis, L. Rodwin, editor (New York: George Braziller, 1961), pp. 103-128. (3.14) Rusch makes an interesting analysis of Picasso's series of "Bulls" in which are identified two kinds of changes from drawing to drawing: movement toward the final sketch, the larger changes; and movement toward good form. Charles W. Rusch,"The Psychological Basis for an Incremental Approach to Architecture"(unpublished Master's thesis, The University of California, Berkeley, 1966). (3.15) See for example, L. Alloway, "City Notes," Architectural Design, (December, 1961). A. Rockman, "The City as an Information Processing Machine," Habitat, Vol. X, No. I (January/February, 1967), pp. 44-47. For a condensed review of techniques for empirical research see: K.H. Craik, "The Comprehension of the Everyday Environment," J.A.I.P., Volume XXXIV, No. 1, January 1968; for adjectival scales see: C.E. Osgood, G.J. Suci, and P.H. Tannebaum, The Measurement of Meaning (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1957). (3.16) See the discussion of "frames of reference" in: J.P. Guilford," Frames of Reference for Creative Behavior in Its Educational Implications (New York: John the Arts," Creativity: Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1967), pp. 189-203. Some designers seem to work from simple geometric ideas to distortions of these ideas to accommodate the particularities of the site and the program. I carried out several such studies under the direction of Louis I. Kahn, Architect of Philadelphia. (3.17) (3.18) The opportunity area as perceived is constrained by a number of factors such as time pressure, and information available; these and more are discussed in: J.G. March and H.A. Simon, Organization (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1963) pp. 150-161. (3.19) J. Boorn, "A Choice System for Environmental Design and Development" (unpublished PhD. thesis, Department of Urban Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969). (3.20) March and Simon discuss "aspiration levels" as being closely related to "criteria of satisfaction"; they propose that " the aspiration level tends to adjust to the level of achievement." March and Simon, op. cit., p. 182. If so, this is a strike against the normatively minded for it suggests that the designer will tend to adjust goals or the fit between goals and performance before he adjusts his performance. PAGE FOOTNOTES 193 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER I I: (3.21) Joachim F. Wohlwill, "The Physical Environment: A Problem for a Psychology of Stimulation," The Journal of Social Issues, Vol. XXII, No. 4 (1966), pp. 29-38. CHAPTER IV: FOOTNOTES There is an excellent introductory survey of data organization (4.01) in: Surveys, Vol. G.G. Dodd, "Elements of Data Management Systems," Computing I, No. 2, June 1969, pp. 117-133. (4.02) In the present version of DISCOURSE there is a core-resident array in which one bit position is assigned to each ATTRIBUTE at a LOCATION (to each ATTXLOC). If the ATTXLOC is there or not there it can be found out very rapidly by searching that array. Thus all logical operations can be performed very rapidly without having to read in the data which are stored on the disk. The pointer structure is reserved for the CHARVARS, the numerical information which is LOCATION specific and which may be changing in its demands upon computer storage. Pointers also serve to gain access to the various parts of the data from the two basic dictionaries of ATTRIBUTES and LOCATIONS. (4.03) For a precise definition of the use of the features of the language and for further illustration of the use of the language see: DISCOURSE Notation Manual I (Cambridge: Department of Urban Studies and Planning, M.I.T., March, 1969) (Mimeographed). DISCOURSE Reference Manual I (Cambridge, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, M.I.T., March, 1969) (Mimeographed). (4.04) M.I.T., An engaging and clear explanation of EDIT can be found in: O,G, Selfridge, The CP-67/CMS Primer, OSM-19 (Cambridge: Information Processing Center, June 1966)(Mimeographed). CHAPTER V: (5.01) FOOTNOTES Please refer to the discussion in Chapter IV page 88, "step 6." For further discussion of the uses of simulations see: A. Fleisher, "The Uses of Simulations," Computer Methods in the Analysis of Large Scale Social Systems, James M. Beshers, editor (Cambridge: Joint Center for Urban Studies, 1965). pp. 144-146. (5.02) PAGE 194 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER VI: FOOTNOTES (6.01) Examples have been developed by students in subject "11.06" dedicated to the analysis of design at M.I.T. in the spring of 1969. They ranged from making clear the criteria of growth of residential areas in a rapidly expanding city to making obvious but complicated computations of floor-area-ratios parking ratios and the like of a center city district. Michael O'Hare has been working on the development of a residential location simulation which began with Harvard's New Communities Project. (6.02) John P. Boorn, op. cit. (6.03) Kevin A. Lynch, "Environmental Adaptability," Vol. XXIV, No. 1, 1958/1. J.A.I.P., (6.04) R. Stotz, "Inexpensive Graphics," Computer Graphics in Architecture and Design, M.Milne, editor (New Haven: Yale School of Art and Architecture, 1969) (6.05) Steven Coons, "Computer Aided Design," Ibid. (6.06) H. Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time (New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1957). The description of the discovery of non-euclidean geometries; the destruction of the point of view that the axioms of geometry are true a priori. Contains discussions of euclidean, non-euclidean and topological spaces; and introduces the idea of "coordinative definitions:" "They are arbitrary, like all definitions; on their choice depends the conceptual system which develops with the progress of science...Wherever metrical relations are to be established, the use of coordinative definitions is conspicuous. If a distance is to be measured, the unit of length has to be determined beforehand by definition. This definition is a coordinative definition.... If the definition is used for measurements, as in the case of the unit of length, it is a "metrical" coordinative definition." H. Reichenbach, op. cit., pp. 14-15. If euclidean or any other geometry is not inevitably a part of the world which we see, but, instead, part of our conceptual apparatus, it behooves us to choose the geometry which is most convenient for us at the time. The same point of view is expressed by Carnap with respect to with respect to the variables of the description (in DISCOURSE, the ATTRIBUTES, CHARCONS and CHARVARS): "...the decision to use certain types of variables is a practical decision like the choice of an instrument; it depends chiefly upon the purposes for which the instrument--here the language--is intended to be used and upon the properties of the instrument." PAGE 195 FOOTNOTES CHAPTER VI: FOOTNOTES R. Carnap, Meaning and Necessity (Chicago: The Univers i ty of Chicago Press, 1956), p. 43. (6.07) F. Harary et al, Structural Models: An Introduction to the Theory of Directed Graphs (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1965). BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE 196 Bartlett, F.C. Thinking: An Experimental and Social Study. Basic Books, Inc., 1958. Bruner, Jerome S. A Study of Thinking. New York: Inc., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1956. Processes: 310. Chapin, F.S. 1965. London: Sciences Editions, "On Going Beyond the Information Given," The Cognitive Readings. Englewood Cliffs: Prentis Hall, 1964. pp. 2 93- Land Use Planning. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, Lynch, K.A. "Quality in City Design," Who Designs America. Laurence B. Holland, editor. Princeton Studies in American Civilization, No. 6. New York: Anchor Books, 1966. Minsky, M. Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation. George Forsythe, editor, Prentice Hall Inc., 1967. Newell, A. Shaw, J.C., and Simon, H.A. "The Processes of Creative Thinking," Contemporary Approaches to Creative Thinking. H.E. Gruber et al, editors, New York: Atherton Press, 1964. Pask, Gordon. "The Conception of a Shape and the Evolution of a Design," Conference on Design Methods. J.C. Jones and D. Thornley, editors. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1963 . pp. 153-168 Polya, George. How to Solve It. Simon, Herbert. Models of Man. New York: New York: Doubleday, 1957. John Wiley and Sons, 1957. Whitehead, A.N. An Introduction to Mathematics. University Press, 1958. New York: Oxford