Newsletter Lynch School of Education BOSTON COLLEGE

ERME Newsletter
Lynch School of Education
Department of Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation
Volume VI, Issue I
Summer 2012
Fall 2012
Course Schedule
Congratulations, 2012 ERME Graduates!
Eleven students graduated from the ERME program within the last
year! Ph.D. graduates took part in the robing ceremony on May 20th,
and all recent graduates were honored at the commencement
ceremony on May 21st. Congratulations on your accomplishments!
RESEARCH Saenz TH 4 30-6
CONSTRUC Flanagan T 7-9 30
O’Dwyer T 1 30-4
Brown W 4 30-6 50
Braun M 1 30-4
ED671 PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY II Depascale T 4 30-6 50
(L-R) Dr. Mullis, Dr. Stanco, Dr. Cannady, Dr. Brown, Dr. Wang and Dr. Ludlow
M. Ed.
Beyza Aksu
Jessica Brown
Noelle Cavacchioli
Matthew Cannady
Mary Durr
Gabrielle Stanco
Ken Tan
Octavio Suarez Munist
Ragip Terzi
Feng Tian
Yang (Caroline) Wang
In This Issue…
Career Fair & Alumni Panel Recap
Summer Plans
NEERO & AERA recaps
...and more!!!
Newsletter Contact Information
Dr. Larry Ludlow
Jillian Gomolka
ERME Newsletter
2012 ERME Career Fair & Alumni Panels Recap
The 2012 ERME Career Fair & Alumni Panels event
took place on May 16th. The event was a great success— we had over 40 people in attendance! Attendees ranged from prospective and current stuHR Representative Joyce Boston informs ERME
PhD student Ryan Auster of numerous job opportunities available at Measured Progress.
dents to alumni and faculty members.
The alumni panels were very lively, and provided
students with practical advice on the job search, as
well as sharing their experiences as an ERME student
and in the workforce. The also provided us with
marketing materials from their current companies,
Dr. Fidelman & Dr. Betebenner reflect upon their
ERME experiences.
and informed us of various job opportunities. We
would like to thank the panels, and other alumni
that serve as great mentors to our current students.
During lunch time, attendees had the opportunity to
speak with prospective employers and pick up materials from companies hiring for ERME-related jobs.
ERME M.Ed. Students Jennifer Hotaling and Ada-
In case you were unable to attend, we recorded the
line Mirabel show off some swag they received
from ERME-related employers
alumni panels. Within the next month, ERME email
list subscribers will receive instruction on how to
view a video of the alumni panels.
We welcome your feedback on the event and look
forward planning the next Career Fair/Alumni Panel
(L-R) Deborah Cantor (M.Ed. ‘11), Beth Morton
(current PhD student), Gabrielle Stanco (PhD ‘12)
and Alka Arora (PhD ‘07) are all smiles!
ERME Newsletter
Summer Projects & Plans
Andrea Humez will be spending the first half of the summer conducting video-based interviews about math instruction with elementary school principals and collecting survey data. She's also looking forward to spending
some time in Maine with her family, and working on some creative writing projects.
Dana Diaconu writes, “First and foremost, I am preparing my final dissertation defense on June 11th (all are invited...). The rest of the summer, I plan to work on a paper based on my dissertation research and to nurture my
body and the precious new life growing inside me...”
Apryl Holder is working a few consulting jobs for the summer while she tries to secure a more permanent job for
the fall and finish up her dissertation. She also hopes to take a weeklong vacation and head to the DC area to
visit friends in DC, Philadelphia, and Virginia.
Caroline Vuilleumier will be tutoring students to get them through their AP summer work. She also has a lot of
traveling planned: “One week in Martha’s Vineyard, one week at the Jersey Shore, a few weddings here and there
and plenty of trips to NYC to visit family. “
Jennifer Glickman is interning in Washington, D.C. in the Research and Information Department of the American
Federation of Teachers. She is currently writing a literature review on the Portfolio Management Models springing
up in New Orleans, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, etc.
Josh Tobias is working at CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
which is housed at Tufts University. He is also getting married on June 10th in West Greenwich, Rhode Island!
Oscar J. Mayorga (ERME M.Ed. ’10) is the Director of the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center at Siena College in Albany, NY. Among his other responsibilities, he has lead an assessment and evidence-based program to improve
campus climate and student’s cultural competencies. Oscar is seeking higher education leadership or research\assessment employment opportunities in the Boston metro area. You can find Oscar’s profile on
Ken Tan (ERME M. Ed. ‘12) is in his third week at the Bartley Secondary School in Singapore as the Head of Department for Student Development. He is teaching and overseeing courses, including Mathematics and Physics.
Ken mentions, “Right now, I'm using my ERME skills to review our Character Development Framework, as well as
select students for a new Character Award. At some point, I'll also be refining our staff and student climate surveys, all of which will utilize my ERME knowledge!”
TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center Update
•May 2012•
Over the past several months, the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center has continued working to finalize the International Reports of trends in mathematics, science, and reading achievement for their release in December 2012. We have recently completed our scale anchoring analyses for the TIMSS and PIRLS International
Benchmarks, which describes mathematics, reading, or science achievement at the different points along the achievement scales. The Reading Development Group met in Stockholm, Sweden to conduct the PIRLS scale anchoring, and
the TIMSS Science and Mathematics Item Review Committee met in Helsinki, Finland for the mathematics and science scale anchoring.
Meanwhile, we have also been busy finalizing the TIMSS and PIRLS Encyclopedias in preparation for their
release in September 2012. In total, the Encyclopedias will contain 125 chapters describing the educational systems
and policies related to mathematics, science, and reading in the TIMSS and PIRLS countries.
(Article written by Katie Drucker, Senior Research Associate at TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center )
ERME Newsletter
Dissertation Defense
Congratulations to Dana Diaconu for successfully
defending her dissertation! Click her name to view
abstract information
Dana V. Diaconu
Title: Modeling science achievement differences
between single-sex and coeducational schools:
analyses from Hong Kong, SAR and New Zealand
from TIMSS 1995, 1999, and 2003
Committee Readers:
Dr. Henry Braun (chair)
Dr. Laura O’Dwyer
DR. Mike Barnett
DR. Damian Betebenner
AERA Annual
Meeting 2013
The 2013 Annual Meeting will take April 27 May 1, 2013 in San Francisco. Dates for open
submission are: June 1 – July 22nd, 2012 . More
information can be found here.
Dr. Ludlow’s drawing is a view from the Vancouver
Convention Center (where the 2012 AERA Annual
Meeting took place).
2012 NEERO participants eager to present! (back row: Katherine
Shields, Todd Reeves, Minsong Kim, Ragip Terzi, Joshua Tobias front
row: Shelagh Peoples, Jessica Brown, Clair Johnson)
The 44th Annual New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO)
meeting was held May 2 through May 4
this year. The Lynch School of Education
was well-represented at this conference,
particularly in the ERME department.
ERME students, faculty and alumni presented a variety of topics, and many students from Dr. Ludlow’s Psychometrics
course opted to
present their Rasch
models in a
symposium. It was
great to reconnect
with ERME alumni,
and meet scholars
with similar
Ragip and Dr. Ludlow are all
smiles after the Rasch Models
ERME Newsletter
Just for Fun...
ERME faculty and students,
Mark your calendars for the 15th Annual Back-to-School
Potluck Dinner! ERME and C&I faculty and students are
cordially invited to attend our annual potluck dinner. This
is an opportunity for new and continuing master’s and doctoral students to meet one another as well as a chance for
faculty and students to connect with one another. More
information will follow about location, what to bring, directions, RSVPs, etc. (Partners and guests are welcome.)
Mind Puzzle
Using the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT, complete this grid with valid words. The grid
reads the same across as down.
ERME /C&I Student/Faculty Back-to-School
Potluck Dinner
Date: Sunday, September 9, 2012
Time: 4pm
Place: Cochran-Smith/Ludlow Home
(answer in next issue)
Professor Pedulla’s Last Class
Wednesday, May 2nd was Dr. Pedulla’s last class
teaching at Boston College! Although he will still
be around next year, we wanted to show our appreciation for such a memorable professor who
has left a lasting impression on students over the
past few decades.
Dr. Ludlow came up with
A member of ERME recently
submitted this photo, taken during recent travels...
In what country was this photo taken? (Bonus points
for correct city!) Hint: This country is made up of two main
islands, and a number of smaller islands…
Answer revealed in the next newsletter.
the devious plan to crash
Dr. Pedulla’s final Intermediate Statistics class,
and bake him a sentimental cake. Current students, faculty, and alumni in the building all
joined in on the fun.
Dr. Ludlow presents
Dr. Pedulla with a
celebratory cake
ERME Newsletter
Here are some kid-friendly activities and events happening around the Boston area during the
Sunday, June 10 12:00p to 3:00p
The New School of Music Presents: a Family Music Festival
Cambridge, MA
Free music and family fun in the park! Join us as we fill the Lowell School Park with musical fun
and activities for the family. Enjoy picnic games, face-painting, crafts, bake sale, concerts and a musical instrument "Petting Zoo." Suitable for all ages. Details Here
Saturday, June 16 8:00a to 11:00a
Youth Fishing Derby
Upper Artichoke Reservoir, Newburyport, MA
Open to youth ages 3-16(parents can't fish but can help), this catch and release tournament will
award those with the longest and heaviest catch of the morning (special prize for the smallest fish too).
Shore fishing only! $10 registration fee.
Sunday, June 24, 2012, 10am – 5pm
Chinatown Main Street Festival
Chinatown, Boston, MA
This Free event includes activities such as Childrens Chinese folk dance, Vendor booths, Chinese Dough Art, Chinese
Opera, Lion Dances, and more!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Ice Cream and…Frogs/Fireflies/Bats
Natick, MA Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary
What's better than ice cream on a summer night? Why
not add a little fun outdoor exploration? Join the adventure as we look for flashing fire
flies, listen for the songs of frogs and katydids and use a "bat detector" to find our local
Fee: Adults $12.00m/ $14.00nm, Children $7.00m/ $9.00nm
Frogs: June 26
Fireflies: July 10
Bats: July 31
Registration is required.
Register online or call 508-655-2296 to register by phone.
Thank you to everyone who attended the GEA bowling event this February at Jillian’s in Fenway! A special congratulations to Todd Reeves who won first
place and Terry Lee St. John who won second
place within the ERME group.
Campion Hall 336
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Jillian Gomolka
Administrative Assistant
Suzie Scordino
Undergraduate Research Fellow
For past newsletters and more
information, please visit: