ATI・ I 110, Assign=Ilent 1 'κ Problem 1: The πïntercept intersection of the line, of the line is 4 and the area of the triangle R rmed by the π¨ axis, and ν-aⅲ s is 20. Find the line equations and y¨ intercepts. AIlswer. 一10 intercept 10, the other is y = ν= - ⅜ 몹 "+ 10 with the y— " with the y¨ intercept - 10. (Ybu wi11 get fUII marks once you There are two such lines. one is 요 nd βolution. one of them.) There are two possibilities : Step1: Find y— intercepts. Let b the po무 itive ν‥ intercept— Then, the triangles haive base ⅲs 4 and height as ¸ ●Since its area is 20, ¸satis且 es =: 2● ×× 4 b. Thus, we haNe 20 == 2b and hence b == 10. This imphes v¨ inteycepts are either 10 or -10. Step2: Find the line eq:uations. In the case of ¸〓 10, the line passes through (4, 0) and (0, 10). :rhis ilnplies the slope γ γ ι of the Iine is 7γ ι= 10 - 05 -42● 0 — By the slope— intercept R rΠ 1, we get the line equation y In the case of ¸= 〓 -:" + 10. -10, the line passes through (4, 0) alld (0, - 10). This iIIlplies the slope τ η of the line is —10 η 〓Tτ -- =05 ,˙ =τ By the slope— intercept R rII1, we get the line equation y 二 π κ 〓뭏 . ProbleΠ1 2. Find the distance from the from a point to a line means the shortest :=fι :ξ A꾸 s㏆ r・ and낳i뇨 1亢 ⅜ 않 鹿士료 ∶ I흠 = 丸 ν ∬ H=표盟:# 七 o (1, 3) is the intersection point π= 3 and pasBes through (1, 3). the line to 3ν + 3υ +. 旦些모⊥Find Let’ s ⅲ ⅲ ㏂ ㏄ ξ 蟲 τ3. (The of 3y + π= 3 κ= 3 七 0 -y the line which is perpendicu1缸 + χ= 3and p㎱ ses through (1, 3). == 3:ㅗ e囍 ≡ξ ∫ f=:볐 rewrite the equation 3g+π perpendicular line is negative reciprocal of・ ⅲ ⅱ 娩 표 Ξ ∬∴ ⅜ ;:㎩ ;Ξ :ㄸ I√ lt (1, 3) and the siope 3, w˚ =쵸 y - 3 = 3(z - 1) ==수 η요 nd th:빎 袁 :庄 근I:::i#표 ∶ u酢 #누 :f∶ y = 3π . to s 01ve the system of equation: rI1, 3 = By plugging the 요rst equation into the seco==d eqllation, we get = 3— Thus, the intersection point is 1I/ ” 10 9ㅗ \ /I'\ 3— (", y) = 旦 느 으 호 르Calculate =3 ==⇒ 〓 ” 9– Since y = 3", y = = 3. ==李 그0∬ " 9"+∬ the distance between (1, 3) and the intersection point. :if:1ㅓ :√ ℉ get the folloⅵ ng ¸ ½ = 1— 홅 쭘 By the distance formula between two point, the distance J is ' J = ' (ξ ;-; i (j;二 ;)¸ )2; (二 馮 T吾 = Proble∏ 1 3. Sketoh the gr라 ph of the fⅱ nction y 〓|"2 - -intercepts ㅚand nnd π and y— intercepts, AIlswer. ● L' ::¨ ㄴI-,, 'υ y 1 = — 1 Method1 : Sillce y = |χ 2 = xξ |- S olutiol1. 0 >- 0 <- π2 一 1 1) "2 - 1 E)raw the piece— wise function. Method2: Since the fⅱ nction is gⅳ en as the fbrm ofy = lg(π draw Ω(π ) and re묘 ect the gr— ph 0f (π ) = ProbleΠ1 4. Let ∫ 蟲 (a) Filld the fbrmula fbr g(↔ Ω(π ) below -axis ⅲ -axis. bout π π = (∫ (b, Find the domⅲ n and range of 1)) is π2 一 1˚ First, °∫ )(τ ● ) = = (〓 ∫(∫ (- g(π ) = . Ω(π ) 〓(∫ °∫)(") 〓∫(∫ (π )) 〓 First, since ‖where 11 1 ∫(χ ) 十1 ≒근 # =1-∴ ㎡놈+ 1 〓 τㅜΣ π+ 1 )・ ・ Ω π〓-l is not in the doIIlain ㎁so undenned amd hence -l is of ∫, ∫(-1) is unde요 ned. Thus, n0七 in the do〕 mai파 Also, since g(π ) has a q:uotient fUnction, when π= 一2, Ξ(z) Thtls, the domⅲ n of Ωis R \{一 1, -2 . of g・ is unde요 ned● θ(-1) (c) Find ∴ iⅡ teIoept τ and y— intercept. π¨ intercept is given when we plug (工 f there’ 8 no in¨ rcept, e즈 p1ⅲ n why.) y = 0.' 0 = "十 1 π+ 2 When χ = 一1, the eqμ ati● n holds, but since -l is not in the d。 nⅲ γ n, there’ s no Π¨ inteTcept, ←intercept is μve끄 when we plug Ξ= 0. 0 + 11 ν〓τㅜτ= =˙ 1,요 Thus, the ν-iη tercept is (d) Sketch the gra,ph of Ξ . Since ∬) = 1 - ㎡ ㏊, the (π le魚 by 2● (Note that #-ph is ⅲhen ∫(") = y μven by shi托 ing the graph of —옳up by l aη d (τ + 2) + 1 = 1 -ㅗ ∫ ㎡ ㏊ .) to the