Chapter 11 Lecture 15 - Convergence of Fourier Series Example 11.1 (Completion of problem illustrating Half-range Expansions) Periodic Extension: Assume that f (x) = x, 0 < x < 2 represents one full period of the function so that f (x + 2) = f (x). 2L = 2 ⇒ L = 1. a0 = 1 L L 1 f (x) dx = −L 2 f (x) dx = −1 0 2 x2 =2 x dx = 2 0 since f (x + 2) = f (2). (11.1) (11.2) 73 Lecture 15 - Convergence of Fourier Series n ≥ 1: an = 1 L L f (x) cos nπx −L L 1 dx = f (x) cos(nπx) dx L=1 −1 2 = x cos(nπx) dx 0 ⎡ bn ⎤ 2 2 x sin(nπx) 1 − = ⎣ sin(nπx) dx⎦ nπ nπ 0 0 2 1 1 cos(2nπ) − 1 = 0 cos(nπx) = = 2 2 (nπ) (nπ) 0 L 1 nπx 1 dx = f (x) sin(nπx) dx = f (x) sin L L −L 2 −1 ⎡ cos(nπx) 2 1 = x sin(nπx) dx = ⎣−x + nπ (nπ) 0 0 −2 −2 sin(nπx) 2 = + = 2 nπ (nπ) nπ 0 2 (11.3) ⎤ cos(nπx) dx⎦ 0 (11.4) Therefore f (x) = ∞ 2 2 sin(nπx) − 2 π n = 1− 2 π n=1 ∞ n=1 (11.5) sin(nπx) n (11.6) 74 3 S(x) 2 1 0 −1 −4 −2 0 x 2 Figure 11.1: Full Range Expansion SN (x) = 1 − 4 2 π N =20 n=1 sin(nπx) n 2 S(x)−1 1 0 −1 −2 −4 −2 0 x 2 Figure 11.2: Full Range Expansion SN (x) − 1 = − π2 4 N =20 n=1 sin(nπx) n 75 Lecture 15 - Convergence of Fourier Series 11.1 Convergence of Fourier Series • What conditions do we need to impose on f to ensure that the Fourier Series converges to f . • We consider piecewise continuous functions: Theorem 11.2 Let f and f be piecewise continuous functions on [−L, L] and let f be periodic with period 2L, then f has a Fourier Series f (x) = a0 2 + n=1 where an = 1 L ∞ L −L an cos f (x) cos nπx L nπx L + bn sin nπx L dx and bn = 1 L = S(x) L −L f (x) sin nπx L (11.7) dx. The Fourier Series converges to f (x) at all points at which f is continuous 1 and to f (x+) + f (x−) at all points at which f is discontinuous. 2 • Thus a Fourier Series converges to the average value of the left and right limits at a point of discontinuity of the function f (x). 76 11.2. ILLUSTRATION OF THE GIBBS PHENOMENON 11.2 Illustration of the Gibbs Phenomenon • Near points of discontinuity truncated Fourier Series exhibit oscillations - overshoot. 1.5 SN(x) for N=5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −1 0 x/π 1 2 Figure 11.3: Fourier Series for a step function Example 11.3 Consider the half-range sine series expansion of f (x) = 1 f (x) = 1 = where bn = (11.8) ∞ bn sin(nx) n=1 π 2 sin(nx) dx π 0 = Therefore f (x) = on [0, π]. 4 π 4/πn n odd 0 n even ∞ sin(nx) n=1 n odd n = 2 π − cosnnx π 0 = 2 πn 1 − (−1)n (11.9) = 4 π ∞ m=0 sin(2m+1)x (2m+1) . Note: ∞ 4 sin (2m + 1)π/2 4 1 1 = 1 − + − · · · . There1. f (π/2) = 1 = π (2m + 1) π 3 5 m=0 1 1 π fore = 1 − + − · · · . 4 3 5 77 Lecture 15 - Convergence of Fourier Series 2. Recall the complex Fourier Series example for the function −1 −π ≤ x < 0 f (x) = 1 0<x<π (11.10) which turns out to be equivalent to the odd extension of the above function represented by the half-range sine expansion, which we can see from the following calculation f (x) = = ∞ n=−∞ n 4 π odd ∞ n=1 n 11.3 = ∞ 4 π n=1 n sin(nx) . n odd einx −e−inx 2in (11.11) odd Now consider the sum of the first N terms SN (x) = (x) = SN = = = = = = 78 2 inx πin e N N ei(2m+1)x 4 sin(2m + 1)x 4 = Im (11.12) π (2m + 1) π (2m + 1) m=0 m=0 N 4 i(2m+1)x (11.13) ie Im π m=0 N 4 m (11.14) ei2x Im ieix π m=0 N 1 + ei2x + · · · + ei2x 4 ix i2x (1 − e ) (11.15) Im ie π 1 − ei2x 1 − ei2(N +1)x 4 ix (11.16) Im ie π 1 − ei2x 4 1 − ei2(N +1)x (11.17) Im i π eix − eix 2 ei2(N +1)x − 1 Im (11.18) π sin x 2 sin 2(N + 1)x . π sin x (11.19) 11.3. NOW CONSIDER THE SUM OF THE FIRST N TERMS Therefore t = 2(N + 1)u SN (x) = 2 π x 0 sin 2(N +1)u sin u du 2 π 2(N+1)x 0 du = sin t dt 2(N +1) (11.20) t dt (2/π) sin(2(N+1)x)/sin(x) 10 5 0 −5 −10 0 0.5 1 x/π 1.5 2 Figure 11.4: (2/π)sin(2(N + 1)x)/sin(x) for N = 5 2 sin 2(N + 1)x = 0 when 2(N + 1)xN = π thus the π sin x maximum value of SN (x) occurs at Observe SN (x) = xN = π 2(N + 1) (11.21) 79 0 (2/π) ∫x sin 2(N+1)u /sin u du for N= 5 Lecture 15 - Convergence of Fourier Series 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 0 0.5 1 x/π 1.5 2 Figure 11.5: Integral of (2/π)sin(2(N + 1)x)/sin(x) 80